vuq — pr .1‘ - Illl 111le 31293 106951138 7 tHE’rS This is to certify that the thesis entitled Genetic System for Reaction in Field Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to Three Races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. and Magn. ) Brio, et Cav. presented by Catherine S. Muhalet has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M.S. Crop Science degree in %%//%M. Major professor mwamc OVERDUE FINES: 25¢ per day per item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: Place in book return to remove charge from circulation records © 1980 CATHERINE SYLVESTER MUHALET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED GENETIC SYSTEM FOR REACTION IN FIELD BEANS (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.) TO THREE RACES OF COLLETOTRICHUM LINDEMUTHIANUM (SACC. AND MAGN.) BRIO. g3 CAV. BY Catherine S. Muhalet A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Crop and Soil Sciences 1979 ABSTRACT GENETIC SYSTEM FOR REACTION IN FIELD BEANS (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.) TO THREE RACES OF COLLETOTRICHUM LINDEMUTHIANUM (SACC. AND MAGN.) BRIO. El CAv. BY Catherine S. Muhalet Genetics of resistance for reaction of beans to the beta, gamma and delta races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum was studied in ten crosses involving six cultivars. Reac- tions of individual plants to each race were studied in the parental, F1 and F2 generations. Genetic resistance to race beta is explained by dominant alleles, except in crosses involving Tuscola with Montcalm and Swedish Brown where susceptibility was domi- nant. Tuscola transmits dominant genes for resistance to beta in other genetic backgrounds. A system of multiple alleles was proposed as governing reaction to race beta except for the "Are" gene. The genetic pattern of segrega- tion revealed a distinct system of single dominant genes, duplicate and complementary factor loci conferring reaction to race beta. A system of single dominant genes, duplicate and complementary factors also governs reaction to races gamma Catherine S. Muhalet and delta, but unlike the beta race, there was no evidence for multiple allelism. There was a close association in reaction to races beta, gamma and delta in crosses involving C49242 as a common parent. It was, therefore, assumed that the association was between the factors conferring resistance in C49242 to each of the three races. Hence, the "Are" gene from C49242 was postulated to be a complex locus. To my parents . . . . ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. M. W. Adams, my major professor, for his kindness, support, gui- dance and suggestions throughout the course of this work and during the preparation of this manuscript. My special thanks are expressed to Dr. A. W. Saettler for his kindness, moral support, unlimited help in the greenhouse, for letting me use his laboratory facilities and for editing this manuscript. I am also very grateful to Drs. E. Everson and L. O. Copeland, members of my committee, for their patience, kindness and valuable suggestions. My special thanks are also extended to Dr. A. Ghaderi for his moral support and for reviewing this manuscript, to J. L. Taylor for his various assistance in the greenhouse and to Dr. J. E. Kaufmann for taking slide pictures. I am grateful to my brothers and sisters, my friend A. Pringle and my other friends for their continuous encouragement during my study. Finally, I greatly appreciate the financial support from the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. iii LIST LIST I. II. III. IV. V. VI. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF TABLES . . . . . . . OF FIGURES . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW . . MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS . . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . . . Page 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 viii . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 . . . . . . 96 iv Table 1. LIST OF TABLES Physiological races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum to date, year reported and reactions of bean cultivars Kaboon and C49242 . . . . . . . . . . Bean varieties used, their seed types and reactions to races beta, gamma and delta of g. lindemuthianum . . . . Crosses in which F populations were tested, the race; used and method of inoculation . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the beta race using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) . . . . Mean reaction of six bean cultivars to spore concentration using a 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) scale for the beta race . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the gamma race using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) Mean reaction of six bean cultivars to spore concentration using a l-S (resistant-susceptible) scale for the gamma race . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the delta race, using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) . Mean reaction of six bean cultivars to spore concentration using a 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) scale for the delta race . . . . . . . . . . . . V Page 10 19 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 Table 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Page Reaction of F1 plants to races beta, gamma and delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Observed number and expected ratios of resistant and susceptible plants to beta race in nine F2 pOpulations . . . . . . . 44 Observed number and expected ratios of resistant and susceptible plants to gamma race in eight F2 pOpulations . . . . . . 46 Observed number and theoretical ratios of F2 pOpulations segregating for resistance and susceptibility to the delta race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Observed and expected frequencies in reaction of F2 populations of five crosses segregating simultaneously for reaction to the beta and gamma races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Observed and expected frequencies in reaction of F2 populations of six crosses segregating simultaneously for reaction to the beta and delta races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Observed and expected frequencies in reaction of F2 populations of four crosses segregating simultaneously for reaction to the gamma and delta races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Observed number and expected ratio of normal and lethal plants in six F2 pOpulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the beta race of Q. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the gamma race of g. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 vi Table Page 20. Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the delta race of g. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 A. Summary of results of inoculating ten F2 pOpulations, their F and parents with beta, gamma an delta races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum using a 1-5 (resistant-susceptible) scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Trifoliolate leaf of C49242 showing resistant reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of g. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2. Trifoliolate leaf of Kaboon showing resistant reaction to the beta and delta and susceptible reaction to gamma races of Q. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . 36 3. Trifoliolate leaf of Montcalm showing susceptible reaction to the beta and delta and moderately susceptible reaction to gamma races of g. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4. Trifoliolate leaf of Swedish Brown showing susceptible reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of C. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5. Trifoliolate leaf of Tuscola showing resistant reaction to the beta and gamma and susceptible reaction to delta races of Q. lindemuthianum . . . . . . . 40 6. Trifoliolate of 61294 showing moderately resistant reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of g. lindemuthianum . . . . . 4O 7. Semi-lethal Fl plants from the Kaboon X 61294 cross (three weeks old) . . . . . . . . 64 8. Semi-lethal F plants from the Montcalm X 61294 cross (three weeks old) . . . . . . . 64 9. Kaboon X C49242 F plants segregating for normal (bacE line) and semi- 1ethals (front line) in two weeks old pOpulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 viii I . INTRODUCTION Anthracnose of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. and Magn.) Brio. gt Cav. is a major disease in many dry edible bean growing areas of the world. The bean anthracnose fungus is seed borne and economical losses caused by the disease can be very high when badly contaminated seeds are planted under conditions favorable for disease development. Losses are due to poor germination of infected seeds, destruction of seedlings and low yield of infected plants. Spotted pods are unsaleable for table use or canning and seed value is lowered when the fungus penetrates into the seed. Breeding for disease resistance is believed to be one of the most apprOpriate measures of controlling this disease. 9. lindemuthianum exists as many different physiological races. Various sources of resistance to different races are known and several of the sources have been utilized in breeding programs. A race of the bean anthracnose fungus, identified as delta, was detected in Ontario, Canada in the growing season of 1976. This race could easily be introduced into Michigan through importation of infected seeds. Delta race attacks cultivars with resistance to races alpha, beta and gamma. Bean lines, Cornell 49242 and Kaboon, are resistant to this race. The resistance in C49242 is con— trolled by a single dominant gene, "Are," which also con- fers resistance to other races of Q. lindemuthianum except races kappa and iota. Anthracnose resistance in most EurOpean beans is controlled by the "Are" gene. Inheritance of resistance due to "Are" gene has not been studied in other genetic backgrounds. The black seeded nature of C49242 could be undesirable in some breeding programs. A second source of resistance to delta race, Kaboon, was included in this study. This cultivar is a large white seeded bean which is resistant to most other races except gamma and iota. Kaboon has been extensively used as a dif— ferential variety in EurOpe but little is known of the inheritance of its resistance to races of g. lindemuthianum. The objectives of this study were to investigate: l. The inheritance of resistance to the delta race in crosses involving C49242 and Kaboon with other cultivars. 2. The pattern of inheritance to races beta and gamma of Q. lindemuthianum and their linkage relation- ships to that of delta race. In the course of this study some lethals and semi— lethals resulting from different crosses were observed. Notes were taken on the pattern of the segregation ratios of normal to semi-lethal plants. II . LITERATURE REVIEW 1.0 Causal Organism, Disease Symptoms and Host Plants Anthracnose of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum linde- muthianum (Sacc. and Magn.) Brio. gt Cav. This disease is known wherever common beans are grown (Butler and Jones, 1949). It was first discovered in Germany in 1875 and appeared in England five years later. The causal organism is a member of the Fungi Imperfecti. The perfect stage of the fungus exists, but rarely, and was originally termed Glomerella lindemuthianum (Shear and Wood, 1913). It has recently been renamed g. cingullata (Kimati and Gali, 1970). The disease affects all plant parts above the soil level. Characteristic symptoms consist of dark brown to black rather sunken lesions surrounded by reddish or yellow and slightly raised margins. The lesions become darker in color as they enlarge. As the infected tissue becomes dry and collapses a depression develops at the center which, under moist condition, becomes pink and oily in appearance due to liberation of great quantities of spores. Lesions are very conspicuous on the pods and when pods are Opened 3 the lesions on them are often found to have penetrated through the seed coat. On the foliage, the lesions are mostly on the veins and midrib on the underside of the leaves. Sometimes, a petiole is so badly affected that it fails to support the leaf. This disease occurs mostly in common beans but has also been reported on other hosts, including small lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus L.), large lima beans (P. limensis Macf.), scarlet runner beans (P. coccineus Willd.), tepary bean (P. acutifolius Gray var. latifolius Freeman), mung bean (P. aureus Roxb.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.), kudzu bean (Dolichos biflorus L.) and broad bean (Vicia faba L.) (8, 33, 43 and 45). 2.0 Environmental Conditions for Disease Development and Fungal Growth Moderately cool, humid or rainy weather during the early part of growing season is essential for develOpment of anthracnose in serious levels (Butler and Jones, 1949; Ransey and Wiant, 1941; Rao 33 31., 1976). Infection does not occur in the field during hot weather and the highest temperature during which undiminished infection occurred on etiolated seedlings was 27°C (Babe and Kuc, 1970). The authors also found that lesions decreased in size with increasing temperature of incubation between 28-32°C. Lauritzen (1919) determined that a temperature of 14°C was the lowest limit for the infection to occur during a 24 hour period of incubation. The highest temperature was found to be 32°C at R. H. of 95% and above. Andrus and Wade (1942) pointed out that initial excess moisture and falling temperature were important for disease development in the mist chamber. Burkholder (1923) noticed that very little infection occurred at a temperature of 27°C and excellent infection occurred at 17°C. Kruger and Hoffman (1978) pointed out that at temperatures exceeding 21°C and at 15°C the intensity of infection decreased using 16 hours of light but at 12 hours of light and 15°C there was more infection than at higher temperatures. 9. lindemuthianum does not develop at temperatures above 31-32°C in culture and growth of the fungus on bean pod agar was near maximal at 18-26°C (Rahe and Kuc, 1970). According to Leakey and Simbwa-Bunnya (1972) the Optimum growth of the fungus in culture is at 22-25°C. 3.0 Physiological Races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Isolates of pathogens of the same species with similar or identical morphology but differing in patho- genicity on different varieties of the same host species are termed physiological races. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is known to occur in numerous different physiological races. Barrus (1911) was the first to report that different cul- tures of the anthracnose-causing organism has different pathogenicity on different bean cultivars. He also observed that the races were regional in distribution. In 1918, Barrus reported results of inoculating a large collection of dry and snap beans with ten different cultures of g. lindemuthianum. There appeared to be at least two distinct races of the organism differing in the ability to cause the disease which he designated as alpha and beta races. Burkholder (1923) isolated a third race from the Imperial white bean variety which was distinct from the alpha and beta races. This race, which Burkholder thought had arisen from beta by mutation, was named gamma. By inoculating fourteen different varieties with various iso- lates from different sources, Leach (1923) found eight distinct races which were different from the three pre- viously described races. Schreiber (1932) characterized thirty-four different anthracnose races from inoculations of fifty-seven different bean varieties. Schreiber categorized the races into A, B and C which_roughly correspond to the alpha, beta and gamma races of the American system. Muller (1926) isolated five different physiological races distinct from alpha, beta and gamma in Holland. Andrus and Wade (1942) reported the occurrence of race delta in North Carolina. Waterhouse (1955) and Yerkes and Ortiz (1956) independently described many new races which essentially could be classed into four (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) already existing groups at that time (Hubbeling, 1961). Blondet (1962) described a new race, epsilon, in France. OliarigE_al. (1973) identified seven physiological races of Q. lindemuthianum in Minas Gerais state in Brazil which, except for alpha, were different from the American races. In the U.S.A. the differential varieties, Michelite, Dark Red Kidney, Perry Marrow, and Emerson 847 or Emerson 51-2 were used in identifying races alpha, beta, gamma and delta (Oliari g; 31., 1973). After the discovery of race epsilon, a new set of differential varieties (Widusa, Dark Red Kidney, Kaboon and Aiguilles Vert) was established in which fifteen physiological races belonging to races alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon could be differentiated (29). Hubbeling (1961, 1974) isolated a deviant mutant alpha which broke the resistance to alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon; the new race was named lambda. Resis- tance to lambda also controls resistance to races mentioned so far. This source of resistance was found in the black seeded bean line Cornell 49242, which Hubbeling (1957) referred to as Phaseolus vulgaris nanus viridis, originating from Venezuela. The resistance in C49242 is conditioned by a single dominant gene, "Are" (Mastenbroek, 1960). The "Are" gene had a good run until 1972 at which time Leakey (1979) and Leakey and Simbwa—Bunnya (1972) reported that it failed to confer resistance against Ugandan isolates. According to Goth and Zaumeyer (1965) and Zaumeyer and Meiners (1975), bean line C49242 has undesirable genetic linkages. Fouilloux (1976) and Fouilloux and Bannerot (1977) developed four pairs of isogenic lines, which were identical except for "Are" gene, with no apparent unfavor— able pleiotropic effects. A new race was detected at Ebnet in Germany in 1973 which broke the resistance of the "Are" gene derived from C49242. The new race was described by Hoffman 23 31. (1974, 1975) and Schnock (1975) and was named kappa because it was a killer of previously resistant beans. Hubbeling (1976) and Kruger g; 31. (1977) identified sources of resistance to race kappa which included the European bean cultivars, Kaboon, Coco a la creme, Coco rose selections, Evolutie and B022, and Asiatic cultivars such as Benishibori and Kiuzwa. All of these cultivars carry genes for resistance to alpha, delta and kappa but they are susceptible to lambda. Hubbeling (1977) reported that in an experiment with the kappa race, several kappa resistant cultivars became infected. Anthracnose isolates from kappa-infected seed- lings broke down the resistance of Kaboon, coco a la creme, coco rose, B022 and Evolutie as well as the resistance of "Are" gene to delta. This new race was named iota. The race does not occur under natural conditions (Hubbeling, 1977). Resistance to the iota race was found in the black, small seeded Mexican bean PI 165 422 and small light tan Colombian bean PI 207 262, both of which exhibit a high degree of resistance to races iota and kappa. Fouilloux (1976) described a new race, alpha Brazil, which broke down the resistance from "Are" gene. Fouilloux also in 1978 described another race which was isolated by Hubbeling and was designated lambda mutant. Table 1 gives a summary of physiological races of g. lindemuthianum to date. 4.0 Genetic Basis for Resistance to Races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Burkholder (1918) first provided evidence of the genetics of resistance of a host to a strain of pathogen. From a cross between bean varieties, Wells' Red Kidney (resistant to alpha and beta races) and White Marrow (sus- ceptible to beta), Burkholder (1918) obtained a 3R:lS ratio in F2 with race beta. McRostie (1918, 1921) obtained similar results. In a cross between Wells' Red Kidney and Michigan Robust (susceptible to alpha) he obtained a 3R:lS ratio in F2 with resistance being dominant. McRostie (1921) made crosses between Selection B, a variety resistant to both alpha and beta races and a variety, German Wax, sus— ceptible to both alpha and beta races respectively. He obtained a segregation ratio of 9R:7S in the F pOpulation 2 when beans were inoculated with a mixture of spores from the two races. In both races the resistance was governed by a single dominant gene in each case. Mixed inoculations, as far as genetic studies with more than one race are concerned, can give information about resistance to an individual race. However, mixed inocula- tions cannot provide information about linkage relationship between the genes conferring resistance to races being studied. Cardenas (1960) provided a technique of inoculating each individual leaflet with one race. 10 Table l.--Physiological races of Colletotrichum lindemuth— ianum to date, year reported and reactions of bean cultivars Kaboon and C49242. Varieties and their Reaction Races Year Reported Kaboon C49242 Alpha 1918 R R Beta 1918 R R Gamma 1923 S R Delta 1942 R R Epsilon 1962 R R Lambda 1961 & 1974 S R Kappa 1973 & 1975 R S Alpha Brazil 1976 ? S Iota 1977 S S Lambda mutant 1978 ? ? '0 R = Resistant; S = Susceptible; = No information available. ll Schreiber (1932) studied genetics of resistance to races alpha, beta and gamma separately in crosses between Anthracnose Resistant 22 (resistant to all three races) and Conserva (susceptible). Segregation ratios obtained in F2 were 3R:lS with a single race; 9R:7S with a mixture of two races and 27R:37S with a mixture of three races. He con- cluded each of the three factors conferring resistance was on separate chromosomes. York (1950) studied inheritance to the alpha, beta and gamma races of Q. lindemuthianum in crosses involving three bean varieties. Variety Tendergreen was susceptible to all three races, Emerson 51 was resistant to all three races and Red Mexican was susceptible to alpha but resistant to beta and gamma. The F2 populations in each of the crosses was divided into three parts in order to test for each of the races separately. In the Tendergreen X Red Mexican cross all F2 plants were susceptible to race alpha. Ratios of 3R:lS for race beta and 9R:7S for race gamma were observed. F2 pOpulation from Tendergreen X Emerson 51 segregated into 3R:lS for alpha, 15:1 for beta and 63:1 for race gamma. Rudorf (1958) reported on resistance to alpha, beta, gamma and delta races in Phaseolus aborigineus, a presumed ancestral bean type. He hybridized P. aborigineus with a fully susceptible bean variety and tested F2 against all the races. From P. aborigineus, a single dominant gene conferred resistance to race beta, and two complementary 12 dominant genes were required for resistance to alpha, gamma and delta. Data from investigations by Andrus and Wade (1942), Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964), suggest that both simple and complex genetic backgrounds condition reac- tions to races alpha, beta and gamma. The genetic systems include both duplicate and complementary genes (2, 9 and 10), with some linkage between duplicate genes which condition reaction to races beta and gamma (9 and 10). Andrus and Wade (1942) studied inheritance of resis- tance to races beta, gamma and delta separately in thirty intervarietal crosses. In crosses between resistant X resistant (R X R), all F1 and F2 progenies were resistant except in one case where a segregation ratio of 15R:lS was obtained in F2 against the beta race. For the same race beta, in crosses of resistant X susceptible (R X S) and tolerance X susceptible (T X S) resistance was dominant except in one case where susceptibility was dominant. Segregation ratios of 3:1, 1:3, 15:1, 13:3 and 63:1 were obtained. Unusual segregation ratios like 11:5, 14:2 and 62:2 were also observed. These ratios were explained by the possibility of partial dominance, gene interaction with the environment, and contribution from lethal factors. For races beta and gamma, Andrus and Wade (1942) postulated that there are three series of multiple alleles with ten alleles such that some alleles in each series 13 conferred resistance or susceptibility depending on the genes present in the other series. In the case of delta race, crosses of R X 8 resulted in segregation ratio of 3:1 and 9:7 in F2 with resistance being dominant. F1 and F2 progenies of S X S parents were found to be susceptible. For the overall genetic interpretation of reaction to races beta, gamma and delta, Andrus and Wade (1942) made a complex hypothesis. They postulated that a system of ten genes in three allelomorphic series involving both duplicate and complementary gene interaction at three points as a simple Mendelian hypothesis that could explain data for races beta and gamma. A system of three independent pairs of genes was assumed to explain data for delta race. Also, there was no strong indication of linkage in their results. Cardenas (1960), Cardenas 33 31. (1964) extensively studied genetics of reaction to races alpha, beta and gamma races in nine bean cultivars. They observed simple segre- gation ratios of 3:1 and 15:1 for reaction to race alpha, which was explained on the assumption that there are two loci, the dominant alleles of which are individually capable of conferring resistance. They encountered much more com- plex genetic systems conferring resistance to races beta and gamma. For beta race, Fl progenies in three of the R X S crosses were susceptible, where segregation ratios in F were 1:3 for one of the crosses and 7:9 for the second 2 cross and 13:3 for the third. These results were explained 14 by assuming that two loci were involved where one locus segregated into 3:1 and the other into 1:3 ratios. For beta race, there were crosses in which both sets of comple— mentary and duplicate genes were segregating simultaneously giving ratios of R:S on complete independence in transmission of loci involved. Bean variety Michigan Dark Red Kidney transmits dominant genes for susceptibility only when crossed with Michelite and Brazilian Dark Red varieties which otherwise express dominant genes for resistance. Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964) also obtained similar genetic patterns for races gamma and beta. In the case of race gamma, crosses of Algarrobo and Emerson 847 with Perry Marrow suggested the presence of a third gene complementary to the two other genes conferring resis- tance to gamma. The authors offered proposed genotypes of the nine bean varieties used in their study relative to their reac- tions to races alpha, beta and gamma of g. lindemuthianum. In addition, three different linkages were detected in crosses which involved genes conditioning reaction to races beta and gamma. Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964) con- cluded that there are five main genetic aparati in g. vulgaris conditioning reaction to alpha, beta and gamma as follows: 1. A duplicate-factor set of loci, with resistance usually but not always dominant. 15 2. A complementary factor set of loci. 3. The genes belonging to the set(s) pertaining to any one race are not linked to each other. 4. There exist strong linkages between genes of the duplicate factor set conditioning reaction to gamma and genes of the duplicate-factor set and comple- mentary factor sets conditioning reactions to beta. 5. Multiple allelism at the duplicate— and complementary— factor loci conditioning reaction to beta. Hubbeling and Dijke (1979) reported on the genetics of resistance to races iota, kappa and lambda. In their study, the only source of resistance to lambda race was "Are" gene from C49242. The sources of resistance to iota were a single dominant gene from PI 150414 and a second dominant gene from PI 165435. A set of single dominant genes common to both Uberabinha and PI 165422 condition resistance to race iota. Three duplicate pairs of genes in cross of Uberabinha and PI 165422 controlled resistance to race kappa. PI 150414 had two dominant complementary genes and Kaboon had a single dominant gene conferring resistance to race kappa. All the studies so far have dealt with vertical resistance. I have not encountered any report suggesting the presence of horizontal resistance to bean anthracnose. III. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1.0 Cultures of the Pathogen Cultures of the races beta, gamma and delta of Q. lindemuthianum were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection as numbers 16989 (beta), 16990 (gamma) and 18989 (delta). Cultures were maintained on commercial bean pod agar (BPA). Bean pod agar plates were prepared by dissolving 22.5 gm of commercial BPA (Difco) in 1 litre of distilled water. The suspension was steamed for about 20 minutes until dissolved, transferred in 250 m1 lots to prescription bottles, and autoclaved for 20 minutes at 250°F and 15 psi. Plates containing about 25 m1 of BPA were prepared and allowed to stand for two days after which any contaminated plates were discarded. Occasionally, to promote sporulation a 10 gm of navy bean seeds were steamed in 200 ml of dis- tilled water for 30 minutes, ground in a mortar and paste, and added to BPA. Cultures were transferred at 7-10 day intervals to maintain sporulation. Small discs of BPA from a culture plate were transferred to 1.5 m1 of sterile distilled water in small test tubes. The test tubes were vigorously shaken 16 17 to dislodge spores and the spore suspensions were uniformly spread onto BPA plates. Plates were incubated in a dark drawer, and cultures were ready about one week later. 2.0 Pr3paration of Inoculum Plants were inoculated by either a brushing or Spraying method; there was only a slight difference in the method of preparing spore suspensions. Phosphate buffer, 0.01M, pH 7.2, was used for preparing Spore suspensions. Tween 80 (Polyoxythelene Sorbitan Monooleate), a wetting agent, was added to the buffer at 0.1% v/v. For the brush- ing method of inoculation, about 25 m1 of buffered, sterile, distilled water containing Tween 80 was added into a plate culture and the spores dislodged by scraping with a sterile microscope slide. Spore suspensions were then delivered to the underside of the leaflets by using a No. 4 camel's hair brush. For the spraying method of inoculation, 25 ml of sterile distilled water containing 0.1% v/v Tween 80 was added to the plate culture and the spores were dislodged with a microsc0pe slide as above. Spore suspensions were filtered through a double layer of cheese cloth. Spore concentrations were determined with a haemocytometer and diluted to contain about 106 spores/m1. Spore suspensions were atomized in such a way as to deposit a uniform and fine pattern on the underside of the leaves with just enough pressure not to damage the leaf tissue. 18 3.0 Standardization of §pore Concentration A preliminary study was performed to determine the optimum spore concentration necessary to yield consistent disease readings in a split plot design with three replica- tions in a randomized complete block. Three different spore concentrations were used as whole units and six bean varieties, used as parent plants, as subunits. Each race was run in a separate experiment. The three different spore concentrations used were high (106 spores/ml), medium (105 spores/ml) and low (104 spores/m1). Young fully expanded trifoliates were excised from plants, transferred into labelled test tubes and sprayed with spore suspensions. Test tubes were filled with dilute solution of a complete plant nutrient. Inoculated leaves were quickly transferred to a mist chamber maintained near 100% R.H. at ambient greenhouse temperature. After 8-10 days in a chamber, leaves were assessed for disease devel- opment. 4.0 Bean Cultivars and Crosses Six bean varieties all belonging to the Phaseolus vulgaris L. specie were used in this study. Seed type and reaction of the varieties to each of the three pathogen races are given in Table 2. The following crosses were made in the greenhouse in Spring and Summer of 1978: 19 Table 2.--Bean varieties used, their seed types and reac- tions to races beta, gamma and delta of g. lindemuthianum. Reaction to Races Varieties Seed Types Beta Gamma Delta C49242 Small black R R R Kaboon Large white R S R Montcalm Kidney S MS 8 Swedish Brown Medium brown S S S Tuscola Navy R R S 61294 Navy MR MR MR R = Resistant; S = Susceptible; MR = Moderately resistant, very small lesions on the midrib, petioles and stems; MS = Moderately susceptible, small lesions on the midrib, veins and few large lesions on petioles and stems. Female/Male Female/Male Kaboon X C49242 C49242 X Kaboon C49242 X Montcalm Montcalm X Kaboon C49242 X Swedish Brown Swedish Brown X Kaboon C49242 X Tuscola Tuscola X Kaboon 61294 X C49242 61294 X Kaboon Swedish Brown X Tuscola Montcalm X Tuscola The six parents and F1 plants from the above crosses were tested against each of the physiological races, beta, 20 gamma and delta. The F2 populations tested are given in Table 3. 5.0 Inoculation of Plants Parental plants were tested by using three methods: 1. Young, newly opened trifoliolates were excised and transferred into labeled test tubes filled with dilute solution of complete plant nutrient. The leaves were then sprayed with spore suspensions. Separate leaves for each variety were used for each race. Spore concentrations of about 106 spores/ml were used. 2. Entire plants possessing fully expanded first tri- foliolate leaves (14-18 days after planting) were thoroughly sprayed with spore suspension separately for each race. 3. One individual leaflet of a newly opened tri- foliolate each per variety was brushed with spore suspension of a single race. Plants were inoculated 14-18 days after planting. Four plants for each variety were used with all three methods. Immediately after inoculation plants or excised leaves were transferred into a mist chamber main- tained at near 100% R.H. at ambient greenhouse temperature. Inoculations were performed on cloudy days and early in the morning when temperatures were low. Plants were kept in the mist chamber for 8-10 days. Table 3.—-Crosses in which F races used and metfio 21 pOpulations were tested, the d of inoculation. Crosses Method of Races Used Female/Male Inoculation Kaboon X C49242 SP, BR Beta Gamma Delta C49242 X Montcalm SP, BR Beta Gamma Delta C49242 X Swedish Brown SP Beta Gamma Delta Tuscola X C49242 SP, BR Beta Gamma Delta 61294 X C49242 BR Beta Gamma Delta C49242 X Kaboon SP, BR Beta Gamma Delta Montcalm X Kaboon BR Beta — Delta Swedish Brown X Kaboon BR Beta - Delta Tuscola X Kaboon SP, BR Beta - Delta Swedish Brown X Tuscola BR Beta Gamma - Montcalm X Tuscola BR Beta Gamma - SP = Excised leaves were sprayed with spore sus— pension from individual race. BR = Each leaflet was brushed with spore suspension from individual race. - = Not tested. 22 All Fl progenies were tested together with their parents and corresponding F2 populations. All genotypes were tested separately by brushing individual leaflets with spores of a single race. Inoculated plants were transferred into mist chamber as described previously. Each individual plant in each F2 population was tested against each of the three races. This was accom- plished by inoculating excised or intact leaves with a spore suspension from a single race, by either brushing or Spraying as previously explained. Testing each individual plant in F2 pOpulations with each of the races facilitated a test for linkage relationships between host genes con- trolling the reaction to the races of the pathogen. Leaves were usually assessed for disease develOpment 8-10 days after inoculation. Occasionally, plants were left on greenhouse benches for one week, after they had been removed from the mist chamber, before assessing the symptoms. Plants were assessed according to the infection rate of the disease in a 1-5 scale as follows: 1. 'Clean, no disease symptoms. 2. A few scattered, small lesions on the midrib and occasionally on main veins. Lesions were corky in appearance. 3. Many small lesions scattered on the midrib and veins with collapse of the tissue. 4. Few large lesions scattered over the leaf blade or many large lesions over the leaf blade. 23 5. Many large coalesced lesions accompanied by tissue breakdown and sometimes leaves became chlorotic and abscised. If one assumes that each of the above categories or classes represents a different genetic grouping, it would be necessary to attempt to fit the observed data to genetic models apprOpriate to five genotypic classes. An obvious model for five genotypic classes is one involving two loci, where the following states would exist in an F2: 4 "+" alleles, respectively AABB 3 "+" alleles, respectively AABb, AaBB 2 "+" alleles, respectively AAbb, aaBB, AaBb l "+" alleles, respectively Aabb aaBb 0 "+" alleles, respectively aabb These classes would occur, in the F in proportions 2! of 1/16, 4/16, 6/16, 4/16 and 1/16 for classes of 4, 3, 2, l and 0 "+" alleles, respectively. If this kind of model were actually to prevail in regulating reaction to anthrac- nose, the distribution of phenotypes in F generations 2 should be symmetrical about the intermediate reaction class; parental reaction classes should be recovered in only minimal frequencies, depending on number of genes involved. Preliminary examination of F data indicates clearly 2 that this was never the case in any cross. Modifications of the "polygenic" model could include mixed gene effects, that is some genes showing dominance, and some showing additivity; some with greater effects and 24 some with lesser effects and so forth. These models, for testing purposes and fitting of observational data can become quite arbitrary and in present circumstances cannot be justified. I have chosen, instead, to fit a series of possible classical Mendelian gene-number, gene-action models to the observational data, realizing that ultimately it would be necessary to conduct F3 progeny tests of F2 plants classed as l, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Therefore, classes 1 and 2 were considered as resistant reactions, while 3, 4 and 5 were considered as susceptible reactions. 6.0 Analysis of Data The observed numbers of resistant and susceptible plants in F2 pOpulations were tested against the theoretical ratios of resistant to susceptible plants by using a X (chi-square) test. Data from F2 populations was also analyzed for joint segregation to simultaneous reaction to two races of the pathogen. The theoretical joint segregation ratios for two races are obtained by multiplying together the segre— gation ratios to each of the races. Plants are classified as resistant to both races, resistant to the first race but susceptible to the second race, susceptible to the first race but resistant to the second race and susceptible to both races. The observed and expected numbers of plants in their respective categories compared by using a X2 test. 25 Some seedlings from F2 populations were observed to be segregating for semilethal at about two seeks after emer- gence. The observed and expected number of normal and semi- 2 lethal plants was also tested by using a X test. ability 1. 7.0 Data Reliability The following points were considered for the reli- of results: In every generation that was tested, parents that were considered as susceptible checks were included; that is, Montcalm was included when plants were being tested against beta race, Montcalm or Tuscola for delta race and Kaboon for gamma race. Montcalm is very susceptible to beta race, Montcalm and Tuscola are very susceptible to delta and Kaboon is very susceptible to gamma race. For every F2 pOpulation tested, its F (four plants) 1 and parents (four plants for each parent) together with Montcalm, Tuscola and Kaboon were tested also. In experiments where the susceptible checks and parents did not show clear results the eXperiment was discarded and the test was repeated with a new set of plants. Inoculations were done on cloudy days and in the morning when the temperatures were low. The mist chamber was covered with newspapers on the outside to cut off direct sunlight which may otherwise 26 create a local temperature rise inside the chamber. Since spores were deposited on individual leaflets or on whole plants the chances for "misses" would be very minimal. Plants were inoculated when the trifoliolates were just fully opened. Leaves that are too young or too old do not show proper disease symptoms. Sometimes when no clear symptoms are observed 8—10 days after inoculation, plants are left on the greenhouse benches and assessed again for disease symptoms a week later. IV. RESULTS 1.0 Standardization of Spore Concentration 1.1 Beta Race The analysis of variance (Table 4) for disease reaction indicates that there was no significant difference between spore concentrations but there was a significant difference between cultivars. Consequently, there was no significant interaction between the spore concentration and the cultivars. The results for the treatment means in terms of dis- ease reaction for six cultivars are given in Table 5. Montcalm showed a significantly higher degree of suscep- tibility to beta race. Swedish Brown was moderately sus— ceptible while 61294, Tuscola, C49242 and Kaboon had similar reactions and were resistant. There was no significant difference between the spore concentration although as the spore concentration was decreased there was a decrease in infection of the cultivars. 1.2 Gamma Race Results indicate that different spore concentrations had a significant effect on disease reactions of the bean 27 28 Table 4.—-Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the beta race using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant- susceptible). Degrees of Mean Source of Variation Freedom Squares F Blocks 2 0.13 Spore concentration 2 0.91 1.85 NS Error (a) 4 0.49 Cultivars 5 8.64 34.56** Spore concentration X cultivars 10 0.42 1.68 NS Error (b) 30 0.25 **p i 0.01. NS = None Significant. cultivars (Table 6). There was a significant difference in response of bean cultivars to spore concentrations. Inter- action between spore concentrations and cultivars was also significant. The means of the cultivars in terms of disease reaction showed a significant differential effect of dif- ferent spore concentrations (Table 7). The concentration of 1.6 x 106 spores/ml showed the highest significant effect, according to Tukey's LSD .05. Concentrations of 1.6 x 105 and 1.6 x 104 spores/ml intermediate and low effects. 29 .ma.o n Imam>fiuanov mo. own G.H H.H o.H a.H m.m o.H o.H memo: m.H o.H o.H m.H s.m o.H o.H mos x s.m G.H o.H o.H R.H o.a o.H o.H aoa x a.m m.H m.a o.H n.m n.m o.H o.H mod x h.m memo: vamaw «Homage .um.3m samouaos :oonmm mamaao Aas\mmuoamc mcofiumuucmocou um>flpaao .womu moon mcu Row maoom Amanflumoomsmnpcmumflmmuv mud n mafia: coflumuucmocoo whomm on mum>fluaso coon xwm mo cofluommu comz:|.m manna 30 Table 6.--Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the gamma race using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant- susceptible). Source of Variation Degrees Of Mean F Freedom Squares Blocks 2 0.575 Spore concentration 2 6.240 83.20** Error (a) 4 0.075 Cultivars 5 10.686 82.84** Spore concentration X ** Cultivar 10 1.752 13.58 Error (b) 30 0.129 **p i .01. Kaboon had a significantly higher rate of infection and Montcalm and Swedish Brown had intermediate infection rate (Table 7). C49242, Tuscola and 61294 were all resis- tant. 1.3 Delta Race The analysis of variance indicates that there was a significant difference between spore concentrations and the difference between the cultivars was also highly sig— nificant (Table 8). There was also a high interaction between spore concentration and cultivars. The mean reaction of bean cultivars to spore con— centrations is summarized in Table 9. The spore concentra— tion of 2.33 x 106 spores/ml had a significantly higher 31 .mm. H Amum>fluasov mo. omq .Hm.o u Acoflumuucmocoo muommv mo. 0mg ~.m m.H m.H m.~ m.m m.m o.H memo: m.H h.a o.H h.H n.a o.m o.H voa x m.a H.~ o.H m.H o.m h.m h.m o.H moa x w.a m.~ m.H >.H o.q o.v o.m o.H moa x m.a memo vamaw mHoomsB .Hm.3m Eamoocoz coonmx mommvu AHE\mmuommv z meowumuucmocoo ua>auaso 1' .111 .momu mEEmm on» How mamom Amanwumwomsmlucmumflmmuv mIH 6 mean: coaumuucmocoo wuomm 0p mum>wuaso coon xflm mo :ofluommu cmm211.n manna 32 Table 8.-—Effect of spore concentration on disease reaction of six bean cultivars to the delta race, using a symptom rating scale of 1-5 (resistant- susceptible). Degrees of Mean Source of Variation Freedom Squares F Blocks 2 0.019 Spore concentration 2 3.574 11.87* Error (a) 4 0.301 Cultivars 5 14.196 69.59** Spore concentrations X ** Cultivars 10 1.241 6.24 Error (b) 30 0.204 *p i .05. **p i .01. effect than the concentration of 2.33 X 104 spores/m1. 5 spores/ml had an inter- The spore concentration of 2.33 X 10 mediate effect and was significantly different from the highest and lowest concentrations. There was no significant difference between C49242, Kaboon and 61294 although 61294 showed a mild infection (Table 9). Tuscola and Montcalm had significantly higher infection rates. Swedish Brown had a significantly lower infection rate than Tuscola but was not significantly different from Montcalm. 33 .om.o u Amum>wuasov mo. omq .Hv.o u Amc0wumnucmocoo muommv mo. emu m.m m.H n.m H.m m.m o.H o.H memo: >.H m.H m.~ o.m o.~ o.H o.H «OH x mm.m m.~ o.H >.m o.m o.v o.H o.H moa x mm.m >.N >.H o.m m.m o.v o.a o.H Goa x mm.m m oumn .H .3 E mo :0 :00 m undo: vmmao a a m m H u z n M mvmmvo AHE\meommv mcoflumuucmocoo um>fluaso .oomu muamo map How mamom Amanflummomsmlucmumflmouv mud 8 means coaumuucmocoo muomm ou mum>fluaso coon xwm mo cofluommu cmozun.m manna 34 2.0 Reaction of Parent Bean Cultivars to Each of the Three Races From the results of inoculation with races beta, gamma and delta, the six bean cultivars showed differential reactions to the three races of the pathogen. The results are summarized in Table 2. Bean cultivar Cornell 49242 is resistant to the races beta, gamma and delta, and it is completely free of symptoms (Figure l). Kaboon is resistant to races beta and delta but very susceptible to race gamma (Figure 2). Under extremely good conditions for disease development Kaboon has often been given a score of 2 in the rating scale for race delta. Montcalm is very susceptible to races beta and delta but only moderately susceptible to race gamma (Figure 3) which often posed difficulties in classifying plants in the F2 population. Variety Swedish Brown is susceptible to races beta, gamma and delta (Figure 4). Tuscola is resis- tant to race beta and gamma but very susceptible to the delta race (Figure 5) and breeding line #61294 is moderately resistant to races beta, gamma and delta (Figure 6). ‘The F plants in all the twelve crosses made were 1 tested against each of the three races beta, gamma and delta, and the results are given in Table 10. Twelve Fl plants (four for each race) for each cross were sprayed with spore suspension and twelve F1 plants for each cross were used for brushing method. 35 Fig. 1.--Trifoliolate leaf of C49242 showing resistant reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of g. lindemuthianum. Fig. 2.--Trifoliolate leaf of Kaboon showing resistant reaction to the beta and delta and susceptible reaction to gamma races of g. lindemuthianum. 36 \‘ \\> i . \ \\ 3 \‘I ~. ‘ .\ 3 , "_ I ‘j, KABOoN 37 Fig. 3.--Trifoliolate leaf of Montcalm showing susceptible reaction to the beta and delta and moderately sus- ceptible reaction to gamma races of C. lindemuthianum. — Fig. 4.--Trifoliolate leaf of Swedish Brown showing sus- ceptible reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of g. lindemuthianum. 38 39 Fig. 5.—-Trifoliolate leaf of Tuscola showing resistant reaction to the beta and gamma and susceptible reaction to delta races of Q. lindemuthianum. Fig. 6.--Trifoliolate of 61294 showing moderately resistant reaction to the beta, gamma and delta races of g. lindemuthianum. 40 J {k c L .. T. 41 Table 10.--Reaction of F1 plants to races beta, gamma and delta. Cross Race Female/Male Beta Gamma Delta C49242 X Montcalm R* R R Swedish Brown X C49242 R R R C49242 X Tuscola R R R 61294 X C49242 R R R C49242 X Kaboon R R R Montcalm X Kaboon R S R Swedish Brown X Kaboon R S R Tuscola X Kaboon R R R 61294 X Kaboon R R R Swedish Brown X Tuscola S R S Tuscola X Montcalm S R S 61294 X Montcalm R R R *R = Resistant; S = Susceptible. 42 All the F1 plants in crosses between C49242 and the rest of the five bean cultivars used in this study were resistant to races beta, gamma and delta. Fl plants from Montcalm X Kaboon and Swedish Brown X Kaboon crosses were resistant to races beta and delta but susceptible to race gamma. The F1 plants from 61294 X Kaboon cross were resis- tant to races beta, gamma and delta, which showed that the gene(s) conferring moderate resistance in the breeding line 61294 were dominant over the genes conferring susceptibility to race gamma in Kaboon. The F1 plants in the crosses between Swedish Brown X Tuscola and Tuscola X Montcalm were susceptible to races beta and delta but they were resistant to race gamma. In this case, the gene(s) for susceptibility to race beta in varieties Swedish Brown and Montcalm were expressed as dominant over the gene(s) conferring resistance in Tuscola to beta. However, Tuscola had dominant gene(s) for resis- tance to gamma race in these crosses. Fl plants of 61294 X Montcalm were resistant to races beta, gamma and delta. Gene(s) for moderate resis- tance seemed to be dominant over the genes for suscep- tibility. However, it was not possible to distinguish whether Fl plants from the crosses of 61294 X Montcalm and 61294 X Kaboon were resistant or just moderately resistant. These F1 plants were lethal, leaves turned yellow and abscised before disease symptoms are fully developed. 43 3.0 Segr3gations in F Populations to Individual aces 3.1 Race Beta Nine F2 pOpulations were observed for segretation of resistant and susceptible plants to race beta (Table 11). All the crosses between resistant X resistant and resistant X susceptible parents were resistant in F1 except Swedish Brown X Tuscola and Tuscola X Montcalm whose Fl plants were susceptible to race beta. In crosses between C49242 X Montcalm and Swedish Brown X C49242 the ratio of resistant to susceptible plants clearly fitted 3:1. This means that a single dominant gene, possibly "Are" gene from C49242 conferred resistance to race beta in these two crosses. The "Are" gene was first reported by Mastenbroek in 1960 (28). F2 plants from C49242 X Tuscola cross segregated clearly in a 15R:lS. In this case, there seemed to be two duplicate genes conferring resistance to race beta. One could be the "Are" gene from C49242 and the other must have been from Tuscola since Tuscola is resistant to beta. Both genes are dominant in this cross. The observed number of resistant and susceptible F2 plants in the cross between 61294 X C49242 had a close fit to a theoretical ratio of 57:7. This ratio can possibly be explained by three pairs of dominant genes conditioning resistance in 61294 X C49242. One gene pair, presumably "Are" from C49242, had a segregation ratio of 3:1 and two 44 .manwumwomsm m “ucmumflmmm u m« com. I 0mm. mud mad om mm EHMODCOZ x mHOOmSB omN. I 00H. muH mNH mm ow mHOOmDB x C3OHm £ma©w3m 00H. I omo. hum boa oh MNH COOQMM x CBOHm nmfl©m3m own. I com. hum VHH no no :OOQMK x EHMOHCOZ 0mm. I 00H. huhm HmH MH mod coonmx x Nvmmvu own. I com. huhm ham NN mma Nvmmvo x vamaw own. I com. HumH «Hm ma mma mHOUmDB x NvavU 0mm. I OOH. Hum 55H vm MNH Nvmmvo x C30Hm nmflUOBm 0mm. I OOH. Hum mmH mm NNH EHMOHCOS x NvavU cwmzumm oflumm Hmuoa m «m mamz\mHmEmm muflaflnmnoum cmuommxm mmouo mucmam mo Hmnasz .mcoHumazmom N ,l 1||ll1||l11I 'll’!.|’1 I'll" m we“: CH moon mama ou mucmHm wanfiumoomSm cam ucmumfimmu mo mowumu couomaxm can nomad: ow>ummn0II.HH manna 45 complementary pairs of genes segregating in a 9:7 ratio. The two complementary pairs of genes can both be from 61294 or one pair from C49242 and the other pair from 61294. The F2 plants from the C49242 X Kaboon cross segre- gated in a 57:7 ratio of resistant to susceptible plants. This case, as above, revealed that there are three pairs of genes involved, one a single dominant pair of genes segre- gating in a 3:1 ratio and the other two being complementary genes segregating in a 9:7 ratio. The observed resistant and susceptible plants in the F crosses between both Montcalm X Kaboon and Swedish 2 Brown X Kaboon segregated in a 9:7. The segregation pattern in these two pOpulations seem to suggest that there were two dominant pairs of complementary genes conferring resis- tance to race beta. In crosses between Swedish Brown X Tuscola and Tuscola X Montcalm the F2 plants segregated in a 1:3 ratio of resistant to susceptible plants. The segregation ratio obtained indicate a possibility that a single dominant gene pair conferring susceptibility was expressed over the genes conferring resistance in Tuscola. 3.2 Gamma Race Segregation patterns of the eight F2 pOpulations tested against gamma race are given in Table 12. One F2 pOpulation, C49242 X Tuscola, was of a combination of resistant X resistant and 61294 X C49242 was between 46 .ucmumammm HH< H mm “manflumoomsm m uucmpmfiwwm " NHk. com. I own. Hum mHH mm mm mHOOmDB x Eamoucoz com. I own. huhm mNH ma MHH CBOHm SmHUOBm x MHOOmSB com. I 0mm. buhm bmH vm moH coonmx x MHOOmSB 0mm. I 00H. huhm HmH ma mmH coonmx x qumvo omm. I OOH. Huma mam ma mmH NvavU x vmmao I I m< «AN 0 vHN maoomsa x Nvmmeu 0mm. I com. Hum mbH vv HMH Nvmmvv x C30Hm £mH©w3m 0mm. I OOH. Hum mma mm NNH Eamoucoz x Nvmmvu :mm3umm oflumm ANDOB m am mamz\mamfimm muflawnmnonm pmuommxm mmouo mucmHm mo HmnEsz .mcofiumasmom mm unmflm CH moon mEEmm o» mundam manflumoUNSm can ucmumflmmu mo mofluon owuoomxw pom Hogans pm>ummnoII.mH manna 47 moderately resistant X resistant. Six of the F2 pOpulations were between resistant and susceptible parents. The observed ratio of F2 plants in the C49242 X Montcalm and Swedish Brown X C49242 crosses, closely segre- gated into a 3:1 theoretical ratio. The segregation ratios observed in these two pOpulations seem to suggest that there is a single dominant gene, possibly the "Are" gene from C49242 conditioning resistance to the gamma race. In the cross between C49242 X Tuscola, where both parents were resistant to race gamma, all 214 F plants 2 were resistant. This can be accounted for by assuming that the genes conferring resistance to gamma race in the two parents were very closely linked. The F2 plants in a cross between C49242 X Kaboon and its reciprocal, Kaboon X C49242 segregated in a 57:7 ratio of resistant to susceptible plants to race gamma. A single dominant gene, possibly the "Are" gene contributed by C49242, confers resistance to race gamma. Also, two additional dominant pairs of complementary genes condition resistance to the race gamma. In the crosses Tuscola X Kaboon and Tuscola X Swedish Brown, there is a clear fit of 57:7 segregation ratio for resistant to susceptible plants in F This 2. showed that there could be three gene pairs conditioning resistance, one pair being a single dominant gene segre- gating in a 3:1 ratio and the other two being complementary genes segregating in a 9:7 ratio. 48 In the cross between 61294 X C49242, 216 F2 plants inoculated with gamma race segregared in a 15:1 ratio of resistant to susceptible plants. Possibly two duplicate gene pairs conferred resistance, one pair presumably being "Are" gene from C49242 and the other one from 61294. The observed number of resistant and susceptible plants in 115 plants in Montcalm X Tuscola cross clearly fitted a segregating ratio of 3:1. In this case, Tuscola seemed to have a single dominant gene conferring resistance. 3.3 Delta Race In the F2 pOpulations studied for segregation for reaction to race delta, one cross (C49242 X Kaboon) and its reciprocal was between resistant X resistant parents and 61294 X C49242 was between resistant and moderately resis- tant parents. The rest of the F2 populations were derived from resistant and susceptible parents. The eight pOpula- tions segregating for reaction to race delta are presented in Table 13. The F2 plants from crosses between Swedish Brown X C49242, C49242 X Montcalm and C49242 X Tuscola segregated in a 3:1 ratio for resistant and susceptible reactions. A single dominant gene, probably the "Are" seems to confer resistance to delta race in these two crosses. The observed number of resistant and susceptible plants in a total of 217 F plants from 61294 X C49242 2 clearly fitted the expected segregation ratio of 15:1. It 49 .oanflummomsm n m uucmumfimom u m« ooa. I omo. harm HmH NH mmH coonwx x mommvo mmo. I oao. hum nma mm HNH coonmm x NHOUNSB omm. I ooa. hum baa up ONH coonmx x czoum nmflcmzm omm. I com. hum mHH me am coonmm x Eamoucoz com. I omm. Huma ham ma mma Nvmmvu x vmmam 9mm. I ooa. Hum eam mv Nha mHoomsB x Nemmvo com. I omm. Hum mma mm NNH Eamoucoz x Nvmmvu com. I own. Hum oma ow vma Nvmmvo x CBOHm nmwcmzm cwmzumm mum Hmuoe m «m mamz\mamemm suaafinmnoum oflomm mmouo muasmmm om>ummno .momu mummo on» on muflaflnflummomsm can mocmumfimmu new mcwummmummm mcoflumasmom m mo moflumu HMOfiuoHomnu paw Hogan: ©m>uwmn0II.mH magma 50 appears that there is a possibility of a system of two dominant pairs of duplicate genes conferring resistance. One of the pairs could be the "Are" gene from C49242 and the other pair from 61294. In a cross between C49242 X Kaboon, the observed proportion of resistant and susceptible plants in F2 fitted the theoretical ratio of 57:7. Possibly there were three gene pairs conferring resistance to delta race, that is a single dominant gene pair segregating into a 3:1 ratio and the two dominant complementary gene pairs segregating into a 9:7 ratio. The observed proportion of resistant and susceptible F2 plants from each of the Montcalm X Kaboon, Tuscola X Kaboon and Swedish Brown X Kaboon pOpulations could be explained by a theoretical ratio of 9:7. In these two pOpulations there seem to be two complementary pairs of genes conferring resistance to race delta. Some of the F2 populations studied for the reaction to races beta, gamma and delta were segregating for lethal plants. As a result, in most cases the number of F2 plants inoculated per population may not have been large enough. The lethal plants were not included in the study for segre- gation for disease reaction. 51 4.0 Joint Segregation in F Populations 2 4.1 Beta and Gamma Races Five F2 populations were studied for joint segre- gation for reaction to races beta and gamma. From the analysis of X2, three pOpulations showed a degree of associ- ation in factors conditioning reaction to races beta and gamma, and two populations showed independent association. The data for joint segregation for reaction to these two races is summarized in Table 14. In the cross 61294 X C49242 the segregation ratio of resistant and susceptible F plants for race beta was 2 57:7 and 15:1 for race gamma. The theoretical joint segre- gation which is the product of the two ratios, was 855:57: 105:7. The observed number of plants classified in reaction classes did not fit the theoretical ratio. The observed 2 X Montcalm population significantly deviated from the number of F plants segregating for joint reaction in C49242 theoretical ratio of 9:3:3:1. In the cross C49242 X Kaboon, the observed number of F2 plants for joint segregation for reaction to races beta and gamma, significantly deviated from theoretical ratio of 3249:399:399:49. The observed number of F plants 2 in Tuscola X Swedish Brown population segregating for reac— tion to races beta and gamma fitted the theoretical segre- gation ratio of 57:7:171:21 at a probability of .005-.010. The prOportions of plants observed in the F2 pOpulation of 52 Hoo mmH ma ma.Hm mm.m vm H m m Aaumvaaumv hm.o mm m m m Eamoucoz m m m m x vm.a mm m m m mvmmvu Hoo mm.¢v mo.hom mom wwo.a m¢.ov Nv.a m n m m AHHmHVAhuhmV ma.m m~.Hm ma moa m m qumvo mm.o mm.HH m mm m m x wo.o vm.m>a mud mmm m «m vamam m Nx pouommxm pm>ummno Hmowmwwmwna MEEmo comm MWMMMWOMW mHCMHm MO ngz mmmao cofiuommm can muon on» o» c we mcofiumHzmom .mmoou mEEmm wauommn MOM mamsomcmuanaww mcflummmummm mommonu m>Hm m mo cofiuomou ca mmflocmsomnm omuommxo ocm pm>ummn0II.aH manme 53 Ho.Imoo. om.HH mma mmm mm.H om.oa ma Hm m m AbuanAmuav mm.H ma HRH m m czonm amaomsm om.m om.m o w m m x vo.¢ om.m~ ow mm m m waoomse Hoo.v oo.HmH Hma mmo.e aw.m na.m m mv m m AnnemVAhuhmv mm.m mm.ha m mam m m coonmx om.m mm.wH m mam m m x mm.a nm.mva ova mv~.m m m memmvo m x wouommxm pm>ummno moflumm NEEmo mumm moflpmm mm N Havaumuoose pew mmouo mundam mo Hwnasz mwMHU COHfiUmwm .emscfluaouuu.aa magma 54 .manflumoomnm n m uucmumflmom n m« Ho.Imo. mm.h oo.mHH mHH nm.a om.HN mm m m w Aanmvxmnav HH.o mm.vm mm m m m maoomse mm.m mH.h H H m m x mm.o mm m m m Eamoucoz omuommxm pm>ummno mowumm MEEmo mumm moflumm mm m Nx HMOfluwnoonB paw mmouo mucmam mo HmQEsz mmmHU cofluommm .BmscflucooII.aH magma 55 Montcalm X Tuscola segregating for reaction to races beta and gamma fitted the theoretical ratio of 3:1:9:3 at a probability of 0.05-0.10. 4.2 Beta and Delta Races Joint segregation to races beta and delta was studied in six F2 populations. From the X2 analysis, four populations showed a degree of association in reaction to races beta and delta and two populations showed independent segregation. The data for the joint segregation for reac- tion to races beta and gamma is summarized in Table 15. The observed F2 plants in C49242 X Tuscola pOpula- tion segregating for joint reaction to races beta and delta significantly deviated from theoretical ratio of 45:15:3:1. The F2 plants from 61294 X C49242 observed for the joint segregation for reaction to races beta and delta deviated significantly from the theoretical ratio of 855:57:105:7. The observed F2 plants segregating for joint reac- tion to races beta and delta in C49242 X Montcalm signifi- cantly deviated from the theoretical ratio of 9:3:3:1. The observed F2 plants segregating for joint reac- tion to races beta and delta in C49242 X Kaboon deviated significantly from the theoretical ratio of 3249:399:399:49. The observed number of plants segregating for joint reaction to races beta and delta in Montcalm X Kaboon fitted the theoretical ratio of 81:63:63:49 at a probability of 0.05- 0.10. Finally, the observed number of F2 plants segregating 56 Hoo.v ON.Nv oo.>HN nHN «No.H mv.H m w m m AHumHVAhnhmv mm.m mN.NN MH mOH m m Nwmmvo OH.o mo.NH HH mm m m x vo.o mH.HmH va mmm m m vaHm Hoo.v oo.vHN vHN we mv.NN vm.m NH H m m AHAMVAHumHV m¢.o mo.0H N m m m NHoomse Nm.h Hm mH m m x mN.N mv.omH mmH mg m Rm NvavU m x pmuommxm om>ummno moHumm muHoo mumm moHumm Nm N mHGMHm mo quEdz HMOHumuomne mNMHU coHuomom ocm mmouo .mmomu muHmU can muwn ecu Op coHuommH Mom mHmsomcmuHssHm maHummmnmom mommouo me mo mcoHumHsmom N m mo coHuommH :H meocmovmnm pmuommxm pom Uo>umeOII.mH mHnt 57 Hoo om.bH oo.HmH HmH mmo.v em.H nH.N 0 av m m HenanAbuhmv NN.v mw.bH m mam m m coonmx mN.m mm.hH m mam m m x mm.H nm.mVH mmH mvN.m m m NVvaU Hoo ww.¢0H oo.mmH mmH oH HH.wm mo.m mm H m m AHumVHHumV ow.h mo.mN «H m m m EHmoucoz mo.hN wo.mN H m m m x vo.m mOH m m m NVwao m x owHONme pm>uwmno moHpmm muHmQ mumm moHumm Nm N HmoHuouomca pom mmouo mucmHm mo monesz mmmHU :oHuommm .poscHuGOOII.mH mHan 58 .mHQHummomsm u m uucmumHmmm n ms omo.ImNo. om.m oo.>mH hmH mmN mH.o mm av m m AnanAnumv mm.H mv.m¢ mm mm m m coonmx nm.o m¢.mv Ne mo m m x mm.m mm.Nm Hm Hm m m c3oum anpw3m H. mo. Nh.m oo.mHH MHH mmN vm.H Nm.HN hm me m m AnanHhumv mn.N Hm.>N mH mm m m coonmx HN.H Hm.hN NN mm m m x mm.N m>.mm ma Hm m m EHmoucoz x pmuommxm po>uomno moHuom muHoo muwm moHumm Nm N HmoHumuooce new mmouo mucmHm mo umnfisz mmmHo coHuomom .wwscflucoonu.mH mHnme 59 for joint reaction to races beta and delta in Swedish Brown X Kaboon significantly fitted the theoretical ratio of 81:63:63:49 at a probability of .025-.050. 4.3 Gamma and Delta Races F2 populations from four crosses were studied for joint segregation for reaction to races gamma and delta. The X2 test for independent segregation showed association in three populations and independent segregation in one population (Table 16). The observed number of F2 plants from 61294 X C49242 population for joint reaction to races gamma and delta significantly deviated from the theoretical ratio of 225:15:15:1. The observed segregation ratio in F2 plants of C49242 X Montcalm for joint segregation significantly deviated from the theoretical ratio of 9:3:3:1. The observed prOportions of F2 plants from C49242 X Kaboon segregating for reaction to races gamma and delta signifi- cantly deviated from the ratio of 3249:399:399:49. The observed proportion of F2 plants from Tuscola X Kaboon segregating for reaction to races gamma and delta fitted the segregation ratio of 513:399:63:49 at a probability of 0.025-0.050. 6O Hoo.v mw.mN oo.mmH mmH wH vm.m mw.m mH H m m HHumVHHumv mm.m mo.mN mH m m m EHmoucoz oo.m wo.mN SH m m m x mo.¢ moH m m m Nvavo Hoo. mm.¢w oo.hoN hON mmN Hm.o m H m m HHumHVAHumHV hm.o MH.NH 0H mH m m NvavU HH.o MH.NH HH mH m m x mo.o mm.HmH th mNN m «m meHm cmuommxm om>uomno moaumm muHmQ mEEmo modumm N."H m Nx HNUHuouooce pom mmouo mucmHm mo Hmnadz mmMHU coHuommm mEEmm may on God .MOOMH MUHQU UCM uommn How hHmsoocmuHsEHm mCHummmummm mommouo HDOM mo mcoHuoHsmom Nm mo :oHuommu cH mmHocmsvoum pmuommxo cam pm>uomnoII.wH mHnme 61 .mHnHummomsm m “ucmumHmmm Hm¥ mo.ImNo. mm.m am.mmH hmH vNo.H mv.o mm.m 5 av m m AnanAhuhmv om.N om.HH pH mm m m coonmx vw.N mm.Nn mm mam m m x vH.H «OH MHm m m oHoomsB Hoo.v HN.mN oo.HmH HmH wmo.v mh.o hH.N o mg m m HHuhmVHhuhmv H¢.m mm.hH n mam m m coonmx hm.h mw.hH m mmm m m x hm.N hm.mvH NmH mvN.m m m NvavU pmuommxm Uo>uwmno moHumm muHoo mEEoo modumm N."H m Nx HmoHudHomce pad mmouo mucmHm m0 an552 mmMHU :oHuomwm :11' III I. .6maaflucoouu.mH mHnma 62 5.0 Lethal Plants in F and F Populations 1 2 Lethal plants were observed in F1 of Kaboon X 61294 and Montcalm X 61294 and six F populations were 2 observed segregating for lethal plants. Symptoms for the lethal plants were characterized by chlorosis of primary leaves and general stunting of the plants was observed two weeks after germination. Severe yellowing occurred, leaves dropped and plants died (Figures 7, 8 and 9). Six F2 populations from ten pOpulations studied were observed segregating for lethal plants and are pre- sented in Table 17. The parents and their F1 plants were normal but F2 plants segregated into normal and lethals two weeks after germination. The observed number of normal plants and lethals was compared with the expected ratios by using X2 test and the results are given in Table 17. 63 Fig. 7.--Semi-letha1 F plants from the Kaboon X 61294 cross (three Reeks old). Fig. 8.--Semi-lethal F plants from the Montcalm X 61294 cross (three weeks old). 64 65 Fig. 9.-—Kaboon X C49242 F plants segregating for normal (back line) and semi-lethals (front line) in two weeks old population. 66 67 Table l7.--Observed number and expected ratio of normal and lethal plants in six F2 pOpulations. FemgIZjMale N* n Total R3310 Pr323511ity C49242 X Kaboon 181 61 242 3:1 .90 - .95 Tuscola X Swedish Brown 133 2 135 63:1 .90 - .95 Swedish Brown X C49242 180 40 220 13:3 .90 - .95 C49242 X Montcalm 169 39 208 13:3 1.00 Tuscola X Montcalm 128 22 150 13:3 .25 — .50 Tuscola X Kaboon 187 23 210 57:7 1.00 *N = Normal; n = Lethal. V. DISCUSSION 1.0 Spore Concentration and Bean Cultivar Reactions Before screening F2 plants it seemed desirable to determine spore concentration that would give a roughly clear classification of plants into resistant and suscep- tible in situations where spraying method was used. A spore concentration of 106 spores/ml was found to be about satisfactory for all three races. Reaction of each bean cultivar, except C49242, was different for different spore concentrations for each race. Concentration of 104 spores/ ml appeared to be too low for inciting disease reaction while concentration of 105 spores/ml gave an intermediate reaction. 2.0 Reaction to Race Beta Data obtained in this study regarding the reaction of six bean cultivars to race beta revealed that genes conferring resistance were generally dominant. However, resistance was recessive in crosses involving Tuscola with Swedish Brown and Montcalm. In other crosses, Tuscola transmits dominant genes for resistance to beta race. 68 69 The ratio of 3:1 of resistant to susceptible F2 plants in crosses involving C49242 with Montcalm and Swedish Brown can best be explained by the presence of a single dominant gene conferring resistance to race beta. The segregation ratio of 15:1 in crosses of C49242 X Tuscola can best be explained on the assumption of two dominant independent, duplicate loci either of which alleles are capable of conferring full resistance to race beta. Since C49242 and Tuscola are both resistant parents, each of them is likely to be contributing one dominant gene pair. In the crosses involving Kaboon with Montcalm and Swedish Brown, a segregation ratio of 9:7 was observed. These results can be explained by the action of two domi- nant gene pairs at two separate loci which are interde- pendent in a complementary way in function. The segregation ratio of 57:7 observed in crosses involving C49242 with Kaboon and 61294 is assumed to be explained by the action of both complementary gene pairs and a single dominant gene pair segregating simultaneously. These genes are completely independent of each other in conferring resistance. Finally, the crosses involving Tuscola with Swedish Brown and Montcalm had a segregation ratio of 1:3 and all Fl plants were susceptible. Tuscola transmits dominant genes for resistance to race beta in other crosses; its dominance for susceptibility is specific to Montcalm and Swedish Brown genetic backgrounds. The dominant genes 70 transmitted by Montcalm and Swedish Brown could be an allele at d-locus when the genes for resistance in Tuscola to race beta are assigned at d-locus (see Table 18). The results obtained for race beta are similar to those of Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964). Table 18.--Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the beta race of Q. lindemuthianum. Cultivar Duplicate Complementary or Line Genes Genes C49242 AreB AreB clcldld1 elelflf1 Kaboon are are8 clcldldl e2e2f2f2 Tuscola are8 are8 clcldzd2 elelflfl 61294 are8 are8 clcldldl e4e4f4f4 Montcalm are8 are8 c3c3d3d3 elelflfl Swedish Brown are8 are8 clcld3d3 elelflfl Generally the system of genes for reaction to race beta appeared to be difficult to explain, but a system of multiple alleles was assumed to be a suitable one for explaining this genetic pattern. This system was adopted from Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964). In this system it is assumed that there are duplicate factors c and d and complementary factors e and f. According to this system, alleles c1 d1 e1 f1 and c3 d3 e3 f3 confer suscep- tibility; alleles c2 d2 e2 f2 and c4 d4 e4 f4 confer resis- tance. The higher numbered alleles are dominant over the 71 lower numbered alleles. The genetic pattern proposed for the six parental cultivars in respect to their reaction to race beta is presented in Table 18. No evidence of multiple alleles was observed in complementary factors but it was decided to be appropriate to maintain the system postulated by Cardenas 33 31. (1960). The reaction pattern and order of dominance is as follows: 4 4 4 4 3 c c d e f > 3e3 3 c2 f > 282 2 l 1 1 l d f > c d e f d Resistant Susceptible Resistant Susceptible Where > indicates "dominant over." 3.0 Reaction to Race Gamma The data explaining reaction to race gamma looks more simple than for race beta. The concept of multiple allelism is not needed in this case. These results are also similar to those of Cardenas (1960) and Cardenas 33 31. (1964). The segregation ratio of 3:1 in crosses involving C49242 with Montcalm and Swedish Brown is assumed to be accounted for by "Are" gene from C49242 conferring resis- tance to gamma race. A single dominant gene, presumably from Tuscola, can account for the segregation ratio of 3:1 in Montcalm X Tuscola. The segregation ratio of 15:1 in 61294 X C49242 cross can be explained by the action of independent dominant pairs of duplicate genes. One of the 72 gene pairs being the "Are" from C49242 and the other pair being from 61294. The segregation ratio of 57:7 in C49242 X Kaboon is assumed to be accounted for by a system of three domi— nant gene pairs each of which are segregating independently. Under this assumption one gene pair segregating at 3:1 ratio is the "Are" contributed by C49242, and two dominant pairs of complementary genes are segregating in a 9:7 ratio. One pair of complementary genes had to come from C49242 and the other from Kaboon. A system of three pairs of dominant genes is assumed to be operating in cross of Tuscola X Swedish Brown, giving a segregation ratio of 57:7. This is a similar case as that of C49242 X Kaboon but different gene pairs, I and J confer resistance. All the F plants from C49242 X Tuscola were resis- 2 tant to gamma race. It is proposed that the genes conferring resistance to gamma in C49242 and Tuscola are tightly linked and that the 214 F2 plants was too small a number to reveal any recombinants. See the following sketch: C49242 (R) Tuscola (R) AreY g areY G X -—————— Parents Are 9 areY G 73 AreY g ‘_“—— Fl All resistant areY G AreY g areY G ______ + .______ AreY g areY G P All resistant, no recombinants observed The prOposed genetic pattern of six parental bean cultivars for reaction to the gamma race of g. lindemuthianum is presented in Table 19. Table 19.--Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the gamma race of Q. lindemuthianum. Cultivar Duplicate Complementary or Line Genes Genes C49242 AreY AreY gg hh 11 jj kk 11 Kaboon areY areY gg hh ii JJ kk 11 Tuscola areY areY GG hh II jj kk LL Montcalm areY areY gg hh ii jj kk 11 Swedish Brown areY areY gg hh ii jj KK 11 61294 areY areY 99 HH ii jj kk 11 I is complementary to J, K is complementary to L. 74 4.0 Reaction to Race Delta The reasonable interpretation for the data of reac- tion to delta race, as in the case Of beta and gamma races, is that systems Of both duplicate and complementary genes were Operating. Dominant genes were found to be conferring resistance to race delta in all populations tested. The data for the genetic segregation to race delta in crosses involving C49242 with Swedish Brown, Montcalm, Tuscola and 61294 is assumed to be due to the action Of two dominant independent loci. Each Of the alleles is assumed capable Of conditioning full dominance. In crosses involving Kaboon with Montcalm, Swedish Brown and Tuscola, the segregation pattern of 9:7 Obtained was assumed to be due to the action Of dominant complementary genes. Finally, the segregation pattern of 57:7 is explained by the system Of two dominant complementary genes and one single dominant gene acting simultaneously but independently. The prOposed genotypes of the six bean cultivars studied for the reaction to race delta are given in Table 20. In the material studied in this work, genes con- trolling resistance to beta, gamma and delta in C49242 segregated in a 3:1 ratio. This is the single dominant "Are" gene reported by Mastenbroek in 1960. However, from the linkage data to be discussed later, the "Are" gene does not look to be a single dominant gene. It has been Observed in this material that Kaboon has two sets of complementary dominant gene pairs, one 75 Table 20.--Proposed genotypes of six parental bean cultivars with respect to their reaction to the delta race Of Q. lindemuthianum. Cultivar Duplicate Complementary or Line Genes Genes C49242 Are‘S Are‘S mm nn pp Kaboon are‘S area mm NN PP Tuscola are‘5 are‘5 mm nn pp Montcalm are6 are(8 mm nn pp Swedish Brown are5 are mm nn pp 61294 are(8 are(8 MM nn pp which confers resistance to beta and the other confers resistance to delta. It has also one dominant pair of genes which complements with another pair of genes in C49242 and Tuscola (see Tables 18, 19 and 20). From this study also, the breeding line 61294 seems to possess horizontal resistance. 5.0 Linkage Study When the data from F populations was analyzed for 2 joint segregation to race beta, gamma and delta, it was found that some populations segregated independently and others had associated segregations. Parental phenotypes in populations with associated segregations were Observed in greater frequency than expected. Recombination values were calculated according to the method derived by Fisher and others (Strickberger, 1976). 76 The data from five F2 populations was analyzed for joint segregations to races beta and gamma whereby three pOpulations had associated joint segregation and the other two had random segregations. The three F2 pOpulations that had associated simultaneous segregations to races beta and gamma were 61294 X C49242, C49242 X Montcalm and C49242 X Kaboon, and their recombination fractions were 19.2%, 20.9% and 20.3%. These pOpulations involved C49242 as their common parent which contributed the "Are" gene conferring resistance to races beta and gamma. In the cross between 61294 X C49242 there is a possibility that linkage could be between the complementary genes conditioning resistance to beta and the duplicate genes conditioning resistance to gamma in 61294. This possibility can be checked in cross Of 61294 X Montcalm but the F progenies Of this cross were 1 lethals. There is also a possibility that one Of the comple- mentary genes, the J-locus, conditioning reaction to gamma race in Kaboon is linked to one Of the complementary genes conditioning reaction to beta race. It is reasonable to propose that the genes that show linkage behavior are in C49242 because Of the behavior Of crosses where C49242 was a common parent, including a cross of C49242 X Montcalm. Montcalm has no genes conferring resistance to either of the races. A significant association was Obtained in four out Of six pOpulations analyzed for joint segregation to races 77 beta and delta. The four populations that had associated joint segregations were C49242 X Tuscola, 61294 X C49242, C49242 X Montcalm and C49242 X Kaboon and their recombina- tion fractions were 11.1%, 21.4%, 5.2% and 19.8% respec- tively. As in the case of beta and gamma, C49242 was involved as a common parent. In this situation again, it seems that the genes conditioning reaction in C49242 to races beta and delta are linked. The recombination fraction is lower in crosses involving C49242 X Tuscola and C49242 x Montcalm than in the crosses of 61294 and C49242 X Kaboon. In the latter crosses there are other dominant genes con- ditioning resistance tO races beta and delta. The segre— gation ratios contributed by these genes could influence the recombination fraction in the linkage system. There is nO evidence Of linkage between the genes conditioning resistance to beta and the genes conditioning resistance to delta race in the cross involving Swedish Brown X Kaboon. Three F2 populations tested for joint segregation to races gamma and delta had associated segregation and One pOpulation had an independent segregation. The crosses that had associated joint segregation tO races gamma and delta are C49242 X 61294, C49242 X Montcalm and C49242 X Kaboon, and their recombination fractions are 20.3%, 24.0% and 15.1%. In this case, like in the other two previous cases, C49242 was also involved as a common parent. It is again prOposed that the genes conferring resistance in C49242 to races gamma and delta are linked. 78 The recombination fractions in the linkage data seem inconsistent. Several factors are prOposed to be con- tributing to the inconsistency Of recombination fraction: In some Of the crosses, except C49242 X Tuscola and C49242 X Montcalm, there are also other genes conferring resistance that are segregating simultaneously; in some crosses the number Of F2 plants is tOO small; some of the F2 pOpulations were also segregating for lethal plants. If the factors for formation of lethal plants are associated with the genes conferring resistance to these races, the segregation rations could have been altered. From the linkage data it seems likely that the factors linked are in C49242. From the previous study (Mastenbroek, 1960), C49242 has a single dominant gene "Are" which confers resistance to these races. From this study it is unlikely that the "Are" is just one gene controlling reaction to these races but a system of genes, that are linked, each Of which act as a single dominant gene. The "Are" gene is therefore postulated to be a Y Are6 and a complex "tri-part" locus as follows: AreB Are single cross-over produces an array of gametes such that both R-S and S-R combinations for joint segregation occur (see sketch below using case of the C49242 X Montcalm cross). 79 C49242 Montcalm AreY AreB Are‘S areY are8 are‘5 X (Parents) AreY AreB Area areY are8 are6 AreY AreB Are‘S (F1) areY are8 are(5 Gametes in joint combinations will be as follows: Beta-Gamma: AreY AreB, areY ares, AreY are8 and areY AreB Beta-Delta: AreB Areé, areB area, AreB are6 and are8 Are‘S Gamma-Delta: AreY Area, areY area, AreY are(3 and areY ArecS It is suggested that, for linkage study in crosses involving C49242, the other parents be bean cultivars that are fully susceptible to races beta, gamma and delta. F2 pOpulations from such crosses should not be segregating for lethal plants, as well as the higher numbers Of F2 plants than those used in this study be used. 6.0 Occurrances Of Semi—Lethals in El and F2 Plants Fl plants from 61294 X Kaboon and 61294 X Montcalm were lethals. This suggests that there might be a recessive factor acting in a complementary way, where one factor in one parent complements a second factor in the second parent. Van Rheenen (1979) also Observed similar results. 80 Six out of ten F2 pOpulations from normal parents and normal F1 plants, in this study, segregated for semi- lethal plants. The genetic pattern for segregation is sum- marized in Table 18. The segregation ratio Of normal to semi-lethal plants Of 3:1, 63:1, 13:3 and 57:7, indicate that factors controlling the formation of semi-lethal plants are recessive. There is also a tendency that these factors act in a duplicate and complementary way. Innes (1979) also has Observed cases of seedling deaths in segregating populations Of crosses between Michigan-bred navy beans and cold tolerant colored beans. VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION In this work, the inheritance Of reaction to races beta, gamma and delta Of g. lindemuthianum was studied in six bean cultivars using ten crosses. Spore concentrations used in the case Of spraying method Of inoculation were determined to be between 105-106 spores/ml, with the latter concentration allowing better assessment of disease symptoms. Parent plants and their Fl progeny were inoculated by both spraying and brushing methods. All F2 pOpulations were inoculated by brushing each individual leaflet Of the first young trifoliolate with spore suspension Of one race. Individual leaves Of some Of the F2 population were excised, transferred into labelled test tube containing nutrient solution, and sprayed with spore suspension of one race. Inoculated plants or excised leaves were transferred into a mist chamber kept at near 100% R.H. and ambient greenhouse temperature. Inheritance Of reaction to beta race was studied in nine crosses. Data Obtained from these crosses revealed that genes conferring resistance were generally dominant but resistance was Observed to be recessive in crosses 81 82 involving Tuscola with Montcalm and Swedish Brown. Fl plants in these crosses were susceptible. Tuscola transmits dominant genes for resistance in other genetic backgrounds Of this material. The segregation ratios Obtained for resistance to susceptible F2 plants were 3:1, 15:1, 9:7, 57:7 and 3:1. The segregation ratio Of 3:1 is due to action of a single dominant gene conferring resistance, while the segregation ratio of 15:1 is due to the duplicate pairs Of genes each of which is capable of conferring resistance. The segregation ratio of 9:7 is explained by the action Of two pairs of complementary genes, and the segregation ratio Of 57:7 is explained by the action of both duplicate and complementary genes segregating simul- taneously but independently. In the crosses where suscep- tibility was conditioned by a single dominant gene the segregation Of 1:3 was Observed. It became necessary to assume that a system of multiple alleles was Operating in the inheritance of reac— tion to race beta because Of dominance of alleles conferring susceptibility in crosses involving Tuscola with Montcalm and Swedish Brown. A system Of four alleles was assigned to each Of the four genes prOposed except the "Are" gene. Two of the four genes assigned are duplicate factors and the other two are complementary factors. Two of the four alleles confer resistance and the other two confer susceptibility. The high numbered alleles were assigned to be dominant over the low numbered alleles. 83 Eight crosses were studied for the inheritance of reaction to race gamma in six bean cultivars. Genes con- ferring resistance to race gamma were dominant in this study. The segregation ratios of 3:1, 15:1 and 57:7, which were similar to those for beta race were Observed. In this case also a system of duplicate and complementary factor sets are Operating. The segregation pattern for reaction tO gamma does not call for a multiple allelic system. In the cross between C49242 X Tuscola all 214 F2 plants were resistant to gamma. It seems likely that the genes conferring resistance to race gamma in Tuscola are closely linked to the "Are" gene from C49242; also that 214 F2 plants is tOO small a number to reveal possible recom- bination. The inheritance of reaction to race delta was studied in eight crosses and segregation ratios Of 3:1, 15:1, 9:7 and 57:7 were Observed. The pattern Of genetic segregation is similar to that for beta and gamma, in that there are duplicate factor sets Of loci and complementary factor sets Of loci. There is, however, no evidence for the multiple allelic system from the segregation pattern of reaction tO delta race. In the F2 population tested for joint segregation to beta and gamma, beta and delta and gamma and delta a close association Of reaction was Observed in crosses where C49242 was a common parent. A recombination fraction Of about 20% in 61294 X C49242, C49242 X Montcalm and C49242 X 84 Kaboon was Obtained for joint segregation to the beta and gamma races. Four F2 pOpulations segregating simultaneously to beta and delta had recombination fractions Of 11.1% (C49242 X Tuscola), 21.4% (61294 X C49242), 5.2% (C49242 X Montcalm) and 19.8% (C49242 X Kaboon). The recombination fractions for populations segregating simultaneously to gamma and delta were 20.3% (C49242 X 61294), 24.0% (C49242 X Montcalm) and 15.1% (C49242 X Kaboon). The recombination fractions observed in these crosses seem inconsistent and it becomes difficult to deter- mine map distance for the factors that are linked. Several factors that might contribute to the inconsistent recombi- nation fraction are: in these crosses, except C49242 X Tuscola and C49242 X Montcalm, there are also other genes conferring resistance that are also segregating, a factor that may interfere with the calculated recombination frac- tion; the number Of F2 plants is tOO small in some crosses; and there were also lethal plants segregating in some of these populations. If the factors controlling the formation Of lethal plants are associated with the genes conferring :esistance to beta, gamma or delta, segregation ratios could be distorted as well as the information about the linkages studied. From the F2 populations observed to have associated simultaneous segregation to beta, gamma and delta where C49242 is a common parent, it seems that the factors that 85 are linked are in fact in C49242. C49242 being the donor of "Are" gene which confers resistance to beta, gamma and delta, it is likely that the "Are" gene is not one gene controlling reaction to these races but a system Of genes that are linked, each Of which act as a single dominant gene. Six out Of ten F populations (from normal parents 2 and F1 progeny) studied segregated for lethal plants and the segregation ratio Of normal to lethal plants Of 3:1, 63:1, 13:3 and 57:7 were Observed. The F1 plants from 61294 X Kaboon and 61294 X Montcalm were lethals. From the segregation pattern and the lethal Fl plants observed it is likely that the factors controlling the formation Of lethal plants are recessive. APPENDIX AnuHmac m “Inesnoc m “Insane m .Ilac axonm ranmzm anHmoc H “Insanoc H “Innmmc H lac Namaao AnuHmoc H “insanoc H “Anummer Ha omH mnH mnH Haney a.m a o o o o m a.m a o o a.o H a a.mH am H.m~ av am m aoHunHaaoa ma mm R.HN mm o.mH mm m N.nm an ma H.Hm Ha H mmono mamaao x czonm rnHemzm "Ha pm>ummno mm>ummno Um>ummno w muana w munnHa w nuana mo Hmaasz mo Hwnfisz mo HOQEDZ mHmom HmImv :OHumHmcoo muHmo mEEmo mumm mIH momm 1111' III 1' .mHmOm HmHnHummOmsqucmumHmmuv mIH m mch: EocmHnunEOUCHH paw H m uncu .mcoHumHnmom 65:0HHHOUOHHOU mo mmomn muHmp pom mEEmm .mumn nuHB .mucmumm m emu mcHumHsoocH mo manmOH mo humEEOmII.¢ OHnme xHOZmEnHfi 86 87 AnuHmoc m “Hmesnoc m “Inummv m lac eHnoucos AmuHmov H “HNEEMOV H “Amummv H Amy NvavU inonac H “Insanoc H “insane H Ha mmH mmH mmH Hmuoe m.oN Nm 0 o H.mH mN m 9.0 H m.H N m.N w w a.H m a.aH om o.HH RH m aoHunHaaoa Na v.m MH m.HN vm m.HN mm N «.mo OOH v.5m mm H.5v mm H mmouo EHmoucoz x NVwao HN< pm>ummno cm>ummno pm>ummno a muana w nuana w muana mo umnEnz mo umnfisz mo HmQESZ mHmom muHmo mEEmw opmm HmImv coHumHmcmo mIH momm .pmscHHGOUII.< mHnt 88 AmuHmov m “Hmummv H Hay mHoomse AnuHmoc H Almanac H lav mamaao InuHmoc H linummv H Ha «Hm «Hm Hnooe H.mH mm m.~ a m o.n mH a.H a a o o m.~ m m :oHnnHaaoa mm o o m.OH mm H HRH HRH H WWOHU MHOUWDB x NVNGVU ”MAN ©m>ummno pm>ummno ©m>ummno a nuana muana w nuanHa MO HmQESZ mo HmQEDZ mo umnasz mHmOm muHmQ mEEmo mumm AMHMV coHumnmcmo $0.0m .meCHucOOII.¢ mHnme 89 HnuHmac H “Hassnov H “Hnummc H Has Namaao HmuHmov N “HmEEmov N «Hmummv N Amy emNHo laannc H “insanoc H “innmnc H Ha RHN Rom HHN Hnuoe m.o H o o o o m G.a 0H m.o H a.H m a m.~ a ~.m RH m.m aH m coHuanaoa ma N.G MH H.oH Hm a.~H km N an ~.Hm mnH a.nn mnH H mnono mamaao x aamHo "Ha cm>Hmmno pm>ummno pm>ummno N nuanHa a nuana w nuana mo Hmnesz mo Hmflfisz wo Hmnasz mHmom muHmo mEEmo mumm HMHMV coHpmumcmo momm .pmscHucooII.< mHnma 90 AnnHmac H “insanoc m “innnmc H lac noonnx HnuHmac H “Hassnoc H “Hnummc H Hal mamaao HnuHmoc H “Hassnoc H “Hnummc H Ha HmH HmH HmH Hnooe H.H o m.~ m H.H a m m.o H H.H N a.o H a H.G HH m.m OH H.a HH m coHuanaoa ma m.m OH ~.n mH H.H 4H N mmH «.mm HmH H.Hm HmH H mmouo coonmm x NvavU umd om>ummno om>ummno ©m>ummno a nuana a muana a muann mo quEsz mo Hmnfisz mo Amnesz mHmom MDHmQ mEEmo mumm AMHMV cOHumumcmw momm .UmscHucooII.< mHnme 91 HmuHmov H “Hmummv H AmuHmQV m “Amummv m Hay coonnm Amy EHmoucoz Hnanav H “insane H Ha mHH HHH Hnuoe m.aH aH a.NH aH m o.m a H.H a a G.mH Hm ~.H~ am m :oHunHaaoa Na o.Hm mm ma m a.m~ am ~.H~ am H mmOHU COOQMVm x EHMUUCOS u WAN ©m>ummno om>ummno Um>ummno w nuana a nuana a nuana mo umnfidz mo amnenz mo “mnesz mHmom muHmQ mEEmU mumm AMHMV coHumumcmo womm .pmscHucooII.< mHQmB 92 HnOHmoc H “Hnummc H Has aoonnx HmuHva m “Amummv v Amy czonm smHUmBm lanHmac H “innnac H HE naH naH Hnuoe m.nH am o.m a m m.nH mm H.a mH a H.H m a.m~ om m coHuanaoa mm a.m~ no a.a~ am m G.nm an as H coonmx x GBOHm smemzw and cm>ummno pm>ummno ©m>ummno n nuanHa a munnHa a nuanHa mo HmnEnz mo Amnesz mo HmnEsz mHmom nuno wasno nomm Hmmmv :oHunumcmO momm .omscHucoolI.< mHnt 93 AmuHmov H “HmEEmuv m AM#HOQV m «AMEEMUV ._.. Hmv coonmx Hay nHoonsa HnuHmoO H “Hassnoc H Ha NOH OOH Hnuoa m.m OH O O m N.OH ON O.H N O N.OH mm N.HH HN m :oHuanaoa Na O.HH NN 0.0H nm N OOH O.NO ONH H mmouo coonmm x MHOomsB "mm pm>nmmno om>ummno ©m>ummno N nuanHa N moanHa N nuanHa mo HmnEsz mo Hmnfisz mo HmnEsz mHmom muHmQ mEEmo mumm HMHMV :oHumumcmo 000m .cmschcooII.¢ mHnme 94 HmEEmov H “Hmummv H Amy mHoomsB HmEEmov v “Hmummv m Adv GBOHm :chm3m Hnesnov H “Hmommc m Hm ONH ONH Hnooa O O O.HN ON m O.O H m.mH NH O O.OH OH NH O :oHuanaoa Na O.NN Om m.mH NH N O.OO NO O.OH ON H mmOHU MHOUmSB x G30Hm SmHUO3m umfl ©m>ummno Um>ummno pm>ummno mucmHm N nuanm O nuanHa mo umnEnz mo HmnEdz mo umnEdz mHmom muHmo negro nuwm Hmnwc :oHumHmcmO momm .pmscHuGOUII.< mHnt 95 .NNHHHnHummomsm HHzm mmmumxm no: UHU c3oum anomBm Om .wmp no: o co meow mm3 coHudeoocH«« .mucmumm mam Hm HON mHHNOm HmImO mIHN .9588 m Imummv m HmEEmoO H 2.3mm: H AMEMUV H “Amuwmv m Hmv eHmoucoz lac NHoomsa Hm mHH mHH Hmuoe o o hm m N.m m m.vH NH v H.OH NN O.mH OH O coHunHaaoa Na ¢.hH ON h.m 0H N hm m.MH mH H mmouo EHmoucoz x NHOOmDB "on ©m>ummno pm>ummno pm>ummno N mucmHm N muanm N mucmHm mo Hmnesz mo nmnesz mo HmnEsz mHmom muHmQ mEEmo mumm HMHMO :OHumumcmo 000m .pmocHHCOUII.< mHnt LITERATURE CI TED LITERATURE CITED Andersen, A. 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