DOCTORAL DISSERTATION SERIES title STUDIES !HPIQMNWIDN /N mumcrn mam ml mm DAIIId MHLM , SW£ CSlLom 1951 UNIVERSITY. 0CH AUTHOR DEGREE m . . PUBLICATION NO. III I ML a y UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS ANN ARBOR • MICHIGAN STUDIES IN PIGMENTATION IN MICROCOCCUS PYOGENES VAR. AUREUS by David Kahler A THESIS ubmitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in p a r tia l fu lfillm e n t of the Requirements fo r the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Bacteriology and Public Health 1951 ACKNOW LEDGMENT The w riter wishes to express his sincere appreciation to Dr, W . L. Mallmann or the Department of Bacteriology and Public Health fo r his guidance and assistance in conducting th is in v estig atio n and to the Chemistry Department fo r the use of equipment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPERIMENTAL METHODS --------- - - - - - RESULTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 14 The Effect of Various Constituents of Chapman's No. 110 Liquid Medium on Pigmentation - - - - 18 The Effect of the B Complex Vitamins Upon Pigmentation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 The Role of the B Complex Vitamins in Pigmentation Using a Semisynthetic Medium 24 - - Relationship of Cocarboxylase to Thiamin in Pigmentation of Staphylococci - - - - - - - - 32 Effect of S alts on the Pigmentation of Staphylococci - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33 The Role of Carbohydrates in Pigmentation - - - 40 - - - - 46 Effect of Amino Acids upon Pigmentation SUM M ARY ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58 TABLES INTRODUCTION The fa c t th a t many microorganisms have exhibited some type of coloration has aroused the c u rio sity of mankind since i t s beginning. Many attempts have been made to explain why pigment production by a p a rtic u la r organism varies from time to time under supposedly the same conditions. As pigmentation is usually accompanied by good growth, some workers have stated th a t pigment is formed during c e ll p ro life ra tio n and is the r e s u lt of active b a c te ria l metabolism. Such a theory discounts any idea th a t a p a rtic u la r metabolite d ire c tly affects pigmentation. Other workers have favored a theory of inheritance of color and support th e ir theory with the evidence of Bunting's work (3) with S e rra tla marcescens. Using a synthetic medium Bunting found th a t four types of colonies, namely: bright pink, pale pink, conditions, and white, dark red, grown under controlled a l l eventually came to an equilibrium with about 97.0 percent dark red and 3.0 percent bright pink colonies. Most workers in th is f i e l d have f e l t th a t there are p a rtic u la r growth fa c to rs or combinations of these facto rs which cause an organism to produce pigment. Evidence has indicated th a t these facto rs are d iffe re n t f o r each species of organism and may even vary within the species. Supporters of th is th ir d theory point out th a t such a hypothesis could 2 include the f i r s t theory as the organism forms products during good growth which serve as metabolites fo r pigmentation. With staphylococci many attempts have been made to study the e ffe c t of various n u t r i l i t e s upon pigmentation. However these studies have been made upon media which consist of components such as Cl) meat e x trac t, (2) evaporated milk, (3) ex tracts from or agglutinins prepared against staphylococci or (4) alcohol p re cip itate d ex tracts of beef, brain, spleen, heart and kidney. The end r e s u lt has been th a t the information has varied with the t e s t conditions and very l i t t l e has resu lted . agreement Also methods of measuring pigmentation have been f o r the most p a rt, crude and therefore not too r e lia b le . I t was f e l t th a t i f a method could be evolved by which the amount of pigment could be measured with at le a s t a f a i r degree of accuracy, then various media, both natural and synthetic, could be used to study the e ffec t of chemically defined compounds upon pigmentation in S. aureus (liicrococcus pyogenes var. aureus). th is study was undertaken. With th is object in mind LITERATURE REVIEW Pigmentation in microorganisms has at times been instrumental in guiding the destiny of mankind since the time before C hrist. During the siege of Troy in 332 B.C. by Alexander and his fellow Macedonians, the appearance of blood-like droplets in bread was Interpreted to mean destruction of those within the c ity (27). As a re s u lt, the Macedonians continued th e ir assault and the c ity of Troy fe ll. Since the above event, instances of "bloody bread" have altered the destiny of man u n til 1819 when a s c ie n tif ic explanation of the phenomenon was made by Bartolomea Bizio (27X a professor a t the University at Padua. Bizio promptly recognized the fungus nature of the coloring matter and proceeded to in fect other materials with the organism. "Bloody spots" appeared within twenty-four hours. He named the causative organism S e rra tia marcescens. the genus in honor of Serraflna S erra tia , on the Arno riv e r. putrefying. the f i r s t to operate a steamboat The specific name means decaying or In 1827 a complete report, including the chemical nature of the pigment, was made by Bizio. The other carotenoid pigment producers have also had in terestin g genealogies although most of these organisms were investigated f o r th e ir pathogenic significance before extensive work was done on th e ir chromogenic properties. Robert Koch (35) f i r s t noted a micrococcus in pus in 1878, and two years l a t e r Pasteur cu ltiv ated the organism in liquid medium. Rosenbaeh (34) made a thorough study of the organism and the basis of i t s pigment production, and divided the genus into two species — Staohvcoccus pyogenes aureus and Staphylococcus pyogenes aibna. Passet (35) added a yellow v ariety , Staphvlococcus pyogenes c itr e u s . Since th a t time many attempts have been made to c la ssify these micrococci using various c r i t e r i a such as fermentation reactions, pathogenicity, hemolytic a c tiv ity , e tc ., but the predominating c h a ra c te ris tic has been the pigment as is evident by the present nomenclature -- Micrococcus pyogenes aureus. Zopf (38) studied the pigment content of eight organisms and found lipoxanthins to be present in Bacterium egrp.gium. Bacillus chrvsoloia and Staphylococcus aureus. Gurd and Denis (15) reported th a t carotenoids were found in Mycobacterium le p ra e . technique, Reader (26), using the chromatographic id e n tifie d carotene in Sarclna aurantlaca and Chargaff (7), working with the carotenoid pigments of Sarclnia lu te a , Sarclna aurantiaca and Staphylococcus aureus. found sarlnene, xanthophyll, carotene, and zeaxanthine to be present. Baumann et al (2 ) found th a t several species of Flavobacterium. Corynebacterlum. Staphylococcus. and Mycobacterium synthesized 5 carotenes; however, attempts to transform the carotene to vitamin A by the use of microorganisms failed . However a carotenoid-like structure was thought by Skinner and Gunderson (31) to be the precusor of vitamin A in a species of CorvnebpeterlumFrench (11) working with photosynthetic bacteria, lib erated the c e ll contents by supersonic vibration. A water soluble protein which was attached to insoluble pigments, bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid, were lib erated . Reimann and Eckler (28), studying four variant types of Micrococcus tetragenus. iso lated the following pigments: yellow variant - xanthophyll, pink variant - rhodaxanthin, brown variant carotin, and mucoid pink variant - lycopene. Sobin and Stahly (30) extracted carotenoids with hot methanol from Flavobaotgrium. Sarclna. Micrococcus. Erwlnla. Bafitp.pium. Cp.llumonfls and Staphylococcus and found that some species which are separated by biochemical reactions have identical pigments. Ingraham and Baumann (16), using a synthetic medium, were able to demonstrate th at the amount of carotene produced by a given organism varies with the medium, and th at the content per gram of c e lls increases to a maximum a fte r which i t decreases. These workers suggested th at such a carotenoid synthesis carried in terestin g biological implications since the organisms do not contain chlorophyll. 6 Pinner and Voldrich (24) reported th at Staph. albus. Staph* c itr e u s . and Staph. roseus are s p l i t off spontaneously from Staph, aureus in broth containing aureus agglutinins and th at albus can be reverted to aureus by using media with a high concentration of anti-albus serum. Eyatt, Jann and Salle (4) obtained an extract from ruptured ce lls of a highly chromogenic s tr a in of Staph, aureus and th is extract was used to induce pigmentation in white stra in colonies. Nutini and Lynch (23) using an alcohol precipitated extract of beef brain, spleen, heart or kidney were able to convert the yellow S form of Staph, aureus to the white R form with altered biochemical c h a ra c te ristic s. S till The findings of Goldworthy and (14) show th a t ox heart meat extract when added to nutrient agar in h ib its pigment production in Bacillus proaiglosus and S. marcescens but enhances pigment production in Staph, aureus. Two cultures of acid f a s t bacteria were found by Baker (1) which produced pigment in the presence of lig h t and were devoid of pigment in the dark. Brief exposure to u ltra v io le t and sunlight and longer exposure to e le c tric lig h t conferred the a b ility to form pigment on fu lly developed unpigmented cultures. Kreitlow (19) exposed S. marcescens to a bright red lig h t with the re su lt th a t a bright orange color was produced a t 20 and 27 C while under a blue lig h t, a highly 7 chromogenic organism l o s t i t s pigmentation. Cultures exposed to white lig h t formed intermediates. Sullivan (34) reported the yellow pigments of Bacillus fucus. Micrococcus aurantlcus, M. c itr e u s . M. tetragenus v ersat11i s . and Sarclna lu te a are formed very slowly in nonalbuminous media but are quickly formed in a peptone solution plus s a lt s . This worker found th a t magnesium s u lfa te and dipotassium phosphate favored pigmentation. Reid's (27) exhaustive study of 76 cultures representing 24 genera of chromogenic b acteria, showed th at no pigment was produced when the medium contained no nitrogen or inorganic s a lts ; however, amino acids as the sole source of nitrogen or metals found in pigments were not useful in stim ulating pigmentation. Kharasch, Conway and Bloom (17) working with several cai'otenoid producers showed th a t large concentrations of biologically Important metals (manganese, copper, iron) in h ib it organism growth while smaller concentrations sometimes cause pigmentation lo ss. Turian's (36) studies with Mycobacterium phlei demonstrated the opposite to be true in th a t more carotenoids were produced when the medium contained traces of iron and manganese. Dewey and Poe (8) worked with minimum essen tials fo r pigment production in S. marcescens and demonstrated th at manganese, s u lfs te , and phosphate were necessary. 8 Chapman (5) seeking a selectiv e medium fox* the iso la tio n of staphylococci, reported th a t a 7*5 percent sodium chloride added to a Eacto phenol-red agar provided a good Isolation medium and enhanced chromogenesis, Fagracus (9) found that the staphylococcus grew luxuriously with abundant pigmentation when the sodium chloride concentration was carried as high as 10 percent. Kharasch, Conway and Eloom (17) observed that the development of pigment in S. marcescens does not require glucose but depend upon substances with available aldehyde or ketone groups. Sevag and Green (29) investigated the role of several breakdown products of glucose in the pigmentation of Staph, aureus and concluded th a t there is some unknown product of th e ir intermediate metabolism which is required. The work of Kliger, Grossowicz and Bergner (18) showed th at both n ic o tin ic acid and thiamin must be present fo r the f u l l u tiliz a tio n of available carbohydrates in staphylococci but these workers did not mention the extent of pigmentation. However the improved Chapman-Stone (6) medium the yeast extract of which contains the above mentioned vitamins, produces a deep pigment. Gladstone (13) reported th at 25 stra in s of Staph, aureus grew well on a medium which included 16 amino acids with the following acids being e sse n tia l; mmM 9 cystine, leucine, phenylalanine, valine, proline, gylcine, arginine and tryptophane. aspartic acid, Porter and Pelzer (25) were unable to grow many stra in s of Staph, aureus in Gladstone's basal medium and reported th a t bio tin , to n ic o tin ic acid, in addition and thiamin was necessary f o r growth. The findings of Moller, Wey, and Wacker (21) demonstrated th a t about one-fourth of the staphylococci studied needed pantothenic acid and about one-half required puriiies or u ra c il. These l a s t two groups of workers did not mention the e ffe c t of these growth factors on pigmentation. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS The organisms which were selected Tor th is study were three s tr a in s of Staphylococcus aureus CMicrococcus pyogenes var. aureus). Two of the cultures No. 2 and 5 were iso la ted from the th ro ats of students in the Department of Bacteriology and Public h ealth a t Michigan State College. The th ird culture which w ill be designated 6 is 6538 from the American Type Culture Collection. Cultures 2 and 5 were selected because of th e ir marked a b ility to form pigment on most so lid media which supported th e ir growth. Preliminary work was done with culture 5 as of the three s tra in s used, th is organism was the best pigment producer. The f i r s t attempts to study pigment formation in these organisms were made on solid media. Four media were compared, namely (1) proteose peptone No. 3 agar plus 10 percent evaporated milk, (2) proteose lactose agar, and (4) Chapman's No. 110 agar. (3) dextrose agar An attempt was made to measure pigment production by visual observation at the end of a 10 day incubation period. However the amount of pigment could not be measured by observing the growth on the agar p lates because the degree of pigmentation in Isolated colonies was markedly d iffe re n t from th a t in heavy confluent growth. A method of measuring the amount of lig h t refle c te d off the pigmented c e lls was tr ie d but l i t t l e success resulted 11 because the differences of pigmentation on various media were not s u f f ic ie n t fo r d iffe re n tia tio n . Even when c e lls were removed from the growing surface and placed on various back­ grounds, no marked improvement in d iffe re n tia tio n resu lted . The method of Stahly e t a l (33), fo r measuring the amount of pigment produced by c e lls grown on a solid medium with a photoelectric colorimeter, met with more success than the ones previously tr i e d . The following formula was used to determine the amount of pigment: Anount of pigment . However i t was f e l t th a t a more accurate method could be devised i f the pigment was extracted from the c e lls with an organic solvent. The following method was devised: 200 ml portions of the t e s t medium, prepared with double d i s t i l l e d water, were placed in 500 ml Erlenmeyer fla s k s , the pH was adjusted to 7.00 and the medium was autoclaved f o r 15 minutes at 15 pounds (121 C). Three ml aliquots amounts of the medium were seeded from a 24 hour n u trie n t agar s la n t. After 12 hours incubation at 30 C, transp lan ts were made to a second set of aliquots which were also incubated 12 hours. Four drops of these 12 hour cultures were added to the 200 ml portions of the t e s t medium. These flasks were shaken during incubation fo r 24 hours on a B urrell shaker at 30 C to promote maximum growth by bringing oxygen and n u trien ts to the growing c e lls . 12 Following the shaking period the cells were separated from the supernatant flu id by centrifugation and washed twice with 0.85 percent saline. Next 10 ml of 0.85 percent saline plus glass beads were added to the c e ll mass and the suspension was shaken fo r one-half hour in order to break up existing clumps. Further to insure a homogeneous suspension, 40 ml of 0.85 percent saline was adaed to the c e ll suspension and the resu ltin g suspension was passed through six layers of cheese cloth* The number of organisms was determined photometrically. Population curves fo r the three te s t organisms were Trade by plotting microscopic counts against lig h t transmission using a Cenco Sheard Photometer S erial No* 2003 equipped with a blue Vfratten F i l t e r No. 49. (Figure 1) This f i l t e r has a maximum adsorption between 4400-4600 Angstrom Units. As shown in Figure 2 the maximum absorption of the methanol extracted pigment was found to be at 4500 Angstrom Units; therefore, little erro r was introduced when a 1-10 d ilu tio n of the suspension was adjusted to give a reading between 30 and 45 percent lig h t transmission. Following the determination of the c e ll count, 35 ml of the c e ll suspension was centrifuged, the clear supernatant flu id was decanted and 15 ml of methanol was added to extract the pigment from the c e lls . To insure a complete extraction the alcoholic c e ll mass was kept at 7 C fo r 24 hours. The Jfl FIGURE I S. A U R E U S - 2 * .80- - 0.50-- 20 40 PER CENT 60 T R A N S M IT T A N C E 80 13 extracted pigment was then separated from the c e lls by centrifugation, and passed through a Swinney f i l t e r i f the extracted pigment solution was not absolutely clear* The amount of pigment was determined with a Beckman Spectophotometer Model B, S erial No* 20302, by p lottin g the percent lig h t transmission against the dry weight of pigment per ml of extracted pigment. (Figure 3) Readings obtained from the Beckman were made at the point of maximum adsorption which proved throughout the study to be 4500 Angstrom Units. The amount of pigment per c e ll was calculated in the following manner: . . . -it - Wt. of pigment in 15 ml methanol Amount of pigment per c e ll - ----------No. of c e lls extracted F IG U R E l\) 350 450 550 WAVE 650 LENGTH 750 MILLIMICRONS 850 950 FIGURE 3 300- - 250- - 200 - - CD UJ 100 - - so 40 P E R GENT 60 70 TRAN SM ITTA NCE R3SULTS Attempts to promote pigmentation in S. aureus have resulted in the formulating of a wide variety of media. recent years such media as dextrose agar, In proteose peptone No. 3 agar plus 10 percent evaporated milk, proteose lactose agar, and Chapmen's No. 110 agar have been most frequently used fo r studying pigmentation in staphylococci. As workers in th is f ie l d have not agreed th at any one of these media are superior to the others in causing staphylococci to pigment, i t was f e l t th at a comparison of these media would be p ro fitab le. Also such preliminary work would offer some leads fo r fu rth er investigation as to the specific factors and medium components which are instrumental in causing pigmentation. The constituents of the above media were as follows: Dextrose Agar -------------------------1000 Water Beef e x t r a c t ---------------------------------- 3.0 T ry p to se--------------------------------------------10.0 D extrose--------------------------------------------10.0 Sodium c h lo r id e --------------------------5.0 A gar 15.0 ml gm gm gm gm gm Proteose Lactose Agar Water —------------------------------------------- 1000 Proteose pepto ne 20.0 D extrose 0.5 L a c to s e ----------------------------------------------10.0 Disodium acid phosphate----------5.0 Sodium c h lo r id e --------------------------5.0 A gar 15.0 ml gm gm gm gm gm gm 15 Proteose Peptone No. 3 Agar W ater------------------------------------------------------- 1000 ml Proteose peptone No. 3 --------------------20.0 gm D extrose-------------------------------------------------0.5gm Sodium b h lo r id e --------------------------------5.0 gm Disodium acid phosphate 5.0 gm A g ar----------------------------------------------------------15.0 gm Chapman's No. 110 Agar W ater------------------------------------------------------- 1000 ml Yeast e x t r a c t -------------------------------------- 2.5 gm Tryptone------------------------------------------------10.0 gm M annite ----------------------------------------------10.0 gm L a c to s e -------------------------------------------------- 2.0 gm Dipotassium acid phosphate 5.0 gm Sodium c h lo r id e ----------------------------75.0 gm G e la tin ---------------------------------------------------- 30.0 gm A g ar--------------------------------------------------------15.0 gm P etri plates were prepared of the above media and quadruplicate seedings were made using washed ce lls of S. aureus No. 5 taken from a n utrien t agar sla n t. Two plates of each medium were incubated at 20-22 C and the other two plates were incubated at 37 C. One plate at each incubating temperature was sealed with parafilm tape in order to re ta in the moisture of condensation so th a t the moist condition would be maintained throughout the 10 aay growing period. The other plate of each medium was l e f t unsealed and as a re s u lt the agar and cells lo s t considerable moisture a f te r 10 days incubation. A comparison of the pigmentation produced under these conditions was made. The re s u lts of these te s ts are shown in Table 1. The data show th at none of the media which was kept in a moist 16 condition contained c e lls th at were pigmented. Therefore i t could be argued th a t dry conditions are necessary fo r pigmen­ ta tio n ; however, i t should be pointed out th a t, parafilm tape i s porous m aterial, although the i t may have some influence upon oxygen tension and thus affect pigment production. It is a well known fa c t th a t an adequate oxygen supply is necessary fox* pigmentation. As f a r as incubation temperatures were concerned, the data show th a t, a t the end of ten days, there was very l i t t l e difference in the amount of pigment produced. A f a i r amount of pigment was produced on dextrose agar but pigmentation on proteose peptone No. 3 agar and proteose lacto se agar was rath er inconsistent in th a t the former medium gave b e tte r pigmentation a t 37 C and the l a t t e r at 20 C. Chapman's No. 110 agar medium gave the most consistent re s u lts in th a t good pigmentation was obtained at both incubation temperatures. The r e s u lts at the end of fiv e days were much the same as those shown in Table 1 in th at the g reatest amount of pigment and most consistently pigmented c e lls were obtained on Chapman's No. 110 medium. In the lig h t of the above re s u lts Chapman's No. 110 medium merited fu rth e r Investigation. Also several of the chemical complexes in the medium could be replaced by known chemical compounds, thus offering an opportunity to detect the compounds instrumental in inducing pigmentation. 17 In some recent work by Chapman (6), i t was reported th a t with medium No. 110, pathogenic staphylococci showed greater pigmentation at 30 C than at 20 or 37 C. An attempt was made to confirm these findings using culture 5. Thirty p lates were seeded with one drop each of a saline suspension from a 24 hour n u trie n t agar sla n t and 10 of these plates were incubated at each temperature f o r 10 days. The re su lts were ra th e r inconsistent in th a t plates at each incubating temperature showed greater pigmentation than other plates at the two other incubating temperatures. However one f a c t was apparent, more plates showed good pigmentation at 30 C than at the two other incubating temperatures thus confirming Chapman's findings. As these inconsistencies in pigmentation occurred to some extent on a l l media and among colonies on the same p e tr i dish, an attempt was made to grow the c e lls in a liq u id medium. One hundred ml portions of the modified liq u id medium of Chapman were placed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer fla sk s. These flasks were seeded with two drops of a salin e suspension from a 24 hour n u trie n t agar sla n t. each temperature, Two flask s were incubated at namely, 20, 30, and 37 C fo r a 10 day period. Following incubation the c e lls were separated from the supernatant f lu id by centrifugation. in Table 2. The re s u lts are presented When visual observations of the c e ll masses were 18 made, i t can be seen th a t the re s u lts at 30 and 37 C were much the same in th a t a good pigmentation was obtained at both temperatures. However when the c e lls were extracted with methanol according to the method or Stahly e t al (33), the c e lls which were grown a t 30 C showed greater pigmentation than those grown at 37 C. As a re s u lt of these te s ts an incubation temperature of 30 C was used in subsequent studies. In order to accelerate growth by maintaining an adequate supply of oxygen and n u trie n ts to the c e lls , the incubating flask s in subsequent te s ts were shaken fo r 24 hours instead of leaving them standing s t i l l fo r a 10 day growing period as was done previously. Approximately the same amount of pigment was produced using these two periods of growth. The Effect of Various Constituents of Chapman's No. 110 Liquid Medium The next step in the inv estig atio n of the facto rs which are instrum ental in causing pigmentation was to study the e ffe c t on pigmentation when one of the constituents was with­ held from Chapman's No. 110 liq u id medium. For instance one medium contained a l l the constituents with the exception of mannite, another a l l the components with the exception of sodium chloride etc. The amount of pigment produced was determined by the method described in Experimental Methods. 19 The r e s u lts or these t e s t s are reported in Table 3. In th is tab le the number or organisms per ml of medium, the number of organisms extracted, c e ll are given. and the weight of pigment per There are several in te re stin g observations which can be noted from these data. F ir s t th a t growth did not occur when g e la tin was l e f t out of the medium despite the presence of tryptone to serve as a source of nitrogen, mannite and lacto se to serve as a source of carbohydrate, and yeast ex tra c t to serve as a source of E complex vitamins. Perhaps g e la tin could have served as a neu tralizin g agent to some toxic end-product, however, stra te d by subsequent data. th is is unlikely as demon­ The most reasonable in te rp re ta tio n is th a t one or several of the e sse n tia l amino acids were (1) absent, (2) present but in a very lim ited quantity, or (3) destroyed in the preparation of the tryptone with the re s u lt th a t g e la tin served as the sole or main source of th is e sse n tia l metabolite. Therefore in the absence of g ela tin , the metabolite was not present in s u ffic ie n t amount to induce growth. Another fa c t to note is th at the number of c e lls per Q ml of medium varied from 1.1 to 2.6 x 10 while pigment production varied over a much wider range, 0.95 to 5.37 x 10”10 mgm. i t being from In four out of the fiv e media the amount of pigment did not show a d ire c t co rrelatio n with the 20 number of c e lls produced when one or the following were lacking: mannite, lacto se, sodium chloride or tryptone. Q When mannite was lacking, 1.8 x 10 organisms per ml of medium and 3*86 x 10”^° mgm of pigment was found while the g lack of tryptone resu lte d in 2.2 x 10 organisms and 1.79 -10 9 x 10 mgm of pigment. The lowest b a c te ria l count, 1.1 x 10 organisms per ml of medium and the poorest pigment production, 0.95 x 10'*10 mgm, were found when yeast extract was absent from the medium. The complete medium showed a pigment production of 4.70 x 10“^° mgm. Some of the subsequent data show th a t a d ire c t co rrelatio n occurs between the number of organisms and the amount of pigment. The reason th a t such a co rrelatio n is not found in the data given above is th a t such components as yeast ex tract, g elatin , or tryptone have s u ffic ie n t amount of the supposedly lacking constituent to contaminate the medium. As a r e s u lt the organisms have a l l the e sse n tia ls fo r growth and the removal of one of the constituents simply a lte r s the amount which is available. I t is obvious th a t such a method gives only a rough in dicatio n of the role of the individual constituents to pigmentation. these data, However one fa c t does seem to stand out in i t being th a t when yeast extract was lacking from the medium, growth was poor and the amount of pigment produced was considerably less than when the other components 21 were withheld. As the most important components of the yeast extract are the B complex vitamins, the next lo g ical step was to s u b s titu te such a complex fo r the yeast extract and to observe the e ffe c t upon growth and pigmentation. The Effect of the B Comply Vitamins Upon Pigmentation The same medium as in the previous t e s t was used with the exception th a t the B complex supplement v/as substituted fo r the yeast e x tra c t. The supplement contained the following vitam ins: (amount per ml of vitamin solution) Thiamin-------------------------------------------------- 100 * P y rid o x in e-------------------------------------------- 200 * Calcium p e n to th e n a te ----------------------- 100* R ib o fla v in --------------------------------------------100 * N ia c in ----------------------------------------------------100 * Para amino benzoica c i d --------------------100 * I n o s i t o l ------------------------------------------------100 * B i o t i n ----------------------------------------------------100 * The vitamin supplement was added in the amount of 0.25 ml per 100 ml of medium, the concentration of each vitamin in the finished medium being 0.25 per ml of medium with the exception of pyridoxine. the others. This vitamin was added in twice the amount of Also each of the vitamins was made up in separate solution in the same concentration except fo r fciotln. This solution contained 0.5m*per ml as the b io tin requirement of the t e s t organisms was considerably le s s than th at of any of the other B complex vitamins. 22 The determination of the e ffe c t of these vitamins as a complex and as separate u n its was made in the following manner: the medium which contained the e n tire E complex was used as a control. Then a run was made in which one vitamin was l e f t out of each medium and the number of c e lls and the amount of pigmentation were determined. I t is apparent th a t the data (Table 4) are much more consistent in these te s ts than those shown in the previous ta b le. This would be expected as in th is case only one fa c to r, the vitamin requirement, was being considered. The amount of pigment pi-oduced ranged from 0.48 to 4.31 x 10“^ mgm and the q number of organisms varied from 1.9 to 5.3 x 10 per ml of medium. The in te re s tin g observation under these circumstances was th a t in the two cases where the amount of pigment was small, low. the number of organisms produced was correspondingly When the B complex was l e f t out of the medium, 0.48 x 1C“10 mgm of pigment was produced with a b a c te ria l population 9 of 1.9 x 10 organisms. The absence of thiamin In the medium resulted in 0.51 x 10”10 mgm of pigment and a b a c te ria l count 9 of 2.7 x 10 organisms. When the remaining vitamins were withheld from the medium, the following re s u lts were obtained: pyridoxine lacking - 4.14 x 10~10 mgm of pigment with 5.1 x 109 organisms rib o fla v in lacking - 4.06 x 10”10 mgm of pigment with 5.2 x 10 organisms 23 b io tin lacking - 4.31 x 10“^° mgm o f pigment with 5.5 x 109 organisms n iac in lacking - 3.71 x 10"^° mgm with 4.3 x 109 organisms para amino benzoic acid lacking - 3.77 x 10“^° mgm or pigment with 4.4 x 109 organisms calcium pentothenate lacking - 4.08 x 10“^° mgm with 5.0 x 109 organisms in o s ito l lacking - 3.68 x 10“^-° mgm or pigment with 3.8 x 109 organisms. The complete medium contained 3.81 x 10"10 mgm or pigment and a b a c te ria l count o f 4.9 x 109 organisms. A comparison or the re s u lts , when the B complex or thiamin was lacking with the remaining data in the tab le, shows th a t thiamin was e sse n tia l ro r maximum pigment production and r o r good growth. The data indicate th a t under these Q conditions the b a c te ria l growth must be over 3.0 x lCr7 organisms per ml or medium in order to a tta in good pigmentation. The Tact th a t the amount or pigment produced by the complete medium was le s s than when pyridoxine, rlbo riav in , b io tin , and calcium pentothenate were leT t out or the medium is not s ig n iric a n t as the dirrerences are well within the lim its or error or the te stin g method. B complex were su b stitu ted f o r When the various vitamins or the the yeast extract in Chapman's modiried liq u id medium, good pigmentation did not occur unless thiamin was included in the medium. 24 However as previously mentioned, there were other components in the medium such as g e la tin and tryptone which may have appreciable amounts or B complex, and so a medium of a more chemically defined nature was investigated* This was especially tru e in the lig h t of the work of Kliger, Grossowicz, and Bergner (18) who reported th a t both thiamin and niacin were required f o r the f u l l growth of staphylococci. T h e R o le o f t h e B C o m p le x V i t a m in s in P i g m e n t a t i o n U s in g a ^ S e m lr The medium which was made fo r fu rth e r study was of a semisynthetic nature and contained the following components: W ater------------------------------------------- 1000 Vitamin-free casaminoacids5.0 ------------------------------10.0 Tryptophane C y s tin e 10.0 L a c to s e -------------------2.0 M annite 2.0 Dipotassium acid phosphate 5.0 Sodium c h l o r i d e 10.0 Magnesium su lfa te 7 HgO 20.0 Ferrous s u lfa te 7 HgO--------------10.0 Manganese s u lfa te 10.0 ml gm mgm mgm gm gm gm mgm mgm mgm mgm The B complex vitamins were added to the above medium in the same concentration (0.25 ml per 100 ml of medium) as used in the previous modification of Chapman's No. 110 medium. The complete vitamin supplement was added except fo r the p a rtic u la r vitamin under t e s t . The t e s t medium was dispensed in 200 ml amounts into 500 ml Erlenmeyer fla s k s , otherwise the t e s t procedure was the same as th at used before. 25 The t e s t r e s u lts are presented in Table 5. The most s ig n ific a n t fa c t demonstrated was th a t the t e s t organism, S. aureus 5, would not grow in a medium which did not contain thiamin or n iacin and th a t growth was poor in the absence of b io tin . The data show th a t there was d e fin ite ly a niacin and possibly a b io tin contamination from the g e la tin or tryptone in the medium used in the previous t e s t . thus, confirm the work of Kliger e t a l. These findings, as f a r as the thiamin and niacin requirements of staphylococci are concerned. respect to b io tin , With i t has been reported by several workers th at various cultures of staphylococci d if f e r in th e ir need fo r th is vitamin. The fa c t th a t growth did occur demonstrates one of three things, namely; Cl) the organisms can grow to a very lim ited extent and thus produce a very small amount of pigment in the absence of b io tin , (2) the organism can synthesize a very lim ited amount of b.iotin which is required fo r meager growth, or (3) there is enough contaminating b io tin in the so-called vitamin fre e casamino acid to su stain lim ited growth. The f i r s t p o s s ib ility is quite probable as the amount of b io tin required fo r growth is very small as compared to th a t of the other vitamins. The second theory does not seem to be sound fo r the following reason: able to synthesize b io tin at a l l , i f the organisms were they would be able to 26 synthesize a su ffic ie n t amount fo r good growth- The th ird hypothesis could also he a lo g ical explanation although microbiological te s ts with the casamino acids have shown i t to be b io tin fre e to the extent of 0.025/n/The f a c t th a t when b io tin was not added to the medium poor growth and no pigmentation resulted, and when i t was incorporated into the medium good growth and good pigmentation resulted, demonstrates th a t biotin is an essen tial vitamin. This is tru e fo r the te s t organism S.. aureus 2 and 6, as well as fo r 5. The remaining vitamins, namely; pyridoxine, riboflavin, para amino benzoic acid, calcium pentothenate, and in o sito l, were e ith e r synthesized by the organism or were not required fo r pigmentation as the amount of pigment varied from 3.40 to 4.20 x 10“^° mgm when any of the above vitamins were l e f t out of the medium. However i t is in terestin g to note th a t the low figure of 3.40 x 10”^° mgm was paralleled by the comparatively low b a c te ria l count of 2.7 x 109 organisms per ml of medium and occurred when the medium lacked riboflavin. The greatest production of pigment, 4.20 x 10“10 mgm, was obtained when the b a c te ria l count was comparatively high, in o s ito l was withheld from the medium. pyridoxine 3.55 x 10“^ and occurred when In the absence of mgm of pigment were found in the Q presence of a b a c te ria l population of 3.5 x 10 organisms. 27 When para amino benzoic acid or calcium pentothenate was lacking, the pigment production was approximately the same (3.54 and 3.42 x 10 mgm resp ectiv ely ) with the same b a c te ria l population (4 x 109 per ml of medium). These data show once again th a t the amount of pigment produced by the organisms was closely a llie d with the b a c te ria l count and th is relatio n sh ip was apparent even when the differences in pigmentation were not g reat. Although the amount of pigment which was produced when each of the vitamins was withheld from the medium, was not determined with cultures 2 and 6, px*ellminary te s ts showed th a t thiamin and niacin were also required by these organisms. In order to see i f the close co rrelatio n between the amount of pigment and the number of organisms continued to e x ist when the concentration of thiamin and niacin was decreased, a se rie s of t e s t s using 25.0, 12.5, per 100 ml was tr ie d . 5.0, and 2.5^ The three t e s t organisms were used. The data fo r thiamin are presented in Table 6. 'With culture 2 the amount of pigment dropped from 2.32 to 2.20 x 10”^° mgm and b a c te ria l counts from 1.66 to 1.20 x 10^ organisms when the concentration of thiamin was decreased one h a lf. With o n e -fifth the orig in al concentration of thiamin, 1.52 x 10”10 mgm of pigment and 520 x 106 organisms were found, while one-tenth the o rig in al concentration of th is vitamin resulted in 0.77 x 10“^° mgm of pigment and 350 x 106 organisms. A 28 Culture 5 showed a greater drop in the amount of pigment produced than did culture 2 over the same thiamin range. With th is culture the weight of pigment decreased from 4.42 to 4.32 x 10”10 mgm with the number of organisms dropping from 3.5 to Q 3.3 x 10 with half the normal amount of thiamin present. When the concentration of thiamin was reduced to o n e-fifth the original amount, 2.40 x 10”^° mgm of pigment was present with a b a c te ria l population of 2.61 x 109 organisms. d ilu tio n of thiamin, one-tenth of the o rig in al, The highest gave 2.03 x 10“^c Q mgm of pigment with a b a cte rial count of 2.O x 10 organisms. The decrease in the amount of pigment in culture 6 was as follows: the o rigin al concentration of thiamin gave 3.62 -10 9 x 10 mgm of pigment with 2.9 x 10 organisms, one half of the orig in al concentration gave 2.87 x 10“10 mgm of pigment 9 with 2.0 x 10 organisms, o ne-fifth of the original concentration gave 0.78 x 10“^ mgm of pigment and 680 x 10^ organisms and one-tenth of the original concentration gave 0.88 x 10~^° mgm 0 of pigment with 600 x 10 organisms. The amount of pigment produced followed very closely the b a c te ria l population except where 5.0 or 2.5* of thiamin was used with culture 6. Here slig h tly more pigment was produced with the lower concentration of thiamin than with the higher, although the b a c te ria l counts of the former were slig h tly greater than those of the l a t t e r . This difference i s best 29 explained by the Tact th a t there is some erro r when a small amount of pigment was produced due to the inaccuracy of the spectophotometer readings above 90.0 percent lig h t transmission. In th is case the readings were 91.0 and 92.0 percent respectively A much be a d e fin ite more s ig n ific a n t fa c t i s th a t there appears to drop in the amount of pigment produced in a l l three t e s t organisms when the thiamin concentration dropped, below 12.5* . In other words the amount of thiamin in the t e s t medium could be halved without seriously affecting the amount of pigment produced but below th is point pigment production dropped sharply. Again the weight of pigment produced followed very closely the number of organisms, the b a c te ria l counts f e l l off considerably when 12.5/ was used. This was also well exemplified with culture 6 when 2 5.0^ were compared with 1 2 .5 / • Here the s lig h t drop in pigmentation from 3.65 to 2.85 x 10“^° mgm was accompanied by a correspond­ ingly s lig h t drop in b a c te ria l count, 2.8 to 1.9 x 109 organisms. The decrease in pigment production when the amount of niacin was decreased from 25.0 to 2 .5 / per 100 ml of medium is demonstrated in Table 7. Again the concentrations tested were the same as in the previous t e s t s , 5 0, and 2 .5 / per 100 ml. namely 25.0, 12.5, 30 Upon examination of the data using culture 2, i t was demonstrated th a t pigment production dropped from 3.30 x 10“10 mgm with 25.0* of niacin to 3.11 x 10”^ mgm with 12.5* of n iacin and f in a lly to 1.28 x 10“^° mgm of pigment with 5.0* of n iacin . No growth occurred when 2.5* of niacin was employed. 9 B acterial counts dropped from 2.31 to 2.20 x 10 organisms when the concentration of niacin was o n e-fifth of the o rig in al. When the concentration of niacin was reduced one-half, using culture 5, the weight of pigment decreased from 3.32 to 3.28 x 10~10 mgm while the b a c te ria l population increased from 9 3.4 to 3.7 x 10 organisms. Further reductions in the amount of niacin in the medium resulted in the following: o n e-fifth of the o rig in al concentration gave 1.70 x 10"10 mgm of pigment 9 with 2.8 x 10 organisms, and one-tenth of the o rigin al -10 9 concentration gave 0.90 x 10 mgm of pigment with 1.9 x 10 organisms. Culture 6 showed a ranee of pigment production from 4.32 x 10”^ mgm with a niacin concentration of 25.0/ to 0.98 x 10~10 mgm with a niacin concentration of 2.5* • The intermediate concentrations of 12.5 and 5 .0 / of niacin showed 4.07 and 1.32 x 10~^° mgm of pigment respectively. B acterial counts ranged from 4.8 x 109 with the g reate st concentration of niacin to 900 x 106 organisms with the lowest coneentx-ation of niacin. 31 The re s u lts were comparable to those obtained with thiamin in th a t reducing the concentration of niacin by oneh alf did not seem to decrease e ith e r the amount of pigment formed or the number of organisms to any marked degree. However when the concentration of niacin was reduced to o n e -fifth or one-tenth of the o rig in a l concentration, the response of the organisms was considerably d iffe re n t fo r n iacin from what i t was f o r thiamin. Pigment production dropped below 1.0 x 10“^° mgm fo r a l l three organisms when 2 .5 y of thiamin was in the medium, while with niacin the re s u lts were irre g u la r in th a t no growth occurred with culture 2, with cu ltu re 5, 1.33 x lO”'1 ' 0 mgm of pigment was obtained and 0.98 x 10“^° mgm of pigment was demonstrated with culture 6. Such data would indicate th a t the c r i t i c a l concentration of thiamin i s more constant among the species of staphylococci than the c r i t i c a l concentration of niacin. The p o s s ib ility of niacin being a precursor of the carotenoid molecule is d i f f ic u lt to v isu alize although the 5 -carbon ring which makes up the n iacin molecule might serve as a precursor* fo r the ionone ring of the carotenoid molecule. The most probable role of niacin is th a t which i t plays a part with tryptophane in the formation of coenzyme I and coenzyme I I . These coenzymes are among the most Important "hydrogen carriers'* within the b a c te ria l c e ll and are required g 32 ro r many aerobic transformations. Therefore niacin in th is ro le is but in d ire c tly related to pigmentation by serving as a precursor fo r enzymes which are necessary f o r the well­ being of the b a c te ria l c e ll. R e la tio n s h ip o f C o c a r b o x y l a s e t o T h ia m in i n S ta p h y lo c o c c i. Through phosphorylation thiamin is coenzyme cocarboxylase. P ig m e n ta tio n o f converted to the This coenzyme functions In the metabolism of many organisms by permitting decarboxylation of c e rta in ketoacids (e.g. pyruvic acid). Snell (32), in discussing the chemical aspects of b a c te ria l n u tritio n , reported th a t Streptococcus ivarins and Lactobacillus ferment! grow when e ith e r thiamin or cocarboxylase is supplied utiile S. aureus grows i f e ith e r thiamin or i t s two moieties, thiazole and pyrimidine, are present. However nothing was sta te d about the role of cocarboxylase In staphylococci. With the above work In mind i t was thought wise to see i f cocarboxylase could be su b stitu ted fo r thiamin, and i f i t could, what e ffe c t i t would have on the pigmentation of the three t e s t organisms. The t e s t medium was the same as th at used fo r the thiamin t i t r a t i o n with the exception th a t 2 5 .0 / per 100 ml of medium of cocarboxylase was sub stituted fo r thiamin. The data which are presented in Table 8 show th a t there was very l i t t l e difference in the re s u lts when e ith e r thiamin 33 oi* cocarboxylase was present in the medium. With culture 2, 2.33 x lCf10 mgm of pigment was produced with thiamin and 2. b8 x 10”10 mgm with cocarboxylase. Culture 5 gave 3.88 x 10-10 mgm of pigment with both thiamin and cocarboxylase while the re s u lts with culture 6 showed 4.27 x 10”10 mgm of pigment with thiamin and 4.68 x 1CT10 mgm of pigment with cocarboxylase. Bacterial populations were very sim ilar under the two t e s t conditions. Such data would indicate th a t one of the main functions of thiamin is to serve as a precursor fo r cocarboxylase. Some work has also indicated th at thiamin is incorporated into the carotenoid molecule during i t s formation. From these two fa c ts several theories of pigment formation can be postulated: (1) thiamin may serve as a precursor fo r cocarboxylase and enter into the formation of the carotenoid molecule at the same time, (2) thiamin may function during the logarithmic stage of growth as a precursor fo r cocarboxylase and then when th is requirement is s a tis fie d , thiamin enters into the formation of the carotenoid or (3) both thiamin and cocarboxylase can be incorporated into the pigment molecule. Effect of Salts on the Pigmentation of Staphylococci Reports have occurred in the lite r a tu r e which sta te that various s a lts besides the phosphate buffers are required by staphylococci when i t is grown in a semisynthetic medium. 34 The s a lts generally required Tor growth are sodium chloride, ferrous s u lf a te , manganese s u lfa te , The e ffe c t of these s a lts and magnesium s u lfa te . on pigmentation in staphylococci has never been reported although Turian (35) sta te d th a t traces of iron and manganese are necessax-y fo r pigmentation in Mycobacterium o h le i. The s a lt s were addea in the following concentrations per 100 ml of medium: Sodium chloride ---------------------------- 1.0 Ferrous s u lfa te 7Hg0--------------------1.0 Manganese su lfa te if*#--------------------1.0 Magnesium s u lfa te 7HgO------------------2.0 mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. The basal medium was the same as th a t used to determine the vitamin requirements with the exception of the s a lts under te s t. Test procedure was the same as th a t used previously. The weight of pigment produced by the three cultures when the various s a lts were added individually to the medium are presented in Table 9. In the f i r s t are the data fo r culture 2. column of the tab le When the four s a lts were added, thus giving a complete medium, 3.93 x 10" ^ was produced but i f mgm of pigment the four s a lts were absent from the medium, a sharp drop in pigment production re su lte d , the amount being 1.29 x 10“10 mgm. The addition of sodium chloride, ferrous s u lf a te or magnesium su lfa te gave the following amount of pigment: 1.26, 1.44, and 1.12 x 10~10 mgm respectively . I t is apparent th a t with these s a lts in the medium, there is no increase in pigmentation. However upon the addition of 35 manganese s u lf a te , mgm. pigment production increased to 2.32 x 10~^° Q The number of organisms varied from 1.5 x 10 when none of the s a l t s was included to 2.2 x 109 organisms when sodium chloride, ferro u s s u lfa te or manganese s u lf a te was added. 9 The complete medium showed a b a c te r ia l count of 1.8 x 10 organisms. The r e s u lts obtained with culture 5 are seen in the second column of the ta b le . Once again when the four s a l t s were included in the medium, the maximum pigmentation was obtained and when the four s a l t s were l e f t out of th e medium there was a decided decrease in the amount of pigment produced. V/lth th is c u ltu re the former conditions gave 4.06 x 10"^° mgm. of pigment and the l a t t e r conditions 1.52. x 10“^ pigment. mgm of When the four s a l t s were added separately to the medium, the following amounts of pigment were obtained: with sodium chloride - 2.42 x 10”10 mgm, with ferrous s u lf a te 2.48 x 10”^° mgm, with magnesium s u lfa te - 2.26 x 10~^-° mgm, and with manganese s u lfa te - 3.93 x 10 ^ mgm. th a t with th i s c u ltu re a composite of the s a l t s The data show increased pigment production considerably as compared to the medium lacking these s a l t s . a time, Again when the s a l t s were added one at the g re a te s t increase in amount of pigment produced occurred when manganese s u lfa te was incorporated in the medium. 36 In a l l cases with cu ltu re 5 the b a c te r ia l populations were g s lig h tly over 4.0 x 10 organisms per ml or medium. The th ir d column or the ta b le shows data obtained with culture 6. The in clu sio n or the lo u r s a l t s a pigment production or 4.16 x 10”^ mgm. in the medium gave The medium without the rour s a l t s showed a pigment production or 2.86 x 10”^ mgm. For the th ir d time the data demonstrate th a t a g re a te r amount or pigment was produced when the s a l t s were included in the medium than when they were withheld. However with t h i s s tr a in the add ition or the separate s a lt s did not r e s u lt in increased pigmentation. The addition or sodium chloride or rerrous su ira te gave 2.27 x 10”10 mgm or pigment, the add ition or magnesium s u ir a te gave 2.45 x 10“^° mgm or pigment while the addition or manganese s u ir a te gave 2.58 x 10-10 mgm or pigment. The number or organisms per ml or medium with th is c u ltu re 9 was approximately 2.0 x 10 under a l l t e s t conditions. From the above data i t i s evident th a t the three organisms varied in t h e i r pigment response to the rour s a l t s . however the one common r a c to r which they possess i s th a t a l l cu ltu res responded with a g reate r output or pigment when a l l rour s a l t s were present in the medium. I t would be expected th a t the b a c te r ia l population would be considerably g re a te r when pigment production was higher; were in the medium. in other words, when the rour s a lt s This did not occur with c u ltu res 2 and 5. 37 In each case the b a c te ria l counts of the media with and without the s a lts were approximately the same (culture 2 9 9 1.8 and 1.5 x 10 organisms, culture 5 - 4 . 6 and 4.0 x 10 organisms ). The expected p attern is followed with culture 6 as there were approximately twice as s a lts were included in many organisms when the the medium as when they were l e f t out. From these data i t appeared as though one of the s a lts , magnesium s u lfa te , had produced in cultures 2 namely an e ffe c t upon the amount of pigment and 5 but had very l i t t l e the number of organisms produced. e ffe c t upon On the other hand, with culture 6 the s a lts seemed to have an e ffe c t upon the number of organisms as well as on the extent of pigmentation. The data th a t show an increase in pigment production upon the addition of manganese s u lfa te are very in te re stin g , especially in the lig h t of Turian's (35) findings with Mvco. p h lei. The ro le played by the manganese su lfate in the metabolism, and therefore in the pigmentation of the organism, is not understood and c a lls fo r some speculation. is not found in the carotenoid molecule, of c a ta ly tic nature. its As manganese probable role is This has been found to be tru e in the case of chlorophyll formation in plants and hemoglobin formation in animals. Manganese serves as an activ ato r fo r the phosphotases, arginases, dipeptidases, end laccases and therefore may be in demand in several instances in the formation of the carotenoid pigments. 38 The ro le of the dipotassium phosphate in the growth ana pigmentation of the three c u ltu res of staphylococci is tre a te d separately due to i t s e ffe c t of t h i s many metabolic functions. The s a l t d ire c tly upon pigmentation has never been reported; however, the need of the phosphate s a l t s fo r the general well being of most organisms shows th a t at l e a s t in d ire c tly i t is re la te d to pigment production. One of th e most important functions is the b uffer capacity. Another function is the p art played by phosphates in the sugar metabolism of the c e l l s . Five-tenths gm per 100 ml of dipotassium acid phosphate was added to the t e s t medium. This was s u f f ic ie n t to buffer the medium above pH 6.0 during the 24 hour growing period. The t e s t medium was the same as th a t used in the previous t e s t with the exception of the phosphate s a l t . The contents of Table 10 compare the re s u lts obtained with the th re e organisms when they were grown with and with­ out the phosphate s a l t . As would be expected th e absence of the phosphate re s u lte d in much poorer growth and much le s s pigmentation than when th e s a l t was in the medium. .Vith cu ltu re 2 the d ifferen ces were not as great as with the other two c u ltu re s , TO x lO”-1 ^ the weight of pigment f a ll in g from 2.33 to 1.72 ^ mgm and the number of organisms dropping from 1.8 x 10 to 600 x 10^ per ml of medium. With cu ltu re 5 the lo ss in 39 pigment production was from 3.88 to 1.90 x 10~10 mgm which is no doubt the r e s u l t or the b a c te r ia l population decreasing from 3.6 x 109 to 560 x 106 organisms per ml of medium. The g re a te s t lo s s in pigmentation i s seen with c u ltu re 6 where the drop was from 4.97 to 1.36 x 10 ^ mgm. With th is organism the number of b a c te r ia per ml of medium decreased from 2.95 x 109 to 700 x 10^ when the phosphate b u ffe r was l e f t out of the medium. Also shown in the ta b le are the pH values of the supernatant f l u i d a f t e r cen trifu g in g . The t e s t medium was adjusted to a pH of 7.00 before seeding. A fter growth the pH of the t e s t medium containing the phosphate s a l t had dropped approximately one u n it, the pH values being 5.90 f o r cu ltu re 2, 6.30 fo r c u ltu re 5 and 6.18 f o r cu ltu re 6. b u ffer was l e f t u n its , .Vhen th e phosphate out of the medium, the pH drop was over two i t being 4.70 fo r c u ltu re No. 2, 4.75 f o r c u ltu re 5 and 4.97 fo r c u ltu re 6. The lower pH which re s u lte d when the b u ffer was not included in the medium was probably the p rin c ip a l reason fo r the poor growth and low pigment production. When the b a c te r ia l g populations were approximately 2.0 x 10 organisms f o r c u ltu re 2, around 4 .0 x 109 organisms f o r cu ltu re 5 and 3.0 x 109 organisms f o r c u ltu re 6, pigmentation was good and when the number of organisms f e l l below these le v e ls , n o ticeab ly . pigmentation decreased j 40 The Role of Carbohydrates in Pigmentation The sig n ifican ce of the carbohydrate content of a medium in r e la tio n to the pigmentation of staphylococci has been in v estig ated to some extent by Chapman (6). He found th a t the addition of evaporated milk and subsequently la c to s e , pigmentation markedly* enhanced In a medium which was reported in 1948, Chapman (6) included mannite as well as la c to se , serving as a d if f e r e n tia tin g sugar. the former In the li g h t of Chapman's experiences and as Sevag and Green (29) had reported in ­ conclusive r e s u lts as f a r as pigmentation was concerned when carbohydrates or t h e i r interm ediate products were added to the medium, it was f e l t th a t the e ffe c t upon pigmentation of the most common laboratory sugars should be in v estig ated . The sugars which were included in th is phase of the study were la c to se , mannite, when used sep arately , 100 ml. the dextrose and sucrose. Each sugar, was added in the amount of 0.4 gm per This is the t o t a l amount of sugar previously used in media when 0.2 gm of la c to se and 0.2 gm of mannite were added. This was done to maintain a constant amount of sugar in a l l media te s te d and thus to elim inate any possible chance th a t g re a te r growth or pigmentation would be obtained in e ith e r medium due to the one containing more carbohydrates than the other. i 41 In Table 11 the data are presented Tor th is experiment. The pigment production varied from 2.79 to 4.09 x 10”"L0 mgm while the b a c te r ia l populations were f a i r l y constant in th a t Q they ranged between 4.0 to 4.6 x 10 organisms per ml of medium. The g re a te s t amount of pigment, 4.09 x 10“^-° mgm, was obtained when both mannite and la c to se were the carbohydrate source, followed by 3.60 x 10”10 mgm when sucrose alone was used. With la c to se as the carbohydrate source in the medium, 3.50 x 10”10 mgm was obtained and with dextrose 2.79 x 10"10 mgm of pigment was found. followsi 4.6 x 10 The b a c te r ia l populations were as g organisms when mannite or lactose was in 9 the medium, 4.4 x 10 organisms with sucrose as the source of 9 9 sugar, 4.1 x 10 organisms with dextrose and 4.0 x 10 organisms when la c to se and mannite were included. Such differences in b a c te ria l populations were not great enough to be s ig n if ic a n t. The differences in the amount of pigment produced when the two sugars, la c to se , lacto se and mannite or the single sugars, mannite or sucrose were added to the medium were also not gx*eat enough to be important. as the source of carbohydrate, however when dextrose served the low fig u re of 2.79 x 10 ^ mgm of pigment merits some consideration. As the b a c te ria l populations were not consistent with the amount of pigment produced; th a t i s , the t e s t s with the g re a te st number of 42 organisms did not give the g reatest amount of pigment, in te rp re ta tio n is d i f f i c u l t . However when lactose, mannite or sucrose was added separately to the medium, the pigment production and b a c te ria l populations were approximately the same and a l l three showed more pigmentation and more organisms than when dextrose was present in the medium. Such findings allow one to conclude th a t those sugars were superior to dextrose in affecting pigmentation. The possible explanation of these findings might be found in the products which were formed from these sugars during autoclaving. According to Lewis (20) products deleterious to growth of some organisms including staphylococci, were formed when phosphates in a concentration above 0.3 percent and dextrose in a concentration above 0.5 percent were autoclaved together. On the other hand lactose had to be added in a slig h tly higher concentration (0*6 percent) before these deleterious effects were apparent. growth, As pigmentation is closely a llie d with good i t is possible th a t Lewis * findings offer a p a r tia l explanation of the differences in the amount of pigment production with the various sugars. Other workers have obtained varied re s u lts when growth responses to autoclaved and f i l t e r e d sugars have been compared Some data such as Lewis', show th at i t is necessary to f i l t e r sugars in order to get a tru e picture of the carbohydrate 43 metabolism. Other work indicates th at th is is necessary for only a few of the more susceptible sugars while s t i l l other data, Fulmer e t al (12), show that a ll sugars can be auto­ claved as th is process produces intermediates which are beneficial for growth. There are innumerable reasons fo r these discrepancies, such as the pH and amino acid content of the medium, the various s a lts present in the medium, the time and pressures used in autoclaving and the wide variety of organisms which have been used fo r te stin g . A search of the lite r a tu r e revealed th at nothing had been reported on the effect of f il te r e d as compared to autoclaved sugars upon pigmentation. If there aflt some detrimental or advantageous breakdown products derived from sugars which are autoclaved and these products affect growth, as some workers have reported, there might also be some effect upon pigmentation. With the above in mind, a comparison between f ilte r e d mannite and lactose and autoclaved mannite and lactose was made. A combination of these two sugars was used as i t had been shown in preceding te s ts that these sugars gave maximum pigmentation. Tests were run using the three te s t organisms. Mannite and lactose were added to the regular semisynthetic medium in the concentration of 0.2 gm per 100 ml of medium* 44 The d ata from t h i s t e s t are presented in Table 12. It is apparent th a t with a l l th re e organisms th ere was d e f in ite ly more pigment produced per c e l l when they were grown in a medium using f i l t e r e d sugars than when autoclaved sugars were employed. With c u ltu re 2 the medium containing the f i l t e r e d -10 9 sugars gave 3.42 x 10 mgm of pigment with 3.4 x 10 organisms while the medium with the autoclaved sugars gave 2.04 x 10 g mgm of pigment with 2.0 x 10 organisms per ml of medium. Using c u ltu re 5 the f i l t e r e d sugars showed 5.72 x 10“^-° mgm of pigment and the autoclaved sugars 4.68 x 10”10 mgm of 9 pigment with b a c te r ia l counts of 4.1 and 4.7 x 10 organisms re sp e c tiv e ly . Culture 6 showed the g r e a te s t d ifferen ce in the amount of pigment produced, 6.24 x 10“^^ mgm were found when the medium contained the f i l t e r e d sugars and 4.39 x 10~10 mgm when the medium included the autoclaved sugars. With th is c u ltu re the b a c te r ia l population under both t e s t conditions q was practica.-ly the same; 2.9 x 10 organisms with the 9 f i l t e r e d sugars and 2.8 x 10 organisms with the autoclaved sugars. These data o ffe r some in te r e s tin g in te r p r e ta tio n of the r e s u lts sugars were autoclaved, information. One could be th a t when these two some of the interm ediates which were formed were detrim ental to the form ation of the carotenoids in staphylococci. Another in te r p r e ta tio n of th e r e s u lts is 45 th at with the breakdown of some of the sugar during autoclaving, there was not as much of the original sugar l e f t in the medium as when the f il te r e d sugars were used. As th is sugar combination seems to give good pigmentation, an alte rin g of these sugars in any way such as autoclaving, re su lts in le s s pigment being produced. On the other hand i t does seem quite plausible th at with some other sugar or sugar combination, products more favorable fox* pigmentation would be formed from the autoclaved sugar than from the unaltered, f il te r e d sugar. The relatio n sh ip of the amount of pigment to the number of c e lls produced c a lls fo r some discussion. In much of the previous data which have been given there was a direct relatio n ship between the amount of pigment and the number of ce lls produced. When counts were high, pigmentation was good and when the counts were low, the amount of pigment dropped off considerably. s a lts , However with the alterin g of the and now with the f ilte r e d and autoclaved sugars, does not seem to be the case. this In both instances pigmentation seemed to become a facto r independent from growth. Of course th is was tnxe only i f a p arti culai- lev el of growth was obtained. Such evidence supports the theory th at pigmentation can be altered by some grov/th factors and is not simply a phenomenon which occurs when the b a c te ria l population atta in s a p a rtic u la r lev e l. 46 I t is true th at there was some discrepancy in the b a c te ria l counts of culture 5 in th at there were slig h tly greater numbers of c e lls in the autoclaved sugar medium than in the f i l t e r e d sugar medium. However, th is difference only serve fu rth e r to support the argument th a t there are growth fa c to rs which d ire c tly affect pigmentation end have put a minor e ffe c t upon growth. Effect of Amino Acids upon Pigmentation No investigation of the e ffe c t of various metabolites upon pigmentation would be complete without some work being done on alterin g the amino acid composition of the media. Reid (26) reported th a t nitrogen as well as inorganic s a lts were necessary fo r pigmentation. Gladstone (13) developed a synthetic medium of 16 amino acids and found that 11 of these acids were necessary fo r the growth of 25 strain s of sttphylococci. This worker was interested simply in growth of the organism and did not mention the extent of pigmentation in these cultures. For such a study, i t would be necessary to use a chemicaliy defined medium sim ilar to Gladstone's in order th at i t could be determined i f any p a rtic u la r amino acid had an e ffe c t upon pigmentation. When a synthetic medium is used, additional problems are presented which are not apparent when a peptone or even casamino acids are used for 47 the nitrogen source. The i n i t i a l problem is to devise a medium in which the organism w ill grow. I f th is can be accomplished, the next d iffic u lty to overcome is to obtain s u ffic ie n t growth for pigment extraction. The medium which was trie d contained the following co n stitu en ts: Basal Medium W ater-------------------------------------------------------------M annite---------------------------------------------------------Lactose -----------------------------------------------------Dipotassium acid phosphate------------------Sodium c h l o r i d e Magnesium su lfate 7HgO Ferrous s u lfa te 7Hg0 " Manganese su lfa te H«* 1000 ml. 2.0 gm. 2.0 gm. 5.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 gm. gm. gm. gm. gm. Thiamin ---------------------------------------------------------- 250.0 y Niacin ------------------------------------------------------------ 250.0 y B i o t i n -------------------0.12 y Valine ------------------------------------------------------------ 175.0 Leucine ---------------------------------------------------------- 150.0 G ly cin e---------------------------------------------------------- 40.0 1 P r o l i n e ------------------------------------------------------ 60.0 M ethionine---------------------------------------------------- 60.0 Phenylalanine---------------------------------------------- 60. 0 Aspartic a c i d ------------------------------------------------150.0 A rg in in e-------------------------------------------------------- 40. 0 H i s t i d i n e ------------------------------------------------------ 40.0 Cystine ---------------------------------10.0 Tryptophane-------------------------------------------------- 10.0 mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. mgm. In order to determine i f the above medium contained su ffic ie n t n u trien ts fo r growth of the three t e s t organisms, the following procedure was trie d . The medium was dispensed in three ml amounts and seeded from a 24 hour nutrient agar sla n t. Two tra n s fe rs through the broth were necessary before growth was considered successful. The re su lts of these t r i a l s part of Table 13. 6 did not. are observed in the fix*st Cultures 2 and 5 grew in the medium while The l a t t e r cultux*e was reseeded into the above broth and shaken during incubation at 30 C and s t i l l no growth occurred. Attempts were also made to grow th is organism at 37 C without success. The following constituents were added to a previously tr ie d medium in the combinations given below. Vitamins (nonessential) Pyrodoxine ------------------------------------------ 500.0 V 250.0 * Calcium pentothenate --------------------250.0 V Riboflavin ----------------------------------------250. 0 V Para-amino benzoic acid --------------I n o s i t o l --------------------------------------------250.0 i 2.0 y Folic acid ----------------------------------------Amino acids (nonessential) Alanine ------------------------------------------------ 100.0 mgm. 75.0 mgm. Glutamic acid ----------------------------------27.0 mgm. Tyrosine ------------------------------------------75.0 mgm. Lysine -------------------------------------------------Purine bases Adenine--------------------------------------------------0.5mgm. Guanine--------------------------------------------------0.5mgm. U r a c i l ----------------------------------------------------0.5mgm. X anthine------------------------------------------------0.5mgm. (1) Basal medium - calcium pentothenate. (2) Basal medium - calcium pentothenate - purine bases. (3) Basal medium - 5 nonessential B complexvitamins. (4) Basal medium - 5 nonessential B complexvitamins - purine bases. (5) Basal medium - 5 nonessential B complex vitamins - purine bases - f o lic acid (6; Basal medium - 4 nonessential amino acids. 49 Calcium pentothenate, purine bases and fo lic acid were included in the various media as the work of Moller et al (20) had shown that about one-fourth of the races of staphylococci studied, required pantothenic acid, one-half needed purine bases and a few would not grow without fo lic acid. The three cultures were seeded into these media in the same manner th a t had been used before. in the remaining portion of Table 2 2 . The resu lts are shown Cultures 2 and 5 grew in a ll the combinations of medium which were trie d while culture 6 fa ile d to grow. A fin a l t r i a l was made in which the nonessential amino acids, namely, alanine, glutamic acid, tyrosine and lysine were added individually; however s t i l l no growth was obtained. Due to these re s u lts the investigation of the extent of pigmentation in a purely synthetic medium was confined to cultures 2 and 5. The medium which was used fo r pigmentation te s ts was the basal medium which contained the sugars, s a lts , essential B complex vitamins and the 11 required amino acids plus alanine, glutamic acid, tyrosine and lysine. The. la tte r acids were added separately to lo ts of the above medium to determine the significance of each in pigment production. I t was necessary to shake the incubating cultures for 48 hours rather than 24 hours in order to obtain su fficien t cells fo r methanol extraction. Two hundred ml of the medium in flasks was seeded and treated in the usual manner. 50 In Table 14 are shown the d ata using c u ltu re 5. The amount or pigment produced v aried from 4.10 to 4.77 x 10“^ mgm. The l e a s t amount or pigment was obtained when the medium consisted or the required amino acids plus glutamic acid (4.10 x 10”^*® mgm), and the g r e a te s t amount when the medium contained the 11 required amino acids alone or with alanine (4.77 x 10-10 mgm). Vlihen ly s in e or ty ro sin e was used in the medium with the required amino acids, mgm or 4.41 and 4.28 x 10”^° pigment re sp e c tiv e ly were produced. From the standpoint or th e amount or pigment produced, the d iffe re n c e s do not seem to be g reat enough to be s ig n if ic a n t. However when th e d a ta are examined in the lig h t of the number of c e l ls produced, apparent. some in te r e s tin g r e s u lts The g re a te s t number of c e l l s , are 790 x 10 , were found when the le a s t amount of pigment was produced; th a t is with the medium which contained th e 11 required amino acids 6 plus glutamic acid. The lowest b a c te r ia l count, 425 x 10 , occurred when the amount of pigment was the g re a te s t, th a t is with the required amino acids alone or with alan ine. The other two media containing the required amino acids plus ly sin e or ty ro s in e showed b a c te r ia l populations of 510 x 10 organisms per ml of medium which were in versely proportional to th e amount of pigment produced. I 51 The r e s u lts , when c u ltu re 2 was t r i e d , Table 15. are shown in The data are e r r a c tic due to in s u f f ic ie n t c e lls fo r e x tra c tio n and to the vai’iable r a ti o c e lls and pigment production. of the number of For example when the medium contained the 11 required amino acids plus alanine, s u f f ic ie n t c e lls were obtained. Pigment production and t o t a l c e ll v a ria tio n s were shown as follow s: acids alone gave 4.03 x 10 c e lls , — 10 in ­ the 11 required amino mgm of pigment and 358 x 10 6 with ty ro sin e - 2.72 x 10“10 mgm and 576 x 106 c e lls , ■j with glutamic acid - 2.96 x 10“ c mgm and 520 x 10 c e lls , and with lysine - 3.43 x 10-10 mgm and 394 x 10^ c e l ls . Upon examination of the data obtained with cu ltu re 5, the i n i t i a l conclusion th a t could be drawn is th a t pigmentation was not affecte d by the addition of any of the au x iliary amino acids which were te s te d . A lev e l of pigmentation of approximate] 4.40 x 10“10 mgm was reached when any of the above media was tr i e d . On the other hand the growth of the organism was d e f in ite ly affected by the addition of the amino acids. Therefore under these t e s t conditions pigmentation was not d ir e c tly proportional to growth. Such a high lev el of pigmentetion in con trast with b a c te r ia l counts which were r e la tiv e ly low requires some explanation. One possible answer may be the length of time th a t the c e lls were grown, i t being twice as long as when 52 the semisynthetic medium was under t e s t . As mentioned before a 48 hour growing period was necessary to obtain s u ffic ie n t c e lls fo r methanol e x tra c tio n . Another p o s s ib ility i s th a t considerable e rro r was introduced in the pigment production determinations when i t was necessary to use values a t the lower end of the curve denoting weight of pigment. lig h t transm ission covered a range of 78.0 to 83.0. The percent The f a c t th a t the most accurate readings on any type of a lig h t tr a n s ­ mission instrument are obtained between 25.0 and 75.0 and tn a t below and above these values, magnitude, r e s u lts . the e rro r increases in causes some doubt as to the v a lid ity of these This is also tru e when the number of organisms was determined as the percent l i g h t transmission obtained with these c e ll suspensions was above 77.0 percent. The in co n sisten t re s u lts obtained with culture 2 are also best explained by the inaccuracies which enter the calcu latio n s when percent lig h t transmission values are high. With t h i s organism much g reater erro r would be expected, in the determination of pigment weight, as the spectophotometer readings were a l l above 90.0 percent although the b a c te ria l counts were above 66.0 percent. SUM M ARY The r e s u lts obtained In th is study have been discussed f o r the most p a rt in th a t po rtion of the th e s is where the data were given. Therefore, th i s sectio n w ill be confined to some concluding or summarizing remarks of the observations which have been made in the study of S. aureus. The method which was devised fo r determining the amount of pigment has proved s a tis fa c to ry fo r the majority of the te s ts made. Close agreement has been obtained with the method of Stahly e t al (32) as shown in Table 16. With a small amount of pigment (A) 0.0190 u n its were obtained with Stahly*s method and 1.91 x IQ*10 mgm of pigment 7/ith the method used in these te s ts . close, With g re a te r amounts of pigment agreement was also (B) and (C) showing 0.0243 and 0.0266 u n its respectively of pigment with S ta h ly 's method and 3.88 and 4.32 x 10“^° mgm resp ectiv ely of pigment with the extracted pigment method. Enough samples were not te s te d to determine th e su p erio rity of one method over the other but the agreement of both show th a t the method used in t h i s study was s c ie n tif ic a lly sound. Attempts to a ttr ib u te pigmentation to p a r tic u la r chemical compounds have been made by many workers with a v ariety of organisms. Some have gone as f a r as to s ta te th r t organisms can be made to produce pigment simply by the addition of a p a r tic u la r s a l t , sugar, vitamin or amino acid or can completely suppress pigmentation by withholding any such compound from the medium. organic s a lts Sullivan (1905) reported th a t the - malate, t a r t r a t e and oxalate allow growth but do not allow pigmentation while la c ta te , give good pigmentation. used in th is study. c itra te or succinate Several species of micx*ococci were From the observations made in th is study th is was not the case with staphylococci. *i/ith th is organism the degree of pigmentation can be a lte re d by the addition of various chemical compounds but i t cannot be induced or completely suppressed in the presence or absence of such components. Perhaps the methods of measuring the extent of pigmentation have been responsible fo r some of the re s u lts which have been obtained in the p ast. In some instances changes in the amount of pigmentation were closely a llie d with the b a c te ria l population. A good yield of pigment was obtained when the b a c te ria l counts were re la tiv e ly high and low pigment formation re su lte d when re la tiv e ly low b a c te ria l counts occurred. This was well exemplified whexi the vitamin supplement was su b stitu ted fo r the yeast ex tract in the liq u id modification of Chapman's medium and when decreasing amounts of thiamin and niacin were used in the semisynthetic medium. In both cases a lte rin g the amount of vitamin re su lte d in changes in the b a c te ria l populations which in turn caused a proportional change in the amount of pigment produced. 55 Although a d ire c t c o rre la tio n was also very apparent with a l l th ree t e s t organisms when the amount or pigment was compared in the presence and absence of the phosphate s a lt . The data obtained with the s a lts and sugars for the most p art presented a d iffe re n t p ictu re. Variations in the amount of pigment produced were not accompanied by sim ilar changes in the b a c te r ia l populations. The stu d ies made with the various s a lts demonstrated th a t the addition of manganese s u lfa te increased pigmentation by one th ir d of th a t obtained with the other s a lts (ferrous s u lfa te , magnesium and sodium chloride) th a t were tr ie d . Likewise the comparison of the various sugars using culture 5 showed th a t differences in the amount of pigment were not co rrelated d ire c tly with c e ll numbers. There was le s s pigment when dextrose served as the carbohydrate source than with any of the other sugars but b a c te ria l populations were about the same throughout. The comparison of the f i l t e r e d and autoclaved mannite and lactose solutions presented a sim ilar picture in th a t, g reater pigmentation was obtained with the f i l t e r e d carbo­ hydrates than was obtained with the autoclaved carbohydrates although the number of organisms per ml of medium remained approximately the same. 56 The re s u lts obtained when the amino acid content or the medium was a lte re d would ind icate th a t alanine, ty ro sin e, glutamic acid and ly sin e had no e ffe c t upon pigmentation although the v a lid ity of these r e s u lts may be open to question due to the lim ited number of organisms which grew in a purely synthetic medium. To summarize, i t may be sta te d th a t sp ecific s a lts and sugars had a d ire c t e ffe c t upon pigmentation and very l i t t l e or no e ffe c t upon c e ll p ro life ra tio n a f te r the growth require­ ments of the organism were apparently completely s a tis f ie d . BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Baker J . 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Mikrobiol. £: 172. Table 1* A Comparison o f Pigment; Production by aureus on Solid Media a t Two Incubation Temperatures with P e tri P lates Sealed and Unsealed Incubating Temperatures Media 21 C 37 C Dextrose Agar Sealed Unsealed N P F P N P F P Proteose Peptone #3 Agar Sealed Unsealed N P F P N P GP Proteose Lactose Agar Sealed Unsealed N P GP N P F P Chapmans #110 Agar Sealed Unsealed N P GP N P GP N P - - - No v is ib le Pigment F P ----- F a ir Pigmentation G P ----- Good Pigmentation Table 2. A Comparison of Pigmentation by S. aureus 5 a t three Incubating Temperatures Using 10 Days Growth Incubating Temperatures Pigmentation Observed in Cells 20 C F P 30 C GP 37 C GP F P ----- F air Pigmentation GP Good Pigmentation Pigment at 1on by Methanol Extraction Orange Very Dark Orange Dark Orange T a b le 3 . T he E f f e c t o f O m ittin g V a r io u s C o n s t i t u e n t s o f C hap m ans # 1 1 0 M edium o n G r o w th a n d P i g m e n t a t i o n of aureus 5 Omitted Constituent No.of Organisms /ml Media x 10 No. of Organisms Extracted x 10 Wt. of Pigment/ Cell x 10-10 Complete Medium * —_ 314 4.70 Without Marini te 1.8 314 3.56 Without Lactose 2.6 314 2.54 Without Sodium Chloride 2.1 314 5.37 Without Yeast Extract 1.1 314 0.95 Without Tryptone 2.2 307 1.79 Without Gelatin N.G. ---------- ---------- T a b le 4 . T h e E f f e c t o f O m i t t i n g V a r i o u s B C o m p le x V i t a m i n s o n P i g m e n t a t i o n When S u b s t i t u t e d f o r Y e a s t E x t r a c t i n C hap m ans # 1 1 0 M edium Omitted Constituents No* of Organisms No. of Organisms Wt • of Plgmer /ml of MediumCx 109 ) ExtractedCx 109 ) Cell (x 10~10 Complete Medium 4.9 350 3.81 Without B Complex 1.9 350 0.48 Without Thiamin 2.7 350 0.51 Without Pyridoxine 5.1 350 4.14 Without Riboflavin 5.2 357 4.06 Without B iotln 5.3 350 4.31 Without Niacin 4.3 350 3.71 Without P. A. B. A. 4.3 350 3.77 Without Ca Pento thenate 5.0 350 4.08 'Without In o s ito l 3. 8 350 3.68 T a b le 5 . T h e E f f e c t o f O m i t t i n g V a r i o u s B C o m p le x V i t a m i n s f r o m a S e m i - s y n t h e t i c M edium o n P i g m e n t a t i o n b y S . a u reu s. Omitted Constituents No. of Organisms Wt• of Pigmen /ml of MediumCx 10^) ExtractedCx 109 ) Cell (x 10~lc o t Complete Mealum No. of Organisms 281 4.09 — « Without Thiamin N.G. Without Niacin N. G. Without B iotin 0.7 350 0.57 ’Without Pyricoxine 3.5 326 3.55 Without Riboflavin 2.7 350 3.40 Without P. A.B. A. 4.0 350 3.54 Without Ca Pento­ thenate 4.0 350 3.42 Without In o s ito l 4.7 350 4.20 ~ ~ ~ w _ T a b le 6. T he E f f e c t o f V a r io u s C o n c e n tr a tio n s P ig m e n ta tio n o f T h ree C u ltu r e s o f £ • Organism of Thiamin / 25.0 12.5 o f T h ia m in o n aureus 100 ml of Medium 5.0 2.5 2 Wt. of Pigment x 10*"10 2.32 2.20 1.52 0.77 No. of Organisms x 109/ ml of Medium 1.7 1.2 0.52 0.35 Wt. of Pigment x 10-*10 4.42 4.42 2.40 0.78 No. of Organisms x 109/ ml of Medium 3.5 3.3 2.7 2.0 Wt. of Pigment x 10"10 3.62 2.85 0.78 0.88 No. of Organisms x 109/ ml of Medium 2.9 2.0 0.68 0.60 5 6 T a b le 7 . T he E f f e c t o f V a r io u s C o n c e n tr a tio n s P ig m e n ta tio n o f T h ree C u ltu r e s o f § . Organism of Niacin / 25.0 o f N ia c in on aureus 100 ml of Medium 12.5 5.0 2.5 2 Wt. of Pigment x 10**10 3.30 3.11 1.26 No. of Organisms x 109/ ml of Medium 2.3 2.2 0.66 N.G. Wt. of Pigment x 10”10 3.32 2.28 1.70 0.90 No. of Organisms x 109 / ml of Medium 3.4 3.7 2.8 1.9 Wt• of Pigment x 10-10 4.32 4.00 3.39 0.98 No. of Organisms x 109 / ml of Medium 4.9 4.1 1.3 0.90 5 6 Table 8. A Comparison of the Amount Pigment Producted When Cocarboxylase Is S u b stitu ted Tor Thiamin in a Semisynthetic Medium Using Three Cultures or aureus Wt. of Pigment (x 10~10) / It Organism Cocarboyxlase Cell Thiamin 2 2.58 2.33 5 3.88 3.88 6 4.68 4.27 T able 9 . The E f f e c t o f Sodium C h lo rid e , F e rro u s S u l f a t e , Manganese S u l f a t e and Magnesium S u lf a te on Pigm ent P ro d u c tio n and Growth i n T hree C u ltu re s o f S. a u r e u s * Chemical Constituents Wt. of Pig. x 1CT10 No. of Organisms x 109 Culture 6 Culture 5 Culture 2 Wt. of Pig. x 10“10 No. of Organisms xlO 9 Wt. of Pig. x 10"10 No. of Organisms Four Salts Added 3.93 1.8 4.06 4.0 4.16 2.0 No Salts Added 1.29 1.5 1.52 4.6 2.86 1.0 x 109 Sodium Chloride Added 1.26 2.2 2.42 4.4 2.27 1.0 Ferrous Sulfate Added 1.44 2.2 2.48 4.0 2.27 900 x 106 Manganese Sulfate Added 2.32 2.2 3.93 4.4 2.58 1.4 X 109 Magnesium Sulfate Added 1.12 1.7 2.26 4.6 2.45 900 X 106 X X 109 109 Table 10. A Comparison or the Number or Organisms, Weight or Pigment and pH Obtained with and without d i­ potassium Acid Phosphate Using Three Cultures or aureus No. or Organisms x 10^/ml or Medium Organi c r: 2 With KgHP04 1.8 2.33 5.90 0.58 1.72 4.70 3.7 3.88 6.30 Without KgHP04 0.56 1.90 4.75 With KgHP04 2.95 4.27 6.18 Without KgHP04 0.70 1.36 4.97 Without KgHP04 5 6 pH or Super­ Wt • or Pigment natant Fluid After Growth x 10 /C e ll With KgHP04 T a b le 11# T he E f f e c t o f V a r io u s C a r b o h y d r a te s i n s y n t h e t i c M edium o n P i g m e n t a t i o n b y Carbohydrate Lactose & Mannite No* of Organisms (x 109 )/ml of Medium a S e m iaureus Wt. of Pigment Cx 10“10)/C ell 4.0 4.09 Lactose 4.6 3.43 Mannite 4.6 3.50 Dextrose 4.1 2.79 Sucrose 4.4 3.60 Table 12. A Comparison of Pigment Production by Three Cultures of aureus When Grown on Media Containing Filtered or Autoclaved Lactose and Mannite. No. of Organisms (x 109 )/ ml Medium Organism Filtered Sugars Autoclaved Sugars Wt. of Pigment (x 10'10)/ Cell Filtered Sugars Autoclaved Sugars 2 2.2 2.2 3.42 2.04 5 4.1 4.7 5.72 4.68 6 2.9 2.8 6.24 4.39 Table 13. The Growth Response of Three Test Organisms to Various Synthetic Media Growth of Organism Media Culture 2 Culture 5 Culture 6 B.M. 4 4 - B. M. 4 C.P. 4 -4 - B.M. 4 C. P.4 P.B. 4 4 - B.M.4 None sse n tia l Vitamins 4 4 B.M. 4- None sse n tia l Vit .4 P. B. 4 4 B.M.4- None sse n tia l Vit.4 P.B.4 Folic Acid 4 4 B.M.4 Four Amino Acids 4 4 B.M. C.P. P. B. basal medium calcium pentothenate purine bases T a b le 14* T h e E f f e c t o f V a r io u s Am ino A c id s o f S . aureus 5 . Amino Acids No* of Organisms (x 106)/ ml Medium on P i g m e n t a t i o n Wt. of Pigment Cx 10~10)/ Cell 11 Required Amino Acids 435 4.77 11 Required Amino Acids + ■ Tyrosine 510 4.38 11 Required Amino Acids + Alanine 435 4.77 11 Required Amino Acids « ► » Glutamic Ac* 790 4.10 11 Required Amino Acids + Lysine 510 4.41 T a b le 1 5 . T h e E f f e c t o f V a r i o u s Am ino A c id s o f P i g m e n t a t i o n o f S. au reu s 2 . Amino Acids Added No. of Organisms Wt • of Pigment (x 1 0 '10)/ Cell (x 10^)/ ml Medium 11 Required Amino Acids 368 4.06 11 Required Amino Acids + Tyrosine 576 2.72 11 Required Amino Acids + Alanine ------■ K 11 Required Amino Acids * ►Glutamic Ac< 520 11 Required Amino Acids +- Lysine 394 ------- 2.96 1 * In su ffic ie n t Cells fo r Extraction 3.48 T a b le 16* A C o m p a r is o n o r S t a h l y ' s M e th o d w i t h t h e E x t r a c t e d P ig m e n t M eth o d T o r D e t e r m i n i n g A m ount o r P ig m e n t P roduced. Medium Stahly *s Method Extracted Pigment Method (x 10"10) Semisynthet ic Medium A 0.0190 1.91 Semisynthetic Medium B 0.0248 3.88 Semisynthet ic Medium C 0.0266 4.32