SS aS ras a LIBRARY — | Aichi gan State by | Unry erst pow PRES RE ras BARE AOE v4 m= A ten -@ “J 624 uw oan e = peo CH 2Hr PAVE NEN TS LANSING, ICHICAN, I s D e AMG PLL . an e 3 e ATT, - 3 eee ~ MICTIGAT AGRICULTURAL CCLLECE MAY 4, 1907. THES'S3 A BEPONn? CH Vil! PAVINELYGES CR UANOCIDG, UrC tl. she object of this thesis is tc report the results of an invostigation of the pavement of Lansing, 'ichirsn, and fron their construction, present condition.cnd the anount of trefic passi::; over them to present some conclusions as to the relutive merits of different forms of pavements ond dif- ferent -ethods of pavément conetruction as found in the city. there is in all about six miles of paveroent in Lansing (for actual ¢ |40 | 4862 SPFLED 1. a LO" x54 Washington LV@3~ a> ‘olagezoo to bridce 1294 f1LO7C.° |40 9750 IBAHS7.C8 |L.ES [otna™ ron gan AVO3-= vashington -ve ic .c 4995 £140.0 /77.5 |18427 30427 .61 11.646 [CF xa" Vasmington Avoi- Shiawacseo to -a-zoc |1896 £656.5/79.5 [4113 9639.75 /1.02 |9"x4" wi higan AV@s~@ : " Capitol | 1°98 | G78.0 |66 4972 4446.04] 200 [Oh xr" Franklin Ave:- s jasnington to Genter {1°°° | Fe? 50 5719.9 | £905.09 J1.6005 [Ota ® «Turner otrect:- on “renilin to Clinton 1992 | 605 50 CARY SlOC4Aa LE | O4 (OS xn® ashington Aves= 7 > ohtas asece to *renk- [1299 6700 /|45.75 |21752.6 [2 2°23567 [1.07 «|O8ze" ashington ive:e ridge 1902 | 170 |26.% ECS TOOL Coa [ota Allegan St:- Grand to Ceritol 1°03 | 753 £5. Allegan Utt- - ferto jiecracc (lc [etn Canvitol to valnut 190% | #4 30 } | Capitol Ave:= 1 + “liesan to Cttava 1904 | &e7 SO “159 ThFOLOO/T.1O [ee Te Capitol ve:- , Allogan to a=zoo 1905 | R23 <6 2016 SELL.CO Lea [Rah Vashington fve:~ - Rivor to @.T isi. 1905 [1°13 42 fo75 15°51.25 |1.7°7 | O7xZ* Grand Sti- ich. to \aehtinaw 1905 | 201 45 Grand oSt:- \ Schl cols. Le75 [OMA Mich. to ; ashtinaw 1°05 | 415 OF Valmut ictie Allcgen to cttawa 1905 | S36 3Q <153 933 00/1 Clore" Cttawa Stre 1 . .ashnineton to losen {1996 |2390 am 15128 CASE -E0|1.E1C | "x8 Franzlin Avese w z Vashington to Pine 1906 |s072 ~=+| 40 0492 113152.92/1.40 |abexcln Vashtenaw (treot ~ + being laved, Yichigcn “