VIIA o— W— inl a D-xiiard sce Ren. THE CONTROLLING OF | GASSY CHEESE MILK ] STARTERS NORMAN B.HORTON i eat’. LIBRARY Michigan State University THESIS ( ‘ - o£ 9 iy} | ee | : ABRZ0y 22804 | ~ —_—_— ee ~“hesis "ne Gontrolling of “assy Uneese "ilk. Starters. sy iorman:, .iorton. Gpgmmparn A large nurcer of experinents have ceen made vwitn "starters", especially as to tveir aviiity to cover come "off flawors" end "orf conditions" in the development and acing of milk into cheese ana butter, wy reasons for worxving on txesis were more tant 7 wleac 2.arn 10W tO Handle Evarvers in connection with cheese maxing than to give any new results. A starter, ns ordinarily syoken cf, is a culture of wactic «cid Germs added tv Grater of MlukK vor cream elitner to mascven Lis ripening ov to overcome some orf condition uy vse -roauchion or ueetic Acid. however a starter properly used can he sooken of in connection witn any culture used to start fermentatiod in pile or crenan, 1.3 a prelininar: step = found, a,vroximately, tre micrvu-crs;anisms present in tnaree of our best xnown Commercixnl vtarters. ~oce work was yerformed with ail rossionle pre- fA NF i aa c vy gt > “ 7 vex “oe om + . *° : 3} 4 7 ee a ar , mpi Caution. Soree adrluticns were maudé in sterilised water and +7 ése ai it. 9 ,Late + 3 ype py ‘ Fe ae . “. Nee mo ye vi GS 2hs4O01OnNS PLaved in U2CtOSe -..% 6 ~ SOLOW ar LOL VR? }- e co ptm yee so pe te a 4 . a or - my ee ae Poo ape ge SAt, Jaane om Ne bt a ne gud | wal aC uy tC roae 1a AG rns e Ty UN i ne - - ris parte ' _ or a ‘ 7 vd oUt) Lu eet oR hee .O OAwlas £ WAG D Le SCLC weriws e Ty yp cme has soy ry i ne mo Te DO ta t! " if at Jv AD Ge Ne ee wt ve or Ce 2. Olt as ke ~O tes: t7e relative erreets oo. srverters and metcds of Gtovwying tne rrowth of Cassy Uneese Cerms. iansen'ts Leetie Acid the controllin= sterter, Uv saer rerment was used in wvrecaring ct) CD coterilized four flasks, escen containing 1 citer, of skivmmed uiitk., inoculated then alli with S.o... Gassy Cerm culvure. fet them grow in the ineunator for 24 ho is tre desnth point of the Verm. Flated sna did no frowth. Added 4> sterter ard developed the acid. os addition of rermet I did set cet a precipitation of © iis is pronapiy due to tne calcium salts soins out of bination with tre cusein on beinc neaved. Acdead 4; Starter directl: to rassy cheese } set it in a ternereture of 245 derrees vc. In three “ours tnecassy cheese -erm. /S check used .tinsk ..0.4,. $1, hela tlask .o. 3. «cded .v5. Calt reter to Inoculated milk. far as cou'd be cetected tunis had no effect in sto; cing s. - evolution of sas, out seemed to invrove tre odor. Slask no. 4--vsed as a check in determining tre effects of - “ « -_ =: ~ Ty su lK 2 ewe ohn UrSe ich casein, com-= ANA gas tu be evolved showing that lactic acid had cvercoime 20 tre varicus processes wkile 1 used «rs: flask of uure etarter in determin- ing w.oen 71 nad pure concitions arain. voneiusions fron x:erdowst, Tet, The treatin. cf gassy creese milk with reat is impractical, because we cannot cet 2 nrecicitation of casein within a reasonable ‘ive. ond. 4. ecod cure starter seems to creck ‘ne srowta or tne serm end start a cood pure Yermentation sand can trerefore be used in combatine tre gassy cht2se c.-rn,. ord. oalt peter inas no other erfech tian to nelp 1 twYP Ove mw fiavor ® aoe all eee eso ose value of a sactic Acid starter in tr control of Gass; Uneese lerm. Ose Of evod pure milk wes added, at £:u0 A...., ai Gassy Oneese Julture, At 1.00 Wau. I civided the milk into two equal vatcnes, ;utting them into separate vats. “os vat No. Ll was aaded 4. Lactic Acid Starter. ~ 4, 4 ° aor 2 ot ers 1- 7 7 — novtine was done tO Aurryvy «til action, Qo ~O Va" 1.06 ~@ vets were worked in precisely the same manner, so far as metiod oes; developing the same auount of acid at each stern In va. .0.2 it was necessary to wait wuch Joncer for acid 5*o develop. te@low is a comuara-ive tadle of tre working resuits: a | . -ounds of cr milk , Ts ae . a oo Les > Perinet test word Sev ) aj ble oO 1/2 . . . ) e 4a yo oN a oy” _ime set, Poa Le 2348 mye a hy: ~ ~, »@ ~~ oO 4 4 emnverat mre Fest ) On SF c L facscunt revnet used, a ONS a 4, / “ve ri per loc 11x 4 On, “£ OF, mweGcunt inuses curdilin, -meperature coored, ~ or c.0. aaron ‘9 " ~™ JS pubs O1 trie ‘ ww cot aod Oo e XO e@ Vat are s0 Or tee milk, Curd 9143 factors, ly ina.vted ins. “re LO fh bine muen 4 ‘ eolor used, . —_ - — Ay wi no J oO e oO ° 5 & ~s ~ ? ° io e G ps N) Co 20 “or 9 LloA & fe test wien di-rved, L/i ines V/A jnen " " galted, 3/4-1 ines. 3/i-1 " Az3u 2. opal oy Loe results scown ov tr e table are a gquiekening * cO1usimed by the overation of Wat *o.1 erainst °-6 .0OP took 1 Rour and er than did a ™~4 = > to and on we /owever trese are not tne concitions interes;ed. VJne a pearance, smell] and condition fPinisned wroduet are tee bonortant “at ho. 1 had avetver fiavor tran Vat 28 soon as tre @gurds were @Givved trey vere trorois to await tee prover -.cid for grind- curd fro:n Vat “oo. Ll wre 7 snowed ratruer a firm compact structure. “nes curd fron Vat 2 wee. Cut throcugn pave evicenee cr the preserce of pas fry the very numerous, snail pin nvles, circular in outline, Zhe curd !'ad apm orfensive odor weich was not removed ov s:indire, “owever Gee curd riil is of frreat use in cuttins us and silowings tee eseave of the ras which seems t+. rnold tre develoument of seid in cneck. Cee ceeese stows +e same reneral characteristics. in th: cheese fron Vat .o,1 truce noles are few and inclined *o be flat. In a trish acid cheese «nese noles are very few and extremely flat. “he cheese from Vet *0.2 shows a puffy tendency, aid kas a spon’ feeling. ‘Yhen cut te same mumerous round ;innoles were ;resent. Nae 44 ns T ly eye 7 +>, ore: Yronr tn18g experivent L nave g-itown toat 2 ~-cod ot vure Tactic Acid Starter will hurry tre oceration, ana what is inuch m@re i:sortant, will stop to a great extent the sassy cnecse serm fron aeveloping, and at tre sane tine overcone Soe of tre evil efleceus already oven. Anotner @xXpirscent waich snsodid nave ~oume wits oy firs: work was as fuoliowss 20 1 Titer sterilized skimmed ilk was added 4. Lactic “cid Starter. | “nen I sdded 4. Cassy Cheese “ulture "oO far as I could determine =» paating there was no fuctier © 1 Yiu ‘1d reer (Curr 1, : ~~ OS +. I, $ _— aoe . . - ' ee develounent of sassy creese corms. Tris snows tuat if a Qu fsood “Tactic Acid Starter is added in tine there need pe 10 tear tor "orf conditions" of sort, Tllustration of High Acid Cheese i!ade From Pure ilk Without a Control, Tilustration of Cheese made from Gassv ilk witn a Lactic Acid Starter 2s ‘Control, Illustration of theese made from gassy milk without Starter as Control. pom “a bo? z aed ay Pe L a ng we te in | \\\| HIGAN STAT HI 1293 WEN 01750 9542