THS 23 |INHMIhMI Mi i ICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES , 3 1293 00627 10 Ao 169184 “iebiesnn Aericultural I 8 T H Col L' ~ L Oey s “~ ra\ oe (* om > 9s L207 h APPLE, ~Fuiton, THESIS - a“ J oo ‘ + 46,3 wf foe ! This tiresis is wased vwron astudv Ff the votanical ecnsrecturistics oF so e oF tre iwwost destructive ypsrasitébe diseases cof the aprle. In one or two casus drawings were mace from srecimens ~reviously trepared and mounted, but in all others, fresn material was available and was taken directly from diseased fruits in the laboratory. Besidos giving the potanical cnaracteristics -f the diseases studied, a more sencvcral auscrirt- ion and nistory of nearly all -s given, including also re..edies for their destruction, Owing to the ract that the work was done curing the © winter Whon there was n nanee for ovservation as tc time of aypesrance cf diseasvus, rayidity cA C rty their developoauent, destructiveness ete,, the general descriytions are lareely siven as a result of investisaticns of =~ reyorts of ex.eriment stations, the United States Dpartiuent of Aericul- ture, tiie Aierican Journal of “veolosy ana other reliable refercnces, 96338 { a Plote = . , . - ”~ - we ya <7 , Aryles are LYreevently Fo Su Ts “era 7 - C. mm _—~ qn (ates - & o-- ," Naas oan ZY 7... Os Ledoe Gray e ) I. he s n_ ~~ a 2. 7 vas. a . ~ ’ LM evi Pvaiiies ui.cer trees of the q4 > 74 . . 7 3 MA~ 44 4 4 : yolar Cd soeolore roan A ae : 4 m4 noi 3s - orenadr Oy CLSCOLCPeGa eV aeecaVv, ote ul ef UoLs alSeoicoravion S Seen ii s. “ - . . Pan = i- e- - 2 ° - ~- c- 4% . . ‘ on “Ae —. oF A vr. | : - 2%, oe so. ane eo ‘ . *y. Cflenn aS 3 roa es rare tou WO we Lie ee ro Wi & Oe. ey Day bie t+ 2S, It a t avy g a. * -* m~ ohm ae s . Nyt “Oxy x7 sym 7 q ty Yan . - “* Lo ° 1 7-~~ * oo ~ is AL ‘ me de SO 4. t 2285115 CO ai Cle. Zeit: toes dun 4 Cll Lar Can aClk ul, HAs TTD De nt SN mr yy Cleo Coy A te moe Meyer t cw tte ° - Boo ocean 7m we ~ JC ~ Coe Lok e L (. we Ole SB a be kee a. 6 ~~. i> i ay am wa bf — L A bowed dis Co. Wo are ~ --;- - . . a - ” . ” . - - - ” - 7 - fe . -. = a -q «+ « \ oo @ ”~ . . oc, a ‘ .¢ « . qa 4 ’ a 7} . ' eC eek, ae ~ oH Off oe © FS. Lea 1: Co}. ay Loe Coal Sue LU Lie eaereee uv, «t SD hey se . > 4%. Vows - .3 -- - - age 7 ee - . = ~ 4 -! 43. cys . 3 a \ ~~ 4" —w ye 8 os we a ak od eh ac s vv L Clo t ee ® iui > ‘ » ¢ i CU. sa Lo BO, Ur a vs £0 ertire evrrece co tre fruit ie turns to black and then ar:ear pustules wiichn in tneir arrle crics out and the is Tormed by a rus’. dad its wey throucnh the ski ™ duced tre si: ores the “uneus, > rustule snowing now it wreaks 4 s.ort stalks which SLOT. rire seare are at Tirst yale or colorless, bplackish-bLrowi., T.ev are ovlong 30 into-inillimeters glass “clis, tne spores readily A warner of to three sertate, ecvcrec, on the Soruation ruiture the skin. a rle bec spores preax vurousn the orenine at the toy as put when in ther lonesest Gianeteor eormuination and arrecrance hyaline serm-tubes Arter c tiie the brovir ecicr surface muucrous little elevated The tissue of the snes wrinkled, black, thick-walicd body, which “as oyrile, In its -— Fivure 1, represents a cross section of tiv ueh the epideriis, The snores are crdiase Pron all vrarts of t e interior aay from this support and -ndicated in the figure, They mature, they vecoiie black or in snepe and cou.paratively large sown in water - 2 nr Ve il en geriuliate, Fissure 2 represents fPLer weinem sown 485 hours, Frou cne e are sent out frou eacn spore which ae. =e st RS STE =e = . EN ; wy ZA fy \ 3245 Saag 4) Cm A (2) soon cive rise to nmuscrous branenes, A fev spores are snow whieh failed to suoruwinante, (a@) Fic. 2 represents a Lroken srore wit anular cornte:.ts. Srores of this Puneud, as well as those of others srow imen ure raridcly and with sreater visor wnen sown in (le Juice, In fisure 3 spores » grown in tris wav are shown, Thes were srown for the sa..e leneth of tic 2s tnose in fisure 2, Surrcapuicize eneh of tre fruitine vodies of the fuses and avundant- ly srrensins evervy tere in the diseas d tissue or thre arvtoceted aryle is the .veelivuii or the funsus, nearly colorless and thin-walled in tre tissve tnuat is simply brown, but very dark and thick-wniled in the parts diz .ediately surroundings the pustules and in the black streaks and bloten es consricuous in the ra:ts.Fi-eure 4 revresents t°’e waver or erowth ord arveara.cea of the iyeeliwa, a. shows tne mveelims yenetratineg & cell of tic nost; b. snows the a .y;esrance or the older iwuveeliwua, Bleck Rot of aprles is eco.mon on both sices of the Atl ntic, but no estimate of the losses occasioned by it nas been i.acge, The yrorer use or the sul C9 nte of ecorrer coneouncs hes trove: a suceesPul treatiient, Seab, (Pusiclaciunm doncritievn). Of the two Muidred sr more funei vhiech uveclosists have faunc on te aivtle tree or its fruit. this funsus is te test Known and by fer tro Lost injurious. The distrivution of the disease is almost co-vextensive with tre cultivation or the fruit which it at. acks, there beoine but for localitivs where it has not vet arrpearod, Cinee tie disease is favored by a cool atinosrnere, it is more yvrreval@it in northern than in southern resions, Leaves aid youns shoots are attackug oy ti.e seno as weil as toe fruit, On the leaves tye frst .anifestations or tre yresentbe of the fo am 4tn -- - - Ya on) eye ~ “5 5 . tne rnealthy ones, rarely, if ever occurs; the bucteria are lrrriscned by bork, or escave in viscid suvstance tinat oriles into a hare mui, and hence do »zot passe directly Tras tive treo into the airs lastly it hes tecn snovn that the gerus entcr tic tree in carly spring then ‘cut is to be net with. The substance wien is cr little living year blir: obtained tv the action of the blie mt bactvuria on the sterch, unlignifiec cell-walls and other suvstances of tne yinnt tissue, is a vorv viscic, ereay uatter, soluble in water, and a@rying to « hard mus on exrosure to the air, This seeiis to be one of tie viscous Perientations, a class ° whose vhysiolory and echeuistry nas seen but little studied, and the investisstion of wnichn is besct with wnusual aifticulties Division of Vesetable Patholosv, U.S.Nepartuent of Asriculture, by MIR Waite .(mxvract ), Pear Liisiit not unfrequently Pare bere iad am “Crp ae a4 . : an se rn tet aoe Ser vane we a ONT LEP ene epic SEI re eae 4 y bod RD Oe oA Oe se - eee ee = Ly ae ea ad Se res a eC ee ak ee Plate I (2) Arple Speck, (Leptothyrium poi. ) p-'- This discase affects the skin of the arvle by covering it with patenes of minute black stots as rerresented in figure 3, Since the Y Gisease does not extenc below the eridemsais as s ovn by cross sections of two sz eei:s in figure 4, the internal tissucs are not impaired as is the case in wost other funsus discascs, However, the fruit is rendered unnattractive in arrearance and seriously injured so far as market value is coneernud, Fieure 5 is a cross section of a zterithecium drayn on a large scale, In th: interior, a munber of asci are represented, These asci are enlarged teriuinal cells containing free spores, When the yeritheciiun is fully develojyed it bursts at the uyryer extremity and the syjores csceare, Tre following is translated frou Saccaraoi- “Perithecivm almost black, in the shave of a flattened heniszhere, slightly dertressed in tne center, plossy. wlature aseci and spores not seen in wy stecimens, Found on skin of the artfle. Tne drawings were made from discased fruits of wild arples growing in the Arboretun, I know of no treatment having been reconu.ended, (10) Powdery “illdew, (Podospnuaera o .@ (D.0C.) D By). ™ ° B 3 Plate IV, This srecies velonss to the fanily Known as Mrvsipnae, all of which ore known as mildews, The rarasite is entirely surerficial excert for haustoria whien barely penetrete tiie celis, The peritneciwu has dicnitcuously forked ar:enagages as snown in figure 1, a; b shows an arvendase iuich enlarged; ec snows an aseus vnien contains cight spores, Tre ciscase is esz;ecially destructive te secdlings in tne nursery 4 throvecovt the erowing eccson, mak’one it im.cssihle to bud them with eny “~~ Coeeree of csuceess, It usvaellyv orvecrs ote in, wren the yrin- . _ = 1, - Ls y . -- oy age aon . - (oO. ol. : eitl«o erowthn nee been meade, anc selcoui 22 ever cl rc’ as to vigourousl , ad. .. eo tue wom, +: S nn Tow Ge w- - rae gs 4. - at > ° ; os th 7 ‘ . erowiog stcek, even when in elese pre xinity vo Giseased seccodlings, The s 2 ad ot ~ a 4 7. . . : -- - 7 7 - } al ’ a . . - 7. ° e. 7 £ LSeAas. Cow 2tiC: S br ih) VO 7 a g t, Ly S whe CL Los ‘ oS > C 4 vis © VUE Lb Le £5 ti Se Frrr 0" rt 4 Ch & TV. . - 7-7 -- yee ry - tt 45 - pe 4 .: Waa ne ' fone ts . ~ = 4 wT OT : . ae... PPO eevcaiiues auc vrevevtlie toe. Cre. ¢. (Site G& eviitavie SLT tre first eccccn, Tre cis.oriacal sclution res yroved tre encéeyest end most effective reiedy for tre ciscace, and five evrevires sem te co reoviried, The first a.vliesticn should be mece Fuct a@s vhe Loaves start in the siring. At locst tirree ctier syravilme erovic Leurce ¢ couvel intervals votveen tro Gly ef tie Piret treatient c te Ud OL? LOGan Ten cp trolve erre advor weuccing tre ice. sireri eg es. oulc wo .ece, S2 2y3) 7 \ i Be hte hey, ries ARE EYP ) y _ Q VA o Ss CO aides bof ra De SL pont fy if Ge OPER Peon 0059 OF bo Pune so Lili teh, Db Tore SL epee Les 4 Miyle vet cre Cecer Ayrles. (Cynnesrpcranediva wecrcrue <1 ec Necetclia rirsata,) Fiervre Iv, fh rert cr the life cf this Purp. ec is cleent upon ire Pec cecer, ane 4° ~ Us _ - 2... -. - a ss 4 ~ “ « Vrorever wti.G hed Cecer orcve, tle iv oie reset le dilels te te fevre., Te etteeis ef tre tvreve Piret eopeir curling vo fetlor part er Mex or eeriv in dune in t>e Porm. cP pvierevse Leip lu. rel lowish-orsnee crote on the leeves, Jt trece yolnic cP Cise Loveviet woe BR oS tissves cre toiek- elec cs Cvevir ih fr erces seetic: SY EO Ay IP atter es Pew Cove, (oo £L evs Le en ire Cleric ty it wee DUS BEG? PCD VS ..08 COQ Fer em we Utero evr toce., Toot ee DAD) Oki eyo Poco wo Clos Wontar oc tere er vere a ipe eo. i Dee EGR e sor eb Moo ermeet ces lee er Pv eticr 2. ol. oe : we C8 SQ Le wy we PMOMT Poe 2 eee EL La ad oo a OO ae OO er Orr eke La Poeemyy € 20.80, Viol? a So yp eee Le POV CODY bv eterce, tre excres cf the hoestclia,is foure, Figure z b, reyreserte che ef treee clucster-euws shiwing tre in vrich thev burst trreve! uc eurfree cf the leoof and hew the sveres :re bern. A ysecucorenéivm, 2 e-ctich cr wricr is represented t:. ¢, PFern.s tlhe cu Ver vesting case cL tre ecicics, ores, Iv is eciyposed of aterite cel c, Tree ¢ooer Tc 1 le aL. errs Cab Delb.Gia f vo Lvle eecaor ag a round brown cr yeliow Jelly-like iass, swelling out to sreatly inereasced size cfter a rain, devel ying a maucsbocr cf syrenslineg a... encases of similar svbectance, raciating in ell Cireeticns Crew its evrtace, Its srowt., however, Cous net eosin in the eyrine, we. fil tie Susaer or Sat serore, weor Vr ¢lonce o.s rvation, it piel t Ve sme ch o siall Lrovn siiore, (12 ) Tris wey sveli to a consid: raoble seize bkerore virter, wut net until syring js it cons;icuous enourn te attract arttenticn., In the springs it errors cr 5 5 3 a A f- c i? ctr CD ty tw rs ) O c+ - - tg as . . 4. J. as “| -\, sae 7 7. =. ,7 "77 exceeclineg en ime, ve ai ine: rc a pralf, ape sisall surface, Terese Lev Leeciwe Olcres lo, The viele bell svel ls, pvi the rretructe ts owell west, Ge bee we lobe, cppesihass ere or a pright ssoldde aa Loy, rp J2LCPOSCS L 2 ecd Ct : ‘ ‘ 6 wa tbe Celie Lia tv. i? ae Liv repress oLevus, eer Civicec cerc.., the aleclioe Ur oe vertitic: : °€, Glerncer stalk, of wrhicn crily a very snall yorticn is eremrn in the fiseure, The srores- fleure €- now feruinete, and cacn cell rreevces che or iiere snort Fildiuentse, Orci which arise eyore=like vcdics eolloc eycricia, The fruit when attacked by the rust is rendered worthless, and the ripening; cf the fruit is occasio ally preverted on account of the early Testructicn cf the follare by the Pungeus, Trecs are sonctimes partially Cefoliated py the Cirst 9° Avetist wr tunis cause. Tre rust funei are the most aifficult to conurat; their habit of yassing certain ~eriods of their lives on different nost plants ana of occasionally becoming y;erennial in the vlants they attack, will account for this, I. mnere tiis fungus thrives remove from near the orenard all Red cedars, It, Re. ve badly infectcd trees anc in their places plant Knovn resist- ant varieties. IIT. In locaiivies where the rust occurs, srray all youns trecs and these which have not becoiie too seriously diseased with Tordeaux wixture ( (13) manning the rirst a.plicaticon as socn as the leaves are fully forned, The svores are carried a ereat distance, Aprle trees a wile or more fron the cedar trees are sonetimes affected, Crustaceous “old. (Penictliwa slauciuu, Grey.) Soft decaying s: ots, of a reeuliar brovn color often niake their arvrerrance on oyrles sta@ed in a warn rocn, Freauentlv a species of mold Cevelovs on tiese spots, At Tirst minute white tufts arpercr, wut they - -4 . ee n mis - : dag Od “ae 7 . sorn aeavire a@ vale bluish-gsroon color, These tufts are usualiv avout cs re oy Ae. wo. - - -- 3 7 ~ ae. pyead. J. £04 . : = a st 5 learcce Ce! wi GQ yibac. CL a a I ° is EN ¥4 a ros “SOS aA vue wOfTLLPL Gc. Wi tit a we me as mt. rey ot 4.7% vee are - ] 7, v0- Jeg 25a “49 13 4 Nat ee US Cee Np ves 10)Yv. . toe. Com e on @rwner CA... @ ua QO nyvy ak S % Tek 1 me uo AG as. CC a hoab vei ab te dad Coa: wt CY CS -n“ ‘ %. ~Ane cw ¢ ww OLD oe Mae PROCILVI. OF the wvigvis Cre Glieneer Curecic Pilewativs in QVORP6 Clrcevicohn, They are tre Laces Ste ec@vce vP toe pou, Yiinmre ww isia DoyReca se el i cP & Lert er ene 20 fbece woop Say ¢ Piemre © Le @ cull ep toe tone, wore viel tire iarveelivis bos ope. eey Toa vie iscelivs Ochs To tye ourrace, fruiting stens are sent up, one of whien is reyre- sented in figure 4, These ste..s are delicate, jointed threads which give out neor the toy, one or more pairs of short orrosite brancnes which cre themselves forked, Each alternate branchlet bears at its tir a string of spores, Tne stores are globular, and range from twelve to twenty one hundred-thnoudandths of an inen in diameter, They srow very readily in ater, sencing out long, branching, hyaline threads, as snown in figures whieh rey;resents a growth of 72 Rours, After 120 nours some of tne srores gave rise to fruiting forus as shown in figure 6, (14) Yeast is found in abundance in connection with the penicelia (figure 7) and is in fact necthing more tuan a peculiar condition of the Peniceliwa glauewu, which is earable of almost endless proposation with- out even wearing perfect fruit, The renicelium is the coi..on blue mold on all sorts of decayins bodies, 7 we Lo ~ 6th t ; 1 qv rtd Ee ERE ERROR RE RE RE EEE REAR EEREEEEEEEHE ii