NU ll l —1.9 = Iwo | NO © DESIGN OF A FOUNDRY FOR THE MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Thesis for the Degree of B. S. Waiter D. Greesheck 1892 Tae PN eek) Mee § s DES IGN OF A FOUNDRY MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, a 7 Coy August 9, 1892, By W.1. Groesbeck. DESIGN OF A FOUNDKY FOK THE ae 34 es MICHIGAN AGELECULTURAL COLLEGE, AN In the description and plates here presented, it is not my hope to bresent a model foundry, even for the purposes for which it is designed, [the instruction of students in moulding and casting and a laboratory for experiment in allied lines. The most that is sought is to give, with the means to be commanded and the site to be occupied, accommoda-— tions more or less good, for thirty students, and a few extra pieces of apparatus for convenience in handling work and experiments in mixtures of metals and variations in heats, as to econemy of fiiel, grades of fiiel, size and temperature of heats drawn. To begin with, the situation of the pattern-shop, blacksmith-shop, and machine-shop, as well as that of the engine-room, make it almost imperative to place the foundry under the same roof, No detached building, however mich better lighted, more commodius or pleasing in design, could be made as convenient in ease and ragidity of work; while the transmission of power for fan and blower, would become a perplexing “problem, rope transmission or the setting of the blowers at a great distance from the cipola, being the only solutions. As the foundry is designed to be placed in an extension of the Wing at present containing the blacksmith-snop, it must be similar in design and dimensions. This, taking the required amount of space,will give a fairly good form to the floor, it being about twice as long as its width. With a uniform exterior design, hardly the desired amount of light is obtainable, particularly on dark days with the foundry wing Shaded during the working Hours by the main building. 96479 Qe The probable amount of money available for the building and equip- ment will be another consideration Limiting the plant to almost the barest necessities. The building wili be of brick, 12" walis, 50 ft. by 60 ft.,in- side dimensions; side walls 9 ft. high, windows at sides and in the ventilating skylight. The end wall at the east will have a 4 ft. door in the centre as an accommodation for blacksmith-shop exten- sion. A three foot wide bench, 54" high, will extend along north and south sides in sich portions as have best light from the side Windows, and a brass furnace with two hearths will occupy the west end. The ciucola will be situated midway of the seauth side, with core Oven to the east of it, and coke, coal and iron bins under the same roof. A three ton traversing crane will be arranged to cover the entire floor space. In the cupola room, wiit be placed an hydraulic hoist as well as steps to the charging platform, and coal, coke and pig will be made as convenient for handling as possible. Plan andsection will show the construction of the wing, while the elevations will give an idea ol its general appearance. The glam shows better than can a descri;.tion, the location and arrangement of the moulding benches loam pit and floor, The crane will be of two 12", 20O#, steel channels, without any truss supports. Brick ledges on the side walls will siupvort an ordinary Light R.R.T-rail track, placed as close as possible to the Side walls. The crane will be arranged for hand power and is de- Signed as mich for instruction and excerience in such machines as for actual necessity. The same may be said of the hoist. e. a Oe ! The cupela will be a conrmmor:, straignt one, 24" in inside diam- eter, with 6" lining anda 3/16" boiler iron shell. This style is choser: on account of its lower cost and because repeated tests have {sce Wa Ca not shown sufficient advantage in special or patented designs to warrant their adoption. The wnole rests on four 4" cast iron col- umns, sipporting a cast iron bottom plate 44" square. The tuyeres are eight in mumber, arranged in two rows; the main ones 4" in diam- eter and 90 degrees apart, while the upper row are but 2" in diame- ter and may be opened or closed at pleasure for experimental piur- poses. The rows are 12" apart and the upper tuyeres will be set 45 degrees around from the lower. They will be fed from a 4"xl16" jacket or tuyere belt, air being supplied through a 9" pipe. The Charging door, 14" x 16", will be set Y¥9 ft. above the bottom plate, and the Lining from this point to the top will be but 4" thick. The whole cupola will be so set that only the tap hole will show in the moulding room, Blast will be furnished by either of two styles of blowers, of about equal capacity and either large enough to give the necessary blast alone. The Root blower andSturtevant fan are chosen as good representatives of the different types, the one positive and slow speed, the other of the high speed, fan type. Either the Root blower No.2, or the Sturtevant fan No4, if up to guarantee, will furnish an excess of air for the weight of metal to be melted per hour, the former running at 275 r.p.m. and the latter at 3100. In designing the hoist, the available water pressure per square inch of lifting area is found to average, from tank, only a- } bout 30+. With a 7" ram, this will give a net Lift of about 700#. The hoisting cylinder will be of 10" wrought iron water pipe, with 4. cast lron cap recessed for leather U packing collar. The piston, or ram, is a similar piece of 7" pipe turned and finished outside, and closed at the bottom with a cast, screw cav, water tight, the cap at the same time acting as a stop in case of derangement of the valve. The will be the usual three way hoist valve with automatic Stops at top and bottom. For details see section Grawing of hoist. The core oven will be 6 ft. by 12 ft. and 9 ft. high, with car and track of 3 ft. guage. The hearth for neating the oven is in the cupola room and the fuel to be used is coke or hard coal. Light fron doors will close the oven on the moulding-room end. The ote er wall wili furnish two sides of the oven and an 8" wall the other two. top will be covered with flat arches sipported by Light 4" T beams, (channels at ends), set & ft. apart and running across the oven. The brass furnace will have two hearths, each 18" square and both connected to one chimney. The firing pit will be 2 1/2 ft. by 5 ft. and will be brought omly to the general floor level, being covered whem the furnaces are not in use. The grates will be ar- ranged to drop at the front end for ease in cleaning after the fire has burned out. In a wooden extension of the cupola room, will be provided bins for coke, coal, moulding sand and pig iron, with end door for filling and barrows for handling. Scales on trucks can doubtless be most conveniently placed in the passage when charging the cupola and stored on or beneath the charging platform when not in use. The drawings show: Front and end elevations, general plan, section of moulding room, vertical section of cupola and section of hydraulic hoist, , ca} y OD AS oe “EE Hh FOE” ——fewe : 5. Specifications, further than those given in description and drawings, are not presented; neither is an estimate of cost. All Grawings are arranged and numbered to correspond with the above e- miumeration. Respectfully submitted, Weihe D Gprveboch, lice gett J, /b fh. Vie RR Toe tala = re ore comme RT Te ee dienes el SE, CEES 0X FS Ltd BN’ kLy ,o8k a> ES erm wen). Bond 8 dt Cw. eee EB OB oft 3. 4 3 Here 9 8 8 hn ne. ’ “Y /K6 ALY I Ans xd SECTION « MOVLIING 700M, SHOWING CTPANE. feave-$¢°-lFr Lp {een ae AS ES —§ _ 0¢ o2 ~ oo] EF 4 _—- ee i ~ de "s . ' \ 4 - = ~~ ys + $ ~ Wd WA wd ke ka ve K Q ~ R> Ay Su --->>> _, pemee eee Prarromn, x4’ B 2 Z zL 2 > S a FLOOFING, Lit O8K [] HALVED TOGETHEP [] ' oe ne L PV ery ™) | - so 4g Ly FMV r 9%, {6 Y LegruEer POQKING Con tgp 4 --|-.--—f- >o, Te Taree Way Vasve vo “ NQ * 4 HyDpaULIC HoisT Soqeee Fk. 2. PO /- e Screw CaP -— /0 —> Y SCREW CHP