THE UPPER DEVONlAN AND LOWER MESSISSW'E'LAN WWW: OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN AND BAY COUNTY, MICHEGAN Thesis {or H“ Degree of DH. D. MICHEGAN SYSE UNEVERSKTY David V. LeMone 1964 THESIS w i\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \fl ‘ This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Upper Devonian and Lower Mississipian Sediments of the Michigan. Basin and Bay County, Michgan presented by David V. LeMone has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for PhoDo degree in 690108! W Major professfr Date February 26, 1964 0-169 LIBRARY Michigan State University .' d I‘ . ms,“ t ,,D.gxm;' MAGIC 2 DEC 1 5 1.99.8”; e ' .' ‘1 "N ' ..,r u __ fir ABSTRACT THE UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWER MISSISSIPPIAN SEDIMENTS OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN AND BAY COUNTY, MICHIGAN by David V. LeMone Body of Abstract The Upper Devonian and Lower'Mississippian rocks of the Michigan Basin were investigated. Detailed isopach and structure contour maps and radioactive log cross sections were prepared from.oil and gas well data. All three were successfully employed in developing the sedimentary and tectonic history of the Michigan Basin during this interval of time. The gamma ray-neutron logs were particularly useful for basinal correla- tion of the black shale interval (designated the B interval in this paper), which includes those rocks from.the base of the Antrim.Shale to the top of the Sunbury Shale. The gamma ray logs clearly indicated the stratigraphic relationships between the eastern and western facies of the black shale interval within the Michigan Basin. The Lower continuous throughout the entire basin. The Upper Antrim is found only locally west of a major north-south trending barrier and/or isopach thin axis, herein referred to as the B axis. On the eastern side of the Basin the Upper Antrim shale increases to a maximum on the edge of the B axis. The BereacBedford sequence decreases in thickness from.east to west toward the B axis on the eastern side of the basin. Berea and Bedrord equivalents are observed in the west-central David V.-LeMone and northwestern portions of the Basin. The Berea dolomite is tentatively correlated with the Berea sandstone. The Ellsworth Shale of the western side of the basin is the facies equivalent of the Bedford—Upper Antrim of the eastern side of the Basin. Detailed isopach studies in Bay County indicate an east-west channel system for the Berea-Bedford sedimentation in that area. The Goldwater Shale isopach study clearly illustrates the disappearance of the South Michigan Shelf. The Marshall sandstone study indicates a third major tectonic change occurring Within the Basin. THE UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWER MISSISSIPPIAN SEDIMENTS OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN AND BAY COUNTY, MICHIGAN BY 3V9 David V. IeMone A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology 1961+ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to acknowledge the early encouragement and guidance given to Dr. W. J. Hinze, Dr. H. B. Stonehouse, Dr. M. M. Miller, Dr. W. Kelly, Dr. J. Zinn, and Dr. B. T. Sandefur of the Department of Geology, as well as Dr. G. W. Gillett and Dr. G. w. Prescott, of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. The Michigan Geological Survey has been particularly helpful to the writer, singularly, Mr. Garland Ella and, collectively, Mr. R. Ives, Mr. S. Alguire, Mr. W. Mantek, and Mrs. B. Champion. The writer, likewise, acknowledges the mental stimulation and prcbing criticism generated by the numerous discussions held with his fellow graduate students, especially Mr. William Steinkraus, Mr. Gholmm Sorrwar, Dr. Nurul Islam, Mr. Donald Merritt, and Dr. David Cummings. For their consideration, direction, and the example they set, the writer cites the four geologists most influential in his professional development: Dr. Jane E. Smith, Dr. C. Eo Prouty, Dr. James Ha Fisher, Department of Geology; and Dr. Curt Teichert, U. So Geological Survey, Denver. Acknowledgment of my gratitude to my wife for her patience, sympathy, and understanding is too deep to record here. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction . . . . . . II. Methods of Investigation III. Structural Units . . . . Stratigraphy . . . . . . Pre-Traverse Stratigraphy. Traverse Group. . . . Black Shale ("B") Interval Introduction. . Antrim Shale. . Bedford Shale . . . Berea Sandstone Sunbury Shale . Ellsworth Shale . a. b. c. d. e. f. ge l. 2. 3. h. 5. 6. e e e e e e e e e - J - l e e e Environmentat Interpretato COldwater Shale. e e e e e 0 Marshall Sandstone . . . . . PostéMarshall Stratigraphy V. Geologic History . . . . . . . VI. Summary and Conclusions. . . . Bibliography . . . . . . . . . iii PLATES ( IN POCKET) I. Isopach maps (State of Michigan) Plate 1. Traverse Group (including formation) Plate 2. "B" Interval Plate 3. Goldwater Shale Plate 4. Marshall Sandstone II. Structure Contour maps (Bay County) Plate 5. Dundee Limestone Plate 6. Traverse Formation Plate 7. Antrim.Shale Plate 8. Sunbury Plate 9. Goldwater Shale III. Isopach maps (Bay County) Plate 10. Traverse Group Plate lle Antrim.Shale Plate 12. Berea-Bedford Plate 13. Sunbury Shale Plate Me "B" Interval Plate 15. Goldwater Shale Plate 16e Marshall Formation IV. Gamma Ray cross sections (Michigan) Plate 17. ArAi, B-Bl Plate 18. C-Cl, D-Dl Plate 19. EPE , F—Fl Plate 20. G-Gl V. Regional Distribution of Upper Devonian - Lower Mississippian Black Shales and related rocks Plate 21 VI. Tectonic Map of Michigan and surrounding areas Plate no 4‘. VII. Isopach thin axis of the "B" Interval Plate 23 iv I.BayCountyWellData...................88 APPENDICES Page II. MiChigan well Data 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I 97 I. INTRODUCTION The Southern Peninsula of Michigan is the geographic center of the Michigan Basin. The Basin is frequently referred to as the type example for an autogeosyncline as classified by Marshall Kay (1951). It may be described as an independently sinking intracratonic basin that develops a nearly circular outline. It is bounded on the south by the Kankakee and Findlay arches, which are apparently the bifurcating northern extensions of the north-south trending Cincinnati Arch. The east side of the Basin is established by the Algonquin Axis (the northern extension of the Findlay Arch). A Precambrian complex, referred to as the Laurentian Highlands, forms the north and northeastern boundaries. The Wisconsin Arch or Highlands border the western margin of the Basin (Plate 22). The Michigan Basin is popularly described as being a stack of saucers slightly warped on the edges. With the realization of the limitations of this apt description, we may consider the Basin as a unit. It is composed largely of Paleozoic rocks which reach a maximum thickness in excess of 1A,OOO feet. Surface exposures in the Basin consist almost entirely of Pleistocene glacial deposits; however, the Paleozoic rocks do crop out in local weathered areas and at a small number of excellent quarry exposures. In view of the exposure limitations, the data utilized are almost exclusively subsurface. The major purpose for the study of the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississip- pian rocks is the correlation of the eastern and western facies of the "B" or black shale intervals. Correlation of the individual units of the "B" Interval are accomplished by utilizing gamma ray-neutron well logs. In Bay County detailed isopach and structure contour studies were developed to evaluate the utilization of a series of formation tops for possible structure contour intervals. The black shale problem study of the environmental interpretations is a literature synthesis and review made to determine the most reasonable paleoecological conditions for the black shale units of the Michigan Basin on a local and regional framework. The detailed isopach maps of the Southern Peninsula were undertaken to study the changing configuration of the Basin, as well as the tectonic features peripheral to the Basin. A number of prior studies have been made within the sequence. The best of the earlier regional structural contour studies of the state include Cohee (1944a, 19A4b, 19h5a, 19h7b, and 1951) and.Monnett (1948). Lithofacies maps have been made from the studies of the sequence by Hoover (1960), McGregor (195h), Sloss, Dapples, and Krumbein (1960), O'Hara (1954), Hale (1941), and Cohee (19hha, 1944b, 19453, 1947b, and 1951), and other contributors. Fisher (1953) attempted to correlate the black shale interval across the Basin using electrical logs. His conclusion, supported by later work, was that the unit did not develop a sufficient character to be used. The Traverse Group has been correlated, apparently with success, by Jodry (1957) and Ross (1957). No prior study of the utilization of gamma ray logs for correlation of the black shale interval in the Michigan Basin has been published. A number of very excellent regional summary papers have been.made on the paleoecology of black shales; especially Hoover (1960), Ruedemann (193h), Twenhofel (1939), Vine (1962), and Fisher (1953)o The thesis is divided primarily into four basic parts: I. An isopachous study of the Southern Peninsula Upper Devonian- Lower Mississippian sediments. The formations considered are subdivided into four basic units: A. The Traverse Group, including the "Transition Zone." B. The "B" Interval. This includes all units between the Goldwater Shale and the Traverse Formation. 1. Antrim Shale. 2. Berea Sandstone (east side of the Basin). 3. Bedford Shale (east side of the Basin). h. Ellsworth Shale (west side of the Basin)u 5. Sunbury Shale, which is observed in all parts of the Basin, except in local areas in the far western portion where it has not been recorded. (In these areas the basal Goldwater redrock is used as a marker unit.) C. Goldwater Shale ’ D. The Marshall Sandstone. II. Detailed isopachous and structure contour studies of the Upper Devonian- ‘Lower Mississippian sequence in Bay County. III. An environmental interpretation of Black Shale Interval; and a cursory renexamination of the black shale problem on a regional basis for origin, distribution, and time-stratigraphic analysis. IV. A gamma ray-neutron log study of the Michigan Basin to determine the significance and the relationships of correlations between the Berea-Bedford~ Antrim of the eastern side of the Basin and the AntrimsEllsworth of the western side of the Basin. II. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION The regional study of the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian rocks of the Michigan Basin utilized 792 wells located on a township grid throughout the Southern Peninsula (Appendix II). Four isopach maps were from.these data (Plates l-A). Individual units are considered for sedimentary processes, environment of deposition, and tectonic history. Data sources for the information were derived from.survey records, radioactive and electric logs, stucco logs, and published logs. The published logs are distributed by the Michigan Geological Survey; they are the written descriptions by state geologists for individual wells. The data sources are from.driller logs, samples run by the survey, samples run by individual companies, radioactive log interpretation, and electric log interpretation. Published logs are commonly a combination of two or more of the aforementioned sources. The Bay County detailed study utilized 208 wells (Appendix I, Plates 5 - 16). Wells are plotted on a grid of one well per section in.wildcat areas and one well per quarter section within the fields. One phase of this study is directed at an examination of the reliability of structure contour mapping on the shallower post-Dundee horizons (Plates 5 - 9). Seven detailed isopach studies have been made to determine possible significant variations in the individual units (Plates 10 - 16). A series of gamma ray log studies (7 cross sections) were made across the Basin for correlation purposes, as well as for delimiting the various facies of the "B" unit (pre-Sunbury-post-Traverse, Plates l7-20). The regional black shale study is directed toward correlations in time and facies, as well as paleoecological considerations that might be applied logically to the Michigan Basin (Plate 21). III. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN The Michigan Basin is bounded by a series of major tectonic features: the Findlay Arch to the south and southeast; the Algonquin Axis to the east; the Laurentian Highlands, which includes northern Ontario and the Precambrian areas in the Lake Superior region; the Wisconsin Highlands or Arch to the southwest (Plate 22). The Kankakee and Findlay arches represent a bifurcation of the north-south trending Cincinnati Arch. The Findlay Arch extends from.a locality approximately 50 miles north of the Kentucky-Indiana—Ohio three-state point northeast through Findlay, Ohio. It is then extended through Lake Erie to southwest Ontario where it ends in the structurally low area known as the Chatham Sag in Kent County, Ontario. Green (1957a) indicated that, based on the Trenton structure, there is a 600-foot drop between western Ontario on the arch and Wayne County on the flank. The Findlay Arch was originally named the Lima Axis (Orton, 1888); however, Phinnqy (1891) and Ekblaw (1938) indicated that through popular usage and geographic position Findlay should be adopted as the accepted designation for the structural feature. 'Cohee (1945a) indicated that the Findlay Arch was elevated several times during the Paleozoic. One of the most profound of the uplifts occurs during Lower Ordovician. The broad area between the Kankakee and Findlay arches is a relatively high area throughout the Lower Paleozoic; this feature has been called the Indiana-Ohio Green (1957a). Its northern extension is called the South Michigan Shelf (Garland Elle, personal communication, 1961). From.South-central.Michigan east to the Findlay Arch there are three smaller regional structural features that have further influenced Paleozoic sedimentation from west to east: the Clinton Sag (South- central Michigan); the LucasAMonroe Monocline (extending from.Lucas County, Ohio, to Monroe County, Michigan); and the Howell Anticline (extending northwest-southeast through Livingston, Washtenaw and Wayne County, Michigan). The Clinton Sag is best indicated by the Silurian isopachs of the South.Michigan Shelf. The LucaséMonroe Monocline is the northward extension of the Bowling Green Fault, which has been observed in wells in the vicinity of Cygnet, Bowling Green, and Findlay, Ohio. Orton (1888) referred to the structure as the Findlay break; he recorded abrupt structural "drops" of 150 to 175 feet in horizontal distanced of 1000 to 1200 feet. The LucaséMonroe Monocline was observed by Lindberg(l948) in his study at Deerfield, Michigan. ’ The Howell is the largest anticline in the Michigan Basin. The anticline is highly asymmetrical and faulted on the western side and might better be referred to as a faulted monoclinal flexure. Newcombe (1933) was first to record the actual faulting when he noted some 88 feet of missing section on the western flank of the anticline. Monnett (1948) in his Goldwater structural contour map indicates 1770 feet of folding and/or displacement near the center of Livingston County. The Chatham.Sag of Kent County, Ontario, was recognized by Pirtle in 1932 as being a saddle connecting the Michigan Basin with the Appalachian Basin. Kay named the Chatham Sag in 191.2. Lockett (191.7) called the feature the Ontario Sag and indicated that is probably' an extension of the south trending Parkersburg-Lorian synclinal trend. Allings (et. al., 1961) indicated that it represents an interconnecting seaway betweén the Michigan Basin and the Ohio Basin. The northeastward extension of the Findlay Arch across the Chatham Sag is called the Algonquin Axis. North of this axis the exposed Precambrian is referred to as the Laurentian or North Ontario Highlands area. The term, "Laurentian", is generally used to indicate the whole of the northern portion of the Michigan Basin. In other words, a positive Precambrian area that stretched from.northern Ontario to western Lake Superior where it connects with the Wisconsin Arch, which has a southern pro-Pennsylvanian extension called the La Salle Uplift or Arch. The writer does not believe that a vast unbroken Laurentian Highlands region existed across Southern Canada. Paleontological and lithologic evidence (Martison, 1952) in fact, quite clearly show that there must have been a north-south connection between the Michigan Basin and the James Bay Lowland region of southernmost Hudson Bay in the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and possibly lowermost Kinderhook time. The writer calls this north-south Early Paleozoic marine connection simply the "Ontario Seaway". The divided Laurentian Highlands area during this time may be referred to as the eastern and western shores. PreéMississippian correlations have been postulated, also, between the James Bay Lowland area and the Manitoba region. The Ontario Seaway probably was broken during the Mississippian time, and possibly as late as Bayport time. Monnett (19h8) indicated that uplift in the Laurentian area supplied conglomerates to the Upper Goldwater and Lower Marshall. The Wisconsin Arch forms the western boundary of the Michigan Basin. 9 Pirtle (1932) described the arch as a broad fold with an axis trending N 20° W that extends from.centra1 Wisconsin southeastward into Illinois, presumably coalescing with the Laurentian Highlands region in the North. Levorson (1960) called the feature the Illinois-Wisconsin Arch.‘ He has determined from.atudies in northern Illinois that the last major uplift in this area was post—Upper Chester-pre-Upper Pennsylvanian in age. This movement could be correlated into the Basin and assumed to synorogenic with the post-Bayport basinal movements. This, also, indicates an area of potential source material for the Pennsylvanian sediments of the Michigan Basin. The latter stage of the movement could indicate the time of withdrawal of the Pennsylvanian seas from Michigan. Levorson (1960) called the northwesternrsoutheastern major Canadian-north central United States feature the La Salle Arch. The southern end of the La Salle Arch is called the Illin0134Wisconsin Arch. This is unfortunate because of the confusion surrounding the term La-Salle. Lockett (19h?) indicated it as being the western bifurcation of the Wisconsin Arch and continued it to where it died out in the Illinois Basin. Ekblaw (1938) bifurcated the La Salle and the Kankakee at Oregon, Illinois. The eastern bifurcation is referred to as the Kankakee. Green (1957a) presented evidence to drop the term."La Salle" as a valid that the anticline is in reality the Oglesby Fault, which forms the western side of the Ottawa Horst. Weller (1957) in a discussion of Green's (1957a) paper questioned the validity of his "unconventional" interpretation of the field evidence. Green (1957b) in his reply to the discussion restated his interpretation of his evidence and indicated that he was not surprised that these new concepts proved to be disturbing for the "time-honored orthodox precepts". Green (1957a) further stated that the northern Wisconsin Arch region has 10 a different geologic history than the southern region; in this he referred not only to the La Salle Arch, but also the Kankakee Arch. Monnett indicated that gentle uplift in the Wisconsin Arch area influenced sedimentation in Coldwater time, as well as supplying the feldspar observed in the southwestern part of the state. Cohee (l9h8a) stated that the Wisconsin Arch was apparently elevated at different times in the Upper Cambrian and the Lower Ordovician. Ekblaw (1938) was of the opinion that most of the major movement on the arch occurred in Pre- cambrian time. The Kankakee Arch is the western bifurcation of the Cincinnati Arch. Pirtle (1932) described the Kankakee as a relatively small uplift that trends N h5° W in northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana, which connects the Wisconsin and Cincinnati arches which he theorized had a closely related tectonic history. He believed, also, that it is the cause of the north—northeastern structural trends in the southwestern part of the state. Ekblaw (1938) indicated that the first major movement on the Kankakee Arch was after Shakopee time, but before St. Peter time. Lockett (19A?) visualized the Kankakee Arch as being an eastern spur of the Wisconsin Arch. He also recognized a western bifurw cation off the Cincinnati Arch that he called the Wabash Spur. The two spurs are separated by the Logansport Sag. Green (1957a) suggested that the term "Kankakee Arch" be abandoned. He noted only one arch, which he called the Francisville, which is approximately AS miles long, was mildly active in the Devonian, located in northeastern Illinois and having an eastmwest trend. He postulated a broad, slightly tilted, relatively unwarped platform. The platform, named the IndiananOhio Platform ) . i l — . ‘ covers approximately 10,000 Square miles, with a maximum separation of 150 miles between the Michigan and Illinois Basins. He also pointed out the fact that no erosional unconformities are needed to explain why units are thin over the shelf. The area is the probable loci of the Silurian reefs. The Logansport Sag is a structurally low area that has connected the Michigan Basin and the Illinois Basin at various times throughout the Paleozoic. This feature was first recognized by Orton. Lockett (19h7) viewed it as the low point between the two basins through which some interfingering of fossils and sediments occurred. Green (1957a) noted that there is a Logansport fault that is some 60 to 70 miles in length, has a maximum displacement of 200 feet, and trends NE-SW. Within the Basin itself, structure is complicated by several periods of folding. The structures may be considered to occupy two broad provinces. The first is the south-western area, where anticlinal structures are aligned N-S, NE—SW, as well as NW;SE. These trends are reflected on regional gravity maps (personal communication, Hinze, 1961). Faulting is known to accompany the two major flexures in the Basin (Howell Anticline and Lucas-Monroe Monocline). Pirtle (1932) also noted. He was of the opinion that the Kankakee and Wisconsin Arch areas formed a buttress to movements within the Basin. Anticlinal folds, especially those in the northeast, are asymmetrical with their steep flanks toward the Basin center. The axial plane of many of the folds appear nearly vertical. PreuSalina disharmonic folding, should it exist, does not seem to validate with the available information. It should be pointed out, however, that the information 12 available on Pre-Salina structure in the central and northern parts of the Michigan Basin is extremely sketchy. The origin of structures within the Basin may be summarized into five basic theories: 1. Differential compaction around Precambrian highs 2. Basinal settling 3. Compressional forces A. Gliding tectonics 5. Salt dome bulging Accurate structure contour maps are available for the Basin from the Dundee top up to the "Clare" dolomite of the Michigan. Units commonly chosen include the Dundee, Traverse top, Sunbury-Coldwater redrock, the "Clare" or "Brown" dolomite of the Michigan Formation, and the "Triple Gyp" of the Michigan Formation. Accurate structure maps below the Dundee top are available in the southern half of Southern Michigan. A series of restricted Pennsylvanian core hole studies have been conducted by some petroleum companies in the central portion of the Basin. The Michigan Basin was probably initiated as an autogeosynclinal structure during post-Shakopee-pre-Black River time (Cohee, 1948a). Movements continued throughout the rest of the Paleozoic in the Basin. Major periods of movement include post-ShakopeeuprenBlack River, the post-Bois Blanc-pre-Sylvania, the post-Bayport-pre-Pennsylvanian, the post-Pennsylvanian-pre-red beds, and the post-red beds movements. Numerous other smaller unconfonmities such as the post-Bass Island-pre- Salina, post—Rogers City-pre-Traverse and the postéMichigan-preeBayport have been observed. In most cases they appear to be local in their distribution. IV. STRATIGRAPHY l. Pre-Traverse Rocks The pre-Traverse Paleozoic strata of Southern.Michigan overlies a complex of granites, schists, quartfltes, and marbles of Precambrian age. The Cambrian rocks of the Michigan Basin are divided into six formations, which are (oldest to youngest): Jacobsville Sandstone, Mount Simon Sandstone, Eau Clair Sandstone, Dresbach Sandstone, Franconia Sandstone, and the Trempealeau Formation. The Jacobsville Sandstone is primarily composed of mottled, arkosic sandstones with some conglomerates near the base interbedded with a few red Shales. Thwaites (1943), Cohee (1948a), and Cohee and Landes (1958) have done extensive work on the age and distribution of the formation. The Mount Simon Sandstone is a white, sub-angular to rounded, medium to coarse sandstone. It ranges from a maximum.thickness of 2500 feet in northeastern Illinois to locally absent by convergence and/or truncation in parts of southwestern Ontario. The Ben Clair Sandstone has been divided into three members by Baltrusaites, et. al. (1948). Cohee (1948a) described the lithofacies and isopach relationships of the sandstone within the Basin. The Dresbach Sandstone is a fine to medium.sandstone that contains thin beds of dolomite and argillaceous dolomite, locally. It has an average thickness of 100 feet in the Basin; the fact that it is absent in the northern Indiana indicates activity on the Kankakee Arch during post-Dresbach—prewTrempealeau time. The Franconia Sandstone is a glauconitic, dolomitic, fine to medium grained sandstone. Where observed in Southern.Michigan, the Franconia Sandstone is commonly 10-20 feet thick (Cohee, 1948a). lb The Trempealeau Formation is a buff to light brown dolomite. It is locally sandy. The basal portion of the formation is commonly glauconitic. The Trempealeau has been divided into three units, which are (in ascending order): the St. Lawrence member, the Lodi member, and the Jordan member (Raasch and Edwards, 1935). The St. Lawrence member is a grey, sandy, very glauconitic dolomite. The Lodi member is a white, slightly quartz sandy dolomite. Cohee (1948a) reported that it is locally pink in southeastern Michigan. The Jordan member is a 5 to 30-foot, well-rounded, frosted, and pitted sandstone. The Lower Ordovician rocks of southern Michigan consist of the Prarie du Chien Group which has been divided into three formation, which are (in ascending order)2 the Oneota Dolomite, a buff to brown, very cherty, locally oolitic dolomite; the New Richmond Sandstone; and the Shakopee Dolomite, a buff locally argillaceous or quartz sandy dolomite. The Shakopee Dolomite is locally absent in parts of southwestern Michigan and in much of the area along the Kankakee Arch in northern Illinois and northwestern Indiana. Cohee (1948a) interpreted the missing Shakopee as the result of pro-St. Peter movements along the Kankakee Arch rather than nonedeposition. The Middle Ordovician of the Michigan Basin is represented by sediments of Chazy, Black River, and Trenton ages. The Chazyan sediments are represented by the St. Peter Sandstone, an irregularly occurring, wellerounded, quartz sandstone that reaches a maximum.reported thickness of 150 feet within the Basin (Baltrusaites, et. al., l9h8). The lO-lOO feet, locally absent, pyritic, brown and green, quartz sandy Glenwood Shale forms the base of the Black River Group. It has been lithologically correlated to the Pamelia age sections in Illinois and 15 Wisconsin. The Black River and Trenton Groups are readily distinguishable in southeastern.Michigan and southwestern Ontario, where the basal Trenton develops an argillaceous character. The Black River-Trenton sequence changes facies from a limestone in the east (Ontario and central Michigan) to a dolomite in the west (Wisconsin). The Chatham Sag (Kent County, Ontario) is indicated by regional thickening of the sequence in that direction. The Black River and Trenton Groups thin over the Kankakee Arch, the northern Findlay Arch, and the Algonquin Axis. Isopach studies by Cohee (19A8a and 19A8b) clearly indicate the configuration of the Michigan Basin. The thickest sequence of the Black River-Trenton has been reported in southeastern Michigan. The Upper Ordovician rocks of Southern Michigan have been subdivided into three formations, which are (in ascending order): the Utica Shale, a dark grey to black shale; the Lorraine Shale, grey with thin beds of limestone and dolomite; and the Queenston Shale, similar to the underlying Lorraine Shale, except that it contains red shale which increases eastward across the Basin to Ontario. The Upper Ordovician thins onto the Algonquin Axis; minor amounts are noted on the Kankskee Arch and the Findlay Arch, especially in wood County, Ohio, and wayne and Monroe counties, Michigan. The Lower Silurian rocks of southern.Michigan occur in the Cataract Group, which is subdivided into two formations (in ascending order): the Manitoulin Dolomite, s buff to light brown, locally cherty dolomite with some interbedded shale; and the Cabot Head Shale, a green to grayish green shale with some interbedded red shale. Local resting in the Cataract Group adds to the difficulty of 16 correlation (Baltrusaites, et. al., 19A8). The Findlay-Algonquin Axis acts as an east-west facies barrier in the Lower Silurian with clastics derived from.the Taconic orogeny being largely restricted to the area east of the axis. During the earlier Silurian, positive elements surrounding the southern part of the Michigan Basin acted as faunal barriers. The Kankakee Arch, the Findlay-Algonquin Arch, and the Cincinnati Arch form the barriers. This corfiguration develops three distinct faunas, which are: the warm to cool water homotaxial Clinton fauna to the east and northeast; the depauperate, cold water Brassfield fauna to the south and west; and the warm water, Michigan Basin.Mayville fauna to the north. The Middle Silurian rocks of the Michigan Basin are generally subdivided into four formations (in ascending order): the Burnt Bluff Dolomite, a light grey to brown calcareous dolomite that is divided into two members-the Engadine Dolomite, a very massive blue, hard, crystalline dolomite; and the Guelph Dolomite, a fossiliferous, crystalline dolomite. Bryozoan, tetracoralian, and tabulate coral reefs of Niagaran age probably completely surround the Michigan Basin and give an indication of the equitable climate that existed during that time. The Upper Silurian rocks of the Michigan Basin have been subdivided into a lower, Salina sequence, and an upper, Bass Island. These Cayugan units were separated by Landes (19A5a) into a sequence (in ascending order) lettered A through M, Evans (1950), Ells (1958), and Allings and Briggs (1961) have been the major contributors for this portion of the section. The clearest interpretation of the paleogeography of the area during the Upper Silurian has been made by Alling and Briggs (1961). Lithofacies maps indicate a high area north of Lake Superior. The northern seaway 1? probably connected through the James Bay Lowland area in northern Ontario, where correlatable sequences (Richmond of Cincinnatian, Alexanderian, Lockport of Niagaran, and Cayugan) exist (Martison, 1952). The Silurian and Devonian rocks are separated by a widespread unconformity within the Michigan Basin. The Mackinac Breccia is interpreted as having developed when overlying formations collapsed into Saline sequence caves. The breccia is well exposed in the northern part of southern.Michigan. The Lower Devonian rocks of Michigan are subdivided into three formations and one group (in ascending order): the Garden Island Formation, a fossiliferous, buff dolomite and dolomitic sandstone; the B013 Blanc Formation, a cherty, fossiliferous, light colored carbonate; the Sylvania Sandstone, a nearly pure sandstone interbedded with limestone and dolomite; and the Detroit River Group, which has been subdivided into four formations. The Sylvania has been interpreted to be a thme-transgressive unit similar to the Boles-Bliss sequence in the southwestern United States (Sabine, 1957). The four formations of the Detroit River Group are (in ascending order): the Flat Rock Dolomite, a hard porous, dark grey, calcareous dolomite; the Anderdon Limestone, a very fossiliferous calcarenite; the Amherstberg Dolomite, a dolomitic calcarenite; and the Lucas Dolomite, originally defined as a drab, fossiliferous, dolomitic limestone, and is now delimited as essentially an evaporitic unit (Personal communica- tion, Elle, 1963). Martison (1952) has correlated the Michigan Basin sequence into the James Bay Lowland area of Hudson Bey. The pro-Traverse Middle Devonian in the Michigan Basin is subdivided into two formations which are (in ascending order): the Dundee Limestone and the Rogers City Limestone. Structure contour’maps of the Michigan 18 Basin are commonly drawn on the Dundee-Rogers City top. The Dundee limestone is commonly described as a buff to brown-grey, fine to coarsely crystalline limestone. In the central portion of the Basin, it is a mixture of limestone and dolomite, and in the far central western region and the southwestern region it is predominantly dolomitic. The Dundee and Rogers City are particularly difficult to separate in the western portion of the Basin (Cohee and Underwood, l9h5). Chert is reported in the basal part of the Dundee on the eastern side of the Basin. Spheroidal black spores are abundant in the Norfolk Formation (Dundee equivalent) in southwestern Ontario. In western.Michigan abundant black and light brown spores have been reported. The base of the formation in the subsurface, according to Cohee and Underwood (1945), is placed at the top of the first anhydrite or anhydrite and dolomite portion of the Detroit River Group. The greatest thickness of the Dundee is over AOO feet in the Tuscola-Huron County area. It thins rapidly to the south and west. The Milwaukee Dolomite is apparently overlapped by a probable Traverse equivalent to the upper member of the Abitibi River Formation in the James Bay Lowland area (Martison, 1952); if so, this indicates once again a marine connection to the north. The Dundee is overlapped in the southwestern part of the state. The Rogers City Limestone underlies most of the northern two-thirds of the southern part of Michigan. It is predominantly calcareous in the eastern part of the state. On the western side of the state it is both calcareous and dolomitic and locally entirely dolomitic. In the subsurface in the central portion of the Basin, it is distinguishable 19 from the underlying Dundee in that it is dark brown to black and has a definite resinous luster (Cohee and Underwood, l9h5). Toward the margins of the Basin, it is generally lighter in color. Abundant black and light brown spores have been reported in the Rogers City of northeast Michigan. Addison reported (Cohee and Underwood, l9h5) that as of l9hh, approximately 8h per cent of Michigan's total oil production (223 million barrels) had been derived from.the Dundee-Rogers City sequence. The porous pay zones may be anywhere from.the top to 150 feet below the top of the Dundee-Rogers City. Porosity was developed by primary and secondary dolomitization, as well as solutional cavities in the limestone. The problems and the control of dolomitization have been the subject of many of the studies within the Basin to date. The unconformity that occurs at the base of the Traverse Formation has been the subject of some controversy. Abundant evidence exists confirming the presence of such an unconformdty; however, the major question concerns its regional extent. The previously mentioned Traverse overlaps to the southwest and west, as well as the numerous basal Traverse Group (Bell Shale) disconformable relationships that have been reported. Newcombe (1930) observed that variations in the thickness of the Bell Shale exist on the limbs and crests of structures, as well as on points of equal elevation on the structure. Ehlers and Radabaugh (1937) observed at the Rogers City cement quarry, a discon- formable contact between the Regers City limestone and the overlying Bell shales. Warthin and Cooper (l9h3) noted the same relationship in Presque Isle County. 2. Traverse Group 20 The Traverse Formation was designated by Winchell (1871), who described the sequence as a series of thick-bedded, magnesium, buffish, granular limestones overlying the Corniferous Group and underlying the Huron Group in southern Michigan. He stated that, in general, they conformed to the Hamilton Group of New York, a correlation that is still considered valid. He originally referred to the group as the Little Traverse, undoubtedly for the exposures in the vicinity of that bay in Emmet County (Wilmarth, 1938). A. 0. Lane (1893) further delimited the group when he indicated that the Traverse Group (100 to 600 feet) was overlain by the St. Clair (Antrim) and underlain by Dundee Limestone (Wilmarth, 1938). The Traverse Group is recognizable throughout southern Michigan. Much of the exposure shown on the Southern.Michigan geologic map (Martin, 1936) is subcrop. Outcrops of the sequence are restricted to the northern counties of southern.Michigan. Around the Basin the Traverse equivalents also crop out in eastern Wisconsin (Raasch, 1935), northwestern Ohio, (Ehlers, 1952), southwestern Ontario, and northwestern Ontario (Martison, 1952). The Traverse Group is essentially a sequence of argillaceous lime- stone intermixed with a subordinate shale sequence. Formational terminology used for the Traverse Group within the Basin is for the most part an outgrowth of studies conducted in three separate regions in northern counties of southern.Michigan. These units are by areas: (1) the Thunder Bay region (east) (warthin and Cooper, 1935) in ascending order-~Bell Shale, Rockport Quarry Limestone, Ferron 21 Point Shale, Genshaw Formation, Newton Creek Limestone, Alpena Limestone, Four’Mile Dam.Formation, Norway Point Formation, Thunder Bay Limestone, and the Squaw Bay Limestone; (2) the Afton-Onaway region (central) (Kelly and Smith, 1947) in ascending order-Be11 Shale, Rockport Quarry Limestone, Ferron Point Shale, Genshaw Formation, Koehler Lime- stone, Gravel Point Formation, and the Beebe School Formation; (3) the .Little Traverse area (west) (Pohl, 1930) in ascending order—-lower part covered, Gravel Point Formation, Charlevoix Limestone, Petoskey Formation. Cohee (1944a), on the basis of the work of Hake and.Maebius (1938), Riggs (1938), and Landes (1944), divides the Traverse into four basic units in southwestern Michigan. The basal unit (1) is divided into three separate subunits. The paleontology of the Traverse Group is well known. There exist many excellent papers on the micropaleontology and invertebrate paleontology of the unit. Stumm (et. al. 1951, 1953, 1956, 1958) has summarized much of the invertebrate paleontology of the group. A number of excellent systematic papers in.mdcropa1eontology, especially ostracods, have been done on the group, particularly in graduate theses at the University of Michigan.under the guidance of R. C. Keeling and at Michigan State University under the guidance of Jane E. Smith. Warthin and Cooper (1943) have, on the basis of invertebrate fossils, tentatively correlated the Alpena with the lower Gravel Point and the Potter Farm and Thunder Bay formations with the Petosky Formation. Cohee (1947b), in utilizing the formational terminology of the Traverse Group, has made some basinal correlations. An examination of these units indicates a relatively simple correlation in a north-south direction. The eastdwest correlation, however, indicates a facies change 22 with the Traverse becoming a purer limestone in the western portion of the state. Thinning of the Traverse Group onto the South Michigan Shelf poses a further correlation problem in the south, particularly in the central and western areas. Garland Ells (personal communication, 1961) also noted that this problem exists throughout the Basin. The Michigan Geological Survey Division, as a rule, refers to this sequence either as the Traverse Group or the Traverse Limestone and Traverse Formation. Jodry (1957), on the basis of two electrical log crossisections, noted that correlation of the formational units was possible over the Michigan Basin. His_studies led him to postulate the existence of a barrier and a western lagoon. Jodry's cross sectional evidence was corroborated, in part, by his interpretation of regional gravity data. There is an apparent very rapid east-west change in facies across this Barrier. Jodry reports accumulations of evaporites (gypsum), especially in the Genshaw equivalent, across the postulated Barrier. Cohee (1947b)‘reported the presence of gypsum also in the Ferron Point, Newton Creek, Potter Farm formations, in addition to the Genshaw. Jodry (1957) also indicated that nearly all of the Michigan Traverse Group reef production is found in association with the west Michigan Barrier. The Bell Shale, the basal formation of the Traverse Group, forms a sharp easily distinguishable boundary between the Detroit River-Dundee and the Traverse Group. This particular lithologic break is very well developed on gamma ray-neutron logs. The Bell Shale underlies all of central and northern Southern Michigan (Cohee, 1947b). In southern Michigan, the rocks above and below the contact are carbonates. Differentiation utilizing electric or radioactive logs in this sequence is difficult, but possible. 23 The lower contact of the Traverse Group is probably conformable over much of the Michigan Basin. Ehlers and Radabaugh (1937), however, noted pockets of Bell Shale in apparent disconformable contact with the underlying pre-Traverse in the Rogers City cement quarry. Landes (1944), Newcombe (1930), and Addison (1940) all noted in field studies in Midland, Muskegon, and Gladwin counties, respectively, the thinning of the Bell Shale over anticlinal flexures. Warthin and COOper (l9h3) reported an unconformity at the base of the Bell Shale in Presque Isle County. The Traverse transition zone, referred to as the Traverse Formation by drillers, is a grey to black shale, interbedded with limestone at the top of the Traverse. It has been included with the Antrim.Shale by Cohee (1947b) and Hake and Maebius (1938). Bishop (191.0) is also of the opinion that the stringers of black shale occurring in the "transi- tion zone" are more closely related to the Antrim.than the Traverse. McGregor (1954) has included all the rocks above the Squaw Bay Limestone of the Traverse Group with the Antrim. Fisher (1953), in his analysis of the black shale problem, examined the Traverse transition zone. His conclusion was that the limestone in the grey shaly sequence is similar to the underlying formations and, therefore, should be properly included with the Traverse Group. The Traverse transition zone is well—illustrated on the regional gamma ray cross sections (Plates l7-20). Prior to 1961, however, gamma ray logs were not available in sufficient quantities to be useful for regional correlation within the Basin with relation to this portion of the section. _The zone is delimited in cross sections A-Al and 8-81 (Plate 17). The base of the Antrim, while forming gradational contact with the underlying transition zone, may be placed with relative ease on a gamma ray log. 2h The writer, on the basis of the radioactive log evidence, places the lower contact oft eAntrim Shale at the top of tre transition zone. Jodry's (1957) idea concerning he existence of the West Michigan r seems to be validated in part on the basis of the Traverse isopach map (Plate 1). The spur extending north from the South Michigan Shelf in Ionia and Eaton counties is very significant. The writer believes (that is may be controlled, at least in part, by reefing that occurred in the Silurian in this region followed by differential compactio. in the Devonian. A spur.uproxrmas1ng the position of the West Michigan ,Barrier is noted to the north of the inferred reefal development. Th Traverse Group (Plate 1) in the south thins onto the Ohio-Indiana Platform; this area is referred to as the 801th Michigan Shelf. The Traverse Group reflects local thicke.ning of the sequence in the area of the Battle Creek Trough in Calhoun and Branch counties, as well as the Chatham Sag in.MoComb County. Also, there is a suggesoison of the Howell Anticline and the Clinton Sag in southeastern Michigan. The thickest sequence of the Traverse Group is observed in Arenas County where it exceeds 850 feet. There is a strong sugges+ ion of an interconnection to the north through the Ontario Eeaw3y, in the fact that no appre cMabl thinning of the Traverse Group takes place to the north. A correlatable unit (the Williams limestone) on a paleontological and lithological basis has been observed in the James Bay Lowland area of Hudson Bay (Martison, 1952). The Tr:verse Group18opsh map in Bay County reflects apparent minor thirning over the Kawkawlin and Mt. Fore? fields (Plate 10). SH ucture contour studies are available on both the Dundee and frrswerse tops throughout the Michigan Basin (Cohee and Underwood, 1945; Cohee, 1947b). In Bay County studies, the structure contour maps of the Dundee and Traverse Group tops closely reflect the major structures within the county (Plates 5 and 6). 25 26 3 . "B" Interval a. Introduction The "B" Interval is a coined term for the Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian rocks of the black shale interval. The black shale interval was named for the dominant black shale lithosome of the unit. The formations that are included within this group represent a complex and interdependent facies sequence that is bounded by fairly synchronous, correlatable upper and lower contacts. It includes those rocks of the Michigan Basin that lie between the top of the Traverse Group and the base of the Goldwater Shale. The "B" interval corresponds with the "A" unit of McGregor (l95h), except that he used the Squaw Bay Limestone as the top of the Traverse Group. The two units, therefore, differ in that the transition zone of the writer is included with the Traverse. The "B" unit includes the following formations; the Antrim.Shale, Berea Sandstone, Bedford Shale, Sunbury Formation, and the Ellsworth Shale. These five formations include the problematical Upper DevonianwLower Mississippian black shale sequence which will be examined. Six major stratigraphic problems occur with relation to the "B" interval: (1) 'The Ellsworth Shale-Goldwater Shale contact in western Michigan. The lithology of both units is grey shale. (2) The Bedford Shale—Berea Sandstone contact in eastern Michigan. The contact in.many instances is a gradational one. (3) Nature of the relationship of the western.Michigan Ells- worth to the Antrim, Berea, Bedford sequence of eastern Michigan. (4) The Antrim Shale-Ellsworth Shale contact in western Michigan. The contact locally is a gradational one. 27 (5) The Traverse transition zone that occurs at the base of the "B" interval (Discussed under the Traverse Group)o (6) The "masked zone". A continuous sequence of black shales extending from.the Sunbury Shale to the Traverse Group in a linear zone from.0tsego County to Ionia County through north-central.Michigan. The gamma ray cross sections (Plates l7~20) and the regional isopach map (Plate 2) are particularly useful in obtaining a partial solution to these problems. 28 b. Antrim Shale The Antrim Shale was ori inally called the St. Clair Shale (Lane, 1893); however, as A. C. Lane noted in 1901, the name was pre-occupied. He replaced it with Antrim, which was named for the county in which the shales were exposed. Lane further delimited the unit in 1902 when he described it as a bituminous shale that underlies the Berea grit and overlies the Traverse (Wilmarth, 1938). The formation was originally described as being Upper Devonian in age. Newcombe (1933), however, ‘ stated that Mississippian fossils are contained in the upper-part of the unit. The Antrim Shale is a fissile to dense carbonaceous shale sequence. The color of the unit is commonly jet black, but it may be interbedded with shales that are dark grey to dark brown in color. The black color of the Antrnm is primarily due to the presence of organic material. It is observed throughout the Michigan Basin. Dark borwn calcareous concretions ranging from two to five feet in diameter are frequently encountered in the basal portion of the Antrim in eastern Michigan. These concretions weather differentially from the enclosing Antrim.Black Shale. Frequently the concretions are removed _ either by disintegration or mechanical means and will leave large rounded pits that are referred to as "kettles" in Ontario. Daly (1900) ran chemical analyses on the "kettles" and found that they contain, in addition to calcium carbonate, approximately twelve per cent of impurities, including magnesium carbonate, iron oxide, four per cent of insoluble residues (H01) and over three per cent hydrocarbons and water. The minerals reported are anthraconite, marcasite, pyrite, calcite, colomdte, and quartz. Hoover (1960) discussed in detail the occurrence, chemical analysis, and origin of the concretions in the Devonian- Mississippian Ohio Shale sequence. Equivalent units to the Antrim.Shale occur in all directions from the Michigan Basin (Plate 21) which are: the Long Rapids Formation, occurring to the north in the James Bay Lowland region of Hudson Bay; the Kettle Point Shale in southwestern Ontario; the Ohio Shale in Ohio and Pennsylvania; the New Albany Shale in Indiana and Illinois; and the Kenwood Shale, occurring to the west at the city of Milwaukee. All of these formations are lithologically similar to the Antrim Shale. The upper contact of the Antrim.can usually be readily distinguished with the utilization of gamma ray logs. Separation of the upper contact may be problematical, however, on a lithologic basis throughout the Basin. In eastern.Michigan the contact between the Antrim Shale and the Bedford Shale can usually be made without difficulty. In central Michigan there is a problem that exists in the so—called "masked zone". The "masked zone" is an apparently uniform sequence of black shales extending stratigraphically from the Traverse Greup to the Goldwater Shale. The "masked zone" is observed in the subsurface from Ionia County in the south to Otsego and.Montmorency counties in the north. This lithologically undifferentiated zone of black shales occurs, also, in parts of Crawford, Roscommon, Missaukee, Clare, Osceola, Mecosta, Isabella, Montcalm, Gratiot, and Clinton counties (Cohee, et. al., 1950). Log studies (Plates 17-21), however, indicate that a differentiation of formational units can be made across this zone. In western Michigan the contact between the Antrim.and the overlying Ellsworth is difficult to establish on the basis of sample examination. 30 The contact between the two may be locally interfingering and vertically gradational. The contact, however, can be made readily when utilizing gamma ray-neutron logs. The Antrim.has been subdivided into two units (upper and lower) by the writer. The lower unit is very distinct and can be correlated throughout the entire Michigan Basin on the basis of its gamma ray log characteristics (Plate 17—21). In all areas, except west-central and southwestern Michigan, the unit is typified by two highly radioactive shale units with a lesser radioactive unit in between them, In west- central and southwestern.Michigan the top and base units of the Lower Antrim.are distinguishable, but correlation of the middle low radio- active shale unit is not possible. The upper contact of Upper Antrim Shale is very sharp on gamma ray logs in eastern.Michigan. It is gradationaltnn;definable, when present, with the Ellsworth Shale in western Michigan. In the central part of the Basin throughout the "masked zone" area the contact between Upper Antrim.and Bedford Shale or the undifferentiated Berea-Bedford can be made on gamma ray logs. The character of the gamma ray logs seems to indicate a higher relative radioactive content for the "masked zone", possibly likewise indicating a higher organic content (Swanson, 1961). Correlation studies of the lower Antrim seem to indicate an excellent continuous subsurface mapping unit throughout the entire Basin. The Upper Antrim, conversely, is very difficult to use as a unit. Correla- tion studies clearly indicate that it is intertounguing west of the "masked zone" with the Ellsworth and is being replaced in the upper part of the unit by the Ellsworth type of shale. Tarbell (l9hl) indicated the general lithologic relationship between the Antrim.Shale and the Ellsworth Shale in western.Michigan in a series of cross sections accompanying her 31 article on the problem. Cohee's regional isopach map of the Antrim.(Cohee, et. al., 1951) does not give an accurate picture of the Antrim.Shale over the Basin. The fact that the Antrim Shale can be differentiated on the gamma ray logs makes all of the prior thickness values in the "masked zone" inaccurate or at least questionable. A similar situation exists in the western portion of the state. The "B" interval isopach map (Plate 2) clearly indicates a major north-south spur extending from the South Michigan Shelf along the problematic "masked zone" area. It seems clearly apparent that this isopach thin was a controlling factor in the sedimentary variations of the "B" interval. The "B" interval isopach thin axis, or more simply the "B" axis as it is referred to in this study, is the probable result ' of either nonpdeposition of sediments or the development of a barrier of some type. This study considers the "B" axis to be a barrier. This conclusion is based on the writer's interpretation of environmental cenditions, as well as facies relationships based on gamma ray correlations. The alternate solution of non-deposition of sediments must also be considered. NOnrdeposition could result in an isopach thin as a function of such fac- tors as distance from.source, selective current action within the Basin, and differential basinal settling. The "B" axis most likely acted as a facies and probably a faunal barrier during the sedimentation interval between post-Lower Antrim Shale and pre-Sunbury Shale. This barrier would effectively separate the Basin into two distinct areas of accumulation, the western Ellsworth area and the eastern Upper AntrimsBedford-Berea area. The "B" axis position 32 trends in the same direction as Halels postulated barrier (l9hl). There is, however, a considerable divergence between the two axes, 14 miles apart in the south and 1.2 miles apart in‘the north (Plate 23'): In addition to the "B" axis, sedimentation.was also controlled by thinning onto the South Michigan Shelf. ' As previously stated, the Lower Antrimlis the most critical to the analysis. Its thickness shows little variation throughout the entire Basin. The three members of the Lower Antrim are traceable in all portions of the Basin, except the west—central and southwestc: regions where the unit is typified by"a single highly radioactive unit with thin interbeds of less radioactive shales. It may, therefore, be pointed out that the barrier may have been partly effective with relation to the- Lower Antrim south or Wexford County (Cross section 3-191, Plate 19). The area would essentially include all of the state south and west of southwestern Osceola” County. V O ’ The Upper Antrinn east to west, increases in thickness onto the "B" axis in_the case of all of the cactus-ct cross sections (B-Bl, Plate 17; C_cl, Plate 18; 3-21, Plate 19; and 0-61. 'Plate '20). In all instances the Upper Antrtm seems to be thickening at the expense of the overlying Berea-Bedford sequence. At the "B" axis the Upper Antrim changes _facies into the Ellsworth Shale type. A number of problematic correlations occur along this zone. The content ‘would seen to color the shales black and cause the "masked zone" ' development to occur. An excellent example of this problem is observed in the Kort and Ionia wells in cross. section F—Fl (Plate 19). In the case of the Ionia County well what is labeled as Ellsworth should be the ’ Berea-Bedford equivalent. The Kent County well clearly exhibits the 33 character of the Ellsworth, replacing the "Ellsworth" and Upper Antrim of the Ionia well. Cross section D-Dl (Plate 18) distinctly reflects the fact that the Upper Antrim.thins onto the South Michigan Shelf. Some carbonaceous zones of the Upper Antrim.are recorded west of the Barrier; however, they are thin, local, and are observed directly above the Lower Antrim. In Bay County (note Bay County well in cross section G—Gl) the Antrim is a relatively easily distinguished unit, so that it may be used as a local structure contour base within the county (Plate 17). The isopach map of the Antrim in Bay County shows minor variations in thickness (note contour interval equals 20 feet) over the major structures of the county (Plate ll). The paleontology of the black shale sequence is interesting as well as critical for a paleoecological analysis. Fish remains (Paleoniscid, et.-al., personal communication, R. E. Matthews) are recovered throughout the Antrim interval in.the Michigan Basin. Invertebrate fossils, especially the brachiopod Lin la, have also been recorded throughout the sequence in Bay County.. Fossil wood, generally referred to as Qalligylon newberri (Dawson) is frequently recovered from.the interval. A systematic study of the fossil wood would probably indicate several species rather than one.. The species seems to be used as a catch-all for all fragments of fossil wood in the sequence. Morse (1938) in a doctorial thesis at the University of Michigan systematically studied the abundant Antrim.conodonts. The conclusion derived at that time indicated that the Antrim.was probably mostly Upper Devonian in age. This group of microfossils needs systematic revision for the Michigan Basin black shale problem, 3h Systematic palynological examination of the entire "B" interval will eventually provide an accurate correlation of the formations across the state. Winslow (1962), in her classic Ohio Shale paper, indicated lucidly the validity of this type of analysis. It is possible not only to use the spores found in the sequence for COFrCLitiOH, but also to use time indicators. Winslow's Ohio Shale work yielded 24 genera, four of which were new. In addition to this, she described 31 new species. The writer, working with core samples from Bay County, was able to make some preliminary studies with relation to these spore types. He has tentatively recognized the genera Tasmanites, Canthospora. Calamaspora, as well as the Foerstian remains. The Antrim.Shale was particularly refractory to chemical techniques in the samples with which the writer worked. The term.Sporangites huronensis, which is so commonly referred to in the Antrim and Ellsworth shales, has been abandoned as ambiguous by Winslow (1962). She indicated in her study of the genera a close affinity to Tasmapites under which she classifies it now. It is the writer's opinion that the species Sporangites huronensis, so commonly referred to ty workers in the Michigan Basin, is simply an all inclusive waste basket term for all megaspores. 'Foerstian remains, which are concentrated in the lower part of the Ohio Shale, are important, also, from an ecological view, as they indicate a pelagic or sargassoic plant community. The writer also recovered an algae thallus from the Bay County core, which he tentatively identifies as the Upper Devonian species ngdenia foliata (Fry and Banks, 1955). c. Bedford Shale 35 The Bedford Shale was named by Newberry in 1870 for the exposure near that town in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The used in the eastern portion of the Michigan Basin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky (Wilmarth, 1938). The Bedford Shale is a grey, silty to sandy shale. It is generally restricted to the eastern side of the Basin. The shale becomes more sandy towards the top of the unit, thereby making the contact between it and the overlying Berea Sandstone locally extremely difficult to define. The radioactive character of the upper contact of the Bedford can be distinguished locally in gamma ray logs. The shale is often combined with the Berea Sandstone and referred to simply as the Berea- Bedford sequenceo The Bedford Shale is not subdivided into units whether on the basis of sample examination or on the basis of well log interpretation (radioactive or electric). Landes (1944) in his study of the Porter Field stated that the Bedford locally thins over hte Porter Anticline, indicating that there may be a structural relationship. The writer could not find any additional substantiating evidence for this effect either in his studies or in the literature. In the examination of gamma ray log cross sections, several interesting features evolve. In section A-Al (Plate 17) the Bedford is traceable southwestward from Iosco County to Midland County. In Midland County the low radioactivity character that separates the Berea from the Bedford phases out and becomes indistinct. The Berea-Bedford zone, however, is identifiable as far southwestward as Barry County, at which point it phases out into the Ellsworth Shale. In section B-«Bl (Plate 17) across the southern end of the state the Berea Sandstone and the Bedford Shale are separable only in the Lenawee County well. The Berea-Bedford, however, can be correlated as far as Branch County. Between the Branch County well and the St. Joseph County well all recognizable characteristics of the Berea-Bedford sequence disappear. In section CwCl (Plate 18), which extends from Ottawa to Sanilac County, eastowest across the ichigan Basin, the Bedford Shale is traceable as a separate unit as far as Shiawassee County. From Shiawassee County to Kent County the BereanBedford is carried as a single unit. Between the Kent County well and the Allegan County well all traces of the character of the Berea-Bedford unit disappear. In section D-Dl (Plate 18), which is a north-south section in the southeastern quadrant of the state of Michigan, the character of the Bedford Shale is distinct enough to allow a correlation in the unit throughout its entire extent. There is a slight thinning of the shale onto the South Michigan Shelf. In section E~El (Plate l9),which is the northern most eastawest section, the Bedford as a unit is tentatively correlated across the Michigan Basin. There is a loss of some of the lower portion of the unit to the underlying Ellsworth facies. One of the more interesting things to note in the section is the fact that the Bedford equivalent is actually more radioactive than the underlying Ellsworth; exactly the reverse is true in the case of cross section CeCl. The F~F1 cross section (Plate 19) is one of the most interesting of the entire sequence; it extends north-south from south of the Indiana line to Wexford County. It extends for the greater part of its traverse just 37 along the western side of the "B" axis. The terminological confusion that occurs along the barrier is well illustrated in this sections In the wells in both Calhoun and Ionia counties the designation of the Ellsworth Shale for the lower radioactive Berea-Bedford equivalent may be noted. North from the Ionia County well, it is possible to see a rather interesting terminology change once more; the Ellsworth-Upper becomes totally the Ellsworth in only seven miles distance. Extending far to the north (40 miles) from this log a well-developed BereawBedford equivalent occurs. Once again the BereaeBedford is more radioactive than the underlying Ellsworth sequence. A Bedford unit appears to be identifiable in Mecosta and Osceola counties, also. The Berea equivalent is also present again in Wexford County. The Bedford thins to the north and west, west of the barrier. The Bedford Shale in cross section G-Gl (Plate 20), the central Michigan eastuwest cross section extending from.Muskegon County to Sanilac County, is very thick near the eastern border of the Michigan Basin; it thins gradually to the east to a minimum at the "B" axis. The underlying Upper Antrim, as previously stated correspondingly increases in its thickness. West of the axis the Bedford Shale is extended as far as Mecosta County and is tentatively carried as far west as Newago County. The Bedford, again in this unit, is more radioactive than the underlying Ellsworth Shale facies. The "B" axis, once more, functions as a facies barrier in the south separating the Ellsworth facies from.the Bedford Shale and BereaeBedford. To the north, however, an interndxing with Bedford Shale and the Berea- Bedford equivalent west of the axis is evident. These eastern units interfinger with the uppermost portion of the Ellsworth Shale. They thin to the west and the north from the axis, most likely in a direct function of their distance from their source area in eastern Ontario. 38 39 d. Berea Sandstone The Berea Sandstone was named by Newberry in 1870 for exposures near the town of Berea in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. It occurs in eastern Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and West Virginia (Wilmarth, 1938). ‘ The Berea Sandstone is essentially a fine-grained quartz sandstone. . Cohee and Underwood (l9h5), Landes (l9hh), Sawtelle(1958), and Cohee (1951) all have subdivided the Berea into three units, which are (after Cohee, 1951): (3) Upper unit - similar to lower unit except shaly and less pyritic. (2) Middle unit - friable, fine-grained sandstone composed of angular quartz grains. Thin beds of shale and tightly cemented sandstone are interbedded with friable sandstone in places. (1) Lower unit - sandstone, light grey, fineugrained, dolomitic, silty and shaLy, cemented with silica and dolomite, micaceous and pyritic. The lithologically identifiable Berea-Bedford sequence is not recognized west of the "B" axis. West of the axis, however, at approximately the same stratigraphic position, a sandy to silty dolomite to dolomitic limestone occurs in the section. Commercial gas has been produced from this so-called "Berea Dolomite" in western Michigan. The radioactive logs indicate that the Berea Dolomite is related to the Berea Sandstone of the eastern side of the Michigan Basin. The Berea Sandstone is re- ported to the south in Indiana and northeast Ohio. It is, however, most likely not continuous with the typical Ohio Berea Sandstone across the Findlay Arch (Pepper, et. al., 1954). The northern limit of the Berea is the subcrop area in northern Southern Michigan. No equivalents to the Berea—Bedford or younger Paleozoic formation are observed in the James Bay lowland area in northern Ontario (Martison, 1952). The upper contact of the Berea is easily distinguished by either sample examination or radioactive logs. The Berea equivalent in west- central and nerthwestern.Michigan, when present, can be easily distinguished #0 because of its low radioactivity character. The correlation of the Berea Sandstone sequence in the Michigan Basin is subject to the same problems as encountered with the Bedford Shale. In many locations toward the "B" axis, and often west of the "B" axis, the unit is recognized as the Berea-Bedford; the two units cannot, on the basis of radioactive character, be separated. In the four east‘west sections (from south to north, [B-Bl (Plate 17), 0-01 (Plate 19) and G-Gl (Plate 2017, the farthest west the Berea may be recognizable is (south to north) Lenawee, Shiawassee, Mecosta, and Wexford counties. The "B" axis was probably an effective barrier, therefore, as far north as Midland County. Recognizable Berea sediments apparently spilled over the barrier in both Mecosta and Wexford counties. The Berea is not recognized in the Osceola County wells. The Berea is notably thinner at its western limits in the Mecosta and Wexford wells. The BereauBedford sequence, however, extends much farther west than the Berea limit. The only wells found on the cross sections that exhibit no Berea-Bedford character are found in the extreme scuthwestern part of the state, specifically in the wells in Cass, St. Joseph, western Branch, Kalamazoo, Allegan, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties. East of these counties a recognizable BereawBedford can be observed in all cases. Isopach studies were made on the BereawBedford interval in Bay County (Plate 12). This isopach study provides the most interesting map of the entire Bay County series. The uni , contoured on an interval of ten feet, indicates a probable channel development in the #1 sequence. These interpreted channels are similar to those developed in the Berea delta of the Ohio Bay (Pepper, et. al., 195A). If these channels are sandy, they could represent a significant gas-oil reservoir in Bay County. The Berea Sandstone has produced gas directly to the north in Arenac County (Cohee, 1951). The trend of the channels in Bay County is in a definite eastxwest direction. This would indicate that a delta was forming north of Cincinnatia (Cincinnatinindlay- Algonquin arch positive area). This delta would probably have the same general mountain source areas as the one supplying sediments into Pepper's postulated Ontario River system. The similarity of the isopach studies between the channels developed in Bay County and those on the Berea delta in Ohio (Pepper, etoal., 1954) is striking. 42 e. Sunbury Shale The type locality for the Sunbury Shale is near the town of Sunbury in Delaware County, Ohio. It was originally named by Hicks in 1878 (Wilmarth, 1938). The Sunbury Shale is distinct, black, highly radioactive shale, that is easily distinguished on the basis of both its high radioactivity and distinct black color. It has been reported (Baltrusaites, 1948) to lack the abundance of spore cases found in the underlying, lithologically similar Antrim.Shale. The Sunbury ranges in thickness from.being absent in southwestern Michigan to an average of between 30 and AD feet in.Eastern Michigan. The thickest sections of Sunbury are found in the "Thumb" area (Huron, Tuscola, and Sanilac counties) where it ranges in thickness up to a maximum.of about 150 feet (note Sanilac wells, section C-Cl, Plate 18). In Western Michigan it thins to about 10 to 15 feet, except toward southwestern.Michigan, where it is present only in restricted lenses. The Sunbury forms a sharp, distinct upper contact wherever it is found in the Michigan Basin. The Sunbury is not only thin over most of the Michigan Basin but also it is probably synchronous across the Basin. A study of the isopach character of the formation was made in Bay County (Plate 13). When utilizing a five foot contour interval in this formation, it has an apparent highly lenticular development. The major importance of the Sunbury, as a recognizable thin unit, is, of course, in the utilization of the unit for structure contour maps. In most areas where the Sunbury shale is missing, a distinct mappable unit some 30 feet or less stratigraphically above it is used; it is called the Goldwater redrock. 43 Monnett (1948) and Cohee (1951) have both developed excellent structure contour maps of the Michigan Basin on the bases of these two units. In Bay County a structure contour map utilizing the Sunbury Shale was constructed. It agrees very closely with the Dundee, which is commonly used as the standard subsurface reference planeo 44 f. Ellsworth Shale Newcombe (1932) first described the Ellsworth Shale from.a well in Muskegon County. He delimited it as the 509 feet of blue shale and linwy sandstone that underlies the Goldwater Shale and overlies the Antrim Shale. Newcombe later (1933) described an alternate type section exposed south of the town of Ellsworth in Antrim.County, Michigan. The section at this location is typified by greenish-grey, sandy shale. The type section is exposed in a cement quarry as a ledge only 30 to L0 feet thick (Tarbell, l9hl). This sequence, as the Antrim.Shale, is very pyritiferous locally. Frequently, in drilling, balls of marcasitc are recovered from.the Ellsworth. Ells (personal communication, 1963) states that the balls look like minute Osage oranges. The sandy dolomite to oolitic limestone that is observed in the upper part of the Ellsworth is called the "Berea dolomite". This unit is discussed under the Berea. The Ellsworth Shale is restricted to the central and western portions of the Michigan Basin (Wilmarth, 1938). The Ellsworth Shale is typically a greyish—green to greenish-grey argillaceous shale with interbedded limestone and dolomite lenses. Tarbell (l9hl) reported minor interbedded red shales, but she does not designate locality or specific stratigraphic occurrence in the Ellsworth. Cohee (1951) reported that the section is siltier in southwestern.Michigan. The relationship of the Ellsworth Shale to the overlying Berea-Bedford is a gradational one which makes the contact extremely difficult to pick when utilizing lithologic samples. The differentiation, however, is possible in.many cases when.utilizing radioactive logs, as previously discussed under the Berea and Bedford. The Ellsworth Shale, when overlain 1.5 by the Sunbury, develops a very sharp color, and radioactive break. Where the Ellsworth is overlain by the Goldwater, the contact is imperceptible, both on the basis of radioactive character and lithology; however, with- in thirty feet or less of the contact, the Goldwater redrock is observed, which makes an easily distinguishable lithologic and radioactive break in the sequence. The Ellsworth Shale is naturally a less radioactive sequence in comparison to the Antrim.and the Sunbury shales. It is, likewise, commonly more radioactive in western Michigan than Bedford equivalents, except areas in west-central and northwestern.Michigan where the shale has such a low radioactive value that the Bedford equivalents are more radioactive than the Ellsworth. The Ellsworth is restricted in its entirety to the west side of the "B" axis in the Michigan Basin. It is an apparent time and facies equivalent of the Upper Antrim.and Bedford-Berea sequence. The equivalency of the units is a direct function of how far north the Ellsworth is examined. In the examination of cross-section B—Bl (Plate 17) it can immediately be seen that the Ellsworth is equivalent to the entire Upper Antrim.and Berea-Bedford sequence. In cross section C-Cl (Plate 18) it can be seen that the Ellsworth is the equivalent of the Upper Antrim.and the lower part of the Berea-Bedford sequence. Farther west from this point in Allegan County the entire sequence phases out into typical Ellsworth Shale. Section G—G1 (Plate 20) illustrates the continuity of the Berea-Bedford sequence over the "B" axis. The Berea Sandstone can be traced as far west as Mecosta County in this section. Between the Mecosta County well and the Newaygo County well the Berea either pinches out due to non-deposition, because of #6 distance from.the shoreline, or changes facies into the typical Ellsworth Shale sequence, illustrated by the Muskegon well. The cross sectionE—El (Plate 19) shows that the lower portion of the Bedford and the upper portion of the Upper Antrim phase out to the west into typical Ellsworth Shale. The thinning of the Berea is most likely a simple function of distance from source. Section A-Al (Plate 17) indicates the same relationships as illustrated with the previously discussed east-west sections. In the north-south relationship between the Berea-Bedford sequence and the Ellsworth Shale, the Berea-Bedford section increases in thickness from.the South Michigan Shelf to Osceola County where the unit reaches its maximum.thickness. From.Osceola County north to Wexford County the Berea-Bedford sequence thins once more. Slight variations in this sequence can best be explained in the east-west relations. As a fairly reliable rule, it may be said that in wells west of the "B" axis the Berea-Bedford, when present, thickens eastward toward the "B" barrier. The sequences to the south of Wexford County can be said to be dependent on distance from.the Berea-Bedford sediment source area and/or in the topography of the submerged "B" barrier. The Ellsworth Shale contains spores; however, they are far less prolific than those observed in the Bedford and the Upper Antrim sequences. Palynological examdnation of this sequence utilizing the types established by Winslow (1962) should establish the Devonian- Mississippian boundary. Isopach studies indicate that the greenish-grey Ellsworth Shale sequence thickens to the north and west. Cohee (1951), also, indicated in his cross section a definite increase in siltiness to the west. The 1+7 mafimum thicknesses of the Ellsworth range from approximately 600 to 900 feet in the northwestern portion of Michigan. The South Michigan Shelf, also, influences the unit in that it thins onto that paleogeographic feature. The source of these sediments would appear to be to the west and northwest. This would not be difficult to develop were it not for the Kenwood Shale of the Milwaukee area (Edwards and Raaech, 1922). This is the black shale unit above the Hamilton Milwaukee Formation. The writer tentatively correlates this unit with the Michigan Basin Lower Antrim sequence. If this correlation is valid, then an interpretation of a regional uplift in the Wisconsin Highlands pouring sediments to the east all along its flank after the Kenwood Shale deposition is reasonable. The Kenwood Shale remains as a probable beveled erosional remnant of the movement. Movements taking place at this time (perhaps synorgenically with the Acadian Revolution) also would be logical in the timing of the uplift of the submerged "B" axis, which could act as an eastward facies barrier to Ellsworth sedimentation. #8 g. Environmental Interpretation The "B" interval may be said to contain in general three distinct lithosomes,'which are: the black shale lithosome, which includes the complex facies relationships of the Antrim and the Sunbury shales throughout the Basin; the eastern elastic lithosome, which includes the deltaic deposits of the Berea and Bedford; and the western shale lithosome, which includes the Ellsworth Shale. The black shales of the Upper Devoniaanow r Mississippian sequence in the Michigan Basin are composed of the Antrim, the Sunbury and the undifferentiated black shales of the north-central part of the Basin (see inset, Plate 2). To work with the black shale lithosome, the black shale problem.- itself must be introduced. The problem consists of three basic areas, which are: the depositional environment, the time-stratigraphic rela- l tionships, and the origin of black shales. Black shale may be simply defined as a dark-colored, fine-grained, elastic sedimentary'rock that contains enough organic material, iron sulfide, and/or manganese oxide to color the rock dark grey or black. The majority of black shales owe their color to finely disseminated organic matter. It has been calculated by Swanson (1961) that at least two per cent carbon must be present to reach a true black color, according to the National Research Committee Color Chart. Invertebrate faunas in black shales are typified by their scarcity and dwarfed morphology. Black shale often is identified by special names such as sapropelite, gyttja, etc. It is, likewise, often identified with compositional, genetic, and paleontologic variation. Emamples of this practice would be such terms as uraniferous shales, oil shale, marine 49 shale, graptolitic shale, etc. Genetic usage with reference to black shale is a common problem; formations are often classified into such catagories as marine, nonrmarine, deep water, and shallow water. Black shales, because of their petroleum and uranium.aontent, have 'been analyzed extensively during the last few years (Conant and Swanson, 1961), (Vine, 1962), (Swanson, 1960), (Landis, 1962), (Glover, 1959), (Hoover, 1960), (Smith, et. ale, 1959), etc. The chemical composition of black shales is, of course, dependent on the unit's sedimentary history. Organic black shales, however, are invariably formed under acid and reducing conditions in sea water. It is possible, therefore, to make some generalizations concerning the elements present under these conditions. Mason (1952) points out that in addition to the organic carbon and iron sulfide present, enrichment in the following minor elements were noted: V, U, As, Sb, Mo, Cu, N, Cd. Ag. Au, and metals of the Vanadium.has been commercially produced from.the shales. The uranium.potentialities of the black shales have been studied intensively over the last ten.years by the U.S. Geological Survey. Carolyn Fix (1958) offered an excellent summary of previous research papers in the field of uraniferous black shales. The amount of radioactive material present in the a critical factor, as it directly influences the gamma ray logs, which are being used for correlation purposes in this paper. The Antrim.has been reported to carry 0.01 per cent U308 equivalent by Westergard (Paul, 1954) and Bain (1950). Swanson (1960) ran uranium analyses of 38 selected cuttings of the Pure Oil 553 (T32 N, R4W) Charlevoix County and the Andy Bonardi (Sec. 31., T8N, 121813) St. Clair County. In the Pure Oil 553 well uranium.percentage varies from..0007 to .0036 and in the Bonardi 1, from .0006 to .0035. His samples were also tested for 50 oil recovery and they varied from a trace to 16.9 gallons per ton. In the two widely separated wells (over 200 miles) there is a positive correlation between oil and uranium.content. The organic content of the Antrim is about ten per cent in portions._ Sutides by Beers (1945) indicated graphically that a positive relation? ship exists in the Antrim.between carbon content and uranium.content. An increase in one results in an increase in the other. Beers‘ (1945) studies, modified by Swanson (1960), also show that the same relationship exists in the Sunbury and Traverse "Transition zone". Beers and Goodman (1944) also noted a 50 per cent increase in the radiation of smaller than 200 mesh material as opposed to coarser fractions. Whitehead (Paul, 1954) analysed six Antrim samples and determined that the mean percentage of potassium_was 2.77 per cent with a variability of 0.1 per cent. A positive relationship again exists with these elements. Whitehead points out that there is also a very close‘ positive relationship existing between phosporous and uranium.from studies of a Miocene nodular clay. No values are available on phosphorous- uranium content of Antrim.shales. Beers (1944) also noted this in his studies. Uraniumpbearing black shales, such as the Antrim, have many features in common, which are, according to Nininger (1954): (1) Black and rich in organic matter and iron sulfide. (2) They contain only minor limestones. (3) They all contain.petroleum. (4) They are all relatively thin formations that were deposited slowly over a long period of time. (5) Most are from geologically older formations. (6) The syngenetic in origin. 51 Swanson (1960) lists fourteen quantitative controlling factors for the uranium distribution in black shales. Ten are considered to be speculative, four demonstrative. Petrographically, black shales generally consist of very fine silt, quartz, clay, micas, feldspars, pyrite and marcasite, phosphates, and organic matter. The insoluble organic matter (Kerogen) observed in the black shales may be either sapropelic (marine) or humic (terrestial). Breger and Brown (1962) in a recent article in Science have determined a method that may be utilized to determine the amount of each of the constituents present. The hydrogen percentage of sapropelic material is very much higher (10-32 per cent) than that of humic origin (5.5 per cent). This, of course, is an excellent index, also, of potential oil recovery in any given shale. It has no effect on uranium content of the black shales which apparently relates to the carbon content. Therefore, utilizing this method it might be possible to delimit the origin of many of the black shales of the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian sequence in the United States. The writer suspects that it would prove the Sunbury to be a humic accumulation rather than the sapropelic algal type as the Antrim. This suposition is based in part on the deve10pment of the very thick Sunbury sequence on the eastern side of the Basin. The Sunbury Shale could represent reworked terrestial organic debris distributed from.a source area in the same region as the Berea-Bedford delta. The paleontology of the black shale sequence has been the subject of a number of detailed studies. Studies of invertebrate paleontology include a minimum of some 23 major papers by some 20 authors. In the vertebrates much of the study has been done with fish, particularly during the early nineteen hundreds. The eleven major researchers in this area 52 have presented some 53 individual papers on the vertebrate fauna. Micropaleontological research has been done for the most part on conodonts. There are about 22 authors of major works in this area of study. Extensive work has been done with well—preserved paleobotanical specimens of the black shale sequence; a selected list of writers in this field reaches a total of over thirty men. Some nine papers by six authors have been published also on the palynology of the sequence. The great bulk of the researchers in black shale paleontology, in all disciplines, are included in Hoover's bibliography (1960). The dating of the black shale sequence is problematic within the Michigan Basin. The DevonianAMississippian boundary occurs within the Antrim Shale. As far as the writer can determine only two reasonable alternatives are practical paleontologically. The first is using conodonts; unfortunately, the zones are not sufficiently continuous laterally within the Antrim; and conodonts are rare within the Ellsworth. The best solution to the dating working with palynology. Spores have been observed by the writer in both the Antrim Shale and the Ellsworth Shale, which form the critical time units. Caution, however, should be exercised in correlation, as deposition of the spores is dependent on such factors as distance from shore, prevailing wind and water current direction, latitudinal and topographic plant zonation, etc., for terrestrial forms. Current distribution represents the major problem with regard to the marine algal forms. The theories of black shale origin may be classified into some seven broad caragories, which are listed below with some of their proponents. (1) Shallow water origin - §u5$§man?.(%935%i9§§§d (1931), Grabau , lS er 53 (2) Deep water origin - Clarke (1915). Shaler (1877), Rich (1948. 1951) (3) Restricted basins - Schuchert (1915). Strom (1936), Adams, et. al. (1951) (a) Algal origin - . Schuchert (1910, 1915), Ruedemann (1935), Fisher (1953), Orton (1882) (5) Organic soil erosion - Grabau (1906) (6) Bitumens and Seeps - Gutschick (1947), Keyes (1938) (7) Others - Grabau (1919) estuary; Raymond (1942) chitinous skeletal material. The source of the organic material in the Antrim Shale is a combination of some land plants, spores, the majority of which are probably algal in origin, and very finely comminuted material, probably a combination of marine and non-marine material with the marine being predominant. The discovery of an algal thallus, the frequent observation of Foerstian remains, and the predominance of Iagmanites, a probable algal spore, seems to indicate the possibility of an extensive algal mat forming. If one makes the presumption that a floating algal mass existed during the development of the black shales, it would probably have belonged most likely to the Phaeophyta. Within the Phaeophyta, one is restricted to the utilization of Sargassum, as the other members of the group require a cool climate and a rocky bottom to attach their hold- fasts, which generally in extant forms reach only a maximum.length of some 60 feet. The Phaeophyta are not particularly salinity selective so that the form would not require the narrow parameters of such forms as are found in the Rhodophyta. A sargassoid planktonic algae seems to offer the most likely ecologic and stratigraphic solution for the Upper Devoniaanower Mississippian seas. This sargassoid mass could be moved in response 54 to local current, wind, and temperature variations. The intermixture of frequent carbonate zones observed in the core sample examined would seem to indicate as abrupt a chemical as litho- logical change. This could be accomplished with relative ease with respect to a floating or attached algal mass. If the algae were swept away, Eh and pH values would change. The conditions observed in stagnant waters, such as would result from.the development of a wide- spread algal mass dampening current and wave action, indicate that though the upper surface may have a pH of 8 and an Eh of +0.1 the conditions on the bottom.are a pHi? and an Eh of -0.3 (Krumbein and Garrels, 1952). This helps explain the condition of having a nearly normal marine sequence followed by a black shale sequence. The grey intertounguing shales in the black shale sequence can result as a simple function of the quantity or organic matter present in the sediment, which could mean a lesser quantity due to either decrease in source of organic material or increase in current action to change the oxidationrreduction potential and the pH of the sea water to less favorable values for preservation. The writer's theory for the development of black shale lithosome within the Michigan Basin is that the sea in which the lower Antrim was deposited was shallow (less than 100 feet deep) and covered with a mat of sargassoid algae. This algal mat reduced circulation and produced the reducing conditions (negative Eh) necessary for black shale development. A more acidic environment (pH7-7.8) may have existed from time to time through the development of hydrogen sulfide derived from.decaying organic debris. After the Lower Antrim.had been deposited the sargassoid algae was rapidly displaced toward the "B" axis, as the Wisconsin Highland area began to supply the Ellsworth type of facies. 55 Ecological conditions for the growth of the algae could have been effected by dissolved salts from the Highlands, current changes, temperature changes, salinity changes, etc. A similar situation developed in the Berea-Bedford southwest Ontario delta, except that in this case there seems to be not rapid displacement of algal material as was in the case of the Western Ellsworth Basin. Gradually the sediments displaced the algal masses till they were virtually limited to favorable ecologic niches in along the "B" axis (masked zone). The black shale sequence then closed with the development of a sheet of probable humic carbonaceous material swept in from the eastern side of the Michigan Basin, the Sunbury. The Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian black shale lithosome is found over most of North America. The regional correlations of the black shale are summarized in the map illustrating the Upper Devonian- Lower Mississippian shale sequence (Plate 21). Regional references are included in the bibliography. The black shales as a lithologic unit may be correlated from Montana or Arizona in the west to New York state in the east. The Berea—Bedford sequence of clastics develop a deltaic pattern similar to the one developed in northern Ohio (Pepper, et. al., 1954). The sediments deposited in the Basin are derived from a source area in eastern Ontario. The Bedford Shale is a grey, silty to sandy shale that overlies the Antrim.Shale with a gradational contact. The grey color is a function of organic content. The Berea Sandstone develops an east- west channel sand in isopach studies of that unit in Bay County. The channels may either be the result of channel filling of stream eroded valleys in the Bedford Shale (Pepper, et. al., 1954) or a distributarian 56 channel system such as illustrated by Fisk (1954). The western Ellsworth Shale lithosome consists of a grey to green, sandy shale. The shale is restricted to the western side of the "B" axis. The source of the clastics derived are from the Wisconsin Highlands region. The upper part of the section reflects the influence of the Berea from.the eastern side of the Basin to as far west in the north as Wexford County. The abrupt change that frequently occurs in the interbedded Antrim- Ellsworth sequence ("ElltrimU of Hale, 1941) indicates a marked lessen— ing in organic content. The green color is developed as a result of the ferrous iron present in the shale; and it is an excellent indicator of a reducing environment condition during deposition. 57 4. Coldwater Shale The Coldwater Shale was named by Lane in 1893 for exposures on the Coldwater River in Branch and Hillsdale counties. The Coldwater Shale was described by Lane as underlying the Marshall Sandstone and over- lying the Richmondville or Berea Sandstone. The Sunbury was originally included with the Coldwater Shale in the Michigan Basin; however, Cooper, in 1909, designated the unit as a separate formation (Wilmarth, 1938). In 1932 the U. S. Geological Survey restricted the Coldwater and split out the Sunbury Shale as a distinct subsurface formation in the Michigan Basin. The Coldwater is a blue-grey to greenish-grey shale sequence that develops local thin lenses of limestone, sandstone, and dolomite. It ranges in thickness from.a maximum.of 1295 feet in Iosco County to less than 550 feet in western Michigan (Plate 3). The Coldwater has been divided into a western and an eastern facies by-Monnett (1948). The boundary between the two facies is west of the "B" axis. The eastern facies is typified by silts, fine sands, and shales. The central area between the two facies, according to Monnett (1948), is essentially a continuous sequence of grey shales a thousand feet or more in thickness. The western facies is characterized by calcareous shales with interbedded minor dolomite. The source area for the Coldwater shales was to the east. The western Wisconsin Highlands were supplying neglible amounts of sediments to Michigan's Coldwater basin. The upper contact between the Coldwater Shale and the Marshall Sandstone in eastern.Michigan is extremely difficult to separate. Both units are coarse-grained sandstones and red siltstone and sandstone (Cohee, 1951) which lithologically are virtually identical locally. In western.Michigan the sequence is fine-grained and the transition into the Marshall Sandstone, while gradational, is easier to pick. 58 The Coldwater carries four recognizable units: (1) Coldwater redrock. (2) Coldwater "lime" or speckled dolomite. (3) Weir sand. ' (4) .Richmondville sand. The redrock is the only Coldwater unit that can be correlated any appreciable distance throughout the state. Monnett (1948) shows that it is absent in the north-central portion of the Basin. The redrock is a red shale, limestone, and/or dolomite unit that ranges in recognizable thickness from six inches to forty feet thick. It occurs near the base of the Coldwater Shale. The redrock has also been divided by Monnett (1948) into an eastern shaly facies and a western calcareous and dolomitic facies. Hale (1941) described the unit as being fossiliferous, especially in the south (crinoid, ostracods, tetracorals, etc.). The redrock has been tentatively correlated paleontologically with the Rockford Limestone which overlies the New Albany Shale in northern Illinois and Indiana (Cohee, 1951). The Coldwater "lime" or speckled dolomite is a calcareous marker zone in western Michigan. It has been reported to be from.a few inches to thirty to forty feet in thickness (Baltrusaites, et. al., 1948). The Coldwater dolomite may be divided into four facies (Monnett, 1948): (1) "Speckled" grey dolomitic matrix:with embedded grains of light brown dolomite. (2) "Speckled" dolomitic matrix with pepperings of glauconite. (3) Crystalline dolomite with pepperings of glaucontie. (4) Crystalline dolomite with no glauconite. 59 Hale (1941) observed that on the western outer rim of the Basin the dolomite is much thicker, possibly indicating the presence of a "speckled dolomite" sea to the west in the Lake Michigan area during Coldwater time. She also observed that the crystalline dolomite facies is more common to the north and the east in the western Coldwater facies. The Weir sand is reworked broken sand which occurs locally in 0gemaw County. It has been described by Newman (1936) in Ogemaw County and the West Branch oil field as being a "stray" sand forty feet in thickness that occurs approximately 250 feet below the top of the eroded subcrop of the West Branch anticlinal structure. The Richmondville was named for an exposure that occurs at the town of Richmondville in Sanilac County, in western.Michigan. It was named by Lane (1893) and described as underlying the Coldwater Shale and over- lying the St. Clair Shale (Antrim). Gordon in 1900, however, pointed out that the Richmondville was actually within the Coldwater Shale and some 100 to 200 feet below the tOp. Therefore, the original Richmondville, as designated by Lane, could not be correlatable with the Berea Sandstone of Ohio (Wilmarth, 1938). The unit was later regarded as a 50 to 80 foot thick "stray" sand occurring in the top of the Coldwater in Sanilac County. It cannot be traced for any great distance in the subsurface as it interfingers with other shales and sand units and has a highly lenticular-like characteristic (Cohee, 1951). Ells (personal communi- cation, 1963) indicated that the survey has not used the unit in yearso No single unit within the Coldwater, with the exception of the redrock, can be used regionally for correlation purposes. Locally in western Michigan the Coldwater "lime" and various other carbonate stringers are used for correlation, but they are, as would be expected, extremely limited in their areal extent. 60 A. K. Miller (1953, 1955) working with cephalopods of the Coldwater Shale and Marshall Sandstone established the fact that the upper Coldwater Shale contained cephalopods of Kinderhook and Osage age. Miller described the cephalopods (orthoconic nautiloids and ammonoids) as having a very close relationship to the published faunas in Tien Shan, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Western Algeria, and New South Wales. The most striking characteristic concerning the development of the Coldwater Shale is the thick accumulation of shales in the central portion of the state, just west of the "B" axis (Plate 2). The accumulation is most likely the resultant of either subsidence in this portion of the Basin or proximity to the source area. The very thick sequence developed in northern Iosco County would indicate a more northerly source than that of the preceding eastward Berea-Bedford development. It, likewise, indicates either renewed or sustained uplift to the north and east of the Michigan Basin at this time. Lithologic cross sections (Monnett, 1948 and Cohee, 1951) clearly indicate the necessity of a sediment source area to the north and/or east. The thinner accumulations of mud and carbonate deposited in the western facies might suggest a simple nearshore-offshore facies relationship. This would indicate that the Wisconsin Highlands area was supplying little or no sediments at this time. The detailed studies of the top of the Coldwater Shale show a pronounced difference in the structure contours over the fields in Bay County (Plate 9), thereby making it a less reliable structural indicator than the underlying Sunbury Shale top. Errors developed in this sequence are probably, at least in part, due to inability to pick the Coldwaterr Marshall contact in the Bay County area. The detailed isopach map of Bay County (Plate 15) shows a definite thinning of the Coldwater interval over the anticlinal flexure in the county. 61 5. Marshall Sandstone 62 The Marshall Sandstone was originally described by Winchell in 1861. It was later delimited by Lane to include those rocks above the Coldwater Shale and below the Michigan Formation (Wilmarth, 1938). The upper unit of this sequence was originally referred to as the Napoleon Sandstone; it was described by Taylor in 1839 (Wilmarth, 1938). It has now, through usage, come to be referred to as the Upper Marshall, despite the fact that the name antedates that of the Marshall by some 22 years. Monnett (191.8) in his classic study of the Marshall, stated that he sees no suitable basis for the division of the Marshall into two members. The Napoleon Sandstone is distinguishable from.the Lower Marshall only in eastern Michigan. This is because there exists both a western and an eastern source for the Marshall sediments (Monnett, 1948; Cohee, 1951; Stearns, 1933; and McGregor, 1954). In addition to the problem of the questionable contact between the Marshall Sandstone and the underlying Coldwater Shale in eastern Michigan, a problem exists with the upper contact. Over much of the Basin, especially in the central portion, there is a gradational contact that exists between the Marshall and the Michigan Formation. The so-called Michigan stray is on top of the Marshall Sandstone in centra1.Michigan. Hard (1938), Hake (1938), Addison (1940), Monnett (1948), and Wolcott (1948) all indicate that the Michigan stray is equivalent to the Upper Marshall in central and western Michigan. The Marshall-Coldwater contact in western.Michigan is relatively sharp due to the sudden increase in grain size that occurs at the base of the Marshall. The lower contact is apparently conformable throughout the state. 63 The lithology of the lower Marshall is characterized essentially by sandstones, commonly red in color. The sandstone typically cemented with varying amounts of dolomite is very shaly and dolomitic near the base in western Michigan (Baltrusaites et. al., 1948). In the eastern portion of the Basin the unit is much more sandy and, of course, extremely difficult to distinguish from.the underlying Coldwater. The Upper Marshall is typically a coarse-grained, white to grey sandstone interbedded with shales and silts toward the top of the section. In addition to the utilization of the terms, Upper Marshall, Napoleon, Lower Marshall, and Michigan stray for the sequence, the Hardwood Point, Port Austin, Pointe Aux Barques, Huron City, Light House and the "peanut" conglomerate also have been used.(Martin, 1936). These terms have since been abandoned. Stearns (1933) did an exhaustive petrographic study on the Marshall Sandstone of the Michigan Basin. On the basis of the mineral suites that she recovered from.selected wells, she was able to determine the provenance of the minerals. She clearly established that two sedimentary provinces exist with relation to sediments within the Basin, an eastern and a western one. The Wisconsin Highlands supplied vast quantities of sand to the southern and western areas of the Michigan Basin. The source of sand for the eastern side of the Basin comes from.the Laurentian area. Stearns' (1933) studies are further reinforced by studies by O'Hara (1954), Monnett (1948), and Kropschot (1953) A. K. Miller (1955), in a study of the Mississippian fauna of the Basin, indicated a probable Osage age for the Marshall Sandstone. All of the known fossils of the Marshall, at the time of his 1955 paper, came from.a single 4.5 foot section. He pointed out that every cephalopod species listed from the unit may be recovered from a single 64 six inch bed of extremely fossiliferous limonitic sandstone at the type section. Cohee (1951) was of the opinion that the Marshall is of early Meramec age. The Marshall bed does not reflect the basinal shape as does the underlying Coldwater (Plate 4). The unit reflects a series of north- westernrsoutheastern trending thick and thin sand developments. It is generally assumed (Monnett, 1948) (O'Hara, 1954) that the wave action distributed the vast amounts of sand over all submarine irregularities; thus, perhaps at least in part, causing some of the isopach variation recorded. The Bay County Marshall Sandstone study shows an apparent thinning in the section over the major structures of Bay County (Plate 16). 6. Post-Marshall Paleozoic Sediments Mississippian 65 The post—Marshall Mississippian in the Michigan Basin is sub- divided into two formations, a lower Michigan Formation and an upper Bayport Limestone. The Michigan Formation consists of anhydrite, grey to dark grey and greenish shales, limestone, dolomite, and thin lenses of sandstone. It was named by Winchell (1861). It is exposed in Kent, Huron, and Iosco counties. Hard (1938) described a "brown dolomite" in the lower part of the Michigan subsurface, which was delimited by Hake (Swanson, 1955). On electrical logs it is usually referred to as the "brown lime" or "brown dolomite". The "brown dolomite" is approximately 100 to 150 feet above the Michigan stray (Swanson, 1955). Swanson (1955) suggested the name Clare in his thesis for the dolomite, because of its excellent development in Clare County, Michigan. Swanson (1955) subdivided the Clare into five provinces. Four of the Swanson's provinces represent marginal areas of decreasing lithologic and electrical character of the Clare. The fifth or central area province wherein the Clare is apparently consistent includes all of Osceola, Clare, Mecosta, Isabella, Montcalm, Gratiot, Ionia, and Clinton counties, as well as the western halves of Gladwin, Midland and Saginaw counties. Swanson (1955) also subdivided the Clare into three basic lithologies, which are: a central, north central, and western uniform, fine to coarsely crystalline, buff to orange, sucrosic dolomite; and a southern coarsely crystalline, sucrosic, buff dolomite. The Clare, as interpreted by electrical logs, thins to the north and northwest in the Basin; it pinches out to the south, and changes to a limestone facies to the east at the western border of Arenac and Bay counties, and in the center of Saginaw 66 County. Authigenic pyrite is a fairly common insoluble residue in the Clare. The average thickness of the Clare has been estimated to be between 13 and 16 feet (Swanson, 1955). Above the Clare there is a 30 to 40 foot thick that may be traced over much of the central portion of the Michigan Basin. This unit is referred to as the "Triple Gyp". The "Triple Gyp" was named by Wolcott in a paper delivered to the Michigan Geological Society in 1948 (Cohee, 1951). The three individual gypsum zones are separated by thin shales. The Clare dolomite and the "Triple Gyp" are easily recognized through the media of electric logs. Landes (1944) subdivided the Michigan into lower and upper units. His subdivision was based on the lithologic differentiation that occurs in the Porter Field, Midland County, above and below the base of the Clare dolomite equivalent. He further subdivided each unit into two lithologic zones. Addison (1940) followed approximately the same subdivision in Buckeye Field, Gladwin County, except that he places his subdivision at the top of the Clare rather than the base. Baltrusaites, et. a1. (1948) placed his subdivision of upper and lower units similarly to Addison. The lower part of the Michigan is typically dolomite, lime- stone, shale, sandstone, and a subordinant amount of gypsum. The upper unit is characterized by grey to pink gypsum, locally comprising forty per cent of the section. Cohee (1951) reported that there is evidence of the upper part of the Michigan being eroded before the deposition of the Bayport, as evinced by part of the Michigan being stripped off some anticlinal folds in the vicinity of Saginaw Bay. Landes (1944) and Addison (1940) corroborated this in that they recognized an erosional unconformity in the Porter Field in Midland County and the Buckeye Field, Gladwin 67 County. The lower contact of the Michigan is gradational into under- lying Marshall. The age of the Michigan is in question. Newcombe(1933) considered it to be late Osage and early Meramec in age, which is similar to the age assigned by Weller (1948). Cohee (1951), however, was of the opin- ion that it sould be limited to the Lower Meramec. The Mississippian Bayport Formation consists of a sequence of basal, grey, friable sandstones that are overlain by limestones. The Bayport is bounded by upper (Cohee, 1951) and lower (Landes, 1944) unconformi- ties. Ehlers and Humphrey (1944) described the Bayport (Point Au Gres) as being equivalent to the St. Louis Limestone and possibly the lower part of the St. Genevieve (Upper Meramec). The correlation indicates that there was probably a direct connection to the south and the Upper Mississippi Valley area during Bayport time. Pro-Pennsylvanian movement of the sediments in the Michigan Basin was probably initiated in Chester time and continued until the end of the Morrow. The principal structural trends (NWrSE) were formed at this time. In arenac, Bay and Tuscola counties, Cohee (1951) reported that the upper part of the Coldwater, the Marshall, the Michigan and the Bayport are eroded away from.the top of some anticlinal folds. The Pennsylvanian rocks of the Michigan Basin are divided into three units, which are (in ascending order): the Parma Sandstone, a non-fossiliferous, medium to coarse-grained, friable, white sandstone; the Saginaw Group, which has been divided into seven cyclothems (Kelly, 1936) at Grand Ledge in Eaton County; and the Grand River Group, which is classically subdivided into three units. These formations of the Grand River Group are (in ascending order)3 the lower Woodville Sandstone; the crossbedded, coarse grained Eaton Sandstone; and the overlying deep red 68 to purple, crossbedded, slightly argillaceous Ionia Sandstone. Cohee (1951) recorded a maximum of 765 feet in Midland County in his study of the Pennsylvanian. The Saginaw Group flora indicates a Kanawha age. Cohee (1951) believed that younger floras of Allegheny age may be present. The Verne Limestone (Kelly, 1936), the only one observed in the Saginaw, has a scarce, diagnostic fauna that has been correlated with the uppermost Kanawha Seville Limestone in western Illinois (wanless, 1944). The Pennsylvanian rocks, as the overlying so-called "Permo-Carboniferous red beds", are both delimited by upper and lower contact unconformities. The "red beds" overlying the Pennsylvanian are observed in the northwestern part of the state. The apparently nonfossiliferous "red beds" are overlain by Pleistocene glacial deposits. The "red beds" have been considered to be Pennsylvanian by Kelly (1936), Permo-Carboniferous by Newcombe (1933), and_ Martin (1936), and possibly as recent as Cretaceous. The Lower Cretaceous Mattigami Formation (Martison, 1952) bears a remarkable lithologic resemblance to the "red beds". The writer is of the opinion that the "red beds" age problem could be directly and conclusively solved by a palynological examination of the specimens from.the interval. 69 IV. GEOLOGIC HISTORY The geologic history of the Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian sediments of the Michigan Basin is illustrated by a series of changing tectonic features primarily peripheral to the Basin. The four subdivi- sions used by the writer for the basic stratigraphy of the sequence were useful in illustrating these changes (Traverse Group, "B" interval, Coldwater, Marshall). The isopach studies of the Michigan during Traverse time point out a series of very interesting features. First is the fact that there exists an eastern "normal facies" and a western evaporitic facies. The basins of deposition are developed in response to a north-south barrier, which has been named the West Michigan Barrier. South and east of this spur a northwest-southeast spur exists that is possibly the result of differential compaction of Devonian sediments over the Silurian reefs. The Traverse Group thickens to Northern Michigan and . probably during Traverse time was connected to the north through the Ontario Seaway to the James Bay Lowland of Hudson Bay. A carrelatable unit ( the Williams Limestone) is observed at this area (Martison, 1952). The Traverse Group sediments on the South Michigan Shelf reflect the influence of the Battle Creek Trough in Calhoun and Branch counties, as well as the Chatham Sag. The Howell Anticline and the Clinton Sag in the southeastern Michigan are likewise reflected in the shelf area. The lower contact of the Traverse Group very likely represents a situation of continuous sedimentation in the Michigan Basin. Minor disconformities that have been reported at this contact may be, in actuality, submarine in their development. The Traverse Group is a section of more or less continuous deposition of argillaceous shales and limestones. 70 At the top of the Traverse Group there exists a thin zone which is referred to as the transition zone. This zone represents the gradual change that occurs from typical Traverse carbonates to typical Antrim shales. Gamma ray-neutron stratigraphy in the Michigan Basin lucidly shows that the basal portion of the "B" interval throughout the Basin (Lower Antrim) was a time of widespread organic accumulation. The concentration of the organic accumulation is through the development of planktonic sargassoid plant communities. This would fit the widespread black shale that is observed throughout the entire North American continent during this time. Abundant evidence as to the nature of the plant types present may be seen in the Foerstian remains and algal thalli that have been uncovered from.the interval. Lower Antrim apparently represents a period of widespread stabilization in the Michigan Basin in that the unit seems to be continuous in its development throughout the entire Basin area. Following the deposition of the basal unit of the Antrim.shale (the Lower Antrim), structural activity took place, synorogenically with the Acadian orogeny, in the Wisconsin Highlands region. This movement probably occurred simultaneously with the development of an arch or barrier in the Michigan Basin, which is illustrated on the "B" interval isopach map (Plate 2). The South Michigan Shelf continued to influence sedimentation as it did in the Traverse; the units in the "B" interval thin to the south. After the probable movement on the "B" axis the Ellsworth Shale was deposited and largely confined to the western portion of the Michigan Basin. In the eastern portion of the Michigan Basin to the "B" axis or barrier, ecological conditions developed that led to the formation of the Lower Antrim black shales. At this time the Berea delta developed in Ontario from an eastern source area (Laurentia). This is illustrated by the Berea- 71 Bedford isopach map (Plate 12). The Berea-Bedford represents a sequence of shales and sands that spread over and gradually replaced the sequence of black shales in the Eastern Michigan Basin. This is observed in the gamma ray cross sections of the Michigan Basin, where there is an apparent increase in the thickness of the Upper Antrim towards the "B" axis or barrier. The Berea-Bedford is apparently later than the Ellsworth Shale. The Berea Sandstone is found in northwestern Michigan, central Michigan and throughout eastern Michigan. This low radioactive unit is correlated with the commercial gas unit in western Michigan that is referred to as the Berea dolomite. The masked zone problem.that exists along the "B" barrier can be resolved by realizing that this was probably an ecological niche for the sargassoid plants during the accumulation of the upper portion of the "B" interval. The uppermost Ellsworth-lower Coldwater contact problem is solved by the utilization of the Sunbury Shale and Coldwater redrock as correlatable tops. The Sunbury Shale may indicate a brief return to the conditions that existed prior to the development of the Berea and Ellsworth shales dependent on whether the organic material is humic or sapropelic. The deposition of the Sunbury Shale is noted throughout the entire Basin, with the exception of southwestern.Michigan; apparently the "B" axis shallows upon the South Michigan Shelf and prevents the spread of organic material into this area. Sediments which are pouring out of the east from the southwest Ontario region, likewise, cannot be intermixed with the Ellsworth in this particular region because of the increasing elevation of the "B" axis or barrier to the south onto the South Michigan Shelf. The Coldwater Shale is the thickest directly east of the "B" axis. 72 Two distinct facies are developed at this time-- an eastern sandy and silty facies near the source area and a western calcareous facies at a farther distance from the eastern source region. Only one unit in the entire Coldwater sequence can be used as a regional correlation point. This is the Coldwater redrock, which exists some thirty feet above the base of the Coldwater Shale. The thickest Coldwater Shale section exists in Iosco County, northeastern Michigan. There is a probable shift in sedimentation during Coldwater time. It no longer seems to be coming from directly east as it had in the Berea—Bedford sequence. Provenance is either a combination of sources or a single source coming northeast from the Laurentian area. The Marshall Sandstone is an extremely thin unit ranging from approximately 100 to 350 feet in thickness. Its sandy character indicates a further change within the Michigan Basin. As with the Coldwater, the South Michigan Shelf as such no longer seems to exist. The Marshall Sandstone in eastern.Michigan has its source area to the east in the Laurentian region. Latertithe development of the Marshall, uplift takes place in the Wisconsin Highlands with a resultant flood of sediments coming into the Basin from.the western margin. It is observed that two facies once again, an eastern and western facies, exist in the Basin. The facies are differentiated on the basis of their sedimentary petrogra- phy. The western and southern facies had its source area in the Wisconsin Highland region. The eastern facies had Laurentia as its source area. The Upper Marshall, which is only recognized in eastern facies, represents a change in sedimentation pattern that occurs in the Laurentian area. The sedimentation in the southern and western facies continues without interruption. The upper contact of the Marshall with relation to the Michigan stray sand indicates that it is a portion of the Upper Marshall and is correlatable to the upper portion of the Marshall in the southern and western facies. 73 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7h The regional study of the Upper Devonian-lower Mississippian rocks of the Michigan Basin utilizing detailed iospach maps were successful. The maps help solve basinal and tectonic features that existed throughout the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian history of the Michigan Basin. They indicate the possibility that a likely synorogenic Acadian or Upper Devonian uplift occurred in the Wisconsin Arch region and may have been attended by the development of a barrier ("B" axis) in the Michigan Basin (Plate 2). The South Michigan Shelf is clearly indicated in the Traverse Group and the "B" interval (Plates 1, 2). The Coldwater map (Plate 3) indicates the dissolution of this particular feature, occurring in the Late Kinderhook time. The Marshall Sandstone indicates (Plate A) a shallow sheet sand development probably related to the end of the active development of the autogeosyncline. Evidence for the Ontario Seaway is observed in the Traverse Group map (Plate 1) and less obviously in the "B" interval isopach (Plate 2). The Bay County sequence of isopach maps were useful in that they revealed a channel system.extending east—west from southwestern Ontario. It, likewise, establishes an eastern source area direction for the Beream Bedford clastics. The Bay County structure contour maps on all intervals, except the Coldwater Shale, proved to be reliable. The gamma ray radioactive log cross sections (Plate 17 - 20) illustrate lucidly the lithologic correlations of the Michigan Basin during the deposition of "B" interval. The Ellsworth Shale~Coldwater Shale contact in western Michigan can be locally problematical when rotary and cable tool samples fail to indicate either the presence of the Coldwater redrock or the Sunbury Shalec 75 However, when using gamma ray logs, the highly radioactive Sunbury Shale is discernible when as thin as five feet in thickness. The Coldwater redrock is apparently identifiable in thicknesses of less than ten feet. The two units invariably occur stratigraphically within thirty feet of each other. The gamma ray Sunbury Shale-Coldwater redrock can be utilized as a structure contour interval throughout the entire Michigan Basin. As this contact forms the most reliable datum in the Paleozoic sequence above the Dundee, it is critical, not only to petroleum.exploration, but also to field production development. There are five favorable factors that should be considered with respect to this unit: (1) The Sunbury Shale-Coldwater redrock is younger than nearly all of the major producing zones in the Michigan Basin. (2) In any given area, either the Sunbury Shale or the Siigwater redrock is present (more often than not, both (3) The units are nearly synchronous throughout the Basinc (h) The radioactive gamma ray log can be run through the casing in any given well. (5) With sufficient control, any structure within the Basin may be accurately delimited provided the structure is reflected in the DevonianeMississippian "B" interval. The Berea-Bedford contact in eastern Michigan is often gradational and very difficult to pick when using lithologic sample examination techniques. The Berea-Bedford contact may be picked with realtive ease by gamma ray logs, except in the area south of the Mecosta-Isabella County area along and west of the "B" barrier. The contact Cannot be picked on the South Michigan Shelf, west of Lenawee County. West of the barrier in northern Mecosta County and Wexforc County the Berea may be separated. 76 The nature of the east-west relationship between the AntrimsBedford- Berea and the AntrimeEllsworth can be solved with gamma ray logs. The Antrim is divided into two units, a lower and an upper. The lower is observed over the entire Basin; the upper is largely restricted to the area east of the "B" barrier. The Ellsworth Shale is equivalent to the Upper AntrimrBedford-Berea sequence in the southwest Michigan, to the Upper AntrimrLower Berea-Bedford equivalent in west-central Michigan; and is older than the Berea, but equivalent to the Lower Bedford-Upper northwestern Michigan. The source area for the Ellsworth was north and west from.the Wisconsin Highlands. The Antrim Shale-Ellsworth Shale contact in western.Michigan is difficult to delimit lithologically because of the gradational and interfingering characteristics of the two formations. Gamma ray studies, however, indicate that such a separation is possible and correlative. The Antrim unit represented west of the "B" axis and below the Ellsworth Shale is the Lower Antrim, except in a few places where thin sequences character- izing the Upper Antrim are found locally above. The Traverse transition zone, which is discussed in the section on the Traverse, is clearly.reflected by a gradual change in rock type from the typical Traverse limestone to the typical Lower shale, based on the gamma ray-neutron logs. In the "masked zone", which occurs in central Michigan, along the "B" axis, the entire "B" interval appears to be black shales from lithologic examination. The is attributed to a higher organic content caused by accumulation or preservation that is occurring along the "B" axis. It is in probable response to more desirable ecological conditions that would be found along the axis rather than in either the eastern or western areas of sedimentation. 77 The regional distribution of the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian black shales and their related rocks (Plate 21) is useful in illustrating some of the problems of the black shales and represents an added refinement to Conant and Swanson’s (1961) earlier work. Utilizing 31033 et. al. (1960) data inferred isopach clastic sources were established for the Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian black shale throughout the continental United States. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY Adams, J. E., et. al., 1951, Starved Pennsylvanian Midland Basins Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 35, p. 2600-2607. Addison, Carl C., 19A0, Buckeye oil field, Gladwin County, Michigans Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 2A, p. 1950-1982. Allings, Harold L. and Briggs, Louis I., 1961, Stratigraphy of Upper Silurian Cayugan Evaporites: Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 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APPENDIX I 0 4 6 8 A 6 3 3 3 h 7 1 2 2 9 h 6 2 - 9 0 0 2 — 6 7 6 1 - 0 8 L 1 - 5 A 5 0 5 3 0 5 1 5 # 0 8 9 7 8 1 6 1 6 2 - 8 6 9 1 - - 8 1 6 l - 3 2 h l - 3 h h ~ 6 8 6 5 2 5 5 & 3 0 6 1 5 9 9 5 2 2 7 7 8 2 - 1 9 1 2 ~ 6 4 8 1 « h 2 6 1 ~ 1 7 6 - 5 3 5 8 0 1 2 8 1 3 9 h l - 3 7 6 8 8 6 6 4 5 0 3 5 A 5 3 2 5 1 5 5 6 1 & 5 5 7 3 5 5 1 9 3 0 1 9 6 0 1 0 9 8 2 - 7 1 2 2 - 1 7 6 1 - 0 9 1 ' 2 2 9 2 - 6 5 2 2 - 0 8 8 1 - h 0 7 1 - 5 6 6 - 0 8 1 . 0 8 0 2 - h 1 3 2 - 9 3 9 1 ~ 3 7 7 l - h 0 7 - 1 . 1 6 6 0 1 3 5 6 2 1 1 0 2 - 9 2 2 2 - 9 1 9 l - 5 0 0 1 0 1 2 9 0 8 2 - 1 5 1 2 - 8 1 8 1 - 3 2 6 1 - 2 1 7 - 6 . 0 5 6 8 1 6 $ 3 . 7 A 6 9 2 6 7 3 6 6 5 6 HN m \0 FCDO‘O E A R N 3 1 T . z - w s / E N / E N 7 ; w s / % s / C 5 7 2 0 1 E 6 R N 3 1 T 3 — E N / W N / W N 6 h 7 8 E 3 R h t T 7 l - E N / E N / E N 1 6 8 9 1 8 1 - E N / E S / W S 7 3 2 3 9 l — W S / E S / W N 9 9 3 6 1 O Z - W N / E N / E N 3 4 9 7 1 ? 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S E S E S / N C 1 0 5 3 1 2 - E S / W S / s c 3 6 2 0 2 3 - E S / E N / s c 6 8 9 9 3 - W N / W N / 1 0 7 0 2 1 h h 5 1 7 9 6 6 1 2 - l 7 h l - 7 3 1 1 « 6 0 9 - 5 6 + 1 . 9 9 5 3 1 l — E N / E N / E N 8 1 3 5 1 4 2 4 2 0 8 9 6 8 1 5 9 h 1 ° 7 8 2 1 - 0 8 9 . 2 8 1 0 2 2 2 - 9 3 5 l - 3 l 2 1 - 1 0 0 1 - 1 2 + 5 . 9 9 5 3 . 1 0 6 1 2 o l - w s / E N / g i g 1 3 8 5 n - w N / w N / g N 2 7 5 5 1 E A R h t T 2 8 6 8 5 6 8 3 6 7 2 5 3 3 3 0 6 5 h 5 3 7 6 1 8 6 1 9 0 7 0 1 5 2 2 9 3 9 2 - 1 0 3 2 ~ 7 h 9 1 ~ 9 5 7 1 w 9 8 6 - 3 . 1 6 6 1 3 - W N / E N / W N 3 5 8 0 1 TRAVERSE TOTAL 'B' ANTRIM BEREAv BEDFORD SUNBURI COLDWATER MARSHALL DUNDEE TRAVERSE ANTRIM SUNBURY COLDWATER ELEVATION WELL NUMBER LOCATION ”$231112 TRAVERSE TOTAL'B' ANTRIM BEREA- BEDFORD SUNBURI COLDWATER MARSHALL DUNCEE TRAVERSE ANTRIM SUNBURI COLDWATER ELEVATION WELL NUMBER LOCATION PERMIT NUMBER 7 9 6 0 2 5 4 3 3 7 2 3 6 8 1 5 8 1 5 1 0 8 9 5 5 2 3 9 1 2 c 9 1 1 0 0 1 6 2 1 2 - 8 9 4 1 - 7 4 4 1 - 4 6 1 1 - 0 2 1 1 ~ 3 6 9 - 6 1 9 - 7 1 + 9 . 1 9 5 4 2 2 1 - E S / W N / % N C 1 2 1 0 1 4 . 4 9 5 5 2 2 1 - / W N / W N / é S 8 6 4 5 1 89 5 9 6 3 9 6 0 9 6 7 8 6 9 8 6 8 0 7 6 8 6 3 8 6 6 8 6 0 8 6 3 8 6 4 9 6 5 8 6 1 9 6 4 8 6 1 6 6 0 1 6 9 4 6 6 6 6 4 7 6 5 7 6 5 8 6 8 8 6 1 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 5 4 5 5 1 4 5 9 4 5 3 4 5 1 4 5 0 5 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 6 4 5 7 1 5 6 5 5 3 5 5 1 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 0 3 2 9 1 2 9 1 7 0 2 - 4 4 3 8 7 1 9 3 3 1 9 1 4 3 3 2 0 5 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 9 7 1 2 9 1 5 9 1 4 8 1 6 7 1 5 2 5 2 0 3 6 2 8 2 0 8 9 0 9 9 7 9 9 4 4 5 0 3 3 3 4 5 6 3 5 6 4 3 1 3 3 7 1 3 6 8 1 7 7 1 5 7 1 0 2 6 0 0 1 8 7 0 2 « 2 1 4 l - 6 6 0 1 - 0 3 0 8 0 2 v 6 9 3 1 - 5 6 0 1 ~ 4 4 0 1 1 4 4 6 0 2 - 5 1 4 1 ~ 5 8 0 1 - 1 7 8 - 9 6 8 - 0 6 8 - 0 6 0 2 - 5 8 3 1 - 8 6 0 1 ~ 9 1 5 0 1 3 3 0 2 7 7 0 2 - 9 8 3 1 - 9 7 0 1 6 4 6 8 ~ 5 7 1 0 3 6 9 9 7 6 0 2 - 2 8 3 1 - 2 5 0 1 - ? 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21166 SW-12 T19N R6E NW-28 T20N R3E 19323 SE-20 T20N R4E 20314 13827 NE-17 T20N R5E SE-29 T20N R6E 10835 NE-16 T20N R7E 122 1100 127 1055 185 1039 181 1057 170 1125 113 1207 120 1275 47 48 49 50 51 52 25 35 32 10 29 25 35 28 28 50 157 145 150 155 165 220 135 164 172 208 185 BARRY 9884 SE-19 T1N R7W 140 1013 21342 SW48 T1N R8W 12890 NE~6 T1N R9W 14782 SW—21 T1N R10W 263 185 902 993 909 6612 NW#17 T2N R7W 230 980 10 6231 SE—22 T2N R8W 138 1055 20732 NWF34 T2N R9W 20875 NE-33 T2N R10W 21987 NE-22 T3N R7W 310 949 5806 SW-19 T3N R8W 18526 SW-14 T3N R9W 12780 SW-6 T3N R10W 17268 NW¥29 T4N R7W 15586 NW46 T4N R8W 15541 SE-9 T4N R9W 6308 NW-3 T4N RlOW BAY 1040 915 1004 960 915 852 237 263 222 271 227 225 400 200 230 260 353 237 195 273 372 12 292 285 328 172 160 165 147 130 129 98 348 360 364 362 357 ‘354 376 350 346 375 367 118 141 150 133 150 148 125 126 87 189 129 120 335 125 160 699 779 783 840 780 781 762 805 818 873 820 785 819 808 823 793 785 315 317 312 339 340 333 349 227 348 240 364 530 540 546 527 551 601 621 549 546 611 602 345 371 398 533 360 351 379 331 384 402 492 352 417 10275 SW-7 T13N R4E 187 ?980 45 150 350 545 648 166. 495 3 3 8 N 1 1 N fl N 8 3 H T O O W L I O N % 3 1 2 N V H S H V T T 0 0 3 0 M V L 3 H S R N 8 D H I 8 3 H 3 V ' 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M O H I H V N L H I N e l 1 ' 1 3 5 99 L H V A 3 H S 3 688 681 680 720 710 711 732 727 738 776 772 803 808 786 145 131 185 146 160 152 188 190 183 175 173 177 180 152 140 179 138 354 327 337 355 327 339 325 342 328 358 365 328 375 530 538 550 495 537 544 525 578 552 538 532 545 533 545 605 768 163 237 408 385 345 387 408 401 527 575 495 486 472 487 75 119 190 104 150 99 120 64 86 80 145 53 BAYS(cont.) 8746 NE-3 T13N R6E ' 3237 NE-18 T14N R3E 15572 NW;11 T14N R4E 18205 SE-8 T14N R5E 15312 SW¥15 T14N R6E 10728 ~NW#13 T15N R3E 19949 NW421 T15N R4E 19019 SE-31 T15N RSE 12476 NW¥19 T16N R3E 22290 SW415 T16N R4E 4613 SW47 T16N RSE 18894 SE~13 T17N R3E 18104 17958 NW¥17 T17N R4E NW#30 T17N R5E 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 154 1038 145 1040 1020 196 1020 155 110 1065 1095 162 1024 150 1015 948 1046 182 1085 35 190 1039 182 980 175 1012 23 925 115 27 30 27 28 33 30 22 40 26 32 13965 8E-8 T18N R3E 84 135 BENZIE 19279 SE-13 T25N R13W 15921 NE-29 T25N Rl4W BERRIEN 11916 NE~2 T38 R17W 7815 NE-34 T38 R17W 19453 NW¥22 T38 R18W 10140 NW;24 T48 R17W 11780 SW¥20 T48 R18W 7046 NW?35 T48 R19W 19137 NW¥12 T58 R17W 19259 NW-2 T58 R17W 6452 NW-12 T58 R18W 14041 SE-33 T68 R17W 19529 8E-4 T68 R19W 13879 NW;2 T78 R17W 15253 NW432 T78 R18W 6364 NE-8 T88 R20W 942 SE-lO T88 R21W BRANCH 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 21862 NWFS T58 BEN 19538 NE-4 T58 R6W 102 103 9 l7 24 45 60 201 195 234 257 230 216 3 0 0 N 1 1 0 N N V d N fl H 8 3 H N V H S H V T T O O T U M V 1 3 8 S D N 8 H H I 8 3 H 3 V ‘ 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 BRANCH (canto) 21694 NW#20 T58 R7W 104 8206 NE-34 T58 RBW 19967 SW-l T68 RSW 21519 8W-29 T68 R8W 21378 SE~29 T78 R6W 18528 8E~10 T78 R7W 20685 NE-15 T78 RBW 22071 NE-15 T88 RSW 1030 NE-11 T88 R8W 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 CALHOUN 21895 SW-32 T18 R4W 113 282 1018 20 12 29 10 23 23 12 13 10 10 984 1016 1057 1011 1014 879 1045 22526 8E-22 T18 R5W 19831 8E~8 T18 R6W 4768 NEw10 T18 R7W 22527 8E-18 T28 R4W 22880 NE~12 T28 R5W 21757 19824 SE-13 T28 R6W SW-23 T28 R7W 22610 SW#11 T38 R4W 12329 SE-34 T38 R7W 20241 SW&22 T33 R8W 22400 Nwél T45 R5W 21647 NW-17 T43 R6W 7618 7749 NE-B T45 R7W SE-l7 T43 R8W CASS 18573 SW®5 T58 R13W 8893 7794 SE-19 T58 R14W SW-17 T58 R15W 10199 SW-14 T58 R16W 18554 SE-15 T68 R13W 18806 8W¥23 T68 R15W SW94 T68 R16W 19002 NW-32 T78 R13W 17414 SW836 T78 R14W 837 SE-3 T78 R16W 22047 SE-3 T88 R14W 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 3 1 T S M 0 8 1 H 60 33 20 73 47 256 288 126 H O O L H V A 3 H S 3 V N L H I W L O L V T 3 8 5 204 215 220 198 219 215 188 237 232 215 273 205 232 219 150 271 285 225 247 231 242 235 259 268 309 320 238 262 256 288 M ‘I l 285 213 193 165 174 189 215 152 262 263 269 269 320 239 249 242 P‘N’) (4. 376 247 351 387 334 374 388 328 318 101 220 109 90 98 87 76 77 477 460 477 432 461 .475 404 170 268 78 346 269 164 1001 17 35 13 2 261 302 947 10 43 53 211 227 47 235 262 290 287 204 95 308 J H H H I J N D N 8 3 8 T O D V L I O N N V J N R H 8 3 8 H V H S H V I T 0 0 1 0 M V L 3 8 S Q N H H H X 8 3 8 3 V ” 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 3 T S M O H L H V N 1 8 I N L D J V T ; 8 4 CASS ( cont) 12135 SW¥15 T88 R15W 579 8W-2 T88 R16W 139 140 124 132 357 225 101 1 8 V A 3 8 8 3 750 759 632 I 640 723 655 699 632 708 705 674 658 741 730 72. 626 768 741 676 692 318 353 339 463 383 435 342 415 125 256 500 542 585 650 530 568 564 638 572 552' 545 685 525 517 683 572 584 585 650 583 568 624 638 572 62 545 685 568 587 683 660 393 386 394 CHARLESVOIX 19194 N-24 T32N R5W 18747 NE-14 T32N R6W 141 142 CHEBOYGAN 163 SE-12 T33N R3W 19422 NW-7 T34N R2W CLARE 20940 SE-12 T17N R3W 145 240 19494 NW-31 T17N R4W 146 197 17271 SE-12 T17N R5W 147 205 955 926 908 38 28 10687 NW‘7 T17N R16N 148 170 840 19257 NW-22 T18N R3W 149 233 937 33 20 17087 NE~29 T18N R4W 150 195 20618 NE-l T18N R5W 151 200 10169 8E-14 T18N R6W 152 226 949 909 867 19266 SE=6 T19N Raw 153 256 898 45 15 7306 SE-11 T19N R4W 154 171 967 43 18 16863 NE-l T19N R5W 155 206 975 9676 SEwl T19N R6W 156 191 860 21884 SW-36 T20N R3W 157 174 1002 20116 SW-35 T20N R4W 158 200 925 15 28 20 11444 NWF7 T20N R5W 17484 NE-12 T20N R6W 159 160 163 848 165 857 CLINTON 19451 SW~32 TSN le 161 250 1075 8W¥18 TSN R2W 162 207 1050 8274 NW814 T5N R3w 13619 10484 NWm29 T6N RIW SW¥17 T6N RZW 19367 SE-2 T6N R2W 163 164 165 166 196 1066 208 1038 170 1095 102 1050 5042 SE-19 T6N R3W 167 210 1075 11278 19696 SW‘3 T7N le 168 265 1015 NE-l T7N RZW 169 221 1046 25 30 17 12 50 20 2O 17 69 50 64 86 35 50 '36 69 425 235 299 306 313 187 397 335 359 320 1 0 0 ' 7 1 1 1 0 N N D N 8 3 8 W V H S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M V I 3 8 S fl N fl fl H l 8 3 8 3 V “ 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 V N L H T H 3 1 1 8 4 0 0 8 1 8 1 D N T 1 8 1 1 8 9 4 3 8 8 3 3 3 8 3 1 1 N U N 8 3 8 14767 9033 2341 10335 13586 11082 CLINTON (cont.) SW-22 T7N R3W 170 181 1075 21 SE-21 T7N R4W 171 200 1062 NE-4 T8N le 172 270 1000 SE~3 T8N R29 173 22 1145 8E~9 T8N R3W SE-4 T8N R4W 174 175 165 1060 136 1091 CRAWFORD 11807 SE-3O T25N R1W 176 118 4278 SWF33 T25N R3W 177 122 1036 17829 NE-21 T25N R4W 178 105 965 11774 SE-16 T26N R2W 17234 NE—36 T26N R3W 21027 8E-26 T27N R1W 18631 SW¥16 T28N R3W 179 180 181 182 90 875 1063 40 A 4. J. H ( 15 10 25 38 18 60 55 39 13 329 388 347 325 332 362 373 410 402 41 400 428 627 637 613 638 625 527 635 625 567 635 399 42 468 450 433 416 752 748 717 767 715 738 305 1034 23 205 $8 20 10 24 10 15 35 30 25 25 15 44 258 258 317 263 318 300 330 325 247 238 360 325 282 287 216 241 223 282 387 313 233 375 EATON 18459 21769 NW-14 T1N R4W SW-18 T1N R5W 183 184 960 976 429 NW-8 T2N R6W 185 226 NWF8 T2N R3W 186 305 1038 2767 NW-ll T2N R4W 187 295 1040 22672 SW¥18 T2N RSW 188 292 1003 1806 SE-5 T3N R4W 189 291 1048 564 SW428 T3N R5W 190 280 983 1090 NE-17 T4N R5W 191 220 1096 EMMET 4376 8E-15 T35N R4W 790 SWw16 T37N R5W 192 193 GENESEE 2828 7275 7665 2114 SW-3 T5N REE 194 NW¥13 T6N R5E 195 125 975 NW‘ll T6N R7E 196 113 1015 NW633 T7N R6E 197 12380 SE-6 T8N R5E 198 185 960 760 8 T8N R7E 199 16 33 20 41 26 25 194 209 225 185 219 232 198 408 202 182 235 213 210 437 461 458 467 406 406 395 409 445 m m 1 1 m m 8 1 2 T O D V E I O N N N E N H S H H V H S H V T T O O T H M V L H H S D N 8 H H I 8 8 8 3 7 ‘ 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 V N L H I N H T T S M O H I H e m 1 ' ; 8 5 GENESEE (cont.) 10913 NW#29 T9N R5E 200 1011 9669 NE-ll T9N R7E 201 132 1065 9090 SW45 T9N R8E 202 170 943 20 42 41 210 237 226 220 GLADWIN 20774 NE-2 T17N RlE 203 157 1032 22655 NW¥18 T17N R2E 204 154 1043 17197 SWé32 T17N RIW 205 219 998 18551 SW436 T17N R2W 206 197 990 22547 SE-l6 T18N RIE 207 156 1062 4690 SE-22 T18N RZE 208 198 1026 22081 NE-6 T18N R1W 209 229 1036 20902 NEPJO T18N R2W 210 208 1015 18771 SW—12 T19N RILE 211 162 1025 5352 SW¥29 T19N RZE 212 178 1028 16894 NE-12 T19N RIW 213 155‘ 1040 14627 NE-34 T19N R2W 197 1020 16158 NW¥16 T20N RlE 17279 NE-31 T20N RZE 215 216 1030 173 983 21631 SW-26 T20N RIW 217 147 1039 20298 SE-31 T20N R2W 218 161 995 134 134 69 52 97 126 64 48 110 104 75 48 70 26 59 30 29 38 28 22 30 32 25 30 39 30 30 34 25 230 499 215 443 447 487 498 456 425 484 493 438 465 475 470 504 475 529 601 595 585 588 581 273 578 573 578 566 570 562 570 560 568 584 25 593 262 880 480 215 695 460 486 482 489 742 743 713 710 742 778 729 734 772 765 774 764 761 749 769 729 763 826 752 679 142 340 340 345 373 325 361 372 410 445 423 410 408 413 422 431 452 448 550 475 447 ‘ 460 498 499 469 GRAND TRAVERSE 18512 NE-26 T25N R9W SW49 T25N RlOW SE-ll T25N Rl2W 97 219 220 221 NE-23 T26N RllW 222 NE-25 T26N R12W 223 GRATIOT 12110 SE-31 T9N RIW 224 297 968 7787 SEP36 T9N RZH 225 259 1024 11991 SE—lB T9N RBW 226 230 1025 21296 SE-18 T9N R4W 227 139 1102 10525 SE-32 T10N R1W 20812 SW#8 T10N R2W 228 229 235 1062 1017 8482 SW@6 T10N R3W 230 277 996 32 18 15 18 20 36 21788 NW?14 T10N R4W 231 233 1065 26 73 65 5o 17 68 25 35 16 m m u m m 3 3 T O O V E I O N H V H S H V T T O O T G M V I H H S H N H H H I H fl H E V - 8 3 0 3 0 3 0 H T T S M O H I H GRATIOT (canto) SE-lO T11N RIW 232 260 10h5 986A ##53 SE-18 TllN RZW 8497 SE-6 T11N R3W 9929 NE-35 TllN RAW 233 23k 235 280 261 998 994 240 1058 313-13 T12N RILW 236 210 1035 30 13 28 35 75 30 16 60 3210 SWfil T12N RIW 2576 SE-10 T12N R2W 237 238 181 1021 28 100 200 1021 10107 SE-31 T12N R3W 239 257 1040 10193 SE-5 T12N RAW 260 247 1012 22 35 23 29 HILLSDALE 21516 NWFZO T53 RIW 21224 SE-25 T53 RZW 21918 SE-23 T53 R3W 22011 SE-7 T53 R4W 21109 NW;18 T63 RIW 22732 SE—8 T63 R2W 21737 SE-21 T63 R3W 21745 SE-l T63 Raw 21782 NWQB T73 RIW 21869 NE-25 T73 RZW 21571 SE~3 T73 RBW 22863 NE-32 T73 Raw 221A? SE-5 T83 RIW 22021 SWi23 T83 R3W 22216 Nwil T83 RKW 21773 NE-S T93 RHW HURON 2076A NE-3h T15N R9E 16222 NW¥27 T15N RlOE 241 242 2A3 24h 2&5 246 247 248 2A9 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 970 1102 1009 1019 962 58 40 15 36 35 26 13 no 29 16 15 35 A5 A5 104 L H V A H H S E 461 539 518 AA? 587 5h8 517 555 . J O L V T } H { 1.80 459 L67 has 486 493 470 #47 460 V N L H I H 375 356 #09 38k 417 365 390 402 396 168 125 137 206 196 197 196 193 189 176 192 195 174 190 156 21290 SW-29 T15N RllE 259 1067 1166 NW¥32 T15N RlZE NE-31 T15N Rl6E 8&2 SE-36 T16N R9E 260 261 262 12907 NE-Z T16N R10E 263 NW¥27 T16N RllE 26A 3679 #240 5519 SE-3O T16N R12E NW‘27 T16N R13E 10876 NW-27 T16N R15E 265 266 267 1120 1225 1135 92 1102 258 2251+ 569 716 263 289 309 307 250 291 257 335 285 252 249 250 222 302 255 23h 250 252 577 607 629 618 613 578 676 657 722 702 684 605 7&8 718 76h _686 8 3 H N I l N fl N 8 3 H T O O V L I O N N fl H 8 3 H H V H S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M V L 3 H S fl N 8 fl H I 8 3 8 3 V 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M O H L H V N L H I N L O L V T 5 8 ‘ 105 L H V A 3 H S 3 HURON (cont.) 2180 SE-28 T17N RlOE 268 167 1148 80 225 17855 11834 NE-20 T17N R143 269 SW-22 T17N RISE 270 18019 SW¥12 T18N R12E 18849 NW-27 T18N R13E NW-28 T18N RlLE 13236 SE-31 T19N R13E INGHAM 8132 NW515 T1N RIE 9477 4918 SW-l T1N RlE NWF23 T2N RlW 10011 SE-14 T3N TIE 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 101 131 104 128 111 206 1067 13 188 1035 276 1010 242 1030 20566 NW-2 T4N RlE 279 260 930 792 NW#21 T4N RZE 280 9987 SW¥22 T4N RIW 281 255 1051 IONIA 305 301 303 318 204 298 122 106 55 98 127 85 32 10 10 26 10865 NE-4 T5N R6W 282 288 1027 7503 5993 Se-29 TSN R8W 283 190 1008 282 SE-5 T6N R5W 284 217 992 75 26 14166 SW-ll T6N R6W 285 238 1098 NE-12 T6N R7W 286 252 1095 11121 NW-6 T6N R8W 287 1010 20535 NW#21 T7N RSW 288 216 1083 20289 SE-3 T7N R6W 289 202 1098 11027 SE-6 T7N R7W 290 140 1036 21 12 20707 SE-22 T8N R5W 292 182 1079 20765 NE-24 T8N R6W 293 209 ,1043 14331 SE-14 T8N R7W 294 195 1028 11472 3W¥26 T8N R8W 295 163 1001 IOSCO 12531 SE-4 T21N R5E 296 177 973 17259 SE-21 T21N R5E 297 175 1295 10420 NW¥16 T21N R6E 298 247 1222 12788 SWAB T22N R5E 299 1285 15685 SE-23 T22N R6E 300 213 1270 12163 NE-l T22N RBE 301 962 26 18 34 35 18 35 34 64 151 225 155 179 204 305 261 263 234 610 650 693 670 664 763 636 706 695 275 684 258 245 260 282 267 257 4347 153 338 338 325 409 372 385 387 393 326 347 390 399 383 368 355 435 439 338 325 462 380 385 420 283 265 358 280 306 445 357 405 384 418 409 409 371 422 429 412 400 392 577 783 370 395 384 331 613 587 597 599 774 757 750 756 2908 SE-8 T7N RBW 291 219 990 499 499 393 393 358 393 393 358 394 32 d 3 H N I L N fl N 8 3 H 0 0 3 V I I O N H V d N H N 8 3 H 0 0 3 0 M 7 1 3 H S D N H H H I 8 3 H 3 V ’ 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M O H L H V N L H I N L O L V T ; 8 5 106 L H V A 3 H S 3 IOSCO (cont.) 10732 NW-29 T2N R5E 302 160 1295 10632 SW-33 T23N R9E 17142 SW¥10 T24N R9E Lits ABELLA 13595 NE-20 T13N R3W 16440 NE-22 T13N R4W 303 304 305 306 165 1009 275 993 968 995 19058 SW-32 T13N R5W 307 259 SW-28 T13N R6W 308 228 13414 16395 SE-l T14N R3W 309 185 1011 17165 NW-ZO T14N R4W 310 256 1073 SWF7 T14N R5W 311 235 11864 NW-13 T14N R6W 312 263 21151 SW-2 T15N R3W 313 165 19590 15796 NE-ll T15N R4W 314 216 NE-9 T15N R5W 315 149 17561 SW¥8 T15N R6W 316 291 989 , 948 913 985 932 930 839 22152 SW-l3 T16N R3W 317 159 1030 20801 NW-26 T16N R4W 318 180 19050 NE-30 T16N R5W 319 155 11184 SW-29 T16N R6W 320 180 913 896 873 JACKSON 21992 SE-26 T13 RlE 321 268 967 20 100 7149 SE-26 T13 RlW 322 270 1051 22719 SW-14 T13 R3W 323 310 1010 9881 NE~8 T23 RlW 310 1000 21633 SE-8 T23 R3W 21898 NE-26 T33 RlE 18265 3E-7 T33 RZE 21736 NE-35 T33 RZW 22107 NW-14 T33 R3W 21982 SE-7 T43 RlE 22017 NE-19 T43 RZE 22568 SW-33 T43 RIW 22288 NE-8 T43 RZW 22416 SW-28 T45 R3W 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 1040 1112 937 9957 975 680 1015 929 990 970 105 70 30 105 81 58 50 50 110 67 48 33 20 20 15 10 10 20 10 11 10 14 50 43 220 210 390 325 265 565 595 518 785 745 780 21 27 31 27 22 30 13 28 36 35 43 27 3O 45 25 ;16 2O 47 25 10 27 15 13 20 21 15 30 345 445 408 430 471 433 430 519 535 480 473 506 532 489 488 500 200 511 460 477 518 434 582 543 523 502 611 485 529 552 522 507 557 580 552 536 551 605 377 276 339 308 317 355 271 272 308 303 278 263 253 617 584 578 673 647 612 604 682 630 615 596 230 202 259 207 211 205 225 197 222 182 202 214 d 3 H N l l N fl N 8 3 H T O D V L I O N % 3 3 DU) 588 Ea E88 :0 8 3 8 3 7 ‘ 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M O H L H 1025 11 6 KALAMQZOO l4 T13 R9W 20572 SE-27 T13 R10W 7313 3W-13 T13 RlIW 20323 SE-l5 T13 R12W 7180 SW-21 T23 R9W 16838 NWQB T23 R10W 13483 SW-31 T23 R12W 6876 SW¥8 T33 R9W 21182 SW-29 T53 RlOW RD92 NWF13 T33 RlIW 18817 SWé25 T33 R12W 11857 SE—17 T43 R10W 6026 SWfi8 T43 R11W 18664 NE-36 T43 R12W KALKASKA 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 345 346 347 348 SW-12 T25N R5W 349 150 1055 SE-16 T25N R6W 350 145 903 85 SW-26 T25N R7W 351 121 9985 17276 18664 16339 14659 10762 15121 17982 20133 16632 20466 17890 SE-27 T25N R8W NW58 T26N R5W SE-17 T26N R5W NE-27 T27N R5W NW¥10 T27N R6W SW42 T27N R7W SW46 T28N R7W NE~36 T28N R8W KENT SE-26 T5N R9W 21388 NW-Zl T5N R10W 20933 NE-17 T5N Rllw 4984 SW¥14 T5N RlZW 20818 NW¥12 T6N R9W 9786 NW‘23 T6N R10W 6462 NW427 T6N Rllw 7511 SWQ14 T6N R12W 7905 SE-30 T7N R9W 3601 SW¥25 T7N RlOW 6823 NE-3 T7N R11W. 9166 SE-30 T7N R12W 352 353 354 355 356 257 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 55 129 152 60 65 58 22 280 9311 839 337 701 3 12 879 305 890 247 877 263 791 23 252 825 225 860 230 882 8 797 263 708 107 L H V A 3 H S 3 290 260 230 170 720 749 770 784 774 754 772 806 788 755 355 358 360 372 V N L H I N 366 135 123 125 98 165 93 113 105 135 65 209 132 237 219 309 186 241 149 178 210 L O L V T ; 8 3 377 436 455 525 408 432 515 396 418 442 480 416 480 418 755 709 846 699 679 726 734 731 740 301 332 400 310 342 405 225 325 329 375 325 345 353 461 577 554 351 341 425 520 495 508 282 380 146 118 568 428 501 580 429 211 640 472 472 396 323 418 380 353 395 174 143 220 500 192 184 502 128 497 584 600 500 553 579 630 396 359 275 430 397 376 405 3 3 8 H 1 1 N H N H 3 8 T O O V I I O N N V J N fl N 8 3 8 N V H S H V T T 0 0 3 0 M V 1 3 8 S fl N 8 fl H I 8 3 8 3 V ' 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M O H T H V N L H I N ; 3 0 1 7 T ; 8 1 300 199 470 477 374 478 527 275 546 496 556 585 584 470 530 595 588 620 590 604 499 560 592 658 582 578 678 497 487 599 683 90 392 181 205 100 151 497 487 267 137 275 205 218 185 783 775 813 785 218 821 255 821 317 872 872 855 888 900 254 215 268 266 267 108 1 8 V A 3 8 8 3 422 399 424 404 410 392 459 400 435 440 603 595 600 633 601. 648 610 630 638 625 661 645 652 390 337 446 348 449 485 500 493 KENT (cont. ) 11422 SW#22 T8N RQN 13276 SW¥32 T8N R10W 12370 SW-2 T8N Rllw 19076 NE-4 T8N R12W 20103 SE-27 T9N RlOW 16270 NE-35 T9N R11W 18027 SE-32 T9N R12W 19837 SE-l T10N R9W 20487 10826 SN-12 T10N RlOW NE-3O T10N R11W 18496 SE—lO T10N R12W 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 LAKE 175 897 320 805 289 804 251 740 185 858 235 821 27 7 693 232 915 137 993 206 821 57 190 714 12767 NE-20 T17N Rllw 13 941 NW¥22 T17N R12W 9829 SE-30 T17N R13W 383 199 384 385 218 247 18881 NE-36 T18N R11W 386 240 17893 NE-20 T18N R12W 14776 NW‘24 T18N R13W 387 388 262 238 568 599 553 638 579 655 10798 SE-24 T18N R14W 389 133 L 565 1105 NW522 T19N RlIW 16032 NE-23 T19N R12W 390 152 391 280 11423 NW#11 T19N R13W 392 180 21412 NE-19 T19N R14W 22683 NE-24 T20N R11W 393 394 20234 SWA30 T20N R12W 395 157 600 550 536 610 635 562 12 39 19 25 23 30 30 30 9899 SE-34 T20N R13W 15419 SW412 T20N R14W LAPEER 3413 SW¥29 T6N R9E 12933 NWr25 T6N RllE 18530 NW*4 T7N R9E 2127 NW-26 T7N R10E 396 397 398 399 400 401 888 219 997 175 970 11286 NE-8 T8N R9E 403 190 1035 10117 NW¥5 T8N R10E 404 953 2689 SE-17 T8N RllE 405 237 975 10936 SW-28 T9N R9E 406 193 990 14827 NW¥8 T9N R10E 407 178 1017 536 16 586 228 830 211 229 236 270 240 239 246 260 181 205 200 200 206 426 487 478 510 488 161 460 159 205 458 5 23 3 3 8 N I J N fl H 8 3 8 T O O V L I O N N fl W 8 3 8 N V H S H V T T 0 0 3 0 M V I 3 8 S D N 8 D H I 8 3 8 3 V ' 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M 0 8 $ H V N L H I H L O L V T 5 8 5 1 8 V A 3 8 8 3 LAKE (cont.) 17457 NE-20 T9N R10E 408 89 1106 12969 SWA33 T9N R12E 409 150 922 20761 NEPBO T10N R10E 410 220 1075 10466 3E~27 T10N R12E 411 206 285 269 49 69 55 93 218 208 216 473 562 540 467 413 491 LEELANAU 1037 5505 SW-6 T28N Rllw NW¥34 T28N R14W 10103 NE-5 T29N R12W 22010 18835 18914 22886 19161 21637 130 9800 2077 983 21916 16693 1167 8049 LENAWEE NE-18 T53 RlE SE~5 T53 RZE SE—l T53 R3E 3W-14 T53 R4E NW-16 T53 R5E NE-22 T63 R3E SE-5 T63 R5E NE-7 T73 RlE SW-6 T73 R3E NE-2 T73 RSE NW-27 T83 RlE NW;18 T83 R4E NE—13 T83 RSE N-12 T93 RlE LIVINGSTON 16690 SW#28 T1N R3E 958 SW432 T1N R4E NE-6 T1N 86E SE-2 T1N R6E 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 15875 19793 10038 9568 11818 12737 19063 20858 9782 9426 856 12 12 25 154 178 185 148 160 SW¥9 T2N R3E 433 207 975 15 SE—7 T2N R4E 434 285 950 NW-25 T2N R5E NE-32 T2N R6E NE-36 T3N R3E SWF35 T3N R4E NW-35 T3N R5E NE-14 T3N R6E 435 436 437 438 439 440 264 996 12 205 210 146 165 182 165 22 20 10 38 181 155 175 151 231 205 181 168 197 182 200 170 347 345 383 394 390 398 365 367 392 373 10 12 79 112 12 123 20 15 98 50 85 72 293 309 300 284 293 288 290 276 204 204 180 149 186 151 218 190 197 170 10 7O 195 275 795 190 174 156 168 170 148 155 134 130 130 102 107 100 71 288 145 300 326 253 285 333 286 315 342 349 350 8 3 8 3 1 1 7 3 3 T O O V L I O N H V J N H N 8 3 8 N V H S H V T T 0 0 3 0 M V 1 3 8 S fl N 8 fl H I 8 3 8 3 V - 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 T T S M 0 8 1 H V N L H I N . J O L C V T 1 8 5 1 8 V A 3 8 8 3 LIVINGSTON (canto) 22642 NE-28 T4N R3E 16625 SW-31 T4N R4E 17 NE-lS T4N RSE 441 442 443 MACOMB 4793 SE-l4 T1N R12E 8813 NW-27 T2N R13E 596 SE—5 T2N R13E 19898 NW-36 T3N R13E 22752 NW¥5 T3N R14E 22720 SE-l T4N R13E 22482 SW-32 T4N R14E 22937 NW432 T5N R12E 23023 SW¥13 T5N R13E 22545 SW418 T5N R14E MANISTEE 10205 NW-34 T21N R14W 454 21950 NW?21 T21N R16W 21605 SWA13 T21N R17W 18697 SE-l4 T22N R14W 6344 7666 15424 18212 16064 18213 16757 457 458 459 NW¥34 T22N R16W NW“23 T23N R143 NW-3l T23N R15W 460 NE-22 T23N Rl6W SW-22 T24N R13W NE-4 T24N R14W 461 462 463 SE-34 T24N R15W 464 NW-27 T24N R16W 465 MASON 15 15 140 180 202 214 357 409 258 261 245 277 261 272 610 580 550 165 220 174 170 179 110 161 175 242 236 232 235 150 250 189 138 436 510 503 503 529 852 815 800 801 801 220 182 19816 NE-9 T17N R15W 22455 SW‘ZO T17N R16W 21816 SW¥16 T17N R17W 18665 NE=2 T17N R18W 19934 3E~17 T18N R16W 22300 NW-23 T18N R17W 16753 SE-3 T18N R18W 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 565 620 180 800 22 568 568 707 194 185 136 582 221 869 162 762 775 843 809 869 232 271 247 307 250 265 252 334 289 282 563 658 656 671 797 717 770 7 0 697 765 736 731 610 618 601 585 615 599 613 S fl N 8 fl H I 8 3 8 3 V ” 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 3 3 1 8 M 0 8 1 8 V N L H I N . 3 0 1 W ; 8 ‘ 0 0 3 0 M V I 3 8 541 530 3 3 8 3 1 1 N fl N 8 3 8 1 0 0 V 1 I O N N fl N H 3 8 N V H S H V T T MASON (cont.) 8159 4614 18002 19065 9511 15245 18274 16499 SE—13 T19N R15W SW436 T19N R16W SW¥20 T19N Rl7W SWéll T19N R18W SW¥22 T20N R15W SWQ3 T20N R16W NE-2 T20N R17W SW-26 T20N R18W 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 MECOSTA 11332 SW-4 T13N R7W 481 259 921 19955 SW—32 T13N R8W 482 135 952 10173 SW816 T13N R9W 483 153 21938 SE-27 T13N RlOW 484 175 865 813 18272 NW4? T14N R7W 485 304 839 18177 SE—17 T14N R8W 486 255 841 16 25 28 4O 14672 SW-12 T14N R9W 17912 NE-19 T14N RlOW 487 488 261 803 145 820 30 9841 SE-21 T15N R7W 489 140 902 17892 Nwhll T15N R8W 490 244 809 19965 NW#29 T15N R9W 491 280 759 130 20833 NWLJO T15N RlOW 492 270 727 72 16329 NW?3 T16N R7W 17151 SE-15 T16N R8W 17013 NW-19 T16N R9W 22295 NE-14 T16N R10W 493 494 495 496 265 840 290 781 681 236 695 97 77 MIDLAND 18916 SW-13 T13N RlE 11711 NE-24 T13N R2E 497 498 181 1001 29 185 1000 22028 SW-lO T13N R1W 499 199 998 20 1901 T13N R23 500 223 1045 17788 SE-36 T14N RlE 501 180 1030 14035 NW418 T14N R2E 502 252 982 16696 SWQZO T14N le 503 174 1029 20819 NW-7 T14N R2W 504 205 975 19502 SW-21 T15N RlE 505 149 1040 22249 NW-35 T15N R2E 22042 NE-13 T15N RIW 506 507 186 1027 180 1025 21257 NE-28 T15N R2W 508 158 1005 22 11 17 35 18 43 6 116 150 126 105 134 85 98 131 129 107 55 111 1 8 7 A 3 8 8 3 655 654 654 641 687 661 579 543 484 503 561 556 548 532 572 606 521 575 603 625 582 569 596 618 577 572 629 611 632 638 694 684 697 645 585 605 597 418 360 308 367 405 239 304 275 353 242 288 136 126 244 156 158 515 516 594 215 577 273 265 160 509 622 266 279 649 640 298 265 397 360 388 380 383 412 409 405 369 406 459 827 893 841 624 515 541 638 615 577 581 632 595 617 622 635 655 649 640 670 695 542 566 634 485 539 508 524 510 570 541 548 520 8 3 8 N 1 1 N D N 8 3 8 T O D V i I O N N V J N fl N 8 3 8 N V H S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M V 1 3 8 S Q N 8 3 8 1 8 3 8 3 V ‘ 8 3 0 3 0 8 0 V N 1 8 0 W 3 1 B M 0 8 1 8 l fl fl T 5 8 ‘ 1 8 V A 3 8 8 3 MIDLAND (Cont.) 11046 NE~36 T16N RlE 509 161 1053 21846 SW-l T16N RZE 510 158 1081 21977 NW-23 T16N R1W 511 163 1015 16428 SW-34 T16N R2W 512 200 983 19 34 25 24 133 134 130 62 417 40 447 438 569 578 602 524 MISSAUKEE 9934 NE~8 T21N R6W 12836 SW-l T21N R6W 22190 NW?21 T21N R7W 513 514 515 153 210 20465 SW~31 T21N R8W 516 142 17299 SE-22 T22N R6W 517 173 9249 NWF31.T22N RWN 518 172 9534 NE-8 T22N R8W 519 159 16020 SEnlO T23N R5W 520 140 17806 NEmlO T23N R6W 521 113 11675 NEal? T23N R7W 522 92 811 10849 SE—l4 T23N R8W 523 790 16965 SW62O T24N R5W 524 129 16122 SE-7 T24N R6W 525 18124 NW~15 T24N R7W 526 136 845 MONROE MONTCALM 21823 SW~33 T9N R5w 527 232 1061 21285 SW-l4 T9N R6W 528 232 1008 20082 NW-22 T9N R7W 529 178 1010 12 23 20996 NW-3 T10N R5W 530 170 1055 13 19655 SW533 T10N R6W 531 128 1054 20104 SE—29 T10N R7W 532 261 20495 SEu14 T10N R8W 21178 NEmll T11N R5W NE-35 T11N R6W 533 534 535 17873 20390 NE~29 T11N R7W 536 165 21484 SW-21 T11N R8W 20713 NW#8 T11N R9W 21211 NW-7 T12N R5W 20804 NW~26 T12N R6W 17650 SW-35 T12N R7W 21091 NE-8 T12N R8W 537 193 538 201 263 539 540 541 147 542 143 911 940 226 1011 26 20 2O 2O 32 1032 992 905 840 985 1027 993 925 298 388 442 251 570 394 237 227 686 774 82.7 661 830 830 557 227 807 474 193 667 478 463 615 473 553 217 417 380 858 222 205 837 695 199 752 794 794 375 396 398 422 395 419 398 35 446 471 471 474 474 397 426 478 550 407 445 509 539 433 42 464 504 570 451 455 509 539 737 768 708 677 706 712 696 695 697 681 699 755 747 668 688 722 794 I J 711 441 435 446 485 465 466 495 513 483 477 506 475 556 510 499 525 I L I E H N H 7 Q H I ' O O N J I O N é? E E 0 0 1 0 4 1 7 1 3 1 2 s u n e m 8 3 1 1 3 7 “ 8 3 0 8 0 1 1 1 ( H I T S M O M H m m . 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SWél T14N Rllw 576 155 747 465 203 688 537 733 733 542 584 490 439 467 180 175 306 733 275 196 265 755 759 796 764 731 764 524 532 532 523 518 678 563 569 611 32 150 588 777 777 549 2 8 1 0 1 1 1 N D N H H H zumo 16565 13457 21087 10649 21767 16880 13813 15977 15649 SE-26 T14N R12W NE-18 T14N R13W 20716 NE~1 T14N Rl4w 577 578 718 156 579 174 584 616 SE—36 T15N Rllw 580 153 SW;3 T15N R12W 581 141 706 SE-36 T15N Rl4W 582 147 619 NE-34 T16N 311w 583 250 691 NW;6 T16N R12W 584 145 SE-23 T16N R13W SW-18 T16N R14W 585 586 OAKLAND 33 31 17 250 185 233 156 259 277 21 33 18 58 50 656 458 630 601 569 20274 SW¥35 T1N R7E 19218 SW631 T1N R8E B.D.64 NE-27 T1N RllE 21298 NE-35 T2N R7E 22665 NE-9 T4N R7E 13072 SW-22 T4N RBE 12454 SE-16 T4N R9E 21706 SE-29 T4N RllE 22848 SW¥36 T5N RlIE 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 OCEANA 20418 wawnumm 596 131 2123 uw423 T13N 216w 18548 107-12 1131: R177! 15537 20759 20385 NW415 T13N Rl8w sw-34 T14N 315w sw-28 T14N Rl6w 18031 NWA13 714N 317W 21127 SE-19 T14N R18W 17242 NE~13 T14N R19w 20473 19805 SE-8 T15N RlflN NW-36 T15N R16W 20199 NE-36 T15N R17w 19213 Nwi35 T15N R18W 22651 NW-ZO T16N R15w 21911 SE-9 T16N R16W 21818 NE~34 T16N 417w 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 215 600 129 145 555 585 598 553 557 140 140 179 150 270 130 764 252 154 165 775 221 197 178 528 587 555 505 548 ‘ 562 580 130 588 626 568 607 169 709 699 130 219 172 771 20941 SE-36 T16N 111814 612 531 223 263 273 310 364 345 328 283 313 504 481 502 493 476 530 534 553 579 579 535 565 489 572 574 390 385 416 458 457 764 780 741 720 775 731 745 740 710 757 715 720 756 787 779 771 754 a fl fl fl l l N H N H H H T O O V L I O N N V H S H V T T N D H H H H S fl N H fl H I H H H E V ‘ 8 3 0 3 0 3 0 O O T Q M V $ H H V N L H I N H E T S M Q H L H L O L V T 1 8 1 OGEMAW 19580 SE-15 T21N RlE 1119 31 19683 SE-l T21N RZE 20010 NW-S T21N R3E 4814 SW¥31 T21N.R4E 21943 19762 SE-10 T22N R1E NE-18 T22N R2E 18346 NW-2 T22N R3E 17127 SW-22 T22N R4E 21798 NE-3 T23N R2E 3825 NW-29 T23N R3E 20948 SE-16 T24N RlE 21799 NW534 T24N R2E 20296 NW-4 T24N R3E 8616 NWF33 T24N R4E OSCEOLA 1067 1125 1040 21 25 26 19 26 30 83 18 83 135 126 154 70 79 131 157 99 100 86 86 21000 NE-lO T17N R7W 627 200 8153 21653 SE-22 T17N R8W 628 160 760 16343 NEPB T17N R9W 629 286 667 75 375 21017 NW¥8 T17N R10W 630 165 700 15727 NE-8 T18N R7W 631 153 937 21835 NE-30 T18N R8W 21019 NE-33 T18N R9W 632 633 762 52 88 810 16590 SE-35 T18N RlOW 634 241 5479 sw-26 T19N R7W 16379 SE~15 T19N R8W 160 635 636 10159 NE-l T19N R9W 637 153 19381 SE-17 T19N RlOW 638 16317 SE-S T20N R7W 18698 NE-18 T20N R8W 17793 NW¥21 T20N R9W 162 176 639 6110 641 530 861 768 727 615 784 759 775 22078 SE-19 T20N R10W 642 184 640 OSCODA 20834 SW-16 T25N RZE 19728 NE-29 T25N R3E 13130 NW¥30 T26N R3E 643 644 645 1272 25 11 23 30 25 33 495 355 503 414 594 115 L H V A H H S H 799 785 776 780 799 755 770 774 765 789 768 725 729 781 649 606 626 563 622 602 603 651 617 646 653 665 597 673 455 420 398 376 500 456 414 398 446 435 470 445 569 555 538 551 595 555 571 574 571 565 553 549 440 550 644 690 274 680 668 645 623 277 350 756 318 812 807 384 805 250 644 690 724 680 668 697 638 772 705 756 821 827 807 798 805 844 65 75 435 455 467 530 575 575 765 774 749 8 8 8 N I 1 N fl N 8 8 8 T O O H 1 I O N N V H S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M 7 1 8 8 S fl N 8 0 8 1 8 8 8 8 V “ 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 OTSEGO 17787 SW513 T29N R1W 647 16902 NE-15 T29N R2W 18254 NW89 T29N R4W 18467 NW410 T30N R1W 9847 SW¥22 T30N R3W 17036 SE-31 T32N R3W 649 650 651 652 OTTAWA 21288 SW-35 T5N R13W 653 20949 NE-ll T5N R14W 728 21724 SE-34'T5N RlSW 13224 SW#12 T5N R16W 22153 NE-12 T6N R13W 20414 NE-32 T6N R14W 21020 NW¥31 T6N R15W 8139 NW434 T7N R13W 9880 SW¥4 T7N R14W 22085 SE-3 T7N R15W 20492 SW-3 T7N R16W 19911 NW¥32 T8N R13W 11103 SE-ll T8N R14W 18148 SE-26 T8N R15W 19833 SW¥1 T8N R16W 18589 SW¥6 T9N R13W PRESQUE ISLE 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 254 708 705 613 653 614 585 640 745 608 577 272 636 22639 SW-20 T34N RSE 669 8 T T S M 0 8 1 H 407 378 413 525 487 562 165 555 537 622 565 499 576 574 412 602 553 550 ROSCOMMON 14589 SWFS T21N RIW SE-35 T21N R2W 20918 NE-30 R21N R3W NE-l4 T21N R4W 20747 18973 670 671 672 673 172 1032 255 1020 139 188 1027 941 NE-26 T22N R2W ., 674 238 1001 19135 NE-16 T22N R3W 675 140 20509 SE~8 T22N R4W 676 122 987 18121 NW¥18 T23N R4W 677 128 956 20248 NE-22 T24N RIW 19271 SW¥15 T24N R2W 678 679 20419 NWF28 T24N R4W 680 132 956 326 546 18 30 4O 29 39 30 212 533 608 547 568 604 562 608 586 642 642 584 495 557 638 584 547 574 638 116 1 8 7 4 8 8 3 8 V N 1 8 1 W 1 0 1 7 1 1 8 1 175 159 181 161 162 157 = 546 566 539 5'75 122 187 140 555 125 138 142 150 226 147 721 164 225 112 159 160 647 674 702 680 675 764 715 725 723 728 738 637 714 712 710 742 750 766 789 761 361 346 353 309 367 447 410 325 387 402 392 784 750 752 771 767 771 756 769 750 737 8 8 8 8 1 1 8 0 8 8 8 8 T O O V 1 I O N N H H H 8 8 N V 8 S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M V 1 8 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 1 8 8 8 8 7 “ 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 T T S M D E 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NE-13 T10N RSE 686 219 966 21699 SE-25 T10N R6E 687 15547 NW-l T11N RlE 688 173 19694 NE-8 T11N R2E 689 171 21320 SE-29 T11N R3E 690 195 16570 SE-l T11N RSE 691 21322 NE-15 T12N RlE 692 203 15395 SW#11 T12N RZE 693 332 11503 SE-7 T12N R3E 694 11347 NE-35 T12N R5E 695 167 22270 NE-S T12N R6E 696 215 18772 NW¥6 T13N R3E 697 198 11597 NE-ZO T13N R4E 698 148 952 1018 1027 972 999 1035 892 1018 1031 1070 1050 996 15 20 16 29 23 23 25 25 18 10 15 25 30 20 32 91 160 205 109 142 21? 261 71 130 107 203 115 152 159 195 199 162 179 SANILAC 11492 NE-9 T9N R15E 18725 SE-30 T9N R16E 699 700 124 240 11405 SE-15 T10N R15E 701 131 226 18305 NW435 T10N R16E 18725 NE-5 T11N R15E 10921 NW-Z T12N R13E 10386 SE-14 T13N R12E 9275 NW¥14 T14N 812E 702 703 704 705 706 45 100 87 63 253 200 264 294 125 780 982 SHIAWASSEE 22379 NE-5 T5N RZE 3129 SE~31 T5N R3E 8968 NE-4 T5N R4E 707 708 709 1120 18935 SW-14 T6N R3E 710 162 963 14349 SW‘3 T7N R28 711 220 1015 9396 NWF4 T8N RlE 712 203 994 21138 NEP12.T8N R4E 713 35 22 16 19 12 25 160 162 185 189 142 208 350 290 255 336 309 219 399 335 339 283 374 352 338 290 280 357 328 188 ‘196 231 219 228 177 266 173 233 220 227 285 272 228 456 470 476 476 465 483 480 479 465 471 507 514 512 510 509 539 539 552 588 526 577 595 623 368 417 421 435 439 376 456 117 1 8 V A 8 8 8 8 489 500 519 499 537 504 564 551 523 569 574 601 597 574 611 646 559 428 409 450 417 519 636 637 667 497 349 394 409 410 505 465 8 8 8 8 1 1 N H N 8 8 8 1 0 0 V 1 I O N % 3 3 H V 8 S H V T T 0 0 1 0 M V 1 8 8 S D N 8 0 8 1 8 8 8 8 V ’ 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 T T S M 0 8 1 H V N 1 8 I N 1 0 1 V T 1 8 1 ST . CLAIR 22764 SW81 T3N R15E 22643 SE-10 T3N R16E 22661 SE-22 T4N R15E 22579 NE-8 T4N R16E 21575 NW819 T4N R17E 22162 SW¥12 T5N R15E 22002 SE-ll T5N R16E 21556 SE—18 T5N R17E 22409 SE—33 T6N R13E 21369 SW¥17 T6N R15E 14072 SE-21 T6N R16E 13352 SW-l6 T6N R17E 22410 NW¥18 T7N R13E 13702 SE-15 T7N R15E 22615 NW%1 T7N R16E ‘ 18561 SWFZO T7N R17E 10793 17051 NE-27 T8N R16E SW-8 T8N R17E ST. JOSEPH 18405 SW-2 T58 R9W 17184 NWFB T58 R12W 21155 NE-27 T68 R11W 14283 SE-16 T65 R12W TUSCOLA 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 21261 SE—30 T10N R7E 20577 SE-5 T10N R9E 736 737 115 1060 1074 20209 SE—S T10N R9E 738 273 903 17409 SE-35 T11N RBE 739 199 1044' NE-33 T11N RllE SW-B T12N RBE 740 741 85 1040 SW—9 T12N R10E 742 130 1155 NW‘B T12N RllE SE-4 T13N R9E NE-l T13N R10E SE—10 T13N R11E NW-25 T14N R7E 743 744 745 746 747 748 228 870 229 1030 1167 120 1019 1019 20682 NW528 T14N R8E 18882 NW-lO T14N R9E 749 143 1147 2315 3082 4484 12808 18718 17438 21141 118 1 8 7 A 8 8 8 8 219 {222 237 260 230 280 305 306 314 308 299 355 343 350 388 400 383 207 508 501 522 537 515 611 590 623 646 649 666 665 714 193 200 186 190 213 195 159 197 164 186 188 140 191 182 17 77 293 149 280 252 653 80 69 279 196 325 274 488 521 438 550 447 671 159 227 221 607 224 365 310 342 88 310 110 346 458 403 420 25 45 46 76 45 6O 51 6O 58 48 62 224 215 253 247 273 275 288 255 -278 230 311 213 266 235 226 211 216 228 231 243 255 245 276 239 275 278 288 475 471 515 519 580 563 579 560 576 566 608 532 592 585 1 0 0 V 1 1 0 N H V d N fl N 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 7 1 1 C E l 2 E; E3 8 0 N 8 0 8 1 8 8 8 8 V ' 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 V N 1 H I N 8 1 1 S M 0 8 1 H 1 0 1 7 1 ; 8 1 119 1 8 7 4 8 8 8 8 TUSCOLA (cont.) 20178 SE-17 T14N R10E 18910 SW#31 T14N R11E 20159 SW#29 T15N R8E VAN BUREN 20214 NW-29 T18 R13W 21194 8E-8 T18 R14W 12543 NE-18 T18 R15W 21900 NW828 T18 R16W 14912 NE-23 T18 R17W 21901 NW-36 T28 R13W 19686 NW¥10 T28 Rl4w 16579 SE-20 T28 R15W 17298 NE-29 T28 R16W 19383 NE-35 T2S Rl7W 6792 SE-13 T38 R13W 12025 8E-28 T38 R14W 18616 SE-30 T38 R15W 20843 NE-3 T38 R16W 18559 19130 18854 NE-5 T48 R13W NE-32 T48 R14W SW824 T48 R15W 21597 SE—7 T48 R16W WASHTENAW 21477 SE-6 TlS R3E 19371 NWF33 T18 RSE 13626 NW-l T18 R6E 19678 NE-2 T18 R7E 19751 SW-l4 T23 R3E 19891 SW-33 T25 R4E 19202 NW¥28 T28 R5E 11341 NW-12 T28 R7E 18701 NE-l T38 R3E 21903 18948 SE-6 T38 R4E SE-26 T48 R3E 20571 NF928 T48 R4E 19778 NW432 T48 R5E 22292 8E-28 T45 R6E 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 1150 204 1049 50 57 43 280 282 198 235 235 308 565 574 549 670 646 717 456 432 458 453 443 417 437 430 390 386 380 438 382 409 410 335 92 154 98 550 505 106 95 100 111 548 586 556 550 571 505 541 523 532 530 501 125 511 137 82 113 88 95 160 200 174 130 190 173 149 131 179 168 175 177 517 520 495 497 505 495 354 364 332 323 326 372 344 330 308 309 297 269 240 259 210 202 237 207 174 247 234 258 253 223 222 225 226 222 156 180 171 174 143 175 137 145 160 227 150 124 117 143 8 7 8 8 8 7 1 1 0 0 1 0 M 7 1 8 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 1 8 8 8 8 7 ' 8 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 1 1 8 M 0 8 1 8 7 8 1 8 0 8 1 0 1 V 1 5 8 1 120 1 8 7 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 0 1 7 8 3 1 1 1 0 0 7 1 1 0 8 WAYNE 19634 88-6 T28 RBE 785 290 WEXFORD 21872 SE-7 T218 R98 786 173 686 20742 NE-13 T21N R108 787 173 678 16018 NE-28 T21N R118 788 265 655 11008 SE-l T22N R98 789 790 17 15 506 17109 88-13 T228 R98 791 235 668 10661 88‘24 T228 R108 14307 NE-16 T238 R98 10303 SE-ll T238 R118 13335 88-21 T24N R98 792 793 794 795 150 680 56 262 682 517 754 39 626 610 253 585 ' 235 879 875 835 689 ' 703 660 560 593 541 612 230 110 257 260 581 225 558 259 840 697 703 854 873 828 856 688 719 696 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. 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