SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL IN BACK OF BOOK MSU RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to LIBRARIES remove this checkout from ~~ your record. FINES will be charged if book 1s returned after the date stamped below. een ene me eee ee wee Een OE eee _ Ae Analysis of the Design of Supply House for Burro Nountain Copper Co. A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty ef MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE By V. R. Cooleage Candidate for the Degree ef Bachelor of Seience June, 1927. ESIS re T “he Cay The Auther takes great pleasure in thanking C. A. Molick, Ascociate Professor of Civil Engineering at the Mishigan Agricultur- al Coblege for hie valuable suggestions and encouragement during the progress ef thie wort. The Author aleo wishes to thank Mr. C. U. Cooledge of ‘the Burro Mountain Copper Company who very kindly furnished the blueprints and data regarding the design of the Supply House. A 94925 Tatreduetion fhe building ef which this is the Analysie is the Supply House of the Burre Mountain Cepper Company, leeated near Tyrone, Hew Mexics. It ie used as a genersi warehouse, It is 60° by 125', has a concrete basement, steel coluane and 16° I dean girders sup- porting 12° I fleor beams on which is a 3° plank floor deeigned to earry 400 pounds per square foet. he walle are tile and the roef fe suprorted by weoden trueses. There is an overhead 4 ton treiley ané a lf ton elevator, l. fhe method used in the design is as fellows: Estimate Weight and Déad Lead Panel Concentrations fer Combination Roof Truss. Draw Streee Diagrans and Tadulate Stresses in Roof Trues for Dead Lead - Maz. Snow Load ~ Min. Snow Lead, and Wied Load. Analyze Roof Purlins and Raftere. fabulate Max. “tresees and Analyse Trues Menderes. Analyse Joint details for Fach Typical Joint, | Analyse Wal] Footings for Max. Wall Height and TrusfLeading. Analyse Reinforced Conerete Lintel - 10 ft. Spak. Analyze 3 in, Fleering. Analyse Steel Floor Beane B. L - B 14 in. Analyze Pipe Colum. 12. 12. 13. 14, 45. ié. i7. 418. a9. 21. Analyze Bullt-Plate and Angle Columns. Analyse All Members of Flevator Framing and Supporting Beam © 1 and C 3. Analyze Column Footings. Analyse Reinforeed Conerete Stairs. Analyse Walle and Buttresses for 011 Sump. Analyse I Beam frelley. Analyse Croes Giréers ef Hand Trolley Support. Analyse Beams for Hand Trolley Support. Analyse Columgss Dl - D4 in. Hand frolley Support. Analyse Bracing and Tie Reds, Hand frolley Suppert. Summary. INDEX. The different articles are taken up in the order just named as follews: Article 1 <- page il. " 2Bee 6 * gee 5, " eo 8, * se" 2 » 62" “ f.-* we, " ge a, » oe * 80, * 1.8 9, * us" 8, " ise 8 86, BES $$ 68 ¢ 3 5 8 e Uwe * 8, e ve 82, »* 1 - * &, * 1 e- * 2. * 80 = * 4&7. a = 6 2 Tadex to Posket Drawinge. Drawing ef Truss and fruss Detaile - Exhibit A. Stress Diagram - - «- « = - - « - - ~ Exhibit B. Suppert of 4 Tom Trelley - - - - e ~ Exhibit C. Index ef References. A. H. B.'@ American Civil Engineer's Hand Book. 8. H. B. « Ketehan's Structural Fugineers Hand Beok. A. R, BE. A. @ Amerisan Railway Engineering and Maintenance ef Pay Association. - ~ we H aA gw og lyy Izz a) Indes of Symbole weed. Bending moment. Fibre strees in peunde per eq. in. Woment of Inertia. Dietance to extreme fibre. Safe working strese fer the celum. Safe ond bearing stress, compression with the grain. Leagth ef ecolum. Least side ef eolumm or net depth ef dean. Steel ratio: . Ratie eof depth of neutral axis te depth 4, Ratior of lever arm of resisting couple to depth d. Stress in pounds per eq. in. in the steel. Stress in pounds per sq. in. in the concrete. Breadth ef bean. Bond stress per unit length of bean. Total vertical shear in any section. Resisting Moment. Concentrated load. Length of bean. Area. Least radius ef gyration. A constant taken from A.H.B, Moment of inertia around axis yy Moment of inertia around axis xx Inside diameter of pipe colunn. Outeide diameter of pipe column. 4 |] ~o we a Weight of earth per eu. ft. The angle of repose. Horisostal pressure of the earth on the wall. Vertieal preesure on the soil. Breadth ef footing. Articole 1. Eetinate of Weight and Dead Lond Panel Conceatrations for Combination Roof Tfruse. See Fig. la - Span 60'<-e* Rise 15 '-o*, Exhibit A. Spacing of Trusses 8 128! ~ 6" C, to C. A - Estimate of weight ef Truss. el- Vooden members. Fir) = 32,148 (P368 A.H.B.) Wt. per cu. ft. Oregen pine (Douglas Sise Length wt, / ft. Weight 2x10 204 %t 4,46 910 2x 8 108 3.58 386 6x68 36 10.72 . 368" 6x6 93 8.06 740 4x8 86 7.16 237 Total = 2796. -2= Estimate of weight of bolte. (fable 103 8.H.B.) ¥o Sise wt./ 100 Voight 54 19x73" 252% 136% 28 Bx 182 8? 3 1x21 8 552 12 2 1-3/8x33 1400 28 2 1-3/8x28 1200 24 Total = 236F -3- Eetinmate of wt. of hanger bolts. (T6 ané@ 7109 8.H.B.) Ho Dian. Length Wt./ft.ea. Wt. 2 2 5.25 1.502 18.64 3 1-1/8 9.36 3.379 61.9 3 7/8 8.75 2 044 35.8 1 7/8 9.16 2 044 418.6 Wt. of nuts and heads 10.0 fotal = 142.149 v o4- Wt. of special parte = 34 fetal wt. of Truss. (1) Weoden members ~ - 27964 (3) Bolts ----+-+-+ 336 3) Hanger belte - - 143 4) Speeial parte - - 20 fetal 8&8 32044 Wt. of Trues per her. eq. ft. 32 _13--- = 4,364 B Eatinate of wt. ef Roof covering. ole Corrugated eteel roofing. (725 8.H.B.) Corrugated steel te sever 100 oq. ft. using 2 corrugation side lap and 6 inch end lap = 128 oq. ft. Area to be cevered = 3 x 33.6 x 12.5 = 840 oq. ft. Wt. of 100 oq. £%. #30 galvanised corrugated sheets with 3° eorruga- tions = 170¢ 1.28 x 8.40 x 178 > 19708 Tee 4p © 2-598 per her, oa. ft. o2- Hailing strips. 2x 4 mailing strips spaced 3'-1" DENRA SILL IES 2 Hy 556/ ner. og. f1. e3- Rafters 2 = 6 spaced 24° 6. to C. -4- Purlins 42 8 4.58212 $. . ,. irze * Abb E-Mild = 10199 / hor. 09. ft. Wt. of Roof covering. n Corrugated steel 2.534 / her. o@. ft. 2) Mailing stripe 669 / * 3) Rafters 1.51% / * x 8 0 Panel leads. “le Dead panel lead. Wt, of Truss 4.26% / hor. eq. ft. Wt. of Roef Covering §,89% / hor. oq. ft. fotal 10.188 / * * #8 Horisontal progeetion ef ene panel = 7.5! Dead panel lead 2 10.15 x 7.5 x 18.5 © 980F. 2 Snow panel lead (fig. 1 p. 4 8.H.B.) Latitude 340 — } piteh. Snow load = 104 / hor. eq. ft. (Note - For Pacific Cenet and Arid regions use ¢ the tabular values) Min, sacw lead © 5$ / hor. oq. ft. Min. snow panel lead = ais x 980 2 4694 Max. snow lead. Frow the fig. on p 4 8.H.B. the max. snew load is emaller than the minimum, therefore it ie neglected. -3- Wind panel lead (SEB p. 6 Fig. 3). P= 30% / aq. ft. A2 26° §«©Use Duchexin formla. From the curve normal pressure ® 22 Panel lead © 323 x 8.4 x 12.5 © 28004, ~4- By Art 37 p. 56 8.H.B, Vertical panel loading at 20¢ / hor. eq. ft, 8 rfrs x 950 8 238009 / hor. 9@. {t. Article 2. Tabulation ef stresses in roof truee for dead lead, aininun snow load, and wind load. See Fig. 1%, Exhibit A; Fig. 3, Exhibit B and table I ye a hfe eX Tide LY Fae ae aed eS ae TE Ee le a eye COP#A ) ed SE ta Cee eee Paid PLS Z/-\| pobs- —_ ne NS ee ae a — | <é2e-| ¥F7 a a rer mas Panes ner rite amas Ie’ CI /- PIF LE- are ea Pat ye Wy Tie — GOL - | *3 ye te eae — ee’ Cora des Vice and ee a ? Seat TIT SSaA rs e0gs— | 4° “a hd ae a ae ote LIS Ze?l- ° OF Z/~ OOl/~\| 24 OIE 7-| AGZe- SIF? | GSE- Pa Ye te P< 1 pA ad he CEL/S OFF 6 2t7r Tid Ob * Cae 000/+| #? OBDE- a CoS x- Ta a ie ° EX i 00//-| 29 ° Qo ro ed ) ? 4 ° go? 00Lb/4| O8Ll+ Se fx meee Oe Pea — | o9469-| 7 verre Oe Sak Baa ee BOER — ota Cr oad YE ALA ZHG+| Fz20EF OZ/P4| ofG6Z27 Q9E4% | OFLIF| FO a he OIGEF o1474 yt aaa ee Ta a TT RaW a2 090A TF ee eee ete Cee eta ye te aaea ee OSAP* | IY OD/E- | OF$/-| 298 - aa CE Te O£9 — ae LE aay, OG/ 7 - oS e/— La ed ae ata OaF - O£//~| ePAZe-| ¥9 Pb 6 8 fl - CD tee OF IS -| Ob/E- aes 0O0GE- | osZ£-| ooZ9-| 2g G908/Z-\ osl$~ OSe£o/~| OFIL- CE ae C0fLS-—| 00ske- 008L-| © TET Ra hie Sa. RTE ue) Cae VA es ana a i eg SP eee eal aa om a Sane eas - a i FZ) O* @ 0) 4 4 + Article 3. Analysie of Roof Purlins and Rafters. (art. 26 P S6 SHB ) Reof eovering should be designed for a hormal load ef not less than 30% / 0q. ft. (A) Analysis of Roof Purlins. | wos G4 1 BO = BER LFA a Bl | . 2.6" J be be- (art 20 © 651 and P 368 A. HR. B. ) Allowable unit oxtrone fibre etrees for Oregon Pine (Douglas Fir) © 130% x 8008 = 1040% / eq. in. Mex, 2 282.2.12,5° +19 2 59,100%9 8 I *, one s 266 oc 8 4° Resisting moment * sf q $9100 = g.2.256 ‘ 8 = 9248/ oq. in whieh is well within the allewable working strese. (B) Analysie of Rafters. y= 60° FF as’ fy 1 J Analyse for a normal lead of 304 / eq. ft. Mex N= 6028.4 212 © 6,360%4 8 m= sf @ 3 r2 az = 3 12 6360 = on s $30$ whieh ie well within allowable working stress. Artisie ¢. Tabulation eof Max etresses and analysis of Truss Menbeors. Refer to table I To find maxiema lead combine 1, 2, 4, 1, 3 or 6. Meaber Max. Comp Aa 32800 Be 18760 Ch 6180 Di $140 al br oe! {I gt) ab o be 4427 ed ée 3748 hi $433 ef fg, 900 fg 3742 oY $230 fh 18350 @h) 121580 gs’ Max. Mex. Bead fonsiocn 6 6 6 6 19400 19400 18100 6432 49400 1,2,4 3349 1,2,5 1,2,4 2610 1,4 1,3, 5 1,4 é é 600 Top Chord memberssA and eB E RH HAS 1,8, 1,2,8 1,5 Max. Strees = 21600% compreseien Length of chord per panel 4 Min sec. = 8a. in. 8.4! -1, 8, 5, fse of be oe OO be De wae SSsss #7229 pa > PS eA ee 022022080 e i . aD @& ~~ oe cpm he he be oe he wm mM pS oo S BARA & pn — ~~ 1,4- Mia Sect. 46 eq. ia 40 40 36 36 24 Safe end bearing strees Oregon Pine (Deuglias Fir} = 1200 x 1.30 @ 18608 (A. B. B. p. 657). Celusn formula adopted by A. R. FE. A. @, 2 8 (1-1. 60 ¢ 8, © 1860 (2~- Sf eH 9 2 aston (1 - .28) 2 11204 eafe working strees for the colum. fhe allewed stress in aA and eB = 48 x 1130 = 53,7504 Top cherd meabere he and iD Max. etrese = 61804 coxrpreesion. Length = 8.4' Min. eceetien = 33 aq. ia. The allewable strese = 32 x 1130 = 356004 Bottom chord menbders al, bi, eof and £1] Max. Streee 5 194008 tension Allewed etress in tension = 1.30 x 800 2 10404 Min. net section = 40 oq. in. Aldewed etroes in the member = 40 x 1040 = 41600f Tie rod abd Max. stress > 0 Meabver o4 Max etrees = 323494 tension Allowed tensile stress in etée) = 16000#/ sq. in. Het area of steel in a 1$1/8" rod = .994 sq, in. Allowed stress in rod = .994 x 16000 = 15,9008, Member ef - 7/86° red. Max. strese = 3610¥ tension Net area = 60 oq. in. Allewed stress & .60 x 16000 = 96004 Member ggi - 7/8* red Max stress = 600 tension Allewed etrees = 96008 Member be Max. etress = 44274 comp. L = §.4° Min, sect, © 36 oq. in. Allewed strees = 86 x 1130 = 40,400# Membere dh, fh, gh. Max. stress = 13550f compression L= 7.8! Min. Section = oq. in. Forma fer columse A.R.E.A. (A.H.B. p. 657) 8, = 1960 (1- BSE ) 2 1560 x .625 = ores Allewed strese in the column 2 32 2 9.75 = 31300¢ Member de Max. etrees % 374234 compreseicn L = i874 18 = 10.6! Min, section = 36 69. ia. 8, = 1560 (2 - 20,628 ) = 10184 Allewed stress = 36 x 1015 = 36,500f Meaber hi Max. Strese = 4432$ comp. L= 6.4! Min. section = 34 e¢. in. Allowed stress = 34 x 1130 8 26,8004 Meouber fg) Max. Strees & 900# compression L 2 10.6! Min. section = 36 eq, in, Allowed strees = 36 x 1015 ,= 36,5009 Member fg Max. strese = 3742349 compression. L 2 10.6 Hin. section = 36 eq. in, Allowed etrees © 36,5004 Summary ef Analysis of frues members, Members Allewed Strees Actual Strese Aa, Be ~§3, 780 21 , 800 Ch, Di 35 , 800 - 6,18 ak, of, eI, £1, gl, +41 , 600 18,q00 ab ve -40, 400 o 4,437 ed +15 , 900 ¢ 3,349 de 36,500 =374 hi 26, 800 = 4,433 ef # 9,600 ¥ 2,610 {gf 36, 500 - 900 fg 36,500 #3 , 742 gh, dh #31, 200 12,550 es' + 9,600 * 600 fh @ 31, 200 ~12,580 s fh ie the same member as gh. «- 10 « @- ]] «~ Article 5. Analysis of Joint Detaile for each Typical Joint. See Fig. 1, Exhibit A. Analysis of Jeiat U. The area of the bearing surface of be on the on the upper cherd = § eq. in. at an angle ef 63° with the fibres and 36 sq. in. at an angle of 7° with the fibres. Allewed bearing stress of be then equals (by A.H.B. p 681 and 700) 1.3 x 959 x § 41.3 x 221 x 36 & 16,600 which is sufficient. There is no stress in the rod abd. The min, section of the upper chord at the joint = 38 eq. in. The allewable compression then, at the joint, ef Aa or Bo © 38 x 1120 = 42,500 which is sufficient. Analysis of Jeiat U3. Area of the plate on the oné of ef © 7p x 3 - 1.23 8 231.27 eq. in. Allowed etrese in ed = 21.37 x 260 = 55309 whieh is sufficient. Bearing eurfaee of Be on dh 2 34 x 6 2 15 oq. in. at an angle of 61° with the fibres and 16¢ x 6 = 104 0q. ia. at 8° . Allewadle comp. at 61° = 963 x 1.3 © 13808. 224 x 1.38 3 290F. i Allowable com>. at 8° Allowable comp. in Be = 18 x 1380 » 16.5 = 6 x 390 @ 18,750 plus 29000 = 47,750 which is sufficient. The bearing surface of dh on Be ie 24 x 6 2 15 99. in. at an angle ef 60° with the fibres. Allowable stress # / eq. im 3 980 x 1.3 3 12384. Allowable strese in éh then equals 15 x 1235 = 18,5009 The horizontal component of the stress in Ch 2B x 6180 © $,550# which must be transmitted through the bleck to the dolt and washer. The area of the washer *= 18 = 1 3 17 eq. in. The surface of the washer makes an angle of 37° with the fibres. Allowed strees (A.H.B. p 700) 8 1.30 = 242 = 443 Then the foree which can be transmitted thru the block = 17 x 443 8 78307 which is sufficient. Analysis of Joint U, . The cutward thrust of the eompression member which is equal to the pull of the tension member er 19,4008 is resisted by the shear eof the lower chord along the plane be and by the horisental component of the tension of the belts. The allewable shear with the grain ® 1.30 z 180 x 6 x 16 3 16,2009 Jeaving a remaining etress ef 3,2004 to be taken by the belte. The horisontal compeatent of the strees in the belt * 3200f, _ z2007 The stress resited by the bolts = 4300f. ‘There are 2 1-3/8 volt which are sufficient. The 3,200¢ horizontal etress met be ear- ried by the projection of the plate whose area = 6 x } = 4.5 sq. in. Allowed comp. perpendicular te the fibre = (1900 x 1.3) x 4.8 3 7000¢ which ie sufficient. The hordsental shear that can be taken by the plate = 1.30 =z 130 x 6 x 48 = 48,600 which is enfficient. The plate - 13 « wast take a foree of 43004. The area of the plate = 99 sq. in, Allowable compression = 99 xz 260 5 35,740 which ie sufficient. Analysis of Joint L, . With wind on the left the maximum stress in be = 44279 and maximum stress in de equals 130¥. The horisontal component of these foces met be carried by the projection into the tension member. The horisontal component = 4100% ~ 100 © 4000#. Allowed bearing vaule = 1.3 x 1800 = 15604 Area of bearing - 6 x .§ = 3 oq. in. Allowed bearing ® 3.0 x 1860 2 4,6009 which is eufficient. The area of the piate = 21.37 aq. inches. Allowed stress in cd = 260 x 21.87 = 6530 which is sufficient. Artioite 6. Anagyeie of wall feotings fer Max. Wall Height and Truss Loading. (a) We. ef Pilaster (Pig. 3). Wt. of concrete = 1804 / eu. ft. Vol. of footing = 3.73 zx 3.66 x 3 = 14.50 cu. ft. Vol. of Concrete wall © 9.65 x 23.78 z 3.66 2 69.8 ou. ft. Vol. of lintel = 20 x 40x 3.73 = 3.77 ou. ft. 12 13 Tetal volume 2 88 OF cu. ft. Weight = 86.07 x 150 = 13, 280% Vol. of solid tile © 13.58 x 1.66 x 2.72 © 6135 eu. {t. wt. of solid tile = 120% / eu. ft. (kent p 177) We. of tile & 61.3 x 120 = 7, a80¢ Wt. of pilaster = 13,250 plus 7380 = 20,550¢ (B) fruse leading (Fig. 3) Reaction due to dead lead = 96004 Reaction at right with wind on right = 63159 Vertical component of wind reaction 2 6915 x £2 = 56504. Total truss leading taken by the pilaster = 5650 plus 9800 © 15,450f Tetal pressure on the footing = 20,550 plus 15,450 = 36,000¥. ae | NE gti af PILASTER WE ET) oid GN 74 i’ 7 SCALE meen ae po as Q SPL PTE TE ead - 18 - (C) Wt. of wall between pilasters (Fig. 4) Vol. of cencrete = 9.65 x 9.79 x 2 plus 2 x 3.66 x 9.79 plus 16.25 | 42. x 9.79 = 189.0 plus 52.0 plus 11.0 = 282 eu. ft. Wt, ef eonerete = 352 x 180 2 87,600 ¢ Vol. of tile = 9.79 x 13.58 x 1 2 133 cu. ft. Vol. ef solid tile = approximately 2/3 x 138 = 68 eu. ft. Wt, per cu. ft. eof eolid tile = 120% Wt. of tile = 10, 600% fotal wt. of wall between pilasters = 37,8008 plus 10,600 = 48,4009 Total wt. on footing exclusive of floor beams = 36,000plus 48,400 = 84.4009 wt. per ft. ® $500 BS 6740. There are two floor beans between each pair of pilasters, (Fig. 4a) The floor was designed for a uniform leading of $400#/ sq. it. Load on the two floor beams = 12g 15 x 400 32 72,000¥ Wt. of 2 = 18" Ie @ 424 18" long = 12360F. Lead ea wall =_1nnto = 36,6904. Load per ft. = 38.940, S 20304. a me y fe Tite Pe aA 5 ath PS ae tal r Lh Lt So, /a 27) L. sso ar) ee ‘ a ee aA K i Pe WALL BETWEEN eee | PILASTERS 7° 16 = 22.95" 16° «7#fo7 29O32 Taking moments about A, 2980 x 6.75 = 9410 x = = 2930235.75 =; z 870 (8.0 inches. Test of wall footing. From A.R.B. P 587 & = § (1 plusé £) 8, ie (ite “tr ) = 28, (1.014) = 3690%/ eq ' } g, =f QQ-6 g) 8, = 2600) (1 = .014) © S580#/ oq. ft. Allowed pressure = 4000# / aq. ft. Wt. of wall at max. height. (Pig. 5) Volume of conerete = 2.66 x 6 x 1.5 plus 6 =z 2 x 9.28 = 23.9 plus 111.0 © 134.9 ou. ft. Wt. of concrete = 180 x 134.9 2 20,300¥ Vol. of tile = 6 z 1x 303 = 183,0 au. ft. Vol. of solid tile = x 183 3 180 cu. ft. wt, of tile = 1230 x 180 = 14,4004. Total wt. of wall = 20,300 plus 14,400 = 34, 700¥ Wt. per ft. = 4,109 = S780¥. SCALE —— Ud onan aay ta B h a Cree Pec i ae ba Lop) Foe : coi Pa aD ol “4 Da RY) -17< Wt, transmitted to wall by ene floor beam = dt x 130-4 $09 plus adn 40 = 9000 plus 260 3 92604. Wt. per ft, = a = 189404 Max. Wt. tranemitted te wall by Dll = 3640. Wt. per ft. 2640 = 607%. 6 Test of feoting. fake momente about A (fig. Sa). 1340 x 6.75 = 607 x 38 = 7937 ¥ ¥ = 1008 8) = yt (1 +6 i ) = Tar. (2.076) 3 3200f. 0934 s = 27604 Allewed pressure = 40004 ~ 18 - Articie 7, p. 460) Analyeies ef Reinforced cencrete lintel 10' span. (A.H.B. See Fig. 6 and da. 2-4 'rods — = —_ ay, — Se FON 8 Gag 80 70TH feo ‘ ee _y 10-0" | 164° ‘ ay 3 mes. Ps 10s 10°, 13 2 95,8008 PSs £2..009) = 2 0.00688 ke {ip UT Sip - ap = /18z.00655 (F F IS 2.00658) - 15 x .00685 = .856 $424 (2-2/8) or 9 = (1 - adht ) = .782 elke * wa kiisiasem ‘tue - 36404 / oq. in, Max. shear = 6504 B23 ( 60 x .785 ) = 125.6 us YF or ¥ = uja = 125.6 5.783 x10= ese Then risisting shear 3 9954. pe et ee aaa IE fe] a eal es Gass eae eee EI a ES SE BE SS es Be ee ee ae [ eee | ee re eh ep FSS | | | oe ea a (coe ES Lees PP Eee ee ae es ER cei eas a sual mee es es ial R ary iS x Toh as Oa; = GRAS ae My) FS 9 bas ame Eas Bory ‘a oe Soy FP -o (a a . - fT pS ET at ates | — ie be) ' - = on BU?IPD BP+W2UOD Cee Ee kane ddd eae - 19 o Article &. Analyeis of 3° fleering. 3x12 Fleer beara Le eye Dj e Leg r6 Nailing sIr'P “ " £~ 9% J e-o” we Max. Menext =. ale = 400.4 ETS x 12 5 ivetord m = af r 3 be xa’ = 37 e232 1.8* 19,880 8 aait sf A28h2- dab = 21009 / oq. im. which ie slightly above allowable etress. 47 PEG Joo/s fO 1/277 | Depa ae as TN A aH | i I Th) i ee a Sas | ] AL ET La La ah s= 3! B/025 ey Ld ake eee | aii aii o-£e lta ea Rr ly ae ra ca . c ae fs / Q Q 4 r ees 5 Maat LY yaw" : m4 Cre) (6-0 N Oe Lea he ie Bae kt Act. Mee (dk € Milo ee OR Pa : BF ro re é v4 9% i Ps 1 Pe pel a lilt S| w= dao 4r 5 a P : #77 do LL #89" ; x bal ae 7,37° 3 5 tae aaa 4 em | N Fig.€@a FLOOR BEAMS e 2] « B, = T9000°F a , Max, Mom. om left half = 83,200 x 8.79 = 1400 2. 2.79 = 86550'¢ 2 Mp = 79000'¢ Analysis of B ¢é 328 =. J @ 409 See Fig. 8. B6 was designed ce that if the bullding were lengthened a etringer gould be run along the center of the beame B6 and it would hold up a wt. ef 400f / oq. ft. Then the beam would de designed as though it were half as long. mex. ¥* 2400 4 Tiib © 39,600° 8 H, = 60,000°. Analysis of the veem B6 which holds up a partition and a live lead of 100 / eq. ft. ‘Max. moment © 0407 = 86000'¢ My = 60,0088 Analysis of BT. a8* - t e 424. See Pig. Se. 2 Max. m. © 2400 2 14,7 © 64,800'F 8 Mp © T9000'# Analysis of the beam B 7 on whigh the colum D3 ef trolley framing reete. wt. / ft. due te fleor lead. equals 23004. wt, / £t. due to partition load equals 200. Max. wt. tranemitted by D3 equale 3333¢ (from Art. 20). By = 17000 plus fF x 3233 2 19,9808 Ry © 208509 Max, M2 19,100 x §.4 = 12960 x 2.7 © 68,000 By 2 79,000'¢ ‘ Chad os 6-o" Ate ba ee Ed r Vara tg" BS 8 8 ~ | Cd ELS w = 1/900 eae Aor i J ‘ ca . eye bs 5 ESA SS : & o£ is (oN S x PE = LY ae iad r ea Tae PES Ct Mae Foie) : ae w= 200 “fA / stad Fig 8&4 FLOOR BEAMS iA 14.2" 8? PEST) Meds JIF73 ’ aT PR ho es bh PY oi sient hl Cy o i] » re) f 9 ) td x clk ES ET aS 4 j y ’ Fe SE. 4 ea ” a A ~ : S N x 8 Joke Pe On Oe od PFs ree Seer alae ’ , . f n 7 | : = La ieee 9 re) Le & Ta rey Ze. & RA S Seas a iets a wes (a xn ® ae 8c FLOOR BEAMS Analyeis of B 8. 1s" - I @ 434. - BB has same load and very nearly the same span as BY and nest not be analysed. Analysia of 3D. 1S" ~ 7 @ 43¢ Max Mon right half ef deam® 6100 x 3.5 = 28400'¥. M, © 79000'4. Max. Moon left half of beam ® 8100 x 25 -1900200 = 3 23,380 '¢ My = 79000'F, Analysis ef 320. 13" - 1 6 31.5$. See Fig. 8d. Max. us ue TE = 88,500: '¢, Bp = 48,000'5. Analysis of Bll. a5*® - I @ 424. Pron Article 12% ths load carried to Bll by o1 = 11,9384. Rs 140 plus x 11938 2 13350 234 Ro = 6088f. net Mes. Ms My "11938 x 1.20 - 1000.2 Dll = 15, 500'¢ M, © 79000'F, : Analysie ef 313. 18" ~ 7 @ 42§. R, 2 82004 Ro® 84604. , — Max. We My = 0460 x 2.46 = 10004 F.4t = 23400'¢ Mp = 79,000 'f Analysis ef Bi4. 18% - J @ 43%. Maz. MN same as BIO = 38500 '¥. x, = 79,000'¢, w= /468°S FE, maa " % g 2 Pr eh rs Pale S} ny | ; 7354‘ Viet S a Hl » i S PPT a aad c pis Per or 234' CTL IY ida L Ceara x Rie 2 < 746‘ 7.16‘ S th w-1000"%% wu X . ae Lied (AL : fig od FLOOR BEFMS 8/0 B// PS BIS 8+50 Summary ef ficer dean Analysis. Sise 16° = 60f - I Same ase Bi 16" = 606% ~ I 1S" ~ 43f - I ee 8 PPE 1S® ~ 42f - J 1Z® ~ 409 - I 1S" = 4237 ~ I Same ao BY 15" ~ 42f «~ I 13%<381.54 = J 1S*® « 489 ~ I 1s = asf = 1 US* —~ 42% - I PREPRESS ES es hetual Strees Allewed Strees 106800 428000 Sane as Bi Same as Bl 109800 128000 wea7e 79000 67470 56560 Te000 seeco 60000 68000 79000 Same as BT Sane as BY oneo 79000 38800 48000 18800 79000 '¢ 33400 ¥9000 385009 79000 e 24 @ Articie 20. Analyeis of Pipe Celusns (figs. 8, 9 & 26). Greatest value of P om any of the pipe colums 2% 40,0004. Ineide dia. (Standard wrt. irea pipe} = 5.055" Outside dia. = 5,$63* A & 34.31 @ 19.99 = 4.32 sq. in. 1 2 8.08 x 18 © 96.5" r = 1.519 = 1.877 4 582.3 Aecune § * 19h (4.0.3. p 907) Be ig AQ,000 = wg... ss 4.32 i+ 2 ® = 40,000 x 3.1428 ® 10,6009 which ie well within 4.32 allowed strese for wrt. iron. oa a Say ea OM TAALA : oe Sf rd A o 4 a CT Le af Me MLA AU LA en e ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° fe) fe) fe} ° ° ° a ° ° Q ° [o) ° ° rz7* Wasa Articole ii. Analysis of Built Plate and Angle Colum. (See Figs. 12 and lla) x Plate 7" x }# Fig I G Wa y 7 4Le 3}x8}x} 21 2 6? ~69 & 788 A of 4Le + 5.76 oq. in, A of Plate = 1.75 sq. in. Total A = 7.52 oq. in. Iyy (Le) = 16 Ixz (Le) ® 81. Iyy (P1) = .02. ; ~* 3 @ 23820 (A.B. B. p 808) A= 7.81 oq. inshes. sé Teneo plus a x 84 = 13820 which ie not excessive. wh! ae 4 ¥,G/ P48 WOLZO a 2 be fre Ze sapbuy 74,2 Yo/e LUyoD buy PUS S4o/qg PLOPYOLC Ze xtc = ® & i e i! Coal y Siar a a fe $a/bla ® ¢ . ct Dx0 Oe O eS ag ae a7) eagh ra So a i road es MOORS weet foes a gc hes a ff e4eaece “ ? eho = i 4 oa a A i hs Rael e ney lat Jd Te eeae y | aaa re 7 r ' ri iw smn Olatty Vip ! |pe4 Jy | y Se aie ie Wy | rN i i } 3 He O my Sd a al ~ Sane | UK tia ee Ta ites ks dea i , is os eT ga in | ya o's) Canoe eg De AS Rica 1) 2 die ~ & r, qui | AB 4 a1 1 Prov sy re ae a 1 rr ) ne Po 1 a , Fee Oe as s ort a =’ Artiele 12. Analysis ef all msembere of elevator framing and supporting beam Cl and C3. (See Fig. 14 and léa) 1d ten elevator. (Use scneentrations of elevator on p 331 Vol II Heel). Find load transmitted to 64. Lead at a < a x 4000 plus $48 x 600 § 1Tse#. Lead at b ® same ae at a = 1758f. Lead at © = Saf} x 1000 plus fap, x 6200 = s5409. Lead from 6 an D is carried te the colume by a deam above C4. Lead eaused by D # dale z 1950 plus sh», x 1250 3 ST8#. 10.38 Lead eaused by C ® cota x 1380 plus, $83 x 1380 & 4008. Leed on C3! fren C. and D = 6,95 2 S18 plue £29" * 400 = 026. Lead on C3 ® 976 - 836 © 1434. Multiply the etresees by two due to the impact caused by stopping anf starting the elevator. Taking moments about left reaction 3516 x 3 plus 3816 z 3.5 piuse $060 x 7.5 plus 364 x 8.8 R, = 72684 Max. M ecours at > and equals - 6816 x 53.0 pilus 5060 x 4 Ss 1323604 Np of C4 which is a 10° = I @ 25$ = 33000'# Max. load oa colum C2 = 72684 L = 13,52 o 27 « C2 ie 2 10° ~- I @ 28F rs Of } 2313.5 = 13.9 97 A27,37 (A.H.B. P 207) 6 & ghath | aa , rt Ta a ay a 8 s mt. = 1000¢/ 94- fu. which fe safe. Amalysie of Cl, 15° - 16424. (See Fig. 340) Ry = sft 2 7368 plus 2848 ,$+§- 5 6190 plus fel x 7040 = 84904 . : Ry © 20438 ~ 7490 © 11,9384 Max. M & 8490 x 8.8 - 6180 x 4.28 = 46000'¥ My * 79000'F Analysis of C3, 12° - J @ 31.5¢ QFig. 146) Lead on bean ® lead carried by C5 ta the nid point. Ps 4.3975 x 4.33 x 400 © (560 Max, wo 1560 58,78 ® 16800'¢ M, = 48,000'F _~ > oe ag iow ace ya Cite OTT a ie =| OLA | ae Gade 8° -Ge-0/-%d r Ae or ‘ ee ese | «eee Pde cial isc ee al tes a x a ee m2 rr we s ~ rye | Ji) a. os Pe zo 62> es NZD ‘ 5 ae Y eo is ec ke a cas tae is ts a bs nd | -+- — $2 se Ey ee ere ee Med sabe Xa= Ly vt/ O/ ehh ke £7 Pa ee De a es Zo Ae F Pat aed ? i ri 5 F a . S 3 » [A 4 be) R 4 ny % fe rT a +8 5 a > Wheel Fy cD RP sR aod i N id , sf ) ge eae FV : 00 [es > so TT) ne fe] © 'S 6, $ : A i pe a eyed Ly = A { is A cae ; ul ee sa re kof “te )f =F Oe f a " % . *) \% Re Telecel eee rr ee | (2'~ 40" aay ¢ Beam Cl ‘ 9 fe nN oe, eee. A ee. i ae hate >, Bee Article 13. Analyeie of Celum PFoetinge. (Pig. © and 9.) fhe maximum preseure on the eolum footings is 74,000%. The area of footing ie 3 x 4 2 12 aq. ft. The bearing preseure on the soil then equals THe 6,180f = 3.3 ten. Article 14, Analysis of Reinforeed concrete staire. Acoerding te Hool Vol. II stairs for commercial and manu- facturing plants are designed for 100# per horizontal sq. ft. Then the normal lead in ease of a stairs having a rise of 7(~-72° and a run of 12'S)" = 63,54. The transverse reinforeing ie used enly for stiffening and to prevent shrinkage eracks. | w2=r00" (FF % e a a". CS wa gz 9re 19. 5 Mex. u 2 400 2 1300'S = 1380 x 12 = 16,550%%, Ps aia 5 0.086 2 x= /"E x 0.0216 x 15 plus 0.0016 s IS = 0.0216 x 15 = 543 j 21 ,160 = 620, Ae deterhéned by the steal M, = 14000 x 0.0216 x .630 x 12 x > = 26800°F which is safe. ' AS dotermined by the concrete Res I Mo = $x 680 x .8423 x .630 x at = 15600°F which is a little emall. Max. shear = 8254, xz Fer bond 80 = 2°34 3 5/8 x 620. Y % 390f which is onal i. © 29a Article 15. Analysis of wall and buttress of O11 Sump. (See Fig. 15). Span of buttresses 10'-9*, Thieknees of buttress 1'~-o*. Weight ef earth 1007 / ou. ft. Weight of consrete 180% / eu. ft. By Rankine's fermula with horisontal eureharge and vertical wil Pt gen? ( EES, ) $, 233° ~ 46° pest (pi ssse.) * oF Wt. ef earth on footing = ¢ x 6.7 x 100 8 8354. Wt. of masonry = = ( ee 6.7 plus 8.23 21) 150 = 33604. (See Fig. 48a) f= 335.5.3,0 plve 1810 2 1,8) plus 450 21.8 2595 > 2880 plus 2720 plus 6758 89 # 1.67! 2595 Total vertical preseure of earth and mazenry fie 3595 x 10.75 or 876004. Total horisental pressure ef earth ie 843 x 10.75 or 8080f. The graphical eolution (Pig. 156) shows that the resultant preseure ilies well within the middle third. Bearing stress - soe Fig. 152. s, = £ (1 plus 6g) (A. H. B. p. S87) * * areco (2 plus Gu) ) 3 648.0f / 04. in. & © 21900 (1-6 4. ) 2378.08 / og. ia. There is a 4° pipe braced between buttresses which adds to the factor of safety. mt deine | | ca sae bs Ke VE: Tle Nes PR Ls Bs aT ed to WHLL OF GL SUMP Article 16. Analyeis of I beam Trolley. 10° F beam (Fig. 12 exhibit C). Analysie of Rail #1 (Fig. 12d) The nest dangerous place is the 6'-]* epan. Max, moment eseurs when lead is at the center. Veglecting the wt. of beam Max. Moment = Bi z R222-k Aad = 16200'¢, Max. allewed bending moment for the lightest 10° I beans in 8. H. B. ie 83000'¢ fer a 854 I bean. Vax. shear = 8000, Analyeis of Rail #2 (Fig. 13d) Max, M2 $000 534.5 2 390074 which is éafe. Max. shear = 80006. Analyeie of Rail #3 (Fig. 13d). fwieting moment = .§ x 8000 = 4000'f (From A.H.B. p 310) $= Ee Pe = 4000 x 13 = 49000%F ¢ 8 distance to extreme fibre * §*. J @ polar inertia = Ix pive Ty. 33 sano i § = 1860 #/ eq. in. 28,9 Max. M im beam = 4898 x 1.75 = 450'¢ uu “81 6 $450 x 12 > aiid 8 > 41509 / sq. in. ~ $1 ~ Resultant stress = { si80 * pics mo 2 45408 / oa. 4n. which is éafe. Max. shear is 8000f. Fig. 12h. Twisting moment Z 8000 x 5/12 = 3340'4, Ss Pee J § 32 B04 02 23 @ 15808 / oq. in. Max. MW. is 9500 x 2.16 er 1850. Mis sf rss x 18» x tana SB 37008 / oq. in. Resultant strese = / ISSO" pies roe" ® 40108 / oq. in. which is eafe, Max. shear is S8000f. Analysis of Rail #4 (Fig. 12d) Max, NM is 9000 x.35.8 <= 31,000'# which is safe. 4 ‘Max. shear is 80004. TROLLEY FAILS Fea) Figlkb @ - 32 - Article if. Analysis of Crese griders of Hand frolley euppert (fig. 19 Exhibit c) Analysis of DIG 8° - 1 @ 20.28 (See Fig. 130) Mex. lead en D16 = 8000F Max. nenent = S244. s 8000% Max. shear ® 4000 plus 2 x 80.25 3 4080.8¥#. My (by 8.4.3.) 3 80,000'% Analysis of D214 a -~ 1 ¢ 20.254 Max. lead en D164 = 8000F. Nex. moment 3 4540 x 3.79 & 17,200'F M, % 80,000'F. Max. shear = 4540. Analysis ef D13 when trolley is at end of track. 8° I 620.25. Taking moments about 0. ~2400 = 1.85 plus 177 x 4.38 = 3400 2 6.5 © Rg x 8.95 Rg = S20 = 25004 Re = 20434. 9 Max. NS My = 2003 x 1.95 - "ih a Oe = 2824'9 Me = 20,000'F, Maz shear 3§80. Analysis ef D 12 6* - I @ 184. Max. lead on D 12 80004. Max, Moment 4410 x 3.79 = 16700'8. My (8.H.B.) © 19,000'°F Max. shear © 4410, Analysis of D 11 6" 3@ 168. See Fig. 130. Max. lead en Dll 8000¥. Max. moment ie 4360 x 3.79 or 16,800'f. M, (8.H.B. p. 84) = 19,0001F. Max. Shear 2 43604, Analysis of D §& OF Ie 16, Max. Load 8000f, Max. Nonent is 4850 x 4.25 or 30,900. Ma = 19000', Max. Shear 2 4850f. Analyeis of DS 8°41 g 184. Max. Lead 8000¥, Max. moment is 3980 x 8.42 er 31,600'F. NM, = 19000'F, Max. shear = 4020. The bean DS hasn't a large enough section. D/é le lotes Loe PLY =} ree eI Are x SX = Q ea) Len O8 SS tee Ddeleeaad ea Sn a be 00bhz2 ‘ . oy os ‘ y he - AS a a \ PT ey eS Scenes ok Cale X % 0008 . PTY ss ‘a Nf hy x ke mh 9 iB) is) % M7 By 5. x OO4FZ we ™ : ee a oy ad a ere ee lke 5 aA25' Tele} =) Pera —_—_—— fH 0008 Patt ae a 42.81 Wee ere Fig. |b SP TROLLEY CROSS GIRDEF S Article 18. Analysis of Beane for Hand Trolley Guppert. (See Fig. 12, Exhibit C and 18a). Analysis of D'13 8° Ze 16%. Max. Moment is 12390 x 4.92 or 6360'¢. M, 2 19000'¢, Max. shear is 1860f, Analysis ef BS. 8* I @ 184. Wax. HW neglecting the braces ie 235230 x 6.44 er 16,300'F. My, ie 19,000'4, Analysis of DiS - 8° ¥ @ 33.784. BR, = AZ x 4000 = 32334 Ro = 3/18 x 4000 = 667%. Max. M® 3383 x 5.0 & 0, 900'F Me = 22,000'4, Analyeis ofD8 when there is an uplift of 20436 6'-$° from right ond of dean. Left reaction # f+ z 2048 = 9007. Right reaction 2 2043 - 900 = 1143%. Max. moment is 1143 x 6.4 © 7320'f. My = 19000'F. 0 as oR IE ie ed cS SS a) Q cso oe “4 Pe WT : i) Zoek i Baer sy COCK Le Oren | cs : ot . hs 9 XN S S i “ovoxr=zy £99 ~=%y Article 19. Analyeie ef colums Dl and D4 inclusive, Hand Trolley Support. (See Fig. 18, Exhibit C). p. 815) Max. lead on D3 is 4360$ (by Art. 17) Length equals 12.44'. D2 is an 8° 23.789 I bean. Least radius of gyratien is .62. hoz att 215.4 A 26.76 eq. in. P = 4360, (A.W. B. p. 207) § =F Fos i. 144 (3)? S aenkteoe 21.0285 gz MME 44200 = gs0p / oq. tn. o%6 Bearing value of concrete is 400f / oq. in. Bearing area is 10° x 12°. (vy A. H. B. Allowed bearing then is 13,2 10 x 400 er 48,000f. Analysis of Dl Max. load on Dl is 1860f, Thie celumm is the same length and of the sane section as ) DO and need net de analysed since D2 was found to be very safe. Analysis of D8 6° - 32.73F I beans. Maz. iead on DS occurs when the trelley is under DS and is equal te 3333#, S A - Length if the sams ag DZ and the lead ie lees. 268, me ek 6h 24 ae an am & an Therefore Analysis ef B4 6° fo 83.754. L ® 18.2 Max. lead eccure when the trolley is at the end ef the track and is equal te 64004. r= 81. = at.) = 18.6 am : PF EG. a gs S20 4 i 98. = 965 $ / sq. in, which is safe. Article 20, Analysis of Bracing and tie rods. Fig. 12, Exhidit 6, Sespopoornf Max. etress in aA which ie a 1-1/8 tie rod is 8900F, Allewed stress is 5.994 x 14000 ef 13,9004. Nex, strese in aC which fs a 1* red is 83004. Allewed streee {6 .785 2 14,000 er 11, 000%, The uplift on each end of D13 is 2400f which ds resisted dy four ¢° rivete which are good for 4 x .196 x 16000 of 125004. Analysis of bracing under a lead due to trackage equal te 10% of the trelley lead. (See fig. 13). safe. of 3104. 14000¢ / Ieseer =: Tarn. Shear Kevent.. Aa plus 380 190 1168 '# Ac pl@e 100 0 1188'4 ob piwse 310 oo eo e« ca = 400 100 686 '# oe « 300 340 738 '¢ gh 0 100 738" hi’ - 310 ce o AB - 100 0 4260 '¢ 93 335 200 Lies's Resisting momext of the 6* I beam is 19,000'¢ which is The braces D 19 carry © compression of 3109 or a tension D194 0 6- 2282 3/1648 2 > 7.68 ce = .63 a = 12.38 Allowed pressure by A. R. EF. A. forma (8.H.B. p. 00) eq. in. Allewed pressure = .71 x 14000 = 9, 9804, which is eafe. 7a eee NYa-79 caw v Va} ad ?~ | a Bo ne r moe ie ¥ ~ ar Ake) cae Sca/e /"=400 Article 212. SUMMARY. The Sibre strees in the roof purline was found te be 9849 per equare inch while the allewable fibre strese © 1040f per oq. ineh. The fibre stress in the rafters was 5308 per sq. in. which ie . well within allowed etrees. All members of the roof truse were found to be very safe. The pressure -f wall feotinz on the earth was feund to de lese than the allewed value of 4000 per sq. foot. The reinforeed ecacrete lintel is eafe beth fer flexure and shear. The etroes in the fhboering fe 1100¢ per oq. iach, whieh is slightly teo large. The floor deame were all found te be strong encugh but sone had a facter of safety larger than necessary. The stress ia the pipe colums is well within the allowed stress. The stress in the buklt celums is well within the allewed etress. All members of the elevator framing were within allewed stress. fhe bearing preseure of the colum foetings on the earth is 3.1 tens per square foot which exeeeds the allewed value of 1.75 tons. This would indicate that the column feotings are teo emall not knowing the practical conditions or the method of determining the safe bearing lead. The walle and buttreseee of the of] sump were found te exert a bearing pressure on the soil whieh dese not exceed the allewed value . The trolley rails were found te be safe, fhe Max. mom. is the erose cirder DS of the Trolley slightly exceeds the allewable resisting monent. The beans for the Hand frolley support are all well within the allewed stress. The etrees in the celuans of the Hand Trolley Support was found to be well within the allewed unit. The streee in the bracing and tie rede ef the Trolley was feund to ve within the allowed units. ane es ui ICHIGAN SU oe ANSING, MICH. 48824-1048 I | a —————— —_ —— SS $= eee => ee —— = =—_ SS Oo — _ ™ ‘© v oO 7 Oo o ‘o> N - ©