a a 132 259 THS | THESIS UPN ISON INNIS iD Clarenee B. Smith. 1895 I i eee WAT TAMU , 31293 01404 9401 - LIBRARY Michigan State University wee OO ere THESIS. THE ARSENIC INSECTICIDES. Prapared for the degree of Master of Science. By Clarence B: Smith. SS , 1SG 5 ~ a esl THE ARSENIC INSECTICIDES. ~---000---- The Michigan Legislature of- 1895, passed a law which is of considerable importance to the farmers am fruit growers of the state. In substance, it is as follows: The fruit grow- ' ers of each townshdp are compelled by law to spray their or- chards with insecticides of known value when five fruit grow- ers of the township so petition. One result of the law is the lar.e increase in the demand for the arsenic compounds as poisons. Paris Green (Aceto-ar- semite of copper) and London Purple (Calcium arsenite) have in the past supplied this demand. But, these preparations have lately become the subjects of a monopolist’e concern, in conse- quence of which, the price has been constantly rising. It was to find sane material vhich has poisoning qualities equal to that of Paris Green and which costs only a nominal sum for its manufacture, that the work recorded in the following pages was performed. Arsenic is taken as the basis for this work, be- cause, at the present time, arsenic in its compounds, is the cheapest and most effective of all known insecticides. Arsenic in form of arsenious acid (As203) can be bought in the drug stores at from ten to fifteen cents per pound; but it is impossible to use the arsenic in this form as it not énly kills all the insects, bWt also entirely destroys the foliage. And this is true not only of the pure arsenic, but also of all soluble compounds of arsenic. In fact, it has been conclusive- | ly pgpoven by the experiment stations in both North Carolina and Iowa that the amount of injury done to foliage by the use of arsenite canpounds is exact ratio to the amount of soluble arsenic found in them. 5o0,in experimenting with arsenical com- pounds as insecticides, this fact has been kept constantly in mind. It is also to be remembered in advocating any special form of insecticides for general use, that the great majority of those who use them have little knowledge of the chemical properties of the substances they are using; hehce, the form- ANDRAS, -2- ula must be a concise, exact, and never-failing one. In this connection it may be well to state that as long as the price of Paris Green remains at twenty cents per pound, it will be ad- visable for most small fruit growers to use it; first, be- cause it is always ready for use; second, because it is always effective; then third, it is small in bulk amd , fourth, it has been so long in use that every one is acquanted with its prop- erties. But, when the price rises to thirty or forty cents a pound, as it has during the past spring and summer, it will pay in dollars ani cents for th e horticulturist bo use some- thing cheaper. White arsenic is a substance exceedingly difficult of sol- ubility in water, yet in alkaline solutions it is readiy sol- uble. {it easily forms salts with the metals; and the arsanic salts with the exception of potasthum and sodium, are mostly , insoluble in water. This is especially true of the arsenites | of lead, calcium, and copper; and it is with these metals in | combination with arsenic thats has made the foundation for my work during the summer. The ideal worked for in each case was an insecticide which should be cheap, easily prepared, harmless to the foliage, and possessing good sticking qualities. My first work was with the water-aoluble compounds, nitrate and acetate of lead, as a basis. I didsolved white arsenic in sodium carbonate and water forming the soluble arsenite of lime (Na2C03 plus H20 equals 2Na0H plus C02. 4Na0H plus As203 | equals 2 Na2HAs03 plus H20) This added to either the nitrate or the acetate of lead gives a very fine, white, flocculent preci- i platate of the arsenite of lead leaving sodium nitrate or ace- tate in the solution. (Na@HAs03 plus Pb(N03)2 equalsPbHAs03 pus 2NaCH3C02). The supernatant, fluid, however, when the ansenite of soda is used, contains free arsenic. To get rid of this a small quantity of lime must be added; and, indeed, it may be said that with all arsenites, the addition of lime is requi- | site to insure the complete precipitation in the insoluble form of the free arsenité. When, however, the commercial arsenate of -3- soda is used with either the nitrate or acetate of lead, an in- soluble precipitate of the arsenate of lead is formed, the sup- enalent fluid of which is entirely free from uncombined arsenic as is é@learly proven by Marsh's test for arsenic. But both : these compounds of lezd are expensive, the nitrate costing 16 and the acetate 18 cents per pound. The commercial arsenate now in the Jaboratory cost about 15 cents per pound and the arsenate of soda, made by boiling sal soda and white arsenic, cost about the same. This would make a total cost of something like 25 or 30 cents a pound which is altogether too expensive for practical purposes. Thss being true, a much cheaper sub- stance than lead must be obtained; this is found in the sulphat Bf copper (CuS04.5H20). When the arsenite of soda, made by bpiling NaC08.10aq. and As203 together is added to a solution of copper sulphate, a precipitate of the arsenite and hy.irate of copper is formed.(The hydrate is formed because of the sligh excess of Na2C08 taken to dissolve the arsenic) with reactions as follows: Na2gHAsO3 plus CuS04 equals C,yHAsO3 plus NaaS04 and NaOH plus CuS04 equals Na2gS04 plus Cu0H2. If now we add a lit- tle lime to this, free arsenic in the supernatant fluid will be found to be entirely absent, making the mixture acceptable as an insecticide as the copper sulphate costs only four cents a pound, hence making the total cost of an amount eqhivalent to a pound of’ Paris Green, twenty cents,---a price very reason- ale. During the spring and summer, Dr. Kedzie and Professor Taft have been working with the arsenite of soda mixed with lime as a basis,---a much cheaper substance than either lead or copper. Their methods of preparation differ slightly bt both are dependent upon the same principle. Dr. Kedzie makes a sol- ttion of the arsenite of soda by boiling the white arsenie wth carbonate of soda for half an hour. This solution is then add- ed as needed to a little lime and boiled in an iron kettle. This forms the insoluble arsenite of lime. (NagHAs03 plus Ca(0H)2 equals CaHAsO3 plus 2Na0H). As lime coats practically he nothing, this makes a very cheap insecticide. Professor Taft however, boils the arsenic with the lime direct. The alkali- nity of the lime dissolves the asenic and at the same time it enters into combination with it forming the insoluble arsenite of lime. (As02 plus 2Ca(0H)2 equals 2CaHAs03 plus H20). I per- formed a number of experiments as to the time required for boiling the arsenic and lime before the whole was converted into the insoluble salt, and found that to be perfectly sure the supernatant fluid is devoid of free arsenic requires at least thirty minutes steady boiling. The disadvantage in this method is at once apparent. Every time one wishes to use a solution for spraying, no matter now small the quantity, he must stop and boil the ingredients for a half an hour. I prefe a modificathon of Dr. Kedzie’s method. Make a solution of the arsenite of soda by boiling three par ts of soda anu one of arsenic. Now I find by repeated experiments that fresh lime, slaked with this arsenite of soda solution enters at once into chemical combination with it and that when the lime is after- waras diluted with water, the supernatent fluid does not give the slightest deposition oi arsenic with Marsh's test. The advantage of this method over that of boiling with the lime direct, is considerable,,because a solution of the arsenite of soda cay be made at one time sufficient to last during an en- tire season and kept in jugs or othr vessels. It can then be used from time to time as occasion demands by simply using the solution to slake the lime with. The strength of the liquid being known(Na2As03), about three pounds of fresh lime should be taken for slaking a solution containing a pound of NagHAs03. In skilled hands two pounds of lime is an abundance but three pounds makes its use absolutely safe in the hands of amateurs. Thé msame thing is true when the arsenate of soda is used. A Solution used in slaking lime gives the insoluble compound of the arsenate of ddd lime. Now the arsenate of soda is quoted in the chemical journals at thirteen cents a pound. The greater part of it, however, consists of the arsenate of lime and | other impurities. But should there be a large demand made for the pure arsenite of soda, some enterprising firm would soon commence its manufacture. In that case we could take at our convenience, our arsenite of soda, dissolve it ina little Vide water and slake the lime with it, and thus do away with the boiling which is certainly an inconvenience of no smal] im- ' portance. As compared with the preeipitate obtained when the arsenite of woda and sulphate #6 of copper are used, the arsenite of ' calcium is not as good for spraying purposes. First because | in the coppere arsenite, CullAsO3, we have not only the poison of the arsenic but also the poison of the copper, thus making ' the whole a more potent poison: second the hydrate of copper, ' Cu(0H)2, formed, is a good fungicide in itself while calcium is devoid of such properties; and thatd, the bulk of the depositdd material is much smiller and more floculent than is that of the ' araenite of lime; thus making it easier to spray and requiring ' less agitatton to keep it thoroughly mixed. A working formula of the copper sulphate solution, derived from the molecular weights of the substances and proved by actual tests is as follows: Carbonate of soda Na2C08 , 10H20 Sparts. White arsenic As203 lpart Sulphate of copper CuS04,5 H20 4 parts. Lime CaO 2 parts. Te copper sulphate solution is added to the soda arsenite solution and then added to the lime. If the above formula is taken in pounds, the whole, to be made equivalént to Paris green should be reduced to 600 gallons which makes an actual cost, estimated with the pride of carbonate of soda at 3 cants copper sulphate at 4 cents, and white arsenic at le cents, per pound respectively, at a little less than two cents per barrel. The sqme formula without the copper sulphate makes & abo. one and one-half pounds of the arsenite of calcium which cm. be diluted to about 350 gallons; this makew a cost of a! -6- more than 1.5 cents per barrel, so there is not much difference .& the relative costs of tn> two mixtures. i" briefly summarizing, I would say: Lead salts are too : expensive for present use. Copper sulphate with the arsenite | of soda and with lime is the most general and eféctive in- | secticide of those worked with. C&lcium arsenite is the cheapest of all known valuable ! insecticides and can be b:st made by slaking lime with an /an arsenite of soda so lution. ROOM USE ON IV. 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