WN NONNNINN -=| ‘rar nO =i jae SO EE 6 ee ee s— a, eee . -= st eee ee ee ee nw, - . ‘ < > s THESIS THE FIXATION OF FREE NITROGEN BY PLANTS, by PERRY G. HOLDEN, Michigan Agricultural College, August 1, 1895. THE FIXATION OF FREE NITROGEN BY PLANTS. Agriculture as an art is old, as a science it is new. Within the present century it has been elevated to the rank of a science. Perhaps the investigation of no one subject has done so much to place agriculture upon a scientific basis ‘as that of the source of nitrogen ef vegetation. It is certain that no subject has enlisted the efforts of so many eminent men, both chemists and botanists. The importance of the question is apparent. Nitrogen is essential to all life, the nitrogen of animal life coming from the nitrogen stored up by plants. Three-fourths of the weight of the atmosphere is nitrogen. On every square inch of the earth's surface rests 12-1/2 pounds of nitrogen. It surrowmds . us on every side, we breathe it in at every breath, yet we are unable to use it in its free state, If plants in their growth can use the nitrogen of the air, there is an abundance of it always "on hand” without importing it from the nitre beds, or the guano fields of the far south. If on the other hand, they must depend on the nitrogen of the soil there must somet ime come an end to all vegetable, and consequently to all animal life. The nitrogen of the soil is gradually but sonstant ly be ing exhausted. The various processes of putrefaction are s low ly turning the complex nitrogen compounds into simple ones. Some of it 1s given off in the form of free nitrogen, but more of it as ammonie. Again when substances are burned the nitrogen is 101412 2. given up to the air as free nitrogen. A large part of the nitro- gen of our food pisnts is carried by drainage water and the sewer to the river and finally to the sea, Lastly the processes of ni- trification annually convert large quantities of the ammonium salts and organic nitrogen compounds of the soil into nitric acid, whence a portion is used by pilents and moh is cerried off in the drainage water as has been proved by Lawes and Gilbert and others | Only 8 small fraction of this great loss will again be returned in the rain water as anmonia end nitric acid which, as has been / shown, falls fer short of supplying the amount necessary for an ordinary crep. It was clear that the nitre beds of Ohili and the F uano of the South Pacific could not long supply this great loss, Indeed it seemed probable that the nitrogen supply of the B0il would have been exhausted centuries ago, umless there was some means by which plants could draw upon the unlimited supply of the nitrogen of the air. For more than one hundred years this important question has been up for discussion, No scientific question has been so meny times sett led end so persistant ly unsettled, In 1771 Dr. Joseph Priestly raised the question and finally came to the conclusion that "plents could assimilate a small amowmt of the free nitrogen of the air. Later, Ingenhouss confirmed the results of Priestley's experiments, Woodhouse and Senebier came to ex- actly the opposite conclusion, while de Saussure from his care- fully conducted experiments decided that "plants not only did not take up free nitrogen" from the air “but on the other hand gave , . Se off nitrogen during ective growth." In 1837 Boussingault began a \ series of extensive experiments which resulted in the conclusion that plants could not use the free nitrogen of the air in growth. "In 1849 Ville of Paris objected to Boussingeaults meth- od of experimentation, that plants could not make a norm growth in such a confined body of air as that contained in a bottle or globe. He repeated Boussingault's experiments but used a room g lased with g less instead of a glass giobe, and announced the re- sult, tha$ while cereals produced a crop containing only two or three times as much nitrogen as was contained in the seed from which they grew, colsa, cress and sunflower produced in the crop 25 to 40 times as much nitrogen as was conte ined in the seed. “{ He concluded "that while certain kinds of plants have little or no power of taking up free nitrogen, other kinds have the power of combining with free nitrogen and using it" in growth. “Such contradictory results reached by two such distinguished scientists provoxed a lively discussion and in the interests of harmony and to establish scientific truth, a commission was appointed by the French Aédademy, composed of such eminent men as Dumas, Regnault, Payen, Decaise,Peligot ,and dhevreul. The commission thought they "found evidence of some gain of nitrogen during the growth of plants and finally reported, # "that the experiment made at the Museum of Natural History by M. Ville is cons istant with the cone clusion which he has drawn from his previous labors. "# : In 1857, 20 years after Boussingault began his experi- | ments and while he was still working upon them, Lewes and Gilbert # R. 0. Kedzie on "The Source of Nitrogen of Plants, Mich. Agr'l. Report, 1881-2, P. 379, | 4, the greatest experimenters ‘the world has ever known, began a se- ries of experiments which resulted in the conclusion that # "plents grown in the absence of combined nitrogen except that contained in the seed have no power of tkking up free nitrogen end combining it with other elements to form plant tissue," # It is not neces- sary to give a detailed accowmt of the experiments, except to say that the work was so carefully and thoroughly done that the re- suits were generally accepted and the question seemed settled beyond a doubt that the free nitrogen of the air was not in any sense a source of plant food. The plant which was able to breathe in carbon dioxide of the air, decompose it, and use the carbon as plant food gust starve for the want of nitrogen which surrouds the plant on every side, . In 1876 M. Berthelot questioned the resuits obtainéd by Boussingault, Lawes end Gilbert, since their experiments excluded all micro-organisms and electrical action. The soil in its natural condition is subject to both these influences. Berthelot showed that free nitrogen wes fixed by various organic compounds during the "silent electrical discharge” at ordinary temperatures during storms, At this time organic matters would absorb both oxygen and nitrogen. He concluded that through the influence of electricity micro-organisms es well as higher vegetation could fix free oxygen in the soil. I am not prepared to discuss the results obtained by Berthelot, but if we suppose them to be cor- rect we must admit that the nitrogen thus stored in the soil would be available alike to all classes of plants. # R. 0. Kedzie on “The source of Nitrogen of Plants, Mich. Agr'l. Report, 1881-2, p. 379. 5. The experiments of Deitzel’s and Deherains ere without definite results. Professor Frank concludes from his ear ly experi- ments that there are two processes going on th the soil, one lib- erating nitrogen, the other br ing ing it into combination by the aid of vegetation. M. Joulie found very large gains of nitrogen in some cases, He was of the opinion that the nitrogen was first fixed in the Boil by organisms, The nitrogen thus fixed could subsequently be used by pieants. We ere at once doubtful of the results since the large gains which he obtained was in the case of a polygonum (buckwheat) and not with plants of the Veguminous family. This brings us dow to 1883 when Heliriegel bagan his famous experiments which were destined to reverse the decissions of a quarter of a century before by Boussingault, Lawes and Gilbert. | | #The plan of Professor. Hellriegel's experiments is briefly as follows:- The plants experimented upon were grown in pots of sea sand; Xa Rupply af the sand first being washed to remove the nitrogen and then sterilized by subjecting to a temperature of 150° C. The seeds were stertiized by dipping in a solution of bicRhloride of mercury, then washed in boiled water and planted in the pots with sterilized tools. The plants were watered with distilled water in such away as to preclude the possible entrance of living organism: into the pots. The pots were supplged with all the elements of plant food necessary for growth except # These experiments are described at length by Prof. W. 0. Atwater, Exp. Sta. Rec., Vol. V, No's 8 & 9. nitrogen. If no nitrogen was added the plants would grow for | a time then turn yellow and finally die. An analysis of the plant showed that inno case was there more nitrogen in the plant than was present in the seed at the beginning. The plant had grown until it used up the nitrogen of the seed, It was found that when varying amounts of nitrogen were added the growth of the plants was in proportion to the nitrogen added to the soil. This is iliustrated by the following table giving the results of an exper- iment with serradelia conducted in 1887. Nitrogen lYield of Vine supplied and Seed. pots] Grams Grams. 1 |0.000 0.078 g |0.056 2.883 - 3 10.112 6.840 In no case did he find that the nitrogen in the plant exceeded the nitrogen in the seed planted and that added to the soil. It was evident that under these conditions there was no assimilation of free nitrogen of the air. The conditions of these experiments were essentially the same as those of Boussing- ault and Lawes and Gilbert, twenty five years before and so far the results are exact ly the same, | Heliriegel went a step farther and inoc ulated the ster- tlized soils with micro-organisms from rich soils.¢ # These micro-organisms were introduced by means of a "soil infusion” prepared by mixing a small amount of a cultivated #011 with water and allowing it to settle. The almost clear water was poured off and used at the rate of 25 c. c. to each pot containing 9 ibs. of sand. Analysis showed that the 85 c. c. of solution contained a small amowmt of nitrogen vary- ing from 3/10 to 7/10 of a m. g. 7. Turnips, hemp, sunflower and oats derivedno benefit from the inoe ulation and died as soon as the nitrogen of the seed had been consumed, but with the leguminous plants such as peas, ¢ lover and vetbhes a very great change was soon apparent. The plants began to show a dark green color and grew repidly. From this time on it was evident that the leguminous plants had plenty of nitrogen at their command, and developed rapidly and normally. An analysis of the plants showed that the nitrogen was meny times greater than that contained in the seed planted. The following sketch is from a photograph by Lewes and Gilbert show ing the ef8ect of soil infection upon pear. The soil in pots 1, 2 and 3 was sterilised nitrogen free quartz sand, to which all the elements of plant food were added except nitrogen. pot 1, was not infected. Pots 2 and 5 were infected with a soil ifusion as described in foot note on page 6. Pot 4 was garden soil. The peas were planted July 10th and before the end of July the plants in pots 2 and 3 showed a more rapid growth than in pot > ar The plants were photographed October 22, 104 days after plant ing The plents in pot 1 (not infected) were 8-1/4and 8-1/2 ins high " 8 " © g (infected) " 14. ond 60 _ "oon " © 3 (infected) " 60» 58 " "8 “ " 4 (garden 8011) "4h « 49 . While the plants in the garden soil made a less extended growth than in pots & and 3, yet they were more figorous and flowered end produced seed which those in pots 2 and 3 did not do. Ina # Popular Science, monthly, Vol. XXXV111, Pe 49«.--Man ly Mites. 9. similar experiment with yellow lupines, like results were obtained except that the plants in pots 8 end 3 (infected) were more vig- orous than in the ilupine soil. . | The lupine plants in pot 1 (not inocculated) were 1-1/aand 2 ins. " » " 2 (inocculated) _* 18 4,24 * " 9 " z ( @ " ) # £0 26 e " " " 4 (lupine so1t}) " 6.68 * Heliriegel planted nine kinds of seed, four non- legumi- nous, five leguminous in each of four different pots, Two of the pots A. and B. were infected with a soil infusion froma field where beets had been grown, the other two pots, C. and D. were infected with a soil infusion from a lupime field. The weight in grams of dry substance is shown in the following table:- infected with Infeéted with _Beet soil infusion Lupine soil infusion Name of plant pot A. | Pot B. pot 0. | Po Non- Turnip 0.010 0.017 0.006 0.018 Leguminous | Hemp 0.025 0.055 0.047 0.046 Sunflowen 0.305 0.493 0.330 0.644 Oats 0.257 0,153 0.140 0.238 Serradem! 0.015 0.010 8.002 2.560 Lupines 0.093 0.155 17.133 | 30.597 Leguminous/OQlover | 8.813 3.241 0.3563 1.589 Yetch 15.971 6.132 6.678 §.181 Peas 12.282 32.640 16.152 6.021 All four pots were sown April 18; A. and B. were harvested Aug- ust 2, 0. and D. August 20. “Thus under absolutely the same experimental conditions, the infus ion of beet soil was ineffective with the non-laguminous plants, also with the serrade lia end lupines, but exerted a good effect upon the peas, vetches and clover as will be seen by the table. The lupine soil infusion was also ineffective on the non- leguminous plents but exerted a beneficial influence upon the 10. growth and assimilation of nitrogen by all the legumes employed. Its effect being doubtful only in the case of clover."# This painted to the important fact that the leguminous plants stood alone in this peculair power to secure nitrogen from the air. The non-leguminous plants in the same pot with the leguminous plants grew until the nitrogen in the seed was consumed, then died. To prove beyond a doubt that this power whibh some plants have to obtain nitrogen from the air was due to the action of the organisms introduced in the soil infusion, Hillriegel conducted two experiments. In the first he sterilized the infusion before applying, by heating to 70° c. and found that there was no in- crease in nitrogen as is shown by the following tabulated results of an experiment with lupine in 1888. Dry matter |Nitrogen acquired Nos. Treatment produced from the air. #1 Soil infusion sterilized 0.926 grat -0.007 grams 2 Soil infusion sterilized 1.008 " “0.007 " 3 Soil infusion not sterilized] 42.681 " Ll. 147 " 4 Soil infusion not sterilized] 40.574 " 1.054 " In the second experiment Heliriegel grew peas in such a way that the roots of each plant grew intwo pots, about half in one and half in the other. The soil in both pots was sterilized by boiling and received the same kind of treatment except that one of the pots was inoculated with soil infusion which was not ster- ilized, while the second pot was treated with the same amount of the infusion but which had been previously sterilized by heating. # W. @. Atwater, Exp. Sta. Rec., Vol. V. No. 9. # E. 8. Rey Vol. Ve No. 9, P. 844 by ¥. 0. Atwater. 11. This experiment was repeated several times and in every instance but one the half of the roots grown in the soil affected with living organisms were well supplied with tubercles while the other half of the roots were destitute of tubercles in every case. The plant which failed to develope tubercles died. It was now apparent to Hellriegel that there was a direct relation between the assimilation of a&smospheric nitrogen and the formation of tubercles. Where no organisms were present no tubercads were formed,and where no tubercles were formed no atmospheric nitrogen was fixed by the plant. It still remained for Hillriegel to determine whether the source of the nitrogen thus acquired was the combined or the free nitrogen of the air. He grew plants in a closed giass vessel so arranged that only free nitrogen was admitted to the plant.# , The nitrogen free sand was inoculated and on June 6, one pea was planted. The rapidity of growth and gain of nitrogen will be seen from the following fig- ures which show the weight of the plant dried at 100° c. Seed 0.376 grams First cutting, August 31 Vines 6.173" Vines 2.320 grams Second cutting, October 4 Roots 1,290 Total 10. 189 " # In this experiment, the air in the vessel at the begin- ning was not analyzed or purified and therefore contained @ small amount of combined nitrogen. The amount of com- bined nitrogen in 100 liters of air (the amount which the vessel held) has never exceeded 1 mg. at the station. This error was avoided in the subsequent experiments and like results were obtained. Nitrogen Ba lance.# Combined nitrogen in the air of the vessel at . beginning, less than,.........--ceee.- or.-eeee QO.0001 grams In the BONG... ccccccccc ccc cece cree cece ccc cceeee 0.0000 " In nutritive solutions and twice distilled " WOTEP ccc ccc cccrvcccccccevcsescecvccccscse Ve0000 In the s0il Infusion... .cccccceresesercssces Je0008 In the BECA,. cece ccc ccc ccccccccvvccsccsccee Os008L " Total nitrogen supplied.........--.cseeee. 000084 " Nitrogen found at the end of the experiment. In the pea plant... ... cc ee cecccccccece0eBO0D grams In the BOLL. cc ccc ww ccc ec cccce seers esscecs 0.0807 " Total found..............5.-. ese voetcerne 0.2542 TOtal Supplied. .ccccsssccsvevccccsvscceer 0.0084 " Gain. cccccccccccccccevrecceeeccceee 0.2458 " The gain was 0.2458 grams of combined nitrogen, for which the free nitrogen of the air was the oniy source, Leurent and Schiloessing’ recent experiments fully confirm these results. In their experiments a known amount of free nitrogen was allowed for the plant. At the end of the experiment it was found that the plants gain in nitrogen was the air's loss. Thus after years of"patient scientific thoroughness" Professor Hellriegel, Director of Bernberg Experiment Station announced the results of “certainly the most important discovery for agricultural science." The one fundamental truth that some plents under certain conditions could utilize atmospheric nitrogen has never been dis- puted by the many experimenters who have entered the field since Heliriegel announced his results, Meny subsidiary questions, though questions (of much importarice:. have arisen and been widely discussed. The discussions though active have not been bitter # P. 847, BE. 8. Re, VOl. V. NOW 9- 13 and all agree that much remains to be worked out. Where does the fixation of nitrogen take place? Is it in the soil or in the plant? It has been claimed by Berthe lot and Andre and others that the fixation of nitrogen must first take place in the soil by means of organisms and electrical ac- tion . Without denying the statement of Berthelot and Andie that nitrogen may be fixed in the soil, we have abundant evidence thet nitrogen thus fixed is not the only source of nitrogen for plants, if indeed it is the source of any considerable amount of it. The results of analyses of the soils by Lawes and Gilbert end SchAiocessing and others where plants had accumulated large amounts of nitrogen showed no gain of nitrogen in most cases.# If the nitregen was first accumulated in the soil it must have been taken up by the plant eas fast as formed which is not a rea- sonable supposition, | Again in Hilitriegeil’s experiments where he grew 9 sorts of plants, 4 non- leguminous end 5 leguminous, the nitrogen if formed in the soil would have been available alike to both classes of plants, but the non-leguminous plants in the same pot with the leguminous pilents failed to secure any nitrogen. It can hardly be supposed that if the nitrogen was formed in the soil that the leguminous plants were better able to secure it than the non- leguminous. This is contrary to all experience. It is well known that the application of nitrogenous fertilizers produce a much greater gain in the case of non- leguminous, than with leguminous crops. # In several instances there is unmistakable evidence of a small gain in the soil which will be spoken of later. , 14. The question erises if the fixation of free nitrogen takes piece in comection with the plant as we must believe that it does, where is the important function performed? No less an authority than Professor Frank of Berlin who hes written more upon this subject than any other scientist oleims that the fixation takes place in the cell protoplasm through"a powerful act of the.j machinery of the leguminous plant , urged to the necessary expen- diture of energy by the stimulating action of the organisms in } the roots." This view is also held by Prasmowski, Hil'riegel and others. Frank claims that other plants than legumes. are able to assimilate nitrogen, but that the leguminous plants have the power in a greater degree than non-leguminous plents, which is due to the stimulating action of the orgen isms in the tuberctes of the roots. To show that the assimilating action is not due to the tubercles, professor Frank gives the results of experiments which in his opinion show that other plants such as oats, potatoes, mustard, spurry, turnips, buck beans end norway maple are capable of fixing free nitrogen We cannot avoid a feeling of doubt as to the reliability of Professor Frank's results ,since his experiments were mostly conducted in the open air. The plants were simply sheltered from rain, and were accessable to the combined nitrogen of the air. Professor Prank gives us the general conelusions but fails to support them by giving an account of methods, and results obteined by ene lysis. Not only are the results of Boussingault and Lawes and Gilbert's experiments of thirty five years ago,entirely con- trary to Frank's results, but the more recent and" exceed ing ly" carefully conducted experiments of Laurent and Sch ioess ing, show =< 15. no fixation of nitrogen in oats, tobacco, cress, mustard, cabbage, Spurry and potatoes. Many of these are the very same plants Frenk experimented with. Schicessing and Laurent went further, By an ingenious contrivance they managed to grow leguminous plants so that no nitrogen was accesshbie to the roots of the plants, The leaves were left exposed to the free nitrogen of the air. The soil was inoculated with organisms. The cell protoplasm of the plants had every opportunity to fix the free nitrogen of the air, put in every case the plants died for the want of nitrogen. on the other hand, where the roots had access to atmospheric nitrogen, tuber les were formed and the plants fixed nitrogen. Again when the conditions were reversed and the atmosphere about the leaves was deprived of its nitrogen, hydrogen being substituted in its place, the plants developed normally showing that the nitrogen was assimilated in connection with the roots. The results of Schicessing Sons and Laurent are confirmed by Kosch and Kossowitsch later. professor Frank answers by saying that plants must be very vigorous and near the "maturing point before they have power to energetically seize and fix the atmospheric nitrogen.” But as we have already seen, this will not apply to leguminous plents which have the power to fix free nitrogen at an early stage in their development. In the case of peas, Lawes and Gilbert found that within twenty days after plenting, nitrogen was being _ . . - ~~ ——- 16. assimilated. It is further shown by the analysis of Lawes and Gilbert that during cerfein stages of their development, the tuber- cles contain a much higher percent of nitrogen than the other parts of the plant, and in some cases higher than the highly nitrogenous seeds. Professor Frank admits this, but claims that the ine creased amount in the tubercies is not sufficient at any time to _ account for the large gaim in the plant, which is taken from the air. He further contends that if the nitrogen fixation takes place in the tubercles alone, they must yield a gradual supply to the plant, a supposition which he claims has no advocates. We will grant for the present that no nitrogen is formed in the tubercles wntil they have reached a certain stage in their deve lopment. But Professor Frank's argument looses much of its force when we remember that the tubercles on the growing jpleant, .are in various stages of development. I found the tubercles very . much more uiform in development during the month of May and ear ty gune than later, but even then in most cases there were plenty of \ young tubercles just forming by the side of those which were -_~ ' three and four weeks old. At the present time (July 25) it would be difficult to find a plant from April seeding ,that does not contain both the newly formed tubercles and those which are being absorbed. While there is diversity of opinions among those who have given the matter much attention, yet the evidence at hand strongly indicates that the fixation process takes place in the 17. tuberec les. But whether the protoplasm or the organism is the chief factor in the process is by no means settled. HH. Marstiiat™ . Ward favors the protopasm theory of Frenk, but does not agree with him that the protoplasm in the cella outside the tubercles and in non-leguminous flowering plants have this power. Werd's modi- fication of Frank's theory briefly stated is to the effect that the protoplasm: in some way fixes the free nitrogen through the stimulating effect of the organisms. In proof of this theory M. Ward cites the wonderful powers which protoplasm is adinitted to have of disorganizing and reorganizing the materials of fiant food. He thinks if not wreasonabile to go a step farther and suppose that the protoplasm can in some way force this"notor ious ly inert"element (nitrogen) into combination with other substances, especially when urged to such greet activity as isshown by the a lka Line reaction of the tubercle contents. M. Gonnerman in a recent article on the probable number of organisms capable of forming tubercles says ,"it seems probable that the plant itself without symbiosis can take up and assimilate free nitrogen; the bacteria may, however, assist the plant in contributing to its higher nitrogen content, "# On the other hand there is some evidence that the organisms when not in contact with the protoplesm can fix free nitrogen. Berthelot claims to have established beyond a doubt that several species of soil bacteria,as well as the organisms of leguminous tubercles cultivated separately ,have this power. In one case there was an increase of 50 percent. Beyerinck while regarding # E. 8. R. Vol. V1. No. 9, P. 784. 18. it as probable that the nodule organisms fix atmospheric nitrogen admits that he does not prove it. Laurent and Immendorf both failed to satisfy themselves that the organisms can flourish without organic compounds of nitrogen. Lawes and Gilbert think that the fixation is probably due directly to the organisms, end "af this should eventually be established, we have to recognize a new power of tiving organisms--that of assimilating an elemen- tary substance."# "Neither experience in practical agriculture, nor the nitrogen statistics of soils and crops, points to the to any material extent conclusion that there is a gain of nitrogen, under the agency of microbes within the soil independently of leguminous growth. "# It is known that the organisms do not fix nitrogen in the nitrogen-free sand cultures, but this is not proof that they might not fix nitrogen in rich soils where other substances could perhaps take the place of the protoplasm in the tubercies. on the one side, the fact that the pisnt az the absence of the organ- isms fixes no free nitrogen, and on the. eide, the evidence that little if any is fixed by the organisms in the soil, strongly indicates that the organisms and the protoplasms are both dssen- tial factors in the process, but the part played by each is un- known. and the plant The relation between the organism,seeme to be one of true symbissis. However during the early stages of nodule for- mation the action is large ly parasitic, the organisms deve loping at the expense of the plant, as is shown by the pale yellow appearance and arrested growth of the plants in the sand cultures. # Jr. Royal Agricultural Soc. P. 695-692. 19. From recent experiments it would seem that leguminous plants are not the only ones which can assimilate free nitrogen. H. Marshall Werd in an article on Fixation of nitrogen "¥ seys, “the experiments of Nobbe, Schmid, Hiltner, and Hott er show that Eleagnus plants, the roots of which develope nodules due to the invasion of a funguss totally differnet from the one causing the leguminous nodules, also fix and assimilate the free nitrogen of the air, as shown by their growing and fiourishing much better and more rapidly than Eleagnus plants side by side with them, but not infected with the root organisms." "It will be inter- esting to see if further research shows similar resuits with any of the physiologically similar root-growths, due to very different fimgi, met with in Taxodium, Podecarpus. ainus, Juncus and many other plents.” In reviewing the more recent works of Nobbe and Hiltner, Walter H. Evans who is at the head of the Department of Botany and Diseases of Plants, says # "the ability to assimilate the free nitrogen of the air as possessed by tubercle -bear ing plants such as legumes, Alders, Eleagnus, Podocarpus etc. is recognized." Nobbe and Hiltner further claim that only those plants which show an increased nitrogen content in the leaves end stems above ground are able to assimilate free nitrogen. There is now little doubt that some of the alg&ut have the power to fix free nitrogen when affected with the proper bacteria. It has been observed by Hilliriegel and others that when the nitrogen free sand cultures became affected by an algug # Nature Vol. 49, P. 613. # E. S.R. Vol. V1, P. 381 1895. £0. growth there was ea small gain of nitrogen in the soil. professor Frank has held this view for some years and the recent experiments of Laurent and Schioessing, shows that not only were the green algee able to fix gasseous nitrogen but that some of the mosses possessed this power in a marked degree. The still more recent experiments of Kosch and Kossowétsch who repeated this work with green .and blue-green alg&éé, using purely inorganic solutions con- firm the results of Laurent and Schioessing. Later than this Kossowitsch arrives at a somewhat differnet cone lusion. This time he was able to separate the alguw from all bacteria and se- cure pure cultures. There was no gain of nitrogen in any of the entire series of experiments, but when they were mixed with 8011 bacteria and fungi there was in some cases a considerable increase of nitrogen. Are there few or many tubercles forming organisms? Bearing upon this question, are the interesting observations ofr Professor Bolley # relative to the distrébution of tubercles on native and introduced leguminous plants of the Dakotas. He ex- amined a great number of plants and everywhere found the native plants well supplied with tubercles, while many of the introduced plants bore no tubercles, This was particularly the case with é¢ommon red clover. He claims, however, that red clover thrives and forms tubercles when it is preceded by white clover, which does well in Dakota and never fails to be supplied with many tubere les. In the case of two tropical legumes grown in France by # Agricultural Science 7, 58, 1893. 21. C. Naudin, no tubercles were formed while several species of Australian plants bore tubercles in profusion, My own observa- tions in 1892 and again during the present year confirm the attove results in a general way. For examplegainfoin which thrives well in England does very poorly here and seldom forms any tuber- cles. Also tubercles are rarely found on lupine plants here while they are very abundant in Engdand. On the other hand several introduced famts as lathyrus silvestris and.hopse. bea produce tubercies in great numbers. Recently several series of experiments were conducted by Nobbe, Schmid and Hiltner in pure quartz sand, with inocula- tions of pure cultures from various legume: tubercles. In one series,peas and common locust were inoculated with cultures from peas, common locust , elfaifa, Vicia sepium, and Caragana arbo- rescens, Tuberc les were formed on the peas from all the inocu- lations, while on the locust only those receiving the cultures from the tubercies of locust and Caragana produced any. In another series lathyrus latifiolius was inoculated with pure cul- ture from peas, vetch and locust. Only the first and second produced tubercles. The tabulated results of a third series of experiments by the same authors is shown below. in this exper- iment, ‘ocust, Acacia lophantha, Yililous vetch, and peas were inoculated by cultures of two-year-old tubercles of locust, two- year-old tubercles of Caragana, tubercles of vetch and peas.# The peas met with an accident in the last part of the experiment and had to be omitted from tables 2 and 3. # Experiment Station Record, Vol. V1, No. 6, P. 505. time of Transpiration from inoculation to harvest. B22. Inoculated with pure cultures from-- Robinia/Acacia | Vicia |pisum Oc. ‘Cc. Ce. ‘CC. Robinia pseudacacia........4 3,570 | 1,136] 1,425; 1,396 Acacia lophantha...........4 1,538 | 3,865 1,205; 1,611 Vicia villosa.....ccsecceeed 934 | 1,097 | 4,978) 1,277 Pisum sativum.........++..-4 1,380 1,034; 1,265; 1,849 Average Beight of plants at harvest. Robinia.. ACACIMi cccccvcccvcccsececcece ViCidecccccccesssrccrecvece a Inoculated with pure cultures from-- Robinia] Acacia! Vicia |Pisum Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. 131 50 50 $0 80 £295 6& 75 350 400 1, 126 450 Chemical analysis of plants. Inoculated with pure cultures from-- Robinia] Acacia] Vicia | Pisum Robinia dry substance grams 7.408 1.188| 0.858| 1.479 Robinia nitrogen..... Mg. (832.100) 16.600/| 13.800|21.100 Acacia dry substance, grams; 1.953) 6.945; 1,848; 1.817 Acacia nitrogen..... Mg. 17 .000109.800} 16.200/19.700 Vicia dry substance.. grams 883; .866/ 9.133] 1.033 Vicia nitrogen...... Mg. a 264.000 |22.600 "From the above table it will be seen that in all but one case each plant was most favorably affected when it was inoc- ulated with bacteria from the tubercles of its own species." In a fourth series 81 different leguminous plants were inoculated with pure culture bacteria from tubercles of peas and locust. Of the 21 species inoculeted with bacteria from peas, only three, the vetch, lentils and beans developed many normal tubercles. 23. The crimson c lover and locust had a few scattering tubercles. The remaining 16 species bore no tubercles. Of those inoculated with locust bacteria only the locust gave good results. The beans had many small tubercles and the red clover a very fuw scattering ones. The other 18 species were wiaffected by the inoculation. These investigations, however, conclude that the “dif- ferences between the forms is not sufficient to entitle them to be ranked as separate species of bacteria and agree with Beyerinch that there is but one species, Bacillus radiciola,which becomes more or less modified by the different host pants on which the tubercles are grown. On the other hand Albert Schneider, Frank and others have gone so far as to name several different species.¢ Their Classification is based upon a microscopical study of the organ- isms, both in the tubercles and in pure cultures. Other evidence such as variations in shape, size, color and markings of tubercles on different species of legumes, as recorded by myself and others could be presented upon this question; but the multiplicity of forms which have been found among the bacteroids, together with the facts that they are constantly wm- dergoing modifications and are under abnormal conditions, makes it very apparent that the question of whether there are few or many species, must remain unsettied until their life history has been worged out. The morpho log ice 1 data is most extens ive. Over one # Torrey Bot'l. Qlub Vol. 19, P. 213. 24. hundred investigators in more than two humdred papers have touched upon this phase of the question. Among these are to be found our greatest scientists, such as Frank,# H. Marshall Ward, Schloes- sing, Laurent, Hiltner, Atkinson, Beyerinck, Sehmeider and others. These papers together with the extensive drawings, represent many years of work. In the words of George F. Atkinson## of Oornell Univer- sity;"The record presents a discouraging volume of conflicting testimony. It would indeed be a misfortune should ail these pains-taking and laborious investigations be so much at variance as appears from the examinations of the contributions." When more is known regarding the life history of the organisms, many of the theories and apparent facts which at present seem to be so mich at variance with each other, will no doubt be harmonized. # Professor Frank alone has presented over twenty papers on the question of the fixation free nitrogen. ## Bot'l. Gazette, Vol. 18, Pp. 257. 25. REFERENCES. # Atkinson,Geo. F... Bot'l. Gaz., Vol. 18, 1893, P. 157, 226,& 257. Atwater, W. 0....... Conn. Agr'l. Rep’s. 1889-91-92. Atwater, W. 0.....0+ Exp. Sta. Rec., Vol. V, No's.8-9. Bolley, H. Le......- Agr'l. Science, Vol. V11, NO. 2, 1892. Comm, H. Wee.oee-eee Amer. Naturalist, Dec. 1892. de Chalmont, Geo.... Agr'l. Science, 1895, Vol. V111, P. 471. Evens, W. H.......+. Bxp. Rec., Articdes reviewed by Caron, A. VOl- V1, No. ll, P. 966. Frank B., Vol. VL, NO. 1, P. 1S. Gonnerman, M. vol. 6, No. 9, P. 784. Hiltner and Nobbe You. vi, No. 9, Pp. 381. Kossowitsch, P. Vol. Vl, NO. 4, P. 278 Laurent, Es 1892-3. Naudin, Co, Vol. Vi, NO. 5, P. 382. Salfeld, Vol. V1, No. 6, Pe. 507-534. Schioessing, 1892-3. Schmid, E. Vol. V1, No. 6, P. 504. Wilson, We Vol. Vl, No. 7, P. 616. Frank, B.-+o-+ssceoee TeXt BOOk of Botany, 1892-3. Gilbert, J. H......- Lecture Nov. 1, 1889, Roy. Agr'l. College. Johnson, J. F. We... Johnson's El. of Agr'\. Chem. Kedzie, R. C.....-.. Mich. Agr'l. Rep., 1881-2, P. 380. Lawes, J. Beowseceoe Je ROY. Agr’. Soc., 3d Series ,Vol.11,P.657. MileS, M.-.ccccseeee POP. Science Monthly. Russell, H. Leesee.+ BOt'l. Gas., VOL. X1X, 1894, P. 284 Schneider, A......+- Torrey Bot’. Clubb, 1898, Vol. X1X, P. 203. Tl. Exp. Sta. Bul. NO. 89, 1893, P.SOl. Amer. Nat., Sept. 1893. Ward, H. Mee.-..-ee4 Phil. Transactions Roy. Soc. 1887. Proceedings of Roy. S8oc., 1889. Nature, Vol. 49, 1893-4, P. 511. Warrington, R.....+.U. S. Exp. Sta., Bul. No. 8, "1892. Woods ,C. Desecscecves Storrs School of Agr'1., Bul. No. 5, 1889. Conn. Agr’l. Rep., 1890, P. 44. ~ Jumelte..... cocoeee REVGU General De Botanique, 1895. # The above references are to papers which I heave consulted in preparing this thesis. For a complete list of ref- erences to January 1, 1894, see Bulletin No. 29 of I1li- nois Experiment Station, P. 311, by Albert Schneider. —. se | we