a |= Ie oe a a) oO TST oe | (7 | i SSBC ES PMOrI mOsm Oyi vitae SCONE Rahim Oc ae a cre ae iin | 3 1293 01265 2 a Peace ES, LIBRARY | Aichigan State University CA 245 F J & COM &F 24214 3S ON Of Th Tare Nativ2 Pin2s of Micai-zan. pe ye a co af THASIS Br wY a Kepziz. MICHIGAN AGR&lCuL Tu rab COLL sus 1899. THESisS Ta2 foliovin,s Ta2Sis, /aicn is pe2sintid foc ta2 d22e22 of Bach2loe of Sci3tnc?, is d2s1l1sn2d to b2 a ritaze f to2 tne?3 members of ta2 .2nus © ceitical comparison Pinus ( Waich compeis2?s all ta2 pin3s) vaicn ac indiz2nous to Micai-an. Th3 toer22 pin3s ar: I. Pinus Steobus L., commonly cali3d Wait? rine oe W3,moutn Fin3. II. Einus c2Ssimosa Ait., commonty cali3d Red Fin, Canadian Fin2, oc Nocévay rin3. LIl. Linus divacicata (Ait.) Sudv., commonly cati2d Labcadoc Pin2, (ery Fin2, oc Jace iin3 Synonyn2ce33- Pinus Be ERS vac. Givacic ata Ait. Th2 =3nus rinus b210n 35 to tis sub-irin;dom knovn U. ta2 clas pa f Oo dy wu ry ft: Han O:. is rc wy — ct aS Sp2rrnatopayta or 5232 Cymnosp2ema2 Oc S22d-bO24arin:s plants in vaiea t13 s22d3 ar3 not contain3d in an 3nceLlos2ed ovary, but 1132 sxpos:d apon an op2n scal? or 1l3afs3; to tae fanily Conifeca2, b2ins tnr2 onl, on? und3c ta3 class Gynnosp2/ema3; to ta3> family Frinac2a2 "Pertil? filov2cs in scaly an2nts b2comin; con2?s or b2ers- lik, Ovul2?3 2 oer moc? at th> bas? of 3aca scala! (iera,), and to th2 trib? Abi2tin2232 or tn? rin: fanily prop?2c. ——— <> Op cam em ee eee 101830 This classification may o2st b32 saovn thus: st Subzinz-dom Sp2rcmatoph,ta Class Gymnosp2/ena2 a eee eee ee B2for2 b2zinnin:: ta2 conpacison of ta2 tar22 sp2cies, it may b2 "311 to .~iv2 ta21le botanical cnaract2cistics, that +72 may b2C0m2 pactly familiar vith ta2 sub facts fita mica 72 aav2a to d2al. 48 tao2¢2 ¥32r3 no nativ> te22S--noe 272n te22S scoviny in anytains Liz? natural conditions sith- in uy c2ach, it souid b2 out of tne qu2stion for m2 to attampt a botanical d2scription, for Ll vould aav2 nothin: but pervious d2scriptions to buiid upon. JUnd2e tn? cicsun- stanc2s I can do no b3tt3e taan to quot3 som? parts of ta2 d2zscciptions of De. uray. rinus Strobus. " Leaves very si2nd3r, 9 scal?s pointi2ss." Pinus c2sinosa. "L2av2s in tvos fron lon, sa2atas, 2lonzat23d, dark -zxec22n3 con32s Ovaba-conlcal, smoota, tic scal32s sliehtly taiciz2ned, pointi3sss; st32r11i2 floyv3cs oblon-:- lin3ac, subtand2ed by about oc involuceral s 2arly d2ciduous by an articulation aborv3 +6 Th No. Te? Ww II.) C 2RiT I CGAL COM sr 2 8 LL sON, 4 ant. Maximum iS AVILA SS. Pinus Stecobdus 250 LO0-120, Pinus c2rsinosa 150 70-80 Pinus divaricata Loo 20-40 Steobus Li-1/2 37 nosa oD a-45 13 divacicata 4-1/2 1-2 4) » Ss 1d iv eo ww ee r, iw Ta2 Jac’ Pine (Pin? divaricata) i38 a Lov icr2salac Snaaped te322 vita steaszslin,; beranca3s and snari2d teun. Lt poss?ss28 4a drcid2edly unkept apprarccne? in cons3quence of its irr2slacity. Toa? Waite rin? (cinus Strobus) and i2d i b pale jen 2 (Pinas e2sinosa) — pe ry w oO Oo cr po © + 3f2et aabit, tovecins in Oci-cinal foe2st frac above tazic f2ii1080 WS vita © spr2adin: ‘> or o> i" lizos foecmins an op2n top, but vita ta32 trun peactically fe2r2 from beancn32s. Wa2n 7* % ~ to pay a beomisi lan + al 3 \" ait > ° vr Cw n ti3¢e2, pin> b2 obtain2d, x * 2 15 AOVZ72L f cod pin? <7 4 dv Ss. Avinss on in ali pactt- pin? small?ie OolLiovs t.i2 SS32nNtial t tai Jac: pins SnmalLloec. Puiry 2Liiptical - J 2c |: a 8 > wed (Flat2 LV tis 2liiptical a > n2arcly all ta ww “4 ww es) of a siz2 and c22zulac in siape. (Plat? LV. fi-suec2 C0.) Th? saap2 of t22> ec3lis in tu2 cross s3etion of tis meduliacy eaysS also vaci2s, tn? Jac: pin? w2vin c2lis almost cound, fir Wait2 vacying from cound to 3liliptical and tr2 R2d quit> A ec2raular 21liptical s3ction. ARRLNGAMLONT 2d in waorels of fale [a2 loaves of ta2 Wait? pin? ac? accan ‘> w fiv2 upon a v2e, suort stam. (Plat2 L. fisur2 Fea) Pui2 22d (Plat2 I. fissur2 Gea) and Jack (Plat2 Lk. fi,ure C.a) ace bot. in v.iocls of tvo. [uz Stain upon 7110.14 tu? l2av3s ac2 boren:, nov2ver, is muca lon-s2¢ in ti2 dacx tuan ta2 Wait3, and in t{3i2 Woit?> taan in tu2 R2d. L3NnN CG ff tr In @2b3erninin: ta? lengta of t2a2 leaves I s2lect3d Sp2cin2ns not only from te238 srovin; on tn coli2 32 jroands but also from t12 coll2,%3 Noebacium Sp32cim23ns, so tn2 Llin.2tas “iv2en O22f2 ac? ecac2fuliy obtarin3d aveers28s from many sp2cimins y2aecs and localities. Pinus Sterobus 8.4 Pinus ¢2sinosa 12.8 Pinus divacicata s.2 In tir S2l2etion of ti3?S? m2asarcineints 7248 C2r2ful to obtain 28 n324ac¢ typical 1247325 45 f£Ossib13. Ua co ‘D> fo Waite? pin? leaves bein, arcan ;2d in 2 «noel of fir? must n2e2Ssacily ta:2 on moce2 oc 1288 Of ta? teiansular foernr, and in fact tu2y are ordinacily suppos3d to b?2 in tunat snap? (vy r ie t (as Plat? I. fisue2 Q@). IT uav2 found no cr2cored of anythin: to ti2> contrary, but car2ful vock bvoOu gut out % vrey un2xp2ct- ed discovery. Conpl3t2 svsorls of Wait? pin? loaves 3202 tizda vita tarczads and car2fully imb2dded cross s3ctions, inst 2ad (wv of snovins five perfect teiansleos, I found ti3 leaves to b3 shaped as in Plat2 I. fi sues @ Pu2 tvo loaves ( 1 and 2 ) ac? snrap2d wruca lik? tvo quarct2cs of a pia. Th? axis of tt? plant is b2tv22n tu3s tvo uppre corn2rs of tn? loaves. MN2xt ec of l3av2s ( % and vy Ya rw fede from tu? tvo L3av328 at ti? axis Corn x p. 4) vwaiea, instead of b2ing 2ssentially triangular, aav2 foue Sid?s as is siovwn in t2?2 deraving. L2af 5 snieu is tn2 odd on? is situatwzd at t.132 opposit? sid2 of 122 svaorl from t12 axis and is muco moe? broadly trianszulac. Tas in oed2r to -22t t2 ws3ntial symmitey it 18 possibl2 to inmasin2 t3 vaorl cut in th2 eiesgat way; tuat is tarousgn tu2 axis, only as opposed to tia 23rron20us id32a 2411 ta2 134av28S ard alir2. Tnh2 l32av32s ar? ratnri2ze coacs2ly se2rrat2 as is siovn in V. f43 beact fron } yoiea ta2 vaorl crises is quit? /3li d2 = ined (Fijue2 Fes) fir > Ua Ui inatur2 Ll2av2S aayv2 no scal2s at tu2tle has?2s. [a2 SiL32 and siap2 of tir buds ssovn in #. tudie cross section in D. a Taiz loav2s of ti2 %3d pin? 32zc¢2 moe? o¢ 1328S S2mi-ciccu- lar in $2232p2 28 siovn in 2 and 2’. Vay 222 arc ad in p y > y wv voorls of tyvo vita tuzic 2ds325 tovard tu? axis t115 cacrcyin: out £12 Syomotey. [Tu2y ac2 melos2d at 122 bas2 vita tar leaf scal?s ( t.c). a2 oveact frown faiea tu? L2avas cris? is 1328S promin2znt taan in ti3 Wait? pins. Tud beaneri3s usuall, tC2rninat2 in 4~ Sin:12 bud, a2zalvtvrousa not always, dif*2rin: iw u3e2 maca from ta> Wait? pin3. fur Siz2 and snap? of t12 bud SS s2etion at [. {a2 Ss 2rcations arc? sio7n n ay o at pen | w cm p-de co wi © ry © re © non Ww © bby ch ee iw Ad uw pas we a po cr wu Fy dv w J ry iv wv c pas dv w a) of) © r) ce iw co rm <’ pam } ct wef AS bv er Wail? 2Ss2ntirlly S2mri-cicculac in Siap? tady ar2 nea trAinn2e taan ta32 R3d, and inst2ad of tu2 surface toward tu otiz¢ 1227 biin:ss: flat as in t42 c252 of tnr2 %<32d pin3, it is slizaitl, conv2x. To tn? bas2 of ta2 wmatuc?2 leaf ac? attac.i2d tu ¢2- mains of ti2 leaf secal?2s. 12 bract at tinz2iec bas? ars lost S eablri2e a2L1icat?2 and ta2 1l2a725s pe muca of its promin?2nc? and navy2 sor2 littl2 st3m of tarzie ovn. [a2 S2ecations 2ac2 si)8 mn at VW. fno2 nids ac? siow arc Be. and tu2te cross s2ection 2t A, TaA2wLe numb2e 1S 4 midium hb2tv22n tua: 3d and Waite. [12 hnads yd /.B.3; D.7.3 and H.I.3 ac3 deayvn natucal 5122 to siov ta. v ezlativ2 siz2 and snap. T1232? e2l1ativ> siz of ta? liarv2s in lean-wzth is siovn at C.c. and F. vaiea ac2 dravn nalueca Siz2. [22 c2lativ2 siz2 of cross s2ction 185 sion at &? , P® and 2? all 2nlacs2d about fiv2 times. M2asuc2zm2nts of Buds: c C8 vid2 at -vid2st plac3. "15 —(" " Lonys " Lon.s2st " Whit? 3" " tid? " vid2zse " wean" " tons " lon 2st " . > >) Jack 2" " vid? " vid2st " " ae” " lon; " lon,3ast " . ‘> > ST OMA T # 5. Pa2 stomata in ta? pind L2av3s arc? arranec2:d in covs 4 cunning ta? lony2st vay of ti2 leaf and 324c4 on? in tn2 hot- tom of a littl: pit. a2852 ecovs of pits ar2 snoywn foe Jac: pin? in Flat? I fi-suc2 S., Waite? in fiszur2 T. cand 22d in rh t- hm ry iw C4 ro jae \W wv OQ tn QO w wi ww » a ep cm - 4 pit, b ta surcroundin;; c211s and ¢c (43 32pide2rnal c321lis. T2382 op2ninss for ta2 Jack pin3 nisze and moc? n3acly circulac, for t12 %i323d snalize and moc? n2arly squac2 and foe ta2 Wait? moc? oblons and consid?r- Abl? sinazalle3r, vain tu2 spid2rris is cut off it 2xpos?s ta2 F in ta2 matt2e of siz? stoma /il¢C2 ar? voey mac. allir? 2xe32p 2, ta2z Wait: (f?) boin,s smali2st. Jack (S’) n2xt and i2d (i’) lace 22st. fo? stomata in cross s2cti OQ jo ac? Saiovwvn at M., Jaci: pin2, N Wait? pin2 and O 23d vin. In 2202 cas? a is ta? pit, b ta? intrrcrliulre sp2rc3, ¢c t.2 2pid2rnis, 2 t12 Wait? pin2> 12s tvo ducts just b2lovw deemis ( £" b.) on tu2 outsids, and som? littl? vay pte ta2 2p from (42 anzl2 of ta2 leaf. ( @. b.b.b. 2te.). But ta2 tvo odd leav2s of tu2 saocl ( @. 4% and £) 2acn aarve an 2xtera duet (C) situatezd alrost in ta? anzl2 tovaed taz canter? and tovacd Li? axis, but inay b2 any so3ze¢2 alonss £12 naccov 2d:22 of ta2 L123af oc 3273n at ta2 otu2er coe J 2c. {az duct 23nlaecz2d is saom act Ke, a, bin: t12 duct, b, £13 Surcroundin.; c21135, Cc, Ta? feuit of ta2 pin3s is a con3, "form2d of ta? imbri- ta2 axil of a persistant beact"™ and noer:sally b22acin,, 2t ta2i¢c 258325 tvo s22:ds, 'aica yvoin cip2? and sna2d tak? vita taosn 2 tain ‘n2mbranc2 from tar surcfac2 of tx sceal3, and vyaiecu forns t:2 Jin. Taz con?3 of Whit? pin2 is lon and naccoyv (Le. Flats IV) taat of 22a pin? saoetzr and oval ( J. ) and Jack pin2 muca smailoe and cucv2d moc? o¢ 1288 acound tn2 stor. ( K.) —Taiz2 con3?s of ali pin2s ac? frctiliz2d on? speins and e2- 2ain in 2 dormant condition until tus n2xt ,2ac¢ vaon 1. d2v2lop? into t2132 satur2 con?s. Wia2n inatue3, C12 Wait2 pin>2 sni2ds its s2:ds and drops tn2 con?2s, ah last by tn2 n2xt ywaty, bar Read inay e2t2in tazn foe tvo oe trir2? ,2Ae¢s, and ta? Jaczr foc fift22n o¢ wroe2, son2tin2s so lons tuat t13 2207 zceound and N2arly CoV’v:2¢ {, ‘L2 con>. 7 ry uw ud bd 13 Pi x ) cr Flow2rs. [n2 staninat2 flovors and pollin of t.2 232d and Jaci pin:2 ac? snown on Flat? II. T.u2 R3d pin? beings tac.s2 and coars? e J : 5 e e . . NOT a mail? ta2 Jack 18 noc? d2licat?. IL auav2,sacc322d2d in ob- tainins: t:2 stamninat2 flove2es of Lid Wait? pin? in fersa conditions. S22ds. far so2ds of Wait? pin> I found ear. bs 2 a ¥ tty ww vomatue? s2:ds anon, many con2?s, a matuc? Naite pine snown at F. 1., plat3 III. and a vines vit’ an ix- a 332d i matur2 s22d, t.2 vay most commonly found at 2 in tan? sam? Geavins. Ta? s33d is oval and pointed at tr2 lover 2nd. A 23d pin? s2:d and ving ac? shown at *. and 2. T1>2 S220 is snoct2r, snuca beoader and sas an ind2Intation ior? or 4. l3?ss mace2d upon its sid? v1ica 15 Ciszract3cistic. ft De, and 2 is snovn tn2 s22d and vin,zs of Jack pin? Ne! wniend is ti2 snallzst of taam ali. Ta? S22d is eratize teri- anzulac, inst22d of oval. T.32 fing 15 ror2 nearly ova tian taat of fir 22d, buh 125 nei tit Sun? saap2, altuou.si Saltire. On Plat2 III. at ais siown tir2s stas32s of tr2 s2r2dli of t13 Jack pin2, 1, as it is just conning out of t42 -scound 2ey.3n out and steraiertinzd up and 3 vi3n it sas tacown off th> s22d coat and 32xpos2?s tu: five cotyl:dons, at B. is snom t12 s2an3 draving foe £12 3d pine, veieca in tris cas? auad six cotyl2dons. At c, i858 sundown tvo deraviniss of ta? Whit? pin2 aavin,y 9 cot ,l2dons. Tn con2s of ta2 Jacz pine 2s pe32viously stat32d, often stay on ta32 trees for many y2ars unopened. Tris is a pro- t2ction of natuc2 azainst foesst fir32s. Wain a forast of Jack pin2s is buen2d ta2 a32at is often just int3ns: enou.a to caus2 t13 old cones to op32n and saad ta2ic s2ed by taz time it is by so 2aca fire simply sovs a crop of n?3¥ pin3s, and as ta3 Jack pine vill feuit vazn only a fay faet aizh, it may b32 s23en that tais pine is almost "fire proof". Taz youn pines, too, s2rve as 2 perotoction to tae mor? capidly seovinge and valuabl2 %2d pine and is in tris vay p2r4aps of most value. eoeeoeoe#qeee#se#se*+= & ee *#* @ @ Wailea ta2 pines, at ons tim? v322 on? of Micnii-zan’s most yvaluabl? products li:2 many others, 15 aliinost oc soon Vili b2 2xnausted, tai2 ~snecal s2antim2nt nov arcisin: acsazinst total extinction villi on2 day find fruit in th2 Pes 9 1:4. partial c2-astablisament of Micali san’s b32utiful for3sts, f ta2 norta, fit wv be t-3 oO Wi cr oO rad ry ry eu ae ] a @) + w - e jo | Gs Oo especially in tna>2 only for tno seovin.: of pin? tries. I visn to aci:novl3d se ta3 valuabl3 su-scastions sivin me by De. Beal as I conducted ta2 fork of ec32s53arca for tais ta2sis, and also tn2 e2fersnes to ta2 foliovin.: boos. Sarvent’s Silva of Noctna An2¢1¢ca, Geay’s Manu2zl of Botany, Britton and Beovwn’s Tilustcated Flora, and slixnt c2f2r2ne2 to som? ota3er vorks. Pyare f a | PratelI XI20 1 \\1 \} f 8 \ 8 ti 4) X32° FICHIGAN STATE UNTV . a Lin 312930 2652842 Reese ae