band ah ish pinta Selabibebelasig = -sasehgics Saar Gan ses oe TOON Rae) | eS Racca a: CEN RTENT icing TU) ai LN MINTON S. NELSON 1917 RAE ARS Saal Ra sits PI BRIE 282 ys et A “ —. se » i2 pf} 4 ' “ y L I as R df a. Raha pees Michican State 1 < 6. . | a, University : é b. 2 cecrmeczcmer ene: Cyne Tae ES A Study of Methods For Carrying Increased Load on the M.A.C. Power Plant. A Thesis Submitted to The faculty of MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BY | 8 | Be | H.C. Stewart M.S. Nelson ‘Qe Canwidates for the Degree of aw Bachelor of Science June 9 1917 e 7+HESIS le Ze Se 4. De 6S Te OUTLINE Introduction. Calculation of probable increase. Study of installations. (a) Lyons boilers. (b) Baboook and Wileox boilers. (c) tickes vertical boilers. Study of power equipment. Study of coal handling apparatus. Cost of installation. Conclusions. 403910 INTHUDUCTIvL: In c nnection with the present pover plant, there are tivo well known facts that must te considered, first, that tre plant must bre run at maximum capacity to meet the present power requirements; and secondly that because of financial conditions the undertaking of any great changes would be made very difficult. As a cond deratle sum of money must be spent it is a wise move to plan ahead and use the money so that tt will not te necessary to make further chanfges in the near future. The power tnat will te required, sey thirty years from now, is the leest that should be considered. To secure some definite ideas concerning the probatle requirements for power in the future, we used two methods of »roceedure. Pirst we obtained records shoving the nurrer of students rege {istered at 7. A. C. for a numrer of years back, and also a record of the anunt of coal used in a period covering eight years. From the data thus obtained we constructed curves and calculated the average rate of increase in each case. Coal Consumption. 1907 eve eeeoceeesoewoneecoounn 4, 594 Tons 190Ge mmm wmmmwwmmwnwnwcenccee= 5,427 " 1909------------ een eee 7,044 lO Oeweeewmeeeeccoecoceoocoeccnwe Ts 465 19] lemo--- 2-2-7, 409 lO lpweeeweeeeouwe cco oc ower wnwe 7» 228 L9G l geese ewewwwwwww wow occ 7» 923 19] dueeeweeeeeweeweewooocococen 8B, 622 The above data was obtained from the monthly coal consumption record kept at the if. 4. C. power house. From these figures a curve on coal consumption was constructed, and from the general trend of the curve the point showing the probable coal ocnsumption by the year 1550 was located at about 30,000 tons per year. This is practically three times the present coal consumption and the present plant has a total boiler horse vower of 1320, ami the capacity of the cenerators is 300 Kw. Number of Students at MN. f. C. LEB 4-cwee mow enw ocwwwwwcoe 1712 1890----2-2--- ene ee ne eee 569 1896ewewwwecenceccwccecwen 425 LE9 8eecececowewwomooowcoe 469 189 Qewmmavwmweceeeeeocecawon 528 LIQ ewwwecwweweowoewcoceon 627 190] -wseece-ceceeeuoeeooon 652 190 Loweweeeewoeeeeoooowne 689 190 4emmweeeoeewmoceseccoune 91]7 190 -aeweeeeeeeooeoooeweece 950 190b-ceeweeanooewocnwweeee ] 009 lOQTJ eenewowwown wooeeoweoene)] 00) L90B wee wee www ome woo woe wee] 19) lY9O0G meee eewew owen eeeowe)] 570 19 Ow wmeeeeeeewwwen = wemwomn}] 494 19 ll eeeneweweenwo owe cececce } 568 19 ] Qawmmanseewomwerwernonwae] FOP 191 3-nceme enn n en en nnn nnn] 645 191 4-enneneeen n-ne nn neen2010 19] 5-eensemeennn nnn n 1999 191] 6-cweceewowown on ww wwwen] 9935 The foregoing record of the numter of students registered at :'. A. &. for a period of 32 years was ottained from the office of the heristrar. Fror this data the curve scowing the probahle enrollment hy the year 1850 was constructe ed. This shows that the enroll:ent by that tine will probably be about 4,2°°0 students. The enrollinent for 1917 was ahout 2,000, or the increase will be ahout 100 per cent. Determination of the Probable Power hequire:.ents in tie Year 1950. From the two curves previously constructed it is shown tnat the growth cf *. A. & in recent years | heen rapid and that the probrarility isthat it will continue to he rapid. ‘ith this rapid srowth has come a rapid increase in the coneu::ption «=f coal and power. The following couputations are for the purpose of neaking use of th: curves in gettin: the protable power reoauire- ments for power in the year 1950. The avorage increase in coal consumption over the period covered ty the curve and endins with the year 1914 is 600 tons per year. The increase in years equals 36 years. 56 x 600-21,600 21,600+8, 622=30,222 Tons. 8,622 tonsa being the coal ccnsunption in 1914, Figuring on t:e basis of 7 lbs. of water evaporated per lb. of coal, 432,108,000 lbs. of water sould he eva orated. Assuming tnat 355 lbs. of water is evaporated per sqe ft. of heating surface per hour}; 4352, 108, 000 # 13,800 sq. ft. heating surface. Se5 x S65 x 24 15,80081,580 Boiler h.p. for the average load in 1950. 10 In the same way the toiler hep. was figured for 1914, using the hizhest coal consumption per month as a basis. This gave s boiler h.p. of 880. The average boiler hepe for 1914 was figured in the sane way and this gave 392 boiler hep. Then letting X equal the maximun boiler hep. in 1950; Then by proportion 880 =< X or X w 5,100 boiler h.p. 392 «41,550 Using the data from the curves of increase in growth as meximum date md considering that the boilers can be run under heavy over-load during the soldest portion of the year we figure that the most economical installation would be a total of about 2400 boller h.p. The units in each case can te added as fast as they are required or as the present boilers wear out. Power Requirements. The total rated capacity of the engines end cener- ators in the engine room is now 300 kw. and these units are not generally taxed to their capacity. We decided, therefore, that the most edonomical power unit to instsll would be a 250 kw. directe-connected Corliss unit, which would be run so as to save the two larger reciprocating engines which would be retained. The life of those two units would then be lengthened. The use of tne COkre unit would he discontinued and the unit removed. In regerd to using a Corlisss unit instead of a turbo-generator set there are several things to take into cone sidcration. Fully 90 per cent of the pover developed is used for heating purposes and the remainder for lighting and elec- trical power. Tne enzines, therefore, exhaust into the heate ing system, and as the ensines ere not run Condensing there is a considerable period in the susmer months when they are very unecuenomical. A turbine is a very economical unit when {t is run condensing but it is even more uneconomical that a reciprocating engine wnen it is run nonecondensin:. uring the larger part of the year there isno advantage in using a condensing unit as tien live steam would have to te used for heating purposes. There is available space in the plant, as altered, for the Corliss unit and condenser, our plan being to supply the power during the sivmer irontis by means of the Corliss unit running condensing and during the winter months by means of all three units, if necessary, running nonecone densing. Cost of Installations. Installation No.l. Based upon d tea civen in "Pngineering of Pover Plants" by iernald and Orrok. 5-550 hepe Lyons boilers, Cost of fire tube tollers f.o.b. factory - 180+6.4 x hepe 5 x(180+6.4 x 350) ea 5 x 2420 « 1 ww » 100.00 Let the height te the same as ti:at of the present stack or 125 ft. eo Xx 1225 ss E y TOD 3x 1225 es E Ew 33.22 11.05 Ew A = .6VyE @ 53.22 ce a Qe diae of E e(32.22 x 4) e GeAlft. 2 6test D » d+4" w 67°5%4" «9 6-9" From this it can he seen that the present stack is not larse enough to accomodate onemhalf of the roiler capacity of the enlarged vnlant. Therefore, firurins the pre-e sent stack for accomodating 5-350 hepe hoilers and a new stack for 4 350 hep. boilers; De» 6 ft. H w» 125 ft. Ea A= .6Ve # IIx 3 - .6 Vyqq22 = 299.3 -1.8 Vq ss 28.3 - 1.8 x 1.77 23.3 - Ben 3 25el eOX Heb. OY Clele w 03 X KPO Ss rs e 25.8 x 11.05 29 Here w 925 ; ‘e 5 e This stack has teen used for more than 1200 hep. This was made possible ty the use of forced draft. The New Stack. Fy using forced draft, as isnecessary with the Jones Stokers, the present stack will easily acconnodate the S- 350 hepe ftoilers. leaves 4 ~- 350 hepe hroilers to te taken care of by tne new stack. H w@ 125 fte lle’. w 1400 E @ evll.l. z e) KX 1400 s 38.0 SQe ft. Vi 00D 1 d #(38.0 x 4)” a2 6.96 ft. iI d= G6' # 113" Dw Gt 11}"%+ 4" @ 7! -33" Then for these furnaces usinz forced draft a 7'=0" steck would re larse enough. Cost of Flues. The avera-e cost. of flves per ensine hepe ws we5S5 Ass. me that 2.5 enrine hep. eqvals one toiler hep. Tien the cost of flves =.55 x 22450 «© 3540.00 ~~ Bed Cost of Piping. The averarce cost of pipin: is »~4.25 ver engine h.p. Then the total cost of piring would be Zed As the most of the stcam is used for heating and is piped directly to the steam main, this figure should te reduced considerably. Probably {3,000.00 would cover this cost. As a considerable proportion of the present pipin- can be used, this figure should be cut down still further. ie will allow $1500 for the cost of pipinge Cost of a 350 hop. condensing Corliss engine. Total cost per hep. # £21.85 Total cost # 350 x 21.85 # $7050.CO Cost of a 250 kw., 220 Volt, generator. Cost per kw. e §8.00 Total cost e 8 x 250 # $2000.00 Cost of installation © {3200.00 Total cost $2200.00 Cost of building. he cost of enlarging the tuilding figured at $2.00 per sq. ft. floor area would be $3,640,00. As some of the old brick can te used and part of the fixtures will be already in place, this figure can be cut down to $2500.00. Cost of coal shed. Floor space s 200 x 180 » 16000 se. ft. At $1.00 per square foot (including the trestle, ete.) = 16000 x 1.00 we $ 16,000.00 Size Cost Size of chimney for B&.. and ‘‘ickes boilers. The present stack will care for 925 hep. The total rated capacity of the plant es 2400 hep. 2400 - 925 z= 1475 h.p. to te handled by the new stack. Use H » 125 ft. HeP. w» 1475 Eo» .S HP. ow -5 £1475 so 40 sq. ft. “ww 8 8&€©80~—TT.os | a a ws (40 x 4)” «» 7115 ft. (“Try ae 7* 2° De 7 = 2%+ 4" g 71-6" Use 8'= 0" for diameter of the stack. of stack $4,250.00 and cost of feedwater heater. (Open type). | 526 + 0.59787 X 2,400 @ 3526+ 910 » $1236.00 which is the cost of heaters for 2400 boiler h.-:. As the heater already installed will care for one-half of this the new heater would cost 1,236 or %618,.00 —o Cost of wm ndenser for Corliss engine. Surface condenser-- capacity up to 3,000 lts. per hour. 26 ine vacuum. Cost » 415+ 0.1015 x (1lts. steam condensed) Compound, low speei, condensing engine, steam rate e 17.7 lbs. dry steam per I.H.P. 550 x 17.7 e 6,200 413+ 0.1015 x 6,200 » 413+630 © $1,043,00. Sise Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Co st Co st Cost and cost of new fan. 70 ine to 140 in.-= cost s 6.25 x (sise in inches) Use an 80 in. fan. 2 6.25 x 80 @ $500.00 Instaliation No. 2. of water tube boilers. Cost » 150+ 8.2 x hep. “ Gx. (160+ 8.2 x 300) »# {20,880.00 of setting. Cost - 140+ 2 x hep. Sx (140+ 2 x 300) «= $5,920.00 Total cost of boilers - $26,800.00 of chain grate stokers. Cost =» 5 x (boiler h.p.) e 5 x 2400 «a $12,000.00 of stack. 8'-0" dia. 125" high «= $4,250.00 of flues. Cost ewe 55 x @ng - heDe e e55 x 2400 - ¢528.00 Installation No. 3. of vertical water tube toilers. Cost - 900+63 x (boiler h.p.) Bx (900+ 6.3 x 300) a2 $22,320.00 Cost of setting e } 5,920.00 Total cost of boilers 3 $28,240.00 of stockers «5.6 x 2,400 e $ 8,600.00 foteal Cost Total Costs of Installation No.l. Boilers Stokers New stack Flues Piping Corliss engine Generator Building Coal storage Coal handling apparatus Feed water heater Condenser Fan Iincidentais Total cost Total Cost Total Cost of Installation No.2. Boilers Stokers Stack Plues Piping Corliss engine Generator Build ing Coal storage Coal handling apparatus Feed water heater Condenser Incidentals Total Cost of Installation Ho.S. Boilers Stokers Stack Flues Piping Corliss engine Generator Building Coal storage Coal handling apparatus Feed water heater Condenser Incidentals Total cost $16,300.00 72970,00 4,000.00 540.00 ls», 500.00 72650.00 2,200.00 2,500.00 16,000.00 4,000.00 618.00 do 0435 «00 500.00 6,554.00 9 e $26,800.00 12,000.00 4,250.00 528.00 1,500.00 72650.00 2,200.00 5000.00 16; 000 e 00 4,500.00 618.00 1,043.00 7,808.00 S57 507-00 $28, 240.00 8,600.00 45 250.00 540.00 le 500.00 7,650.00 22200.00 5, 400.00 16,006.00 4,000.00 618.00 ls 043.00 ne 284200 9 e Advantages and Disadvantarces of the Installations. Installation Noel. Advantages. 1. Cheapest. 2e Least ctanges necessary. Se Two of the present boilers can te used. 4. Smaller stack sufficient. Disadvantages. le Dirty and sroky boiler ro:m due to Jones stokers. Ze Roof too low for a well ventilated boiler room. 3. Unsafe. (Authorities would impose the following requirement for safety, “Never use anything but water tube boilers"). 4. Cannot be over-loaded to the extent that water tube boilers can. Se Slow steaming. 6. Liability to leak from unequal expansion. 7. Specially skilled men required for repairs. 8. Reduction of pressure necessary after a time. Installations No.2 & 3, Adv@ tages. 1. Rapid steaming. 2. Relatively small danger from explosion. 5e Repairs easily made. 4. Respond readily to changes in steam demand, 5. Freedom of expansion. 6. Ease of installation. 7. Large overload capacity. 8. Reduction of pressure not necessary. 9. Positive circulation. Disadvantates. 1. Sirsaller steam space. 2. Smaller water reserve. Se Large number of parts. A resume of the methods of caring for the increased load on the power plant with the view of using as much of the present plant as po sible. ° From the above study of the advantages and dis- advantages of the three installations under discussion, it is seen that the water tube boilers are far superior to the fire tube boilers. As the present building is very unsatis- factory, and as considerable change in the building would he nece-sary to meet the condition of increased load; we con- sider that it would te more satisfactory in the long run to install water ture boilers than to replace the small fire tube boilers with larger ones of tke same type. This will necessitate a creater expenditure on account of more expensive boilers and the necessity of raising the roof of the boiler room. -]4—e However, in the case of the .ickes boilers and ‘urphy stokers, this cost is less than 20 percent higher. Taking all things into consideration, we feel that this setting vould he the most economical, efficient, and practical. In the line of power, we feel that the addition of a 550 hepe- Corliss engine would te more practical than the addition of a small turbine as wien the turbine is run non-condensing it has a wery high steam consumption. It would also require the installation of a much larger conden- ser for the turtine than for the reciprocating engine. A cone denser attached to the Corliss engine, will allow it to be run condensing when the steam requirement for heating is low. We find that the Corliss engine will zenerate sufficient power for summer use and that its steam consumptionwill he very low. In view of the fact that quite a larce expenditure must te made, that it will te impossihle to enlarge the plant, and that it will he impossitle to store sufficient eoal to enatle the purchase of the entire sup:ly in the and thus save a considerahle sum of money; we fcel that it would be more advisatle to make a little creater in- vestment and thus make possible a greater expansion of the plant and the storage of the entire suprly of coal for the year. Such a plant would have saved in the neighborhood of $6,000 in the purchase of coal for the year 1917 alone. it was our plan at the start to make a study of the possibilities of erecting such a plant, tut due to the fact that the term was shortened, we did not have sufficient time to carry this study to completion. We found, however, tiat such a plant would tre poss- ible only by hawing the boiler and enzine rooms at ninety degrees from where they now stand, or in other wordsthe fir- ing aisle would run east and west. This construction would re rather difficult because of the fact that, whatever chances are made, they must be made without interrupting the service. It would probatly be possible, however, to do this in the summer by dismanteling part of the stokers and boilers and erecting some of the new ones while the remainder of the old ones were sup»lying the steam necessary for power and lighting purposes. A plant erected in this manner would give ample room for coal storage on the south side of the hoiler room and an electric crane could be used to unload the coal from the cars into the bunkers and storacse, or from the storage into the bunkers. A jib crane could be used for this purpose rut it would have to be of the travellins type in order to reach over sufficient storage. @15- : | i | . OEE Ta ites SHO alle to THE RATE OF t INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF |S IsTepeN TS! Fee! Are. / } 1 ] oo + : 4 = OF STUDENTS NUMBER —— eS IBER OF | .* } i ns a } | eeaeeas a Re! aes, ’ ; | ) 4 } ' SHOWING THE RATE al) =) a BC | : | ; INCREASE IN THE NU? CURVE | : 4 2800} a sae att) 4400 ee ee iT & * UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES iT 17 i nT