ee Aj Lad cc > cS C5 = & eo 25 D> = re = ies 4 if - Scie Ld ie cS tf Cc ‘i [a Y ome aa << La Lid Se ae as re el CA : eas) =o a ats — =. as 22 rose i fame om ——¥ ae —- pS le se oss MOO NVI Be * aichican STATE university Ueranies . edhe resis UNMET eee 3 1293 00627 9297 This thesis was sent to us py lir. W. L. Nies when he contributed his copy. In hunting for his he discovered that he had this copy by "F, L. Barrows and G M. O'Dell" in his possess- ion. As Mr. Nies was a member of 1913, he evidently borrowed this thesis and did not re- turn it to the owner or the college. Feb. 18, 1918. THESTIS EFFECT OF CASE HARDENING on | TENSILE STRENGTH OF COLD ROLLED STEEL. FP. Le Barrows. G. ¥. O'Dell. Rast Lansing, Mich. 1912. THESIS Preface. The subject of this thesis was selected because of the prominent place case hardening and heat treatment of ateels is now cocupying in the manufacturing world par- ticularly in the manufacture of automobiles where lighte- ness is required without the sacrifice of strength. It was evidently impossible to cover the entire field including the heat treatment of special steels owing, not only to the shortness of time But also to the difficulty of obtaining the necessary materials, so we finally decided to limit our investigations to the relation of case hardening to tensile strength. As preliminary reading matter we referred principally to "“etallurgy of Iron and Steel® by Bradley Stoughton and a thesis entitled "Tool Steel® by BE. J. Kumnse. We also re- ceived many practical sucgestions from Mr. Frank Sallows who has <*arge of the heat-treating department of the Reo Moter Car Company, from a booklet “Heat Treating of Steels" by the Tate, Jones Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., and a series of dbulletins published by the Hoskins Manufacturing Company of Detroit, Michi; an, manufacturers of pyrometers. APPARATUS The apparatus used consisted of a “Stuart Combination Gas Purnace® manufactured by the Chicago Flexible Shaft Company of Chicago, Illinois. (See phote.) The fuel used was illuminating gas supplied by a main of the Lansing City Gas Company. The carbonizing material was a mixture consisting principally of charred leather and known commercially as "Blaich Modern Carboniser"(#1 & #3 mixed) made by Alfred O. Blaich of Chicago, Illinois. The pyrometer used was kindly loaned us by the Chemis- try Department and was of the portable type of the Hoskins Therme-electric pyrometer made by the Hoskins. Manufacturing Company of Detroit, Michigan. The yyrometer was calibrated and compared with the stationary pyraneter in the lecture room of the chenioal laboratory. PRELDIINARY WORK. The preliminary work consisted of turning up a number of standard specimens from cold rolled steel of the size shown in fig. 1. Holding the diameter of the test length within .002 of .S inch. In addition it became necessary to make patterns and have cast, iron bexes in which to pack the specimens. These boxes were 15° in length by 9° wide and 4 1/2" deep and a; proximately 3/16" thick, this being NT He Apparatuse Pig. 1. o5ea the largest sise which could be used in the furnace. We would recormend smaller sises than this for similar work because of the -reater ease with which they might be handled end what is more important, that if made of the correct proportions as many as three might be placed in the furnace at ene time. In this case when heating for different lengths of time they could be drawn as required without disturbing the rest, heating would be continuous and the time and gas required to bring the furnace up to the proper temperature for each run would be saved. A series of chemical tests by the eolorimetric method were run on samples of the steel to determine approximately the carbon content which was found to average about .26 per=- cent. PACKING. The packing was done by first placing a layer of the carbdonising material in the bottom of the box to a depth of about one inch then the specimens were placed on this layer and at least one inch from the sides of the box and ene half ineh apart, another layer of the carbonising material was added, a jayer of specimens then more of the material and eo on until the box was filled. The iren cover was then set in place and sealed with fire clay. The cover hed a 5/16 * hole drilled in it so that a 1/4® test wire could be inserted and drawn from time to tixe in order to determine when the box had been heated through. HEATIUUG. After sealing, the boxes were placed in the eaabustion chamber of the muffiey furnace and brought up to the desired temperature. (This required from one half to three quarters of an hour.) The tests were run for a definite length of time and the beginning of this period was taken when the test wire was drawn and indicated that the box was heated through. The period through which the heating was continued at the desired temperature was called the "time of carbcnisa- tion®. Seme diffieulty was encountered in maintaining a eonstant temperature due to the varying quality of the gas and our inexperience as to the proper amount of air to | supply. This latter difficulty was overcome as ve became more efficient in the handling of the furnace thovgh we were unable to get as high temperatures as we wished due to the inferior quality of the gas. The highest temperature attainable varying as much as 100° ¥. on a@ifferent é@ays. Ve found a wide variation in the temperature of ear- bonisation used and recommended by different authorities (1200° ¥, - 1832° ¥.) and it was our aim to try to determine which of these temperatures will give the best results. REHRATING. After carbonizsing the specimens were allowed to cool in the carbonizing material, then removed and slowly heated in the furnace, each specimen of each set being heated to @ different temperature than the rest, for here also we found disagreement as to the proper temperature. QUENCHING. After reaching the proper temperature the specimens were quickly removed from the furnace and dipped in lin- seed cil. O11 being used because it gives a tougher struc- ture than when brine is used as the quenching medium. Tt might be well to mention here some rules for hardening:* 1. Heat slowly. 2 Heat uniformly throughout the piece. 5. De not heat too hot. 4. Do not let the piece soak after it has been heated evenly ard theroughly. Remove from the furnace. S. Avoid drafts of air and contact of any cold metal before or just after dipring into tha eocling agent. 6. Dip the piece vertically to avoid warping. 7. Avoid quick moving of the piece in the cooling agent to avoid warping. * Prom "Tool Steel*® by EB. J. Kunse. SINIASN A WHYTHAS L/7AS - T NIWIDISS LSFL - eee Be ox INIWDWN INILSZL FTHIIY OOOO ae.) wes SAIHO N/ NIWIDIAS LSTFL -6- There was a certain maount of oxidization in the re- heating process, an objection common to all gas furnaces which would be serious should the plece be a finished part but with our specimens the oxidization was so slight that we disregarded it. THSTING . The testing was done in the 100,000 Riehle Testing Machine in the engineering laboratory. Special grips were designed to hold the teat bars (Fig. 2). The important feature of these grips is the "ball and sooket joint® effect procured by the spherical bushings. The object being to eliminate any bending of the hardened piece and insure failure by tension. Bo extensometers were available so the elastic Limit could be determined only approximately by the action of the machine. However, it is certain that the elastio ratio is high for the case-hnardened piecea. Following are the tabu- lated results of the test and a set of curves showing the relation of the strength to the time of carbonization. These curves are plotted from t’e results obt«ined from the speci- mens carbdonised at 1300°F. for different lengths of time and reheated to different temperatures. PRELIMINARY TZ8T. *carbdonized at 1562°?. Yor 2 hours. Specimen Fo. Reheat Temp. Max. Load (# sq. In.) Ag 1100°F. 73800 Ag 1200 78400 As 1300 80100 Ap 1455 70180 Ay 1455 68450 *thie temperature wae not held for the entire two hours but was reached duri:¢ the latter part of the pericde TEREST Neo. l. Carbonised at 1500°F. Yor 3 hours. Specimen No. Reheat Temp. Maxe Load (# eq. in.) Bs Not reheated. 69800 A. 1300°F. 74500 A. 1400 73650 3, 1450 71.760 Bs 1500 72250 TEST No. 2. Carbonizsed at 1300°F. Yor 4 hours. Specimen Ko. Reheat Temp. Max. Load (# aq. in.) Be 1300°F. 73000 Bs 1400 71900 Be 1450 78050 Be 1500 74450 Bg | 1500 76300 TEST No. 3. Carbonised at 1300°F. For & hours. Specimen Ko. Reheat Temp. Max. load (#eq. in.) Bo 1300°F. 81600 Cc, 1380 81000 Co 1400 71500 Cy 1450 79760 Cy 1500 87500 C 5 1500 83950 TRST No. 4. Carbonized at 1300°F. For 6 hours. Specimen No. Reheat Temp. Max. Load (# sq. in.) Ce 1300°F. 69500 Co 1350 70400 C, 1400 67450 C. 1456 69800 D 1500 70600 D) 1500 78000 TRST Ho. 5. Carbonized at 1400°F. Yor 2 hours. Spesinen No. Rehcated Penp. Max. Load (# sq. ii.) Dy 1300°F. 71780 Dy 1350 77600 D, 1400 84450 Ds 1450 92400 Dy 1500 85900 Da 1500 88000 TEST Noe 66 Carbonised at 1500°F. For 2 hours. Specinen No. Reheat Temp. Max. Load (#sq. in.) De 1300°F. 73680 Dy 1550 72500 E 1400 71900 E, 1450 70850 ER, 21500 81200 Ry 1500 78900 The curves represent the following conditions: Curve 1. Carbdenised at 1500°F. from 3 to 6 hours and re- heated to 1300°F. Curve 2. Carbdonised at 1300°F. from § to 6 hours and re- heated to 1350°?. Curve 3. Carbdonised at 1300°F. from 3S to 6 hours and re- heated to 1400°F. Curve 4. Carbonised at 1300°F. from 3 to 6 hours and re- heated to 1450°F. Curve 5. Carbdonised at 1300°F. fram 3 to 6 hours and re- neated to 1600°F. IMENT MTA §5040 80000 60000 85000 80000 60000 3 ee OF CARBONIZATION JN HAS. Broken Specimens. Explanation: Specimens no's. 1 and 5 show the crystal texture, and reduction of area due to the load. No's. 2 and 3 show the coarse porous cyrstal of specimens which were not properly rerated. No. 3 also shows the canes No. 4 shows a properly reheated specimen. No. 6 shows the way in which a trexted specimen breaks, there being no reduction of area. @lie- CONCLUSION. EFFECT OF TIM® ON TENSILE STRENGTH. A study of the curves shows that the tensile strength | increases (except in specimens reheated to 1400°F.) with the time of carbonization up to and including five hours but when the oarbonizing was continued for six hours the specinens without exception showed the same or less strength than those carbonized for three hours. It would be interest- ing and instructive to continue the heating for a longer time than six hours and determine whmetha@ the continued heating is detrimental. If so, it would seem that the “sonking effect is the same as ocours when tempering or hardening tool steel. PROPER CARBONIZING TEMPERATURES. Prom a comercial standpoint the results show that long eontinued carbonising at a low temperature is not nearly so effective as carbonizing for a short time at a high tempera- ture, for the results show that those pieces (Test Ne. 5) carbonized at 1400°F. are uniformly atronger than those heated at 1300°F. for five hours (The strongest specimens carbonized at 1500°F.) and furthermore there would be a saving in time and fuel if the higher temperature were used. Some authorities recommend as high a carbonising temperature as -]2— 1832°F. but our investira'ions do not seem to confirm their opinions. Probably different steels would give best results at different temperatures but for eold rolled steel we would recommend 1400°F. as the rroper carbonising temperature. EYFECT OF REVEATING ro: "eu. ATURE. A further study of the results and curves shows that reheating is almost na necessity if the strength of the steel is to be retained. Specimen No. By was not reheated after carbonising but was dip: ed immediately upon the removal of the box from the furnace. It showed a tensile strength almost 10,0007 per aq. in. lewer than the weakest rele ated specing. This shcws the value of the rereat. Our stron;:est specimens in almost every case were those treated from 1400°F. to 1500°F. Here we agree with other experimenters who recomzend 1472°F. as the proper reheat temperature, EBFYRCE OF CASK-HARDENING ON TENSILE STRENGTH. The results show that as a rule the case~hardened steel will be weaker than the original though in one or two cases” the case-hardened plece showed greater strength. Te be on the safe side we would recormend a greater factor of safety for a case~hardened part than that which would be allowed for the eame part if used without case-hardening, particularly if the piece is to be in tension. LY. ( i Ol a | ar) erpanets . ws C~ ANA Consent se —_ — —- mT¢ eee 9AN STATE UNIV ae A Vi i 3006279297