er ‘~~ 4 MO0aNNAE 3 1293 1004 & If tI ~~ 4 . , . . . / . 2, . > < : A . . . we wv y . a ° at a e : of nq . ’ ‘ e a ‘ ~ . j . . L h . w ‘ . vf » . pa . . * I a en es ee . . ; . “ for t GRADE CROSSING, ELIMINATION OF KALAMAZOO STREBT & NeY.0eR Re A THESIS SUBNITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE MICHIGAN AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Guy Re Bennett Charles Ee Brum Canidates for Degree of Baghelor of Science. June, 1922. THESIS CO4., | INTRODUCTION. fhe abolition of the grade crossing at Kalatasoo Street and N. Y. 0. R. Re in Lansing, has been a subject of agitation among oitisens and tax payers. ‘The city covers a large area in proportion to its population, anf consequently has an unusual mijage of Railroad. Only one grade crossing on the north side of the oity has been abolished. The main through- fare of the city is Michigan Avenue. To relieve the congestion moh of the traffic is forced to the next perallel streets north end south. Kelamasco Street is the firet parallel street sonth of Michigan Avenue. Persons journeying from one side to the other are in oonstant danger from the Express trains, and the greatest care of watchmen cannot avert oocassional disaster. The subjeot herein treated is not a new one. It is not our purpose to design structures for this crossing, but to consider the possible mthods of separating the street from the Railroad. 93902 miiesiane ry ed ‘ane ot tenn tia intaviaina, e a . ~ prreneeneel Ae anaes ane \ } ii ; ee Ha oti jp /™ i . } rit] ae ae | ; th : oe ye “ff “ } ey i rt ' ! toi ~ : HY a = ~~ ' . 2 a a YY Dangerovs Point! Intersection of Halamazeo St and NYC. AR Tracks at Present Gridge A bproach — View from West Side of Fiver Showing Hahn's Boat house, Fresent Bridge and Line of Praposed Structure, tore ee 5 7 et r a Saas - a pannel u 7, coe ee : : $ \ I | v ° e a Pages. \ Introduction ------.-—--- HOR Re meme meme - g Discussion ----- ween nnn eee wenn nnn ween ee 5 Topographic MAP one ww www nnn mee mn eee nm mn een Discussion of Proposed structure coe em ene nee 5 Pioture of Structure (minature) ------------ Graphioal Analysis of Aroh done neeeneenenenn 6 Batimate of Cost ----------~--- en ne ee en ee we 8 Feasibility of Projeot --------------------- 9 POCKET Preture Of Sfhructure | No. f Profile OF Center Line No Z Graphicel Analysis OF Fresh No 3 MATERIAL SUPPLEMENTARY MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 1293 ICHIGAN STATE UNIV. LIB TA