“IELD WORK OasuelD PROGRESSIVE MILITARY MAP OND ae (TAIN CNL A LIRTTN OS UNITED STATES Wit abi ol ATATTALIODPNR NDOO pap x hee e St be 1 Py Pah. AUYANULY LaUAte IN BRI aK hep RGA Lee Le . $HESIS = 7 mM ee tepronegh SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ~_1N BACK OF BOOK St > : My ase iby Mra cd pat OF TS) Petey pte " % A Sar iV . ae aut Hany ~ 1 wan es a ae og 1 <'s . tra fds Aa < WA om ei 3 TR ~ ¥ ‘7 = hls rehi & te : eh ee: ft rf te py Pe fal ‘ & a hia! ma leet ah "21 3 x a “ ¢ + a . a Boye , Ne . mn a worry be .* =! alma Ee Ee " axnrey -—- a eee eee FIELD WORK on the PROGRESSIVE MILITARY MAP of the ULITED STATES TRESIS for ADVANCED DEGREE in CIVIL ENGINEERING by af -R. ‘Robert Lyon 1914 THESIS FIELD WORK ON THE PROGRESSIVE MILITARY MAP OF THE UNITED STATES The importance of maps and a correct knowledge of the topographical features of the terrain is always of vast interest, especially at places where military manoeuvres or hostilities may occur. At such times it is of infinite value to have at hand accurate maps, pre- pared in advance, which cover the theatre of operations. All nations which maintain military establishments make, in time of peace, accurate maps showing the topographical features of the country, which will be of utmost value if an enemy should invade their boundaries. Points of siil- itary interest are marked and an accompanying description of the section covered by the map gives other information which may be of military value. An important branch of the work, carried on by the United States Government and the different states, has been that of making accurate maps of the different sections which make up the area of the United States. A close observation of any large map. of the United States will show that the older states in the East, including Kentucky and Tennessee, differ from the newer states in the North and West, in that their detailed surface is blank or irregular while the newer states are, for the (1) £92409 most part, laid off in little rectangles based on certain main lines. This frame-work shows the evidence of the national surveys that have been made. The principle of rectangular surveys being applied to the then new region of the Northwest territory was at the suggestion of Presi- dent Jefferson. There is now a collection of over fifteen thousand maps, including state and county maps, in the library at Washington, D.C., which have been indexed and catalogued. Since 1882, a large part of this work has been carried on by the United States Geological Survey, and at the present time more than one-third of the area of the country, excluding outlying possessions, has been mapped by this survey. These maps are printed by the Government in a suitable atlas size and sold to the public at a small charge. (A further description of the work being done by the United States Geological Survey appears on the back of the map enclosed with the notes accompanying this paper.) The work of man is continually changing the topographical features of any particular section of the country but these changes grow slower as the sections become more densely populated.and permanent works are built. The United States Geological Map is used as the base for the Progressive Military Map of the United States. In this section of the country the survey was (2) completed in 1890, so that the map used for the base in the present work is twenty-four years old. The object of the Progressive Military Map of the United States is to correct these maps up to date and add as many of the topographical features as the scale of the map will per-~ mit. The notes which accompany this map describe those features which are of military importance, The follow= ing instructions are used as a guide in the performance of this work. "Two copies of map of area to be surveyed will be furnished to officers detailed for field work. One copy will be cut into pieces of convenient size for carrying in the pocket for use in the field. The duplicate sheet will not be cut and will be used for transferring the information gathered on the several field sections before sub- mitting the map and report. Taking the proper skeleton sections or “field sections" for the work laid out for the day, and starting in each case from a point clearly deter- mined on the map, the officer will proceed along every road shown in the field skeleton, noting distances, directions of prominent features, char- acter of streams and fords (bottom and the like), indicating the size and shape of the elevations, ridges, etc., by contour lines. All features of military significance will be observed and recorded on the face of the field skeleton in the proper location, or will be re- ferred by number to notes as herein directed. Notes and sketches of bridges, and any other features that cannot be placed upon the field skeletons may be entered in a blank book or other record carried for the purpose, These sketches need not be made to scale, but dimensions, gpprox-~ imate or measured, will ajways be given on the sketch, or on the photograph, in case photographs take the place of sketches. The representations upon the field skeleton of such roads as do not exist will be erased or taken out, and the sign for a new road will be put down (3) properly wherever one is discovered. All highways and roads must be gone over with the same care. The following will be noted on the field maps: 1. The location (and altitude in feet when con- veniently obtainable) of the highest points of hills and ridges, the former to be shown both on the field map and on the corrected atlas sheet by a small eross. Qe All wooded areas that can be shown with svf- ficient accuracy to warrent their being shown on the engraved sheets. 3. (a) The extent of important highway and railroad cuts and embankments. (8) The location and extent cf arroyos. Features under (a) and (b) to be represented on the field sheets by appropriate symbols, togather with figures where the depths or heights exceed five feet, or vould otherwise seriously interfere with the maneuvering of cavalry or field artillery. 4. Plans of towns and built-up portions. D. In outlying districts, the locations of all houses. 6. Telegraph and telephone lines. 7. The location except in cities and tcwns, of milis, water works, water tanks, roundhouses and blacksmith shope. The notes submitted with each field sheet will be grouped under the following headings, giving the information called for in the subheadings and any additional facts that may be of military value: GENERAL D=SSCRIPTION. General character of the country, hilly cult- ivated, wooded, etc. Source of water supply, quality and quantitr., Industries. Factories, etc. Crops raised if a farming country. Lumber yards and other repositories of material. Climate and variations in temperature in differ- ent seasons of the year; average rainfall. And any other matter that could have a bearing upon military operations in the country traversed. STREAM CROSSINGS. At each point where a road or railroad is shown to cross a stream, will be placed a reference number, and in seperate notes ths fcllowing information will be given under the corresponding number: Fordable or non-fordable, (4) Width and depth of strean. Character of bottom. Character and steepness of banks. Means of crossing. If crossing is by ferry, kind and capacity should be stated. Where the crossing is by means of a bridge or cul- vert the following will be stated: Type of construction of bridge. Material. Length and width. Height above water. Condition and strength. Construction of piers and abutments. Pen and ink sketches, or photographs, if obtainable, of the most important bridges will be submitted. These should always be a side view to show construct= ion, etc. The reference number of the stream cross-= ing should be placed on each sketch or photograph, STREAMS. General description of character of each stream and extent of, and seasons for, rises and falls; navigability. TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Population. Principal industries. General character of buildings and locatian of any large important buildings which might be used for military purposes. Extent of communication by telegraph and tele=- phone, trolley lines,.etc, Water supply, quantity and guality. COMMANDING POSITIONS. Indicate location on map by X. The particular advantage of the position, field of fire, means of approach, ete., should be stated by reference numbers, i. @., Xl, X2, X3. CAMP SITES. Indicate location on map by A. Using reference numbers, Al, A2, AS, etc., state: Number of troops which could be accommodated. Source, quantity and quality of water, forage and other supplies. Drainage. DOCKS. Location will be shown on map by reference numbers thus: Dl, D2, D3, etc. The following information will be given in the notes: Dimensions, (5) Height above water. Material. Condition. Depth of water. Storage facilities in neighborhood. ROADS « To describe each road, reference letters will be placed on roads in about the following manner: A=- -A Macadamized road, good condition. Be -B Dirt road, bad. C= -C Sandy road. D= -D Steep grades, etc., etc. Where more than one road exists between two points, so that there may be no doubt as to which one it is intended to desckibe, reference letters may be placed at several points as follows: A= “A= «A, The legend used will always be stated in the notes. Reasons for changes made in roads will be stated. RAILROADS. Where a railroad is other than standard gauge, the gauge should be stated. In places where railroads are shown to cross marshes, the height of fill should be stated. Depots, sidings (number and length), platforms or other facilities for loading and unloading, storehouses, etc. AEROPLANE LANDINGS. Within every five-mile square of territory to be mapped there will be indicated by the conventional signs sot opposite the following heads two or three of the best landing places for aeroplanes. These landing places will be selected in accord= ance with the following description as to what constitutes "good" and "possible" landing places. a. Good Landing Place for Aeroplanes. A landing place is considered "good" when it dfr- fers a runway of at least 3680 yards in.all direct- ions, so that a safe landing may be made in winds; in addition it must be level, free from obstacles of all kinds, including shrubbery over two feet high, trees, stumps, etc.; the soil mist be firm enough to rise from, and there should be no high obstacles surrounding the place. b. Possible Landing Place for Aeroplanes. A possible landing place is one that has a runway at least 250 by 50 yards in any one direction. It too must be free from obstacles, but grass or low shrubbery of any sort, not over three feet high, would not constitute an obstacle; more-over, the soil may be sandy; there should be, however, (6) no high obstacles surrounding this place. The following authorized abbreviations will be used in recording the information: abut . - abutment. bot . « botton. COV. -« e covered. cul . e culvert. nef. . not fordable. gir .. girder. Pp e e pier. R. H. - roundhouse. str .. strean. tr .. truss. s e e« Steel. W. W. « water-works. f e e fordable. B. 5S. « Dlacksmith shop. i e e iron. st .. stone. w e wood. A separate report will be submitted with each quadrangle surveyed. For any additions made to the maps, the author- ized conventional signs therefor will be used. Where any other symbols are used to show certain features, an explanation will be made in the nar= gin or in the notes. Writing and figures should be plain. The prime purpose of the recinnaissance is to verify and correct the skeleton, and next to add all the information necessary to complete the map for military purposes. Wherever the skeleton is incorrect or is deficient in military information, correction will be made or the deficiency will be supplied on ths spot, and on the print as directed." The instructions relative to aeroplane land- ings were added this year. It is the ultimate object of the Progressive Military Map of the United States to cover all the areas of the United States which may be used, in time of peace, for military maneuvers or which, during war, may be- come theatres of military operations. This is a large task and would require a number of years under the most favorable circumstances to complete the first survey. The work has been in progress about six years yet anly a small beginning has been made because of no adequate prov- (7) ision for its execution. At present only a few quad- rangles near each of the forts have been surveyed and many of those which have been covered are not complete except the roads which, in most cases, have been gane over thoroughly. Primarily, it was intended that the Engineer Corps should make this survey but that department has no officers available for this work, and no appropriat- ion is made to defray the expense. This handicap in- poses conditions which, in order to do the work at all, makes progress slow and permanent organization impass- ible. This gives a lower average quality of work with a higher unit cost. As the work is being carried on at present, officers from the forts in the vicinity that is to be mapped, are detailed for work on the Progressive Mili- tary Map of the United States during, what is known as, the indoor seagon. This is the season of the year when the weather conditions render it undesirable for outside work at the forts. In the North this season is in the Winter and is also the most unfavor- able time for doing map work. Five years ago an officer was detailed for map work, = given two copies of the geological map, an allowance of stationery that he would ordinarily (8) 0 use at a military post, a reconnaissance outfit such as is used for making road sketches in the nobile arny, and sent into the field. Taking one of the sheets of the map, which he cut or folded into suitable size for carrying in the pocket, the officer walked over each of the roads, noting,condition of the sare and making such notes as could be recorded on the map which he carried. He was allowed to use his judgment in making such add- itional notes as he thought of military value, but the idea was that all data possible,would be abbreviated and placed on the face of the finished. sheet, which was copied from the map carried in the field. In April 1911, the instructions which used for the work at the present time were sent out. The amount of information that it Was necessary to gather was largely increased. Officers detailed for map duty began to request assistants and authority was obtained for one assistant, who would be an enlisted man pref- erable a non-commissioned officer. Requests were also made for more supplies and transportation. Since there is no special appropritation for carrying on this work, different departments are called upon to furnish the necessary materials. The greatest difficulty has been experienced in obtaining transportation. In this district, previous to October 191]12,officers detailed for field work obtained authority for the hire of a horse (9) and wagon. While authority could always be obtained, there was delay and, many times, difficulty in settling the bills. The officer who was detailed in this sact- ton during the Winter of 1911 - 1912 had one assistant and obtained authority for the hire of an automobile at the rate 6f five dollars per day, he furnishing his own gasoline. The Quartermaster who settled the bills for the automobile hire was held up in his accounts by the auditor and the officer was obliged to refund the amount that had been expended for transportation as auto- mobile hire. The only thing for the officer to do in this case was to refund the money and put in a claim against the Government for expenses incurred in line of duty. Some officers still have claims against the Gov-~- ernment for expenses incurred while on this duty. | When the writer was detailed for map duty the First of September 1912, and directed to report by letter to the Department Engineer for instructions; the letter of instructions stated that, upon request, the District Commander would furnish the assistants needed and the Quartermaster Department would furnish the necessary transportation to carry on the work. Greenport, Long Island, was selected as a station and the area to be map=- ped was Orient Point, five miles from Greenport by road, and Gardiner's Island, twelve miles from Greenport by (10) water across Gardiner‘s Bay. This area had been assign- ed for the work the year before but had not Seen done, due, no doubt, to it's inaccessibility. Complying with the letter of instructions, a letter was forwarded re=- questing that the Quartermaster furnish as transportat- ion, one bicycle, one team of mules and buckboard and one boat to be used until the field work on Gardiner's Island was finished; and further requested that two men be detailed as assistants, =- one to act as driver. The District Commander detailed one man as assistant and sent the information that no transportation could be spared for work in connection with the military map. A letter was then forwarded to the Department Engineer stating the circumstances and the impossibility of going forward with the work without the transportation request- ed. This letter, no doubt, was forwarded to the Conm- manding General who, in turn, directed the District Com- mander to furnish the transportation requested; for the writer was called to account by the Bistrict Commander for having requested specific transportation instead of authority for the hiring of transportation, as had been done by officers previously detailed. However, eandther man was detailed at once and transportation furnished, It took five weeks to accomplish this end but no tranble has been experienced gince in this matter. (11) In the beginning everybody was absolutely new to the work. It was necessary to form a plan and teach the men the use of the different instruments which they were to use. The instruments in this case were a hard pencil, box compass, pocket clinometer, pace tally and a six-inch triangular draughting scale. With the box PRISMATIC COM PAS CLINOMETER PENCILS 7 J | PACE TALLY | | A cxcens TRIANGULAR SCALE Field Instruments compass, triangular scale and a small board, the men were taught the principle of the plane-table. Each man was given a pace tally and his pace was standardized and a table constructed to change his paces into sixtieths of an inch on the scale of the map. With this outfit, con- (12) sisting of a small board with a pocket compass set in a fixed position and oriented to read north, the section of the map having been placed in its proper position on the board, thé men became very proficient in filling in the map using the triangular scale to obtain the direct- ion and distance on the map. A light tripod of the type used for kodaks, fitted with a small square board on top, is preferred by some men to mount this outfit upon. --2 Using Improvised Plane-Table in the Field. This same tripod is used for a camera stand when the light conditions make it necessary to take a picture (13) with a time exposure. About four weeks is required by Using Tripod as a Camera Stand. the average man, who has the knack of using a pencil. to become proficient in the field work; using a map with a scale of about one inch to the mile. The following data is recorded on the map in the field: All new roads, new houses, bridges, electric and railroad lines, telephone and telegraph lines, fields (cultivated,pasture, wooded, Bian kinda ot roeds,churches and schools, docks, cuts. and fills, highest points on hills, cemeteries and long stone fences. In many built-up sections the required lines must be necessarily fine and the greatest diffi- culty experienced with men is to teach them to keep the (14) work small and the map clean. And not all men who are | assigned as assistants have this ability to use a hard pencil. Early in 1913, with a view of accomplishing more and better work, the party of assistants was. en-- larged to five. A typewriter and high-speed camera were purchased. The men were divided into parties of two men each and a driver for work in the field, while the writer took most of the pictures and collected the additional data required. This arrangement was so suc- cessful that, upon re-detail in September 1913, a request for eight assistants, a team and buckboard and a saddle horse was made, The District Commander laughed at the size of the party but granted the request. This detail, which has been in the field during the past Winter, is made up of three parties of two men each in the field and two men in the office. All of the men were new to the work with the exception of the sergeant who is chief of the detail. This man was the single assistant to the officer working in this section two years ago. In the field two men work together, one of them in each party being a non-commissioned officer. In the office a fin- ished copy of the map is made from the sections worked in the field. Notes collected in the field books are typewritten. A supply of developer and printing materi- (15) als were obtained upon request and the pictures are made in the office, which is better than sending them to New York City to be finished and then returned to be verified and numbered, as was done previous to this year. It is also possible to keep the picture and notes together which is preferable to having them seperated and refer- ring one to the other by number. Over seven hundred pictures have been taken during the past Winter. An area of six hundred and fifty square miles has been cover- ed by this survey during the same time and the rilitary notes and data collected. Since there is no regular appropriation for this work, it is hard to deduce the exact cost data. The Quartermaster Department and the Enginepr. Department furnish the supplies and equipment on memorandum receipt. At the end of the season the equipment is returned to the respective departments and it is only possible to estimate depreciation charges. The fixed charges consisting of wages and allowances amount to over geven hundred dollars per month. To this must be added the value of the trans- portation consisting of a team of mules, a buckboard, sad- dle horse and equipment, forage, grain, stationery and photo supplies furnished by the Quartermaster Department. Drawing materials and instruments and photo supplies furnished by the Engineer Department. Estimating the value of these various supplies and substituting the cast (16) value where it was possible, the Saybrook quadrangle cost vhe government ciose to eleven dollars and sixty cents per square mile for the two hundred and eight square miles sur- veyed. A condition which added materially to this cost was that nearly all of the men were new to the work and part of the first month was devoted to instruction, An examination of the cost of the Guilford quad- iyangie gives better results although the weather was cold and many days it was impossible to work yet, the time taken to complete the two hundred and nine square miles in this quadrangle was much less than in the previous one. The cost to the government of the Guilford quadrangle is given priefly below. Wages to one officer and eight men $1636.59 Photograph supplies ~ 22.00 Transportation Stabling 21.16 Hay, grain, oats and straw delivered 62.55 Horseshoeing and repairs 25025 Estimated depreciation of equipment 10.CO Estimated value of stationery 9.00 $1782 55 Dividing this amount over the two hundred and nine square miles in the quadrangle gives a result of eight dollars and firty-nine cents per square mile. (17) This ia a saving of three dollars and eleven cents per square mile or nearly twenty-seven per. cent, due almest entirely to the increased experience of the men. The unit cost could be much further reduced if the details were made permanent. With a permanent organization, and an appropriation sufficient to carry on the work, it is believed that the unit cost could be reduced to less than half of the expenditure at the present time. In this case automobile and motor-cycle transportation could be used and a large part of the work done in a fayv- orable season of the year. At the present time complete military data is most required and no cost data is kept. No radical departures from the instruction pamphlet have been made. A color scheme of indicating on the map the kind of roads was adopted last year, The Department Engineer was pleased and approved this method where a glance at the map shows the nature of the roads in any section of the country that has been covered by this survey. The best map for military purposes,is that one which conveyes the most information to the eye with the least study. With this aim in view, everything is indicated on the face of the map which will stand out clear, and the notes are additional information which is valuable,where a more extended study of conditions is desirable. (18) The notes taken in the field are bound in the succeeding pages of this thesis in the form they were compiled in, for the completed report on this quadrangle. A copy of the finished field map is to be found in a pocket on the inside of the back cover of this book. (19) NOTES ON THE GUILFORD QUADRANGLE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The general character of the country is hilly. large areas are covered with an undergrowth from fifteen to twenty-five feet high. In places, there are consid- erable areas devoted to agriculture but the cleared Spaces seem to be largely pasture lands. The products raised are not sufficient to supply the local needs of the villages. The water supply for the towns along the coast, Clinton, hiadison, East River and Guilford, are supplied from wells and a water-works system which has reservoirs on the hills near Killingworth and a sirgle main pipe- line which takes in all of the above towns. The northern part of the quadrangle is supplied from wells. There are several good streams and creeks where water can be ob- tained. The supply is plentiful and good. The principal industries are agriculture, fish- ing and oyster planting along the coast, cutting wood and railroad ties, and manufacturing as noted in the different villages. The climate along the Sound is damp during tha “7inter and Spring months,and in this section is given to changes. The highest temperature in July is about 95 degrees and the lowest in January or February is near -8 degrees. The average rainfall per year is about thirty- six inches. From three to twelve inches of this is snow during the inter which, as a rule, does not stay on the ground any length of time after it falls. About one-half of the days during the year are clear and fog occurs on about one-half of the remaining days. The foggy days are largely in the Spring. The table below (compiled from several years) gives the changes in temper- ature and the rainfall during the different seasons. Summer Autumn Winter Spring Average maximum temperature 80 61 358 56 Average minimum temperature 60 44 22 59 Variation in temperature 20 16 16 17 Rainfall 12 in. 11 ine 9 in, 15 in. STREAM CR OS SIN GS. In collecting the necessary military data for stream crossings, it was necessary to abbreviate the notes and, in transcribing them, the same formula has been used. In addition to the abbreviations on the seventh page, the following have been utilized: pk .. plank. hw .. highway. br. . bridge. X - long. wd . . Wide. da e e deep. k.p. .- kKing-post. GePe . Queen-post. en . e condition. h ou*%s e h.a.w. height above water. h.aer. height above road. rein . reinforced. con. . concrete. R.R. . railroad. E.R. . electric road. Ar .. arch. No. l. we pk. hw. br. 24" 1. x 14' wd, Pabut. st. cn good Ne Ae We | str.20*wd.x3'd.yn.f. banks low NOe 2. we pk. hw. br, 10) )-2. 2-12" wa, abut. st. cn good Ne @e We 3" str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping " No. 3. “we kepe hw. br. 924' 1, x 13' wa. abut. st. cn good he Qe We 4.5' str.20'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low kad No. 4. at} : —- — w. pk. hw. br. ie 4 oe ru me, 22' 1. x 12' wi. +, abut. st. en good meh. a.w. 4.5' m str.18'wd.z2.6'd.5f. banks low | NO. 5. Ss. gir. hw. br. 1462 15° 2-20" wa, ds Of girs. 5x6' ~s abut. st. cn good h. a. r. 20,5’ £111 10" nh, =x 200" 22 No. 6. we pk. hw. br. 26° Te X 19% wd, abut. st. cn poor h. a. We 5.38! atr.23'wd.2x4.6'd.,nef. banks low and marshy fit 3S" he. -2-560" 1% No. 7. "w. pk. hw. br. 41" 1. x 16" wd. abut. st. cn poor h. Ae We 4.9! str.8'wd.x3'd.,n.f. banks low and marshy No. &. We. Gepe hw. br, 33' 1. x 1s wd. abut. st. cn good hes. We 7" str.30'wd.x3'd.,f. banks sloping No. 9. s. gir. hw. br. Si? 2s, £30" “Wd d. of gir. L210" abut. st. cn good h. a. re 20.4' £132 -10° hx 206" ‘I. No. 10. w. pk. hw. br. Le” "24 S-2S" was abut. st. en poor h. Ge ws . str.12'wd.x2'd. ,nefe banks low we pk. hw. br. is” Ts x 13" wa, abut. st. cn poor Be Bs We 6" str.15'wd.x2'd.,n.f. No. ll. We pk. hw. br. 30" 1, x-19" wd. abut. st. cn good =h. a. w. 12' a str. 25!wd.x2.5' d.,f. _ banks sloping eaanee ni : :, No. 12. aN We pk. hw, pr. bi ee" 1. £°23.8" wd. abut. st. cn good h. a. We 6.5' str.20'wd.xS'd.,f. banks sloping No« 13. /con.hw.br.(rein.s.gir) 24! I,.x 15" wa. abut. st. cn good h. Qe We 7 str. 20'wd.x2' Gas fs banks tow No. 14. mw. pk. hw. br. w19' 1.x 14' wd. abut. st. cn good h. a. we. 6' str .15'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low 4 No. 15. s..gir. R. Bs br. 10° "le x 27" way abut. st. cn good ha Gs: Ps 22° No. 16. st. Ar. R.R. br. 22° 2.x 22" wa. abut. st. cn good he. ae W. a str.22'wd.x2' d.,nfe banks low end marshy £112 10" he =z 800" 1. — No. 17. st. Ar. hw. br. 16' 1. x 75' wd, abut. st. cn good - a. WwW. 9.6' str.40'wd.x2'd.,n.f. banks built-up No. 18. s. gir. R. R. br. a 55" 1. x33" wd. fabut. st. cn good hie ‘aa Ps, 16" ad. of gis. 3.35.’ No. 19. w. pk. hw. br. 24' 1.x 11' wd. abut. st. cn good te Be: We 368" str.20'wd.x2.4'd.,fe banks low No. 20. s. gir. R. R. Br. me 233' 1. x 33' wd. ma. of gir. 3' No. 21. $< G1Ps Re Re brs 6" 1. x-33'wd. ds (of gir. <6" abut. st. cn good Aig. ie Re No. 22. 5' 1. x 55° wd. abut. st. cn good he Ss We 9' str.5'wd.xl'd.,nof. banks low and marshy fi1i 6" he Z-1T500'L. No. 23. s. Pratt tr. hw. br. 62° "1. 2-ITT" “Wa. abut. st. cn good h. a. we. 9' str.55'wd.x8'd.,n.f. No. 24. rein. con. E. Rs. br. 135" ve x 11" wa. abut. con. cn good Ns 6, We 10' str.i25' wd. x10" detiefs banks low and marshy TitI-1O" by. %-500" A. na No. 25. - con.hwsbr. (rein. s.gir.) m1e' 1. x 22' wd. “j§ abut. st. cn good Mh. a.w. 8! str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 26. con.hw.br.(rein.s.gir. (This bridge is identical 12" 1. 2-22" wa; to No. 25 and the same abut. st. cn good photograph is used. h. a. w. 6' str.10'wd.x 2'd.,n.f. banks low No. 27. w. pk. hw. br. 8.4" 1.x 14" wa; abut. st. cn good bis; &.-'8s 7" mM str.5'wd.x2'd.,f. “banks sloping No. 28. con.hw.br.(rein.s.gir. 10" 1. x 14° wad. abut. st. cn good (Photograph same as No. 25) De. Gs 05. 2" str .8'wd.x1! d.,f. banks low C1 35 No. 29. 7 Ne Baal Be gir. R. RS bre 113.8" Le. <°26,8" wa, abut. st. cn good he Ae We 24.5' d. of gir. 4.9' str .94'wd,x4.2'd.,n.f. No. 3O. w. pk. hw. br. 56.3° 1. x 16.2" wd. abut. st. en good he a. we. 7' str.54'wd.x2.7'd.,n.f. banks low No. 31. 8. gir. R. RB. br. 14.1' 1. x 35' wa. abut. st. cn good h. a. vr. 14.1' as of girs. 2.7' No. 32. Ww. Pk. hw. br. »10. 8" 1. x 14.1' wd. jabut. st. cn good h. a. We 6.9' str. 12'wd.x1.5'd., f. banks low No. 335. w. pk. hw. br. 23.6" 2. °% 11.58" wd. abut. st. cn fair Ae As We 422" » str. 24'wd.x2.5'd., f. banks sloping No. 34. aw. k.p. hw. br. ,70' 1. x 14.6' wa. yo abut. st. en good eon. a. Ww. 7.9' : ‘ pe str. 65" wd x5 "dy nets =" banks sloping No. 35. © W. pk. iw. br. 18.6" Le. x: 1862" wa. abut. st. cn good h. @. We. 828" str .20'wd.xi"ds, 85". banks low and sloping No. 35%. abut. st. cn good Re. Bs Ws 6" str.20'wd.x5'd.,n.f. banks low £221. 22: "H. x x000" * 14 No. 36, abut. st. cn good Re Ws Te A20" No. 37. we. kep. hw. br. $2) 30X20" wa. abut. st. cn good Hy ae te 19,7" fit) 20" hy, x-360" «1. No. 38. we kop. nw. br. s2' 1. x 20' wad. abut. st. cn good hs @« Bs PO6T" £412.20" “he. -%-400" 1 AY No. 359. Waw. pk. hw. br. wi9' 1.x 16' wd, _abut. st. cn poor is, Be. We 2" str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low 12” 14:2 10.5" wd. abut. st. cn good he O40 We 305" etr.8' wa. x25" dvi fs banks sloping No. 41. Saw. pk. hw. br. mi5.5" 1. x 11.8" wa. abut. st. en fair By Bs Ws 247° eetr.13'wd.x1.6'd.,f. banks sloping ~ No. 42. w. Keb. hw. br. 137.5' L~< x 13.5' wde abut. st. cn good le Ae We 5.8! str .40'wd.x3.6'd.,n.f. banks sloping No. 43. We pk. hw. br. 10" d.2 13" wd abut. st. cn poor Ne a h. a. We. 24! 2 —- t ¥ str.12'wd.x1.8'd.,f. banks low and marshy an Noe 44, ep Ww. pk. hw. br. i3.6" 2.210" wa, abut. st. cn poor + Be Re S" str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low and sloping No. 45. w. pk. hw. br. 16.4" 2s. 25,5" wa abut. st. cn good he a. We 3' str.15'wd.xl.6'd.,f. banks low and slopéng No. 46. ) Ww. pk. hw. br. 17.8" 1.x 18.2" wa. abut. st. en poor h. ae We 5.2! | str.12'wd.x3.4'd.,n.f. banks low No. 47. Ss. gir. R.R. br. 19.6' 1. x 14' wa. a. -oF gir. 2" fabut. st. cn good he & Ws Ts Qa! str.18'wd.xl' d.,yn. £6 banks low £11720" “hsX 900" 1. No. 48. Ww. k.p. hw. br. ge”) 2220" “wa. » abut. st. cn good h. ae Yr. 19.7' No. 49. w. pk. hw. br. 25! Ly x12" wa. abut. st. cn good nh. Be We 3° str.12'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 50. st.. Ar. hw..& 8. gir. E.R. br. 20.6" ls. x 21.8" ‘was abut. st. cn good h, a. w. 5.6' etr.16 25" wa.x1.7" d,s fs banks low and marshy No. 51. Ss iF. Re Re. brs oo: 1. x 22" wd. dy Of gir. 1.8" abut. st. cn good hy a. Ps 12.8" fill. 7* be x 900'L. No. 52. s. gir. R.R. br. 41° 3. -%: 22" was a. of gir. 1.8" he. a. r. 16 fill 6" Ay. x 10060" 1. No. 53. w. pk. hw. br. 16.35" Js x 15.2" wd, abut. st. cn good Nes. ae Ws, 9" str.17'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 54. w. R. R. tres. 106' 1. x 28' wd. abut. Ww. cn good h. Be We 9.6' str.80'wd.x8'd.,n.f. banks low fill 5' h. koth approaches No. 55. W.E.R.tres.(segir.) 124" 1.x °7" wa, d. of. gite 1.3' abut. W. cn good he. a. we. Q' str.90'wd.x10'd.,n.f. banks low No. 56. Ss. Pratt tr. hw. br. 49" 1. x 18.5' wd. Mm d. of gir. .8' — abut. st. en good a Ns: Be We 6.9" str.40'wd.x9'd.,n.f. banks low No. 57. w. pk. hw. br. 17° 2 « e112" wd. abut. st. cn fair he. @. We 258" str.18'wd.x2.1'd.,f. banks low and sloping No. 58. we. pk. hw. br. 44" 1, x 15' wad. abut. st. cn fair iy as. Ws 9? str.60'wd.x4'd.,n.f. banks low - No. 59. _w.R.R.tres.(s.gir.) -6S' 1. x 28" wa. dd. of gir. 1.4' abut. we. cn good heias We 10. 6" str.40'wd.x2'd.,n.f. = banks low £1118" he x 800" 1. No. 60. w. pk. hw. br. 18” 1..'x: 25" wa. abut. st. i good he. a. We a str. ipeaaces? d.,n. f. banks low No. 61. we pk. hw. br. 16" 2a ek 16.2" wd. ‘abut. ste cn poor mh. a. We : A atr.12'wd.x5" ds nsf, banks high and marshy No. 62. We pk. hw. br. Soar" Ls. X18" wa. abut. st. en poor h. Ge We 8' str.20'wd.xl.6'd.,f. % banks sloping No. 65. s. gir. hw. br. 26" 1. x 14" wd, d. of gir. <9" abut. st. en good Ne Se i8a 458! str.23'wd.x4'd.,n.f. banks low No. 64. con.hw.br.(rein.s.gir. 21.4" 2. x 14.6* wa. d..of girs <9" abut. st. cn good Bh. a. We 4.8' a str. 18' wa. x2! d.,f. ‘banks low x No. 642. w. pk. hw. br. 26" 1, x 15" wd. abut. st. cn poor Hh. &. Ws. 8’ etr.20' wd zk"d. fs banks low No. 65. w.R.R.tres.(s.gir.) 102' 1. x 14' wa. ad. of gir, 1.54" abut. w. cn good He: 8s. We 12" str.60'wd.xl10'd.,n.f- banks low £111 -6" b..x-1000"- 1. oun oe No. 66. wee te eis. gir. hw. br. 54.5' 1. x 21.9' wad. mor ae 2 of gir. 4.7" mee a a. W. 8! : oe str. 44'wd.x2'd.,n.f. — banks low £11) 6" he x S00* 2; No. 67. w.E.R.tres.(s.gir.) Loe) de 3S 7" Wa, dy of girs Is3* h. a. we 8.8' str.40'wd.x2'd, sMefe banks low £4132" ne = 560" i. No. 68. con. & Se Pratt tr. E. EK. br. P1165": hex weds d, or gir. 1,5: h. ae Te 25.9' abut. con. cn good con. approach 243' 1, x-13.5" wd. No. 69. w. Kepe hw. br. 31.0" J's 20.8" wa abut. st. en good PA NVA h, a. r. 19 £411 7.5" Ne = SOO" Ts a sr ee — No. 70. con, hw. or. (retn. ds. of gir. 15° abut. st. en good Beas We 8" etr.25'wdexe'd. fs banks low No. 71. s. Warren tr. hw. br. 42.8" 1.-°% 16" “wd. ad. of gir. 5" he Be We 6.6" ~ a str.20'wd.xl'd.,f. i” __ danks low No. 72. con. EB. R. br. (rein. s. gir.) 24.6' 1. x 11' wa. abut. con. cn good Be as We 7" str.lO'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 73. w.E.R.br.(3.gir. ) 30” 1, x 7" wa, a. of gir...1.8" abut. con. cn good h. ae We. 5.8' mm str.20'wd.xI'd.,f. _ banks low No. 74. gs. gir. E. R. br, 6546" 2s, x7" wa, ad. of gir. 1.5' =“ abut. con. en good Be As. We 458" str .40'wd.xl'd.,f,. banks low fill 3° he x 1800" 1. No. 75. s.Warren tr.hw.br. S401 & 2S" weds a. of gir, <5" he Ae We Fed str.25'wd.x1.5'd.f. banks low ra No. 75. iw. pk. hw. br. 11.66" 1s x 14,5" was mabut. st. cn good He aes. 3" str.5'wasxl "ds fs: banks low No. 77. w. pk. hw. br. SO” De SB 19510" way s abut. st. os , Poor ph. a. W. 5. str.12' ei desfe banks low ond slopimg No. 738. con. Ar. hw. br. 50" i, x 18" wa, abut. con. cn good Hie as Pe 17" No. 79. 8. gir. R. KR. brs 31.27 da x 26.7" wa. dad. of gir. 1.4' abut. st. cn good cts @, 2S" fill to" h,. x 31500: 1. 7 No. 80. Me st. Ar. R. R. or. 1649" “Rs x 27.6". was abut. st. cn good h. a. w. 15' (arch) banks low £112 10° hy. x 3500" 2. height @f track above arch 6' No. 8l. w. pk. hw. br. 12,6" 1. x Si" «wd, abut. W. ¢n poor Pd h. Bae We $25" str.ll'wd.x3'd.,n.f. banks low No. 82, w. E.R. br. PI" 5278" “wax abut. Wwe cn good he. as 8.6" str.10'wd.x3'd.,n.f. banks low fiti 2" he * 1560" 14 No. 83. we. &. R. br. 758" Le 11" wa abut. st. cn good Hs. Be Ke" fill 5* “hsx SCO" 36 No. 84. w. pk. hw. br. 9,8° 1. x. 15" ‘wa. abut. Ww. cn poor hs as we L* str.6'wd.x2'd.,f.f. banks low No. 85. w. kKep. hw. br. OO% 12% 10" was abut. st. cn good oe Os Be LI67 No. 86. : Se Gir. Rs Re Ores = Shedd ao A 30.8! le x 26.9' wde ad. of gir..336" abut. st. cn good he ae ms 27" No. 87. $6. (81's Bec Re OF 29" Vy ea24" “eds d. of gir, 3.6' abut. st. cn good he. ae r. 18.5 fill 15" h. x 350' 1, No. 88. w. pk. hw. br. S20° 1, S 12° red’, abut. ste cn poor He as Ws. S* Se str.8'wd.x3'd.,n.f. banks low No. 389. We Qep. hw. br, m46' 1.x 11' wd. ,abut. 2 en good ne Qe 8' str. do'wa.x4! adyjnst. banks sloping No. 90. 8s gir. Re Re brs 14.5' 1. x 14' wd. abut. st. cn good ds. of girs 1' h. a. Yr. 11! j No. 91. w. pk. hw. br. 18.6" 1. x 12’ wd. abut. st. en , Poor mh. @e We 2.2 atr.14'wd.x7'd. nf. banks low | No. 92. w. pk. hw. br. 127° x 13.6" wa. abut. st. en good h. a. We 2" str.1l0'wd.x4'd.,n.f. banks low No. 93. we. E.R. tres. 200' 1. x 7' wd. abut. st. en good hy 66, Wei" str.175'wd.x2'd., nef. banks low £2111 4° Ae x: 3400" 2; No. 94. S. gir. R. R. br. Tied" Le x 14" wd: ad, .of gir, 7" abut. st. cn good he Re Bs 20" str.20'wd.xl'd.,n.f. fi11 15" hy £500" 1. ‘ No. 95. 2... pk. hw. br, 14,.2° 1. = 12.5" wd. abut. st. on poor h. a. ws 3' str.12'wd.xl'd.,f. Noe 96. w. pk. hw. br. 10° 1. x-16" wad, abut. st. cn poor Bs Bis we 206" str.5'wd.x1.6'wd.,nef. banks low No. 97. |W. kop. hw. br. f23' 1... 13° wa. abut. ahs cn poor Re Se WaT" gtr .15'wd x1 .6'd. fs banks sloping 2 No. 98. 18 We kKePe hw. br. 32° 1.x 16" wd. , abut. ate cn good my h. ae 6' w str. b5'wa, x2°d.,f% 4 banks sloping No. 99. We pke hw. br. 10" “12, =z 16° wd. abut. st. cn good fie Ba We. 3" str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 100. w. pk. hw. br. 13° 15::% 18" wa. str.19'wd.xl'd.,f. banks steep No. 101. w. pk. hw, br. ees Oi ie Se ae abut. st. cn poor Hy: aie We 7. str.18'wd.x2'd.,f. y banks sloping No. 102. w. pk. hw. br. 25" 2.5% 13" wa, abut. st. cn good he Ae We 4.6' str.20'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 103. we. pk. hw. br. 25" 26% 15" wa. abut. st. cn poor he as. ws 8.6" atr.20'wd.x1.6'd.,f. banks low No. 104, ——¥. pk. hw. br. 27" 2 225° was abut. st. cn poor he a. we 4.6' str.16'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 105. we. pk. hw. br. 12°. de ¥-12S" was abut. st. cn good h. a. we 4' str .10'wd.x1'd.,f. banks sloping No. 106. w. pk. hw. br. 18' 1. x 14' wa. abut. st. cn good hy as. Ws (26! str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 107. we. pk. hw. br. L006" Lae x 14" wd. abut. st. cn good hy a. W. 1! str.l0'wd.x5'd.,n.f. banks low No. 108. w. pk. hw. br. 10° 1. 13! ds Meee abut. st. cn poor Be fl. Ae We 2.6! i str.8' wd. x1' d.,f. _ banks low No. 109. we. pk. hw. br. a7* 3.x Fo" wd. abut. st. cn poor Ds Bs We so" str.18'wd.x2.8'd.*. banks low and marshy No. 110. w. pk. hw, br. 25° 1. x 10° wd. abut. st. en poor hy. @s We 2.1* str.28'wd, BSe40 0557 % banks low and marshy No. lll. ) s/w. pk. hw. br. \/ 1358" ‘1s -x1i” wd. _ abut. st. cn fair Sie oh. a. We. 2.6' str.10'wd.x1.8'd.,f. banks low and marshy No. 112. w. pk, hw. br. 26° Lex. 22" wd abut. st. cn poor Nhe Ae We 246" str.14'wd.x2'd.,f. _. banks low Nos. 113: We pk. hw. pr. 16° Le 2-12" was abut. st. cn good Ne BiWe 256" str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 114. w. pk. hw. br. 13' 1. x 104wd. T\ abut. st. cn fair hs. 5 We, 2" str.12'wd.x1.8'd.,?f. banks low and sloping No. 115. w. pk. hw. br. 8° 1. x 11° wd. abut. st. cn fair 83. We rk? str.10'wd.x2.2'd.f. banks low and sloping No. 116. w. pk. hw. br. me? Le X LL" wa, yeabut. st. en good bis (Gin We ce" str.6'wd.xl -6'R. she banks low No. 117. we. pk. hw, br. SB >1, x 12° wd. abut. st. cn poor hi 8s. Ws 2.9! str.6'wd.x2'd.,fe banks low and sloping No. 118. w. pk. hw. br. 712" 1. x 10" wad. abut. st. en fair mah. a. We 2' NSB str.80'wd.xl1.8'd.,f. banks low and sloping No. 118%. -~ ond = we pk. hw, br. a 25") 2... & 22" “wa, wie cr oe a a good eee : a. We \J sn Socks str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 119, we pk. hw, br. -26' 1. x 12' wa. abut. st. cn good hy. as 8. 5.5' am str.20'wd.x2'd.,f. > No. 120. m w. pk. hw. br. 35° 2. x. 12° wd. abut. st. cn poor nh. ae We 6.4' str.20'wd.x3'd.,n.f. banks low No. 1203. w. pk. hw. br. 10' 1. x 12' wd. abut. st. cn good hse @e Ws 3° banks low No. 121. PR or w. pk. hw. br. Waly) “he eho 124" Lae 12.9" wet, Sd ee Ad ae abut. st. en poor mm he. a. W. 2.6' foe str.8'wd.x2'd., f. ““\ banks low "AL NaS wd @ | a) No. 1212. we. pk. hw. br. 20g KAS? owe abut. st. cn poor he. de ws 6" str.8'wd.x2'd.,f. > banks low No. 122. we pk. hw. br. 14° 1, %.12.7" di abut. st cn good Be ae Woe? str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 123. wee WwW. DK. hw. br. 13,8" Ls x 12" was —— “Ea) 7) abut. st. cn good a ee WU 3. os. 2: Th ee Ae v2 str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. ~ —_ UL : ne YE ee \ Ne banks low No. 124. We q.ep. hw. br. 36' 1. x 14° wd. abut. st. cn good hy “as -W..-18,3" str.40'wd.x5.6'd.n.f. ~— banks high and racky No. 125, w. pk. hw. br. 16” 24-x°32..8* wd. So) abut. st. cn good « &» 5° \ str.7'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low = No. 126. eee w. pk. hw. br. ae 11.9' 1. x 14.1'° wd. abut. st. cn poor meh. a. w. 3.9' Btr.10' wd x) .6' dfs ~ banks low No. 127. we. pk. hw. br. 20,4" 1, xi" 9d. abut. st. cn fair h. a. w. 3.4' str.21'wd.x2.3'd.,f. banks sloping No. 128. we pk. hw. br. 14° -1,. X% 135,93" ‘wd. banks sloping No. 128%, h. a. we Q' str.8'wd.x2'd.,f. banks sloping No. 129. we. pk. hw, br. ee T* Le ze 28" wd. mabut. st. cn poor Mn. a. we. 3! i str.15'wd.xl.6'd.,f. banks low £4113 5" h. x.300* i. No. 130. w. pk. hw, br. meee 15.5" 1. x 11.7' wd. abut. st. cn poor h. a. we. 4' men str.l0'wd.x2'd.,f. Se banks low (Photograph same as No. 113.) No. 131. w. pk. hw. br. LT de Ee Lee Wee he. ae We 2.29 str.15'wd.xl'd.,f. fili 5° h. x 300'1. No. 1312. w. pk. hw, br. e4* 1) x 16" wd. _abut. st. en good ' he. a. We. 4.6 str.20'wd.x2'd.,n.f. banks low No. 132. ow. pk. hw. br. Sam l1.9' 1. x 11.5' wd. Yabut. st. en good Boma h. a. we. 2' SB str.9'wd.xl.4'd.,f. banks low and sloping. No. 133. me pk. hw. br. o*1, £:18.5" ‘wa, abut. st. cn poor The: as We 4! etr.ii'wd.x1"d.5f. banks low No. 134. w. pk. hw. br. 14° 14222" wad. abut. st. cn good Nee Wes 6! str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low (Photograph same as No. 135.) (Photograph same as No. 135.) No. 135. w. pk. hw. br. 9' 1. x 15.9" wd. abut. st. cn poor he a4 We 2.9" str.6'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 136. 16' 1. x 14' wad. abut. st. cn good nh. a. W. str.12'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low fii -]* “he No. 137. Ww. pk. hw. br. 16.5' Le x 14' wd. abut. st. cn poor h. Be We 1.9' str.10'wd.x2'd.,n.f. banks low No. 138. w. pk. hw. br. 7" 1. x 14.8' wad. abut. st. cn good h. Qe We 5.5! gtr.5.' wd. xl "ds, fs banks low No. 139. w. pk. hw, br. TO" 14.1564" wd, abut. st. cn good he as Ws 2" _ str.6'wd.xl'd.,n.f. banks low (Photograph same as No. 25.) sist RS os | ; No. 140. con. hw. br. (rein. s. gir.) 11" 1, x 22" we. abut. st. en good his. as Ws. 258" str.lO'wd.x1.6'd.,f. banks low No. 141. w, pk. hw. br. 14.6" Is:x Xe" wa, * abut. st. cn poor 1 he &. We str. wad. X1.2 dist. banks low No. 142. We pk. hw. br. 8 Derx 22" wa. m abut. st. cn good o aw. 3 str.5'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 143. w. pk. hw. br. 8.5" Le % 1166" Wh, abut. st. cn poor h. Qe We 3.6' str.5'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 144, w. pk. hw. br. 16' 1. x 12' wd. abut. st. cn good hh. Aa. We 326' str.i5 'wd.x2"disf ‘88 banks low No. 145. w. pk. hw. br. 16" 4A oe Te wd, abut. st. cn good mh. a. w. 3' re banks low . of Bae en No. 146. —- —r w. pk. hw. br. Rae : 17° 25% 14" wa, abut. st. cn good hy: ae we: 4" © str.15'wd.x2'd.,f, “ banks low No. 147. cae ¥., pk. hw. br. 24' 1. x 14' wd. 7 =m. i, abut. st. cn good. eS 45h. a. we 5! az str.20'wd.x4' d. f.f. ‘“e@ieee] banks low No. 148. w. pk. hw, br. 14°. 1. 216.8" wa. abut. gee en good nh. @e We 6.9' str.12'wd.x1.5'daf. banks low No. 149. we. pk. hw. br. ie. 2° le: LS.88 wd, _ abut. st. cn poor ane Be Ws 3s 5! Ss str.10'wd.x2'd.,f. ‘banks low : No. 150. aw. pk. hw. br. 11? 2s 129" wad; abut. st. cn good h. a. we 4° str.10'wd.x2'd. ple banks low No. 151. o Ww. pk. hw. br. : 14.9" 1, 2 24" wd, @" oS str. 10'wd.zi"d,,f, banks sloping No. 152. w. pk. hw. br. 13° iy = 11" wa. abut. ve en poor he Bs, 258" str.8'wd.xl.6'd.,f. banks low No. 153. w. pk. hw, br. 8148" Ts. =z 13.9" ‘wa. wae abut. st. cn poor Mh. a. w. 2! ptr .5'wd.x1.6'd.;f. banks low No. 154. We pke hw. br. 10.9' 1. x 14° wad. hi. as. we 3.8! str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 155. w. pk. hw. br. 1159" Ls -2°16.9" was abut. st. cn good Ne Ae We 4' str.6'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 156. 22" 1... 212.7" wds abut. st. cn poor Bh. as Ws 2.5" str.15'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 157. we pk. hw. br. 28.7° 1. x 16.9° wd. abut. ste cn good Be Be Ws 963" str.15'wd.x1.5'd.,f. banks sloping No. 158. we pk. hw. br. 13° 1. x 14° wd. abut. st. cn fair h. a. w. 5.4' str.6'wd.xléd.,f, banks low No. 159. weR.oR.tres.(s.gir.) 91.4" De e752" Wh. a. of gir. 1.4' hs a. WW. 8" banks low abut. st. cn good P5117, 2°" Bs No. 160. we. pk. hw. br. 21.1' 1. x 12.4' wd. abut. st. cn fair Hecds. We See! str.15'wd.x1.8'd.,f. banks low No. 161. we pk. hw. br. 9* 1. 12.6" was abut. st. cn poor Bie -@6. We 4.5" str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 162. we 2 O° ls z.10.6" wd. Af abut. st. en poor me he a5. W.. 1.6" ot \) str.6'wd.z2'd. nef. Wee ') banks low No. 163. w. pk. hw, br. 9' 1. = °9.9" wa. abut. st. en poor h. a We str.7'wd.x2'd.,n.f. banks low No. 164, hw. pk. hw. br, L866" dee V2" was abut. st. cn good h. a. we. 4.4' atr.10'wdz165"det. banks sloping mt : as at a a: No. 165. we pk. hw. br. 12.8 1. x 12.5" wd. abut. st. cn fair h. ae Ww, 4,4' etr.10'wd..21.5'd Wf. banks sloping No. 166. w. pk. hw. br. mji.5' 1. x 14.5' wa, "ye abut. st. en good Bah. a. we. 1' str.11'wd.x9.4'd.n.f. banks low fi11 1° bs x 1500" te No. 167. we. pk. hw. br. 10.9" 3. °% 139.6" wea. abut. st. cn good h, a. we 4' str .8'wd.x1l.6'd.,f. banks low No. 168. w. pk. hw, br. 16.0" 1. x-10.8" wa, abut. st. cn poor He ys We Gat" str.S'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 169, s. gir. hw. br. 21* 1s =) 29.8" wd. .~ abut. st. cn good he. a. We 12.2" str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping fii 10° he. xz 150" 1, dy of ‘gir. i" i ee No. 1%0. Sw. pk. hw. br. Dt, }56' 1. x 12' wa, abut. st. en good ee eh, alr. 19! ~ No. 171. we. pk. hw. br. 13.9° -1..-z. 14" wa. str. 10'wd.x1.6'd.,f. banks low No. 172. w. pk. hw. br. abut. st. cn good sas we 3 str.58wdvzl'd.,f. banks low No. 173. s. gir. hw. br. S2° 1..x 16,2" wa, dof gir, 26° Ha Gs Ws. 708" str.15'wd.x2'd.,f. banks sloping ath d See} WEL oe No. 174. ete ak mm w. pk. hw. br. 23° Ly x16" “way abut. st. en fair h. a. we. 6.8' str.20'wd.x2'd.,f. banks sloping 2 No. 175. + w. pk. hw. br. 21.6" de S27" wd. abut. st. en good phe a. we 7' “H str.15'wd.x1.6'd.,f. ~~ banks sloping No. 176. st. Ar. hw. br. 20" 1s z-16.3" wd. abut. st. cn good he @ 8. 20.7" str.20'wd.xl'd. gfe banks low and sloping No. 177. s.Warren tr.hw. br. » 48' l. x 20" wd. me de of gir. e5' abut. st. cn good mh. a, We 8.8' See str.17'wd.x1.4'd.,f. _ banks sloping file" hy =z 500" 1, No. 178. Ss. gir. hw. br. 39.6' 1. x 20' wd. d. of gir. 1" mabut. st. cn good h, a. ve str.50'wd.x6'd.ssn.fs banks low and sloping fill 2% hee -S0G 1. No. 179. s. gir. hw. br. so” 2. £20" ea; a,. of girs. i" abut. st. en good Me: Ser Ws 10" str. 16‘wd.x1,3' d.,f. banks low No. 180. s. gir hw. br. S.5° 1.2 eee wd. d. of gir. 1.5' met abut. st. cn good hy. &. Ws. 7.6" 2 eae str.30'wd.xl.4'dof. ty banks sloping \ : No. 181. pi) bios w. kKep. hw. br. ow i. 26.2' 1. x 21' wd. \ abut. st. en fair oh. ae W. 9.4' etr.i5'wd.xl"di,f. banks sloping % No. 182. we. pk. hw. br. 21.7" ly. x 16° wd. * abut. st. cn fair B. &s 8. 6.5" str.27'wd.x1.8'dof. banks low and sloping : No. 183. w. pk. hw. br. T°) Ya XK 12" was abut. et en poor h. a. str.3' waexl! d.,f. banks low No. 184. w. pk. hw. br. 11.4' Le. xX 14.2' wd. abut. W. cn poor Hh. @e We 3° str.9'wd.x5'd.,f. banks low end sloping No. 185. w. pk. hw. br. 19" 1. x 15' wd. abut. st. cn good Re. Rs We 5. 5! str.15'wd.x2'd.,f.f. ~_ : a banks low No. 186. We pk. hw, br. Td? 3.) %.25.9" was “Sabut. w. cn fair y banks low Wy No. 187. Ww. pk. hw, br. 20.5" “1. x14" “was — abut. st. cn good he. a. W. 6.2'° str.16'wd.x1.6'd.f. banks low and sloping No. 188. w. pk. hw. br. 20.8' 1. x 13' wd. abut. st. cn good he @. We 9.7' etr.15’ wdixe"d.gnsf. banks low and sloping No. 189, w. pk. hw. br. 20.6' 1. x 14' wd. abut. st. cn good he Os We. 5.6" str.8'wd.xl oe dasfs banks low No. 190. we. pk. hw. br. 16.8'° 1. x 14" wd. abut. st. cn good he. a. We 5.4" str.10'wd.x1.4'd.f/ banks low No. 191. we pk. hw. br. 19' 1. x 14.6' wa, abut. st. cn good hs as we 4! str.10'wd.x3'd.,f. banks low No. 192. we. pk. hw, br. 14° 1. x 14.4' wad. abut. st. en fair he ‘Bs. We 5.3" str.10'wd.xl.9'daof. banks sloping No. 193. w. pk. hw. br. 8.2' 1. x 14.5" wi. abut. st. cn poor Kis Oy. Ws 0.8" m™ str.8.6'wd.xl.5'd.,f. ™ banks sloping 4 “ . A No. 194. w. pk. hw. br. 10° ‘Le 2 PE wd, abut. st. cn poor + fe We 4 str.3'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 195. w. pk. hw. br. 16" 2. X16" was abut. st. cn good he G6 Ws 3" atr.i10'&d.x2"d.,f% banks low No. 196. we pk. hw. br. 25.1" Vex 12" was abut. st. cn poor hh. ae We 2.7" atr.20'wd.x3'd.,f. banks low No. 197. w. pk. hw. br. LO" 14 x 13" wa. abut. st. cn poor hy (Be Wie BO" str.10'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No e 198. w. pk. hw. br. 13" Lae 14! “way abut. st. cn poor Hs. Gs. We. 3" etr.10' wd. xl djs banks low No. 199. We pk. hw. br. 9' 1. x 14' wad, abut. st. cn poor he as we S' str.6'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 200. w. pk. hw. br. 13° 1... £13" “wa. abut. st. cn poor h. a. we 4' str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 20l. w. pk. hw. br. 16". 1.2% 22" 4a, abut. st. cn poor h. ae w. 4.6' str.8'wd.xl1'd.,f. banks low No. 202. we. pk. hw. br. 10" 2a. 15" wa. abut. st. cn good he Bs. Ws. 2 str.8'md.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 203. st, Ar. hw br. meso" 1, x 25° wd. —abut. st. en good 24' str. 25'wa.xl' d.,f. banks low $433 20° hs x 100" 16 abut. st. cn good 4 mh. a. we 6.6" str.20'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 205. con. hw. br. (rein. 8s. gir.) 10' 1. x 22' wd. abut. st. cn good h. a. We. 5 str.6'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 206. con. hw. br. (rein. s, gir 6' 1. x 22" fd. abut. con. cn god h. a. w. 8° Str.6wd.xl"d.,f. banks low No. 207. con. hw. br. (ren. s. gir.) 10' 1. x 22' wd. abut. con. cn goal he. @s we 5' str.8'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 208. w. pk. hw, br. Je" 1, 2.11) wa. abut. st. cn poor he As We O° str.10'wd.x2'd.,f. banks low No. 209. con. hw. br. (rein. s. gir.) 22°" 1, x 22° wa; abut. st. cn good hy -@e Ws 4’ banks low No. 220. w. pk. hw. br. 15' 1. x 15' wd. abut. st. cn poor He. ‘ay: W., 3.8" banks low No. 211. w. pk. hw. br. 10.6° la x 18.4" wd. abut. st. cn poor he 8s We 2.4! str.8'wd.x2"d.,fs banks low No. 212. w. pk. hw. hr. 14° 1.x 14' wd. abut. st. cn poor he ae Ws S str.10'wd.x1.4'd.,f. banks sloping No. 215. fe we. pk. hw. br. 15.6" Ts 2725.5" was f abut. st. cn poor h. a. W. 7.8 str.i2' waxed, fs banks low No. 214. w. pk. hw. br. week” Le X11" wa, abut. st. cn poor Re Be We 3S" str.10'wd.x1.6'd.,f. banks low No. 215. w. pk. hw. br. a7" 1. £15" was h. ae We. 4 : str.20'wd.xe2'd. thé banks sloping } No. 216. wcon. hw. br. (rein. s. gir.) mi’ 1. x 16.8' wd. J abut. con. cn good Be Bs Ws 756" str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 217. con. hw. br. (retin. s. gir.) 48°1., x 20° wa. d,s. of gir" abut. con. cn goatl nN. 83: Wo 625" m str .40'wd.x2'd.,f. - banks low No. 218. con. hw. br. (rein. mes. gir.) S254 * De B27 4" “wes ads of gix. 1.5* abut. st. cn good fe. Be WS: 8? str.14'wd.x2"d.,f. banks low No. 219. w. pk. hw. or. S16" 1. 21S" way abut. w. cn poor hy as ws 3° ae str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 220. con. hw. br. (rein. is. gir.) tet Le © 25° wd, abut. con. cn good d. of gir. .9' h. ae w. 6.4' str.6'wd.x1.5'd.,f. banks low . No. 221. sw. pk. hw. br. 84' 1. x 16' wd. abut. st. cn good he By Pr. 25" No. 222. we. pk. hw. br. 16" 1. 4% 11" we. abut. st. cn good he @e We 3eY str.10'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 223. w. pk. hw. br. aS ie ce 2S was abut. st. cn poor h. a. We = str.10'wd.xl1l'd.,f. banks low 9.6' 1. x 13° wde - abut. st. cn poor Re a Ws, Se str.6'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 225. w. pk. hw. br. 20% 14. REL” wa; abut. st. cn poor he. a. Wes" str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low No. 226. w. pk. hw. br. 1732" 3s: Be 129" ‘wd abut. st. en poor hy Sie Cie str.S'wd.xl'd.,f. banks sloping No. 227. Ss. gir, R. R. br: Z26.5' 1. x ll’ wd. a. of gir.3.4' abut. st. cn good he 86. We 2669 str.8'wd.xl'd.,f. banks low F111 20" he 800" 1. STREAMS With the exception of the Connecticut River, which merely cuts across the northeast corner, there are no large rivers of considerable size on this quadrangle. Along the coast there are the Menunketesuck River, which flows into Westbrook, Indian River, Hammonasset River, Neck River, East River and West River. These rivers are only brooks which are navigable for some little dis- tance up from the Sound for small power=-boats. They are affected in depth by the tides which are five or six feet along this shore. The tides affect the depth of these streams for about three miles from the shore. In the northerm part of the quadrangle are several brooks which flow into the Connecticut River. All of these streams, except for a short distance back from the shore line, are small rapid brooks flowing, in many cases, along rocky bottoms. Dams have been constructed at many points and a small amount of water-power has been developed. There are small stretches of marsh at points along the brooks and there are a sumber of small ponds, but neither are extensive, TOWNS AND VILLAGES HIGGANUM Population - 150 Principal industries - Agriculture and manufacturing (four factories). General character of buildings =- wooden, two brick factories, Extent of communication =- telephone, telegraph and railroad. Water supply - reservoir and wells, no shortage, good. HADDAM Pop . ™ 150 Prin, ind. - agriculture. Gen. char. of build. = wooden, four stone buildings. Ext. of dom. - telephone, telegraph and railroad. Wat. sup. ~ wells, no shortage, good. DURHAM Pop. = 200 Prin. ind. - agriculture and manufacturing. Gen. Ghar. of build. = wooden (two stories). Ext. of com. - telephone, railroad station three miles distant. Wat. sup. ~ wells and reservoir, shortage in very dry seasons, good. ROCKLAND Pop. - 50 Prin. ind. = agriculture. Geng char. of build. =- wooden. Ext. of com. - telephone. Wat. sup. ~ wells, no shortage, good. KILLINGWORTH Pop. = 50 Prin. ind. - agriculture. Gen. char. of build. = wooden, no post office. Ext. of com. = telephone. Wat. sup. ~ reservoir and wells, no shortage, good. NORTH MADISON Pop. - 25 Prin. ind. - agriculture. Gen. char. of build. = wooden, no post office. Ext. of com. - telephone. Yat. sup. - wells, no shortage, good. NORTH GUILFORD Pop. - 60 Prin. ind. - agriculture. Gen. char. of build. = wooden, no post office. Ext. of com. - telephone. Wat. sup. = wells, no shortage, good. NUT PLAINS Pope = 75 Prin. ind. =- agriculture. Gen. char. of build. = wooden, no post office. Ext. of com. - telephone. Wat. sup. ~- wells, no shortage, good. LEETE ISLAND Pop _ = 160 Prin,.ind. - stone quarries, agriculture, fishing. Gen. char. of build. - wooden. Ext. of com. ~- telephone. telegraph, railroad and elec- tric line. Wat. sup. - wells, shortage at very dry seasons, good. SACHEM'S HEAD Pop. ~ transient.(summer colony). Prin. ind. - agriculture. Gen. char. of build. - wooden. | Ext. of com. ~ telephone, railroad and electric line. Wat. sup. - wells, shortage in,dryoseasons, good. GUILFORD Pop. - 1700 Prin. ind. - manufacturing, brass castings, etc., car= riages, oyster beds and agriculture in tne outlying sections. Gen, char. of build. =< brick factory buildings, stores, Town Hall, Armory Building, concrete sub-station of electric line and wooden dwellings. Ext. of com. - telephone, telegraph, railroad and elec- tric line. : Wat. sup. - reservoirs and water works pipe-line from Killingworth; wells, no shortage, good. EAST RIVER Pop _™ 350 Prin. ind. - manufacturing crayons; agriculture and fishing. Gen. char. Of build. =- wooden. Ext. of com. - telephone, eectric line and railroad. wate. sup. ~ pipe-line from Killingworth and wells, no shortage, good. MADISON Pop. 800 Prin. ind. - manufacturing carriages and accessories, agriculture. Gen, char. of build. = wooden dwellings, brick stores, post office and library. Ext. of Com. =- telephone, telegraph, railroad and electric line. Wat. sup. - pipe-line from Killingworth and wells, no shortage, good. CLINTON Pop e = 800 Prin, ind. - manufacturing "Pond's Extract" and tool handles, agriculture and fishing. Gen. char. of build. = wooden dwellings, large vrick and stone school. Ext. of com. - telephone, telegraph, railroad and electric line. Wat. sup. - pipe-line from Killingworth and wells, no shortage, good. HAMMOCK AND KELSEY POINTS Pop. - transient (Summer colony). Gen. char. of build. ~ wooden, post office during Summer months. Yat. supe = wells, pipe-line from Killingworth, no shortage, good. COMMANDING POSITIONS This quadrangle is very rough and broken and it is possible to select a strong position at almost any point of high ground. Most of the area is covered with wood and brush and a number of positions could be selected which would give an opportunity for operations along any extended line. Each position has been selected because it offers an advantageous point covering some particular town or Xl X2 KI X4 XO X9 line of communication. is located on a hill to the northeast of Clinton and covers the railroad and electric line to the south, the town of Clinton on the southwest and the macadam road leading north out of Clinton along the west flank of the hill. is a position north of Madison along the line of hills which cover the railroad and electric lines to the south and cuts off a rain travelled road leading north from Madison. is ws position north of Guilford where artillery would cover railroad and electric lines leading northwest and southeast from Guilford. The macadam road to southwest would be covered as would the main travelled road leading north along west flank of the hill. Prospect Hill gives an unobstructed view to the south over Long Island Sound. is a hill to the southwest of Guilford which cov- ers railroad and electric line to the south. is Long Hill, which covers roads on either side leading north and west. This position taken in connection with X6, X7,and X8, form a general north and south line for ten or twelve miles along west side of main travelled road leading north from Guilford and covers this road very thor- oughly, as well as cutting off all roads leading east and west. is a position located on two hills which cower the main travelled east and west road at this point and main travelled north and south road to the east. X10 is a position on a high hill and covers the e6ross~ roads at North Madison as well as the other roads in this immediate vicinity. Xl1ll is a position on the west bank of the Connecticut River, between Haddam and Higganum, which covers the Connecticut River, the railroad and macadam road at this point. X12 is ona hill to the south of Higganum, which cov- ers the main travelled road leading south from Hig- ganum, passing along the west flank, the village of Higganum to the north, macadam road leading north threugh Higganum toward Hartford, railroad along, the west bank of the Connecticut River and the Connecticut River to the south. X13 is on Cranberry Hill, covers the town of Durham and the macadam road between liiddletown and New Haven which passes along the west flank. This position offers a good view of the roads to'.the northwest and southwest of this point. X14 is a position on Mt. Pisgah, which covers the main travelled road south from Durhan. X15 is a position along high hills which form a nortr- ern portion of the general line formed by X5, X6, X7, X8 and covers the east and west roads at this point, railroad in northwest corner of the quad- rangle between New Haven and Willimantic and macad- am road to the southeast. Pistapaug Mountain, which forms a part of this line, is a very high and steep hill, difficult of access and covered with a dense undergrowth, which renders it poor for observation purposes. CA XP SITES A number of possible camp sites have. been se-= lected on this quadrangle. Only a limited number could be used to advantage because of the difficulty of getting supplies from the railroad. There is a plentiful supply of wood in the vicinity of al] camp sites selected except Al and A2, which are to the south and in a more cleared section. Al will accommodate 25000 troops. Plentiful supply of water from the city supply. Located on main macadam road and railroad. Drainage south. A2 will accommodate 100000 troops. Water supply very poor. Located on good roads and hear rail- road. Drainage to the south, A3 will accommodate 80000 troops. Plentiful water supply from the East River. Located on good dirt road. Drainage south. A4 will accommodate 25000 troops. Plentiful water supply from West River. Located on good dirt road leading north from Guilford. Drained to the south, A5 will accommodate 30000 troops. Plentiful water ' gupply from Quonnipaug Lake. Located on road leading north from Guilford. Drainage south. A6 will accommodate 30000 troops. Water supply is poor as it will come from small streams in the vie cinity and from wells. On very poor roads. Drainage east and west. A7 will accommodate 60000 troops. Water supply is poor. Drainage south. Located on main road from Clinton to Higganum. A8 will accommodate 60000 troops. Water supmly from the Connecticut River. Located on macadam' rodca. and railroad above Haddam, Drainage good. AS will accommodate 10000 troops. Water supply from Ponset Brook, plentiful. Located three miles south of Higganum, near road leading south to Clinton. Drainage good. AlO will accommodate 20000 .trocps. Water supply comes from Coginchaug River. On macacam road, two miles from railroad at Middlefield and Dur- ham. Drainage to the north, good. All will accommodate 35000 troops. Water supply from Coginchaug River. Drainage to the north, good. On macadam road and railroad. This site could not be used if Al10O was occupied on account of drainage. Al2 will accommodate 25000 troops. Water supply comes from Pistapaug Pond, plentiful. Drainage south and east. Located on macadam road four’. miles from railroad at East Wallingford, D1 D2 DS D4 DS DOC KS5 300' 1. x 75' wd. he. a. w. 6° Retaining wall of logs end concrete, dirt and stone fill. condition poor depth of water 5' Storage facilities - poor Coal bins 60° x 50° x 20' 141' 1. x 32' wd. he. ae We. 6.2' Stone Condition poor d. of w. 7.4' Stor, fac. = poor 355' 1.x 7.3' wd. h. a. w. 10.6' Wood Condition poor Ba. of We 6.3' Stor. fac. = none 75' 1. x 28' wd. h. a. we. 5' Wood condition poor dad. of w. 10' Stor. fac. - none. Used for loading stone on barges and small tug-boats for shipments. 64' 1. x 23' wd. he a. w. 7' Wood Condition poor d. of w. 30' Stor. fac. - poor. building 23' x 26' x 8' ROADS The roads in this quadrangie are divided into three classes. The roads shown in red are excellent macadam roads. Roads shown in brown are main travelled dirt roads which are fair roads leading between principal points. Roads shown in yellow are, in most cases, poor roads. The main road from New London to New Haven passes along the South through Clinton, Madison, East River and Guilford, continuing on to New Haven. A macadam road leads north from Clinton to Kill- ingworth. This will, no doubt, be continued north to join the Saybrook-Hartford road near Higganun. The Saybrook-Hartford road cuts across the northeast corner of the quadrangle and is the main road on the west side of the Connecticut River leading through Middletown to Hartford. There is a macadam road leading from Middletown southwest to New Haven. This is shown tn the northwest corner of the quadrangle where it passes through Durham and Durham Center,,continuing southwest to New Haven. A fair road extends from Madison through North Madison and Rockland into Durham Center. Another main road extends north from Guilford through North Guilford, along the west bank of Lake Quonnipaug, to Durham Center. The best road across the quadrangle north of the New Haven=-New London road is a road leading west from Ches- ter which passes just south of Cedar Lake Reservoir contin- uing west through North Madison and just south of North Guilford through North Branford to New Haven. RATLROADS The main lines of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, between New York and Boston, cross the southern part of this quadrangle passing through the towns of Clinton, Madison, East River and Guilford, This is a double-track road. The shipping facilities are given for each town. Two other short lines appear in this quadrangle. The Valley Line from Saybrook Junction to Hartford cuts across the northeast corner of the quadrangle, pasding through Haddam and Higganun. This is a single-track road, Passing ecross the northwest corner of the quad- rangle is the Air Line Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, between New Haven and Willimantic. This is a single-track road. The depot for the village of Durham is located just off the map on the northern edge of the sheet. CLINTON | 5 sidings - capacity 137 cars. Platforms = passenger 71C0O sq. ft., freight 2000 Devcis — passenger 81°" x 24' x 12', freight 50' x 20' x 12', MADISON 5 sidings - capacity 190 cars. Platforms = 4000 sq. ft. Depot:=- 81' x 24' x 12', storehouse 50' x 20° x 12' EAST RIVER 1 siding ~ capacity 10 cars. Platforms =~ passenger 2600 sq. ft., freight 1280 sq. ft. | Depot = 55° x 20' x 18'. GUILFORD 9 sidings = capacity 900 cars. Platforms - passenger 4500 sq. ft., freight 2500 sq. ft. Depots = passenger 62' x 20', freight 78' x 38'. SACHEM HEAD Only a small wooden structure for summer use only. This is a flag stop. No sidings. Platform 3000 sa, ft. LEETE ISLAND . 2 sidings =- capacity 27 cars, Platforms - passenger 4000 sq. ft., freight 2000 sq. ft. Depots - passenger 81' x 24' x 12', freight 25' x 20' x 10’. ARNOLD 2 sidings =~ capacity 22 cars. Platform 140 sq. ft. Storehouse 50’ x 20' x 15°, HADDAM . 1 siding = capecity 22 cars. . Platform =- 2000 sq. ft. Storehouse = 50' x 20' x 15',. HIGGANUM 3 sidings = capacity 350 cars. Platforms = passenger 3000 sq. ft., freight 7500C sq. ft. Storehouse ~ 75' x 20' x 15'. AEROPLANE LANDINGS Except along the southern border, it has been rather difficult to select many good places for aeroplane landings on this quadrangle, due to the large areas cov- ered with woods and swamp. Instructions have been car- ried out in selecting the best available sites in each five-mile square of territory and when they are not well distributed, it is due to the topography of the land where stone fences or woods form obsrtuctions. THO COPIES CF THE MAP INCLOSED THE BASE MAP AND THE COMPLETED SHEET SHR on ear + ne ie Se Sr Bev re an Wel . 6 tela. + apply ass ~ . eg a tae ~ on, ~, ; ime: : - Ls : . : . fe seem : - og. ; oy. . : 7S Nad oa ay 4 . ° Pes . eo. TT eg ae . nets _ Pre re, “ eRe yt .- _ ace *- # re er . ~ vies: . “ of 8 a0 oR eas Lon - . roar 1 OT ke . a. cag r . ' - 14 ov 2 . a - ot - > , . ’ é é a . . ~ ¢ . . ' . wt . . . . om * 6 o ‘ . \ , / . | an ~ 1 i e vs . nn a ‘ -f . , 4 = * - ‘ ? . - » fo. ea _— os ZOV