DIAGNOSIS OP PLANT NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES BY MEANS OF SOIL TESTS, PLANT TISSUE TESTS, AND FOLIAR ANALYSIS by J. QUENTIN LYND A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate School of Michigan State College of Agrloulture and Applied Science In partial fulfilment of the : requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Soil Science 1948 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to express my slnoere gratitude to Dr. L. M. Turk and Dr. R. L. Cook for their guidance and inspiration throughout the course of this study* I an particularly Indebted to Dr. C. E. Millar, Dr. Kirk Lawton, and Prof. L. S. Robertson for helpful suggestions concerning the research reported herein. The photographs included were made by Dr. Cook. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 5 III. PLAN OF STUDY 10 IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ANDRESULTS 13 A. Description of Soils Used 13 B. Physicaland ChemloalDeterminations of Soils IS C« Greenhouse Experiments for Tissue Testing and Foliar Analysis 1. Experiments with Corn 2. Experiments with White Beans 3. Sand Culture Experiments 4. Method of Tissue Testing 5. Methods of Foliar Analysis 6. Results with Corn 7. Results with White Beans 8. Results with Sand Cultures 22 22 23 24 24 27 35 39 41 D. Field Experiments for Tissue Testing and Foliar Analysis 42 E. Chemloal Investigations of Fertiliser-Rotatlon Field Experiments 1. Soil Test Results 2. Plant Tissue and Foliar Analysis Studies a. Results of 1947 Analyses b. Results of 1948 Analyses 49 53 54 54 59 F. Greenhouse Study of the Fertlllzer-Rofcation Field Experiment 65 G. Nitrification Studies of Soli from the FertlliserRotatlonField Experiment 67 V. DISCUSSION 70 VI. SUMMARY 76 VII. LITERATURECITED 78 VIII. PLATES 83 INTRODUCTION Over a century ago Von Liebig established the fact that soil is the source of mineral nutrients for plants. Since that time there have been Innumerable investigations searching for factors that govern plant development and composition with particular reference to complex soil re­ lationships. Many early investigators established the fact that plants vary greatly In composition and concluded that evaluation of analytical data dealing with plant composition was precluded because of so many influencing factors (56). Most of these data were concerned with analyses of the total plant Including stems, leaves, and fruit (15). More recently a method using only the physiologically active portion of the plant in a "foliar analysis" has been more successful for indicating plant nutrient status than the method of total analysis. This method is based on quantitative measurements of nutrient elements present in the leaf at the moment of sampling. Interpretations of analytical data are made in terms of "Intensity" or critical concentration and In terms of relative content or "balance" of the nutrient elements determined. Plant tissue tests were Introduced simultaneously with the development of "foliar analysis" and tissue testing has also been used extensively for diagnosing nutrient require­ ments of plants. The theoretical basis for this method rests on the extraction of unassimulated Inorganic constitu­ ents from plant tissue which is primarily concerned with nutrient tranalocation. These determinations are roughly quantitative and test results are Interpreted relative to the presence or absence of nutrient ions In sufficient quantity to insure optimum plant growth. Although both of these methods have received wide­ spread application as diagnostic aids, there is still a difference of opinion as to what part of the plant should be sampled and at what physiological stage the plants should be sampled for analysis. There is controversy as to whether the soluble fraction is a better Index of nu­ tritional status than the total quantity of elements pre­ sent. It Is questioned whether differences are sufficiently large to overcome sampling errors and if it is possible to state absolute critical concentrations for each nutrient under different soil and climatic conditions. This investigation was undertaken to compare foliar analysis and green tissue testing for diagnosing nutrient deficiencies in plants grown in greenhouse and field exper­ iments on soil types of widely differing fertility level. A chemical study was made of changes in the soil nut­ rient status of fertlllser-rotatlon field experimental plots following seven continuous years of experimental work. Plant tissue testing and foliar analysis were used to de­ termine the nutrient status of one crop, corn, in these field experiments during the_1947_ and 1948 growing seasons and these results were correlated with soil analysis and crop yield. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Diagnosis of plant nutritional status by means of chemioal analysis has been an object of study since the early history of agriculture chemistry. As the complexity of the problem became more and more apparent, detailed investigations tended to divide into two separate phases. Physical and chemical studies of the soil were made to determine how Improvements could be made to produce more desirable plant growth. Fhyslologieal studies of the plant itself were made to determine its needs for maximum growth and production. In recent years attempts have been made to correlate results of plant tests and soil tests with « view of in­ creasing crop production by detecting and eliminating certain nutrients as factors which may limit,plant growth. Toward this end foliar analysis and green tissue testing techniques have been Introduced as experimental aids along with soil testing, deficiency symptoms, pot cultures and field plot procedures for interpreting the complex relations of soil fertility and orop yields. Goodall and Gregory (15) have presented a detailed review of literature concerned with chemical composition of plants as an index of nutritional status. They point put changes in concepts prevalent in past Investigations concerning total plant analysis as an indication of soil fertility and furthermore, they emphasise the caution necessary in using the results of soil analysis as absolute crltera for plant needs. These Investigators propose an integration of soil analysis, plant analysis, and field experimentation as a means to attain practical solutions to plant nutritional problems. Foliar Analysis: "Foliar analysis" as a means of de­ termining the nutritional status of plants was suggested by Lagatu and Maume (21) in 1924. This method of approach has since been utilised by many workers and has been ap­ plied to both perennial and annual plants. The principals of sampling and analytical procedure have been adapted without major change but controversy now exists as to the interpretation of data from these procedures. Lundegardh (23) presents the fundamental theory of this concept as being based on the fact that functioning assimilating leaves are "laboratories of nutrition". Their composition reflects the nutritional status of the plant at the moment of sampling as Influenced by all factors of soil and climate which govern plant growth. Thomas (42) has modified the original procedures and has adapted them for several horticultural and agronomic crops. This worker recognizes two factors in interpretat­ ing such analyses. First, the quantity or "intensity" of an element may be of significance and critical concen­ trations may be established for optimum growth. Second, the ratio of nutrients present or "quality" may be govern­ ing plant development. Thomas utilizes a system of math­ ematical interpretation of the ratio of nutrients present in terms of milligram equivalents* Both Interpretations assume that the limiting factor in plant growth will be reflected In foliar analysis as a function of absorption and utilisation of nutrient elements* it is pointed out by Thomas that the validity of any system of analysis applied to dynamic systems as those of plants and soils are necessarily comparative in nature. Ulr.lch (50) has emphasized that foliar analyses do not reflect the nutritional status of soils but rather the whole complex of environmental factors which Influence plant growth. Composition of leaves and changes in their composition during growth provides direct information on the "nutrition” of plants. He further proposes this method as means of determining "critical concentrations" of nu­ trient elements. He points out that sensitivity of plant tests depends upon the part of the plant analyzed, the particular fraction of nutrient determined, and the pos­ ition on the plant from which samples are selected. This worker reports very satisfactory results with foliar an­ alysis in determining the potassium needs of grapes. Macy (26) has proposed quantitative measurement of mineral nutrients in plants as a criterion for the nutri tlve status of plants. As stated by Macy "Sufficiency of a nutrient is a function of its p ercent content in the plant." This Is Interpreted to mean that there is a critical per cent for each nutrient, above this content there is luxury consumption, below this point there is "poverty adjustment" of the plant to a deficient state where a "minimum" percentage is reached. This minimum 64 value results in the appearance of deficiency symptoms, senescence, and finally death of the plant. Nightingale (30) recognized that variations In the critical concentrations of nutrients in plants were Influenced by environmental factors of light, temperature, and moisture. He evolved a system of testing for pine­ apple plants in which consideration was given to these environmental conditions. This method was used for de­ termining optimum nitrogen-carbon ratios within plants at critical stages In their development. Shear, Crane, and Myers (38) hove proposed nutrientelement balance as a fundamental concept in plant nutrition. The principal idea involved is that any element as it de­ creases or Increases from its concentration at optimum intensity may affect plant growth. The maximum growth possible within the new limits of supply of that element can result only when the concentrations of all elements have been brought Into balance at the new level of in­ tensity determined by that particular element. These workers, utilizing foliar analysis as means of determining this balance of elements have carried out intensive investigations on tung trees giving considera­ tion to the nutrient elements nitrogen, potassium, phos­ phorus, magnesium and calcium. No attempt was made to utilize the concentration of these elements in terms of chemical equivalents as did Thomas (44). It is pointed out that the stage of plant development end position of the leaf are Important factors to consider in sampling for analysis. Tyner (48) utilized a method of foliar analysis for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on a basal leaf of corn (£ea maize) and proposed wcriticalB concentrations of these elements for maximum yield based on a large number of sample plants grown in seven different experimental areas. Leaf samples were taken once during the growing season when plants were in full tassel and silk. Plant Tissue Testing: A system of tissue testing proposed by Hoffer (20) has been extensively applied as an aid in the interpretation of field plot results. The tests are made on extracts of fresh tissue from portions of the plant consisting largely of conducting tissue. The concentrations of unassimilated elements are determin­ ed semlquantltatlvely In this procedure and these tests are considered to give a measure of the current rate of nutrient uptake. The interpretation of these tests Is concerned with the plant absorption of elements rather than the utilization of nutrients as in the case of foliar analysis. The theoretical basis, testing procedure, and methods of applying results of green tissue tests have been discussed in detail by Scarseth (37). Some of the ideas of Hoffer were later extended by Thornton (47) who modified the Purdue soil testing pro­ cedure for making plant tissue tests. Other workers, who have developed similar testing systems are Emmert (15), Carolus (6), Hester (19), end Cook and Millar (11)* These methods differ mainly in the nature of the extraction : solution and in the part of the plant utilized for testing. Emmert(lS) and Carolus (6) utilized 2$ acetic acid extracts of plant tissue for making the tests. According to Carolus the concentration of a nutrient in such an extract represented the current balance between its ab­ sorption and utilisation. He quotes limiting values for the potato plant below which deficiency is to be suspected and found that these values changed during the course of plant development. Hester (19) has described a system of tissue testing utilizing an acetate buffer solution in which tomato stems were extracted in a mechanical cocktail mixer. He proposes values for deficiency and normal ranges for the content of nitrate-nltrogen, phosphate-phosphorus, and potassium but recommended making a comparison of the composition of the best and the poorest plants in a field rather than relying on limiting values. • ✓ Thornton (47) uses the testing reagents in making tissue extractions for potassium and phosphorus. Samples of tissue are treated with diphenylamine-sulphuric acid reagent for an estimation of unassimilated nltrate-nitrogen. Finely chopped tissue from terminal growth is ex­ tracted with a solution of ammonium molybdate in 0.1H HC1 solution for phosphorus. Finely chopped tissue from a middle part of the plant is extracted with a solution of sodium cobaltinitrite in acetic acid for a potassium test. Cook and Millar (11) use the same portions of the plant for testing as Thornton but the extractions are made in distilled water utilizing the reagents of Spurway (40) for the actual chemical tests. Arbitrary values of blank, low, medium, high, and very high ere given these test results and interpretations of the tests are based on these values in conjuntion with plant deficiency symptoms and soil tests. Harrington (18) has made a comprehensive study of factors which Influence the reliability of plant tissue tests. He found that the composition of fresh plant tissue was greatly influenced by soil type regardless of fertilizer treatment. The age of the plant, when sampled, had considerable effect on the test results. Concentra­ tions of soluble nutrient elements in the plants decreased with maturity in all cases. This writer concludes that the composition of the conducting tissue of the petiole or stem, Is a reliable guide to changes in current nutrient status. He found greater differences between types of tissue on the same plant than between plants having differ­ ent fertilizer treatments. 10. PLAN OF STUDY This investigation was undertaken with the idea of producing plants differing widely in their nutrient content by modifying the soil conditions and to compare foliar analysis and green tissue testing as means for diagnosing these differences* These two methods were applied to plants produced in the greenhouse in soils of different fertility levels and also to plants grown on one soil type under field conditions. These methods were also compared on a series of rotatlon-fertiliser experiments. The plant of study included the following: I. Description of soil types used II* Greenhouse experiments for comparative analytical studies A. Physical and chemical properties of soils used in greenhouse experiments 1. Particle size distribution 2. Aggregate analysis 3* Base exchange capacity 4. Soil reaction, organic matter content, adsorbed phosphorus, exchangeable calcium, potassium, magnesium, hydrogen, and manganese B. The production of c o m (Zea maise) plants of different nutrient status in the greenhouse on PIami, Conover, Brookaton, and Plainfield soil types 1* Soil treatments equivalent to applications of 2000 pounds of 10-20-20 fertilizer per acre in the following combinations a* Ho treatment (check) b. 10- 0- 0 (H) 11. o. 0-20- 0 (P> d. 0- 0-20 (S) e. 10-20- 0 (NP) f * 10- 0-20 (KK) 0-20-20 (PK> &• h. 10-20-20 (NPK) 2. Results of foliar analysis and plant tissue testing from two crops on the same soils 3. Yield data (dry weights) 4. Soil pH after plant growth C. The production of white bean plants of different nutrient status in the greenhouse on Miami and Granby soil types 1. Soil treatments equivalent to the following a. No treatment b. 2 tons CaCOg per acre (Granby), 4 tons CaCOg per acre (Miami) c. 500 pounds SnSO^ per acre on both soil types d. 1000 pounds 10-2G-2Q fertilizer per acre on both soil types 2* Results of foliar analysis and plant tissue testing of two crops on the same soil 3. Yield data (dry weights) 4. Soil pH after plant growth D. The production of corn and white bean plants def­ icient In magnesium with an unbalanced nutrient solution. III. Field experiment on Miami soil type.for comparative Sls^osCie0ai§a analy |lS,s an(^ *5®ot*n3 ** A. Description of soil type, topography and previous cropping B. Fertilizer treatments applied at the rate of 1000 pounds per acre 1. No treatment 0 1 I ■o o . r-i 2 (cheek) (N) 3. 0-20- 0 m 4. 0-0-20 (K) ■6. 10-20- 0 (NP) 6. 10- 0-20 (NK) 0-20-20 H L 126 29.2 19.2 34.2 15.6 17.6 45.1 .32 VH K L M ■E 291 30.2 24.6 25.6 16.8 5.3 14.1 41.6 .31 K n 0 1 0 1 s K none 5.2 10.9 32.6 .32 VH M 0.20. 0 5.3 21.1 41.7 .35 L 0-20 4.7 5.7 27.0 .25 10-20- 0 5.4 27.3 55.0 10- 0-20 4.8 4.3 0—20—20 4.9 10-20-20 4.9 G- 1. Data represents the mean of three replications 2. Legends VII very high, E high, M medium, L low, - blank 3. nitrogen determined by the>f£jeldahl-Gunnlng method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder (22) Table Fertiliser treatment 2000 lbs* per acre Soil PH 5 The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of Corn Plants Crown in the Second Greenhouse Crop on Plainfield Loamy Sand1 Yield grams Height inches Stalk diam. Inches Analysis of third basal let.f Green tissue test Foliar analyst s leaf blade leaf sheath tissue® m.e. per 100 grams5 Ca 1 Mg _ a . ;.WV :* , -JfiL.. *-■ :* - * 1 * none 5.5 15.5 22 .33 'm- It 10- 0- 0 5.6 35 .4 20 *44 B L 0-20-' 0 5.6 25.4 23 .46 - 0- 0-20 4.7 25.3 21 .48 - r Xj 10-20- 0 5.5 88.6 42 •68 H B 10- 0-20 5.4 27.1 16 .42 a. - 0-20-20 5.5 36.6 20 .51 - am • B 180.7 45 .71 H 10-20-20 5 . 5 ".A . '1 » R 95 12.8 23.2 19.4 17.7 15S 16.8 24.2 18.1 16.1 am M - K B 91 32.0 11.4 11.2 22.9 R T W K 142 24.0 21.4 15.6 31.7 > s a 145 28.0 17.4 15.0 22.4 L L L 148 13.2 31.5 15.7 L L 1G9 14.0 40.0 11.3 12.0 L B ” 180 20.0 51.0 10.6 8.9 "L ' 1. Data represents the mean of three replications 2. Legend: H high, M medium, L low, - blank 3. Nitrogen determined by the K jeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder (22) : 13.0 Table 6 Fertilizer treatment 2000 lbs. per acre Stalk diam. inches Analysis of third basal leaf Green tissue test Foliar analysis leaf blade m.e. per 100 grams3 leaf sheath tissue2 N I | Ca | Kg Ca L »g. N 1 P 1 K Yield grams Height inches 5.6 12.0 48.7 .33 VH L m L H 191 14.7 30.5 10.3 19.8 10- 0- 0 5.6 9.8 45.8 .23 VH L - L M 236 21.2 42.0 15.9 11.5 0-20. 0 5.8 28.1 52.0 .51 - H - L H 167 24.6 22.3 17.4 21.8 Or 0*20 5.6 6.0 27.2 .32 VH ;V;:L: M L M 212 16.8 71.8 6.4 12.9 10-20- 0 5.6 14.8 35.3 .47 VH VE '** L H 289 30.4 23.6 15.9 22.9 10- 0-20 5.5 5.1 21.2 .28 VH L H L L 273 13.9 69.0 15.7 9.4 5.5 _36 .6 60.2 .43 - fi E L H 156 21.4 32.3 14.9 20.2 5.6 61.3 .40 M K M L X 234 21.9 43.5 17.6 13.3 hone 0-20-20 10-20-20 Soil pH The Effects of Various fertilizer Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of the Corn Plants Grown In the First Greenhouse Crop on Miami Sandy Loam .1 27.6 1* Data represents the mean of three replications. 2. Legend: VH very high, H high, M medium, L low, •blank. 5. Nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder(22). Table 7 The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of Corn Plants Grown in the : Second Greenhouse Crop on Mlasti Sandy Loam1 Fertiliser treatment Soil 2000 lbs. pH oar acre Yield Height g r a s s ' inohes Stalk dlant. Inches Analysis of third basal loaf Green tissue test _ Foliar analysi s leaf.blade leaf sheath tissue” s.e. per 100 £rass^ H ■SN] Ca |*5 [■ *; vjhone 5.5 36.2 36 •46 L L . L 10- 0- 0 5.4 66.5 35 .57 S -■ 0-20- 0 5*6 60.2 39 •48 '«e- B 0- 0-20 5 .3 67.5 34 .51 X L ■; H 10-20- 0 5*8 141.3 65 •69 'S'' U 10- 0-20 4.8 75*6 34 •54 E 0-20-20 5*6 42*3 36 .45 10-20-20 5.8 230.3 64 .71 B )L X 115 16.0 10.5 17.6 U.7 K L L 219 17.2 22.6 15.0 16.6 L K -% 86 24.6 12.6 26.1 16.2 t L 159 18.0 43.0 26.2 13.0 L & H 187 24.4 15.6 19.1 20.3 £ H 'U 226 16.0 ■6l .0 21.9 15.6 - 15 :B ' M - 96 22.0 64.4 15.0 15.1 K - 230 25.6 77.6 12.1 19.2 WR’ K ' ■' B ' 1* Data represents the mean of three replications. 2. Legend: VE very high, H high, IS medium, L low, - blank. 3. Nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder (22}. Table 8 Fertilizer treatment 2000 lbs* per acre Soil pH The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of C o m Plants Grown in the First Greenhouse Crop on Conover Sandy Clay Loam* Yield grams Height inches Stalk diam. inches Analysis of third basal leaf Green tissue test Foliar analysl s leaf blade leaf theath tissue8 m.e. per 100: grams’3 H | P H \ F I K ! Ca 1 Sg | K | Ca 1 *g none 6.5 6.3 3 3 .8 .24 VH 0 1 0 1 Q rt 6.4 ■ 7.5 31.3 .33 .VB 0*>20» 0 6.5 36.0 53.1 .49 0. 0-20 6.3 . 9.1 36.9 .26 ■K m M 206 21.2 25.5 10.7 12.7 - M :H 284 13.4 30.5 13.4 19.0 vsr ; - M H 130 22.4 20.5 11.3 23.6 l L H 224 21.2 36.6 18.0 20.4 L M 234 22.4 15.5 17.8 23.1 222 16.8 60.5 11.4 20.2 129 19.0 63.0 11.6 19.6 245 15.4 49.5 13.6 24.2 .L 10-20- 0 6.4 26.0 47.4 .42 VH B 10- 0-20 6.3 4.1 23.8 .26 VH h ■r ' B H 0-20-20 6.4 41.3 64.9 .46 c- VH VH L M 10-20-20 6.4 50.7 .41 VH S u ;K M 31.7 ‘ 1. Data represents the mean of three replications 2. Legends VH very high, B high, & sodium, L low, - blank S. Hitrogen determined by the KJeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determinedessentially by methods of Linder (22) Table Fertiliser treatment 2000 lbs., per acre Soil pH 9 The Effects of Various.Fertiliser Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of Corn Flahfcie Grown In the Seeond Greenhouse Crop on Conover Sandy Clay Loam* Yield grams Height inches Stalk dlanu inches Analysis of third baeal loaf Foliar analysis leaf.blade Green tissue test m.e. per 100 graims3 leaf sheath tissue2 n K It P P Ca Mr Ca *&. - none 6.6 62.5 39 .62 E s» «* M m 222 18.4 19.6 14.4 20*8 10- 0- 0 6.7 83.3 36 .55 n - L M M 107 18.7 14*1 17.0 16*5 0-20- 0 6.6 44.1 40 .46 B «• M U 83 28*0 16.6 31.3 19*2 0- 0-20 6.7 68.8 35 .51 M - L 180 17.6 43.4 15.6 14*6 10-20- 0 7.1 164.1 65 .67 H B 10- 0-20 6.8 65.4 36 .52 fi 0-20-20 6.8 53.6 35 .50 10-20-20 7.0 183.2 66 .77 H ■ a' as M H 146 30.0 18*9 26.3 15.1 M L L 277 18.0 58.0 12.4 13*0 H H I L 71 24.0 52.6 14*4 23*4 H m ■ jg M 253 24.6 57.8 21.9 20.8 1. Data represents the mean of three replications 2. Legend: VH very high, H high, M medium, L low, - blank 3. Nitrogen determined by the KJeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder (22) Table 10 The Effects of Various Fertilizer Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test and Feilar Analysis of Corn Plants Grown In the Seeond Greenhouse Crop on Brooks ton Sandy Clay Soil*' Fertiliser treatment 2000 lbs. oer acre Soil pH Yield grams Height inches Stalk dlam. Inches Analysis of third basal leaf Green tissue test Foliar analysis leaf.blade M.E. ner:1S0 arams3 leaf sheath tissue2 Ca Mg K N P Ca K | H P. V ,...-.*6 . none 6.6 40.8 44 .55 H u H M 200 1020 31*2 16*3 19.4 10- 0* 0 6*3 71.5 53 *51 H 'V ; M H H 288 11.2 27*5 17.6 18.7 0-20- 0 6*7 64.2 56 *63 U H V y B 134 15.8 36.2 22.5 16.2 0- 0-20 6.6 58.8 47 .57 M M H H K 225 12.9 45.6 18.8 21.8 10-20- 0 7.1 104.1 62 .58 H H B B 266 13.2 28*8 17.5 16.5 10- 0-20 6.5 44.2 54 .55 H L H Bl H 288 9.3 52.5 20.6 15.0 0-20-20 6.3 92.3 63 .63 & H H K M 152 18.8 53.7 16.3 10-20-20 6.5 159.6 58 .76 H U H H M 306 13.6 41.7 17.5 ' 1. Data represents the mean of three replications 2. Legend: 1 high, M medium, L low, - blank 3. Nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined essentially by methods of Linder (22) 13.1 •\ 16.2 ... ResultB with Coro: The first ©orn crop grown on Conover, Miami, and Plainfield soil types gave a very marked response to phosphate fertiliser (tables 4, 6, and 8, and plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6). The absence of phosphorus in the fertiliser treatments resulted in substanlal growth depressions with the early appearance of phosphorus deficiency symptoms. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms appeared after six weeks on all treatments not receiving nitrogen fertilizer but were severe only on the PS treatment of all three soil types, The plainfleld soil responded markedly only when phosphorus and nitrogen were ap­ plied in combination. In order to determine if the amount of fertilizer ap­ plied was sufficient to cause Injury from high concentrations of salts, conductivity measurements were made on all treat­ ments. These measurements determined according to Magiatad, et si (27) were less than 40 x 10~6A than tap water used in the laboratory. which is slightly less Injury for sensitive plants under ordinary greenhouse conditions Is not expected to occur at values less than 100 x lO’- S . A (27). Results of the soil pH determinations (tables 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, and 9) indicate that the fertilizer treatments did not ohange appreciably the soil reaction. Of particular Interest in this investigation was the precision with which the two methods used for determining nutrient status of the plf :ta Indicated differences in soil treatments. For the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potas­ sium, tissue tests indicated almost without exception the soil treatment. Foliar analysis of the same elements wea somewhat less conclusive in indicating various treatments. In general, the calcium and magnesium tissue test results were not In accord with results of foliar analysis for these elements. However, no effort was made to control the supply of these two elements in the various fertiliser treatments and the soil types used in this experiment contained variable amounts of available calcium and magnesium (table 3). It is noted that the concentration of these elements was generally greater in the plants grown on soils with the higher content of ex­ changeable calcium and magnesium. A second corn crop was grown on these same soils with no additional fertiliser treatment. Brookston sandy clay soil was included in the experiment for this second corn orop. The growth of this orop followed closely the nltrogen-phosphorus treatments on all soils with the greatest growth occur­ ring only when both elements were applied In combination, nitrogen deficiency symptoms were severe in all treatments not receiving this element except on the Brookston soil where they appeared only on the FK treatment. Considerable depression of plant growth occurred on treatments which produoed a large first crop but received no nitrogen in the fertiliser treatments. Tissue testa on the second orop revealed rather precisely differences in soil treatments for the elements nitrogen, phos­ phorus, and potassium. Considerable variability appeared between results of calcium and magnesium tissue tests and results of foliar analysis for these elements. The foliar analysis of Table Soil type Granby sandy loam Treatment per acre 11 The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of White Been Plants Grown; in the First Greenhouse Crop on Miami Sandy Loam and Granby Sandy Loam Soli pE Yield grams Green tissue testl ~ plant stems 1 t 10a life 1 in L U | » 1 Foliar analysis** m.e. per 100 grams X 1 ClH .Sfe 1 * 1 Kn E IS 202 23.2 36.0 23.2 12.3 1.56 : K L 219 35.8 40.0 28.6 11.0 .94 H ’H H 199 14.8 34.0 10.3 11.4 4.17 E L - 284 37.2 76.6 24.1 10.2 1.12 K M ' ■--M E IS , 174 27.4 30.6 19.3 10.4 6.25 H L L H U u 161 25.6 27.0 24.5 10.1 4.70 4.8 H II M If E E 65 20.6 36.6 19.8 19.9 16.51 34.3 VH B B H L U 217 33.6 52.6 13.5 11,9 8.25 none 7.6 14.1 H K II 2 tons CaC05 7.8 20.1 B U K 500 lbs. lnS04 7.6 21.6 S £ V 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 7.7 43.2 VH H B none 5.9 18.1 K 4 tons CaC03 7.5 19.8 500 lbs. MnS04 6.4 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 5.5 E . Miami sandy loam ' 1. Legend: VH very high, B high, M medium, L low, - blank 2. Nitrogen determined by the KJeldahl-Gunning method (1), manganese by method of Peach, et al (32), other elements by methods of Linder (22) Table soil Soil pH Yield grams Green tissue test^ plant stems N 1* K 1Ca |Mg |tfn 7.6 10.6 H H M M H M 298 16.0 29.6 8.0 24.0 .95 2 tons CaC03 7.8 17.4 H M L X H L 262 28.0 29.0 ,11.0 H* 10.3 .15 500 lbs* MnS04 7.6 20.4 H US X L H H 299 12.0 14.2 11.8 18.4 1.56 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 7.7 43.0 H E H h L L 328 34.0 36.4 12.3 20.2 .76 none 6.3 17.4 M H L II X K 213 20.0 20.8 12.0 12.3 -'W 2.43 4 tons CaCOg 7.9 25.8 M H L H X B 248 38.0 24.2 12.5 22.1 2.15 500 lbs. MnS04 6.5 15.2 E H M L M H 252 22.0 28.4 11.2 14.0 7.93 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 5.8 36.2 H M H L L H 270 48.0 44.2 10.8 18.3 3.46 Treatment per acre none Granby sandy loam Miami sandy loam The Effects of Various Fertilizer Treatments on the Growth, Tissue Test, and Foliar Analysis of White Bean Plants Grown in the Second Greenhouse Crop on Miami Sandy Loam and Granby Sandy Loam H Foliar analysis2 m.e. per 100;grams K , Ca r 1__ P . 1 Me 1 ttn \ 1. Legends VH very high, H high, M medium, L low, - blank 2. Nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-GunAIng method (1), manganese by method of Peech, et al (32), other elements by methods of Linder (22) nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium was less sensitive than tissue tests In detecting the soil treatments but in general followed them more closely than the foliar analyses of the first crop. Results with White Beans; The soil types selected for the experiments with white beans were purposely chosen for their differences in manganese content* White beans are plants notably sensitive to manganese availability and are suitable plants for this type of an investigation* The crop grown on the Granby soil receiving no fertiliser treatment exhibited typical manganese deficient symptoms from the appearance of-the first true leaves. These symptoms were more intense with lime application but symptoms did not appear on the manganese treatment. The application of nitrogen, potas­ sium, and phosphorus resulted in larger plant growth but man­ ganese deficient symptoms were severe. Plant growth and symp­ toms were nearly the same for both the first end second crops grown on this soil. Tissue tests for manganese Indicated the relative total amounts of manganese present in the leaves found by foliar analysis. The bean plants grown in the Miami soil exhibited no manganese deficient symptoms even with the application of the large amount of CaCQg. This treatment was used in an effort to produce manganese deficiency such as that observed on other soil types receiving high rates of lime (24). A growth de­ pression of both crops grown on this soil type resulted from the addition of MnSOg. The amount of manganese in the leaf Table ,, A The Effect of an Unbalanced Nutrient Solution on Growth, Tissue Teat, and Foliar Analysis of Corn and White Bean Plants Grown In Quarts Sand1 Plant grown Green tissue test4 N I P I K I£a f Ms Corn2 B VH VB White beans5 U VH VB , Foliar analysis 5 m.e. per 100 grams N 1 _ F ..I ?__. l Ca 1 Mg H M 215 28.1 58.5 38.2 18.3 B n 265 37.2 72.1 28.8 16.4 1. Data represents the mean of three greenhouse replications 2. Leaf sheath tissue of the third basal leaf was used for tissue test, leaf blade of this same leaf used for foliar analysis 3* Leaf petiole used for tissue test^ leaf blade . used for foliar analysis 4. Legend for test results: VH very high, H high, U medium, L low, « blank 5. Nitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-Gunnlng method (1) other elements determined essentially according to Linder (22) tissue Increased considerably with the manganese treatment. Results with Corn and White Bean Plants In Sand Culture: In this experiment, the nutrient solution was purposely im­ balanced In an effort to produce a magnesium deficient con­ dition by Increasing the concentrations of other base ions. The plants grown in this culture exhibited symptoms which have been recognised as specific for magnesium deficiency (17). Tissue tests for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium indicated high concentrations of these elements as did the results of a foliar analysis of the same plants. The magnesium tissue testa were moderately high and did not reflect the low concentration of the element recovered in the foliar analyses. Field Experiments for Tissue Testing and Foliar Analysis In order to make a comparative study of foliar analysis and tissue testing on corn plants under field conditions, a field experiment was conducted on the R. L. Cook farm. This farm is located in the south central part of Clinton county, near Dewitt, Michigan. The experimental plots were set up on the same Miamisoil type used in the greenhouse experiments. A heavy stand of first year mammoth clover was turned under as a green manure crop when fitting this field for the exper­ imental plots. Treatments were the same as those in the greenhouse ex­ periment except that 'fertilisers were added at the rate of 1000 lbs. per acre. Che half of the fertiliser was drilled on both sides of the seed at planting and half was applied as a side dressing four weeks after planting. The experimentciL design and plot arrangement were as followsi No treatment 10- 0- 0 0-20- 0 0- 0-20 10-20- 0 10- 0-20 0-20-20 10-20-20 Blook III Block II Block I (ck) (H> (P> (K) (HP) (HE) (PX) (HPK) 10-20- 0 10- 0-20 0-20-20 10-20-20 No treatment 0- 0-20 0-20- 0 10- 0- 0 (HP) (NX) (PK) (SPK) (Ck) (K) (P) (H) 10- 20-20 0- 20-20 10- 0-20 10- 20- 0 0- 0-20 0 - 20- 0 10- 0 - 0 Ho treatment (HPK) (PK) 57.5 1.95 11 o t 0 1 '8 Fertiliser treatment 1000 lbs. per acre E VH « H B H V 52.8 1.64 VH H VH 10-20- 0 (HP) 56*7 1.62 H H 10- 0-20 ( M ) 52.0 1.59 VH 0-20-20 (PK) 52.5 1.77 10-20-20 (HPK) 68.7 1.62 m (K) 1. legends .... 4 B >H ¥, M M U H U M M vs e E VH E H h H U ■M K VH VE H V H ;H H VH E VH H H K VH H E H H H B B H V . h VH very high, H high, M medium, L low, - blank Table 17 The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on Tissue Tests for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium of Different Parts of Corn Plants Crown in the Field Experiment, H. L. Cook Farm Miami Sandy Loam Portion of the plant sampled Third basal leaf sheath Fertilizer treatment 1000 lbs. per acre Green tissue test* Sampled Sampled Sampled Aug. 7 Aug. 14 Aug. 21 K If P K N P N 1 * 1K 10-20- 0 M VH VH L M' H 10- 0-20 M H VH M M H 'as VH VH m H VH 0-20-20 L VH M H H - H H 10-20-20 H VH VH L M M L H VH 10-20- 0 L H M - VH M - H H M H H VH - H H Leaf sheath 10- 0-20 below tassel ;0—20—20 ■- H VH - VH H * H H 10-20-20 L VH VH a* M VH - VH VH * # Legend; VH very high, H high, M medium, L low, - blank Table 18 Fertilizer treatment field ba./ acre The Effects of Various Fertiliser Treatments on the field and Foliar Analyses of Third Basal Leaves Sampled at Three Periods During Growth of Coro Plants in the Field Experiment, Miami Sandy .Loam, fi. L. Coes Farm1 Sampled July 20 8 I ? 1 k | Ca | M« Mlliiequivalents' 'wkt'.'WO Sampled July 26 a | F | X |' Ca 1 MM" .. 26.3 13.3 15.8 20.0 18.8 20.6 58.1 ’.238 16.0 19.4 25.0 0-20- 0 57.5 as 12.8 17.5 18.8 0- 0-20 52.8 176 19.8 23.1 12.5 17.5 196 16.6 10—20r? 0 56.7 152 12.6 18.1 37.5 11.3 199 10.4 16,9 10- 0-20 '52*0 135 17.6 42.5 15.0 18.8 236 12.8' 32,5 17.5 0-20-20 52.5 182 16.4 28.1 15.5 18.1 190' 17.3 10-20-20 ■58.7 189 29.8 25.0 19.3 ■220 ’10.6 10- 0- 0 47.2 17.8 31.8 200 n.6 23.8 211 So treatment 12.5 11*9 . 240 13.1 14.© 234 14.6 _ 1 1 .3 20.0 16.3 10.6 28.4 25.0 7.5 Sampled August ? N 1 f 1 S | Ca I M* 178 16.4 17.5 21,5 9.4 27.0 3.0 I3 .O 25.0 35.0 8.7 134 17.0 15.0 161 176 18.6 29.0 30.0 9.4 8.1 19.0 16.0 167 15.6 18.0 28.0 18.8 166 19.6 25.3 25.3 12*5 24*3 15.0 18.1 138 12.4 11.9 35.0 18.6 25.0 33.0 157 10*4 20.0 33.5 11.9 11.9 1. Data represents the mean of three plot replications 0 Kitrogen determined by the Kjeldahl-Gtusniag method (1) other «tL* elements determined according to Linder (22) 49. that th© time of sampling within this period may have consider­ able Influence on composition of leaves. Chemical investigations of FertiliserRotation Field Experiments This study was undertaken to Investigate certain chemical changes that may have taken place In a Brookston soil follow­ ing seven years of continuous fertilizer and rotation experi­ ments. Tissue teats and foliar analyses were carried out on the corn crop in these experiments during two growing seasons , 1947 and 1948, to determine the nutrient status of the corn plants as affected by the experimental treatments. This field experiment is located on the Lee Ferden farm, Saginaw county, near Chesanlng, Michigan. It was established in the spring of 1940 as a cooperative project of the Farmers and Man^acturers Beet Sugar Association and the Michigan Agri­ culture Experiment Station under the supervision of the Soil Science Department, Michigan State College. Cook, et al (10) have presented a detailed outline of this field experiment. The soil Is classed as a Brookston sandy clay soil and occupies very level topography with naturally imperfect drain­ age. The field is tiled but Internal drainage is slow. This soil is high in organic matter and inorganic plant nutrients with a pH near neutral and, when properly drained, is one of the most productive soils in Michigan. A detailed description of this soil is presented in the description of soils used on page 14. 50. S even five year rotations are Included in this experiment as follows: 1. Barley, alfalfa, alfalfa, c o m , sugar beets 2. Barley, alfalfa, alfalfa, sugar beets, corn 5. Barley, alfalfa, alfalfa, beans, sugar beets 4. Barley, oats, alfalfa, corn, sugar beets 5. Barley, oats, clover-timothy, corn, sugar beets 6. Barley, beans, wheat, corn, sugar beets 7. Barley, sweet clover, beans, wheat, asset clover, corn, sugar beets (sweet clover is seeded with barley and is plowed under the next spring for beans and is seeded in the spring on wheat to be plowed under the next spring for corn) This study Included all rotations except number 3 in which c o m does not appear. The plots are arranged in asplit-plot randomised block design and the treatments are replicated four times with each individual plot being 28 by 90 feet. The rotations were ar­ ranged at random In each block, with each rotation occupying five plots in each of the four blocks. Bach plot is further divided into two 14 by 90 feet sub-plots. One sub-plot re­ ceives 2-16-8 fertiliser at the rate of 1,000 pounds per aore in five years while the other receives 400 pounds of the same fertiliser during the rotation period. In both cases one-half of the fertiliser is applied for sugar beets and the other onehalf for grain, all for barley in rotations 1, 2, and 3 and divided between the two grain crops in the other rotations. The use of manure and the disposition of crop residues are regulated according to the systems of farming which might be practiced with thefdifferent rotations. In rotations 1, 2, and 3, manure at the rate of 10 tons per acre is applied for corn or beans. In rotations 4 and 5, with only 20 per cent of the land in hay production, the manure application is 7 tons per acre. Ho manure is applied in rotations 6 and 7. Corn stover is left on all plots. Crain straw, bean straw, and sugar beet tops are returned tations 6 and 7. to the plots in ro­ Barley in rotations 1, 2, and 3 and oats in rotation 4 serve as nurse crops for alfalfa. A red clover and timothy mixture is seeded with oats in rotation 6. Sweet clover is seeded with both grain cropsin rotation 7 and is plowed under for beans and com. The plots were further divided in 1946 with half of each plot fall plowed and half spring plowed. The soil in each individual plot was sampled in the spring of 1940 with the installation of the field experiment. The method of sampling consisted of taking eighteen samples in a diagonal line across each plot. These individual samples were composited, air dried, screened through a 4mm screen and stored in sealed half gallon Jars. For this study the plots in which corn appeared were again sampled in 1947. Four samples were taken from each of the three raid row spaces of the four rows of corn on each plot. The twelve samples thus obtained were composited, screened, and a kilogram sample taken for analysis. The 1947 and the 1940 soil samples were subjected to a partial chemical analysis for a comparative study of the changes which had taken place in the seven years. analyses are presented in table 19. The data from these Table 19 Rotation2 Pounds of 2-16-8 per rotation The Soil pB and Exchangeable Ions of Field Experimental Plots on Brookston Soil, Ferden Farm1 p# 1 _____tfillieoulralents oer 100 scrams 1947 Sell samples 194 0 Soli K * U f& P*:l Ca PH3 1 1 ...Mg* 1000 6.75 .372 .163 11.03 ,316 6.S8 .415 .206 10.61 ,385 400 6.77 .355 .197 10.96 .330 6.50 .403 •191 9.97 .391 1000 6.90 ,385 ,200 11.59 .377 6.48 .407 .183 9.37 .328 400 6.80 .340 ,162 10.77 .293 6.51 .355 ,179 9.68 ,372 1000 6.85 .368 .171 11.35 .364 6.54 .360 .178 8,80 .385 400 6.80 .372 >197 11.13 .243 6.53 ,378 .189 9.81 .357 1000 6.81 .340 .149 10.02 .335 6.52 .351 *,164 9.36 400 6.95 .352 .173 10.25 .298 6.65 .382 .172 10.10 .315 l ,341 1000 6.78 .370 *187 9.55 .261 6.71 .377 .149 10,82 .354 400 6.60 >378 .194 10.41 .268 6.73 .392 .151 10.91 .341 1000 6.70 .362 .214 11.22 .356 6.61 .370 .159 9.18 .306 400 6.78 .312 ,205 11.64 .317 6,59 •405 .178 8,93 .313 Xe o b • j| 4# t ' 5. 6 . *7 / » 1. 2. 3. 4. 5/ Data represents the mean of three replicate plots Rotation erops and sequence are presented on page 50 Determined by methods of Peech, et al (32) Determined according to Bray and Kurtz (5) Determined essentially by the method of Glllaro ( ^ ) - Soli Teat Results; Accord1n z t o the soil test results no great chemical change had taken place In these soils which could be detected by the testing methods used* The rotation plots receiving the high amounts of fertiliser do not indicate any appreciable accumulation of the fertiliser elements. Exchangeable calcium and pB values of the 194? soil samples are lower than those of the 1940 samples. It should be pointed out that the 1940 samples were taken In the spring of that year. The 1947 samples were taken in the fall from plots growing an intensively cultivated row crop. It is noted that the soil from rotation 6 baa a higher pB and a slightly higher content of calcium than the soil from the other rotations. This dif­ ference was noted in all four plot replications and is also reflected in the soil samples collected In 1946 for nitrifica­ tion experiments (table 25). This may be due to the fact that crop yields were consistently lower in this rotation with less removal of plant nutrients than in the other rotations. Further­ more rotation 6 does not include legume hay crops which are notoriously heavy users of calcium. From these data it was concluded that differences In plant growth and crop yields could not be accounted for by chemical soil tests alone. Another method of approach to this problem has been undertaken by Robertson (35) In a study of the physical characteristics of the soil In these field experiments to de­ termine structural changes that have taken place as a result of experimental treatment. Plant Tlaaue and Pollar Analysis Studies: A study of the nutrient status of c o m plants by tissue test and foliar analysis was made during the 1947 and 1948 growing seasons in order to determine the relationship of these test results and the effect of the different fertllizer-rotation treatments on c o m yield* Tissue tests were applied on the sheath tissue of the third basal leaf of composite samples from six plants taken weekly from each plot during the growing season* The remain­ ing portion of the sampled leaf was dried, ground to pass a 20 mesh screen and used In a foliar analysis. Results of the 1947 analyses are presented in tables 20 and 21 and figures 2 and 3, the 1946 analyses in tables 22 and 23 and figures 4 and 5. Results of 1947 Analyses: During the 1947 growing season tlaaue teats for phosphorus and potassium were high and very high on all samples from all plots. tests are presented in table 20* Results of the nitrogen It is observed that concen­ trations of nitrogen decreased in all instances as the season progressed* Although all plants tested blank near the end of the growing season, it should be noted that the more rapid the disappearance of soluble nitrate nitrogen the smaller were the corn yields. From these data it was concluded that phosphorus and potassium were not limiting nutrients because of their rel­ atively high concentrations in a water soluble form within the plant throughout the growing season. The nitrate tissue tests Table 20 Rota tion The Yield and Nitrate Tissue Tests of Corn Plants During 1947 on the Field Experimental Plots Brookston Soil, Perden Farm Pounds of 2-16-6 per rotation Yield bu» p er acre 1000 49.4 400 42.0 1000 36.4 400 35.9 1000 44.1 Green" tissue test** third basal leaf sheath July Sept TTTT5 126 400 1000 400 44.5 1000 28.5 400 31.1 1000 400 1. Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 2. Legend: Vfl very high, H high, M medium, L low, - blank Figure 2 THE RELATION OF CORN YIELDS TO TOTAL NITROGEN CONTENT OF THE THIRD BASAL LEAF DURING BLOOM STAGE ON FERTILIZERROTATION EXPERIMENTS FOR 1947. BR OOKSTON SOIL 55 45 40 YIELD BU. PER ACRE 50 CORN 35 STANDARD ERRO R E S T IM A T E C O R R E L A T IO N C O E F F IC IE N T 6 . 8 4 BU. PER .5 4 4 30 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 ffable 21 I | Foliar Analysis of 184? Corn Leaf Samples Having Least Regression from Predicted Values for nitrogen ContentYield Correlation, Brookston Soil, Ferden Farm Yield bu» per acre It 1000 48.0 192 12.6 23.1 14.7 17.4 400 41.6 183 10.2 22.5 18.4 15.9 1000 37.0 175 8.6 25.6 17.2 12.3 400 36.1 152 6.8 28.1 19.4 17.7 1000 44.2 178 12.0 23.1 14.7 14.3 400 45.5 172 11.0 22.5 19.4 19.5 1000 42.2 174 11*6 21.8 14.1 13.6 400 44.4 193 10.2 16.7 13.4 12.5 1000 29.1 121 13.2 14.4 16.3 18.4 400 30.6 126 15.2 16.9 15.9 12.5 1000 32.1 151 12.0 15.6 16.1 19.7 400 36.3 137 8.2 17.5 14.1 18.4 Rota* Pounds of tionl 2-16-6 per rotation m.e. per 100 Krams2 Ca I ..... ¥ 1. K 1 1* 2. 4. n S. 6. 7. 1. Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 2. Nitrogen determined by the KJe1dah1-Gunning method (1) other elements determined according to Linder (22) 58. Figure 3. FOLIAR ANALYSIS OF 1947 CORN LEAF SAM PLES HAVING L E A S T REGRESSION FROM PREDICTED VALUES C O N T E N T -Y IE L D C O R R E LA TIO N . FOR B R O O KSTO N NITROGEN POTASSIUM PHOSPHORUS CALCIUM MAGNESIUM 2.9 90 49 .0 IL < B <9 40 1.9 DRY TISSUE (LINE GRAPH) NITROGEN S O IL < at ui B O < B UI OF a. 39 COMPOSITION 1.0 6 to UJ v B \/ 30 O O PER CENT 9 0 29 2H 2L 4H F E R T IL IZ E R -R O T A T IO N 4L 9H 9L 6H 6L 7H TL TREATM ENT Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 Fertilizer additions per rotation: H 1000 lbs. per acre (2-16-8) L 400 lbs. per acre strongly suggested that nitrogen was the limiting nutrient* In view of this, a foliar analysis for total nitrogen con­ tent was made on leaf samples obtained during the three week flowering period. This period appeared to be critical in the growth of the plant by the definite change in nitrate content for all treatments* From the time the first tassel began to form until all plants were in full tassel and silk covered almost a three week period, from July 19 to August 9. The correlation of the nitrogen content, as milllequivalents per 100 grams of dry leaf tissue, and yields of corn in bushels per acre is presented in figure 2* in order to investigate the concept of nutrient balance as proposed by Shear and Crane (38) it was assumed that this nltrogen-yield, correlation was valid. Since only one plot replication was sampled each week, it was necessary to use some means t> determine which plot sample to use In a foliar analysis* This was done by selecting the plot sample taken in the three week flowering period which had the least re­ gression from predicted values for the nitrogen eontentyicld correlation. A total analysis for phosphorus^ potass­ ium, calcium, and magnesium was made on these samples* The samples from the fall and spring plowed portions of each plot were composited for this analysis* These data are pre­ sented in table 21 and figure 3. Results of 1948 Analyses: The results of the tlsspe tests on c o m for the 1946 growing season were similar to those from the previous year. Phosphorus and potassium were Table 22 The Yield and filtrate Tissue Testa of Corn Plants During 1948 on the Field Experimental Plots Brookston Soil, Ferden Fans Founds of Yield Rota­ 2-16-6 per bu. per acre tion* rotatlon 6reen tissue test2 third basal leaf sheath Juii Sept. August 24 131 10 |17 128 7 114 121 4 111 1000 47.6 VH M M M 400 47.8 VH M H L mm L ■- - - 1000 61.0 VH H H H L L L _ _ 400 62.0 VH H H M L L L L - mm 1000 51.9 E H H U «. L '_ «• • _ 400 54.6 H H « V - L - - - 1000 34.7 M U M L 400 36.3 H H H 1000 26.0 _ L _ m m - - - 400 20.5 L 1000 45.6 H £ m M . L • mm mm a» 400 47.0 ii H H L - ■» - - - - 1. 2. 4* £ 1 5£ 1 6* Is 1 i 1- ft | rt 1. Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 2. Legend: VH very high, H high, M medium, 1 low, - blank Figure 4. THE RELATION OF CORN YIELDS TO TOTAL NITROGEN CONTENT OF THE THIRD BASAL LEAF DURING BLOOM STAGE ON FERTILIZER ROTATION EXPERIMENTS FOR 1948. BROOKSTON SOIL 75 55 BU. PER ACRE 65 CORN YIELD 45 35 25 STA N D A R D ERROR C O R R E L A T IO N 80 110 MIL LIEQUIVALENTS 140 170 E S T IM A T E C O E F F IC IE N T 200 OF NITROGEN PER 100 GRAMS OF DRY TISSUE 230 6 .7 3 BU. PER ACRE .72 0 260 Table 23 Foliar Analysis of 1948 C o m Leaf Samples Having Least Regression from Predicted Values for nitrogen ContentYleld Correlation, Brookston Soil, Ferden Farm Rota­ tion1 Pounds of Yield 2—16—8 per bu. per rotation acre sue. per 100 /trams® P _ * 1 Ca N Mg 1000 46.S 202 10.9 19.4 20.3 15.7 400 47.2 179 9.0 19.6 16.2 13.3 1000 60.8 213 10.3 23.1 12.5 16.7 400 62.2 216 6.4 17.5 11.9 15i7 1000 61.0 197 9.2 18.8 27.5 15.6 400 53.6 204 9.5 16.3 21.9 18.2 1000 33.4 183 8.2 16.9 18.6 15 ;8 400 36.3 124 6.9 23.1 12.2 16; 7 1000 26.6 102 6.1 22.5 12.5 19.3 400 21.0 94 6;2 21.3 13.2 17 ;2 1000 45.5 175 6.0 18.8 16.9 19.2 400 48.7 179 8.7 14.5 14.4 18.2 1. 2. , 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 2. Hltrogen determined by the Kjeldabl-Gunning method (1) other elements determined according to Linder (22) 65. Figure 5. FO LIAR AN ALYSIS LEAST OF REG RESSIO N CONTENT - Y IE L D 1948 FROM CORN LEAF PRED IC TED C O R R E L A T IO N . BROOKSTON S.0 — FOR HAVING NITROGEN S O IL 70 » NITROGEN POTASSIUM PHOSPHORUS CALCIUM MAGNESIUM 60 2.0 SO I.S 40 1.0 SO ACRE PER CENT 20 10 IH IL 2H 2L 4H F E R T IL IZ E R -R O T A T IO N 4L 5H SL 6H 6L 7H 7L TREATM ENT Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 Fertilizer additions of 2-16-8 per rotation are: H 1000 lbs. per acre L 400 lbs. per acre BU. CORN YIELD COMPOSITION OF PER DRY TISSUE (BAR G RAPH) 2.5 (LINE GRAPH) S A M PLES VALUES were consistently h i g h o n a l l samples fromalltrestments throughout ths year. Soluble nitrogen decreased as the sesson progrossed up to the flowering period after which the corn plants from all treatments gave a blank test. In general, the more rapid the disappearance of soluble nitrogen the smaller were the corn yields (table 22). Each plot was sampled each week during the two week flowering period of July 24 to August 7 and total nitrogen determinations were made on leaf samples obtained during this period. Equal portions of the plot sample were taken from the spring and fall plowed portions of the plot. These data, expressed as mllliequlvalents of nitrogen per IOC grams of dry tissue, were oorrelated with c o m yields as bushels per acre (figure d). The plot samples within this '''p M v to d having least regression from predicted values for nitrogenoontent-yield correlation were analysed for total phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. These data are presented in table 23 and f i g u r e 6. The 1947 season was characterised by a long cold wet spring which resulted In a sugar beet crop failure on all rotation plots of this field experiment for that year. As a result, the 1946 corn crop in rotation 8 actually follows a fallow year after turning under second year alfalfa. This was undoubtedly influentual in producing the very high yields from this rotation for the 1948 crop year. Greenhouse Study of Rotation-Fertilizer Experiments Soil from the experimental plots (Ferden Farm) were collected from three replicate blocks and replicate treat­ ments were composited. Each composite sample was screened, air-dried, and placed in four gallon pots, sixteen kilograms per jar, with three replicate jars for each treatment. Suf­ ficient water was added to bring the soils up to their mois­ ture equivalent end planted with corn. One week after teasel­ ing the plants were harvested and the dry weight of the plants recorded. Following the first crop, replicate pots were dumped thoroughly mixed, replaced in jars and planted to a second crop The results of the first greenhouse crop indicated that treatments which produced the smallest yield in the field actually produced the largest growth in the greenhouse. was particularly evident in rotations 6 and 7. This This may be explained on the basis that the higher yielding plots had removed more available plant nutrients from the soil before the soil samples were taken. Nitrogen deficiency symptoms, which were so evident in the field, did not appear on the corn grow­ ing in soil from rotations 6 and 7. These results indicated that the treatment these soils received in the greenhouse of being screened, dried, aerated, and maintained at optimum moisture content may have resulted in nitrification of the easily nitriftable material present. This would have resulted in making available considerable nitrogen for plant growth. Table 24 Rotationl 1. The 1947 Field Experiment Corn Yields and Greenhouse Yields on Soil taken from the Field Plots with no Additional Treatment Brookston Soil, Ferden Farm Greenhouse yields® 2nd crop 1st crop Height Cry wt. Height Dry wt. grams Inches inches grams Pounds of 2-16-8 per rotation Yield bu. per acreS 1000 49.4 47 10,3 39 48.6 400 42.0 44 8.8 38 42.9 1000 36.4 68 7.4 41 57.4 400 35.9 52 11.4 44 66.7 1000 44.1 48’ 9.7 43 69.1 400 45.3 39 4.7 40 50.9 1000 43.3 48 8.8 42 66.0 400 44.5 43 6.8 43 64.8 1000 28.5 59 15.9 36 34.3 400 31.1 53 12.0 31 33.3 1000 31.5 66 13.6 37 52.9 400 35.5 55 9.9 32 60.1 2. 4. 5, 6. 7, 1. Rotation crops and sequence are presented on page 50 2. Field plot yields represent the mean of four replications 3. Greenhouse yields represent the mean of three replicate Jars The results of the different soli treatments on the growth of the seoond crop agreed rather closely with the field results of the previous year. Severe nitrogen deficient symptoms ap­ peared on the plants growing op the soli from rotation 6/ Indicating that the nitrogen supply was rapidly depleted. ;j nitrification Studies of Soli from the Ferb|lizer-Rptation Field Experiment Soil samples were collected from the corn plots of the fertilizer-rotatlon field experiment three times during the 1948 growing season. These samples were taken from all four plot replications at the time of seed emergence, tassellng, and at the glazed stage of the corn plant. At each sampling period the replicate samples were screened, composited, and the moisture content determined. The equivalent of 100 grams of oven dry soli was placed in covered tumblers after being brought to 20$ moisture con­ tent. At the end of each incubation period of 3, 6, and © weeks, duplicate samples were leached with 300 oo of 4$ KC1. The soluble nitrogen (including both ammonia and nitrate nitrogen) content of a 250 cc aliquot of this leachate was determined by the reduction method using Bevardafa Alloy. Results of these determinations are presented In table 25. These date Indicate no significant differences in the nitrogen supplying capacity of the soils from the various plots. Increases in the amounts of extractable nitrogen were Table 25 The Soluble Nitrogen Supplying Power of Soils Taken from the C o m Plots of the Rotation-Ferti11zer Field Experiments, Brookston Soil, Ferden Farml Rotation Founds of 2-16-3 per rotation pH Eoctractable nitrogen, m.e. per 100 grams dry soil^ Sampled June 22 Sampled July 23 Sampled Mieust 11 start 13 wks 1 6 wksl 8 wks pH 1 startl 3 wksl 6 wksl 3 wks pH 1 startl 3 wksl 6 wksl 8 wks .51 6.3 ,05 .17 .44 .2? 6.3 .05 .23 .37 .46 6.4 .04 .14 .30 .23 6.5 .03 .17 .28 .81 .32 6,3 .06 .16 .19 .36 6.6 .02 .18 .32 .43 .29 .37 .38 6.4 .09 .20 .20 .19 6.3 .03 .16 .16 .38 .23 .27 ,25 .27 6.3 .02 .19 .24 .14 6.4 .05 .19 .36 .28 6.5 .20 .27 .36 .32 6.5 .11 .17 ,26 .16 6.6 .03 .15 .27 .41 6.6 .25 .30 .50 .26 6.5 .03 .15 .19 .20 6.5 .21 .17 .25 .29 6.6 .22 .26 .48 .31 6.6 .02 .14 .21 .28 6.5 .05 .15 .30 .25 1000 6.3 .23 .22 .27 .23 6.7 .04 .12 .24 .25 6.6 .06 .13 ’ .25' .a 400 6.3 .22 .21 .42 .39 6.7 .07 .11 .13 .19 6.7 .06 .09 .18 .24 1000 6.6 .23 .28 .21 .45 6.5 ,06 .15 .20 .20 6.4 ,02 .12 .22 .27 400 6.5 .18 .22 .21 .34 6.5 .09 .13 .17 .25 .04 .15 .20 .30 1000 6.5 .29 .33 .£{0 400 6.5 .25 .23 •:3S 1000 6.5 .23 .25 400 6.4 ,28 1000 6,6 1400 1000 400 ; 6.5 1. Data represents the mean of duplicate samples incubated at 20% moisture content. 2. Rotation erops and sequence are presented on page 50 3. Nitrogen determined in a soil extract of i$ potassium chloride .45 obtained after alx weeks of incubation for all three sampling periods. In general, the soil of the first sampling produced the largest amounts of soluble nitrogen. Discussion In thia experiment soil testing procedures were applied to aoll samples taken from rotatlon-fertillser field experiments at their Initiation and after seven years of continuous exper­ imental treatment. Results of these soil analyses did not re­ flect sufficient deviation between treatments to account for the large differences in yields. Results of microbiological testing procedures did not show conclusive evieence as to dif­ ferences in the nitrogen supplying status of the experimental plots. Tissue testing and foliar analysis studies were under­ taken on the c o m crop of these field experiments in an effort to account for crop yields in terms of plant nutrient status. Greenhouse and field experiments were undertaken to compare tissue testing and foliar analysis as to precision in detecting aoll fertilizer treatment. Especial effort was made to determine which portion of the plant is a reliable Indicator of its nu­ trient status and to determine the time Of sampling most suit­ able for these teats. The third functioning basal leaf was selected to indicate the nutrient status of the plant at the time of sampling. This third functioning basal leaf may actually be numerically the fourth, fifth, or even the sixth leaf, in cases of severe deficiency, from the base of the plant. By this method the "morphologically homologous1* leaves, described by Thomas (42) as desirable for such an analysis, are approached by disregard­ ing those basal leaves whose physiological functions are af­ fected by severe necrosis resulting from nutrient deficiency. The sheath of this sampled leaf was used In tissue tests and the leaf blade was used In foliar analysis. This selection was based on the fact that deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium affect a more rapid senescence of older leaves (6, 28). Sueh deficiencies are related to a change of nutrient status at the initiation of the reproductive phase (16). These are the same basic con­ siderations given by Thomas (43, 44, 46) and Chubb and Atkin­ son (6) in selecting the portion of the corn plant to use in foliar analysis. Tyner and Webb (49), however, used the sixth basal leaf in foliar analysis studies by reason of its! ease in taxonomic location and its freedom from severe nutrient deficiency necrosis. An investigation was carried out in the field on the R. L. Cook farm comparing tissue test' results of the third functioning basal leaf and the leaf just below the tassel. The results showed a lower content of nitrates in the younger than in the older tissue but little difference was found in the contents of phosphorus and potassium. Barrington (16) and Thomas (45) concluded from similar experiments that merlstematlc tissue was less indicative of nutrient status than were mature leaves. Weekly tlaaue tests were carried out on corn plants grown in the field in order to follow the nutrient status of the plants throughout the growing season. This sampling procedure was adapted in an effort to overcome the objections to tissue testing when interpretations of data are based on only one or a few sampling periods such as that of Atkinson, et al (2} and Drake {12}. Because of the limited amount of plant material available for testing in the greenhouse experiments, the plants were sampled only ones. These samples were taken when the plants were In full tassel end silk. f' The tissue test results were .' compared with foliar analysis of the same leaf samples. Data from both the greenhouse and field experiments In­ dicate that tissue testing -via a dependable indicator of soil fertiliser treatment for the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Atkinson, et al (2) using Thornton*8 method (47) obtained similar results for nitrogen and potassium but were unable to detect phosphorus fertiliser treatments in their experiments. In this study the results of tissue tests for calcium and magnesium were Incomplete and inconclusive because the experiments were not designed for a detailed study of these elements. These results were incidental to the principal portion of the investigation. Results of foliar analysis of corn plants from the field experiments on the u. L. Cook farm indicated that the physio­ logical age at the time of sampling exerts considerable in­ fluence on leaf composition, even during the period deemed c critical for sampling by Tyner (48). This would indicate that there must be a suitable and valid physiological basis, other than visual estimation, of obtaining foliar samples if interpretation is to be given, practical consideration. It la proposed in this Investigation thGt green tissue testing be utilized for determining the period of sampling for foliar analysis, for Indicating possible limiting factors in plant growth, and for substantiating the interpretation of analytical results* Tissue tests were made on corn plants from experimental plots of the rotation-fertilizer experiments on the Ferden farm throughout the growing seasons of 1947 and 1948. These test results Indicated that sufficient amounts of phosphorus and potassium were available throughout both growing seasons; Nitrate tests indicated that the nitrogen supply was the limiting factor in, corn production on these experimental plots and that a sudden change in nitrate content took place during the period of flowering. All treatments did not flower on the same date nor la It to be expected that all plants were physio­ logically the same on different fertillser-rotation plots on any one sampling date. However, it is obvious that plants will attain the same physiological stage within a certain period. The tissue tests indicated that a critical physiological stage of plant growth occurs within the period from the time the most advanced plants began to form tassels until all plants are in full tassel end Silk. From these data it was evident that the more rapid the disappearance of soluble nltrate-nitrogen the lower was the corn yield. This was true for both years investigated. From the results of the tissue tests it might be assumed that c o m yields on these experimental plots were a function 74. of nitrogen supply. To tost the validity of this conclusion, the leaf samples collected within this critical period were analysed for content of total nitrogen. It should be pointed out that this Brookston soil has a relatively high fertility level as compared with other leading agricultural soils in Michigan (table 3). Correlations of total nitrogen content of leaf samples and corn yields gave positive coefficients considered reliable for two factor differential correlations (29). The assumption is made from these data that this correlation is valid and that corn yields in this experiment were a function of nitrogen supply and utilisation. By this reason­ ing the foliage samples having least regression from predicted values for nitrogen content-yield correlation were used for analysis of total phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Bata from these analyses thus have a physiological basis for the application of such diagnostic Interpretations as nufcrientelement balance (38), critical element concentrations (50), and intensity of nutrition (44). Hone of these interpretations are attempted on the data herein reported. In sampling for foliar analysis, Thomas (43, 44, 45) sampled corn plants four times during the growing season. From these data he interprets the "course of nutrition" as reflected by the amount of ions present, the concentrations of elements in relation to each other, and the changes in leaf composition at the different sampling periods. Chubb and Atkinson (8) sampled corn plants twice within a five day period and interpreted the mean value of the analytical results In the manner of Thomas (44). Tyner and Webb (49) sampled c o m plants at four stages of development and found a general decrease In the amount of elements present In the sampled leaf with increase in plant maturity* The most general criticism of plant analysis studies has been directed toward the Interpretation of analytical results (lb, 41). Shear et al (58) have discussed in detail the crltism for using leaf content of nitrogen alone as a criterion of nutritional status of plants. This investigation does not take issue with this viewpoint, nor with that of Thomas (42) who crltises tissue testing as a measure of element accumulation rather than utilisation. This investigation actually supports the methods and concepts of both of these workers by placing foliar analysis Interpretation, as advanced, by these investigators, on a more sound physiological basis. SUMMARY The principal objective of this Investigation waa to make a comparative study of soil tests, foliar analysis, and plant tissue tests for Indicating the nutrient status of corn plants. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in which plants were produced varying greatly in their nutrient status by growing them on soils of widely varying fertility levels. A comparison of foliar analysis and tissue testing was made on corn, sampled periodically through the growing season, grown under field conditions. A partial chemical analysis was made on soils taken from rotatlon-fertilleer field experiments at the beginning and after seven years of continuous treatment. Plant tissue tests and foliar analyses were made on the corn plants of these field experiments during the growing seasons of 1947 and 1948. Soils from these field plots were used for greenhouse studies and for nitrification experiments In the laboratory. These studies may be summarised as followss 1. Tissue testing is a reliable method for detecting soil fertiliser treatments for the elements of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium on soil types varying widely in physical and chemical characteristics. 2. A method for determining manganese in fresh tissue was found to give a reliable Indication of the total manganese present In the foliage of white bean plants. 3. The third functioning basal leaf of corn plants, as used in the tissue tests and foliar analyses, was found to be a reliable indicator of plant nutrient status. 4. Soil analysis of samples taken from the fertllizer- rotatlon field experiments at the beginning and after seven years of continuous experimental treatment did not show dift ferences sufficiently g r e a t t o account for the differences in corn yields. 6. Experiments with soil from the feftiiiser-rotation field experimental plots indicated that the lowest yielding plots In the field were temporarily capable of relatively higher production if given treatment suitable for nitrate production in the greenhouse. 6. Laboratory experiments measuring the nitrifying ca­ pacity of soil samples from the field experimental plots indicated no conclusive evidence as to accumulation of solu­ ble nitrogen compounds. 7. Tissue tests throughout two growing seasons on these fertllizer-rotation field experiments indicated that nitrogen is the limiting factor In plant growth and that a definite change took place in the nitrogen status of plants with the initiation of the flowering period. 8. Foliar analysis for total nitrogen In leaf samples taken during the flowering period Indicated positive cor­ relation with corn yields. 9. The Interpretation of foliar analysis data In terms of tissue test results Is proposed. 78. 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The effects of various fertilizer treatments on the growth of corn plants at 11 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Plainfield loamy send. Fertiliser treatments ores 1 none, 8 H, 3 F , 4 1 , 8 H? 6 tJK, 8 PK, 7 BPK. Plate 3. The effect• of various fertiliser treatments on growth of c o r n plants at 8 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Miami aandy loam. Fertiliser treatments are: 1 none, 2 N, 3 P, 4 5 HP, 6 UK, 7 PK, 8 HPK. Plate 4. The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of corn plants at 11 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Miami sandy loam. Fertiliser treatments are: 1 none, 2 H, 3 P, 4 K, 5 HP, 6 UK, 7 PK, 8 HPK. 85. i ! t i Cocowr Plat© S. The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of c o m plants at 8 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Conover sandy clay loam. Fertiliser treatments are: 1 none, S 13, 3 4E, 5 w * r 6 m 9 7 PK, 8 HPK, N > mm Piet© 5-, The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of c o m plants at 11 week®, first greenhouse crop on Conover sandy clay loam. Fertiliser treatments are: 1 none, S M, 3 P, 4 K, 5 HP, 6 HK, 7 PK, 8 HPK. 86* Plate 7. The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of corn plants at 8 weeks, second greenhouse crop on Miami sandy loam. Fertiliser treatments are: 1 none, 2 W, 3 P, 4 K. Plate 8. The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of corn plants at 8 weeks, second greenhouse crop on Miami sandy loam. Fertiliser treatments are* 5 NP, 6 NK, 7 PK, 8 NPK. Plate 9. The effects of various fertilizer treatments on growth of c o m plants at 8 weeks, second greenhouse crop; on Conover sandy clay loam. Fertiliser treatments ares 5 UP, 6 NK, 7 PK, 6 NPK. PlqinfieM Plate 10• The effects of various fertiliser treatments on growth of corn plants at 8 weeks, second greenhouse crop on Plainfield loamy sand. Fertiliser treatments ares 1 none, 6 NK, 7 PK, 8 NPK. 88. Plat© 11. Th© effects of various ©11 treatments on the grov^th of white bean plants at 8 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Granby sandy loam, Treatments are: 1 none, 2 lime, 3 MnSO^j 4 HPK. Piste 12. The effects of various soil treatments on the growth of vblte bean plants et 8 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Oran by sandy loiaa. Treatments are: 1 none, 2 lime, 3 MnSO^, Note the manganese deficiency symptoms on jars 1 and 2. Plate 13. The effects of various soil treatments on the growth of white bean plants at 8 weeks, first greenhouse crop on Granby sandy loam. Treatments are: CK none, I t 2 tons CaCQs, U n 500 lbs. Kn304 , HPK 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 per acre. Note the severe manganese deficiency symptoms on all plants except those receiving the SnS04 treatment. Plate 14. The effects of various soil treatments on the growth of white bean plants at 8 weeks, second greenhouse crop on Miami sand; loam. Treatments ares CK none, L 4 tons CaCOs , Mn 500 lbs. ltnS04 , NPK 1000 lbs. 10-20-20 per acre. Note the severe manganese toxicity symptoms where the HnS04 was applied. Plate 15. The effects of an unbalanced nutrient solution on growth of corn and white bean plants at S weeks* Bee table 13 for treatments and an­ alytical results* Note the magnesium deficiency symptoms on both plants