!!BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES TO NOMADIC CHAIRS : UTILITY OF MOVABLE CHAIRS AT A UNIVERSITY PARK By Jiabin Zhang ! A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Environmental Design -Master of Arts 2019!ABSTRACT BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES TO NOMADIC CHAIRS: UTILITY OF MOVABLE CHAIRS AT A UNIVERSITY PARK By Jiabin Zhang Human behavior is impacted by both the physical and social environment. Within this broader area of study, only few studies have explored peopleÕs sitting behavior in public spaces. This study aims (a) to identify personal , social and environmental factors that have significant effect s on peopleÕs sitting preference s; (b) to examine differences in both personal and environmental factors for different sociodemographic groups; and (c) to investigate the relationship between peopleÕs sitting behavioral performa nce and the social and physical environment at a public space within the Michigan State University campus. To collect data, surveying and observation mapping were conducted to record the sitting behavior of students, faculty members, and community members. The site was an open space , which consisted of several intersectional walkways, a large lawn area , canopy trees, and some fixed benches. There were 105 visitors who participated in the survey on weekdays, and 55 visitors participated in the survey on a football game day (Saturday) . Logistic regression model was performed on the data to identify the variables that influence peopleÕs decisions to use nomadic chairs . Results of this study showed that occupation, the importance of chairs are movable , group s ize, and why they move chairs all have significant effects on whether people like to move their chairs within the designated area. Additionally, age, group size, and importance of chairs are movable were also predictors to peopleÕs preference for sitting o n nomadic chairs less or more than 20 minutes. The study provide d sufficient evidence to support factors that may affect peopleÕs decision s on using nomadic chairs on campus es that could be beneficial for planners , and landscape architects. ! Copyright by JIABIN ZHANG 2019 !iv !I dedicate this thesis to my parents Thank you for all your support along the way !v !!ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to my thesis advisor Dr. Linda Nubani , and my committee members Dr. Jun -hyun Kim and Dr. Eunsil Lee. The y have guided me to complete my thesis writing through the master program , and shared many valuable comments and experiences to support my research. Without their guidance and passio nate participation, the study could not have been successfully completed. In addition, a thank you to my former chai r professor Dr. Pa t Crawford for helping me gather the different data collected in this thesis . She has provided me a direction for my thesi s study and helped me to construct the framework of my thesis. I would also like to thank the help and support from Hope Azaeze for Statistical training and consulting. Her patience and professional background allowed me to complete my data analysis. I would also like to acknowledge the Infrastructure Planning and Facilities department at Michigan State University for supporting access to the site for my study and collect my data . Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the Landscape Architecture professor s and facult y at Michigan State University for providing me continuous support and encouragement throughout both un dergraduate and graduate studies. !vi !TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................... vii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................8 2.1 Use of Public Spaces ..................................................................................................................8 2.2 Spatial Behavior .......................................................................................................................10 2.3 Street Furniture ........................................................................................................................11 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................14 3.1 Site Description ........................................................................................................................14 3.2 IRB Approval ...........................................................................................................................15 3.3 Participants ...............................................................................................................................16 3.4 Measurement Procedure ...........................................................................................................19 3.5 Statistical Analysis ...................................................................................................................21 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................23 4.1 Personal Social/ Situational and Environmental Factors .........................................................23 4.2 Descriptive Statistics ................................................................................................................25 4.3 Logistic Regression Model Output ..........................................................................................27 4.3.1 Dependent Variable 1: Whether people moved their chairs .........................27 4.3.2 Dependent Variable 2: Time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs ......................................................................................................................32 4.4 Discussion ................................................................................................................................34 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................38 APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................................41 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................44!vii !LIST OF TABLES Table 4. 1 A summary of descriptive statistics for personal factors ..............................................25 Table 4. 2 A summary of descriptive statistics for social/ situational factors ...............................26 Table 4. 3 A summary of descriptive statistics for environmental factors ....................................26 Table 4. 4 Logistic Regression Output 1 ........................................................................................28 Table 4. 5 Logistic Regression Output 2 ........................................................................................31 Table 4. 6 Logistic Regression Output 3 ........................................................................................33 !viii !LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework ..................................................................................................7 Figure 3.1 People using the PeopleÕs Park nomadic chairs under shade ( 2017) ..........................14 Figure 3.2 Top view of the site .....................................................................................................15 Figure 3.3 Gender . There were 59% female and 41% male from the participants .......................16 Figure 3.4 Group Size. There were three types of group size that included individual, small group and large group ..............................................................................................................................17 Figure 3.5 Profession/Major . The graph showed that participants were mostly from 9 professions in MSU ...........................................................................................................................................17 Figure 3.6 Building Use Analysis . The analysis showed the composition of building types on MSU main campus for 5 mins, 10 mins and 15 mins walking circle ......................................................18 Figure 3.7 User Analysis . The analysis showed two types of population who w ere the potential users of the site. They have dif ferent occupation, gr oup size and usage time and date ................19 Figure 4.1 A summary of personal, social/ s ituational and environmental f actors with dependent variables .........................................................................................................................................24 Figure 4.2 Summarizes the findings from the logistic regression analysis ...................................24 Figure 4. 3 Time people antici pate spending on nomadic chairs ...................................................36 Figure 4.4 World Cloud using survey response of why people moving their chairs ....................36!1 !CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION As a popular topic, public space has been discussed by many scholars for more than 20 years. There are different definitions of public space in terms of ownership, management, accessibility and function (Mehta, 2014). In this paper , public space refers to Òpublicly accessible places where people go for group or individual activitiesÓ ( Ward, 1993 ). Although people have different understanding of public space, there is no doubt that it is becoming an essential part of our life. From ancient periods to recent years, public space has never disappeared, and it is changing its forms from piazzas and church squares to public parks and shopping malls. The value of public space is significant, it provides us Òthe channels for movement, the nodes for communication, an d the common grounds for play and relaxationÓ ( Ward, 1993 ). Public space is all around us, the high quality of public space will bring us numerous benefits. For example, a high quality public environment will attract more business es and residents; improve our physical and mental health; promote and protect biodiversity. In public life, public space is a vital part that helps people satisfy their various needs. Therefore, the public space becomes the place where people spend the most time when they are not at work or home, people like to go to public spaces to engage with their communities. All groups and individuals who are legally allowed to interact in society are invited to public space s (Dolbec and Castilhos , 2017). In public space s, groups and individu als may behave differently depending on spatial design s and normative social influence s. Human s are social animals, whose behavior is influenced by other humans. In the public space, human behavior is largely dependent on more indirect forms of social influence s (Aarts and Dijksterhuis , 2003). IndividualsÕ preference s and decision s conform to the social environment . Moreover , human behavior is also strongly influe nced by design el ements in public space s. !2 !The Street Life Project, conducted by William H. Whyte, is one of the most well -known public space research es that filmed peopleÕs behaviors in small parks and plazas in New York City. Through studying New York CityÕs public spaces, Whyte has found elements that will attract people to these public spaces (Whyte, 1980) . Sittable space was examined to have major influence in plaza use. Visitors would like to use these plazas when there are places to sit. Natural elements, such as trees, wind, water feature, were indicated to influence peopleÕs sitting preference. For instance, people tend to sit in the sun when temp erature is comfortable, but they also like to sit in the shade when there is sun. Thus, Whyte advocates to use movable chairs instead of fixed seating options to attract users to plazas. In addition, food, street and triangulation were also discussed to po sitively influence the use of plaza. The plaza of the Seagram Building was recorded in the film, which has attracted a lot of people during lunch time. Although the plaza was not planned for people to use, it became a popular gathering area for office work ers from nearby buildings since there are plenty of sittable areas. Compare d with other plazas in the film, the plaza of the Seagram Building did not provide furniture for sitting, but the ledges and steps with appropriate elevation attracted many people t o sit on. The simple and inviting sittable spaces encouraged visitors to use the plaza. However, other plazas that people rarely visited were found that there were no such sitting areas as in Seagram BuildingÕs plaza (Whyte, 1980 ). Therefore, the spatial d esign is used to not only attract people to stay but also to disperse crowds from the space. The spatial design can either attract people to stay or disperse crowd s from the space. For example, i n urban area s, many office building plazas are supposed to be occupied by the public . There were instances, however, where these plazas were observed to be under used and virtually empty (Smithsimon, 2008) . Smithsimon (2008) indicated that these plazas are designed !3 !intentionally to repel people from the proposed public space , by incorporating unfavorable elements. Therefore, h uman behavior changes easily and readily in both social and physical environment s. The present study explore s correlations between human behavior and environment through a nomadic chair project, which is research on peopleÕs behavior with movable chairs on the Michigan State University campus. Studying why peo ple choose or choose not to use the nomadic chairs, as well as how people use the nomadic chairs on campus , is important for future public space development. This study can help MSU, and campuses like it, decide in favor of nomadic chairs , as appose to fixed benches , for their versatility. Prior research of human behavior in public space s addressed pedestrian sÕ movement patterns, and how their movement is influenced by the personal attributes of study participants and the physical characteristics of streets . According to the social force model, walking pattern s of pedestrian crowd s are influenced by self -organized processes, which dependent on interactions among pedestrians ( Guo, Ding , Ling, Shi, and Takashi, 2013). In predicting walking patterns of crowd s, various factors affect how human s negotiate public spaces . Among t hese factors , GjersoeÕs group believe that they can be classified as personal (age and gender) , situational (group size and level of mobility) and environmental (time of day and location) in their study . The findings indicated that People are influenced by personal, s ituational and environmental factors in uncluttered environment s, spaces where people have freedom to select their position in space and the speed at which they walk (Gjersoe, Havard, Kukla, Kerridge, and Willis, 2004) . These factors affect how people behave , and guide their decision -making in a certain environment. However, peopleÕs behaviors also affect how an environment is designed. Behavioral needs of the people, such as exercise needs , promote pedestrian friendly environment s. Consequently, e nvironmental ly friendly designs encourage physical activities that !4 !promote public health in an urban space (Frank and Engelke , 2001). The linkage between the environment and behavior draws many research ers to the elements and factors that influence human b ehavior the most . Research on behavioral performance in public space provide s scope o n how urban space incorporate s human behavior . Since William H. Whyte indicated that Òpeople tend to sit where there are places to sitÓ from his Street Life project , the seating space has received a lot of attentions from designers and researchers (Whyte, 1980) . Mehta conducted multiple studies that focus on the relationship between characteristics of public space and human behavior. In MehtaÕs projects , he found both seating provided by business owners and seating provided by public authorities contribute to stationary and social activities in public space (Mehta, 2007) . The commercial seating and public seating were found as significant factor s to predict the liveness of public space (Mehta and Bosson, 2018) . Besides seating space, Whyte also discussed some physical elements , such as tree and water, associate with human behavior in public space (Whyte, 1980) . Chang (2002 ) evaluate d different design elements that contribute to the activities and qualities of the public space , which promotes urban design in accordance to the behavioral needs of users . Although the empirical literature provides purposely collected data relating a specific group o f users and case -study location s, a more comprehensive study of how environment affect s human behavior is required to complement the integrity and reliability of the data. With the exception of design elements (such as outdoor facilities and vegetation) , identifying and predicting behavioral performance , personal , social/ situational and environmental factors should be consider ed when analyzing human behavior in the public space. For example, when predicting peopleÕs movement behavior, size of group significantly influence s behavioral performance . Single s walk faster than group s, and groups like to walk on !5 !the road rather than on the sidewalk (Gjersoe, Havard, Kukla, Kerridge, and Willis, 200 4). However, behavioral performance and predictability are at times difficult to determine due to the overlapping characteristics of participants . For example, in Gjersoe, Havard, Kukla, Kerridge, and Willis Õs study (2004), men tended to walk on the edge of the sidewalk, while those carrying a bag tended to walk o n the middle of the sidewalk. The study did not adequately explain if, for example, men carrying bags tended to exhibit characteristics more in line with men or with bag -carrying. The present research of the nomadic chairs project conducts a more systemati c investigation on why behavioral performance is affected by the environment , in that each participant characteristic is explained in isolation and with other overlapping participant characteristics . Predicting human behavioral performance becomes an increasingly important goal to landscape architects and urban planners pursuing effective public space s in their designs . However, most studies were conducted in office building plazas, the behavioral research in campus setting was deficient. In many American college towns, the role of the campus is not only a place for learning but also becomes a symbol, a park and a cultural and social center. Thus, the college campus is an important public space that serves students and faculty, or even the populati on of a town and region (Gumprecht, 2007) . Among limited number of research about campus plaza, Aydin and Ter (2008) indicated physical environment and user characteristics are important components that contribute to the campus plazaÕs quality. But, the relationship between physical elements and user behavior al performance was not discussed . In addition , proposing a predictive model is not a simple process due to existing large number s of confounding variables. This study will attempt to consider some of these variables in the data collection stage such as weather and time of day . These variables provide opportunities !6 !to extend the study to a deeper understanding of space . For example, space can be divided by gender through situated social practices, and gender may help in studying space in social relations (Panayiotou, 2015). The present research of how people use nomadic chairs on the MSU campus aims to show what the most influential factors are on peopleÕs sitting preferences in public space. The significance of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how people negotiate space when they are free to select and move chairs in public space s. The purpose of this study is to understand human sÕ sitting behavioral performance within public space s specifically within campus settings. The main objective of this research is to identify and explain the factors that contribute to peopleÕs behavioral performance on c ampus. The research questions to be addressed in this thesis are: Do personal factors affect sitting behavior? Do social/ situational factors affect sitting behavior? And do environmental factors affect sitting behavior? Figure 1.1 represents the conceptual framework for this thesis. To meet this end, the researcher examined the use of nomadic chairs on the Michigan State University campus . Specifically, the researcher utilize d the study on the Ò Idea Chair project Ó at Michigan State University . The Idea Chair project was initiated by the Infrastructure and Planning Facilities department where they brought colorful nomadic light -weight chairs to an open space on campus. The site is located at an open area between two buildings . The site is described as a large lawn area with intersectional sidewalks and trees, named PeopleÕs Park. The researcher surveyed users of this site in October 2017. The methodology chapter describes the participants of this study , the instruments used for the surveys and the statistical method used for the analysis. The discussion chapter delves into the outcome of the study and discusses ways to incorporate seating preferences in future desig n guidelines for campus plazas. !7 ! Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework !"#$%&'()*'+,%#$ -%+.'(/-.,0',.%&'() *'+,%#$ 1&2.#%&3"&,'() *'+,%#$ -.,,.&4)5"6'2.%# !8 !CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW A p ublic space is designed t o provide an open social space, inviting all groups and individuals . It encourages social behaviors, which allow people to communicate and interact with each other . As social animals, humans may influence , and be influenced by, the behavior s of others . In public space s, humans attempt to conform to the social expectations in an environment , rather than controlling their own behavior . Research on human behavior and diffe rent environment s reveals that human behavior is correlated with the environment through design elements and social norms in public space s (Whyte, 1980) . This review is divided into three sections. The first section discusses how public spaces are built on both urban areas and college campuses, and how publi c spaces are used and function in these areas. The second section describes and discusses human behaviors in public space s, and focuses on what personal, social/situational and environmental factors may impact humansÕ behaviors. Finally, the third section specifically discusses human decision making and behavior when using street furniture, which relates back to the research topic of how and why people use nomadic chairs on the Michigan State University c ampus. 2.1 Use of Public Spaces The public space is an important place in urban planning and design. The amount that public spaces are used globally, reveals that for people who are living in urban area , maintaining the quality of a public space is essent ial for the well -being of its residents . Typical urban public spaces include parks, plazas, roads, and beaches. As one of the most visited public spaces , plazas provide space for socializing, relaxing, reading, eating , and exercising. However, Mitchell (2017) indicates that public spaces are often occupied by homeless people, so other people !9 !consider these spaces are unsafe. Therefore, in many cities, urban plazas are designed intentionally to repel people from using public spaces (Smi thsimon, 2008). Architects and planners identified the developer as the one responsible for the uninviting and inaccessible privately owned plazas (Smithsimon, 2008). In the article, however, specific decisions (such as intentionally not providing seating) made by the developers to prevent people from using the public space are not fully explained. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate specific elements that either invite or repel people using public spaces. In urban areas , land resources are ext remely limited and valuable , and uninviting plazas restrict the efficient use of space, which is unhealthy for urban development. From previous studies, uninviting plazas are intentionally designed to repel people, a tendency that needs to be avoided in co llege campuses. Contrasting with urban areas , campus es in American college towns are considered both environment s of learning and public spaces (Gumprecht, 2007 ). Campus es that incorporate large area s of green space provide both psychological and phys iological benefits for students ( Hipp , Gulwadi, Alves, and Sequeira , 2016). Hipp, Gulwadi, Alves, and Sequeira (2016) indicate that campus environments have the potential to affect studentsÕ health, and need more studies on impacts of how specific design e lements can help students concentrating on different subjects. In America, college campuses may include performance centers, sports stadiums, museums, and landscape grounds. Events and activities attract both students and nearby residents . Therefore, campu ses become not only a learning space, but also a landscape park, a social and culture center, and a symbol of the college (Gumprecht, 2007 ). The author also suggests that colleges should promote campus as an attraction to recruit students, and to strengthe n the relationship with alu mni, residents, and benefactors. Consequently, college campuses are a microcosm of how cities implement public space, that have potential research value for public space design. !10 !The current study will focus on campuses as a study site to conduct a survey to understand the relationship between human behavior and public spaces. 2.2 Spatial Behavior Human behavior can be easily changed and impacted by personal, social/ situational, and environmental factors ( Gjersoe, Havard, Kukla, Kerridge, and Willis , 2004). These factors can be categorized into two areas : peopleÕs behavior is influenced by other people and peopleÕs behavior is influenced by objects, such as seats, trees, and water features. Based on these two factors, peopl e have opportunities to understand their behavior in depth. As social animals, humans are indirectly yet heavily impacted by social influence (Aarts and Dijksterhuis, 2003). Aarts and Dijksterhuis (2003) indicate w hen people are in a particular situation , they may conform to the normative behavior that is expected of them from society in that situation. For example, people are quiet when visiting a library or church . Therefore, a social environment effects peopleÕs behavior (Aarts and Dijksterhuis, 2003). The limitation of the article is that the research sites are indoor spaces, which have well -established situational norms. Outdoor spaces have external factors, such as weather, that effect how people behave in an environment. Indoor spaces do not have thes e external factors. In this way, indoor spaces are stable, which causes stable behaviors; outdoor spaces are variable, which causes people to behave in a larger variety of ways. The current research focuses on outdoor spaces that combine complex and uncont rolled factors to explore peopleÕs behavior in social environments. Contrasting with social environments that imperceptibly impact human behavior, physical environments are easier to be observed and measured by researchers . People tend to visit urban plaz as with seats, food, and sculptures more than plazas without those elements !11 !(Abdulkarim and Nasar, 2014). Even when these preferred plazas have slightly higher levels of crowding, people choose to stay in these plazas rather than moving to plazas with less preferred environmental conditions ( Wu, Zacharias, and Stathopoulos , 2004). Whyte (1980) conducted a prominent study about urban public spaces in New York City in 1971. He identified elements that attract people and make streets and plazas vibrant. Moreov er, these elements have different effects on changing peopleÕs behavior. For example, triangulation is a process that externally stimulates interaction between people, encourag ing strangers to stop and talk with one another. Food is another factor in plaza s that helps to attract more people and vendors. Through visual experiments, Abdulkarim and Nasar (2014) indicate that the combination of different elements attracts people to public spaces the best . However, most previous studies only focused on peopleÕs behavior, in terms of how their behavior was influenced by people or objects. The present research discusses how both factors may affect peopleÕs behavior in public spaces. More specifically, the research will test personal factors (such as age and occupat ion), situational factors (such as whether people like to sit next to strangers), and environmental factors (such as sitting under sunlight or shade). 2.3 Street Furniture Street furniture is one of the most important physical features that improves the quality of streets and activates public spaces ( Ewing, Hajrasouliha, Neckerman, Purciel -Hill, and Greene , 2016). Previous research on seating in public spaces identifies fixed or movable seats as important in attracting people to public spaces (Whyte, 1980 ; Mehta, 2007; Abdulkarim and Nasar, 2014). Seating furniture not only attracts a large number of people, but also contributes to the amount of time that people decide to spend in a space. Mehta (2007) indicates that people !12 !spent the more time in public sp aces with seating than in those without. Although previous research proves that seating has effects on human behavior, understanding the motivation of public place visitorsÕ decisions is helpful for researchers to know why people choose their seats. Seat material, design, and comfort are potential factors that guide peopleÕs decisions. Neto and Munakata (2015) focus on how distance impacts peopleÕs choice of seat. They conducted an observational survey to identify the relationship between behavioral patter ns and seat choice at the central plaza in Chiba University. The survey recorded the movement and choice patterns of 37 participants, and evidence supports the conclusion that the visual distance of seats guides people in how they choose their seats in pub lic spaces. People prefer seats that are the closest to them, but groups may choose seats further away from them than individuals would. However, 37 participants are too small of a sample size to support the theory from the research. The present research s urveyed more than 150 participants to explore peopleÕs behavior on movable chairs in a large open space on the Michigan State University campus. In understanding how seating furniture guides peopleÕs decisions and behaviors in public spaces, an investigati on of why people choose to use the nomadic chairs on the Michigan State University campus becomes meaningful and useful for planners and designers to implement public spaces in the future. Previous research shows that human behaviors are closely related to surrounding environments. Existing articles provide general background for the present research on human behavior in public spaces. However, many are limited in their sample size and site location selection. With background on how public spaces are built on both urban areas and college campuses, spatial behaviors in public spaces, and human decision making and behavior when using street furniture, this present research uses a case study of human behavior to explore how !13 !nomadic chairs effect public space de sign. The current research focuses on a campus as a research site to explore personal, situational, and environmental factors, which may affect why students and faculty choose to use nomadic chairs on the site. !14 !CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY This research is an extension of ÒThe Idea C hair Ó research that is conducted by the School of Planning, Design , and Construction at Michigan State University . It aims to administer a survey to understand why people choose or choose not to use nomadic chairs on campus. This methodology chapter is divided into three sections. The first section describes the location of the selected research site. The second section discusses how participants were selected for the research . The third section discusses how data was collect ed and measured in this research. 3.1 Site Description Figure 3.1 People using the PeopleÕs Park nomadic chairs under shade (2017) The research site is an open space bordered by Wells Hall and the International Center on the Michigan State University campus. The site was assigned by the Infrastructure Planning and !15 !Facilities (IPF) department of Michigan State University. The IPF suppo rted the Idea Chair project to explore peopleÕs behaviors and motivations when using nomadic chairs on the site (see Figure 3.1) . The findings from this research will inform how nomadic chairs are implemented on campus public spaces in the future. Since th e selected site is in the central area of the campus, many students and faculty pass by the site while walking to classrooms and offices (see Figure 3.2). The open space, called PeopleÕs Park, consists of several walkways, a large lawn with sun exposure, trees, and a few fixed benches. Figure 3.2 Top view of the site 3.2 IRB Approvals The researcher completed the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) certification training. After crafting the survey questions, the researcher obtained all the necessary approvals from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Michigan State University. !16 !3.3 Participants Participants were selected from people who were using the nomadic chair s at site. The researcher approached these people, introduced himself and the projec t, and informed them that their participation in the research would be voluntary. Those using the chairs were asked if they wanted to participate before being given the survey. All participants agreed to sign the consent form that was approved by the Insti tutional Review Board (IRB). Participants were free to not answer any questions or stop participating at any time. The survey responses were kept anonymous to assure participant confidentiality. Future use for reporting, publication, or presentation of the data will be aggregated. According to the IRB application requirement, surveys were only given to participants who were 18 or older. There were in total 155 people who participated in the survey on weekdays, and 55 people who participated on a football ga me day (Saturday). All participants were not compensated for participating in this research. Among those participants, 59% of them were female and 41% of them were male. The top three professions/majors that participants were affiliated with were Natural Science (22%), Engineering (13%) and Social Science (11%). About 47% of the population were individual users, 38% users were in small groups (1 -4 people) and 15% users were in large groups (5 people and more). Figures 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 display these descri ptive statistics. Figure 3.3 Gender . There were 59% female and 41% male from the participants !17 ! Figure 3.4 Group Size. There were three types of group size that included individual, small group and large group Figure 3.5 Profession/Major . The graph showed that participants were mostly from 9 professions in MSU Additionally , the researcher conducted a building analysis (see figure 3.6) on MSU main campus and was able to identif y two types of population that were the primary users of the s tudy site. One was the Commuting Population that consisted of students (93.3%), faculty (5.7%) and community members (1%). They often visit ed the site in weekdays during working hours as individuals or in small groups. Another one was Event -based Population that consisted of visitors (60%), students (30%) and faculty (10%). They visit ed the site for sports events in weekend, but they only came in groups. The group size could be small and large, the range for these groups !18 !was from 2 to 12 people. Figure 3.7 graphically illustration the distribution of the population observed on campus. Figure 3.6 Building Use Analysis . The analysis showed the composition of building types on MSU main campus for 5 mins, 10 mins and 15 mins walking circle Academic Residential Sports Arts/ Performance Mixed Use Parking Services Residential Academic Sports 15 mins 5 mins 10 mins 15 mins Academic Sports 10 mins Residential Academic Sports Parking 5 mins Mixed Building Use Analysis !19 ! Figure 3.7 User Analysis . The analysis showed two types of population who were the potential users of the site. They have dif ferent occupation , group size and usage time and date 3.4 Measurement P rocedure In urban planning research, surveys are a common method f or interpreting a phenomenon. A survey was conducted for this research to explore peopleÕs decisions and behaviors while using nomadic chairs. In order to enhance the reliability of the research, responses were gathered during both weekdays and a game day. The research question focused on what is the most influential factor that motivates students and faculty to use nomadic chairs on MSU campus ? Previous research on park usage incorporated variables such as age, gender, occupation, and group size into surveys (Lapham et al. , 2016; Phau, Lee and Quintal, 2013). This survey uses many of those same variables along with ones such as time people antic ipate spending on nomadic chairs and colors of the nomadic chairs. Open -ended questions, such as Commuting Population Event based population Monday -Friday Saturday& Sunday 9 am Ð6 pm Before game & After game Students , 93.30% Faculty , 5.70% Community member , 1%Students , 30%Faculty , 10%Visitors , 60%1 Ð5 people 2Ð12 people !"#$%&'( )"*!$%&'( **"*#$%&'( *#"+!$%&'( ,-./$012'$ +!$%&'( 0-5 mins 6-10 mins 11-15 mins 15-20 mins More than 20 mins User Analysis !20 !ÒWhat invites you to use this space?Ó and ÒWhat did you decide to view?Ó were also included in the survey to explore the potential reasons for participation. I n order to understand the importance of chair mobility and the surrounding environment, Likert Scale questions were included in the survey. Questions like ÒHow would you rate the surrounding environment?Ó were based on a 10 -point Likert Scale ranging from 1 (not at all enjoyable) to 10 (very enjoyable). However, there is no midpoint in this 10 -point scale, so it will force participants to select leaning toward either important (6 -10) or not important (1 -5). For example, 6 is slightly important, and 5 is sli ghtly not important. See Appendix to access the full version of the survey The independent variables were age, gender, occupation, major, group size, sit with other or alone, select chair by color, why select the color, day interview, select chair for particular view, why use the space, why they move chair and surrounding environment , because these variables were based on influences that cannot be controlled in the environment and sampling method. The key independent variable was the importance of chairs are movable , which was measured by a 10 point Likert scale from 1 (not at all important) to 10 ( extremely important). The d ependent variables were the time people anticipate spend ing on nomadic chairs and whether people moved their chairs. The time that people anticipate spend ing on nomadic chairs was measured by 5 categories, and each category was based on the following time intervals : 0-5 minutes, 6 -10 minutes, 11 -15 minutes, 16 -20 minutes, and 20 minutes or more. Whether people moved their chairs was measured by two categories, Yes or No. Possible co nfounding variables include d weather and time of the day. !21 !3.5 Statistical Analysis All variables that were collected from the survey were coded and transferred into the SPSS program (version 25 ) in order to understand the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. Regression Analysis as a powerful stati stical model can help researcher to examine the relationship between two or more variables of interest. The results from the model could provide detailed insight to determine which factor is the most significant one and how it influence other variables. Ba sed on the variables from the survey, the independent variables include all three levels data (nominal, ordinal, scale) . But t he dependent variable s only include two levels data, time is at scale level and whether people m oved chairs is at nominal level . Therefore, logistic regression and linear regression analysis could be used in this study to test how the dependent variable changes when an independent variable is varied, holding other variables constant. The logistic regression analysis will help the stu dy to identify whether the importance of chairs are movable most associates with peopleÕs willingness to move chairs. Then, the linear regression analysis will help the study to identify the independent variable that has the strongest relationship with the time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs. The equation of the linear regression analysis is !" = #$ + #%X%" + #&X&"+ '", !" is the time variable, X%" is the importance of chairs are movable , and X&" can be dummy variables, such as gender and sun/shade. However, the linear regression model could not provide any strong findings for this study. One of the limitation s of linear regression analysis was that only linear relationship can be found in the mod el. Other reasons could be attributed to the fact that data distribution of the time people anticipates spending on nomadic chairs was not normal ly distributed. Also, h alf of the respondents chose to sit on the chairs more than 20 minutes . Thus, the variable was reclassified !22 !into the following two categories : 0 representing Òless than 20 mins and 1 representing Ò20 mins and moreÓ) . This is known as nominal level data. Therefore, the study will only run the logistic regression to identify i ndependent variables that were most associated with whether people move d their chairs and time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs (less than 20 minutes or 20 minutes and more) . !23 !CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Personal, Social/ Situational and Environmental Factor s In this study, independent variables can be categorized into three types of facto rs. One was internal personal factors that consisted of age, gender, major, occupation and group size. Another was soci al/ situational factors that consisted of group size and sit with other of alone. The last one was external environmental Factors that included chair color, why they move chair, day interview, select chair for particular view, why use the space, sit with o ther people, surrounding environment and importance of chairÕs movability . Table 4.1 summari zes personal factors , social/ situational and environmental factors that might have influence on the dependent variables Ò whether people moved their chairs Ó and Òtime people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs Ó. Table 4.2 summarizes the findings from the logistic regression analysis discussed in the previous chapter. In personal factors, age was examined having distinct relationship with the time people anticipa te spending on nomadic chairs and occupation was examined having relationship with whether people moved their chairs. In social/ situational factors, f indings indicate d that group size was associated with both dependent variables. Similarly, i n environment al factors, the importance of chairÕs movability was also associated with both dependent variables. Additionally, why they move chair directly impacted with whether people moved their chairs . !24 ! Figure 4.1 A summary of personal, social/ situational and environmental factors with dependent variables Figure 4.2 Summarizes the findings from the logistic regression analysis Whether people moved their chairs Time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs Personal Factors !Age !Gender !Major !Occupation Social Factors !Group Size !Sit with Other People or Alone Environmental Factors !Select Chair by Color !Why Select the Color !Day Interview !Select Chair for Particular View !Why they move chair !Why Use the Space !Surrounding Environment !Importance of Movability !"#$%$"#$"&'()*+),-$. /$%$"#$"&' ()*+),-$. !"#$%&$'&($%)*+","&)+$% -&$*."*/% '*%*'#).",% ,0)"1- 20$+0$1%&$'&($% #'3$.%+0$"1%,0)"1- !"#$%&'())*'+,%#$ 4/$ 5$*.$1 6)7'1 8,,9&)+"'* -&./#%&0"&,'()*'+,%#$ :$($,+%;0)"1%<=%;'('1 20=%:$($,+%+0$ ;'('1 >)=%?*+$13"$@ :$($,+%;0)"1%A'1%B)1+",9()1%C"$@ 20=%D-$%+0$%:&),$ 20=%+0$=%#'3$%,0)"1 :911'9*."*/%E*3"1'*#$*+ ?#&'1+)*,$%'A%;0)"1- )1$%#'3)<($ 1%+/'()*'+,%#$ 51'9&%:"F$ :"+%@"+0%8+0$1%'1%4('*$ !25 !4.2 Descriptive Statistics Section 3.3 showed some descriptive statistics about the demographics of the participants such as gender, group size and major . In this section, the researcher summarizes the descriptive statistics for variables that address personal, social/ situational, and environmental factors (see Table 4.1 , Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 ). Table 4.1 A summary of descriptive statistics for personal factors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able 4.2 A summary of descriptive statistic s for social/ situational factors Table 4.3 A summary of descriptive statistic s for environmental factors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ogistic Regression Model Output Logistic Regression was used to determine the significant factors that will influence whether people move their chairs and the time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs. 4.3.1 Dependent Variable 1: W hether people moved their chairs When the depen dent variable was wh ether people moved their chairs and independent variables were gender, age, occ upation, group size, why they move chairs, importance of chairs are movable and surrounding environment , results show ed that o ccupation, why they move chair and importance of chairs are movable became the significant factors (see Table 4.4 ). Additionally, community members were less likely to move chairs than students; people who have a specific reason to move their chairs were m ore likely to move chairs than people who did not provide a reason; people think that chairs are movable is more important are more likely to move chairs . On the other hand, gender, age, group size , major, chair color, day interview, sit with other or alon e and surrounding environment were no t significant factors for people choosing to move their chair . !28 ! Table 4. 4 Logistic Regression Output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n this model, group size become statistically significant. ¥!Controlling the effect of gender, age, occupation, why use the space, importance of chairs are movable and surrounding environment, t he group size is bigger, people are more likely to move their chairs. The unit increase in the group size is associated wit h 1.247 increase in the odds of moving chairs. ¥!Controlling the effect of gender, age, occupation, group size, why use the space and surrounding environment, people think that chairs are movable is more important are more likely to move chairs. The unit inc rea se in the importance of chairs are movable is associated with 1.73 increase in the odds of moving chairs. Table 4.5 shows that b etween 23% and 30.7% variation in whether people moved chairs are explained by gender, age, occupation, group size, why use the space, importance of chairs are movable and surrounding environment. 4.3.2 Dependent Variable 2: Time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs When dependent variable was the time people anticipate spending on nomadic chairs , Table 4. 6 showed that age, group size, and importance of chairs are movable were significant factors. Furthermore, people whom was older were less likely to sit more than 20 minutes ; the group size was bigger, people we re more likely to sit more than 20 minutes ; p eople thought that chairs are movable was more important we re more likely to sit more than 20 minutes . On the other hand, gender, occupation , major, select chair by color, day interview, why they move chair , sit with other or alone and surrounding environmen t were identified as nonsignificant factors for people choosing how long to use the chair s. !33 ! Table 4. 6 Logistic Regression Output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