SOME EFFECTS OF BORAX UPON THE GROWTH, APPEARANCE AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CERTAIN PLANTS. ■by GILBERT R. MUHR T w »**EW ao«w ft A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate School of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Soils 1940 ProQuest Number: 10008225 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest, ProQuest 10008225 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 - 1346 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. R. L. Cook for his assistance through-cut the course of this investigation. He also wishes to thank Drs. C. E. Millar and C. H. Spurway for their constructive criticisms in the preparation of the manuscript and the American Potash Institute, Inc., of Washington, P.C., for its fellowship which made this investigation possible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction............. . .................................. 1 Laboratory Procedures .................................... 3 Soil Fixation of Boron Type of F i x a t i o n ......................................... 3 Rate of F i x a t i o n ........................................ 30 Symptoms of Boron Starvation and the Effect of Borax on the Yield and Chemical Composition of Several Crops . . . 34 Symptoms of Boron Starvation .......................... 36 The Effect of Borax on Yields and the Chemical Composition of Several Crops .......................... 36 Discussion................. 50 Summary and Conclusions .................................. 53 Literature Cited............ 56 SOME EFFECTS OF BORAX UPON THE GROWTH, APPEARANCE AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CERTAIN PLANTS. INTRODUCTION In the last decade the roles played in the development of plants by a number of elements occurring in them in small quantities have been undergoing rigorous investigation. The importance of several of these elements in plant growth has been universally admitted. Prominent among them is boron. As far back as 1857, Wittstein and Apoiger (33) obtained from the ash of the seeds of a certain Abyssinian plant a crystalline substance answering to the test for boric acid. Since that time, with the help of improved methods of analysis, boron has been found to be present in the ash of most plants. The presence of boron in plants is not entirely accidental as small amounts are essential for proper development. The exact role played by boron in plant nutrition is not yet definitely established. Many investigators, however, have shown that its absence results in an internal breakdown of the plant cells and finally death of the plant. The general method for the study of the effects of a simgle element in plant growth involves the use of nutrient solutions. These solutions contain the salts of the essential nutrient elements — nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, -2magnesium, calcium, elements. iron and small quantities of the minor Through the use of these solutions it soon became obvious that the quantity of boron necessary for normal growth varied with different plants. Moreover, the quantity of boron available to plants, a factor of great importance, has been shown to have no significant correlation with the amount of boron in the soil (6). While the need of boron for plant growth has been receiving considerable attention, fewer investigators have been concerned with the specific effects of boron within the plant and its relationship to other elements. It is the purpose of this investigation to study the nature of boron fixation by the soil and to consider the effects of borax on the growth, appearance, and chemical composition of certain plants. From the standpoint of fertilizers the form in which boron is most readily procurable and, at present, least cost­ ly is granulated borax (Na^B^O^.lOH^O). This compound, contains 11.34 per cent boron. LABORATORY PROCEDURES Standard laboratory methods were used in the chemical analyses of plant tissue. All analyses were made on tissue dried in the oven at 65°C. Boron was determined by the Berger-Truog method (l). -3Calcium and magnesium were determined on the same ash samples; calcium by titrating the oxalate with standardized potassium permanganate and the magnesium by the gravimetric pyro-phosphate method. Iron was determined by titrating the ferric ion with a dilute standardized titanium trichloride. A modified Gunning procedure was used to determine nitrogen. Potassium was determined by the chloro-platanic method. I. SOIL FIXATION OF BORON Type of Fixation It has been reported tha,t boron deficiency occurs more frequently in alkaline than in acid soils (4,14,15) and that over-liming may produce boron starvation (20,21 ). Ferguson and Wright (11) have pointed out that the fixation of boron in the soil by lime may happen in one of three ways. (1) “Lime may fix boron into some insoluble or slightly soluble form. (2) "Lime increases the pH of the soil and thereby may reduce the ability of the root to absorb boron. (3) "Lime may stimulate the growth of soil micro­ organisms until there is competition between them and the plant for the supply of boron." -4. In a report by Cook and Millar (6 ) some factors affect ing boron availability have been pointed out. The growth and appearance of soybean plants were used as a measure of the availability of boron, as these plants exhibit very plain and dependable symptoms of toxicity when a small excess of boron is present. It was assumed when borax is applied to soils in fairly heavy quantities and the soybean plant is not injured, that some constituents of the soil render the boron unavail­ able to the plant. The boron toxicity symptoms of soybeans are first noticed about ten days after the plants emerge from the soil. Yellowish brown spots form near the edges of the leaves, as illustrated by Figure 1. The cotyledons turn yellow and drop Figure 1. Soybeans showing yellowish brown spots near the edges of the leaves, characteristic of boron toxicity. -5off earlier on the plants injured by borax. An excessive quantity of borax also causes a rapid development of new leaves at the top end of the stem and a premature death of the base leaves. From the yield data (See Table 1.) taken from the above mentioned report, the following conclusions were drawn. (1) “Calcium and magnesium carbonates were very effective in fixing borax into forms not available to soybeans. Sodium carbonate had no effect on the availability of borax. (2) “Calcium and magnesium sulphates were partially effective on Hillsdale soil in fixing borax into forms not available to soybeans. The They had no effect on Warsaw soil. Sodium sulphate had no effect on either soil. ” soybean plants whose yield data and toxicity symptomsmade It oossible to draw the above conclusions, were analyzed to study the relationship between plant composition and soil factors affecting boron fixation. The plants from each replication were dried, ground to pass through a 1 mm. sieve and then combined to form composite samples. The soybeans were grown on two soils: Hillsdale B horizon and Warsaw sandy loam. These soils were placed in 1-gallon glazed earthenware jars and soybeans were planted immediately after the application of the nutrients. The treatments are stated in terras of equivalents per acre. ♦ CQ ^ CO iO id O CM CO CD CO CO CO tO CD lO rH CM O lO £> Lf> H CO tO n*4 rH ■ 03 O ) CO CO O CD ^ CM lO ^ ’M4 pH CM ID lO GO OtO LO H 1 CM H O rl H CM CM CM H i—I CM H O rH i—I rH e cd o *d p os CO & cd CO P cd &S P O CD CM CM CM P O rH H C- CO O tO lO tO IO CM CM O 05 H cd a I—I tO CM CM CM i—I CM i—I CM to o 05 tO f> to £> o i to p (—|O O i—I r—I io 05 o m o o io o o 05 ^ 05 CO CO CD 05 S3 4 i— iH DlJ c> P CO O CO CO 00 o o o CM rH CM (H to to to iO 00 O CM CH GO t CM H tO CM CM CM tO +3 P O lO lO O O lO LO CO ^ CO CO O CM O l O LO LO CO O O O CM 05 CO 05 rH O O H 4O lO CO ^ CO iO CO tO !> LO CO O O tO O tO ^ CM H CD iO tO O C - CM J> ’M4 O 05 iO CO 05 O H 4 CO CM CD 'M4 LQ iO CM CM CM CM CQ rH rH rH CM CM CM P O tO tO H O to •tf4 O o o o o o CO M O CQ OCO CM CM o a5 cd 5 0 bo cd cd d *d P cd cd P £s a5 CO 01 4-3 p P d P O 0J fljooggsg; .P H 1 rH H 1 lO rH iO p ♦H rH P P -P CD +3 CD rH O ,p d Cd P H-3 p ■d O Tvoe P o •* •H CQ >H CD •d * X •H cd 4-> P d o rH 50 (D •d cd 4 o CD m ^ 05 H *> CO IO lO 05 ^ O £> ^ 05 CM o CD ^ PQ p CM ^OHHiOOrl CM rH CM tO CM tO CM CQ • a WOWtO O CO to ^ H O CD * ssi Soil Table 1. The effect of borax-*- upon the percentage decrease in yield and the boron, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen contents of soybeans grown upon variously treated pots of Hillsdale B horizon and Warsaw sandy loam soil -6- O o rd p ~ rH 1 to CM 1 O O ♦ * <0 CO Cco CM co 0 O 0 • • • LO O rH O CO CO rH 0 O • • * 03 0 O O • • • CM 03 Sh CM CM O O O * • • * LO 0 LO 00 1— 1 CM • « « rH CM CM CM t- CM CM 1— 1LO * • • CM CM CM CM CO 00 CM 10 1— 1 * • • CM CM CM CO CM 1 03 to • * t 1— I CM CO C- CM O O C• * * CM CM CM CM 00 CM rH 10 CM • • • CM CM CM rH to CM C- tr- i— 1 • * . rH rH CM O 03 to rH O LO • * • CM CM CM rH CM LO i— 1 CM CM • • « CM CM CM -P © © 4> Ps O • © » to O IO to CM O 0 O • • • fl O CM O co 43 •H 4> 43 © ft O O •H 1 —1 ft © CQ wCM © ft © © -r ^ PQ 1— 1 © © £ © u 0 43 1—1 © r*3 0 43 •iH XS B © © 41 43 O 0 © © ft 43 f t ■P © XS fl © © © •V © X) i-H © *H Pi © rH •H O © fl © © ho P •H O 43 4> O O •rH © ft -P i-H *H © O Pi © CQ PQ CM B PJ ft CQ I a !81 o u o M P 4**i O i— ) -p *rt © © Pi C3 ft C3 O to © •H -P u rH © u -p cl © © 43 rH EH f t b « 0 CM p ft © rH 4> © Eh © tuO4s Pi © O B cJ to o o o © r H l> \ cJ 0 3 *rH O 43 © O CM to CM c• • • to rH CM 1 — 1 rH to O LO c— to LO • » • CO to CO CM 1— 1 O O LO O OO LO 1 —t LO O O CO Cr- co O co LO CO LO tO LO CM 0 LO 10 CO CM CM CO CO IO CO CM rH O LO 1— I CM LO CO O 'Lh ♦ • • cr> CO 0 CM to 10 O 03 CO co LO 0 • • • CO CO 03 CQ CM rH • CO LO C- O —1 • • tr­ LO io tr- 1 t- O co O O CM * • • tr- O CO c- O CM ■— l XJ 43 •H •H 43 © fl © ft 0! I—I © ft fl f t © •rH i O o 1 LO O 1 CO LO O 0 O 30 to to PQ CQ ■* O O O IO rH CO rH rH • © 03 LO *=© •M* CO to • • « 1 — 1 CO 03 1— 1 rH CM 03 LO CO rH IO 03 « • • to 00 LO CO CM LO 0 00 O 1— I 00 O • • • CO CM O LO CO O K O 4> © Pi • © » -P PI K © © Q PS O 43 43 •rH -P W •rH S3 O 0 XJ rH © -P •H O © © © Q -P © © -P u O 42 FJ 4> © 1—I *ri O © ■M* C- c o LO O C O • • • r H 'sj* c o rH rH c— O 03 CO * • • 03 LO CO 1— 1 03 1— C O Pi 0 •rl -P © O •rl 1 —1 ft ft © xs PI © 0 ft 0 CM XS PI © 0 Pi r—1 O Pi f t bD O PI © •rl X) > ©, P •rH PI rH © •H © O © t=* © -P Pi 43 © O •H 43 XJ -P O 1—1 © ft © rH •rH © PI Pi O © © ft © O 42 1 0 LO CO 0 • * • LO CO 0 CM CO 0 rH -P © © -p pi u • • to CO CM CO LO c• CO 0 * 00 LO • rH • to trCr- co 03 0 • • • 03 C- 0 co co 0 1— 1 CO 00 CO • • • CO t- CM 03 1— ( to rH 1— 1 03 CO CM • • • 00 cO rH CO 03 O O • CM 1— 1 1— 1 rH © Fl ^ © XS • ra U i-H h Sh rH © *H © w •H .H O O ♦ • O IO CM CM rH rH p O 4 -1 r© © © B 44 © 006 000 ©=rf mP< 4* k* r ■ Pi 1 Pi uo tiO bo © 0 to CO 03 & O Pi O J *< Bf —1 © © CM »> XJ •H rH 43 © © •rl i-H © P3 © 4h 4 ft Pi •H U) © Pi © © ft © +3 Pi © rH > ft © ft P> O 43 © © © XJ 43 © •rl XJ PJ © © •rl O 4> © & © 4 e rO 0 4 CQ O 0 © CM -13,Boron - The boron content of the soybean tissue was markedly increased through the application of borax. However, the rate of increase, the content of the boron in soybean plants grown on the various soil types and the re­ sponses in yi_eld varied considerably with the soil type. The Thomas soil, having a pH of 7.5 and an organic matter content of 14.01 per cent, grew soybeans which were the low­ est in boron content. This soil, while showing the greatest response to borax in yield, failed to show a great increase of boron in the tissue. The Fox soil which was very acid and low in organic matter content grew plants which were high in boron and with the application of borax the amount in the tissue increased from 60 to 150 ppm. In general the plants grown on soils which have a high soil factor were lower in boron content than those plants which were grown on soils with a low soil factor. The amount of boron In the plant tissue was directly influenced by the soil conditions which prevented toxicity symptoms and re­ duction of yields. A definite correlation can be noted between response of the soybeans to borax and the amount of boron in the plant tissue. When the boron content of the plant tissue, on the dry basis, reached approximately 30 ppm. yields were not further increased. The toxic range was not reached until the plant tissue contained between 50 and 60 ppm. of boron. -14Calcium - The calcium content of the soybean plant was influenced slightly by borax applications. There is a tendency for higher calcium content In those plants which were injured by borax. This is especially apparent in the soybeans grown on Berrien soil. The calcium content of soybeans grown on this soil was increased from 1.76 to 2.10 per cent by an application of 20 pounds per acre. trast, In con­ the soybeans grown on Thomas soil seemed slightly low­ er in calcium content although the calcium content was not markedly altered by the borax. Iron - According to the data, borax did not affect the iron content of the soybean plant. Nitrogen - As indicated in Table 2, the nit­ rogen content of the soybean tissue apparently was not altered by the boron content until the amount of boron in the plant tissue reached the toxic quantity. For example, the plants from the Berrien soil were Increased from 2.20 to 3.10 in per cent of nitrogen by an application of borax equivalent to 10 pounds per acre. This change was accompanied by a decrease in yield from 11.5 to 8.4 gms. per pot. How­ ever, the plants grown on the Wisner soil showed no signs of toxicity and no reduction in yield from borax. The nitrogen content of the dry tissue of the plants grown on this soil did not vary with borax treatments. Naftel (21) has reported that boron fixation by over­ liming is due to the stimulation of growth of soil micro­ organisms resulting In the available boron being largely used -15in building the bodies of the organisms. Dunklee MIdgley and (20) on the other hand report that the fixation is chemical rather than biological. As a means of obtaining further information on the idea of fixation through cell metabolism an experiment was set up to determine whether a stimulation of soil micro­ organisms by means other than lime would decrease the avail­ able boron In the soil. Soybeans were grown in 1-gallon glazed earthenware jars each filled with 5 kgms. of Warsaw sandy loam soil. This soil, with a pH of 6 .0 , is not too acid for bacterial development but is sufficiently acid so that added lime fixes applied borax. Four soil treatments in sets of six Included a check and applications of CaCO^, equivalent to 8 tons per acre, CaSO^ equivalent to 4 tons per acre, and sucrose equivalent to 18 tons per acre. To three of each set of six pots borax was applied at the rate of 20 pounds per acre. Adequate quantities of nutrient elements, with the exception of boron, were applied to all pots. Ten seeds were planted In each pot and the seedlings were thinned to six plants shortly after they had emerged from the soil. The moisture content was kept uniform by frequent additions of distilled water. Results. shown in Table 3. The results of this experiment are It will be noted that sucrose failed to reduce the toxic effects of boron as the yields on pots -16receiving borax v/ere decreased 17.4 per cent. This is practically the same decrease in yield as was caused by borax In the check pots. Table 3. The effects of CaOCu, CaSO^ and sucrose on the fixation of boron as indicated by yields of the entire soybean plants, grown in Warsaw sandy loam pot cultures. Treatment None GaC0 3 , 8 tons CaSO^, 4 tons Sucrose, 18 tons Degree of toxicity and percentage de­ crease in yield as a result of applying borax"1 after the treatment indicated. Toxicity Yield decrease Very serious None Medium Very serious 19.4 0.0 9.4 17.4 ^Equivalent to 20 pounds per acre. The CaSO^ reduced the toxicity of borax and this evidence tends to verify the conclusions drawn from the data in Table 1. No toxicity symptoms or other harmful effects were apparent on the plants grown In the limed pots receiving borax. This observation is supported by the fact that the yield was not altered in comparison with that of similarly limed pots not receiving borax. As the presumably Increased number of organisms caused by the addition of sugar to the culture did not change the applied boron Into some form not injurious to soybeans, it seems Ibgical to assume that the role of lime is not simply that of stimulating the micro-organisms but that it plays -17another altogether different role in fixing boron into an unavailable form. From the data given It appears that the causes of boron fixation in the soil are quite complex. First, CaCO^ rendered the boron unavailable and nontoxic to soybeans but NagCO^ failed to prevent boron from being toxic, making it appear that fixation was not influenced a great deal by pH. However, CaSO^ only partially reduced the toxic effects of borax indicating that fixation was not entirely due to the calcium ion. As the fixation of boron appeared not to be biological in nature, it became apparent that pH must have some indirect effect upon this tie-up. In order to confirm this idea an experiment was set up to attack the question from a different angle. It was thought that If pH has any influence on the unavailability of boron In an alkaline soil some treatment which would lower the pH should make the soil boron more available to the plant. With this idea in view the following investigation was made. Sugar beets were grown in 2-gallon glazed earthenware jars filled with 8 kgms. of Thomas sandy loam soil taken from the area shown in Figure 2. contains free carbonates. This soil has a pH of 7.5 and It has repeatedly shown responses to borax treatments in greenhouse cultures. By laboratory experiments the amount of sulphur neces­ sary to lower the pH from 7.5 to 6.2 was determined to be approximately six and one-half tons per acre. Sulphur was thoroughly mixed at this rate into the soil of four of a series -18- Figure 2 . An area of Thomas sandy loam soil near Unionvllle, where practi­ cally all the beets showed heart rot symptoms. of eight pots. To two of each set of four pots borax was applied at a rate equivalent to ten pounds per acre. All other nutrient elements were applied in adequate quantities. Four sugar beet plants were transplanted into each pot soon after they had emerged from the quartz sand in which the seeds were germinated. The moisture content of all the pots was kept uniform by frequent additions of distilled water. Results - As shown by the data reported in Table 4, all plants grown in cultures without boron or sul­ phur were affected with heart rot, while all plants receiv­ ing either boron or sulphur produced healthy plants. In the -19 Table 4 . The effect of sulphur and borax on heart rot occurrence and the yield of sugar beets grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Treatment Base Nutrients Control Without boron With boron Sulphur Without boron With boron Plants showing heart rot % 100 0 0 0 pH 8.0 8.0 Green Wt. per pot* Tops Roots gms. gms. 24.7 65.2 35.1 125. 3 6.2 6.2 34.7 37.5 130.4 164.0 * Average of two replications. series not treated with sulphur, boron applied as borax at the ra,te of ten pounds per acre increased the yield of roots from 24.7 to 35.1 gms. per pot, and the yield of tops from 65.2 to 125.3 gms. per pot. In a like manner, sulphur ap­ plied at the rate of six and one-half tons per acre and with­ out borax increased the yield of roots from 24.7 to 34.7 gms. per pot and the yield of tops from 65.2 to 130.4 gms. per pot. Thus the effect of the application of sulphur in lower­ ing the pH from 7.5 to 6.2 must have liberated boron to the extent that the yield was increased in comparison with that obtained from the application of ten pounds of borax. The application of both sulphur and boron had no advantage over either boron or sulphur alone. The yield of tops of the plants grown in the sulphur pots was increased from 130.4 to 164.0 gms. per pot by an addition of borax, although the root increase was only 34.7 to 37.5 gms. per pot, the latter figures being entirely within experimental error. -20Such data would indicate that pH does play a major role in the fixation of boron, but, as indicated by the yield data in Table 1, pH is not the only factor influencing the availability of boron. As far as lime is concerned in the fixation of this element, First, Its effects really are two fold. It raises the pH of the soil and secondly furnishes the calcium ion, both of which seem essential in fixing boron into an unavailable form. Rate of Fixation A number of investigators (2,3,26,34) have reported that toxicity of boron on sensitive plants has been lessened considerably by delaying the planting date several weeks after application of the borax. Two reasons for this have been suggested. (1) Some of the readily soluble borax has been leached out of the immediate reach of the young plants. (2) A large portion of the borax has been changed over to some less soluble form and therefore is less available to the plant. An experiment was started late in the fall of 1939 to determine the fixing capacity of Thomas sandy loam soil for boron. The usual procedure for the application of nutrients to pot cultures had been carried out but as the length of day was very short it was considered advisable to wait until the following spring to plant the soybeans. Accordingly, the pots were covered with wax paper and the date of planting -21postponed for approximately six months. The treatments in­ cluded applications of borax at the rates of 0, 30, 40, 80 and 100 pounds per acre. In the spring ten seeds were planted in each 1-gallon pot and the seedlings thinned to six soon after emerging from the soil. Their growth was observed and the length of time necessary for the appearance of toxicity symptoms noted. Little or no indication of toxicity was noticed on the soybean plants until about 30 days after the plants had emerg­ ed from the soil. At this time a few symptoms were apparent on the plants which received the 100 pound application of borax. The remainder of the plants, as indicated in Table 5, Table 5. The effect of borax on the yield of the entire plant and the toxicity of soybeans grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures planted six months after application. Treatment Check 30# Borax 40# w 80# " 100# " Yield per pot* gms. 11.3 10.3 11.1 9.8 8.4 Toxicity None n « « Slight ^Yields are averages of two replicates. did show a slight depression in yield. The data in Table 5 seemed rather strange since symptoms of toxicity had been observed when 20 pounds of borax had been applied on the same soil in an earlier exper­ iment. Therefore a new series of pots was set uo to see how much injury to soybeans might occur on the same soil when -22the soybeans were planted immediately after the borax applica­ tions were made* In a new series soybeans were again grown in 1-gallon glazed earthenware jars filled with 4 kgms. of the Thomas sandy loam soil. The usual applications of nutrient elements with the exception of boron were applied to the soil. The duplicated treatments included 0, 10, 30, 50 and 100 pound applications of borax. Immediately after the application of the nutrients, the usual procedure of planting was followed. The plants were thinned to an even stand and their growth and appearance noted and recorded. A few days after the removal of the first crop of soy­ beans, the soil in each pot was removed, remixed and replaced in the p o t . A second crop of soybeans was planted on the soil approximately two months after the application of the borax. An even stand in the pots was again maintained and the effects of borax noted. As shown in Table 6 , the plants seeded immediately after the application of borax showed marked signs of toxicity. About ten days after emerging from the soil, the toxicity symptoms were first observed. The pots with the heavy applications of borax showed the first symptoms, which soon became very marked and the plants made a spindling grow­ th and almost died. The yields from pots which received more than 20 pounds of borax per acre were greatly decreased while those from the pots which received 10 pound applications were slightly increased, from 26.5 to 28.1 gms. per pot. The 100 -23Table 6 * The effect of various quantities of borax and the time of planting, on the toxicity of soybeans grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Treatment ___________ Check 10# Borax 20# M 50# 11 100# H First .Cr.pp5. — Se.cond ,Crop5 Yield1_Toxicity______ Yield1 Toxicity gms. gms* 26*5 None 15.2 None 28.1 » 15.8 »' 23.5 Slight 16.3 " 9.1 Serious 8.9 Slight 4.5 Very serious 7.2 Serious pYields are averages of two replicates. rPlanted immediately after applications of borax. ^Planted two months after the application of borax. pound application caused a decrease in yield from 26.5 to 4.5 gms. per pot. The trend in yields decreased inversely as the rate of application increased from 10 to 100 pounds. The second crop of soybeans failed, as indicated in Table 6 , to show any toxicity signs on the pots receiving borax at the rates of 10 and 20 pounds per acre. The yields of the soybeans receiving these applications were slightly above those of the check pots. The soybeans that received borax at the rates of 50 and 100 pounds per acre showed toxicity signs and reduction in yields. In neither case, however, were the toxicity symptoms or reductions in yield nearly so severe as in the first crop. The 100 pound applica­ tion reduced the yield 83 per cent for the first crop and only 52 per cent for the second. These experiments, while not quite identical in set­ up, indicate very clearly that the fixation of boron on the soil studied is not instantaneous but a rather slow process. •“3 4- II. SYMPTOMS OF BORON STARVATION AND TFF EFFEOT OF BORAX ON THE YIELD AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SEVERAL CROPS Plant symptoms have been used for a long time to indi­ cate the lack or over-supply of certain nutrient elements with­ in the soil* While it is impossible to distinguish all plant needs toy certain characteristic starvation or toxicity symptoms no one denies their value in solving plant nutrition problems. This is especially true in case of the minor elements* since the quantities of these elements compose such a small fraction of the soil and the quantity necessary for normal plant g;rowth is so extremely small. Furthermore, chemical analyses may fail to differentiate between the available and non-available forms of the minor elements and for that reason may not al­ ways give an accurate indication of the response plants may makd to an application of the minor elements under considera­ tion. A study of plant symptoms followed by soil and plant analyses should give the most accurate insight into the in­ dividual requirements of soils for proper plant development. In order to determine what characteristic symptoms are correlated with boron starvation and to secure plants for analysis, a number of plants were grown in greenhouse cultures. These were also supplemented in a few cases with plants from field plots. Certain plants which showed def­ inite boron starvation symptoms were analyzed. All these analyses were made to see if any correlation exists between the quantity of certain elements in the plant and the starvation symptoms. Methods for greenhouse studies pertaining to Part II of this thesis have very much in common. To avoid repetition, the general greenhouse experimental procedure may be summariz­ ed as follows. The crops were grown in glazed earthenware jars filled with either Thomas sandy loam or quartz sand. Adequate quantities of all nutrient elements with the excep­ tion of boron were supplied in all cases. per 1-gallon jar and per acre — These quantities — are stated in Table 7. Table 7. The quantity of nutrient element applied to greenhouse pot cultures and its equivalent in pounds per acre. Urns, per gal. pot lbs. / acre Nutrient 1FeP04 1.00 500.0 MnS04 .4Hg0 0.008 4.0 1CaHP04 .2H20 0.50 250.0 CuS04 0.005 2.5 kno3 0.50 250.0 NaCl 0.005 2.5 C & (N03 )g •4HgO 0.25 125.0 Zn SO^ 0.005 2.5 MgS04 .7HgO 0.25 125.0 Nal 0.001 0.5 Al2 (S04 )3.Hg0 0.0125 0.144 72.0 Nutrient 6 .3 2Ca(HP04 )2 lbs./ Gms. per . gal. pot . acre Applied separately as dry salt to sand culture. ^Applied separately in solution to Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Uniform moisture relationships were maintained in all jars by frequent weighing and addition of distilled water. -26The number of plants within the jars was kept uniform for each individual crop by early thinning or by direct trans­ planting. The quantity of borax applied varied with the crop under study. At harvest time the plants were dried in an oven at 65°G. and ground to pass through a 1 mm. sieve. Insufficient tissue in many cases limited the number of analyses that could be made. Symptoms of Boron Starvation Sugar Beets - The boron starvation symptoms of the beets have been reported in an earlier article (4) as follows. symptoms are first noticed. "Leaf These are illustrated by the plants in the greenhouse pot cultures as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. A large number of small leaves some twisted and abnormally shaped, indicate boron starvation. I -27The blackened and checked petioles are positive signs of the heart rot. Shortened and twisted petioles and large numbers of small leaves are also reliable signs. MAn insufficient supply of boron results in a breakdown of the tissue in certain portions of the plant. In the sugar beet the death of the growing center of the crown and the production of such beets as shown in Figure 4 have resulted in the name heart rot. Later in the season Figure 4. After the fa-11 rains start, new leaves often co rag out from around the dead heart. These leaves may soon die or may attain full growth, accord­ ing to the condition of the beet. some beets send out a large number of leaves from around the edge of the crown. These leaves may die after reaching the stage shown in Figure 4, or they may continue to grow until harvest time when they practically cover the dead heart. -28"All sugar beets suffering from an insufficient supply of boron do not exhibit the same symptoms of deficiency. Some show leaf symptoms only, while others suffer breakdown of the root tissue. 11 Canning Beets-— Red beets grown on boron deficient soils show definite starvation symptoms. These symptoms have been described in several previous articles (5,17,22,29). The outstanding signs of boron deficiency in red beets occur within the root and has been termed "internal black spot1' (30). These spots are irregular in shape and usually occur near the surface but occasionally in the central portion of the beet. The breakdown is generally found in the lower portion, but In extreme cases it may extend through­ out the beet. texture. The spots are dark in color and corky in The spots are not altered greatly by cooking and present an unsightly appearance in the sliced beets. Beet roots of boron deficient plants are usually rather flattened in shape and less symetrical than are the normal beets. In general the leaf symptoms are similar to those observed in sugar beets. twisted; The leaves are distorted and one side of the leaf develops faster than the other, giving the appearance of a half-spiral. The concave side of the oetiole displays a characteristic cross-checked appearance. The affected leaves die and drop off early, while new leaves continue to develop from the center of the crown. extreme cases the beet takes on a rosette appearance, numerous small leaves around the crown. with In -29Htfhile the deep, unusually red color of the leaves of red beets is not always indicative of boron starvation, it is found in association with the above symptoms* Mangels - Boron deficiency symptoms of mangels are very similar to those of sugar beets. The checking of the petioles is not quite so prominent in mangels as in sugar beets, but the shortened, twisted and deformed leaves are very common and numerous small leaves appear at the lower edges of the crown. The new leaves are generally at right angles to the crown and give the plant a flattened appearance. The roots in the pot cultures all showed internal breakdown of the tissue as illustrated in Figure 5. Figure 5. The effect of borax on the growth and quality of mangel roots grown in sand cultures* Left - 2.5 pounds of borax per acre. Right - No borax. Cankers -30have also been noticed in roots from fields where top symptoms have indicated boron deficiency. Rutabagas - The leaf symptoms of rutabagas are less marked than are those of the sugar beet. Some of the leaves die prematurely but there are fewer deformed leaves than are found on either sugar beets or mangels. The most pronounced symptoms are found in the root. As is true in most cases of boron deficiency in root crops there is an internal breakdown of the tissue. cankers, however, Instead of the root develops a "water-core” or "brown- heart" condition which appears as dark brown water-soaked areas in the central portion of the root* These areas may vary from small spots to areas comprising most of the interior portion of the root. Turnips - Other than growth, little difference as a result of boron application could be noted in the tops of the turnips. The roots of the plants growing in soil to which no borax had been applied were less elongated than were the nor­ mal plants. Only a few small spots indicated a condition similar to that reported as "brown-heart"• McLeod (19) re­ ports that "brown-heart" is not usually found until the root exceeds Z inches in diameter. This probably explains why the turnips grown in the greenhouse failed to develop this con­ dition. Coulson and Raymond (8) described the external symptoms as roughened skin on the roots and the development of yellowish, mottled and distorted leaves. Davis and -31Ferguson (9) report the internal symptoms of the root with "brown-heartn as a darkened, water-soaked condition of the tissue which may develop into a hollow center* Radishes - No leaf or root symptoms of boron starv­ ation other than size could be noted in the radishes grown on pot cultures. However, Wolf (33) reoorts checking of the petioles, a condition similar to sugar beets, and Truniger (3?) found that radishes grown on pot cultures without borax had characteristic woody cankers on the sides of the roots. Chicory - When starved for born this plant made only a stunted growth. Many of the leaves were twisted and the petioles and midribs of the leaves were weakened. As a result of this condition some of the leaves were broken and those not broken failed to stand as erect as did the leaves of normal plants. A very pronounced reddening occurred in the leaves of boron starved plants* The roots of the normal plant, as indicated in Figure 6, were much larger and contained a more fibrous root system. No internal break-down of the tissue could be noticed in any of the roots. Barley - The barley plants showed very little differ­ ence in growth until the plants started to head, except for a slightly heavier growth in the borax treated pots. The time of heading, as indicated in Figure 7, was hastened about ten days by the borax application. The pots receiv­ ing the heavier application headed first and those receiving : : ., ....... Figure 6. The effect of borax on the browth of chicory roots in sand cultures. Left - 3.5 pounds of borax per acre. Right - No borax. —« ■ i Figure 7. The effect of borax on the growth of barley in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Left - No borax. Center - 2.5 pounds of borax per acre. Right - 5 pounds of borax per acre. Note the difference in the heading. -33the lighter application followed in order. Some of the plants in the untreated pots failed to produce heads and some plants which did produce heads were stunted and little grain was formed. Wheat - The only noticeable effect of the borax upon the growth of the wheat was the time of heading. The wheat in the pots receiving borax headed a few days sooner than those plants not receiving borax. Corn - No early effects of borax on the growth of corn were noticed. However, when the tassels started to shoot, the leaves of the plants grown in pots without borax were ting­ ed with red. The normal plants were larger, as illustrated in Figure 8, and failed to show to any degree the red color in the leaves* The deficient plants were slower in tasseling than the normal ones. The symptoms of streaking of the leaves as reported by van Overbeck (28) were not noticed in these plaints. Dandelions - Dandelions were transplanted from the college campus into pots filled with Thomas sandy loam soil. Three plants were placed in each pot. Treatments, a check and borax at the rate of 5 pounds per acre, were each re­ plicated four times. The plants receiving borax made a more luxuriant growth and the leaves stood more erect than was the case with plants starved for boron. As indicated in Figure 9, borax influenced the blossoming and seed development of the -34- Figure 8. The effect of borax on the growth of corn in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures* Left - No borax. Center - 5 pounds of borax per acre. Right - 10 pounds of borax per acre. -35- Figure 9. The effect of borax on the bloom­ ing of dandelions in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Left - No borax. Right - 5 pounds of borax per acre. plants. Shortly after transplanting some of the plants in the borax treated pots started to bloom. While the time of blooming of these plants was not uniform every plant re­ ceiving borax blossomed quite profusely. In contrast, not one of the twelve plants without borax blossomed. -36The Effect of Borax on Yields and the Chemical Compos it ion of Several Crops. Numerous investigators (4,8,9,19) have reported in­ creased yields of sugar beets, mangels, turnips and rutabagas as a result of applications of borax. Cook and Millar (4-) have reported higher percentages of sugar in normal sugar beets than in those suffering from heart rot. Improved quality of canning beets, cabbage, cauliflower and celery has been reported (5,29, 10,11,23) to be the result of applications of borax on soils de ficient in this element* Some writers (12,31) have reported better growth and larger yields of alfalfa and clover as a result of borax ap­ plied in pots and in the field but it seems that plants belong­ ing to the family graminaceae need very little boron and do not respond readily to applications of borax. Various explanations have been advanced for the physiological breakdown in the tissue of many plants suffering from boron starvation. Schmidt (24) has advanced the opinion, based on experimental data, that plants suffering from insuf­ ficient boron assimilate more nitrate nitrogen than is needed and that the cells break down as a result of the high nitrate concentration. It has also been mentioned that the function of boron is to act as a regulator of the permeability of the plasma membrane in controlling; the intake of certain ions. To furnish more information on the response of various crops to borax and to throw more light on the relationship which may exist between the intake of boron and other elements -37into the plant the following pages are devoted to a report of the yields of crops grown for the purpose of studying plant symptoms. Attention is also given to the effect of borax, ap­ plied to the soil, on the content of boron, iron, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the dried plant tissue. SUGAR BEETS Sugar beets were grown in pot cultures of Thomas sandy loam soil. Various elements were separately omitted from some nutrient solutions supplied to the cultures and doubled in concentration in others. Borax was supplied at rates of 10 and 30 pounds per acre, respectively. The effect of the bor­ ax on growth was determined by weighing; the roots and tops at harvest time. The samples were saved for chemical analyses. To supplement the analyses made on plants grown in greenhouse cultures, field samples from the same soil type were analyzed. These were gathered according to the appearance or non-appearance of heart rot symptoms. The beets with heart rot were selected from the area shown in Figure 1, and the normal beets from another area in the same field. Yields In the Thomas sandy loam pot cultures borax, applied at the rate of 10 pounds per acre, prevented heart rot and in­ creased the yield of roots from 48.7 to 90.4 gms. per pot and the yield of tops from 109.0 to 131.4 gms. per pot. The 20 pound application of borax resulted in a slightly greater yield of tops but a smaller yield of roots than was obtained as a result of the 10 pound treatment. -38Composition The effect of boron starvation on the composition of both the tops and roots of sugar beet plants is shown by the data re­ ported in Tables 8 and 9. Boron - The boron content of the dried tops of the beets grown in pot cultures was increased from 10 to 20 ppm. by the 10 pound application of borax and from 10 to 24 ppm. by the 30 pound application. Likewise the roots from the plants which had received borax contained more boron. The increase in boron con­ tent was from 10 to 14 and 15 ppm. for the 10 and 20 pound ap­ plications, respectively. The data obtained from the analyses made on field samples show close resemblance to those obtained from the greenhouse sample analyses. The boron content of the dry tissue of field grown beets having heart rot was 10 ppm., identical with that of similar beets produced in pot cultures. The dried tissue of normal beets produced in the field contained 13 ppm. of boron as compared to 15 ppm. in the dried tissue of beets grown in pot cultures which had received borax. Iron - The iron content of both roots and tops of the sugar beets grown in the green house pot cultures was consider­ ably higher in the plants which were low in boron content. The iron content of the dried roots was decreased from .033 to .013 per cent by a borax application equivalent to 10 pounds per acre. Marked differences were found in the iron content of field grown beets. That of the dried tissue from beets showing symptoms of heart rot was .028 per cent as compared to .011 per cent in the tissue of normal beets. -39- CN f t* t > o • • • rH rH rH © O cd • 43 t>» ■ ft Pi O © cq PS CQ © CO t o £> [> • • 0 •rH P © g if* Oi t o Cv2 • • • o cd A o P H t o t o ft* CX2 t—i rH o o O • • • O ■© Pi X © © © ft © O 0> cd e ft © o .ft cn CQ H • E-* p © o H p! © -H CO t o CFl O i— I • • o ft! ft ® ft § b © ft © Pi o *H +3 © o •H rH ft © ft to HI •H rH rH ra ft o r—1 O CQ • f t* 03 pH o © tiO © ft © S> ,ft tiQ &h to ft* • • • a> i—i tO CO t o rH I—1 rH © O P • © CO © ,Q © d©> £h o E> ft1 O • • • to O rH ft* a> CO i p p © ft © © ft S E-* pq CQ PQ o o o i— f C\2 -H © CQ 0 * P © O ft O ft O O 8 ft ftO m ft © © W CQ P Pi P © 0 ft O © ft ft ft P © © © ft ft O ft P © O ttD © ft © ft ft © Ph 0 © & P h ft © ♦ P H • ft H ECD tO CO cr> to • • © tR ft ^ tiD © ft Eh © PI pi P CQ ft Pi © © O H rft cd *H ft* tO CO CQ * « Pi H ft © ft •H ©^ 1 — 1 © O to ft* rH lO • • W H 0 RR ft P -r“t H tO C\2 tO • • H H O C\^i W ft 0 CO H W H O O • * ^ ft H 'ft' * O £ ft Pi O ft ffl O tO H H O O © © © rH 0 © Eh ft O ft O pq P ft © *H © H Ph © ■© H © d ft 0 S -40Potassium - Field grown sugar beets with heart rot were lower in potassium than were normal beets* These results vary from those obtained from greenhouse cultures in which there was no apparent change in the potassium content as a result of the application of borax* Nitrogen - Boron starvation in the plant was accompanied by a higher content of nitrogen in both the roots and the tops. In the pot cultures an application of borax at the rate of 10 pounds per acre decreased the content of nitrogen by .14 per cent in the dried roots and by .66 per cent in the dried tops. The doubled application of borax did not cause a further decrease in the nitrogen content of the dry tissue. In the field samples the beets showing heart rot symptoms contained .63 per cent more nitrogen in the dried tissue than did the normal ones. The percentage of nitrogen in the field samples was higher than in the pot-culture samples. Calcium and Magnesium - The 10 pound application of borax produced only slight changes in the calcium and magnesium con­ tents of the sugar beet plants grown in pot cultures. The data indicate, however, a general trend toward higher percentages of these elements in plants grown in a medium containing an in­ sufficient supply of boron. This trend is quite evident in the samples obtained from the field. CANNING BFFTS Canning beets, otherwise spoken of as "garden beets", were grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Three pots re­ ceived complete nutrient solution including borax at the rate -41of 10 pounds per aore and three others received nutrient sol­ ution from which the borax had been omitted. The effect of borax was determined from the weight of the roots and tops at the end of 65 days from the date of planting and from analyses made on the dried tissue of the roots and tops. The effect of borax applied in the field on this crop was determined from random samples selected from plats included in an experiment conducted on Emmet sandy loam by Cook and Millar (5). The different farms. samples were selected from eight plats on two Four of the eight plats received borax ap­ plied broadcast at the rate of 40 pound's per acre and the other four received no borax. The percentages of beets in the random samples showing signs of boron starvation, internal black soot, were determined by slicing the samples. Yields and Black Spot Occurrence As shown by the data presented in Table 10 the growth of the garden beet in pot cultures was greatly stimulated by Table 10, The effect of borax on the yield of canning beets and on the boron and nitrogen content of canning beet tope grown in pot cultures of Thomas sandy loam soil. Treatment 0# Borax 10# Borax ♦Yield /pot Roots Tops 2.5 7.3 7.9 14.9 Boron ppm. 7.5 27.5 Nitroeen f° 1.78 1.45 * Average of three replications. the application of borax. The yield of roots was increased from 2.5 to 7.3 gms. and that of the tops from 7.9 to 14.9 gms. per pot by a 10 pound application. Borax applied in the -42field at the rate of 40 pounds per acre was very effective in reducing signs of boron starvation. The data reported in Table 11 show that this reduction was from 54.30 to 5.96 per cent. Table 11. The effect of borax on the occurrence of internal black spot and the boron and nitrogen content of canning beets grown in Antrim county. Treatment Beets showing* internal black soot Boron ppm. 54.30 5.96 17.3 19.9 0# Boron 40# Boron Nitrogen 1o 2.01 2.02 Composition Boron - The boron content of the dried tops of canning beets grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures was increased from 7.5 to 27.5 ppm. by an application of 10 pounds of borax per acre Considering the low level of boron in the tissue of the untreated plants the increase seems highly significant. Applied in the field on Emmet sandy loam an application of borax at the rate of 40 pounds per acre increased the boron content of the dry tissue from 17.3 to 18.9 per cent. This difference is slight compared to that obtained in the beets grown in pot cultures. The difference in results obtained in the two experiments may be the result of leaching which occurred in the field. Nitrogen - The nitrogen content of the dried tissue of beets grown in pot cultures was lowered from 1.78 to 1*45 per cent by an application of 10 pounds per acre of borax. No differences occurred in the nitrogen contents of beets grown in the field experiments. -43MANGELS Mangels were grown in sand cultures with and without borax# The rate of borax application was equivalent to 2#5 pounds per acre. The treatments were replicated four times. Yields As indicated in Table 12 borax applied to mangels grown in sand cultures at the rate of 2.5 pounds per acre increased the yield of tops from 4.2 to 8.7 gras, and of roots from 7.8 to 22.6 gms. per pot. Table 12. The effect of borax on the yield and boron, nitrogen and iron content of sugar beets grown in sand cultures. Treatment 0# Borax 2*5# Borax ♦Yield/pot Roots:Tops 7.8 22.6 Boron ppm. Roots:Tops Nitrogen Roots:Tops Iron % Roots:Tops 7.5 17.5 10.0 50.0 1.36 1.53 1.02 1.35 .014 .035 .011 .029 4.2 8.7 ♦Average of four replications. Composit ion Boron - The boron content of the dry top tissue was in­ creased from 17.5 to 50.0 ppm. and that of the dry root tissue from 7.5 to 10.0 pom. Nitrogen - In the dry tissue of the mangel, nitrogen was decreased from 1.63 to 1.35 per cent in the tops and from 1.36 to 1.02 per cent in the roots. Iron - The iron content of the dry mangel tissue decreased from .035 to .029 per cent in the tops and from .014 to .011 per cent in the roots with an application of 2.5 pounds per acre of borax. -44RUTABAGAS Field samples of rutabagas were selected according to boron deficiency symptoms from a Brookston clay loam soil located near Ionia, Michigan* Normal plants and those showing symptoms of boron starvation, brown heart* were selected from the same field* Compos ition Boron - As indicated in Table 13, the normal rutabaga plants were higher in boron than were the deficient ones. The dried tops of normal plants contained 10 ppm. more of boron than did the deficient tops and the dry root tissue from normal plants contained 5 ppm. more than did roots with brown heart. Table 13. A partial analysis of normal and boron deficient rutabagas grown on Brookston clay loam. Symptoms No rmal Boron deficient Boron ppm. Roots:Tops 15 10 30 20 Nitrogen ?~ Iron Roots:Tops Roots:Tops 3.15 3.19 2.23 2.43 .036 .338 .078 .499 Nitrogen - The nitrogen content of the normal plants was lower than that of those starved for boron. The difference on the dry basis was .08 per cent in the case of the roots and .34 per cent in the tops• Iron - The iron content of the rutabagas showing brown heart was more than double that of the normal plants. The dried tops from the infected roots contained ,497 per cent iron while the dried tops from normal roots contained only .328 per cent of iron. The roots contained less iron than the tops, but -45the same relationship between/ iron content and the deficiency symptoms held. The results of these analyses show rather conclusively that the symptoms present in the rutabaga roots were really those of boron starvation. TURNIPS Turnips were grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Treatments consisted of a check and borax equivalent to 5 pounds per acre. Treatments were replicated two times. Yields As indicated in Table 14 an application of borax, equivalent to 5 pounds per acre increased the yield of both the tops and the roots of turnips grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. The yield of roots was increased from 44.2 to 49,3 gms. per pot and the yield of tops from 54.7 to 66.0 gms. per pot. Table 14. The effect of borax on the yield of turnips grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. * Yield Roots Tops gms • gms. 44.2 54.7 0# Borax 49.3 66 •0 5# Borax ’•'Average of two replicates. Treatment RADISHES Radishes were grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Treatments consisted of a check and borax apolied at the rate of 5 pounds per acre. Each treatment *was replicated two times. -46Yields The effect of borax on the yield of radishes is indicat­ ed in Table 15* An application equivalent to 5 pounds of borax per acre caused the yield of radish roots to increase from 31*5 to 53.9 gms. per pot. A small increase in the yield of tops accompanied the increase in yield of roots. *Yield gms. Roo ts:Tops Treatment 0# Borax 5# Borax 53.9 31.5 57.7 53.9 p p I B *! Table 15. The effect of borax upon the yield and partial analysis of radishes grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Boron Roots: Tops Nitrogen % Roots:Tops Iron °(o Roots:Tops 17.5 30.0 30.0 37.0 3.88 4.25 2.52 4.08 .064 .033 .043 .023 ^Average of two replicates. " Composit ion Boron - As indicated in Table 15, the borax treated plants were higher in boron content than were those not treated with the salt. The boron content of the dried root tissue was raised 2.5 ppm. and that of the tops 17.0 ppm. by this small applicat ion. Nitrogen - The nitrogen content of both the tops and roots of radishes was decreased by borax. This decrease in the dried tissue of the roots was .36 per cent and in the dried top tissue it was .31 per cent. 1 rc>n - The iron content of the radishes not receiving borax was higher than that of those receiving borax. The per­ centage of iron in the dried tops and roots was decreased from .032 to .023 per cent and .064 and .043 per cent, respectively, by an application of borax equivalent to five pounds per acre. -47CHICORY Chicory was grown in quartz sand cultures* The treat­ ments consisted of a check and an application of borax at the rate of 3.5 pounds per acre. All treatments were replicated four t imes. Yields An application of borax at the rate of 3.5 pounds per acre increased the yield of chicory roots from 29.5 to 33.4 gms. and the yield of tops from 15.6 to 19.6 gms. per pot. The data are reported in Table 16. Table 16. The effect of borax on the yield and analysis of chicory grown in sand cultures. Treatment *Yield sms. Boron ppm. Roots:Tops Roots:Tops 0# Borax 3.5# Borax 24.9 15.6 32.4 19.6 7 9 14 28 Nitrogen io Roots:Tops KaO i Roots Iron % Roots 0.34 1.15 0.24 1.07 1.32 1.17 .014 .011 ♦ A.r/a 1 -i Cl4-^ <= * Average of four replicates. Boron - The borax increased the boron content of the dried chicory roots only slightly but doubled the boron content of the dried leaves. The increase was from 14. to 28. ppm. Nitrogen - The nitrogen content of the roots and tops of the chicory plant was decreased by the borax application. The decrease in the nitrogen content of the dried roots was from .34 to .24 per cent and that of the tops was from 1.15 to 1.07 per cent • Potassium and Iron - The potassium and iron contents of the chicory roots were likewise decreased by the 3.5 pound ap­ plication of borax. On the dry basis this increase amounted to .15 per cent for potassium and .003 per cent for iron. -48BARLEY Barley was planted on Thomas applied atthe rates of 3.5 and 5.0 sandy loam soil andborax was pounds per acre. Each treat­ ment was replicated three times. Yields The effect of borax on the yield of the entire barley plant is shown in Table 17. Applications of borax equivalent to 2.5 and 5.0 pounds per acre, respectively, increased the yield of barley from 3.2 to 4.6 and 4.9 gms. per pot. Table 17. The effect of borax on the total yield of the barley plant grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Total yield of plant* gms . 3.2 4.6 4.9 Treatment 0# Borax 3.5# Borax 5.0# Borax ♦Average of three replicates. m-IEAT Winter wheat was planted in the fall in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. The jars were left in a screened room, without glass and adjacent to the greenhouse, until mid-winter when they were moved into the greenhouse. The treatments con­ sisted of borax at the rates 0, 3.5 and 5.0 pounds per acre, replicated three times. Yields The borax resulted in slightly increased yields as shown by the data reported in Table 18. The pots receiving borax at the rate of 2.5 pounds per acre yielded 3.0 gms, per pot more than -49did those which received borax at the rate of 5 pounds per acre* The 5 pound per acre application may have been too much for the crop. That the small increase in yield recorded for the 2.5 pound per acre application of borax is not entirely due to experimental error is indicated by the fact that the wheat which received borax headed before that grown without borax. Table 18. The effect of borax on the yield of the entire wheat plant grown in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Yield * gms. per pot Treatment 18.8 20.8 19.3 0# Borax 2.5# Borax 5.0# Borax CORN Corn was grown in 2-gallon jars filled with 8 kgms. of Thomas soil. per acre. Borax was applied at the rates of 5 and 10 pounds The treatments were replicated three times. Yields As indicated in Table 19, borax applied at the rates of 5 and 10 pounds per acre increased the yield of the total corn plants from 86.5 to 103.5 and 117.4 gms. per pot, respectively. Composit ion Boron - The boron content of the dried corn plants, roots and tops, was increased from 5 to 15 ppm. bv an application of 5 pounds of borax per acre and from 5 to 18 ppm. by an ap­ plication of 10 pounds per acre. Nitrogen - The nitrogen content of the corn was not alter­ ed by applications of borax. -50Iron - The iron content of the dried tissue of the corn plant was decreased from .053 to .045 per cent by an application of borax equivalent to 5 pounds per acre* An additional 5 pounds of borax did not further decrease the iron content of the dried tissue. Table 19. The effect of borax on the yield* and partial analysis* of corn grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures. Treatment 0# Borax 5# Borax 10# Borax Yield of Fodder gins« 86.5 103.5 117.4 Boron ppm. Nitrogen 1o 5 15 18 1.30 1.26 1.18 Iron $ .053 .045 .046 ♦Average of three replications. DISCUSSION As the data in the preceeding sections indicate, most plants that are deprived of boron, accumulate larger quantities of calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, and iron. The greatest dif­ ferences in mineral content between the normal and deficient plants occur in the contents of iron, nitrogen, and boron. Borax applied to boron deficient soils reduces the nitrogen and calcium content of plants grown thereon provided there is an in­ crease in yield, but when toxic quantities of borax reduce the yields the calcium and nitrogen contents of the plants are often greater than those of the deficient plants* -'Several investigat­ ors (13,13, 34,25) have reported higher nitrogen contents on a number of crops over similar crops receiving sufficient boron. Few investigations have been reported concerning the iron-boron relationship• -51The accumulation of calcium in boron deficient plants has been reported by Shkolnik (25). Some evidence has been present­ ed which indicates that deficient plants are low in potassium. However, the data reported in this paper leads one to believe that potassium content is not greatly altered by response of plants to boron. Field grown sugar beets showing boron deficiency symptoms were low in potassium, while chicory roots growing in boron deficient greenhouse cultures were high in this element. In no case was there a large difference in potassium content ■as a result of applications of borax. Application of borax resulted in an increase in the boron content of the tissue of all plants. It was found also that field samples of sugar beets, canning beets and rutabagas show­ ing boron deficiency symptoms contained less boron than did normal crops grown in the same fields. The data might lead one to believe that the function of boron is to act as a regulator of the permeability of the plasma membrane and control the intake of certain ions. However, the increased quantities of nitrogen, iron, and calcium in deficient plants, may be entirely due to retarded plant development. The data regarding potassium, however, tend to disprove the latter idea. Boron appears to have definite functions within the plant. Hoot cells of the sugar beet, canning be-t, rutabaga, turnip and radish developed improperly and formed woody cankers or "brown heart" if not supplied with a small quantity of boron. The pre­ mature death of old leaves and the development of numerous small leaves usually accompanies the development of woody tissue in -53the root crops. Cereals and other seed-bearing plants often fail to blossom and develop fruit with insufficient supply of boron. Lohnis (18) reports that wheat, rye, and barley failed to pro­ duce fertile blossoms without small quantities of boron. A decrease in the blossoming of snap dragons has been reported to be due to the lack of boron (13). Improper development of cotton buds has also been related to boron deficiency (36). In the experiments reported here, corn, wheat, barley and dandelions failed to develop seeds properly when boron was lacking. There is little doubt that different plants require different amounts of boron for proper growth. The amount re­ quired for wheat would hardly be sufficient for sugar beets. It appears also that some plants may be far superior in their ability to secure boron from the soil. Soybeans, sensitive to moderate applications of borax, require more boron in the tissue on the dry basis than do sugar beets. The dry tissue of various crops grown on Thomas sandy loam pot cultures varied in boron from 5 to 20 ppm. where borax had not been applied. Applications of borax which may prove toxic for one crop may hardly be sufficient for another. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Soybeans were grown in pot cultures of Warsaw sandy loam and Hillsdale B. horizon. The soil treatments consisted of CaC03 , CaSC>4 , MgCOg, MgS04 , Na3C03 , NagSO^j. and a control with and -53without borax. These soybeans were analyzed by the author for boron, calcium and nitrogen to determine the effects of these treatments on the chemical composition of the plant. Soybeans were grown in pot cultures of nine Michigan soils. Soil treatments included borax at rates equivalent to 0, 10 and 20 pounds per acre. These were grown to determine the soil factors influencing boron fixation. The analyses of the soybean plants from these pot cultures were made to determine the influence of soil factors and the application of borax on the content of boron, calcium, magnesium, iron, and nitrogen in the plant tissue. To ascertain the effect of pH on the availability of boron, sugar beets were grown on an alkaline soil. This soil previously failed to supply sufficient boron for the proper development of sugar beets. Four treatments consisted of a check, borax equivalent to 10 pounds per acre, sulphur suffic­ ient to lower the pH from 7.5 to 6.2 and sulphur with borax. In order to determine the rate of fixation, soybeans were planted on Thomas soil at intervals of six months, two months and immediately after the application of borax at rates varying from 0 to 100 pounds per acre. A number of crops - sugar beets, canning beets, mangels, rutabagas, turnips, radishes, chicory, barley, wheat, corn and dandelions - were grown on either a boron deficient soil or a boron deficient quartz sand culture. These crops were grown to determine boron deficiency symptoms and to secure normal and boron-deficient plant tissue for chemical analyses. Certain -54crops were analyzed for boron, calcium, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and iron to see if any correlation exists between the mineral content of these crops and the supply of available boron in the soil. The results of these experiments may be summarized as follows: 1. CaCOg and MgCOg applied to Warsaw and Hillsdale B horizon reduced the boron content of the soybean tissue. 2. NagCOg and NagSO^ applied to the above soils did not alter the boron content of the soybean tissue. 3. CaS04 and MgSO^ decreased the boron content of soybeans grown on the Hillsdale B horizon where excessive borax had been applied but did not alter the boron content of the tissue where borax had not been applied. 4. Accumulations of calcium and nitrogen accompanied an excessive boron content in the plant tissue. 5. The soil constituents, namely active calcium, organic matter and clay content, which prevent applied borax from becoming toxic to soybeans prevent boron from accum­ ulating in the plant tissue. 6. Yields were increased with applications of borax until the boron content of the plant tissue, on the dry basis, reached 30 ppm* 7. Boron becomes toxic to soybeans when the content of the dry tissue exceeds 50 to 60 ppm. 8. The magnesium and iron contents of soybean tissue were not greatly altered bv toxic quantities of boron. -559. Sulphur equivalent to six and one-half tons per acre, applied to Thomas sandy loam pot cultures, was as effective as borax in controlling heart rot of sugar beets. 10 . Delayed planting in Thomas sandy loam pot cultures, after the application of toxic quantities of borax, reduced the toxic effect of the borax to soybeans. 11 . An insufficient supply of boron for root crops is usually evidenced by breakdown in root tissue, distortion and premature death of the leaves and the forming of numerous small leaves. 12 . Lack of sufficient amounts of boron for barley, wheat and corn delayed heading. 13. Dandelions with an insufficient supply of boron failed to bloom. 14. 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