AZTAITid Gy Oo A q re "Y Hd Bich Roy te: A Microscepic Examination of Wool Spe Wael 1-37 ll OES ea en oe -_— ww) a ee THESIS T HESIS Senicr Agricultural Thesis en "A Microscopic Examinatimm of Weol". ———a, ee _ —. by \ Ly Wye Vv “\ VJ ~t Vo Jes’, A’ Bulkeley. -- - pauensi> Class ef '99, 6 Michigan Agricultural College. Agricultural Crllege, Mich. Senicr Agricultural Thesis en “A Microscopic Examinatim cf Weol". ———. — —— by ‘ 4 A . 5 i \ as Tes" Ay Bulkeley. qqgnea> Class ef '99, ao Michigan Agricultural College. Agricultural Crllege, Mich. THESIS A MICRCSCCPIC EXAMINATION CF WccL . Tre investigatiens (the results ef which are herein given) have been made fer the purvrse ef ascertaining what differences, if any, ex- ist between fibres cf werl revreserting aiferrent breeds «f sveep., To noi73tUs anf tec tavestigaticn, Stated mere definitely, nave beens l. Ta Shaw OV antans at latte a stu rays Um eel tere arrrar- ances cf the different fibres. Ze Te Shew by means crf drawings their cuticle structure as seen under a high Ppewer micrrscrre. 3 To aScertain their average diameters, and such ether data in reference te the same as will tend te Shew the differences existing between the weel fibres cf tre Aiffercnt breeds cf sheed. In arder te make the werk aS crmDlete a8 PeSSible, the weal Se- leoted represented wnat ure crusneniv knewn as the fine-werlled, medium- weelled, and leng werlled breeds, the samples being cernsidered tyvvical in all resvects cf the breeds chesene Fellewing is a list ef the va- rieties. TABLE le VARIETIES CF WCCLe BREED CF SHEEP. CLASIFICATICN CF WOCL. Ne. 1 American Merine Nee 2 Spanish Merire X Cicrthrine. Nee 3 American NVerire X OCle-thineg. 94281 Noe4 Dickinson Delaine Fine Delaine. Noed Ramb ouillet Fine Deluine. Noe6 Shorpshire 3/8 Clotninge Noe? Soutrdown 3/8 Clothing. ~ Noe8 Hampshire Down 3/8 Coubinge Noo9 Cxford Down 1/4 Conbing No.10 Cheviot 1/4 Combing. Noell Dorset Horned 1/4 Combine. Noel2 Letorster . 1/4 Combinge NoelS Lincoln Braid Combing. eo oe ee ee ee er oe ee ee a ee ee ee 2 ee ee ee oe ee oe Oe ee et ee oe Nowl4d Cotswold Braid Combinge In order to Srow Dhotograrhs a typical Sample was Selected from each variety above named and a Smull portion tuken from its centre. This was treated with Sulvrurie ether to remove all faty then mounted in Canatva bdalSam ard cxaumiuei under tre microS20Tée It wus fo.u.dy ewe ever, thut it was next to inpoSsibdble to vrocurre wu *hoto oving tote Pact that the Tiovre uncer tre meecsSury high pover was practically tranSlucert, and guve no contrast with tee meurntine mediume In order t overcome this diffizulty the srecimens were treated with silver nftrate; ov this means tee esorvonert Parts of the Pihre were broie >t ont distinct lye The resulting vDnotogrultns are here giverie Ween. CUTICLE. From an exauminution of the fibres of wool under a microscope it will be seen that they differ materially from the fibres of plant bdDoties Im each of the two latter cases the outside wall of the fibre is compose of a Single cortinuous layers wnich is not divided intn Sections, and is known as the cell-wall. In the wool fibre on tre other hand, the outer ~2- layer, or cuticle, as it is called, is divided inte a number -f plates, giving it a reugh and irregular appeurantre Trese plutes urc Sen.cwhat cf the cne gereral Shape, theugn differing greatly in sizee bach Plat: everlaps the udjrining crney tne reruer extericrr «ff tne fibre being due te this facte The Prellewing drawires will give en itea of tre size ard Sruue «P the plutcs in qut7sticne FIERKS DIAMETERS. The same frurteen varietics Shewn tn the pret-osrapns were tised tr determine tre fiore-diumeters. Several Tivpres weave first taken, treatr: with Sulphurtsc cther ter renrcve all Paty and exanin a under tre iwicures So-pee nucr @xaminetica vsbeoug- ut eveir wrele lenueth revealed tre fact that in all cases tre Gdiwetter ot too Lip «2 tre fEore wap much les, than at the buse, tne rate -f increase Leirng Paulrly uniferme In errder therefrre te wuke tyne readings aS neurlyv aerrect u& Drssible, the Sanplre, Sheruld all ce sclented frem cne eiven vert ef tre Sstuple, preferably the centreée rren. each varicty -P werl twenty trpicul fibres were seleo ed. Fren toerey Orrtiens abeut cre -quarter ef an inch in leneth and out exactly rrem che mantles treated with sulphuris ether and silver nitrate and rerunted tn Banaia BalSam. nven after taking ull due pre-e Gauticns in selesting tr srestinenrs, it wus ferund thut the fibres were met cP a uniferm texturee Indienvatiens were namereuS, tne fibres tn Semc caS€&& avvoearing te be almest dDr-ken in ralveSe Care was taker, nmeweverysy tr reieot Sucv partS cf ene Suanplrs ani te preoure reuailscs enly frem trerse varts thut uppeured tr be ef the mest unifrrm thickness. The felleving table Syn-ws tre readings Se rotauined, tre me..surements de- ing given in miorens ( a milerrn equals te enemthbdh@andth vart cf a millimeter). TALbLS 2. Snrewing meusurrnent ef fibres in micer-ens. Varieties and Measnremerts tn “terense American Mertine Spanish Merine American Merir.c XXClrtringe Ke Cl-tnine. 28.5 2% .5 25.7 25.7 BC.O 35.7 38 05 28.5 30.0 37.1 34.2 28.5 28.5 31.4 27.1 27.1 314 30.C 32 8 Sly& 27.1 38.5 28.5 27.1 36.5 Boe 28.5 3761 52 0 25.7 32.8 2761 2.8 42.8 3206 28.5 30.0 3567 28465 34.2 $1.4 31.64 35.7 5@e@ 32.8 32.8 34 02 25.7 31.4 35.7 27.1 26.5 31.4 3C.0 34.2 38.5 28.5 34.2 2507 25.7 3 670. 635C. 576.5 Dickensen Delaine Rambruillet Secs! 2463 271 21.4 3O.C 2060 27 4 2507 257 27 es. 243 2C.C 2865 2463 25.7 34.2 Tel 245 Suew 27.1 31.4 S7el "Oe 28.5 SLs 28.5 BOLO 2065 34 2 25.7 350% 32 08 28.5 38.5 35.7 31.4 40.0 31.4 28.5 41.4 28.5 43.9 36 05 3402 3200 47.1 31.4 32.9 38.5 38 .* 27.1 +1.4 32 8 BOed 27. BUel 24.8 05 94 35 07 25.7 32 8 T-tals 594.3 6K. 692.8 Sruthd-«wn Hampsnire Cxferd Dewn Chevirte ac.c 5567 44.3 5507 42.4% 42.8 42 8 54.3 4403 94.3 58.5 5567 32.8 44.3 5761 57 el 30.0 40.0 58.3 52.8 28.5 44.3 64.3 5507 50.0 BOO 40.0 57.4 51.4 48.5 48.5 41.4 34.2 54.3 5403 42.8 42.8 47.1 40.0 45.7 5508 57.1 42.8 47.1 44.3 A0.D 48.5 50.0 3761 44.3 5567 61.4 47.1 44.3 3208 62.4 37 el 52. 58.5 47.1 HO. 34 .2 40.0 45.7 48.5 45.7 4761 48.5 44.3 44.8 S5C.C 45.7 40.u 5761 Duo 4761 41.4 32 8 O14 95.7 Tetals B20. 628.5 957.1 1024.3 Derset Herned 40.0 51.4 44.3 38.5 3507 34.2 3907 91.4 40.0 44.3 3C.0 38.5 44.3 48.5 90.0 892 8 Leicester 44.3 9507 48.5 48.5 44.3 1.4 5@.0 61.4 52.8 a w e © 1028.5 Lirnerin 5C.0 AC.0 — 42 41.4 48.5 S71 42.8 47.1 48.5 45.7. 42.8 47.1 48.5 Ce © 961.4 C-tswold 64.3 62.8 68.5 61.4 68.5 67.1 44.3 5307 71 6228 45.7 57.1 57.1 5453 4845 1152.8 Frem the figures given in tre frregring table the varieties cf weel can be arranged in c«rder acorrding te their diumeters. Such erdaer is given in tuble 2, the average diameters heing expressed in miorcans and in decimals of an inche TABLE 3. chewing average diameters of weel fibres in micrrns and in deci- mals cf an inch. Varieties >: Average Afaretors in 2 Averace dfameters > mior-ens.e sin decimals cf ar : _ > inche Rambruillet 28.28 : 60011] Americam Merine- : : XXClething : 28.93 : eCC113 Dicxensen Delaine : 29-71 ~CC113 Spanish Merine 3150 : ©C0124 American merina-~ ; XX Cl ething : $3.50 : C0131 Sherpshire : 34 664 : ©0136 Secuthdewn 41.00 ; ~CC16C Derset Hrrned ; 44.64 : ~CO1LTC Hamoshire 46.43 ~ C0182 Cx ferrd Dewn 47.65 : eCO188 Line-ln ; 48.C7 ; ~CC189 Leicester : 48.57 ; ©C0190 Chevint : 97221 : eCC2C1 Catswrld : 57.64 .ooae” A glance ut Puble 1 will Siew toat there 185 a warked aGifferciice in tee jiameters -f ditferent fibres af tre same variety ef weel, and tnis mnetwitrstandine tree fast treat tre mrst tyvisal fibres were seleate? ard tre the raked eve seemed te be eP abrul the sume derree -f Tinenesse a ’ The fellewing cudle tee Sinallest, lureerst and average diar- Fives eterS, aia tre diiterenae oetween tre Ssuallest and lareest diamcicrs «2 tne fiores exuminede Table 4. Varieties > Smallest: Differrrnac: Avere: Differ-3 ouura-~:Differenre | > Diameters between 2 use 3 enar 2eSt wthetweoen : > smullest tDiam- : »« tween: Diam-:larerst s Sund aver- setters 2: largestvieverssand Suull- : 2age diumco= ° > and aves 2eSt diance : sters. : . aze dia? :ters. : : : S mcterSet : Americun Merinr= 3° : : : . : X olethineg 2: 25.7 : 4.2 728.9 : 6.8 :35.7 : 1C.C Dickinsrn Delaire: 24.3 : +24 329.7 3: 6eC 3385.7 3 11-4 Svantsn Meerine ; 2547 ° 28 261.5 ; 7.0 £38.25 ; 12.8 Rambruillet $s 24.8 : Ae ©2363 2 41% 94990 © 1507 Lincreln >: 43,4 s 746 242 .@ ° 9. 257.7 ° 15.7 Amertiean Merinr 3: : : : : : AX OCletring 3: 25-7 : 7.8 556305 2 9.3 342.8 : 17.1 Letcester °° 41.4 : 7el 248.5 : 12.9 .6144 : 20,2 Cnevicrt >: 41.4 >: : 04.3 : 10.3 £44.6 : 12.5 357.1 : 22.4 SruthAcwr >: 28.6 . 12,1 e*71.0 22 10,4 397.2 2 22.8 Cetsweld © 44.6 ©: LAA 257.6 : 1CO.9) 36825 3 24,29 Hampstire >: 30.0 > 16.4 246.4 +: 10.7 :57.1 : 27381 Cxfrra Dewn : bC.0 ‘ 1725 247.8 ; 16.5 °64.:5 : S4 el A clese examinatirn ef twe Samples cf weel taken frem the Same purt cf any twe fleeces revresentirng distinct breeds cf Sheed, more par- ticularly if -nne be a lengewerlled ard tre crther a Shert-weerlled breed, will readily Snew that there is a greut differense in tne fibre-dianmcters of the twee weerlSe inven in the cuse rf a single svesimen cf any ene breed, we can easilv reorerize the fart that tre weel en tre Shrulter 15 much firer than that orvering the bellye But it is hard tr believe that there could be anv ernSiderable difference in diameter between, Sar, twenty fibres take1 © 1em ane SOrte It weuld be enlv natural te Supprse that all fibres taken frem a given Square inch of skin Surface wruld be cf an equal finenessSe Yet such is fur frem being tre case. In the twenty Samples cf each variety examined, a wide variatien was frunde In Seme caseS tne difference in diumeter was remurkabdles in Pact, in a few instances the difference amrunted te mere than enemhalf the diameter cf the crarsest fibres It is cnlv tr he exnrected, tnats, given twe differ= ent breed ef Sheep with fleeces Similar in all ether resvectsS, the ene in wnich the lexrst vuriatien in fibre diameter accurS, will be tre mest val= uable frem tre cleth murnufacturer's Deint -f view. In tre frllewing table the varieties rf weel are given in «rder with their average variaticn frem tre uveruse diumetere In arrder tr me Caan LNis sePsaticn the difference between the diameters -f «uch fiodre of each variety examined, ard toe averare fibre, have heen added traether, and aivided »y twerty, tre mumber «ff Fibs Ss exuutnede ihn inis war the averare vurluticn huS heen Sfourede Snewing Vartaticns fren Averiuge DlauetorSe ‘iven in milcr-cenSe TABLE Se “"easurements are ‘'ariety Ameriran M.:- “Svurisr Me pthotAmerizan Meri-:Diekinsen. srinr Xo eth ins SNeeA Clrir inte? vwerage Diameters: Se2d 28698 29671 5.00 2 3.05 3.23 5.41 : 7eS8C : : ; . > 1450 6.0/ 29 : 5600 - «B00 er a. 3260 ZeVev 0 5.41 yee .10 1683 5.41 > «6.40 10 : 1.07 266 airtaticns S70 10 1.83 ; 2.61 ers Bele 1.83 1.21 : 3060 L980 of203 1.24 70 1.30 : R23 4.49 ° 0.85 ° : e ; 4.40 3.87 3.69 8650 ; 1.3 ; ae 5.9y : LT : 4.2 : 645 1.66 2420 ; .10 2.47 : 1.21 “73 1.52 3.87 ; 4.49 - 2810 2.72 : 3423 1.49 5eGU 462 : 1.63 2.61 570 10 1.07 : B.C9 ; 676 : 7.10 43 ; 229 _ 54 : 548 : OB 889 -caul Varlaticns : 72.70 - 47.70 - 89.52 62.60 Ave ruge : : : Variatticns? 3263 : 248 : 1.97 . 3.18. -:L- it Ramoruillet : Shrroshire: Seruthiewn : Hampshire : Cxferd Dewn 28.28 : 34.64 3; 41.CC 3 46.43 : 47.85 1.14 : 13.20 : 1.CCO 3 9.27 : 3.55 8.28 ° 7294 © oe 08 ~— e a x >) 2458 : 7.54 wl e A © e@ e@ e e a! e Qo . | e ~s C2 e o>) SN 8.28: 6.14 : 8.20: 2.15 9.25 2.58 : 44: 1leco 6.43 : 6.45 3.98 : 4. 64 ° 12.50 : 2.18 ~—s mn @ aN ol bel2 : 2e 46 : 9,00 3: 16.43 °. 7 -% 3 3 9 a Pa ated : 4,9! ° Tepe4rr 2.07 : 065 Bewes e 6.14 ° 6.8C ° 7.87 ; 6 45 7042: 1.06 : 1.80 : 67 ; 7.83 del2 42d6 : Se3C 3 6.43 : 065 022 : Oe Fu > 3e9C 3 2eld 785 0 e ~— G 11.72 : 3.86 : 6.10 15.05 4.52 : 12 246 : 3.90 3 5237 ° 10.65 x#.33 : °75 - e — OL mn e ~] o> “ e on €)> oo 00 @8@ ¢ 2202: O7654 3.50: 2.15 17.85 3.98 +: 11.6 : CC $10.67 2.15 eb 164; 640 3 18.68 13.55 68.80: 115.80: 118.40 124,52 155.6C 3.44 : 5.79 : 5.62 : 6.22 7.78 -12- 4.49 5 89 1.59 4.49 4.11 1.21 10.19 11.59 4.11 4.49 101.-5@ 5 C7 34 14.64 034 117-16 585 00 0b 0h 08 0 e 08 6h OO 08 208% 00 88 68 8 08 oF 08 e808 60 08 6% 60 © 08 O80 e bee 6e @ 8.53 2.87 1.43 9.83 4.23 4.26 8.53 71d ~j > e wo © ~J 2 0835 1.47 9.93 2-83 1.438 12 83 4.23 96 .88 4.84 -1%- eo 00 680 020 00 © 08 068 68 060 000008 08 08 8 ee 5.27 6.67 0454 9.03 3 08 043 1.93 303d 97 54.82 274 00 080 68 08 © 00 00 08 828 08 08 SH e088 oe 08 Cnevict Derset Horned: Leicester Linerln - Crtsweld 57.21 44.64 + 42.57 ; 48.07 86a 4.49 4.64 : 4.97 1.95: 6.66 3.09 6.76 : 8.53 . Lox: 5.16 10.86 376 10.86 9.46 13.34 1.94 3.34 9.14 128.1C 6.40 Fram the frregcring table we can place the varieties tn arder oc value, based upern the leust vartiatien in diameter ef fibres. TABLE 6. Varieties in order aserrding te least variaticn in diameter of fibre. Veusurements are given in micren8e a Varieties Variatien frem the Average. America Merinr--X Clertning-------- n-ne rere 1.97 Spanish Merine -------------------------------2.38 Lineeln -------------------------------------- 2.74 Dickinsrn Delaine ---------------------.------ 3-18 Rambeuillet ---------------------------.--_.-- 3 044 American Merinn - XX Clething --------__-___- 3.65 Leicester -------_--___ " III mm me me 4.84 Chevint - -------- 9-292 2 75 OF Seuthd -wn-------- or rc rrr rrr rrr 5.62 Shrepshire ---------------- 7-2 25 TY Derset Harned ------------------ 22-77-77 7-7-7275 285 Hampshire- ------------------------7---------- 6.22 | CatBwold ------------------------------------- 6.40 Oxferd Dewn -------------~------ ~~ ee 7.78 A study cf the fergeing tuble will shew ut a Zlance the wide dif- ference in unifcrmity ef fibre-diameter that exists between different va- rieties cf weerl. Pine werls are mere vahuable than orarser kinis en ac- Grunt cf their finer texture. This table sShews them te be mere valuable alSe fer a Seoend reasane “ith tne single exeepticn ef tre Linceln tre finer wrnrls pessess tne greatest uniformity in diureter. -14- Frem Table 5 we calculate tye averaze diumeter cf the whale cf the fibres ter be 28.72 seven-hundreiths ef a millimeter, cr, .CC161 innres, CP tre twenty varicties examined, seven were finer and seven crurser than the average, u8 Srewn in tre Pfellerwing tablet=- TABLE 7. Showing varieties finer and trarsrr tean te uv-oragee Variety CemDurisen with average diameter. America n Merine (X) Finer spansih Merine Finer Ame~ioar. Merine (XX) : Finer Dickernsen Delaine Finer Rambeuillet : Finer onrepshire Finer Seuthdewn : . Finer Hampshire : Crarser Cxfeard Drwn Cerarser Chevi et Cearser Dearset Herned Cearser Leicester Cearser Lineeln Cearser Cetswrld : CrarSere BUIDJag auby * wosuayai(] - Hanyjorg x “OULIaY\) UDaLsaWy -butyjorg x “OULda|A]_YstUDdG ef baiquoig xx “OULLaJ UDOLalLy —— yyy fp epnys bunoys suaiboyy—— Cotswold. Brad Combing. Lincoln. Braid Combing. barqawog "\ “WALSAINAT baiquio 9 “ANYOL Lasuo(] | bargauo ah “LOIAS HY) Y My? 50/4, Uh fe, UL i fy WP 44¢: LWW % \ YY IS \ - barqaiog + "NMOC] GY0.4X0) LOM AOD 2000 LY tiled deed iy itt thy 444s ‘a = a A - Z ti, Hy Gf yj, {2 Wi, tp JNA OLY Gy / Z LG: LL Ze ZZ, . DEL MGI EEL ECM AY Le GVIGEE DEE LMI CGE: Wj LG: CL ea ve SSS yyy / BLY IS Gulinoys puabvyy yy of cle / 4 A) LSSSf Ulf bf Uf / J A Sp ffl f , Y StL WY SS QAO SQ SS WS EAS SoS) WN WN SSA 1, Vy /, iy / 4 Yj, YYyyy YY Shropshire 7 Je Clolbing . pshire . a, cambing Ham La grains showing slruclure f Cu Ramboullel Fine Delamne . Southdown. a}, Clelhing ae Oct 14 "y: ean ae : ~ i N ND URE ie dee 3 1293 03082 IN) ” 4 x i « 2 ae > = a e Ww 2 z > Ww < S ” 2 < 9 x 2 =