Lows \ | in La De ep Ga b+ «SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL IN BACK OF BOOK tet ~~ # Wy ga, f ( wy er Ra Qs ie i Al QV | nas oO - sy id @ , __ SUPPLEMENTA i MATERA IN BACK OF BOOK rresented for B. S. Degree By T. De Moss and Ie F. French Title DESIGH OF WICHIGAN CaNTRAL xralbavaD AWD MOUNT HOPE AVENUE GRADE SirAnATIOL LANSING, lICd. rev I CEA THESIS Grade separations have assumed an importance undreamed of a dee cade ago. The rapid change in the speed of the vehicular traffic due to the avent of the automobile, has increased accidents at m alarming rate. Many of the accidents can be traced to the lack of grade separations. The public in its new idea of “Safety Always” has rigen above looking at the cost of the project and are demanding safer crossings. Since by a new state law there can be no more railroad crossings laid without constructing a grade separation it is just as necessary to build them over old crossings. This particular grade separation that we are designing is located at the intersection of the Michigan Central Railroad and Mount Hope Aveme at Lansing, Michigan. Mount Hope Avenue runs East and West and the railroad North and South. Mount Hope is one of the main arteries leading from Lansing and on a traffic census there were in eight hours, 251 pedestrians, 183 vehicles and eight trains. The location on the city map in the holder at the back is indicated. We first looked over the ground, taking pictures and getting the location and general contour of the ground in mind. At this time we also took traffic census to determine if grade separation was needed. There are four possibilities in construction at a grade ‘separation. They are as follows: 102916 Change direction of the railroad; change the direction of highe way; go over the railroad by means of a bridge; or to tunnel under. The first two are impractical except in rare instances. This being the case we decided to use a pass-over due to the profile of the ground which was advantageous to this design. The next step was the fimal survey which consisted of taking cross sections and topography. The topography was check- ed over three times because our work did not agree with city maps. We checked every thing and found that the city maps were in error. With this data and with the advice and aid of Profess- or's Vedder and Allen we designed the grade separation which computations follow ; The overhead clearance necessary for a steam railroad is eighteen feet from the rail top to the lowest point of a bridge or other structure. In order to obtain the greatest ne- cessary elevation for the design of the new grade of the high- way it was needful to first design the bridge and get the depth from crown of roadway to under side of bridge. Althe the raile road at present has only a single track, the necessity of double tracking railroads is well recognized and in consequence of this fact the lateral clearance allowed was that needed for two tracks. The width required for two tracks is thirty three (33) feet, and as the abutments were to have no batter, this was taken as the span of the bridge. As the traffic rate is rather high and also as a protection against future congestion, the roadway over the bridge was designed twenty-four (24) feet wide. The general form of the bridge as designed is as follows ; The roadway is carried by three floor slabs suprort- ed by two beame transverse to the highway and by two abute ments. The two beams are supported by two longitudinal girders which also bear the weight of the side walks and railings. The latter are attached by cantilever construction to the girders. The type of abutment adopted was the cantilever type@e Ae Be Standard Notation. Rectangular Beams. f s tensile unit stress in steel. 6 f = compressive unit stress in concrete. c E - modulus of elasticity of steel. 8 E - modulus of elasticity of concrete. Cc n = Es Ec Mes moment of resistance, or bending moment. A, = area of steel. b = breadth of beam. ad = depth of beam to center of steel. K = ratio of depth of neutral axis to depth, d. Z = depth below top to resultant of the compressive strecses. j = ratio of lever arm of resisting couple to depth, d, jds de-Zs arm of reeisting couple. Pp ss steel ratio = As bd T »~ Beamse b 8 width of flange. ob ' w width of stem. t thickness of flange. Mt + Standard Notation - continued. Shear, Bond and Web Reinforcement. Vs total shear. V's total shear producing strees in reinforcement. v 8 shearing unit stress. v= bond stress per unit area of bar. o se circumference or perimeter of bar. Ev 3s sum of perimeters of all bars. T es #£=total stress in single reinforcing member. 6 = #£=horizontal spacing of reinforced members. The notations have been made and approved by a come mittee consisting of the foremost engineers in the United States. All formulae's are taken from Hool and Johr.son a recognized authority on concrete design. Design of Bridge. M.S.H. ( Mich. State Highway ) Specifications.- Mina continuous slab = wi. 1 Mina simple beam = wi? 8 Minimum slab thickness 5 1/30 of the span. Loading for sidewalks = 100# / eq. fte Impact = 25% of the live load. A 20 ton truck gives a load of 140 # per sc. ft. on the area actually occupied and as this is a short span 140 # will be taken ae the live load. Slab Design. span = ll's 2 Use # 2000 concrete live load = 140 # fs = 16000 / eq. in. 25% Impact = 35 # fc 650 / sq. ine Dead load : Consists of 12" packed gravel = 120 # Total load = 140+35+120 = 295 # Assume that slab is 8” thick. Then unit weight or "w" = 295 §x150 = 395 #/ ft. 12 From specifications Ms wi? 1 and "b" = 12" ( assume a section one foot wide ) and "K*® = 107.4 ( from tables on pere 355 Hool and Johnson). bd? = Mu K a ae Py j= __ s 28 x12 s 5.9" IbK 12x12x107.4 12x107.4 Since it is necessary for fire protection to adda certain amount to the beam ( table on page 300 Hool and Johnson) 14" additional was added and D & 7-15" say 7” 382.5 # / ft. our neww= 295+ 7 x 150 12 oO ds 1 382s x1l2 = 5.75 and De® 7.0" 12 x 107.4 (which is 0.Ke bee cause we assumed an 8" thickness and 395 a / ft and both figured results are under this). Then the area of steel must be found. As® pbd #8 .0077 x12 x 5.75 = x531 in.? Or AB x55 Use + bars spaced 5$" longitudinally Use ~ bars spaced 18” transversely for shrinkage and temperate cracks. (The size and spacing of the rods is found on page 357 of Hool and Johnson). Testing for shear is necessary to see if slab is strong enough to take all shear. ve V - 382 25 x 5 5 < 34.9 # which is 0.Ke | 12x0 374x515 allowable 40 # In appendix B Hool and Johnson it says * For slabs with horizontal bars only and without web reinforcement, 2% of the compressive strength may be allowed". Since we are using a 2000 # concrete it would be 02 x 2000 = 40 # it} It is now necessary to see if the bond is great enough - between the steel and concrete so that they will not pull apart. us _V_ = _382.5 x 565 = 96 # Eo jd A3OX » B74X5 075 too large for straight bars but can be made safe with hooking the ends. In Appendix B ( page 846 Hool and Johnson) under the title BOND . “The bond stress between concrete and plain rein- forcing bare may be assumed at 4% of the compressive strength of the concrete". "But by hooking them or deforming 5% of compress~ ive strength may be allowed”. .04 x 2000 = 80 # eo it is too large (96#) for plain bars but with hooks on .05 x 2000 = 100 # hooks make it safe. Design of T = Beams (2 span length = 11 x 12 = 33" b § (12 x slab,t, = 84" Use b & 33" Mot wit - Woo ll x 382.5 = 4208 # / lin. ft. “8 Ll = 24% d = 3(M = 14208 x 242 x12 5 10.15" D® 11.55" DK 8 x 107.4 x 33 SAY 12" 2D Ki = 2ndAs+bt? = 22x15 x 10.25 x 2.75 + 33 x 49 = 4.22" 2n AsBt2Bt 30 x 2.73 + 2x 33x 7 Case I because the neutral axis comes in the flange. As & pbds .0077 x 33x 1005 = 2.67 in 2 Use 7 =~ 5/8" bars Ass 2.73 in2 ( p. 357 Had). b * needed ¢ 3(n-1)4 4 | d 23 (7-1 )+4, 5/8 = 1375 W= 4208 (12 =~ 7 ) 13.75 x 150 = 4279 # 144 — d cM = 14279 x 242 x12 = 10.25 / 8 x 107-4 x 33 DZ 11.75 This is OeK. because assumed D was 12” . < 36 <3 = 4279 x 12 ~- 417 bjd 1375 x 0874 x 10.25 Stirrups are necessary because shrinkage is liable to part. Use 5/8" W - Stirrups As = 1.227 Hook them. —* éf 3/4 x 1.227 x 16000 x .974 x 10.25 = 5.14 4279 x 12 space stirrups 5 feet apart. Side Walk Slab. L.L = 100 #/ ft 2 1 = 6% Suppose slab t+ = 53" including 2" finish and 1” steel protection. 12 d = -/M = -/A72 x 36x12 = 2.70 04K. y bK / 12 x 10764 x 8 As S&S pbd s&s .0077 x12 x 2.75 8 .25 Use 3" bars snzced 3° transversley. Yee +" bars spaced 18" longitudinally. The railing used is an approved design of the United States Office of Public roads, Steel necessary in railing to furnish support for outer edge of sidewalk and its own weight. b s 8* Wel2ax3+8x48x150 = 916 144 de -M> = y96x1k2x12> 5 11.4% ,; OK 8 x 12x 107.4 As = pbdd s ,.0077 x 8x11.4 = .70 Use 3 4" rods As & o75 Design of Cantilever Beam -«- to supvort sidewalk and railing. Let d s 10,25 * bd? & M or bs _M Say b = 6 #" w& 6,375 " K ad 2K 8 5103 # / lin. ft. = as 31 6.875 x ( 11015 = 3015 ) x 150 N it 12 = 780,000 in. f/ db. ” MS "916 x ll