_| es | Be - THESIS WPA OCT UN) 8 1 LEV a gg ae ALES CRIN F. &. BURRELL & E. M. YOUNG BBR THESIS SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL IN BACK OF BOOK this thesis was contributed by Ii. 2. Burrell under the date indicated by the de artnent stam, to replace the original whicn was destroved in the fire of “arch 5, 1916. The Invecticetion of the "ater Supply Cveten of Nreweayro Vicniran.vs * Vhuesis Subritted to ‘ha FPeeulty of ‘ or / 7. - 4 ff? hye wT preety mPaeny "Gi “a fot . TOU a OE OOP TG. ‘7 ” ro a : > N- , 7 yo a + we i
    ] at = > 2 ae BS en) cme: Mima wae 2-10. TR TP tyd*6| 0.192| 80387 7552\ 80795] Sale i: San Ft 6 Ro ine 2 27 aes RACs GN ys Pr et SAME Ort) ee, Sy FRE T-P7 | 4093) 69.996 /.484| 68903| House SW. | e-) e260! ego: Beate Sees Me MA AYA 3771 Oe ee LT we 3.000) 66.8 | cme ME YN 2) Ere Be a an Re 5c Melee Wi re re Over 7] OW. | ) i corks 99} Inf SW: . _| Droom + Wood | Service Jap ie rey JS /4 ys r PFE 7 ae CL ’ > _— Leve/ Nofés. (Copy) ALT old, Clear Young Burre// aol foe ae eee ee [pyaar e aoa @| 1.750 | 92. 90.899| Inf, SW. - | i 7250| 85.4 | Service ey- PH /9 V/ ‘= o¥e 8) mcs rie, fois) Be = A "a cara 85.9 > | Inti s.w. 98.719! Quacker Line + Fare IPL ES LS ee rT 17 Son Ma daa > ko ce Tap | eit Ae en eae) /en el~ i) \T- Pt Ol742.282 2d \7-P.12 | 8.slels. BEER Esa EE re 2 Hyd. ¥/0 Valve f TPIS Pt 24 SS Ke VM ( ike 4 Pt, 25 TP /4 oo Pde ed All| TR/e LF wr aa TP TP1B LF T-F.20 CE pe Ee EP af _1170| (58-548) ie ABs 3 169.8 | Mam + Clay iat ares: 5./40| /63.6 PAE a Leye/ Noles. C7 jie ost, ig > ets (Sie; TE Tn = 23 YA We Ne 2937 ip Ptr ea Z; Pa eY ee 3.$70| /65-207| Fis7 + Clay a saan 4.3/0) /63.6 | Wash, + (OILS ian Mya" /4| 5-488) /69.67/| 3762| /64./83 u e (at Pah 5:B6° /63.8 | Wash. +Scc7f et 1-4-1 10/7 Ae A ey ate Valve 4 5.900) /63.5 i = Be he? RY LA Me, eA, " a | fad BB 4./00| [05.3 | Wash. + gee FZ +33 ee we oY A. ae ae Im | F724 |S eso. Vad aa aN ee aL nA Fr. GS | | | HO] 4.7 NWehfersone «+ | ear aan A) Yd od) <-T 7 Tae Pt. 36 | || 2.10? | 16.9 \Qvarkee Line rlefferson a BM edad WA Te ae fT) eo 7-R 23 | 6425|/63.883 7.546] /57458| X Stone _ Hi; d*17\_ Enya Te Quarler Line ¥Thicd - Ce) EY bic Cage = a Ma AW YMA Tar AG es pa | ae ie $:050| /62.7_|'« + Fark | PL Jeu Sa MR: 240\ (54.8 | Server Tap T-P 24 ©|6/7/ \(68.095| §.782| /6/924 awe VET a4 (fe FE ae) 3.840] (043 | Bet~- Fark _ Sat Pe ee 4.320| /63.8 | Servee bee ss TP2Y ©! 4.3/8 | /bb.2492 16/.224| Catek basin — Ft. 43 _ Se eo Sao Tan TE) yy clear Youn? * Burre// ih LTA AN, AT do - ear CK ny EE + Burre//. a las LY Dese. Ter reese 161.924| Catek basin _ SO Tae 8.27/ |/56.930| Base of Tower | UF? 25 | §4321/69./90| 1.443) 763.758) vy sfone Ls Pt.44 aA M0) ae ge TP yd*/8\ 1.990 | 159.064 12.120| 152.070| Man + = TLAS ede de Ja aa | F446 i B.620| (50:4 | Service Tao _ | FL47 kl ha oe Ee pt | Ft.48 a 612? | (53.02 |Ticn on VA ae Fr sJone T| 0.602|/57532| _—=—_ | 5%.930 Base Tower | etek en YB ES LR ARO A TE 27 | 0.973 1134 803| (2504 | 133.856 HS Se TF 28 | 050\|123.075| 12.378 | (22425, i ~e a ee 1-1-1 V1 a4 = aa sere Per eA) 1 TF 3/ | 2650|\94,098| 12.760| B6bY98)| ws Fi 42. 10.342 | 83.758 | fomp Hose Foor | Top Fensfock| | — sds 0 | 87.658) Eat Fomp Horse. 7P/ | 123/8 |106.1/6| 0.300| 93.798) Stone on bi/f _| A ae oP b PTE SONA ETE Pee we wine TP 2 | 10:B0°|128,03| 0-660) 1/7. Pia ea oe Find | | egc0l 2248 | Weler Leve/ | is eee 5 Ev e | as ye S = a x 7 - | Le ia} ho) hy © | TL Aare kt osed Ex lension d »Buere, |e kas Desc. ae r? eae ed, PRE) /o1.924| Gakk basin aw aA a 6.048) /58.97/| Park + Barion MD Stato eae oe 7. 854\/52.884| Wash. + Mary of} me sng ee 5.09 0|\/55.648 rooks % « aL kT eo 7 4-223\/59.965| 5.69 6|/55:042\ Jeff + Efjza |438// Re AW oie) ie ey), | F230 |/56.735 | [e) a > ad M4QIZR| A725 \/41 hs Conputationn for sizes of nine. In counputin® the sizes of nine necessarv to suncly a certain district or town, the maximum aver:re consumption must. be asoumod or obtrincd. According to nust records the tan is emptie! on -n avorare of three tiros each ‘ey, meking, a totsl of 90,990 Fadlons per day. ‘This has been the aversre consumption sinco the inatellment of tho eveten two vears aro. There are now 129 tans tnouse. “avins an averare of & peonle prr tan, service we have 659 vreovle usin: 90,°00 zalions ner Jev.e. VhAla re oe .4 vrellons “er ecavita vor day. Actual conaunntion tosrta Ja totaling °4 nours, with reedines practically every hour, were tea’con by us durines severs] Vifferont devs. tests by fhLllins the tan’, time an! vate contimious one vals. vate. Apri ] 1 e "¢ Apri 1 r e “Ondine: of +13 1t Wee Vine. Bs Pel. Pe) ge Woe 0 By e:90 : an L297 se) Ar Pereiwee tho tant. ™he Onta of these testa as run is given velors in elevation then shuttins off the “eo nerforrved tnere MB, noti ie “he tost could not be a neecscary to Fill the trunk sot int re Garo Reatline. 14.40! 9,401 1.29! wenn nn nnn 1! 16.08! 14.40! P.7)! 11.°9! 9.9! 2 > om GD . - a Nate. tdeos, Gaira Randine, Anril 3, Peoy oy, 5.7: % " Bro oy, 4.00! " MeOIre, 1.3098 WlTerenice in elevation -eee--.--.. 4,)5! April 4. | TIROO ..e 12,40! " MseO set. 10,::9°% " gD ee AR EOt " Os) A... 6.50! " 113:°9 4. 4.69% " WWs4tO As, 4.90% S4ff° -enco in elevation --e-eesena- 8,10! Sordi) oe) W219 ow. 10.60% 9 . a a° - MWsfO Per, AAO! t@ . ‘> - * 134) “ @ e Qonk tt yee ot , Preys, hemes Dy Pa vayqeg in elevetion w-sea.-.2-. 4,7! ' ‘soril 7, Sod mat, 15.63! " BOQ yr, 14.50! " AsSY PY 1? 629! " Peo Fy! 9.998 " A990 PQ 7.50% bDifferenco in elevation eernemeenn= 9,17! Total depth af weter used ----ee----ece------ 47,491 7.45 ¥ 17645 x A7.AS x 47PEA = 11, “10 cu. ft. ner day. 11, "10 * 7,4 = ©4,7!9 = llons por day. From this teat wo cee that the above quantity checks very’ clocaly «itt, the avere-a consi rtio for the nust two (19) Yea one e caDpitu per day, uBine water from the tons, -ince rore wator La use? ebout noon of everv day, on Vondavs as wesh dav, “A,g7EO vollons ver day arounts ta 120 e-llene per consicerins the number of pecnle actually ths QC rata of flov will be ond not. the entire populetion. and considerabdly hirhor. Pcrectice hea determined this rate as 17F% of tho rmaxirum averace duily consurption per capita to cover tie larzost possible acrandis. TT to furniao. "nn" tedned ov fe AOL e ‘ster Carma] ¢ + ily xX = 4 tres: vil ~orrzyr sy ye a _-_ She reye vos e = (hiantitey af m2 ener lic ient. C= cnef lictent V= Yres ire 7t dot Vierecter «wt J = ta Vt iL 1 = Lentils in” Ce Ss cerrticie: (3 . “1 ~ ft, a ,yr he -o forvulia, noob tia of tia town ‘ ‘ my fl +(2\ x (::) py weoleetiy e VS gays am *. a “rye Cc ‘mer lyr: 74D nae’ 7 RA. af a) " stresca of one tire, PEE TMEV OLY 1,40 Cal rf. : “IPN YOaAD oooint lowin-: Sa ongNe met cles be and ‘aisreell,. 4 7” a - Aancntlintroan tha re e forwnulsao3e haan i hace 1 berger ey, my i? t. rictic nr. - + 1, @ Te, wolLocit7 (7) “AtToOe {ty in ENtrenesr . for nov7le. ) whera 4" thous: 1° ODe nz ON) x » Tiven on Narn 74. OF In this nlite Bra of novzle. NoB i tubine fo tae “have Comualage for 400 feet of feh incl hoce, with 1 inch nosrlesg hvdr ent. pressure of 7 3 fm O73 ay & 5990, v= 10.84 Poot per RECON, < i BE. Leet per socond. * = O.%3 on, Ft. nor secoit, or 161 rpollons ner minuto. Kor 190 foet of hore unter the gone conditiona, V2 14 feat ner soeond, Y= a7.3 feet vor: econ, ~ PLS raltons ver rismte, Terefore, Tron the obove, we will ancmure © mic llon fire stroerns., oe the tom is one of very slov, if eny rretn, WO Afotime Cro the curve that in 1919, 2 vear Prenebly Par yevond the life of tne avetom, the womilation will not ere or] mivrdyer Par cs em 1,700. ‘hereavore ve deer it safe to wre cuch trat Pautaurs tise, SOVEYeTOy VNeN First incorrarctol, one a lianberjaec fowrp and ven rocft pros verous vnien Juinber Waele not, Im Pt A UNM|AWY, “he tearm rrover tavends reddy wpe BO eBcerce 1** ntowe wee. ve tres. tiries Por ite ore ") ee TOtAd nomoer of Tire atroams to bo eaneoitritad «t -_ Amyoer tho 2 8 yey Tot 2 ey por, Vou % Thre stroanc, “OX ESV = ty en blans per -d¢nute “or “pre purroeese PRS Tost Cpa ms test gomertnue averere consarntion OS DV ee lbaaye ge Te at YT Ss Fal rallons ner eraitsa ner UE Te spas tint Cae the vrnetiend leneth of lite on t'ris soe ter bao tacn will unt exceat 1,009 neonle usines rotor, 25 af Dro sent there xr only REY, “yercefore tee total congurntion (17) Trllons per minute. Vedic oo obee n tote] of TR? eellons ner ninute,. from the dliarrar for ealeulatine cast tron Tine, riven OV “BFPO P4% OF BP UDLlic Vater Curly" by “urneaure en ewaecell, re met only OF wrollons ner minute fro: a 4% nine, allardioe a 1O" loss of head rer 1,999 feet, “ror a at Dina vith the e:cre loras ve eat 90 vellens acre rinute, malbine + total of 799 Tallons ver (imate. Vote share thet the srecent mr-oine qa not bist enor i Ferm owepnecies, NE6lLow Ls river tha tata Prax which wo nlottey thie rone ulation curve. o4te Pomilation. 1e'3) oe eee em ee ae ate eee ce or cee ae® 08D GED OS WED wo OD om ow a 1," Poa9d <7 ew owe ae owe om op a om ee oe ow a ee oe ow om a at a Live LO0' awe ee ~a----e 1,1°° 19) 9 e---2e- eee ee ee eee 102927 “I Nonalutiodw is «iver es plotted on the following wieet. PO revo orrewthqgecdtiy the toss of head ut vorioure roi ivte Mroatiles of Each otrect crm nlottadl, eLlavtian: PePO Cet tee. Fron the sme ot OTT ees Toe Ft ty Dette’ ls setoiel Plowpar rresocures at tic hvereats, otter reaiepre tae cere Jewe . Cy eo weeting these rreceurer oe Agtepeot oy eorve Nora ee the hydyvaeulie credient, Thich is Foe Tioe ta weie’: the vater level world rics tf pievercter Pet des tunes wore inserted at certcin pointe alens tha line. Wiese evadients ure clhovn on blue print, rlste 4! ©, seccuce of the wide range In clovation we found it cone yonient in nlottine orsfiles to refer evervt-ine to 1. zero (17) ae aaa 1 he Cad VDA, f 2b Ee We 4 : ao : av Jets aS Geta niene., oe rvect our elervetiona fro Jovel nates ce gytracted "7 Pye toe cvrdven olevetion ta cat tre point. This brinersep our lavest voint only O.F af » Soot sbove this cer peforance crlane, VO met noints on tn eredient we first ro taced aur Hvarent clev fion to ite enereasondine heietht ahove dati, tien cheneet our eee me dines fram nounde per square inch to an enivelent heed qv fact ar vater, by rmailtirivine oy toe conversion * ctor, ©2794. he sur of the tro rivosa th. anoint on {he ersdient. Bofore ueine cur pressure mars realines we corvacted them accordin: ta the amounts: shown necessary in tae Polblewtyes Calibvation test of? the ixnetmmrent usel, made by uBb an 2 ei 7, 191. Celibration of £O0 © x ore, Stone A ynree sta carg Pending thoa,y in. up DOW ) O.9 Oe) 1m 71.4 17.4 1: mod 12.9 a) e720 v1. ms F380 6869 7h 368.9 FR OS AY AA. 2:3,0 cry F1].0O 61.0 (14) Yow) FB.O AL. RE R520 BF.O 7 70.0 FIO Ar REO REC) a9 09.0 90.9 OF ard AF LO 190.9 10! 1Of.0 198 9 11% 110.9 119.0 oF water Level in the tovor ahoave istur, sTevetion mis roint for tho hydrsulie cratiente. War used og the hit Averars tun reosdine weewee 14,7 Peot. “aitnt af towor e--e-a-c2ecee 8().9 " Vhayetion soca chave Astur-JPFr,% " Slevetion ov water level - *©90,9 " Slevetdone alens strests from whie) vorociles wera dravnee- Profile | 1. -oint. Location ' avatton mlLOVe anova dove. x elone ase of tovor, 1°. 111.9 any “aahinetoyr ar? Pap, YAC,7 LP! .7 ca "t * Oller, 127,88 LOS .A rey n ee Nantt,. 182%. 7B. *y " tt i'wine. 164, L?7.9 (18) Point Lacation “lev. “lev. AnDOVe datum. ee “eshinreton and John. 185.7 1°A.S we Jet °erson and John. 184.7 17.7 75 " " suarter Line. 161.9 1P4.9 my Brooks " " 187.4 19.8 aR antoof line, TERA 1fl.F Aa Post anil State, 188]? leage AE “ain " " 16 4,1 117.1 AN Turn ysefore i211. 167,09 1243.9 2 Sit °t.te “oad, 65,7 ah 97 Profile / 3, A reste “oad and Cusrter Lino. 8°.P 40° SA Justice " " 7a 60,4 Yolve 4. oveir " " Oe Aree Profile “ 4. R “ood ent? Ctate Road. 77.7 AQ,7 OR snrle at nod, 70.7 me OT oR 11° feet dow) ‘ill. G4,F CAF oP. 1s Year ecerent nlaot. 7 WF oe TeP. lta ” tf " TOF Os Hy, 1s ind of line. 4968 78 Profile ©. kad of line on “tato Boat. 81,7 14,' ] Ctate coat and River. FAR 1°, . FO" left of vine down hill. 4°.7 eo 7 * Near hydrint +#+ 4, 7665 m4” (16) Mgint. ’ ¢ x ydrant Ci «sry a4 ; " @ wy.4 Y. “vopant Ct rr. oi x stato Roal and Guaxter line. Hoeation 100 feat “Stata 2Q fram corner, Vora “Toad, MidttMbLe of ploev, “tate LOD 1380 feet SO feet fror Vater age Aand “ater, Trom State 3 gti CC. Justice, 110 feet, fro “ater, ~ 909 and’ Justice. aohfpoaurton Manet, "sin Aan “an My arr YMlus 1%. “Y whys nt gry rr) ’ ( 81.° Profile mnt oclev, 8 " AT | " ‘Iw, MeL, line. Prescunre F] = 71,9 Prepare 49 zw 274A C8 -IEN gg 7° Mransure 39 = 1F1.4A (17) - ¢ Road. ie R at on aro lav. ‘Nlev. datu AOE 4&, a0), 4 AZ. A. 29, 74 A 27, RY .9 Ad, a4. AS. 165.8 £3, 142% .4 ws. 1840, Lit, 99,5 am, PA ro, 94 ,% Nae Comoutations for notinta on Gredient. sleveation 17.2 On, nlLevation tlevation 61. ZR eve @- above IT e c . 4 ANT ey 0 $2 f ct. Pao t. Hvdrant fot, Prescnre 48 |, slevation © .% Lot. T.790° & 49 dur £ oe = 11,2 Hydrant “ 17, Prepeure 15 4, nleovation 1°°.9 fet. e704 x LF pilus 1.9 = YET Hydrant: 1s, Prese7e Far on, Mlevation 119.8 ft. Se7I4A wre lua 119.8 = 177,8 Conmtations Tor ooints on “radients wore pressures "oO Tiret ears tet the quantity of water flowing ane Pre tiet obteine? thie velocity. “rom the velocity and lenrth of Dine we commuted toe lessees. “errivan cives tia follovinuc forulee Lor VWeeheorre frov novvle, velocity in pine, end lasc of. _ Qe 6a D erellons ner rinute. Chere. aot Cfecisres from nevele, in ev llons per mimte. ; = Vo= “Yereter oF novels in inenes. dose dercter at nine ta cvhich norole ia attached, in inches. CF coe PMicjiont of diselhorse Por ] inch noz7le. velocity of seter Joy owed. < HF) C= cnelTiciont of fiction. w= cross sections] aroa o* main. t qoo2 dteretor of wrin. 1 = leneth of » ain. YD 2 Then nroseanre at entrance to nozzle. (19%) Commatetions Por Loss rrom hylrant # # to Averant - J], From the ratio of flowing te etatic neeseuresp at the hydranta Where Soth pressurans were teven, we assured that an uvernce condition existed at hydrant + 3, Te found tnis avern@wa to ho static oroscrire = 1 oF, lowinsr oroscure iydrant 2%, Static nressure = 74 #4, 7A = 49.4% 7 Clowine oresaire, t: @ ¢' pwd hlevetion = 82,9 — B7QF = 41.4 Poet. Pet I4 * 29." nlun 71.4 = 144.9 which is the lust point on eradient 9 ©, and elena astablisher the second point on eradgdient vom, Pram Khydrent " Fo we ecvuyited the loss baer toa ft R wharn the cine chontes size. “rom formila riven “bove:- ul q S97 wellons ner minute, or 0.45 ou. ft. Der second. Veh? feot-o nor second, Lore = 9,9 fert, on sinele -ine, or 7.45 foet on a rvridiron evsten, This swtves a loss of 4,5 feet in the distance “rear a hvdrant § 86 to # 7, L778. lus 4.8 2 141,%, Yror Aytrant § 7 to Wood Utrect, a lVistanc. of 1,099 Poet, tha loes ahovn sbove is 7.4" fect. 7SB.0 | TP = 1P9.% voint at end of rradient.? F, Mrom Avdrent 10 to hydrant = 92 at the ond of eradient "RA, TO Gorr~utesd the Jess ee “Collover- Q rom hy@rent § 10 2 189 enllans ner ninute = O9O.A° cu. Ft. Mer Becanda., vi = 7.9°° feet ner arcond., Loses 2 07.4 feat e per 1,909 fest of rine. “rom hytrant ¢ 19 to Vool treo. a “riviron system ise uacd. This mecnr a lans of 4.71 fect. (19) 11.9 - 4,1 = 147,! feet elov tion of erntient at. corner o7 “oot ahd Meir otrects. In toine FOO fost fram “aed Streat +0 hvdrant %, tne loss is 12.7 foot. 147.8 = 17.7 = 12%." fe t. point on ~edient et hycrant © 9, GSeRVICN. Purity of “ater “urnished. The water for all rurnoscs except fire isa tuken fro- BMrine’s. hese anriiuts ava located on eB woote3 hillsicd:: and there ars wit Sey gourrern oP contamination, vithin the ROO foot routings, which are reanire? to be recortel by the rv Fate Coardt oP Nonulth., These sources of contavrinetion ara snovwno on the men of tes eveten, plete - 1.0 This chovs IP Privy voults within that Vistence, none of them pein Loar than O7F Leet Sror any sprine. "e@e will hero rive nrarts of the lo relative to rater worre sa) gsewerneo aveters., Aet 08, Public Acts 191%, an fet rovitines for the suvervision and control dy tie Btuteo Boart af Poslthn aver water vormis avetotes ond sevsce, QVienocr] aveters, endl rroviling for the enoointrent, duties, Sylory cntoexvenses of ge State ecnitary onsine r, end vorevi'e Ine neanlties cevl VeeLintesr lijabtlities Cor vtoletione of thia acte “action 4 Tt a@nell oe thre @AQuty of tne movor of een Ye City, the poreettent o% esceh villare ond of all privete corncre eficns, vartnerchire or individuels nov or berecfter ope atine vor’s svstome in thie state, to file rith the Stata ly vet be reelized fro the old plant, waten cf -ourse rionld be credited to the new. (70) _. “ator Rates, The pater routes ner fonth Par the Village of “Newryro ares- A “lat “ate of 69047 Yar anneatic mairnoses, with “I sVOr additional for yath ond “ayer aliitional for Lawn hydrant for svrintlins nurnones. RECON N US ST TONS MOR UEMTENSIOW AND TUPROVE cits, HOUrGEe. Tne nresent syringes and reservoirs will furnish the evtra v.ter needicel in the nronosed extension, with fev chenres and imoroveronts. In facet ve can assume thet no chanres in tie nrevent source vill be necessary. Pumpine. Mor all ertinsry murnocea the sorvice pumn nov in uce Wild SCalfill the adie? reanirements due to exrtonsion.,. lt has aorite dT ein atity at 144, ,°09 eellens ner dave “Eth 279 now tone benefitting Te. mere poomle, evch using 130 wallona rer 4 iv, tie tatel eonsimstoo rw would be shout 104,990 eallona. OF ecoures Jt world be vell to have a larver mun for emerroncias but it ds not et cll lively that the torn vould erree to such Instellation. A better plen to bo ::s61 woul? be to install meters. Tais has beon Ione in a number of cities and always hus the effect of cuttins down the water consumotion matore Zunlly. In mny ces n this reduction has peen one helf or mora, “atc this con?tition tie presert pum would bo larre enousrh. rire Protection. wt orevcent the fire vrotection is not adequate. “irst wa voul!l sugrrt st ti: * all Ayirents be pat in 0d workings orver, “hd es wd Ll reen nav hvarants " 9, and #14, Tt will (71) mean, if safety Le to be sewcred,. that all hydrants be taken up en? the stoner rerovet from the pasos. ‘hoeee astones in the nive hove cuused trouble in both serious fires since the syeterm waco ineted1e%, che prevent Pire pump with 500 gallon capacity will vu7n weter ae fast xe 4 inch mains will oconorically carry it and 80 “e@ will not prorose a lersrer one, althnoursh it ia not really csp: ble of sunnlvin= the three streara theoretically needed in a town of this aize, "xtension of )ains. “8 pronose to eliminate the dead end on “tato 2924 which caused mach trouble and wag the main point of diacussion in the recent 49,950 fire. This line is in one cf tie rost important partes of the villare and se mich water is usel, ve deem it necessary that it be extonde? so 18 to form a sride aron avatem. Our propose. extension, 1s shorn on the rap, Will cross DCroovs Crect in two pleces. At cne of theso no trestle will be needed «2 there is about 1f feet of earth over a conerete eren. The other point can be spannel by a woolcn trestle avout 40 feat lone. The pipo will have to be ercees? to proyent Prenzine in wintor. This line vill require about 4,790 foet of 4" nine, “cut off valves, and © fire hydrants. “rom this extension about 7O resivdeancer can be supplied with water and addog protection wtiven to rany on the present system. Thie syetem is practicable Bince the highest. voint is 1f§S.9 feet, which means « @2ifference in elevation from the nvorare head of water in the tower of ©0O feet, which would om =Oy . f Tive au static th ad of SF. Thie ire more than at sevoral points on the existin’ system. At the same time it will be on nh wridtiron svater whore fire protection is douole that of a sinele pipe with ©» dead ent, “e believe tnat the casiest and cheapest. methor to do away with warm wator in the tank is to Nave the feed nine entering at the top and the supply vipe to tha distributing syetem leading from the bottom of the tank. In this arranse- ment a nore complete circulation of the water will be accomne lished. a Cost 'astimate of Proposed icxteneion. neo becis for tre following estimates we used "Gillettes Coet Duta". celow is wriven a table from Gillette a-toWi ne. an ‘ iterized cost of a 4" unter pipe line, °,246 feet lon® and 7.4% feet dexp5- Coat of Labor. Labor, trenchin? ee-e-e=. “0,070 ver foot. Vorses, trenching ««-e8« eNO1 * ft Lapor, bell holeg «esea8u« eOl® Labor, laying pipe <-#e- ©9010 "* “ YAQINOYD --w--eee een wwwee eOOrk * " Pouring lead en-ase5sasna e004 =” ” Callrerg ----ecesennweence eoor * " Labor, bac’fillint e«ne8 O11 =* " Norecsa, onacl’filline -e«8. 004 =" " Matrioution of material=- .QOF " " “Orerman <-<--<- o-<-2— own .017 " Time'veeper ------- meme oo02 8A ¢ "Jacellanenua -2-e----<22 004 per foot. TOtA] ann -ewennewwenne 19,1F8 per foot. Cost of "“atorialea. Pipe, ©,2°0 feet, 30 tons © £44,490 --880.481 per foot. Specials, 1,482 “© SaPF ¢ aaememwcamen .OF] "8 Valve, 9 & $9,490 eenennenmmwnmnnennnn 031) * " Hydrants, fF & 2PR,60 aawacenemmnmnwcee ,OFD " " Lead, 9,010 i 0 F.S f mwen wenn mee eenene 6 ORR HOM Yarn, 10F #4 ' B.4 vo enwweenmenwmewneee = ,00D 8% " TOOLS, caer een e nnn mmm wm mmeewewewennenn OLE OM " 'PecellenQOUr -ocecmweewemwmmwnenenee= 008 =" " Yroe the above we mare the followings estimate for our proposed extension: ‘ Pipe, ASEQY) feoet. fc AGS ~ won a ce? > OD ow GED O00 One fF 0790.00 s Specials, © F f per foot se--eeree Pee D0 Valves, Top OS) ee rm ww mewn ear) Uvdrants, § © P22. 60 aaeammeeemnwnn REO Lead, © 2.4 ;) per foot -eeeeenerne 19".00 Yarn, © 0.f # por foot aac-eenecene 9200 'decellaneous, ‘© 0.4% ; per foot -=- ©7 00 Labor, “ 16.5 * per foot ee---e--22 702.00 BO .00 Trestle § SFO.0) aanmwn---emeen-e= Om, 308,00 atal cen = om Om GD am ad oP GD OP o@ om a OD OD o® ow ot 68 oe ee (74) COACLOUST GUNS, The mridiron eyetem is best for a public water supply nan?’ 4{f pipers are laid pronverly the most efficient results can be obtained. The vest. practice is to encircle a city with a larre vipe tren sunrly the different parts by feeders, lending fror the main nine. This is not. possible in “ewayso because of tho toposraphy, part of the town being in a valley and the rest on separate hills. Because of thts there are single pipes which result. in four dead ends, there bein now no chance to close on another vipe. The ordinary city should have the large mains arranced geo that smaller cross pipes can be fed from both ends. In this principle lier tne biz advantare of a szridiron syste, since the cross main is equivalent to two piper and can fure- nish double the number of fire streems with the same lora of heed, or the sar.c number of Tire stress with one fourth the loce ne when fed fror one ent only. Another advantsare af the circulating eystem ie tneat. any pert of tne avetem rey be cut out for repairs an) the reet of toe eitv need not be affected. Yead ends are also objectionable on eccount of stagnation which existe in the Pines ant the detertoration of water whicn is lirely to enceue. The pdipes will rust and so-called iron “tubercles” will form on the inside. Also ovinm to stagnation tho water may ecmulre a distinct chalybeate turte and appear unsirshtly from flakes of iron rust. “esd ends should be flushed quite frequently to be rept in the beet of condition. Cnoe dead end would be elivinated in our pronvosed extension. (Fj “worm our investim tion we can conclude that Jevayrzo nha: not a first class -ater system. er could one re“ sonably exnect to find Buch in © omall villare. ‘here is plenty of rood water procurable uni it is honred that in tire more people will pe hnenefited by the asyrtem. “e feel aeasured that conditions can ve materially boettored ata roderate cost and it seoens that. the probablo savinzs in Tire damaresa alone would warrant puch impvrovemont. This invesatiration is not as thorourh nor the results sO reliable ur the best of practice would require for final reeults. Neverethe-less, the stutements rade ant conclusions Aravn vore written only after cureful study of conditions rs ve found ther. It is hoved that the vointa direcursed will be of intecreat at levst ant porsnibiy of sone value to reailers Of thtea trosis. (73) Index to Blueprints ani Drawings. Level noten fallow parq -a----ecccenn--n- Hf, Populretion curve 7911lowsB DATA aaewanencee 1%, Hourly consumption curve follows pare --= 3, “an of town, eshowine layout of present und Droponed svrtems, Plate / 1 in pocket. Drawings showinrs profiles and hydraulic sredionts, Plate * © , in pocket. Drowine showin’ lavout of purp house, Plate § #, in pocket. 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