Is “3 AVITIib NOON STUDIES OF INHERITANCE OF SHAPE IN BEANS THESIS FOR DEGREE OF M. S. WILLIAM KIA-SHEN SIE. RW s «- s N\.- F Ch 743 Va. STUDIES ON INHERITANCE OF SHAPE IN BEANS, Thesis for Degree of M. 8S. William Kia-Shen Sie. 1917 THESIS ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Upon the completion of his graduate work in Plant Breed- ing, the writer wishes to take this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to Professor F. A. Spragg, Expert in Plant Breeding, at the Michigan Agricultural College, for his patient teaching and for his criticism of this thesis. 10856 Ji 2 CONTENTS. Introduction Literature The Problem Sources of Material Method of Measurements Statistical Method Planting Harvesting Summary Bibliography Page 10 10 14 26 27 INTRODUCTION. As the knowledge of heredity is one of the principal developments of the agricultural plant breeding it is very important to investigate the influence of characteristics that are transmitted from generation to generation upon plant breeding practice. At the present time prominent investigators have and are doing considerable work upon the foundations of modern plant and animal breedings. Their investigations include quality, quantity, color, size, and last, but not least, shape. Ever since the breeders have given their attention to agricultural problems the inherite ance of size and shape has been much neglected because the investigator had many easier problems at hand, and because > his interests have only lately been called to these fields. In the fall of 1914, Mr. P. K. Fu began an investiga- tion of the inheritance of size and shape in beans. He found the problem too large for the season of 1915 and he was not able to cover the scope of my investigation. I am using his seed to lay the foundation for a study of the inheritance of shape in beans. Perhaps another may extend this investigation. ade LITERATURE. The references to Drs. Emerson, Belling, and Johannsen are copied from Mr. Futs thesis. To this I have added a ree view of the literature on methods of studying shape, though none of it is upon beans, Professor E. A. Emerson did much work on the inheritance of color in the seed coat of beans when he was connected with the Nebraska Experiment Station. In his work with bean cross- es, he found that all the racial crosses of beans produced, show little variation in the first generation, but pronounced variation in the second and third generations. Under selec- tion, they appeared fairly well fixed in the fourth and fifth generations. The characters of the two parents (atavistic tendencies) were usually reproduced among the offspring of the second or third generation though often the new tendencies were noticeable. Characters different from the parent forms were usually blends in the crosses or united unchanged in mosaics of small or large pattern. In the study of size and shape in beans, he made num- erous crosses between Fillbasket Wax having long flat seeds, Longfellow having long slender seeds, and Snowflake Navy hav- ing small round seeds. He then determined the mean, the coefficient of variability for each of their lengths, weights, breadths and thicknesses. He observed that in the first gen- eration, the mean and the coefficient of variability were not eo 3- materially greater than for parents, but in the second gen- eration, individuals exhibited marked segregation of size and shape. From this, he concluded that "Shape may be defin- itely inherited. Observations of the second generation bean seeds where the parents differ in size but not in shape indi- cate that length and breadth are probably not inherited independently of each other. Large round beans crossed with small round ones do not give any long slender beans in the second generation, but only large medium and small round ones. On the other hand, when the parents differ in shape as well as in size, intermediate and parental shape as well as inter- mediate and parental dimensions occur in the second generation. "* Mr. J. Belling, Assistant Botanist of the Florida Experi- ment Station in an attempt to secure a hybrid that would com- bine the thin unopening hull of the Velvet bean with the Lyon Beans! smooth pods which do not have the objectional irritating bristles, has also studied the standard deviation and coefficient of variability of the length, breadth, thicke ness and weight, also the correlation of length and breadth and thickness of the F., crosses between the Lyon and Velvet beans. He measured from 50 to 200 seeds of each of his 118 plants and found that they varied between 10.5 and 20.05 mm. in length, and from 8.3 to 13.55 mm. in breadth. In his study of the weights of these seeds, he found that they varied from .5 to 1.9 gm. He then concluded that, "The Close agreement of the length and breadth of the hybrid seeds with those of the Lyon beans and of tne thickness that of the Velvet may possibly be genetic or may be due to special con- ditions of growth." However, he did not investigate the size and shape of beans in general. W. Johannsen worked with the weights of beans and found his pure line theory. He weighed the seeds of a single vari- ety of beans and planted them separately. They arranged them- selves in a normal curve round the weight of greatest frequency where the seeds from the individual plants were harvested separately. The crop from each individual again could be grouped according to their weights in normal curve round the most frequent weight characteristic of each individual. Thus, there was a rough correspondence between the modes for the individual plants and the weights of the individual seeds from which they sprang. The heavier strains on the whole come from the heavier seeds and the lighter from the lighter seeds. But when he selected the heavier and lighter seeds from a single strain and planted them separately, he found that the modal weights were approximately the same for the produce of both the heavier and the lighter seeds. This indicates that selection inside the strain raised from a single seed eos not alter the modal weight, i. e., the pro- duct of the two selections are the same genetically. To sum up, it may be said that none of these investiga- tors have told us what sizes are separately inherited, nor the number of inherited factors involved. =5e Johannsen has shown that there are such factors, because the progeny of homozygous beans belonging to slightly different sizes maintain separate means, and do not regress to the mean of all sizes of beans. Emerson nas shown that length and width are not inher- ited separately, but together as inheritance of sizes of the sane shape. Variations in the inheritance of shape, he finds, occur only when the parents differ in shape. Groth (N. J. Report 1911) has made a large number of to- mato crosses, for example, “Currant upon Ponderosa” and "Plum upon Peach® and followed the offspring for several generations. His measurements of shape are the quotient of the measurements for length and width and are illustrated by the symbol L/W=C. In his summary we find the following: "In the Fo the variation in size and shape are caused by the interaction of size and shape factors." "The dependence of the Fy frequency distribu- tion on that of Fy is much greater than its dependence upon the frequency distributions of the parents." A close study of the pictures (in bulletin) of the parents and their Fo, somatic- ally speaking, shows the segregation of the Fo into the grand- parental types, and their combinations of characteristics. Professor Halsted (NW. J. Report 1910) and his associates made crosses in peppers and secured one of considerable inter- est, namely: Black Nubian with Coral Gem. From this cross 42 plants were grown in F 5. Measurements of length and width of leaves and fruits were given in an accompanying table, but the authors did not enter into any statistical dessication of -6- this data. For this reason I have calculated the quotients between the length and width of each leaf and fruit, and obe- tained the average (mean) in each case. These determinations for shape are compared with the parents. The means for shape of the leaves and the fruits of FP, were 2.143 and 3.250 re- spectively. In F, the leaves varied from 1.7 to 4.3.