iii MV LIBRARY Michigan State University MSU LIBRARIES A RETURNING MATERIALS: Place in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. THESIS . Four and Six Horse Teams On The Farn, ° Ay . BY, ‘ . poe OE a. - E.D.A.True- Class of ’78, My object in this paper,is to propose a reduction ofexpemse to the farmer of Michigan, by increasing the number of horses in a team, from two or three, to four or six, and correspondingly reducing the numper of men eiployed in cultivating the soil and hauling loads. What I shall say on tnis subject, is based on a growing experience of fifteen years, it oeing about that length of time, since we began using four horse teams on the farm. Since that time we have gradue ally passed from the occasional use of a four horse team to the almost constant use of four,five or six horse téans, for plowing, harrowing,rolling, and so forth, and the frequent use of four horses, for hauling loads, especially on the road. Our first systematic use of four horses, began before the ;eneral introduction of the springtooth harrow,when the wheel cultivator was almost universally used in tae spring, for working up 7alli plowing. Cultivating was such heavy work, that when the ground was at all aard, one of tnree evils generally followed; either the horses were overworked, the work was poorly done, or the cul€ivator and man had to stand idle one third of tne time, while the horses were resting. This we observed and undertook to remedy, by putting a span of horses on e@ch side of the pole of our cultivator, and found as @ result, that doing the work thoroughly,one man, one cultivator and four horses would, cultivate as mich as two men, two cultivators, and four horses. From that time forward we wlways did our cultivating with four horses. L039314 ern - ~ 9 ‘e 4 _ es <« - . . . * . ° : a +e @ - , . . I - ~-, 4 yo daa — 1 a ( - a - ® + ver - + . ~ . e 7 . ‘ « . e oo n. - ~ . . - . . + - s . - er +2 , * . = ; -y . ’ . e « z . J ‘ , od 1 ae - . é oe ar : “-4 een * ~ oe . J . 4 - ~ . er] ~ ‘ < 14 ~. . te : 8, + 7» d s a i e , 4 : - ow c - 4 i Tt. a ‘ wy ~~ ‘ { 4 . . an -4 - - : « 4 ms 2 ™ ° t 4 o ~- . - s td ~ ' Sw ‘ t « @® . ® =~ $ é x. . , ~ 1 ~~ - cow ° — e- wi. ~~, od “~~ _~ - - ~~) . e - 74 a ‘= ~ «a r+ > . ‘ a) 2 s . w » & = o- - - ay - . “oe - ae 1 d° . «4 ¢ * v o we \ 2 e ‘ - After cultivating with four,our next step was coupling two harrows together,and trying four on them. Two harrows however when coupled together, proved to draw much harder than when seperate, consequently though with grave missgivings as to whether we were not over- stepping the bounds of prudence, we applied six horses abreast, and with such satisfactory results tuat six abreast became a regular institution with us, for though two harrows together, drew harder than when seperate, the work done was so much more effective that we considered it no waste of energy. After using two harrows together we soon coupled two rollers together, and also used various combina- tions of tools as for isstance, a roller or a Randall dise with a harrow hitched behind, A arrow with a roller behind it, a spring tooth with a spdke tooth behind it, and occassionally 4 train of three tools together; ast of all we added a gang plow, which turns two large furrows and requires six horses to draw it, and with which one man plows four acres 4 day, so that at present nearly all our cultivating operations, are done to a greater or less extent, in a wholesale manner. We have been advancing along these lines, year after year, because byxxgaxdakxg we believe we receive benefits by so doing.- What are they? First, and most directly, we save wages and board of one or two men in the most hurrying time of the year, agregating perhaps there are four months for one man, in the course of the year. This is not a vast saving, but is good as far as it goes, but the benefits do not stop with wages and board, for when we lesses our gang of men, we lessen tne cost of super vision. If I send three men into a field, with two horses each, I know that they are almost certain either intentionally, or unintentionally, to waste each others time, and experience has taught me, that it pays to keep near enough to know what ig going.on thegge Jf I eombine the six horses into one team, with one driver, I am practically care free for I find by experience a eer ~ ‘~ - *s ye. 8 - - ° rv] ~ we eo . ‘ . - . Md ° .- . ae, ea, v ad . ni oe , - tq c : 4 oe. ‘ oh “ nto os . . a 3 ~ 4 . 7d 4 ot < e . . co o¢ ~ ° } ~ ~- - . sa! " . 4 » y 4 . . « - 2 . - + aos * - . os . > en - ee > - re —_ 4, a 1 ~ rt t. , . wie - e » > 44 . ~«- z an ° + ed - . , ~?* * . ~ - cw a . s ; , wo Gq = ‘ ‘ - we. ~ . 7 4 ‘ - . ‘ ; oo .~ u 7 oe « ontrm e Cc _ _ . 7 . ° e a » “ e ‘ ' . ‘ - ° es 4 . ‘» " a t . ‘ . % , ‘ - . . 3 wf ‘ - o + . . tw . ‘ a ! - . + uw. . vs ry 7 ae ~ - oe “4 4 - ~ 4 é * \ 4 Zt —# » 1 4 . ‘ of . @ 7 . .@ = ’ ) e . .- { o- : . o oe , e . - 2 Oe j e -.4 “* » ? ww that there is only the slightest danger that he will not work and work faithfully, Basponsibility has a good e@fect on men in any circumstances, and I believe that the responsibility of driving six horses, makes @ man work better than when driving two. Again, I may drive the team myself, fe®ling that I am earning tie waces of boss and all hands,. I have ridden iany a week after six horses, feelsg ing taat I was doing work worthy of a graduate of M.A, C., when I might otherwise have been plodding wearily after two, feeling myself in more than one sense, on a level with my horses. We often get considerable help in the hurrying season, by using colts and other horses which for any reason are not fit to do the full work of a horse, and would scarcely be worth driving, if we had to furnish a driver for every two, or even three. For instance, last spring we made five colts do the work of about three old horses by working them into large teams, when otherwise, they would not have been us ed. After tne corn was planted, they were turned out, and have not been hitched up since, and perhaps will not be till next spring. We often get the use of our horses by making one man drive six, when taey would otherwise be idle for want of a driver, when work not requiring horses, calls off the men, | Horses, will do whatever you set them at, without jealousy or dissatisfaction. If you want to change them from one job to another, or from one team to another, you may do so with impunity, as far as the horses are concerned. Men are more sensitive , about the way they are handled, and a man who hag eight or ten norses, and only two teamsters, can maniputate them inuch more easily, than tiie same number of horses witn four or five teamsters, Reducing the number of men out of doors, reduces the work in the house, and in fact, the farmer who can successfully work his gorses with half the usual number of teamsters, will gain advantage upon advan. 719, . ~ - . o 4s - e Raw « - ¢ - = . , o ad 4 o- . ~—- . i ' a e . . ) : -. ew. . 3d - 4 . - ’ . * ‘ - - ' . . v4 @ 4 ~ aan 4 3 + se e 4 - @. -t 1. -~« i. ® ~~, ' a . i = - - 4 . s . . — « _¢ \ ' , . - 1 . . a eT ’ ' u e ~ - ° : > ~ . . « -? . ~~ . - _—- a - ¢ . . a € - < . ~ - ‘ ~~ . - > ° > , ~e had om . mm, . . _ ‘ . 4 . ° “a ¢” soe a | e-y . ~ cd ® . ~ ¢ . - coos oo, - . es ee . . e. ~ - ’ . . . . e ‘ oe . at . ”. ‘ n ~ ° - See 4 Cod ’ , 4 ’ ~ . . * -~ , _—-- ~ ww * . eo . ~ ~d . . e _? ‘ “ " ~ ” . t= a ‘ mo 4 -~ oe rs . ' e-- « . . . Lad ~ . ~ ‘ . 6 o- , - s -¢ . 4 “ - ‘ . * 7 . * - ua ‘ . : . ° o, . * a ° ’ . : . & a ‘ ~~ " - _@ ry 4 a 9 - . . ~ ® t t -. - . ' ° ~ ; - e - . “- . . - ’ i - « “ . “ vs oe . , . . . a . “ “ ~ 7 . 7s 7 a, ° . e ' e - ey . . . . ¢ - e * ™“ . ; ’ p> +g . ee ~ . ‘o “ . ‘ v e —— ¢ ’ a ° & ry -_ 7 . ~“ : ‘ . ' ~ - + q o 4 t ” « oe ° ‘ e . . . ” ad - « . ' we @ a , ° . « . . . . * . “ ; ” aaat , . =f _ + e ~~ -~ ~ ’ ww @ ~- ~ A large factory is not an aggr®gation of smll shops under aone management. Instead of half a dozen small engines with half a dozen engineers , one large one with one engineer, furnishes the power, Instead of small machines we find barge ones, with which the same number of men, do tens or hundreds of times the amount of work. A large farm should not be an aggregation of smll ones, but large fields, large tools,large teams and wholesale methods should correspond with broadened opportunities, Though it is my Object in this Paper to advise the farmer to drive more horses in one team, I would not advocate hitching two or three span of horses to- gether, without carefully considering the safety of the plan, with reference to ones own particular horses. One man cannot manage two runwway horses, much less half a dozen, and the danger, in case of a general runaway, of course increases with the number of horses involved, therefore, be careful how you take chances by hitching up fractious horses, Farm horses are however as a rule very docile and if properly fed and managed, may be safely hitched together by the dozen, if requ red. If I have to hitch in a horse that I think is inclined torun, I ut him on for an outside horse, and hitch him to the next horses hame by his tie-strap then I put my safest horse on the opposite side of the team, and if the fractious horse starts to run, and I can’t hold him, I hold back the safe side of ny team, and the result is a circle. I have never had but one runwway in all my exper- ience with wide teams, and that, I stopped by the above tactics, making a circle, probably not more than three or four rods in diameter, and quickly subduing the runners. My manner of hitching four horses abreast, is to hitch up two span of horses as if they were to work seperately, drive them side by side, and fasten the two inside horses loosely together, by a strap three or four feet long, passing between the two inside breast strap rings. rt If I use & neckyoke, tnois strap is not needed, as its only use is to keep the two teams from straying apart. Then I take the four reins in my hands 4nd cross the two inside oneg, bringing the right hand rein of each span into my right hand, and the left hand rein of each span into my-left -hand,. Tem 1 start the four, and if necessary let the reins slip in my hands till they all draw evenly, and then without allowing them to slip out of place, I tie a single knot in each pair, just forward of where I wish to take hold in driving, thus converting the two reins in my right hand into one, and the same witn those in my left hand, the knots being within reach, so that I can shift them if necess- ary, and also reach forward of them, as is often convienent in turming . In hitching six abreast I follow the same Pian, Witching up two independent threeshorge teams, I place them side by side and tie the inside horses together by their breaststrap rings, unless neckyoked,- cross the reing as before,- start my team to see that the reins are all even, and tie, as vefore, witnin reach of tae drivers hand. For five abreast of course I place : a two uorse team beside a three horse team,cross tie reing and tie as before, The object in fasteniny, the two inside horses to- gether, either by a strap or by a neckyoke, is simply to keep the two teams from straying -apart, The reins will generally do this, in fact I used*to drive with nothing to hold my horses together, but the guidance of tiie reins, Tuis is unsafe however, as the driver is liable to accidentally pull the wrong rein and rive to two teams 4@part, or a line may become foul and produce the same result, and when the component teams bein to diverge, the driver soon Looses all controll, and the tangle becomes serious. Hired men are apt to want to tie the inside horses together by their heads as it relieves then of sometrouble in driving ,but this I never allow. -e@ o@ oe eee ee t '- . . a. yo \ ' : 7 . - » . : vay , . . oo ‘ o . . { . $ ‘ . 4 ‘ yy e ’ ° ° 4 we oo - . . ’ . “< - 1. f 7. of ‘ - . eo. wa - 4 t. t -- a . - ~ oe . a ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ ° c ‘ é me ° t y *, 4 e cee ’ ‘ . “ ye a ! “| - - . . . * . ' Ve ” *. - ‘ . rr’ - * « +t ' ® ~~ * . , - e ‘ ~ ' . . « - * - . i* t ‘ aa . . . ‘ e ‘ ‘ o t e t . ‘ . : - - . . — r » 4 1 ‘ . 4 @ ¢* oe 1 . », “ c e t ww @e . qo. . * ~ 1 ° - ~} id « « 8 & ‘ . . ® o c - 4 “ . { s . ra ~ a , After the reins are crossed and tied, tneir direction is changed, enough to cause considerable loosening of some of the cross-reins, and tighteniny of others. This must be corrected before they will work satisfactorily. This is explained by figures 1 and 2. This arrangement of reins is somewhat imperfect, but has the advantage of allowing the teams to be aliiost instantly changed from two or three abreast, to four or six, and vice versa, without tiie use of extra straps, which for my own use I consider an essential consideration, I have no doubt that for use exclusively on four or six horse teams, reins might be contrived, that would de more satisfactory, but the advantage just mentioned is of such paramount importance for my own use, tnat I nave.mewerattempted to make a chanye. The imperfection just mentioned in tne working of this system of reins will be explained by Figures 5,4 and 5 more easily than I can explainit otherywise,Bn these Figures tae position of the horses is represented by the position of the bits, a straight pull on B figure one and Zoosining of A makes the horses take the position shown in Figure @, thereas they should take the position indicated in Figure 5, which is done by stepping to the left and making A. & B, take the position A* & B" or by reaching forward of K. on the right hand branch of tne rein B.,loosening the rein A. This makes the right hand horse act as a pivot for the whole team to revolve upon. ‘In actual practice after horses become used to working together they will generally turn almost without guidance, one horse standing nearly still sometimes even backing a Little, while the rest swing around him. The time and space required for turning not being nearly so great as a novice would naturally soppose. On my own harness I ia e adopted a style of rein which I consider superior for any purpose, to taht generally in use, put which is especially adapted to ° - ' . . 4 os ” - . . . e » eo . \ ' x an e ’ . ~ - ‘ Y “ i} i 4 be oa ~ - tee “ey , . ° . - Y e 4 “T * “ t ‘ ‘ i . . Nene . . » * ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ e e ' s ‘ e L ? , ‘ z 8 a. ee , > - 1 i ty g . sok . ‘ ! . a £ + ” 1 e 4 . ‘ a i o . . , r « “V 9 a % . 4 oo ° ” a a « = i . . é , . : Figure l. Figure 2, Figure 1. Represents by means of reins and bits, two span of horses side by side, ready to have reins crossed and tied. a.b.c.d. Reins. e.f.g.h. Cross reins. Figure 2, Represents the same with reiyns crossed and tied. It is evident that the cross-reins f.and g. will be loosened 4and also that e.and h. tightened. This tightening and Loosening must be corrected or the horses will not drive properly. P \ | , é ¢ he t « \ 7 \! VF \ i K Aj] B Figure De Figure &, Figure 4, use on wide teans, as 1t allows of unlimited change in the leny;th of tue two forks of the rein in either direction without the need of buckle holes and also allows the long and snort branch of the rein to cnany places without turning the rein over or changing tie distance o? tue fork froin tiie bits. I can explain the comparative workings of the two reins more easily, by referrin,; to Figure 6 and figure 7, Whe ordinary form of rein is siown at Figure 6 and consists of two peices, the ¢tem A.B.C. and the cross rein d.D..sliding on the stem by means of the buckel B. Bd. is supposedto oe longer than b.C. DD . - 2 po > ee _ _ SL ean er a - = A B C , Fijsure 7. but in ease of driving six abreast B.& C. sometimes has to be ade lonyrer than B.d. which makes it necess- ary to turn the rein over or slide the buckbe B. alon,:; distance on the stem,making the fork come much farther from the hits than was intended, and -aking it necessay to nave a long row of buckle holes punched in the stem in order to allow of so much shifting. The rein that I prefer is also composed of two parts as seen in Figure 7 D A.B. steia whieh is simply a straisht strap wit fie end turned back and sewed down making, a loop at B. . . \ ' , - . “ ’ . “a e- a ww : c Ls . « t : + . i} a ' ‘ ' 1 \ ’ ce . e Oar Ce ~ C.B.D. the cross rein is a continous strp 12 feet long with the usual arrangements for fastening it into the bits, and looped upon the stem as represented at B, When the loops are drawn upon they will not slip but are easily loosened, when the cross-rein may be sli ped in either direction as far as desired. I often use a stem or handpiece of quarter inch rope, looped upon the leather cross-rein, this makes a very light,bheap rein that any one can make in 4 few minutes, of any length desired.- For driving six the reins need to be uncommonly long and lightness is also consideration. A whip long enough to reach the remotest horse is an essential part of the drivers outfit. This need not be an expensive braided affair but may be cut from a good heavy boot leg or some other piece of firm leather, Six abreast make a rather loose jointed team and the driver must not expect to hold them as strictly to place as if driving two, and if they get out of the proper course, are not to be brought back suddenly by @ sharp pull, but gradually by an easy curve, The guiding of six abreast reminds me of the steering of a large boat, the man at the wheel never stops turning it, first a little to the right and then a little to the lef$,so with six abreast, the driver mus t be constantly touching this rein then that, nip- ping in the bud each incipient curve, not making and straightening great ones. The easiest way to drive six, if walking, is to tie the reins aogether and put them around the body, The force required to straighten so many reins, will very materially lessen the labor of walking: while if holding the reins simply in the hand the strain on the hands and arms is very tiresome. I always feel however that a six horse driver deserves to ride and when using a tool without a seat as for instance, a harrow, I generally couple on @ little cart made for the purpose, which aijditts much to the comfort of the driver and not very much to the draught of the team. When unhitching four and especially six horses the driver will necessarily be out of reach of several horses most of the time and they are apt to take advantage of this and begin to stray away causing much trouble. Do not allow one to start till all are ready to go and if necessary have a light strap or rope ready and pass it through a bit ring of each horse snapping or tieing it to the two outside ones, this will prevent all trouble and when all are unhitché it can be unsnanped at the ends and pulled out. This plan will prevent much trouble and if the horses are inclined to be frisky perhaps weal danger. My plan and constant aim when working horses is, whateva tool I am using, to have power enough to keep it going constantly, I do not intend to have the team stop much more than I do a threshing machine. From the time they start till time to turn out, it is as steady jog,- not fast, unless the footing is firm and the work light but constant. When a team has to rest every few minutes the time thus consumed, soon amounts to an alarmingly great part of the day, and resting will wery likely be carried to excess if the drivers inclination leans that way, and if net the horses will be in danger of being overwork ed. What would you think of a teamster who on the road constantly loaded his horses so that they hd to rest every mile? You would say he was a fool and not fit to drive a horse. How much better is a farmer who does the same thing in his field? Horses worked so hard that they have to be rested frequently are much more likely to have sore sholders, than when worked moderately and continually, and of all the jobs that fall to the lot of a teamster, I think nursing a sore shouldered horse is about the most discomrayeing and of ail the abases carried on by respectable people, I count working a horse with the collar pressing into a raw sore about the worst. A ‘four or six horse evener, with whiffletrees attached., is a heavy thing at the best, and should be made as light as possible. The easiest way to reduce the weight, and keep the strength, is to reduce the Length, and consequently the other diminsions, of the os %~ “se 4 4 e ‘ @e - a 5 ¥ ‘ ; e a - % ~. whiffletrees. For most work I prefer whiff!etrees two and one half feet long to those three and&x@mg@xx feet long, and they only require to be about two thirds as ieavy. When using this length of wiiffietrees the long evener for six horses should be eight and one half feet long and four horses, six feet long; These Lengths aliow for three inches of timber at each end beyond the pin holes, and also a little distance between tne ends of the whiffletrees. When an evener is made it should have several holes bored at each end, also several in the middle, to allow plenty of latitude for giving light horses the advantage, and also in case of a six horse evener, to allow of its being used for five horses, A three horse evener when composed of a long arm and a short armed , should always, if possible be attached to the main evener with the long arm out as in this position, it is much Jess likely to foul against the main evener than ghen the long arm is turned in, ‘ Every evener whether for two ,three, four or six horses should have @ centre clevis and ring, by which to attach it to whatever is to be hauled, and every Implement, to which horses are to be attached, wherther it be a wagon,plow,harrow or roller , should have a hook to whieh the evener may be instantly attached, without taking off the centre clevigs and ring. If wagons and cultivators have hammer straps and pins and other tools have attachments requiring a centre clevis and ring, the pins will be changed about and often missing and so will the clevises and rings. This I know by experence, but the universal rule of a hook on every rool and a clevis and ring on every evener has ended this trouble, Do not use a staple instead of a clevis and Tring, in the centre of an evener, as it offers the greatest opportunity for a lazy horse to take advantage of a free one, a thing which should be guarded against in any team, but especially whe drév@pgmore than the usual number of horses. soe i) ww f . wa * ¢ a c , zg v » a eo - ‘ of. Ne oe’ . - . ’ . Q ‘ - ws 4 . ‘ . ~ ‘ . . ¢ “tos eee ‘ = : . . - { ry wt ae Oa . { . . a ~ & oe ~ » noo : » 4 4 ~ . ° . ‘ ‘ . ee . e et ¢ . ' + 4 . ‘ , + & x ta 4 om @ . ~ a 4 - — a « 9 - e , . L . , e _ a4 . C. af a! . oo . i ° ' ‘4 » ‘ 2 & \ s . ‘ . o, oo . 3 ad re ro a~ ' ; . fo, my _ . ‘} a. ; ’ qa a wo “ s t , ae + @ t oo a ‘ wy ‘ ¢ a? . x . ‘a ’ 4 & - é e eo. ‘ 2 ote * . . , eo w . ‘ ast he ” ea om . » 43 ' wv e . . Qos. _— . ° ~ a . ® ' a + . boa’ ’ . e ‘ . 7 ‘ ’ , . ee . . 4 ‘ << o . $d d toa « 5 ‘ ¢ a . . er +s . e 4 te a & & * . 7 4 ‘ ‘ Y ~ 5 é C “4 e . . a o. a ¢ a * ~ e rt 4 ef be we - 9 anew boo Figure 8. In attaching four horses to a pole a four horse neckyoke is a very good thing, but les not practically necessary. Figure 8 shows a pole with four horse whiffletreest and neckyoke, connected by traces and breaststraps, where it is evident that if one horse goes ahead, another must fall back correspondingly, and the tension on oreast stTgps and neckyoke remain cons- tantly the same. Po ly fH op: La Figure 9, Figure 9 shows pole with four horse whiffletrees and two horse nekkyoke, where it is evident that 1f the two fMiddle horses advance and the outside ones fall “F pack the tendency is to slip the neckyoke off the end of the tongue. On tne contrary if the outside horses advance and the middle horses fall back, the traces and oreast straps of the inside horses being practicaiy continious straps, pecone taujsht, and the terdency is for the outside horses to draw the entire load, the inside horses simply supporting the pole, by means of the tightened traces and breast straps. To avoid these troubles the end of the tongue should project well beyond the neckyoke ring, to pre- vent its slipping off, and the breast straps siould be long and rather loose, which will counteract the other difficulty. For driving six abreast on a pole a four horse neck yoke is necessary as the two difficulties just wentioned are increased to such an extent as to be serious practical difficulties, wien only two uorses Suppor t tule pole. Figure 10 shows a four horse neck yoke, p44 f— > ¥ 7 7 | al EE _——— Figure 10, A and b are ordinary two horse neckyokes, C four horse neckyoke, wl ch is twice the Llenjth of a two horse neckyoke and madg@f a good piece of agh or rock elm board one and one half inches thick, by four or five incaes wide in the centre and tapering at the ends to about two inenes. D.d.hookb by which ¢c is attached to a4&b , H.R light clevises by waica tie ring is fastened to c. This neckyoke is ver easily made and can be. ang van tly attacned and detached by means of tne io: ' With reference to implements, suitable for whole- sale farming in Michigan, volumns might well be written It is not my aim however to go beyond a point where I pelieve my suggestions might be of immediate practi- cal value, to a large nwaber of Michigan farmers. The plow is the great foundation implement, and though improved by thousands of inventors, and bought to great perfection in some respects seems to be the hardestof all tools, to increase in width by multipli- cation; There are yang plowshowever, that work well under favorable circumstances and would be very valuable tools on many farms, except for the difficulty Attaching and driving the horses. In sperking of gangs, I refer only to those composed of two plows. uakers of gangs generally claim that they can be operated successfully by three horses, and that if four are required they can be driven successfully abreast without driving a horse on the plowed ground. I have tried a number of gangs, but they all draw so hard that to work them with three horses, is not even to be thought of, Et is possible to work them with four horses, if the ground is in nice condition and the furrow not too large , but this brings the Mitch so far to one side of the plow as to be objec- tfonable, and even with the shortest whiffletrees, crowds the furrow horse very badly. I am satisfied that one might partially relieve this troubles by lengthening the traces, say from three to six feet, by introducing some tace chains, and I should certainly try this if I wanted to use four horses on a gang. I think a better plan would be to hitch five abreast, putting one horse on the plowed ground and giving him the advantage to compensate for the hard traveling. Pits would give.powereenough, to turn two furrows re wéf1, and also bring the hitch in the same place, ast@®* using three horses which I consider tne only proper hitch for a two furrow plow. Whoever can manage to run 4 gang, successfully will find it a great help in pushing work along, espec lally fal) Plowing, when apple picking and corn on oe + ‘ . ’ . ' : . . - ‘ “ : ° 7 ° ‘ ‘.¢ : . a ’ : / ! a * i . ; . ~ wo. - . ® ‘ . . , ~ . * . . 2 ; . . o . s 6 =. . s - ~ a . 1 . - . . . . LU 4 -_ ‘ ed t e - . ‘ x . & . . ; . ' ” . . ; - my ' ; : ’ . r a ; . . 1 ‘ C . - , . . . = 7. . oe a . ° - ‘ : - t ‘ ‘ . . ° . « : : , oy . ' + ' . a x Hoa ~ a. a . 1 . . . p . f . . - rw ge e . : . ‘ . . . ‘ . . ; “ . . . & . your : ' 1 me ° - . a : . . ; ‘ ‘ LS . ; : . ‘ - ca . . . . r - < - & ‘ / e . + ‘ * e . * ‘ ‘ harvest call off the men and leave the horses idle.On my own gang I drive tree horses abreast on the pole and three abreast for leaders, this makes an elegant and powerful tean, but ag it requires the addition of an elevated seat on the plow for the driver, and the usé of a whip about twenty five feet long, it is of little use to reccomend it to any but a professional four horse teamster, On the whole gang plows work .,xZaxxas das far as I have observed is not first class, but I think it averages as well as the work done by hired men with walking plows. I strike out and finish up my own lands with the gang and think I do so as well ag can be done with any sulky plow, To apy one interested in gangs, I would say don’t buy till you try and reserve the right to be your own judge whether or not the plow is a success, W With reference to harrows for four or six &reast I can simply give my own manner of combining two in one. Harrows as we buy them are usually composed of two leaves hinged together and hooked to & coupling evener To combine two in one simply place them dide by side remove the short coupling eveners and substitute one long enough for both harrows, with four hooks instead of two. This makes a tool too wide to run steadily when the hitch ig@ only in one place in the middle of the long coupling evener, and requires a crotch iron or chain as shown in Figure ill. Figure ll. — _ va o-4 a@.b. Long coupling evener. e.c.c.c.c Hooks by which harrows are attacned. d.d.Clevises, e.e. Iron rods with loops in each end by which they are aitacned to d.d. and also to the hook f, I have often thought of making a harrow with eacn section independent of the others, except for being hitched to the same long evener in front. This would allow much preater freedom in raising - a great advantage., and also the sections might be coupled toyetuer in odd numbers allowing one to use three or five sections togetier, instead of confining him to tue use of four, The coupling for two rollers consists of @ wooden stretcher between the ends of the two tongues to keep them always at the proper distance, ada short cnain say 18 inches or 2 feet long, iooked to the adjacent ends of the gust rollers just tight enough to prev- ent one roller from yetting ahead of the other, The teams are attached as if the rollers were to be used sepemately then driven side by side the stret- cher fastened between the tonprues and the chain hooked The seat is the most difficult part of tne outfit as the driver naturally wants to sit directly behind the middle of his team, which would be over the ends of the two rollers where there is no suitable »lace to attach the seat. A plank extending between the seats of the two rollers or some other support in the middle of each roller ,furnishes a seat on which the driver can take any position he desires, and also brings all the weight at the proper points. This plank seat must needs slide endwise at one support or the other as these two supports must evidently change there distance from each other, with the tipping of the rollers and also as one roller advances or receded with reference to the other as 1t must continually do. The exact arrangement that I use would. “be here, as my rollers were made with special reference to peinz used together, Figure 12 will pive a su;estion that will I think be practicably applicable on most of tue rollers " in use, e . - ar, , . @ <« a ~ 4 - vf a ‘ ' x . . ew : , ~ - 2 . ‘ ' ” a * : ‘. ‘ , » . Mo [a . ’ ; - ae a . , : Nee ~ - ’ . ‘ , , * : ° r 1 ® 4 @ e q aan . ' ' cr . , - C ‘ : . % > . Nw a ‘ 4 ‘ zy L . , a“ &~ > . . , «. ‘ ’ -' o - ' . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ ’ @ € > - 4 . ‘ . \ . —- ° . ‘ » . et t. \ Oe . ° ‘ ° ‘ 4 - « os C. « -) * o ~ é . ‘ 4 ww o ‘ ‘ 2 onan \ e e e e e °° a4 .. e . e é ‘ i * t . t . ° - . oe - . rf . 4 . » to . 7 ‘ a 7 bee . » he . 4 - . . . t -~ € ~ 1 - ‘a4 - t "m/* . 4 A a& . eo, ‘ 4 ‘ rps - & a. rm, . ~ 1, £ , - ' “4 . . . , . . ay ‘ t » a &- . t Nv es Figure la. @.a. Roller seat standards. bob. Pieces of scAntling bolted to standards and projecting backwards from under seats. ce Plank seat extending between the two standards. d. Rolter on which one end of the plank slides. e, Bolt on which tiie other end of tiie plank turns. This arrangement of rollers leaves a narrow strip of unrolled ground, between the two rollers which may be disregared or rolled like the rest by the means of a small roller attached to one of the others, A very pleasant way of cultivating is to hitch one tool behind another as a harrow behind a roller. This is a favorite plan because it is so easy to make the hitch with a couple of short chains and some hooks on the roller frame. I also use a roller behind a harrow which I con- Sider really a better combination in most cases for several reasons, lst.- It leaves the ground rolled which is often a benefit. and.- It makes a better footing for the horses when going over it the next time. 3rd. It is perfectly killing to lumps great or small, as moist ground is stirred by the harrow, and pressed by the roller with only the lapse of a second or sO, and has no chance to become hardened by the sun or wind. It requires however that the tongue be removed from the roller and a short ohw substituted, and also a somewhat complicated attachment applied to the harrow to receive the end of the short tongue, allowing it lateral motion in turning and also vertical motion in ppassing over inequalities in the surface of the ground. See Figure 153. Figure 15. &. Foundation of wood or iron of any shape con- venient for fastening to the harrow, b. U shaped piece of tron or wood to which the roller tongue c. is attached by means of the pin d. e. Bolt by means of which b. turns on 4, "ry e a €- ew es * = we mo In hitching four or six horses to @ tool having a pole it is necessary to guard against putting too much wei:ht on tne necks of the horses, I have in mind my own dise harrow on which the place for tne whiffletrees was originally above the tongue, but which I have changed to @ point a consid- erable distance below, Fizpure 14 gives approximately acurate measurements taken from this tool which will sefweto illustrate this point. — \ _— . \ ~. WLS Ay Figure 14, a Dise, b. Pole. ce. Whiffletrees in original position. c* Whiffletreeg in new position. ced. Trace in original position, e.d. Trace in new position. d. Point of attach ment to hames both of trace and breast straps. e.c. Trace produced. Now with the whiffletrees c. in the original position, f.g. at right angles to e.c.d. would represent the short arm of a@ lever with the horses attached at f., the fulecrom at g. and ged. the long arm bearing on thenecks of the horses at d. Then the short arm f.g. which is 1 1-2 feet :.gd. which is 14 l-2 feet :: 12: 9 From which we see that when the whiffletrees are placed atc. 1-9 of the entire draught of the horses comes on theneck of the team This harrow originally intended for two horses, when set to its full capacity furnishes abundance of work for four. Now let us hitch on four horses with the two middle horses carrying with tonyues an a set of four horse whiffletrees weighing 50 pounds at c. add to this 1-9 of the entire draught of the four and we will have a weight on the neckyoke sufficient to soon lay the team up with sore necks,- Moral- Put the whifflee trees at c% To the average farmer, four horses appears to be @ ponderous and unwieldy team, when in truth it is not a hard team to drive, and can be handled with ease in a good large garden, and I believe that many 4 fare - mer who has driven horses all his life, would as readily undertake to run the Frie Rail Road, as to hitch up and drive six, still they can be handled to advantage in any medium sized field, that is not full of objections and after one has become used to such teams, the feeling on going to work with two is that of throwing away ones time and probably not less so than in case of a man used to driving two or three horses on going to work with only one, I have spoken of driving large teams in cultiva- ting the soil and I believe that four horses ought to be a very common team for hauling loads on the road, a large part of the farm produce of Michigan, is hauled from three to five miles, to market, and much of it farther, and all by teams of two horses, each driven by a man who with a little practice, might just as well drive four and haul nearly or quite, twice as muche Farmers frequently pass my door hauling loads with two overworked horses, when I know they have horses lying idle at home that might just as well help to haul much larger loads and still have the work easy for alle What is the reason of this, - Our roads are straight- our bridges are good= We can hardly think au - t, - 4. -_ ~ 4 v- é we. — es ——7 ° > 8. . - ey . 4 -é a “7 d ~« ' - “ s o e ' - . e- - © . ‘ * ‘ a . - -4 “3 ~- . . no ‘ t~6 - . a , a“ _f& ~~ 4 > “ e ad Le . - “4 . @ + ° « - es <4 a * . ad ‘ - : eae ca « — . ~ a oft - ws a as << s ' . - ew e , re aw » . . ° ' * - ~ « * ~ 4 a wet ’ ‘ ‘ wend ~ r - - 28 ‘ - . @ SN . “74 ~ 4 a . . + Ld ment) , q - TO ‘ . : —€ ‘ j . @ ‘ ~ : . . =i - %. s isd ~<« =. é ae 4 es ae . ‘ as that our men and boys, are not as capable as in other countries, a din other parts of our own country, where four horse teams are@® common, both on the farm and on the road. I can see nothing in it but a habit, A wasteful , shiftless habit, in which the whole community has in- dulged, till a four horse team in tne hands of a farmep is considered a danyerous monstrosity, only to be used in case of absolute necessity, and then with two drives and @ foo tman. Such a state of things, is am indoustrious and energetic community, where we boast of our quickness, to adopt and carry out every new plan, for making aor saving money and where every man is a teamster is a paradox of folly beyond my comprehension, I can only compare it to the state of things that missionaries say exists in barbarous countries, where the people cultivate the ground with crooked sticks, and though freely furnished with improved implements, throw them away and return to there@id methods. What is the matter of the farmer? The trouble is that he lacks education in the principles of meche - @htc&. and engineering,+ The principles that govern *that application of power to work. The horse is the farmers engine, and he will never have any thing but a two or three horse power, until the agricultural implements manufacturer, moved by his own selfish interest, gets up one for hin, unless he makes an effort in this direction himself, Professor barrows, Dr.Beal, and Dr. Kedzie, can answer his entomological, botanical, and chemical ques tions better than he can hope to do himself, But mechanical questions arise almost daily that if solval at all must be solved immediately and by the farncr, - shits Ii,anu witout slighting the others, these are the questions that he omght first of all, to prepare him self to solve if he hopes to advance, Education cures the barbarian of plowing with a crooked stick, and the right kind of education, will cure the Michigan farmer of wasting his time in larye Smooth fields, and on straight turnpikes, with the x ‘oe 7. . ° ‘ tm * ~ % . ® we - ? . . @ > ~- 4 ‘ , . . « + *, w* . . Py * ~ . e ‘ 4 x =~ e 1 . nm, 4 7 . . . . in] ~~ ‘ . = - > od wd e e ’ a - ¢ . - ~ ~ ™_ =~. oe — . . ‘ =e * - - t . ~ _ — « : . § 4s . . . x - : 5 - ~ J . é ee ° - > . | . Fj * . ‘ " 4 ' ° . Gye 4 ‘ ’ . . . e . ’ , ’ . . , e+ ° 7 ~ » ?¢ @ ¢ , ” e-- ‘ , . a . . q ’ . . . , ° , a at —-—a o- v . . id , . . o-- * ‘ . , ™ - ae >» a ad - , . . . t - , we * ' * . 4, - . mS . e ~? a - . : . . .: J - , 7 a “ ~~ ; ~ . . « ~ ° . . a — o . s C 75 . . ¢ g u . 4 . 1 , « e@ ~ . 7. . . ‘ -.- ; . ‘ 5 . , ww < - o ” . - . . . * ~~ * : 4 . rT ~ 4 : 7 - . ~ . - 2 ° ‘ . - , ® , Boe . ' 5 , ~ S o ~ . 4 . ‘ -< ’ . 4 ” . . « ~ . - e “ . : . = - ’ - » ’ ‘ eae . 1 ‘ ae e , L 8 e ~ . . ¥ . -4 ae ' ’ - aa ‘ co * s -” ae 4 * . e i game team that his grandfather used, wien he nad only alittie patch of stumy clearing, no bridges 4nd no roads. 2 ee PE etme yy AN Te el 14 | eal ney bese bw Bee “Ti” 3175 6889 3 1293 > ec — _ 2.ESS — — —— 9S cS =e =— 2 =—o —_—_ — —— < SS p—— _——