oi ith) Braet Fath I 8 Tt eve te 2. LIBRARY Michigan State University PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 2/05 p:/CIRC/DateDue.indd-p.1 SENIOR THESIS. AGRICULTURAL COURSE, COMPARATIVE COS? OF WINTERING SHROPSHIRE AND MERINO GRADE SVWES. -3:-:bDY:~-:- roe, W. T2 Parks. “nae lalidekiceiiiahhdcihidehdal ( ( Class of 1900 ) ) SSS SSS ISS SSS SSS SS OS SES SES of the MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Agricultural College, Michigan. 1900 THESIS INTRODUCTION, Sheep are associated with man in the earliest records of the human race, At first they were raised for their milk, and their skins were used for clothing and the making of many useful utensils. They were offered as sacrificos in religeous worship and many rich men counted their wealth in the number of sheep they had in their flocks, From then until now the sheep have increased in utility. There has been great improvement in the animals them selves, Many men of history have taken it upon themselves to im prove the sheep and fit them for special uses of mankind. We might name a score or more of men, well known to sheep breeders, who have been more or less directly instruncntal in making the sheep what it is to-day. Different men have developed the sheep along different lines. Some have seen in them a source of food for the multitudes and have selected only those for breeding which possessed his ideal form of leg, loin, and shoulder, He has test- ed the flavor of mutton in the different families of his flock and has retained only those which produce the best. He does not care s0 much for the wool that grows on their backs. His one aim is to get a sheep that will weigh the most, dress the greatest per cent, and sell for the highest price in the open market. Other men have seen on the sheep clothing for the world and have endeavored to perfect this quality. They breed only those that have the most wool of the finest fiber. This, also, has developed to a remarkab-' 10382334 degree. The amount of wool has increased eight and ten fold from a single sheep over the sheep of a hundred years ago. Out of this attempt to develop the sheep for different purposes have sprung a great number of breeds such as the Southdowns, Oxfords, Shrop- shires, Suffolks, Lincolns, Leicesters, Cotswolds, Dorsets, Delains, Rambouillets, Black Tops, Merinos, and a few other breeds. Each of these have good qualities peculiar to themselves and are raised in their respective sections as the leading sheep where these special qualities are considered most valuable. It is very fortunate that breeds possessing varied characteristics have been developed so that there are breeds adapted for all sections of the count ry. Why sheep production in America is important, At present, the supply of sheep products 1s not sufficient to satisfy the demands of our home markets. The average number of sheep on hand each year from 1891 to 1895, inclusive, was about 44000000. The years that followed this showed a decrease, This was probably doito a decline in prices of sheep products. Yet, with this apparently large number of sheep in the United States there is a large importation of mutton and wool. Canada alone ships into the United States each year mutton to the value of over a million dollars, We have also been importing twenty-five or thir- ty million dollars worth of wool annually during recent years. Our rich fields and great variety of food stuffs are well suitod 3 for the growing of as good sheep at as small a cost as any other country in the world. The United States raises a great deal more food stuffs than it consumes and this surplus has to seek a market outside. Corn can be feed to sheep and make a return equal to forty or fifty cents a bushel for the grain consumed. Why not keep our corn, and feed our sheep at home, thus supplying our home market. This vould be a great saving in transportation and also increase the magnitude of one of our already large industries. There are some othcr considerations worth mentioning. Whenever a crop of grain is taken from a field there ts a large amount of fertility taken from the soil. In raising sheep as with raising other stock this fertility can be returned to the soil as farm yard manure, It would be far beiter for American farming and for our system of agriculture to convert our surplus grain products into mutton and wool, at least to the extent of supplying our own markets, rather than export them. The Nee@ of an Experiment, In these days when competition is so keen and profits arc so small, It is very desirable that production should be carried on © as cheaply as possible. Maeny a man has started out in the sheep industry and failed, others have made fortunes, Why is it? Many times it is because those who have succeeded vere able to produce more cheaply than othors. In looking over the work of different experiment stations we find very little done on the feeding and raising of sheep. CGC. F. Curtiss of the Iowa station has published a valuable bulletin on "Raising Sheep for Hutton". A few other bulletins have touched on the subject of sheep. But there has been nothing sent out, as far as we can find, that would assist a man starting out in the sheep industry to choose from the various vreeds the one that would insure the greatest success. Therefore we have planned an experiment that might, to a limited extent, as- sist in choosing the kind of sheep to raise. Plen of Experiment, The plan of this experiment is to determine the comparative cost of maintaining through the winter two flocks of sheep that might be considered as extreme types most common in America. There was at this time a flock of fixe Shropshire ewes at the Col- lege, so this vas taken as one of the flocks as Shropshires are very common in the United States and a good example of the down or mutton breeds. A crade from the wool breeds was considered the other extreme, therefore, we took Merino grades. This latter Class is most common among the farmers whose chief object is wool growing. Eleven grades were purchased through a buyer and with these were put four pure bred Merinos. This was to enéble us to draw further conclusions between the Shropshires and Merino pure bloods. A maintainance ration was fed to these flocks in propor tion to their respective weights, during a large part of the win- ter. The primary object was to determine which could be wintored the cheaper, and the secondary object was to determine the exact cost of wintering sheep. 5 The sheep vere to be placed in pens in the same bam and each given the same care, They vere to be fed at morning and night on clover hay, and grain consisting of equal parts of shelled corn, oats, and wheat bran. At noon, they were to be fed sugar bects, They were well bedded with wheat straw once or twice a week and well supplied with good,clean water, Welghts of each sheep were taken every week. The average temperature of the atmosphere of the barn for each week was kept. Both flocks vere kept inside in stormy weather and allowed to run outside in Pleasant weather. For a bettor understanding of the kind of sheep used in this experiment, a short history of the Shropshire and Merino breeds are given below; a180 a history of the Shropshires and Merino grades used in this experiment. History of the Shropshiras. The origin of the Shropshire breed may be traced almost di- rectly to the polled sheep of Cammock Heath, and the old black, or spotted faced breed of Morfe Common. In Volume XVI Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, there is given this fragment of a re~- port from the Bristol Wool Society (1792) regarding the breed last referred to: “On Morfe Common, near Bridgnorth, there are about 10000 sheep kept during the summer months, which produce wool of a sup- erior quality. They are considered a native breed , are black faced or brown, or spotted faced horned sheep, little subject to either rot or scab", 8 The sheep of Cammock Heath vere hormless with grayish faces and legs, and are described by Youatt as attaining great weicht. From these two hardy native breeds the Shropshire has been gradual- ly improved, whether Within itself or by further out-crossing with other breeds is difficult to determine ~- until now it stands the acknowledged rival of any of our modern middle-wool breeds. This breed has been long and favorably known in England, but it is comparatively new in America. The frirst importation of any note wap made in 1855 in Virginia, but it is only within the last ten or twelve years that the Shropshire sheep have attained any marked attention from breeders on this side of the Atlantic. ‘The Shropshires are described as follows: "The face is dark grayish or brown, wool coming well down to the eyes and with no traces of horns. The legs are darker than the face - almost black; head longer than in the Southdown and ears larger, while the wool is closer set, finer, and longer in staPls. the weights vary all the way from one hundred fifty to two hundred twenty-five pounds in good animals*. The Shropshires are especially fitted, by conditions under which they have been reared, for moist or even wet localities. It is doubtful whether they will do remarkably well on the dry ranges of the southwest but Shropshire rams, for the the use of grading up the middle wools already on the ranges, are giving good satisfaction. History of the Merino, The oldest reliable records of the Merino breed goes back only to the early history of Spain. Law (1842) says: "Uron the whole, although authentic documents on the subject are wanting, there are presumptions that the sheep in Africa were employed to perfect the sheep of Spain with respect to the production of wool, The Merinos exhibit certain charactcris~- tics which seem to show them to have been derived from some coun- try warmer than that in whioh they were naturelized, and it was during the dominion of the African possessors of the country that the wool of Spain arrived at its greatest excellence." Let this be as it may, we have reliable records that the Merino existed as a distinct race two thousand years ago. For a long time Merino wool was famous all over Europe for its fine quality. Even the emperors desired their robes made from the wool of the Spainish flocks. It is probable that the fine wooled sheep that we read of in ancient history were the natural products of very favorable conditions of climate and soil, by which inferior races vere greatly improved rather than any great effort to breed them up to any desired standard. The Merino is certainly the oldest of surviving breeds and its history is co-existent with the history of Spain. These sheep were kept on the hill pastures and we find them in 1800 a hardy preed with many excellent characteristics and used to rougn weather. 8 The sheep were guarded by the Spanish government with great care, but as early as 1765, Merinos were taken to France and Saxony from which sprang the Saxon Merino and Rambouillet. During the Napoleonic wars the flocks of Spain were scattered and it was at that time that importation to the United States began. The first importation of any importance was made in 1802 by Col. David Hum phrey of Derby, Conn. then minister to Spain; and from the flocks then introduced the modern Atwoods, Dickinsons, Delains, and Black Tops have sprung. The orininal Spanish Merino has been improved in this country by selection and crossing of different strains till the product of wool has been increased from 2 1/2 # to, in extreme cases, 52¢ from a single sheep; and the sheep itself has been so much modified and improved that there is not much resemblance between them and the original stock. We have now a distinct breed known as the American verino. We can not go into a detailed description of the above mentioned strains. They may be found in any history of the Ameri- can Merino. @. g. Power's American Merino. History of the Shropshires used in the Experiment, The Shropshires used in this experiment were pure bred and all registered in the American Shropshire Association, Therefore, they would answer more or less closely to the description of typi- cal animals of their breed. The general charactoristics of this flock are those of the Shropshire preed which have been given above, 9 These animals were all bred and raised at the Michigan Agri- cultural College. The selection, breeding, and care have been car- ried on with a considerable degree of skill. At the beginning of the experiment, January 13, 1900, all of the sheep were in good con- dition to all knowledge. They were hearty and well with the ex- ception of a slight cold which lasted for some time. They were bred to a high class Shropshire ram; and were kept on a ground floor in a barn with good ventilation. The feeding before the experiment was about the same as during the experiment. They had free access to good clean water all the time supplied by a tank kept in the pen. Their ages range from three to five years. They hada good fleeces of wool on them, the weights of their fleeces, the year be- fore, averaging eight to ten pounds. These sheep are valued by good | judges from fifteen to twenty-five dollars each, This alone would be an indication of their high quality. Their weights are to be found in the tables. In this flock, we have fifteen good representative animals of the pure bred Shropshire down breed. After taking into considers tion the above mentioned conditions we see no reason why results obtained from these would not be a fair average of their class. History of the Merinog used in this Experinent. The Merinos used in this experiment are made up of eleven grades and four registered Merinos. Of the latter, two are Delains and the other two American Merinos. fhe four Merinos spoken of 10 above are registered in American Associations. The conditions un- der which these last four were bred and kept were the same as the Shropshires mentioned above. The other eleven were purchased throu pn a@ buyer and all that could be learned was that they were fed on clover hay and cornstalks with rree access to straw. They were vred to a Lincoln ram, At the peginning of the experiment they were in good condition to all appearance and knowledge, but somewhat thinner in flesh than the Shropshires used in this experiment. The ages of the four college sheep were five to seven years. Of the othors it is not known only they were as near as could be estimated from four to ten years of age, The fleeces of the four college sheep averaged, last year, eleven pounds and nine ounces, The estimated weights of the others were eight to ten pounds. The eleven grades were purchased for four dollars and tzenty-five cents a nead, The other four were valued at much more, Their weights may be taken from the tables. In this flock we have fifteen animals made up, first: of eleven that might be considered representative animals of the Meri- no grades found throughout the country. Second: of four good animals of the registered Merino stock. After taking into consideration the above mentioned conditions, we see no reason why results obtain- ed from these would be representative of their class. TABLE I Record of the Shropshires .ege Weights Weights of each sheby at the bra of at _ > Beginnin | 5 | ‘lst wk. Ba wk. 3rd wk. 4th wk. { Sth wk. ) sheep of Ex. { 7 | eo | 166# 1694 170 | 163¥ } 165¢ ! ! 64 14g | 150¥ 151# 156¢ | 1s3fi / 16% ‘ 6B . 137%¥ | 1397 138¢ 140¢ 1407 1397 77 1494 | 151¢ 151/ 1627 - 154¢ | 16 3f 79 | 135 136f | 137% | 141f | 1417 | 142¥ | 80 ! 1467 | 146/ 145% : 150 . 146 149% | , é | : 93 | 1227 : 133¥ | Lue 140¥ | 136 137F | 3 | | | , 95 | 122 ! 1224 | 1237 | 127% ' 125; 128¥ | 96 : 132% - 132¢ | 133f | 1344 ° 134¥¢ 136¥ | | 628 152 1524 | 155y | 155/ 155y' ; 158¥ 631) 178# L7%¥ | 179¢ 180¥ : 18R¥ | 183¥ 676 147# 14%¢¥ | 152¥ : 154¢ 159% | 160# | ) 3 681 140 1417 1474 181¥ | 1517 3 154 } 683 | 162 162¢ 162¥¢; 166¢ 165¢ : 166¥¢ g { 3 2197 2202¢ 22217 2264¢ | BRB 7H | 2276¢ i ' Pe ovoy ! | . , before, ' 6# gain | 19¢ gain; 437 gain; 77 loss | 18f gain ‘ { ‘ , i § 3X e ten. | i wk. F. | 85 deg., 34 deg. 17 deg.| 34 deg.{ 27 deg. ‘ ! ; : | | | | | | ! ' | : | i ; { } | TABLE I during the Experiment, 12 ! | Total ss Avaraca ‘ | j . Oth wk, | 7th wk. .8th wk. {Oth wk. | gain ' wky. gain 160¥ 175¢ | 174¥ 176¢ 1F 7/o¢ 17%! 160% j 1624 | 165; | og 8 /O4: , } ! | | | | - WEG eg 1 he 14, | log 1/97 | 7 | 4 | - 1564 155¢ | 164y | 154¢ | By 5 /O¢ Maly; sof) aa} 189 | 4/94 | | | ! . 148¢ | 146 | 146+ ' 1434 | : = of 1/34 | . | : : 141¢ | 139% | 141¢ | 142% . ' log 1/9}: , 3 ! . 130f | 134 | 132¢ | 1344 | leg 1/3¢ 7 ) 138/ | 1374 | 139¥ | 1427 -10¥ 1/94 . | i 155// : 156/ 16 7¢ | 157% | (bg 5 ed! 1907; 180% = 1007 1 | OF # } ‘ 160¥ * 165¢ : 169% . 165¢ ! ! le # , ese leo!) cox 1H 7 | lng 8/4: / ‘ t . ‘ ea lease! = oarog | leo | 1 mf) OOP i | 4 i | : — = az + i ex yf 1 1 ee | eeosy { 2315/°/ 2336; | 233% | | 140 | 15 5/0¥/ ! i : ; 1Of gain, 227 gain 2l1y gain: ly gain | , ! : | 7 . 87 deg. 20 deg. 30 deg.’ 28 deg. : ! ! : 13 In table I there is only one loss of weight in a sheep shown and that is in No. 80. This sheep was not well during the last few weeks of the experiment and the next week after the experiment closed she was entirely off her feed. This probably accounts for her loss, There was a loss in the average weight during the fourth week of seven pounds, This week was charactcrized by sudden changes in the temperature, On February 8th, the thermometer went up to 65 degrees F. in the afternoon and the next morning it was down to 20 degrees F., also several other changes occurred. This might ac- count for the loss. Nothing can be noticed in the average weekly temperature, TABLE MII 14 Record of the Merinos College , Worgnte | Weights of each Sheep at the end of No tpeginning | Tl Te of she EX | lst wk. 2a wk, 3rd wk. 4th wk. Sth wk. =: 61 roe | Gof | oe | OF oa CO a2 1oo# | 104 | = lom | oF ' Log lisf | 63 llog = 119% : leaf: 1244 127% 1274 a4 oz | caf ' cog | 90 100¥ ef 65 loby =| 1064 , 11nF 114# 1157 1157 86 864 : Bef: : o2¥ 93f 937 92# | 67 2: en ea o5¢ | of | nag.| L00f | 96f ! Lamb 69 B74 . olf . of oef | = 07 95¢ 70 olf 94 oof | 98 ey Bf Lamb of lif 71 aay | 9074 937 Bly Tf 76f 544 109 109¥ lle 1157 | 1167 1l4¢ 646 119¥ 1197 122f 119f | 121 . 1217 : 680 110# ! 110# , 1127 1157 1157 : | (114F 7 1169 ___90¢ | poe | _ 96 967 oof | one rasig | iavax | rsoog | rsisy | isioz | isor# | if. over ; : ik, before (| 167 gain 347 gain i of gain ‘57 loss |13y loss Aver, tom. | | of wk. F. : 35 deg. 34 dog. 17 deg. ! 34 deg, 27 deg, | 15 TABLE II __curing the Experiment, | Total Average 6th wk, [7th wk, Sth wk, {9th wk, | gain gain | olf § 65f ‘ 6b 6l¢ % | - ¥ 116f . = 116 liy Bly a1 2 1/s¥ . : 131f | 134¢ 37 | 1s7% | lof | # ' \ i { ; , 4 | no 100f | ol loaf | 103f | ay | B/Od! : 120f | 22% l23f ; 126f © gig 1/34 om | 99% 1oo¢ =: loz lef 7 /9¥: ey | Bef Ok FC bf i (6 /H ' } 8b 86¢ RFC - 13f | - 1 4/97 1o¥ 13f lef ime 1 8/47 101 103 106f ==: 107%: 207 B/ x Bef =. tiséGf' eof =, 83 SF | 8/et - ry of} ayy Pe ae, oF | 1 8% 70 | 80f 82% | Bef -Of | - 2/34" : : 16g | = 1lo¥¢ 118f 120¢ | 117 | 2/of . ; ; . ; lglg | lase | 183 las¢ ay | 4/97 / 16g | laof ) lalg | lade 147 5/97 i f , | 984 | 100# | 101# 1047: — oe 8237 ( { ; { ' , , | pee ee ; issef ; ls72¢ | 1s90¢ | 16037 | SST 3 : { i 4 , , | 30% sain 36% gain : 16¥ gain | 13% gain : 1467 16 2/27 | | | | : 2 | ) ' 27 deg.. 20 deg. ! 30 deg. | 28 Goke 16 In table II we notice four losses of weight. Three can be directly attributed to the birth of lambs which, when taken into consideration, will more than make up for the loss, except in No 71 where the lamb was born in the third week and died a few days aftcr- wards. No 61 was a small sheep and probably not used to eating roots as she got choked often and after the first week or two woulda eat but few roots. This probavly accounts for her loss in weight. The loss during the fourth week is noted under the Shropshire tablee. The loss in the fifth week can not be accounted for. Comparing tables I ond II we see that the Merinos gained 1467 to the Shropshires 1407. The gain was nearly the same while the ration of the Merinos was only two thirds as large as the Shrop- shires. Nothing can be learned from the average weekly temperature as the whole difference lies in the sudden changes rather than in the degrees of temperature, 17 TABLE Iif Cost of Food Consumed, | tote | Amt. fed} Amt. fed ;} Cost per total cost ; Total cost | | ' To Shrops | To Merinos| hundred wt.of shrops | of Merinos' om 157 1/2 105¢ $0 .625 $0.98 $0.66 : | Oats 157 1/e¥ | 105¢ 078 1 1.28 : 88 ' Bren . 157 1RF 105¢ ° 885 -98 66 . | Roots ‘a716¢ 17104! .126 3.39 | 2,14 a a ne oe : I $14, 88 9.79 This is the cost of the food consumed. The total cost here does not take into consideration the labor of feeding and straw for bedding. The cost is taken from the prices of the Nay, grain, and roots when it was purchased. 18 TABLE IV Ration for Nine Weeks, - ’ = | | | , : | Corn Oats { Bran Roots . Hay ; Cost 5 . j 1 ' | Shrops , 157 1/24 157 1/e¢/ 167 1/27) 27164 1830f | $14.82 j : nl Uf Merinos 105¢ 105/: | 1057 1710/7 12257 9.79 TABLE V Ration for One Day. ! i } | | | } ! . i |_Corn Oats | Bran | Roots iE Hay | Cost t zee 2 1/2# 212: 2 1/RF# 45# | 30# : $0,242 | j ; } } } | Merinos | 1 2/3f| 12/of| 1 2/of 304 20¢ | eli \ t ’ é TABLE VI Ration for One Sheep One Day. Corn Oats _Bran Roots | Hay | Cost Shrops | 1/6 1 /6¥: | 1 fof: | 3f# 2# $0.0102/15) Merinog 1/o# 1/o# | 1/9# | ae 1 1/4f .0lo 4/5 19 To make a comparison between the Shropshires and Merinos kept ct the college and under the same care and condition before the experiment began, we will take the average of the four college Merinos and the fifteen Shroyshires, Merinos numbers 544, 646, 680 and 1169 gained 377. The avorage gain would be 9 1/44 for the nine weeks, The averege gain of the Shropshires was 9 1/3f for the nine weeks. It will be seen that the gain is about the same while the ration was only two thirds as much for the Merinos as for the Shropshires, The average of the grades that did not have lambs is 12 1/2 gain as compared with 9 1/3# in the Shropshires, Here the contrast is very striking because a much larger gain is derived from a much smaller ration. It cost just half as :such to put one pound of flesh on the grades as on the Shropshires. Te actual cost of maintaining sheep the entire winter can be found by multiplying the cost for one week by the number of weeks. This experiment shows several things. First: That the ration was a little too large for the exact mafntainance of the sheep especially for the grades. Second: It shows the cost of maintain- ing although this would vary as the price of food stuffs varys. Tird: It shows the comparative cost of feeding Shropshire and Merino grade ewes. Forth: In weighing every week we can see the loss of a ewe in lambing and , also, the growth of the lamb. Fifth: It is found that extreme and sudden changes of temperature make a marked difference in gains. 20 Great care was taken in this experiment to get accurate re- sults. All of the work was done by the author, and we believe the results can be relied upon. —:-°W. T. Parks:-:- in