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The roots and rootlets are quite numerous and vary considerably in length. These rootstocks branch at the joints. Upon these branches bracts appear, ranging in size from quite small to well developed leaves as shown in (A). In (b) and (oc) cross sections of the stem are shown giving a somewhat angular appearance. We should also add that the stem in Mentha Viridis is the larger of the two. In fig. ¢. is found Lycopus Virginicus, the rootstock of whioh is quite fleshy and solid, creamy white and brittle. The drawing shows an average size rootstook with numerous roots coming from each node. These roots vary in length but are nearly uniform in size and are of a dark brown color. Some of the scars are light while others are brown and dead. The long, brown stem attached is the part of the rootstock which sprang from the original plant one year ago. At intervals of four or five inches rudimentary leaves are present. 93896 In (dad) several cells are given showing the contents of the same. No starch is found, yet this must contain considerable nourishment for the growth of a new plant. Plate II. fig. A. represents Nepeta Glechoma. This has a long jointed stem above ground. At each joint leaves spring out and new branches start. At this node numerous roots start out and the plant acts much the same as strawberry runners, taking root wherever they touch the soil. In B a much different rootstock may be seen. This is a sort of tuber mich like a compound corm. It is commonly called stoneroot owing to the intense hardness of these tubers. The lower right hand corner of the drawing shows last year's growth as a dry, spongy, hard mass with soarcely any nourishment remaining. Near by is this year's growth. a little larger than natural size. (a) ‘and (b) show cells taken from this rootstock. They contain very pecul- iar shaped grains of starch. Plate III shows Phlomis tuberosa with large roots extending out to considerable length. At various distances these roots enlarge and form nearly triangular growths, which one would naturally expect to contain starch. None however, was found. Plate IV, fig A, Stachys palustris is shown, having many joints with numerous roots and bracts of all gradations. (a) shows several cells with the protoplasmic matter contained therein. In some it appears to be collected in groups. Stachys Betonica as seen in (B) is very similiar to Stachys palustris. No starch was found in either. Fig. C. shows Teucrium. This is a plant of very similiar growth, only having shorter joints. The cells and protoplasm are shown in (b). The dark spots represent some cell-contents which as yet, are unknown. Fig. D. shows Monardia didyma. This plant spread® very rapidly owing to the fact that, each node, youns growths spring forth. No starch is present. Plate V, fig. A. represents Osinum basilicum, a rather coarse growing plant with large, square stems. This too, spreads rapidly by means of branching stems. At the extreme right, numerous nemat- odes are found on the roots. Fig. B. is another Monardia called M. fistulosa. This is quite Similiar to the one already described. The stem may be a trifle . smaller, but its general behavior resembles M. didyma. Plate VI, fig. A, shows another Lycopus called L. sinuatis. its general behavior is quite different from Lycopus Virginicus (a) shows the point of attachment to the old plant; at each node a pract appears and these vary in size as shown in (b). Fig. B. shows ajuga reptans. This plant forms a complete mat on the ground if allowed to grow undisturbed. This. too, resembles the strawberry plant in that it sends out numerous runners which take root at the nodes very easily. (c) shows the cells which contain a considerable amount of protoplasm. There was no starcn present. Plate VII, fig. A. shows Origenum vulgare. This rootstock is rather smaller than most of the mints. otherwise it is very similiar. It might be mentioned however, that there is a little starch in the leyer of wood. Fig. B. shows Physostegia Virginiana. This has a strong, upright rootstock. having very short internodes. It is quite angu- lar, and many roots spring from these ridges. In (a) cells showing protoplasm are represented. Fig. C. illustrates another peculiar plant called Ballota Italica. It should be noted how strangely the new growth has attached itsolf to the old. In Plate VIII. fig. A. a micn more singular plant is shown. The new branches shoot out and curve up from the main branch as shown. The scales or brects are very numerous and arranged closely on the stem. No starch was found. Fig. B. shows Pycnanthemum linifolium, another srecies having a slender stem and numerous branches with several roots at each node. No starch was found in this specimen. aN a = [=~ —~—-~+-- y \ ‘ \ \\\ wis , Sidi v2 7eV be pe lil | | <= bond : mi i Ni HN see = i eT eee a i