THE PREDICTABILITY OP THE BUTTERFAT T RAN S KITT11'-GAB ILITY OP DAIRY BULLS By JAMES PREDERIGK SMITHCORS A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture a nd A pplied science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OP PHILOSOPHY Department of Animal Husbandry 1951 TABLE OP CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 R EVIEW OF LITERATURE I. II. The heritability of butt; e r f a t production The prediction of t r a n s m i t t i n g III. Environmental influences production ability upon m i l k II. 6 and butterfat 11 PREDICTION OF BUTTERFAT T R A N S M I T T I N G A B I L I T Y IN THE MICHIGAN I N S T I T U T I O N H E R D S I. 4 OF BULLS Source of data 20 Methods 22 RESULTS I. Correlation of average d e L x n - d a u g n t e r p r o d u c t i o n II. Per cent chance of p r e d i c t i n g certain limits 26 p r o d u c t i o n within 27 III. Correlation coefficients oetween dam-daughter production at v a r y i n g l e v e l s o f p r o d u c t i o n 29 IV. Comparison of rankings of* t r a n s m i t t i n g a b i l i t y w i t h actual daughter a v e r a g e 30 DISCUSSI ON I. II. III. IV. Correlation analysis of production data 35 Diallel crossing 38 Environmental indices 42 Worksheets 45 SU MMA RY 47 REFERENCES *9 APPENDIX 61 VITA Tile au tho r was born Ma r c h 27, 1920 at Glassboro, New Jersey an d spent his early life in a rvral background. he received the B.S. degree from Rutgers University in 1941, ing In dairy husoandry. major­ The *:.S. degree was ob tained at Cornell University in 1943 w h i l e an assistant in animal breeding. The author then entered the New Y o r k State Veterina ry College and received the D.V.M. degree In 1945. One yea r of this time was spent as a m emb er of the Arm y veterinary training program* In Nov ember 1945 the author was app oi n t e d Assista nt Pro fessor of An a t o m y at Mi chi gan State College whe re he entered the Graduate School in 1945. He is the author or co- aut hor of two laboratory textbooks and of four scientific articles in the field of endocrinology. He is currently employed as Ass oc i a t e Professor of A n a t o m y at M i c h i g a n State College. INTRODUCTION On e o f tn e m o s t important problems f a c i n g tiie d a i r y m a n is tie p r e d i c t i o n o f w h i c h o f s e v e r a l p r o s p e c t i v e sires is most l i k e l y to t r a n s m i t tiie ti.igh.est l e v e l o f b u t t e r f a t produc­ tion* from That no a c c u r a t e m e a n s the m e a g e r p r o g r e s s pound a year, in i m p r o v e m e n t o f the p r o g r e s s improvement of p r o d u c t i o n , two d e c a d e s or longer. that has in environment. P e w o f t n e s t u d i e s m a d e u p o n the have oeen s u c c e s s f u l tinguishing between hereditary and environmental dicting S t i l l f e w e r o f the t e c h n i q u e s Dutterfat in d i s ­ factors In­ in c o m m o n u s e f o r p r e ­ p r o d u c t i o n r e c o g n i z e the ment other than correcting records age, A large po r ­ seen m a d e c a n b e a t t r i b u t e d to inheritance of producing ability volved. about one as i n d i c a t e d b y h e r d t e s t i n g d a t a w h i c h h w e b e e n c o m p i l e d i n the last ti on is a v a i l a o l e is m a n i f e s t e f f e c t s of e n v i r o n ­ for s t a n d a r d c o n d i t i o n s o f times m i l k e d d a i l y a n d l e n g t h o f l a c t a t i o n . It Is g e n e r a l l y r e c o g n i z e d that a n i n c r e a s e in the p r o ­ d u c t i o n of a h e r d c a n be a c h i e v e d by a l t e r i n g o n e o r b o t h of two fa ct o r s , i.e., b y i m p r o v i n g e i t h e r th e h e r d e n v i r o n m e n t or the h e r e d i t y o f the i n d i v i d u a l a n i m a l s . former m a y ments be i n m a n y cases, E f f e c t i v e as the t h e r e c a n be no d o u b t that i m p r o v - i n e n v i r o n m e n t a r e t e m p o r a r y a n d do n o t a d d to the g e n e t i c w o r t h o f the a n i m a l s . T h e g e n e t i c v/orth o f a n a n i m a l q u e n t l y o b s c u r e d b y e n v i r o n m e n t a l f act ors . ^ H I R G r e e n B o o k 1949 H o l s t e i n F r i e s i a n A s s o c i a t i o n is f r e ­ 2 Improvement in genetic worth, other than tne doubtful possibility of seizing upon worthwhile mutations, upon selection to change gene frequency. is dependent The effectiveness of any m eth od of selection for a character wnich can oe identified depends primarily upon the variability present and the selection differential. The genetic variability present and the selec­ tion differential. The genetic variability of males and fe­ males in dairy herds is probably similar, environment. but is ooscured oy The ratio of breeding males to females, already wide, is oeing increased by the widespread use of artificial insemination. Thus while tne greatest use of the selection d i f f e r ­ ential can oe made wi th males, it i 3 also important that t h e best possible use of this oe made. Inter-herd variations in en­ vironment make it essential to d istinguish between genetic and environmental factors if real progress is to oe made. Culling of the lowest producing cows is a useful technique regardless of the level of herd production even though the selection d i f f e r ­ ential available in most herds makes progress painfully slow. by tnis means Improvement in management to enable a greater rate of culling of cows would increase the value of tnis technique. The object of the present study is to consider the merits of several techniques in use or proposed for predicting the production of the daughters of a potential sire. An attempt will be made to analyze the utility of these methods and to suggest possible improvements in tneir application. It is obvious that the most valuable technique which can be used in the selec­ tion of a breeding animal is that which na3 the highest predic­ 3 tive value and. at tne same time is capaole o f widespread, application. E v e n if those methods w h i c h impose the greatest n umber o f r e s t ri cti ons u p o n the ani mal in question, in terms of individu al or fa mily merit, w e r e the mos t accurate, tneir utility w o u l d oe lim i t e d to the n u m b e r of animals w h i c h could meet the sp ec ifi cat ion s required. except fr om a n academic superior animals In o t n e r words, standpoint, It is useless, to d i s c o v e r a n u m o e r of if the m e t h o d requires that they oe d e a d before their w o r t h can be e 3 taolished. Emphasis in the present w o r k will oe d i r e c t e d toward tne a p p l i c a b i l i t y of the several methods c o n s i d e r e d as w e l l as t h e i r predictability. RE VIE W OP L ITE RAT URE I. The he rit abi lit y of outterfat production The literature concerning p red ictability o f m i l k and b u t t e r ­ fat production can a p p r opr iat ely be div i d e d into two major parts: one de ali ng primarily w i t h genetic, factors. the other w i t h environmental W h i l e many reports ha ve dealt w i t h the influence o f various environmental factors u p o n production, m u c h more a t t e n ­ tion has oeen focussed up on genetic factors in actually p r e ­ dicting production. Ma ny of tne papers dealing w i t h correlations between the production records of related animals recognize en­ vironmental factors only to tne extent of using the well estab­ lished correcti on factors for age, n umber of times milked, and length o f lactation to convert individual records to a mature equivalent basis. In most of these studies the comparison of the records of individual animals has d een used. These data form the basis for the present study w n i c h concerns the c orr ela ­ tion of rel ated groups of animals, but because of tne difference in average aeritabiiity of production of groups as co mpared w i t h individuals, these papers will not oe revieived separately. Rather, at ten tio n is directed to the following authors whose work can oe considei',ed representative of this po rtion of tne literature: Gowen, Uooeland, Gifford, Lush, Turner. Excellent reviews of this w ork have bee n presented by Johansson and H&nsson (1940), L u s h and Straus Eldridge (1948). (1942), Shrode and L u s h (1947) and Depending upon the sample studied the correla- tion values oetween the production of various relatives ranged from insignificance to 0.3-0.4 for close relatives w i t h only few being higher than the latter value. While many of these values were significant at the 1% level of pro bab ili ty, they were for the most part not sufficiently high to do especially useful for prediction of production under the conditions studied. In most of these studies the effect of the common herd environment which usually exists in the case of dams and their daughters in parti­ cular was not ruled out. Lush (1945) has pointed out that there is a correlation of about 0 .2-0.3 between cows in the same herd regardless of relationship. The effect of averaging makes the correlation between the production of groups of related animals considerably higher than the values determined for individual comparisons. Thus the dam- daughter correlation for the daughter average of a sire was reported to oe on the order of 0.60 for milk (Rice 1944) and 0.63-0.67 for butterfat (Lush and Schultz 1938, Eldridge 1948). These values are high enough to have practical significance, and in addition, it is these values in which the dairyman is primarily interested. That is, the dairy cattle breeder is more concerned w i t h the average production of a group of daughters of a sire than wit h that for any individual daughter. This may not be quite so true for conditions under artificial insemination where a number of bulls may oe used to inseminate cows in small herds w ith the result that some nerds ma;/ con­ tain a few single daughters of one or more culls. This would 6 a p p e a r to be a s e p a r a t e p r o b l e m w o r t h y o f c o n s i d e r a t i o n . In one study r e l a t i n g to this p r o b l e m the a v e r a g e p r o d u c t i o n of a r t i f i c i a l l y s i r e d d a u g h t e r s o f 32 bulls d i d not d i f f e r f r o m the a v e r a g e o f n a t u r a l s e r v i c e d a u g ht ers o f tne same sires re gar d l e s s of the le vel of p r o o f o f the sire II. (Waahbon 1950). The p r e d i c t i o n o f t r a n s m i t t i n g a b i l i t y The o b s e r v e d c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n the p r o d u c t i o n o f r e l a t e d an i m a l s has le d to the f o r m u l a t i o n of a n u m b e r o f te c h n i q u e s for p r e d i c t i n g the fu t u r e p r o d u c t i o n of the d a u g h t e r s of a sire t h r o u g h the f o r m u l a t i o n o f sire indices. of Hansson, Y a p p , Pearl, Turner, The p i o n e e r i n g w o r k Gowen, G iff o r d , W r i g h t a n d o t h e r s has o e e n amply r e v i e w e d by L u s h w o r k has Heizer, G ood ale , (1933). I'his l e d to tne w i d e s p r e a d a d o p t i o n of the H e q u a l - p a r e n t ” Index w h i c h is b a s e d u p o n the s u p p o s i t i o n that the sire a nd d a m contribute e q u a l l y to the p r o d u c i n g or t r a n s m i t t i n g a b i l i t y of t h e i r of f s p r i n g . Is a d d e d The d a u g n t e r - d a m d i f f e r e n c e in p r o d u c t i o n (algebraically) in d e x o f t he to the d a u g h t e r a v e r a g e to secure an bull*s t r a n s m i t t i n g ability. fu t u r e d a u g h t e r s The production of is p r e d i c t e d by a v e r a g i n g the o r i g i n a l pr oof of the sire a n d the p r o d u c t i o n o f nis mates, the only c onc ess ion s to e n v i r o n m e n t b e i n g to u s e the s t a n d a r d c o r r e c t i o n fa ctors to co nvert re cor ds to a m a t u r e - e q u i v a l e n t factors a re s u c h how ev e r , basis. as to inake this Oth er environ men tal technique m o s t u s e f u l on an i n t r a - h e r d basis. The e x t e n s i v e p r o g r a m o f p rov ing th eir p roofs culls and o f re cor d i n g that has d e v e l o p e d In the past two de cad es has 7 been an important advance in dairy cattle breeding. However the applications of this information that have oeen m ade have not r esulted in any m a r k e d improvement in production. Consequent­ ly a n u m b e r o f attempts to fin d an improved technique have been made. -*\hese have been di rected toward m aking the records used in e stablishing the indices more truly representative of the prooable transmitting aoility. duction rec ord (phenotype) her transmitting ability It is recognized that the p r o ­ of a cow m a y not accurately reflect (ge not y p e ) . W i t h this in mind, Lu sh (1945) has a dvo cated a formula based on the repeataoility of individual records and the num oer of records (r) (N) constituting the dam's average: prooable transmitting level«>Herd ave. +■ Nr X- (N - 1) r * (Cow ave. - Herd ave.) For an average repeatability 2N 3 of 0.4 this formula reduces to 2 N -5 X CoW's ave. 2N-3 Herd ave. Breed average may be s ubstituted for herd average wh en the latter is unknown. Thus for N-l, reliance on the dam's record is reduced to 2/5, regressio n toward her d (breed) accounting for the remainder. average The m eth od o f intra-sire regression of off spr ing o n d a m has oeen advocated by Lush (1940) as the me t h o d of choice for estimating he rit aui lit y of characteristics because of the reduction in environmental error. The phenomen on of regression toward population average has long oeen estaolished, yet only recently has its use been ad vocated in sire indexing. Rice (1944) has proposed a m o d i f i ­ cation of the equal-parent index in w h i c h the records of both dama and daughters are averaged w i t h breed average. Using this 8 regression index, Dickey and Lab art he (1945) o bta ine d a correlation of 0*61 bet w e e n actual and predicted product ion of the daughters of 214 H ols tei n sires. The simple equal-parent index gave a correlation of 0*53 for the same data. The authors found the regression index to be most useful at h i g h levels and the equalparent index most use f u l at low levels of production. Lush (194d) has pointed out that since the regression index is the equal-parent index regressed h a l f w a y toward breed average, it has h a l f the variability but the same accuracy as the equalparent index in d ete rmi nin g transmitting acidity. Allen (1944) nas pr op ose d that twice the d evi ati on of the s i r e ’s daughters from the expected production''"' be added (algebraically) breed a verage to obtain a comparative rating of sires. to the This figure w o u l d represent the probable transmitting ability o f the sire under average conditions of environment. the future pro duc tio n of daughters Por predicting the in dex is not needed, the deviation of the s i r e ’s previous daughters being ad ded to the expected p rod uct ion of future daughters. Pr om an analysis of the pedigrees of 207 Ho lsc ein sires proved in He w Y o r k State DHIA, Eldridge (1948,1949) developed two m ultiple regression equations for predicting the production of the daughters of a sire. Depending u p o n the information available, the equations were: Ya = 2 9 . S + 0 . 7 5 X 1 + 0 . 0 3 X 2 * 0 . 0 1 X 3 + Y b =.0.1 + 0.75X! Ya , Y b ^ 0.34X4 - 0.21x5 + 0Q01X3 + 0.23X4 - 0.22x5 ^ 0.24X6 predicted ave. M.E. prod, of daughters of the bull " The expected production is bas ed u p o n experience taoles showing the average production of daughters of dams of varying levels of p r o ­ duction under u n i f o r m testing conditions. ^ ave. X 2 a ave. prod, of the mates of prod, of the the Dull maternal half sisters of the bull X3 " w ,f n n dam of the oull X^ - 11 ” 11 ” paternal X 5 3 11 n ” ’* dams of _ II Xg s 1 1 II H II w II 1 1 half sisters of the uull 4 , 1 ________ U J _______ „ daughters of maternal grandsire of uull The multiple correlation coefficient between the actual and predicted production of the daughters of these oulls was 0.70 for Y ^ and 0*69 for Yg. Deletion of the mates' production (X]_) from the equations resulted in a correlation of 0.37 in either case. It was concluded that the most important information to consider in predicting the average production of the daughters of a oull is the average of the mates, and that the sire's index is the most important consideration in selecting a uull on the basis of pedigree. The average production of the da m of tne bull and/or that of he r daughters contriouted a negligible amount of information for predicting the transmitting auility of the bull. Hyatt Tyler and (1948^ have snown that one unselected record of a dam may be as important in predicting production of her future daughters as the average of her first 2 or 3 daughters in estimating p r o ­ duction of future daughters, but correlation values were of a low order (0.18-0.38 for individual comparisons). Beardsley and coworkers (1950) have suggested that a curvilinear regression might account for a greater portion of the variance in production inheritance studies than would 10 simple linear regression. significant differ enc e W h i l e their data d i d not show a oetween linear and c u r v i lin ear regression v a l u e s , the latter m e t h o d gave average h e r i t a bil ity figures of 45, 31, 23, an d 17$ respectively for av era ge production levels of 350, 450, 530 an d 650 pounds of fat. These compared w i t h an average figure o f 2 7 $ for simple linear re gre s s i o n for all data and 28 $ d e t e r m i n e d by Eldridge (1948) for nis data. These re lat ive ly hi gh correlation values, on the order of 0 .6 - 0 .7, bet w e e n average production of the daughters and mates of a bull a ppe ar to be val id only for u n s e l e c t e d data. Turner (1927b) and G i f f o r d (1930) found that by gro uping bulls according to m a t e s ’ production, usi ng 100 pound fat intervals, correlations of 0 . 2 5 and 0.20 respectively wer e o btained for da m-d aug hte r averages. 20 $ of the The l atter w ork indicated that about pro duc tio n of a bull's mates above b r e e d average was i nhe r i t e d (Holstein data). Similar data for Jerseys gave a value o f 15$ (Gifford and 'Turner 1928). The emphasis placed by Eld ridge (1948) u p o n the production of the bull's mates was an t i c i p a t e d by Gowen, who in 1924a stated, ’’The rec ord of the d a m is one of the best pieces o f evidence on w h i c h to base any estimate o f the probable produc tio n of the daughter. In fact the close re lat ion shi p between m i l k yield of dau ght er and d am makes it an open q uestion if for the small breeder it is not better to purchase daughters from relatively h i g h producing dams than it is to pay too m u c h at tention to and too m u c h money for a supposedly high pr oducing b u l l . ” Since m u c h of the c or rel atio n between the product ion of dams 11 and their daughters is undoubtedly due to intra-herd environment, the term ’’purchase" should probably oe replaced by "select” . III. Environmental influences upon milk and outterfat production As mentioned above, production records used in prediction of milk or butterfat production are now corrected for the in­ fluence of age, number of times milked and length of lactation, these influences being well estaolished in the effect they exert upon lactation. In spite of correction for these environ­ mental influences, correlations between actual and expected p ro­ duction still lack the accuracy desired. This lac.-: of corres­ pondence is generally attributed to “ environmental" factors, but there has been no concerted effort to determine constants to correct for such errors. The influence of body size upon milk production is recognized in the axiom that "within the breed, the big cows excel." In a summary of the effect of body size on lactation, Beck and Turk (1948) 3tated that while tne larger cows of a breed do produce more mil :, they ruay not necessarily do so more economically than smaller ones. That age factors automatically correct in part for size was shown by Brody and coworkers (1923). In over 15,000 Jersey ROM records with age constant there was an increase of 20 pounds of fat per 100 pounds increase in body weight. If age was not held constant, there was an increase of 104 pounds of fat per 100 pounds increase in body weight. records the increase was 16 pounds cords— Turner 1929). In Guernsey AR ( or 14 pounds for DHIA re­ The correlation of body weight and milk 12 production was found to De on the o rde r of 0.6 and was highest at one m o n t h after calving cords u n c o r rec ted for age. (Davis an d coworkers 1943) ^'his value was reduced by one-half if age cor rec tio n factors w e r e u s e d coworkers for r e­ (Gowen 1932^) • Oaines and (1940) have gone so far as to advocate correlating production d i r e c t l y w i t h body weight without regard for age using the formula PCIvl/body w ei g h t (PCM- fat corrected milk). This idea has been vigorously att ack ed by Kleiber and Mead (1941, 1945) who m a i n t a i n that production is proportional to metabblic body size ^Kff0.75) Brody in de ter min ing relative lactation capacity. (1945)* poi nted out that Gaines*' formula w o u l d be valid only f o r cows o f the same weight. M i sne r (1939,1941) w i d t h of hips, computed a size index for cattle using l eng th of rump andheight at hips, and found a correlation o f 0.54 w i t h PCM on 2747 Holsteins. Measurements of 100 cows in the Cornell h e r d gave a correlation of 0.49 between size index and the best age corrected record. mature cows Davis and Wil lett tween gain in weight, (1938) found no correlation b e ­ increase in height or chest girth from birth to two years of age w i t h subsequent production. and coworkers Por i m­ Tyler (1948) found that 30-60;^ of the variation in mature body size of Holsteins was hereditary and suggested selection for body size be practiced. The effect of season of calving upon milk yie ld has been investigated by Cannon cowori-ers (1933), , Prick and (1947), Morrow and c©workers and Sanders (1927a). (1943), Edwards (1938), Pr odu c t i o n was found to be uniformly •M-Bioenergetics and Growth n y 15 lower for cows freshening in the summer months, but the season of freshening h a d no effect upon length of lactation. Pall fresh­ ening resulted In a maximum increase of 12-13$ in milk production over summer fresnening. and Jones A n exception to this was found by Oloufa (1948) under condition of uniformly mild temperature. This indicates that temperature is a greater factor than the poor­ er late summer feeding conditions which generally prevail while cows freshening in the summer are at peak production. Sanders (1927a) found the effect of season of calving to range frorn-5 to +7$ of the total yield and proposed that records be corrected according to the month of calving. relationship(r =• -0.87) percent fat. Bro oks (1931) found an inverse between environmental temperature and The same relationsnip existed in four breeds, was most marked In those with higher tests. but The sts-ge of lactation was less a factor than season. Similar findings were reported by Weaver and Matthews Hays (1928). (1926) under controlled ex­ perimental conditions found an increase in fat test of 0.095$ for each 10°P lowering of temperature from 85 to 24°p. thus demonstrating that temperature is the chief factor in seasonal variation in fat test. Bartlett (1929) found daily milk yield to be most variable in hot weather. The length of the dry period has been demonstrated to affect milk production. The optimum length of the dry period was de ­ termined to be 55 days and coworkers 1945) (Klein and Woodward 1943) or 65 days for a 12 months calving interval. (Morrow This interval was found optimum for maximum 305 day production. The former workers day dry period, suggest correction of records to a standard 55 the fators ranging from 1.403 for 0 d a y 3 to 0.955 for 120 days or longer. They found h a l f the variation of successive records o f cows to be explainable by the length o f the dry period. Tyler and Hyatt (1950) found significantly lower produ cti on with a calving interval of 10-11 months than for 12-13 months. was due in part to the shorter lactation, Tnis but it was sxxggested that cows w i t h short calving intervals may be p ersistently lower producers. Sig nif ic ant ly gre ate r production was not o bta ine d wi th an increase in calving interval bey ond 13 months, Gaines and Pal fre y (1931) although found that the calving interval could be extended to 18 months without seriously a f f e c t i n g total lifer time yield. for age, D ick ers on (1937) reported that cor rec tin g records c alv ing interval and dry period a c c o u n t e d for 35$ of the intra-herd v ari a t i o n in producti on be twe en cows compared with 24 $ for u n c o r r e c t e d records. D i c k er son and C hap man (1939) found that increasing the length o f the dry period resulted in greater percentage increases in the subsequent lactation period for low p rod ucing than for h i g h producing cows. of the dr y period was found to increase w i t h age. The length Di cke r s o n (1940) found that correct ing calving interval to 365 days increased the repeatability of total yield. Cows w i t h shorter lactations t e n d ­ ed to have lower records and longer dry periods. Sanders (1927a, b, 1928a,b) d eve l o p e d correction factors for length of dry period ranging from -14 to +25 $ (0 interval 40 days) of service period ranging from -33 to +34$ a nd for length (0 interval 85 days). Hammond, and Sanders (1923) found that variation in records of individual cows could be reduced 20%, by correction for age (15%), length of dry period (2%) and for month of calving and length of service period (3%). Plum (1935) found that length of the dry period a cco unted for 1% and calving interval 3% of the total variance in fat production. Turner (1926) has suggested a persistency index for p red ic­ tion of total yield based on the fact that each succeeding months' production after the peak yield is a constant percentage with individuals) of the preceding months production. (differing Per­ sistency was found to be largely independent of pregnancy, temperature, nutrition and other management factors. Alexander (1950) in a study of the inheritance of persistency found that the daughters of inbred sires varied less in average persistency than those of outbred sires, and the inbred daughters of a sire varied less than the outbred daughters of the same sire. differences w e r e found between breeds, Distinct strains w ithin breeds and between the daughters of different sires. The regression of daughters on dams was constant, although Turner (1927a) re port­ ed the correlation of dam-daughter persistency to oe of a low order. Gaines (1S27A) reported persistency to the dam and not the sire, oe inherited through but Becker and McGill iar d (1929) found contributions of both s ire and dam. Putnam and coworkers (1944) have reopened the question of the effect of age u p o n butterfat percentage. They refer to a large number of studies w h i c h supports their finding that there 16 is a s tat istically significant d ecr e a s e in Dutterfat test with, age, the regres sio n of fat test on age (Ayrshires) being -0.02509. 1hey presented a set of convers ion factors for c alculating mature equivalent p rod uct ion in co njunction w i t h those no w used for milk yield. A further d isc rep anc y in the a p p l i cat ion o f blanket conversion factors has oeen rep orted by C o p e l a n d (1934) who showed that the increase in production w i t h 3 time compared wit h 2 time a day m i l ■ing varied w i t h the level of production. The increase for Jersey cows w i t h 400-500 p oun d 2 time records was 38$ for subsequent 3 time records, wh i l e bhat for cows w i t h 2 time records above 750 pounds was only 6$. The findings suggest that a h i g h p rod ucing cow w i l l come closer to m a x i m u m producing capacity on 2 time m ilk in g than will a poor producer. limitations The imposed by u d d e r size have been suggested as an ex­ planation of this. slightly higher Lush and Shrode (0.833) (1950) h a v e sugges ted a correction factor for converting 3 x to 2x mil k i n g aft er the first lactation (0.80) and h a v e pointed out m i n o r discrepa nci es in the factors now u s e d for age correction. The influence of the plane of n u t r i t i o n u p o n production has long been u n d e r investigation. Eckles (1927) reported that fat test was h igher w h e n cows fresh ene d in g o o d condition. ward (1927) Wood­ stated that an increase of 50$ in p rod uct ion could be expected if average h e r d conditions are supplanted by those w h i c h obtain u n d e r offic ial testing. by Dawson and Graves tices alone. Similar values w e r e obtained (1936) b y radically altering feeding p r a c ­ A n average productio n of 405 pounds of fat for 46 cows restricted to rou ghage alone was increased to 654 pounds 17 w h e n tiie sa me cows w e r e g r a i n fed in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h a c c e p t e d px>aci>ice. Plum (1935) f o u n d that 1 8 $ o f the v a r i a n c e in fa t p r o ­ d u c t i o n c o u l d be a c c o u n t e d for by f e e d i n g practices. Kagadale (1935) h a v e d e m o n s t r a t e d that the gross p r o d u c t i o n v a r i e d f r o m 1 5 - 2 5 $ w i t h po or p r o d u c e r s good p r o d u c e r s , the b i o l o g i c a l limit a p p a r e n t l y Brody a n d e f f i c i e n c y of to 3 5 - 4 5 $ w i t h oeing about 50$. The i n f l u e n c e o f a n u m o e r o f o t h e r factors u p o n p r o d u c t i o n has b e e n studied. been studied. The c o r r e l a t i o n of t ype w i t h p r o d u c t i o n h as T he c o r r e l a t i o n of typ e w i t h p r o d u c t i o n h a 3 b e e n shown to be o f a low order, 0 . 3 0 - 0 . 3 8 or less land 1938b, 1948b). T y l e r a n d Hya tt Gowen (Gowen 1933b, suggests Cope­ that w h i l e c o n f o r m a t i o n is a p o o r c r i t e r i o n of p r o d u c i n g a b i l i t y it has the m e r i t of bl o w i n g cu rre nt h e a l t h of the cow. c o r r e l a t i o n s w e r e f o u n d by L e i g h t o n a n d Gr a v e s of r u m p an d u d d e r s lop e w i t h product ion . d e v e l o p m e n t at 4 m o n t h s highly significant (Book a n d c o w o r k e r s on fat pe r c e n t a g e , of m i l k (Jersey) Non-significant (1947) for slope E v a l u a t i o n of u d d e r or 6 m o n t h s (Holstein) correlations with mature equivalent 1950). Pregnancy was had production fou nd to h a v e no effect but r e s u l t e d in a d r a i n o f 400 — 600 pounds (Gowen 1924b). L i t t l e o r no r e l a t i o n s h i p w as f o u n d b e ­ t w een p r o d u c t i o n a n d the p r e s e n c e of s u p e r n u m e r a r y teats 1934) (Gifford or for t h e age o f the 3 ire a n d d a m u p o n daughter's p r o d u c t i o n (Gifford a n d E l t i n g 1928). Washbon and Tyler in cre ase i n a v e r a g e fat p r o d u c t i o n (1950) f o u n d an ( d a m - d a u g h t e r difference) for the d a u g h t e r s of later p r o v e n sons of a sire c o m p a r e d w i t h those of e a r l i e r pr o v e d sons, but this w a s c o n s i d e r e d to be purely environmental. Tne uniformity of get of a sire was found to be unrelated to production of the get (Johnson 1945), nor was there any correlation between age at first calving and mature body weight or total production for the first five lactations (Chapman and Dickerson 1936). Cows calving early had a higher total production to seven years of age however. Bartlett (1929) reported Slightly less variability in daily production if m o r n ­ ing yield was added to the subseqtient evening yield rather than the previous evening yield as is commonly done in testing. The number of daily milkings was found to have no effect on persistency as measured by dope of decline in production (Ludwin 1942). A significant development in evaluation of environmental influences upon fat production has oeen the formulation of an environmental index by Bayley and Heizer (1950). The index is based upon deviations of individual lactation records from an arbitrarily determined base, such deviations being calculated on the basis of the plus or minus contribution to the mature equivalent record made by the six factors concerned. The factors used, together w ith the level at which the deviations are zero and the nature of the dev iat i o n s , are: Factor Lbs TDN daily/lOOO lb wt. 0 interval Effect of change 17.0-17.5 varies directly-::- Nutritive ratio 6.4-6.8 Days with calf while milking 150-203 Number of milking cows in herd Length of preceding dry period(wks) Condition at calving 39-48 it tt it tt directly 6 Fair inversely-;:-*:? it u -;tPlus deviations result in plus contrioution to index and vice versa t«t tt tt it M M u " minus n ” 19 Tiie index permits the records of* dams and daugiiters, for example, to toe dompared on the toasis of the effect of the actual environment upon fat yield. This value can toe compared w i t h the actual difference in ma ture equivalent production to determine the effect of environment thereon. Thus a large deviation in actual dam-daughter production would toe considered largely genetic if accompanied oy a small difference in environmental index, or largely environmental if the environmental index difference were large. A major use of the environmental index might toe to reflect differences in the environmental levels from one sire proof to another. The authors stress however, that the index measures only six environmental f a c t o r s , and care should toe exercised in concluding that the remainder of the production differences are entirely genetic. PREDICTION OF THE BUTTERFAT TRANSMITTING ABILITY OF BULLS IN THE MICHIGAN INSTITUTION HERDS I. Source of data A preliminary survey of tiie Herd records in several of the Michigan State Institution Holstein herds indicated that these herds con sti tut ed a large and possibly more homogeneous group of animals than might be expected in most populations of this size. About two-thirds of the bulls proved in these herds were sons of her d cow3, chased animals. the other third apparently having been p u r ­ For h a l f of the h e r d bred bulls records were available w h i c h made it possible to calculate prediction indices. In this group there was one set of 18 30ns of one sire ^Marathon Bess Burke 32) of w hic h one subgroup of 3 and one of 2 bulls were full brothers. ernal first cousins. In addition, 9 of these 18 bulls w e r e m a t ­ There were two other sets of 2 and one each of 5 and 3 paternal half brothers, and two sets of 5 and4 maternal half brothers among other data from these herds. Considering the corresponding number of parent-son relationships, this formed a fairly closely related group whi ch could be compared wit h an equal sized group of unrelated (purchased) bulls. In addition to the herd records of four institutions; Tra ­ verse City, Ionia and Pontiac Hospitals and Ionia Reformatory, an important source of data was the HI R records compiled by the Holstein Friesian Association of America for these and other state institution herds. Most of the latter records were from the following institutions; Marquette and Jackson Prisons, and Newoerry, Kalamazoo, Ypsilanti and Howell Hospitals. Most of these data were compiled between the years 1933 and 1947. Another bull, King Bessie Ormsby pietertje, with 20 sons proved outside of the state institution herds was chosen at random to compare with the 20 sons of Marathon Bess Burke 32 (two of whose sons were proved in private herds in Michigan). The DHIA data of Eldridge (1948) consisting of 207 bulls proved in New York State were used as a source of comparison with unrelated material. w h s believed that tnis represented Holstein population. a It more random sample of the The data for the institution herds used in the present work are compiled and appended to this study. Eldridge*s data are contained in appendices to his thesis. Most of the animals included in the analysis were located in the state Institution herd 3 shown in Graph I. Over the period of time represented by most of these data, approximately 15 years, from 1933-1947, these 10 herds ranged in size from 30-150 milking cows. The annual average production (3x-305da.) ranged from 380- 515 pounds butterfat for individual herds; the 15 year average for all herds, not adjusted for herd size, was 433 pounds. Ex­ cept for some of the earlier 4x records, practically all of the cows were milked 3 time 3 daily. The average length of lactation for all herds over this period was 314 days. Graph i:: shows tne following: 1. Distinct differences existed between the 15 year herd aver­ ages for the several state institution herds. 2. There was a noticeable increase in annual average for all herds in the latter half of this period. POUNDS BUTTERFAT in C* o IONIA HOSP MARQUETTE PR 3X •A o o o» o o 01 o c* oi o -L. H m > CO 777777777 <77777/7/77////.7ZZZ1 777777K 177777777777777/*7\ NEWBERRY HOSP 77777m /77777/A IONIA REFORM V777777k 777777777777777,a K '2 0 0 V77777771 7777/7/7/////A CD z 33 777777777 V/////7777&7,77777777777/A YPSILANTI HOSP HOSP 305 DAY “D H I C ^ •• H -.5 2 ■oi W I ? I m w 3 o ij ^ co o ->i z . 3s a i H 3) HOWELL S A N IT 77777777k V/////7A JACKSON PR. ’77777777 V//////////////,7 7 7 7 7 % > > ™£ TRAVERSE CITY H. v7//7777a wo 77777777/7/A z (D PONTIAC HOSP. 7777777, V7777A T JO cn r r m JO m > O jo rn o co 22 3. There was a tendency for production to oe h i g h e r in the smaller herds. The distribution of the 20 sons of 412017 among these herds was as follows (some were used in m o r e than one herd): Traverse City Hospital-4, Pontiac Hospital-3, Ionia Reformatory-2, Lapeer (JL TrAining School-2, Chatham Experiment Station-2, private herds-2, Ionia Hospital-1, Ypsil a n t i Hospital-1, Kalamazoo Hospital-1, Howell Sanitarium-1, iaarquette Reformatory-1, Jackson prison-1, N e w b e r r y Hospital-1 and Flint School for the Deaf-1. II. Methods All records were corrected to standard conditions of age, times m i l k e d a n d length of lactation in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h accepted practice in such studies. The following factors were used to convert HIR records to 305 days, and to convert 305 day HIR records to 3x ivi.E. Taasis: 3x 4x 1.25 1.10 1.20 1.05 3 1.15 1.01 0 .95 5k 1.10 0.97 350-359 0.94 4 1.07 0.94 360-364 0.92 4f ‘ £ 1.05 0.92 365- 0.90 5 1.02 0.89 6-9 1.00 0.88 10 1.03 0.91 11 - 1.05 0.92 Days Factor Age 306-319 0.99 2 320-329 0.97 330-339 0.96 340-349 The data were divided into the sire groups indicated in Graph II from which the following tendencies can be seen: 1. Distinct differences in group averages and more so in distribution of the data within groups existed. 2. Most of the values fell within two standard deviations on either side of the mean. In a normal distrioution 95^ of the values would be expected to fall within this range. 3. The most homogeneous groups were those composed of daughters of bulls w i thin herds. The most conspicuously heterogeneous data were from unrelated bulls used in several herds. The data from more or less related bulls used in several herds were intermediate in their distribution. 4. The standard deviation of neither daughter nor mate average showed any conspicuous relationship to the size of the aample. The averaged M.e. records for the daughters, mates, and where availaole, the bulls* dam and sire proofs were itemized (see appendix). Correlation coefficients (r= x y / X(x 2 ) (y2 ) Snedecor) ware determined for dam-daughter production in each sire group. In addition, correlation coefficients were ob­ tained between actual daughter production and that predicted b;/ the several means indicated below. In reporting the correlations obtained by the several methods, the symbols used to designate the various groups are as follows: (subscripts X ^ ..... q ar*e those used by Eldridge 1948). GRAPH H CHARACTERISTICS m a te IN a v e r a g e STATE OF DAUGHTER p r o d u c t io n I N S T I T U T 'O N f o r AND b u l l s HERDS 600 5 50 - >- < Q m 0 rO 1 ^ 500 - 11 X rO MEAN I— K \\ < Lu cr Ll) 1 — A V 450 0 CD A CO Q 3 3 O Q. \ i 1 £ 4 OC Z < Q z: < LU I S. D. 300 CO 2 < cr / N / W IAUAVE. (Y) D A M AVE (XO BULL GROUP Y x. to o t r\ cr — 2 r O R*J t l Qo cr & O to 1.1 o to or CD UJ Xl/g /g The value P equals the transmitting ability of the bull calculat­ ed hy regressing the average of the daughters of the bull's sire (X4 ) halfvmy toward the average of the mates (Xx) of the hull, adding to this the average of the dam (X'g) of the hull corrected for N records by Lush's formula (1945) with r- 0.4 after regressing this value halfway toward the mates of the hull's sire (x5) and further regressing this latter value nalfway toward the mates of the bull (Xx), and halving the sum. Thus each regression utilizes The theoretical bases for use of predictions are given in the review of literature of the prediction of transmitting ability. 25 the records of cows contemporary to those whose records are being regressed. The prediction Y g = 0.75X^ + 0.25 X-^ was based on the same value found by Eldrldge for regression of daughter average upon dams plus the supposition that the remaining 25/^ might oe accounted for by population average (Xx). The more complicated formulae for Y px and Y p a represent two of a number of attempts to improve upon Y g by incorporating data from the pedigrees of the bulls. RESULTS I. Co r r e l a t i o n o f ave r a g e d a m - d a u g h t e r prod uct ion The f inding that one Dull, M a r a t h o n Bess Burke 32, reg. no. 4 1 2 0 1 7 / h a d 20 sons institution herds Dred and proved as sires in the several (two w e r e proved in private herds) led to e x ­ te nsive u s e of this d a t a for correlating actual w i t h p r e d i c t e d production. group It was thought that this co n s t i t u t e d as large a (Ms 686 comparisons) of records of related animals kept u n d e r r e l a t i v e l y u n i f o r m conditions as might oe found. There­ fore it s h ould prove of interest to compare the predic t a o i l i t y of these w i t h less h o m o g eneous data. % e co r r e l a t i o n oetween the a v e r a g e records o f the daughters o f these 20 bulls and their dams was 0.64." This r value is in Keeping w i t h those found b y Lush and Schultz (1938) and E l d r i d g e of 0 . 6 3 - - 0 . 67 for similar data. ing w a s (1948) who reported values No c o n s i d e r a b l e amount o f inoreed- evident from e x a m ination of h e r d records, thus it was assumed that the d a m - d a u g h t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p was not sign i f i c a n t l y different from that existing In most herds. These m e t h o d s gave co r r e l a t i o n values bet w e e n actua l a n d pr e d i c t e d p r o d u c t i o n as follows: significant at 1% level Table I: Correlations between actual and predicted production of daughters of 20 sons of warathon Bess Burke 52 Method of Correlation with Percent chance of estimating prediction actual production actual production withinC _________________________________________________50 pounds_______50 pounds 0.64** 55 85 Y ep 0.46* 30 60 Yr 0•5 5** 15 60 *eb 0.58::-* 40 75 Q .64** 40 80 0•63** 50 70 0.63-** 50 80 X1 Ys V -^px Y PS **significant at 1%, * at 5$ level t For explanation of symbols see above (page 24). It will be noted that none of the predicted values exceeds that for tne correlation of dam-daughter average. There were no significant differences between any of these correlation coefficients. II. Per cent chance of predicting production within certain limits. A factor of greater practical interest than the correlation between predicted and actual production is the chance of predicting production within certain limits. From Table I it can be seen that the average of tne bulls* mates was the most reliable means of predicting within 30 or 50 pounds the actual production of his daughters. iJot only are these the most available data, but the chances of predicting production within the lower limit were Q0fo better than by using the equal parent index. Rice ’3 regression index was even poorer. Predictaoility with Or it might oe pointed out that the chances of predicting actual production w i t h i n 30 pounds was n e a r l y twice as great w h e n only the mates* was u s e d as w h e n the equal parent index was used. mates' average similarly the a v e r age was ne a r l y four times as reliable as Rice's r e ­ gression index. The figure of 30 pounds was chosen as re p r e s e n t ­ ing the probable lower limit of accuracy a 300 d a y l a c t a t i o n ) . (0.1 pound daily for The figure of 50 pounds (about 10# of a desir a b l e level o f 3x production) was chosen as representing the o p t i m u m u p p e r limit of error. other groups Since the figures for several (below) w e r e based on 2 x production, only the 30 pound limit was applied to them. A d d i t i o n a l dam- d a u g h t e r correlations w e r e determ i n e d for several groups of culls w i t h i n the institution herds and for a group of 20 sons o f another bull, reg. no. hing Bessie Ormsby Pieterje, 52017, not u s e d in these herds. These data are presented below (tablejl). Table II. Correlations between mates and daughters of bull groups Bull Group* rYXi* _________________ com p a r i s o n s ^predicted ^ w i t h i n 30 lbs.______ r Y Y R_______ Traverse City herd 15 0 .57-*-;:- Ionia Reform, h e r d 14 0.75 93 0.76 all herds 23 0.52 48 0.54 Purchased, all herds 45 0.67 40 0.67 Herd-bred, Sons o f MBB32 100 0.58#-# (Taule 20 0.64 55 0.64 I) Sons of KBOP 20 0 . 8 1 __________ 7 5 _________________ 0.78_______ all r values significant at 1% level * rYX-, ^ dam (X-, ) ± daughter (Y) correlation ttr Y • 7 5X 1 * 725X1 The correlation between equal parent prediction and actual production determined for the daughters of the herd- b r e d sires (sous of h e rd cows, not sens of M B B 3 2 ) above was 0.47-::-. daughters of sons of King Bessie Ormsby Pietertje the correlation was 0.67-*-*. are similar to what has III. For (KBOP above) These and the values in Ta->le II oeen reported and to those in Taole I. Correlation coefficients oetween dam-daughter production at varying levels of production (Eldridge data). As m e n tioned above, the correlation coefficients for damdaughter production correspond closely w i t h those of Eldridge (1948) who found r values of 0.63--0.67 for four sets of damdaughter comparisons and values of 0.69 and 0.70 oetween actual production and that predicted by his regression formulae. As might be expected, the value calculated for r Y Y s (Eldridge data) was of the same order as that for rYXi heing 0.64 for the data in his grdup B (3 ee page 8 ). reasons for these correlations data for the two groups In an attempt to discover the oeing what they were, E l d r i d g e ’s (N-= 207) were combined and then partition­ ed into several more homogeneous groups. The following correlations were found for dam-daughter averages and for actual-predicted daughter production (Taole III). Table III. Correlations for bull groups assembled from E l d r i d g e ’s data. All factors 400# or more . tt N______ rYXjj_______r Y Y ep ------ =-±---- ------- -----38 0.19 -0.06 Bulls’ mates 450# or more 29 0.18 0.19 more Mates 350# or less, other factors 400# or/ 22 0.19 0.04 Mates 350-399#, other factors 400# or more 28 0.33 0.40 All factors less than 400# 0.77*-::- 0.77*# Bull group____________ 16 significant at '1 % level t rYXp « dam(X^)-daughter (Y) correlation tt Y Qp = equal parent pr#dtf.etion The use of Eldridge's regression formulae on the first group gave an r value of 0.19, the same as for rYX^> while rYYs ~ 0.22. Eldridge*s formulae for prediction with the factor for trie m a t e s ’ average deleted gave an r value of 0.002. It is evident that when the data are partitioned in such a manner as to destroy the usual h e r d relationships, predictability, for practical purposes, i 3 lost. While the last group represents a selected group as far as these data are concerned, it is suggested that it is also a group in whihch, in practice, no discrimination had oeen exercised. IV. Comparison of rankings of transmitting ability of bulls with actual daughter average rankings. Another approach to the problem was to see which of several methods of prediction would come closest to placing various daughter groups in their actual rank of production. If this method could be shown to have the advantage of placing bulls in proper rank according to transmitting ability, it might obviate the 51 dependence upon the production level of their potential mates. Accordingly the actual daughter averages for three oull groups were ranked by production level and the production rank predicted b; the EP a n d regression indices compared w i t h the average rank of the respective d a m groups. The average deviation of predicted production rank for these three methods ranged from 3.7 to 4.5 places out of 20 or 25 from perfect correspondence (zero deviation w ith actual ranx of daughter average (Tables IV, V, and VI). Taole IV. Actual .. ave 581 546 523 521 492 490 487 487 478 476 457 449 410 406 405 400 400 390 378 364 Actual and predicted average daughter production and rank. Sons of Marathon Bess Burke 32. Rank Daughter average and rank predicted by: Rank Reg. index Rank EP index D a m ave . Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 18" 19 20 srage deviat ion'*' 573 442 499 529 458 444 461 420 500 449 427 423 440 442 402 439 516 424 382 406 1 10 5 2 7 9 6 17 4 8 14 16 12 10 19 13 3 15 20 18 512 445 473 519 469 458 450 425 485 439 437 449 471 441 445 454 474 448 422 402 3.7*3.2 •^Deviation of predicted from actual rank 2 13 5 1 7 8 10 18 3 16 17 11 6 15 13 9 4 12 19 20 5.4*3.5 (column 2) 477 445 459 480 456 450 447 433 457 441 442 445 456 466 444 448 458 445 432 430 2 12 4 1 7 9 11 18 6 17 16 12 7 3 15 10 5 12 19 20 4.5*3.8 32 In each, case the standard deviation nearly equalled its statistic, hence there was no significant difference between any of the methods. However in 3 out of 4 comparisons of dam average rank with that pre­ dicted oy either EP or regression index, the average deviation of dam average rank from daughter average rank was the lesser of the two figures. Taole V. Actual and predicted daughter average production and rank. Herd-bred bulls not sons of MBB 32. Actual Rank .ave. 596 579 575 550 540 504 498 487 486 481 473 470 459 448 442 442 436 431 429 425 409 403 400 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 s 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Average deviation Daughter average and r Rani Dam ave. 471 '503 529 490 483 507 443 545 453 497 408 450 441 464 532 427 466 497 419 436 391 443 388 10 5 3 8 9 4 15 1 13 6 21 14 17 12 2 19 11 6 20 18 22 15 25 '4'. 5fc3’3 EP index 471 551 539 521 574 464 506 581 496 47 5 468 476 496 514 508 421 482 424 441 504 408 440 402 Rank 15 3 4 5 2 17 8 1 10 14 16 13 10 6 7 21 12 20 18 9 22 19 23 4 . 3 I3.4 33 Table VI. Actual and predicted average daughter production and rank. Sons of King Bessie Ormsby pietertje Actual Dau.ave. 461 435 424 418 411 393 392 390 389 389 382 381 379 372 371 359 352 341 323 316 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Average deviation Daughter average and rank predicted by: D a m ave. Rank Rank EP index 452 419 462 410 374 374 351 373 390 394 361 381 376 383 316 332 397 367 324 336 2 439 444 448 444 403 404 423 414 396 422 382 408 404 426 390 383 409 404 399 402 3 1 4 11 11 16 13 7 6 15 9 10 8 20 18 5 14 19 17 4 2 1 2 14 12 6 9 17 7 20 11 12 5 18 19 10 12 16 15 4'.3 +3. 4 3 .813.3 Several methods which did not utilize the dam average were also u s e d to rank bulls according to transmitting ability. In every case the average deviation of rank of transmitting level from actual daughter average rank was about twice that when the mates average was used, the figures ranging from 7.1 to 9.2 with correspondingly high standard deviations. Again no significant difference was found between any of the methods of prediction. A more crucial test was made by selecting groups of 7 to 10 bull 3 from each sire group who were mated to cows whose average produc­ tion fell w ithin a range of 30 pounds. above, no significant differences Applying the same technique Detween the rankings of trans- mi t t i n g a b i l i t y of the individual bulls on the basis of pedigree were found* N o r w e r e any differences found w h e n the mates' age was included* aver­ In b o t h instances the average deviations w e r e of the -iame o r d e r as found for the entire group. It is apparent in all of these analyses of transmitti n g ability that w h e n the only corrections of production records made are the u s u a l ones for age, times m i l k e d and length of lactation, m et h o d s of prediction based in part on pedigree are no m o r e reliable than the use of the d a m average alone in the p r e d i c t i o n of d a u g h t e r average production. M o r e o v e r in no case w e r e p redictions based on t r a n s mitting a b i l i t y alone as accurate as those w h i c h included the average of the mates to w h i c h the bulls w e r e bred. DISCUSSION I. Correlation analysis of production data. In each, of the groups of unselected data studied, the cor­ relation o f production of dams and daughters was as high or h i g h e r than any other value determined. It seems doubtful that the data could nave Dean ma n i p u l a t e d in any other logical m anner to produce hi g h e r values. In most of the literature dealing w i t h methods of predicting production the existing dam-daughter correlation has not been adequately pointed out. In light of this, and the apparent fact that at desirably high levels of production predictability is essentially lacking, it would 3eem that present methods are not adequate for predicting production from pedigree. This does not m e a n that tnere are no differences in transm i t ting abi l i t y of bulls, but that such differences as do exist are obscured by environmental factors. emphasis placed u p o n the mates' Nor does the records in this and Eldridge*s v/ork n e c e s s arily refute the theory of Mendelian inheritance. Rather the greater weight given to the female side of the pedigree is apparently only a reflection of the similarity of environment w hich exists for dam3 and their daughters. It seems logical to assume that m u c h of the unpredictability w h i c h attends the use of a bull with h i g h pedigree promise on cows of lesser demonstrated ability stems from differences in management likely to be placed upon the bull as a herd Improver. Often, w i t h the purchase of a good bull, the owner maices improve­ ments in h e r d environment commensurate w i t h the interest w h i c h prompted, purchase of* the hull. Others m a y place primary reliance up o n the bull alone to do the job. While some bulls appear to have oeen h e r d improvers regardless of* h e r d level, there seems to be no doubt that genetic and environmental factors are so inter­ m i n g l e d as to confuse cause and effect. The present study, like others that have preceded it, leaves the vital question u n a n s w e r ­ ed, namely, what is to oe the source of h i g h producing cows? the a v erage breeder at least, For the answer w o u l d appear to lie in G-owen»s early admonition to pay less attention to getting a bull of h i g h pedigree promise and more to securing more calves from his h i g h producing females. A logical follow-up of tils advice w o u l d be to pay attention to supplying the o p t i m u m h e r d environ­ ment . A n o t h e r factor to be considered in the application of techniques to predict future production is the number of restrictions to be p l a c e d u p o n the individuals concerned. Two or three gen­ eration pedigrees w i t h complete production records are relatively rare. E l d r idge found only 207 bulls proved in New Y o r e DHIA nerds w h i c h met his specifications. W h e n the restriction that they be u n u s u a l l y good prospects as nerd improvers, the entire breed oecomes infinitesimally small. the number in Was h o o n (1948) lists o n l y 22 Holstein bulls and 4 of two other breeds the sons and grandsons of which, according to his criteria, pended u p o n to increase production. can oe d e ­ Further, W a s h b o n admits that even these may not stand the test of experience. The use of already proved sires is limited by the fact that most are dead oy the time they are proved (Lush 1945), and very few of those living are proved in a second herd (Beardsley 1969)» The time factor involved makes dependence upon proved bulls a less useful procedure than would be the case otherwise. As far as availaoility of data is concerned, methods of prediction based principally upon the records of the bull»s mates would be most useful, and according to this study, a 3 reliaole as any other method tested. With t hi 3 in mind it seems logical that the average breeder should pay more attention to factors of management and selection within his own herd than to pedigree promise. Experience does not indicate however, that the problem of herd improvement can be resolved 3imply by improved environment and selection of dams. The former does not make any permanent contribution, and progress by the latter method i 3 painfully slow in practice. The increase in production due to the amount of selection for production now possible in most herds is low, being 011 the order of one pound per year regardless of herd level (Seath 1940). Chance and Mather (1949) concluded that cow families were not sufficiently differentiated to receive much consideration in selection. This pound a year improvement is about what is being accomplished by the use of all methods in common practice(DHIA). More could oe achieved by increasing the selection differential by better management-- larger calf crops and fewer replacements due to disease, injury, etc. Nelson and Lush (1950) found that by selecting bulls from the better cows it was possible to raise genetic ability 40 pounds in 12 years in the face of an inbreed- ing program which resulted in an overall decrease of production at the rate of -4.5 pounds of fat per one percent of inbreeding. II. Diallel crossing Because of the poor predictability with common pedigree methods, the Traverse City records were examined to see whether data were present to afford analysis by the method of diallel crossing. This method has the advantage of reducing the source of error inherent in the mates inasmuch as the same mates are used to prove two males. In dairy cattle breeding such a method has obvious limitations.however, because of the relatively small numbers of cows that nave tested daughters by more than one bull. In the Traverse City herd only 35 such cows were found despite the fact that a potential of 1500 lactations was represented. Prom 12 bulls mated to these 35 cows there were 15 sets of 2 or more common mates for 2 bulls, of which 8 had sets of 3 or more, and 2 had 9 mates in common. Because of the limited amount of data available, the following is reported here rather than under experimental results. Since each of these bulls had already been proved on a large number of comparisons, an attempt was made to see whether the method of diallel crossing could be used to more accurately predict the final index of a bull on the basis of a smaller number of comparisons. This method was limited to the four bulls which h a d comparisons based on 6 or more common mates. It was assumed that one bull had oeen proved on the basis of the total number of comparisons available. His proof on the basis of the mates in common with the other bull was corrected by adding (algebraically) to the dam's average the amount required to m a k e the two indices equal. The proof of tne ’’unproved** bull was determined on the basis of the mates in common w i t h the proved bull, and the same correction was then applied to give the corrected proof. ing example will illustrate this technique. The follow­ The nine common mates for bulls 412017 and 353211 averaged 440 pounds. The daughters of 412017 averaged 438 giving an EP index o f 538 p o u n d s . On the oasis of 509 pounds. 26 comparisons the EP index of the latter bull was To m a k e the index on the basis of the 9 comparisons equal 509 pounds, 29 pounds must be added to the production of the dams. That is, if the 509 figure is more correct because it is based on more data, the situation is as if the daughters in the 9 comparisons were from dams w h i c h transmitted at the level of 469 r ather than 440 p o u n d s . If this value of 469 pounds for 9 dams is corrected value used as a to determine an index for the bull 412017, the c o r r ected index w i l l be 407 rather than the 436 pound figure using tae actual dam average. The actual proof of this uull on 67 comparisons was 418 pounds. tne dams' Thus the corrected value for average gave a more conservative index, and one which was 7 pounds closer to the final index of the bull than did the u n c o r r e cted figure. the dams' Conversely if the corrected value for average is used to predict the index for the other bull, 353211, 18 pounds must be added to the actual dam average (440) to m a ke the index for 412017 on the basis of the 9 dams equal his final index of 418 pounds. Using the corrected value for the dams 1 average(458) to determine an index for 353211 gives an index of 520 pounds compared with 538 pounds for the uncorrected index. The final index based on 26 comparisons being 509, the corrected provisional index came 18 pounds closer to the final figure than the uncorrected. These data are presented below in tabular form (Table VII). Table VII, The use of diallel crossing to predict transmitting ability of bulls. Bull 412017 353211 1 . Actual ave. prod. 9 common mates 440 440 2 . Dau. ave. 9 mates (1) 438 489 3. Provisional EP index (9 pairs) 436 538 4. Final EP index (67 pairs) (26 pairs) 418 5. Discrepancy: final minus provisional 6 . Corrected m a t e s ’ ave. (1 ♦ 5) 7. Corrected provis ional'^EP index (9pr.) 8 . Discrepancy: final minus corr. provis 9. Improvement using corr. provis. index' 509 18 29 458 469 407 520 11 18 7 18 ttUsing corrected m a t e s ’ average (s transmitting ability) from proof of bull A with daughter average of bull B to determine corrected provisional EP index for bull B and vice versa. Coi*rected provisional index came 7 and 18 pounds closer respectively than uncorrected provisional index in pre­ dicting final EP index. For three of the four bulls the provisional index on the basis of the corrected d a m s ’ average was closer to the final index than that using the uncorrected average. For the four bulls the provisional corrected index averaged 428 pounds, a deviation of 4 pounds from the average final index; the average uncorrected provisional index was 440 pounds, a deviation of 16 pounds from the final index. It was decided to see whether such a procedure might be extended to the use of individual corrected comparisons rather than averages of common mates. In this case the only requirement was that each mate of the bull to oe proved have another daughter by a proved bull. The deviation of the daughter by the proved bull from EP expectation was noted and the average of these devia­ tions added (algebraically) to the average of the dams. This method has the advantage that it does not require that the mates of the bull to be proved be mated to a single other bull, thus more comparisons will usually be available. For 16 mates of the bull 412017, the average deviation o f their daughters by other (proved) bulls was 15 pounds more than EP expectation. Adding this to the mates average (441) gives a corrected value of 456 pounds. The daughters of 412017 from these 16 mates averaged 437 pounds, thus an index of 420 was obtained with the corrected d a m s 1 average compared with 433 for the u n ­ corrected average. The final index for the bull was 418 pounds. For the bull 353211 the correction was less than one pound. The dam average was 448, the daughter average 478 for 11 comparisons. This gave an index of 508 compared with 509 for 26 comparisons. Thus the smaller number of comparisons was apparently a good sample of the total, no correction oeing needed. It is not suggested, that any conclusions be drawn from this limited group of data, but the matter would seem to warrant fur­ ther investigation. The procedure might be termed one of proving the dams w h ich are used to prove a bull. If the method can be shown to increase the accuracy of prediction, it would be useful to prove a bull on dams w h i c h have one or more daughters by already proven bulls. Such a technique might be u s e d as follows: Assume there is in a h e r d a bull whose first daughters had been outstanding and who therefore was bred to a large number of cows over a short period of time following his early proving. As these cows freshen­ ed small groups w o u l d be bred to young unproved bull 3 . Rebreeding of a number of the cows would be necessary to secure heifer calves from each cow w h i c h had produced a daughter by the proved bull. This could be largely accomplished by the time the daughters of the proved bull had completed their first records. The records of the mates of the young bulls could then be corrected on the basis of their deviation from the figure required to give the latest index of the proved bull. The corrected figure for the average of t h e mates of the young bulls would be u s e d to predict what their final proofs w o u l d be. By such a technique it should be possible to discover a group of cows which were apparently r e ­ latively prepotent for transmitting at a certain level of pro­ duction. As they were found they should be maintained as a group of tester brood cows, i.e., they should no longer be pushed to their limit but be managed so as to encourage regular breeding and longevity. III. Environmental indices Rather than simply suggest that primary attention be directed toward improvement of environment, it seems desirable that methods be developed to measure tne effects of environment in order to more accurately assess the genetic worth of animals. of this is A corollary b a s e d on the fact that some of these 11environment a lw factors m a y be inherited and thus selected for independently but in conjunction with production per se. of For example, body size and persistency are not merely environmental factors which surround the producing machine, but are in part, inherited com­ ponents of the machinery for Bayley and Heizer butterfat production. (1950) appears to be effort in this direction. The work of the first large scale It would seem that the state institution herds might be an ideal proving ground for establishing environ­ mental indices because of the large number of cows kept under somewhat u n i f o r m and better than average conditions. The possibility of keeping extensive records may also be somewhat greater than exists in average herd3. It is suggested therefore that this step be taken by the state institution herds of Michigan, and that tne records so accumulated be made availaole to a central agency, probably one connected w i t h the College of Agriculture. It would be necessary to determine prediction values for each factor under the condi­ tions w h i c h exist In these herds before their general applicability could be estaolished. Some factors, such as climate, must necessarily vary from one region to another regardless of other 43 conditions of environment. Certain discrepancies in the literature must be resolved, notably the question of whether body weight or metabolic body size more accurately reflects production, and whether a separate set of age correction factors for fat test should be us e d . The environmental factors discussed in the review of litera­ ture should provide an adequate array to initiate such a program. Others will undoubtedly be discovered and snould be added as soon as their influence is known or suspected. A work sheet similar to that used by Bayley and Heizer could be used to accumulate data. It is suggested that such a work sheet would be more use­ ful for large herds if the data for herd practices were recorded on a separate sheet, and the factors measured be arrayed in columns and the cows in rows. The following ( pages **',*<,) is suggested as a form of work sheet that might be used. This sheet differs from that used by Bayley and Heizer In that only original herd data are called for, all calculations, as for length of dry period and days with calf while milking, would be made at the central agency. This would compensate in part for the time re­ quired to make the additional observations called for and elimi­ nate one source of error. In addition to the worksheet data the monthly cow summaries of production should be available for calculation of persistency. Evaluation of udder development as calve 3 should be made. Some ’’extension work” might be necessary to impress herd managers w i t h the potential value of such data for th© project should toe worth whatever extra time would toe required to compile the data. If time and the expense of testing oecome a factor in tne numtoer of cows that can be tested, some simplifications of the present testing procedure might be worth investigating. Tyler and Chap­ man (1944) have suggested a simplified method of estimating 305 day production by multiplying the sum of the first 10 test periods toy 30.5 to save time and avoid some error of computation. A correlation of 0.993 was obtained between this technique and that in DHIA use. Alexander and Yapp (1949) have suggested a further simplification involving testing only three times during the lactation period. They found that testing during the second, sixth and tenth months was sufficiently accurate to merit adoption as a means of lowering the cost of testing and increasing the number of cows tested. It is suggested that as the yearly data sheets are completed for each herd they oe placed upon punch cards at the central agency to facilitate handling. The data for monthly and total production, sire and dam numbers, and calculated values for length of dry period, days with calf, daily TDN, persistency, etc, could toe added at the same time. 4S Owner Address Year H e r d Pracrdcea 1. Size of mil d n g nerd____ 2. G r a i n ra tio n— amounts and ua sis on w!iicn. fed to fresh d r y cows Centents: 5. Rou gha ge - - a m o u n t s and kind fed to fresh. and dry cows, s e a s o n a l variation Silage Hay I Other 4. I n c i d e n c e of disease 5. C l i m a t i c conditions Average oam temperature while stabled U n u s u a l conditions S. (drougnt, excessive 1 Dates or cold, nemar-Ks H o w were measurements mate Oth. er (actual or estimated) etu.) Com J k u Body weight/ month, lactation 1st,J3rd oth lOtii prev, Measure. 1st mo. 30 iy jthrs Heart dry girth Ingih h t . date hate frsb. Cond. when frsh Ho. se rv Date conceiv. Dace dry I Remarks - SUMMARY Correl ation analysis of the butterfat production records of the d a u g hters and mates of several groups of bulls in the state instit u t i o n herds of Michigan showed the following: 1* The correlation between daughter and m a t e average was on the o r d e r of 0 . 6 0 — 0.65 for most groups. 2. N o n e of the accepted or experimental methods of predicting d a u ghter average gave higher values. but not significantly, Several w e r e distinctly, below the value for dam-daughter correlation. 3. T h e re were no significant differences between the values o b t a i n e d w i t h any of the methods used. 4. The institution data showed either no increase in h o m o ­ g e neity over data f r o m m o r e diverse sources, or no increase in p r e d i c t a o i l ity due to w h a t e v e r increase in h o m o g eneity that might h a v e existed. 5. The percent chance of predicting daughter average pro­ d u ction w i t h i n certain limits was somewhat greater u s i n g only the d a m a v e rage than 6 . There were no any m e t h o d involving pedigree prediction. significant differences between the rankings of bulls according to transmitting ability w h e n compared to the rankings o f daug h t e r average production. The most accurate rankings w e r e those w h i c h jncluded the averages of the mates of the bulls. 7. P a r titioning of Eldridge's data into more homogeneous groups on the basis of dams' production and/or pedigree promise resulted in a significant loss of predictability of daughter production. It was concluded that environmental differences were of such magnitude as to obscure any genetic interpretations that might be placed upon such data. A proposed worksheet for accumulating data to be used in the formulation of an environmental index was constructed. 49 REfERE'.CE 3 Alexander, R. h. 1950 a study of cue inheritance of oer dstency in mil • oroduct ion. Jour, dairy 3ci. 33: 575 (abst.). Alexander, a. H. and Yapp, ’7. 19-i9 Comparison of methods of esti 1mating mil r and fab pro­ duction in dairy cov/s. Jour. Dairy 3 ei. 32: 621-629. i Allen, a. 1!. 1944 A standard for evaluation of dairy sires proved in •dairy herd improvement ass Delations. Jour. Dairy 6 ci. 27: 35-847. Arnold, P. f. Dix and Bee-or, R. 3 . 1036 Influence of preceding dry period and of mineral sup­ plement on lac bation. Jour. Dairy 3 o i . 19: 257-263. Ba r11 e11, 31 eph en 1929 formal day to day variaoility of yield of mile an i . fat of intivi luul cons. Jour. Ap;r. 3ci. 19: mo3-451. z e r , 3. 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(Hfbana* )• 161 Ao )endlx Pauls I Bur:-- 32 reg. i o. 43.2017 Data I'or Sons of iviara fcii >n Bet O'vn daughters ave. 448, 'antes 479 ox - 305 da. 13.S. Bull Reg. to. Dau. prod. 1 o*0046 609774 540339 565365 565366 504402 620920 650015 553353 548515 640043 528469 522685 531686 588188 675184 504401 650025 675185 537726 523 457 546 .-87 47 6 581 564 492 410 406 378 400 487 478 390 490 400 449 521 405 *57 pates prod. -^1 -1-99 41.7 442 420 449 573 406 458 440 402 382 516 461 500 424 444 439 423 529 442 45? Doaas prod. X5 477 477 477 441 441 483 376 542 586 559 506 447 461 469 526 525 520 532 598 661 505 prod. of 462 462 462 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 455 467 656 490 467 417 464 456 457 dau. 62 Appendix iable II 2X production of daughters and mates of culls proved in fie Traverse City and Ionia Reformatory lords. Travers e C i ty Ru11 s Reg. Wo. 815094 553553 609774 700278 412017 486040 566774 729194 659862 353211 721464 480572 65002 5 522685 720535 Dau. Prod. pates Pro i 506 335 341 329 330 347 347 546 359 343 335 536 540 335 363 555 346 345 345 355 541 343 349 548 356 5 58 352 358 543 559 342 345 Ionia Refonnatory Bulls g. Wo. 3‘,3285 808309 675183 629478 480572 774578 401108 576509 87 3672 545551 o22685 748700 694844 5*,2oo5 Dau. Prod. 367 424 375 37 6 365 599 398 4 .8 400 389 399 408 413 320 389 gates proc 354 424 391 405 383 413 348 408 419 406 372 390 407 500 387 6$ Appendix 'Cable III 3X 1Production data for Institution iierd-ored uulla other than dons of viaratiion Bess Bur -e 32 Prod. of Sir Dau. prod. M ates •f’rod. Bull Reg. ri0 • B a m s ’ Prod. Dau. Mates Y X4 X3 X5 442 532 5-::5551 430 -±67 573 430587 497 431 307 467 430 409 425812 391 466 375 366 7 56888 540 48 3 739 581 573 504507 660470 353 581 573 ■ 487 728591 545 644 573 581 6017 52 498 443 546 581 573 634064 550 490 532 581 573 653204 429 419 562 400 439 436 466 694843 505 515 540 72.1464 403 443 495 410 440 663129 408 473 579 598 503 694844 529 575 598 515 540 464 448 462108 598 480 430 551021 436 654 425 515 540 441 459 532 500 720335 430 450 532 700278 470 491 512 480 596 471 602293 407 425 442 4-27 650022 408 431 443 497 591 701944 481 473 434 453 566 473 486 434 670896 529 579 503 598 568009 463 388 465 401 400 436 714235 m 465 Appendix Taole lv 3X production of daughters and nates of purchased bulls proved in institution herds Bull Reg. ’ ho. 609133 678668 629478 659862 671583 744578 729194 600154 432090 573627 477989 344502 696989 341217 700526 602205 700089 708507 574194 621262 738394 708582 742591 Dau. Prod. 417 531 515 500 587 596 520 528 499 456 473 453 538 499 581 612 617 600 554 624 478 488 5o 9 Mates’ Prod. 459 463 540 430 581 534 497 493 546 448 434 451 519 406 486 652 532 504 645 577 490 425 558 Bull Reg. ho. Dau prod. 486040 682582 493589 651543 725465 58 5068 713093 67804 5 646346 566744 697436 480572 556586 519074 290298 353211 401108 : 746901 618734 669545 669566 708580 458 471 498 480 419 469 503 446 393 431 401 491 455 474 436 467 529 446 543 410 576 560 500 Mate Prod 439 428 450 460 415 427 489 517 420 443 436 512 444 569 364 431 463 507 573 442 518 501 484 65 Aooendix 1'aule V 2 X Production data for sons of -^ing Bessie Ormsoy Pietertje R e . Wo, 520107, Dau. prod. 444 , m a t ’;s 504 Bull Reg. Ho 717602 752532 723901 727778 763855 688260 644439 593854 702034 695524 738394 708578 652274 669545 669547 669546 688266 711322 676466 763855 Dau. Prod, Y 461 381 371 382 435 424 359 389 390 352 341 389 392 323 316 393 379 372 418 411 384 Hates Prod. 45^ 381 316 361 419 462 332 390 373 397 367 394 351 324 336 374 376 383 410 374 37^ D a m s 1 prod. X3 465 484 541 419 552 483 483 419 525 458 500 513 605 561 552 485 552 552 570 471 J