| } | | | ll | | | | | | I 117 a23 THS eussits STEAM TURBINE TEST W.G.MAY B, CATALINE M. A. C. oR Ee THESIS “21s unuer tne Ssteanin, to asstroved iii 3 MI 00679 3 —_— - =» « - . ——- = —- - - ~~ —_——— ~ - - ~ ~_ v.2S1is wis contrivutea-uy - | - Ie vl e Te lS ~~ aate lnaicated oy tie uoourtnent reoluce the Orisinel wien ws in the rire of .siven o, lylo. + NN we cn | (oe? Pee - t 7 RN. ‘ . , - -_ ql + J Ww w ie or ° ¢ th meg See ot ¢ rT Pause ° Terd.a! we a 7 Saas pede eh pe tek te # i # ~ ul 72 TT) Ra's 4 . Lo Heres gy - PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution ¢ a eoew Ni). 1 Canes we yet ek + let atthe neve 9G Owen fh ANd. Re yg SAL FESR “ye * e .7 + “a we an ~ ~ . “37 = t . amt.7 ya 2 *; rome aw quae“ we : rr Sts Oe 98 te ‘ we , Y “ Boy 4 Son De yaa e nb wth ac 2 tee JX eae of ’ « . ou pe ety ener a bo i eeenee t Ne fatabine . . Co yes . wee da jenenen THESIS rc me oT ae Ret Pe, wt hed Wau mye. ~ Rin MD . .- 143 one Sig ae BY e-f140248an2;> a G37) . Gevaiec 93 Reas @eorgetant prs yam é w t Ln “Sine LA Seay va *. wm ia 4 pe As yet se ! uw Be. 5 93 « am gee Fe see PMeqo FY Ye A wR SPP YS ee ee / 8 vy : a 0. oe $ebhw eF t el Avs wee a. ahead eye ” Fmt, t * : + “5 ¢ thee 2 5 gD ped tary 1s B ia vw O84 te Ce le SPB RG bbe wey oH a te 9° AGverietles, mid Wo mative pores 2 P uw A more es ¢ ELA! Be ae Wa C L442,70n8 were je. t ag po BLL “2 9X3 9° 8 § * Tata at tvelvvedne’) Bits OP gtear wa Fa ten hocderowerm at Qaur tho LAVNLUG LON Laand 2M tosta waced me fa ty eter encing Jakhovestesce an tse Vaghanical NidlAtit. oy @uxtdiinoy A ontatog eonsiste 4 2% a Weovda ontal gS oookago , CLMUe@nBer, wir3 VIN Beg TOLMAN my ‘SRB att gol Be Eta. Fog Mais bass Ge tlie toobine Brew Up go lbece pects plarnte Tw powers ges akgoched *e ag waters heeog@ ageesistiic 3 @rih ciraidas see moonoed on Va cml meets acm ayslooed Moon whooye robwecd@ea Lee ene@lo te A SUeh ee Fag Data a we aa ec@anc asd josie d on 8 get cP as mtes mocheme Water ontoned oy aBins oe. Tok eral kh BAkS SN oO Gis neue Ua piv tS no we Choean eultacst Mr anntsritiesh astdoa Shidgdne tye ates oa. tte GS Uwe o3@inte Se Bebath mot tae weiter acmanst Swe ms. Tia ecneéetist:ted s sesglestonis witah asa cchors tat cogirad coring Wo ” cs oS tig * e: ‘ a .: eo. ga o . te pe oh @e ow. ol * am? AG of Basa entice inc wea aonLecthad by oa moodle wolves U8 a ‘ ° ‘ - 1 ‘ re. ' 8 tim 7 . me s > . * yom ‘. Otway a Yer; Pine adtest: oye Top poeoites Via vein cl tle 264855 of the rine of water the greater the power absorbets The heat generated by the ?riotion was carriad away by the water which @soaped by means cf an openine in tho under site ct? the casing and through the Dace of the turdinge. The steam admiseion ia gontrolled by a throttling governor _ of the centrifircal type with a dalanced piston valve. The @peration of the valve is such thst dn case the poverno: should Dreak the valve Would autonatlcally cloee. The governor weichts onsist of two somlecylinderical pieces c? cteel wiioh are thrown apart by the centrifucel actdon and at the game tine act againgst a coiled spring on che ehitte. Muoh trouble wag experienced with the rcovernoy due to the catehe dng or stiokinne of the epring at various points, this giving a Yory irregular amount of steam admission... The variation of the epced with ohen7e ef load showed thuit the atean adnisaion was praeticsily constant thua ehowlne a very poor governors The eonstant steam admission ean be eccounted for vartially by the piping which allowed steam to enter tho turbine without puesine through the throttling valve of the povernor. The gondengine water and the water for the drale wag” furnished pu.t of the time from the ecllerge water system and part by the laboratory circuleting pump@e Tho condensed gtean was pumped from the ecndenser by the vaouum pump direetly into weighing ba:rels set upon weishing geales, When the run Wag com leved the condensed stean wag run into another barrel by shiftins tha eonducting pipes These varrels were emptied into the sewor system through the basee. mente x 5 : . : Nye yo =~ ¢ m5 . 2 ate ot o° ch A Ve a. we "oe. : oe 3 tek % La vente 2 - 22] ww 4 =e Fe hey ao. . : vs ¢ . ‘pect . eae wR . . % .-. e4, ’ « ce vw oe ww. 4 tad ' v3: ; ne i ae ge. eG ey tel tt ta. ww 7a 2 - Ve ivy * i hat ? as, ‘4 J} .: ot ‘¥ . aon . . ¥ he . 5 ts us q. BAAS , Ab sf ch me ‘ MWS “ee &,s -@ 4, et 4 ts sy hat ao bas ia 7 ~ - oes . F. ~ e * Q°*P eho oe i Lom eA oe . heavy Bie OonBert Clots. Se Bo ag Bas ovean wer np oF a veltiva soumt ayo ode an rr es 1 3 S¢ . » rey & o % % . a pom a8 PROS Ag F050 FA @y~ en) anal: Beate el aALao 0:9 BUen7 main Sy mears G2 we ceg sg yeu and viee@se: 7 Saline taeda un tha how; #%8:. @ git. “Oost onic Fog a Riboated Ss maang of the Croghy Coa tag tor wd wel ta fae te ocesesu eg and Dy; ie Reogusy aches Pos casorwe. A Bhiefvoet ena yo eects @ Gots STO Be Gh Le ecla aablbeaticong wo lad Reco on Ge Tee tesla ps a of Foch eivitog ducrta n @ateat wea tin P@e-Gir-s We. Uabos ever. Cap utneted, Tou eet, moana. Waa) main iasne st oe om ot fa pounmvg ent Ja 34 rar Ft, pogo Se Bid rel ae. 638.8 Tere wom se Deco GAP a care Leude, Sf uty cr. woe firsgt tw arviae@ in — tiching, then wit: Pou Boa ag one Chen Wily Bir KL BR. rms.. Mme CV ae a a * _ «et . re 8 at. @ a-asy: a JO PUIPHBR sea wave boow od 2a uUbeca Sow (esta Fo @og os Li B.2c0R AIG Ne cay 8 euca Binse® wie @ owl yeistiod nvecsal.- ra a Po - fg geen hy che # ahovoae aupye@,. Lhe putea he ogee, WAR Now Coma. t ag tevior as Quid vhang Det Ghia wos do @ to ansucl?igiay Vea tua, ecense of 610 Anos. asity Gt Vi courbes SAMA Hieotoces a nes TOE% WO reohtna & gag ehacved Ca can abouts fiftca rinriteg befoc-e vaad.c 8 wew tav-en as thet the C 241th cs wacd aorsatonbe CURVES Calibration curves were plotted fur each of the pressure and vacuum fauges and all the average or mean readings were corrected by these curves, thus giving acourate regults. To show the poor control of the governor curves with speed as ordinates and torque as abseissa were plotted. The speed varied in the gix stages nearly inversely as the torque showing thet wery little af any ohange was made in the power Geveloped and the very poor controll of the speed.. B.. H..P.. steam consumption curves were plotted to show the horsepower developed for the various arrancements of stages and so show the relative value of the stages to the turbine. The maximum horsepower developed for two stages wag 4.65 wich was about one-half the H..P..developed with 6 stazes.. Stage pressure curves were plotted to show the expansion of the steam through the turbine. Stages were plotted as abseissa and pressures as ordinates... A surve which shows the H. P. developed by the stages is plotted using as abscissa the two stages, 4 stages and six stages that were used and the ordinates were the maximum H. P.. Geveloped by these stages. A ourve of B..H. P.. and speed is plotted which shows the 4rop in spoed as the B..H..P.. is increased,. Finally the B. H..P. Gropa back as a result in the drop in speed due to over load of the brake. GEN RAL CONCLUBIONS AS a result of the tests the followitns conolusions are Grawne. As @ heat engine the officiency of the Nerr Turbine is wery low when op:rating under a medium yaouum preseurce and a steam preesure of GO%.. This is shewn in the tests where the loveat steam gonsumption per B.. He. Pe. por hour amounted to 566.7% ond it varied from thit weicht to 016% per Be. Ne. Pe. pox hour,e. Thus the oomrereial efficiency ia very low and pro-9 waded thit the conditicns obtainable were similar to thcse we had, the Kerr Turbine wold be a very unsoonomical means of Grivine power ag com nred with other hoot enginese. The necessity of all of the etanes for the most eoonom= Zoal operaticn of the turbine is apparent since with the six ataces in place the lowest stean consunrtion per Be.lle Pe is obtainable. The sane anount of steam expanding moce rapidy than when the six etares are ing 46 is the cage when two or four etaces rere in dovg not exert the torque on the shaft since thie load ea-ried was mach leas in the latter cases, The Welooity through the nozales mist be greater when minnineg with & low aumber of stares, but the effect of the total kinetic energy of the steam upon the coups on the rotor ig less as s.10wn Dy the By. He. Pe. developed,. Therefore the most seonomioal rate of expension of atean ¢ ccourg when the aix etaces are in the turbine and in this oase the crestest power ie developads The expension of the steam threugh the stares is very constent or regulsr ag shown by the stave pressuce curves. Howevor, when the nosales wore removed in the lower stares there was gtill some expansion th:t took place due to the ine sufficient opening in the nosale holes sg show by the stage pressure curves beyond the stares thst were doing work. To make sure thet no work would be done in the lower stages however the rotor disks in these stares weve removed from the shafte. The work done in each stare depends upon the effeot of the kinetis energy of the steam upon the rotor disks of the stare. The kinetic nergy depends upon the square of the velocity of the steam and the velocity varies ag the difference in prege sure in the cifferent stares. Therefore, the -elative amount of power ceveloped in each evans ean be approximetely obtained by subtractine the ordinate of the next stare lower from the ordinate for thot stare and eompuring the square of these Gifference@e By doing thia we find thst the power developed is distributed most cegulerly when the gi» stazes ae in use and most irregularly when the two stazes are used. Therefore, another value of the six stages woen the expansion rate is fixed se it ig now, is the equal or nearly equal distribution of the power developed over the enti:-e turbinge. As defore etated the governor is very poor and had preetically no effeet upon th: steam consumption as showen Dy the Be. Be. Pe. spv0d curves, The spved dropped materially as the 3... Pe. increased and then the 5, TH. Pe. deceased due to loss of spced and too great a friction in the brake. Length of brake arm, 12,.62* Yeicht when resting on knife od: s, 1.31,! (v @ 1.31)aN(3,1416) x GL @ $5,000 @ W.. Pe. @ .Uv0BW084 % the brate oc unsgtante Barometer Duration of teat Re Pe Ne. Pressuve cn main Pressu.@ on exhaust Tempe. condensed ateam Be. We. Pe- Total steam conden:.e4 Steam por B, ii--Pe. per hour Test Woy 2 Load Baroneter Duration of test Re Pe Ke Pressu.e on mein Psessu-e@ on exhaust Ten e. condensed stean 39 - ie. Pe. Total steam condensed Stean pod De Ye- Pe. per hour Tect Wo. 3 Le:d Ba roseter Muration of test 2 stages o oy 29,0538 40 mine. 6475 90. &? 4,055 abeoliute 103° e ah 123,53 715.4 2 etares Of Re Pe be Pressure on main Pressuce on exhaust Tempe ocndensed stean Be -Ue- Pe Fotal stean gondensed Steam per 3. %.e-Pe per hour Test Wo. 4 ° Lo:4 Duron ter Dursition cf teat Re Pe.Ke. Preasu:e on main Pressu.'® on exhaust Temp..of condensed steam Be- eo Pe- Total atean o ndensed Sieanm per “Je . “te , Pe 2 +, h ay Tuat Hoe & Load Barosneter Duration of test Re Pe-He. Presau:® On main Preaaure cn exhuust Tempe. OF ecndensed etean ““ "7 P -4@ + -@ e 4550 BG 064," 8.555 adse. ce 4,86 S4is.7 298 40 mine. 23503 Q 48 8.53% abse 118° 2e76* SAG.! 197.54 6 stares om! 23092 40 mine. 6353 B0.i3 4.7C# abBe. 1:34 e854 TUbLahL otean 9g oacernded Steam PoP Be Mle Pe por how Tant i046 3 Lo21d0 BuUPOMEGE LIP Trucstion of teat Re Pe if Pe@asuce on main Precau-@ on exinust 7OMDe Cf condensed atenar, e Pe Total etaar acniaengeed Stews. pes ue He Pe. per hour 798% tide 7 Bond Tugoreter Duratdon of test se Pe.ve Poresasu.@ on main PreasBgule® on exivinat Tampe. OF o ndenead stenan Ties '@-ie- Fotal aterm ¢ ndensed COAM FR De Ne Pe poet house LO Lio? 961 7 GAN P89? Ted? abBe 2240i5¥ 8.04 ? >» -.4 826 iF 3 sta7os 10 B79 019 40 mite. 65 SQ) DU ecnj Teiko ABs 11360" Ben’ Teat Noe 8 Lod Barometer Duriitlon of test Re. veg: Presau.@ main Preser:@ on exhaust ToMpe. CF condensed stean Be. ile- Pe: Total gtean counionsed St. an pear eile. Pe. par yh Us TUGL UWe.@ Load Lurore ter Ducaticn of teat Preceuc® On macy Freaguc@® on exhaust Tone. Cf aondensad astean ie He. Pe- Total stea: condensed Bisa com De ie.Pe. por hour 2 @tsa08 Lise4 33 » b@ dab 40 mine. 3-440 G0 ei!’ 3ed> abBe. 118% 4 6taros en? Te S38 40 mine 641.5 De he Heit DB oi e238 1S 3 B1lOss Teast YOoe.19 Loed 1 BOLE VAD Tucaticn of test FPa@esu-0 on main SPEASMid GO eerougsth a 4 Tue CP? a-ncdenned Btenn Totul stern oundanred a f Stawa pee de He. P por moup T32at Uae. Ud Lo-:4 Barc mater yacntdon cf teat ale Be: ie- Precagu. 3 Of ra.a PO@EGu-8 CH axhuist TOMVe. OF Gontensed steam De Ve. Pe. Total ster: 6 niensed Steam 2° Be Ne Pep r hur 4 stureg cen “”@ vty ae, Att @ td tu 4.) ThiMe. Ae t3 eS) alte. LG ae i0 Sei? PLO>' 7004 @ since aNean® &> mite oc Aa a4 Ted? adBe 23% Geld S103 W793} Tent Woe 12 Loasd Be voraGer ine Pee P.e@spi.@ on main Pi6egu.8 On exhaust SOMse. Of O.niongead Bteam “elle. Be. Sutal gsteucr @undensed murntiaon coc? test ¢ £ Ld ty omy * , m9 To) 9 fs memo AL “a UO Um mT (7 pe T Bl at See A my PEL Ae AL ddd Oe ak Al A ; ihe doll ae A ry » A 5 a (09 E Yo 0 =] Ft i) oO ° fe) ° Pm ee RO by 3) Le} “A ra’ ww ~~ YS BS 2. Staces c > < aes Steam Pressures ea mare? m $ 'S aie pa Na ero ls Sisesee tT < 2:5F| 2 Ve an WA ?4A | soe | 6580 Jos | .2 an WA} 9 45| 04 | 6470 Sig] 2 a ane a AP aed eX F125) 2 4/8 |20 935 |\/02 | 6444 eee) iS Vi~ an ly a 2A ee KS a Sn dP ed = 7 2 2 A 2 rr.| 3 |442| 43557 | 24'| 7.7" | 12"| 12394 327\89 |W2 | s74/ Sn ae et oT al ee ead cad kd ee qo | /1&| 4644 re) re We “2 Ge ee me CA ee <7 7 a a ee ee ee v4 an AA 92 |\//8 | F66F Fo I al ol 7 i an Es Tn Ad ann ae Ao Tl le 2 ae 3 o i 7) Lied \3FHS | 92 | 4/F |F OFS LY a Se ok Oe - - 7 Gorr.| o |F55| 287 | 6" |6.3"| 10" | 49" |345| 898\//8 |\FES6 568)| 6 A*S5 | 2 FO! | FO ee bee 945 |\/78 |2298 re ee Oe A é y A aS oi PR 2 a Ae eo TY on eee ee ee ee ee ee Pe ee ae AA te ea 4,25 | 6 A nf rae 4 Oe 4 en LA rn Aa eee 55° 4eS| 5 | oO 6 Yaa ws mer ra ass ee ee Te ee - Pe - A ) PT ee ee: oe Ae et) 7 ah Rs 2 Staces — a . ov Steam Pressures a & Pres s. ¢ RY I'S R16 ay: ae YY 5 ee eee SSE a a SA “bone ad rae Pr Oe SF il a rere ee) ZT ett AS | SB er ses 94 | 706 | 6580 RA GS |-/3" | /45| 46 | 77 17e 9 45| (04% | 6470 ae ee G28 | /2.5| /#F | /5S | 47 | 78 94 |/02 | 6450 Ree eee coe ed ae eee es ee es em 93 |/02 | 6444 ey ae Soe 3 L4A_ | 459 | 17225| 78 1 20 1423551 9/ |7ez2 | 6439 Pv Ae aa a Ye PE ee ae Oe le A a 2 ae 2 5) ge | F279 497) 2° 1 OS") 94 73" ee eee ASS | FF (F721 426 | 2 B26 174.5 | 72.5 ed MI \F72ZC TY a Ne ood AC Pr me} va re ee bP V7 ee Ae A 7 ea ee a 3s |8 7. mae SM SOR DSP a OY Oe de Rd Ce Fe a A A A ee - eZ Ve. ane > > a A ee VI a ae Se eed 2 ee a a 2A oa ee ae ed ee a AA A LP ee ee oD oe.) gf 1 be" 28 1) 2° 2? 230 ve qo | //f\ 4644 r=) a en Se ee ee ee a ee Og ae CA ee Biio | F |F62)\2.75) 7 vd an 7A oe 92 \//8 | #664 ‘<3 ne ee i / 7 fo |\ Ms 94 \U1? |\4#677 - Fe t> 2 rn Rf ) nae, mk cm > 7s oe VTA me ee ee 2-7 ee ee ee ee ee Tn ee ee -2 --- sioo| 6 [es ag) 7° | 7" | 70") as” 948 \/78 |2298 4:05 | 6 |475| 9. Be 1 Re te 2 an A ee Pe en eee n,n LL 92,.9|\)//8 |23526 425) 6 |406 |g, 425| 7 07 an A 89 |//8 |2293 eee ae) HOS | 35 2 4 TT MP we PR hk ee A- ree Ee Pra Ae eee e -7 eeA e ee s Pr ee er a A t-te Test 4 S8taceg t Pe ke Steam Pressures 4, BS ano ny é : iS 8 Mg rT ae i are es ra a rar - : ae ‘ : ms K pee sd ee, ed Peel eed S Sis g&le & O:95 | 2 1740 74 7178" 79" | g00 cad iad Ae 9 :05| 2 fo 7] 8 vA} rae) i) ee meee Sa gis| 2 | 281 0 | as"| vas | ro | ras 90 | 7y¥ | 642s Bee OR vee Ae te Ce, a 2 a ee) F-- 7 e 21:3951.2 /2 Q ae hee) a ee ee idetta a =A Sl = We SA etl corm | 2 (|8./"| 4"! 78/7971 19.21 19.773 8188 4" pe'| 64s OL ae A ae Oe a ee A CX 7 ae a an] enh 24 | 72 4S | S$ |S ESF | 4B 6S i702 1 39ss° 7K te an ee ae FAs ae a ee SH | fey | S96E Pt Me We Sane a (Eg © a Ve en | (ao |7oy | S97 FS Cn ae ee 2 7 2 2 - d KL ae OX, de al A le A 2 Conr | S| 251/07 3/47) 172" 48"! 27071899 foul zor. | yo2y| @ | w¥*|928| 70“) ro“\r38"| re” CY a ee We: Za A: ee a a ee, ee ee ee ee oe 93 |9s | F830 foryy| @ \F#4#AI\ 25 | WS) \fae|rr Te ee te} re 3 in a aa (0 \/235 |\l4S 86 |yof |\PS/4 Pres va Vz 1 an Aa A ee 7 a meen| 8 \99# 2435 Ue3"| 142! \154 \7u.7'| 373"| 898 |\/o2 |sa20 (Tita a Aa ee Sm ae Ce A ed 8 9:40 | so | s0*| 295 \/15° "| ze"! fo"| 72" a a7 ee ae PIO | SON G2 VO NAS) @ ae ped Te Ao fo7o0 | vo |$0 | x0 |\/s |B a 729° 90 |WwoO|29g0 (010\/0 | |30,5|/5 | 8 SP MLZ. I 94 | sos | 2980 fo20| 76 |\$2\350 |7s | 8 |v |s2s|3807| 94 | fe | 5037 Pee ee ee Ae eo We ee a oe a Ss ee er NFO AST IO” | SF) el eae (EARS 2-107 eS) Test & Staces = ne & a Stegm Pressures * § \Press me N e | 3 | on _seaces da [S80 e | x SIN BB AY ee vay vl $F) 2° 149 LE | 0 6° | 74°1 185" 94° |/28°\6275 PAL ey ee ee | OS | AISLES 94"| 424°) 63500 ae em Wee Sean fee eos ae o yee teed We 78 91/°| /23 6325 Em ee oe ee ee ee atl eg cl ed 8 7*|/22'| C#6F Pree ee! ees ae a ee CAPE e Lee: PPP See. 7 ee ee es ek le eae ae Ye Pe ee Coen te Mee Me coded JP a lO 2 Ge Mee er 92 |/26°| $740 O/B He VRS NRE NVAZE. | PON-G ee 90 |f26°| $7350 9:20 FY PUNTO ASF ELSES LAT Le eee LM ee ai (eS Me eP 2' Ae d 93 |/249'\ 3740 940} 7 |47 |z0s |772 | 729| 3" |/9F 1335 | 92 1122") 5750 Nean| 7 _ |478\308 775795) -/ Es" 3355) 9) | 7245 57 PET ae Pe A A neva 1-9 Aee cael 8v0| so |495|32 |78 | 8*| Oo “| s4" 94"| 170°| 4630 Ten ey eek eee Oe od ee oe eee 90 | 4/&*| 4660 B30| fo |48S|349 1/72 | 77 | O ee 93,5| /20°| 46/0 °- 1) 7 moe Oe te 2 oe de 92,5| /22°\4630 Cx ee ae eo eee i oe ee ee ee eed PP re Pr ae oe aa A ee Te 2-2 Corr.| so |ga | 9051/73" 7.7°| .3 *|73.7| 2.50 1905 |\/66| F630 RTA Clee aa 4 OM ee teh BAA ta he REET Lie et ee aoe 95 \/1¢ | F4ZO 3:20 |\/348| 975 | 3G |78 & 0 ps ce a ee eS 8. 150 \/348\99.9| 3/4 |77 |\725| 0 | 72 > ol 3:49 495|3/ |\77z_|z2s| 0 |/2 |360|92 |/e° 342 PAT Ree x Aee aa er dy ae OF M2 RE PA, ee Corr. rd ed a ae ee Gauce */ |Gauce *2| Cavee *~5|Gavce 4 |Gauce *~ 5 |Gavee “6 2 ] = ; : 4 Se eit: se (tele el se SS ise] ge] kepse | fel sel st 3 a ee. Shak Sere & é re ¢ re ate sah, & |Sal et ri mma a Oia Ze a BY ee oe a A es a A) A Oy aia I VA: A AIBN AO V3l FO 1 of So 15.4| 79 |14.2| 19 | 76 “§ (26. |25 |405|40 |42 | FO BT Re al We ame an Ye Pe Ye fe OS Oe Se 2 25.) 2F |235.5| 4f |\264) 25 | 36.) 2S (F058 |\50 |F7 | SF TAS al ee a ee aed en ee ee ISS | IS 152.7) 3H | TIO| SS |458)95 |605| GO \€6.5| 65 gl EO Oe en A 2 Xe od SO 166 a iy dt Al ee YS.S| YF |\42.7| FH | OMA FS | 56. | SF | 770 FOALA LS VES ee ae ee ee en 0 - 2 ee | ra coat ee ea So) We ee ee) Oe Oe 86 |87 |8s 60. |60 |706| 7° |\8S | 8S |92 | 70 65 |65.|752| 75 |Fo° | 90 |97 |9s 70 |7o0 |798)80 |9S | 97S |/02 | Zen vn went aA 1A aA 60.2| 80 |896)| 79 1/05 |\sas \//2 \“v9 a yee -rOme iy Sat 2d ee a7 a en - e e ee A e eee 7 nd Gavee “s2| Gauvee *73 | Gauce”* /9'| Gavce “/7| Gauce *r5 | Gavee “47 eaRsaey: aa Sarees Setar: th > a ae ca ke j,s® Ss Pan Pas oS at i) ° > it ® 28"| 28°) 2641274) 28'|28"|29.7) 264a| 5 | Ss ca s BS TR Ma Sc la (a AR J ee eal ea Be aed Se I eae /O 70 a7) eS ee el ee ee a eg “Se Ve ee 2 cae an SS ee eee ae cee we eT CP Te eB AP es Nie ae a ae eS ro ie ie At Ae le a oat Be ak We ee ee a oe ek ee a oe ae ee ee ee 2) vane Pe dig OR He 2 FEY «1 as es SESS SOT TSF va fn CL NST #9 |4a|\4#e | 40 OF ae ee ‘ 9 AS) 4S | FS | 4s JF. ee 7 7 “: ra ee we =—=_<> ae | Ly USE C F2C21 USE gxy a FB 3 ot. : 4 . a oT ay ay aro) > 1 ef ait ‘i