| I | | | HI HEY I | | } | =———— || I | | I | | | | | I| | | | | | | | —=1 A> 2 Topo CM~INO el ae A PROPOSED PULVERIZED COAL INSTALLATION FOR THE OR OREO OL OO) Teh hd E. L. Powers H. W. Norman 1921 bass ee PL er IN BACK OF POOR ma fee Say pe ek wii ea 3 . i FIA BS ln BAe ane: EAN C1 RIS th Ain Rng ain Lif } ul A PPOPOSEN PYLVTRIZ™D CCAL INSTALLATION For THE RTO MOTOR CAR COMPANY A REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY oF THD MICHIGAN ACRICULTURAL COLL™C™ BY : Le Ty. Le Powers. H.7. No Wan Candidates %cr the derree of Bachelor of Selenca THESIS | CDI tee & + 284 RS PART tf TUT HOC TT i ee PANT BR rcetcelov are mem tet op eaten COAL I UCOLEIRGICAL PURIOS GoD We RR BOLLE @ a Dont TTY De2a eas Pains LV ga uo is OF Loe. ean Daaii's v Cong Maton Pees 10287 nf We Part 1 Introduction. This problem wns cho§sen upon the recomndation of Mr. W.G- Hildorf, of the Reo Motor Car Co., It is Gnevitanle that within a few years fuel o11 will, due to the decreasing supply, increase in price until the cost will pro- hioit ite use in heat treat work. Pulverised coal ig being used to some extent at the present time in heat treat work, and is used quite extensivd y in power plants. In thie report we will endeavor to show the feas ibility of the application of a pulverised coal installation to the heat treat and power plant departments, the cost of installation, the equipment needed, and the difference in costs of operation of the two systens. We wish at this tine to express our indebtedness to Mr. W. G. Hildor® for his assistance in making available to us the data and information that we obtained from the Keo Motor Car Company. Part 11 Discussion of the Use of Powdered Coal in Metallurgical Furneces and Under joillers. although powdered coal has not been used aa a fui for metallurgical furnaces or boilers for perhaps more than fifteen years, it has been used successfully in the cement industry for more than twice that long. As fuel o11 has risen in price powdered coal systems have veen installed to take the place of the o11 systems, and as coal has become harder to obtain, stokers have deen taken out and powdered coal burners pat in their place. a Of course, something more is necessary, tor the efficient vurning of powiered fuel, than the mere removing of an oil] burner and patting in its place a powdered coal inlet, or removing a stoker and cutting a hole in the side of the voller setting for the admittance of a powdered coal burner. In many cases, in order to change from gas, coal or oil to powdered coal, it is necessary to completely redesign the combustion chamoer of the furnace or bollier setting. 4 few words on the design of furnaces for pulveris- ed fuel may be of interest. The primary requisite for good results is to mintain low velocities in the furnace. The oombustion is no less complete with high velocities, out this will result in damage to the linings and in their erosion. 4 furnace cubical in shape usually gives the most satisfactogy results. fhe burners should injeot the ceal under low preasure and should permit of varying the density of the mixture in the purnor ituelf. Their location and number will depend on the size of the boiler and rating required, and also may be varied to suit the grade of fuel. High boiler ratings such as are used in modern coiler practice can be obtained when desired, and such over ratings should be predetermined ané the furnace volume designed accordingly. (Hote. The last two paragraphs have been quoted from a paper by FP.A. Scheffler and H.C. Hurohuret, “Pulvorized Goal for Stationary Boilers" presented at Spring Meeting of A.S.M.i. Detroit, Miohigan June 16 to 19, 1919. While 4t ie not absolutely necessary to redesign the combustion chamoer in order to make the fire purn, if high efficiencies are desired, and bigh efficiencies are necessary if powdered coal equipment is to replace stokers and oil gw stens, the furnace defign mast conform to the design most efficient for vurning powdered coal. Probably the main incentive for doveloping powder- 64 coal equipment has been the hopes that an inferior grade of coal may be used in this way than a stoker installation is capable of handling. C. F. Herington author of “Powdered Coal as a Puel” states: “Mout of the experience hitherto obtain-e ed has been on high grade, highly volatile, soft coals, and efforts to burn inferior grades have often led to disappoint- ment. It is in recent practice, and in the hands of only a few investigators, that good results have oveen obtained from inferior soft coals and from anthracite. . This gives us 3750 #£.°. “ 8 1/2# per hour, or 107 tons per dny of 24 hours. If the boilers are changed from stoker fires to palverised coal, we Gan reasonaoly caint on a saving of 15% oF 16 tons of coal per daye 107 tons of coal «ut 7.10 delivered 759.270 91 ”" “ “ “ 7.210 “ RUS 75 [or We 714.05 va5e.0 ,8f day X 20 dys - gltccd5.CO usnved per year. There is a possibility that it would not ve advis- aple to change some of the small furnaces in the hont treat- ing Jepartment frou 011 *o pulverized coal on account of the seamlh amount of of] use: and the expense necestary to fit up the furnaces with hoods and stacks to carry off the guses. For sake of argument lets assume that «11 furnaces in the he:t treating and frorze demrtment can ce arranged to use pulverize: coal. At present “900 gsllons of fuel oil ia being used in these two departments por day. It t:kes one ton of coal to replace 200 ghllons of fuel ofl which means that approximately; 20 tons of coal will ne re wire’ yer duy to re- place the 3900 gallons of oi] now used. 3900 Gallcns of of] et 4 1/28 - - - -$175.50 20 Tons of ooal at 7.1" | 75gufor pulverizing 157.00 savings per duy ~- 18.50 16.50 per day x 300 dys equals 76660.00 savings per year. Savings on ooilers per year ~13G05 Saving on forge and hest treating furnaces 5550 Total ~ - = = . The power required to convey the coal from the track hopper to the pulverizser, pulvorised and distribute the coal to boilers and furnaces is 30 Keife hours per ton. fhe power at 1 3/4¢ per Kei. emals 52 1/2¢ and we have figured 20¢ a ton for repairs and uvkeep which mkes 72 1/2¢ per ton, ami in the forging calcul::tions we i::ve figured this at 75¢ per ton. If the cost of power is different you can change your cslculations accordingly. The ‘iaber item we huva not considcred for 4t should not take any more labor to operate the coal plisnt and boilers than it now takes to operste the stokers. For the pulverized coal installation we wuld advise the following ecuipment in connection with the present coal han@ling machinery. (Cn the under side of the »resent coal bunker that is locate: in front cf the bofler, place cast iron gates to deliver the coal to a 24" belt conveyor. i'.znetio separator to be pimced over belt convevor to extract the magnetic material from the cosl. 6& He. Jpur Gear Re.mwoer to drive belt conveyor. Steel Hoover Belt Convevor to Dryer. 41 One 5° - 0" dia. x 50° ~ 0" Jong Fotury Coal Oryer. Cne 15 Heve client chein Driver to drive Dryer. Cne 6" Dust “emovel screw Conveyor to convey the coal dust thit my accumul:te in stack end of dryer to screw conveyor leadin:; to sulvorizer. One 4stometic Peodrding Thermometer to record the temperature of the co#l a5 it loaves the dryer. One 12" Screw Conveyor Uryer to dryec coal odin. Cne 3 Here Jour Gear Poducer to drive sorew conve vor. One § ton Dryed Coil Zine Two 5 ton per hour ‘onnot -ulverisers. Two 75 Hece Silent Chain Drivers to drive the pulverize T¥o 60" Bonnot cxhausters with the neceesury piping and collectors to convey the pulverizec coal from the pulveriser to the pulvorizei coal storme nin. One 50 Ton Cupteltz eulvorised Coal Storage 3in vi th the necessur:; feed screws. Automatic Nezulator, vent piping, collectors, blowera, distriouting oije end burners for supplgng the dooilers vith pulverized col. the forge end hest tresting depsrtments will recuire in addition to the ubove, one additional 5) ton pulverized coal storage bin with the nocesesnr,; feed screws, automatic regulators, vent piping, collectcrs, lowers, distributing »iping and burners for conveying the pulverized cok] to the furnsoces. 42 T fhe cost of our equipment to serve the boilers would be $6,000.00 with $15,000.00 additional for the equipment for forging and heat treating furnaces, fhe pulverized coal machinery will require a pvuild- ing 40" - Oo" x 80' - 0" x 46" - 0" high to the eaves. The total cost of a pulverized coal installation — to serve the pnoilers and furnaces would oe as follows: Pulver ized coal machinery $75,000.00 Electric Motors, Secondary Air Blowers and piping for same, changing of furnaces, vents for stacks for carrying off the gases, erection of machinery and building $50,000.00 making a total of $125,000.00 for the plant complete ready to operate. AS long &s coal &nd oil remain =. the present prices, the saving of $19155 per year en an investmnt of this kind is considered low. However, if the price of oil should advance and coal come down in price, the proposition to install pulverized coal equipment would become very attractive. We are enclosing three cats of the Burhham Plan which will give you some idea of the machinery required for an installation of this kind. The track hopper and elevator are already in place so that the 24" belt wamild receive the coal from the present bunker and deliver it to the chute leading to dryer. 43 fhe following report from the C omoustion Sconomy Corporation seems to os a very preliminary report. and really does not give a cor yreixmnaive solution of the problem. It appears, in oanmrison with the .uigisy report, to be s ver, genoral estirute and on the face of {t, shows very little work cn the part of tha @ompany. In sunstance the report ig s- COMBUSTICH 200 Mi. COs. 4 - 400 HP. Joilers, - 5 » 760 Ibs. mer hour. 2 - 550 Herve " 950 a - B90 Wale " =. a 2.600 " we Totul - - Jf,720 ~~ =~" n@ note that your total tonne now is about 60 tons per day, indicating thut the noilersg are not fired at 100;; Bating 2% hours oer dey. “6 would therefors suggest that you figure on a saving of 204 in fuel costs fired st the doiler. You would need s pproxinitaly 20 tons ocr coal par dsy7 on the aiff- erent furnaces, which would make a maxinum of 100 tone per day fow firing a pulvecising plint with a capnoity of 7-tons per hour. Phe aporoximite cost of the complete installation would be as follows: Pulverising 2quipment - - - «- = = = - [653,000.00 Buildin; for culveriaing lant 41, 500 .00 Conveying System, somplete, for hunde ling the coal to the different furnaces and pokilerse. = e2 © © ee ee em ew ow 5,675.00 Firing s;nipment for iJcllers «6,500 .00 “ " “ Furnaces 38 .450 00 | Approx. Total Cost of Compkete Instell:.tion « « - £149 ,525.00 45 The combustion seoncmy Corporation report seemea to cover, ina highly thereotic:1] way, a suving thet might reanlt from a chuinge in the Loilor room from stokers to pulverized coal. It will b2? noted thet this company allows only 1.5 ¢ per eis be. fcr powsr, while tne Reo Cos, pays 2.5f per KeW. hre Tiis wuld oxe tha powar iten:77.95 instead of $88.77 as c~iven in their report. Ha are sorry to a7 trat the Reo vover Jlant does not have a daily loz sheet, nor heve they any data avallanle as to the efficiency of the mllers. This is & great hundicip in mking out 4 problem of this cort. Therefor we dunsider that this company is given ua we fr as it is possible, as good & report on the saving to ce ootuines. It Will] be notec thet this con sny does not selieve that it would ne eccnomicesel to change frem o11 tc pulverise: coal in the heat tre:it furneces. The report is es rollowsa: 46 Pas . UNG Fy f.7t ot _¥ , . 's * . om 2 CO 23 OU LEGS bested. cee oh iW ow da assuming an efficieng,s of 65, und using © eoul consum.tion cf sG tuaa yer duyus civen, the present stean load Would ve &loroxi sy tely 40,CCO deilere ATHe ,Wr diye Cost ut® Srenoit fon yuel see tons ~ 4 7 el u ton eesceee:, 005 200 Libor eesti NTBe H0¢ eeoneeracve-s ole + 099 20 akinzg & ocot pear selle’. he OF eOlLd It m.y pe th. on dcoking over the plsnt you Gun decide that tha afficiency «8 ussumed is not corract, end in thet event you caa ch ne the snove figures to suit. “ne cost with pulverized fuel base: on the same Jord as sbove Eni Saoumine cond of LE,COO Wa vould oout, pulv. rized to the alant, .7.10 per ton, and ausuming an opera. ing efficiency of 75. vhich is easily ontuinslle with pubnerized fuel, we arrive 4ttim followin, fisures “whtah are approximatel, correat: FUG] ceeccasesdS tons — . 7e1C & TON ceoeeeee 468.50 2ower for prepurution of the coul 6nd -iringe oo tons 20 ge Tate por ton ateOid5d ver im hr. 22.77 Liscr coveria,; tha followin: men: 1 - ffremmn - 24 hrs 60d - 14.40 L- 4snmen - 12 mrs 50g = 6.CO 1 = pulve. attnt. 16 75d - 7.50 le-uaryer " 1O- v0g = 6260 l - conveyor sattnt. - 16 56g 6.00 78.50 47 Coal for dryer eee 12 ton ” a? elO poeeetedO Repairs & LuoricuntsS ease 15¢ per ton hiundled eoneccesncncccnanne- DAK | (17.00 The cost of tha preparntion 6nd firing enuipment would oe approximitely £110,000. Ausuming interest ~ 64, taxes ~ 2,5 and denreciétion ° 84, the total eunnunal charve for the ancve would de 817,600 or on a SOO day basis “53.65 per duye qirty tts -~,- ba ~ « a dé ae and £ Mua] ceossnccnccccesccccnasenseoes 04050060 rower SBS RHRSCAERSSCHEESHSLHOSSESES ES @ 22077 Lo por SOSSRSSROHBSCLASHSSSESSS FEF 23 290 Coal for dryer, reporirs & LuoricantsS eesceee 17 200 Interesat, deaorecistion & taxes 68.205 7, Otal @eagmse@eeneeoeeseeeca ene tcaeaaeneeceoa Geen dade @ Be 0 H5e98 605.92 ejuals .0151 por Boiler horsepower hour. 40, OOO ® 33868 on 80,000 3eHere por day, the followin; charges would ve approxinitely correct: FUCl eoeolSd tons © <7 10 per ton eoney 955260 2ower for preperation ana firinjz: - ae kt per ton ~ .015 D8F Lil eaonenconanse 42.92 Labor consisting of the follcwinz: 1 fireman 20254 bra ~ WOg secacenes: 14 240 1 ash mn ..]2 hia - 50g eoecaeeecseoe 6 OO 21 oulv.e “titinde lu 75g eetasecere 2 e00 iL dryer " eel | 50g @eececeaces 8 200 50 200 Coal for dryer .efel tons © G.10 14.91 Re xirs and Luoricents Loy _ 20.40 ~ on -_ > ©5edl 48 s uel wc cocecenccccccncccccase 5, 155260 ulver ized Coal For Steam Goneration" ~- - Bulletin 17 from Fuller sngineering Co., Allentown, cennaylvania. "“Pulverised Coal For Roasting and sSmelhting ino Orey" - - Bulletin oy H. R. Collins of the Fuller sngineering Co., Allentown P&e "powdered Coal" - - 3ulletin 2 Combustion iconomy Cor poration Chicugo, Il. ">ulverised Coal for Boilers” -- 3ulletin # 600 Fuller ing ineering Co., Allentown, Pa. ee tap nak \ Tae Shan trary a iii 175 5675 93 03 | i