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In arranging this article the above has been kept in mind and the contents have been separated in such a manner that the part to which reference would generally be made, after a first careful study of the whole, -is as concise as possible. That part is naturally the one giving solutions of practical problems, and this has been separated from the description of the problems and the derivation of the formulae. The derivation of the principal ones of the latter are under- taken in separate appendixes. 103945 CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI CHAPTER VII APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX © CONP?EW#S On Speed Regulation in General........ Page Regulation with Respect to Fly-Wheel Effect Only ........ccceeeee Page Regulation with Respect to Pressure VariationsS -...ccssccccccvces Page Pressure Variations and Speed Regulation as Effected by the Pressure Regulator -..cseccccccccssece Page Pressure Variations and Speed Regulation as Effected by the Equalizing Reservoir or Stand-Pipe.... Page Pressure Variations and Speed Regulation as Effected by a Combination of Stand-Pipe and Pressure Regulator ....c.scecccccscece Page The Effect of the Synchronous By-Pass and the Deflecting Nozsle upon Speed Regulation ........ccccccce Page Derivation of Fly-Wheel Formla...... Page Fly-Wheel Effect eoeeeoeeeeeoeeeeeneeveenee Page Derivation of Pressure Variation Formila " il 16 235 38 41 45 53 56 I-l. CHAPTER I. ON SPEED REGULATION IN GENERAL. fhe success of the comparatively recent application of hydraulic power to the operation of alternators in parallel, and to the generation of current for electric lighting, street railway and synchronous motor loads, has been largely dependent upon the possibility of obtaining close speed regulation of the generating units accompanied with good water economy and without undue shock upon machinery and penstocks while working under extremely variable loads. In the present state of governor development, there is no reason why commercial regulation should not be obtained in every hydro-electric plant, and should, if not always equal to, at least be very nearly as satisfactory as that obtained in modern steam plants. This, however, can not always be accomplished by the installation of a well-designed governor alone, as the governor can only perform certain functions of many which it is necessary to execute, no matter how perfect the governor. In other words, it is necessary to put the whole hydro-electric plant in such a relation of its several parts that the governor, if it is properly designed, can perform the function necessary to obtain good commercial regulation. The ideal governor would effect a change in output by varying only Q., the quantity of water necessary for a 1 oN I - 2. given load, thus obtaining perfect water economy by con- serving umneeded water for future use. This is not possible in commercial practice, as head, water, and therefore efficiency, are usually wasted when operating a turbine under other than its normal load, and during the change of load. The regulation of hydro-electric units as now accon- plished is one of degree only, since a departure from normal speed is necessary before the governor can act. Since the immediate éffect of the gate motion is opposite to that intended, the speed will depart still further from the normal. This tends to cause the governor to move the gate too far, with the result that the speed will not only return to normal as soon as the inertia of the water and the rotating parts is overcome, but may rush far beyond normal in the opposite direction. The obvious tendency is thus to cause the speed to oscillate above and below normal (hunting or racing) to the almost complete destruo- tion of speed regulation. A successful governor must therefore "anticipate" the effect of any gate movement. It must move the gate to, or only slightly beyond, the position which will give normal speed when readjustment to uniform flow in the flume or penstock has taken place. A governor with this property or quality is commonly said to be "dead-beat". The expedient used for this purpose on hydraulio governors is called a compensating device, which may be either simple or compound. For the regulation of turbines in open flumes, where the velocity of approach does not exceed 2 to 3 ft. per sec., the effect of a gate movement only slightly increases or decreases the head, so that the immediate effect of the gate motion may be considered to do what it is wished to do, namely, increase the flow of water for gate opening and decrease it for gate closing, so that the inertia of the water may be disregarded, consideration being necessary for the inertia of the rotating masses only. Thus in plants where turbines in open flumes are used, the danger of hunting or racing is practically eliminated, and almost any desired speed regulation can be obtained, by choosing the proper value for the rotating masses. However, this is true only where the length of the draft tube is short compared with the head. The water in the draft tube must be accelerated and retarded at each change of gate opening and its kinetic energy changed at the expense of the power output in exactly the same manner as that in the penstock or flume. The effect is a tendency towards hunting and racing, and it may be found that regulation with a governor is absolutely impossible at part load. . Im any case where a draft tube is used it must be included in all calculations. If the draft tube is long and the velocity in it comparatively high, a quick closure of the turbine gates may cause the water in the draft tube to run away 3 I- 4. from the wheel, actually creating a vacuum, and then return again causing a destructive blow against the turbine. In such a case regulation of any kind is entirely out of the question. From what has just been said it is evident that with turbines in open flume, if the velocity of approach in the flume and the draft tube are of proper dimensions, the regulation of the speed is entirely a question of the inertia of the rotating masses or fly-wheel effect. (See Appendix B.) This is the simplest problem in speed regulation and its solution will be taken up in Chapter II. If the water is conducted to the turbine in a long penstock (encased turbine), a large amount of energy is stored in the moving column of water and a change in its velocity involves a change in its kinetic energy, which may, if an attempt is made at too rapid regulation, leave the turbine deficient in energy when increased power is desired, or, when the power is decreased, may produce such shocks as will seriously affect regulation, or perhaps result in serious injury to the penstock or turbine. As already stated, the immediate effect of a gate movement is opposite to that intended, due to this pressure increase or decrease. With open flume turbines these pressure variations may be disregarded, but with encased turbines they must always be carefully considered. 4 These variations can never be done away with entirely in practical cases, but they can be minimized to almost any extent by properly proportioning the various parts of a plant. The solution of such a problem is generally determined by commercial considerations, and 2a balance must be struck between cost of penstocks and cost of fly-wheels, if it is impossible or undesirable to modify conditions with other appurtenances. The solution of this problem will be taken up in Chapter III. If in the foregoing a reasonable solution, such as will satisfy both engineering and commercial conditions, or either, cannot be found, it will become necessary to consider one or more practical appurtenences. Eoonornically it will often prove desireable to consider these, even if not necessary to a solution of the problem from an engineer- ing point of view. A pressure regulator is a device attached to the turbine casing or penstock near the turbine, and opereted from the governor in such a manner that when the turbine gates are closed suddenly and a sufficient amount to disturb the regulation on account of pressure rise, it will be positively onened from the governor, sufficiently to keep the pressure rise within reasonable linits. such & pressure regulator should be adjustable so that the | amount of pressure rise for any given load change can be predetermined for any set of conditions. It should close automatically and slowly under usual conditions, so that its sudden closure will not produce @ pressure rise. It should, however, be so arranged that if, after a sudden decrease in load, during which the regulator was opened, a sudden increase should occur, the governor will positively close it quickly, as the water which would otherwise pass through the regulator, while slowly closing, is then needed to prevent an excessive pressure drop. Such pressure regulators can be designed practically, with all the functions described, and, if of sufficient size, the maximum pressure rise will not exceed 10% above normal with a load change of 100%. It will be seen from our subsequent discussion that for a fixed set of conditions the pressure drop is always less than the pressure rise, which at once shows us the value of the pressure regulator. The determination of the effect of the pressure regulator on speed regulation will be considered in Chapter IV. As has just been stated above, the pressure drop is always less than the pressure rise, and, as long as the pressure drop is within such limits as will permit satis- factory regulation, the pressure rise can be kept within safe limits by means of the pressure regulator. When, however, the point is reached where the pressure drop is excessive, the problem is again altered. The practical SS I- 7. solution of such a problem is by means of an “equalizing reservoir" or a “stand-pipe”. The effect of either is the same, namely, to reduce the effective length of the penstock, and to supply or take up water during a change of load, while the flow of the same amount of water would be accelerated or retarded in that portion of the penstock beyond the reservoir or stand-pipe. In small plants the equalizing reservoir is seldom used, as the same effect can be had cheaper with a stand-pipe. However, in large plants under medium heads, where the quantity of water used is considerable, the reservoir will usually prove more economical in first cost and of much greater benefit to pressure variations and hence to speed regulation. The larger the surface area of a reservoir or stand-pipe the smaller will be the pressure variation, which shows the advantaze of the reservoir at once. The topography of the country surrounding a power site usually decides whether a reservoir or stand-pipe should be used, as entirely artificial reservoirs may prove very expensive, and in such cases the stand-pipe is resorted to. It will often be found advantageous to change the shortest or most economical route of the pipe line to one more circuitous, in order to use a natural reservoir site, or to bring either the reservoir or the stand-pipe closer to the power-house. If the stand-pipe is of suitable diameter and close to the turbine, the speed regulation will approach that obtainable in open flume. Otherwise the problem becomes that of a 7 I —- 8. plant with a closed penstock, of a length equal to that of the draft-tube, plus the penstock from the turbine to the stand-pipe, plus the height of the stand-pipe itself. Stand-pipes to more nearly approach the effect of regulating reservoirs should have their upper part enlarged, in the shape of a tank. This tank may be supported on structural steel columns. The pipe leading to this tank should be of a diameter not less than that of the penstock. Where a power house is located near a gently sloping hillside, the stand-pipe may be laid up this hillside, and supported by it, instead of being supported by colums. Stand-pipes for heads of a thousand feet have thus been built. This problem in treated in Chapter V. From the foregoing it will be seen that the location of the stand-pipe or regulating reservoir cannot always be as desired, and the solution of the problem of pressure variation is in many cases only partially solved by then. It is true that an entirely artificial reservoir or a stand-pipe could be located almost at will, but the cost would usuelly prove excessive, and, unless a natural site for either is available, their distance from the power house will reduce itself largely to a question of cost, and the cost of increased fly-wheel effect must be balanced against the cost of closer proximity of stand-pipe to turbine, to produce the desired regulation. As already stated in our discussion of the pressure I= 9. regulator, the pressure drop is always less than the pressure rise, so that it is only necessary to bring the stand-pipe near enough to the turbine so that the pressure drop will not be excessive, disregarding the pressure rise and pro- viding for it by means of a pressure regulator. The problems arising from this combination of pressure regulator and stand-pipe will be solved under Chapter VI. If a case should arise which cannot be solved by one or more of the methods discussed, either on account of engineering difficulties or due to commercial considerations, @ synchronous by-pass in the case of the reaction turbine, or a deflecting nozzle or hood in the case of an impulse turbine must be resorted to. It may be well to state here that all of our attempts at close speed regulation are made with the idea that economy of water is of practically equal importance to close regulation and that we would regulate the speed with a governor approaching the ideal, which we have defined in the first part of this chapter. Both of the devices mentioned above, and which are too well known to require description, are extremely wasteful, and although numerous modifications of these devices have been made which will reduce their wastefulness, such devices usually interfere with automatic regulation, and the lessen- ing of their wastefulness is one of degree only. In places where fixed quantities of water must be passed, regardless of the load on the plant, such as in plants where no I - 10. storage whatever is available, or where irrigation or other laws require it, these two methods of regulation may prove the proper solution. Their application and effect will be discussed in Chapter VII. No solution of a problem in speed regulation is commercially correct, unless accompanied with an analysis of the probable load curve of the power plant to be regulated. It is evidently useless to provide against something which will never occur. Thus, if a plant consists of a number of large units, the greatest load change to be considered should be carefully gone into and, this decided, it should be known over how many units this must be distributed; in other words, what will be the least number of units running in parallel on one circuit. In a large plant it is very seldom necessary to consider a total load change, or 100% change of load, whereas in small plants this may frequently occur, especially when only one unit is running. LO II -l. CHAPTER II. REGULATION WITH RESPECT TO FLY-WHERL EFFECT ONLY. In general it may be assumed that where pressure varistions do not exceed 25% the regulation will be prac- tically the same as for a turbine in open flume. This includes turbines with short penstocks and low velocity, and those cases where the stand-pipe is near enough to the turbine so that the pressure variations will not exceed the above. In practice we may meet the solution of this problem in various forms, as follows: Case I. The fly-wneel effect being fixed, to find the regulation possible and the regulating time. Case II. The desired regulation being given, to find the fly-wheel effect and the regulating time. Case III. The regulation and fly-wheel effect being given, to find the regulating time necessary. These three cases can be solved by the single formula dad « 800,000 x U xt » the derivation and various forms n& x Wre of which are given in Appendix A. For illustration we will solve one or more problems in each case. Case I: 1,000 H.P. - 500 K.W. unit under 25 ft. head. From table of standard runners (See Table X), this will be a 40" Twin Type F runner turbine, with a 60 cycle synchronous speed of 180 R.P.M. 11 ' JI - 2. Moment of Inertia of rotating masses (Wr?) « 400,000 ft.2 lbs. Regulating time (T): If a hydraulic governor is to be used the regulating time can be chosen at will, but should not be much less than 2 sec. in any case. In case a mechanical governor is decided upon, the regulating time must be obtained from the maker or his catalogue, and the work required of the governor must be known. (See p. K, App.A). If we assume a regulating time T «x 2 seo, and substi- tute in our formla da «2 800,000 x W x f we have 53 a _ 800,000 x 1,000 x 2 0 35". 12.36 180 x 180 x 400,000 ' deff. « 0.8 xd (Type F runner) « 0.6064 w= 0.0745 = 7.45% (See Table II, p. f, App, A.) To find the variation of speed for part load: (See p. i, App. A); See Figure 1, for diagram. | For sudden changes of load amounting to 250 H.P. (254), 500 H.P. (50%), 750 H.P. (75%) and 1,000 H.P. (100%), the speed variation will not exceed 2.75%, sf, 6.75% and 7.45% respectively. Case II: 2,500 H.P. unit operating under 20 ft. head. This would be a quadruple turbine with 55” Type F runners, with a 25 cycle speed of 125 R.P.WM. Assume the greatest load change ever expected does not exceed 1,500 H.P., and this may happen when only one unit is running. The desired speed regulation for a sudden change of load amounting to 1500 H.P. is 5%. 1l2 II ~ 3. Regulating time (T) ws» 3 sec. Fly wheel effect (Wr*) - ? ° d eff. d eff. - O.8 x a e e qd ¢« 0.8 xX For a Type F runner 0.8 x = 0.606 .. 4 «& oe 0.05 of wr - 800,000 BW x Tf 800,000 x 1,500 x 3 n° a "785 x 125 x 0.0825 2,790,000 f£t.* lbs. This necessary fly-wheel effect will be composed of: (a) Generator Rotor: (bd) Four (4) 55" Type F runners; (o0) Water in four (4) 55" runners. (a) may be varied, (b) and (c) are fixed. We will therefore find (b) and (c) to find the necessary value of (a). Fach 55" Runner (Type F) weighs 5,850 lbs. The radius of gyration of Type F runners is approximately © O.75 Dia. 0.75 x 55 5 Sx is * 1.72 ft. We of four runners e« 5,850x4x1.72x1.72 = 69,265 ft.* lbs. The quantity of water in the runners per second may be found from the formula Q =< HP. x ii » assuming an H efficiency of 80%. o.- Qe 1500 211 se 825 ou. ft. per sec. Weight = Qy where y = 62.5 w» the weight of one cubic foot of water. . . Weight = 825 x 62.5 e 51,560 lbs. The radius of gyration of the water is practically 13 iI ij , 4 II —- 4. equal to that of the runner = 1.72 ft. .. Wr? of water = 51,560x1.72x%1.72 = 152,615 ft® lbs. (>) + (c) = 221,880 ft lbs. (a) w= 2,790,000 ft* 1bs. — 221,880 ft* lbs. « 2,568,120 £t* 1bs., which is the Wr® that must be obtained from the generator rotor to obtain no greater variation of speed than 5% for a sudden load change of 1,500 H.P. on one unit. If the load should be such that there would never be less than two units operating in parallel on the same circuit, with the greatest load change as before, then the fly-wheel effect of each generator rotor would only have to be £2790,000 — (2 x 221,880) 5 = 1,173,120 ft* lbs. CaseIII: 1,000 H.P. Turbine unit with short penstock, operating under 50 ft. head. Ply-wheel effect of generator rotor 600,000 ft® lbs. Desired regulation: 8% variation for 100% load. fo find: regulating time, T. From table of standard runners, this would be a single turbine, Type E — 424" Rumner at 225 R.P.M. for 60 cycle synchronous speed. 7" 2 Wr? n* d (See p.c, App. A). W x 800,000 Pe Os SPP Wr? «= 600,000 ft? lbs. W2 w 225 x 225. NW 1,000 H.P a ow a and 0.8 X = 0.645 for Type E runner ad eff. = -08 14 It — 5. 0.08 eo @ d = 0.645 = 0.124 Substituting, we have # 600,000 x 225 x 225 x 0.124 1,000 x 800,000 = 1.57 seconds. This closing time is not too quick for a turbine of the type and size under consideration. If the regulation is now desired for part loads, we proceed as under Case I, or as explained in detail in App. A, p. i. 15 Ill -~ 1. CHAPTER III. REGULATION WITH RESPECT TO PRESSURE VARIATIONS. Pressure variations to a greater or less extent occur in every practical turbine installation whenever the amount of water which flows to the turbine is varied, as in the case of a change of load. However, for practical con- siderations, as far as regulation of speed with governors is concerned, these variations can be considerable before they will have any appreciable effect on the speed regula- tion. In modern plants, where the tendency usually is to develop as much power and head as possible in a single plant, it frequently becomes necessary to carry the water for some distance in flumes, pipe lines or tunnels, in order to concentrate the head on the plant. The length of the conduits often becomes many times greater than the head and, as such long conduits become a large factor in the cost of the plant, the natural tendency is to reduce the size of conduit and increase the velocity of the water flowing in or through it. However, head, length of conduit, and velocity of water in the conduit, are the three principal factors that produce pressure variations, and their relation to each other, as well as their effect on regulation of speed, becomes a very important problem in such plants. In such a plant the effect of the fly-wheel masses is the same as before, and the same theory and formulae apply to it. However, instead of a constant head acting on the 16 IIt - Ze turbine, we will have a variable head, which may become greater or less than the normal, depending upon the change of load. This variation in head tends to increase or decrease the amount of power which would be developed for the same gate opening at normal or constant head, and the tendency of the fly-wheel effect to keep the speed constant is lessened by the amount of increased or deficient power so caused. "d effective", as calculated in Chapter II, must, due. to the causes above mentioned, be modified by the following formulae: we _(. ,(D H) 3 For closing gates, @™'=-doere ts 2 (16) ad eff. (a (D B)) 3 (17) -—ET / 3 (For the derivation and explanation of these formulae For opening gates, a” « see Appendix C). (D H) H interpolation from Tables IV to IX inclusive, or can be can be obtained directly or by means of computed from formula (15). For illustration we will solve several problems: (a) Given: L = 400 ft. H m 100 ft. N =» 2,000 H.P. 7 = 300 R.P.M. Wr mw» 400,000 ft” ibs, Penstock Diameter: = 100 ft. of 5' 9" Dia. 3/8" plate steel 100 ft. " 6' 6" ™ 5/16" * " 100 ft. * yi oon 1T aM T 1? 100 f%. ™ 7' 0" " 3/16" " Mar IilI - Se Efficiency of Turbine: Full load, 2,000 H.P. = 83% 3/4 " 1,500 H.P. = 85% + " $1,000 H.P. mw 82% 4 n 500 H.P. x 70% Discharge of Turbine: Full load, 2,000 H.P., Q = 210 ft® sec. 3/4" 1,500 H.P., Q = 156 ft° sec. % " 1,000 H.P., Q = 108 ft? sec. a oN 500 H.P., Q m 63 ft” sec. Penstock velocity: Full load, 5' 9" dia., v. = 8.1 ft.per sec. " om 6° 6" " woe 6.35" " 8 1 8 o9t on on oy. we 5.45" 7 8 Average v.= 3) 19.90 (6.63 ft.gec. 3/4 load, 5' 9" dia., v. = 6 ft. per sec. v? w 6° 6" a | Vv. = 4.75 ? " wv Lj r? 7 Oo" ve Vv. - 4.05 v w vv Average v. = 3) 14.80 (4.93 ft.sec. * load, 5' 9" dia., v. = 4.15 ft. per sec. of 6" 6" Ve 2 35.00 " " " nom o7tom os yee 2.60"7 7 8 Average v. = 3) 10.25 (3.41 ft.sec. 4 load, 5' 9" dia., v. = 2.42 ft. per sec. vv a | 6' 6* | Vv. te 1.91 wv a | "T ¢ ve 7 oOo" WF Vv. = 1.63 vw ve wv Average v. - 3) 5.96 (2 ft. sec. 18 III — 4. L 400 4 2L _ 2x 400 H 100 a a From table, a = (Average d = +" Average D = 6' 5") 2L 2x 400 a = 2.530 = 0.34 seconds. If, instead of the tabular value for a, the general value 3,500 had been used, then 24 = 0.242 seconds, which is _ somewhat smaller than the more exact value, but since Tf is usually chosen several times larger than zh it is generally satisfactory to use the general value of a. However, if by using the general value of a the result from 2% should become nearly 2 sec., it may be well to check this result with the more exact value of a from the table or formula (13). The regulating time fT must now be chosen, and the writer would recommend that this be never taken less than 2 seconds, unless with small turbines and then only if it be absolutely necessary to get the desired regulation. It should in no case be less than 1 second. We will assume a regulating time T of 2 seconds for the solution of our problen. We now have complete data to compute the pressure variations, from formula (15), or to take these values directly from Table V which corresponds to our regulating time Tf of 2 seconds. _L -_ 400 — 4. H 100 19 III - 5. For 100% load, Average v. 6.63 ft.sec. + {2 H) = 140.51 & 0.34 H "75% " " ov. = 4.93 ft.sec. " = +0.36 &—0.263 " 50% " " v. = 3.41 ft.sec. " = +0.24 &—0.191 1 25% " " v. = 2.00 ft.sec. " = +0.132 &—0.116 Our next step is to find the effect of these pressure variations on the speed regulation. We proceed to find d@ eff. without any regard to pressure variations, the same as in Chapter II. d m= 800,000 x WH x Tf (3) w» 800,000 x 2,000 x 2 = 0.09 n® x Wr 300 x 300 x 400,000 Specific speed K = R:B-MY HP. , 300} 1,000 . 39 H YE 100/ Y760 *(For the speed of 300 R.P.M. this would be a twin turbine, = 9% therefore the power of one runner only must be used here). From Table I, App. A, we see that the runners here used correspond to standard runner Type C, and from Table II, App. A, we find that the coefficient 0.8m = 0.69. Therefore d eff. = 0.69 da = 0.69 x 0.09 = 0.0621 = 6.21% We now proceed to find d eff. for partial loads: in this case for 75%, 50% and 25% of total load. For diagram see Figure Le Without regard to pressure variations, the speed regulation would therefore be as follows: 100% Joad change, 6.21% 15% " 5.3 % 50% " fn 3.8 % 25% " " 2.1% If we now substitute these values of 4 eff. and the values + {D 2) found on page 2 of this Chapter in formulae (16) and (17) we obtain the actual speed variation, with the pressure 20 IIT - 6. variations considered. For closing gates: (Load thrown off) ad™. 4d eff. 14 PE 2 (16) 100% Losa: {2-H} » 0.51 ad eff. © 0.621 a? « 0.115 = 11.5% 75% * nm = 0.36 " = 0.053 " «£ 0.084 m= 8.4% 50% " n= 0.24 " # 0.038 " = 0.0525 = 5.25% 25% " " 2 0.132 =" » 0.021 " = 0.025 w 2.5% d eff. For opening gates: (Load thrown on) ad". OES (17) H /2 100% Load: {p HD = 0.34 deff. = 0.621 a £ 0.116 = 11.6 % 75% " " = 0.263 " = 0.053 ™ © 0.0635 © 8.35% 50% " " 2 0.191 =" = 0.038 " = 0.0522 = 5.22% 25% " nm" m= 0.116 "™ © 0.021 " f& 0.0252 = 2.52% It will be noted that in this case the speed variation for load thrown on is practically identical with that for load thrown off. This, however, is not always the case, rather the exception, which may be readily seen from the tables for pressure variations. The value for + 1D H) increases much faster than that for — (DA) and may become infinity, whereas the latter can never exceed 100%. For a load change of 100% the speed variation is almost doubled, when the pressure variation is taken into consideration, whereas for a load change of 25% it is hardly affected. Since a load change of 25% is very seldom exceeded in most power plants, the effect of the pressure variations on the speed regulation is not as bad as would appear at first glance. 21 iL — om t® —_— s — —! ~_ 1 —w . ae ’ — . ~ ° — e _ s Iil - 7. As we have already stated, it is uncommercial to provide against something that may never happen, and if the greatest load change ever expected under normal operation is 25% it would be a waste of money to provide for 100% change of load, as far as speed regulation is concerned. From observation of the tables on pressure variations it will be noted that a change in velocity of one foot will have considerable effect on the pressure variation, and this velocity should always be kept as low as is con- sistent with a reasonable investment. We should always keep in mind that by decreasing our penstock velocities we not only help our pressure variations, and hence speed regulation, but improve the economical use of the water, as our friction head will be less the smaller the velocity. 22 CHAPTER IV PRESSURE VARIATIONS AND SPEED REGULATION AS AFFECTED BY THE PRESSURE REGULATOR. If in the problem in the foregoing chapter the pressure rise of 51% for 100% change of load should be considered dangerous to the penstock, on account of the stresses on the material which would be imposed, we can overcome this danger in one of three ways: (a) By decreasing the velocity in the penstock, thus decreasing the pressure rise to a point which may be considered safe. (b) By increasing the factor of safety in the design of the penstock. (coc) By introducing a pressure regulator of sufficient size to reduce the pressure rise to a safe point. (As stated in Chapters I and III, depending upon the load it may not be necessary to consider a greater load change than 25 or 50% from the standpoint of speed regula- tion, yet it is always necessary to consider the effect of the maximum pressure rise for 100% load change, since in the case of a short circuit or break in the governor such an extreme load change may occur and subject the penstock to the corresponding pressure rise. ) The object of this chapter is to discuss the remedy indicated under (c) and to show its effect upon the speed regulation. 25 From tests made by the writer and substantiated by others, the pressure rise in a turbine, and consequently in the penstock feeding a turbine, depends directly upon the discharge capacity of the pressure regulator, if properly designed, and upon the sensitiveness of the operating mechanism of the pressure regulator. The latter should be adjustable, so that the pressure regulator can be set to meet the requirements of any fixed conditions after being installed. If the sensitiveness of the pressure regulator is 10%, that is, if the operating mechanism is so adjusted that it will open if a sudden load change amounting to 10% of the total load occurs, the pressure rise will be as follows: Discharge capacity, 100% of turbine discharge, Pressure rise 10% " " 75%" r " i " 20% i " 50%" " m " n 30% Due to the insensitiveness of the operating mechanism the pressure rise will be the same regardless of the load, and will be even slightly greater for a small load change than a large one, as it will take proportionally more time to open sufficient- ly to pass the small quantity of water. Another factor which helps to bring this about is the discharge coefficient of the pressure regulator, as this is greater the larger the opening. In calculating the effect of the pressure rise on the speed regulation it is therefore necessary to take this into consider- ation for a partial load change as well as a full load change. As explained in App. C., although — 2) is always less than + {DEI » the corresponding regulation as affected by these 24 pressure variations is practically the same, at least within the usual limits. If this is the case, it would appear that &® pressure regulator is of no value to improve speed regulation. However, in most plants the load is always thrown off much more suddenly than thrown on. This is true in most plants, with few exceptions, such exceptions usually occurring in small plants, and they always require more careful consideration with respect to the subject of speed regulation. A lighting load is usually turned on as suddenly as off, but its proportion to the total load is exceedingly small, a few lights being usually turned on at a time. Motor loads are usually turned on very slowly by meens of resistances, and such sudden loads as may come on the motor during its opera- tion are generally only a small part of the total load. On. the other hand, a motor load is usually thrown off suddenly, whether purposely or accidentally, so that it becomes more difficult to maintain constant speed for load thrown off than for load throvm on, and it is of great benefit to have con- ditions for good regulation better for that case. This benefit is obtained by means of the pressure regulator, as + PE) nay be reduced to such an extent that its effect on the speed regulation is very small. It is of course evident that a pressure drop less than 100% is not dangerous to the penstock, whereas a pressure rise much less than 100% may be very dangerous, particularly if it occurs frequently, in which case it is liable to £5 IV = 4, erystallize the penstock material, especially at the rivetted joints, so that the penstock may give way, with a pressure rise much within the limit set by the original factor of safety. In such @ case the pressure regulator not only assists in the regulation of speed, but protects the penstock as well. When a pipe-line or penstock is laid over a rough country, or where it descends down precipitous hillsides after running along a comparatively gentle slope, care must be taken that the water will never be accelerated so quickly at a change in slope that the water column could break and thus exceed or even approach the maximum pressure drop of 100%. In such a case the penstock is in danger of either collapsing or of being shattered by a possible water ram. For illustration we will consider the following problem: L=1,800 ft. Hem 300 ft. N=7,500 H.P. n = 400 R.P.M. Wr” = 600,000 ft” lbs. = 265 f° sec. Q max. Average maximum penstock velocity m= 7 ft. per sec. = SO. = 6 zh = 2 = 1.09 seconds. Make T — 2.5 seconds. q = 800,000 x N x T _ 800,000 x 7,500 x 2.5 n° x Wr“ 400 x 400 x 600,000 = 0.156 = 15.6% Specific speed, k = az} = =«: 27.8 — App. Type C. single runner. From Table II: 0O.8x = 0O.69 . d eff. = 0.69 x 0.156 = 0.108 = 10.8% 26 From the diagram, Figure 3, we have: For 100% load change = 7,500 H.P. Speed variation = 10.8% n 95% © " = 5,625 H.P. " " = 9.1% " 560% " " = 3,750 H.P. " " = 6.4% n 695% +" " = 1,875 H.P. " n = 3.25% From Tables V and VI, by interpolation we have: {2H = 0.70 and max.— O2t = 0.445 = 70% and 44.5% The pressure drop of 44.5% is not dangerous to the max. + penstock in any case, but the pressure rise may be, especially if it did occur frequently. If we assume this to be so in this case, we know from what has gone before that by means of a pressure regulator with a capacity 75% of that of the turbine we can reduce the pressure rise to 20% for all loads. From this we will get the following a™: Load Change : Pressure : Penstock : Speed : Variation : Velocity >: Variation ; + 20 % : : + 14.2% 7,500 H.P. : — 44.5% : 7) 6ft. > = 26 - 5 + 20% : + 12% 5,625 H.P. : — 31.7% > 5 ft. > — 19.1% + 20% : + 8.4% 3,750 H.P. : — 23.3% > 3.5 ft. >: —- 16. % : bt 20% OO | : + 4.27% 1,875 H.P. : — 14.3% > 2 ft. > = 13.5% For most plants , where several units of this size are installed, the writer would consider this satisfactory regulation. A load change exceeding 2,000 H.P. will seldom 27 IV - 6. occur, and probably never on one unit, and only for load thrown off; for load thrown on it is doubtful whether 2 to 3 % speed variation will ever be exceeded. However, if it should prove desirable to improve the regulation slightly, the penstock diameter should be increased, unless it is found cheaper to add additional fly-wheel effect. 28 V-1; CHAPTER V. PRESSURE VARIATIONS AND SPEED REGULATION AS AFFECTED BY THE EQUALIZING RESERVOIR OR STAND-PIPE. The stand-pipe should be located as near the turbine as possible, @as has been previously stated. If it is arranged with an overflow, the pressure rises can be practically eliminated, and the pressure drop will devend directly upon the size or capacity. The minimum height of such a stand-pipe is determined by the restriction that in no case must the water level in it drop to such a point as would admit air into the penstock. This condition is satisfied by the following equations: (See Figure 4.) a =} 9 Lxv (18) € and a =z D+Hf (19) Where Q — cu. ft. per sec. F == area of stand-pipe in sqe ft. UL «= pipe line length above stand-pipe in ft. Vv = pipe-line velocity in ft. per sec. H f = friction head in ft. D = diameter of penstock in ft. It is seldom satisfactory to have the stand-pipe overflow, and furthermore it is uneconomical, so that stand-pipes are usually built high enough so that the water, even with a maximum load change, cannot overflow. 29 In northern climates, where there is danger of freezing, the entire stand-pipe should be well lagged, and quite often it must be provided with steam-pipe coils, supplied with steam from a boiler installed at the foot of the stand-pipe. In order to reduce the height of the stand-pipe as much as possible, the slope of the pipe line should be as little as is consistent with the velocity head and friction head required, as the top of the stand-pipe must in any case be higher than the level of the water in the fore-bay, to meet the conditions of a shut-down with pipe-line full. The actions of the water in a plant with stand-pipe are easily explained, but very difficult to compute. It will be assumed that the stand-pipe is located less than half the total length of the pipe-line away from the turbine, and that the slope of the last half or less of the pipe exceeds the rest considerably, as is always the case in practical plants. If load is suddenly thrown on, a certain time will elapse before the water accelerates in that part of the pipe between the stand-pipe and the turbine, another and longer time elapses before the water in that part of the pipe above the stand-pipe accelerates to the velocity required by the new load. During the latter time the stand-pipe must supply the turbine with a quantity of water which is the difference between that used by the turbine and that supplied by that part of the pipe above the 30 standpipe at the reduced velocity during acceleration. The reverse is true when load is thrown off. The time # required for accelerating or retarding the flow of water from the velocity Vo to Vy» oF the time required for return to normal head after a change of load is found by the following equation: FL (20} Ag Where: = cross sectional area of the standpipe in sq. ft. ™ length of pipe line above standpipe. = cross sectional area of penstock in feet. = acc. of gravity 32.2 ft. sec.” = 3.1416 Q 7m 3. H i The drop of the water level below the hydraulic gradient in the standpipe can be found from the following equation: po _2HD= - 54 [Z (v2 ¥0%) + BF (vy - v9] (21) where: H = gross or static head on the turbine. A, F and L, the same as in equation (20) Vo m the velocity in the penstock at the instant of load change. V1 = the velocity in the penstock required for the new load. And the total drop below the fore-bay level will then 31 2g be: Dp = D+0C Vo (22) where o Vor =/ the friction head in the pipe line above the standpipe, where: GC = the friction coefficient for flow in pipe lines = 1 " Hs +f¥ + ote.) (23) f for the usual plate steel penstocks is app. 0.015. (It will be noted that the equation (21) is a quadratic equation. ) The upward surge can be found by the same equation, by & proper change of signs, but is unimportant since it is always less than the dovmward surge, and the maximum height of the standpipe must be determined from the surge or rise obtained when the whole plant is suddenly thrown off, as in the case of a short circuit. This maximum rise of the water in the standpipe above the fore-bay level, when full load is thrown off, can be computed from the following equation: 2. Ay e/k _ef Da~ = Yo ( 3 0) (24) in which # is the value from equation (20) and ¢ that from equation (23); all other values are the same as in equation (21). (For the derivation of these formulae refer to "Water Power Engineering" by D. W. Mead, page 696. ) All of these equations hold equally well for calculations with respect to a reservoir or a standpipe. 52 Equalizing reservoirs are usually provided with a spillway so that their maximum height need not exceed that of the fore-bay level. In order to reduce the maximum height of the standpipe, some plants are provided with a water rheostat, which can load the turbines from the low tension buss-bars in case of a short circuit or other sudden large load change. Such a rheostat must be thrown in by an attendant in the plant, but the writer believes the standpipe should be built as high as necessary, disregarding such safety devices. Such rheostats are also often used to assist speed regulation, and may prove of great value in connecting two or more units in parallel. To make the given formulas clear we will solve a typical problem, as follows: Assume a plant of four 8,000 H.P. units operating under ea head of 350 ft., and that a load drop of one-third the total is to be provided for. There are four pipe lines, each 6.75 ft. in diameter and 4,000 ft. long, connected to a single standpipe by means of a header. The distance from the standpipe to the turbine is 600 ft. At two-thirds load each pipe discharges 155 ft° sec. with a velocity of 4.5 ft. per sec. At full load the discharge is 245 £t> sec., and the velocity 7 ft. per sec. Therefore Vv) = 4.5 and Vv, = 7. We will assume a standpipe 30 ft. in diameter. 55 Then A=4x35 = 140 sq. ft. ¥ — 707 Sde ft. L — 4,000 ft. yi x 4,000 = P L — e 2 — e e tT =a] > 5.14. 140 x 32.2 78.5 seconds Then from equation (21) 2 _ 2A IL 2 2 H f D ~2np=-2A [3 (2 vo ) + EE (x — ¥4)| 2 _ _ 2x 140 [4,000 (2 _ 4 52) 4 350 x 78.57 — 5) p? 2x 350 D=— 2% 140 [ sa2e2 4.5%) + 350 x 78.5(7 — 4,5) pD* — 700 D = — 9370. D” — 700 D + 9370 = 0 2 2 4D” — 2,800 D — %00 = %0 — 4 x 9370 = 2-700 = +\ aq0'- 4 x 9,370 D = 700 — {700% 4x 9,370 = 700-673 _ 15.6 +. 2 2 From equation (22) and equation (23) 1 L 1 4000 = 2 ( +53) ea sone) = 2 D, = 13.5 70.157 x 75 = 16.27 ft. This value does not appear excessive, and if the standpipe is built in the shape of a water tower, as it should be for our case, an allowance of 20 ft. below fore-bay level should be sufficient. We can now find the maximum height necessary from equation (24) 34 2 A_e/(L_st Da = § Vo € 3 r) Vy in this case is the full load velocity = 7 ft. All other values are the same as before. Dee ns 240 x 7 x 7 (4,000 _ 0.187 x 78.5 x 1) 707 $2.2 mo) Da = 31 ft. The total height of the 30 ft. tank of the stand-pipe would therefore be over 50 ft. and should be constructed approximately as shown in Figure 5. By increasing the diameter, the height can of course be reduced as may be desirable. We will now investigate the speed regulation both with and without the stand-pipe, under the assumption that there will never be less than two wnits running, and that the largest sudden load change will not exceed one-third of the total of 32,000 H. P. (a) Without stand-pipe: H 350 Maximum load change = 11,000 H. P. on two units of 8,000 H. P. each. n — 327.5 R.P.M. z 2 2u 2x 4,600 _ Make T = 5 sec. v= 7 ft. per sec. ~ 800,000 x N x f 800,000 x 8,000 x 5 ad = 2 == —2. 2 “> = 0.42 42 ~+2H _ 0.757 and —~DE _ 0.426 H ' From these results it can be seen at once that the regulation 35 would be far from satisfactory. If we reduce the regulating time to 4 sec. we decrease ad, but since DE wilt thereby be H increased and d™ will be no better than before. (bd) With stand-pipe: L = 600 ft. LTppp, = 600 + 300 (length of stand-pipe L 900 2L 2x 900 a= 350 = 2-5 a = "3,300 ~ 0:548 seconds. v—-7-—-4.5 =2.5 = DV to be used in formula (15) or to get +DH from the tables. For @& regulating time of 3 seconds the pressure variations, both plus and minus, do not exceed 6%, so that their effect upon regulation may be disregarded. The maximum pressure rise, if the total load of 32,000 H.P. is thrown off will be 20%. 800,000 x 8,000 x 3 327.5 x 327.5 x 700,000 R.P.M./ H.P. 327.5 ¥ 8,000 Specific speed kK=- ——— = = 19.4 P P i Vi 350 | 350 Approximately Type B runner and 0.8 = 0.703 dopp = 0.255 x 0.703 = 0.18 = 18% = 0-255 .— 25% From the diagram, Figure 6, we see that the maximum speed variation will be 13.75% for a load change of one-third the total, if distributed over two units. This would undoubt- edly be considered satisfactory for most cases. Although not so economical in the use of water and not at all required to reduce the pressure rise, it will 356 often prove cheaper to install a pressure regulator rather than build the stand-pipe to the height as found necessary by equation (24). With a suitable pressure regulator in the system, the height of the stand-pipe above the fore-bay water level is more or less a question of judgment, but if made equal to the depth it will always be sufficient. It should be remembered, however, that & pressure regulator is only a mechanical device, and somewhat complicated at that, and many engineers would prohably be unwilling to take the risk of a catastrophe in case of a sudden full load change with the pressure regulator out of order. 37 VI -1 CHAPTER VI. PRESSURE VARIATIONS AND SPEED REGULATION AS AFFECTED BY A COMBINATION OF STAND-PIPE AND PRESSURE REGULATOR. The capacity of a stand-pipe must be the same regardless of the distance it is located from the turbine, provided the other conditions, such as maximum change of load to be pro- vided for and regulating time are the sane. If a greater regulating time is allowed on account of having a longer penstock, the capacity of the stand-pipe could be theoretical- ly reduced slightly, but this should not be done in practice, and the formulae from the foregoing chapter therefore hold good for any conditions. If in the problem in the preceding chapter we assume a penstock 1,800 ft. long in place of 600 ft, with every other condition remaining the same, our final results as to speed regulation will be altered, as is immediately evident, since # becomes considerably greater, and therefore the effect of the pressure variations, which we neglected in the first case, must now be considered. The speed variation of 13.75% for the maximum load change of 11,000 H.P. on two units should not be exceeded, as this is already somewhat high. Assuming that the penstock diameter can not be increased, due to engineering limitations of some kind, it becomes necessary to either determine upon a shorter regulating time or more fly-wheel effect in order to keep the speed variation at least within the first figure of 13.75%. 38 VI -@2 a 2 2(1,800 + 300) _ Our new critical time = = 3,300 = 1.27 seconds. It would therefore be impossible to choose a shorter regulating time than 2.5 seconds as against 3 seconds in the previous case. — 327.5 x 327.5 x 700,000 and deff. = 0.213 x 0.703 = 0.15 = 15% (See Figure 7). For a load change of 11,000 H.P. on two units the velocity change will be as before, namely 2.5 ft. per sec. L — 2(1,800 + 300) _ z= 350 = 6 and, from the tables, (D H) + “7 = 0.70 = 70% for a total load change, and if we provide a pressure regulator equal to the capacity of the turbine this will be reduced to 10%. — iD (for a load change of 5,500 H.P.) = 0.175 = 17.5% dort. . and a" ont g = O_o. 75 = 17.5% = (2 . (DE) 3 (1 -0.175) 3 This result is not quite as good as before, even with the reduced regulating time. We could use a regulating time of 2 seconds but, if at all possible, the writer would recommend a larger fly-wheel effect, either in the shape of a separate fly-wheel or additional weight in the generator rotor. For load thrown on,the regulation is of course better and, with a maximum pressure rise of 10% and load change of 5,500 H.P. as before, amounts to 12.4%. 39 VI - 3 By means of the pressure regulator we therefore improve our regulation, protect our turbine and penstock and, as stated in Chapter V, reduce the height of our stand-pipe. 40 VII- 1 CHAPTER VII. THE EFFECT OF THE SYNCHRONOUS BY-PASS AND THE DEFLECTINUG NOZZLE UPON SPEED REGULATION. In a plant with long penstocks, where it is impossible to install a stand-pipe, and where it is practically out of the question to increase the size of the penstocks on account of excessive cost or otherwise, it will often be found impracticable to provide sufficient fly-wheel effect to obtain satisfactory regulation. In such a case & synchronous by-pass must be provided in the case of reaction turbines. Such a synchronous by-pass should be exactly what the name implies, that is, it should discharge that part of the full load flow of the water which is not passing through the turbine at any given time. If the flow of the water through the turbine is changed in volume, the change in flow through the by-pass should correspond. It is very difficult to design a by-pass that will do this, since the discharge through the turbine gates is not proportional to the governor stroke, from which the by-pass must be operated, and furthermore the coefficient of discharge of the by-pass can not be kept constant during its full range of opening. Due to these causes and the insensitiveness of the governor, the pressure variations both ways may be quite considerable with the synchronous by-pass and should be considered in computing the speed regulation. They may be as high as 25%, but the writer's 41 VII - 2 experience shows that they can be kept as low as 10% for both opening and closing gates. The by-pass should always be brought as near as possible to the turbine gates and in line with the flow of water into them. The problem therefore becomes identical with that of Chapter III and the illustration there given covers the case, with the exception that the pressure variations must be assumed instead of taken from the tables on pressure variations. In the case of impulse turbines, the synchronous by-pass may also be used, but the deflecting nozzle is more generally used in practice, as it has several important advantages. With the latter the flow of water is not interfered with, but the stream is partially or wholly deflected from the buckets, maintaining practically constant pressure, and varying the active volume only. The problem therefore reduces itself into one identical with that of a turbine in open flume, or without pressure variations, and is covered by Chapter II, where the regulation is subject only to the fly-wheel effect. 42 A - (a) APPENDIX A _ O J T DERIVATION OF FPLY-WHEEL FORMULA da = B00 oo xz pa x Wr M ve The energy of a rotating mass is P If the peripheral velocity of the mass, M, is reduced from Vo to v, it will lose energy amounting to: M (7, —_ v7 3 so The factor (v5 v,”) can be transformed algebraically as follows: (o®m17)= (vot va) (rem) Substituting in the above, and multiplying by + we have: Energy lost = Mv (v2 +) (Vez — v3) ¥ 2 Vv but vo + V) _ the average velocity = V ~».~—= = and Vp — — the reletive change of velocity =a (dis “2=5 Vl = ng also called the per cent of ununiformity. ) Substituting the values V and d in the above equation of energy lost, we have: Energy lost =Mvva=-=-M va, or Mu (v2_ v2) Mv? a 2 43 oa A - (bd) Referring to diagram, Figure 8, let ordinates represent H. P. and absoissas represent time. Then the energy it is that which must represent the amount given out by the rotating masses, after the turbine gates have been closed off, and T is the time required to give it up. That is, if the total load is taken off suddenly, the power would drop from a to b, but on account of the rotating masses this would not happen instantaneously, but would take a certain time f, and the effect of the masses is equal to the area below the line y, and if this NT e 2 Then a 550 (ft. lbs.) = M v® a. is a straight line the area — Or NP 560 _ WoW r® n’ 4x4 2 g 60 x 60 Where M = Wand v = 27 ot m 44 A - (¢) Substituting numericel values and transposing, we have: wre — 3 800,000 (1) T 60x n*d 2x 0 or? n® a (2) “WH x 800,000 also _ 800 900 x Yut (3) which is the formula as first given, and Wr® = Moment of inertia of the rotating masses in lbs. ft. squared. T $= Time to close or open gates by the governor in seconds. n <=R.P.M. = Ve _ Vy = Mo —%1 = the relative v n _ change of speed, = (DH) — Tn Angular velocity. w = "xo- = gular velocity (Dw)= Change in angular velocity. Correction: In deriving the above formula it was assumed that the line y wes e straight line and the area under it was equal to e under the assumption that the total load was thrown off. 45 A - (a) However, the friction load of the turbine and ' generator remains, and the actual area represented will be that under a curve f (y). The effect of this friction load will of course be different depend- ing upon the various types of turbines used, but the original formula may be modified safely as follows, the curve f (y) being approximately a parabola. a' — 0.8 a (4) Another cause which should be taken into consideration, providing the turbine is properly designed so as to give its maximum efficiency at normal or synchronous speed, is that the efficiency is reduced with either inoreasing or decreasing speed, which has the tendency to still further reduce the area under the curve f (y). The amount reduced varies with the type of runner, being greatest for e high speed, high power runner, and least for a low speed, low power runner, since, if correctly designed and therefore following the laws of hydraulics, the change inefficiency will be greater for a high speed than for a low speed runner for the same per cent of variation in speed. 46 A - (e) The formula modifying dgrr for this cause, is as follows: a' der? = 7 a (5) 4- ny) _y No Where "1 varies from 1.8 for a runner of low speed vo to 1.3 for a runner of high speed. (Referring to the table of standard runners types A to F, designed by the writer for the Allis Chalmers Co., the values of ™l are as follows: No TABLE I. Type of Runner A 5B | ¢ Die |F Value of _"] 1.8] 1.7] 1.6] 1.5) 1.4] 1.2 No Pa Specific Speed k =RE UV. 13.55) 20.3| 29.4/40.7] 62.8]83. 76 The specific speed is that speed in R.P.w. of a turbine runner, €iminished in all dimensions to such an extent as to develop 1 H.P. when working under the head H=1 ft. (This value is called "Type Characteristic" by Prof. Zowski in his article in the Michigan Technic of June, 1908. "The american High Speed Runners for Water Turbines.") To simplify calculations, the following table will prove efficient: 47 - A - (f) TABLE II. Type of Runner A B C D E F 0.8% in dgpp = 0.8md | 0.714/0.703/0.69/0.671] 0.645 |0. 606 For impulse turbines the same dgrr as for type A reaction runner should be used. To find the speed variation for any other than a full load change, the following must be considered. If T is the regulating time for the total governor stroke or 100% load of the turbine, it would appear that for 50% load or stroke, the regulating time would bes, and for 25% > etc. As far as the stroke is concerned, this is nearly true with a mechanicel governor, and the speed variatiors for part load chenges can be calculated as follows: The formula for d which we have given mey be transformed to appear: 2(mz£) | 2(@e } Z ey 3 Xx 2 550 hN 550 NT In which the new symbols 4 end a are respectively, the change in loed, and the remaining loed. 48 A - (g) 1 If we let S represent ela/m ¥ 7 in the foregoing formula, it will appear as Cy | (550 NT follows: a=sz? (1s 424) (7) From this formula we can now compute d for various pert loads, since S, as may be readily seen, is ad as figured from the original formula for total change of load or S$ = d' ert in the ebove formule, and for load changes of 25%, 50% and 75% we have the following: (a) Por 25%, Z = 0.25 and a = 0-76 4'2570 = dere x 0.625 ( 1-@ore x 0.25) (bd) For 50%, Z — 0.50 and a — 0.50 4'50% = d'opp x 0.25 ( 1 — a' ore x 0.333) (co) Por 75, Z = 0.75 and a — 0.25 a'75% = d'orr x 0.56 ( 1 — d' opp x 0.25) The results of these computations plotted appear as in the following diagram, Figure 9, line marked a. 49 A - (h) Line a correctly represents the speed variation under the assumption that the governor acts instantaneously upon a speed change; however, a certain speed change must occur before the governor can act on account of the insensitiveness of the fly-balls, and the actual speed changes are more correctly represented by a line _b , midway between the curve a anda streight line o as shown. © For a hydraulic governor, an entirely different line of reasoning must be followed. My own observe- tions are supported by those of others, who claim that the regulating time for all gate openings is neerly constant and equal to that of total gate opening for a hydraulic governor. This is due largely to the throttling effect of the regulating valve and the time required to overcome the inertia of the regulating masses. That this fact is not detrimental to the speed regulation can be seen from what follows, and that it is of large benefit to the problem of pressure variations, and therefore indirectly again to regulation, will be seen from a study of the chapter on pressure variations. 50 -— A - (i) From. experience and tests it has been found that for hydraulic governors the curve a, shown under partial load speed variation for mechanical governors, must be modified as shown in the following diagram, Figure 10. The curve d is an are of a circle drawn tangent to the line 0 — dad, which is the line of apparent regulation, and through the point dgrpr, which is the actual value of d' as modified for various causes as given. It would apvpear from a comparison of the regulation curves given that the speed variation would be less for partial loads, with the mechanical governor than with the hydraulic governor. This, however, is not true for practical purposes, since the regulating time for any but very small mechanical governors is of necessity very great compared with the hydreulic governor, the regulating time of which can practically be made as short as desired for any size. From an investigation of the original formula for 4 it can be seen thet 4 varies directly with T and therefore if we cen use a shorter time T with the hydraulic governor than with the mechanical, it is seen that the advantage which is apparent can be overcome many times, due to the very short time T possible. 51 A - (3) A mechanical governor can only perform a definite amount of work per unit of time, which depends upon the size or strength of the driving belt or gears which must transmit the power of the governor. If, for instance, a mechanical governor is capable, due to the strength of its parts, to transmit 1H.P. — 550 ft. lbs. per seoc., and the work required to regulate a turbine is 11,000 ft. lbs-, then the regulating time must be 11.000 — £0 seconds. | The work which a hydraulic governor is capable of doing is a question of the size of the regulating cylinder, and the time in which it can do this work depends upon the time in which sufficient oil can be brought to the cylinder. This time again depends upon the pressure in the pressure tank, the size and discharge coefficient of the oil pipes and the reguleting valve. 52 rm cy . B - (a) APPENDIX B FLY-WHEEL EFFECT. Wr Fly-wheel effect is the capacity of a rotating mass to store or provide energy. This effect is expressed in lbs. at 1 ft. radius and is equal to the moment of inertia of a mess, that is, the weight by the square of the radius of gyration, or lbs. ft.® Modern alternating current generator rotors are built in the shape of a common fly-wheel and usually have sufficient fly-wheel effect to obtain satisfactory regulation. The fly-wheel effect of the rotating parts of the turbine are usually not con- sidered, but their value is variable for different types of turbines, and should be carefully considered for large low head multiplex and large dia. impulse turbines. For smaller turbines, their value may be regarded as a factor of safety. For very large dia. and high power reaction turbines, the weight of the water in the runner must also be considered as its effect is exactly the same as any other rotating mass, and its consideration is necessary to make the calculations of any value, as the proportionate effect of the water may be a large per cent of the total rotating mass. 53 —_— Se ee ee B - (b) With geared turbines the effect of all geers and shafting should be considered. Where turbine driven direct current exciters are used in a large hydro-electric plant, their possible regulation should be carefully considered, as the fly-wheel effect of these exciter generators is usually small and an additional separate fly-wheel may prove necessary. . When purchasing generators, a comparison of the fly-wheel effect should be msde, as they are usually built as light and compact as possible. Additional fly-wheel effect within certain limits can usually be obtained at a very small cost in alternating current generator rotors, end will usually prove cheaper and more convenient than to add a separate fly-wheel, in cases where the original rotor effect is not sufficient. If a separate fly-wheel must be added, its weight for a given moment of inertia or fly-wheel effect depends upon the permissible peripheral speed. In calculating a fly-wheel the runeway speed (speed for full gate opening and friction load), must be con- sidered and is really the determining factor. For 54 B - (c) an impulse turbine this runawey speed will be about 90% above normel. For the standard types of reaction runners, 4, B, C, D, E and F, the characteristics of which are already given, the runawey speed will be respectively as follows: 70, 65, 60, 55, 50 and 45 % above normal. These are the maximum speeds, and they may be appreciably less, denending upon the setting of the turbine ana “se type of bearings used. Wor low speeds, fly-wheels of the ersine type may be used, but for high speeds they shculd be of the disk type, turned all over and carefully bealenced. The maximum peri- pheral speed for solid cast iron disk wheels should not exceed 100 ft. per sec. and for cast steel wheels of the seme type it should not exceed 200 ft. per sec. Cast steel wheels are usually more convenient on account of their smaller size for the seme fly-wheel effect, and cheaper because less additional bearing surface is required, end the greater cost per ib. of material, if any, is off-set by the lighter wt., the fly-wheel effect varying with the equere of the radius of gyration. 55 C - (a) APPENDIX C. DERIVATION OF PRESSURE VARIATION FORMULA. We know,from the fundamental axioms of mathematical physics, that a given mass acted upon by a variable force in an interval of time is accelerated or decelerated. This relation is given by the following fundamental equation: May = P and Mdv = P dt. In the problem relating to speed regulation we always deal with a fixed time T, and a variation in the velocity of the water brought about in the time r, which is identical with a pressure variation. We may therefore write M(Dv) = (DP)t. Where M = mass = x ° W = weight in lbs. & = 32.2 =m acceleration of gravity P = pressure —= Hy <= (D H) where y = specific wt. Let L represent the length of a pipe line or penstock and F its area. Then M = a P=FP=Fy (D#) 56 c - (b) And substituting in the equation MDv = DP t we have “2 Z(p v) = Fy (DH)? Transposing (DH) as a (9) = the actual increase or decrease of head for a certain regulating time fF and a variation of the velocity of the water of (D v). This formula, to express the result in per cent. of the total head, will read (DH) _ L (Dv) 3 oe: (10) and for both increase and decrease it will read (DE) ~+ Lv) (41) where: H Hel | + is for closing, — is for opening gates. From this formula we learn that the pressure variations vary directly with the length of the penstock and the velocity of the water in it, and inversely as the head and the time during which the original velocity is varied by (Dv). If we assume an allowable pressure variation, (D H) E the regulating time can be found from a transposition 57 C - (ce) of the above formula, as follows: + L(Dv) H g PH &8s an example: Let ZL = 500 ft. H = 100 ft. 10 ft. per sec. for T =0 4 ° l vy. = «iOft, " " " T=2 sec. (Dv) = vo —vy = 5 ft. per sec. which shows that for a change in penstock velocity of 5 ft. per sec. the pressure would increase or decrease 39%. Where a pressure variation not to exceed 10% is (D H) H permissible, = 0.10 , the corresponding repulating time must be for the same conditions: + 500 x 5 T= — 00 x 32.2 x 0-10 =+7.8 sec. which shows that it takes 7.8 seconds to accelerate or decelerate the velocity by 5 ft. in order not to increase or decrease the pressure to exceed 10%. As may be readily noted, the above formula gives equal results for increase or decrease of pressure, and 58 C - (a) that both values become infinity, if any of the factors in it become infinity or zero. It is impossible, however, to imagine the pressure decrease to become infinity: it is evident thet the decrease can never exceed 100%, and if this limit is surpassed, or even reached, the liquid colum must sustain a rupture, and the water would flow intermittently or in the form of pulsations. From this it is evident that the formula can only be correct, if at all, within certain limits and under certain restric- tions, and then only approximately, as we will see from our further discussion. The above indicates that we must analyze this problem further, in order to get formulae which will cover the ground and give more exact results. It is a well known fact that if penstock conditions are disturbed by moving a gate anywhere in the line, either at the upper or lower end or intermediately, the whole system becomes oscillatory, which means that the pressure and velocity in the penstock are oscillating. A similar phenomenon can also be experienced in an open flume in which water is flowing. Assume that the gate at the lower end of such a flume is closed. A wave will be produced next to the gate, and this will proceed upward along the flume with a certain velocity, until it disappears either in the intake basin, where v nearly equals zero, or it will be dissipated by friction on the 59 Cc - (e) flume walls, depending upon the length and roughness of the flume and the velocity of the wave. In closed flumes or penstocks such waves do not disappear so quickly, the surface friction being small in comparison with the velocity and the produced force, and its influence may even be neglected. It is evident that these waves, or rather vibrations, ere liable to interfere with each other and consequently affect the pressure in the penstock. It is therefore of greatest importance to determine the velocity with which these vibrations travel in and along the penstock. This velocity of the vibrations, which we will indicate by C in our further discussion, depends (a) upon the compressibility of the liquid and (b) upon the nature of the material of which the penstock consists. It is a well known fact that vibrations in water proceed with the same velocity as sound does through the same medium, and, if the walls of the flume or penstock can be considered absolutely rigid, (C therefore only depending upon the compressibility of the water), the velocity of the vibrations will be 4,650 £t. per sec. or, as already stated, the same as that of sound. The penstock walls, however, are always flexible to a certain degree, depending upon the elasticity of the material from which they are constructed, and therefore they also exert a certain influence upon the vibrations. 60 c - (f) Under the influence of pressure variations the penstock walls, due to their property of elasticity, expend and contract in a rather remarkable degree, called "breathing" of penstocks. Due to this breathing the velocity of vibration is reduced, the motion so produced naturally having a damping effect upon the vibrations, the same as any other obstruction would have. The velocity of 4,650 ft. per sec. may therefore be considered a maximum with which any vibrations in the penstock will proceed. The actual velocity of the vibrations can be computed by means of the following formula: & ay i,iD (13) e E ad Where g = acc. of gravity = 32.2 ft. sec’: ¥ = specific wt. of water = 62,5 lbs. ft° “= elasticity of the water. ¢ = 42,000,000 lbs. tt? = = elasticity of penstock material in lbs. et" D = Dia. of penstock in ft. d = thickness of penstock wall in ft. The value of E is variable for the same material and for different materials. The following average values have been taken from "Kent's" Mechanical FEngineers' Pocket Book and from the German engineers' hand-book "Hatte". 61 CG - (g) 9 ibs. tt " gast iron E = 15,000,000 lbs. in.” = 2.16°109 1bs. 2%" Por steel plate E-= 28,000,000 lbs. in.” = 4.032°10 " wooden staves E = 1,680,000 lbs. in.® =_ 2.42108 lbs .f£t* If we substitute the numerical values for g, y and e in formula (13) and, for the sake of brevity, place the ~l . letter K —~B 101° we will obtain: Bee EO (13-a) 23.5 — KeD d The value of K can now be computed for the various penstock materials, and will be as follows: Steel plates K = 0.232 Cast Iron K = 0.464 Wooden Staves K aw 41.50 (Formula ( 13 ) was first derived by Lorenzo Allievi, C. E., of Rome, Italy, and published by him in 1903 in the Italian paper "Annali della Societa degli Ingeneri ed architetti"” under the title "Teoria generale del moto perturbato dell' acqua nei tubi in pressione". In 1904 this article was translated into French under the title "Theorie generale du mouvement varie de l'eau dans les tuyaux de conduite™ in the French paper “Revue de Mecanique”. ) Based on the foregoing formula and values for K, the atvached Table III giving: values of a has been computed, and includes diameters of pipes from 1 ft. to 20 ft. with thickness of walls from +" to 5". For practical use, at least for preliminary purposes or when the table is not at hand, the value of a can be Eo Cc - (h) taken as 3,300 ft. per sec. for customary diameters and thicknesses of penstocks. The effect of the velocity of vibrations upon the pressure variations depends upon the regulating time T, as will be seen from the following discussion. If we assume a penstock of length IL, as shown in the accompanying sketch, Pigure 11, with a basin at its upper end and a gate at the turbine, the water with the gate open will have a velocity v. If the gate is closed we will have a variation in the velocity, with corresponding pressure variations and vibrations. As shown above, the vibrations will travel along the pipe line with a velocity a ani will reach the basin in a time t = Z, If the basin is sufficiently large, that is, if its area is many times that of the penstock, then the hydro-dynamic reaction, due to the large body of water, is the cause of a new series of vibrations which proceed down the penstock with the same velocity a as before and the gate is again reached by them in the time t = 24, These reproduced waves coming from the basin will interfere with the waves traveling upwards and have the tendency to diminish the resulting pressure variations in all sections of the penstock, therefore also those in the gate area. This would indicate the following: lst.- Up to the time t = =* (period t = 0----t = 24) the pressure in the gate area is constantly increasing as if 63 c - (i) the penstock were indefinitely long. See Figure 12. end.- Starting from the moment t = £4 the pressure variations are weakéned by the retroceding waves or vibrations, and we conclude that the pressure must rest constant from the time t = 22% until the gate stops in its travel, (t = 1) as both series of vibrations have an equal effect on the pressure. Srd.- When the gate is stopped in its travel (t =T) we get different conditions depending upon whether it is fully or partially closed. If it is fully closed, fluc- fuations will occur having a period of £4, but these will become smaller and smaller until the original pressure is reached. If the gate area is only partially closed in the time t =, the pressure rise will decrease asymptotically, since the column of water still keeps moving, but with a changing velocity. The period from t—o to t= a+ only will be of interest to us in this discussion, since during this period the maximum pressure rise or drop occurs. The graphical illustration given in Figure le explains our reasoning more clearly. From the point t— =o to t = =+ tne pressure is constantly increasing or decreasing. From the point t = a to t —T the pressure remains constant. 64 G - (3) From the above we see at once that it would be working acainst desired results should we choose a regulating time T for a covernor less than the value a, without awaiting the weakening effect of the reflected waves which arrive at the cate in the time a, Therefore the governor regulating time T should always be greater than the time t = 24, To show this fact, just stated, more clearly, we will consider both cases: (a) 7 3 ae end (b) T> a As we have already shown, if the gate is closed in a = zt the pressure rises as long as the gate is kept time moving, and if the gate is totally closed we will obtain the maximum possible pressure obtainable in a penstock. This maximum pressure can be computed by means of the formule: Ene, = Ho + == (14) where: Ho = initial head. VY = velocity in the penstock. ££ -— acceleration of gravity. This formula shows us that every change in velocity of one ft. means an increase or decrease in head of axl _5,300x1 about 100 ft. if S22, g 32.2 = * From the example which we have considered under formula (12) we have: vp — Vv, = 5 ft. H=100 ft. L = 500 ft. 2 2x 500 3.300 x 5 n omen — e ° = <2 — a “3,300 = 0.3 sec Hnax .= 100 +— BO. 65 All C - (k) 600 ft., which indicates that the pressure would rise from 100 ft. to 600 ft. if we closed the gate completely in the time t = zu = 0.5 sec. & The time t = £4 therefore represents a critical time, which should always be calculated, and the governor regulating time chosen as much greater as other conditions will permit. If we now compare formula (9), originally derived for a maximum pressure rise, with formula (14), we obtain a difference for Hngy. as follows: From formula (9) {D E) “50 OSS Ss 5 = about 2.6 = 260% (DH) = 260 ft. Hnax, = 100 + 260 = 360 ft., a8 compared with 600 ft. as obtained from formula (14). This clearly illustrates the importance of considering the effect of the vibrations and elasticity of the water as well as the elasticity of the penstock walls. It is evident that the theory by means of which formula (14) is derived shows the maximum value of H, as for the period t= =Q to ft = £4 (2 wa 2) it is immaterial in what time the kinetic energy is stored in the penstock. If we close the gate completely the same energy is stored up, whether the gate is closed in 0.1 sec. or 0.3 sec. As has already been shown, for a closing time p>&t a the pressure rise is constant, and this constant pressure increase or decrease represents the maximum possible value for such a regulating time, and may be calculated by means 66 Cc - (1) of the following formula: {pH} = 2(n Jn? + 4) (15) true for the period ft = it —-- tT where {DH} = pressure variation (Pw) x 100 = pressure variation in %) n =m VY. _ (formula 9) gHT Use + sign for closing gates. 1t — 1 1" opening w This formula (15) is most important in our calculations, since it gives us the momentary head under which a turbine must operate during a load change for any given regulating time. The results of this formula plotted graphically give us two curves, one for increase of head and one for decrease of head. (DH) H For a decrease, if n= infinity, {DH} will asymptotically For an increase, if n = infinity, = infinity. reach the value (1) one. See Figure 13. It will be noted that formula (15) contains just those factors which we missed in formula (9). According to formula (9) our results, if plotted, would appear along the straight line as shown, practically midways between the two Curves, + OH) and — oF) . See Figure 13. We further note thet for a regulating time greater than n= and variations of pressure not exceeding 20 to 25%, 67 C - (m) formula (9) may be used approximately. For larger variations (D H) (D H) q and "a siderable, and formula (15) must be used even for approximate the difference between + becomes con- results. The attached Tebles IV to IX have been computed from formula (15) and are based on different values of = (where L is the length of the penstock and H the effective head) and for velocities up to 20 ft., each table giving the pressure variations, both + z H for a given regulating time ®. These tables will be found of sreat benefit to quickly determine the rezulating time and the corresponding pressure variations for different penstock diameters, providing I and H are given, as they are in practically every case. But in determining or assuming the regulating time, it must be remembered that it always must be greater than ay & Referring to the tables and the case already used to illustrate, nanely: L = 500 ft., H = 100 ft., v=65 ft. and? $2. sec., LZ 500-_ (D H) a z= 100 = 5. a - + 0.471 and — 0.352 = 47.1 and 32%. From formula (9) we would obtain oH) = * 39% as the approximate average value of the exact results. The tables permit of interpolation. It now becomes necessary to analyze the effect of the pressure variations on the speed regulation. 68 CGC - (n) As already stated, if the regulating time f is chosen ereater than 2+ the pressure rise or drop, and therefore the head remains constant and its maximum value may be calculated by fomzula (15) according to which the tabular values are found. Ye may therefore assume that the turbine is operated at a constant head during any load change, the head varying for different per cent. of changes, and the head for any part load cnange may be found by substituting the new pen- stock velocity in formula (15) or from the tables direct. From formula (32) we see that a is directly proportional to N (= H.P.) the load. Therefore if the head is varied the capacity varies as H (H.P. varies as the square root of the head cubed), and for a new head = (H+(DH) ) the capacity of the turbine rises with (z + (D z)) 3/2 and the new capacity of the turbine is s(x + (D 2)? , which is the case when load is thrown off. When the load is thrown on the available energy decreases with the term — 4 (H — (D H))%/e To obtain the results in per cent these terms are 3 | transformed as follows: (2 + (2) . for closing gates, and ( S A) » SO that finally we get a speed variation 1— H ) dad modified by pressure variations + a8 given by the following formulae: 69 Cc - (o) For closing gates (Load thrown off) d™ a= dere, (a + omy” (16) feft. (17) (2 - (D ODyr " opening gates (Load thrown on) a= After making a number of calculations according to these formulas, it will be noted that the results from both are practically identical within certain limits. That they are not identical throughout the range of the pressure variation tables can be seen from the following: deff. For — (DE) 1.00 (100%) a™= : = infinity, whereas 1-1)*/2 | 3/, for + ow) = 1.00 a = dere. (1 + 1) 2 = a definite value. This shows us that, up to a point where a = + l; the results for d™ are practically identical for opening or closing the gates. Then the a@™ ourve turns up for opening _ (DE) H curve for closing gates goes on undisturbed, as shown by the and becomes infinity with = 1.00, while the a accompanying diagram, Figure 14. This indicates that for practical problems, where — DE) wou1a never be allowed to reach the value of 1.00, it is not necessary to calculate d™ for both opening and closing gates, but that either one of the formulas (16) and (D H) H 100%, a" for opening gates becomes considerably greater than (17) will give the desired results. As — approaches a™ for closing gates. In such cases it is well to calculate 70 C - (p) a’ for both movements, particularly as frequently it is not necessary that d"' for opening’ gates be as low as a" for closing gates. 71 pie - Jp PoE I \ { { . ‘ \ 5 ! \ ¢ ! ~ \ . . \ | ; \ _ | ; . _ \ : . \ t \ [ | , . | | \ ot ; Ny \ \ \ ‘ ~ \ ‘ | ‘ xv \ , \ : , \ NM \ ‘\ \ ‘ \\ so | | . \. ‘ ~ ! \ “4 | \ \ t ~ N. A | | * | - | 1 \ | | | : ! ~ — - — ) | t | | ! : | . J ! i { | ' : | : | | : 4 1 { | | boo ed dee bok jo Lak | gc “ol I Vy mo ¢ -3 Z. » G IOOO. H.F Loadk tr I | i 1 I l | | | + ae | ($n a ' d bi {1 } 1 } | ~~ —~— ee 1‘ i x [ { * - (ot 1 | | I { . I : ; / { Ok | Ct. Fe ACCC 1t.P + / te 8 WCC C HEP ~ —_— —-- C (a Cc. r LUCGAaTe _—_ L. “Sr gto om oat \ X ‘ \ | y | | V a i NO ON -— ao --— Ske ) \ t { . I ‘ j q 1 | \ | ‘ t t —— 1 ‘ --- | ( | { ! ' | ; Ff | ‘ 1 I ; ‘ 1 Po Po ' ' 1 | ! be ep \ | | i ' ; \ Tl pi ty Ot Irby th Sy et pr pn prh og 2) 2% Ne -—A Po 45CO HP. bi Fe 375C Load Peg uve 3 an . r ae A FeTe -Bay Level. — i “ey < _ Y 3 oe +7, iy. am ee ee Fon ey figure <-t. “ a — — ‘ eg 350-0" LIU. ~ . N) “Sy Nn yy Lore fay Leved. 4 _ O nN } / v \ aN ™N blg@re = j HF av : Lf pop ao . oo | "7 ; § TF Fo Fo tT tow 3 prt | dj ; | ‘ ‘ ; | ) | WY | | | : a | | ' . | ! | | A | | : \ } : An: { : e \ NS | ‘ ‘ | \ : : , | t ' fe | - x! = \ be —- ~- a ee -—+—- — a - oe Wee . nee bg es a _— | J bo | : , - | J ' | DN | | | i : e ae S aoe yy ; —: - _ . g-- 3 roma pe — . NX — \ ) 47 DIG SF ~A_._. 2 . | . STII VIE S5SFF — XN a © Go et FF? C & F ft ~—6eSOKR RK : I ‘ | : \ ro , 1 . \ 1 i 1 > Hit are C. T 1 rod de ¢ 4 Cc [.Gaue "Ce bX oO | - Nw. | | ~ 3 -- — a HY Ay boo - ae { i’ 3 | | ‘ ‘ | 2 . \ | ve QJ” ‘ ‘\ \ ly . | \ \ | ' * . | | | \ \ | | | | | Ny | . -_— | of | rh | po EI | \ \ | : ! ad : | - ‘ —_—_ a + +} ~ —-- - - ‘ - a ——+ * oF | c | ! | i \. ; 7 ‘< ! | . \ | ! 7 : . | NO | Ny | Ps en | | | ! | w | oO | | \ AA | | : | _ | \, NA | | | | ! | . | | ! | | ! ! a | | | | | | | | . : \ ; ‘A | | | ; : | | So | | | | ' | ! : Pi too. bo py of Pd Sern \ ; ! | tii. lal PleLbbi tia PP i tt Pt pe LE La PE LN Pi tte tiie tii "Oe aeePO 8 IM Pee Gt BL! ow ba eT On OG PL DG & © FT o SPL DE Gt -3 Pi ae Gr tet Gt More De we wet Nw be GY V4 PR PWMDPY”? too 2? >mve ot 2 o A wear pporr Foe RP eave, ow 2? Hi Fe & ft! ee heel Cud eC se Tt ood “A A ae roc MN , SS Ley eee ! a Le G | | Gate Cw | ; | L | . | — — —— — — oe; “| ! | : | | i ~— __ _— _ —_— ae a _ ——— a5 > orc: V5 eo Liukt® Ch rnmye_ ftgure 10. Figure ll. Basin. a am ~ ; -— er “ ” a _” “ a oa “PNM PMU. ett’ yy) y Suey d y ay c mn Sony ‘y ma” oe yA wen «fo - Lav , > ' (DH) 4. | ex LLG UT —— -- ~~ —_ — eo ap ee en ~ a -- tlw€creal vt ferniolocd X Seed plale. CRS CO 67 CVC. lbeod SUAVE SCCEO BOI te Cail OFC? Woe aL S62 b¢ Slee CHA CE C23 €rcte | Wood Suave She ed £4 ale Cus€ C702 bbceL Sure | Steel late 7 Caol €7ere bei 2 Ulu SLece pele . lasl ércm Wood Slare. SlEEC Ve eke . Cuvo€ 6776 4 OO OZ. QIOEEL Kb Card reve. lyood slum — Sleed plhaic Cast rer lyc.e a deed pale Cuol rere Wwe SCave alecd , Cu le a ~ a! Cure Cusd «rer Vvec Sure Se ed filu Le Cail erere Nuc corel Shave “See ¢ fila Ce (ua, €FC?e Weed olare lee C pla le bu af éeser Wee W@ Sluse Oke a7 plu Ce Cua s€ @~rcer yyee va Oban s tL VY ae DCC MM Rs CEC \F3. 5+ K + Dtwameter LA cc KuUc ss or / C7cte Ck wate’ imzincnes. os ‘bo nsboex bag” Yo to ,” (4G ter ne 3! 4" —n DEI -tle ebay «tt erte #CC -¢ 9 3C bff D3EC SIC FICS RC IEE BOE RIB HOOK POO LAO" PEEC ZEKE SCOR. ape 3:97 “3orEe 3510) (SE SO -4C-1d HL UK “is 1C -43-8 REO. KEE CO BSTO) BICO BICC FCCC ICS Tee Og at IE IC KCOO 7, 3€ tC LE ae Bee von He Lone 391C Hebe Cee HIE IGE | Syd (EIR SCE SBI BEKO BF DE SICE 4 FETA | IW f «nO. lec 6 ODO FL AO OH EQS EIOE BSIG SOOO BEIG BIER -¢# fC hil o EER (S120 39 9G S450E0 C9706 3908 |. eres 1.3. se! toe oy JOSE FEL BOC, RACE ROS GBC BIRCH DC $650) 52 $0 S9OC SfE FOC Or ZECO RITE! SEI) 55SEC 957 © 5790 a Co , . I5SEC WO SO HR Ie ee GO Ft TO FE TO 5330 F900 3 bac BEOOO BLE) BE oc: | Gf. FFI REO BOO SPIO S700 BE IC PGI ; 1200 Im-4¢CO DEC IF E OC NS ODOC FBC ED’ eC Leak DIC Be S590 371 | (fo | eaeeters IPE Sek 46 ECS 260 | SECC | pice PREC POE FOon FILE KIEO PBVEC PICS LICE) SUR) 950 vei TE EO | Cf ec. | | TOC SOCR SISC ZB 3 Oo € . by DO FBO yove CO k-OO 4C © vy ! 7 COC: FECO LITE HCO DFO 95 7O | | Ife. . ee BPI) 46 LO FFI BCE ¢ ye RO EGE Ie FE La ve VVC Pot be ee se BBC sie | | iC fe | REO 1 IEG Be COTE . tin CATE boere Fee lease ,C « EEO ESO PICO HOE FF TO 5-56 | loft | | | POPC PAV BOGE, ydeC | . te Coe ye © POE Fer VF ek OO ee, SEC PERE JCC ZIV | ict fd | ESOC FORE BVO WOO VS yi Y-ee PL UO Pe de were i Te ek lO gh C0 £e& YW COO : | lee | | | Ate € 6 > oC Fee BIS: | | | ETF MW Lee ABBE NSE Ce i rE 2CCC FITC REL « ROME LD SK( Io fe | | P41 AICO BOSE BOC DOE Ve VO 16 EC srt de 1H Wri 19 Le SO GEOG 287" | , | PC fe BI | EOC} FICO BRe & Te Yr IBCO GB 1ORs _ad wh tet fe ix. fcr Opening or Closing Lime of 1 Second. Sign indicates Pre ssure LT¢s@. M TOP... pet results in percent melziply Cabucar values hy 100. Velocities tm Leustock | 2H SEER per. econ. (Fe |2P¢(3Fe |art|oFzloPt |7Fel/QFtl[OFt OF ties HPL CRU. WBE 2. zee | + 0.032 |0.064| 0.098 [0.132 [0.169 [0.205 5 [owas |0.283 0.322 10 $72 j0-4 50 0.545. eaeio. 740 6.850] ¢ |. Uo Ee pee ~ a - 0032 [0.060|0.050 lorie [ot 0172 | 0195 [0220 0.244 l0274 j0.31 035i 0.390 107123 OAL - d =\|r | - | “+0047 0.096| 0 0.150 10.205 10.260 |0.32% 0386 0-446 lo. 520|0.581 [c. TH 0.90 1.08 TLR Tete t OK (0045 |0.083)0. ISI oues ‘0.206 lozagioz79| 0.309 |0.342|/6.391 jo: 2S C4713 O52RLU SA O59 ‘9 + 10.065 [ONSR ORO7 | 10.280 |0.360 !0-45010 543. OSs 0.740 /0.840} 107 ‘1.33 lor 1.9l e222 + in '0.0€0 CMG IOI! lORI9 lores fou | O35 0388 0425 10456! O.S1S. 0.875 0.618 (0655, OC» + -- > f - 25 + 0.08 | [O./168)0.8 70 lo 361 0 4700590 O OT7IG ‘0850! 0.990] |. 1-4 jie | 1 84 ARS ‘RGD BS?) t - ‘0.075 O43 ORS | 10.265 [caee 0370 C415, 0460 0497/0534 0.593 0.642. 0691 ‘0.727 Ot Te : 1.08 ‘126 47 1.31 24a ‘2.99 3.60 4. 4 | t 3 + (0.098 l0.205|0.322 lo-250lo. $88 0.740 0905 o> '0 090 lO. 169 |o 024410 310 10368 0.425 OAT! 0.5/8 0.56010.598 0655/0 705 0.74 & 0.780 OBIS - 33 1.55 |1.B6 Re-7i i306 GBI 66 15.60 | 4 + ©. lie 0243/0385 0544/0 708 C90 117 3 _ 0.104 10.193 10.276 | 0.550 [ess | C28 19) 1.52 80. 58¢ Ce1e oes: 3 sle7c7 \orse € aw t G22 € e5 on ‘tose 0.280453 10035) 0.840! |.O7 (33 ee A 31. lz. RG Te 97 : 'B.ER 460 5&6 7.1C + -le He jozz00.si2 ‘0.386 O-t5t 10 5e2 0.572. 0615 0655/0693 107152 'C 191 0&2 C85 c.2% Las “t © 150 (0 323.0 520 0.736 | 0985: lac ' 157 L.9IO- R28 R69 3 GC 4 &G 587 TER STR | t = C130 12410 343 012510495 0.556. O02 06950032 0128S 0.780 10 B22 O85 OLE cou + 0.168 losed'o.s92! OB4B 1.130 146. ‘LEG R24 269 319 le 26 15.60 712 875 I CG t+ to aie emer a a ow. —s . oh o =10 I-74 + 026610.371 0.AGO10 531 0.595: 0684 C.693 iC, 13016. 7DE CIS © BtOC BES Fie u ae - + C206 0-456 0 7-49 [Ce 7s | 1.90 Rett 2.99 3.60 i4.31'5.8& 775 990 12,2 It. + C.-L Cn lc 310) OtE.5 ©. 515 1€59C C652 CUR CTSE'C TER OEIR cee ie CER Cu C.94 C9°- i 7” “+ C243 (C540 0.902 | 1.32 eR iz Rate (3.06 3.82 “4.66 | 15.60 PETE ve ~ ASC 135.3 _ 199 — C195 C950 C418 C5 TO CEA OK O74 OMDB © B26! 0.84 [0 89 10.92 “0.93 0.96 C36 )- “+ 0285 UCI 1.08 lw 22-¢t WOT 3S4-78! ‘5.88 712 logo 113.1 (6.3 ZC KOE ST t O22) 0300051 | GeFe C699 C133 6 /Y 0.83 ase!oe9 0 22510 M44 0.95 C979 C979) - > + OSRR CTIC IRV 1.928 KE HEC + TR Ser SRR B75 1B 16S | Rd R6.S 32.5 t O24 CF2ZS'OTOC CeEC C73C OTERO CEE CEG 0.BEC O DA | 09 *#:' OC JG © 97 C85 Cc.) - © OSHS CEO [od C F.255 GIO “hE 7 FEO 710 8. 7S .10.G 14, &'19.9 2S. 7 32.3 (39.6 t ao £75 OATS 0595 COS 6 7EC Ce! CF CEE © C BITC IS iC.9€ (C98 €99 tec 1.€€ t 6593S 1460 2.70 ARG CFB STS MT AE 1B 2.9 1322 73.3 9 7 WF B12 4 2. C.37+4 C59F 0.739 C.B1e 0.86 | CEQEF. re 93 CoS | IS 0.98 |e. 98 1.00 boc | 100 ayers + B50 KER 431 7OR 106 14.8 199 BD 7 32. P 3I.E SES | 76.5 NOOG NG. ; 135.0 t 20 Tes C.G >) OBIZ lc &. 7 C91 6.93, 0.94 - CO 0.98) Ileco LCG . ;0¢ 1ooc hOo- Pee | 25 Lan 3.70 6.529 ANGLE > Nee ae , 70 ©) 39 > 5O.0 Ghd ERC IDG oC IDUO PC | ~ CFB C165 BERS 0.913 COC Sb 10 IG oO 39 ae CO LOO (/1CO11.C6 1.00 LC0 1.00 Oe a 430 Bole RS (26 SE.) 1440 566 | TLS 188.2 12OO [ITO 725.0 283.0 35C.0 t 9© - 0.60 0.81 oO. © 5 099 0.99 !100 ‘100 1.00 “1,00 Mig9 [00 (1.00 106 Lee! = $2.25 TO WO 25.5 39-4 S64 117.2 100.0 (127.0 158 0: 222.0. 30F0 399.0 5040 EFC + | = 0.695 08880955 (0.97 1.08 “1.00 | 1,00 1.00 1.90 | 1.00 | Loo | 100 "400 100 (1.00 | oo FORE E NOW Ze.) 59.7 ol.o &F.5 JkOO (od 0 198.6 RAGS 346.0 -4 15.06 G22. T8900 370 t OF lorie ‘o.9z 0.982 106 1.00 100 “100 ‘100 | OO 1.00. 1.00 1.00 (1 00- 100 1 OC oot. “3. 14,9 32 si STOOL TS | 105.€)) 72 © PR2 O ZBR& 3504: 5OSC., 6880" 'BIE.O 1130.0 1IOCO t 7. O.I2 0355 C.IB2 1.CO 1.00 1.00 1.00 | LOO 100 '10c OG LOS pom 1Coco 1CC 7 tt Fe RSIS TO ICC © 1350 E30 SOOO sen 505 0.620.018 90.0 12 15 © 158.5. ROVOO MEX ot CO - «, IC 2.98 6.998 nce $.0C ' EOC. 4,00 1.00 moO f.0¢ I ppoo | Uo, $0 1.OO 1.06 7 joo. t.'* iSO ‘3.6 B3.5 1558 240.0 S41 “1 16.0 6200 185.0 96 TO 1395.0 19000 2496.0 314 3 Ic.a + , ‘ 315 1.00 | 1.06 LOG hoo LOO JCO 4COQ PhO | 1.06 6 1Ce, OO $C 1Oe boc = — ~ ———_ —— - —_— he eee - ~* _ -_—_ FRE SSURE VARIA LIC INS, bor Opening or Closing | L ume cf R. Seconds t Sign cuadtcates Pressure Rise. ——_ ” ¢ Dro ee To get results vt Per cent multiply tabular values by ICQ. L — Velocitres Ln”. Pensteck in . feet per. Second. A IEE ZER. St AEE SEY GE t7Et BELIEt. OFt I2Ft IFeloEt, EU KOFE, t+ ‘O.01G 0.038 0.049 0.064 "0.08| 0098 0.116 O16 0150 ‘O.1GD 0.20510 243 0.283 '0.32é C37Z + a 0.016 ‘0.032 0.047 0.0600 075 0.090 ‘0104 (O1G 0.130 'O 144 017? 0195 CREO OPA OR TA - + acest 0.047 0.073 0.096 0.123 0.150 O1GS 0.205 'ORS# 0 ZE0'O. 0322 ‘C0 3B€ CF46 0.520 © 587 t ~ |e. CR-t U.C# A 0.068 (0038 0.109 ‘0. (Bt 0.142 ‘0169 0.189 0.206 10.244 +0279 (0309 (0.342 "0391, : +10.03 3: 0.069 0.09 & O13R 0./69 0.207 0.243 0.280 03R2 0360: 0-450 0 543 0638 0 740 OBto + i 0.032 0.060 0.090 0.116 0.146 O17 0195S 0219 0244 ORES | 0-311 0351 0388 0.425 0-156 - +. C.0F 1 0.081 O1RB 0168 0.214 0.2 700.310 0.361 O46 0470 0 590. 0.716 0.850 0.990 | 140 t on * -'o. O39 0075 0.109 0143 0. 176 CRIS OR3T7 ORCS 0.2940 320, 0370 Ons OAGO 04970 534 - | , AS b + 10.049 0.098 0.150 O205 ORGR 0.322 C386 OFSO 12 520.0 588.0740 0.905 1.0890 ‘1.260 147¢ + _~ , 0.130 0.169 0.209 O24 ORTT O.319 0 BFR 0.368 OARS OFT! 0.518 (0.560 0 598 - t iC 058 OIG 01/78 0243 asi 23850460 0.544 0.625 0.708 | 50-90 b110 1330 1950 1860 + — 054 0104 ‘ALsl G19S 0239 0276 03S” 0.350. 0.385 0415. OFTS0.S528 | 0.580 0.6/2 0655 — + 0.066 C132 0.205 028403064 (0-453 OS4FDO63S ‘0.740 0.840 1070 1.330 1620 1910 %260 + —|0.0GR O-1IG ‘0.1 Vi (0 R20 0.266 0312 0.350 0.386 0-426 ‘OF 5C'0 S522 0572 0.615 0.655 0693, “410.073 O.150 0.233 C323 ‘0.416 0.5200 6230 736 0.B6O 0.985. | 260 1.570 1.910 22RBO Z6IC t 10068 0.130 0.189 0 244 0294 0.543 0385 0425 0-463 0495 0.556. OGIR 0655 0692 O7¢8 | +: 0.08 0168 0261 0364 OFT! 0.592 0 716 ost9, 0988 11390 | +400 1BGO 2 240.2 690 3 190 t ~\a075 014A 0.209 OR6 (0.320 O37 ONS (046010496 CEXT 0.595.0654 0693 ‘0. 1300758 "40.098. 0.206 asee OA4350 ‘0.590: ‘0.739 0 90 | O80: 1.260 | 460 1.90 at 2.990 3.60 ~f 310 + '=10.090!0.171 0.244 0.310 0360 OARS OATS'A515 0.5580. 59O06250.712 0.758 0.1820.812 — ti0.1eG (0.2-43 0385 0 $40 0.715 '0 902 i1o 1.320 (158 1.82 R-tO 3.06 BBR : 4.060 560 + -\o 0.104: 0195 0277 ‘0350, 0420! ‘OFTBOS25.0570 'OGI2 0.6400 H12 0.746 0.792 2 0. BER O eto — + OLS 0.285 0-450 0.640 (0848 1.080 13S 1.6201.910 R.RF 297 384 AB 588 Tk ~ O18 | O22 0.512 0.390 0-460, ASIC 057006200655 0.695" 'O7S3 0790 0830 O&6l aB%mW + 10.450 03221052 | 0.74 2.99 N27 1ST LOR 228 Z.€6 3.60 “4.72 5.87 7.22 Bis + _ 0.1430 O.RF4A O342 CABS 0496 0.5600 O/R 0660 0.693 0.730 | 0.780) 0.820 0 B60 C.BB0.0.920 toned | 0.375 0.594'0850 L140 hate Le4+O 2230 2.69 3. \GO -7.2 7 seo 710 875 19 60 | 10.144 O8275 0.372 O60 | 0.533 °. 595) 0.6 5¢ Uk VS 0.730 0.760 ‘0.810 0.8-40'0.BB6 6.895 6.95C. ! 1S. “+ 0.264 0.595 0.99 14 2.02 2.70 | ‘3.13¢ 4260 525 6.2808 13 11.70 ‘It BO 18.6 PL + 7/0. RAO 0.374 0497 0.595 ness 10.735 ; 0.759. CEIE O.B40 ‘0.B6C '0898 0.9300 945 ©. 35C O9EC ! 20. + 0.3G)1 0.B5° 146 & RA IAG [+ Si (3.60 © “1.020 &. 190° 10.60 14 80, 19. JO. 1&9. 72 ‘32. 2C (SOEC + | - 0.265 0461 « 10.60 069 0. 16 jOBb2 0.84 0.87 6895 C915 0.930 0.9406. 210 | C.98C Lee = 25, “+ O.F73 I. 140) Z.04 3.20 4.58: 6.35 830 10 50 13. RO IG. ecto d60 30.60 39. a 50.00, GI ic + 3. DD > <} 4.5 + + | = I3ER 0535/0672 0.763 aie (0.868 0898 0.915 0.928 0.969/0.9600.970 0.990 1.00 “Lec so. +t 0.59 147 2.69 4.301630 B75 LTO 14.80 IBGO 22.6 32 10 -4-4,0 5.00 NSO Be i 0.371 0.60 073 08! '0.853'0910 0.950:0955 0.960099 '099 100 1.00 Lee bee ig "+ 0852 220 1432 7.10 ‘10.70 {15.00 19.90 2.5.30 32.2 'BI4O1SE-10 74.2 1OC.C17 7.0 158.0 t 7 PASC 0695 0 B13, ‘0.8 0.92 10.955 0970 C97 ‘0.98 JOO 1.00 400 1.00 1.06 Loe + —+4 6.32 10.6 ig OO 22. 390 30.80 39.7 | og ! ue 2.590, ‘0.812 C920. (0.9530,980 (0.985) 1.00 | O°0 | Loo Loo) 1.00 | boo 190°) Loe! bec co “+ "2.260: TRO ‘1490. 258 "39.6015 7 00 77 2100.0! 126.0" 155.0 223.0: 1306 0396.0 505.0 6% 00 + 205" (0.6295 0.90 10.98 5 |0.98 0.995 0995)1.00 | | }.00 |.00- 1Oo ‘yeolle OO 1.09 4.00] Gc - }O0. MY 3.19 060 22 90 S86 \6rseises | 120.0 155.0 197.0 240.0 34704 16.062 5.0°785.0'9670 + Link eT 50. Litt 133.24 wee ©1400 87.5 120.0 159.0 198 © (LR t _ 0.535 0772 \O877 . O92 10.952 | 0.982, 0990. §1OoD {00 ! ,.00. 1.00 J oo. Loo Loo Kore 60 ++ 1-16 FSI 1B.50 14 9 22. 60'32-40-93. 50 57007 TS 87.5'1250 (120 “2RR © 2BZ olssac’ 4 4 OASIBOINS (0.985 1.00 1..oo | 1.00) |.c0 | |oo. (1 OO} 1.00) 1.00) 1.007 10D) Loo! at ! bt for C? t vdey ~—T Lc Te % ZS C 7 vic s VELe reureg cr CHLEC a LES 6 O20 9S IU ith a Lahle V1. VAIRLA LD LOWS. Closeny t > TEC »5S 47 © ’ t ‘ L Ceo e€e Li C 2f 4¢ Drep. bre fs Yoec seg Pb 4A Le iply Ca bulu y cf. _ ad > wAeCondy _ bad Lee’ > hy LOC, L | Nao évce€é tes cn bc ator Crk. feed L20r. Second. oo | ri bab ete, See fh oe elie, fice. GF i. OP UCR CRE tT WWEC, fer cel. , Tere Ck: OG In | Coe EN OOD bak aes iv 0 Ce ae Ode 0. a) Cate CIS G, rm & t. £209 OG 91 P= UI CORU UC de Cth UE CORE CUTE UCHI CUICG-OCII CME CADE ©. | >t C (a C.atid > pt Oe EOS Ce Oe Oe CO CIE GCIBE O.1 56 GHOE. ba 9 O43 ORE UE Cx + Pe 1 COST CE ORL OO COr SO. just C. Pits . St Gries CCD © 1) Fens eth GA - . 1 C08 b 04 3 Gu 9 COE, Toth Yd Gi Se ¢ ASS: c. (eae i207 G y1- On: mae 337 3 2 A 450 C745 + — OLDE C.04ht CCE COE 0,0 JOE C. i © C, i)° i © ATI CAE Ca I> O95 0: PK C5tt O89 e . UR e OC> ICC OCD CAs C lee € AME EAI © ace i I€ OB Os; STC. CAI Co UU + © MP oR > COE COD CLD Cid Geb tes CofE Cle? l. iy be D Rk CBE OBIT OU Feil J Tt LK OCC HH CAS Ga Se Cak = eS ( CE AS UF. a Ci. wie 6,0 rt, t 4 , IO ( 6O VO ‘f- 1C ¢, ert —C.0 5) C006 COI Cor Ovitt et COV C95 COO 6k 4 Opes CHI 6.30 «. of) C748 y Urry yy bees ran PT biG Cu se Cyt \ td Gi <4 C33 103~ 30, 7 sol, Fe, C96 6.005 4. IOC CFO OD a OE Cab SE Ol NS Ue CLE CLM BIC OS TC O39 9667 SE GATOS CSRO = | tt Chad Gere 1 30 Cain | we OI \ ROS) CU 4 «6 ( ory VC. ‘yt iS C3 > > The € , D6. 1G Co Lact € + “=U. PPh CLS Gear tae fh Ge Ge Se ORE Odes Gt CU SoH. O73) 018i URE i 5EC = pg Ber ECW IS CADE Ce Ge ee ye’. SV.3 90 vet FV. Ke . 3) UTIL G. WEF WUE 120 hal + tb DOW IE CHG CAI Geto cert tom de. St Ost. tt Urte. PONTE OTIS USI Cece 5 Fo WAS CUA I UGS Ga YI ‘ you. Je- tutor 0 a) G. D J6. 0.€ CC Cee ts S471 ber t© LAOS L71CC Tr OG 2 4 GG a +4: e Cuics f kane . Ce EE Smt c 394 wu. ati ue (Ow. “GEO o aae Coe C995 C6! on ( TOF OSE OE CRO WIFI OT SOL. 5c CO 9 YOFS3O Gor! I. CES, SO LOK CE ICC a ie LOY ULE a7 Cen Cal ha © SC (C4590 OLS er “4K 2 CAD, FI 5. S76 COPE OK DF r IO - / TU CA y J cand du.3d (lo47 39 C. THUG. 3 m1 7D «. uf het & Pan AETO F WE R Pare Er 7 6 FE Oe Ca Dd OK DE BCE CLI OL 399 ( 13h Cee “ 5€9 UST CELE LED ie WA 704) _ f és 7 Gic | Cm DUS OBI 6A OO SD 6 OK ie POE Ped RO FEO Po KL | 3.5-¢ + PUY CES AA OTT CR (Ke Ot LEC bet TOTO BABY ~Qu 3.51 REG I + ie COV Cate OST S97 oe etee Ce u TK C IOC C595 GIT COIS CIBS ITO GEIC Ge | Pt ONES OG CIS eH Ia. . HT ECO LOO FICO BPW REO HOR ZIG ELT 1 I> a, f SEK C3 fet O.4 OSE 9 CHC Gort CA OG OI35 LIT CEIK CEL ot Co Ye C, Jb - PS! CT COO Me TOO BE EEG HO BIO STO MOF eds LE REO eee ft ~€ = OE 6.5K Crt Cl CeO Ces CC c. (>>, Te CSV Che OD Gb WOKEN EITC Gate _ 25 t Ce Ve C&W L itd are RIEL BOC, tle Sai dk €, 3.90 LODE AC; 5C LHe’ eae C fe & ke -C ¢ + oO Thee > “ICL CSG CA vo ar C.7O 7 CRE, BAR LECE Cae 80915, CFR U.9& ~y)d Lec — - Foe VOR tH Be EE AS (3 AO FICO £756 1.690 VEER tJ. kO: 3c P, us VE ap ~ Do ae Ck Lett. C.OEC CA IC x A Or | aa Fn C EET 94 CIID CISC (,.9& Ice WG G ha Co tS: y Lette hel 5C . HI nse C 7d A 4 Ce thc bee 85.5 35.30 -F5UC Se 7 t€ i Lt + 50. 99k CE) C.70°8 OLE GE er eI | 94 T¢. 54 C9 CIBC CO LOG EEO Lee = sU Te 10C WRI SIS AA > We irF.ae ie. ee KR, IC ae CC 3.7 BAL “TOL 27. 5c AK 9.4 + ee CNT Ute Ee Dae C.91 C.0& LIE . YW POO bee bee LCE ERs Ce _ O54 bk “hI oo Moe mie CFS ney ¢ Se rte SCO 340d (7, C WK ce € bt. ' Cs ME GEIL Gee 109 09079" bee $C Vad ee pO FTE Pee Pees me + I. BAL DVS “A ié Ve OCR Cg te 5H H19.€ EW | (IK, SLL VUE FRB cE + ~b.9e O7E COC Okt E CIE C.F 7 LOG Tee EEE LO’ Le pee FC Le LOK - hoot. te SEL 1C.@4 ee ae C: 39,G (Ot. CC 1. ue 26. Bu ‘ 5,4 135. LA ‘ t ud He'd 7450. + pT eh EOF CIE CIM 6 0 ba © GUO EOC Eee, bhOO Lee Leo Le Of. ¢ 1.90 - ' { to HCO. 4 _- ( GCliK ~ & Cte LCI ame Cet we” 9 4 Cot 4. C .¢ Gal AS T “Le Ve L. uC Geert & EC AS 4 OGLE “d4 C. cio Pep td Cela TLE Ca. lw “»~ o GEEK % ct. (Be TS, = 745 O. 6.4. «7d coe «ol 1d © oe gel. bent ees. Cte Cc 4% EE uu Lobe ts ber cpene o Deg kh enmdecu®leg. OU Cr 4 _f? Cre tei Cus ng fbPréessure. « /be :2ock aoe tee WIL. VALI A Dili 5 ¢c-_—~ »y. A. é J} of “tt [Vise ‘ Dre p O. | CCE KAS, | resklts en percent LE EEE KG Cuhuluy Vuluts dy ae C2 feel per Sece od: Bi t-fU 1. OE L. Crt. VERSE 't. Oh’ ML enh. brh’ Ci’ Gk Y LORE ¢ bu Cote < CO= CCR 06S UK ( Cod CUE: | ( (cr t i 3D ) 4 : nS rer Tycow?d | CCE ETO ‘CABe. Fé CNG Ou (e ( $4.6. CC. S51 Cece ©. rbe& Py Pcs cine (UC. i. + pee . (C3 ¢ BU Cet ,7tGu | ' + (169 ( C ei-t COS 8 lee > ‘ A IWC & ( C Sek ~ CCE C. I3C¢ A Cea C. ce (oC ¢ ime O Ke tees «KS Cle C.13-t ORCO CAT C230 3 C 6.Gee ley ( POY GAG CHIE CRE) s@€ 4 AE (enters Su: t CG de. vt dd 4b tw LLC V4te vu: pire oy FOC C5, City ‘A GQ Uric C2430 IIE Cr & C-1496 G.CO C4 h.. *. 9 CK Ce 6 OO Cc. IOC & FIC C Cmte EL “1 96 O re C. OC XICEVD U rei h sk. Toe, “77991 4 Ol ¢ cee Coe Ge +1 UC 36 6 Orr Oe ks oo “41 LEC COTS CLE TCO C ane Coe OO LOCEL OES LODO Cri (CCOSD CCE! C06 CEG d C.0sl Ot,’ ~COTD oy CC%re cia. 5 CewWw CI1CD (pte ( rid ¢ t Cin Cisne led c pc * ss) Ulre r9CO cie GCise G19) ¢ Clee. elt re Ge CRE’ cc Tee Cid 209 CEAZ CBC C195 C9 «. RES ter ra | “Ae t. SAR CAI CO. TEC CEE YOY CERLOCIICVZ UC bo (Cy JAC LZ UC#1) (USELUC1 © c/y CoS ye (ny / C0541 6 OO LUCE C6 3e CHE COI C4 C.1IG elnO'C pro . wud CARE CAAHC CO.) (& C130 CAST TE Cn 0 lu. 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UOBLE ( “erttictt be * O49 ( O13: YO KL C4 wet ( “tf oy 10 BIS. O. 37 ts C. OL CT CR? CC. “Oe Greve C Vek: c ¢ LOD ( watt | b C. SH « EEE CLSIORM © CBee Go $0.5 CHR EB COC (.BEE GO 4LEC. YOM CT ‘ SEC « CF CLUBL LE6O0¢. ) . inde He PLE CH REG rt re, DY OAL Ch © apie oct r IK. 7k Lire yd (sth: 1GO Ct, © POEL LEE’ 1 Bec Ube pr te seh TL KEE es € a IC ¢ Cin yWOLS CHE CCL TOM TEMA LUNE & B80. 3S ULE CIS © Se Cede C FIC O&F1B1 OSO 139 JERI, Ek C3" CRE CHOU vie 6.9 WOKE CHO COIS See cj. rp AC C40 7 CAE SOF IEC CVC LICL ICIEAG 2 29 JK.€9 SIS CHIC Ce > CDL CTE WO Base -i ROO >. CET GEL tO IO. GL ry 1.zi6 AO KOK ge. aes ek &- 2.16 45 S.C VON &s U. OC BIA UE 4 ©. eur 4 SE GAD ESE ISG WGEL CE SO. / y CEA OF CEIBE 3.9 CISC IM > EBLUL EIT I. rt ee BIL CG BIC CEOS YG € Joe GID HE AUT i561 NM 5 > d€ e QeCGIEL OIG C.9Te COIS WBE Ie PEO EO TING DO CIE CIO CIMRC II LOL CORO Byes ai3. 5 FRC cae “y {C4 | i.C€ 5. 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To get resultsin percent’ multiply tabular values by ICO. L. 7 . H | (bt 2Et St gReort GF. 7Frere OFL rt GEt FL IGFt iSFt |2OF ,. ({t 10005 0.010 (0.016 [0.022 |A0ze 0.032 0.037 |0.043 |0.043]/0 053 0 O&F10 077/0.08 7 [0.0398 /0.109 + | [10005 10.010 jO C1G iC 020 002 5 0032 0 036 0.04 | 10 04110 05 | 0.06010.071 | 0. 0& | IC CBG'0-C99 — 5 Lt je0c&E 0 O16 10.024 0. O3R C04! 0.047! 005E IC Cet 0.073 0.081 © O9€ 0.1 1G [o. ISR (0150 [CIGS Ft | [- je0cob oe 018 |0.024 10. 03) '0.039 \0045'0054 /0.060€ | |O0GBI0.075: '0 O88: 0.10-4/0.116 C13! [Olas - 2 {t 0 O19 O.ORR 0.055 0.0430 0530 065 077, 0 0&70.098/0109 | lo. IGR 0. 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