| | i | | | HIN | | ! 104 361 THS Ck ep din ty eine. ween @ et!) Ev ete MY. O LIBRARY . sae. 2 9 , ee ate oh 7? ” oD C. . a oan vo agi ‘ ~ } 7 A po OP aS Sr ot aap he aP Ps EE VPR IR. RE.” é Mae, TR* COMPARATIV® VALUSS Cr CORN SILAGE,ALPALFA PAY, PAN FODS,AND CLOV#R FAY FCRK WINTHRING Pim LAVRS. ra mo pan ri) — Sa Mx) © 3) —-4 “7 ray om i374 7) W = “J Cc) xj e wa e HilhG CRUN CHANG, que g ? THESIS Acknowledzements. Tne writer is inaebted to Frotessor G. A. Frown for ell valuable suzy;estions tarcu,nout tne ccurse cf tne experiments, and tor tnorcusn criticism and correction of tne nanuscript. 94632 THE COMFARATIV’ VALUS GF CCRN SILAGH, ALFALYA HAY, REAN PODS,AND CLOVin HAY FOR #INT¥RING Ewa LAMBS. 1. Introduction. NY - Object and cutlines of experiment. - ctatenent of feeds used. G9 Feeding periods. if ® Fart 1. cs ” an. vanuary Cawnwm February 21. February 22~e~- Varcn 1c. Fart 11. Varcn 1a--~- April oF. Se Results and suumary. R. conclusion. TF COMPARATIVE VALUES CF CORN STLAGE,ALFALFA FAY, BREAN FODS,AND CLOVER FAY FCR WINTERING BH LANES. INTRODUCTICH. Tnis experinent is conducted for tne purpose of testing various rouenages and concentrates for wintering ewe lambs for breeding purpose. Due to the large quantities of bean pods and bean straw on farms tnis experiment was undertaken to obtain tne comparative values of corn silage,alfalfa hay, bean pods,and clover nay as rousnages for wintering ewe lants. Tne grain of oats was used as tne concentrate for tne lamts. But owing to tne low protein content of bean pods a part of cull teans was used to balance one ration fed to one lot for a conparision of bean pods witn oats and oats and cull beans. In testing tne feedind value of bean pods tnis experiment was conducted only for a period or &0C days on account of snortage of bean pods. Tnen clover hay and corn silage were used as roughages tc complete tne work of the entire period of this experiment. Tnerefore tnis experiment was divided into two parts; one for tne comparative values of bean pods and alfalfa nay and tne otner for tne comparative values of corn silase, alfalfa nay,and clover nay for winterin; ewe lambs. ND ° OPRJ#OT AND OUTLINES OF THe SXPHRIMENT. A comparision was to be mate ot tne values of bean pods, alfalta nay,clover nay,ana corn silaze and combinations of tnese various roudsnares for wintering ewe lambs economically and substantially. Twenty one lambs were divided into tnree lots as nearly equal in weignt and auality as possible. Tney were weigned individually for two weignts in two days and an averace weipnt taken of tnese two weisnts as tne initial weignt ana tne experi-~ ment started on tne @&tn.of January. Tne averazse weignt of each individual lamb and eacn whole lot snown in tne following tables: Tot 1. ree ee aK MU eT ee horace welgnt. Pampshire. NO tas. 105.5 pounds. yorset norn. 198e. 103. pounds, Oxford. 1944. 7Oe pounds. Hampshire. 1909. 79. pounds. Snropshire. 2001. 74. pounds. Rambouillet. 1974. 92.5 pounds. Snropsnire. 133”. ARE pounds. ne cae GU Chap Card Eng Ce Ce Ere Cd Geek BG Bed HS OS Cand Bad Be Cd CEE FOG Be Be Cd Crags 8 GOS aed Had FaG DE CU COG CD CUD Trae Bed ae Gd Taw OS OS CHS Ee COG Fhe Caw Ene BE Gee HG OS Ed Mg Mes ey Caw Fe MEW Ew Gad Gung OD DO Total~-~ RO1.5 pounds. C9 Lot ?. Breedss ar mark numvers: Average welents Hanpsnire. NO tage 106,55 pounds. Dorset horn. No tas. 102.£ pounds. Oxford. lo4c. 7R,5 pounds. Oxford. 1940. S4.c pounds. Fampsnire. 1523. 33. pounds. RFarbouillet. 1S75. S1. pounds. Snropshire. 1939. rae pounds. Total~~~ RC4. pounds. Lot oc. Preeds. tar warK nunbers. Averare weight. ep Gap Ghee Gap Che Ge Ge Sed Eee Che Cad Ghve Cas Ew Ghee Cans Cag Cad Chee Gee Ene Chew Ghee Gee eee Che Bes Cd Cw Ge OES Chay Ge Ges Ow Chew Cae ae Gs Os Dw One Cd Ee Cw Oey Ons Cee Ge Se Ses Os Cw Oe Gee Cw UW Oe as Sw Ges See Hampsnire. 1929. G4. pounds. Dorset Korn. 13h. 1039.5 pounds. Oxford. 1953. Thee pounds. Oxford. 194¢. 33. pounds. Snropsnire. 1392. 50.5 pounds. Ramoouillet. 1973. 34. pounds. Snropsenire. 1991. Ar. pounds. wos a eee os ms ree ms ems ee ee ee ne te ee ee ee ee ewe temematene cee te) meme ne mene te eves oe Rete Rate ae mee meme ee me oe Total~~~ ROOLL pounds. Tne feedinz pericd extenead over a period of 18 weeks and tne entire period was diviaed into two parts; one for comparision of tean pods anc altalfa ana tne otner for corn silage,alfalfa nay and clover hay as roucnaces for wintering ewe lambs. Tne weisnt was taken every two weeks and tne con-~ parative values of tne feeds were made on tne basis of tne reaults of eacn weidnt durine tne feeding periods. All tne tnree lots were tea under exactly eaentical conditions,except as reoaras teeas. Tne anount of grain fed to eacn lot was tne same but less rougnase fed to lot &. "hf — Ty — ry =" a =~ _ o> xj =x} my 7 a) "sa Cy) tj - e Tne ration for lot 1 consisted of tean pods,corn silage and oats. curing tnis period of tne exverinent tne lames ree cejved 1.423 pounds of ctean pods,1.4£3 pounds of corn silaze and .3&7 pound of oats in tne first 31 aays per head per day witn a nutritive ratio of 1:9.7F. The ration was increased February cotn and tne larbs were receivin) © pounds of bean pods per nead per day but tne amounts of oats and corn silaze were tne same as before. This ration nad a nutritive ratio of 1:9.£3 and was fed to tne iftn.of ''arcn,tne end of tne first part of tne experiment. Tne ration for lot ¢ consisted of tean pods,corn silase, cats and cull teans. [urins tne first 1 days tne lambs re~ ceived 1.423 pounds of bean pods,1.425 pounds of corn silaée, ec307 peund of oats and .5714 poung of cull beans per nead per day witn a nutritive ratio of 1:4.34. From the SEtn.of Febru- ary tne ration was increased and tnen tne lamts received 2 pounds of vtean pods and tne amounts of oats,corn silage and cull beans remained tne sane. Tne new ration witn a nutritive ratio of 1:7.c2 was fed to tne end of tne first part of tne exverinent,tne Varcn etn. Tne ration for lot © consisted or alfalfa nay,oatse and corn silase. During tne entire period of tne first part of tne experinent tne lants received 1 pound of alfalfa nay,1.423 pounds of corn silese ana .557 pound of oats per neaa per day. Tnis raticn nad a nutritive ratio cf 4:5£.R5 and was fed fron canuary 2cftn.to Naren Iitn,tne enc of tne first part of tne experinent. Cats and cull Leutis were all fred wnole to tne tnree lots tnrournout tne entire perica cf tne experinent. Tne seven lants of excn lot were snut in small rens in the sneer carn tnroursnout tne entire pericd of tne experinent. Tnéey were fed morniré ana evenirgé ana tne ration was divided equally between tne two feecs. Salt was kept before tnen all tne tine and water veing siven twice a day. Jt was sometines found in tne lot 1 and lot © tnat sone bean steng were left in tne trougns,wpjile in lot ¢ all tne alfealfe nay was eaten up clean. Cormrositicn ot feeces. Tne analysis of tne feecs as follows: 2 Feeds. Pry matter 7 Frotein %. Carbtonnydrates 2%. Fat #. aes Cae es ee Bs Cane Owe HS Ons Os De Ds Os Os © s Bs Bw © 4 Oe OP Bs Bes We Os Os Os Os Mew Ges Os Ws Bs Ds Oe Bee he Bs He 8 es Os Oe ee Hs Oe Bey Os Os Oe Os Des Dew Os hw Ot OE Os Be Ot Oe Oe Oe 1S Alfalfa. 91.4 1U.4 C9. 09 Rean pods. SOLE ce dc.4 7 Clover. 37,7 7.9 CARLO 1.1 Corn silerse. fave 1.3 15, ” Cull beans. 37.8 1S5.¢ a on 23 Cats. GO. 9.7 ciel 2.8 cane Gs Cee Os One Gre & 2 Sew @ 6 Gre Bes Be Bs Ds HO Ss Oe Sw Ore Oe St Bei Ou Os Ou Oe OH 1 Oi Hw Bs O41 @ 1 By Ba Oe Ot Oe © 6 Gs &* Os OH 1 Oy Oe Gs Bs Oy Ot Bt Ge Sy O14 hy Os Bs OO Ot Oe Oe © 1 @ Ou @. Tne feeds were cnerged at tne followin: prices. Alfalfa. FIF.CC @ ton. Clover. ti-.CcG @ ton. Fean pods. ¢ &.00 @ ton. Corn silage. £4.00 7 ton. Cull bcveans. ¥1E.00 «@ ton. Cats. VOO.4C 2 btusnel. Fart 1. First feedirs period. January ch .-w-February 71. Tne daily raticns of tne tnree lots as follows: Lot 1. Feeds. Dry metter. Fretein. Cartonnydrates. Fat. ae te Ons Bes Ors Ht Oe Bs Ow Oe Ot Os © S B4 Bs Bs B44 Wt Bes es BS Bs Ot © ¢ B+) Bt Sew O 4 Ges D6 Os Gee Ds Ces es Bs Os Ot By Ds Oe Os Oe H 6 Os 6 Dt Oe Ot Bet es Ds @s Guns De Ds Os Ors DD! Os @4 as Os Hs Os "GD ) 1Cpz bean pods. 3.96 A 4.4 °CY pr, 1C# corn silaze. 2,8 11 1,5 .07 al KE 47) roo eT Jer Non Ay oats. BI ad3 ee OL © cn ef OND eee eg Coe D6 DS ad es Ds ss Od Ras Ons Os as Os Dt Os Bt Ds es We D6 G4 Be Os Os HO Os Me Gs Dt Ges Bes Ht es Os eg Os Bt Ot Os D4 Bt Bs Bs Bs Bt Os Bs Os Oo Os Bas Ot OY Os hs Os Os 4 OO OOH fh ON" m~ eT EN ‘ : , ~ n~ ws ann 17.025 1.0oe Se aRA e0o3 Tne total difestitie nutrients 10.791 Tne nutritive ratio 1:9.25 Lot #. Ou @+ @ Gy OY O46 Or Gn G4 By B46 Ot Os OY Se O 6 thet Ot es Os Os OE D4 OS Os Ort Ot Os OB Bs OV ee Be Oey Hs Ds © Ge © ¢ O1 Os Dt ew es Ov Oe Oe Ot ay Os O-4 Bt O Gs Ow Bu Oy Ot Oy B44 Os aw Os @ 6 Oe > 107 bean pods. 3.95 ear 4,24 .O9 C 10% corn silave. 2.0 11 408 07 tt ~ 7, qo 77 Oo. am Cc: ao NANO dr cull beans. &,4838 oO cel7c eUce oi! . . -~ “~ 1 f ™N™ AOS m7 cr Outs. 1.314 ~194 1.042 OTA he @- @s Gua Ov Gy Ov Ou Gu © + Oy @4 Ow Gs OY Gu OY @ / Bet Gu Os By @ 1 Ov Qe &* Ow Gy @ 2 Bas ]H* Oe Ow Gut Od O44 Get Gs Bs Ot Ce Dy @* Ces Oe Ot O28 Os Ot Cet Ok Ow Gay 4 Cet Ons Od Ord Cnt Og @-4 Crs @t Os O-4 a ae one nee 14,5354 | arecla’ SB. Sh 4 ecere Total digestible nutrients 10,9f¢e. Nutritive ratio 1:4,24 Lot &. Ge Owe @at ay Ow 4 he DS Gus Ot Os © @4 Or Gow Gs Ou Gs Ou Ow @< @ + Ov BY OH Oe Ow Oa & Ow Ons he Ot OS Oe Gy H+ Get he Ot Gas 4 Dee Ors Os Gat Ont Ds 4 @ £ @4 Ow Ov Od Oi Ov Os Gd OY Out Ors O-0 Cw Ou Ds 4 74H Ce meN Me 69) QD ©) Nx alfalfa. Alag 10% corn silage. 2,A8& ~11 1.5 . ©) ~2 as: ¢. 17> Ze nD N22 “hr oats. Fl 44c ee OL. -.I7F ef OS Gd Os Og Ds Bs Cre Bs Ox) Cs Gs DO Os Bt Cys Bod Gas 8 Dy Os es Os Bes D+ Bes © 4 @ 2 Os Bes Os Bes Bs Bt Os Ges Os Bes By Ges © Os Gs HS By Ow Ens Be Bs Os O 4 Oi Ou @ + Ge Ds Ot Hv Ot &~ Oy Ov Ov OF Oe Os O~ 14,474 1.404 econ ecAl Total digestible nutrients 9,02 Hutritive ratio 1:2,89 Tne bations fed to lect 1 and lot € supplied tne sare amounts Of rousnacges and concentrates but differed in kinds of crains. The nutritive ratics of tne tnree lets coula not be worked out nearly tne same due to tne fact of low content of protein in tean pods. So tne ratics varied a éreat deal as sno«uwn in tne above tectles. Disesticle nutrients per lot fer day. Lot i. Lot 2. Lot 3. Dry matter. 17.C°e* 12.3954 14.47e% Frotein. 1.05¢% 1.29"; 1.424¢ Cartonnydrates. 3. SA4% 3, CE4s TES Ay Pat. 0caaF 0 oaSk oSALzR Tne dicestible nutrients consumed cy tne tnree lots varied souewnat as snown in tne above tables; lot 1 received nore wy pounas of dry matter and less pouncs of protein tnan lot S$ and alse lect 1 received more pounds of total disestible nutrients tnan lot S,but as tne result lot 3 did better in gain. ~ QL, Cigestible nutrients per needa per day. Lot 1. Lot <2. Lot 3s. Dry matter. 2045254 ce. 41ck 2.CA3z7 Frotein. oe 1LECS5; ~1995# ~20E1# Carbonnyarates. 1.,2AF; 1.27913 1.051% Fat. eOF Lak eOo3R? oCE LF} (Gains. Lot 1 Lot 2. Lot 3. Total pain. cO.& pounds. ie pounds. 40.& pounds. Lot 1. Lot Le Lot Se Averafe caln per head per day. .1f5# 2OS1R4# oc ORSSH Lot 2 Gained 40.€ pounds,tre larsest sain mace during tnis period. Lot 1 renxed second,eainning 2o.d pounds in £3 days. Lot © was last,painning only 14 pounds. Tne results snowed that tne conbinetion of alfalfa,silage ana oats did tne best and tne conbination of tean pods,silace and oats fave better gain tnan tnat of bean fpods,corn silage,cull bteans end oats. Feed consumed per pound pain. Lot 1. Lot 2. Lot 3S. Rean [ods. S.135% Reen pods. 17,5} Alfalfa. 4 .58S5% Corn silase.9.1S* Corn silase.17.is Corn silage. 4.9134 Oats. 5.f1) Cats. BLE # Oats. 4.14314 Cull veans. 7.8 In tne above tatle it snowed tnraet Lot 1 required &,51 pounds of grain and 13.54 pounds of rougnage to produce one pound otf mutton,lot 2 required 10.5 pounds of grain and $5 pounds of rougnage ana lot &S required 4,145 pounds of grain and 11.7551 pounds of rovgnace. As tne results lot £ consumed tne largest anount of feed ver pound gain. Cost fer pound gain. Lot 1. Bot &. Lot &. 11.&¢ 13.4¢r 10.<% Tne cost of lot i and let ¢ e,due to tne larger gains being Total feed consuned fer lot Fean pods. Alfalfa. Corn silace. Cats. Cull beans. Total Dry matter. Frotein. Carctonnydrates. Fate Was Lot i Lot ¢. e308 roOF £305 2308 1FS4 Eat 11.3 digestitle nutrients per lot. Lot 1. Lot F.- ATR 7457 ENOL OR C#E rOl,4rAs “9, 035F 243.2057 er. T1cF 10, o%47 7 ECds much less made during tne Lot cd y) A ND GQ) © pb 39 CO) z Digestible nutrients ver round fain. Dry matter. Protein. Carconnydrates. Fat. From February 22 to fea te tne tnree lots ana Lot 1. Lot 2. TE. RSPA LA, EaTK 2 ORE RS 2.44057 S.14c8# LF, ARGs ~cHa1# ~4RG# Second feeding perioc. from Feoruary oo ore 74 tne sane rations used tnan 7th trat of lot days. an £Oo in tne 23 days period. n oe “9 & @& © C5 D> eyy e @ e O bb A) 3> ND ny 05 roy Ow WE. “YN te pooh © @ -, CQ) Oh) b> © GO) (en Tere @ NS ny (O Jo HK in above were tne rations of lot 1 11. and lot © were increased. Rebruary ¢FhemeNarcn 15. Tne daily rations of tne tnree lets as follows: Feeds. Dry matter. Frotein. Acrtonnyarates. Fate up Ge Gis Gg Chay Cy Ghd Ge Ges Gis Chee D2 Dew Ge Chg Ot Shs B8 Dy Bes De Ws He He The Ds Gs Hs Gee OS Be By Bw Sv |i My D0 Ds Oe ee Ov Be Be Ge he O6 He Ge Be es Ges Gy Os Gus D4 He Ov Hs He Gt Gu Qe Gu Qe Hs en ~936 OS G) ~, vy 10% corn silage. 2.85 ~11 1.5 207 Rx oats. B.443 2058 medida | 2753 rO0.,805 1.1¢¢ 10,6 82 econ Total aigestible nutrients. 1°,745 Mutritive ratio. 1:39.55 Let Le et @e @¥ De Gv Ov Gu Qs Gs Gen OF Gw Gow Od Dee hw Ges @ ew sg 9 Gs Ov Os Sw OV Se Be Ws Ges Ht ee Ds ee Os Gg Gi Os Ds Ghe Dea Es Gee HS Gow Be the @s ee Ge @S Hs es es Gs Gh Od Gu Gy Vhs Gs Gen Ds Da © 14% bean pods. 12.58 ~—C4 5. 90R ©0392 e ©) -J 1Cc# corn silage. 2.2 ~11 1.5 ©) ©) C0) 47) cull teens. ©2435 oe re AT? o ® Go Os Ges Mes Ee eg Bt ew WS hw Bey Ws D8 Es Ces hes Os Bt Os Oy Gs O44 Ee Ht Ds Gs Ces es Hs Ds hy Os By Os De es Wt es es Os OG We es hy OS Bs Ov Ot Os Dt ys De Os cO.4n4 1liie , 10.80 ° asto ~3f -3 J! 3d Total digestible nutrients. 17.511. Nutritive ratio. 1:7,32 Tot a8. See Ghee Gees Ge Che Oe Gas es De De Wee Gee &4 Ge Te Ms Ge Ge aes Ew 4 Gas Gow Shes Ge Gos Ghee Ge Ge Ge Ghee Gs Ges Ow Gs Gs Bw Gs Cd Caw Oe Gs Gow De Che Ov Be Be Oe By Ges Gs Ge 4 aw Cw Gd Gee Gs Ot Gs Os De De ~ j ©ORS 03 7% alfalfa. ARg ~94e Ce Ca) 10% corn silage. f,AO -11 1.5 207 t " cn ~ VO o~ oOo. a) Af oats. F443 eo3aa Oe Tea eo LO3 Gow Gay Ee Gs Ge Ene Che Cnt Bw Gs Ge Es Des ey @* Ew By Get 1S Ee De hes OS Dw O54 Bs De Bee Ghee Ge Bet Gs 4 ee Gs Gs Oi Gwe 8 Ghee IDG @D* Ere Gos Ge Hs es hw Gas HE Ghee Ee Od Cw Cs Ow Ge Gnas Di OV De Dy @ Oa 14,478 1466. — 7,558 »3Al Total digestible nutrients. 9.,802fch. Nutritive ratio. 1:5,89 Digestitle nutrients per lot per day. Lot 1. Jot £2. Lot &. Dry watter. OC, FCS# SO, ard! 14, 47Ry Frotein. 1.197; 1.54% 1.484% Carbonnydrates. 1O.ERE# 10, RE# 7. Ob Fat. ocSFA oo TRF ocRL# Tne digestible nutrients varied a great deal in tne tnree lots. Let 1 and lot 2 received twice as mucn rougnage as lot $ and also tne different nutrients of lot 2 were lower tnan tnose of lot 1 and lot € exce;t fat. CDisestitle nutrients per nead ber aay. Lot 1. Lot &£. Bot &. Dry matter. <2 9445 OS 2,0A5# Protein. 0173543 Lek ocOl lp Carbonnyarates. 1.6 O35 1.6214? 1.CEO9F Fat. 00e eas CaaaF oOC1ks aains. Lot 1. Lot &. Lot &. Total gain. 12 pounds. F.9 pounds. 3.4 pounds. Average gain per heed per day. 07758 ~O8S8# o CEE S# Tne gains mede during tnis period were very poor. The weignt was taken by tnree weeks instead two weeks because durin= tnat period tne lamts were sneared and snrunk a preat deal. Howe 12 a. @ ever even tne weignt wes taken in tnree weeks a poor result was obtained. Put it still sncwea tnat tne coptinsaticn of alfalfa, corn silafe and oats ana tne conoinaticn of tean pods,oats andi corn silage were mucn better tnan tne other. Feed consured per pound fain. Lot 1. Lot &. Lot 3. Rean pods. Pa RAAK Rean pods. nO, LAG Alfalfa. 17. S084 Corn silase. 13.06°% Gorn silave. 27,2598 Corn silage. 2F. 531i Cats. 11° Cats. m a7 Cats. E943)! Cull beans. 14,9172 In tne atove tatle it snowed tnat lot 4 required 42.999 pounds rougnase and 11 founds grain to produce one pound of mutton,lot 2 required 237,4F3 peunds rougnage and 22,2754 pounds Srain and lot S required 43.437 pounds rougnage ana 12.2345 pounds xrain. Tne Sains were abnormally low during tnis period. Cost per pound gain. Lot 1. Lot &. Lot &. C4322 G5.0c+F o7. 70° Cy) Total aisestitle nutrients per lot in £2 days. Lot 1. Lot &. Lot 3. ry matter. Sd0 9147 d19,49°# S138 .35 2s Protein. cf ,o3e C1 .8414¢ $1,643? Carbonnydrates. COT TRS cAT,7ER 131.50cs4 M) @ > n+ Ca) ee cy e@ fund “7 NO ye ~J @ LO fhe Nd % Fat. Total feed consuned in tne 22 aays Lot 1. Lot 2. Pean pods. e QF Pean peas D0R4 Corn silage. f£C? Cern silage. £20# Cats. 1e2% Cats. Lag Cull beans. S3y Lot ©. Alfalfa. Corn silaze. Cats. Pisestible nutrients per pound gain. Tot i. Lot 2. Dry matter. 2A, 390; "4.14 Frotein. Oo FAR FOOTE, Carbonnydrates. 13. 9O8Ra4 2A SOAP rate 7198 E702 RESULTS AND SUNVAPY. According to tne results obtained two feeding periods varied a great deal per pound pain and cost per pound fain. period lot 1 made a gain of .1&ER pound made an average gain of .0351% pound ana gain of .2088% pound,wnile in tne second 154% Nn) QO) © é. N > Cy) ND oe it will be seen that tne in consumption of feed In tne first feeding per nead per day,lot ¢& lot S nade an average period lot 1 made an uverape pain of .077S9S pound,lot < made an average gain of .O855 pound and lot & made an averase gain of .CF! Cres m_ s 3 pound. PDuringp tne first period it cost 11.€ per pound gain fer lot 1,15,4¢ for lot <¢ and 10.24 for lot S,wnile in tne second period it cost 24,3°¢ per pound pain for lot 1,45.0ce for lot ©) bs and $7.75¢ for pond "31 e lot 5. Tne low rate gain of tne second reriod was aue to the cold weatner inueciately followings sneariny. Since two teediné pericds varieu a vreat ceal in results tne test way is to take tne two feédns periods into one perica and an averse snouli be taken tor tne results. Averuse agaily raticns. Lot 1. Let ¢. Lot a. Pean poas. 11.6cnPean pods. J1.feeAltalfa nay. TH Gorn silaze. 10¢ Corn silecge. 10% Corn silaze. 167 Cats. AF Oats. a Oats. Ak Gull ceans. ot Total teea consunea in FO days. Let 1. Tot 2. Lot 3. Rean pods. EE 4p Rean pods. EA b Altalta nay. S50 Corn silaze. £COR Cern silage. Fos Corn silage. 5002 Oats. ROOv Oats. 196% Cats. SOC? Cull teans. COUs Tne tnree lots consuned tne sume amount of grain and corn Silaze but lot S consuned only a little over two-tnird as mucn dry roucgnase as lot 1 and lot ¢. Fut lot S gave tne - ~ larcest gain durins tne wnole ferioa of tne SO cays. @ Total disestible Lot 1. Dry natter. 915.5% Frotein. FELSSA# CarLonnydrates. ATS Reds Fat. 19.4964 nutrients. LO mo OL ~2 f » 1 tc. ©) N’) @ e Cy N) wu) bond yn J ) GO) e ft dd ry , « ‘ } . soe - , - ~ ~ e c- a IN} 2 Jo Total aigestitle nutrients per lot Lot 1. Pry watter. Frotein. 1.10873 Carbonnydrates. QSFAOF# Fat. 28954 Dipestivle nutrients per lot 1. Dry matter. COROT Frotein. 216814 Carbonnydrtaes. TRE RSH Fat. eO5E7# Cains. Tot 1. Total fain. 40.5 Averave pain per Averaze sain per nead per day. o1e1é Tot &. nead per aay. Lot “e Cec hOet ~2017% 1D Od “L) pa ye 1.2 *,) Jo XD % e ©) Tot 2 1.9% 2. 12337 per N° (5 a 3) G) ~ ~2 bd e Jo SY ~ 7 <4 On 7 13.0F% day. Tot 3. 14.4545 1.4527 TL SSRP 2cA1# 17 Tne results ot tne total part of tne experiment were;lot 2 was firs Sgins at tne ena ot tne first witn a Gain of 45,1 cr pounas, lot 1 was second witn a pain of 4°, pounds ana lot ¢ was last witn a fain of 21.9 founds. Tnus it snowed in every case tnat the conbination of alfalfa nay,silasge and oats did better tnan tne otner two,yet nowever tne comcination of bean pods,corn silate and cats save a fair result and it was con- sigered nearly as a fsoa ration as altalta nay combination in this case. Feea consulrrea per Lot 1. Lot @. Pean pods. S,EFRY Pezn pteds. Corn silave. 11.7825 Corn silate. 7,028" Cats. Oats. “ull teans. pcund cain. Tot a. re ,cr Altfalta nay. Teese 22 22% Corn silase. 10,13¢ ALO’ Owing to the coarser nay of bean pods ana low rate of cain of lot 1 and lot © tne divestitle nutrients were mucan dqifferent. Nicestible nutrients per pound gain. Tot 1. Dry matter. £1. 8549% Frotein. 1807F Carvtvonnyarates. 11.1355¢ af 1) Fat. 040 Lot &. Lot &. 60.740 a 14.733595 CCE GF 1.4£95% £1,29098 7,4903¢ EE TTSH eon TAs 15. Cost per pound fain. Lot 1. 1E.c4e Lot ¢. cue Ord Lot a. 1E.Cir Financial statenent. Lot 1. Cost of feeds. FR pounds bean pods. FR € ton. £1,725 FOG pounds corn silage. £4 ©¢ ton. #1.CC SG0 pounds oats. tl40 ¢ Ru. $305 TAL 473 Founds gain. Gev'd Total cost. $RLA473 Cost per pound. Ey c4e Cost per head per day. 1.35 ¢ Lot 2. Cost of feeds. EVR pounds bean pods. $4.00 2 ton. £1,723 FOC pounds corn silage. 4.00 % ton. £1.00 100 rounds oats. & 640 eo Fu. GALE £00 pounds cull teans. E1E.00 7 ton. | FilF €F.473 Founds Cain. c1.9 Total cost. TE L473 1S. Cost per pound gain. co. Ont Cost per neéad per day. TERE Lot <<. Cost of feeds. 8&0 pounas alfalfa. 415,00 © ton. GO ROE 500 pounds corn silage. * 4,00 uu ton. P1.TO S00 pounds oats. $00.45 « Fu. #3, 75 _ ETLAIE Founds gain. 439.1 Total cost. PULSE Cost rer pound gain. TEL Cee Cost per nead fer aay. celle Frem tne above statenent it will be seen tnat during tne pericd of FO days all tne lanbs of tne tnree lots were tea in pood condition altnouén tne gains varied to some extent. Lot <& in spite of less gain teeing nade anc of greater cost fer pound gain,required mucn less cost per nead per day tnan lot 1 and lot 8. Tne cost per néeai ver day for lot 1 was 1.3%*,for lot ¢ was 1.,FA&e and lot & was P.i1*. Tnus it can be seen tnat tne alfalfa nay cost more tnan bean pods for winterins ewe lants. However,altalfa fed to lot 3 made a larger pain tnan bean pous N‘) C) ° fea to lot 1 and lot ¢ ana still tne combination of vean pods, corn silase and oats nade a better gain than tnat of veen poas, corn silase,oats ani cull teans as it was inaicated in tne abcve tatles. So it is safe to say tnat tne conctination of bean pods,corn silage ana oats and tnat of alfalfa nay,oats and corn silase were nearly eaually gocd and tne cost ver pound Sain was nearly tne same. Purine tnis period it snowed in every case tnat cull Lean is not a cesiratle frain to feed in ration witn tean pods because sraller pain was nate an? ou.t cer round cain was great. Put tne cull bears are food grains wnen Ted witn corn silege es it nas teer proved in tne second rart of tnis experiment tnat corn silage,cats and cull beans fed in comtinaticon to lot ¢ with @ result cf large gain being made and low cost rer round gain and low cest per nead per cay. However, tnis experiment proved tnat varieties of feeds are necessary for winterirg ewe lants because poor gain was ovuteined fron lot & fed in contination of cean poas,oats and cull beans. Pecause Of piz¢n cost of altelfe nay and ning cost of feed rer nead per day Lean pods teccre a ¢Ood routnave on farm for winterirgs ewe lancs when fea witn a continaticn of corn siléce Vi dave and oats for it can make a jlorfer cain and still lower tne cost of feed. ce FART es Due to tne snorta-e of Lean pois to conplete tnis ex~ periment tne new rations were fed to tne toree lots witn clover nay,alfalfa nay and corn silazeé aS rouenases. Tne lauts were weicned individually on tarca 1&6 and 14 and an average taken of tnese two weignts as tne jnitial weisnt for tne last part of tne experiment. ‘nen tne feeding started — oT = lot 1 nad an average weisnt of £55.56 pounds,lot & nad an averare -_ Oe Qa. we ~ on “ee w@icnt of FS1 pounds and ict & had an averase weignt of vounds. Tne & lots cf lambs started tnis period nearly tne sane weignt vbecause of different arount of wool sneared. Tne new raeticns were tea on tne 1eatn of Narcn. Tne lants were welgnea every two weeks from wnicn tne gains were based on for tne results. Ine teeainz perioa of tnis tart extended over a perioa of six weeks. Lot 1 and lot 3S received exactly tne same amount of nay, corn silave and grain,wnile lot « received £CG pounds of corn silaze and R vounas otf sSrain, Aowever tne atiount of corn silage was increased to the lot 2 later. Kation 1 consisted cf clover nay,corn silage and oats. During tne entire pericd of six weeks lot 1 received 9 pounds of clover nay,10 pounds of corn silaze and AR pounds of oats per aay witn a nutritive ratic of 1:*.c. Ration z consisted of corn silace,cull beans anc oats. During tne period fron “‘arcn 1etn to cotn lot & received od ©) ‘9 NI @ pounds of corn silaze,4 pounds of cull beans and ? pounds of oats per day witn a nutritive ratio cf 1:f,9. Put fron Waren Sist to April ?PAtn it received SE pounds cf corn silese,4 pounds cf cull teans and © pounds cf oats per aay witn a nutritive ratio of 1:4... a Ration S consisted ot alfalfa ney,corn silafe and oats. os during tnis pericd of tne six weeks lot &S received G pounds cf alfalte hay,1c pounds cf corn silave ana R pounds of oats per day witn a nutritive ratio of 1:£,44. Jnird teedire ceriod. Jne daily raticns of tne turee lots as follcws: Marcon |[AewemeVaren SO. Lot j. reeds. Dry watter. Froteir. Carbonnyaretes. Fat. Ge @G~ © Ow © Ds Gu Be B41 OG Oe &t Oy Bs Gs @* Bu Gy B* Gas Bw es Ges He ys 4 Oe D+ Oat D1 Oy Os Gut Os Oe Ow Ov hy Ot © ul By 4 Ou Oy Ou OY Os By Os Ge @4 Oi Os B* Os © Os Bw Oe Oe Os G4 Os Bes Ov clever say. 7,598 ~711 eyes C99 1C¥ corn sSilace.2 a8 ~11 1.5 007 Ax Cats. 5 da oF Re oe den 2238 16.971 1.402 _ 7,946" 2897 Total digestiovle nutrients. 10.,7482% bhutritive ratio. 1:A.é lot «£. Feeds. Dry matter. Frotein. Carbvonnyarates. Fat. ms Ow Ss Os Gas O~u DB Oy Bu Ow O41 @ J Oy Os D1 © Oy Ge B Be Ow Ov Be OY Oy Ov OW a Ou 1 Oa O44 Gy @ + Oy Oy Os Ba Ov Gy Ov Ou BY by Oy Ov By Oy Os By Oe Os Oy Gy O~ Ge Ov Ov he Ov OV Ort Gy O- Qu ec# corn silage. F.ch ere ~ 00 o14 4# cull beans. 8,423 27EL 2,177 202 ck Cats. 2e518 tee ee Or 10,6 A4 1,14 ALe14 2245 Total dicestitle nutrients. 7.913 Nutritive ratio. 1:F,.9 Lot © Gvau Sv Gs Ge Gu B4 Gu Gu G+ Ge Ov Gu Gu Gy Ou Gy Ov Os Gu OG Gay Gu @* hw Gan Dy OK Gs Ot Ou Os OY Go Oy OF Gt Out Be Ov Gy @* Ge H+ Ou Gu Ov Cy Qs OY Ow ©” Qe Or Ge Ow Ou DY hy Ou Ou Gy Ow Gu Ds Q9y alfalfa hay. 2.724 2284 Cee 0031 10% corn silase. ?2.Re -11 1.5 207 R# Oats. Fla43 0FSE a.1c8 0Lo5 (14,°C4 1,44 3.154 2ENS pos J @ fa J Total dizcestiole nutrients. 10,R€5 Nutritive retic. In tne above tables it will be seen tnaet let © received nucn less digestitle nutrients tnen tne ctrner two and tne gain during tnis period was also very lcw so tne ration was cnanced and corn silage was increased to tne lot £ wnile tne raticns of lect i and lot 3S renained tne same as before. Daily retions from Varcen ©1 to April @A. oO Tne rations of let 1 and lect fea tne sane as before. Nd p. e Lot 2. Feeds. Dry matter. fFrotein. Cartonnydrates. Fat. Gn @y OV Gy Bu Gu Ov Os Se Ov Gs Ov Gu Bt Be By Gu OY Oy Be Ov Oy Be a On Gy De Gn O84 hs OV Be ee De Ov By Ou Be Oy Ov Oa Gu Oy Ov Ov Gy By 1 Ov Gu Gi Di | he Gv @s hs Be Ov O Be Ov O14 Ou Ov SER corn silage. 9.¢CE eoSe rece 0G 44 cbll beans. 3.435 eo PEL 2.172 elo’ c# Cats. 1.514 2194 1.042 ~CO7A Gene Gee Ds Dy Bs 8 Bes Ds Ds Os Chet Ed Get Os 4 es De Dy Be By Oe es Bt Be Oe Ws By Bw Bs Be Gt Bi OY Ow He OF Bt Oe Os Ov Gy O41 Gs O46 Os Hu Be Oe Be Oy Os Be By Ge Gu Gx OY Gv Gs Oc Gy Gu Ose Qs Ov 14.009 1,¢11 3.444 oces Co Total aigestitle nutrients. 10,285.56. Nutritive ratio. 1:4,A. Tne nutritive retics of tne trree lets were tetter tran tnose in tne part 1. Lot & nad a narrcwest ration witn a nutritive ratio of i:F.4eR, lot 2 ned a wicest ration witn a nutritive ratio of 1:6. and let 1 ned a ration witn a nutritive ratio of 1:A,8. In fact tre total digestible nutrients of tne tnree lots were nearly tre sere ana trerefore tne results obtain ~ed were nearly tne same excerpt in case of lot ¢€ wnicn wes under ted during tne first two weeks of tnis period. Digestible nutrients per lot per day. Jot 1. Lot cé. Lot e. Varcn 1Aee—harcn SO. Dry matter 16.9714 1O.F Ads 18, S0d¥ Frotein. 1.405% 1.1484 1,84A4 Carvonnyarates. 79474 Rf14e 3.138% Fat. ela 2043; 2279 Dry matter. Frotein. Carbonnydrates. Pat. Digestible pry watter. Frotein. Carbonnydrates. Fat. Dry matter. Frotein. Carbonhyarates. Fat. Nd ° Marcn Slwwem=fApril Lot 1. 1E.9717 ~ CO) 1.40 ~ ny ‘ ‘O 473 “9 (OE -3 “Hy Varcn jAeewe- Varcn oo. Let 1. a "Tm ow f fecalnd rory ~ORA .} Lot ©. March Ciw=-<-April 2A, Lot i. I) _— Poe 1A F e ~ 0 <0C4F 1.1217 oCRAT# Lot &. -J oe Se) ol 1.2C091# ~OFO4# rn) i oy Pek nutrients per neadj per day. 1,.18e27 ~OF 41# ecoolF 1.18227 ~OF41¥# Tne digestible nutrients consumed by tne various lots varie ~d somewnat,especially during tne period from Varcn 14 to Si. However tne rations were cnanced after tnat time and so tne digestible nutrients consumed nearly tne same by tne different lcts. in tne last four weeks sorewhat Gains. Lot i. Total gain. OO. cF Averace sain per neéad. TRLaAVEK Average fain per nead per day. ocd Sa Tne lamts of all part tnan last one. lot 1 made a gain of SGa.f pounds. better feec same amount Lot 1. Clover nay. Corn silage. Cats. Lot Lot Let Tne cost per ~ Le AD e 0 tor wintering reed consumed alaue , ASE f Lot tne lots EWE of feed used. Lot ¢. Corn silaée. Cull beans. Cats. 14.4% cecd 1.1 Cost per pound fain. A a r~ cr A XD oFShe ) a S> e “ee sO Pb. U ©) pound gain was much less (4) , 7% per pound gain. Lot 3. Alfalfa nay. Corn silage. Cats. a ~~ e Oy “2 made larger gains during tnis ~ mede tne largest sain of 97.38 pounds, pounas and lot 2 made a gain of 75.9 In tnis case it also snowed tnat alfalfa nay was a lanobs wnen the same or nearly the during tnis period oe ~J tnan tne first one,due tc tne largest gains teing nade auring tnis feriod of 42 days. SUNVEPRY, Average daily rations for tne six weeks. Lot 1. fot é. Lot &. Clover nay. Qs Corn silase. £9,A4°94 Alfalfa nay. Corn silage. 10% Cull beans. 4} Corn silage. Oats. Ry Cats. Cn Cats. Feed consuued per lot. Lot 1. Jot <. Lot 3. ~2 G) Clover nay. S75" Corn silage. 12454 Alfalfa nay. 3 Corn silaze. 4¢C¥ Cull teans. 1Ra% Corn silage. 420% Cats. SEC# Oats. 3¢4 Cats. eee Digestitle nutrients consumea per lot. Lot i. Ict 2. Let &. Dry matter. ATO. 73% FEO.ECcE ROA, TRSt Protein. £3, 9244 EE RQ. 182% Carbonnydrtaes. P68, 7d # Goi. 7S3F 041.71c% Fat. 14, AR4E 1°. 26 1# 5,91S# Feed consuned per pound gein. Let 1. Tot e. Lot 3S. Clover ney. 4,.024/ Corn silace. 18.44 Alfalfa hay. Corn silage. 4,492} Cull beans. £,21¢07 Corn silage. Cats. Cats. 1.10”? Cats. Nd e LO Jo a DM. poh ©) ‘oO ye. D0 i Wa ye, Cy ND cn J) 2 “1? os ~3 ~2 oe | THe, NA) G.) e Digestitle nutrients per pound fain. Lot 1. Lot <2. Lot &. Dry matter. 7.17417 Tec4 Sek 7.00173 Protein. 0 PAOEF 0 AOLBF ~7083S# Carbonhydrates. 3,5A97% ALE RSS; 5.4950) Fol. 017884 017485 218273 From tne above tables it will be seen tnat lot 1 re- quired 3,—55 pounds of rougnase ani 2.985 pounds of grain to produce one pound of mutton,lot © required 14,+' pounds of corn silage or routnage and &.e2 pounds of grain ana lot 3 required 3.933 pounds of rousnage and &.F77 pounds of grain. Tne digestible nutrients consumed per pound gain produced were also low. Wnen tnese tnree rations compared it is also found that alfalfa nay gave a larser and quicker gain but as a wnole tne tnree rations did very well tnrougnout tne tntire2e period of tne six weeks. Financial statement. Lot ji. Cost of feeds. 373 pounds of clover nay. £12.00 s ton. FE LERS 420 pounds of corn silaste. €¢ 4,00 @ ton. £0.34 Off pounds of oats. (00,40 6 Fu. FO.LLE ann es wy SE Be Be he Pe Be Ge We VV FR OF q eo fw. oDe Founds gain. Sued Total cost. FAL EE3 Cost per pound Zain. R.ASnr Cost per nead per day. Ce LeSe Te Let. ¢é. Cost of feed. 124F pounds of corn silaze. FF 4,00 7% ton. tO2 49 S54 pounjs of oats. 400.40 @ Fu. F105 18S pounds cf cull teans. rif.dgQ f ten. f1.¢8 aso Pounds gain. moe Total cost. P44 ,3C Cost per pound Sain. Ror Cost per nead per day. 1.8 este Lot a. Cost of feed. 273 pounds of alfalfa nay. +#1F,CO « ton. fe. Sne 42¢C pounds of cern silazse. # 4,00 € ton. $ .34 S—°2 pounds of oats. #O00,40 # Pu. Fa. 15 gaace Pounds Jain. 97,28 Total cost, FALSCE Cost per pound gain. ALORS Cost per nead per day. oe 150 For wintering ewe lants it will te seen in tne atove statement tnat tne tnree kinds of rousnetes of alfalfa nay, clover nay and corn silasve are all satisfactory ana dcings very well during tnis period of tne 42 days. However,alfalfa nay ani clover nay rede a tetter gain tnan corn silage as it was snown by tne results aurins tnis pericd tnat lot 1 fed a come bination witn clover hnay,corn silase? and oats race a gain of Cf,2 pounis,lot © fed a contination witn corn silage,oats and cull beans nade a gain of 70.5 pounas and lot & fed a comtina- tion witn alfalfa nay,corn silasze and oats made a gain of 97,38 pounds. Tnus it can te said that clover nay end alfalfa nay are tetter feed for wintering ewe Lanros tnan corn silaze alone. Since lar-er gains were octained from tne lots fed witn clover nay and alfalfa nay so tnat corn silave snould not be fed ex- clusively to winterins ewe lauts as it was indicated by tne result of small Zain. Tnerefore corn silace snould be ted in ration witn some kind of nay to make a larser Jain witn a Cheaper cost for wintering ewe lambs. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Wii ii aEREEEEE oe ERE EE EH & 2 eee | MA wo co - © v oO om Oo co D> iN _ o” TU