Ad bs THESIS aaNet ee ELe hy For A FIFTEEN APARTMENT BUILDING toy el (ote a Meme US he 1912 THESIS THES! © IZ! >. ey ah co Re SPHC I Sf loeaT Ii ols oti Ud LATER TAL Gi LASCR required for the construction and completion of a fifteen apartment solid brick building, to be erected on the north side of Palmer av., between John R and srush sts. by &. C. Pokorny. Arcnitect and General Contractor. THESIS ‘ae dae Uva Lilo. These Conditions shall spply te all brenches of the work with equsl force, whetner the work is done under one entire, or under several separate contracts. Thds cpecification and acecomp2anying Drawings are intended to describe and provide for a finished piece of work. They are intended to be co-operative, and wheat is called’ by either is ss binding es if called for by both. the contractor will understand tneat the work herein described is to be complete in every cetail, notwithstandimg every item necessurily involved is not particulsrly mentioned, snd the Contractor will be held to provide sll labor snd materials for the entire completion of the work intended tc be described. Should it appear that the work hereby intended to be done, or any of the matters relutive tiereto, sre not sufficiently detailed or explained on said drawines or in said specifications the Contractor shell apply to the Architect for such further dravines or explanationssas msy De necessery, and Sn:ll conform to the same as part of his contract, so far ss they mny be con- Sistent vith the original dravines; and in the event of uny doubt or questicn srising respecting the true meaning of the dravings or specificaticns, reference shall be made tu the Architect, whose decisicn thereon sh:l1l be ?innl 2nd eoncelusive- On dravings preference is to be given to the figured dimeh— sicns rather then tc the scale messurements. 3izes marked 17 rooms, unless witnessed by lines snd points, Gre aprroximate only, end shall not be takentc regulate dimenSions of the AQSISS — pbuilding: The fieures wnen se witnessed, are intended to show the exact dimenSions for the construction of tne building, but tee the Contrector, without any extra cherge, is to muxe suen Slight alterations as msy be necessury to muke adjustfable parts fit tc fixed parts, leaving all complete and in proper shape vnen done. Should any difference exist between the Lrawings und speci- Tications, the decision rests withthe architect, whether more or less expensive to the Contractor. Should any error or inconsistency e&ppear or occur in drewines or s ,ecifiestions, the Contrsctor, before proceeding with the work, shsll muke mention of the sume tc the architect for prcoper edjustinent, and in no case proceed with the vork in uncertainty. ver Oy se tw Dy sf Py ta wT | 7 TrIeN ie Cala Wwaoate 9 fond i. LALO 9 wh e the various Contractors shell prcevide all msterisl, lavsor and epplisances necessary for the prcper execution of the various portions of the work. The different Artisans shsll not prepsre their work in the building without the consent of the Superintendent. Al1 work and materials shell be properly prepsred before it is brcught to the building. All materisls and workmansnip proposec to ve used shall be the best of their respective kinds to be ovtainecd in tne market, end at all times to be subject to inspection for approval or rejection. Should any disoute afrise ss to the quality or fitness of materiel or workmanship, the decision shall rest upon the requirement that ell vork done or meterial furnisned shill be first-class in every respect, and whet is usunl and customery in the erection of other buildings snsall in no wise enter into any considerstion or decision Whatever. All materials cr workmanship of unscund cr unfit chereacter, or work or materiai which become damaged after they are in place in the building, shell be immediately removed, reconstructed or refinished tec the satisfacticn cr the Superintendent upon receipt of notice, either verb&el or in writine. The expenge of doinz so, cr cost cf deloys and of making gocd other work Gisturbed by the changes, tc be poonne by the G@cntractor in Fault. Should it become necessary to retain eny faulty work, whieh if remod@ed would c#use undue risk, injury or del:y, a sum, to be szdjusted by the architect, but not exceeding the whole velue cf such work or material if correct, sneall be daducted from the contract price. Wo advantage te be teken of any munefest error, omission or discrenancy in the drawings or specifications, ond in c:se of any doubt, speedy reference snould be msde te the architect. no)6GeViations from the drewines snd specifications sneil be mede in the execution of the work with cut theapproval of the Architect. TNT Me Tt rte So ” boo ™ . wtp es . “7 5 ; face yo | YY : | na! so «et OD) Ne med Ye’ Je te he ‘ - Ne NS bed ae we ol! ‘ ae e Tne Contractor or lis Toremen or elerk shell be on the worrvs durin z .-11 tworkine nours,,to taxe cny direeticons which may be eiven by the Suberintendent; te secure a faitnful ecrrying out of the arevines and specifications; to see when - o. ny a . “7? = SN - axa fy ‘ 7 ” -* we A. S fe .aa ~~ ~% we his pirticulnr work is reguiredi, ond t) set It out gorrectli. + 9 e! All directicns svout the wokks, siven tie forenan, snill be as conclusive £3 if fiven to the Scentractcr. “he Gorntreetor be res vcnsible for ene. ona every Vicletion cf the w.uvlie crdintnecs, sna vl tl hela tue Ce aee mc tpdless Tor vny or expense erisins tnerefrom. she Contractor sialli be divviejror, oni susll indennify 7 - < “ ST 4 q ~ », ’ oy - 4 4 acute, cs 4.'- ™~ ae + ewo7T c 24 ’ and seve hermliess the Cvner for sll dsm eres the cvner May suc- 9 tain cr be subgect to ur ressen c7 any neslizence on the sort ~ 4 1 of the Jontraeter, or any of nis emplorees, laboreps, servents or sub-contractors, or by resson of eny breech, on the pert ”* 4 a OL the vontenector, oF any, condition nerein mentionea. nue Contre.ctor shell esrry on his work ::t such parts of the building, sna jn such order of precedence, ini -.t such tines ’ and seesons us mey be direeted bs the arenitect, eni the Centres C. r Shell no clyim seninst the Cvmer for daniges arising from any «ct, aeloy or sny default of eny other Contractor engrced on the work. ~ vontrector snell not cut awny any timber, die under ony — _ 00) foundstions, or into samy wells, or other structursl parts of the building, or in any esse ellov the seme to be dune, wathout the full Knowledge and consent of tic superintendent, und shall be neld responsible for any dauese resultins from any violation of this elaus-. K the meson Sueli employ & oomeetent surveyer to stzke out the lot snd building en. give projer levels, subject, before veginnine tie worre,te the approvil of the Architect. ile is also te take out ali suilding or otner rfermits und te pey sll fees in connection with same. “Z20n vontractor snell, at bis ovn cost, amend end meke good eny defects, settlements, or other fsults in his work arisins from defective or improper miterials cr workinsnship vinien mney é:pear within twelve menths sfter the completion of the building, and shell clear awsy, from time to time, the dirt andi rubbish resultins from his cpoeraticns, and cover and prot- ect his work sand meteriels from 211 demise by the elerents or any other cause, during the progress of tne building, and deliv- er the wnole clean and in rerfect condition. Lach Contractor shall protect his ovn work from any; damree whetever, except where it is herein Specially mentione: for wnotner Contractor to do so. The Contrsetor shall render #11 necesstry essistance to the Architect, and, if required, shell take and furnish him with mesesurements, levels, etc., on the works or grcunds, s.; tne cave may be. He shall also furnish the architect, if desired, with a correct schedule of all the queantities ind prices orf materiels under contract, expzained in detsil, os may be wanted. Before any important or special work is commenced, the Contracgor snall notify tne Architect of the time when such wor is tc be executed. when eny work is executed avay from the premises, the architect snzll be notified, in reasonable time, where such work is being done and when it will be ready for inspection, So that he ms: inspect the same Before delivery, should he deem it necessury. The Contractor shell construct and furnisn necessary scaf- folding and ladders, ana shall assume all responsibility in connection with tiie same. The Contractor shallitake the whole responsibility of the work, snd sheukd any unforeseen difficulty arise from bad weather, oc from any other csuse, involving a greater expend- iture of money than the Contrector expected at the time of bidding, he must proceed witn the remainder cf the work, and no allovance will be made for éeny casuslty. Ko Contractor is to sublet the whole or any pert of his work woth out the consent of the CUwner. ithe building or works must be deliverei un free from all mechanices® liens or other claims chargeable to the Contrector. TWSURALOE. The Cwner and Contractor shall each protect his ovn interest ageinst loss by fire. In case of such loss the Contractor Shell replace the work or material as contracted for, and payments shall be made on same by the Cvmer in the Same manner as provided for other payments by the Contractor. Toole aL. This specification is intended to describe a finished piece of work, end the materials mentioned in this specification and the labor necessary tc put them properly in place shall be con- tracted for and done by the seversl contrsctors for tne various branches of work, who shall leave the job complete in every spect. Ik there is any discrepancy or ambiguity in either drawings or specifications, the Architect snzll be consulted at once and no allowsane shall be mede for work or changéng of work necessary to leave the job complete to the entire satisfact- ion of the Architect. Pie mltsS: fhe Cwner will take out the building permit et his own expense. nach contractor shall obtain all necessary permits in connection with his work and pey all fees required. ‘ach Contrector will be held responsible for all demage resulting from the use of inadequate or unfit tools or plant, negligence or non-complifnce or ordinances ond pey all fines or other ex- penses resulting therefrom in connection with his work. TAT) | \IQT AMAA, Gil Baal. noodles mb sdieas s The several contrectors shell assist one senother ina general wey where the work overlaos or runs through one an _ ATT, ra a ; ST] wrowre dea la Tait TALS why L! ORE, ne oad t iL: The materials mentioned in this specification snd the labor necesssry to put them properly in place shall be pro- vided for by tne @ontrector for the brench of the work under vwyich they ere specified, unless otherwise destinctly stated. when the make of meterial is mentionec, the Gontractor shsil use the kind specified; should it be found necessary to substi- tute another sort, the consent of the Architect shall be obtain- ed before the change is meade, end the material used shxll be equal in every respect to éhe kind speeified. all work shell be done in a nest and skillful manner, exactly as specified and detsuiled, or if not destinctly specified or detsilei, then as the architect directs. WATAR GUDLY: The Cymer will suppiy ell the wseter necessary in connection witn the work. PROTSOTICN: wach Contractor must protect his own work and deliver up the same free from sll defects and not expect the Architect to see that the sime is properly protected. SURVEY: The Owner will employ and experienced engineer or surveyer who will provide all the necessary lines and levels. La sCh VCnk. See general conditions and specifications for contract work generally. Perlis: All the necessary permits shell be taken by the Nesom OB Contractor in onnnection witn his work. He shall pay all fees required for the same. OBSTRUCTICiIS 3 all obstructions whatever character shall be removed from the site of the building. EACAVaATING The top soil or loam to be removed from the entire srea of the buidding, placed in stacks and used for finishing the grade as directed. All necessary excavating for cellars, drains, foundetion walls, or else where necessary to properly carry out the work as shown by drawings shall be done in a good and proper manner. The celler shell be excavateu to the extent und depth shown by dzuawings, bottoms of vhe same to be left level, free from rubbish and reesonable smcoth. Trenches for walls shall be of proper depth, banks being dug back well away from walls as msy be required for proper building , point- ing up and coating uf the same. Trehches shall be pitched slightly in the direction of the grade of the tile draéns. Drain trenches shall be left wibh hard¢é smooth hottoms, properly graded towards outlets. all trenches and foundations shall be kept fgee from standing water. After walls and piers ere built end drains laid the esrtn snell be filles back into trench- es, tamped down solid. Barth not required for filling in trenches shell be graded up around the building as mey be dir- ected, the surface Being left free from clods and stones. Surplus eerthn if any shell be carrie: away from the premises. CROCK DRAINS: | There shell be glased crock drains of sizes marked, put in where Shown on plans with the necessary curves and Y branches and with traps as merke’i.asDrains to have socket joints set & tight in the cement. Proper connections to be mede with tile drains and main sewer... Drains shull be leid with all the uni- form dovm erede that ean be secured and below footings to point of outlet, no dreins to be covered untild inspectedend approved by the Architect. TIL: Dralus: There Shall be 5" tile drains laid in trenches at the inside end outside of footings and e211 outside walls. Drains shall be laid with open joints and covered in with not less then 8" of clean cinders, broken brick,or elean stone chips. Tile drains shall be laid with a good fall in the direction indicatea and properly connecéed witn crock drein. FOCTINGS: The footings of walls, etc,y, shsll be formed of ccncrete composed of one part of Portlandd cement, two end one half of sand, end five of crushed stone ; crushed stone only broken to pass tirough a one inch ring. The footings for wells, etc-, genewmly to be 21" wide anc 16" thick, others as indicsted or #8 may be directed. v2 NTT TTI TN ’ i : ° BP Is feu. EK e Brick work generally shall be laid of a good quality of ¥ hard burned comrnon brick. all portions of front wall and returns indicated including walls ete., of front porch shell be faced uo with a standurd brick at 720.00 per M as may be selected later. walls of foundations for steps and the outside courses of foundations up to the grade to be of nard burned ¥ brick and not a soft brick alloweji cn t1.4 job. Ali vricx to be lsid wet in sound and regular bond, tne work generally to be bonded every fifth course. The facing will be tied to the walls by galvanized iron wsll ties of a kind satisfactory to the Architect, the tie being used for each brick in every fifth course . All brick to be leid in full beds, all vertical joints being filled in solid. All walls te be carried up plumband true. All stone work to be backead up solidly with good brick. The mason Shall properly bed all frames and point u:. carefully to the some, also to all cut stone work and otner projections, special care Being taken to point up thoroughly behind all frames and sills on the inside. The isason Shall set all wood brick and bond timbers where directed by the Garpenter. Brick over squere heeded openings to generally run through in strgight courses on angle irons. The walls to be laid up with e211 flues, slots for pipe, and etc.,; as shown or here after directed. Chimneys to be built up in strict accordance with the fire Ordiftances and topped off as shown. The furnace flue to be lined up with fire clay flue lining arranged at the bottom with opening for soot door and also thimble opening for 2 15" smoke pipe. he linimg to continue up the full size té the top of the chinmmey as shown and to be built in solid on cement. DAMP PROCH COURSE: There shall be a damp proof course at the top of the grade in all outside walls and at the level of the top of the concrete floor, formed of one thickness of three ply ready roofing felt running through the full wath of the wall. The outside of the basement walla &2 bottom of footings to the grade line shall be covered with o heavy and continous coating of Portland cement mortar and then swabbed over with a heavy coating of hot asphaltun, MORTAR: Brick work in general shall be laid up in a rich lime mortar, tempered with one fifth of Portland cement. A11 exterior brick fecing including interior of porches shall be laid up in brovn mortar tempered with Portland,cement, Mortar to be mixei in small ouantities and no mortar in whieh cement hss commenced to set shall be used. IRON WORK: The Mason shell furnish all labor necessary for setting all iron work. embodied in his work as noted in the cast and wrought iron specifications. The anchors shall be built in under the direction of the Carpenter. CONCKRITE : All floors in basement to be filled into a finished thick- ness of three inches of course cinders well tamped down und brought to a level surface. This is to be covered with 3" of concrete composed of 5 parts rm or cleen gravel, © parts of clean sharp sand and one part of Portland cement. The concrete in the boiler room and laundry room is to be brouzht to a smooth surface and finished with 3/4" top dressing composed of clean sharp sand and Fortland cement in equal parts, brougit to a true a tems level surface pitched as may be directed in the direction of the bell traps, and well troweled to a smooth finish. The floors of living room apartments cre to have 3" of 66 concrete ofmposed of 4 parts of gravel and 2 parts of sharp sand all tamped to a level surface. In this conerete floor place gelvanized iron anchors 16" C.C. and about 4ft apart, these anchors to be 1é" long with 2 holes on one end and the other end bent 4" which is set into tne concrete. This entire concrete floor is to be taréd over with pitch and tar in such proportions that it will be hard enough to walk on four hours after applying the same. STONE WCRK. The quality of the stone to be the best of the various kinas specified, of uniform color snd free fvom all defects. To be of the forms and of dimensions shoWn and to be worked to detsils zxcnad to briek sizes. BEDSORD STC: A good quality of light Buff Bedfor: lime stone tc be used for all work not otherwise specified. CuLTilas: All door sand window sills to be of the required widtn cut with lugs and wash on front only. Door sills and all ‘stepps to be finisnes with rounded edges, nll work generally tc be rubbed smooth. Stone work to be cut witn all the nec- essary fholes and slots to receive other work and with proper throatings and drips to throw off the waster. stone work generally to be worke to brick sizes, stone to be set clcse in sine Lafarge cement mortsr, carefully pointed up and left in perfect and clean condition after tie completion or the building. Stone steps, and ete,, shall be peinted on tne back with damp proof peint. TiLis CCpilis: The tile coping indicatex shall be vitrified tile coping set in cement mortar in solid beds. All tile shall be perfect pieces and have the joints weil cemented. IRCi WCRK. See general conditions and specifications for contract work gencrally. All floor joists shall be anchored as fsr as precticatble with 1/8" x 1-1/2" iron straps with 3/8" iron pipe running .~ up and down 4" boti wavs into tne brice work. The anchors to be long enouen to reach across to the’ third joist wnere the joist fun parel#@el tc the wall. All beams to be of rolled steel of Sizes end weights merked and where double they Shall be cut tcgether witn stand- ard separ stors. They snell have an anchor at each end, for properly anchoring into brick work. 1/2" x 12" x 1£" steel bearing plates sBBl]l be placed under beams. Bensnms shall be long enough tc odteain «2 benring of ct least 1C"' in every 4 case. 4 6" JI beam snall be put in e sudstuntial manner for a hoist beam together with 2 necessery hock fastenines,eic. AGLE IRCUS: All sausre hesded brick cpenines shill be previdei with an engle iron over esch cpening. 3-1/2" x 4" x 1/4" ensles cver single cpenines end 8-1/2" x 5" x e/g" enrles over double cvenines. the ansles shall be lone enourh te obtain a becrineg of ut lenst 6" st each end. IVCT DUCRS: Base tv foes to be provided with cast iron soot doors with spon frames ani pood letehn L[astenines; door to be widt.: flues in esen ease. the ash pit te neve = le" x 15" iron agoor and free. A arp '.o7 gaduve Leg : oe eee All iron work shall be painted one heevy cort of gr paint befcre lezvins the snop. U f “4 “- Te =~ wad Ta: dua e see generel conditicns. ‘3 ¥ Ey or ae “ t “TEN abae Tay Q war, SLi 1) hee asnd g hu wah Uo fue nplesterer snoll exerine wna try sll esilin«ws, pertiticn and furrines, and notify the Carpenter of all tnet sre not 4 square end true, plurb ona level,snd snail r Cs Om © ct C Cc ch + @ Rd ry om ‘ Vy. “4? i 7 4 y ay ry v3 eo . re Os i. my on ‘ Amt e correctes before latiuing, and thet sil sre cirm eni soecure; 47 Dy ea de . “ 7 74 eye Los + 4 . se ey a Ootinerwise tae vilasterer sheii vrepleése TA aA Srey ot rieth.ew ot It is erpected, unless othLervise esreeu, tnet from the tire of the ecntrset until the completion of the worr, it suell croceei without interruption; to this end the Blasterer Shell provide epperztus ani fuel end mointein fires te properly warm tie buildings while plastering is wet or being aone, sna ~”~ Shall continue tne nexting ftintil the plaster is perfectly dr;. anu, 7 “Sr ~ . Pirtc eee Tha: also “t sll times, the 2lucterer shell use proper proe- a4y caution as:inst injury by weether cr other e@:uses. HATING APPARATUS: in esse the avoarntus for *he perminent nenatinge of the building has been put in, the .'l:.sterer may heve use of sume, but must furnisn fuel, ne must take prover ecre of Same, and leave it in perfect ccndition. sar tatn brett: tT ry 8s "mu, aeoud has dirt: 60) cs pd po C3 steam piyes ,end ell slots or recesses in th ( other vise specified, to be oovered. ine roundeu corners of stua prrtiticns, snd all lintals, 9 beers or arches, wnich ore boxes dovn in any menner from the ceilings. The joints between sli stud oartiticns &. brick walls, or chimneys, vhere they come in the same plane, and secure: firmly :t least 15" esch side where tne joint the entire neigent. all necessery patcning, repseirs, cleaning, ete., to plester- ing efter all tne workman are done, end the removal of rubbish resulting from the execution of this work, Sh:ll be propecly performed. DAnAon ow! Appear oye, Sunnis av Udbdlaver of Ulin The ftlasterer shall gocd «ll damize dometc Tlcors, wocd finish,or other work, throurmh the carelessness or neglect of nis employees, or from his failure to properly protect any work from dam:.ze resultines from the execution of hts work. DATING: 411 walls and ceilings, except brick partitions, which are to be plastered, shall be latned with perfectly seasoned best $2 pine lath, free from red knots and berk. No leth Shell be put on closer then 3/8" apart; joints to be broken every 18". There shell be no latning fromn rcom to room. PLASTERING: io plastering shall be done until the Architect inspects and approves the lsthing. hia TAL LAT: The entire besement ceiling shall be latned with kKering- bone metal lath well secured. PLASTER: he first cost of plester shall be prepsred hard wall plaster not made up in in any of its perts st the building, b but to come in lebiled sacks from the manufacture¥Tand to be on in accordzinece with their directions, The last cost shall be lime putty tempered with Blester of varis. TIAN wr, AST NYS ™, Oa gadis tan oils ° The best workmoinshio 15 expecteu and the first coat shall be brought up to 2 true even surface and the second coat shall be troweled tc « perfect surface, ond 21ll xnngles shsll be Sherp and true ana «li jambs, etc., shall be perfectly plumb% The first coat Shull run to the flccr on all wedls, end all plastering shall be worked to grounds. SURSACH TO BE CCVEREL: All walls ena ceiling of the first snd second end third stories and b rm asement wells and «ny back plastering where nece essary shall be done. The entire basement ceiling shall be p plastered as above specified. Parker's steel Corner Plate Shall be usea for sll pilaster corners and the same sheil extend to the height of five feet from the floor and to be well secured. Tui T ATIC TILING: fhe wells of the beth room below chsir rsil shnll be plsst- ered with Keene's eement and the same shall be marked off as 2-1/2" x 8" tiling in » neat und vorkmanliFe manner. EXTERILR PLASTSDING: The ceiling of front conerete pcrch to have one good coat of cement plaster, troveled smooth. CARPENTER AND JOINER WORK: See general conditions. HEATING + | ; The werk must proceed without interruption, and heat will be required to put the building in proper condition to receive the finish; to this end the Carpenter shall provide appsratus and fuel, and maintain fires necessary for heating the building. He shall commence the heating at lesst one week before he con- mences the inside finish. PATH ™ ATNVY “vr «@ mT, Arr VIM TENE CRAY ve cht da Onere yous : The Carpenter Shull build snd meintain during the progress of the work, a suitsbdle privy or a water closet, for the use of all the mach:nics on the building, end at the completion of the work shall remove the same end its contents from the premises ~~ TAT avy a “et “WNT QT S AIT IATD -~r™ ‘ - . ' . coe ' ' - . ‘ - 4 H e PRO Oe APT TO at Nr we enw Pasties: eee eee om ee ————— ee ee ee ~~ eee eee The Carpenter shall on preparing the building for plester- ing, put up rough stands ct sll outside openings, putting in glazed sash to afford proper light, without nailing into finishea wood work. CLCSILG UP sUILolic: If the work is bein~ done during the months from Cctober to april, inclusive, he shall bozrd up «211 openings in the sume anner. Tne Carpenter shall provide tempcrgry doors at entrsences as directed: also keys to the seme for the use of the juperin- tendent. PROTECTING Cul stChe: The @arpenter shall cese in and thoroughly protect from damage all cut stone work from the time of setting until the completion of the work. WAM TVA sma» pL ssp wD PROP oeo tla oo wee AOts myc: The Carpenter shall cover sll stairs, or other work which mey require covering, thet may have been put in previous to plastering; end after plastering is complete shell put up in all stairways dresseé handrails 3-1/2ft high on the wall side; firmly secured, and temporargly covered with continuous curtatns of boards or cotton cloth. enCTwOT Ina JOlian VCRa: The Sarpenter shall do such work as is necessary to cover and protect all steps, porches, subsilis, door and window jambs,or other work or material from damage of sny cheracter. Hard wood or other floors shell be temporaryly covered with fett paper cnd boards as directei. Covering shall be msintained both before and after the painters work is executed, and any floors damegea through neglect of this elsuse shall be made goud at the cost or the G@xsrpenter. PATCHIUG Cac lig PiIrk Ho, “TC: The Carpenter shall do such work in his line as iS uSually re- quired by the plumbers, gas xund steam fitters, or other méchanics in the building, such as cutting away und rebuilding, putting in furrings, wall and ceiling pipes, casing in pipes on walls and ceilings, etc., witnout extra charge. the cover- ing boards over pipes shall hsve neatly moulded edges, and Shell be secured to places with screws. provide neatly moulded wall plates for the support of water s re Gloset tanks and for brackets under bowls 2nd sinks. CARPENTED To ASSIST CTHS: NACHALICg§ 2TC; Carpenter shall furnish the meson with neights of stcries and other perticulars, where desired, merked cn a rod for the purpose; he shell «lso furnish, oi the required forms and sizes, all wood brick, bond timbers, posts, lintels, furrings, rough brackets, ete., as reauirec to properly carry out the work. Extra heavy furring to be put in where ever necessary to carry plastering or finish over box window hesas, or tc increase thivkness of walls to eliow rocm for inside blinds or finis BPRALIOG LUD: Framing lumber orf Bill Stuff shall be #3 well seasoned as the market effords, sewed square, and free from gwarge loose or blieck knots, shakes or other démuging imperfections; and framed together und secured in the most subctentianl manner. All framing lumber not otherwise, to de the best quald@ty hemlock. SLiLouis Luba: Minishing lumbe: shall be of cypress unless otnerwise specified. All lumber finished to show the neturesl grenw, and &ll sash shall be of first clegr stuff. All lumber for finish Shull be free from farge,or unsound knots, piten, shxkes «and Sap. All to be thoroughly seasoned, ani for all doors, sasn, inside finiso and finished flooring, thoroughl¥t kilb dried. all exterior wood finish to neve smoothly dressed gurfuces without tool marks cr other roughness. SETTING NAILS: Nails in all exposed work to be finisned;bcth interior and extertdr, tc be properly set, with neil cet. é REMCVAL C# RUS SIS: All rubbish of what soever character whether caused by the Carpenter or not, shall be remove! from , in or about the premises as often as mey be deemec necessary. If\Wmediate action is requested and there is no compliance within twenty four hours after notice hss been given, the Architect may have the same removed una the eypense of so doing cherged to the Garpente>. CLEANTI.G: The Carpenter Shall take Specisl csre tc heve each room thoroughly cleaned up before the painters finish is commenced and also to tne rcoms kept cleen during the execution o7 such work. SulhRS 3 The Carpenter shr.ll furnish and set ail centers in connecticn vith the meson work. Centers shell be strongly made and braced so as to sustain the loads, fit eccurately to ali ports ands Shell be left in place until? ordered to be removed by the Arcn- itect. "y In geherui Plocc joist te be &€ x 12" ceiling joist to be = x 4" all spaced 16" 0.0. and run both ways. All to be Sized to width snd jointea and to rest on plates and bond timbers. . and to be securely spiked to the same. HeADARS & TRIibdkersS Headers and trimmers of eommon joist to be put in s:round the stair weys, chimneys, under partitions, carrying Locds, “nq elsewhere indicated or found necessary. To be supported by duplex or otner joist hanrers equally satisfectory to the architect. BRIDGIUG: All joist having a span of ten feet or over shell have two rows of cross lettice bridging,end joist heaving a span of 10ft or less shall have one row of cross lettice bridging, all of 1" x 2-1/2" stuff, well fitted to joist and securely doubled naileag at both ends. BOwd TIABSANS: Furnish all necessary bond timbers, néiling strips for fur- ring ete., for the iiason to build in 2s instructed by the Car- penter. STUDDING: All studding to be 2 a 4" all spaced 16" ©.C. All cpenings tc be framed with doubled studs and lintels. Lint#é@s carrying Joist loszds shell be formed of 2 x12" joist securely spiked together. all sngles to be made solid so that no lath ean pess from room to room. YPlates to be of full wiébhs and doubled thickness of the studs. All studding to be Set plumb and true end to be trussed over all openings as above specified, to carry weicht of vertical supvcrts. Partitions carrying loads shall be continuous from first to third floor levels and be 16" C.C. and have two wows of girts on first flocr and One row on second. Roofs to be of the forms shown. iain rceof to be framed with ££" x 8" joist, 16" C.C. All parts to be well framed ana securely spike: to wall plates. Deck of porch joist to be e" x 8". Proper saddles to be formed where indicated on plans. All roof joist to be coverei with the best matched and dress- ed Soutnern Pine shiplap 8" wide and well blind neiled to every besrins. FURRILG: The outside walls that sre to be plastered oere.ka-bsaxpias- tearegx will be furred with 1 x 2" strips 16" C.C. and seéurely nailed, furring on walls shall be run vertically. all furring out of wells necessary to cerry out tne work as shown by draw- ings to be done with 2 x 4" studding 16"0.C. Proper grounds to be put under sll finish. Grounds to be of thickmess as directed by Plasterer. RLCORS: | All floor joists of tne first, second, and third floors to be covered first with the best quality of 7/8" x 8" SeP. shiplap dressed boards laid diagonally with close joints ana solidly nailed tnrough both edges to every bearing. Finished flocrs to be as follows/- The floors of the public halls and floors of all the the flets throughout are to be 18190 With the best Select red oak flooring.. BASEMENT FLCORS: : a AMA YA WAT eye YN Moiudessar dt of C nw ; To the galvenizea iron anchors in the floors of the living apartments in basement, fasten the 2 x 4" sleepers, 16" C.C. Upon these sleepers put dovn 8" 3.r. shiplap nailed securely to speepers; cover $Shis floor with one thickness of tar puper and one thickness of f1-1/2 deaden felt and then lsy over this tne oak flooring. PAPER Between all floors lny one thickness of Asbestoes paper and one thickness of #1-1/£ deaden felt. All frames 2nd Sash te be of the proper forms and sizes all being worked details and to brick sizes, with molded fuce casings as shown. frame for single sasn to be 2" plank frames. frames for double hung sasn to be box frames end in the usuel menner and provided with £-1/8" axle pulleys with turned iron wheel snd bronzed iron fronts. All sash to be 1-5/8" thick. Bottom rails to be generally 3-1/2" wide. all sash to be ogee molded. “ash in box fremes to be double hung with proper weights, tin weights being used tnd Silver Lake A sash cord. Sash in plenk frames to be hung with butts. All frames to be arranged for screens for full size of \.indows on the windows on the outside, DOCRS & #RAMwOS: All doors, door frames, jamb linings, tc be of woods corresponding to the finish in the various rooms. All doors and frames to be of prover fcrms sand sizes meade eccordine te details where required. Cutside door frames tc be of 1-2/4" clear cypress and rabbeted. All interior frames to be of 7/8" thick. Front door to be 1-3/4" thick according to detail and all doors generally shill be veneered plein red oak and shnll be Morgan Locrs in syykex style entitled Crartsmsans Panel. The rear doors will be painted on the outside. all doors in basement sutrounding steirway to be Lire proof, 1-3/4" thick. Nain entrance doors leading into apartments to be 1-3/4" others tc be 1-3/8". IkSiIDi FIRISH: The finisn generally to be finisned in the best plsin red osk. The bath rooms end bed rooms to be finished in white wood for enameling. ‘Window casings generally to res*t on Stools with neat aprons underneath. all finish will be as ‘ per detsil. Cesines to be 7/E" x 4-1/£" over all, Base shall be generally 7-1/£" high, nestly moldel with shoe mold nziledi to the floor. Base in closets tc be 4-1/2" high. nubber tio door strikes of suitable wocds to be provided behind all doors. CLCSats: #11 closets to receive one shelf at end and one row of hook§ strips all around. IualN HALL: re liain hsll to be psnelea 5'-6" high as ver detail. front entrance tc be in oak with glass ss shown, see detail. CABINETS: CASIUeTSJin kitchens and medicine esbinets in bath rooms to be mude as per detail. Nine unless otnervise specified. autters to e - of clesr viiite be worked in #11 cornices where indicated, proverl: lined and graded towsard the conauuetors :nad prover outlooks for main cornices, ete., shall te forme! secording tc detail ond fastene. securely, and sn-.ll be flocred over with matehe. ana dressea bo:rd3s. hoors una cll aeraveure trimmings for enbinets ond drawers, :.lec all serews for fixine tne same preverly in place. the Carpen- ter to put all herdwere in plisace end provide ena Cix all other 4 harawire nov specifically mentione and ms be mecessary to eke a complete end perfect job. In kitcnen and betn room put up grounds for choir rail 5*-6" from the fhonpr. DINING R2OCL. SIuish: Dining room is to ve piuneled and to have riste rail,6'-c" over sll, see detail. a Try) "7 oe alegs =ain steirs to be up in a good sudstantial m..nner,all perts being well glued and blocked together, to 1-1/8" treads and 7/8" risers meinstxirs from first floor tu third floor to be made of best plain red osk. Newels to be 6-1/2" squere, panel snafts snd moulded Bases and e@:ps. t furnisn and set up complete in boiler room an Ideal Sectional steam boiier 5S - 86 - 7 rated at 3150ft. The entire boiler is to be covered with plastie asbestoes cement, end canvas, then to be given a heavy coat of asbestoes water paint. ovokm PIPE: The heating Contractor is to connect boiler to chimney with black iron pipe #22 gauge of size given the boiler. RADIATCR VabLVas: The radiators are to be provided with wood wheel rough body nickel plated Packless Valves. tray, ViewT3: All radiators to be fitted with Monash #6 air vents. PIfinG: The system of piping shall be as per diagram with 4" end 3" steam mains, end returns to be 2" fitted with air vants on end of returns. All pipes used in connection with apparatus to be the best quality of steel pipe of standard weights and dimengions. RITVINGS: All fittines to be the best grey cast iron heavy beuded- All horizontal overhead pipes to be hung with pipe hangers- all pipes in leundry and boiler rooms shall be covered 1/2" wool felt, neatly put on and carefully fastened in place and given one coat of weter pbuint. all exposed pipes in living rooms in besement sh:ll be bronzei with gold or aluminum. 77 PUTRI A Til ethereal All materigl used in construction of this epparetus shell be new and of best quality, put up by skillei workman. when the apvaretus is completed it shall be filled with water, 2fmerdad fired up, tested, and left ready for use. Public hall 4 col 5&8" Rococo ll sec. 55ft . Living rooms lst floor 3 " 38" " 7 " Obft. " " ond " 53 " 3B" " 7 " obft. " " ord " 3 " 58" " 8" 4cft. Dining rooms lst " 5 " 38" " 6 " 30ft. Ww wW ond vw 3} A] 28 | " 6 tf 4C f +t, e " te ard i] 5 " 38 " 18 7 1? Z5ft. Bath rooms 2 " os" " 4 " l6ft. Kitchens 2 “ 38" " 4 " 16ft SROUUD SLCC: Living rooms Rococo wall Fig. 16 4 sec.each 7ft. E6ft. Dining rocms " " " 16 4 " " 7ft. 2Bft-. front bed rooms " " " 16 2 " " 7ft. 14ft. Bath rooms " " "16 2 °° " 7£t. 14ft. aC Ps: Vhe amount of radietion required for the building is ~ 6 - 7 QN Wel sq.ft. the size of the boiler used is 3 - rated at S150 sq. ft. this snows a surslus radiation of about 86%, the ususl practice in residence buildings is @ surplus of Oi. we find from experience thst it is more economical to run 2 boiler with & Surplus amount of radiation cf from 727 to 102% then vith only 5°. The lerger boiler reauires less ettention and burns less feul. PLUNBIRG Ano G25 SITTING PIPING: Supply pipes to be , generally, of galvanized steel pipe and vhere necessary in making connections, extra heevy lead pive shall be used, all connections with iron pipe shell be made with brass wipins furrules. All joints in connection with lead pi,s ¢nsll be neutly .ilet. no pipes tc be carried on outside walls. All pipes shxll be properly supported and all connections mede to put the G@ntire job in perfect working order. All branches to run ss directly es ptactieable from point of ouflet to cellar. An 1-1/2" extra heavy service pive teken off the street main with 2-1" taps, shell be brought in to meter pit and then contimued on outside of building with lead pipe to boiler room. “rom this point the main supply is run direct to heater end tank, with brenches takem off as follows.- Main risers for kitchens sh:.ll be 1" for first and second floors «nd 3/4" for third floor. ligin risers for bath rooms shall be 1" for first dnd second floors and 374" for third floors and to be e recireulsting line. Lavm sprinkler front snd rear shall be 3/4". Supply to steam boiler shall be 3/4" Bath tub supply " " 5/8" Sinks wash bowls & closets shsll be £/8" all pipes exposed tc view except in kitchens shall be nickel plated pipe. a ae ff . , all woah PV rose pet TR ot ae PEE HA ERA meer AD Root 4 - ot TRAaMMM DT NAV, "W dy eirimng: All pipes in connection with house drainage inside of the foundation wells and out through the same to the point of indication, slso all soil pipes and waste not ctherwise specified shall be hesvy exst iron pipe of the sizes mirked and according to the Bosrd of Health nules. Joints to be meade of oskum and lead therougnly ecaulked. All connections of wastes into soil pipes to be made with Y branches. soil oipes tc continue up anda open out &* above the roof. & 4" east ircn hand hole vent trap to be provided in iron drain where indiecsted, hsnd hole to ve poovided with a brass C screw cap. The xegut vent opening to be connected with open sir by a 4" cxst iron pipe through wall in rear and above cement walks. waste to kitchen sinks, laundry tubs, and wash stands shall be connectei to 5" stacks and have the proper trans and clesn outs. SILL CCCKsS: There shull be a sill cock arranged for connecting hose on the front end resr wall where directed and one in the laundry room. LAUsDRY TUB; In leundry room there shell be put up J complete 3 - 2 compartment cement tubs and all necessary fittings, traps, etc. REPRIGSRATOR DRAIN SERVIGS: A black iron sink and water supply shv1l be put in complete as shown in laundry room. Nain stacks for refriger- ators shell be 1-1/2" gealv. pipe with 1-1/4" ‘branches con- nected to 1-1/4" Ideal galv. trap. Stack shall connect into 2" iron pipe with Durham fittings, and all necessury clean outs. LAVATORY CORMIER GR i MLA2 Dao B: Selas Plate iio.621 - A - or Selas ho.6C8 - A- 19 x 20 Iron Enameled Apron Lavatory fitted with Gloria China Index Comp. Basen cocks 37/8" N.P. angle supplies and 1-1/4" N.P. Dubois P. Trap. BATH TUBS: Selas Plate #823 - A - 5" Iron Enamel 3" roll Rim Guaranteed Bath Tub fitted with 4-1/2 Fuller Bath Cock, 1-1/8" supplies Ce We & Oe Selas & Co,'s "Bagley" Ant. Cak washdovwm Closet Combin- ation with low down push button tank with box. Top and saddle; seat guaranteed for 5 years. Tank to be fitted with 100Z cor- rugated copper lining, reinforced flush ball, etc. complete. SINK: £0 x 24" Tron Enamel Rofl Rim sink with 12" Intergeal Back one piece, fitted with 578" N.P. China Index Comp. Flgd. Bibb. 1-1/5" Clean sweep lesd trap. HO? “VATER BCILER: On an iron stand in basement as shown, there shell be fit- U slat ted ‘P comple, with all necessary pipes, couplings etc., a c50 gal. steel tank with proper relief valves. In front of tenk as shovm fit up complete en Ideal Junior Heater ¢£C with all necessary trimmings, ete.,and properly connected up to hot water tank. Heater to be connected to Chimney vith galv. iron smoke pipe and damper. COVERING: The tank «tind heater shs.ll be covered with one inch asbestoes and corrugeted aybestoes papyer and canvased and printed. PITTINGS: All bibbs and faucets except where otherwise specified Shall be SPuller's pattern. The building to be piped for illuminating gas in kitchens only. Fuel gas shull be brought up and connected to the stoves in each kitchen and gas plate in basement lsundry room. zach flat shall be piped independently of each other for both feel and light, and shsll be arranged for meters as Shawn and left ready for connections for @as Co. All rules and regulations of Gas Co. to be complied with & ell pipes to be thorougnly tested, cnd have the necessary connections shut off valves etc. The gas service in laundry room shell be arrengeda for feul only, to be sunplied off the service of each flat with valves arranged to cut out the service in laundry room, «nd the valves to be locateu next to the gas plate and so arranged for padlocks that esch service LQ muy be locked. awn 1) y TIL AbD RLVR BES U:Cikt: WORKMANSHIP: The workminship snell be of the very best end the work is tc be properly protecte:. and Teft in perfect condition end clean at the completion of the building.