THESI- This is to certify that the thesis entitled WATER CONSERVATION AND POLLUTION REDUCTION DURING POTATO PROCESSING presented by Ahmad Shirazi has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for MS Food Science & d . egreel Human Nufrition Major professor Date October 31, 1979 0-7639 may; FINE§: 25¢ per dey per it. REFUNDS LIBRARY MTERIALS' . Place in book return to move charge froe circulation records _ WATER CONSERVATION AND POLLUTION REDUCTION DURING POTATO PROCESSING By Ahmad Shirazi A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in nartial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition 1979 ABSTRACT WATER CONSERVATION AND POLLUTION REDUCTION DURING POTATO PROCESSING By Ahmad Shirazi This study was designed to examine water usage and waste production in a commercial, frozen French fry pro- cessing operation. Existing plant layout and water/product flow patterns were studied, including measurement of water usage in virtually all of the plant's unit operations. Effluent measurements included in the study utilized Total Non- filtrable Residue (Total Suspended Matter, TSM), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, and grease and oil content as the principal indices of pollu- tion and included temperature measurement as well. Based on data collected during the study, a number of possibilities for improved water conservation and waste reduction have been discussed. These suggested changes include by-product recovery, water reuse and recycling, as well as various process and equipment modifications. Dedicated to The Toiling People of Iran 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ’The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation and fondest regards to his advisor, Dr. T. Wishnetsky, whose help and guidance made the completion of this work possible. Appreciation is also extended to Professors Alvin L. Rippen, P. Markakis and Steven L. Gyeszly for their critical evaluation of this Thesis. Thanks are also due to the management and other personnel of Mid-America Potato Com— pany for their cooperation during the period of the plant survey. Finally, the author is particularly grateful to his wife, Homa, for her patience, understanding and support throughout this study. 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vi LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Waste Characterization. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Selecting Indices of Pollution. . . . . . . . . 30 Analytical Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Interpretation of Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 EXPERIMENTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Process Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Receiving/Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Fluming/Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Lye Peeling/Trimming. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Surface Darkening Control . . . . . . . . . 33 Cutting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A Sizing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _3A Blanching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A Coloring/Sugar Dip. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Surface Drying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Frying and Defatting. . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Precooling and Freezing . . . . . . . . . . 35 Packaging and Storing . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Water Use in the Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Solvents and Chemicals. , , , , , . . . . . . . 36 iv Chapter Page Sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Sample Handling and Preservation. . . . . . 38 ,Analytical Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Sample Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 pH Determination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Temperature Measurement . . . . . . . . . . 39 Total Nonfiltrable Residue (Total Suspended Matter, TSM) . . . . . . . A0 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). . . . . . . . A0 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) . . . . . . A2 Grease and Oil Determination. . . . . . . . A5 Flow Measurement and Water Usage Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Plant Layout and Water Flow Pattern . . . . 50 Water Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5“ Waste Generation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 BOD-to-COD Ratio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Comparison of the Obtained Results with Those From Other Studies . . . . . . . . . 73 Potential for Improved Water Conserva- tion and Waste Reduction. . . . . . . . . . . . 7H SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 APPENDIX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9A Table 10 LIST OF TABLES Page Potato Production and Processing in the U.s. 1968-1975 . . . . . . . . . . . A Effect of Peeling Methods on Quantity of Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Suspended Solids and Total Solids in Potato Blanching Effluent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A Pollution Load in Effluent from Water Blanching. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Pressure Gauge Readings (Water Pressure) for Unit Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 Gallons of Water Used by Specific Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Total Nonfiltrable Residue Dried at lO3-lOS°C (Total Suspended Matter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6O Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD (5 Days, 20°C). . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Grease and Oil Content of the Total Plant Effluent. . . . . . . . . . 63 vi Table 11 12_ 13 II III IV VI VII VIII Temperature and pH of the Effluents . . . . Total Pollutants Discharged Per Operating Day BOD-to—COD Ratio. Manufacturers' Designation for Spray Nozzles in Unit Operations Under Study. Water Usage in Specific Unit Operation Water Usage and Waste Generation in Specific Process Steps Finished French Fries Hourly Production Rate TSM Values for Different Sources, mg/£.. COD Values for Different Sources . . . BOD Values for Different Sources . . Grease and Oil Content of the Total Plant Effluent. Statistical Comparison of the Calculated Means of the Waste Indices . . . . . . vii Page 66 68 72 9A 95 111 112 113 117 120 122 12A Figure LIST OF FIGURES General Sketch of the Plant Scaled—up Sketch of the Processing Area Water/Product Flow Pattern viii Page 51 52 53 INTRODUCTION ’Continued increase in demand for processed convenience potato products has led to rapid expansion of the potato processing industry. Consumption of frozen French fries has ranked above all other potato products. These increases in production resulted in more water usage. It also faced this industry with the problem of increasing waste that had to be either: (1) utilized; (2) treated and disposed of privately by the plant; or (3) transferred to a munici- pal system for treatment and disposal. The increasing pollution problem prompted governmental bodies to promulgate and enforce stringent water quality standards and restrictive requirements for industry. There- fore, each industrial unit must attempt to minimize pollu- tion, either through in-plant changes, end-of-pipe treat- ment or both. Between the stated alternatives, in-plant changes as preventive measures have usually been less costly (27). They include process modification, use of special machinery which use a minimum amount of water, in-plant reuse/recycling of water, and waste segregation and utilization. On this basis, the present study was undertaken to investigate: (1) Pattern and quantity of water usage, (2) character and quantity of the plant waste, and (3) methods of water conservation and waste utilization/minimization in a frozen French fry plant, the Mid-America Potato Company plant in Grand Rapids, Michigan. - Cost analysis was considered beyond the scope of this investigation, though it is recognized that water-saving and waste-reducing changes would not normally be imple— mented in commercial situations without a thorough review of cost factors. LITERATURE REVIEW .The frozen potato products industry is reported to have begun in l9A5 with the commercial freezing of French fries (7A). Since then, there has been a phenomenal increase in the consumption of such processed potato products as frozen French fries, hash brown, potato puffs, etc. in the United States. Based on data given by USDA (77), annual per capita consumption of frozen potato products was 0.1 pound in 1950. This was increased to 2.7, 5.7, 11.1, and 13.7 pounds in 1960, 1965, 1970, and 1975, respectively. To satisfy the demand for these items, more and more potatoes were grown and processed, as indicated by the data in Table 1. Population growth and convenience in consumption of frozen foods are probably two major reasons for this increase. The frozen product is a decided convenience for both home and food service use because it needs only to be removed from the package and heated in an oven or briefly deep fat fried before serving. Among the frozen potato products, frozen French fries are consumed the most. Amount of raw potatoes processed 7 cwt into frozen French fries increased from 3.8 x 10 in 1968 to 6.9 x 107 cwt in 197A. These figures represent 8A.62 percent and 88.25 percent of the potatoes used for .Rflm.a u sofipmficm> no pcmAOHmcmoo ma oSHm> owwno>< .mawsfiefiaopm .nwma .moaumapwpm Honspazofinw¢ «on: "oopsom Amv “my hwy mm.wm No.3m Amv.eoea cmuoae no u mm.m= mm.a= mm.a= um.fiz commmooca no a mm.wa NH.AH m>.mfl mm.=a mA.mH cofiposeopg go a mozoe mommm mzmom mmflmm Amman weazm amen: ampsm use OOQH ”mofipm nocohm :mnoum Hm.Hm =m.wz mm.a= mm.m= Hm.Ha ommmmooca no a mm.Hm mm.mH NH.mH soaposeoca no a aqua» swam» mammm Amoam Hmmmm mmmam mmmfim moms: pzo coca "mpozpopm cmuopm mo.m: Ao.m= mfl.m= Hm.H: mm.H= no.0: coauosuopa no a memmH Amaema assmza masmma oammma :Ammmfl NHHmmH HmHMHH use oooa "commooonm :mmmflm omomzm OHzmmm mmmmmm :mmmfim mmsmmm mazmam Hozmmm use coca .cofiposooem Amvmsma :Nma mnmfi mumfl Huma opmfi mmmfi mmma sopH mnmfl n wmmfl AHV.m.D on» ca wcammmoocm use coaposeoem opmuom .H manna production of frozen potato products in the stated years, respectively. Increase in production of processed potatoes, like other segments of the food industry, has resulted in a corresponding increased volume of waste with potentially the same increase in water pollution (21). The fact that the food industry used 6.16 x 109 gallons in 195A and 8.0A x 109 gallons of fresh water in 1963 shows this increasing trend (78). Processing of fruits and vegetables necessitates the use of large quantities of water and generates enormous volumes of liquid wastes and solid residuals (A2,56,83). In other words, the food industry is a major producer of "waste" with the usual intended product being the minor output. For example, the average cannery until recently used to produce ten times as much waste water as canned product (28). Root vegetables, in particular, require large volumes of water in processing operations, and sub— stantial amounts of organic materials are introduced into processing plant waste water (A8,A9). In the processing of potatoes, 20 to 50 percent of the processed raw potato is discharged as waste. Several values have been reported for waste water flow in potato processing. Most of the values fall within the range of 8A0 to 5,000 gallons per ton of raw potato processed, depending on the desired product (21,A2). A wider range cited in the literature is 813 (22) to 12,000 (56) gallons per ton of raw potatoes. Average values of 3,A20 - with standard deviation of 1,590—(30), 2,700 (2A), and 3,600 (83) gallons of waste flow per ton of raw potatoes pro- cessed have also been reported. Faced with a general rise in the potential solid and liquid waste load that ultimately must be treated, utilized, or transferred to the water environment and the realiza- tion that water supplies are not unlimited, governmental bodies at both state and federal levels have promulgated and enforced more stringent water quality standards (30,63, 91). Above all, it is Public Law 92—500, established by the U.S. Congress on October 18, 1972, which sets limita- tions on the quality of effluent. PL 92-500 necessitates the application of the "best practical control technology currently available" by July 1, 1977, the "best available technology economically achievable" by July 1, 1983 for the present sources, and the "best available demonstrated technology" for all the new sources (83). The industry should also meet the aim of "zero discharge" by 1985 (A1). Due to this law, all waste water dischargers should obtain a permit known as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) which assures that effluent limitations are being met and that designated water quality standards are maintained. Furthermore, there are state and local requirements that are usually more restrictive than EPA guidelines (83) which industry must comply with. On the other hand, it is well realized that both water supply and waste disposal influence industrial growth, operation and product cost (91). . Based on the above, concern over water usage and pol- lution has touched the food processing industry at least as deeply as other sectors of the economy (A3,A8). Con- siderable effort has been made and extensive research is still going on to minimize pollution loads. These gen- erally involve in-plant process changes and/or end-of- pipe waste water treatment (30,83). Focussing on the end-of—pipe treatment alternatives for handling liquid waste from food processing operations are discussed in several references (A2,59,79,83). Waste treatment is accomplished to reduce sewer user charges and to comply with effluent standards set federally, by state, or city. There are three possible options used for waste treatment (83): 1. Pretreatment of the waste and discharge to city sewer. This option includes common treatment like screen- ing, neutralization, flow equalization or more exten- sive treatments such as gravity sedimentation or air flotation for soil and solids removal or neutralization. It is often required by city ordinance and is done to meet municipal ordinance requirements (63), reduce cost (37,83), and accommodate production increases. Efficiency of pretreatment processes are reported in the literatures (21,A2,81,91). Processors discharging to municipal systems are subject to local sewer service charges varying from a flat rate to a charge proportional to the flow or floor area of the plant. Charges usually are higher when the industry uses a facility that has received federal funds for treatment plant construction. Such charges are called industry's "fair share" and are calculated in proportion to the amount of waste load discharged by the industry. Pretreatment is used in cyclic processes. 2. Complete treatment of waste and discharge to stream. Potato wastes are organic in nature (A2,7A) with an average BOD of about 10 to 30 times greater than domestic sewage (39,A6). Waste water from the French fry industry and similar effluents can be treated quite successfully by conventional biological treatment plants which treat domestic sewage, providing there are suitable modifications to compensate for the waste water characteristic differences (15,30). This option, preceded by in-plant management and pretreatment and followed by chlorination and filtra- tion, can meet "zero discharge" requirements (79). Biological treatment systems for potato waste, as shown in the literature, are able to reduce BOD by 71 to 98 percent (21). Installation and operation of complete treatment facilities is very expensive. A thorough study of costs of treatment to meet effluent requirements is found in EPA publication number AAO/l—7A-027-a (79). ‘ 3. Discharge to land. Land treatment systems such as spray or flood irrigation are effective and relatively economical alternatives for waste treatment. This option is one of the oldest methods of treatment which has been used successfully for the disposal of cannery wastes (15). When feasible, it is generally the most economical end-of- pipe treatment technique that will meet EPA standards scheduled to go into effect in 1983 as well as EPA standards for new source performance (55,79). Aside from unavailability of extensive areas of land, there are other factors which limit the use of land for dis— posal of wastes. Such factors are climatic conditions, soil texture, contamination of underground waters when operated improperly and runoff problem (15,59). Costs of using land as the ultimate disposal method have been estimated (79). The financial burden of such operations can be minimized by a modest revenue obtained from the sites, as when crops are grown on the irrigated land. No doubt that high level technology exists for complete end-of—pipe waste treatment, but the application is very costly. This is obvious and can be fully understood by ’1 scanning several references (27,28,37,79). 10 Conversion of raw food materials into processed products inherently requires the use of water. Since water comes in direct contact with the raw materials during processing, significant amounts of organic and in- organic materials in the suitable colloidal, or particulate form are generated as "waste". Waste is normal, but allowing it to cause pollution - which is a resource out of place — is abnormal. It shows a serious lack of proper management of two major resources, namely food solids and water (26). Dumping the wastes requires setting up sludge plants, which are expensive bacterial cafeterias. One should develop other industries utilizing wastes from the first stage of industry for the production of by—products (27). As stated by Gallop et a1. (1976), "In effect, the individual discharges from process units become the in- gredients of a large, manufactured, inedible, almost ir- reversible, worthless "omelette" in drains." The processor is faced with a problem to solve promptly at great cost. The effluent must be treated to satisfy EPA with regard to protection of fish, the public, and the environment as a whole. The problem is that of separating the solutes and suspended matter from the carrier before discharging and then buying some more water to repeat this foolish exercise. Therefore, it would be wiser to prevent this problem from occurring because prevention is always preferable to an attempted cure later. In this connection, one can ll reduce the organic load in the discharge by minimizing product-waste contact whenever possible. In more specific terms, we must manage 100 percent of our minimal water input so as to minimize our wasteful output. Waste streams should be monitored at their source and kept concentrated and isolated prior to conditioning for re—use within or beyond the plant or for discharge under good control with negligible environmental damage. Based on the above, reduction of product-water contact is the other way of pollution minimization as previously stated in contrast with end-of—pipe treatment of wastes. It can be achieved by varying operational practices and by use of improved food processing equipment (83). These together could generally be called in-plant modifications every effort of which somehow aims toward conservation of water. Among the beneficial results stemming from water conservation are: (1) assurance that limited resources of fresh water will keep pace with the growing population and expanding industries (89); (2) savings in the purchase and disposal of water (3A,38); (3) reductions in the volume and increases in the concentration of leached material in process water plus reduction in leaching because of the reduced concentration gradient all contribute to greater economy and efficiency of treatment (50,51,56); (A) en- hanced potential for recovery and utilization of by-products 12 (83); and (5) conservation of heat energy when reused at the elevated temperatures of the discharging unit opera- tions (29,A7). _ There has been much controversy concerning the safety of water reuse in the food industry in order to achieve the above-described benefits. The National Canners Association presented data supporting a continuation of those water conservation practices now in use which have been shown to have no adverse effect on the quality and wholesomeness of the finished product (83). Efforts toward water conservation have been tackled in several ways. Employment of low—volume, high-pressure systems for washing the product and for clean up reduces water use and waste generation (A5). It was reported that increasing nozzle pressure from A0 psi (2.7 atmospheres) to 250 psi (17 atmospheres) reduced water use by approximately 65 percent. Other changes in operational practices such as elimina- tion of excess running water, prevention of unnecessary overflows, spillages, and dumps, dry handling and dis- posal of solid wastes from floors, machines, and other work areas instead of fluming-to-waste will reduce water usage and waste generation (A2,A5). Conveying product and solid wastes in water instead of "dry" increases both 13 the waste flow and BOD more often than not (56). The handling of crops containing much soil may cause problems during processing, such as plugging of flows, conveyors, and sewer lines due to settling of soil. Precleaning of raw potatoes by dry method - agitating on screens or roller conveyors - removes adhering soil which may amount to 1.87 percent (53) and reduce water usage. Being concerned primarily with the product quality improvement, food processing industries have been using too much water through the employment of the absurd, expensive, linear process "once-use" system (19,28). Such a practice has caused most of the industry's pollu- tion problems and turned it into the world's largest effluent-producing industry (27). This has probably resulted from the historical belief that water is the cheapest commodity available in comparison with pro- cessing equipment and labor (30). Among the approaches used to solve pollution and economic problems resulting from extravagant water usage is water reuse. This does not necessarily change the manner of use by industry, only the source. It deals only with the recovered water fraction of the waste water. Such a case is reported (5) for a potato processing plant in England where strict water pollution regulation and high cost of process water Justified 1A the reuse of the reclaimed waste water. The waste water, having a BOD of 1,918 mg/t, was subjected to primary settling, biological treatment, sand filtration and chlorination before reuse. - -Immediate reuse (before treatment) may also be practiced. In a case confirming such practices, an overall possible reduction in excess of AA percent for the total daily water needs of a potato processing plant was reported (38). As stated in the report, 18.8 percent of total plant water intake per day - from the refrigeration compressors and condensors — could be reused with little or no further treatment in any process- ing operation. An additional 10 percent of reusable water (part of the 29.1 percent of total daily plant intake that is used by the Allen grader, the conveyor flume for by-products and the potato cutters) is suitable for immediate reuse in fluming of raw potatoes. The rest - 19.1 percent - could be reused after treatment to remove suspended solids and reduce bacteria to an acceptable level for other purposes. Use of waste water from any process line as the make up water in the fluming of potatoes has also been suggested by Hindin (1970). He studied water use and waste water reuse at three processing plants whose major product was frozen French fried items and pro- posed a scheme for reuse of waste water in processing 15 based on the in-plant investigations. Reuse of water in processing may effect consider— able reduction in overall usage, but waste separation - separation of low and high strength waste streams - which is an essential practice (15,30,60) must precede any effort toward water reuse. Kueneman (1965) reported that waste flow of 3,650 to A,200 gallons per ton of raw potatoes could be reduced to 200 to A00 gallons per ton with considerable water reuse. Dornbush et al. (1975) showed that water usage dropped from 3,500 to 815 gallons per ton of raw potatoes processed through extensive in-plant water conservation along with utiliza- tion of a dry-caustic peeling process. In the course of reuse, the quality of the water that comes in contact with the product is of extreme importance (30). On the other hand, water used in some unit operations need not necessarily be of the same sanitary quality (83). For example, the quality of water used to remove potato peels is the least critical in regard to quality of all the process operations (39). Therefore, from a practical standpoint, the same water can be used for a number of successive purposes, each less demanding of quality than the preceding, with or without purification (5A,60). In such a "retrograde" manner of water reuse - which is called counterflow water system - most of the fresh water is used in the final 16 operation. This water is then collected and reused in previous operations. Since the water always passes counter to the flow of the product, the product comes into con- tact with successively cleaner water (83,89) and is finally washed or rinsed with fresh water. Such water reuse reduces the (fresh) water usage and minimizes the volume of waste water discharges. The amount of water saved by a counterflow system varies within each plant. Under average conditions this is estimated to be about 50 percent of the total water usage (83). A study (79) showed that one—third less water was used and there was less danger of bac— terial growth in a once-through counterflow system than in the recirculation system with which it was compared. Bruce §£._l- (1977) reported over 30 percent reduction in water usage in a few frozen potato plants through the use of a counterflow water system. They found the major problem in retrograde water reuse to be in controlling microbial growth within the water system and prevent— ing product contamination to the next unit process. The problem was controlled by use of chlorine dioxide as the primary microbial control agent in the system. Another approach toward water conservation and waste minimization is recycling of waste water which could be l7 done in either limited or complete form. When a closed system is not practical, limited recycling - recircula- tion of waste water for a limited number of cycles - would save some water. For example, according to Hindin (1970), the trim table waste water can be recycled for at least seven hours before disposal. Complete or continuous recycling of waste water (also called a closed loop system) eliminates most pollution problems through monitoring of wastes at their sources. In such a reliable, cheap and adaptable process, the ef- fluents from each step of the line are used in a systematic counter flow pattern, with each one being cyclically used for one operation. This system requires only make- up volumes of water and permits solids accumulation to, and maintenance at, an acceptable "background" level and only excesses above these need be removed between each reuse by simple means like screening, flocculation, settling, filtration, cycloning, cooling, chlorination and other cited treatment methods (81). Most of the problems are also controlled this way. For example, color, foam, bacteria and the like problems during re- circulation of wash water at the potato rinse stage can be solved by a combination treatment of pH and activated carbon (A1). Such minor purifications by in-line "cart- ridge purifiers" is bound to be cheaper and more de- sirable than purifying similar volumes to a much greater 18 degree in a large external treatment plant, discharging it out,then buying more fresh water. Furthermore, this "creaming-off" of the excess percentage of nuisance factors follows the fact that reuse of the pollutant fraction should be an integrated part of the water reuse planning (16). It brings about the potential for recovery or by-product utilization which not only saves water, minimizes pollution, and expands product usefulness (5A), but can also sometimes be implemented at a profit (28,6A,75). Therefore, waste treatment could turn into a money making proposition. For example, the starch in cutter water causes extremely high BOD and suspended solids concentra— tion, the removal of which by centrifugal hydrocyclones reduces the total effluent BOD and makes a slight profit when it is sold (37). Taylor (1973) reported that use of hydrasieves and cyclones in potato processing reduce BOD and suspended solids by more than 50 percent, resulting in lower treatment costs and saving $A39 per day on recovered products. In several European potato processing plants the suspended starch grains are separated by sedimentation followed by vacuum filtra- tion. The recovered starch is washed, dried and sold, and the starch-free water is reused (15). Another complete recycling is in the closed system for fluming of raw potatoes, the required in-line treat- ment for which is sedimentation. In one case (37), l9 fluming used 50 percent recycled water and discharged 75 gallons per minute of effluent having an average suspended solids (silt) of 7,000 mg/l and a BOD of 110 mg/A. Addition of one mg/£ of anionic polymer caused quick gravity settling of silt which was dewatered and used as topsoil replenisher. The recovery of potato protein, which is a remark- ably nutritive protein and contains all the essential aminoacids (57), can be achieved directly from the waste stream or indirectly by fermentation (75). In the direct method (25), reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration membrane processes are employed. With the indirect method, waste starch and other carbohydrates may be converted into yeast cells (protein). The first com- mercial Symba-yeast plant to purify potato waste was built in Sweden. It was able to achieve 90 percent purification of input material (68). Preparation of an organic cleaning compound from potato processing waste has also been reported (8). Conservation of water and reduction of wastes through equipment and/or process modification is of paramount im- portance in potato processing. This is because 20 to 50 percent of raw potatoes become waste during processing. To utilize slivers and nubbins, that part of the waste 20 resulting from cutting, by—products such as patties, puffs, hash-brown and mashed potatoes may be produced. This reduction in waste represents about 10 percent (7A) of the raw potatoes processed. A considerable amount of loss still remains; namely that which occurs during other processing operations. Peeling of potatoes is one of the major waste-pro- ducing processes. It represents 20 percent of the water flow, over 50 percent of BOD, and over 60 percent of suspended solids of the total processing effluents (79). This considerable waste stems from the large quantities of water usage along with the high losses from the raw potatoes which (when trimming is included) usually falls within the range of 15 to A0 percent of raw product weight (7A). This is because the amount of loss varies with size and shape of potatoes, depth of eyes, length of storage time of the tubers, and type of peeling. Use of large potatoes, which have less peeling losses (7A), or certain tuber varieties the deep eyes of which are bred out, can reduce wastage (26) during peeling. Newly harvested potatoes have less loss than older potatoes from storage. Burton (1963) stated that, over long periods of storage, potatoes become increasingly unacceptable until, at 10 percent weight loss (based on 21 original weight going into storage), the potatoes are wrinkled, spongy and very difficult to peel. Caustic and steam peel treatment are the generally accepted methods (79) of peeling in the potato process— ing industry - except for potato chip manufacture, which usually utilizes abrasion peeling. Table 2 pro- vides a summary of estimated quantities of peel in waste in potato generated by different methods of peel- ing. The dry caustic or infrared caustic process which was developed by the USDA Western Regional Laboratory as a modification of the conventional or wet caustic peeling process has proved to be very efficient from a pollution- control point of view. This process reduces water usage by 75 percent, BOD by 67 to 78 percent and solids by 73 percent. Improvements in the dry peeling process such as double-dip caustic peeling (A0) or recirculation of water from the washer to the scrubber (18) can save more caustic or water, respectively. Change of equipment can also serve the purpose of pollution control. For example, by installation of dry brushing equipment such as the Dutch I.B.V.L. brushing machine (85) right after the lye or steam peeler, the treated potato skin will be brushed off clean without the use of water. By keeping the dry peel waste generated by the dry process out of the plant waste water, a reduction 22 Table 2. Effect of Peeling Methods on Quantity of Waste. BOD ' Peel Wastes lb/ton of (1) Peeling Method % of Raw Wt. Raw Potatoes Ref. Abrasion 3-12 —-— 32 Abrasion 25 —-- 33 Abrasion 1A-25 --- 23 Infrared 13 260 87 Infrared 10 200 87 Lye (Wet Caustic) 18 --- 87 Lye (Wet Caustic) 12-30 --— 52 Lye (Wet Caustic) 22 -—- 33 Lye (Wet Caustic) 11-23 --- 23 Lye (Wet Caustic) -- 186 86 Dry Caustic -- 26 31 Mechanical<2> 7—31 --- 90 Lye/steam 15 --- 2 Steam 10 260 87 Steam 11-19 ——— 23 Steam l8 --- 33 (1) Numbers correspond to listing in Literature Cited. (2) The author did not specify type of mechanical system The term may have signified abrasion peeling. used. 23 of approximately 75 percent (69) can be achieved in the amount of solids in the effluent of a French fry plant. Production of a uniformly-colored final product is of notable importance in French fry processing. Hot water blanching, in addition to its other functions (as detailed under Experimental), is the process which deals with this purpose. The process has a leaching effect on reducing sugars which, when coupled with amino acids, cause brown color in potato cuts during heat treat— ment (7A). Meanwhile gelatinized starch is released and other desirable low molecular weight compounds (15), e.g., flavor constituents (7A), are also leached out into the blanching liquor. A considerable amount of liquid waste is generated during water blanching, which con- tributes significantly to overall plant effluent. It is reported (79) that blanching of potatoes may contribute over 20 percent of the BOD in the plant waste load and, in the case of frozen products, the rate of water usage is 250 gallons per ton of raw potatoes processed. It has been reported (86) that blanching, when coupled with peeling, will account for about AA percent of the total plant effluent, 89 percent of the total BOD, 86 percent of the total COD, and 37 percent of the total suspended solids generated during processing of potatoes. Tables 3 and A present blanching data. The alternate low-waste producing blanch processes 2A Table 3. Suspended Solids and Total Solids in Potato Blanching Effluent. Effluent % of SS”) TS(2) (5) _Process Step gal/min Total. :mg/R mg/k RGf. "Hot Blanch" (steam) 3O -- 3300 -—-- 6 "Wet Blanch" (water) 90 —- 195 -——— 6 Blancher and Peeler 153.5 AA ---- 3330 86 Source: EPA Report 12060 EDK 08/71. (1) Suspended Solids. (2) Total Solids. (3) Numbers correspond to listing in Literature cited. 25 .popflo endpmpopfia CH mcfipmfia on ocoamoppoo mponfisz Amv .mpHHom coocoamsm AHV .mowoa mcfiamod one wcfinogmap soon oUSHocH mafia Eonpop on» so mopzwfim .H>\mo mom omoma upoaom coo poammmlpmom .sa ss\am\s ss\sm\s ss\mm\s ss\om\s ss\sa\s ss\sa\s soasso soassssso 14 IfiHQom was: mpmm and .mnzmmmpm mcfiumpmoo .mCOHpmgoao pHCD mom Amasmwmgm Lopmzv mwcficmmm mmsmc chummonm .m wanes A9 a function of line pressure. Appendix Table I provides information relating to the spray nozzles used in each unit operation. Footnote (3-b) to Appendix Table II indicates the method used to calculate nozzle flow rate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Plant Layout and Water Flow Pattern The general sketch of the plant at the time of these studies (1976-77) is shown in Figure 1 and a scaled-up sketch of the processing area is displayed in Figure 2. Preparation of these figures resulted in better assess- ment of the drains and water flow in the plant. The water flow pattern is shown in Figure 3. The product flow plus both solid and liquid waste flows are also shown in this figure. It is evident that water conservation in terms of water reuse or recycling is being practiced just in three unit operations. The first area of conservation involves fluming of raw potatoes in which water is recycled continuously with occasional discharge of mud. Some of the water is lost during each mud discharge. The make up for this loss comes from the fresh water which is used to lubricate the pumps or to obtain the required level in the pumping and destoning unit through an automatic level controller. The second area of water conservation is the first blanching unit which reuses cooling water from the water—cooled ammonia compressors. The third area is the sugar dip or coloring operation in which the coloring solution is used for fluming of the treated potato cuts to the vibratory screen 50 51 .scsfim was so sosmsm Hmsmemu l! atlJ nu nu an an —I.IIIL / ,7] ON Hfljofl x . '- nouumm ”caucuoo .o~ Lonnouaao: uu< .hm nu ”onwuuun “nu a: Loucxeunuz .mm a on no 3 Lou-Leaom cone? uu~9n\0u:u«q .mm usem cauuoenacu .mu. nonexnor eucaceuc«ez .am box-zM\ueu«m .an x:eb "do sea-o: one numnuon .mm ououuno .mu euoeuoueo veg ..neu .euuuuo .~n scab eons” .- s. fies...“ was. a "snag a... 5...... . . . x: ll :0 con-c . “.9ue .nneuneuez nude-sunny onaozeoca .o~ uaen u «LP\ «a H .on unencum couch; .mw segue, m ucdcnuzmxmcnoeoq .sN heaasuon .m couuuen ccnuexoem .om Lose>coo heneeuuunom .h BOROU-um . WN H.‘..k-.3 - Q tuowmmmdua . .~ ens—Edna . m sounsm > o . u . henueuoo .mm scab cum a Leash .- accouum ccuoeuezeo ueue>eun .m Leann .o~ out: unaccunea ace ccuclam .~ sauce; pan ucuooom meaneueeea .ou neon"; use 90:00am :4: .a .H madman .mog< mcfimmooopm map mo nopoxm QSIpmHmom .m mpswfim £3302. 52 PU hot-i ha‘ ..,_.. o e E: .0. .. s. .. ............ 0......._-. .... ........._... .5... Wu 0 [U m :0. . om iHlLuJU can.) .nv~HTLI~ at «U 8333.. _ Ass... IE3 533.53 :8 vault... Leg-ea 33900-5 amen UGuBOu-oa ve- as“! 3388. m 632... hue-ace: =0. sens-so: w . w / i 5380098 53 W m. m, __ IIHHflI! --- WHII'NUUI --- WASTEWATER RECYCLING LOOP fllfiblfllfll II’MUHOI snun‘muu: llflflfl‘lfl (Cflflfllli Figure 3. Water/Product Flow Pattern. 5A (also called shaker) located just before the dryer. There- by, the solution is recycled continuously and only a small portion of it is lost during each cycle. This small loss is made up from a reservoir containing fresh coloring solu— tion. Another thing shown in Figure 3 is that, other than the pumping, defatting and sanitary waste waters, all the effluents from different processing steps enter into the gutters which, being continuously flushed with re- cycled waste water, constitute a part of a waste water recycling loop within the plant. The solids, washed off the floor or directly dumped into the gutters, are sepa- rated from the recyclable liquid portion by a screen/ shaker-type separator and then passed on to the solid waste reservoir (referred to by plant personnel as a "cyclone"). The three practices described above, along with the use of cooling towers, constitute the total water conserva- tion effort in the plant. Water Usage The total flow rates for all streams in the plant are listed in Table 6. (Table II in the Appendix gives the original weight per time measurements and other details as well as sample calculations.) The Miscellaneous category in Table 6 includes daily Table 6. 55 Gallons of Water Used by Specific Operations.(l) Water Usage Water Using Gal/ Gal/ Gal No.. Operation Min. Day3 Ton % - Fluming of Raw Potatoes .5 9360 3A.7 3.1 5 Pump/Flume .9 A176 15.5 l.A 7 Post-Peeler Conveyor 17.3 2A912 92.3 .3 8 Scrubber 16.5 23760 88.0 .9 9 Washer 22.6 325AA 120.5 10.8 10 Trimming Belt .9 2736 10.1 0.9 11 Pump/Flume 3.0 A320 16.0 l.A 13 Cutter 8.7 12528 A5.9 A.2 1A Sizer 8.8 12672 A7.A A.2 16 Blancher I 22.2 31968 118.A 10.7 17 Blancher II 31.6 A550A 168.5 15.2 18 Coloring System 0.1 1AA 0.5 0.0 22 Defatter 22.7 32688 121.1 10.9 -- Defrosting 2.8 A032 1A.9 1.3 35 Liquid/Solid Waste Separater 8.2 11808 A3.7 3.9 37 Air Compressor 5.3 7632 28.3 2.5 33 Boilers 1.1 158A 5.9 0.5 -- Cooling Towers 0.5 720 2.7 0.2 -- Ammonia Compressors 2.7 3888 lA.A 1.3 -- Weekly Clean—up 13.2 19008 70.A 6.3 Subtotal 195.9 282096 10AA.8 9A. Miscellaneous? 12.u 17856 66.1 6. Tota18 208.3 299952 1110.9 100.0 (1) Data were taken all from Appendix Table II. 56 Table 6. Continued. Footnotes: (2) Numbers correspond to those in Figure 2. (3) Based on 2A hours per day. (A) Based on 270 tons of raw potatoes processed per day. (5) Based on the average daily water usage of 300,000 gallons which had been calculated from water bill data by the plant personnel. (6) Included in Blancher I. (7) Includes daily housekeeping, sanitary, laboratory, and (8) other non-processing uses. See Footnote (5) of this Table. 57 housekeeping, sanitary, laboratory, and other non-processing uses.. One minor usage of water during processing is also included in this Miscellaneous category because of its negligible nature, namely water to fill the surge tank between trimming belt and cutters. The Miscellaneous category may be somewhat larger or smaller than the true total value for the various miscellaneous water uses that are listed since it reflects the unavoidable errors in- volved in measuring water usage in each of the other categories. The conversion of gallons per minute into gallons per day has been done by a factor of 1AAO (minutes per 2A hours). For example, in the case of fluming of raw potatoes, it is done as follows: (6.5 gallons)(l,AAO minutes) (minute) (day) = 9,360 gallons per day Although the most meaningful unit of water flow is in terms of volume per time (89), most researchers have chosen the unit of volume (of water) per ton of raw product processed. On this basis and for ease of comparison, at an average hourly production rate of 9,000 pounds of finished French fries (see Appendix Table IV) and an average yield of A0 percent(15,7A,8A), the daily tonnage 58 of raw potatoes processed was calculated. Flow rates were then converted into gallons of water per ton of raw potatoes processed. The calculation of raw product ton- nage is shown below: lb finished fries (2“ hours) 9’000 hour day Raw Potatoes Used A0 lb finished fries (2 000 1b ) I100 1b raw potatoes ’ ton 270 Tons/Day As in the case of fluming of raw potatoes, a sample cal- culation of flow rates in terms of gallons per ton of raw potatoes processed would be as follows: 9,360 gallons/day 27o tons/day = 34.7 gallons/ton of raw potatoes Considering the fact that a negligible amount of water is consumed through evaporation in the plant, it seems reasonable - for the purpose of simplified calculation - to assume that all influent water turns into waste water. Thereby, comparison of total water used in the plant per ton of raw potatoes processed (1,111 gal/ton) with the reported range (21,22,2A,30,A2,56,83) of waste water flow 59 in potato processing (813 to 12,000 gallons per ton) reveals that this plant could be classified as an effic- ient water conserving establishment. (A more detailed comparison of literature values with those obtained in theSe studies of water usage for specific stages of processing is shown in Appendix Table III.) A more careful examination of Table 6 reveals that lye-peeling (comprised of post—peeler conveyor, scrubber and washer), blanching (including both blanchers), de- fatting, sizing, and cutting are the major water users in the plant using 27.0, 25.9, 10.9, A.2, and A.2 percent of total water intake, respectively. Waste Generation Values for Total Nonfiltrable Residue (Total Sus— pended Matter, TSM), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the measured effluent streams, including the final plant effluent plus grease and oil content of the final plant effluent are shown in Tables 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively. (More detailed data may be found in Appendix Tables V, VI, VII, and VIII, respectively. Relevant sample calculations are included with the respective tables.) As indicated in the above-mentioned tables, the same seven sampling points were used throughout the study, 60 .00000000 0:000 H0000 .pcoSHmmm pmppwmmp 0:» 0am muwpfigwm map mgfiesaoxm pgmdammo pawam cam: Op Haddm m0 300:? gowpwwpm> mo pcofiofimmmoo u.>.o 000000>00 00000000 .cowmmsnomwa can Bgmmm hound cgsom on :00 amps pmpwadoawo 809m weep bb\om\© was bb\©\© mo gofimdaoxo pom mgomwop mo gowmmdomfim mmfihm ommppoo "who .mofipm Mwopm "Mew .pdo wmwhpmoonm H mm .930 oHMcHHM " M .OOH N A00 A00 A00 A00 A00 Amy Amv A00 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000m 0000 AmvHH .000 00000 0.00 smam 0000 0000 0000 0000 00am 000m 0000 AsvH .000 000H0 0.00 000 H00 00 00H N00 000 000 -- HH 00000000 0.00 000 mam 000 000 H00 man 000 000 H 000000Hm 0.00 0000 0000 0000 msmm 0000 0000 0000 -- 00000 0.0a 0000A 0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 -- -- 000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000003 a 0\0a 3V000 00 mm 000 Amveem A0000 AHVM stmmmmm A00.>.0 s00: 00\0m\0 00\0m\0 00\mm\0 ss\0m\0 00\0H\0 00\0H\0 ss\0\0 A00 0000 0000000000 ss\000 000.0 00 00000 .00000 000 000000002 00\0m\0-00\0H\0 .As00002 000000000 H00000 00000-000 00 00000 0000000 000000H00002 00000 .0 0000a 61 .0003 0090000000 000 0 00909 00 mmpogPoom AHV 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 .000 00000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 .000 00000 0.00 0000 000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 -- 00 00000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 00000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 -- 00000 0.00 00000 0000 00000 00000 0000 00000 -- -- 000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000; 0 0\00 000 00 00 000 000 00 0 000000 .0.0 0000 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\0\0 00000000 00000\0-00\00\0 0000 0000000000 00\000 000.0 00 00000 .00000 000 000000002 00000 .0000 00 .000 .000000 000000 00000000000 .0 00000 000 62 .0003 manmowammw 000 b mapme mo mmpoapoom AHV 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 .000 00000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 .000 00000 0.00 0000 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ---- 00 00000000 0.0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 00000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 00000 00000 0000 0000 ---- 00000 0.00 00000 0000 00000 00000 00000 00000 ---- u--- 000000 0.00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000003 0 0\00 000 00 00 000 000 00 0 000000 .0.0 000:“ 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\00\0 00\0\0 00000000 00\00\0-00\00\0 0000 0000000000 00\000 000.0 00 00000 .00000 000 000000002 000.000 .000000 000000 00000000 .0 00000 63 Table 10. Grease and Oil Content of the Total Plant Effluent. Grease and 011 Content Sample mg per liter of Sample 6/9/77 571.8 6/1u/77 557.8 6/16/77 582.9 6/20/77 “No.9 6/23/77 569.7 6/27/77 581.u 6/29/77 808.3 Average(1) 5h6.5 C.V., Percent(2) 11.0 (1) Average amount (mg) of grease and oil per liter of sample calculated for the samples dated 6/1M/77 to 6/27/77. Discussion of reasons for exclusion of 6/9/77 and 6/29/77 data from calculated mean can be found under Results and Discussion. (2) See Footnote (6), Table 7. 6U thereby providing sets of seven samples for each of the times and dates on which measurements were made. Since a trial sampling was conducted on 6/9/77 to find any obstacle associated with the sample handling, results obtained on that date will not be discussed here. Like- wise, data from 6/29/79 have not been averaged with the other results because of the dissimilarity between cottage fries (which were processed on that date) and the types of cuts normally produced by the plant. In addition, these potatoes were atypical with respect to quality (small, somewhat dehydrated, and shriveled). Data from both of these dates are, however, included in the tables for reasons of general interest and completeness of data. Therefore, attention will be focussed on the mean values calculated for the period of 6/lh/77 to 6/27/77. Although the magnitude of the coefficients of variation associated with the mean values for unit operations shown in Tables 7 through 10 for this period indicates a highly variable effluent discharge, the mean values for the period (based on both steak cut and shoestring French fries) are believed to be valid. The Justification for combining the data for the steak- and shoestring-cut potatoes in Tables 7 through 10 has been detailed in Appendix Table IX. Factors contributing to variation of the results presented in Tables 7 through 10 may include raw product 65 composition (e.g., sugar content), process variations (e.g;, water usage), sampling errors, and the inherent error of the method of analysis. , The results of the grease and oil content of the final plant effluent (Table 10) may be higher than the true values. This stems from the fact that Freon, like other solvents, has the ability to dissolve not only grease and oil, but also other organic substances. Such a theoretical consideration was supported by the scorching of unknown organic materials which occurred on the inside surface of the sample containers during the vacuum drying that followed extraction. Temperature and pH values of the effluents are listed in Table 11. These values remained fairly stable over a long period of time, hence the average of two separate measurements was chosen to provide a reliable estimate of those in the plant. Monitoring of the pH of an effluent that is to be reused or recycled can be useful in pre- venting adverse effects on equipment or product. pH measurements are also of value in determining the degree of neutralization required by plant effluent. Temperature is important both from the standpoint of product quality and heat recovery (or thermal pollution which is the other side of the coin). To draw any inference from the obtained data or to use it for comparison with those reported in the literature Table 11. Temperature and pH of the Effluents. 66 Temperature Source °C °F pH Post-Peeler Conveyor 2M 75 11.3 Washer 22 71 9.7 Cutter 18 6A 6.8 Sizer 19 66 6.8 Blancher I 69 156 6.2 Blancher II 69 156 6.“ Defatter 56 13H 7.6 Recycled Waste Water 28 82 12.3 Air Compressor 38 100 7.H Plant Effluent 1(1) 28 82 12.2 Plant Effluent 11(1) 30 85 12.2 City Water 15 59 7.U (1) See Table 7 for descriptions. 67 it should be arranged in a more expressive way through which the totality of each waste stream could be regarded. Such an arrangement can be found in Table 12. To con- struct this table, the following equation was used: Daily Pollutant, lb/day = .1. gal)(Waste Produced, %§) a1 (Water Usage, %E§)(3.785 5 m (u.536 x 10 T8) For example, total suspended matter for the washer was calculated as follows: a1 1 mg (32,1400 gfimws ga—lmauu t) = n.536 x 105 ¥§ Washer, TSM = 63A lb/day Percentage of total pollutant attributable to each source is also shown in Table 12, as calculated from the lb/day figures. 68 .paodammm mw uwmnmnomwu m“ nova: deEoocfi exp Haw pmnp wofidmmm mfi pH .pquQ map :fi wmadmcoo mw poems mo pndoaw manwmfiamma zum> m¢ Amv .pamsammm pawam Hmpop Bonn madao> meme: m.pmppwmou mcwpownpnsm hp pocwwppo mw mfinp .mapwmfiamwc on ow madao> psoSHmmm muwpfiqwm one mcwadmm< Avv .mnowpmwnommc you b manwe mom Amy .hmppwmmc 0:9 509% mmEoo Hwo cam wmmmhm Haw hHdeth> ANV .bb\bm\oubb\va\o mo vowhom one how mmowvsfi mo msam> mmwhm>w map no oomwm Adv ---- ---- o.Hm some «.me aces ammo m.eo ensoeseflaeemfi: ooa meme o.QOH Heaefi o.ooa ddeH o.ooe Hams o.OOH MHH .eem eseaa III: III: mmmOH ®.v> bmao 0.05 @000 H.0m MH .Mmm pcwam onoHV mAmemav --- ---- --- --- --- --- 0.0H seepeemn u--- ---- m.s smoa 0.8 new s.o we m.mH e.Hm HH easeseflm u--- u--- e.HH Once e.HH data N.H 80H 0.0H H assessam ---- ---- e.e doe H.m mat H.s one m.e m.m sedan ---- u--- o.mH oqmm m.OH coma meme m.e s.m seepso u--- .u.. s.m mom s.m Mme a.e sme m.oa senses fleece ame\na fleece mee\na Hesse mee\pfl Heeoe swe\ea fleece saw meadow so a so s so a so u no a so a squeegee Hao w unease moo mom ewe essao> meme; .amm mseeeseso sea Veameaeenao messesaeoa Heady .NH tapas AH 69 .mdag msomcwaamomdz on... 80.5 @3388 mw ome 833% 23 61:59? opmws mo $8 on... 5 EB .mm 98 .5” :3” .2 “NH .0 88055 253 pow 99688 c magma cw cmpmfl” 253 Sum 89995 .5 «mono: 92.30 5 .HH pamgtm 923% no page. Boa.“ amppwmmc was .5 and H whonocmao. .933 £330 985wa .Hom 3.5ng 23 no 59m 93 wafipownpobm .8. I 8:300 some ma .. wocwwvno one magma mdomnaHHmowg TX 626380 :3 838. 70 Based on the Table 12 results, the cutter effluent, though relatively low in volume, holds a large share of the total daily waste production (10 to 20 percent, de- pending on which index of pollution is used). The sizer, using almost the same amount of water as the cutter, pro- duces only 5 to 7 percent of the daily waste. Blanchers are large water users, but small TSM producers. However, blanching effluents are very strong both from BOD and COD standpoints. The main contribution of the defatter to the total waste production is the grease and oil found in the final plant effluent. The washer, as a part of the peeling operation, generates higher TSM than BOD or COD. This might be ascribed to the incorporation of parts of the skin into the effluent which includes a layer of corky periderm. Other phases of the overall peeling Operation are included as part of the Miscellaneous category in Table 12. This Miscellaneous category is made up of all effluent sources not Specifically listed in the table, namely: flume for raw potatoes, lye-peeler, post-peeler conveyor, scrubber, trimming belt, surge tank, and water handling of solid wastes generated all over the plant plus other minor waste producing sources. Among the above sources contributing to the Miscel- laneous category in Table 12, the scrubber is the major source of pollution, but meaningful measurements could 71 not be made because of the extremely wide variation in rate-of solid discharge from this unit. Hosing of solid wastes into the gutters brings about more contact time between solids and water both within the gutters and during passage through the liquid/solid waste separator, result- ing in increased leaching of pollutants. Fluming of raw potatoes is another significant source of pollution, consisting primarily of insoluble solids such as silt from the potato surface. Some indication of the quantity of pollutants derived from the other Miscellaneous sources mentioned above can be found in the literature (38,39). BOD—to-COD Ratio The BOD-to-COD ratio for each of the effluent streams under consideration was calculated. These ratios, which are listed in Table 13, provide an indication of the probable effectiveness of biological treatment. The higher the ratio, the more effective the biological treat- ment would be. Thus, the final (or total) plant ef- fluent, having the highest ratio, would be the most responsive and the cutter effluent, with the lowest ratio, would be the most refractory waste water with regard to biological treatment. 72 Table 13. BOD-to—COD Ratio. BOD-to-COD Ratio Bffluent (1) Literature Values(2) Source Exp. Value Plant A Plant B Plant Washer .561 _-__ __-- _-__ Cutter .u96 .132 .157 ---_ Sizer .679 __-_ _-__ . -___ Blancher I .860 .858 .76l(3) .500 Blancher II .823 .u7u ---- ___- Plant Effluent 1(a) .839 -__- -___ _-__ Plant Effluent II(”) .863 .627 —-—— .596 (1) Based on experimentally-obtained (mean) values in Tables 8 and 9. (2) Calculated from the BOD and COD values reported by Hindin (1970) in his studies on three potato processing plants. (3) Values for both Blanchers (I and II) are included. (A) See Table 7 for description. 73 Comparison of the Obtained Results with Those From Other Studies The comparison of test results obtained in these studies with those of other studies taken from the litera- ture is shown in Appendix Table III. Focussing on total plant effluent, one can see that the plants reported upon in the literature used substantially more water per ton of potatoes than the one under study here. As might logically be expected, the high water-using plants exhibited lower concentration of pollutants in the ef- fluent. This dilution effect is apparent in the compara— tive figures for TSM, BOD and COD of total plant effluent as well as in the TSM, BOD and COD values for those process steps for which comparative values are given. Based on data shown in Appendix Table III, less water is being used in Just about every process step mentioned in the table with the exception of blanching and defatting. The biggest water saving processes are primary wash flume (fluming of raw potatoes), cutting and trimming. The slightly higher pH of the total plant effluent in these studies might be attributable to lower water usage or possibly to higher initial alkalinity of the water supply. The higher pH of both blanching effluent and cutting effluent in these studies, as compared with Table III literature values may likewise have resulted from higher pH of the fresh water supply. Other factors such 7A as potato variety and condition, size and type of cut, and time and temperature of contact between water and potato cuts may have also contributed to the pH variations shown in Table III, but there appears to be no direct evidence to support this belief. Although the quantity of waste generated by the peeling operation in the plant under study is not fully reflected in the Appendix Table III, data for peeling and washing (since they do not include waste emanating from the scrubber), earlier reports (79) indicate that peeling is invariably one of the major waste-producing operations in the overall manufacturing process. This has been discussed in more detail in the Literature Review. According to Table 13, the BOD-to—COD ratios obtained in these studies are higher than those calculated from the studies done by Hindin (1970). This difference may be ascribed to storage time and variety of potatoes and/or to processing conditions. Potential for Improved Water Conservation and Waste Reduc- tion The results of these studies indicate possible prac- tices the implementation of which will culminate in conservation of water and/or reduction of waste. Each of these possibilities, discussed hereunder, has certain 75 advantages and drawbacks the balancing of which determines its feasibility. The most feasible practice deals with the reuse of air compressor cooling water. This warm water has a normal pH (as it is shown in Table 11) and is, at least, as clean as the cooling water from the ammonia compressors, but is being discharged directly as waste water. Some piping may make its reuse possible in any unit operation - pref- erably those using heated water such as blanching - with- out further purification and, thereby, a saving of 2.5 percent could be achieved in the total plant daily water use. Added to this, is the recovery of heat energy of this effluent. As it was discussed in Literature Review, slivers and nubbins constitute about 10 percent of the raw potatoes (7“). Processing of these cuts into some sort of by- products seems to be promising from several standpoints. As a water saving technique, it eliminates the practices of hosing these potato cuts into gutters and rinsing them at the liquid/solid separator later. This can, at least, save 3.9 percent of total plant water use which is ap— plied in the separator. However,1fiu3elimination of the abovementioned rinsing may necessitate the dry handling of other solid wastes (namely, potato cuts spilled on the floor or tubers rejected by trimming operation). As a waste reducing measure, it avoids leaching of solubles 76 off the usable pieces of potatoes (slivers and nubbins) during fluming. Finally, it not only prevents a notice- able portion of raw product from ending up as waste, but also brings about more marketable by-products. On the other hand, its accomplishment requires more new equipment and manpower. Other possible practices involve water reuse or re- cycling and/or process modification. In defatting operations hot water is sprayed upon the fried cuts at a rate of 22.7 gpm. The effluent goes through a partial oil recovery system and discharged still hot (13U°F) and containing some oil (see Table 11 and Footnote lO, Appen- dix Table II). If a more efficient oil recovery system is maintained, the hot and relatively oil free effluent can be recycled with some make-up water. This can save a considerable percentage of total plant water use that is now being utilized for this purpose (Table 6). It also can save the considerable energy being used to heat this water. In contrast with the stated advantages, the implementation of this practice requires new equipment and may cause less oil recovery from the cuts. In another development, a completely mechanical defatting process requiring no water can be used. Oil recovery in this operation can be improved by employment of hot air stream. Conservation of water (10.9 percent of the total plant water use) and reduction of oil content of final plant 77 effluent are the advantages of this system. However, cost of new equipment is expected to be the main drawback. Product weight loss might occur due to the drying effect of the hot air though it might be negligible because the oil layer around the cuts may work as a barrier to moisture loss. Operating cost may range above that of the present system. Blanching was shown to be one of the biggest water using operations in the plant. The major reason for using water blanching in French fries processing has been discussed to be the undesirable leachables, mainly reduc- ing sugars (15,7U). Hot water serves to even out varia- tions of sugar concentration at or near the surfaces of French-fry strips. Therefore, use of potatoes that are "reconditioned" to reduce sugar level and/or varieties resistant to sugar build up during storage can reduce water use and waste generation in the blanching opera- tion. Another way of water conservation and waste minimiza- tion in blanching involves a counterflow water system. An experiment was performed on 5/5/77, in which the effluent from blancher II was reused in blancher I. Focussing on the amount of fresh water used in blancher I, unlike the usual average usage rate of 20 gpm, the counterflow system reduced the fresh water use to 7.3 gpm (see Appendix Table II). This reduction corresponds 78 to 6.1 percent of the total plant water use. The above counterflow water system could be extended to the upstream unit operations namely, peeling operation units on one hand and all pump flumes on the other hand. To do so, the blanching effluent may undergo a purification process started with a heat exchange step to yield its heat energy. The effluent, depending on the reuse require- ments, can go through further purification, which may involve fine-screening to leave its large floating or suspended particles, an air flotation step to give up its fine suspended matter, and a disinfection step for sani- tary purposes. Twelve gpm of the treated blanching effluent, corres— ponding to 5.8 percent of the total plant water use, can satisfy the requirement of the four pump flumes,two of which operate in the Pumping and Destoning Section and the other two are numbered 3 and 7 in Figure 2 or Table 6. The remainder (about 28 gpm) can be reused in a retro- grade manner in washer, scrubber, and post-peeler conveyor. Reuse of washer effluent in the scrubber and that of scrubber on post-peeler conveyor have to be preceded by screening and/or settling. Such a counterflow use of water starting from blanching can save 38.9 percent of the total plant water use. This saving includes 6.1, 5.8, 10.8, 7.9 and 8.3 percent of total plant water use which corresponds to blanching and pump flumes (as mentioned in 79 the above), washer, scrubber, and post—peeler conveyor, respectively. However, cost of the equipment and the effort needed for practicing this water use pattern (including operation supervision and maintenance) may discourage its complete implementation. In connection with peeling, the desirable practice might be the Dry-Caustic or Infrared peeling proved to reduce water usage and waste generation to 25 percent or less of that normally associated with the wet caustic process. This can result in a saving of more than 20 percent of the total daily water usage shown in Table 6. Another aspect of it is the potential advantage of separate (dry) handling of peeling waste. Nevertheless, the invest- ment required and the increasing cost of energy (which escalates the operating costs) are the two major disad- vantages associated with this practice. Partial modification of present peeling system is also worthy to note. Installation of a dry brushing equip— ment (85) directly after the lye-peeler will brush clean the lye-treated potatoes without use of water. In order to remove the adhering starch, however, the potatoes are said (85) to require after-washing with about one cubic meter of water per ton of potatoes. If true, the 270 tons of potato processed per day would use “9.5 gpm of water rather than the 56.“ gpm used presently in the washer, scrubber and post-peeler conveyor (see Table 6). Therefore, 80 a saving of at least 3.3 percent in total plant water use can be achieved. Another advantage is the separate (dry) handling of peeling wastes. In contrast with these ad- vantages, the equipment and operating costs should be considered for further evaluation. Starch recovery in cutting and sizing operations is another promising practice. As it is shown in Table 12, the rough daily discharge of total suspended matter (TSM) from cutting and sizing is 2,500 pounds. This conforms to 27.6 percent of the daily TSM discharged by the plant and most of it is the starch washed off the surface of potato cuts in these two operations. Therefore, if the effluent from sizer is reused in cutters, almost all the washed starch can then be recovered from cutters ef- fluent by means of hydrasieve cyclones or settling. Such a system can reduce 27.6 percent of total TSM, 15.“ per- cent of total BOD, and 2“.“ percent of total COD discharged from the plant each day. A marketable product can be made from the starch and saving of at least “.2 percent can be achieved in the total daily water usage in the plant. In addition, the clean effluent from the starch recovery system is reusable in any upstream unit operation. This practice calls for new investment and would change the operating cost, but would probably result in increased earnings (15,37,76) for the company. The suggested water conservation and waste reduction 81 plans in these studies do not change the pattern, source and/or amount of water use in other unit operations. These are, namely; boilers, cooling towers, ammonia and air compressors, defrosting, trimming belt, surge tank, coloring, weekly clean up, and sanitary and laboratory USES . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The studies reported herein were designed to ascer- tain the water usage, waste generation and ways of pollu- tion reduction in a potato processing plant through water conservation and waste utilization. The study of plant as well as water and waste flow patterns reveal possibilities for water conservation and waste reduction. Water usage measurement and calculated values show that the major water using Operations are lye peeling (including the units immediately following lye immersion-the post-peeler conveyor, scrubber, and washer), blanching, defatting, sizing, and cutting with 27.0. 25.8, 10.8, “.2 and “.2 percent of the total daily plant water use, respectively. Results of the present studies, when considered in conjunction with previously-reported findings, suggest some process and/or equipment modifications as well as conserva- tion practices to minimize water use and waste genera- tion. These possibilities, discussed in Results and Dis- cussion, are briefly stated in the following. The most easily implementable change, representing a saving of about 2.5 percent of total water usage, would involve the reuse of air compressor cooling water without treatment in the blanching operation. Production of by-products from slivers and nubbins 82 83 coupled with dry handling of solid wastes will minimize pollution and curtail total water usage at least 3.9 percent. A new product would also be offered for sale. Use of modified defatting systems which employ either recycled water or a mechanical method can reduce the amount of oil in the final plant effluent and save up to 10.9 percent of the total water usage. Using low sugar varieties or reconditioned potatoes helps in waste reduction and water conservation in blanch- ing. Reuse of second blancher effluent in the first blancher achieves a 6.1 percent reduction in total water usage. An additional 32.8 percent saving can be achieved through the reuse of blanching effluent in pump flumes and, in a retrograde manner, the peeling operation. Setting up a dry caustic peeling process can be expected to save about 20 percent or more of the plant's present total water usage. 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Nozzles Unit Operation Number in Use Type and Number Pumping and H 1/8 VV “00“ Destoning Unit 1 Spraying Systems Co. Scrubber “ 81-3 SC 15 Delavan Co. Washer 8 81-3 SC 15 Delavan Co. Trimming Belt 6 H 1/8 VV “003 Spraying Systems Co. Sizer 12 l/“ GG Flat Jet 6.5 Pat. #310“829 Spraying Systems Co. Liquid/Solid l/“ P3520 Flat Jet Waste Separator “ Pat. #2530571 Spraying Systems Co. Defatter 13 l/“ GG Flat Jet 6.5 Pat. #310“829 Spraying Systems Co. 95 m.m m.m m s.Hm N.m m o.Hm mw oHuuoz 6.8 6.“ m o.v m v.0m mw mauuoz 0.8 o.v m s.em d.m m n.6m an oHnnoz ss\mm\e sq Happenem m m.sH m.sH m.sH m o.sHH H.sH m.q o.HsH m.sH m ss\mm\e mm nosmssoo seamed-enoa s mum” d.m o.m figs «.86 d.m «A 0.60 ss\om\e o.m o.m om n.6mH o.m OH d.m ma ss\n\m Aqvmesaa\aasa n wind o.m o.m HH gowmeHhobA 95m o.m o.m H sofieeeennsq dead v.0 v.0 wHNNOZ ss\qm\e 6» H.o H.o ss\om\e smafionpsoo H6>6q Amvmogwpom Bum mo again Amfiv .neao pew .seesH saw no mean and . seapenoao page AHv.oz 9MB 959 .3pr A N Vmo< 3.232 .Hmm 9.8:me mo semen; *.soapen6ao ease eaeaedam se amen: nape; .HH tapes 96 .Idm m.o m.o Amvpamp mgfisafine OH ©.NN N.m N.m N o.MN N.m N O.MN wk mHNNOZ w.N m.N m O.Hm m.N n O.Hm bk maumoz m.m m.m a 0.6m m.N m o.oN 0* oHuNoz b.N b.N m 0.0m b.N m n.0N ma mauuoz e.m e.m n v.N m o.bN «a oHNNoz m.H m.H m m.dH b.H m v.0H mm mauuoz m.N b.N m n.0m m.N m o.Hm NM mHNNoz ®.N ©.N m O.©N m.N m o.mN Hm wasuoz bb\mN\p me 963mm; 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OOO “OOm “Hmcqomhoa Human map hp «paw Hafinuhmpwk scam Ompwadoamo :mmn cw: gown: quHme OO0.00m mo mmwm: Hmpwa mHHwO mmwnm>w map scam Om>fipmn mm: mane AOHV .aowpwpmao was: mzficaommmhgoo map aw wwwms hmpmk mo wpwh HmOHmmp map mpcmmmpmmp gowns mo comm mmpdmwm Omcfiaan:: map Q5 mqwuum hp Omcwwpno mm: Hdepnvm Amav 111 .AHHHO one: was ofiaah maccocme AMH QHLCFO flea Lw; ETCSQQ 1:? Opus ncwzucmflc Lou COO ECLO rmuacnuxw age: LOO mqu CH 6mm: 0L3: zch LOO apzucgcceou vcc In mpmzccafio swag L;O mwsz> haw L¢L .ch>H.Lc;mmL tca Lem racHoEoo on» mmzHc> waaLw>m LHocu .QLOOchLF .>mv Lo; mcov occ:ou Lcana .AHH wfiaxb a¢mv LwaHEHm CHM >2 “Hzmwg on. mchH>Hu an tmcHaunc c;93 mafiHm> .LmuHH Loc EcLuHHHHE HzH: Ocm nO$m to c» tmumHzofimc .ccHucHJUHcc Lo resume mEcm exp azuchHOB Jo CHE\Hmn HO.Hm + r J \ M9 Chm I ”LP 55 mm: mLocgcmHn Lyon >9 Ovaameou wa cocHoEoo ¢zu macHn2H tecugao; «cu LC CHE Han .oHOEaxo cc m< cohmeHTOon L3; wfi.catc Guam CME OHH K II. w.HHO + Haw 00H x Ir- N.NNV Han "monHoO ma caumHonao .0 car .m .H .w moHcme .mpo£OCmHo Lyon mwofic:« gyms: vccHnEoo on“ accmoLch :m:~m> .nxm: cmcmo: c:E:~cu Lutc: nozflm> on? ”my .ocp Le .a:; .amE LOO :mo:Hm> .Lxmz an» CH tmc:Hocn Icon chmmI can» Lazuo .AcszHoo uccH(mL¢;o pHc: ECLO LoHocanumoL >9 muOn: chwz O0 ccwucfiszm wcp eLc 30L was; «0: CLO ma®o0kc :cafleoc o» acuuzcwup nowmmx pza .Lmnmcx tcc LonnzLom .Lc>w>c00 :« nvsHm> Hagcoafigocxm wcb HOV .comneuonc accumuoo 3:; go coy Log .w oHpmy song :mxau acczog Amy .cwmawUCLa mucumpoa 3cL O0 :0? Lam mcoHHac H2O .e¢::H£ Lea mcoHHmO Am» HmmHV neocmpouon ucHucocmoLLOo or» EOLL ceaocpaxm mvsz> Amy .mH tam .HH .OH .0 .m .5 .w mofinmk CH mesz> vocamuDOI>HHaucwEHLocxw co ummam “HO 1 Lb _. cxnflfi CMC: moth mwmn mm r HH 5 HH anus coca mmmm . ucosHOum . :m .. m.~m m.wH~H 0.:2o pccHa Cm c a NH Coem m.m= chm: H.:m cmmm HHHH m.mcm HOCHm C.» C: NN.N m3 OCH 0 A. .1 ..w m .u . .L m mm m H.HmH N.NN OcH.Hmuxa ok 1 3y m.oH m.= own .A‘ c” am Hm.: HHHMH H mooH cg m.A o.m H H coco . . ,. . a O a : z.m mcmm c.o Ohm z mam n mm Nnanocer x" .. . . OH m.c 2.» 00cm m.H omm m cm: 3 cm . . , x . HO m.m name =.m Name 0 c: x m chuHm c: cm x. c;.u szHH ~.m O.“ . zcr . cm nu ~C.u nwuh xxxa mcme C cw «N O:cH . mgzc . . . acauu:u aH ¢.c a.o momzm m.m mczH m coH c :c . . M ~.: mmcmH o.» mmCmH c a: F a c Gm mm m.c owzm c.~ m.c CCH H.. 1W ‘.r _r.. a 3H0 mfimuh p C a ~ N. @Ffi “mu NO C.HHH kaEEHLF . ‘ H.OH c.H Cw mm Oc.mH mccfiz . . . Ha cokam mmmHa c mm uchvmm o.m anew N.N N.N am: 1 , n: . HFH .q aamm ~.Om ncHHmca ow Ha m~.HH moo: b H cxk a c o vw Hh.m chH cmsm mm»: . \ 0w pH mH.~ Ozm so cczfia O cm in. OCR CIJN Ha H.m om» N.Hcm 5.»: msJHu m.c 0.N CH cvmz h.:r m.c HQHOHCH .Ocm erHc> azHc> ¢:n:> mer> Ham «\uE vac _\uE “an «\uE uac u\uE acL u\uE nuns u\uE pan Epu spam mEcu anMMWm .HHH .uxm .OHH .gxm . 1 v azHa> .VHH msz> .axm e31m> .HH; maHm> .Lxm osz> .HHH ¢3Hm> .axm JosH¢> .uHH HezHa> .axu a 0 Co .accfi :L 000 Dem zuk mama: Lmemz .mamum nmwoOLa oHOHomam :H coHpmpmcmO cyan: ccc can»: quaz .HHH oHnmk 112 Table IV. Finished French Fries Hourly Production Rate. (1) Production Rate Date lbs/hr 6/9/77 9200 6/1h/77 9000 6/16/77 8500 6/20/77 8590 6/23/77 9780 6/27/77 9750 6/29/77 8000 Mean 897u(2) (1) Data obtained from plant production records. (2) Rounded out to 9000 lbs/hr. 113 Table V. TSM values(l) for Different Sources, mg/l. Source Sample Blancher Plant Effluent Date No. washer Cutter Sizer I II I II 1 5210 ---- ---- 160 --- 3920 4530 2 5980 —--- ---- 130 ---- 3350 4370 6/9/77 3 6250 ---- ---- 120 ---- 3700 4600 4 5760 ---- ---- 150 ---- 3590 4100 mean 5800 140 3640 4400 v2 7.61 10.71 6.51 5.04 Adjustgd 5674 137 3561 4304 mean 1 41640 ---- 4810 730 170 2760 3020 2 1560 ---- 4490 900 190 1980 2610 6/14/77 3 1940 ---- 4930 1040 140 2150 2400 4 1820 ---- 4570 690 240 2470 3130 mean 1740 4700 8404 185 2340 2740 v 9.88 5.19 19.23' 22.72 14.78 12.29 Adjusted mean 1740 4700 840 185 2340 2740 1 3210 15240 21145 295 60 3980 3720 2 2100 21050 5270 310 275 2850 3980 6/16/77 3 2710 22440 4990 335 215 3010 4390 4 2900 13750 5790 260 200 2120 3160 mean 2730 18120 5350 300 230 2990 3800 v 17.14 23.55 7.59 10.45 17.25 25.59 13.07 Adjusted mean 2891 19186 5665 318 244 3166 4024 1 1720 9630 6900 350 290 1620 3230 2 1290 164206 7010 375 265 2600 2330 6/20/77 3 2090 270 8550 320 215 22906 2750 4 1540 14600 7900 295 230 350 2490 mean 1660 13550 7590 335 250 2170 2700 v 20.27 25.94 10.29 10.41 13.65 23.08 14.57 Adjusted mean 1739 14197 7952 351 262 2274 2829 1 3520 19900 9240 380 105 4770 67205 2 2660 26930 8490 465 120 4130 4640 6/23/77 3 3010 24120 8230 450 100 5190 5120 4 3690 15330 9740 305 135 3990 4730 mean 3220 21570 8925 400 115 4520 4830 v 14.66 23.48 7.78 18.34 13.75 12.41 5.28 Adjusted mean 2963 19850 8213 368 106 4160 4445 114 Table V. Continued. Source Sample . Blancher Plant Effluent Date No. Washer Cutter Sizer I II I II 1 2700 18310 5310 295 110 4260 5360 2 2420 23540 5040 370 100 4730 5300 6/27/77 3 2330 15080 4670 350 90 4010 4090 4 2890 24870 4500 305 120 4040 4530 mean 2585 20450 4880 330 105 4410 4820 v 9.95 22.32 7:47 10.86 12.29 7.61 12.78 Adjusted mean 2386 18877 4505 305 97 4071 4449 1 23106 4130 6120 210 100 4370 6800 2 6450 3700 7060 235 80 6030 5070 6/29/77 3 5640 4050 7810 230 95 5480 5740 4 5340 3480 5330 45 85 4900 7110 mean 5810 3840 6280 225 90 5195 6180 v 9.88 7.92 16.46 5.88 10.14 13.82 15.28 Adjusted mean 6536 4320 7065 253 101 5844 6952 (1) a) Calculation of total suspended matters (TSM): (B—A) 1000 %§- TSM; mg/liter of effluent = m1 sample .__&___ 1000 m1 = B'A x 106 51 sample where: A weight of filter and planchette, g; 00 II weight of filter and planchette after filtration and drying the sample, g. For example, calculating the TSM of the sizer on 6/16/77: For sample No. 1, 14 m2 was filtered, A and B turned out to be 1.5285 and 1.5581, respectively. Thus, TSM would be: (1.5581-1.5285) x 106 14 = 2114 mg/IL. Table V. (1) a). 115 Continued. Continued. Doing the same thing for the other samples, we get: Sample No. A, g B, g (B—A), g Sample Filtered, m£ TSM, mg/i 15me 1.5285 1.5581 .0296 14 2114 1.5137 1.5664 .0527 10 5270 1.5014 1.6012 .0998 20 4990 1.5080 1.5659 .0579 10 5790 b) Rejection of suspected results: One of the calculated TSM values (2114) seems to be out of line with the others. Using the Q-Test (20) for rejection: 4990-2114 : 5790-2114 ‘ '78 VS' Q0.90 = '76 Since Q > .76, this observation is discarded. 0) Mean (E) and coefficient of variation (v) is calculated as 8) follows: x = 4990 + 5270 + 5790 = 5350 mg/z and the standard deviation is calculated to be 406 mg/2 Thus, Standard Deviation v = Mean 1: 100 = 406 x 100 5350 = 7.59% Adjusting the Mean: The mean value is adjusted on the basis of 9000 pounds per hour for ease of comparison: ' 5350 mg/R x 9000 1b§1hr _ Respective Production Rate, 8500 lbs/hr ' 5665 mg/2 The value of 9000 lbs/hr was chosen because it represents the average production rate over the period of 6/9/77 to 6/29/77 (See Appendix Table IV). 116 Table V. Continued. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) For calculation of coefficient of variation (v) see Footnote (l-c). Adjustment of the mean is shown in Footnote (l-d). .The mean value of 840 is actually the summation of Blancher I and Blancher II mean TSM values. This is because the effluent from Blancher II was being reused in Blancher I. Therefore, the actual mean TSM value for Blancher I is: 840-(mean TSM value of Blancher II) = 840 - 185 = 655 mg/2. Rejected by Q-Test (see Footnote (l-b), this table) and therefore not used in calculation of mean. Considered as determinate error. That is, the error which can, at least in principle, be ascribed to definite causes and is generally unidirectional with respect to the true value, in contrast to indeterminate errors which lead to both high and low results with equal probability. 117 Table VI. COD Values(l) for Different Sources. Source Sample Blancher Plant Effluent Date‘ No. washer Cutter Sizer I II I II 1 7305 ---- ---- 5042 ---- 5121 5439 6/9/77 2 7305 ---- ---- 4962 -—-- 5161 5518 mean 7305 5002 5141 5479 Adjusted mean 7146 4893 5029 5360 1 2293 ---- 8094 8880 2829 4112 4586 6/14/77 2 2333 ---- 8252 8920 2829 4112 4507 mean 2313 ———- 8173 89002 2829 4112 4547 Adjusted mean 2313 8173 8900 2829 4112 4547 1 3542 24809 7357 5948 3326 4480 5691 6/16/77 2 3502 24653 7043 5909 3404 4441 5770 mean 3522 24731 7200 5928 3365 4460 5730 Adjusted mean 3729 26186 7624 6277 3563 4722 6067 1 2499 18220 10532 6378 3717 3947 4330 6/20/77 2 2537 18144 10609 6340 43717 3947 4445 mean 2518 18182 10571 6359 3717 3947 4387 Adjusted mean 2638 19050 11076 6663 3894 4135 4596 1 3986 28888 11089 6884 2279 6886 7876 6/23/77 2 3906 28964 11013 6963 2279 6926 7757 mean 3946 28926 11051 6924 2279 69067* 7816 Adjusted mean 3631 26619 10170 6372 2097 6355 7193 1 2832 27316 6413 6039 1216 5467 6293 6/27/77 2 2714 27552 6491 5960 1255 5546 6372 mean 2773 27434 6452 6000 1235 5507 36333 Adjusted mean 2560 25324 5956 5538 1140 5083 5846 l 7022 4144 8209 4340 568 6826 8153 6/29/77 2 7100 3987 8365 4184 490 6748 8231 mean 7061 4066 8287 4262’ 529 6787’ 8192 Adjusted mean 7944 4574 9323 4795 595 7635 9216 118 Table VI. Continued. (1) Calculation of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): COD, mg/liter of effluent = (a—b) N x 8000 (m2 sample)(dilution factor) where, a = m8 of ferrous ammonium sulfate titrant, Fe(NH4)2 (30 )2, used for blank. 4 b = m1 titrant used for sample. N = Normality of the titrant determined by daily standardiza- tion and calculated as follows: N = mi dichromate x 0.25 ml titrant For example, calculating the COD values on 6/9/77: Standardization of the titrant: Using two lobmi-portions of the standard dichromate solution (0.25 N), each of which took 25.6 m4 of the titrant to complete reduction. The average volume of titrant required for the reduction of 10.0 ml of 0.25 N dichromate solution is: 25.6 + 25.6 12, = 25.6 ml Therefore, the normality of the titrant would be: N = (10.0)(0.250) = 2 25.6 9.77 x 10 Taking the Blancher I, two 20-m£-portions of the 20-fold diluted original effluent were reduced by 18.45 and 18.55 ml of the titrant after digestion. On the other hand, the average volume of the titrant used for two blank samples (control samples) turned out to be 24.80 mi. Thus, the corresponding CODs are calculated as follows: -2 (24.80-18.45) m4 (9.77 x 10 ) (8000) _ 20 1112. (*1/20, - 4963 mg/g, -2 (24.80-18.55) m1 £9.77 x 10 ) (8000) _ 20 m2 (1/20) ' 4885 mg/“ 119 Table VI. Continued. As the standard solution of potassium acid phthalate, having a theoretical COD of 500 mg/8, showed an average COD of 492.2 mg/fi, the percent recovery is: égéég-x 100 = 98.44% Correcting for the percent recovery: 4963/0.9844 4885/0.9844 5042 mgr/2 4982 mg/R Taking the average: 5042 g 4962 = 5002 mg/Q. The calculated value (5002 mg/i) was finally adjusted to 4893 mg/i. Description of the method of adjustment is given in Foot- note (1-d), Table V. (2) The value of 8900 is the summation of COD values for both blan- chers. This refers to the reuse of the effluent from Blancher II in the first blancher. The actual COD of Blancher I is cal- culated as follows: 8900 - (COD value of Blancher II) = 8900 - 2829 = 6071 mg/R. 120 Table VII. BOD Values(1) for Different Sources. Source Sample Blancher Plant Effluent Date No. Washer Cutter Sizer I II I II Measured 5984 -—-- —--- 4484 ---- 4834 5134 Adjusted 5854 ---- ---- 4387 --—- 4729 5022 Measured 1388 ---- 7277 72323 2382 3632 4082 6/14/77 Adjusted 1388 ---- 7277 7232 2382 3632 4082 iMeasured 2088 14477 5080 5387 2737 3487 5237 6/16/77 - Adjusted 2211 15329 _5379 5704 2898 3692 5545 Measured 1340 8380 6180 5490 2840 3090 3940 6/20/77 Adjusted 1404 8780 6475 5752 2976 3237 4128 IMeasured 1990 13176 6376 6338 2138 6238 6438 6/23/77 Adjusted 1831 12125 5867 5833 1967 5740 5925 Measured 1638 12976 4576 4830 980 4530 5080 6/27/77 Adjusted 1512 11978 4224 4458 905 4182 4689 IMeasured 4230 2460 5960 3280 330 5934 6884 6/29/77 Adjusted 4759 2768 6705 3690 371 6676 7744 (1) Calculation of BOD values: The BOD values can, unlike the Standard Dilution Method, be read directly from the scale when the Manometric Method is used. Only very simple calculations are needed to correct the reading for A standard sample, con- taining glucose and glutamic acid and having a theoretical BOD of 220 mg/1, was used periodically to see if the apparatus was the seeding or the dilutions (if any). functioning properly. An apparatus is said to be performing properly if the corrected BOD of the standard solution is with- .pin the range of_220:11 mg/z. As an example, results for some of J. the samples from 6/9/77 and a standard solution are shown below: 121 Table VII. Continued. Readings Dilu. Seeding, Days BOD5’ mg/l Source Factor Percent O 1 2 3 4 5 Cor. Adj. washer 1/10 1 0 160 490 600 600 600 5984 5854 Blancher I 1/10 1 O 240 450 450 450 450 4484 4387 Plant Ef- fluent II 1/10 1 O 235 445 510 515 515 5134 5022 Standard soln. - 10 O 175 235 235 235 235 219 ---- Seeding 1/2 — 0 6O 80 80 80 80 1608 ---- (a) No correction needed. To get the BOD5, the 5th day's reading is (2) (3) divided by the respective dilution factor. To calculate the BOD5, the 5th day reading was taken, corrected for seeding and then divided by the dilution factor. For example, the calculations for the washer would be as follows: BOD = X'th day's Reading ~ (seeding percent)(BODx of the seeding) X Dilution Factor Thus, _ 600 - (1/100) (160) _ BOD5 - 1/10 - 5984 mg/£ Finally, this calculated value was adjusted to 5854 mg/£ (see Footnote (2)). Method of adjustment of the data is shown in Footnote (1-d), Table V. Due to the reuse of the effluent of Blancher II in blancher I, the BOD of the Blancher II should be subtracted from the value of 7232, to get that of blancher I: 7232 - 2382 = 4850 mg/R. .122 Table VIII. Grease and Oil Content(1) of the Total Plant Effluent. Grease and Weight Oil, mg_ V01ume Tare weight Final Gross Difference per liter Sample m2 g Weight, g g of sample 6/9/77 952 115.1058 115.5327 0.4269 571.8 6/14/77 1017 116.2840 116.7332 0.4492 557.8 6/16/77 1085 117.6510 118.1470 0.4960 582.9 6/20/77 1080 114.6020 114.9755 0.3735 440.9 6/23/77 1083 115.0415 115.5254 0.4839 569.7 6/27/77 918 115.4173 115.8359 0.4186 581.4 6/29/77 970 116.1612 116.7761 0.6149 808.3 Standard(2) 1000 116.6165 117.4153 0.7988 784.3 Solvent(3) 5O 115.8840 115.8906 0.0066 ----- Average(4) 546.5 Total Average(5) 587.5 (1) Calculation method: a) Solvent Residue, SR: SR = weight of residue, g 0.0066 g 50 ml 0.0145 g x 110 mt m2 solvent used for residue test m2 solvent used to extract grease 123 Table VIII. Continued. (1) b) Percent Recovery, PR: = (weight Difference of the Standard Sample) - SR PR Weight of Grease Used to Make the Standard x 100 = (0.7988 - 0.0145) g x 1 1 g 00 78.43% c) To calculate grease and oil (0&0) content of each sample, the following formula was used: G&O,mg/ (ml of sample)(Perceniggecovery) Taking the sample dated 6/9/77 as an example: 6 c & 0 = 094269 I 10 = 571.8 mg 0 & 0 per liter of effluent 78.43 sample. 952 x 'ICKT' mg_ ml 2 = (Weight Difference of the Sample, g)(103 g )(103 T) (2) Preparation, handling and analysis of the standard sample is dis- cussed under Experimental. (3) See Experimental and Footnote (1-a) of this Table. (4) Average amount (mg) of grease and oil per liter of sample cal- culated for the samples dated 6/14/79 to 6/27/77. (5) Average amount (mg) of grease and oil per liter of sample cal- culated for all the samples. 124 m2 Hem.m Hn0.0 H.ObO N m Ommv Hmmq HH .mmm pame mz Hem.“ MON.H b.vow N m wovm mHmv H .mmm pqum mz Hem.n OOO.N m.NNO N m bMON HmbH HH honoame m2 va.m NON.H b.mbm N m mme bqu H noaonde m2 Hem.m «HH.O «.mNmH N m bNOm omen youHm m2 «No.0 HO0.0 m.mbNm N N emONH NmONH nopeso mz Hem.m Ob0.0 O.wbm N m mOmH bbmH .nmnmws mom m2 Hem.m mom.O m.MNO N m Oqu ovmm HH .mmm pqum m2 va.m mO0.0 O.mvm N m ONbN anm H .mmm pqum m2 va.m mmm.m N.Ov N m mmN ONH HH nonoanm m2 Hem.m bwb.o O.NmH N m «mm new H nonoqum mz Hem.m mmb.o m.OONH N m mowO comm nouHm m2 mN0.0 HmO.H m.H¢mN N N NOOOH «OmOH hmppdo m2 Hem.m >80. H.OmO N m mHMN mOmN gonna; Ewe ANvmxmeom mOO.OP .%p_ ooHooaw Na : .m .m moazom woenH no PaosHmmm meme; . mooHeaH open; one we memo: empmHDOHwO one mo nomHerEOO Honpmeme .xH oHan H 125 OHFmewpm pwop one thHgao soHns AN: x H: monopommHO one mo moconmHanw one Pmop on wet mHmmenw man mo omomhdm one "when: . 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