—_———_ oes — = ——— ooo ——_———- —e ooo — ooo ———— | — — — — MOIN LIBRARY Michigan State University SUPPLEMENT: MATERIAL i % m PX ‘te : we tei\ OF BOG \ RETURNING MATERIALS: MSU Place in book drop to LIBRARIES remove this checkout from “ey your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE, FOR AKRON, MICHIGAN. A Thesis Submitted to The Faculty of MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE By T.L.Jackson S.0.Hess. _— Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science June, 1916 Introduction The. vwiliage ofAkron has never had any water supply. except from private wells andno sewss system except for~ storm water. Our object in taking this thesis was to ine vestigate: the conditions at Akron and then design water and sewer systems: to fit the conditions. Through the help of College instructors and others: experienced in this line of work, iti has been possible focr us: to accomplish this end. To add in the determination of: the available foture supply of good water for Akron, we made a Geological Strue cture Section map which shows the rock formations as they exist at or near Akron. For the well records used in make ing this map and for other information on the geology of Tuscola County, we are indebted to Mr. Smith, ofthe United States Geological Survey in Lansing. First of all it was necessary to go to Akron and make a topographical survey of the village and immediate vicinity. This was done during the winter of 1915 and 1916. Later a complete map was made showing contours at: one foot interval. We are indebted to the Civil Engineere- ing Department: of M.A.C. for the instruments used on the survey. Several samples of water from wells in Akron were: t: tested as: to their: physical, chemical and sanitary fitness and potability for use as a domestic supply. We wish to express: our: apprectation for the. work done by the Bacter= lology; and Chemestry Departments of M.A.C, in making the: tests: on these water samples. 40N2QA2 The. water system was designed to furnish sufficient: water for: fire consumption. The quantity necessary for: domestic consumption was so much less that it did not hage to be considered in the designe On account of the lack of time, we did not attempt to estimate the cost of our proposed systems; but simply; desige ned what would be absoluteky if such systems were ever ine stalled in the villag of Akron. The order: in which the different subjects are present- ed in this thesis is:as follows:- Introduction -..-...--s-= -=peges 1-2 Location menncacnnnanennnns "© 30d Geology. eenmenne--- —e= © 405 Topography -«-accenesnee= enen"® §=22 Water Supply eennnnceennen-- © 22029 Water System an-ceacancanne- ®© 29-30 Sewer System onc-enuunee--——- © 3034 Conckiision. eeuseawecsconane 8 Jha Location The villege of Akron is located in the northe- eastern part of Tuscola County, Michigan. Part of the villege lies in Fairgrove township and part in Akron towne ship. It is about seven miles from Saginaw Bay and eigh- teen miles from Bay City, in a large and fertile valley known as the Saginaw valley. A ridge running through Wat- rousville, Caro and Gagetown forms the southeastern boundry of this valley in Tuscola County. Geology 4 As is well known to geologists, the rock formations. of Michigan are:made up Aikéxe pile of saucers lying one upon the other with the concave sidecof the saucerss up ward. In the sequence:of events:according to geological history, after theese formations wereclaid down, the surface.was: smoothed off. by erosion, se that it:was: left comparatively level. Theccenter-of theese: saucerelikec formations: is very nearly in the central part of the- Lower Peninsula. The village of Akron lies about: half way between the: center-and the edge: of the saucers; Conssquent> ly, ail of the: rocks at this place dip, tomarts the: uanthwest. A geological structure: map of a: section thru Akron wassmade, showing the approximatecdip, thickness:and char- acter: of the rock strata:.and overlying glacial drift. The map is here shown in this thesis. MThecdata used in making this map consists chiefiy of well records: obtained from the recorde of the United States Geological Survey in Lansing. Many of these wells weme not‘ exactiy on the section taken, so that the results whéch are shown on the map are only approximate. Nevertheless, it serves the. purpose of presenting a general view of the rock formations: in the vicinity of Akron. Topography The topography of Akron and immediate vicinity is pretty well shown on the topographical map which is included in this Thesis (In folder on inside of back cover). The data and notes used in making this map were obtained by the writers in the winter of 1915 and 1916, when they made a complete survey of the village and visinity. The elevations were obtained by running lines of levels down the center lines of streets and along other lines where a knowledge of the topography was beligved to be necessary. An initial elevation of 100' was assumed on the corner of a basement window sill at the Bank of Akron, and all elevations on the map refer to this point as a bench mark. Quite a number of other bench marks or check points were established at other places for the purpose of checking the lines of levels . All elevatinus were read to the neqrest hundreth on the rod, and all lines of levels were checked on bench marks at the end. The notes taken in this survey are shown on the <» following pages of this thesis. All of the instruments used in this survey were obtained from the Civil Engineer- ing department of the Michigan Agricultural College. Profile maps of the street: center lines were also made and bound in this volume, These maps also show the positions and grades of the proposed water and sewer mains. Profile levels running N. Sta. B.S. BM. 1. T.P.1 3053 T.P.2 3.00 100 200 300 T.P. 400 4.01 §00 600 700 T.P. 800 3.83 900 1000 1100 H.I,. $3.96 103.96 101.44 98.88 99.78 98.18 F.8. 4.62 6.05 4.76 5.66 52b9 5.80 3.87 Sell 4.50 4.03 4.86 5.43 5299 4.20 4.41 2el2 El. 99.54 97.91 96.68 95.88 95.69 95.08 95.01 95.77 95.48 95.75 94.92 94.55 94.19 93.98 93.77 96.06 on Main St. Remarks. 100.00 S.EB.corner bazement window sill Bank of Akron. Cross walk in front of Hotel Bloomfield Cor. Lynn & Main St. Main & Center. Main & North, Cor. Cor. Top large stone at N.E. corner Budd French porch Profile Sta BM. B.S. 3201 1. @ T.P.l 5.62 TP, 1.357 T.P. 3.80 4 6 400 5000 T.P.600 3.52 8 700 800 900 1000 T.P. 1100 3.85 levels running west on W. HI. 103.01 102.68 99.43 97.26 94.52 91.86 ¥.8. 4.95 ? O01 5.95 4.71 5234 4.62 4.46 5.93 5.97 4.78 5.03 5.55 6.26 4.13 4.19 4.83 542 6.15 6.51 El. 100,00 98.06 96.00 97.06 97.97 97.34 98.06 94.97 95.50 95.46 92.48 92.23 91.71 91.00 90.39 90.53 89.69 89.10 88.357 88.01 Beach St. Remarks. S.Eecorner basement window sill Bank of Akron. N. Main & P.M.R.R. Cor. N.Main & Beach St Top of stone at end of N. walk. Cor. Beach & Mill St. Wood block at W.side of telephone pole. Cor. Beach & 3.lst Sf. Cor. Beach & Craamery St S.E. Cor. walk at Land= ons house. Cor. Beach & W.2nd St, Top of stone in N, ditch W. of Hickeys. Profile levels running W. on W.Beach St. Sta. ;6 1200 1300 1400 1525 1550 1375 1576 1600 1700 1800 B.S. T.P L500 0.92 HI. 85.54 F.S. 35079 4.10 5.75 744 2291 5035 Xe a 7.52 12.41 4.08 4.95 2254 0.95 5235 Fl. 88.07 87.76 86.11 84.42 835.535 82,01 81.57 Remarks. 77 .82 East bank of ditch 72293 81.26 80.39 82.80 84.359 79.99 EB. side Water edge On bridge Sect. Car. N.E.cor. W. abutment of bridge. Profile levels running So. on 8o.Main St. ; Sta BES. H.I. F.S. El. Remarks, BM. 3.51 100.57 97.06 Top of stone at Cor. N.Main & Beach St, 1 35.87 96.70 Cor. So. Main & Beach. T.P. 4.26 96.31 2.18 98.49 2 5.04 93.45 Cor.So. Main & So. St. TP 100 4.65 93.84 5.40 99.24 200 5.56 93.68 300 5.79 93.45 400 5.28 93.96 5.22 94.02 N.W.Cor. D.B.C.&W culvert 4.62 94.62 So. Main St crossing D.B.C & W. R.R. 500 4.62 94.62 600 3-57 95.67 T.P.700 4.93 95.21 2076 97,97 800 4.26 93.71 4.13 93.84 Horse block at Joe Storms ~ house 900 5.04 92.93 1000 4.71 93.26 1100 4.09 93.88 1200 4.38 93.59 TP.1300 3299 93.98 3057 97,55 1400 5255 94.00 Sta 1500 1600 1790 1800 Profile levels running So. on So. Main St. B.8. ASI. F.S. 4.14 5.88 2.71 5-14 { El. 93.41 93.67 94.84 94.41 Remakks. LO il Profile levels running E. on E. Beach St. Sta B.S. BM. Lez 1 100 200 T.P.500 5286 400 500 B.M. 600 700 800 1000 HI. 99.29 99.79 F.S. 5-81 4.85 5027 5.56 5.46 4.95:. 6.222. 4.44 5.00 5.09 4378 El. 97.06: 95.48 94.44 94.02 95.93" 94 34 94.84: 935.57 95.55 94.79 94.70 95.01 Remarks. Top of stone at end of walk EB. side Cor.E.Beath St. & Railroad st. Top ofcedar post by mapletree. 24 ft EB. of wire fence.on N. side of road. pta BM. TP BoM, BoM. BM. TP1l TP2 B.M. B.u. B.8. 0.60 5,27 Hel. 98.66 98.64 e@eee 60 @ 88 8 8 4.05 104.05 S$el2 101.13 4.87 101.71 4.73 102.99 0.26 101.70 F.S8. 5.58 5.29 4.80 4.34 6.49 5.47 6.04 4.29 4.75 Profile levels on 8o0.St. 5.65 1.35 5093 6.22 Profile levels running N. on W.18t. St. El. 12 Remarks, 98.0665 Wood block at Cor. 93.08 93.37 95.84 94.350 92.15 93.17 Establishing B.M's onMain street. 100.00 98.01 96,84 96.96 0e@#e7eoe00e08808008088 088088808 8 0886 8 98.06 97.14 101.44 95.77 95.48 Beach & Mill St. Cor. Lynn & W.lst.Sf®. Top manhole crock So. edge. Cor Center & W. lst. So. edge of above Cor, Cor. N. & W. lst St. Manhole at above Cor. BM. at Bank Bldg. Walk at §.E.Cor. Tobiass store. N.W.Cor. horse block at W.C.Hess. So.W. Cor. lower step at church. Wood block at Cor. Beach & Mill St. Cor. Mill & So.8t. Top of iron pipe S.W. COr Elev. Scales Top of rail on T.B.C.& W.R.R Cor. So.& Creamery street. Profile levels running W. on Lynn to West Road. Sta. B.M. 200 400 483 T.P. 581 600 700 800 1000 1200 T.P.1400 1500 1600 1700 1748 1764 B.S. 5077 1.58 4.22 T.P.1772. .- L779 1810 1900 T.P. 1925 1940 1960 4.79 H.I. 97.14 90.87 89.57 81,98 F.S. 4.70 6.59 4.835 7.85 0.51 5-52 5.68 5.18 4.97 5.50 5.52 4.50 . 4.18 4.32 5.65 10.48 12.358 9.26 6.45 4.71 2012 790 5 86 20170 El. 93.357 92.44 90.55 92.31 Walk at west sideof school house. 89.29 92.356 97.35 87.19 87.69 85.90 85.57 85.35 85.07 85.59 85.25 835.92 79 .09 77.19 Top edge of manhole Remarks crock. Walk school house. at S.W. Cor. 72.72 Water edge E. Bank 75.53 77.27 79.86 Top of stone E. of 78.26 80.350 road. 83.46 B of road Profile levels running W. from Cor.Center & W.lst St. Sta. B.M. , 200 300 400 500 700 T.P. 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 T.P. 1450 1500 1600 1680 1700 L725 T.P.50 1764 B.S. 0.60 242 4.0 L 0.91 5-86 5.08 H.l. 94.80 90.98 88.06 80 .67 F.5. 4.08 5.035 5-80 8.15 4.73 4.42 4.43 6.15 5.46 6.15 6.98 6.78 6.52 4.87 5.97 5.69 8.29 12.03 12.47 5.49 ELe Remarks 14 94.30 Well curb N.E.Cor. 92.38 90.72 89.77 89 .00 86.67 90.07 86.56 86.55 85.83 85.52 85.83 84.00 84.20 81.54 85.19 84.09 84.37 79.77 76.03 75.59 75.18 E. edge of CO. Drain Sta. 1772 1794 1795 1900 T.P. 1940 1960 check B.S. 715 H.I. 80.67 84.45 F.S. 9.25 7.44 5.58 5.35 52357 1.88 0.91 590 5.34 El. 71.42 75 235 75 29 75.352 77.30 82.57 83.54 80.55 79.11 18 Remarks. Elevation of water Check on first line Check on W. abutment of W. Beach St. Bridge. Profile levelssrunning E. on west’! Beach street. Sta. B. 8. H. I. Fr. S&S. BM. 1.27 88.22 0.00:: 0.12 100 8.15 125 9.86: 192: 7.88 193: 9.75. 200° 13.22, B.M. 0.16; 83318 BM 4, 96: 220 & 66 580 7.28 $35 6.87 TP 60 0.88 7034 89°64: 400 5.63 500 6.6u 690 4.68 700. 32422 880 4:02 check 5.35 TP 16 2289 442% 90.98 900. 5.28 1000 5.64 ‘g@.line El. &8 .63:. 84.17 76014: 79.435" 76.41 7h.54. 71.04 8% 02. 78.23 76202. 75.90 76.351 62,50 84.01 83.00 84.95 86222 66.62 84.20 86. 76 85560 8334 1312 ft N. of! 16 Remarks Final B.M. of previous line: Stake at side: of. road bed ss We edge of bank El ofwater: Same as above: BM. TOp of: spump asinter section of Fenc:s& Co draine Stone:.on2nd line Top: of: harge stone Sta 1100 TP 1200 1500 1400 1500 | TP 1600 1700 1800 1900. 1960 check BeSe 5208 6.16 5.88 H.It 925 7B: 96.21 97574. FV. 8S 4233; 1.30 6.01 4.99 5.82 5.00 5-68 5.67 4.70 4.08. 5055 5.356 4.57 5-40 El. 86.65 89.68 $5.72 $7.74: 86.91 87.73. 89.05: 89.54. 90.81 91413 91.866 92.58 93.17/ 94.34 1? Remarks: Top of beach stump Cente‘r of. W.roag So. edge of well crock at Cor. Center & W.lst St. Profile levels on aline from N. Main St. half mile west. Sta BM. BeM.c 100 200 TP 500 400 500 600. 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 13500 1400 1500 1600 B.S 2008 5269 1.94 2226 18 to roa d one The line is 300 feet nofth of North St. H.I. 99.54 97.31 92.90 89.78 F.S. 4 008: 42D 4.75. 5272. 4.37 4.09. 4.17 5.82. 6.34 6.40 6.355 2091 4.74 5.29 5.02 6.00 §.38 4.56 4.14 5.28 El. 96296: 95.29 95.14’ 94.59 93% 62: 92.94 93.422 93.14 91.79 90.97 90.91 90.96. 89.99 88.16. 87.61 87.88 86.90 87.52. 85.22 85.64 Remarks. S§.W Cor of lower™ step ofchurch on Yain St. So. edge manhole crock on Main 8t. 2100 2200 2220 2210 2500 2550 2400 check 2440 2465 2477 2498 2500 2950 2570 2990 2640 5255 4.71 H.I. 86..82 81.44 F, 8S. 4.98 §.26 5.56 6.52 5082 El. 84.&® 84.52. 84.22 83.47 852.00 3203. 83.783.79 2046 4.80 8.80 11.76, 12.768: 10.09 8.54' 7855 5.25 10.74 8.11 6.11 6.90 §.28 218 0.82 84.36: 82.02. 78.02. 75.06. 74.077 Remarks. 76.73: Top of stump E. shide 78.28 of ditch. Stump at intersection of wire: fence and ditch 75359 © 76.19 70.70 713.33 75.335 74.54 76.16 79 .26 80 .62 East bank Kast Watér edge. West Bank Middle of N.&8S. Road Profile levels running E. on: Case: Ste Ste 25.8. HAI. FUS.. BoM. 1.60 101.50 0.00 4.34: TP 4.28 8.61 105.86. 100 8.82 165 9.04 Profile levels runningN. Cass street. 100 6.51 200. 5076 500 4.19 400 4.13. 440 5028 El. Remarks: 100.00 B.M. onBank Bldg. 972165 Intersection Cass: St. & P.M.R.R. 97.25 WN.side top of cement: Walk bytelephone pole: 97%04- 96.82: from last station on 99.56. 102.215: 101.67 101.73° 102.88 Higheet Pt. Approx. position of stand pipe. e21 Profile levels along W. side of P.M.R.R. running N. Sta B.S. H. TG F.S. El. Remarks: Bow 2.09 102.09 100.00 3B.M. at Bank Bldg. 180 4.10 97.99 240 4.02 98.077 560 5.87: 983 22 TP 4860 3.84 98.22 4.85 103.10 600 4.83 98.27 720 4.91 98.19 840 5674: 97.56 TP 860 5.85 97.25 §.17' 103.42. 1080 5.25 983,17 1200 6.12. 97330 1440 6.04 97.38 TP 4.352 98.82. 4.24 102.34 98002 1560 4.32 98.02 16860 448 97.865 1800 4.55 97.79 1920 4.63. 97.81 S : ~ = a . . tha ~ eo ee ee . — ee eee .7& oy =e sess -eam- Mere | ' t 2h \ & “2 Aye aif 4 eT aN mere es STD ae TN ae ' a eS A oe } | ! . “ Oye’ =k - - - - @ wae = ‘ee - -_— = _— re 7 ~ “t+ of 1 | i ' ' onare | ' cee . . 1 * a +: + ees ' . wee oe ++ ~+4 8 ' ' me + + , . : NX! | ! | | | | | + “ | + | + ' { / i I | | | ' | : | : i i | %; | | : ! | | | ! | : . ' ' \ : | ' fl , | , ‘ ! | | ; ! | ! ; : | | , . : : : | ! | } : ; i : | ; | ! | | : | | : ' | : | | i | | 1 ; : { | | | | | : | } ‘ | ‘ wome ee ewe as ee oe ee ene ee — meee eee Sim. eer oe , | | ! ' i ! | | i | | + { ' ' nee ee sof 4 . ee en ee ne he . eS Ge 1 oo, = t T To j ' - ~- 100 1 jo 4 re fl ' _ . t an ee ee we ee ee ee ae ee — eee Same s te 4.00 _—_—— eee ae . ew re ee ewe. 1 a ees | es - ' : : . . eons pa ee ee -_—_—_—_ ae tS ee ee ee - ’ we a ee ee he ee ee ' ) 3 - oe pee ee ee eb we ee ~— 1 — - . —— te ee tn pe we eee ee = + : Fee Bee Se ede ee ee ee en ee oe ee ee ee eee ee sae - - ee eed — ee —a ee i ee eee +-—------- wo ee ‘ . . e - oe . we ee TO _~ ow * - " « . 7 a -_- 7 : _oo-e . 4 leas tes ee oe ; . ; aa Water. Supply The villagec6ff Akron Massnever had a public water supply. All) ofthe water used comes: ffom private wellss. Quite: a. number are: shailow drive wells: from ten to twenty feet: deep, but: the: majorisfy are drilled:iweils ffom 100 to 250 feet deep. It: is needlsss to: say that the shallow are a dahgerouss source of diseases. With privy vaults: andi other: sources: of. contamination in such close: proximity to the weils, it:'is hardly reasonable: to suppose:that the: water: from such shallow.wells:is sanitary. On this:.account we must eiiminate: surface water. ffom our consdderation ofia publiccsupply.s The only. other alternative is the water from the deep wells: Ih. March, 1916, the: writers took samples: off water from three: différentdeep wells in Akrom eid tested them both basteriologicadly and chemically. Thecsamples for bacterial analysis were:taken in sterlized flasks ad kept: in this cone dition until they were:tested three days later. This analy- sdscwascsmade by R.W.Wyantiat the Bacteriology Laboratory of. the M.A.G. One pint:of water from each well was used: Bor: the: chemical analysis which was made bythe Chemistry Department ofthe M.A.C. The results of both bacteriological and chemi- cal analysés were as follows:- 20 Sample No.ae Village well at: Akron. This is: a:four-inch well, 147ft deep, and was about one old when the samples were taken. There is no curd at the top of this well. It is located at the corner of Lynn and North Main streets. Bacterial Analysis: Three different 48 hour tests showed pravally no bacteriazat all.