LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the dissertation entitled BEHAVIORAL DEVEIDPMENT OF BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN CHILDREN: AN ECOLCBICAL APPROACH presented by Ivy Naralmgelo Goduka has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Family and Child Ecology V Major professor Date _08-14-1987 MS U i: an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 .A‘h-l P451) ‘ \ RETURNING MATERIAL§f Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. w «1' r-‘wr-r' , . BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT OF BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN CHILDREN: AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH By Ivy Nomalungelo Goduka A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Family and Child Ecology 1987 ABSTRACT BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT OF BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN CHILDREN: AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH BY Ivy Nomalungelo Goduka The major purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationships between a multiplicity of factors that aggravate malnutrition and the behavioral development and physical growth of children from a family ecosystem framework. A secondary objective was to examine the viability of the ecosystem framework in family studies. A myriad of ecological factors in the child’s environment influence growth and development. Factors included in this study were: area of residence, home environment, the parent’s socio-economic status, the type of family structure, and family mobility. Three hundred black South African school children ages 5-6 years and three hundred parents/guardians were included in the sample. The sample was drawn using a systematic sampling technique from Herschel in the Transkei, the resettlement of Thornhill in the Ciskei, and the farm areas around Queenstown and Orange Free State. The Junior South African Individual Scale was used as a measure for cognitive development. The Brown-IDS-Self— Concept Referents Test was used as a measure for social- emotional development. Anthropometric measures of height, Ivy Nomalungelo Goduka weight, and head circumference were used for physical growth. A parent’s questionnaire was developed and used to gather background information about the child’s family. The results of the chi square test indicated Va significant relationship between the area of residence and parent’s/guardian’s marital status, educational, and occupational levels. Parent’s/guardian’s educational and occupational levels also showed a significant relationship. No significant relationship was found between marital status and the occupational level. The results of the correlation between self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth for boys and girls separately indicated a significant relationship. Only self-concept and head circumference were related to age for boys, however, the correlations were low. Age showed a very low but significant relationship with only vocabulary, quantitative skills, weight, and height for girls. The results of the Tukey’s HSD test indicated significant relationships between family background information and children’s information which included: self- concept, cognitive development, physical growth, and the child’s health condition. This study has demonstrated that the family ecosystem framework is a viable means of studying factors that influence the development and growth of black children in South Africa. DEDICATION This accomplishment is dedicated to my mother Nomantombazana and my late father Gantolo, who taught us not only the three R’s at school, but also taught us to have faith in God. Bhele sibulele nangamso, Alale ngoxolo no Qhudeni wagqiba. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Any successful accomplishment of this magnitude results not only from the efforts of a single individual but is a cooperative venture among many individuals. It would have been virtually impossible to conduct a study of this nature without accumulating numerous debts to many people. Specifically, I would like to give thanks to: Dr. Lillian A. Phenice, my major professor and director of this research, for ,your continuous support and encouragement throughout the course work, and for your expertise while guiding this research. Dr. Linda Nelson, for your extensive and valuable comments throughout this effort. Dr. Margaret Peg Bubolz, you got me started on the human ecosystem approach, I will see it to the end. Dr. David Kallen, for sharing the valuable information about starving children from different parts of the world, and your support throughout my course work and research. Dr. John M. Verster at the National Institute for Personnel Research (NIPR), in South Africa, for your interest in my academic growth, my family appreciates your concern. Also thanks are extended to many other individuals at the NIPR who were supportive in this research. Dr. Verna Hildebrand for encouraging me to seek ways of helping the black children of South Africa. Ms. Maryna Robinson from the Human Science Research Council in South Africa, who trained us in the use of the Junior South African Intelligence Scale. Mary Glass who started me on the word processor and encouraged me to work on my own. You gave me a life-time skill. ' Parents/guardians, children, school administrators, and teachers from the homeland of the Transkei, the resettlement of the Ciskei, and the farm areas in Queenstown and the Orange Free State, who were willing to share with us their time and valuable information. This report would not have been possible without your cooperation. This effort would tun: have been accomplished without the financial support from Fulbright throughout the Master’s program, financial assistance from the Department of Family and Child Ecology throughout the PhD program, and a grant from the National Science Foundation. I also wish to convey many sincere thanks to my South African friends, who are studying here at MSU: Nobuhle, Seshi, and family; Yaya, Sipho, and family; Anna, Jacob, and family; Isabella, and Kgathi for your unfailing support throughout this mission. To my other friends who are studying and working in the United States, and others in South Africa, to list you all would be impossible, and to list a few invidious. Accept my appreciation for your encouragement and support. iv To my eldest sister Nomawethu, Zingisa my only brother, Nontatu my sister in law, and my youngest sister Khosazana. Many thanks for a vote of confidence in me. Keep up the good spirit. Your children are mine too and they are in good hands. Thanks are expressed to my extended family Madlamini, George Goduka and family; Maduna and Malume Mvuyo Msebi; my cousins Sindiswa, Linda, and Sandla. Your powerful prayers keep us going. Please continue to pray for all of us, this is only the beginning. To all my nieces and nephews in South Africa, the list is too long, and the space limited. Suffice to say Lungie loves you all!!! Finally, a personal note of thanks is due to my crew that has flown with me across the ocean and lives with me here in East Lansing, Michigan. Luzuko and Zipo my nephews, Akhona (Vonono) my niece, and last but not least Tando (Lolo) my daughter. I am happy to be part of your upbringing. You are a joy and a challenge. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ........................................ List of Figures ....................................... Chapter I. INTRODUCTION ..................................... Statement of the Problem ....................... Purpose of the Study ........................... Significance of the Study ...................... Organization of the Study ...................... 11. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................. The Extent of Poverty and Malnutrition in South Africa ................................. Summary ........................................ Animal Studies ................................. Human Studies .................................. Supplementation Studies ...................... Summary ................. I .................... Retrospective Studies ........................ Summary ...................................... Environmental Factors Aggravating Malnutrition ................................. Summary ...................................... III. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................ Exposition of the Human Ecosystem Framework.... Source and Origin .............................. vi 22 23 24 31 32 35 35 48 49 49 49 Definition of Ecology .......................... The concept of Ecology ......................... Adoption of the Ecosystem Framework in Human Ecology ............................. Focus and Scope ................................ Basic Assumptions .............................. Central and Germane Concepts ................... Mode of Rationality Implied or Assumed by the Ecosystem Framework ................... The Concept of Rationality ..................... The Need for a Critical Science Perspective in Human Ecology ............................. Strengths and weaknesses of the Ecosystem Framework .......................... Strengths of the Ecosystem Framework ......... Weaknesses of the Ecosystem Framework ........ Application of the Ecosystem Framework ......... Rationale for using the Ecosystem Framework.... Assumptions Used in the Study of Black Children in South Africa ............... Mode of Rationality Used in the Study of South African Children ....................... IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................. Research Design ................................. Specific Research Objectives .................... Research Variables .............................. vii 50 52 55 58 61 65 66 66 68 70 70 71 72 72 75 78 79 79 80 81 Conceptual and Operational Definitions ........ 81 Research Questions .............................. 84 Research Sample ................................. 87 Description of the Three Areas ................. 88 Homeland of the Transkei ..................... 88 Resettlement of Thornhill .................... 92 White-owned Farms ............................ 96 Summary ........................................ 98 Approval and Selection of Sample ............... 98 Research Instruments ........................... 101 Data Collection Procedures ..................... 108 Methods used for Data Analysis ................. 112 Ethical Considerations ......................... 113 V. DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ON FAMILY BACKGROUND INFORMATION .......................... 117 Findings on Parent/Guardian Information ........ 118 Area of Residence and the Marital Status ....... 119 Educational Level of Parents/Guardians ......... 123 Area of Residence by Level of Education ........ 124 Occupational Level of Parents/Guardians ........ 128 Area of Residence and the Level of Occupation.. 129 Marital Status and the Occupational Level of the Respondents ........................... 132 Level of Education and the Occupational Level of the Respondents ........................... 133 Other Source of Income ......................... 135 viii Home Environment ............................... The Structure of the House and Ownership ..... Rooms in the House ........................... Household Size ............................... Condition of the House ....................... Family Mobility ................................ DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ON CHILDREN’S INFORMATION .......................... Findings on Children’s Information ............. Correlations Between Measures/Scores and Age for Boys ............................. Correlations Between Measures/Scores and Age for Girls ............................ Correlations Between the Child’s Measures/Scores and Crowdedness .............. Gender of the Child by Children’s Measures/Scores .............................. Child’s Behavior and Parent-Child Interaction.. Child’s Health Condition ....................... Child’s Hospitalization ........................ Nutritional Status of the Child ................ RELATIONS BETWEEN FAMILY BACKGROUND AND CHILDREN’S INFORMATION ....................... Child’s Measures/Scores and the Area of Residence ............................ ix 138 138 139 141 143 144 149 150 152 154 155 156 159 160 162 165 166 Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/ Guardian’s Marital Status .................... 174 Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/ Guardian’s Educational Level ................. 178 Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/ Guardian’s Occupational Level ................ 183 Child’s Measures/Scores and Family Mobility.... 188 Child’s Measures/Scores and Health Condition... 191 VIII.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .......................... 195 Summary of the Study ........................... 195 Conclusions of the Study ....................... 204 Resettlement Children and Families ........... 205 Farm Children and Families ................... 207 Homeland Children and Families ............... 209 Emancipatory Mode of Rationality ............... 211 The Policy of Apartheid ........................ 213 Population Registration Act .................. 214 Land Reservation Act ......................... 215 Education Act ................................ 216 Job Reservation Act .......................... 217 Implications of the Study ...................... 220 Suggestions for the Future .................... 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............. . ....................... 225 APPENDICES ....................................... 245 A. Instruments ................................ 245 Methods Used to Assign Different Racial Groups to Residential Areas .............. 254 Letters for Ministries of Education Letters and consent forms for Parents ...... 257 Memos from school administrators ........... 26! xi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Respondents’ Marital Status ...................... 119 2 Contingency Table: Area of Residence. by Marital Status ................................ 120 3 Educational Level of the Respondents ............. 1124 4 Contingency Table: Area of Residence by Level of Education ........................... 125 5 Employment and Unemployment Rates ............... 129 6 Contingency Table: Area of Residence by Occupational Level ............................ 131 7 Contingency Table: Marital Status by Occupational Level ........................... 132 8 Contingency Table: Level of Education by Occupational Level ........................... 134 9 Items Given as Pay in Kind ....................... 136 10 Number of Rooms .................................. 139 11 Analysis of Variance of the Number of People in the Household by Residence .................... 142 12 Respondents’ Impression about their Houses ....... 143 13 Number of Moves made by Parents/Guardians with the Child .................................. 145 14 Mean and the Standard Deviation for Children’s Growth and Development ................ 150 xii 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Correlation Coefficient for Boy’s Self-concept, Cognitive, Physical Measures/Scores and Age ...... 151 Correlation Coefficient for Girl’s Self-concept, Cognitive, Physical Measures/Scores and Age ...... 153 Correlation Coefficient for Child’s Measures/Scores and the Level of Crowdedness ..................... 154 An Analysis of Variance of the Gender of the Child by the Self-concept, Cognitive, and Physical Development ......................... 156 Items the Child has at Home ...................... 157 Activities Done together with the Child .......... 158 Responses to Child’s Health Condition ............ 160 Reasons for Child’s Hospitalization .............. 161 Area of Residence by the Nutritional Status ...... 163 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by the Area of Residence ......................... 167 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by the Marital Status ............................ 175 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Parent’s/Guardian’s Educational Level ......... 179 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Parent’s/Guardian’s Occupational Level ........ 183 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Family Mobility ............................... 188 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Health ....................................... 191 xiii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Organism and Organism Relationship ................. 56 2 Environment and Organism Interrelationship ......... 57 3 Human Ecosystem Model .............................. 62 4 A Model for Studying Black Children in South Africa .................................. 77 A Map of South Africa .............................. 89 xiv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Concern for the welfare of children is a priority for many societies, which view children as the legacy of the past, as defining the present, and as foreshadowing the future. This is consistent with a remark made by Margaret Mead (Hi the Year of the Child. She placed children at the center of the world’s concern when she commented: "In a darkened world beset by the fear of nuclear holocaust, degradation of our soil and air, and imbalance of population growth that threatens to strangle our human settlements, the Year of the Child stands like a beacon of hope...." (The NFE Exchange, 1980, p.1). However, children can only be a signal of hope when societies make investments in them for the future. By investing and developing children’s human capital, society will enable children to make a contribution to humankind. Notwithstanding the knowledge that the future of the human species depends on children, in developed countries such as the United States and developing countries such as South Africa, large segments of children live in physical and socio-economic deprivation. Some of these children live in dilapidated houses that are often overcrowded. Many of these children have inadequate nutrition, insufficient 1 2 medical care, sanitation, and other essentials of life. Their parents are likely to have obtained low levels of education which often relate to occupations in menial jobs and consequently earn a low income. The parent’s level of education, occupation, and income are likely to influence the living conditions for the family. These conditions can in turn affect the physical growth and behavioral development of children. A family life style is also likely to influence how children grow and develop. Black families in South Africa have varying life styles. For example, while some black children in South Africa live iri intact families, other black children live with one parent or no parent at all for long periods of time. These are children who are either born to single parents or whose parents leave the homeland or the resettlement areas to work in urban areas on a migratory labor system. In the homelands or the resettlement areas these children are often cared for by their siblings, relatives, or neighbors who might be too young or too old and frail to meet the children’s physical and psychological needs. The home environment, area of residence, the type of family structure, and the parents’ socio-economic status are but a few of the ecological factors that are likely to influence the child’s physical growth, self-concept, and cognitive development. These factors are also likely to 3 affect the child’s motivation to break the condition of physical and socio-economic deprivation. Such children are thus likely to be trapped in a vicious circle of deprivation from the womb to the tomb. Statement of the Problem A myriad of factors in the child’s ecosystem can influence the child’s development. These factors may operate on their own ommm....2 . . . . ...quoma $4.0... ....... ............... ._.._.\,.\ MW ...:...-...:...- .g .. .. ...:........ . . . 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I .‘00rnlllW-0Iflc..§PWowu-IN%.ID ..., .I‘II. 00..le In; ...WIIAW...II.IH... .\..1 NJ." 90 act would cease to be citizens of South Africa. This act applied to all black people, even those who had always lived in urban areas, and had no knowledge of any "homeland" and had no relatives there. Ten homelands have been designated according to the U.S. Policy Toward Southern Africa, (1981). Of these ten, four are now officially classified as independent. These are: Transkei, Ciskei, Bophuthatswana, and Venda. Four of these homelands, Lebowa, Gazankulu, Qwaqwa, and Kwazulu are classified as self-governing territories. The other two, Kangwane and Ndebele are in an early stage of self- government. They have only begun to organize their governments in the late 1970’s. As of 1983, 46 percent blacks lived and worked in urban areas and on white-owned farms and about 54 percent blacks lived in the homeland and resettlement areas (South African Fact Sheet, 1984). The homelands are for the most part situated in barren, dry, and infertile areas. They are poor in resources and lack exploitable mineral resources. The major mineral resources are all located in the urban areas of South Africa (U.S. Policy Toward Southern Africa, 1981). Economically and politically homelands are inextricably tied to the South African government despite the fact that they have been given a form of "independence" as self- governing states. The homelands function as reserves of labor for South African industries. Black workers are 91 recruited from the homelands and the resettlement areas on a migrant labor system to go and work in urban areas. They leave their families for a period of one to two years and return to the homelands at the end of the contract. For the purpose of this study the homeland of the Transkei and Ciskei will be discussed. The resettlement of Thornhill is irl the homeland (H’ the Ciskei. These are the homelands from which two thirds of the sample was drawn. According to the South African Legislation the homeland of the Transkei became fully independent on October, 1976. The Transkei has an area of 43,798 square kilometers of land. The population is 2,323,650 and population density is 53.1 per square kilometers (Platzky and Walker, 1985). As stated by Muller (1984) the homeland areas contain some of the worst victims of South African polarized development. The following characteristics depict the conditions of the Transkei. Sixty percent of the adult population in this homeland is illiterate. Two thirds of households had cash incomes below the estimated household subsistence level of R1509 or $754 in 1982. Tuberculosis is the greatest killer. Two thirds of the male labor force is permanently absent working as migrant laborers in urban areas in South Africa. The mortality rate in children up to five years of age ranged up to 261 per thousand and averaged 190 in 1980 (Muller, 1984). 92 Another factor that adds to the problem of Transkeians is severe drought. Drought in the homeland of the Transkei means that few crops are sown, and even those that are sown fail to grow because of drought. Cattle deaths in this homeland provide the best index of the severity of drought. Another important effect of drought has been an increase of water borne diseases. For example, cases of cholera and typhoid were reported during 1982-1983. Infant. and child mortality due in) kwashiorkor, measles, and gastroenteritis were also reported (Muller, 1984). Because of excessive drought throughout the year in the Transkei, food cultivation and stock raising are a futile effort. Another reason which makes cultivation and stock raising difficult is that a large proportion of those living in the homelands are either very old or too young, or those who cannot be considered undem' the migrant labor system because of illness or some other reason. Resettlement Area of Thornhill The root of forced removals of blacks by the South African government from areas designated for whites to resettlement areas stretches as far back as the seventeenth century. In many ways the removals of the past thirty years in South Africa form but one phase in a long history of 93 dispossession and displacement of blacks by whites in South Africa (Platzky and Walker, 1985). One of the first things that Jan van Riebeeck did after he arrived at the Cape in 1652, to establish a base for the Dutch East India Company, was to drive out the local blacks who were known as the Khoi-khoi from their grazing land below Table Bay near Cape Town. Two years later Van Riebeeck formalized the displacement of the Khoi-khoi from their lands in the Cape Peninsula by means of an agreement. This agreement stated that only the Khoi-khoi who were prepared to work for the Dutch East India Company or the first white settlers were allowed to remain on their former grazing land. The removal of all blacks not working for whites in the Cape to the central or eastern part of South Africa was one of the ways by which the white settlers set about controlling access to land and to wealth in South Africa. The displacement of black natives of South Africa is similar to what happened to the natives of the United States after Columbus claimed to have "discovered” America in 1492. The removals of blacks to their "homelands" have resulted in several resettlement areas. Thornhill, Sada, and Ntabethemba in the homeland of the Ciskei are but a few examples of these resettlement areas. The homeland of the Ciskei became fully independent in December, 1981. The homeland of the Ciskei is comprised of about 5,300 square kilometers of land. The population is 94 666,000 and population density is about 126 persons per square kilometer, representing a dramatic rise of 126 percent over the period between 1975 and 1980 (Daniel, 1981). This increase can be explained by the South African policy of forced removals of blacks to their "homelands". The overall standard of living in the Ciskei is low. The gross national income for 1977 was R303 or $151 per capita, compared with R530 or $265 in South Africa as a whole (Charton, 1982). The lack of employment opportunities in both the homeland and the resettlement areas has forced breadwinners especially adult lMNl and women to nfigrate to urban areas leaving dependents such as the elderly and young children behind. In the Ciskei Commission report of 1980 data illustrate high infant mortality and widespread malnutrition in these resettlement areas. Previous studies done in the Ciskei suggest that about 27 percent of the population under 24 months of age suffer from kwashiorkor (Gordon, 1981). Thomas (1981) states that most Ciskeians live in poverty and lack financial resources. Thus residents of Thornhill have the same problems that the Ciskeians are exposed to. These residents came from Glen Grey and Herschel after the Transkei government took over in 1976. About 15,000 people left and were resettled in Thornhill. Some of these people have been evicted from farm and urban areas around this resettlement area. 95 This exodus from the Transkei seems to have been in response to Transkeian repression of opposition groups. Also because residents crf the Transkei had experienced severe drought and unemployment, they had hoped that the resettlement of 'Thornhill would offer them better 'living conditions. At the initial stage of the resettlement residents are provided by the government with tin huts and basic food rations. After a while, residents are expected to fend for themselves and build a community as part of the Ciskei homeland. The first and important hurdle is usually faced by the breadwinners of these families. No consideration whatsoever is usually given to the creation of employment opportunities, services such as schools and clinics prior to the resettlement of these families. The economically active find themselves with no alternative but to become migrant workers in urban areas. The residents “of Thornhill, Sada, and Ntabethemba resettlement areas comprise seven to eight percent of the territory’s population, yet they have only one clinic which has one doctor who visits twice a week. This clinic is run for eight hours a day by nurses. According to Mare (1980) a high incidence of psychosis particularly schizophrenia has been reported in this area. This is attributed to the depressing conditions under which residents of the resettlement areas live. 96 White-owned Farms An estimated 1.3 million black families live and work on white owned farms. In 1980, the average wage for an African farm worker was $28 to $40 per month. Farm workers also receive pay in kind such as minimal housing facilities and dietary staple food such as corn or mealie meal (South African Fact Sheet, 1984). Historically, whole families resided on the land of white farmers who provided accommodation and some ground for cultivation in exchange for the labor of all members of the family as required. In many areas in the Orange Free State and around Queenstown this system still operates and farm children, who may or may not be provided with schooling, are obliged to work in the fields weeding, harvesting, and performing tasks like potato-picking. Living conditions on the farm areas are very poor. Workers including children are often housed in large unfurnished sheds with no internal walls or beds. Families live in corrugated iron huts. There may or may not be piped water and there is in general a lack of sanitation. In a survey conducted by the University of South Africa on behalf of the Theron Commission in January and February 1975, Wilson et al. (1976) gave a full description of the working and living conditions of laborers on the Karoo farms. According to this survey, the average number of hours 97 worked by both black and colored employees is 53.8 per week. Cash wages for blacks averaged $8.36 or $4.18 a week, cash wages for coloreds were $9.77 or $5.36 a week. Workers also received payments in kind. The main items supplied to laborers were: meat, milk, clothing, medical care, grazing rights, and rights to grow vegetables on a piece of land. Almost all the laborers surveyed lived in farmer-built houses of one to four rooms, built with brick, stone or cement, with asbestos, zinc, tin, or corrugated iron roofs. Floors were generally of cement, earth or dung. Only a few houses had running water inside the house. Most black farm laborers had to carry water from a distance of 30-100 meters to the house. The average size of family was 5.02. About 75 percent of the workers who were interviewed had not been to school at all. Reasons given for the lack of education were that there were no schools on the farms, lack of money, or lack of time. In conclusion, farm life is characterized by what Nasson (1984) labels as acute squalor, chronic poverty, and almost total lack of alternative employment opportunities. Farm laborers learn to be dependent on white farmers for jobs, food, and housing. What makes this area seem worse off than the other areas, namely the homeland and the resettlement areas ‘Hs the isolation of farm laborers from the mainstream culture. This is so because farms are usually miles apart to ensure more grazing land or big acres for 98 growing crops. Thus, the world of farm laborers is characterized by an intense and confining localism, a crippling dependency, and encapsulation in poverty (Nasson, 1984). 511mm These areas were included in the study because of their homogeneity in terms of ethnicity i.e. Xhosa. They also have common and diversified conditions imposed by the natural, human constructed, and human behavioral environments. In the original research proposal Soweto in Johannesburg was also included, however, children from this area were left out due to the political turmoil in urban areas of South Africa at the time of this research. Approval and Selection of Sample An approval was obtained from the Ministries of Education to enter the primary/elementary schools and work with children who were included in the sample. A letter explaining the purpose of the research and requesting an approval to work in schools was sent by the researcher to Ministries of Education in each area in March 1986 (see letter in Appendix C). 99 No response was received by the researcher from the Ministries of Education before leaving the United States. Upon arrival in South Africa in June 1986, the researcher visited ‘the different. inspectors’ offices in) follow-up on the letters that were sent to the Ministries, and to request written permission to enter the schools that were included in the study. ‘ The researcher obtained a memo from each inspector’s office giving permission to enter the schools and work with the children. This permission was then taken by the researcher to different school principals (see Memos in Appendix D) in various areas of the homeland, resettlement, and farm areas. Upon arrival at each school the researcher was introduced by the principal to the class teacher(s). A brief description of the purpose of the study was given to both the principal and teachers by the researcher. During this session the time and room in which the testing was going to take place were established. The researcher was then given the class register from which the sample was drawn. The drawing of the sample was done at school. The permission was given on the condition that the class register was not to be taken out of school premises. A systematic sampling technique was used to select the sample. As stated by Babbie (1979) in systematic sampling, 100 every Kth element in the total list is chosen for inclusion in the sample. The first step was to select four schools from the homeland area. These schools were selected from a list of all primary/elementary schools in this area, using the systematic sampling technique. The list in the homelands consisted of thirty schools. Using the systematic sampling technique, every 10th school was included in the sample. Because of a linfited number of schools on the farm and in the resettlement areas, the sample was drawn from all the schools in these areas. Both these areas have four schools. From each of these schools an enrollment register for all the children ages 5-6 years was obtained to select the sample. The list consisted of approximately 70-80 children in each class. Twenty five children were selected from each class to make up a total of one hundred children needed for the sample from each area. Every 10th child was included in the sample. To ensure against any possible bias in using this technique, the first child was chosen at random. Following that every 10th child was included in the sample. This technique ascertains the representativeness of the sample and allows the investigator in) make extrapolations about black children ages 5-6 in South Africa from this particular ethnic group in these particular ecological areas. After the selection procedure was completed, children who were chosen for the sample were given a letter 101 explaining the purpose of the research and a: consent form for the parents. This form was to be filled out and returned the next day to school by the child. In most cases the consent form was filled out and returned to school the next day. However, in a few cases the researcher had to make home visits to explain the purpose of the study to parents/guardians and request their approval. Research Instruments The following are the instruments and measurement techniques used in this research: the Junior South African Individual Scale, Brown-IDS-Self-Concept Referents Test, anthropometric measures for height, weight, and head circumference, and the parent’s questionnaire. The Junior South African Individual Scale (JSAIS) was used as a measure of cognitive development. This scale gives a profile of intellectual development for children between 3 and 7 years. For the purpose of this study, three areas of cognitive development were covered. These were verbal, numerical, and performance. The following sub-tests correspond with these areas: vocabulary, number and quantity concepts, and copying. 102 The following section will give a: brief statement of the content, aim, and rationale for the use of each sub- test. Vocabulary: This sub-test consists of thirty four black and white cards with four pictures on each. The testee chooses the picture that goes best with an object, action, quality, or characteristics named by the tester. The child points to or marks with an "X" a picture on a card to indicate his/her answer. This subtest. is similar in) the traditional picture vocabulary tests for children. The aim of this test is to measure recognition, comprehension, identification, and interpretation of verbal symbols. It involves specific processes and functions: retrieval of associations or general information from memory; the eduction of identities or similarities between a verbal stimulus and a picture stimulus; the differentiation of parts of a visual stimulus and the reinterpretation of a possible ambiguous item. This sub-test is based on the assumption that a testee’s comprehension of a word can be determined by the identification of pictorial representation of a word. In thts way the child demonstrates the ability to understand spoken language which precedes active language usage. Considerable empirical proof exists for the validity of using picture vocabulary tests to measure general 103 intelligence. Similar tests (for example, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test PPVT) are often used to obtain a rough indication of intelligence. According to Madge (1981) a vocabulary test is also sensitive to neurological deficit and psychological disturbance. Thus, such a sub-test could be used as one measure of the adverse conditions on cognitive development (see copy of the vocabulary test in Appendix A). Number and Quantity Concepts: This sub-test consists of two parts, namely, parts A and 8. Part A comprises 31 items, six of these items test the child’s ability to count, sixteen items concern quantity concepts (for example, fullness, length, mass, and quantity), and nine items deal with simple concrete calculations such as, addition, subtraction, division, and simple fractions. The child points to or marks with an "X” a picture on a card to indicate his/her answer. Part 8 consists of 15 mental arithmetic problems which are presented and answered orally. Part 8 is intended for 6 and 7 year old children only. Thus, this section was not appropriate for the sample of 5 and 6 year old children included in this study, hence it was left out. The aim of Part l\ is to measure understanding‘ and manipulation of quantitative material in a relatively concrete way. The specific processes and functions involved are: counting ability, ability to apply basic mathematical 104 processes, evaluation of quantity, size, length, fullness, comprehension of relational items, spatial ordering, and relatively concrete mathematical reasoning ability. This test is based on the assumption that the comprehension of numbers, quantity, and the ability to manipulate number concepts constitute important facets of the child’s ability to function adequately in school and in other life situations. To some extent this test is based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development which holds that concepts of quantity begin to develop at about five to seven years. At this age the child begins to differentiate quantity and fullness, size and fullness, and length and fullness. Approximately half of the items in Part A are based on this differentiation of the concepts of quantity. Since mental alertness is a prerequisite for meaningful manipulation and understanding of numbers, this subtest was considered an appropriate measure of the impact of adverse environmental conditions on cognitive development (see copy of number and quantity concepts in Appendix A). Copying: This test consists of 12 items. The testee is presented with a booklet with geometrical figures. He/she is required to copy figures from the example presented. The figures to be copied comprise simple figures such as a circle, square, or triangle, sometimes they comprise a configuration of two adjacent figures. This sub-test 105 measures the ability to reproduce correctly a design presented visually. The following more specific skills are supposed to be involved: hand-eye coordination, perceptual ability, comprehension of spatial relations, and visual- motor organizational ability. This sub-test is based on the assumption that smaller children are inclined to perceive a figure globally in contrast with older children who take details into account. Perception of the whole is adequate for most simple tasks involving fitting. The process of copying figures demands perception of every detail and the organization of the parts into the whole. According to the literature a good performance in copying figures is significantly related to scholastic achievement. Wechsler (1967) points out that scores in this type of test positively correlate (in the particular ages) with the scores in other measures of intelligence. He is of the opinion that correctness of a! response depends primarily upon perceptual and visual-motor organization, the development of which is closely 'tied to increasing chronological age. Since copying requires some degree tof concentration, this sub-test was considered appropriate in this study (see copy of copying in Appendix A). The JSAIS is standardized for 3 to 7 year old children. It was standardized in English on a sample of 1795 white and black children from South Africa. The sample was selected 106 based on the following criteria: age of the child, gender, socio-economic background, and attendance at a preschool or a primary school. The reliability is .63 for vocabulary, .60 for number and quantity skills, and .80 for copying. For the purpose of this study a Xhosa version was used. This test was translated by the researcher and the research assistants at the National Institute for Personnel Research. Brown-IDS-Self-Concept Referents Test: The self-concept test as a measure of social-emotional development was chosen because it is appropriate for early elementary children (Goodwin and Driscoll, 1980). This test does not require children to read or write, rather the descriptions and directions are read by the interviewer to children. The stimulus is a Polaroid picture of the child that is taken by the researcher before the interview. The interviewer sits with the child at the table with each child’s picture and goes through a list of 14 items which describe what the child thinks about him/herself as he/she sees him/herself on the picture. These items were translated by the researcher and the research assistants into Xhosa which is the language spoken by these children. After the child’s response the interviewer marks his/her answer on the answer sheet (see Appendix A for a scoring sheet for Brown-IDS- Self-Concept Referents Test). This test is normed on a population of 2866 American children from different ethnic groups. Their age ranges from 107 5-8 years. The reliability for this test is .71 for lower class blacks, .76 for middle class white children, and .55 for K-lst grade. Although this test is not standardized for black South African children, it might yield valuable results as cmmparisons are done among black children from the Xhosa ethnic group only and run: among children from different ethnic groups. Anthropometric Measures: The anthropometric measures of height, weight, and head circumference were chosen for this study because of their acceptability by researchers in general for measuring physical growth and the ease with which data could be collected. A bathroom scale was used to measure weight. For height and head circumference an anthropometer and a tape measure were used. All these instruments are in the metric system. Measures such as skinfold thickness which were included in the proposal were left out because of the difficulty to use the instruments to measure skinfolds and the unavailability' of special equipment such as callipers. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) charts were used as a suitable reference standard against which children’s growth was checked (see copy of the NCHS norms for ages 5-6 in Appendix A). The anthropometric measures of height for age, weight for age, and head circumference were used to assess the physical growth of children. 108 As stated by Fincham (1982) there is a consensus among researchers and medical practitioners in South Africa that international norms such as the NCHS are at present the only acceptable standards against which the nutritional conditions of children in South Africa should be evaluated. These norms are recently compiled from 1963-1975 and are representative samples comprising some 20,000 children from different racial groups in the United States. These are internationally accepted norms and are likely to replace the Boston norms which were widely used in South Africa. The child’s family and home environment information was obtained by a parent’s questionnaire designed by the investigator (see parent questionnaire in Appendix A). The parent questionnaire was also translated by the researcher and assistants into Xhosa a language spoken by the respondents. Data Collection Procedures Data collection was begun on June 17 and ended on August 30, 1986. The researcher and two research assistants were trained in! a psychologist from the testing center of the Human Science Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa in the use (H’ the JSAIS. The training sessions took three days at the National Institute for Personnel Research (NIPR) in Johannesburg, South Africa. 109 The research assistants had both graduated from the University of Fort Hare, South Africa. One of the assistants majored in psychology and sociology, the other majored in social work and anthropology. They were chosen because they had previously worked with the researcher on a different project in the homeland of the Ciskei. After the Brown-IDS-Self—Concept Referents Test and the parent questionnaire were translated, the questionnaire was pilot tested with a group of parents and the self-concept test was pilot tested with a group of children whose socio- economic status is similar to the sample being studied. The researcher, who received training in the use of anthropometric techniques at Michigan State University in Summer of 1984, trained the research assistants in the use of this technique. After receiving written approval regarding schools to visit and informed consent from the parents whose children were in the sample, the team began testing in one school at a time. Working as a team in each school was preferred to working individually for many reasons. For example, only one car was rented for the research, so working in a team eliminated the many stops that would have been costly in terms of time and money. The investigator could help the research assistants if there were problems; this might not have been possible if each researcher worked in one school. 110 This method also had an advantage of distributing work among the researchers. It also proved to be efficient in terms of time. For example, while one researcher helped the children undress, stand in the line, and get onto the scale, another one took the measurements for weight, height, and finally head circumference. The assessor would call these measurements to the third person who recorded the measurements. A similar team approach procedure was also used for assessing the child’s self-concept. For example, one person took the photographs while the other two interviewed children. Also in a country that is politically unstable working in a team was preferred for safety reasons. The first area in which testing took place was Herschel in the homeland of the Transkei. This area was chosen as the first area because this is where the researcher was born and raised. She also attended one oi: the primary/elementary schools. Therefore entry Was not expected to be a problem. The second area to be visited was Thornhill in the resettlement of the Cfiskei. The researcher’s brother is a principal in one of the schools in this resettlement. The last area to be visited were the white-owned farms around Queenstown and in the Orange Free State. The measurements for height, weight, and head circumference and the assessment for cognitive, and social- emotional development were carried out at school. This took 111 place during school hours or after school in some cases in a classroom separate from their own. Testing was done with a group of 10-15 children at a time except for the self- concept test. For this test interviews were done with one child at a time after the measurements for physical growth and assessment for cognitive development. The measurements for height, weight, and head circumference were taken for each child one at :3 time. Because it was winter in South Africa at the time of this data collection, children were weighed with their clothes on except for heavy sweaters, coats, and shoes. Each testing session including anthropometric measurements took 60-90 minutes. The duration for testing did not prove too long nor too tiring for these children because different activities were done during the session. For example, measurements for weight, height, and head circumference which took about 30 minutes for a group of 15 children were taken first. The same group was then given the verbal, the quantitative concept, and the copying tests which took about 30-40 minutes. After these tests a photograph of each child was taken followed by an interview which took about 10 minutes for each child. Each child was given his/her photograph as a souvenir. Children were then thanked for their cooperation. As a token of appreciation candy and punch were offered to children who participated in the research. Although candy 112 does not have nutrients, it was offered to children because it was not costly and would be appealing to young children. To administer the parent questionnaire, parents whose children were tested were asked to come to school. The questionnaire was administered by all the researchers to one parent at a time. It took about 15 minutes to administer the questionnaire. For parents who could not come in) school because of work or for other reasons, the researchers made after school or evening home visits. Parents who participated in the study were thanked for their time, especially parents from white-owned farms who were interviewed either during their lunch break or in the evenings. All parents received a box of cookies and two liters of orange juice or punch as a token of appreciation. This was served at school or brought to the home by the researcher in some cases. Methods used for Data Analysis The statistical procedures used in) test differences between the categorical variables included the chi square test and the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for the categorical and the continuous variables. The MANOVA was followed by Tukey’s test to see if the differences between 113 the categorical and the children’s measures of self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth were statistically significant. The alpha level was set at .05. To obtain the correlation between the children’s measures Pearson Coefficient Correlation was used. Ethical Consideration A major consideration of this study concerned the informed consent of the parents/guardians and their children who were involved. A letter describing the purpose of the study was sent to the parents/guardians and the school administrators (see letters in Appendix C). To get an informed consent parents/guardians filled out a form (see informed consent form in Appendix C). These were both used to ascertain that the purpose of the study was understood and that the involvement of the subjects was done voluntarily without any persuasion (H‘ any deception. This information was considered important to both the parents and school authorities who in a politically unstable country view ’outsiders’ with apprehension and suspicion. A second ethical iSsue involved the protection of parents/guardians and the children against any physical and psychological harm. For example, the subjects were not harassed or intimidated if they made mistakes or if they 114 chose not to answer a question. No fear and no anxiety were induced in the subjects for any reasons. The third ethical consideration concerned the protection of the subjects’ identity. In keeping with the ethical code of confidentiality after the interviews and testing were completed, parents’/guardians’ and children’s names were replaced by identification numbers. Anonymity was easily maintained especially because the study was not focusing (Hi the child’s specific individual behavioral and physical growth, rather (H1 black children 'hi South Africa from the Xhosa group. The fourth consideration for this study concerned the maintenance of objectivity and guarding against biases. Because of the nature of sample selection a bias was introduced. For example, only school children were included in the sample because of time constraints and the ease of access to the schools. The "invisible" children who are equally malnourished, sick, or who might be working on white-owned farms and may not be attending school were not included in the sample. Only parents/guardians and children from the Xhosa ethnic group were included in the sample. This is also the ethnic group from which the researchers come. These geographical areas were included because the researcher is (familiar with the culture of the groups found in these areas and because the language would not be a problem. On the 115 other hand if other ethnic groups were included, there would have been a need for interpreters. This would have been a problem in terms of ascertaining validity and would have been also costly in terms of time and money. Finally, the researcher had to make sure that promises were not made that could not be fulfilled. For example, in all the areas which were visited the researcher was viewed as a "Messiah who was coming to redeem sinners". After the introduction was made all parents were ‘willing to .share information with the researcher, even neighbors who were not involved in the study were willing to give information as long as this would help change "the plight of black families in our country", one woman added. The willingness to share information with the researchers showed how desperate these families were to discuss their living conditions and that they would do anything, even talk with ’strangers’. This also may be an indication that some of the black families in the rural areas have become more aware of the policy of apartheid and are prepared to make a contribution towards change. In spite of the willingness to share information with the researcher, only those who were included in the study were interviewed. A brief explanation of the purpose of the study was made to those who were not included in the study. They were also told that the researcher might on her return to South 116 Africa work with families in the rural areas on different projects. No promises were made to anyone whether or not involved in the study. CHAPTER V DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ON FAMILY BACKGROUND INFORMATION This chapter summarizes the family background information findings which include: area of residence, socio-economic status, type of family structure, home environment, and family mobility. Demographic characteristics of families were obtained by a parent questionnaire which was administered to the parents/guardians whose children were in the sample. The first step was to obtain a percentage of respondents for each category of variables. The second step was to obtain a breakdown of the following variables: area of residence by marital status, educational and occupational levels of the parent/guardian; marital status by the occupational levels; as well as the level of education by the occupational level of the respondents. A chi square test was used to see whether ~the relationships between these categorical variables were significant. 117 118 Findings on Parent/Guardian Information The total number of parents/guardians who were interviewed was three hundred. One hundred of these were from each of the three areas from ‘which the sample was drawn. These were the homeland, resettlement, and the farm areas. Thirty two percent of the respondents were males and 68% were females. Their mean age was 42.20 and the standard deviation was 8.32. The range of their age was 24-62. A breakdown of the respondent’s age by area of residence shows that the sample from the homeland represents a mean age of 39.83, the sample from the resettlement area represents a mean age of 42.77, and the sample from the farm areas represents a mean age of 43.99. This finding suggests that parents in the homeland were younger than parents in the resettlement or farm areas. A few of the respondents in the resettlement and farm areas were grandparents who were taking care of children while parents were working in urban or on white-owned farms. The majority (65%) of the respondents were married or married but not living with a spouse at the time of this research. Less than one third of the parents/guardians (32%) were never married and a small percentage (3.3%) was widowed or divorced (Table 1). 119 Table 1 Resoondents’ Marital Status Marital Status Number Percentage Married 103 34.3 Never Married 95 31.7 Married no spouse present 92 30.7 Widowed 6 2.0 Divorced 4 1.3 Total 300 100.0 Area of Residence and the Marital Status A breakdown of the area of residence by marital status shows a relationship between the area of residence and marital status. The chi square was found indicating a significant relationship at p< .05 level between the area of residence and marital status. As shown in Table 2 the homeland had the highest percentage (78%) of marriages both with the spouse living at home and with no spouse living at home. The farm area had a higher percentage (37%) of marriages with a spouse living at 120 home than the resettlement areas. However, the resettlement area compared with the farm area had a higher percentage (33%) of marriages with no spouse living at home. The resettlement area also shows a higher percentage (40%) of unmarried respondents than the homeland and the farm areas. The divorced and widowed categories show a higher percentage (7%) in the farm areas than in the homeland and in the resettlement area. Table 2 Contingency Table: Area of Residence by Marital Status Residence Marital Status M. M. no spouse N. M. D&W Total % % % % Farm 37 22 34 7 100 Homeland 41 37 21 1 100 Resettlement 25 , 33 4O 2 100 Chi Square . 20.13 with df=6 * p<.05 level These findings suggest that the pattern of marital status differs from residence to residence. All the three ' 121 areas show a different pattern of marital status. The high rate of marriages with or without a spouse living at home in the homeland could be attributed to the fact that the homeland communities are more stable than the resettlement and the farm areas. Data from this study indicate that more than half (63%) of residents in the homeland had never moved. More than a third (37%) of residents in the farm area had never moved, and only a small percentage (8%) of residents in the resettlement areas had never moved. These findings suggest the highest rate of family mobility in the resettlement area and the lowest rate of family mobility in the homeland. Because of a feeling of stability and a sense of belongingness the homeland communities might have established values and mores that are cherished by the group as a whole. Thus marriage could be viewed in these communities: as one of the societal institutions that is valued. However, the high percentage of marriages with no spouse at home in the homeland and the resettlement areas suggests that residents from these areas leave the homelands and the resettlement areas to seek jobs in urban areas or on white-owned farms in other cases. The resettlement area showed the lowest percentage of marriages with the spouse living at home and the highest percentage of unwed mothers. Some of the residents of this area have been forcibly removed by the government of South 122 Africa from areas designated for whites, others have been forcibly removed from other homelands when a different homeland government took over. Families are usually .separated when men or women remain working in urban or farm areas, or when other members of the family decide to remain in the homeland. Residents in the resettlement area are flung into situations where they are all strangers. They have to start building a new community. These areas also lack opportunities for employment, the land is dry and infertile for farming and for carrying out agricultural activities. Families thus suffer material deprivation, as well as pyschological deprivation. As one woman stated during the visit to the resettlement of Thornhill, "it would be better to live in hell rather than live in the resettlement areas". Because residents in the resettlement area are highly mobile and reflect little stability they may not have established values that are cherished by the community as a whole. Marriage might thus not be valued by the residents in this area hence there exists a higher percentage of repondents who had children out of wedlock. Evidence from this study shows that these are some of the children who are often malnourished, and who suffer from other preventable diseases. In the farm areas it is usually a requirement that the husband, wife, and children live and work on white-owned 123 farms. This arrangement is reinforced by farmers. This is encouraged to ensure family stability which presumably increases job morale and high productivity and lowers the rate of hiring and firing. As stated by Ndaba (1984) white farmers will go to extremes to retain a stable work force. For example, farmers may even encourage single male workers to form relationships with women who work on the farms. These relationships often end up in marriages. However, in the farm area the divorced and widowed category has more cases reported than in the resettlement or homeland areas. But this is a very small percentage (7%) of respondents. Educational Level of Parents/Guardians Data in Table 3 indicate that 66.6% of the respondents had six or less years of education. Twenty nine percent of the respondents had a: junior secondary school certificate and high school diploma. The lowest percentage (4%) of the respondents had a bachelor’s degree. This finding indicates that about two-thirds of the adult respondents in this study had six or less years of education. Approximately one third of the respondents had a junior secondary school certificate, a high school diploma, or a bachelor’s degree. 124 Table 3 Educational Levelaof-the Resoondents Level of Education Number Percentage <6 years 94 31.3 6 years 106 35.3 Jr. Sec. Sch. 45 15.1 High School 43 14.3 Bachelor’s 12 4.0 Total N 300 100.0 Area of Residence by Level of Education The relationship between the area of residence and the level of education is indicated by a significant relationship at p< .05 level. Data in Table 4 indicate that the farm areas had the highest percentage (82%) of respondents with six or less years of education. The resettlement had 65% of residents with six or less years of education. The homeland had 53% of residents with six or less years of education. All the three areas had about 125 equal respondents with a junior secondary school certificate. All the areas had respondents with a high school diploma. The homeland had 20%, the resettlement area had 19%, and the farm areas had the lowest percentage (4%). Only the homeland had respondents with a bachelor’s degree. Table 4 Contingency Table: Area of Residence by Level of Education Residence Level of Education <6yrs 6yrs JSS HS BA Total % % % % % Farm 51 31 14 4 0 100 Homeland 23 30 15 20 12 100 Resettl. 20 45 16 19 0 100 Chi Square . 57.98 with df=8 * p<.05 level Data from this study indicate that all of the respondents with a bachelor’s degree lived in the homeland and 20% of the homeland respondents had a high school diploma. This finding suggests that education in the homeland might be viewed by parents as a means to improving 126 the quality of life. Education in the homeland is thus viewed as important for adults. For example, two of the respondents who had' a bachelor’s degree 'hi the homeland reported that they were enrolled in a master’s program at the time of this research. In the resettlement area 19% of the respondents had a high school diploma. Residents of the resettlement areas, as was mentioned earlier, were removed either from an urban area, a different homeland, or farm areas during the late 705 and the early 805. The process of eviction and forced removals still continues in the late 80$. Residents in the resettlement area showed levels of education that were more or less equal to the levels found in the homeland, however, no one from this area had a bachelor’s degree. Thus residents in the resettlement area might have acquired this level of education prior to being resettled. According to personal communication with respondents a few of the respondents from this area were also studying by correspondence at the time of this research. Data from farm laborers show that they have the least amount of formal education. One reason could be attributed to a: lack of schools for blacks in the farm areas. White farm owners make a decision as to the number of schools that are required for their employees as well as the number of teachers that are employed by the school, the type and size 127 of the building, and the kinds and amounts of school equipment necessary for the education of blacks. For example, in one of the farm areas that was visited by the research team, the building that was used as a school was a dilapidated house that formally belonged to the farmer. The classrooms in this school were unusually small as these were living space rooms for the farmer’s family. Four schools for black children in the farm areas were included in the study. Each classroom in these schools had about 50-70 children. The school equipment, such as tables and desks, was broken and in poor condition; the windows were broken and unattended to. The highest level of education that the farm residents can usually achieve is standard four (the equivalent of the sixth grade in the United States). Many are required to work on the farm after completing standard four. One parent mentioned that sometimes parents send their children to live with friends or relatives in the homelands in order for their children to get a higher level of education. Such an arrangement is sometimes made with daughters whose services are not as important on the farms. Young men have little opportunity for this type of arrangement. Nasson (1984) writing on the farm schooling for black South Africans has explored several reasons for the lack of schools on the farm areas. He states that formal schooling is not considered relevant by most farmers when hiring farm 128 workers. White farm owners are in general indifferent towards schooling and 'very .suspicious of schooling. They think that the possession of too much education is dangerous and would lead in) capricious behavior that would threaten the farmer’s future labor. The type of education that white farm owners consider appropriate for their laborers is that which enables farm laborers to understand instructions from the master and from the master’s wife. One could conclude from Nasson’s (1984) statements that the type of education that farm owners promote for their farm laborers is one which makes farm laborers subservient and obedient servants. Occupational Level of Parents/Guardians Slightly more than half (53%) of the parents/guardians who answered the questionnaire for this study had no jobs at the time of this research. Of those who were employed, 27% were in menial and unskilled jobs.-About 20% of the respondents were employed in semi-skilled, skilled, or semi-professional positions. 129 Table 5 Employment and Unemployment Rates Employment Number Percentage None - 158 52.7 Menial 51 17.0 Unskilled 30 10.0 Semi-skilled 17 5.7 Skilled 16 5.3 Semi-professional 28 9.3 Total N 300 100.0 Area of Residence and the Level of Occapation A breakdown of the area of residence by the level of occupation shows a significant relationship at p< .05 level. Data in Table 6 indicate that the resettlement area had the highest percentage (62%) (H’ residents without employment. The homeland had 50% of residents without employment, and the farm areas had the lowest percentage (46%) of residents who were unemployed at the time of this research. A higher percentage (51%) of farm laborers were employed in menial and unskilled jobs than were the 130 residents from the homeland and the resettlement areas. A small percentage (3%) of farm ‘laborers were employed in semi-skilled jobs. No one from the farm area was employed in skilled or semi-professional positions. The results suggest that farm laborers in": had the least level of education were more likely to be employed in menial and unskilled jobs. On the other hand although the homeland and resettlement residents showed the highest levels of education, the residents of these areas had a higher rate of unemployment than the farm areas, with the resettlement area showing the highest rates. In the homeland and the resettlement areas respondents were distributed from menial to semi-professional positions. Only residents from the homeland and the resettlement areas were employed in skilled and semi-professional positions. However, a higher percentage (18%) of workers in semi- professional positions were in the homeland. In the resettlement area there were only 10% of residents working in semi-professional positions. The high rate of unemployment in both these areas suggests that education is not a factor in determining whether residents in these areas will be employed or not, rather the area of residence in which one lives is a related factor. For example, farm areas have the highest rates of employment, yet farm laborers are the least educated. 131 These results also suggest that the homelands and the resettlement areas lack opportunities for employment. The resettlement area seems worse off compared to the homeland in terms of job opportunities. Previous data indicate that in the homeland and the resettlement areas there were higher percentages of respondents who were married, but not living with a spouse than in the farm areas. A hypothesis is that these individuals might be some of the men or women who leave these areas to seek work in urban areas. Table 6 Contingency Table: Area of Residence by OCCUpational Level Residence Occupational Level None Menial Unskill S.S. Skilled Semi-Prof % % % % % % Farm 46 35 16 3 0 0 Homeland 50 13 4 7 8 18 Resettl. 62 3 10 7 8 10 Chi Square a 69.44 with df=8 * p<.05 level 132 Marital Status and the Occupational Level of the Respondents Although the findings of the relations between marital status and the occupational level of the respondents do not show a significant relationship, individuals in the category of married and married but not a look at the numbers of living with the spouse have more people who work in semi- skilled, skilled, who are not married and who are divorced or widowed (Table 7). Table 7 Contingency Table: Marital Status by Occupational Level or semi-professional positions than those Marital Status Occupational Level None Menial n % n % M . 44 28 14 28 M.S. 53 34 19 37 N.M. 54 34 15 29 D&W 7 4 3 6 Unskill n % 10 33 8 27 12 40 0 O‘Nto S.S % 52 ll 35 0 Skilled n % 8 50 4 25 4 25 0 S.Prof. n % 18 70 6 20 4 10 0 Chi Square a 26.35 with df=12 not significant 133 Level of Education and the Occupational Level of Resoondents A significant relationship at the p< .05 level exists between the level of education and the occupational level of parents/guardians (Table 8). For example, 83% of those with less than six years of education were unemployed and 17% were in menial jobs. No one with less than six years of education reported that he/she was employed in any other occupational level. Of those with six years of education 61% were unemployed, 18% were in menial jobs, 15% were in unskilled jobs, and 6% were in semi-skilled positions. No one ‘Hl this category was 'hi skilled (H‘ semi-professional occupations. 0f the respondents with a junior secondary school certificate there was a distribution in all job levels. Twenty nine of the respondents with a junior secondary certificate were unemployed. Thirty one percent were in menial jobs and the rest were in unskilled, semi— skilled, skilled, and semi-professional levels. Those with a high school diploma only 5% were unemployed and 5% were in menial jobs. Twelve percent were in unskilled jobs and 14% were in semi-skilled jobs. Twenty one percent were in skilled positions, and 43% were in semi-professional positions. Of those with a bachelor’s degree all were employed in semi-skilled, skilled, and semi-professional positions. A higher percentage (58%) was employed in semi- 134 professional positions and a lower percentage (42%) was in semi-skilled and skilled positions. No one in this educational category was unemployed or employed in menial or unskilled jobs. Table 8 Contingency Table: Level of Education by OCCUDational Level Education Occupation None Menial Unskill S.S. Skilled S. Prof n % n % n % n % n % n % <6 yrs 78 83 16 17 0 0 0 O 6 yrs 65 61 19 18 16 15 6 6 O 0 J85 13 29 14 31 9 20 3 7 4 9 2 4 HS 2 5 2 5 5 12 6 14 9 21 19 43 BA 0 O 0 2 17 3 25 7 58 Chi Square - 241.93 with df-16 * p<.05 level The data indicate that higher education in the homeland and in the resettlement areas is related to employment in semi-skilled, skilled, and semi-professional positions. Residents 'hi these areas were distributed throughout ‘the categories from menial to semi-professional. However, most 135 respondents were working in semi-skilled, skilled, and semi- professional positions. The farm residents were ‘mostly employed in menial and unskilled occupations, here there was no need for a higher education. Thus it would seem from this finding that the level of education is not the only factor that determines whether residents are employed or not, rather the area of residence seems to be another important factor determining one’s employment. Other Source of Income In an effort to verify whether parents/guardians had other sources of family income, they were asked whether they had only their wage, were supplemented with the wage of others, or were paid in kind. Forty eight percent of all the respondents who were interviewed had only their own wages as the major source of family income whereas 52% did not have only their own wage as a source of income. Of this group 36% of the respondents were paid in kind and 64% were not paid in kind. For further clarification respondents who reported that they were paid in kind were asked what they received as pay in kind. Items that were considered in the questionnaire as payment in kind included: food supplies, blankets and other material supplies, cattle, and sheep. Of those who were paid in kind only a small percentage (10%) were given food 136 supplies, about one fourth (27%) cattle, and (27%) sheep. No one received blankets and material supplies (Table 9). Table 9 Items Given as Pay in Kind Pay in kind Yes No n % n % Cattle 82 27.3 218 72.7 Sheep 82 27.3 218 72.7 Food 30 10.0 270 90.0 Data indicate that more than half (52%) of the respondents in this study depended on the wages of others for added source of nmdor income. These were some of the homeland and resettlement residents who may have had family members who worked in urban areas. Farm laborers were those who reported that they depended on the wage of others as well as pay in kind which included food, cattle, and sheep. They also reported that they were offered housing as a fringe benefit. A breakdown of pay in kind by the area of residence shows that in the homeland and the resettlement areas no one was given food, cattle, and sheep as pay in kind. Only farm 137 laborers reported that they were offered these items by their employers. These are some of the methods which white farm owners use to make life on the farm areas more attractive to farm laborers, so as to deter farm laborers from looking for alternative jobs 'hi urban (n: other areas. Offering meager wages, food supplies, and shelter to hungry persons increases the farm laborers’ dependency on the farmer and instills in these black families who work on white-owned farms a sense of security, thereby, limiting the possibilities of searching for alternative opportunities. This idea is ‘consistent with Maslow’s theory of motivation (Crain 1980). According to this theory, there are six kinds (Hi needs: physiological, safety, belongingness, love, self-esteem, and at the highest level are the self- actualization needs. These needs are arranged in a hierarchical order, such that the fulfillment of lower needs propels the individual to the next highest level. For example, a person who has a strong physiological need such as hunger and a need for shelter will not be easily motivated by other needs because his/her mind revolves around the need for food and shelter. However, when this need is satisfied he/she will move on to the next levels. Farm laborers as well as most blacks in South Africa are at the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy because. of inequalities in the distribution of resources. 138 Home Environment Included under this category were the following: the structure of the house, house ownership, the number of bedrooms in the house, household size, and the general condition of the house as perceived and reported by the parent/guardian. TI 5! l E II N I Q I' All of the respondents’ houses were built with either bricks, mud, or corrugated tin. Thirteen percent of 'the respondents lived in houses built with bricks, 72% had houses built with mud, and 15% had houses built with tin. Most of the houses built with bricks were in the homeland. Most of the houses built with tin were in the resettlement area, the rest of the houses in this area were built with mud. In the farm areas most of the houses were built with mud. Based (Hi the findings, the resettlement area had the worst quality of building material for tin is a poor insulator in areas of changing temperatures. As one of the respondents from the resettlement area stated, "these houses are not only small, but they are also not meant for people to live in. These houses are very cold to live in during the winter months and very hot in summer". 139 Seventy two percent oir all the respondents reported that they owned their houses and 28% rented or did not own their houses. Ownership of the house was reported by residents of the homeland and the resettlement areas. Those who did not own their houses lived in houses provided by white farm owners as a fringe benefit. Rooms in the House Data as shown in Table 10 indicate that more than half of the respondents lived in a one room house. Less than half of the respondents had two rooms, and a smaller percentage (11%) had three or four rooms. Table 10 Number of Room; Rooms Number Percentage One 157 52.3 Two 110 36.7 Three 28 9.3 Four 5 1.7 Total 300 100.0 140 A breakdown of the number of rooms by area of residence shows that the homeland had a wider range of accessibility to rooms than the other areas. Most families in the resettlement and the farm areas had only one room in their houses. In one room houses within the resettlement and farm areas the room was used for sleeping, cooking, and for dining. These were also the areas with the highest number of people living in a household. Thus, the results of this study suggest that children from the resettlement and the farm areas often live in overcrowded homes with only one room. The shortage of houses and the problem of overcrowding among blacks in South Africa has been investigated in recent years. For example, Disler and Oliver (1984) gave an estimation of the shortage of houses in both the urban and the rural areas. According to these authors, in 1981 there was a shortage of 160,000 housing units in urban areas and 260,000 housing units in the rural areas of South Africa. This shortage inevitably results in overcrowding. For example, up to 17 people were found living in a four room house in Soweto, Johannesburg (Disler and Oliver, 1984). These rooms include two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living TOOTH. 141 Household Size To assess the level of crowdedness that might be found in households parents/guardians were asked the question; how many people lived in the household? The mean number of people found living in the household was 7.55, the standard deviation was 2.68. The range 'hi households was from 2 persons up to 12 individuals. A breakdown of the area of residence by the number of people living in the household indicates that the mean number of pe0ple living in the household in the resettlement area is 8.35, in the homeland is 7.31, and in the farm areas is 6.98. Table 11 show the one-way ANOVA used to obtain the difference between the three areas. If the one-way ANOVA was significant it was followed by a Tukey’s test to find where these differences occurred . The Tukey’s test indicates a significant difference between the number of people living in the household in the resettlement, homeland, and the farm areas. There is no significant difference between the homeland and the 'farm areas. These findings suggest that more people live in the household in the resettlement areas than in the homeland and in the farm areas. 142 .Table 11 Analysis of Variance of the Number of People in the Household by Residence Variable Source OF SS MS F People Between' 2 102.25 51.12. 7 Within 297 2038.10 6.86 Total 299 2140.35 *p< .05 level Tukey’s Test of Significance Mean Group F. H. 6.98 . Farm (F) 7.31 Homeland (H) 8.35 Resettlement (R) * * *p<. 05 level 143 Condition of the House To obtain data on the overall condition of the house, the parent/guardian was asked to give his/her general impression about their house. Less than a quarter of the respondents reported that their house was in good condition. More than three-fourths of the respondents said the house needed renovation or was dilapidated and falling apart (Table 12). Table 12 Respondents’ Impressions about their Houses Impression Number Percentage Good 66 22.0 Needs Renovation 118 39.3 Dilapidated 116 38.7 Total 300 100.0 Most of the respondents who reported that their houses were in good condition came from the homeland area. Those who reported that their houses needed renovation or were dilapidated lived in the resettlement area and on white- 144 owned farms. Houses in the resettlement area were built by the government for those who are removed. However, as a respondent from the resettlement area stated, "the government dumps us here, and never looks back to see how we are doing." These uprooted people are expected to stand on their feet and fight to survive in a foreign and hostile environment. Most of the houses for farm laborers are provided by farmers as a fringe benefit. These houses too needed renovation. A few of the houses that were visited by the research team in the resettlement and the farm areas had leaks in the roof, the walls were cracked, and the windows were broken. 'Family Mobility In an attempt to ascertain the mobility of families in the sample, parents were asked how long they had resided with the child at the present address. If the parent and the child had lived at the address fewer years than the child’s age, the parent/guardian was asked the number of times he/she and the child had moved. The mean number of months lived with the child at the present address was 67.90 or 5 years and 7 months, the standard deviation was 9.75, and the range was 12-78 months. Forty five percent of the parents who were interviewed reported that they had never moved with the child, 11% had 145 moved once, 8% had moved twice, and 36% had moved several times with the child (Table 13). Table 13 Number of Moves made by Parents/Guardians with the Child Moves Number Percentage Never 134 44.7 Once 34 11.3 Twice 24 8.0 Several 108 36.0 Total 300 100.0 Parents/guardians were also asked questions related to the reasons for moving. Fifty percent of those who had moved said they were looking for better living conditions, 40% reported that they were forced by the government because the areas in which they previously lived were designated as white areas, 9.7% were forced to move from urban areas by the police, and less than one percent was too old to work in urban areas and were forced to move to the homeland or resettlement areas. 146 A breakdown of family mobility by area of residence shows a significant chi square at p< .05 level. The resettlement area shows the highest percentage» of 'family mobility. All the respondents from this area had moved at least once during the child’s life time. About 92% of residents had moved twice, and about 41% had moved several times. About 63% of the residents in the homeland had never moved and the rest had either moved twice or several times. About one third (37%) of the residents on white-owned farms had never moved, 63% reported that they had moved either twice or several times. In order to clarify the problems associated with the mobility issue of residents in the resettlement area, a follow up question was asked as to whether residents in this area had moved within the area. Data based on this question suggest that residents in the resettlement areas might not have moved only once when they were resettled, these people reported that they had moved within the resettlement areas in search of land for farming or for the livestock to graze. CHAPTER VI DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ON CHILDREN’S INFORMATION To obtain information about the children, standardized tests were used. The Brown-IDS-Self-Concept Test was used to assess the child’s social-emotional development. The Junior South African Individual Scale (JSAIS) was used to assess the child’s cognitive development. The sub-tests used were vocabulary, quantitative skills, and copying skills. The child’s weight, height, and head circumference were used as measures of physical growth. Information regarding the child’s behavior at home and health condition were obtained by the parent’s questionnaire. This section gives the mean, the standard deviation, and correlations of the child’s measures of self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. Percentages based on the child’s behavior at home and health condition are also reported in this section. The total number of children tested was three hundred. One hundred of these children were from each of the residence areas: the homeland, resettlement, and farm areas. Forty two percent were boys and 57.7% were girls. The mean age in months was 70.03 or five years 8 months and the standard deviation was 3.85. 147 148 A breakdown by gender of children and by the area of residence shows that in the homeland and in the resettlement areas an equal number of boys and girls were tested. However, in the farm areas more girls than boys were tested. The difference is significant at p< .05 level. These findings suggest that boys ages 5-6 are not equally enrolled in school on the farm areas. Data indicated that the enrollment showed 42% boys and 58% girls in schools at the time of this research in the farm areas. As was mentioned earlier, children on white-owned farms are expected to work along side their parents. Thus boys join the labor force at an early age either as herders of livestock or work in the field to grow crops. On the other hand, girls do not play a major role in the labor force in the farm areas, thus they may attend school if their parents so choose and can afford to pay for their books and school fees. A breakdown of the children’s age by the area of residence indicates that boys from the farm areas were significantly different at the p<.05 level from boys from the resettlement area, but not boys from the homeland. Boys from the farm areas had the mean age of 72.24, boys from the homeland had the mean age of 70.90, and boys from the resettlement area had the mean age of 69.56. The mean age difference between boys from the farm areas and boys from the resettlement areas was three months. 149 Girls from the homeland were significantly different at the p<.05 level from girls from the farm areas, but not girls from the resettlement area. Girls from the homeland had the mean age of 70.78, girls from the farm area had the mean age of 69.00, and girls from the resettlement area had the mean age of 69.63. The mean age difference between girls from the homeland and the farm area was one month. Findings on Children’s Information The mean and the standard deviation of the total group for self-concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, copying skills, weight, height, and head circumference are reported in Table 14. 150 Table 14 Maanajyui the Standard Deviation for Children’s Growth and Devel0pment Growth and Development Mean S.D. Self— concept 6.67 2.77 Vocabulary 12.37 4.79 Quantitative Skills 11.76 4.61 Copying Skills 11.53 6.48 Weight 17.41 2.67 Height 98.66 8.17 Head Circumference 47.37 3.79 N=3OO Correlations Between Measures/Scores and Age for Boys The results (Hi the correlation coefficient of self- concept, cognitive development, physical growth, and age for boys show a significant relationship at p< .001 levels. Only the self-concept and head circumference showed a significant relationship at p< .05 level with age (Table 15). 151 Table 15 Correlation Coefficient ikn‘ Boy’s Self-concepta Coonitive. Physical Measures/Scores and Age Self-Con. 1.00 Vocab. (V) .69 1.00 Ouant. (Q) .68 .78 1.00 Copy (C) .65 .71. .78 1.00 Weight (W) .58 .66 .59 .53 1.00 Height (H) .50 .57 .50 .43 .62 1.00 Head Cir. .60 .58 .54 .41 .65 .72 1.00 Age .20 .09 .14 .06 .13 .10 .18 1.00 * * p< .001 level (Self-concept, cognitive, and physical development). * p< .05 level (Age, self-concept, and head circumference). N=3OO This finding suggests a relationship between self- concept, cognitive development (vocabulary, quantitative, and copying skills) and physical growth (weight, height, and head circumference) and cognitive development and physical growth for boys. Only self-concept and head circumference were related to age at p< .05 level, however, the 152 correlations were very low (.20 and .18). This finding suggests that age is not related to cognitive development, weight, and height of boys in this study. Correlations Between Measures/Scores and Age for Girls The results of the correlation coefficient of self- concept, cognitive develOpment, physical growth, and age for girls indicate a significant relationship at p< .001 level. Age showed a low but significant relationship at p< .05 level with only vocabulary, quantitative skills, weight, and height. No relationship was found between age, self-concept, copying, and head circumference (Table 16). 153 Table 16 Correlation Coefficient for Girl’s Self-concept. Cognitive. Physical Measures/Scores and Age Self-Con. 1.00 Vocab. (V) .70 1.00 Quant. (O) .57 .74 1.00 Copy (C) .57 .66 .71 1.00 Weight (W) .58 .56 .47 .49 1.00 Height (H) .64 .51 .40 .35 .49 1.00 Head Cir. .53 .50 .42 .43 .65 .60 1.00 Age .10 .15 .15 -.O5 .13 .13 .07 1.00 * ‘* p< .001 level (Self-concept, cognitive, and physical development). _ * p< .05 level (Vocabulary, quantitative skills, weight, and height). N-300 This finding suggests a relationship between self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth for girls. Age showed a very low but significant relationship at p< .05 level between vocabulary, quantitative skills, weight, and height (.15, .15, .13, and .13). 154 Correlations Between the Child’s MeasuresLScores and Crowdedness The child’s measures/scores for self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth are inversely correlated with the number of people in the household. Although the correlations for all the measures/scores are not high, they are significant at p< .001 level (Table 17). Table 17 Correlation Coefficient for the Child’s Measures/Scores and the Level of CroWdedness Measures Number of People in Households Number of People 1.00 Self-concept -.3O * * Vocab. -.37 * * Quant. -.37 * * Conying -.4o * * Weight — -.4o * * Height -.26 * * Head Cir. -.31* * * * D< .001 level N=300 155 Findings suggest that the more people living in a house the lower arethe scores on the measures for self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. In the resettlement area the mean number of people per household was 8.35, in the homeland it was 7.31, and in the farm areas it was 6.98. Gender of the Child by Children’s Measures/Scores The analysis of variance shows a significant difference at p< .05 level between the gender of the child and the self-concept. Boys had a higher mean of 7.06 on the scores for self-concept, girls had a lower mean of 6.40. There was no significant difference on the scores for cognitive development and measures for physical growth (Table 18). The findings of this study suggest that boys and girls ages 5-6 years do not differ significantly on cognitive development (vocabulary, quantitative, and copying skills), and physical growth as measured by weight, height, and head circumference. 156 Table 18 An Anajysis of Variance of the Gender of the Child by the Self-concept. Cognitive. and Physical Development Boys Girls Self-concept 7.06 6.40 .05* Vocabulary 12.18 12.62 Quantitative 12.33 11.39 Copy 11.63 11.45 Weight 17.69 17.49 Height 100.94 98.12 Head Cir. 48.01 46.93 *p< .05 level N=300 Child’s Behavior and Parent-Child Interaction This section provides information regarding the child’s behavior at home. This includes how the child interacts with other siblings and with the parent/guardian as perceived by the parent/guardian. Of the parents/guardians who were interviewed 35% reported that their children were easy to work with. Another 52% said their children were difficult to handle and sometimes fought with their siblings. Thirteen percent 157 reported that their children mixed freely with other siblings. These findings suggest that about half of the parents/guardians had children whom they felt were difficult to bring up. The parent/guardian was also asked to respond to a question on how many books, games, and toys the child had at home. Regarding the items that the child had at home, more than half of the parents/guardians reported that their children did not have books, games, or toys. Less than 25% of the parents/guardians said that their children had books, games, or toys at home (Table 19). Parents/guardians who reported that their children had books could possibly be the same parents/guardians who reported the purchase of games and toys for their children. Table 19 Items the Child has at Home Items Yes No n % n % Books 66 22.0 234 78.0 Games 69 23.0 231 77.0 Toys 73 24.3 227 75.7 158 Parents/guardians were also asked questions on the kind of activities that they participated in with the child at home. These activities included: working and playing together, reading, telling stories, and watching T.V. with the child. Regarding activities that the parent/guardian and the child did together at home, almost all the parents reported that they worked together with their children at home. More than three fourths of the parents/guardians said that they told stories and less than one fourth of the parents/guardians said that they read books to their children. A smaller percentage of the parents/guardians said that they watched T.V. with their children (Table 20). Table 20 Activities Done together with the Child Activities Yes No n % n % Work together 296 98.7 4 1.3 Tell stories 231 77.0 69 33.0 Read books 62 20.7 238 79.3 Watch T.V. 23 7.7 277 92.3 159 A breakdown of respondents who reported that they read stories to their children by area of residence indicates that in the homeland about (35%) of the respondents reported that they read stories with their children. In the resettlement areas (27%) reported to have read stories. None of the respondents on white-owned farms reported that they read stories to their children. These findings may suggest that parents in the homeland and in the resettlement areas regard the importance of reading to their children more so than parents in the farm areas. Another factor which must be considered is that many families who work on white-owned farms had less than six years of education and therefore, reading may pose a problem. Also since these families work on the farms they might not have the time to read or tell stories to their children. Child’s Health Condition This section gives information about the child’s health condition. This includes the health condition of the child as perceived by the parent/guardian, whether the child has been hospitalized, reasons for hospitalization, and how recently the child has been hospitalized. More than half of the parents/guardians reported that their children were either healthy or somewhat healthy. 160 About one third of the parents/guardians reported that their children were sickly (Table 21). Table 21 Responses to Child’s Health Condition Health condition n % Very Healthy 134 44.7 Somewhat Healthy 61 20.3 Sickly 105 35.0 Total 300 100.0 Child’s Hospitalization Thirty seven percent of all the parents/guardians reported that their children had been hospitalized. Of those who reported that their children had been hospitalized, 33% said the children were hospitalized within the past six months and approximately four percent were hospitalized within the past year. Reasons for hospitalization were either kwashiorkor, pneumonia, or diarrhea. Table 22 shows that there were more cases of kwashiorkor than cases of pneumonia and diarrhea. 161 Table 22 Reasons for Child’s Hospitalization Reasons n % Kwashiorkor 68 61.0 Diarrhea 26 23.2 Pneumonia 18 16.1 Total 112 100.0 A breakdown of the reasons for hospitalization by the area of residence shows that 31% of the children in the homeland were hospitalized. Of those 23% were hospitalized for kwashiorkor; 5% had diarrhea; and 3% had pneumonia. In the resettlement area 32% of the children were hospitalized. Of those hospitalized 25% had kwashiorkor, and 7% had diarrhea. No case of pneumonia was reported. 0n the farm areas 49%. of the children were hospitalized. Twenty percent were hospitalized for kwashiorkor; 15% for pneumonia. and 14% for diarrhea. The percentage of kwashiorkor cases ranged from 20%-25% in all these areas. The farm and resettlement areas show more cases of kwashiorkor. However, more cases of pneumonia and diarrhea were reported in the farm areas. Pneumonia and 162 diarrhea seem to In: a problem in the farm areas, however, this does not seem to be a problem in the homeland and the resettlement areas. Pneumonia in the farm areas could be attributed in) the mud houses and the size of the house or climatic conditions. Results for the resettlement area are contrary to expectation for this area has a high percentage of houses built with tin which were reported as very cold in winter and very hot in summer. The parents of children in the resettlement area did not report any cases of pneumonia as one might have expected. This could be attributed to the dry climate within the resettlement area as opposed to the moist climate within the farm areas. However, the researcher did not collect data about the climate «no humidity factors, therefore, is unable to make conclusions about the possible effect of climatic conditions on children’s health. Nutritional Status of the Child The nutritional status of the child was inferred from the physical growth measurements of weight for age. Eighty seven percent of children who were in the sample fell below the 5th percentile of the National Center for Health Statistics growth curves (Hamill et. al 1977) on the measures of height and head circumference. These unexpected data forced the researcher to use other means of inferring 163 the nutritional status of the child. Therefore, the differences between the malnourished and well nourished children were based on the measures of weight for age only. Using weight for age, a breakdown of the nutritional status of children by gender shows that 45% of all the boys who were tested fell below the 5th percentile weight for age and 55% fell above the 5th percentile. Fifty five percent of the girls fell below the 5th percentile of weight for age and 45% fell above the 5th percentile. Table 23 AVEQAOf Residence by the Nutritional Status Residence Nutritional Status Malnourished Well Nourished n % n % Farm 36 66.7 18 33.3 Homeland 32 59.3 22 40.7 Resettlement 44 86.3 R 7 13.7 Chi Square . 9.75 * p< .05 level Also using weight for age as a measure, a breakdown of the nutritional status of children by area of residence 164 shows that 59% of the children in the homeland were malnourished and 41% were well nourished. Eighty six percent of the children in the resettlement area were malnourished and 14%. were well nourished. Sixty seven percent «rf the children in the farm areas were malnourished and 33% were well nourished (Table 23). These findings suggest that all the three areas had more malnourished than well nourished children, however, the resettlement area inui more malnourished children than the homeland and the farm areas. These data are consistent with the previous findings on hospitalization for kwashiorkor an indicator (H’ malnutrition. In the resettlement areas the problem of malnutrition of children can be attributed to lack of resources such as jobs, drought, and the fact that young men and women leave these areas to seek employment in urban areas leaving the dependents behind often to be cared for by the elderly or their siblings. CHAPTER V11 RELATIONS BETWEEN FAMILY BACKGROUND AND CHILDREN’S INFORMATION This chapter will provide information about relationships that may or may not be significant between parents’/guardians’ and children’s information. A number of one-way multivariate analyses of variance of the independent and the dependent variables are reported. The independent variables were the area of residence, the parent/guardian marital status, level of education, level of occupation, and family mobility. The dependent variables were the child’s self-concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, copying skills, weight, height, head circumference, and the child’s health condition. The Manova test was used to find differences between the levels of the independent variables and the dependent variables. 11’ the overall Manova test (Wilk’s Lambda) was significant, the F test of the Anova for each dependent variable was checked for significance. If this F test was significant the Tukey’s HSD was used to find differences between the levels (H’ the- independent variables (N1 that particular dependent variable. 165 166 The following Manova Tables will contain four sections. The first section shows the overall multivariate statistic, Wilk’s Lambda. The second section shows the univariate F test 1%”: each dependent variable. The third section shows Tukey’s HSD for self-concept and cognitive development scores with significant univariate F tests, and the last section shows the Tukey’s HSD for physical growth measures with significant univariate F tests. Child’s Measures/Scores and the Area of Residence A one-way MANOVA was obtained for the area of residence and the children’s measures and scores. The results of the MANOVA show an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels. All of the individual univariate tests of the children’s measures and scores are also significant at the p< .05 or p< .001 levels (Table 24). Data in Table 24 section 3 indicate that there is a significant difference at p< .05 level between the self- concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, and copying of children between the homeland, the resettlement, and the farm areas. Children from the homeland showed higher mean scores on the self-concept and the cognitive» development tests. There was I”) significant difference between these scores for children from the resettlement and farm areas. 167 Table 24 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by the Area of Residence Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value DF F P 0.675 14/58 9.02 *p< .05 level Section 2: Univariate F test Dependent variables F (2,297) D.F P Self-concept 12.13 .001 * * Vocabulary 10.37 .001 * * Quantitative Skills 18.79 .001 * * Copying 3.56 .029 * Weight 5.02 .007 * Height ' 31.21 .001 * * Head Circumference 8.77 .001 * * * *p< .001 level *p< .05 level 168 Section 3: Tukey’s Test of significant univariate F test Self-concept. Vocabulary. Quantitative skills. Cooying. by the Area of Residence Mean Group F. R. H. SC. V. O. C. 6.08 11.68 10.81 11.79 Farm (F) 6.18 11.35 10.53 10.19 Resettl. (R) 7.74 14.09 13.93 12.57 Homeland (H) * * *p<. 05 level Section 4: Tukey’ Test of significant univariate F test Weight. Height. and Head Circumference by Area of Residence Mean Group F. 'R. H. Weight Height Head Cir. 17.44 94.67 43.83 Farm (F) 16.80 98.33 46.65 Resettl.(R) * 17.98 102.98 48.63 Homeland (H) * * *p< .05 level 169 Data in Table 2 in Chapter V indicated a higher percentage of families with both spouses at home or with no spouse at home in the homeland than on the farm and in the resettlement areas. The higher level of self-concept in children from the homeland could thus be attributed to a more stable home life, intact families, or extended family in other cases, and a sense of a community. The homeland had also a higher percentage of respondents with a high school diploma and was the only area with respondents who had a bachelor’s degree. Findings on books, games, and toys indicated that 22% of the respondents from the homeland and the resettlement areas reported that they had these available for their children. In the homeland 35% of the parents reported that they read stories to their children. All these factors could help children find a more meaningful sense of self. Children from the resettlement and the farm areas show lower levels of selfjconcept. The finding suggests that the overall ecological context in the areas of residence as well as other factors may be influencing how children feel about themselves. As viewed by most blacks in South Africa, the resettlement areas are the "dumping grounds" for marginal black people who neither belong to urban areas nor the homelands. Thus, residents of the resettlement areas are 170 viewed by residents of the homeland as "amalose". The equivalence of this concept is aliens. They are often treated with suspicion, anger, and are ostracized by the residents of the homelands. One reason for the hostile treatment is that families in the resettlement areas are viewed as coming to take away the limited land from the homeland residents. Families that are forcibly removed are often "dumped" in these resettlement areas with little or no resources. Lack of resources creates an undesirable social milieu for survival which could influence residents from the resettlement areas to engage in less desirable means for their survival. Such acts could serve to intensify feelings of animosity against this group. From previous data reported, children in the resettlement areas live with parents who are more poverty stricken than those from the homeland, or farm areas. It is thus possible that parents/guardians of these children also have lower levels of self-esteem. Such negative feelings might be transmitted to the children. However, the conclusions regarding parents’/guardians’ self-esteem cannot be made because data regarding parents’ feelings were not collected. The possible explanation for a lower self-concept and cognitive development for black children who live and work 171 on white-owned farms may be attributed to their daily interactions with the members of the white farm families. These children learn from their parents to address their employer as ’baas’ the Afrikaans/Dutch term for master. The sons of the employer are addressed as ’klein baas’ or young master. Black children learn early in life to defer and to pay due respect to the white master who provides the whole family' with £1 salary, food, accommodation, and clothing. This all helps the white farm owners to portray a feeling of the "Omnipotent Figure" which serves to perpetuate the black child’s respect for these white farm owners. These black children thus know that their fate is in the hands of the white master. This sense of dependency on white farmers can lead to a lack of confidence in what their own parents can do for them and in what they can do for themselves. Children in the homelands had higher scores in cognitive development than children in the resettlement and farm areas. Although these children appear to be ’smarter’ than their counterparts, this could also be a reflection of how poorly children from the resettlement and farm areas performed in the cognitive development tests. Children from the resettlement and farm areas showed lower scores in cognitive development. The lower scores on these measures can be a reflection of the depressed 172 social conditions (see Table 2) under which these children and their families live in these areas. Although both the homeland and the resettlement area had higher percentages of unemployment than farm areas, residents in the homeland were less mobile, had intact families, higher levels of education, and better houses all of which may have contributed to the children’s cognitive development. The deficit in cognitive development in children from the resettlement and farm areas could also be attributed to family mobility. The resettlement and farm areas showed a high percentage of family mobility with the resettlement showing the highest. For example, about 92% of residents in the resettlement area had moved once or twice, 63% of residents on white—owned farms had moved once, and 37% in the homeland had moved once. Moving from one place to the other might hinder adaptation of children to their environment. It might thus be the failure to adapt or the lack of the necessary time to adjust to the environment that influences children’s cognitive development. The high scores iri cognitive development of children in the homeland might be due to the fact that children in this area have not moved as much as children from the other areas, thus children from the homeland might have had a more stable influence to adapt to their environment. 173 Children’s physical growth it: the homeland was significantly different from children 'Hi the resettlement and farm areas. The mean scores on the measures for weight, height, and head circumference for children in the homeland were higher than the mean scores for children in the resettlement and farm areas. This finding suggests that children in the homeland may be provided with better nutrition, despite the parents’ limited access to employment. Better educational levels of parents in the homeland might be helping parents to buy a variety of foods and prepare these types of food in such ways that can enhance children’s physical growth. Children in the resettlement area differed from children in the farm areas. The mean scores for weight were higher for children in farm areas than for children in the resettlement. However, scores for height and head circumference were higher for children in the resettlement area. Children from the resettlement area show lower levels of physical growth as compared to the homeland children. However, resettlement children show higher levels of growth in height and head circumference than farm children. This may be due to the fact that these children are mainly raised by unemployed single parents who have higher levels of education than residents from farm areas, but lack access to 174 employment and other important resources to support their children. I The results for the farm children are contrary to expectation. These are some of the children whose parents/guardians (H‘ siblings are ‘Hl most cases employed. Therefore, one would suspect that the data should show a better nutritional status of children from farm areas because food is more likely to be available to them. However, the findings suggest that children 'Hi the farm areas are heavier but shorter and have a smaller head circumference than children from the resettlement area. This could suggest that children in the farm area may be getting an imbalanced diet that consists mainly of starchy foods such as maize and little or no protein. As stated by Ndaba (1984) maize is notoriously deficient in amino acids. Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/Guardian’s Marital Status A one-way Manova was obtained for marital status and the child’s measures and scores. The results of the Manova show an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels (Table 25). 175 Table 25 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by the Maaital Status Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value DF F P .798 21/83 .324 *p< .05 level Section 2: Univariate F test Dependent variables F (3,296) D.F. P Self-concept 8.80 .001 * * Vocabulary 6.37 .001 * * Quantitative Skill 3.89 .009 * Copying 7.0 .001 * * Weight 3.33 .020 * Height 6.52 .001.* * Head Circumference 2.63 .050 * * * p< .001 level * p< .05 level Section 3: Tukey’s Test of Significant Univariate F test Self—concept. Vocab.. 1 76 Quant.L Copy by Marital Status Mean Group D&W N.M M no 5. M. SC. V. C. 4.20 9.70 10.80 12.60 D&W 6.13 11.79 12.20 11.30 N.M. 6.42 11.53 11.05. 9.39 s. 7.62 13.92 12.99 12.99 M. * * * *p< .05 level Section 4: Tukey’s Test of Significant Univariate F test Weight. Height. and Head Circumference by Parent’s Marital Status Mean Group D&W N.M. M no S. M. Weight Height Head Cir. 16.80 89.30 44.50 D&W 17.04 97.53 47.22 N.M. * 17.19 99.26 47.27 M. no 5. * 18.07 100.08 47.87 M. * *p< .05 level 177 Children who come from married families with the spouse present were significantly different at the p< .05 level on the mean scores for self-concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, and copying from children who come from families which were divorced, and widowed, never married, and married but not living with the spouse. Children from intact families show higher mean scores, on all 'these dependent variables. The mean scores of children from the divorced and widowed, never married, and married but not living with a spouse show the lowest for self-concept, vocabulary, and quantitative skills but not copying skills. The finding suggests that intact families have an advantage in the homeland as reflected by children’s high self-concept scores and as well as better scores on the cognitive development tests. Also more families iri the homeland than iri other areas interacted with their children. This might contribute to higher levels of self-concept and higher levels of cognitive development. On the other hand, larger numbers of children who come from single-parent homes live in the resettlement area. Children who come from divorced and widowed families come mostly from farm areas. These results show that children from married, married but not living with a spouse, and never married differed significantly on the physical growth from children whose parents were either divorced or widowed families. This 178 finding adds to the suggestion that children on farm areas might not be getting the right kind of nutrition that enhances their physical growth or that other factors such as crowding are having an effect on height. As suggested by Graham (1972) crowdedness can be seen as one of the factors that might contribute in) the child’s height, rather than only the nutritional status of the child. Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/Guardian’s Educational Level A one-way Manova was conducted for the analysis of data concerning the parent’s/guardian’s level of education and the child’s measures. The results (H: the Manova show an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels (Table 26). The results show that children who come from families in which the parental level of education was sixth grade or less were significantly different on the scores for self- concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, and copying from children whose parents had junior secondary school certificate, high school diploma, and a bachelor’s degree. Children whose parents had a bachelor’s and a high school diploma were also different on the measures for self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth from those whose parents did not have a high level of education. 179 Table 26 ne- y MANOVA of the Child’s Measmmaaz§§ama§___by fiarent’s/Guardian’s Educational Level Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value Of F P .485 28/1043 2.43 *p< .05 level Section 2: Univariate F test Dependent variables F (4,295) D.F. P Self-concept 33.18 .001 * * Vocabulary 38.05 .001 * * Quantitative Skills 35.11 .001 * * Copying 36.39 .001 * * Weight 16.15 .001 * * Height 23.34 .001 * * Head Circumference 18.59 .001 * * * * p< .001 level 180 Section 3: Tukey’s test of significant univariate F test Self-concept. Vocab.. Quantitativea, Capying by Parent’slGuardian’s Educational Level Mean Group <6yrs 6yrs JSS HS BA SC. Voc. Quant. Copy 5.09 9.78 9.29 9.52 <6yrs 6.19 11.46 10.89 9.52 6yrs 7.73 13.44 13.13 13.89 JSS * * 9.34 17.53 16.00 18.23 HS * * * 9.50 18.25 18.42 19.25 BA * * * *p< . 05 level Parents/guardians who showed higher levels of education were from the homeland and the resettlement areas. This finding thus suggests that families with a better level of education might have had time, other support systems and information that helped them to child’s access to resources’ and children thus interact with their promoting the self-concept and cognitive development. 181 Section 4: Tukey’s Test of Significant Univariate test Weight. Height. and Head Circumference by Parent’sLGuaLdian’s Educational Level Mean ‘ Group <6yrs 6yrs JSS HS BA Weight Height Head Cir. 16.33 93.35 42.28 <6yrs 16.95 99.26 47.26 6yrs 18.44 101.71 49.02 JSS * * 19.02 104.72 49.95 HS * * * 20.17 101.75 49.25 BA * * * *p< .05 level This finding supports earlier studies which show the importance of parent-child interaction in promoting intellectual and social development. This has been clarified in a study by the Harvard Preschool Project (White, Kaban, and Attanucci, 1979). The. major finding of their study concludes that the most favourable experience promoting intellectual and social competence in children is listening to live language being directed towards them. Inspite of their parents/guardians higher levels of education children from the resettlement areas did not show 182 high mean scores in self-concept and cognitive development. The findings for these children suggest that the level of education alone may not be the only influence in black South African children’s self-concept and cognitive development. Other factors such as being a single-parent without a job can influence the development of children. Farm laborers showed lower levels of education and were mostly employed in menial and unskilled jobs which might have required them to work long hours. Their children showed lower mean scores on self-concept and cognitive development than children from the homeland or the resettlement areas. The data concerning children’s measures and scores on white-owned farms suggest a relationship between the area of residence, parent’s/guardian’s level of education, the child’s health condition, self-concept, and cognitive development. Physical growth of children whose parents/guardians had a junior secondary school certificate, high school diploma, and a: bachelor’s degree was significantly different from children whose parents/guardians had six or less years of education. These findings suggest that parents/guardians who had higher levels of education probably had more access to resources and information such as knowledge of the types and kinds of food necessary for healthy physical growth. 183 Child’s Measures/Scores and the Parent’s/Guardian’s Occupational Level A one-way Manova was obtained for the parent’s/guardian’s level of occupation and the child’s measures and scores. The results of the Manova indicate an overall significance at p< .05 and p< .001 levels (Table 27). Table 27 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Parent’s/Guardian’s Occupational Level Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value Of F P .373 42/1712 7.51 *p< .05 level 184 Section 2: Univariate F test Dependent variables F (6,293) D.F. P Self-concept 25.05 .001 * * Vocabulary 30.13 .001 * * Quantitative Skills 31.19 .001 * * Copying 29.59 .001 * * Weight 19.17 .001 * * Height 13.41 , .001 * * Head Circumference 19.96 .001 * * * * p< .001 level The data indicate that children whose parents were not employed were significantly different on the mean scores for self-concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, and copying from children whose parents were employed either in menial, semi-skilled, skilled, (H‘ semi-professional positions. Children whose parents were employed in menial, semi- skilled, skilled, and semi-professional positions had mean scores which were higher than children whose parents were not employed at all. Children whose parents were working in semi-skilled, skilled, and semi-professional positions were significantly different from children whose parents were in menial jobs or not employed. 185 Section 3: Tukey’s test of significant univariate F test Self-concept. Vocabulary. Quantitative Skills. Copying. by Earent’s/Guardian’s Occupational,Level Mean Grp None Menial S.S. S. S.Prof SC. Voc. Quant. Copy 5.31 9.99 9.47 8.20 None N- 7.01 12.13 11.39 11.92 Menial 7.64 14.71 15.76 16.00 S.S. * * X' X- 9.18 16.44 15.93 16.43 Skilled 10.38 18.38 17.13 19.45 S.Prof. * * *p< .05 level Sixty two percent of parents in the resettlement area were not employed. Therefore more of the children from the resettlement area had parents/guardians who were not employed. These low mean scores on the self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth could be scores for children whose parents/guardians were not employed. However, this hypothesis cannot be verified at this time, since data collected on parents/guardians and the child were not coded as matched pairs. 186 Section 4: Tukey’s Test of Significant Univariate Test Weight. Height. Head Circumference tn! Parent’s/Guardian’s Occupational Level Mean Group None Menial S.S. S. S.Prof Weight Height Head Cir. 16.13 95.70 45.49 None 18.24 102.64 48.13 Menial 18.80 104.25 49.69 S.S. * 19.25 104.24 49.80 Skilled * 20.25 108.13 50.25 Semi.Prof. * * *p< . 05 level Fifty percent of parents in the homeland were without jobs. However, children from the homeland showed higher mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. The findings for children in the homeland thus suggest that there might be other factors in the environment of children in the homeland that might contribute to their development. Eighty one percent of farm laborers worked in menial and unskilled jobs, EHHI children on white-owned farms had lower mean scores on the self-concept, cognitive 187 development, height and head circumference. A possible speculation is that parents/guardians who work on the farms usually work long hours, thus may have had only limited time to carry out activities that might have helped to enhance their children’s development. However, data (Hi the total number of hours worked by farm laborers were not collected. It is thus not possible to draw conclusions about whether time was an important factor or not in determining the low mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, height, and head circumference. However, data reveal that the level of education for farm laborers was lower than the level of education for residents from the other areas. Thus the area of residence, the parent’s level of education, and occupation have a significant relationship to children’s development on white-owned farms. These results indicate that children of parents who were employed in semi-professional, skilled, and semi- skilled jobs differed significantly at p<. 05 level from children whose parents were in menial jobs or unemployed on all the measures for height, weight, and head circumference. Children whose parents were working in semi-professional positions also showed higher mean scores on the measures of physical growth than mean scores for children whose parents were working in skilled or semi-skilled jobs. There were no significant differences between children whose parents were 188 working “hi semi-professional positions EHKI children whose parents were working in skilled positions. Child’s Measures/Scores and Family Mobility A one-way Manova was obtained for the number of times the family moved with the child and the child’s measures/scores. The results of the Manova show an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels (Table 28). Table 28 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Family Mobility Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value Of F P .633 21/833 1.54 *p< .05 level Section 2: 1 Univariate F test 89 Dependent variables F (3, 296) D.F. P Self-concept 19.38 .001 Vocabulary 16.24 .001 Quantitative Skills 25.14 .001 Copying 17.89 .001 Weight 23.78 .001 Height 17.38 .001 Head Circumference 32.32 .001 * * p< .001 level Section 3: Tukey’s Test of significant univariate F test Self;concept. Vocab.. Quant.. Copying by Family Mobility Mean Number Several 2 SC. Voc. Quant. Copy 5.40 10.57 9.75 8.90 Several 5.66 9.54 8.16 7.66 Twice 6.7 13.29 13.20 13.94 Once * * 7.8 14.09 13.64 13.69 None * * *p< .05 level 191 Data from this study indicate that family mobility was higher in the resettlement and in the farm areas than in the homeland. Thus low mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth might be due to family mobility as well as other factors in the resettlement and farm areas that were cited as unfavourable for children’s development. Child’s Measures/Scores and Health Condition A one-way Manova was obtained for the child’s health condition and measures of self-concept, cognitive, and physical growth. The results of the Manova indicate an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels (Table 29). Table 29 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s Measures/Scores by Health Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value Of F P .476 14/582 18.67 *p< .05 level 191 Data from this study indicate that family mobility was higher in the resettlement and in the farm areas than in the homeland. Thus ‘an mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth might be due to family mobility as well as other factors in the resettlement and farm areas that were cited as unfavourable for children’s development. Child’s Measures/Scores and Health Condition A one-way Manova was obtained for the child’s health condition and measures of self-concept, cognitive, and physical growth. The results of the Manova indicate an overall significance at p< .001 and p< .05 levels (Table 29). Table 29 One-way MANOVA of the Child’s MeasuresLScores by Health Section 1: Multivariate Test Wilk’s Lambda Value DF F P .476 14/582 18.67 *p< .05 level 192 Section 2: Univariate F test Dependent variables F (2,297) D.F. P Self-concept 76.28 .001 * * Vocabulary 62.18 .001 * * Quantitative Skills 57.01 .001 * * Copying 66.45 .001 * * Weight . 74.57 .001 * * Height 60.09 .001 * * Head Circumference 77.35 .001 * * * *p< .001 level Section 3: Tukey’s test of significant univariance F test Self-concept. Vocab.. Quanti.. Cooy by Health Condition Mean Health Sick Somewhat Healthy SC. Voc. Quant. Copy 4.70 9.39 8.86 15.52 Sick 6.39 11.40 11.16 17.16 Somewhat * 8.32 15.14 14.29 18.99 Healthy * * *p< .05 level 193 Section 4: Tukey’s Test of Significant Univariate Test Weight. Height. Head Circumference by Health Condition Mean . Health Sick Somewhat Healthy Weight Height Head Cir. 16.10 94.81 45.10 Sick 17.58 101.21 47.71 Somewhat * 18.62 102.62 49.27 Healthy * * *p< .05 level The results show that healthy or somewhat healthy children were significantly different on the mean scores for self-concept, vocabulary, quantitative skills, copying, weight, height, and head circumference from children ‘who were sickly. Children who were healthy or somewhat healthy as perceived by the parent/guardian showed mean scores that were higher than for children who were reported by their parents as sick. Healthy children were also significantly different on the mean scores for self concept, cognitive development, and physical growth from children who were somewhat healthy. Healthy children had higher mean scores on these measures. 194 All residential areas had children who had been sick and had been hospitalized within the past six months or year. However, the farm areas. had the higher percentage (49%) of children who were hospitalized than the other two areas. Children on white-owned farms showed lower mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children from the homeland. However, when compared with children from the resettlement area, children from the farm area weighed more, but were shorter and had a small head circumference. The lower mean scores on these tests may be due to all the factors in the child’s environment already mentioned as well as the child’s health condition. CHAPTER VIII SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This chapter gives a summary of the study, conclusions, the mode of rationality used in this study, implications, as well as suggestions for the future. Summary of the Study The major purpose of this investigation was to determine the relationships between a multiplicity of ecological factors that aggravate malnutrition and the behavioral development and physical growth of black South African children from a family ecosystem framework. A secondary objective was to examine the viability of the ecosystem framework in family studies and to arrive at suggestions that could help develop this framework. Three hundred black South African school children ages 5-6 years were assessed for cognitive, social-emotional development, and physical growth. Three hundred parents/guardians were interviewed for background information .regarding the child and the family. The residential areas from which the sample was drawn were: Herschel in the homeland of the Transkei,. Thornhill a resettlement area in the homeland of the Ciskei, the farm areas around Queenstown, and in the Orange Free State. One 195 196 hundred children and their parents/guardians were selected from each of these areas using a systematic sampling technique. The Junior South African Individual Scale (JSAIS) was used as a measure of cognitive development. Three areas of cognitive development were tested. These included: verbal, numerical, and performance» ‘The Brown-IDS—Self-Concept Referents Test was used as a measure of social-emotional development. Anthropometric measures of height, weight, and head circumference were used for physical growth. A parent’s questionnaire was developed and used to obtain the child’s family demographic information, home environment, and the child’s health condition. A chi square test was used to determine whether the relationships between the’ demographic variables were significant. Variables included were, area of residence, home environment, the socio-economic status of parents, the type of family structure, and family mobility. The results of the chi square tests indicated a significant relationship between the area of residence and parent’s/guardian’s marital status, educational, and occupational levels. A significant relationship was also found between the parent’s/guardian’s educational and occupational levels (Tables 2-8). No significant relationship was found between marital status and parent’s/guardian’s occupational level (Table 7). 197 A Pearson Coefficient correlation was used to examine relationships between gender, self-concept, cognitive development, physical growth, and age. The results indicated a significant relationship between self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth for boys. Only self-concept and head circumference were related to age, however, the correlations were very low (Table 15). The results (rf the correlation between self-concept, cognitive development, physical growth, and age for girls indicated a significant relationship. Age showed a low but significant relationship with only vocabulary, quantitative skills, weight, and height. No relationship was found between age, self-concept, copying, and head circumference (Table 16). These findings suggest that age may not be related to the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. The results (rf the correlation between self-concept, cognitive development, physical growth, and the home environment as measured by crowdedness indicated an inverse relationship. Although the correlations for all these scores/measures were not high, they were significant (Table 17). This finding suggests that the more people living in a house, the lower the scores on the measures for self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. The results of the analysis of variance between the gender of the child and the child’s measures/scores on self- 198 concept, cognitive development, and physical growth indicated a significant difference between only the gender of the child and self-concept. No significant difference was found between the gender of the child, cognitive development, and physical growth (Table 18). This fflnding suggests that boys and girls ages 5-6 years old do not differ significantly on cognitive development and physical growth. Results on the child’s behavior and parent-interaction indicated that more than half of the parents/guardians reported that their children were difficult to handle and fought with their siblings. This finding suggests that some of the children in the study showed behavioral problems at home. Parents/guardians were also asked to respond to a question on how many books, games, and toys the child had at home. More than half of the parents/guardians reported that their children did run: have books, games, and toys. Less than one-fourth of the parents/guardians said that their children had books, games, and toys. These findings suggest that most children in the farm, homeland, and resettlement areas do not have books, games, and toys. Regarding activities that the parent/guardian and the child did together at home, almost all the parents reported that they worked with their children at home. More than three fourths of the parents/guardians said that they told 199 stories and less than one fourth of the parents/guardians said that they read books to their children. A smaller percentage of the parents/guardians said that they watched T.V. with their children (Table 20). Most parents/guardians who reported that they read and told stories to their children were from the homeland area, a few parents/guardians were from the resettlement area. None of the respondents from white-owned farms reported that they read stories to their children. These findings may suggest that parents/guardians in the homeland and the resettlement area regard the importance of reading and telling stories to their children more so than parents/guardians in the farm areas. Regarding the child’s health condition more than half of the parents/guardians reported that their children were either healthy or somewhat healthy. About one third of the parents/guardians reported that their children were sickly (Table 21). Of the children who were sickly, about one third had been hospitalized within the past six months. Reasons for hospitalization were either kwashiorkor, pneumonia, or diarrhea. The farm and the resettlement areas showed more children who were hospitalized for kwashiorkor than the homeland. More cases of pneumonia and diarrhea were also reported in the farm areas. These findings suggest that kwashiorkor which is a syndrome of malnutrition is a problem in all three areas. 200 However, the resettlement and the farm areas had higher percentages of malnourished children than the homeland. Also suggested by the findings is that diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea that are related to malnutrition are prevalent in the farm areas. One way multivariate analyses of variance were obtained for the family background information and the child’s self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. If the overall MANOVA test was significant, the F test of the Anova for each dependent variable was checked for significance. If the F: test was significant a Tukey’s HSD was used to find differences between the levels of the independent variables on that particular dependent variable. The results of the MANOVA test and the Tukey’s test HSD indicated a significant difference between the family background information and the children’s measures/scores on the self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. The following section discusses the research questions that were addressed in this study. Question 1: (Research question 1) Is the area of residence related to the child’s self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? 201 The results indicated a significant relationship at the p<.05 level between the area of residence and the child’s self-concept (Table 24). Homeland: Children in this area showed the highest mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth compared to children from the resettlement and the farm areas. Resettlement area: Children in this area showed a higher mean score for height and head circumference than children from farm areas. Farm areae: Children in this area had the lowest mean scores on self-concept, height, and head circumference. However, farm children had higher mean scores on cognitive development and weight than children from the resettlement area only. Question 2: (Research questions 9, 10, and 11) Is the parent’s/guardian’s marital status related to the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? The results indicate a significant relationship at the p<.05 level between the parent’s marital status and the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. Children from married families showed higher mean 202 scores on self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children from parents who were married but not living with a spouse, those who were never married, or those who were divorced or widowed (Table 25). Question 3: (Research questions 3, 13, and 14) Is the parent’s/guardian’s socio-economic status as measured by the level of education related to the child’s self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? The results indicated a significant relationship at the p<.05 level between the parent’s/guardian’s level of education and the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. Children who came from families in which a parent/guardian had a bachelor’s degree, a high school diploma, or a junior secondary school certificate had higher mean scores on the self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children whose parents/guardians had six years of education or less. Children who came from families where parents/guardians had a bachelor’s degree (H‘ a high school diploma also showed higher mean scores on physical growth than children whose parents/guardians had a junior secondary school education or six years of education or less (Table 26). 203 Question 4: (Research questions 3, 13, and 15) Is the parent’s/guardian’s socio-economic status as measured by the level of occupation related to the child’s self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? The results indicate a significant relationship at the p<.05 level between the parent’s/guardian’s level of occupation and the child’s mean scores on self-concept, cognitive development and physical growth. Children whose parents/guardians were employed in semi-professional, skilled, semi-skilled, or menial jobs had mean scores for self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth which were higher than scores for children whose parents were not employed. Children whose parents/guardians had semi-skilled, skilled, and semi-professional positions had higher mean scores than children whose parents/guardians had menial jobs (Table 27). Question 5: (Research question 8) Is family mobility related to the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? The results. indicated a. significant relationship between family mobility and the child’s mean scores on self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. Children from families who had never moved or those who had 204 moved only once showed mean scores for self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth that were higher than for children who had moved twice or several times (Table 28). Question 6: (Research question 4, 5, and 6) Is the child’s health condition related to his/her self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth? The results indicated a significant relationship between the child’s health condition, self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. Children who were healthy or who were somewhat healthy as perceived by the parent/guardian had higher mean scores (”1 the self- concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children who were sick. Children who were perceived as healthy by their parents were also significantly different from children who were somewhat healthy (Table 29). Conclusions of the study The findings of this study have demonstrated that behavioral development and physical growth of children are related to factors in the ecosystem of children. For example, the area of residence, home environment, type 205 of family structure, parent’s socio-economic status, family mobility, and the child’s health condition as well as gender show a relationship with the child’s self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth. The following section presents the findings according to residential areas. Resettlement Children and Families Children in the resettlement of Thornhill and the farm areas around Queenstown and the Orange Free State showed lower mean scores (H1 self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children from the homeland area. Both these areas lack the necessary resources and the opportunities for upward mobility. The resettlement area had the highest rate of unemployment and the highest rate of unwed mothers. The home environment as measured by crowdedness was reported as poor and the land as dry and not arable. Most houses in the resettlement area had only one room and were reported by the residents as dilapidated and in need of renovation. The mean number of people found living in the household in the resettlement area was 8.35, this was higher than the mean number of people found in the homeland 7.31 or the farm areas 6.98 . Physical growth for children in the resettlement area is significantly different from children 'hi the homeland. 206 These children showed a mean score for height , weight, and head circumference that were less than for children in the homeland. These low mean scores could be attributed to crowdedness in the household of the resettlement areas. This finding is consistent with the findings reported by Essen, Fogel, and Mean (1978). These authors reported a strong positive correlation between crowding and the rate of growth of children. For example, children who were growing up in crowded homes were smaller in stature than children who were growing up in families with one or two children. The resettlement showed a high percentage of parents/guardians who were married but not living with a spouse. These are some of the young men and women who leave the resettlement areas to seek jobs in urban areas. As stated by Fincham (1985) the resettlement area appears to be a particularly hazardous area in which to raise children. As indicated by data on hospitalization of children for kwashiorkor which is a syndrome of malnutrition, this area has a higher percentage of cases reported than the homeland, but fewer cases than the farm area. Malnutrition of children in this area is aggravated by the absence of young men and women who often leave children in the care of grandparents to seek jobs in urban areas. This area is also plagued by a high rate of unemployment. For example, the resettlement area has the highest rate (62%) of unemployment. 207 Another factor that seems to influence children’s growth and development is family mobility. The resettlement area shows that 92% of the families had moved at least twice and that 41% had moved several times. Data indicated that families in the resettlement area. moved more often than families in other areas. Moving from one place to the other with young children might affect their growth and development. Earm Children and Eamiljee Data from this study indicated that laborers on white- owned farms showed the lowest levels. of“ education, were mostly employed in menial jobs and unskilled jobs, and thus earning a low income. Data also indicated a lack of books, toys, and games for children in these areas. Therefore farm children live (H1 limited resources such as food, shelter, and other resources necessary' for’ developing their’ human capital. As stated by Fincham (1982) even on white-owned farms, where there is food, food is not easily available for blacks and coloreds. Data from this study indicated that height for age, which is a measurement of long-term nutritional status, suggested that farm children who were included in this study were short for their age and, therefore, likely to be at 208 risk to malnutrition. The highest percentage of hospitalization was reported in the farm areas. Reasons for hospitalization were kwashiorkor, pneumonia, and diarrhea. Data also indicated that most of the houses for black farm laborers were built with mud. The houses had only one room and were offered to farm laborers by the white farm owners as a fringe benefit. What might be influencing ‘the self-concept and cognitive development of children who live (Hi white-owned farms is their dependency on white farmers for resources. Another factor could be their every day contact with white children who live in houses that are luxurious by anyone’s standard. Another factor that may influence children’s self- concept and cognitive development on white-owned farms is the environment of schooling in farm areas. As stated earlier, white farm owners make decisions as to the number of schools, teachers, curriculum, the type and condition of equipment for the schools. More girls than boys were enrolled in school in the farm areas. Boys are usually required to work along side their parents. Boys may be enrolled in school Idepending on the labor supply on a particular farm. Black children who live and work on white-owned farms are socialized ix) treat their white counterparts the same 209 way they treat their white masters. For example, when riding a van black laborers know that their place is on the back of the van, much as blacks in the United States before the civil rights movement in the 60’s knew their place on the bus. This rule cannot be violated at any time even when there is room for two people in the front seat. Thus, black children learn early in life that the color black is associated with an inferior status and little power. Homeland Children and Families Children in the homeland showed higher mean scores on measures of self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth than children from the resettlement and farm areas. However, the findings indicate that families in the homeland experience the same kinds of deprivations as those experienced by the other areas. For example, half of the families in this area were unemployed. A small percentage (7%) of children from this area suffered from kwashiorkor. Thus data in this study indicate that malnutrition might be a problem in the homeland as well, however, not as severe as in the other residential areas. Although the problem is not as severe, it is known that 87% of children in this study fell below the 5th percentile of 210 the National Center for Health Statistics growth curves on the measures for height and head circumference. However, the high mean scores of children from the homeland (Hi the measures of self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth raise many questions as to possible reasons. These could be attributed to social factors available - in the homeland area such as parent’s/guardian’s higher levels of education, the intact families that are not as prevalent in the other areas, the availability of high status jobs for the residents such as teaching in the schools, as well as many other factors that could lead to a sense of belonging to a community. Parents from the homeland also reported that their houses were in better condition than other areas. About one third of the parents/guardians reported that they read books and told stories together with their children. These parents have the highest percentage of interaction with their children. The homeland also showed the lowest percentage of family mobility as opposed to the resettlement and farm areas. Moving from one place to the other might hinder adaptation of children to their environment. Because children in the homeland had not moved as much as children from other areas, these children might have more easily adapted to their environments even though this area is also characterized by limited resources. 211 Emancipatory Mode of Rationality As stated in Chapter three, this research started with the empirical analytical perspective. Following data analysis and the interpretation, critical science perspective which involves the emancipatory rationality is used. As stated by Bubolz (1985a) critical science starts with the assumption that is central to the family ecosystem framework, that is, families are social products and have mutually interdependent relationships with the natural, human constructed, and human behavioral environments. Thus families cannot be considered apart from these environments. The aim of critical science is to enlighten and educate; to emancipate from false consciousness by uncovering factors in the environment that make people define reality in particular ways. Thus, this perspective might lead to the exploration of the historical social structures that led to the ideology of apartheid in South Africa. Also implied in the concept of critical science is implementation, that is, working to design and implement programs for children and families which would improve their quality of life. According to Brown (1984) critical theorists hold that the fact that certain social practices exist does not justify them, and the fact that certain conceptions of 212 social reality exist does not justify them. Thus, where repressive social practices exist and lead in) systematic distortions of moral systems of interaction, and of the conceptual meaning of language, emancipation becomes the interest of moving beyond the structures of distorted communication. The use of the emancipatory rationality leads to what Habermas calls political-moral action. This is action which seeks to promote a free and just society. According to Habermas the social structures and processes which are dominating and repressive need to be changed through political action of citizens. Social evolution, in Habermas’ critical theory of society, comes about through the development of individual learning capacities. In this study, learning vfill be achieved by making community members in and outside of South Africa become aware of the effects of the policy of apartheid on black families and make a contribution towards changing this policy. This section provides a brief discussion of the roots and the structure of the policy of apartheid. This discussion will benefit readers outside South Africa who might not be familiar with this policy. This might also explain the reasons for the failure~ of the majority of blacks in South Africa to acquire higher levels of education, the failure to be employed in higher occupational 213 levels, and the reasons for black families to be concentrated in residential areas which lack resources necessary for the development and growth of children. The Policy of Apartheid Apartheid is a form of government that has been in existence in South Africa since 1948. Many laws and acts have been passed by the South African government which serve to entrench and legalize apartheid. The author will elaborate on some of these laws/acts because the findings of this study suggest that it is these laws/acts which influence growth and development. Some of these acts include: the population registration, land reservation, education, and employment acts. Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd who became Minister of South Africa in 1958 played a leading role as an architect of apartheid. He studied psychology in South Africa and studied philosophy in the late 20’s at various German universities. This is where he had close contact with Hitler’s system of nazism. When he joined the South African parliament in the early 40’s he transplanted the fundamental ideologies that were basic in the system of nazism in the South African parliament. For example, in Germany the Jews were singled out as a race unfit to be citizens, because they did not have ’pure blood’. 214 In South Africa a justification given for racial discrimination is the preservation of racial purity. In essence racial discrimination in South Africa has been maintained in order to preserve white superiority. The native blacks of South Africa are regarded as inferior and, therefore, as requiring the guidance of whites who are a superior race. A brief discussion of some of the laws/acts which undergird the policy of apartheid and which were included in the study is provided in this section. Population_Registration Act This act provides for a rigid system of racial classification. Based on this act everyone in South Africa is classified as either black, colored, Asian, or white. According to this act blacks are required to carry identification documents (passes) which state that they are classified as ’Bantus’, a label that is greatly abhorred by blacks of South Africa, because it has the same negative connotation that the label ’Negro’ has in the United States. This term has as a result fallen into disuse in South Africa. However, for consistency the term ’Bantu’ will be used in this discussion as it was used to name the acts. These documents are used to monitor and control the movement of blacks in South Africa. For example, the 215 pass laws are enforced in urban areas more than they are enforced in rural areas to check on blacks who might be in the urban areas ’illegally’. Land Reservation Act In 1936, the limited franchise that a few blacks enjoyed was abolished. This disenfranchisement was formalized legally through the Bantu Self-Government Act which stripped blacks their South African citizenship and declared them foreigners in their: own country. This act declared a territorial and political segregation of blacks and whites and a separation in residential areas, education, and jobs. According to this act blacks are relegated to the homelands and the resettlement areas. The conditions under which blacks live in these areas have been already discussed. Blacks cannot buy land in urban areas. Only whites, Asians, and coloreds can buy land in urban areas. Following the Group Area’s Act, the Urban Area’s Amendment Act was passed in parliament. This act empowers the Minister of Native Affairs to order the demolition of a black residential area in the urban areas, and to move all blacks in that area to another site without consulting them. This has led to the forced removals from the areas designated for whites to the resettlement areas. 216 E u ati n A t In 1953, the white South African government enacted legislation that created for the first time in the history of South Africa a government office to deal exclusively with the education of blacks. The Bantu Education Act gave the government jurisdiction over all aspects of black education. The readers must be reminded that in all these acts blacks were neither consulted nor included at any time when these decisions which concerned them were made. When the Prime Minister of Education introduced this bill in parliament in 1953, he gave the following reason for the segregated education. "For a white minority to face a large majority of civilized and educated non-Whites, wishing to share our way of life, and striving for equality in all respects would make the fight for a White South Africa immeasurably more difficult" (Mzimela, 1980 p. 177). This act has 'led to segregated schools for the different racial groups. In the schools for blacks the curriculum is inferior, is monitored, and censored by the government. Teachers are under qualified and the equipment is inadequate because of a great disparity in the allocation of resources to different racial groups. For example, the expenditure per student during the ,years 1978-1979 shows $940.00 for a white student and $90.00 for a black student (South African Institute of Race Relation’s Report, 1980). 217 Job Reservation Act The job reservation act gives the Minister of Labour authority to determine which jobs should be reserved for whites only. For example, in mining blacks may not be employed in the sampling, surveying, and ventilation departments. They also may not by law hold senior positions in industries or supervise whites. Needless to say that even if blacks had a choice in the matter, the type and the level of education that a few blacks manage to receive would not allow them to qualify for these jobs. The South African government has many laws/acts that are used to enforce apartheid. However, for the purpose of this study the acts that have been discussed above will suffice. Under the policy of apartheid black parents are both rightless and powerless. Consequently, their children are denied all the rights of children as declared by the United Nations General Assembly Act of 1959. As stated by Kunene (1979) these children are made to suffer not only from malnutrition and from poverty related diseases, they are also made to suffer from a ’victim syndrome’. All these factors interact to influence the social-emotional, cognitive development, and physical growth of children. Some of these children grow up not knowing their own potential talents which are stunted by the laws 218 that have been created by the South African government. Many of these children do run: even live long enough for their parents to enjoy and help them realize the talents in them. "Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen And waste its sweetness on the desert air." Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard by Thomas Gray (Starr, 1968). This passage encapsulates the rich human potential which is available in black children in the homeland, resettlement, and the farm areas, which under the policy of apartheid is ignored, wasted, and rarely developed or utilized. From this study it can be concluded that black families in the rural areas of South Africa live in a condition of unequal access to resources and knowledge that are found in the natural, human constructed, and behavioral environments in which these families are embedded. Black families are thus trapped in conditions of political, social, and economic deprivation and their children are also likely to be trapped in the same condition. It is these environments that contribute to the culture of deprivation which hinders these families from getting better levels of education, 219 occupation, and ix) earn a better income that would enable them to improve their quality of life. However, despite the conditions of deprivation in the rural areas of South Africa in which black families live, these families show a powerful intrinsic survival mechanism. This mechanism is termed by Davis (1984) a survival dynamic. It is in fact a cultural mechanism used by the poor to counteract the difficulties imposed upon them by the political, economic, and social factors. This survival dynamic operates on both the individual and the community levels. On the individual level it is evident in how black families especially those from the farm and the resettlement areas survive with the barest minimum resources available to them. These include the lack of political power, land, housing, food, and other essentials of life. It is also evident in how blacks in South Africa have persisted to find ways to restore their identity and selfworth. At the family and community levels it is shown by the persistence to maintain stable family forms despite the government’s efforts to recruit and separate black family members through the migratory labor system. Black families have also persisted to find ways to start building new communities to meet the psychological and physical needs of residents despite the government’s efforts to break 220 communities by demolishing houses and forcing residents to move to ’unknown places’. The high mean scores of self-concept, cognitive development, and physical growth for children in the homeland also show this survival mechanism which has helped these children to adapt to the impoverished environment of the homeland. The researcher is not in support of the kind of adaptation that children in the homelands of South Africa and other areas are forced to make in order to survive. Children should be treated equally' and be provided with enough food and decent accommodation, and be able to live with their parents, and be provided with educational and health services that will enhance physical growth, cognitive, and social-emotional development. The ability of the poor to adapt to the most hostile environments of the homeland, resettlement, and the farm areas leads the government of South Africa to be convinced that the policy of apartheid is working, and thus there is no need to change it. Implications of the Study This study demonstrates two implications: theoretical and practical. This study has shown the viability of the ecosystem framework' in studies designed to examine 221 behavioral development and physical growth of black children in South Africa. This study suggests that the syndrome of malnutrition is embedded in a multiplicity of factors in the children’s ecosystem. Thus any effort to improve the development and growth of black children in South Africa should take into consideration all levels of the child’s ecosystem from the micro to the macro level. The effort to improve growth and the development of these children can be achieved at two levels. The first and a more pressing effort involves the institution of cost- effective strategies within the present social, economic, and political climate, so that the immediate needs of the vulnerable groups can be met. These might include community health care, nutrition, and food information programs, adult education programs, job training skills, community development skills, and preschools which aim at the holistic development of children. However, for intervention projects in black communities in South Africa to be successful and to have long lasting effects, factors at the macro level should be addressed. Thus the second effort must be a restructuring in the distribution of resources so that there is equal access to political power among different racial groups, allocation of land, educational and ;hfl> opportunities, health care, and 222 social welfare services. This action will lead to what Habermas calls political-moral action. This is action which seeks good for the people. Suggestions for the Future A secondary objective of this study is to examine ways to further develop and refine the ecosystem framework. The following section gives some of the methods that might be used to improve the ecosystem framework. Some of the most important ways to develop and refine theoretical frameworks were suggested by Nye (1978) and Holman and Burr (1980). For example, Nye (1978) has suggested a "Causal Analysis Model”. This is a very refined system of analysis because the researcher is forced to state the direction of causality between each interrelated variable it: the analysis. The findings of this study indicate significant relationships between the variables that were selected for this study. Therefore, a multi-causal model might be the best method for organizing the findings for this study. Causal models that could be used include: a path analysis model, time-series design which is recommended by Schucts and Hicks (1981), and the linear estimation of structural relationships (LISREL) which is recommended by Joreskog and Sorbom (1978). All these models might be suitable methods of data analysis for describing the ecosystem framework. 223 Cross-cultural studies might also contribute to building new concepts and for testing already existing concepts. This suggests that family scholars in the United States need ix» look beyond their borders to expand their pool of concepts. Another way to, foster creativity and efficiency in developing the ecosystem framework would be to encourage a network of scholars from different disciplines such as biology, sociology, anthropology, and geography for they can help to clarify the complexities cH’ the human ecosystem framework. In conclusion then, the ecosystem framework has a place and future in family theory. 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Discontinue after 4 consecutive failures on the items of the picture booklet. Item 5:6nse chreo Item Egense lCEFEO card a Ex. Key 11. friendly b i lock (help) 12. swan c ii lamp (help) 13.. calendar d iii drum 14. wool b iv cradle 15. sad c curd b 16. temperature c v going up u (help) 17. fear a vi pulling something 18. weapon b Picture booklet 19. freckles b Ex. a tree b 20. swarm a b boiling b - 21. flame a 1. tortoise (help) c 22. abyss a 2. gate (help) c ' 23. funny a 3. dreaming (help) d 24. vehicle c 4. tricycle ‘ b 25. insect c 5. sieve (help 6/7y.)d 26. reptile d 6. turkey . ' d 27. fastest b 7. fence 6 28. pair a 8. teasing, a 29. astonishment b 9. straight c 30. reflection b 10. hurrying b 31. aquarium a 32. motionless a Max. = 39 Total raw score Scaled score NUMBER AND QUANTITY CONCEPTS: is answered correctly. Six- and seven-year-olds start with Item 8. Discontinue after 3 consecutive failures. 2458 PART A (3 TO 7 YEARS) Three- to five-year-olds start with the example for which 1 point is given if it Item Score Item Score 1 or O 1 or 0 Ex. balls 15. stars 1. sticks 16. glasses 2. stars 17. apples 3 birds 18. dots 4. fish 19. pigs - 5. poles 20. bird cages 6. buttons 21. birds 7. hearts 22. 7} of a tart 8. ropes (help 6/7 yrs) 23. scales 9. ducks 24. birds sitting on fence 10. buttons 25. cups/saucers 11. buttons 26. socks 12. dots 27. small bags 13. ink 28. marbles 14. I of a tart 29. walking-sticks 30. watohes Max.=31 A: Total raw score Use the A scaled score for calculating A: Scaled score GIQ for three- to five-year-olds. COPYING (4 TO 7 YEARS) All testees start with Item 1. vvil I not copy any further designs. 24 Discontinue when the child obviously cannot or Item .Score 1. 0-2 2. _L— 0-2 3. 0-2 4. C::j 0-2 5. 0-2 6. l1: \\ 0-2 7. 5 0-2 9. O