Michioon State I‘ University THESIS mm [l [Mlfli"'lfl"llHl'fllTll"WLlWI ' 293 10632 147 This is to certify that the dissertation entitled Isozyme Analysis of the Blue—Engelmann Spruce Comp lex in Southwes tern Colorado presented by Stephen Gerard Ernst ~ has been accepted towards fulfillment ‘ t of the requirements for Ph . D . degrée in Forest Genetics mum Major professor Date Sept. 26, 1985 uen‘ lib-a: . ~ -- un'r L . , . 042771 MSU LIBRARIES ” RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. W2) 8: g b 71 K150 “W08“?! 1 3 2.‘ K 221% W 587% \ rum '77/ 3?’ K2}? in"? K Mme; ISOZYME ANALYSIS OF THE BLUE-ENGELMANN SPRUCE COMPLEX IN SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO BY Stephen Gerard Ernst A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Forestry 1985 4&9 ‘ :ba’7u~ oucoomuacmwo _o.o "~o>o~ oocuodudcwwo no.o noun sovoouu mo noouwoe use a~o>o~ cocoomumcwmo oau cu ucwuconuouuoo ao:_w> U o .caozm ac: and mucuouosu vac oauu coup u>n3~w cocoa-a ozowxnoao; coulomb noououu scum mcmu~auou acowOLm adv¢~.o Ao.~mvan Ao.smvmm egg N— «\N x «\— A~v~c.q Am.o_vm Ana.mv- Amu.mv- an c N\_ x N\_ mm Amve~.N Am.odv- Am~.ovc Ans.ov- on a n\N x n\u A~V_c.o Am.oxvow Am.o~voh an ad n\u x «\N mm Aevznr Advnw.o Am.m~vo~ an.auvmm on o «\N u ~\~ A~vm9.~ Ac.¢nVOn Ac.s~vo~ Ac.-vm— no «u N\_ x «\— Advuu.n Ao.~N~vom_ Ac.NN~vmo~ ecu mu ~\~ x _\— mm A~v~c.o Am.omV~n an.onvon mu m «\N x «\u A~v_o.o Ao.~_vm~ Ao.ovn Ao.ove aw m N\~ u N\~ A~vq~.~ Am.onvmn an.onvnc ~o~ N_ ~\~ I _\~ mm Anvzaz A_voo.o Ao.c¢vo¢ Ac.o¢vo¢ co m «\N x N\~ Amvmo.n Ao.omen Ac.c~vmu Ao.m~vc~ as dd N\— x ~\~ A~v3_.~ Am.csvwo Am.¢nv~m oc~ n— ~\~ x ~\~ mm A~Vzom A_v~o.o Ao.m~V—fi Ao.n~Vm~ on m «\m x n\n A_vmo.o Am.¢~ve~ Am.c~vm_ ow n nxn x n\~ mm Anymom A_vm¢.n A0.0mvon Ao.cnvg~ oo o «\N x «\— A~v_n.c Am.-vo_ Ann.wvo An~.mvs mm m ~\~ x «\— Aavoo.. 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A single large, diffuse band of intermediate migration was observed in heterozygous embryo tissue for ACP(2) rather than the typical three-banded dimer pattern, possibly because there was so little migration distance between the two allozymes and staining for this enzyme system was relatively diffuse. The intermediate band of the heterozygous phenotype concurs with the dimeric structure of this enzyme as proposed for Norway spruce (g; abies (L.) Karst.) by Lundkvist (1975). The pooled segregation ratio of open-pollinated half-sib progeny from heterozygous females infers that ACP(2) is inherited as a one locus system (Table 4). Only two individuals (mother trees) from the open-pollinated collection possessed the null allele, and both of these parents were heterozygotes as determined by segregation of the haploid megagametophytes. 47 Table 4. Pooled segregation ratios observed in megagametophyte tissue of seed collected from heterozygous mother trees in the Dolores River drainage for two enzyme systems, and G- statistic from goodness-of-fit test. No. of Observed Locus Speciesa Genotype Families Segregation C(l df) ACP(2) BS 1/3 15 64:67 0.07 1/4 2 8:8 0.00 ES 1/2 3 12: 12 0.00 2/4 4 18:14- 0.50 DIA(2) BS 1/2 21 88:92 0.09 a BS 8 blue spruce; ES 8 Engelmann spruce. 48 Among the 20 Engelmann spruce parents in the mating study, only one allozyme was observed, and it was intermediate in mobility to the two non—null allozymes observed in blue spruce (Figure 1). Among the open- pollinated collections, parents were found which possessed both the faster allozyme observed in blue spruce and a null allozyme. The pooled segregation ratio for these heterozygotes also infers ACP(2) is inherited as a one locus system (Table 4). It must be noted that mobility differences among the different ACP(2) allozymes in blue and Engelmann spruce are relatively small, and further study under a broader range of electrophoretic conditions may disclose even more alleles than observed in this study. Aldolase There were four zones of activity for all tissue types on gels stained for ALD, but only one zone produced clear bands. This zone was monomorphic among all parents of both species in the mating study (Figure 1; Table 3). Using the same buffer system among five white spruce Qh_glauca (Moench) Voss) parents, Cheliak and Pitel (1984) observed a monomorphic zone at a similar migration distance. Also, Wendel and Parks (1982) observed three monomorphic zones for aldolase in Camelia japonica L.. The three non- resolvable zones in blue and Engelmann spruce all appear to be polymorphic, but unfortunately the staining in these zones was too diffuse to score reliably. 49 Isocitrate dehydrogenase Three zones of activity were observed on gels stained for IDH. The fastest zone, IDH(1), did not produce clear bands in any tissue and therefore was not scored. The two slower zones, IDH(2) and IDH(3), were well resolved in megagametophyte, embryo and bud tissue. Two allozymes were observed at IDH(2) in Engelmann spruce (Figure 1), and they are inherited as a single locus (Table 3). The three- banded heterozygous phenotype suggests the functional form of IDH(2) is a dimer. These results are consistent with those presented for IDH in other conifer species (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Neale et al. 1984; Neale and Adams 1981; O'Malley et al. 1979; Guries and Ledig 1978). Only one allozyme was observed among the 20 blue spruce parents, all being homozygous for the slower allozyme found in Engelmann spruce (Figure 1). Electromorphs in the slowest of the three zones, IDH(3), form heterodimers--as identified in haploid megagametophyte tissue--with electromorphs in the intermediate zone, IDH(2), but there were not enough individuals variable at IDH(3) to deduce a mode of inheritance. 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Two zones of activity were resolved for all tissue types on gels stained for 6PG. The slower zone appears to be controlled by two loci which form heterodimers much in the same manner as IDH(2) and IDH(3). However, there were 50 not enough individuals variable in this slower zone to determine the mode of inheritance. Two bands were observed at the faster zone, 6PG(1), among the 20 blue spruce parents. The heterozygotes expressed a three-banded phenotype (Figure 1), indicating the functional form of 6PG(1) is a dimer. The distribution of progeny genotypes infers 6PG(1) is controlled as a single locus system (Table 3). These results are consistent with those presented for 6PG in other conifers (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Neale et al. 1984). Two bands were also observed at 6PG(1) among the 20 Engelmann spruce parents, but only the faster allozyme appears to be in common with that found in blue spruce. The slower variant in Engelmann spruce migrates somewhat faster than the slower allozyme in blue spruce (Figure 1). Based on heterozygote intermediacy, the functional 6PG(1) enzyme in Engelmann spruce is also a dimer, and the progeny distributions indicate a one locus system (Table 3). As observed for ACP(2), heterozygotes expressed a large, diffuse band rather than the typical three-banded dimer pattern, possibly because there was so little migration distance between the two allozymes and the relatively diffuse staining for this enzyme system. Diaphorase Several zones of activity were observed on gels stained for DIA, but only one zone, DIA(2), produced clear band patterns, and then only in megagametophyte and embryo 51 tissues. Therefore, the mode of inheritance of DIA(2) was determined from pooled segregation ratios of open- pollinated half-sib families from heterozygous mother trees. Two variants were observed at DIA(2) among the 20 blue spruce parents, while Engelmann spruce was monomorphic for the slower allozyme (Figure 1). The pooled segregation ratio of half—sib families from heterozygous mother trees (Table 4) infers a single locus mode of inheritance for DIA(2). Heterozygotes were identified based on this segregation of the allozymes in haploid megagametophyte tissue. The heterozygote, as observed in embryo tissue, produces an intermediate phenotype relative to the two homozygotes, suggesting a multimeric structure for the functional DIA(2) enzyme. Reports of DIA in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) (Neale et al. 1984; El-Kassaby et al. 1982) and Camelia japonica L. (Wendel and Parks 1982) have shown DIA to be a monomeric enzyme. Therefore the multimeric structure suggested by the band patterns observed in this study for DIA(2) may be incorrect. However, the intermediate band pattern is readily apparent, although diffuse, in diploid embryo tissue of blue and Engelmann spruce, so further study is warranted. Variability observed for DIA among full-sib progeny of white spruce was not heritable (Cheliak and Pitel 1984). 52 Glutamate’dehydrogenase One zone of activity was observed on gels stained for GDH, with good resolution for megagametophyte, embryo and bud tissues. Two variants were observed among the 20 Engelmann spruce parents, while only one allozyme-- corresponding to the slower variant in Engelmann spruce-- was observed in blue spruce (Figure 1). Distributions of the Engelmann spruce progeny infer GDH is inherited as a one locus system (Table 3). The heterozygous phenotype is intermediate in mobility and somewhat more»diffuse relative to the two homozygotes, indicating GDH is functionally multimeric. Heterozygotes were also identifiable based on segregation of the allozymes in haploid megagametophyte tissue. Similar results have been reported for GDH in other conifers (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Neale et a1. 1984; Adams and Joly 1980; Mitton et al. 1979) and in maize (Pryor 1974). Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase Three zones of activity were observed on gels stained for GOT. The two faster zones, GOT(1) and GOT(2), were observed across all tissue types, while the slowest zone, GOT(3), was best resolved in megagametophyte tissue, but also with good definition in embryo and bud tissue. There was insufficient variability in GOT(1) and GOT(2) among the 20 parental trees of either species to determine the mode of inheritance of these putative loci. 53 Triple-banded allozymes were observed at GOT(3) in blue and Engelmann spruce haploid megagametophyte tissue, the blue spruce phenotype migrating slower--approximately 0.1 Rf unit-—relative to that of Engelmann spruce. Double- banded allozymes were observed at GOT(3) in embryo and bud tissue for both species (Figure 1). The double and triple- banded allozymes are apparently the product of a single allele, as they are inherited as a single unit. Possibly the multiple bands represent post-translational modification products of a single allozyme (Finnerty and Johnson 1979; Newton 1979). Double and triple-banded allozymes have been observed for GOT in eastern white pine (Pinus strobus Lu) (Eckert et a1. 1981), balsam fir (Abies balsamea (Linn.) Mill.) (Neale and Adams 1981), loblolly pine (_P_. taeda L.) (Adams and Joly 1980), pitch pine (_P_._ rigida Pull”) (Guries and Ledig 1978), and Scotch pine (P; sylvestris L.) (Rudin and Ekberg 1978). A single open-pollinated half-sib blue spruce family was heterozygous (segregating at a 5:3 ratio). Heterozygous embryos from this female produced a phenotype clearly indicating that GOT(3) is functionally dimeric, consistent with results reported for GOT in other species (Neale et al. 1984; El-Kassaby et a1. 1982; Wendel and Parks 1982; OHMalley et al. 1979; Guries and Ledig 1978). Only the slower migrating bands of the double-banded allozymes stained well enough in the heterozygote to produce a clear dimer pattern (Figure 1). The staining of 54 the faster bands in the heterozygote was too diffuse to discern any band patterns. Phosphoglucose isomerase Gels stained for PGI exhibited two zones of activity, but the more anodal zone, PGI(1), did not produce sufficiently clear bands to score. The more cathodal zone, PGI(2), resolved well in all tissues, and exhibited three phenotypes among the 20 blue spruce parents but only one phenotype among the 20 Engelmann spruce parents. Three and four-banded allozymes were observed in megagametophyte tissue, while one, two and three—banded phenotypes were observed in embryo and bud tissue from homozygous individuals (Figure 1). As suggested for GOT(3), the multiple-banded allozymes for PGI(2) may be the result of post-translational modifications of these allozymes (Finnerty and Johnson 1979; Newton 1979). The multiple- banded nature of these allozymes were manifest in the dimers as well (thure 1%. The multibanded allozymes observed in this study for PGI(2) are consistent with those observed in Douoglas-fir (Neale et a1. 1984). The progeny distributions for PGI(2) in blue spruce infer a single locus mode of inheritance (Table 3). The heterozygous phenotypes (Figure 1) are consistent with reports for other species that PGI(2) is functionally dimeric (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Neale et al. 1984; Adams and Joly 1980; Mitton et al. 1979; Guries and Ledig 1978). 55 Phosphoglucomutase Two zones of activity were observed on gels stained for PGM, but only the fastest zone, PGM(1), was consistently resolvable among all three tissue types. The 20 Engelmann spruce parents expressed two alleles, and progeny distributions infer a one locus mode of inheritance for PGM(1) (Table 3). The heterozygous phenotype exhibits both bands found in the respective homozygous phenotypes (Figure 1), indicating that PGM(1) is functionally monomeric. These results are consistent with those reported for other conifers (Cheliak and Pitel 1984; Neale et al. 1984;14itton et a1. 1979). Only one allozyme, the slower variant observed in Engelmann spruce, was observed among the 20 blue spruce parents. One blue spruce parent exhibited segregation of an electromorph somewhat intermediate to the two allozymes observed in Engelmann spruce, but was not expressed in embryo or bud tissue; the diploid phenotype resembled that of the other 19 blue spruce parents. Therefore this individual was scored as a homozygote corresponding to the slower allozyme. Malate dehydrogenase Four zones of activity were observed on gels stained for MDH, all zones equally resolvable in megagametophyte, embryo and bud tissues. The most anodally migrating zone, MDH(1), is double-banded, and only one of the Engelmann spruce parents segregated at this putative locus. It was 56 not possible to accurately determine the mode of inheritance of MDH(1) based on the progeny of only one individual and therefore will require further study. The second most anodal zone, MDH(Z), was monomorphic among both sets of parents, and is represented by a single-banded phenotype (Figure 1). MDH(Z) in blue and Engelmann spruce is similar to the MDH(1) locus as described for several other conifer speices by El-Kassaby (1981). The third most anodal zone, MDH(3), was variable among both sets of parents. Progeny distributions of intraspecific crosses for both species show MDH(3) to be inherited as a single locus system (Table 3). The heterozygous phenotype exhibits three bands, including a band intermediate in migration to the two homozygotes (Figure 1), indicating MDH(3) is functionally dimeric in blue and Engelmann spruce. The banding patterns of MDH are relatively complicated because MDH(3) and MDH(4) form heterodimers (Figure 1), which is consistent with observations in other conifer species (El-Kassaby et a1. 1982; El-Kassaby 1981; CPMalley et a1. 1979; Guries and Ledig 1978). The most cathodal zone, MDH(4), is the most variable and complicated of the four. Two allozymes were observed among the 20 Engelmann spruce parents, the most anodal of the two, MDH(4)—l, being null (Figure l). The functional MDH(4) enzyme is also a dimer and forms heterodimers with the allozymes of the MDH(3) locus. However, in the 57 the allozymes of the MDH(3) locus. However, in the heterozygote MDH(4)-l/2, MDH(4)-2 appears to have a higher affinity for allozymes of the MDH(3) locus than for allozymes of the MDH(4) locus (Figure 1). Also, the higher affinity of MDH(4)-2 precludes MDH(4)-l from forming a heterodimer with MDH(3) allozymes. Therefore, in MDH(4)- 1/2 heterozygotes, MDH(4)—2 heterodimers apparently form at the expense of homodimers at this locus and MDH(4)—1 heterodimers. The 20 blue spruce parents also expressed two alleles for MDH(4) (Figure 1), including the more cathodal allozyme found in Engelmann spruce, MDH(4)-2, and an even slower migrating allozyme, MDH(4)-3. Intralocus and interlocus interaction of MDH(4) heterozygotes results in a wide array of band patterns (Figure 1). Heterozygotes at this locus may express (i) only the heterodimer(s), (ii) the heterodimer(s) and intralocus dimer, or (iii) heterodimer(s), dimer and homozygous bands. As yet we have no explanation for the inconsistency in expression of the allozymes at this locus in the heterozygous condition for both blue and Engelmann spruce, but progeny distributions of both species for MDH(4) show it to be inherited as a single locus system (Table 3), indicating our interpretation of the phenotypes is probably correct. There were no mobility differences observed among all tissue types for loci expressed in megagametophyte, embryo and bud tissues. The same observation was made in white 58 spruce (Cheliak and Pitel 1984), but mobility differences were observed for loci when expressed in embryo and needle tissue of Douglas-fir (Neale et al. 1984). The same extraction buffer was used for all tissues in the present study to minimize mobility differences due to preparative procedures. A total of five electrophoresis buffers were screened before selecting the final buffers to be used in this study. The two selected buffers resulted in far superior resolution for a maximum number of enzyme systems. The remaining three buffers which were not reported in this study include a morpholine citrate buffer (Clayton and Tretiak 1972), another variation of the tris citrate/lithium borate buffer (Ridgway et a1. 1970), and a tris citrate buffer (Nichols and Ruddle 1973). A total of 26 different enzyme systems were screened initially in blue and Engelmann spruce, of which only the 13 listed produced consistent resolution. The remaining 13 enzymes which did not produce consistent resolution are alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), fluorescent esterase (FLE), fructose—1,6-diphosphatase (FDP), fumarase (FUM), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glycerate-Z-dehydrogenase (GZD), malic enzyme (ME), menadione reductase (MNR--the same as diaphorase, DIA), glutathione reductase (GLR-- equivalent to the faster electromorphs of diaphorase), mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (MPI), sorbitol dehydrogenase 59 (SDH), uridine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (UDP), and glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD). These are listed merely as background information for others interested in assaying these enzymes in blue and Engelmann spruce in hopes that resolution can be improved. CHAPTER IV ALLOZYME VARIATION OF BLUE AND ENGELMANN SPRUCE IN SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO ABSTRACT Open-pollinated single-tree cone collections of blue and Engelmann spruce were made in the Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado during the fall of 1983 from three elevational subpopulations of each species, including a zone where both species were present. Thirteen isozyme loci were assayed using megagametophytes from the half-sib seed collections. Fifty-four percent and 62 percent polymorphic loci (0.99 criterion) were observed for blue and Engelmann spruce, respectively. An average of 1.6 alleles per locus was observed in beth species. Based on observed allele frequencies, average expected heterozygosities were 0.193 and 0.203 for blue and Engelmann spruce, respectively. Observed genotypic distributions at all loci conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, indicating both populations are panmictic. Seventeen species-specific alleles were observed between blue and Engelmann spruce, and strong frequency differences were also observed between the two species at seven of the 13 loci. 60 61 Average genetic distance estimates indicated very little intraspecific genetic differentiation in the Dolores River drainage, while high degrees of divergence were observed between blue and Engelmann spruce. The greatest degree of genetic divergence between blue and Engelmann spruce was observed among the respective species subpopulations in the zone of overlap where both species were present. This suggests the two species do not hybridize naturally, or at least only very rarely (beyond the limits of the sample sizes in this study), because if they did this intermediate zone of overlap should indicate a convergence in their respective genetic compositions. The average genetic distance estimate between blue and Engelmann spruce (0.46) is comparable to sibling species or morphologically distinct species, indicating both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms may be functioning to maintain the observed species integrity. INTRODUCTION Allozyme variation is readily observable and quantifiable at a large number of loci thanks to the rapid development of electrophoretic and associated biometrical techniques. Measures of isozyme variability and its partitioning--tng., F-statistics (Wright 1951, 1965; Nei 62 1977) and genetic differentiation (Nei 1972, 1978; Rogers 1972)--are readily applicable to isozyme data and allow the observed variability within a species or between species to be partitioned according to various levels of population structure. These measures may also indicate how long two or more species have been separated phylogenetically (Sarich 1977) and the stage of speciation they exhibit (Ayala 1975, 1982). The possibility of natural hybridization between blue and Engelmann spruce (£1233 pungens Engelm. and g; engelmannii Parry ex Engelm., respectively) is interesting in regards to speciation and reproductive isolation in conifers. The two species are thought to be closely related phylogenetically (Daubenmire 1972; Nienstaedt and Teich 1972). While they are somewhat similar morphologically, a combination of traits will usually distinguish the two species (Schaefer and Hanover 1985a; Jones and Bernard 1977). There is some degree of elevational overlap in their respective habitats with ample opportunity for cross-pollination, and the results of many studies have suggested natural hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce may exist, although no natural hybrids have been identified based on morphological and biochemical traits (eéh: Habeck and weaver 1969; Daubenmire 1972; Taylor et al. 1975; Mitton and Andalora 1981; Schaefer and Hanover 1985a and b). A few artificial hybrids have been 63 produced and indicated the crossability between the two species is very low (Fechner and Clark 1969; Kossuth and Fechner 1973). Isozymes represent more closely the variability at the DNA level relative to morphological and biochemical traits and therefore may be more useful in distinguishing the two species and their hybrids. The objective of this study was to describe and quantify the observed variability among 13 loci both within and between blue and Engelmann spruce in a drainage in southwestern Colorado as part of a broader study to determine if natural interspecific hybrids do exist. MATERIALS AND METHODS During the fall of 1983, open-pollinated cones were collected from individual blue and Engelmann spruce trees in the Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado. The Dolores River drainage encompasses elevationally the habitats of both blue and Engelmann spruce and there exist many sites in the drainage where both species occur in close proximity. The drainage is easily accessible, and genetic studies investigating morphological and terpenoid variability of the two species have been conducted previously in the study area (Hanover 1975; Reed and Hanover 1983; Schaefer and Hanover 1985a and b). 64 Before collections were made in 1983, the Dolores River and some of its tributaries were subjectively divided into five elevational species-occupation zones: Zone 1 - the zone of lowest elevation, extending from 2225 to 2400 meters (m), and in which blue spruce occurs but Engelmann spruce does not; Zone 2 - extending from 2400 to 2590 m in elevation, and where blue spruce is almost exclusively predominant relative to the occurrence of Engelmann spruce, but scattered individuals of Engelmann spruce are present on the adjacent hillsides of north aspect; Zone 3 - an elevationally intermediate zone relative to the habitats of blue and Engelmann spruce, extending from 2590 to 2770 m, and where both species are present and often in close proximity; Zone 4 - extending from 2770 to 2960 m in elevation, and where Engelmann spruce is almost exclusively predominant but with a few blue spruce individuals present, primarily on hillsides of south aspect; Zone 5 - the zone of highest elevation, extending from 2960 to 3140 m and in which Engelmann spruce is present but blue spruce is not. The breakdown of single-tree collections made in each zone during the fall of 1983 is as follows: Species Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Total Blue spruce 16 22 18 56 Engelmann spruce 23 31 22 76 The cones were kept separate by mother tree and taken back to the nursery to be dried and the seed extracted and 65 blown. Collections were made in all five zones along the Dolores River and at a site in zone 3 of Scotch Creek, a tributary of the Dolores River. Both blue and Engelmann spruce occur at the Scotch Creek site, often side-by-side, and pollen shed and female strobilus receptivity are coincident among both species in the spring. Isozymic genotypes of the mother trees were determined using haploid megagametophyte tissue from germinated seed, eight megagametophytes per parent. This sample size gives a probability of (1/2)7 = 0.0078 of misclassifying a heterozygote at a given locus. The inheritance of the respective loci are described elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985a). The individual megagametophytes were placed in 0.5ml sample vials, and these were put in foam storage blocks, wrapped in plastic wrap, and frozen at -20‘C until used. Electrophoretic conditions were as described elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985a). A total of 13 loci from 11 enzyme systems were analyzed: Aconitase (ACO), acid phosphatase (ACP(2)), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH(2)), 6- phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PG(1)), diaphorase (DIA(2)), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT(3)), phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI(2)), phophoglucomutase (PGM(1)), and malate dehydrogenase (MDH(Z), MDH(3), and MDH(4)). Prior to electrophoresis, the sample vials were removed from the freezer and placed in a plexiglass block 66 embedded in ice. Two drops of extraction buffer (Wendel and Parks 1982) were placed in each vial and the megagametophyte homogenized using a motor-driven teflon grinding tip. Filter paper wicks (Whatman, No. 3) were used to absorb the homogenate and these were inserted at the vertically sliced gel origin. Multiple locus enzyme systems were scored with the fastest—-most anodally--migrating zone labeled as locus 1, next fastest as locus 2, etc. Multiple allozymes at a locus were numbered in the same manner, with the fastest allozyme»labeled as allele 1, etc.. Mobilities of the different allozymes presented here have been quantified-- Rf-values--and are presented elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985a) as diagramatic zymograms of the loci as expressed in diploid tissue. Allele frequencies were determined for each of the six subpopulations, three for each species, and for the species groups in total. Observed genotypic ratios were compared to those expected under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium conditions using the log—linear G statistic (Sokal and Rohlf 1969). Expected heterozygosities for each locus corrected for small sample size, average expected heterozygosities and their standard errors, genetic distance estimates for small sample sizes and their standard errors (Nei 1972, 1978; Nei and Roychoudhury 1974), and Rogers' coefficient of distance (Rogers 1972) 67 were computed using the program written by Dowling and Moore (1984). RESULTS Of the 13 loci surveyed among the two species in the Dolores River drainage, seven were found to be polymorphic in blue spruce and eight in Engelmann spruce (Table 1). Only two loci, ALD and MDH(2), were monomorphic across both species. The remainder of the monomorphic loci within each species were either fixed for opposing alleles--GOT(3)--or fixed in one species and polymorphic in the other--IDH(2), DIA(2), GDH, PGI(2), PGM(1)--based on a presence frequency of 0.01 or greater (0.99 criterion). Rare alleles were observed which would render some of these loci polymorphic at less restrictive criteria (Table 1), but the two species are still quite different in allelic composition at these and other loci. For example, strong frequency differences occur between the two species at ACP(2), where allele 1 predominates in blue sprucebut is somewhat rare in Engelmann spruce, while allele 2 predominates in Engelmann spruce but was not observed in blue spruce (Table 1). The average number of alleles per locus and percent polymorphic loci at 0.99 and absolute criterion are listed in Table 1. Blue spruce possessed a greater number of rare alleles--frequency less than 0.01-~than Engelmann spruce 68 Table 1. Allelic frequencies and expected heterozygosities (corrected for small sample size) among the respective loci and overall for blue and Engelmann spruce Open-pollinated collections in the Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado “L99 criterion). No. Allele Std. Locus Speciesa Families 1 2 3 4 H error ACO BS 56 0.652 0.348 0.458 ES 76 0.461 0.539 0.499 ACP(2) BS 56 0.77 ----- 0.205 0.018b 0.357 ES 76 0.033 0.941 ---- 0.026 0.114 ALD BS 56 1.000 0.000 ES 76 1.000 0.000 IDH(2) BS 54 ----- 1.000 *C--- 0.000 ES 76 0.165 0.835 ---- 0.277 6PG(1) BS 55 0.786 ----- 0.214 0.340 ES 75 0.900 0.100 ----- 0.181 DIA(2) BS 55 0.282 0.718 0.408 ES 76 ----- 1.000 0.000 GDH BS 55 ---- 1.000 **--- 0.000 ES 76 0.730 0.270 ---- 0.397 GOT(3) BS 53 *b--- 1.000 *b--- 0.000 ES 76 l 000 0.000 PGI(2) BS 55 ----- 0.036 0.964 *b--- 0.071 ES 74 l 000 *b--- 0.000 PGM(1) BS 56 ----- 1.000 0.000 ES 76 0.592 0.408 0.486 MDH(Z) BS 56 1.000 0.000 ES 76 1.000 0s000 MDH(3) BS 56 0.446 0.554 ----- 0.499 ES 74 0.689 0.311 *b--- 0.431 MDH(4) BS 54 *b--- 0.750 0.250 0.378 ES 73 0.144 0.856 ----- 0.248 Average BS 55.2 0.193 0.058 ES 75.4 0.203 0.055 Average no. alleleskper locus Percent polymorphic loci Criterion Criterion 0.99 Absolute 0.99 Absolute BS 1.62 2.08 BS 54% 77% ES 1.69 1.85 ES 621 69% a BS 8 blue spruce; E3 = Engelmann spruce. Null allele. c * designates an allele present at a frequency less than 0.01 «L99 criterion). 69 among the individuals surveyed in the Dolores River drainage (Table 1). The slight disparity in sample sizes between the two species groups may account for some of this difference, although the larger sample size for Engelmann spruce should result in a greater number of rare alleles sampled relative to blue spruce. Expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.499 among the loci of the two species groups, with Engelmann spruce only slightly more variable than blue spruce at the 0.99 criterion (Table 1). Observed genotypic frequencies at the polymorphic loci of the two species did not deviate significantly from those expected, indicating the two populations conform to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. When broken down into subpopulations (by zone, Tables 2 and 3), observed genotypic frequencies did deviate significantly from those expected for the ACO locus in the zone 2 subpopulation of blue spruce and the MDH(3) locus in the zone 5 subpopulation of Engelmann spruce. However, these were the only significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium among the loci of the respective subpopulations. Some elevational trends were evident in allelic frequencies among the subpopulations (Tables 2 and 3). In blue spruce, a fairly marked elevational change occurs for DIA(2) (Table 2). More subtle elevational changes occur for ACO, 6PG(1) amd MDH(3). Expected heterozygosities of 70 Table 2. Allelic frequencies and expected heterozygosities (corrected for small sample size) for the seven polymorphic loci observed among three blue spruce subpopulations from the Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado. No. Alleleb Locus Zonea Families 1 2 3 4 H error A00 1 16 0.750 0.250 0.387 2 22 0.591 0.409 0.495d 3 18 0.639 0.361 0.475 ACP(2) l 16 0.781 ---- 0.188 0.031 0.365 2 22 0.682 ---- 0.273 0.023 0.471 3 18 0.861 ---- 0.139 ---- 0.246 6PG(1) 1 16 0.750 ---- 0.250 0.387 2 22 0.795 ---- 0.205 0.334 3 18 0.833 ---- 0.167 0.286 DIA(2) 1 16 0.313 0.687 0.444 2 22 0.364 0.636 0.474 3 18 0 750 0.250 0.386 PGI(2) 1 16 ----- 0.031 0.969 0.062 2 21 ----- 0.048 0.952 *°--- 0.094 3 18 ----- 0.028 0.972 0.056 MDH(3) 1 16 0.375 0.625 0.484 2 22 0.455 0.545 0.499 3 18 0.500 0.500 0.500 MDH(4) 1 16 *h--- 0.800 0.200 0.330 2 22 ----- 0.727 0.273 .0.406 3 l7 ----- 0.735 0.265 0.401 Average8 1 15.9 0.189 0.057 2 21.9 0.214 0.064 3 17.9 0.182 0.057 a See text. b C d e Alleles shown based on 0.99 criterion for total species sample. * designates an allele present at a frequency less than 01n.in the total species sample. Only for ACO (zone 2) did genotypic ratios deviate significantly (0.05) from those expected. Includes monomorphic loci. 71 Table 3. Allelic frequencies and expected heterozygosities (corrected for small sample size) for the eight polymorphic loci observed among three Engelmann spruce subpopulations from the Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado. No. Alleleb Locus Zonea Families 1 2 3 4 H error A00 3 23 0.543 0.457 0.499 4 31 0.468 0.532 0.499 5 22 0.364 0.636 0.474 ACP(2) 3 23 ----- 1.000 ---- ---- 0.000 4 31 ----- 0.968 ---- 0.032 0.063 5 22 0 114 0.814 ---- 0.045 0.284 IDH(2) 3 23 0.109 0.891 0.199 4 31 0.210 0.790 0.337 5 22 0.159 0.841 0.274 6PG(1) 3 22 0.932 0.068 0.130 4 31 0.871 0.129 0.228 5 22 0.909 0.091 0.169 GDH 3 23 0.696 0.304 0.433 4 31 0.710 0.290 0.419 5 22 0.795 0.205 0.337 PGM(1) 3 23 0.630 0.370 0.477 4 31 0.661 0.339 0.456 5 22 0.455 0.545 0.499 MDH(3) 3 22 0.682 0.318 0.444 4 30 0.800 0.200 *°--- 0.325 5 22 0.545 0.455 0.499d MDH(4) 3 21 0.143 0.857 0.251 4 31 0.129 0.871 0.228 5 21 0.167 0.833 0.285 Averagee 3 22.5 0.188 0.058 4 30.9 0.197 0.054 5 21.9 0.218 0.057 a b See text. C d e Alleles shown based on 0.99 criterion for total species sample. * designates an allele present at a frequency less than 0.01 in the total species sample. Only for MDH(3) (zone 5) did genotypic ratios deviate significantly (0.05) from those expected. Includes monomorphic loci. 72 the Engelmann spruce subpopulations tended to be more variable with increasing elevation (Table 3). For Engelmann spruce, consistent elevational shifts in allelic frequency were observed at ACO and GDH (Table 3). Nei‘s (1978) and Rogers‘ (1972) measures of genetic distance are presented in Table 4. While the relative values within each are essentially equivalent between the two techniques, the Nei estimates are consistently greater than the Rogers estimates. This was expected based on the results of other empirical studies (Futuyma 1979). The large values obtained for comparisons among blue and Engelmann spruce subpopulations and between the two species groups (Table 4) indicate the strong genetic divergence of these two species which are thought to be closely related and possibly hybridize naturally. Distances between subpopulations within each species are very small, with the estimates exceeded by their respective standard errors (Table 4). DISCUSSION The observed percentages of polymorphic loci (0.99 criterion) of 54 percent and 62 percent, respectively, for blue and Engelmann spruce correspond well to a mean value of 67 percent reported in a survey of 20 conifer species (Hamrick et al. 1981). In the present study, 13 loci were 73 Table 4. Nei’s (1978) corrected genetic distance estimates (below diagonal) and their standard errors (in parentheses), and Rogers’ (1972) distance coefficients (above diagonal) among the six blue and Engelmann spruce suprpulations. B31 B82 BS3 E33 E84 E85 BS 13 0.0039 0.0687 0.4274 0.4513 0.4183 BS 2 0.0000 0.0541 0.4112 0.4358 0.4020 (0.0216) BS 3 0.0155 0.0109 0.4432 0.4685 0.4342 (0.0221) (0.0189) ES 3 0.4671 0.4603 0.5308 0.0343 0.0638 (0.2024) (0.2013) (0.2191) ES 4 0.4993 0.4866 0.5587 0.0000 0.0691 (0.2054) (0.2034) (0.2210) (0.0098) ES 5 0.4444 0.4338 0.5057 0.0052 0.0089 (0.1941) (0.1937) (0.2095) (0.0117) (0.0122) a BS 8 blue spruce; ES 8 Engelmann spruce; numerals are zone designations. 74 assayed among blue and Engelmann spruce individuals comprising essentially single populations of each species. The individual studies which made up the survey (Hamrick et al. 1981) assayed an average of 20 loci per species and sampled anywhere from one to 34 populations. In general, higher amounts of isozyme variability have been observed in conifers than in dicots or monocots, possibly because of the life history characteristics of conifers (Hamrick et al. 1981; Shaw and Allard 1981). Conifers rely primarily on outcrossing and are relatively intolerant of selfing, rely upon wind for pollination and seed dispersal, exhibit high fecundity, are generally widespread in distribution and have long generation intervals. The same survey (Hamrick et al. 1981) reported an average of 2.2 alleles per locus among the 20 conifer species, slightly greater than the 1.6 alleles per locus observed in this study for both blue and Engelmann spruce. The average expected heterozygosities--the average number of heterozygous loci per individual--of 0.193 for blue spruce and 0.203 for Engelmann spruce were higher than some estimates reported for other conifers; 0.116 for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) (Wheeler and Guries 1982), 0.157 for Douglas—fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mier Franco) (Yeh and O'Malley 1980), 0.146 for pitch pine (P;- rigida PMJJu) (Guries and Ledig 1981), 0.123 for ponderosa pine (& ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) (O'Malley et al. 1979) 75 and 0.147 for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) (Yeh and El-Kassaby 1979). The slightly higher estimates for blue and Eng elmann spruce may be due to the fewer number of loci sampled in this study (13) relative to those cited above (20 to 42 loci) (Leigh Brown and Langley 1979), the number of progeny analyzed per tree and the number of trees sampled per population (Morris and Spieth 1978), or simply because blue and Engelmann spruce are more variable. As mentioned previously, the percentage of polymorphic loci observed in this study was consistent with other conifer species, and the number of alleles per locus was less than generally reported elsewhere. Therefore, the loci sampled in this study must be nearer to allelic equilibrium-- frequencies approaching 0.5 in a two allele system, with associated higher expected heterozygosity--than those assayed in other species; iJL, fewer "common" alleles. Blue spruce may exhibit even more "latent" variability than Engelmann spruce based on the large number of rare alleles observed in this species. The high degree of conformity to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations among the sampled loci suggests the two species and the sampled subpopulations are randomly mating with sufficient amounts of gene flow to minimize the effects of genetic drift or selection. This appears to be true in general for conifers (Wheeler and Guries 1982), possibly because of their life history characteristics (Hamrick et al. 1981), as mentioned previously. Only 76 slight trends were observed between subpopulations within each species at the individual loci (Tables 2 and 3), but Engelmann spruce subpopulations did exhibit greater heterozygosities with increasing elevation, indicating the higher elevation populations of this species may be more diverse. Blue and Engelmann spruce in the Dolores River drainage possess some marked differences in allelic frequencies and even some species-specific alleles. GOT(3) was essentially fixed for opposing alleles between the two species, although one blue spruce individual was heterozygous for both alleles. The alleles coding for the slower allozymes at IDH(2), GDH, and PGM(1) were essentially fixed in blue spruce, while these loci were variable in Engelmann spruce, and at GDH and PGM(1) the allele observed in blue spruce was not the more common allele found in Engelmann spruce (Table 1). In Engelmann spruce, DIA(2) was fixed for the allele responsible for the slower allozyme observed in the variable blue spruce population. PGI(2) also presents an essentially oppositely-fixed situation, where blue spruce possess three alleles-—PGI(2)-2,3,4--and Engelmann spruce is essentially fixed for PGI(2)-1, with one Engelmann spruce individual found to be heterozygous for alleles 1 an 2 (Table 1). In both instances where blue and Engelmann spruce possess essentially oppositely-fixed alleles, the two observed 77 heterozygous individuals --one individual heterozygous for GOT(3)-1/2 and the other heterozygous for PGI(2)—l/2--did not possess at any other loci alleles characteristic of the other species. Whether or not these two individuals were backcrossed hybrids or pure species could not be determined based on the number of loci and number of individuals sampled in this study. Other loci contained species-specific alleles, with varying degrees of diagnostic value. For example, Engelmann spruce possesses a very common and unique allele at ACPWZ) (Table 1). Also, other species-specific alleles with lower frequencies were observed at ACP(2), 6PG(1), GDH, GOT(3), MDH(3), and MDH(4) (Table 1). A small survey of 24 blue spruce individuals from outside the Dolores River drainage--six from South Park, Colorado, eight from the White River National Forest in Colorado, and ten individuals from the Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico-~did not reveal any alleles not observed in the Dolores River collections (unpublished data). The genetic distance statistic developed by Nei (1972, 1978) estimates the accumulated number of detectable gene substitutions per locus among the sampled populations. The intraspecific subpopulation comparisons indicated very little genetic differentiation within the two species in the Dolores River drainage. However, high degrees of divergence were observed for the interspecific subpopulation comparisons and between the two species as a 78 whole in the sample area. The average number of allelic substitutions per locus between the two species as measured in this study was 0.46, or 46 complete allelic substitutions for every 100 gene loci. The zone 3 subpopulation of blue spruce--the zone in which both blue and Engelmann spruce are common--exhibited the greatest degree of genetic divergence from Engelmann spruce subpopulations, while the zone 4 Engelmann spruce subpopulation exhibited a slightly greater degree of divergence from the blue spruce subpopulations than did the zone 3 subpopulation. These trends are of interest, because if blue and Engelmann spruce do hybridize naturally, their zone of overlap should show the least amount of divergence because of shared genes. These statistics indicate there may be selection for just the opposite, where blue and Engelmann spruce species identities are even stronger in the zone of overlap than in the peripheral zones. The average genetic distance estimate of 0.46 between blue and Engelmann spruce, computed using allelic frequencies calculated at the 0.99 criterion, is comparable to average genetic distance estimates observed among sibling species--species which are morphologically similar but quite distinct genetically and are reproductively isolated--and morphologically distinct species across a wide variety of organisms (Ayala 1975, 1982). The results 79 of this study indicate that blue and Engelmann spruce should be strongly reproductively isolated, possessing both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms (Ayala 1982), and will maintain their species identities even in the presence of the other species. This supports the poor crossability, prezygotic incompatibility and hybrid inviability reported earlier for interspecific crosses between blue and Engelmann spruce (Fechner and Clark 1969; Kossuth and Fechner 1973). CHAPTER V ASSESSMENT OF NATURAL HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION BETWEEN BLUE AND ENGELMANN SPRUCE IN SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO ABSTRACT In a partial diallel mating design among 20 blue and 20 Engelmann spruce parents, the interspecific cross was successful only with Engelmann spruce as the female parent. No viable seed were obtained from the reciprocal cross among the 60 full-sib families attempted. Under the conditions of artificial pollination and a controlled germination environment, very low interspecific crossability was observed, with an average of 0.3 percent germinated seed on a total seed basis across all 20 Engelmann spruce females. Many abnormalities were observed among the hybrid germinants, suggesting hybrid inviability also contributes to the low crossability between these two species. Isozyme analysis can be used as evidence for interspecific hybridization between blue and Engelmann spruce because of the unique genotypic compositions of the hybrids relative to the two species. No natural F1 hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce were observed in this study based on isozyme analysis of mature individuals or their seedling progeny. Backcrossed hybrids may exist, but determination of such was beyond the resolution of this 80 81 study based on the number of loci and number of individuals sampled. Analyses included samples of open-pollinated seed from blue and Engelmann spruce females located in an area where both species are present in close proximity--often side-by-side--and flowering phenology is coincident between the two species. The probability of finding a mature natural hybrid must be very small due to intraspecific pollen competition, incompatibility, hybrid inviability and the environmental conditions imposed upon the rare viable interspecific seed during germination, seedling establishment and growth in the field. INTRODUCTION Reproductive isolation is the primary criterion for the definition of biological species, each species representing an independent and discrete evolutionary entity (Ayala 1982). Reproductive isolation may develop as a by-product of evolutionary divergence when two incipient species are separated geographically, or possibly while they are in sympatry through mutations which prevent cross- compatibility but maintain self-compatibility. Intraspecific crossability differences also exist in many organisms due to a wide variety of causes. Blue and Engelmann spruce (Picea pungens Engelm. and P; engelmannii Parry ex Engelm., respectively) represent an 82 interesting species combination in regards to reproductive isolation and speciation. Studies of morphological and chemical variability among blue and Engelmann spruce have suggested the two species are phylogenetically closely related, blue spruce possibly the result of a single speciation event from the older Engelmann spruce (Daubenmire 1972; Nienstaedt and Teich 1971; Taylor et al. 1975). The two species are morphologically quite similar, although a combination of traits will generally distinguish the two species (Schaefer and Hanover 1985a; Jones and Bernard 1977). They are both montane species and occupy overlapping habitats in western North America. Blue spruce is primarily a riparian species, found along streams and adjacent hillsides at elevations of 2000 to 3000 meters. Engelmann spruce is generally found above this elevation, occupying upper valleys, hillsides and plateaus in pure stands or mixed with subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.). In elevationally intermediate zones, the two species can often be found in close proximity with ample opportunity for cross-pollination. In these intermediate zones, there is enough overlap between blue and Engelmann spruce in phenology of pollen shed and female strobilus receptivity for natural cross-pollination to occur (Fechner and Clark 1969; Ernst, unpublished data). Some individuals of intermediate phenotype between the two species have been identified based on morphological and 83 biochemical traits (Daubenmire 1972; Taylor et al. 1975; Schaefer and Hanover 1985a and b). A few artificial hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce have been produced, and interspecific crossability was very low (Fechner and Clark 1969; Kossuth and Fechner 1973), but only one or two parents of each species were used in the hybridizations. The objectives of this study were to (1) produce known hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce, (2) quantify the crossability between the two species using a large number of parents, (3) determine if isozyme analysis can be used to identify blue-Engelmann hybrids, and (4) determine if hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce exist in nature. The Dolores River drainage in southwestern Colorado was chosen as the study site for two primary reasons. First, there are many sites within the drainage where both blue and Engelmann spruce are present, and at these sites pollen flow and female strobilus receptivity are coincident between the two species. Also, studies investigating the genetic variability in morphological and terpenoid characters of blue and Engelmann spruce have previously been conducted in this drainage (Hanover 1975; Reed and Hanover 1983; Schaefer and Hanover 1985a and b). Blue and Engelmann spruce differ markedly in their isozymic compositions (Ernst et al. 1985b). Several species-specific alleles were observed, and strong frequency differences were found between the two species at 84 seven of the 13 loci analyzed. Therefore Fl hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce, if they can be found in nature or artificially produced, should exhibit unique isozyme genotypes relative to the two species. However, backcrossed hybrids may not be identifiable based on an analysis of 13 enzymatic loci unless very large sample sizes are obtained. MATERIALS AND METHODS The Dolores River and five of its tributaries were divided elevationally into five species-occupation zones. Zone 1, the zone of lowest elevation and extending from 2225 to 2400 meters (m), was a "pure" blue spruce zone relative to the occurrence of Engelmann spruce. Zone 2, extending form 2400 to 2590 m, was almost exclusively blue spruce in composition with a few scattered Engelmann spruce individuals. Zone 3, extending from 2590 to 2770 m, was an elevationally intermediate zone relative to the habitats of blue and Engelmann spruce, with both species present and often in close proximity. Zone 4, extending from 2770 to 2960 m in elevation, was occupied primarily by Engelmann spruce with a few scattered blue spruce individuals present. Zone 5, the zone of highest elevation and extending from 2960 to 3140 m, was a "pure"Enge1mann 85 spruce zone. The parents used to make the interspecific matings were located in zones 2, 3 and 4--ten blue spruce individuals from each of zones 2 and 3, and ten Engelmann spruce individuals from each of zones 3 and 4, for a total of 40 parents, 20 of each species. The 40 parents were selected primarily on the basis of fecundity and climbability. All parents were readily identifiable as to species and no putative hybrids were found in any of the zones along the Dolores River. The partial diallel mating design used in this study was comprised of three intraspecific matings--including selfs--and three interspecific matings per parent. The results of the intraspecific matings and details of the pollination and cone collection procedures are described elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985). Each biparental interspecific cross was replicated three times on a female parent. The pollinations were carried out during the Spring of 1983 using fresh pollen. In the fall of 1983, the control-pollinated seed was collected and kept separate by isolation bag. During this time single-tree open- pollinated cone collections were also made from each of the 40 parents in the mating design and also from nine blue spruce and 11 Engelmann spruce individuals in zone 3 of Scotch Creek, a tributary of the Dolores River. The Scotch Creek site serves as a putative hybrid swarm area, as both blue and Engelmann spruce are present, often side-by-side, and pollen shed and female strobilus receptivity occur 86 simultaneously among both species in the spring. Most individuals at the Scotch Creek site were readily identifiable as to species. In the fall of 1984, dormant vegetative buds were collected from each of the 40 parents used in the mating design and stored at —20’C until used in the electrophoretic analysis. The Open and control-pollinated cones were dried, the number of cones per accession recorded, and the seed extracted by hand and blown to separate empty and putatively full seed. For the control-pollinated accessions, the number of cones per bag damaged by insects was also recorded, and both empty and putatively full seed were counted separately; The seed was kept in cold storage (4'C) until used. Germination tests were conducted during the summer of 1984 using a maximum of 30 seed per isolation bag, depending on availability of seed per bag. The number of newly germinated seed was recorded daily, and the germinants were then planted in individual plant bands in the greenhouse. Germination was considered complete after 30 days, and the number of ungerminated seed were recorded and then each was dissected to determine the number of full but ungerminated seed versus empty seed. The percent germinated and percent ungerminated-but-full seed were determined from the germination test and then extrapolated to a total seed basis--full and empty--to serve as the 87 dependent variables in the analysis. Details of the germination procedures and results of the intraspecific progeny are given elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985). Percent germination was used as the measure of interspecific crossability because it estimates the number of viable seed or progeny produced for a given cross. Percent ungerminated-but-full seed was measured primarily to detect postzygotic abnormalities. The model equation used to estimate the fixed and random effects for the germination data and its associated assumptions are given elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985). Using best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) techniques (Mao 1982), parental general combining ability (GCA) estimates and individual—cross specific combining ability (SCA) estimates were determined. From these, restricted maximun1 likelihood (REML) techniques (Schaeffer 1976) were used to estimate the GCA, SCA and error variances. Under the assumptions that the blue and Engelmann spruce populations were sampled at random, each is randomly mating, and there is no inbreeding, epistasis or linkage, the GCA variance (625) corresponds to one-fourth the additive variance (1/462A), and the SCA variance (623) corresponds to one- fourth the nonadditive (dominance) variance (1/4629) for the trait in the partial diallel mating design (Kempthorne and Curnow 1961). The seedlings from the germination test were grown under accelerated—optimal-growth conditions (Hanover et al. 88 1976) in the greenhouse from August, 1984, until January, 1985, when the seedlings were allowed to go dormant. Dormant vegetative buds were collected from each of the seedling progeny in March, 1985, and stored at -20‘C until used in electrophoresis. Nine enzyme systems were assayed in the electrophoretic analysis (Table l). Genorypes of the parents in the controlled pollinations were determined by simultaneous comparison of isozymes in bud, embryo and megagametophyte tissues. Progeny genotypes were characterized using dormant vegetative bud tissue. The preparatory techniques and electrophoretic conditions utilized in this study are reported elsewhere (Ernst et al. 1985a), including the inheritance of the 11 loci from the nine enzyme systems analyzed in this study. For multiple locus enzyme systems, the fastest migrating--most anodal-- zone was designated as locus 1, the next fastest 2, etc. Multiple allozymes within each locus were numbered in the same manner, with the fastest allozyme labeled as allele 1, etc. Mobilities of the different allozymes were quantified relative to the buffer front (Rf). Where possible, segregation tests of observed progeny genotypes were made using the log-linear G-statistic (Sokal and Rohlf 1969). The single-tree open-pollinated collections from zone 3 of Scotch Creek were analyzed to determine if any blue- Engelmann hybrid progeny could be identified 89 Table 1. The eleven loci from nine enzyme systems analyzed among the Engelmann x blue Spruce hybrids. The numbers in parentheses represent locus designations. Enzyme Abbreviation E.C. No. Aconitase ACO .Aldolase ALD Isocitrate dehydrogenase IDH(2) Malate dehydrogenase MDH(Z) MDH(3) MDH(4) 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 6PG(1) Glutamate dehydrogenase GDH Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase GOT(3) Phosphoglucose isomerase PGI(2) 5.3 1.9 Phosphogluc omutase PCM( 1) 2. 7 5. l 90 electrophoretically; Up to 40 embryos from partially germinated seeds were analyzed from each female parent. RESULTS Full-sib interspecific hybrids were obtained from the controlled pollinations, but only with Engelmann spruce as the female parent. Much lower crossabilities--iJL, fewer germinated seed--were observed for the hybrid crosses than for the intraspecific crosses (Table 2). Means of interspecific full-sib family viable seed yields ranged from 0.00 to 1.74 percent, with an overall mean of 0.30 percent. Of a total 60 possible full-sib Engelmann x blue spruce--fema1e x male--families, only 30 families produced hybrid progeny. Sixteen of the 20 Engelmann spruce females combined with 17 of the 20 blue spruce male parents to produce a total of 158 viable hybrid progeny among the 30 full-sib families. The interspecific crosses also resulted in a much higher proportion of abnormal--ungerminated-but- full--seed (Table 2). This is not surprising, as many abnormalities were observed among the viable hybrid seedlots. These included a very high frequency of multiple embryony, fused multiple embryos, and a very high incidence of reverse germination. Up to six embryos germinated from a single seed, with two or three embryos per seed very common, while no multiple embryos were observed among the 91 intraspecific controlled crosses. Abnormalities and electrophoretic analysis were used to verify the hybridity of the interspecific crosses. Of a total 360 interspecific full-sib replicates attempted in the study, nine replicates were observed to be contaminated with very small amounts of intraspecific pollen based on isozyme genotypes of the progeny. Variance component and narrow-sense heritability estimates for the two germination traits are given in Table 3. For percent germination of the interspecific hybrids, female general combining ability (GCA) variance was much larger than the male GCA variance for this trait, accounting for 20 and two percent of the total observed variation, respectively. This difference in additive variance estimates for the two species is also reflected in the much larger narrow-sense heritability estimate for Engelmann spruce--the female parent for all hybrid progeny. Specific combining ability (SCA) variance accounted for 15 percent of the total variation in percent germination. For percent ungerminated-but-full seed among the full- sib interspecific families, both female and male GCA variance estimates were very small, accounting for only two and one percent of the total variation observed in this trait, respectively (Table 3). The small narrow—sense heritability estimates reflect the relatively small influence additive sources of variation have on percent 92 Table 2. Mean values of percent germination (Z Germ) and percent ungerminated-but-full (Z Ungf) seed on a total seed basis for Open-pollinated (Open) and control-pollinated (Biparental and Selfed) collections. Open Biparental Selfed Species ZGerm ZUngf ZGerm ZUngf ZGerm ZUngf Blue spruce .1 4.9 11.9 2.2 4.8 1.0 Engelmann spruce .7 8.0 19. 3.6 9.5 2.3 Engelmann x blue .30 0.46 hybrids Table 3. Variance component and narrow-sense heritability estimates for production of viable and abnormal full-sib seed in Numbers in parentheses represent percentages of the respective variance components as compared to the total observed variance for that trait. Engelmann x blue spruce hybrids. Variance Component Female Male Femfle Ma£e Traita GCA GCA SCA Error h h Z Germ 0.079 0.007 0.061 0.254 0.80 0.09 (202) (22) (152) (63%) Z Ungf 0.044 0.032 0.464 1.892 0.07 0.05 (22) (1%) (19%) (782) a Z Germ '- percent germinated (viable) seed; 2 Ungf = percent ungerminated-but-full (abnormal) seed. 93 ungerminated-but-full hybrid seed. SCA varaince accounted for 19 percent of the observed variation in percent ungerminated-but-full seed. Of the 158 hybrid germinants, 95 survived (60 percent), and isozymes of dormant vegetative buds from these seedlings were analyzed electrophoretically. Refer to Ernst et al. (1985a) for zymograms and inheritance data of the 11 loci analyzed in this study. Two loci--aldolase (ALD) and Inalate dehydrogenase(2) (MDH(2))--were monomorphic among all parents and their hybrid progeny. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase--(GOT(3))--was oppositely fixed among the blue and Engelmann spruce parents; the GOT(3)-1 allele in Engelmann spruce and GOT(3)-2 in blue spruce. Phosphoglucose isomerase-- PGI(2)--was fixed among the Engelmann spruce parents for an allele not found in blue spruce--PGI(2)-l--and the blue spruce parents were either homozygous or heterozygous for alleles not found in Engelmahn spruce--PGI(2)-3 and -4. Therefore, for both GDT(3)and PGI(2), hybrids exhibited heterozygous phenotypes not observed among the parents-- GOT(3)-l/2, and PGI(2)-l/3 or PGI(2)-1/4. Enough isozymic variation and parental combinations existed at the remaining seven loci to perform segregation tests on distributions of progeny genotypes, and the results are given in Table 4. No significant deviation was observed among cross-types--parental genotype combinations--of three loci--aconitase (ACO), glutamate 94 .95 4?: as God 3.... 5:8: 8.... madame em.e ecu Aoewv oe.m .Aue_v ew.m "~o>oH oucmomwwcwwm —o.o "~m>o~ ouceomumcwme mo.o "one Eovoouu mo noouwov one o~o>o~ oocuomwmcwmm mnemum> Ou mamocoomouuoo nonem> 0 .csoza uo: was mucuouozu use many eons ohmsds mundane anomaaoeon awesome someone scum wcmu~soou Scowoum m Afivefigc Am.nve Am.nvm A m m\Nx~\~ A~Vwo.o AmVN Anve 0 ~ n\nx~\~ Anvnn.~ Am.~v~ Am.~v~ An.~v~ Am.~vm o N M\NRN\~ Advsw.o Am.e~vud Am.¢~vn~ an o ~\qu\~ Aevmnz Advea.m Anavou Asmvcu em 0 N\~x~\_ ANvm~.e Am.~vc Amn.nve Amm.mvn m_ m N\~x~\~ Afivc~.o Am.nvn Am.mVe s N ~\_x_\~ Amvzaz Advom.e Am.vauocpontuomhuoco so cum .02 .oz noouo oszusm .hcomouo omutafizw panama mafia x cceegomam mo panama one cfl vomaouaxo nonzuocow oE»soe« mo nuuou =0muawouwon apocanofiwcmm .e 623. 95 dehydrogenase (GDH) amd malate dehydrogenase(4) (MDH(4H. Only one cross-type--l/2 x 2/2--deviated signifanctly for MDH(3), and that was the result of a large deviation in observed versus expected progeny genotypes in a single full—sib hybrid family. Tests of the other two cross-types for MDH(3) did not indicate any deviation from expected. The progeny distributions for phosphoglucomutase--PGM(1)-- and isocitrate dehydrogenase--IDH(2)--deviated significantly at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. Among the three cross-types for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-—6PG(1)--progeny genotype distributions deviated significantly for two of them. Therefore there is some evidence for gametic selection or hybrid inviability among the full-sib hybrid progeny based on isozyme genotypes at three or four of the 11 loci. Unique hybrid allozyme phenotypes--iJL, banding patterns not observed among the intraspecific progeny (see Ernst et al. l985a)-- observed among the hybrid progeny are shown in Figure 1. From the zone 3 Scotch Creek population, the putative hybrid swarm area, 245 embryos from nine half-sib blue spruce families and 357 embryos from 11 half-sib Engelmann spruce families were analzyed electrophoretically. No interspecific hybrids were observed among the embryos based on electrophoretic phenotypes. 96 PGI(2) MDH(4) with MDH(3) 1.01 Rf 0.5- ‘ = i :I ”in D; ‘ E '.' Egg [:3 11:11 '3: 3' . 3 3 '30 '80 t - a — I- - OJ) ’ m 1/1 11011111 1/1 1/2 2/2 m m Genotype 111111111 1/1 1/3 m m m Figure 1. Unique isozyme phenotypes expresSed in bud tissue of Engelmann x blue spruce full-sib progeny but' not among intraspecific progeny. Heterodimers are marked as 'H' and homodimers as 'D', and null allozymes are represented by empty boxes. 97 DISCUSSION Interspecific hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce were positively identifiable using isozyme analysis. In a related study in the Dolores River drainage, the two species exhibited several allelic differences among the 13 loci sampled (Ernst et al. 1985b), and genotypes of known hybrids in this study were consistent with parental genotypes across the 11 loci assayed. The locus best suited for identification of interspecific hybrids in the Dolores River drainage was PGI(2). Allele l was observed only in Engelmann spruce--frequency >0.99--while alleles 3 and 4 were observed only in blue spruce--frequencies of >0.9S and (0.01, respectively (Ernst et al. 1985b0. Allele 2 was observed in both species, but at frequencies of less than 0.01 in Engelmann spruce and 0.04 in blue spruce. Therefore, any individuals in the Dolores River drainage which are heterozygous as PGI(2)-l/3 or -l/4 are very strong candidates for interspecific hybrids. In combination with genotypes at other loci which differ in allelic frequency or composition between the two species-- GOT(3), IDH(2), 6PG(1), GDH, PGM(1), MDH(4), acid phosphatase (ACPW2)), and diaphorase (DIA(2)) (Ernst et al. l985b)--hybrids can be readily confirmed. How well these species differences are maintained in other portions of the ranges of blue and Engelmann spruce must await further study. 98 Progeny genotypic distributions for at least three of the 11 isozyme loci assayed in this study deviated from the expected values, suggesting some selection may occur at gametic or embryonic stages. This is not surprising based on the hybrid inviability--abnormalities and poor survival of hybrids--observed in this study and also in the study by Fechner and Clark (1969). It is interesting to note that for all loci where progeny distributions did deviate from the expected, the imbalance was always towards the allele more common to both species--IDH(2)-2, 6PG(1)-l and PGM(1)- 2 (Table 2)—-rather than the allele unique or more common to only one species (see also Ernst et al. 1985b). Based on the results from reciprocal interspecific hybridizations among the 20 blue spruce and 20 Engelmann spruce parents in this study, hybridization between the two species is unidirectional and of very low crossability. Viable seed was obtained only with Engelmann spruce as the female parent, with an average of 0.30 percent germinated seed on a total seed basis across all 20 Engelmann spruce females. These results are similar to those obtained by Fechner and Clark (1969), although their controlled crosses were limited to one female parent of each species and two blue spruce pollen parents and one Engelmann spruce pollen parent. They reported viable seed only with Engelmann spruce as the female parent and very low interspecific crossability--mean viable seed yields of less than two 99 percent. Fechner and Clark (1969) also reported a high frequency of hybrid abnormalities, subh as reverse germination, termination of germination after emergence of the radicle, and branched hypocotyls. However, they did not report multiple embryony, which was very prevalent among the viable hybrid seedlots of the present study. Archegonia with multiple nuclei the size of the egg were reported in blue spruce ovules pollinated with Engelmann spruce pollen (Kossuth and Fechner 1973). In an anatomical study of ovule development among reciprocal interspecific crosses between blue and Engelmann spruce, Kossuth and Fechner (1973) reported no viable seed for the Engelmann x blue (female x male) spruce cross and 0.48 percent germination for the blue x Engelmann spruce cross. They also used a limited number of parents, with one female of each species and a two-tree mix of blue spruce pollen and one Engelmann spruce pollen parent. They did not observe any pollen tubes penetrating the nucellus among the Engelmann x blue spruce ovules. In the reciprocal cross, most pollen also died or pollen tubes did not grow rapidly, but some pollen tubes did penetrate the nucellus and archegonium, dead hybrid embryos were observed, and a few viable seed were obtained. Kossuth and Fechner (1973) also observed that incompatibility breakdowns occurred primarily between nine and 30 days after pollination and before fertilization, as evidenced by termination of female gametophyte development and necrosis. 100 They attributed this breakdown to a lack of intraspecific pollen rather than a result of incompatible pollen because normal female gametophyte development is a response to the presence of intraspecific pollen, even if ungerminated (see also Mikkola 1969) . The results presented by Kossuth and Fechner (1973) indicate the interspecific cross between blue and Engelmann spruce should also be possible with blue spruce as the female parent--iJL, it is bidirectional. This contrasts strongly with the results of this study, as none of the 20 blue spruce females crossed successfully with Engelmann spruce-~a total of 60 blue x Engelmann full-sib families. The parents were located in areas where both species were present at least to a limited degree, and cross- compatibility may not be so restricted among allopatric populations of the two species. This could be easily tested. This phenomenon has been documented in Drosophila paulistorum, where incompatibility is stronger among sympatric populations of several subspecies of 2: paulistorum than among allopatric populations of the same subspecies (Ayala et al. 1974; Ehrman 1969). A similar situation was also observed in Eiliflr where sympatric species exhibited stronger incompatibility than did allopatric species of this same genus (Grant 1966). The results from a related study of isozyme variation among the blue and Engelmann spruce populations in the 101 Dolores River drainage suggests the elevationally allopatric blue and Engelmann spruce subpopulations in this drainage may be less divergent genetically than the sympatric subpopulations (Ernst et al. 1985b). This may indicate there is some selectin against interspecific hybridization in the sympatric zone, and cross- compatibility may be less restricted among the allolpatric subpopulations. It may also be a function of the habitats the subpopulations occupy and the extent of variability within each of the subpopulations. In the studies by Daubenmire (1972) and Taylor et al. (1975), less variation was observed in morphological and phenolic characters in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric populations. Also, using a discriminant function composed from morphological and terpenoid characters, Schaefer and Hanover (1985c) found evidence of introgression among the zone 3 Scotch Creek subpopulations of blue and Engelmann spruce, while the zone 1 and zone 5 "pure species" subpopulations were readily separable by the same discriminant function. The putative hybrids they identified resembled Engelmann spruce more strongly than blue spruce, suggesting gene flow is favored towards Engelmann spruce rather than blue spruce. Differential cross-compatibility between sympatric and allopatric populations of blue and Engelmann spruce may exist and the interspecific cross may be bidirectional. However, the unidirectional crossability reported by 102 Fechner and Clark (1969) and in this study, and evidence for unidirectional gene flow in morphological and terpenoid characters (Schaefer and Hanover 1985c) suggest the cross is compatible only with Engelmann spruce as the female parent. The results of the study by Kossuth and Fechner (1973) indicate the reciprocal cross may be feasible as well. The many instances of gametophytic breakdown and irregularities in the archegonia in conjunction with low seed set support their conclusion. It is also possible the hybrids obtained by Kossuth and Fechner (1973) were intraspecific contaminants. The hybridity of the progeny could not be confirmed because they were accidentally destroyed (Fechner, personal communication). Four intraspecific contaminanted seedlings were observed in three different blue x Engelmann spruce family replicates in this study and were documented as such only by electrophoretic analysis. The reduced viable seed yields-- low percent germination--of these families suggested the four seedlings were interspecific hybrids, but they did not possess isozyme genotypes characteristic of the respective parents. The seedlings apparently resulted from very slight pollen contamination, and because of the strong hybridization barriers between blue and Engelmann spruce the few blue spruce pollen grains that were present in these bags were manifest. In the Engelmann x blue spruce cross, both additive and nonadditive sources of genetic variation appear to 103 exert an influence in the production of viable hybrid seed. Additive sources of variation in the female parent, Engelmann spruce, are apparently very important in the production of viable interspecific seed while they are not in the male parent, blue spruce. Maternal effects may be confounded in the large female additive variance estimate. The maternal effects varaince could not be separated because it could not be assumed the additive genetic variance was equivalent in both species. However, maternal effects were not present in intraspecific crosses of Engelmann spruce (Ernst et al. 1985). Certain Engelmann spruce females crossed much better than others with a variety of blue spruce pollen parents; 9£Lq six Engelmann spruce females produced viable hybrid seed, and in greater amounts, with all three blue spruce pollen parents they were crossed to, while two Engelmann spruce female parents produced viable seed in crosses with only two blue spruce males, eight Engelmann spruce females crossed with only one blue spruce male, and four Engelmann spruce females did not produce any viable hybrid seed. Whether these differences are truly genetic or environmental--maternal--in origin must await further testing. The influlence of maternal effects in the Engelmann 1: blue spruce cross can be tested by replicating the same crosses in seed orchards of equivalent genotypic composition located at two or more sites. The influence of nonadditive sources of variation 104 is supported by the fact that certain full-sib families produced much larger quantities of hybrid seed--three to six times the overall mean. No mature Fl hybrids were observed in the Dolores River drainage based on morphological and isozymic phenotypes of 56 blue spruce and 76 Engelmann spruce individuals (see also Ernst et al. 1985b). The sampled individuals included the 40 parents used to make the interspecific crosses in this study. One blue spruce individual from the lower elevation, pure blue spruce zone of the Dolores River was heterozygous for GOT(3)-l/2 (see Ernst et al. 1985b). However, this individual possessed isozyme genotypes characteristic of blue spruce at all other loci and resembled blue spruce morphologically. Therefore, based on the location of the individual and its resemblance to blue spruce morphologically and in isozymic composition, the presence of GOT(3)-l in blue spruce probably represents a rare allele in this species rather than a result of interspecific gene flow (introgression). Because of the very low crossability and extent of hybrid inviability observed in this and previous studies (Fechner and Clark 1969; Kossuth and Fechner 1973) under the best of conditions--artificial pollination with no intraspecific pollen competition and a controlled germination environment-~it was not expected that mature F1 hybrids would be found. Based on isozyme genotypes there was no evidence of introgression among these individuals or 105 their progeny either. Therefore, if natural hybrids do exist, they must be very rare--one tree in several million at best--and introgression very localized and "diluted" if the hybrids are indeed fertile. The hybrids produced artificially in this study will be grown to maturity to determine if they are fertile and can be backcrossed successfully to the two pure species parents. No interspecific F1 hybrids between blue and Engelmann spruce were observed when 602 open-pollinated embryos from single-tree cone collections of nine blue spruce and 11 Engelmann spruce parents in zone 3 of Scotch Creek were analyzed electrophoretically. Embryos from seed of blue and Eng elmann spruce trees in zone 3 of Scotch Creek were assayed because there was a much greater probability for natural interspecific pollination at that site, and the embryos had not been subjected to the environment of germination and seedling establishment in the field. However, tens of thousands of embryos must be screened in the hopes of finding a natural hybrid embryo because of intraspecific pollen competition and low interspecific crossability. The screening of embryos in this study represents a small fraction of the required sample size. It may be easier to analyze electrophoretically only those embryos which show abnormal germination characteristics similar to those exrpessed by the hybrids produced artificially in this study. 106 The concept of low and unidirectional crossability between blue and Engelmann spruce is consistent with both species having maintained their species identities with little if any evidence of natural hybridization and introgression. Because air flow in the mountain valleys occupied by the two species is generally from high to low elevation, the predominant direction of pollen flow will be from Engelmann spruce to blue spruce. For the two species to maintain their species identities, selection pressure is predominately upon blue spruce as the female parent because blue spruce is more likely to be in the presence of Engelmann spruce pollen than the reverse scenario. Therefore, while crossability is expected to be very low between blue and Engelmann spruce, genetic barriers to hybridization may be even stronger--or complete--with blue spruce as the female parent. CHAPTER VI RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY Based on the results of this study, a variety of research directions can be pursued to further assess the degree of natural hybridization and introgression between blue and Engelmann spruce. The following represents a partial list of such studies as suggested by this author. No 1. attempt was made to prioritize the suggestions. Determine the extent of maternal effects in blue spruce. This can be accomplished by replicating given crosses in seedling or clonal seed orchards over a variety of sites. Determine the extent of isozyme variability in blue, Engelmann and white spruce throughout their respective ranges. This would be best accomplished by sampling as many individuals as possible (e.g., 50 single-tree collections) from a variety of locations throughout the range of each species. Increase the number of enzyme systems which can be assayed in blue and Engelmann spruce, and determine the inheritance of the isozymes in each enzyme system. Conduct further interspecific crosses between blue and Engelmann spruce to determine if the cross is truly reciprocal as suggested by Kossuth and Fechner (1973). These crosses should include parents of blue and Engelmann spruce from areas of allopatry. 107 108 Conduct studies in other unique populations of blue, Engelmann and white spruce; emh, outlying populations in New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming and Montana, as well as locations where both blue and Engelmann spruce (and possibly white spruce) occur in sympatry and cross- pollination is probable. Compare morphological, anatomical, biochemical and physiological traits of blue and Engelmann spruce when grown in common garden experiments on a variety of sites. A majority of the studies comparing such traits in blue and Engelmann spruce have sampled from individuals in situ, and environmental influences greatly interfere in making accurate genetic comparisons. Investigate the physiological and genetic basis for incompatibility between blue and Engelmann spruce. Essentially no studies have been conducted on compatibil ity/incompatibil ity mechanisms in gymnosperms, yet these 'naked seed' plants offer the simplest of conditions because there no intermediary tissues between the pollen grain and ovule. Such an understanding may also shed light on the mode of speciation in blue and Engelmann spruce. Compare the viability and growth, morphology, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, cytogenetics, fertility and crossability of the F1 Engelmann x blue spruce hybrids 109 generated in this study relative to the pure species. The question of hybrid viability and fertility is of utmost importance in evaluating possible modes of speciation and adaptation in blue and Engelmann spruce. Incorporate best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) techniques into the breeding evaluation procedures of forest trees and other plant species. BLUP and associated selection index techniques allow unprecedented flexibility for unbalanced data situations, a common occurrence in plant breeding experiments. LIST OF REFERENCES 110 LIST OF REFERENCES Adams, VLTu, and S. Coutinho. 1977. Isozyme genetic markers useful for studies of the Pinus rigida x Pinus taeda hybrid. New Hampshire Agri. Expt. Sta. Scient. Cntr. No. 847. Adams, W.T., and R.J. Joly. 1980. Genetics of allozyme variants is loblolly pine. J. 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