— Se ae a | resect Sia iee eet baked ey at of Miergs Organisms In Spoiled Canned Fruit Fleta Paddock. he] Sy a eee een ee ne. anal SHESID THE THEERMAL-DEATH-POINT — OF MICRO-ORGANISMS FCUND IN "SPOILED" CANNED FRUIT. Fleta Paddock. Miehigan Agricultural Coliege. 1901, JHESIE on THE THERUAL-DEATH-POINT OF MICRO-ORCANISMS FOUND IN "SPOILED" GCGANUE D FRUIT. In order to detervizne wiiocther tie v.resence of icro-organisrms in "spoiled" canned Fmit is Are tne “eat resisting power of thes micro-organisms, cones AuO't throuch lgnerance or carulensness aa a ~ st . * ‘ ere eN 7 + ~* ce we *. ™ = ; tle part ov the porcon working with the: fruit, fie trernval-—-deasth-—-point of several beeteoria are molds tasen Prom cuntiecd rruit in dirrere: t syns or . a .. _ ; _ decerposition ee seen ascertainoad, Gelatis:e wieates were iiace from the cus or rruit secured, and tye colonies cr bacteria and molds that «7 ered vere careru.ly examined in order to aet rmeinc tire aivrerent kinds. Arter com pArTIison ty peans of the 2Avwans drop, moist cncasber, won bo > steb cultures, a2d poullion cra milk tubes, «1x Ow ca rie lade, is a@ micrococcus, 91.9 nas a Strikin: stereia and six rolds wers iscliutend,. Germ A, wich was lsolmted rroi a cun or mMar- L' y 4 2 { ae pigeent. It rows Slowly without Liquifying te 7 4 * Pe tao) ~ ’ Pl. tine Corm Rovas obteined verom a enn of precn- 5 _* 7 7 *-— ,> "a ~ + ~ A ara B were the ory gormss that ois nor liguify -elatine, Prt P aitfers from A im other -HOCTS. It vorns a ropy, white sedi.cnt in 1082218 boultlion. Ceres ¢ eae ) ciuusce Prom @ Gc .n oF bears Toey @po seth inlerocogzl, #4 “oth liauivry Selutine, “at © liaguifles 1t more quickly than bp. Irn bouillon Goween se rovy, vellie D rorms a flaky wnite sedi- pent eacily e1sturbed. ¢ solidiries milk. Ih alia Poou.o trom a een ot er ples. bh was isolated trom ‘elev tie surface and FY Prom tiie surivace. " LEG Voeg the gcelatiie vo ry olovily. Like ¢, it coarnletes milk, butjun:ike co, 1% causes the milk FO rea,din in a colid ievmr. Fo ane F are micro- eocel Four? oth sire: y @edoin pulirs. F Liquiries FS MO adly a ac hes & yollow tvigment. It Yormrs a little sediivent in tiie pottom of boutllon tu. oc whien 1s eet easily ssipcien up, -olas A an® R esve with Germ E from beneath ts surface ov the enor a; vles. Moids © ann D . “were onoteined from aoen or perve.es. These vour molas are varieties of Penicillium. volt b ce: e¢ “th Germ F feom survece of a can of «:.v7les. [ts cpove Tervation fAiffrers tvom that of Penicilliuna cad reselicles potrvtis. Pole Fo eave rrom below the srrrace or een of niles. It is 7 dark brown rold and nas a peculiar spore Povrstion Aivvering from tint of 2.11 the atier molds,- Teroivye fFrochn bouillon cultures were wate of ©. (YEOVOS 7 6a > + 2s . 4 x ) 7 ~ ~ 8 i biCSE Pee tewyla ii iIncolds preparatory to the deéter- minati P40 te eg thong ; ation of tac ticrral-denath-point. Twelve tubes oy , 7 VARA Trormemn +7 ; . 1 er boutllion were then pleced ina wot veter bath we OR URS LE AYN MQ aac + vay ame a ° ] ann raised to a tempcrsture of 55 Centicsrade. These were inoculated trom the twelve tuses or ve AD abe ocacter ia aid molds. They were Lert in the bath rive reinutes after inoculation ith a constant atl 4 7M 7 1 > 0 Mm . vcenerature of £5 ¢. Tiey vere ticn menoved aia y ’ vr + - . 2 = ° : dcediiately cooled. APU r tan devs, wera vnicn oe “29 the tuves nadiecn in a teiperature vavorable to a 1; 5 ry a q 3 - — . _ . Sy . aie frovth of those micro-organisms, they were exanilued ror traces ocr grovtn. All hed grown but liold FTF.) Tire exverlwenrt was reveated with tne otner molds and the vceeteria, Lut at a higner Femcerature. TRio wae continiucda until ail were killed, The temeerature ut which each micro- opcenism vas killed is shown in the following Table, racteria Eh* ¥GO" WEB™ 7O™W F5™ "GO™ MAE" NGOMOEON IO” an A — t t tt tf t t tt ny i" B _ wt 1 w wo re " " 1 ! C _ " wo tt no Wy t 1! " " D _ 1 1 Y t Wn " tt ! "oy E _ Tr WT " + 1" " " tt ! ue _ r TT wT _ $ D " " 1" " tt ee mr Molds _ . ee A vY + a it t tt t vr " rT] tw at 1" 1! " B _— — tt + [ C — i © "f 't '! ! tt " ! 1 — D _ tf " " " " " i" " " OO TO " Ki — ! " tt ! 1) " 't Tt] " " "1 tt " t? t? " a : no molds were Kilied at = lover temperature ten tne bacteria. Wold Fo vas killed at 55 A, C, Dand Boat 60, ara R at 65, while the bacteria | . 0 . | resisted hest until 70 was reached, “hen kb and F tailed to grov. R ad@ were ki-led at 30° A ard D were tre inset obstinate, but were killed -ectively. nb 95° ard 100% res AS Gil these micro-organisms way be kitted by “oiling (100°C) it follows that tleir growth In tie cansed Pruit was net “ve to the heat resist- ant power of the micro-orvcrnisme, “ut to tre lack or we > Je 7 Gr knevled. or, or carelessness in, the operation eo. of cerning. SutPicie rt care was ret given to the cleanliness end sterilization of cloths and utensils used, thereby alloving free access of tne low Lorms of plent lite. —_ - 8 ee OE