THREE ECONOMIC ESSAYS ON THE U.S. MEAT AND POULTRY INDUSTRIES By Kelsey A. Hopkins A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics – Doctor of Philosophy 2024 ABSTRACT This dissertation focuses broadly on the U.S. domestic meat and poultry industries, more specifically on issues related to developing and adopting policies and programs for two niche markets – halal and farm animal welfare friendly. Halal meat and poultry products meet the religious dietary restrictions for Muslim consumers, specifically those related to the slaughter process for animals. The first two essays focus on the halal market, while the third focuses on farm animal welfare policy adoption. The first chapter is concerned with meat and poultry processors’ and retailers’ decision- making patterns related to supplying halal meat and poultry in the U.S. domestic market. There has been strong ongoing demand growth for halal meat and poultry products in the U.S., but a relative dearth of processors and retailers entering the market to supply these goods. This essay seeks to understand if there are differences in preferences and business decision-making behavior between agents in the halal market and agents outside to suggest methods in which to increase market participation. To do this, I utilize a mixed methods design consisting of qualitative interviews with halal processors and retailers and survey data from halal and non-halal processors and retailers. My methodology consists of analyzing Likert scale data using descriptive statistics, principal components analysis, and k-means clustering to reveal patterns and group respondents for comparison. My results show that businesses that may expand into the halal market have been established longer and more likely to be retailers or further processors. The second chapter focuses on market participants’ preferences for designing a U.S. national halal meat and poultry certification program. The development of such a program serves as a potential solution to food fraud stemming from an overabundance of confusing and commonly contradictory certifications already in the market, similar to the issues that lead to the creation of the USDA Organic standard. I again use a mixed methods approach of halal consumer, retailer, and processor qualitative interviews paired with national stacked surveys containing best-worst scaling questions to investigate preferences for the design of a U.S. national halal meat and poultry certification program. Results show that the market overall prefers that program designers consider most carefully Who/What is Certified, Halal Standards, and Costs. Additional results show preferences for which organizations should be involved in setting and/or enforcing this program, namely government (enforcement only), non-government, religious, and certifier organizations. Finally, the data indicated that multiple transparency and traceability measures should be included to ensure a robust and trustworthy program. In all, this chapter aids in bolstering halal meat consumer confidence in product authenticity and improves the equity of the U.S. food system. The final chapter explores modeling of farm animal welfare regulation adoption across the U.S. In the U.S., 19 state-level bills and ballot initiatives concerning farm animal welfare (FAW) have been adopted across 12 states. In this chapter, I and my co-authors seek to model the evolution of the state-level FAW regulatory landscape as a function of legislature characteristics and constituent demographics. More specifically, we utilize a two-stage model known as a multinomial endogenous switching regression to assess whether and when a given state considers FAW measures, and if so, the likelihood the measures are passed. Using this model, we estimate the likelihood of FAW adoption for all 50 states. Additionally, we find that the cost to the egg and pork industries to upgrade to cage- and crate-free production methods in the states most likely to pass a FAW regulation in the future is small relative to the size of the industry. Our findings will assist producers and industry stakeholders in gauging the future of the regulatory landscape and provide guidance on whether to upgrade existing enclosures to comply with mandates on the horizon or to continue operating with “conventional” enclosures. To my mom for her unwavering support and belief in me – not to mention her stellar proofreading skills. To my husband, Alex, for his love and encouragement in everything I do. To my twin daughters, Violet and Vivienne, who serve as both heralds of my next chapter and strong motivators in the completion of this degree. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Completing this dissertation would not have been possible without support and encouragement from many channels. First and foremost, I thank my spectacular superwoman of an advisor, Dr. Melissa G.S. McKendree, for her faith in me and the many hours we spent together working towards the finish line of this degree. I thank my committee – Professors Kimberly Chung, David Ortega, and Felicia Wu – for their expertise and experience that greatly improved this dissertation. I am also thankful for the friendships I have made while at Michigan State, and how these wonderful humans shaped my time there. I am especially grateful for my friendships with Sarah Klammer, Angelos Lagoudakis, and Caitlin and Matt Herrington – for all the coffees drank, dinners eaten, problems solved, laughs had, and memories made. Finally, I am thankful for my family. I give thanks for my mom, Sharon McCoy, for everything she has done for me and the sacrifices she has made, and my husband, Alexander Hopkins, for his love and belief in me. v Islamic Dietary Laws PREFACE In order for a meat product to be halal – “permissible” for consumption – there are many qualifications that must be met; if they are not, the product is haram, or “forbidden.” According to Bonne and Verbeke (2007, 2008), most practicing Muslims require halal certifications that ensure that Islamic dietary laws are followed at all stages of the supply chain. Islamic dietary restrictions are nuanced, and as with many religious texts, open to interpretation. Therefore, I detail only the most widely accepted views and dietary laws here. Muslim teachings prohibit consumption of certain species or types of meat, namely pork and dead meat. Dead meat refers to an animal whose spinal cord is severed in the process of slaughter, rendering the heart unable to pump and thus the animal does not die of exsanguination. Additionally, animals must be raised on a natural, vegetarian diet that excludes filth or any animal proteins. Animals must be treated humanely; they must be well-nourished, not stressed before slaughter, the knife should not be sharpened in front of the animal, and no animal should witness the slaughter of another animal. Animals must be alive – both heart and brain still fully functioning – at the time of slaughter and must die of blood loss. As such, there is much debate about the use of electrical stunning prior to slaying an animal; many Muslims are opposed to the practice because of the risk of premature death, but it is common and considered humane in conventional U.S. slaughter. Preferably, animals should be slaughtered by hand; machine slaughter is not fully accepted. The knife used should be sharp enough to kill the animal with one cut. The slaughter person must be a sane adult Muslim who invokes the name of Allah prior to each individual slaughter. Recordings of blessings that are played on loop are not recognized as halal. Finally, cross- vi contamination with haram products renders halal products haram. As such, all steps of the slaughter process and the following supply chain members must be certified halal. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. PROCESSOR AND RETAILER MOTIVATIONS FOR HALAL MEAT AND POULTRY MARKET PARTICIPATION: PROFIT, PIETY, AND PURPOSE .......................... 1 1. Introduction and Motivation ................................................................................................... 1 2. Research Methods ................................................................................................................... 4 3. Quantitative Data Collection Process ................................................................................... 10 4. Quantitative Analysis Methods ............................................................................................. 14 5. Summary Statistics................................................................................................................ 21 6. Results & Discussion ............................................................................................................ 31 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 47 CHAPTER 2. MARKET PARTICIPANTS’ PREFERENCES FOR A NATIONAL HALAL MEAT CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ....................................................................................... 52 1. Introduction and Motivation ................................................................................................. 52 2. Current Landscape of U.S. Domestic Halal Certifications ................................................... 54 3. Halal Certification Around the World .................................................................................. 57 3. Mixed Methods and Survey Design ...................................................................................... 59 4. Methodology & Statistical Framework for Analysis ............................................................ 74 5. Results and Discussion ......................................................................................................... 78 6. Implications for Implementation ......................................................................................... 102 7. Conclusions, Limitations, and Future Work ....................................................................... 105 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................... 109 CHAPTER 3. RESOLVING THE REALITY GAP IN FARM REGULATION VOTING MODELS .................................................................................................................................... 114 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 114 2. Background ......................................................................................................................... 117 3. Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 121 4. Results ................................................................................................................................. 132 5. Implications ......................................................................................................................... 142 6. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................... 148 APPENDIX A.1 INTERVIEW PROCESS AND ANALYSIS OVERVIEW ............................ 153 APPENDIX A.2 PROCESSOR, RETAILER, AND CONSUMER SURVEY QUESTIONS .. 155 APPENDIX A.3 BEST-WORST SCALING RESULTS AND ADDITIONAL TABLES ....... 221 APPENDIX A.4 FARM ANIMAL WELFARE REGULATIONS ADDITIONAL TABLES .. 236 APPENDIX A.5 FARM ANIMAL WELFARE DATA COLLECTION METHODS .............. 242 APPENDIX A.6 CALCULATION OF FARM ANIMAL WELFARE INDUSTRY COSTS .. 245 viii CHAPTER 1. PROCESSOR AND RETAILER MOTIVATIONS FOR HALAL MEAT AND POULTRY MARKET PARTICIPATION: PROFIT, PIETY, AND PURPOSE 1. Introduction and Motivation Demand for halal meat and poultry (hereafter referred to as halal meat for brevity) products in the U.S. is growing quickly. The population of U.S. Muslim consumers is increasing rapidly and is projected to double by 2050, from about 3-5 million to 6-10 million people (Pew Research 2018). This growth in demand is in part due to immigration patterns that grow the consumer base, but also the vertical mobility by second and third generation Muslims who have begun to consume more meat products (Bereaud-Blackler 2004, Bonne & Verbeke 2007). Additionally, non-Muslim consumers have demonstrated demand for halal meat products (Campbell et al. 2011). This rapid growth in demand for halal meat products represents an opportunity for U.S. meat processors and retailers to enter the market and expand halal meat availability. Despite this strong demand and the corresponding opportunities, domestic supply of halal meat products is relatively low. Further, halal meat and poultry products are not readily available outside of major metropolitan areas or areas with relatively concentrated Muslim populations. Considering this largely untapped market opportunity, this chapter addresses several research questions. First, how did current halal meat retailers and processors decide to offer halal meat products in their stores? Are there incentives and barriers that exist when entering the halal meat market, and how do these retailers and processors perceive them? Further, what motivations do current halal meat retailers and processors have for supplying [certified] halal meat? Taking this research one step further, how do the answers to these questions change for non-halal meat processors and retailers, and what comparisons can be made? 1 As with any market, participants face incentives and barriers to entry; thus, understanding how participants view these incentives and barriers is essential to devising policies to increase halal market participation. Compounding these aspects, the U.S. domestic halal meat market has multiple religious community considerations in addition to the usual pecuniary motivations that influence processor and retailer decision making in specialty market participation. The U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry market is understudied. To my knowledge, there is no agricultural economic academic research published to date that focuses on the U.S. halal market. However, there is a recent study discussing religiosity and minority community behavioral patterns and their relation to Muslims’ desires to consume halal meat (Mumuni et al 2018). The majority of agricultural economic research into the supply side of halal meat markets has been conducted in Europe (e.g., Ahmed 2008, Fuseini et al. 2017, Fuseini et al. 2021, Lever et al. 2010, Lever & Miele 2012, Masudin et al. 2020, Tieman et al. 2012), Southeast Asia (e.g., Ab Rashid & Bojei 2019, Salindal 2019, Shahijan et al. 2014, Tieman et al. 2012,), Australia (e.g., Zulfakar et al. 2013, Zulfakar et al. 2018, Zulfakar et al. 2019), and Brazil (e.g., de Araújo 2019). In general, these papers find that there are hurdles to halal meat market participation – including obtaining certifications, implementing halal slaughter and processing methods, and ensuring supply chain integrity. However, they also note that the benefits to supplying halal meat products are numerous, including entry into niche markets, the ability to charge a price premium, stronger transparency in the meat supply chain, and access to export markets. The U.S. meat market faces many of the same obstacles and has the potential to reap many of these benefits. Research into the U.S. meat sector in general has uncovered several barriers to and incentives for market entry. Barriers include strong regulatory standards and food safety regulations that can be daunting to potential entrants (Worosz et al. 2008); for halal and other 2 specialty or niche meat sectors, these standards include additional regulations and requirements to achieve certification, likely compounding these issues. Additionally, there are issues related to labor shortages and the seasonality of the livestock slaughter and processing industry (Lewis & Peters 2011, Choe 2023), which can lead to logistical challenges for processors. However, research in New England found that livestock producers commonly demanded more slaughter and processing capacity than regional slaughterhouses were able to supply (Lewis & Peters 2011), which suggests there is room for more processors in the market. Indeed, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, processing capacity was a concern, largely due to continued labor shortage concerns related to virus transmission and policies and regulations impacting supply chain resiliency (Hobbs 2021, Ijaz et al. 2021, Larue 2021, Taylor et al. 2020, Weersink et al. 2021). Thus, there are multiple incentives to market entry, including major market opportunities and government grant programs – such as the 2022 Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant (MPRIG) – designed to offset the cost of inspected meat processing for small and very small meat processors (USDA-AMS 2022). This essay contributes to the literature in several ways. First, this study serves to define the baseline for the current state of the industry for future work, given the dearth of research on the U.S. domestic halal meat supply chain. Second, this research contributes to a better understanding of the motivations and attitudes of current halal meat processors and retailers towards market participation, as well as the barriers to and incentives for entry they face(d). Additionally, it is the first-ever evaluation of non-halal processors’ and retailers’ pecuniary and non-pecuniary motivations for their decision to not enter the halal meat market, including their perceptions of barriers to and incentives for halal meat market entry. This assessment provides necessary identification of common concerns, misconceptions, and other factors dissuading processors and 3 retailers from entering the U.S. domestic halal meat market that can potentially be addressed through increased outreach and education. Further, by utilizing a mixed methods approach with active stakeholder engagement to ensure supply-side market participants’ concerns and opinions are heard and incorporated into study design, this chapter expands the current body of literature on addressing systemic inequities in the U.S. food system. In all, this work contributes to efforts to promote equitable access to food for Muslim consumers through investigating methods to increase the supply of authentic halal meat products nationwide. 2. Research Methods The unique religious and niche nature of the halal market, coupled with the lack of research to understand the behavior of U.S. halal meat suppliers requires a methodological approach allowing for exploration and learning feedback. As such, I use a mixed methods approach composed of both qualitative and quantitative components. The qualitative component consisted of in-depth semi-structured interviews with halal meat and poultry market participants – halal meat and poultry processors and retailers, as well as Muslim halal meat and poultry consumers. The quantitative component consisted of nationwide online surveys to collect further data; the structure and content of these surveys was informed by the data obtained in the qualitative interviews. The synergy between methods is exhibited in two ways. In the first stage of this project, I formally interviewed multiple halal meat processors and retailers; interviews were qualitative and open-ended. These interviews were necessary to learn about the current state of the industry and understand the nuances of market participation, halal production methods, and product certification. I used these conversations to inform the development of the second stage of this project – further narrowing my research questions and the design of the quantitative data collection tools. From the qualitative interviews, I determined the most appropriate research questions to 4 explore in relation to halal meat processing and retailing revolve around barriers and incentives to market participation, as well as perceptions of halal meat. This focus led me to decide that my quantitative data collection should utilize Likert scale type survey questions to measure perceptions of barriers and incentives to entry, as well as survey questions to benchmark current levels of knowledge about halal meat. The data from the quantitative portion of this chapter is analyzed and interesting, unexpected, or particularly important results are highlighted and discussed in the context of information collected from the qualitative interviews. In this manner, the research comes full circle and incorporates findings from both methodologies throughout the project. The two components of this chapter’s methods are described in more detail in the next subsections. 2.1 Phase 1: Qualitative Exploration of U.S. Domestic Halal Meat and Poultry Industry The qualitative portion of this study was designed using suggested methods from Patton (2014), Rubin and Rubin (2011), and Maxwell (2012). Interview questions were grouped by topic/area of interest and were open-ended to allow interviewees room for robust answers (Rubin and Rubin 2011). These qualitative interviews were crucial components of this study; they provided the opportunity to obtain information about the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry industry previously unknown to me, as this market is understudied. Information collected via qualitative interviews included retailers’ and processors’ motivations for supplying halal meat and their preferences between different certifications to use in their operations. Collecting information directly from market participants in this way allowed me to design a more robust and relevant research program for the quantitative portion of this project. The qualitative interviews also provided vital context and explanatory power for the quantitative survey findings. The interview 5 guide for these qualitative interviews, information for how interviews were conducted, and the outline of the interview analysis process are found in Appendix A.1. Interviewees were recruited from lists of retailers and processors registered as certified to supply halal meat by a reputable halal meat certification organization active in the industry for two decades. These lists are available on the certification organization’s website. The interview candidates were narrowed to those in Midwestern states for ease of access and improved likelihood of name recognition for Michigan State University. A series of eight in-depth, semi-structured interviews with Midwestern halal meat retailers and 10 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with Midwestern halal meat processors were conducted December 2021 through April 2022. 2.2 Phase 2: Online Survey Methods for Further Exploration of Themes The second stage of this chapter involves conducting two national online surveys, one with a sample of meat retailers and another with meat processors. The goal of these surveys is to elicit nationally representative opinions related to the information collected and to dig deeper into the common themes discovered via the qualitative interviews. The sample for both retailers and processors included those who currently offer halal products and those that do not. Including both current halal meat market participants and those outside the market is important to be able to compare differences in motivations and perceived barriers and incentives. This comparison will allow us to understand what could increase market participation by meat processors and retailers. Potentially, the results will inform policies to increase market participation, thereby increasing supply of halal meat products and fulfilling demand. Each survey includes Likert scale questions to elicit participants’ attitudes towards different incentives and barriers to supplying halal meat and poultry products and using halal certifications. The surveys also included questions about 6 participant and business demographics, with emphasis on religious and cultural demographic information. In the qualitative interviews, the majority of halal meat processors and retailers described strong support for increased certification utilization across the halal meat supply chain. Muslim processors and retailers discussed the importance of supplying halal meat to support their cultural and religious community members, while non-Muslim owners cited access to niche markets as a motivation for supplying halal meat products. Along these lines, most of the processors interviewed expressed interest in adopting new traceability strategies – including certifications, blockchain, and revised (electronic) paperwork for inventory – in their operations to strengthen the integrity of their operation and the halal meat market in general. Additionally, processors and retailers reported a variety of barriers to and incentives for halal meat market participation that influenced their decision making. Barriers or challenges related to halal meat market participation included racial, ethnic, cultural, or religious biases and discrimination, limited access to financial assistance such as Islam-compliant business loans, input shortages, and fraudulent competition. Incentives included a desire to supply a necessary niche product to their community, the conviction that financially supporting themselves/their families through halal methods was morally correct, the belief that they are supplying a higher quality product, and the opportunity to access a niche market. Thus, the areas of interest for Likert scale questions were selected based on common themes from the Phase 1 qualitative interviews. These qualitative interview findings suggested that the Likert scale questions in the quantitative survey should be designed to include questions to evaluate participants' attitudes towards potential barriers and incentives to halal meat market participation and their knowledge of halal meat religious requirements. An example of these 7 questions for retailers and processors are included in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4. Participants selected how likely each option was or would be an incentive (motivation) or disincentive (barrier) for adding a halal program to their operations. Finally, members of the Islamic community were asked to look over the survey for clarity and to ensure there were no misrepresentations prior to distribution. Both the processor and retailer surveys in entirety can be found in Appendix A.2. Figure 1: Example Likert Scale Questions for Halal Retailing Incentives 8 Figure 2: Example Likert Scale Questions for Halal Processing Incentives Figure 3: Example Likert Scale Questions for Barriers to Halal Retailing 9 Figure 4: Example Likert Scale Questions for Barriers to Halal Processing 3. Quantitative Data Collection Process 3.1 Data Collection Process & Summary Statistics Surveying supply-side agents is notoriously difficult relative to surveying consumers. Typically, supply-side studies receive a very low number of responses, due to a variety of reasons – a smaller population to sample from, a lack of relevant pre-established survey panels, and the opportunity cost of a business owner’s time being just a few. Nevertheless, I conducted multiple efforts over many months to contact and obtain survey responses from both the processor and retailer populations for this study; details on these efforts are given below. 10 3.1.1 Processor Sample and Data Collection I recruited processor participants from three sources: 1) USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) list of registered meat processors, 2) registered processors on Halal Monitoring Services’ (HMS) website, and 3) the American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP). Poultry, lamb, beef, and goat processors were included in the sample – I excluded processors that only processed pork since the species is not acceptable for consumption in Islam. While the processors listed on HMS’ website are known to be halal, it is also likely that some processors on the USDA FSIS database and the AAMP membership list also process halal meat or poultry products, though the exact number is unknown. The USDA FSIS database lists all 6,788 USDA-inspected processing establishments. Removing pork-only, siluriform-only, and egg-only facilities left 5,859 establishments. Of these establishments, 2,736 are classified as “very small” by the USDA with less than 10 employees or less than $2.5 million in annual sales, 2,656 are classified as “small” by the USDA with 10-499 employees and 440 are “large” establishments with 500 or more employees. I conducted stratified random sampling of the three groups of establishments in the USDA FSIS data file, using Excel to generate random number lists to select establishments from the populations. As very small, small, and large processors make up 46.7%, 45.3%, and 7.5% of the total population, respectively, these percentages were used to determine how many establishments to sample from each group. There were 1,049 processors contacted from the USDA FSIS database including 20 large processors, 451 small processors, and 578 very small processors. Establishments were called by a team of undergraduate research assistants beginning in early November 2022 to determine who at the establishment should respond to the survey and obtain email addresses. Email addresses for 11 establishments without a phone number listed or those that did not answer or return calls were retrieved from business websites when available. Individual Qualtrics survey URLs were sent via email to the USDA FSIS sample. The first round of emails was sent using MS Word mail merge on December 9, 2022, with follow-up reminder emails on December 13 and 16, 2022. The next reminder email was sent using Constant Contact on January 11, 2023. From the first round of emails, approximately 50 bounced back as undeliverable, and 12 businesses responded saying they did not qualify or would not be taking the survey. Thus, a total of 987 processors from the USDA FSIS list received the survey. There were an additional 58 registered processors on the HMS website which were all included in the sample. Emails were obtained from the certifier, and individualized Qualtrics survey URLs were sent using MS Word mail merge in January 2023, with follow-up reminder emails in January and February 2023. Additionally, these processors were given the option to take the survey in either Arabic or Urdu if they preferred. The AAMP membership list was contacted via an association representative, who distributed an anonymous Qualtrics survey URL to the membership email listserv in March 2023, with reminder emails in March and April 2023. It is likely that many AAMP members received the survey who also were included in my USDA FSIS recruitment efforts. However, the response rate for both samples was very low, so I do not anticipate there were any duplicate survey responses. Despite contacting businesses in three different samples, I received only 195 total responses, with only 95 remaining after data cleaning. I received responses mainly from very small, small, and medium processing plants, both because these make up over 90% of meat 12 processors in the nation and, anecdotally, because larger processors typically do not respond to surveys. Summary statistics and a discussion of valid responses is presented later in this chapter. 3.1.2 Retailer Sample and Data Collection Non-halal and halal meat retailers were recruited between February 2023 and October 2023. Non-halal retailers were recruited via multiple state-level grocers associations and from a membership list from the National Grocers Association (NGA). First, I attempted to recruit retailers via the state-level grocers associations and the NGA email listservs with the assistance of association representatives. However, only 18 responses were received via these efforts, so another recruitment approach was needed. In May of 2023, a team of undergraduate research assistants called retailers from the 2019 winter NGA membership list (National Grocers Association 2019) – the most recent available online – between May 2023 and September 2023 to collect point of contact email addresses. After removing closed businesses, a total of 946 retail stores were called, and 236 email addresses were obtained. As in the processor case, it is possible that some of these retailers actually did have a halal program at the time of the survey, though the exact number of these stores is unknown. Known halal retailers were recruited from halal certifiers’ online lists of registered businesses and through a nationwide web scraping of Yellow Pages using the following key terms and phrases: “halal meat grocery store,” “halal meat,” “Indo-Pak grocery,” “African grocery,” and “international grocery store.” The results of the web scraping were compiled, then duplicates, unrelated businesses, and closed businesses were removed from the list. A team of undergraduate research assistants called the remaining 919 stores between July 2023 and October 2023 to collect email contact information; 96 email addresses were obtained. 13 Emails with survey links were sent three times to each category of retailers between August 25 and October 10, 2023. Incentive payments of $25 were offered for complete and quality responses, though not all respondents claimed their incentive. In total, 50 responses were collected from the retailer samples, and after data cleaning, 39 viable survey responses remained. 4. Quantitative Analysis Methods The Likert scale data collected from the surveys was analyzed using three methods: Count data and descriptive statistics, principal component analysis (PCA), and k-means clustering. The data in this study consists of two small samples from related populations – meat and poultry processors and retailers. While there are certainly similarities between businesses within each of these two populations (e.g., retailer-to-retailer or processor-to-processor), I am interested in similarities and differences between businesses across these two populations (e.g., retailer-to- processor). Specifically, I am interested in ascertaining classifying businesses by their patterns of behavior so that generalizations based on these classifications can be made and used to prescribe potential methods to increase halal meat market participation. Thus, I first present an overall summary of the data collected by establishment type (processor or retailer) and halal status using descriptive analysis. Then, I undertake a more complex statistical analysis by pooling the data and conducting PCA and k-mean clustering on the combined data to generate variables (PCs) and sort businesses based on these common characteristics (k-means). 4.1 Principal Components Analysis Statistical Framework There are multiple methods, including econometric regressions, available to analyze Likert scale data; however, the data in this study requires a method that can handle both multicollinearity between large numbers of variables and a relatively small sample size. The analysis method that best fits this description is PCA, which is commonly used to condense high-dimensional Likert 14 scale responses into a lower-dimensional form to identify overlapping variability in the sample. PCA and k-means clustering are commonly used together for statistical analysis of multi- dimensional data sets. K-means clustering has been used in conjunction with PCA to identify market segments for agricultural products including seafood (Hanson et al. 1994), apples (Bejaei et al. 2020), and beer (Malone & Lusk 2018, and has been popular in the marketing and data- mining literature (Arabie & Hubert 1996). It is used to group similar participants without requiring large sample sizes nor some of the more rigorous assumptions required by discrete choice experiments and conjoint analysis (Arabie & Hubert 1996). PCA was first developed in the early 1900s, when Pearson (1901) and Hotelling (1933) endeavored to mathematically define patterns in data to describe large numbers of variables using a smaller subset of independent variables. These independent variables – the principal components – are chosen to maximize their explanatory power for the total variance of the original variables, and the components that are derived in this way were termed ‘principal components.’ In the successive century since PCA was developed, thousands of studies and papers across all fields of science have used this method to condense complex data to discover important patterns (e.g., Hsu et al. 2009, Sinha et al. 1969, Calder et al. 2001). PCA is an orthogonal linear transformation; it translates higher-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional coordinate system so that the first coordinate – that is, the first principal component (PC1) – represents some linear projection of the greatest variance of the data. Additional principal components (e.g., PC2 and PC3) would lie on the second, third, and so forth coordinates with their corresponding second, third, and so forth greatest variances in the data. The underlying concepts and procedures are illustrated mathematically below. 15 Suppose that I have a random vector: 𝑋 = ⎞ ⎟ 𝑋! 𝑋" ⋮ 𝑋#⎠ ⎛ ⎜ ⎝ with population variance-covariance matrix 𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑋) = Σ = 1 " ⋯ 𝜎!# 𝜎! ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ " 𝜎#! ⋯ 𝜎# 5 Equation 1 Equation 2 Consider the linear combinations, each of which can be thought of as a linear regression predicting 𝑌$ from 𝑋!, 𝑋", … , 𝑋#: 𝑌! = 𝑒!!𝑋! + 𝑒!"𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒!#𝑋# 𝑌" = 𝑒"!𝑋! + 𝑒""𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒"#𝑋# ⋮ 𝑌# = 𝑒#!𝑋! + 𝑒#"𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒##𝑋# Since the 𝑌$ are functions of random data, I have: # # 𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑌$) = ; %&! ; 𝑒$%𝑒$’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒$ ( ; 𝑒$ # # 𝑐𝑜𝑣>𝑌$, 𝑌)? = ; %&! ; 𝑒$%𝑒)’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒$ ( ; 𝑒) Equation 3 Equation 4 Now, the first principal component (PC1) accounts for as much variation in the data as possible. It is expressed as the linear combination of x-variables that has maximum variance among 16 all the linear combinations. I must maximize the variance subject to the constraint that the sum of the squared coefficients 𝒆𝟏 equals one. Expressed mathematically this is: # # 𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑌!) = ; %&! ; 𝑒!%𝑒!’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒! ( ; 𝑒! such that: # " (𝑒! = ; 𝑒!% 𝑒! %&! = 1 Equation 5 Equation 6 Additional principal components are computed in much the same way, with the added constraint that the components are uncorrelated. That is, for the ith PC, I find the vector 𝒆𝒊 of coefficients to solve: such that and Equation 7 Equation 8 # # 𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑌$) = ; %&! ; 𝑒$%𝑒$’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒$ ( ; 𝑒$ # " (𝑒! = ; 𝑒!% 𝑒! %&! = 1 # # 𝑐𝑜𝑣(𝑌!, 𝑌$) = ; %&! ; 𝑒!%𝑒)’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒! ( ; 𝑒$ = 0 # # 𝑐𝑜𝑣(𝑌", 𝑌$) = ; %&! ; 𝑒"%𝑒)’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒" ( ; 𝑒$ = 0 17 ⋮ # # 𝑐𝑜𝑣(𝑌$,!, 𝑌$) = ; %&! ; 𝑒$,!%𝑒)’𝜎%’ ’&! = 𝑒$,! ( ; 𝑒$ = 0 Equation 9 To solve for the coefficients 𝑒$), I must use the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the variance-covariance matrix Σ. Letting 𝜆! ≥ 𝜆" … ≥ 𝜆# be the eigenvalues of Σ and 𝒆𝟏, 𝒆𝟐, … , 𝒆𝒑 be the corresponding eigenvectors, I have that the elements for the eigenvectors are the PC coefficients. Additionally, the variance of the ith PC is equivalent to the ith eigenvalue: 𝑣𝑎𝑟(𝑌$) = 𝑣𝑎𝑟>𝑒$!𝑋! + 𝑒$"𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒$#𝑋#? = 𝜆$ Now, to obtain the principal components of a sample of our data, I must compute the corresponding sample eigenvalues 𝜆E $ and eigenvectors 𝒆F 𝒊 of the sample variance-covariance matrix S. I can then define each estimated PC as a linear combination using the eigenvectors as Equation 10 coefficients: 𝑌G! = 𝑒̂!!𝑋! + 𝑒̂!"𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒̂!#𝑋# 𝑌G" = 𝑒̂"!𝑋! + 𝑒̂""𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒̂"#𝑋# ⋮ 𝑌G# = 𝑒̂#!𝑋! + 𝑒̂#"𝑋" + ⋯ + 𝑒̂##𝑋# In PCA, I seek to retain minimal PCs so that the proportion of the variance is described by the first g PCs is large and ideally close to one. That is: Equation 11 18 ! + 𝜆E 𝜆E ! + 𝜆E 𝜆E " + ⋯ + 𝜆E / " + ⋯ + 𝜆E # ≅ 1 This allows us to obtain the simplest possible relationship between the original data and the new, condensed variables (the PCs). If the first few PCs explain a small amount of variation, I need more of them to explain a desired percentage of total variance resulting in a large g. To determine the number of PCs for this study, I retained any PC that accounts for at least 10% of the Equation 12 common variance (Malone and Lusk 2017).1 4.2 K-means Clustering Motivation and Statistical Framework K-means clustering is advantageous for analyzing the data in this study because it is straightforward to implement and interpret – preferable attributes for performing an exploratory study. Additionally, k-means clustering is ideal as it segments the market into groups that exhibit common views. Given the exploratory nature of this study, I conduct simple nonhierarchical cluster analysis where individuals are grouped using the least squares method to minimize the Euclidean distance within a specified k number of groups or clusters. This algorithm partitions the data space in a way so that data points within the same cluster are as similar as possible (intra-class similarity) with respect to their PC scores, while data points from different clusters are as dissimilar as possible (inter-class similarity). In k-means, each cluster is characterized by its centroid, which is the arithmetic mean of the data points assigned to the cluster, but it might not be a member of the dataset. K-means randomly selects data points as possible centroids of the clusters and then 1 I used the principal components analysis commands in Stata to conduct this analysis, using the nine common Likert scale questions between the processor are retailer surveys as the independent variables for which to develop the PCs from. I did not use an orthogonal rotation method, as I am not using PCA to compare across different scales or groups of questions in the data. Specifically, the code used was: pca PricePremium - LackKnowledge 19 iteratively recalculates new centroids to converge to a final clustering of the data points. K-means assigns every data point in the dataset to the nearest centroid, meaning that a data point is in a given cluster if it is closer to that cluster’s centroid than any other centroid. The algorithm repeats the selection of centroids and sorting of data points until the sum of distances between data points and their given centroid is minimized, the maximum number of iterations is reached, or there are no changes in centroid values.2 The Likert scale data resulted in a 9-dimensional space. I indexed this data using the three PCs, and then partition the observations into three groups (clusters) based on their PC values. As such, the specific objective of this cluster analysis is to minimize the within-group variation of the PC values. Specifically, the k-means method in our context minimizes the squared distance from each observation (𝑥$) to the center of the observation’s associated cluster (𝑋K$0): 2 min(𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒1) = 𝑚𝑖𝑛U;(𝑥$ − 𝑋K$0)" $&! Equation 13 Once I select the k PCs that best describe most of the variance, I use these PCs as independent variables on which to cluster or “sort” individuals into groups based on their individual predicted PC values. After condensing the data in this manner, k-means clustering is applied to group the observations into clusters that exhibit similar response patterns. That is, rather than grouping variables as is done in PCA, cluster analysis allows us to group people – or in our case, businesses. In this study, cluster analysis will combine all participants’ responses and then 2 I conducted k-means cluster analysis in Stata using the cluster kmeans command on the three PCs selected from the PCA to sort the data into three groups with a set starting seed value and a maximum of 1,000,000 iterations. In particular, the code used is: cluster kmeans pc1 pc2 pc3, k(3) name(threegroups) start(random(12281996)) iterate(1000000) 20 sort them into new groups; I anticipate this segmentation will group some non-halal processors and retailers with their halal counterparts, revealing what common characteristics of non-halal businesses are most suitable to future expansion into the halal market. To determine the unique characteristics of the different market segments created via k- mean clustering, F-tests on the means between groups for each demographic category are conducted. Values with 10% or stronger statistical significance are then evaluated with pairwise t- tests to discover more specific differences between the groups. Ultimately, this will allow for policy prescriptions tailored to their unique positions in the market that are not easily seen when analyzing participants within their original (halal versus non-halal) categories. 5. Summary Statistics The summary statistics of respondents are given by business type in the following subsections. 5.1 Processor Summary Statistics The processor survey received 195 responses. After dropping ineligible and responses that were less than 50% complete, 95 responses remained. Establishments represented in this data are in 39 states.3 5.1.1 Processor Respondent Characteristics Summary statistics of processor respondent characteristics are given in Table 1. Respondents were mainly male and white. The majority had at least a 4-year college degree. When asked their political affiliation, most said they were Republicans or Independents, although 31% 3 The states represented in the data are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. 21 opted not to disclose their political affiliation. Twenty-one percent indicated they were second- generation immigrants (i.e., their parent(s) were born outside of the U.S., but they were born in the U.S.). Immigration information is relevant to this study, as more recent immigrants or younger generations of immigrants are more likely to identify with and participate in the cultural and religious heritage from their home or ancestral country (Lopez 2017). The most recent waves in immigration of Muslims to the U.S. occurred in the 1980s and in the 2000s onward, as the U.S. relaxed immigration laws and civil unrest and climate catastrophes in the Arab world and Southeast Asia contributed to a refugee crisis (Carmichael 2020); as such, it is possible that more younger generations of immigrants are active in the halal meat and poultry supply chain. Further, 21% of the sample indicated they are religious. As halal is a religious product, this information is potentially important for understanding processors’ motivations - or lack thereof - for providing halal products. 22 Table 1: Processor Respondent Summary Statistics Category Gender (n = 94) Male Female Prefer not to disclose Education Level (n = 94) High School Some College 2-Year Degree (Associates) 4-Year Degree (Bachelor's) Master's Degree Professional Degree Race (n = 94) White Black Native American or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Asian Other Prefer not to disclose Hispanic (N = 93) No Yes Prefer not to disclose Political Party (N = 94) Democrat Republican Independent Other Prefer not to disclose 2nd Generation Immigrant (N = 94) No Yes Prefer not to disclose Currently Religious (N = 94) Yes No Prefer not to disclose Previously Religious (N = 20) Yes No Prefer not to disclose 23 Percent 76% 19% 5% 6% 13% 10% 44% 22% 5% 76% 1% 0% 0% 3% 6% 14% 89% 3% 8% 5% 35% 26% 3% 31% 66% 21% 13% 21% 56% 22% 45% 40% 15% 5.1.2 Processor Establishment Characteristics Processing establishment summary statistics are given in Table 2. Establishments represented in the sample consisted of facilities that slaughtered, processed, both slaughtered and processed, or conducted other meat and poultry product handling (“other”). Seven percent of respondents only slaughtered meat or poultry, 44% of respondents only processed meat or poultry, 45% both slaughtered and processed meat or poultry products, and 3% of respondents conducted other meat and poultry product handling. Most respondents represented very small or small processors; the mean and median business size of our sample was 62 and 20 employees, respectively. This is not surprising, as over 95% of meat and poultry processing establishments in the U.S. are small or very small per USDA standards. On average, these establishments had been open for 31 years. Unsurprisingly, given the nature of meat and poultry processing, 48% of respondents indicated their establishment is in a rural area. Many slaughter and processing establishments handle multiple species. Of the 95 establishments in our sample, 83% indicated they handled beef, 34% veal, 55% lamb, 46% pork, 35% turkey, 38% chicken, 55% goat, and 35% handled exotics (game, specialty poultry, etc.). Respondents were asked if they currently or had ever slaughtered, processed, or handled halal meat or poultry products. Thirty-four percent responded they were currently operating a halal program, 4% had previously had a halal program but did not currently, and 62% indicated they had never operated a halal program at their establishment. 24 Table 2: Processing Establishment Summary Statistics, N = 95 Category Establishment Type Slaughter without processing Processing without slaughter Slaughter and processing Other Location Rural Suburban Urban Prefer not to disclose Type of Animal Beef Veal Lamb Pork Turkey Chicken Goat Exotics Halal Status Current Halal Past Halal Never Halal Number of Employees Mean Median Year Established 62 20 Mean Median 1992 2001 Percent 7% 44% 45% 3% 48% 23% 23% 6% 83% 34% 55% 46% 35% 38% 55% 35% 34% 4% 62% Min 2 Min 1902 Max 850 Max 2022 Looking more specifically at the 32 establishments that reported currently operating a halal program, over three-quarters indicated they have a zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal program (Table 3). Further, over one-half of these establishments reported operating a halal program for more than 7 years. Most of these establishments are certified by a third-party halal certification group, which is not surprising given our sampling strategy. For operations that conduct halal slaughter or processing, most reported that halal slaughter or processing was over 50% of their operation. 25 Table 3: Current Halal Establishment Summary Statistics, N = 32 Category Halal slaughter method Zabiha Machine Unsure/Don’t know Years operating a halal program < 1 year 1-3 years 4-6 years 7-10 years 11-20 years > 20 years Certified by 3rd party Yes No Unsure Percent of slaughter that is halal < 10% 11-25% 26-50% 50-75% > 75% Percent of processing that is halal < 10% 11-25% 26-50% 50-75% > 75% Percent 77% 6% 16% 6% 29% 13% 16% 13% 23% 78% 16% 6% 9% 4% 4% 74% 9% 24% 12% 4% 4% 56% 5.2 Retailer Summary Statistics The retailer survey received 50 responses. After dropping ineligible responses and responses that were less than 50% complete, 41 responses remained. The survey was distributed nationwide; stores represented in this data are located in 21 states.4 4 The states represented in the data are Alaska, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. 26 5.2.1 Retailer Respondent Characteristics Retailer respondent demographic summary statistics are given in Table 4. Like in the processor survey, respondents were mainly male and white, and the majority had at least a bachelor’s degree. When asked their political affiliation, most indicted they were Republicans or Independents, although 24% opted not to disclose their political affiliation. Fifteen percent indicated they were second generation immigrants (i.e., their parent(s) were born outside of the U.S., but they were born in the U.S.). Further, 36% of the sample indicated they are currently religious. 27 Table 4: Retailer Respondent Demographic Summary Statistics Category Gender (n = 33) Male Female Education Level (n = 32) High School Some College 2-Year Degree (Associates) 4-Year Degree (Bachelor’s) Master’s Degree Professional Degree Race (n = 36) White Black Native American or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Asian Other Prefer not to disclose Hispanic (n = 33) No Yes Political Party (n = 33) Democrat Republican Independent Other Prefer not to disclose 1st or 2nd Generation Immigrant (n = 33) No Yes Prefer not to disclose Currently Religious (n = 33) Yes No Prefer not to disclose Previously Religious (n = 12) Yes No Percent 79% 21% 3% 13% 28% 25% 22% 9% 66% 0% 5% 2% 10% 2% 2% 97% 3% 6% 27% 36% 6% 24% 82% 15% 3% 36% 48% 15% 58% 42% 28 5.2.2 Retail Store Characteristics Summary statistics of the retail stores in our sample are given in Table 5. Respondents consisted of grocery stores (78%), butcher shops or delis (14%), and “other” (8%) retail stores – likely ethnic grocery store-restaurant hybrids, which are common in areas with high ethnic populations. Most retailers represented in the sample were very small or small independent retailers, with an average of 45 employees. This is not surprising, as we sampled mainly from the National Grocers Association membership list. Further, approximately 33% of retail grocery stores in the U.S. are small or very small independent retailers, per the National Grocers Association. On average, these stores have been open for 44 years. Over half of respondents indicated their store is in a rural area. Respondents were asked if they currently or had ever sold halal meat or poultry products: 22% responded they were currently selling halal meat or poultry products, 10% had previously sold halal meat or poultry products, 51% had never sold halal meat or poultry products at their store, and 17% were unsure if they had ever sold halal. For the purposes of the survey and this analysis, those who were unsure if they had ever sold halal were classified as “never sold halal” for further questions about their operations. 29 Table 5: Retail Store Summary Statistics (n = 41) Participant Type Grocery Store Butcher Shop/Deli Other Rural Suburban Urban Currently selling halal Previously sold halal Never sold halal Unsure if ever sold halal Number of Employees Frequency 33 5 3 20 11 2 9 4 21 7 Mean 45 Mean 1979 Year Established Percentage 80% 12% 7% 61% 33% 6% 22% 10% 51% 17% Min 600 Max 2021 Min 1 Min 1867 Retail food stores sell multiple species of meat or poultry; this information is presented in Table 6. Of the 41 stores in our sample, 100% indicated they sold beef, 41% veal, 56% lamb, 85% pork, 95% turkey, 100% chicken, 17% goat, and 34% exotics (game, specialty poultry, etc.). For the 13 stores that currently sell or previously sold halal meat or poultry products, 62% sold halal beef, 38% halal veal, 46% halal lamb, 38% halal turkey, 92% halal chicken, 54% halal goat, and 8% halal exotics. Table 6: Percent of Retail Stores that Carry Different Species of Meat and Poultry Type of Animal Beef Veal Lamb Pork Turkey Chicken Goat Exotics Current and Past Halal Stores Only, n = 13 62% 38% 46% 0% 38% 92% 54% 8% All Stores, n = 41 100% 41% 56% 85% 95% 100% 17% 34% The summary statistics for the nine current halal retailers are given in Table 7. Most of these stores sell zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal products. Further, all stores in the sample had sold 30 halal meat and poultry products for less than a decade at the time of the survey. Most of these stores are certified by a third-party halal certification group. However, halal meat and poultry sales make up less than 50% of each store’s overall meat and poultry sales. Table 7: Current Halal Retailer Summary Statistics (n=9) Category Zabiha Machine Unsure/don’t know Years Selling Halal Meat & Poultry < 1 year 1-3 years 4-6 years 6-10 years 11-20 years > 20 years Store is Halal Certified Yes No Unsure Percent of Meat & Poultry Sales that are Halal < 10% 11-25% 26-50% 50-75% > 75% Frequency Percent 7 1 2 2 1 3 3 0 0 5 2 2 1 2 6 0 0 70% 10% 20% 22% 11% 33% 33% 0% 0% 56% 22% 22% 11% 22% 67% 0% 0% 6. Results & Discussion The results of the analyses presented in this paper shed light on potential avenues to increase the availability of halal meat and poultry products. In the following subsections, results are given by analysis method – Likert scales, PCA, and k-means clustering - and related discussion is included. 31 6.1 Processors’ and Retailers’ Perceptions of Motivations and Barriers Likert scales were used to assess processors’ and retailers’ perceptions of motivations (incentives) and barriers (disincentives) in the decision to establish a halal program at their operation. I am interested in the differences between businesses who currently or have never offered halal meat or poultry products, as these differences may indicate avenues for supporting increased market entry into the halal processing and retailing industry. Note, I do not report specific statistics for past halal processors and retailers out of this analysis, as this group includes only eight businesses. 6.1.1 Likert Scales: Motivations and Incentives Retailers and processors were asked to indicate which motivations or incentives they considered for currently or potentially selling or processing halal meat or poultry products. An example of these questions for retailers and processors are included above in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. In answering these questions, participants selected how likely each option was or would be an incentive or motivation for adding a halal program to their operations. The results of these groups of Likert questions are in Table 8, reported as percentages. Results are presented by type of establishment – retailers and processors, halal and non-halal – and by level of incentive in decision-making. 32 Table 8: Results of Likert Scale Questions for Halal Incentives Incentives Considered for Halal Higher Price Access New Markets Supply Minority Communities Financial Aid to Establish Assistance from Organizations Compete with Similar Businesses Likert Scale Response Likely Neutral Unlikely Likely Neutral Unlikely Likely Neutral Unlikely Likely Neutral Unlikely Likely Neutral Unlikely Likely Neutral Unlikely Halal Retailers n = 9 0% 33% 67% 67% 11% 22% 0% 89% 11% N/A N/A N/A 33% 22% 44% 56% 11% 33% Non-Halal Retailers n = 26 31% 38% 31% 42% 31% 27% 19% 54% 27% N/A N/A N/A 23% 31% 46% 8% 50% 42% All Retailers n = 39 20% 37% 39% 49% 22% 24% 15% 59% 22% N/A N/A N/A 27% 27% 41% 17% 41% 37% Halal Processors n = 18 26% 37% 37% 78% 17% 6% 56% 28% 17% 11% 11% 78% 17% 22% 61% N/A N/A N/A Non-Halal Processors n = 57 19% 32% 49% 28% 25% 47% 16% 37% 47% 30% 25% 46% 30% 28% 42% N/A N/A N/A All Processors n = 79 21% 34% 45% 40% 24% 35% 25% 36% 38% 25% 23% 51% 26% 28% 45% N/A N/A N/A 33 Nine retailers and 18 processors reported that they are currently supplying halal meat or poultry products and answered the Likert scale questions in the survey. When making the decision to offer halal meat or poultry products at their business, the ability to sell halal products at a higher price than conventional products was not an incentive for current halal retailers and processors. However, the ability to access new markets was a strong incentive for both retailers and processors. Surprisingly, the ability to supply minority communities was not an incentive for halal retailers, with most current halal retailers indicating it was a neutral factor in their decision. This may be due to current halal retailers operating in areas of the country in which there are large Muslim populations, in which these retailers may not see Muslims as a minority in their area. Indeed, according to the Public Religion Research Institute (2023), Muslim-Americans are mainly concentrated in major metropolitan areas. However, the ability to supply products for minority communities was generally a strong incentive for current halal processors. Obtaining assistance from outside organizations to set up a halal program at their stores was in general a slight incentive for current halal retailers, and obtaining financial aid and assistance setting up a halal program were not incentives that were valued by current halal processors. Finally, the ability to compete with similar businesses was generally a strong incentive for current halal retailers and a slight incentive for halal processors. For the 26 retailers and 57 processors that have never had a halal program, I asked which of these six factors would incentivize them to add a halal program. The majority indicated that all six factors would not be an incentive or would be a neutral factor in their decision. Access to new markets (42%) was the factor most likely to incentivize retailers to add a halal program to their store – determined by the overall percentage of the time retailers selected the factor as likely was. This is unsurprising, as it is likely that retailers that have never sold halal products are not members 34 of the Muslim community; most retailer respondents in our survey who said they are religious indicated they were not Muslim. Therefore, they are unlikely to have considered adding halal products to their stores and may not have known what halal was prior to receiving this survey. Indeed, several survey respondents indicated in the comments box they did not know what halal was prior to taking the survey. The factors most likely to incentivize processors to add a halal program to their establishment were financial aid to establish a halal program (30%), assistance from organizations to set up a halal program (30%), and the ability to access new markets (28%), though these are not practically significant figures. 6.1.2 Likert Scales: Barriers and Disincentives Participants were also asked to indicate which potential barriers or disincentives they faced or considered for currently or potentially offering halal meat or poultry products at their operations. An example of this question for retailers is given above in Figure 3 and an example of this question for processors is given in Figure 4. When answering these questions, participants could select how likely each option was or would be a barrier in their decision to supply or not supply halal meat or poultry products. The descriptive statistics of these responses are given in Table 9, reported as percentages. Results are presented by type of establishment – retailers and processors, halal and non-halal – and by level of disincentive in decision-making. 35 Table 9: Results of Likert Scale Questions for Halal Disincentives Barriers Considered for Halal Likert Scale Response Costs to Participate Discrimination from Regulators Backlash from Non- Muslims Lack of Muslim Labor Limited Local Market Lack of Halal Knowledge Unlikely Neutral Likely Unlikely Neutral Likely Unlikely Neutral Likely Unlikely Neutral Likely Unlikely Neutral Likely Unlikely Neutral Likely Current Halal Retailers n = 9 44% 33% 22% 67% 33% 0% 100% 0% 0% N/A N/A N/A 44% 11% 44% 56% 44% 0% Current Halal Processors n = 19 56% 31% 13% 72% 22% 6% 72% 22% 6% 11% 50% 39% 68% 5% 26% 72% 6% 22% Non-Halal Processors n = 57 All Processors n = 77 19% 33% 47% 53% 44% 4% 56% 39% 5% 25% 35% 40% 23% 30% 47% 21% 39% 40% 26% 31% 43% 56% 41% 4% 59% 35% 5% 20% 39% 41% 34% 25% 41% 32% 33% 35% Non-Halal Retailers n = 26 All Retailers n = 39 26% 26% 38% 49% 36% 5% 62% 23% 5% N/A N/A N/A 15% 8% 67% 28% 36% 26% 21% 25% 46% 46% 39% 7% 54% 32% 7% N/A N/A N/A 7% 7% 79% 21% 36% 36% 36 For the nine halal retailers and 19 halal processors in our sample, costs to participate in a halal certification program to sell products at their businesses were not a major barrier for retailers nor processors. Evidence from interviews conducted in the first phase of this project indicated that multiple halal processors have experienced discriminatory or hostile behavior from USDA meat and poultry plant inspectors. However, the results of the national online survey show that many current halal retailers, processors, and regulators did not consider discrimination from regulators or inspectors to be a barrier to halal production. Halal retailers and processors were not concerned about backlash from their non-Muslim customers. However, while some halal processors slaughter exclusively halal, some of the meat and poultry processing plants interviewed for this project that have a halal program said that they run halal on their processing lines relatively infrequently – from once or twice a month to once every few months – while the rest of their processing is for non-halal customers. Lack of Muslim labor was a concern for some halal processors. In interviews, some processors said they must contract with their certifier to bring in a Muslim slaughter person for the days they run halal on their line and cited reasons related to their local area (e.g., rural non-Muslim communities). For current halal retailers, a limited local market was equally indicated to be a barrier and not a barrier. Contrastingly, a limited local market was not a barrier for processors; this is not surprising, as meat processors typically distribute their products outside of their local market, regardless of whether they are halal or not. Finally, a lack of halal knowledge was not a challenge faced by current halal retailers when establishing the program at their store – again, likely because many of these retailers are themselves Muslim. However, a lack of halal knowledge was a challenge faced by 22% of halal processors when establishing the program at their establishment – this may be because of the 37 numerous and rigorous standards that must be upheld for halal slaughter. It may also be because many of these processors run halal infrequently and are likely not themselves Muslim. The 26 retailers and 57 processors who have never offered halal meat or poultry products at their businesses in general differ from halal retailers and processors in what challenges they perceive they would face if they were to offer halal meat or poultry products at their establishments in the future. These retailers and processors perceive that the costs to participate in a halal certified program would be prohibitive. Discrimination from regulators and backlash from non-Muslim consumers are not seen as major challenges for retailers nor processors. Retailers’ and processors’ lack of concern about discrimination and backlash is likely because these businesses are, in general, not themselves ethnic or religious minorities, and therefore are unlikely to be worried about this behavior. Non-halal retailers are strongly concerned about the lack of a local market for halal meat and poultry products, as 79% of them indicated this would be a barrier for their store to offer halal, while processors are not as concerned about the lack of a local market. This makes sense, as meat and poultry products are commonly shipped across state lines from processors to retail stores, while retailers rely on customers near their stores. Finally, non-halal retailers and processors indicated that a lack of knowledge about halal meat and poultry would be a disincentive or a neutral factor in their decision to offer halal meat or poultry products in the future. 6.2 Principal Components Analysis and K-Means Clustering PCA was conducted on the combined processors’ and retailers’ data sets, again excluding past halal retailers. This allows us to analyze patterns across all halal and non-halal businesses together and potentially reveal commonalities that point to outreach methods or policy design to facilitate halal market expansion. Additionally, PCA facilitates analysis of how participants 38 responded to all questions, instead of looking at each question’s response individually. This allows me to better pinpoint participants’ overall attitudes and opinions towards halal business decisions. In the data, an increasing Likert scale value for a motivation (incentive) indicates an increase in the attractiveness of that motivation; that is, higher values correspond to a business feeling more incentivized. Contrastingly, an increasing Likert scale value for a barrier (disincentive) indicates an increase in how prohibitive it is; that is, higher values correspond to a business feeling more disincentivized. Only the Likert scale questions that were included on both the retailer and the processor surveys were used for the PCA. The results of PCA for this analysis are given in Table 10 and Table 11. A PC was retained if it accounted for at least 10% of the variation in the data. The PCA resulted in three latent factors representing a total of 71.84% of the variance in the original dataset; PC1 represented 37.29% of the variation, PC2 represented 22.35%, and PC3 represented 12.20%. Thus, there are now three new variables (PC1, PC2, and PC3) that contain information and patterns between the nine variables in the original dataset (the motivations and barriers). These three new variables now facilitate more straightforward analysis of the responses, as they represent the three major trends or themes in the data in which we can classify behavior. I call these new variables “Concerns” (PC1), “Motivators” (PC2), and “Niche Minority Considerations” (PC3) and explain their elements below. PC1, “Concerns,” has positive correlations of approximately equal magnitude with all the features of a business’ decision of whether to offer halal products; thus, businesses with high values of PC1 are equally motivated by the incentives and dissuaded by the barriers. PC2, “Motivators,” has a positive correlation with all motivations and a negative correlation with all barriers; thus, businesses with high values for PC2 consider the motivations to be attractive and the barriers to 39 not be prohibitive in their decision-making process. PC3, “Niche Minority Considerations,” has a positive correlation with the first three motivations: Price Premium, Access to New Markets, and Providing a Religious Minority Product, as well as two of the barriers: Discrimination from Regulating Bodies and Backlash from Non-Muslim Customers. It follows that businesses with high values of PC3 have mixed opinions on the motivations and barriers, specifically those related to supplying religious minority products when deciding to offer halal at their business. Table 10: Eigenvalues and Proportion of Variance for Principal Components Analysis of Retailer and Processor Data, n = 109 Principal Components Metrics Eigenvalues Proportion of Variance PC1 3.36 37.29% PC2 2.01 22.35% PC3 1.10 12.20% PC1 Price Premium Motivation or Barrier Table 11: Loadings for Principal Components Analysis of Retailer and Processor Data, n = 109 Motivation or Barrier Motivation Motivation Access to New Markets Motivation Motivation Technical Assistance Setting Up Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Halal Certification Program Costs Discrimination from Regulating Bodies Backlash from Non-Muslim Customers Limited Local Market Opportunities Lack of Halal Knowledge 0.26 0.47 0.47 0.29 -0.17 -0.36 -0.40 -0.22 -0.18 0.04 0.13 0.32 -0.12 -0.40 0.49 0.50 -0.40 -0.21 0.38 0.28 0.21 0.36 0.37 0.31 0.28 0.34 0.41 Providing a Religious Minority Product PC2 PC3 K-means clustering was then conducted using the three PCs from the PCA as the underlying factors on which to sort the respondents. Three groups (k = 3) were chosen due to the small number of responses, as conducting k-means with more groups in each data set resulted in at least one group with very small membership relative to the other groups. Table 12 gives the group sizes and their mean PC values. Group 1 had 35 members, with the most negative average values for PC1 “Concerns” (-1.82), PC2 “Motivators” (-1.03), and PC3 40 “Niche Minority Considerations” (-0.23) of the three groups, though the magnitude of the PC3 averages is small. The negative values of all three PCs combined suggest that the motivations are strongly negatively weighted for Group 1, while the weight placed on the barriers is close to zero in magnitude. Group 1 is therefore least likely to find the motivations for offering halal meat and poultry products to be attractive and are neutral towards the barriers to offering halal. When comparing their opinions to the operational and demographic data (Table 13), the findings are logical; these are the smallest businesses on average and contain a large percentage of rural businesses, as well as a large percentage of non-halal businesses and a small percentage of halal businesses. Taken together, it is possible that these smaller, more rural businesses do not have the local market to sell halal products to or may not have the capacity to add another program to their establishment. As such, I would not expect these businesses to be strong candidates for adding a halal program to their operation in the future. Group 2 had 28 members, with the most positive average value (1.56) for PC2 “Motivators” of the three groups. The average values for Group 2’s PC1 “Concerns” (-0.42) and PC3 “Niche Minority Considerations” (0.07) are the mid-range value relative to Groups 2 and 3, though PC3 is relatively small in magnitude (Table 12). Thus, Group 2 was most strongly positively influenced by the motivations and negatively influenced by the barriers in PC2. However, Group 2’s PC1 magnitude indicates a slight counteracting negative influence to PC2. Therefore, Group 2 contains businesses that are most likely to find motivations for offering halal to be attractive and the barriers to be prohibitive. The conflicting negative and positive influence of PC2 and PC1 indicate the barriers are overall more prohibitive in Group 2’s decision-making than the motivations are attractive. Group 2 contains the highest percentage of retailers, the highest percentage of halal businesses, the lowest percentage of non-halal businesses, are the largest on 41 average, the most recently established, and are more likely to be in urban or suburban areas than the other two groups (Table 13). Since Group 2 has the highest percentage of halal businesses, it is likely that businesses in this group that do not currently offer halal products are good candidates to do so in the future, as they must have other qualities in common that align with halal market participation. Indeed, these businesses are more likely to be in areas with larger Muslim consumer populations and may have the capacity to add an additional program to their operation. Additionally, retailing of halal products requires much less capital investment and knowledge of the halal slaughter process than what is required for slaughterhouses and processors, and therefore may allow these businesses to adopt halal more easily. However, as these businesses are slightly younger on average, they may not have the capital to support expanding into a new market, which may explain their larger concerns with the barriers to market entry. Additionally, it is worth noting that Group 2 is the smallest group, with only 13 non-halal businesses, meaning the proportion of businesses that are good candidates to adopt a halal program in the future is small relative to the overall sample of this study. Group 3 had 46 members, with the most positive values for PC1 “Concerns” (1.64), and mid-range values for PC2 “Motivators” (-0.17) and PC3 “Niche Minority Considerations” (0.13) that are relatively small in magnitude. Thus, Group 3 was most strongly influenced by PC1, with slight counteracting effects from PC2 and PC3. Group 3 therefore contains businesses that are likely to find the motivations for halal to be attractive and the barriers to be prohibitive, with the influence of the motivations and barriers fairly equal and opposite each other relative to Group 2. Group 3’s businesses are on average the oldest of the three groups, have the highest percentage of processors, and a relatively high percentage of retailers. Retailing and processing halal products is logistically simpler than slaughtering, which would make adoption of a halal program more 42 straightforward for these businesses than groups with more slaughterhouses. Additionally, older businesses are likely well-established and could have more access to capital resources to expand their operations. Thus, these businesses may be good candidates for expanding into the halal meat and poultry business in the future if given enough information on the motivations and barriers specific to their operations (e.g., a feasibility study). Table 13 gives operation and respondent demographic percentages across the three groups of businesses. Note that not all percentages sum to 100% within a group’s category (e.g., race), as some respondents declined to answer all survey questions. From the F-tests and resulting t-tests, I find that there exist significant differences for non-halal, current halal, only processors, number of employees, at most high school diploma holders, and Asians. There are statistically significant differences at the 1% level between Groups 1 and 2 for the percentages of non-halal and current halal businesses, and a difference at the 5% level for the number of employees. There also exists a statistically significant difference between Groups 1 and 3 at the 5% level for high school diploma holders. Finally, there exists a statistically significant difference between Groups 2 and 3 at the 1% for halal and non-halal businesses, and at the 5% level for number of employees, Asian respondents, and high school diploma holders. Altogether, I see the most distinct operational demographic patterns between Groups 1 and 3 versus Group 2. Table 12: K-Means Groups and Means of PC1, PC2, and PC3, Retailers and Processors, n = 109 Group 1 2 3 Number of Members Mean of PC1 Mean of PC2 Mean of PC3 35 28 46 -1.82 -0.42 1.64 -1.03 1.56 -0.17 -0.23 0.07 0.13 43 Table 13: Demographic Composition of Groups, n = 109 Demographics Group 1 (n = 35) Group 2 (n = 28) Group 3 (n = 46) 85.71%a*** 14.29% a*** 34.29% 5.71% 28.57% 25.71% 1991 28a** 51.43% 20.00% 8.57% 86.96% c*** 13.04% c*** 21.74% 2.17% 36.96% 34.78% 1986 32 c** 52.17% 23.91% 8.70% 46.43%a***, c*** 53.57% a***, c*** 32.14% 7.14% 21.43% 35.71% 1993 63a**, c** 39.29% 32.14% 17.86% Operation Demographics Non-Halal Businesses Current Halal Businesses Slaughter and Process Only Slaughter Only Process Retailer Year Established Number of Employees Rural Suburban Urban Respondent Demographics White 78.26% Black 0.00% 0.00% c** Asian Native American or Alaskan Native 2.17% Hispanic 4.35% Democrat 4.35% Republican 32.61% Independent 28.26% First or Second-Generation Immigrant 4.35% Female 23.91% 0.00%b**, c** High School Bachelor’s 32.61% Graduate Degree 21.74% Religious 50.00% Notes: F-tests conducted on all three groups and statistically significant findings evaluated with pairwise t- tests. Statistical significance between groups from the pairwise t-tests is indicated as follows: a indicates significance between Groups 1 and 2, b indicates significance between Groups 1 and 3, and c indicates significance between Groups 2 and 3. Additionally, *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. 75.00% 3.57% 10.71% c** 0.00% 3.57% 10.71% 28.57% 32.14% 10.71% 10.71% 10.71% c** 35.71% 14.29% 42.86% 62.86% 0.00% 5.71% 2.86% 0.00% 5.71% 25.71% 22.86% 5.71% 20.00% 11.43%b** 25.71% 17.14% 54.29% 7. Conclusions, Limitations, and Future Work This study utilized a mixed methods approach consisting of qualitative interviews and nationwide online surveys with U.S. meat and poultry processors and retailers. The purpose of this research was to investigate the decision-making process for offering halal meat and poultry 44 products; specifically, the incentives and barriers that exist when entering the halal meat market and how retailers and processors perceive them. The goal of this research was to determine characteristics of businesses that are mostly likely to adopt a halal program in the future and how to facilitate their market participation. Both halal and non-halal businesses were sorted into three groups via principal components analysis (PCA) and non-hierarchical k-means clustering using the data collected on the motivations and barriers related to offering [certified] halal meat and poultry products. Altogether, my analysis sheds light on potential avenues for supply-side expansion of the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry industry. By studying patterns in businesses’ perceptions of the motivations and barriers and operational demographics, I can determine common characteristics that lend themselves well to the adoption of a halal program. Indeed, the analysis shows that urban, suburban, retail, younger, and larger businesses are more likely to currently have a halal program (Group 2), while businesses that may expand into the halal market in the future are older and more likely to be retailers or processors instead of slaughterhouses. As retailing and processing of halal meat and poultry products is generally less capital intensive and requires less knowledge and skill to implement, these businesses are likely the strongest candidates to expand into halal in the future. Furthermore, if this expansion in the downstream supply chain can be achieved, it may make adding a halal program upstream to existing slaughtering facilities more attractive and provide demand-driven pressure for halal slaughterhouse market entry. There are a few notable limitations of this study. First, collecting data from supply-side agents in any market is notoriously difficult, which leads to lower response rates and lower numbers of quality observations in our dataset. Thus, more complex statistical analyses were not possible. Second, there are relatively few halal meat and poultry businesses in the U.S. compared 45 to traditional meat and poultry businesses, so halal businesses are not equally represented in our survey sampling. Finally, even though efforts were made to survey participants in their native language, it is likely that some halal businesses did not take the survey due to English language barriers. There is still need for more research focused on the U.S. domestic halal meat supply chain, and future studies can expand on this work in a few ways. As my analysis was exploratory in nature, additional research can and should be done into the noteworthy motivations and barriers for the different types of businesses in this study – halal retailers, halal processors, non-halal retailers, and non-halal processors. A deeper understanding of these businesses’ differences in perceptions of adopting a halal program would help design more effective policies and incentive structures for a more robust halal meat supply chain. To achieve this, future work would benefit from larger sample sizes to facilitate more advanced statistical techniques for data analysis. There are two methods that I believe could be effective for increasing sample size when working with these populations. First, utilizing a team of researchers to conduct in-person or virtual (e.g., Zoom or phone) surveys in real-time may increase response rates and quality, as processors and retailers are typically less likely to complete surveys. 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Introduction and Motivation There are over 200 different halal food certification organizations around the globe (Zabihah 2021, Verify Halal 2022), and in the U.S. alone, there are over 20 verified halal certification organizations. Given that the global Muslim population does not have a universally accepted and verified halal meat standard and the resulting astoundingly large number of certifications and certifying organizations operating in the market, it is unsurprising that halal foods are the fourth most likely food in the U.S. to be fraudulent (FSNS 2020). In most cases, halal meat and poultry certification organizations have their own internal halal standards that they use to evaluate and then grant certification; these depend on how strictly they interpret the religious laws from The Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) written in The Hadith that govern halal meat. The plethora of distinct and sometimes contradictory certifications can make selecting a product confusing for consumers, accurately sharing information with customers difficult for retailers, and determining requirements for halal meat processing challenging for processors. There is an overabundance and a lack of clarity and standardization in certifications in the U.S. halal meat and poultry market. The current halal meat and poultry market situation is similar to the U.S. organic market prior to the development of the USDA organic certification, when there were many different and competing organic certifications available for producers, and consumers necessarily incurred search and information collection costs to determine which labels and standards were on products (Lohr 1998). As in the case of the pre-USDA certification organic market, this likely makes it challenging for participants to engage fully in the halal meat and poultry market and reduces the domestic market’s competitiveness relative to imported products 52 (Lohr 1998). Further, an overabundance of certification and regulations serves as a barrier to market entry for specialty meat products (Worosz et. al 2008) – especially in the case of smaller or new operations, as previously seen in the organic farming industry (Guthman 1998). These barriers result in a loss of market efficiency, and in the long term, a harm to consumers who are thereby underserved. Thus, this research aims to undertake the first step in the process of developing a U.S. NHMC program to help streamline market participation. These shared concerns suggest there is room for a verification strategy in the form of a unified U.S. national halal meat and poultry certification (NHMC) program. Correspondingly, the purpose of this study is to understand what the U.S. domestic halal market participants want out of a NHMC program, and how these desires compare to what is feasible to implement. Therefore, to determine what such a program would look like and how it would operate, this chapter addresses three major research questions. First, what characteristics of a hypothetical NHMC are important to halal meat processors, halal meat retailers, and Muslim halal meat consumers? Second, are there differences in preferences for NHMC program characteristics between groups, and if so, what is the nature of these differences? And finally, how could differences in preferences between groups impact the design and implementation of a NHMC program? This research will answer these questions by investigating the preferences for a NHMC program at three levels of the market (processors, retailers, and Muslim halal meat consumers). The differences in preferences across groups will be compared to each other and will serve as a baseline understanding of the market’s desires, which future research can expand upon. In all, this research contributes to the literature on labeling and certification for improving trust in products with credence attributes. This chapter provides an overview of the variety of different halal meat certifications, certification programs, and certifying bodies around the world, 53 with a direct comparison to the current U.S. halal meat certification landscape, which to the author’s knowledge has not been explicitly explored before. Altogether, the findings of this chapter will aid in bolstering halal meat consumer confidence in the authenticity of their products, as well as improve the equity of the U.S. food system. 2. Current Landscape of U.S. Domestic Halal Certifications As early as the 1970s and 1980s, U.S. Muslim consumers – concerned about the authenticity of the halal meat and poultry products they were buying – began to demand more verification for their products in the form of third-party labels and certifications. From this movement, certifying organizations were established; these organizations typically charge a fee – per unit, an annual lump sum, or some formulaic combination – to inspect slaughter, processing, and retail facilities and provide certification that their products and/or establishment conforms to a given set of halal standards. As the demand for halal meat and poultry products has grown and evolved over the past 50 years, so too has the number of certifiers, the variety of certifications, and the ways in which certifiers operate. Today, there are several major halal meat and poultry certifiers and another dozen or so smaller local or regional certification agencies operating in the U.S.5 These certifiers are broken into two organizational categories: non-profit foundations that rely mainly on volunteer work and donations from the public to operate, and for-profit businesses which charge fees for their services and retain employees to conduct the certification process.6 The non-profit foundations include Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) of Shariah Board of America and Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA), among others. The for-profit businesses include 5 Not all of these certifiers work exclusively with meat and poultry products. 6 These classifications are based upon what the author learned in qualitative interviews with halal meat and poultry certifiers during this project and are not necessarily mutually exclusive nor immutable. 54 Islamic Services of America (ISA), Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA), Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO), Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), and American Halal Foundation (AHF), among others. Many of the for-profit certifiers have certification via the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) to operate in the import and export markets, while the non-profit foundations generally do not.7 For-profit certifiers offer both zabiha and machine-slaughtered halal certifications, while the non-profit certifiers focus mainly on the zabiha market.8 Correspondingly, for-profit certifiers typically contract with larger domestic and multinational corporations and establishments looking for international business opportunities, while non-profits operate mainly in the domestic small and local business arena. Thus, for-profit certifiers currently make up most of the certification market by both quantity of products certified and revenues received, therefore holding the majority of power in the halal certification market. However, the non-profit certifiers work with a larger number of domestic businesses, though the quantity of products and overall revenues is lower. As with any market, power dynamics and market structure play a pivotal role in market growth, policy development, and the implementation of new methods of production.9 Indeed, the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry certification market is no exception. According to multiple certifiers and Muslim consumer advocacy groups, efforts have been underway for over a decade to create a set of industry-wide U.S. national halal standards, though progress in reaching agreements on what specifications and requirements to include has been slow. For-profit and non- 7 These certifications are a service provided by the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and requires businesses to pay a fee to obtain export certification and/or import products from foreign countries. 8 The term “zabiha” refers to hand-slaughtered animal products. More information is given in the preface to this dissertation. 9 Historically, markets with an imbalance of power (e.g., those with monopolies or oligopolies) see declines in growth, equity, innovation, and efficiency losses (Washington Center for Equitable Growth 2018). 55 profit certifiers commonly disagree on which standards should be included in a U.S. national halal certification, as well as how such a certification should be implemented and verified. What’s more, Muslim halal consumers have varying opinions due to the extremely diverse nature of the population in terms of ethnicity, religious sect, immigration and citizenship status, and other cultural factors. The dissenting views on halal certification from both the supply and demand side of the market contribute to the ongoing struggle to develop a single cohesive certification program. Further complicating the matter are the views of the general public and federal and state government representatives. Islam is a minority religion in the U.S., and multiple domestic and international events over the past several decades have reinforced prejudices that negatively impact U.S. Muslims; indeed, a Pew Research poll revealed that a significant percentage of Americans believe Muslims face “a lot of” discrimination and are viewed more negatively than other religions (Mohammed 2021). As such, it is unlikely that many government representatives will move to make changes to state or federal laws to improve halal verification and transparency, nor support the development of a national-level halal meat and poultry certification. Instead, general efforts to increase authenticity in the food system, strengthen traceability, and improve labeling requirements are more realistic avenues for addressing halal certification issues. 2.1 Legal Enforcement of Certifications in the U.S. In the U.S., there are a lack of labeling regulations in place to ensure that consumers know which standards are involved in the production of food products. Outside of a handful of states that have instituted forms of consumer-right-to-know legislation (California, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Virginia), there is no federal law or regulation that requires a business that claims to be certified to supply a given specialty product to prove that they are certified by displaying the certificate or registering with the state department 56 of agriculture. Furthermore, these state laws that require proof of certification to be readily available often are not enforced. Altogether, there is ample room for fraudulent behavior by uncertified actors throughout the U.S.; this is likely a large factor contributing to halal food being the fourth most fraudulent industry in the U.S. When looking to certify an attribute, one of the main questions is who should be the certifying body. Many studies have focused on preferences for certification entities and have found that government certification is in general more trusted than third-party certification in a wide variety of contexts; see for example McKendree et al. (2013), Johnston et al. (2001), Ortega et al. (2011, 2012), and Sønderskov & Daugbjerg (2011). However, for the halal market in the U.S., the First Amendment prohibits the government from setting any religious product standards, as this would be an infringement of religious freedoms. California, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Virginia have all circumvented these constitutional rights concerns by enacting laws in the spirit of consumer-right-to-know considerations. These include allowing the state to enforce the proper use of halal labels, including outlawing mislabeling and false representation, requiring businesses to display their halal meat Department of Agriculture registration, and requiring separate facilities/machinery for halal products to ensure no cross contamination can occur (Illinois Halal Food Act 2002). A similar law exists in many states for kosher meat. A federal law and enforcement akin to these states’ laws would provide another layer of authentication to prevent halal food fraud. 3. Halal Certification Around the World Of the plethora of certification programs operating around the world, there are several that oversee halal production standards on a national or even multi-national scope – such as the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) program or the Australian national halal 57 meat program (Rhaman et al. 2018, Australian Halal 2022). Though the U.S. does not have the same institutional framework as these countries, lessons can be learned from national-level programs already in place. In countries like Australia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Malaysia, the national halal meat certification (NHMC) standard is set by, and administered through, the federal government. This allows for a generalization of the halal meat standards within these countries; there is only one halal meat standard or a set of predetermined levels of halal meat standards. This makes adoption by supply-side agents in the halal meat market straightforward, as they can either adhere to the universal standard or not – there is no room for interpretation or for confusion as to which certification a supplier needs to enter the market. This is also advantageous for consumers, as the halal meat standards will be identical across the country, so there is no room for miscommunication or confusion with competing labels or standards. On the flip side, this does remove diversity from the halal meat market, and so consumers who desire different standards for halal meat products may still need to look elsewhere for their products. While a program in which local, state, or federal government sets halal standards may not be possible in the U.S. due to concerns about First Amendment violations, the structure and development of a national program is still useful to understand. Furthermore, a U.S. national program could potentially have government involvement in the enforcing of standards set by non-governmental organizations. In contrast, in other countries, there is no national halal program, leaving room for multiple third-party agents, such as Islamic community groups, imams (faith leaders in Islam), and certifying corporations to design their own halal meat standards and certification implementation processes. This system is akin to what is currently in place in the U.S., Canada, and most other countries across the globe. This system can be very confusing to consumers and supply-side agents 58 alike, especially when there is little to no transparency in the standards required to obtain a given certification. Consumers are faced with an overload of information and sorting out which certifications align with their beliefs is mentally taxing. Supply-side agents have other issues – selecting one certification to use in their operation may preclude them from some market opportunities or result in backlash from consumer groups who do not agree with the standards they follow. These concerns are especially relevant in the U.S., as, to the author’s knowledge, the U.S. has the largest number of halal meat certifiers and certifications currently available in the market of any country in the world. However, this assortment of certifications can also be a boon – for consumers with very niche requirements, they may be able to find a certification that aligns with their beliefs, whereas a universal standard may not align. Altogether, the future of U.S. domestic halal certification is complex, and understanding and addressing the market’s needs will require significant effort on behalf of researchers and policy makers alike. 3. Mixed Methods and Survey Design As discussed, the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry market has distinctive niche religious requirements that must be upheld. The nature of the halal market, coupled with the lack of research to understand the certification landscape of the U.S. halal meat market poses an exciting opportunity to focus this study on multiple groups throughout the domestic market. This ensures that the main actors in the halal meat market that would be impacted by a certification – consumers, retailers, and processors – are included in the study. This understudied market also requires a methodological approach designed for exploration and learning feedback. Therefore, I employ a mixed methods research design using both qualitative interviews and quantitative survey methods in this project. The synergy between methods is exhibited in two ways. In the first stage of this project, I conducted qualitative interviews with halal meat processors, retailers, and Muslim 59 consumers. These qualitative interviews were necessary to develop an understanding of and elicit opinions on halal meat market certification practices in the U.S. domestic market. I used the data from these conversations to narrow my research questions and design quantitative data collection tools. From these interviews, I determined the most appropriate questions to explore in relation to halal meat and poultry certification revolve around an overabundance of certifications, unclear standards, and a lack of transparency in certification use and enforcement. These qualitative interview findings in turn inform the quantitative components of the study. In particular, the patterns uncovered in the qualitative research indicated that the quantitative data collection should utilize best-worst scaling (BWS) to measure processors’, retailers’, and consumers’ preferences for possible attributes of such a program. 3.1 Phase 1: Qualitative Interview Methods The qualitative portion of this project was designed with methods from Patton (2014), Rubin and Rubin (2011), and Maxwell (2012). The purpose of these qualitative interviews was to obtain information about the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry industry’s certification standards and process previously unknown to me, as this market is understudied. Information collected via qualitative interviews included Muslim halal consumers’, halal retailers’, and halal processors’ opinions on the current certification landscape and their preferences for future certification development. Collecting information directly from market participants in this way allowed me to design a more robust and relevant research program for the quantitative portion of this project. The qualitative interviews also provided vital context and explanatory power for the quantitative survey findings. Interview questions were grouped by topic and were open-ended to allow for robust answers (Patton 2014, Rubin and Rubin 2011, Maxwell 2012). The interview 60 guide for these interviews, information for how interviews were conducted, and the outline of the interview analysis process are found in Appendix A.1. Supply-side interviewees were recruited from lists of retailers and processors registered as certified to supply halal meat by a reputable halal meat certifier. The lists of supply-side interview candidates were narrowed to those in Midwestern states for ease of access and improved likelihood of name recognition for Michigan State University. A series of eight in-depth, semi-structured interviews with Midwestern halal meat retailers and 10 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with Midwestern halal meat processors were conducted December 2021 through April 2022. Supply- side interviews were conducted via Zoom or over the phone. Consumer interviewees were recruited in person from five different certified halal meat retailers in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan; the list of interested participants was then randomly sampled from. Selected consumers were interviewed over Zoom or via phone and were compensated for their participation with a $50 gift card. In total, 12 consumer interviews were conducted in April 2022 through June 2022. 3.2 Phase 2: Quantitative Survey Methods The second stage of this chapter involves conducting three stacked national online surveys, one with a sample of meat processors, one with a sample of meat retailers, and another with Muslim halal meat consumers.10 These parallel stacked surveys are designed to assess preferences related to the development of a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. The surveys had three major purposes: first, to further explore the patterns uncovered in the qualitative interviews; second, to be able to gauge these groups’ preferences and opinions at a national level; and third, to directly compare preferences and response patterns across the three market groups – a key advantage of stacked surveys. This method is particularly attractive for application in this study, as consumers, 10 Surveys were available in English, Arabic, and Urdu for all study participants. 61 retailers, and processors are the main actors in the halal meat market that would be impacted by a certification and should therefore be included. Additionally, the shared desire for a NHMC program across the three groups interviewed suggests that comparing preferences directly in this manner will be useful in determining consensus or differences in opinions. To compare preferences for attributes of a U.S. NHMC program directly across the three groups using a consistent and unitless ranking system, I use best-worst scaling (BWS), also known as maximum difference (max-diff) scaling or most-least scaling. BWS is a choice analysis method that asks participants to repeatedly – over a series of different choice sets – select the most preferred (best) and least preferred (worst) options out of a given set of items and allows the researcher to thereby understand preferences between items. BWS was introduced by Finn and Louviere (1992) with theoretical properties of probabilistic, best-worst choice models being more recently explained by Marley and Louviere (2005). BWS is advantageous relative to Likert scale questions, as Likert scales make it challenging to distinguish the actual importance of attributes. For example, multiple Likert scale questions can all have the same mean level of importance. Likert scale questions are additionally problematic due to scale subjectivity – what is considered a “4” on one individual’s scale may be a “5” on another (Lusk and Briggeman 2009, Lusk and Parker 2009, Wolf and Tonsor 2013). Additionally, as BWS is a tradeoff method, I achieve shares of importance that can be directly interpreted from a ratio scale. The sum of shares among all attributes analyzed must equal one. If attributes j and k have importance shares of 0.2 and 0.1, respectively, attribute j is two times as important as k. BWS also provides five to ten times more differentiation than most scaling methods, such as the aforementioned Likert scales (Horne 2012). Directly interpretable shares and more differentiation provides further insight into the exact importance of each attribute. 62 In each survey, participants were asked a series of seven BWS questions with different combinations of seven attributes of a potential future U.S. NHMC program. In these questions, participants were asked to select which of three attributes they thought was the most important and which was the least important to consider when designing a U.S. NHMC program. An example of one of the questions that participants saw is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Example Best-Worst Question for Potential National Halal Certification 3.3 Attribute Selection for the Best-Worst Scaling Survey Instrument The BWS for this survey includes seven attributes for consideration. The attributes for the BWS questions were selected based on the characteristics of current certification programs around the world (both within and outside of halal meat), discussion in the literature, and information collected from interviews. Justification for these choices is broken down by attribute below. These attributes differ slightly in their precise language across the three surveyed groups to better fit the audience; attributes included here are cost, administrative body, traceability, information collected or available, certification type, audit characteristics, and halal type. The description of these attribute categories and the relevant questions for each surveyed group are presented in Table 14. 63 Table 14: Best-Worst Scaling Attributes and Question Language by Group Attribute wording by group Referred to in paper as Consumers Retailers Processors Costs Additional costs I would need to pay for certified products Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, labor) Enforcement What organization enforces the program standards Benefits Confidence gained by purchasing a certified product Benefits associated with certification program involvement (access to new markets, price premiums, etc.) Information What information is available to me What information is passed on to my customers e t u b i r t t A Who/What Certified What or who should be required to be certified (products, retailers, slaughterhouses, etc.) Inspections How retailers and processors are audited/inspected How my suppliers’ & my operation are inspected How my operation is inspected Halal Standards What halal standards are required (hand- versus machine-slaughtered, stunning or no stunning, etc.) 64 3.3.1 Costs Cost is a major component of a certification’s success and is therefore vital to include in the BWS questionnaire. Supply-side agents are unlikely to adopt a new certification, technology, or production method if they perceive the costs of adoption outweigh the benefits (Pearson & Henryks 2008, El-Osta & Morehart 2000, Ugochukwu & Phillips 2018). Likewise, consumers are unlikely to pay the price premium for a certified product if the premium elevated the cost of the product outside of their budget (Pearson & Henryks 2008). The qualitative data indicated that supply-side agents were concerned about bringing new or additional certification programs into their operations, as these are likely to raise their cost of production, which would be mostly passed onto their consumers. Similarly, consumers interviewed were also hesitant about potential increased prices on their halal meat products, which are already more expensive than non-halal products. 3.3.2 Enforcement It is also essential to consider preferences that market participants may have for a NHMC program’s administering body, as opinions on government versus non-government oversight are varied. McKendree et al. (2013), Johnston et al. (2001), Ortega et al. (2011, 2012), and Sønderskov and Daugbjerg (2011) have all found that certifications administered by a government agency are in general more trusted than those run by a third-party organization. However, in the case of halal meat, which is a religious standard, a government-run certification program would likely violate the First Amendment, and so an alternate organizer is needed. Further, halal meat processors and retailers interviewed communicated trepidation with additional government involvement in their operations. In contrast, most consumers interviewed were in favor of increased government involvement in regulating halal certified meat products. 65 3.3.3 Benefits Given the rampant food fraud found in the halal market (FSNS 2020) and market agents’ corresponding concerns about transparency, the benefits to consumers and supply chain agents alike of a NHMC program are necessary to consider. On the supply side, access to additional markets is possible, and consumer trust and loyalty can be improved using certifications. Wary consumers are likely to be willing to pay more for certified products to have enhanced peace of mind. Processors and retailers interviewed described interest in using a national certification to access new markets and share product attributes easily; consumers likewise would like the ability to verify product information more easily. 3.3.4 Information Market agents have preferences for what types of information is collected throughout the supply chain. There is a fine line for some individuals between collecting relevant and necessary information for ensuring a certification is met and being overly intrusive in an operation. Some processors interviewed were concerned that collecting additional data on their day-to-day operations would slow down their processing. Others expressed displeasure with the idea of yet another agency “sticking their noses” into business. Further, it is important to consider what, if any, of the information collected should be available for downstream agents to access. In interviews with processors and retailers, some discussed experiences with adding a halal meat program to their organization, only to be met with backlash from non-Muslim consumers. As such, some processors and retailers, especially larger non-Muslim owned operations may be hesitant to have their certification information publicly available. However, Muslim-owned processing plants and retailers, as well as the Muslim consumers interviewed, want this information to be readily available to the public. This increased 66 availability of information can aid in halal meat consumers’ search efforts and help supply chain agents compete. 3.3.5 Who or What is Certified Certification type refers to what the certification program applies to – in this case, whether individual halal meat products should be certified (i.e., a brand of chicken breasts), whether an entire operation should be certified (i.e., a slaughterhouse or a retailer), the entire supply chain (i.e., processors, wholesalers/distributors, and retailers), or some combination of these options. Current halal meat certification agencies in the U.S. certify at all these levels; some certify individual products or supply chain agents (e.g., Islamic Services of America 2022), and some certify the entire supply chain (e.g., Halal Monitoring Services 2022). In interviews, members of all three groups – consumers, retailers, and processors – had preferences between the types of certifications they preferred, with some insisting on full supply chain certification and others accepting piecemeal product certificates. 3.3.6 Inspections Audit characteristics refers to the type of audit (i.e., scheduled or surprise) and how often a certification must be renewed or confirmed (i.e., yearly, monthly, daily). Some of the certifiers in the U.S. have a scheduled annual audit for renewal for their certifications (e.g., Islamic Services of America), while others have both a scheduled annual audit and surprise audits (e.g., Halal Monitoring Services). Further, in the case of meat, it is important to consider the value to the consumer in confirming that the certification has been upheld for each day a processor conducts halal slaughter. This distinction in audit type and frequency may be important to consumers who do not trust current certifications currently in the U.S. 67 3.3.7 Halal Standards Last, but likely most important to Muslim halal meat consumers, is preferences for halal type, which are likely to have a strong impact on preferences for a NHMC program’s attributes. There is a very long list of attributes that consumers could prefer to be certified as part of a halal standard. These include whether the animal was hand- or machine-harvested, pre-stunned before harvest, facing Mecca at the time of slaughter, harvested by a Muslim or a Person of the Book, and many other considerations. These attributes vary in their ease of implementation in industrialized food systems; hand slaughter results in a slower line speed than machine slaughter but facing Mecca may be relatively simple to accommodate. Regardless of the ease of adopting these methods, these attributes are vitally important to Muslims and non-negotiable for many. For instance, in interviews, consumers said they have never and will never eat machine-slaughtered halal meat products; that is, they require a halal meat certification that uses hand-slaughter methods. On the other hand, processors interviewed are concerned about the competitiveness of their operations when their line speed is significantly slower under hand-slaughter methods. 3.4 Additional Survey Questions & Analysis Methods In addition to the BWS questionnaire, the survey included follow-up questions for each attribute category to clarify what preferences the three groups have. For example, for the attribute “Enforcement and Regulation,” the follow-up question shown to participants is given in Figure 6. The full list of follow-up questions for the seven attributes are given in Figure 7. These follow-up questions elicit more specific preferences that the surveyed groups have and allow for a more detailed comparison of choices across the market groups. 68 Figure 6: Example Best-Worst Scaling Follow-Up Question 69 Figure 7: List of Follow-Up Best-Worst Scaling Questions Costs • C: How much would they be willing to pay in addition for this certification on a product (%) • P&R: List of costs they may consider important in their decision- making process Enforcement • A list of possible organizations that could run the program (e.g., NGO, religious group, current certifiers, etc.) Benefits • P&R: List of benefits they could consider important Information • C: Types of info that should be included on packages/in stores • P&R: Types of info that should be passed on to customers Who/What Certified • What should be certified/carry a certification stamp (products, retailers, suppliers, etc.) Inspection • List of inspection types/techniques (scheduled, random, etc.) for certification renewal Halal Standards • List of standards that could be included in a certification There were also demographics questions included in the surveys. These consisted of the standard socioeconomic questions for individuals typically seen in survey data collection, as well as questions for consumers about their ethnic and cultural background, immigration status or 70 generation of citizenship, religious history (i.e., born and raised Muslim versus converting/reverting to the faith), subsect of Islam that they practice, and other cultural or religious characteristics that could influence perceptions and preferences related to the U.S. domestic halal meat market. For processors and retailers, the survey also included operation demographics questions. The survey instruments were reviewed with members of the Islamic community for clarity and to ensure there were no misrepresentations. 3.5 Participant Recruitment The recruitment processes for each of the three groups surveyed – processors, retailers, and consumers – are given below. 3.5.1 Processor Recruitment I recruited processor participants from three sources: 1) USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) list of registered meat processors, 2) registered processors on Halal Monitoring Services’ (HMS) website, and 3) the American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP). Poultry, lamb, beef, and goat processors were included in the sample. While the processors listed on HMS’ website are known to be halal, it is also likely that some processors on the USDA FSIS database and the AAMP membership list also process halal meat or poultry products, though the exact number is unknown. The USDA FSIS database lists 5,859 USDA-inspected poultry, lamb, beef, and goat processing establishments. Of these establishments, the USDA classifies 2,736 as “very small”, 2,656 as “small”, and 440 as “large” establishments.11 I conducted stratified random sampling of the three groups of establishments in the USDA FSIS data file, using Excel to generate random 11 The USDA classifies processors as “very small” if they have less than 10 employees or less than $2.5 million in annual sales, “small” if they have 10-499 employees, “large” if they have 500 or more employees. 71 number lists to select establishments from the populations.12 Establishments were called by a team of undergraduate research assistants beginning in early November 2022 to determine who at the establishment should respond to the survey and obtain email addresses. Email addresses for establishments without a phone number listed or those that did not answer or return calls were retrieved from business websites when available. Individual Qualtrics survey links were sent via email to the USDA FSIS sample. The first round of emails was sent using MS Word mail merge on December 9, 2022, with follow-up reminder emails on December 13 and 16, 2022. The next reminder email was sent using Constant Contact on January 11, 2023. From the first round of emails, approximately 50 bounced back as undeliverable, and 12 businesses responded saying they did not qualify or would not be taking the survey. Thus, a total of 987 processors from the USDA FSIS list received the survey. There were an additional 58 registered processors on the Halal Monitoring Services’ (HMS) website which were all included in the sample. Emails were obtained from the certifier, and individualized Qualtrics survey links were sent using MS Word mail merge in January 2023, with follow-up reminder emails in January and February 2023. Additionally, these processors were given the option to take the survey in either Arabic or Urdu if they preferred. The AAMP membership list was contacted via an association representative, who distributed an anonymous Qualtrics survey link to the membership email listserv in March 2023, with reminder emails in March and April 2023. It is likely that many AAMP members received the survey who also were included in my USDA FSIS recruitment efforts. However, the response 12 As very small, small, and large processors make up 46.7%, 45.3%, and 7.5% of the total population, respectively, these percentages were used to determine how many establishments to sample from each group. There were 1,049 processors contacted from the USDA FSIS database including 20 large processors, 451 small processors, and 578 very small processors. 72 rate for both samples was very low, so I do not anticipate there were any duplicate survey responses. Despite contacting businesses in three different samples, I received only 195 total responses, with only 95 complete responses remaining after data cleaning. I received responses mainly from very small, small, and medium processing plants, both because these make up over 90% of meat processors in the nation and, anecdotally, because larger processors typically do not respond to surveys. 3.5.2 Retailer Recruitment General and halal meat retailers were recruited between February 2023 and October 2023. Non-halal retailers were recruited via multiple state-level grocers associations and from a membership list from the National Grocers Association (NGA). First, I attempted to recruit retailers via the state-level grocers associations and the NGA email listservs with the assistance of association representatives. However, only 18 responses were received via these efforts, so another recruitment approach was needed. In May of 2023, a team of undergraduate research assistants called retailers from the 2019 winter NGA membership list (National Grocers Association 2019) – the most recent available online – between May 2023 and September 2023 to collect point of contact email addresses. After removing closed businesses, a total of 946 retail stores were called, and 236 email addresses were obtained. As in the processor case, it is possible that some of these retailers actually did have a halal program at the time of the survey, though the exact number of these stores is unknown. Known halal retailers were recruited from halal certifiers’ online lists of registered businesses and through a nationwide web scraping of Yellow Pages using the following key terms and phrases: “halal meat grocery store,” “halal meat,” “Indo-Pak grocery,” “African grocery,” and 73 “international grocery store.” The results of the web scraping were compiled, and a team of undergraduate research assistants called the 919 stores between July 2023 and October 2023 to collect email contact information; 96 email addresses were obtained. Emails with survey links were sent three times to each category of retailers between August 25 and October 10, 2023. Incentive payments of $25 were offered for complete and quality responses, though not all respondents claimed their incentive. In total, 50 responses were collected from the retailer samples, and after data cleaning, 39 viable survey responses remained. 3.5.3 Consumer Recruitment For Muslim halal meat and poultry consumer recruitment, I partnered with Qualtrics ™ to collect responses to ensure a nationally representative population to sample from. Multiple rounds of recruitment were necessary due to the relatively small number of these consumers nationwide. To qualify for the survey, consumers needed to be practicing Muslims, over the age of 18, the primary grocery shopper for their household, and have bought a halal meat or poultry product in the last 12 months. In total, 507 complete and clean responses to the online survey were collected between May 2023 and December 2023. 4. Methodology & Statistical Framework for Analysis Multiple methods for data analysis are used in this chapter. First, descriptive statistics are used to detail the characteristics of survey participants and general patterns in their responses. Then, BWS scores are used to determine which attribute to use as the base case for further analysis with random parameter logits (RPLs) models. In particular, common practice is to set the base case for a logit model as the largest or smallest BWS score. From the RPLs, BWS shares are calculated and compared across groups using Poe tests to determine what statistically significant differences in preferences exist between market groups. 74 4.1 Count Data and Descriptive Best-Worst Scaling Statistics A descriptive analysis of the BWS data was conducted using BWS scores. BWS scores are computed as the number of times an attribute was selected as most preferred, minus the number of times that attribute was selected as least preferred, divided by the number of times the attribute appears in the design. In this study, each attribute appeared three times in the design. These BWS scores provide another descriptive method for analyzing the data, as well as inform the selection of the base-case in logit models. In the RPL models discussed in the next section, I selected the base case as the smallest BWS score (Inspections) for two out of the three survey groups. 4.2 Best-Worst Scaling Theoretical Foundation & Analytical Methodology BWS is rooted in random utility theory (RUT), which assumes that agents seek to maximize their expected utility subject to the choices they are presented (McFadden 1974). In RUT, it is assumed that the relative preference for object A over object B is a function of the relative frequency with which A is chosen as better than B for an individual (Louviere et al. 2013). Individuals make choices randomly, with some error involved, to maximize their utility. The best-worst scaling method presents each individual multiple answer options (in our analysis, attributes of a NHMC program) and asks them to select one as “best” (or most important) and one as “worst” (or least important). In practice, the BWS method consists of a series of several questions, each comprised of different combinations of attributes per question. According to RUT, the utility for respondent n in selecting alternative i in choice set t is: 𝑈!"# = 𝑉!"# + 𝜀!"# where 𝑉!"# is the deterministic portion of utility dependent upon the attributes of the alternative and 𝜀!"# is the stochastic component of utility, which is independently and identically distributed over all alternatives and choice scenarios. Equation 14 75 Generally, when respondents are presented with a choice set, they make choices based on maximizing the utility they can receive from each alternative in the choice set. For example, in making a choice between alternative j and alternative k, respondent n will pick alternative j over alternative k when: 𝑈!$# > 𝑈!%# 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑗 ≠ 𝑘 Equation 15 Given that each choice set has J attributes, the pair of attributes chosen represents a choice from all J(J-1) possible pairs, which maximizes the difference in importance. Following Lusk and Briggeman (2009) and McKendree et al. (2018), let the true or latent unobservable level of importance for individual n be represented by 𝐼3) = 𝜆) + 𝜖3) where 𝜆) represents j’s location on the scale of importance and 𝜖3) is the random error term. The probability that pair (j, k) is chosen out of a choice set with J attributes, where j represents the most important attribute and k represents the least important attribute, is the probability that the difference between j and k is larger than all the J(J – 1) – 1 other possible differences in the choice set. When the error terms 𝜖3) are independent and identically distributed type I extreme value, the multinomial logit (MNL) form of this probability is: 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏!(𝑗 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑘 𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡) = 𝑒 &!’&" ( )*+ 𝑒 &!’&" − 𝐽 ( ∑ ∑ ,*+ From this probability statement, by maximizing the log-likelihood function, parameters 𝜆$ can be estimated. When doing this, the dependent variable is 1 for the chosen most-least attribute pair and Equation 16 0 for the remaining J(J – 1) – 1 pairs. An MNL assumes respondents have homogenous views of the attributes analyzed. However, past studies have found heterogenous preferences among agricultural supply chain 76 agents (e.g., McKendree et al. 2018, Schulz and Tonsor 2010, Ortega et. al 2019) and consumers in relation to agricultural products (e.g., Ortega et. al 2011, Bazzani et. al 2017, Ubilava & Foster 2009, McKendree et. al 2013). Not only do individuals behave differently, it is likely they also have different motivations behind these decisions. Accordingly, to account for response heterogeneity, both an uncorrelated and correlated random parameters logit (RPL) were estimated (Boxall and Adamowicz 2002) and compared to the MNL for each of the three groups surveyed. The MNL and RPL models were conducted using NLogit 6 on the BWS data for all three groups in the study. In each group, the correlated and uncorrelated RPLs resulted in statistically significant standard deviations for all attributes and statistically significant coefficients for at least some of the attributes; in the case of the correlated RPLs, the covariances were also strongly statistically significant, confirming heterogeneity of opinions within each group. Thus, I chose to use the results of the correlated RPLs for further analysis and comparisons across the groups. RPL coefficient estimates cannot be directly interpreted. However, a “share of importance” estimate based on a ratio scale can be calculated for each of the seven attributes of a hypothetical U.S. national halal program included in the BWS portion of the surveys: Share of importance for attribute j = ∑ 4!"# % $&’ # 4!$ Equation 17 These shares provide a more intuitive approach to analyzing the data. The shares and p- values were calculated in MATLAB with the coefficient matrices from NLogit 6. The sum of shares among all seven attributes analyzed must equal one (or 100%). If attribute j has an importance share of 0.3 (30%) and attribute k has an importance share of 0.1 (10%), then j is three times as important as k. Krinsky-Robb confidence intervals (Krinsky & Robb 1986) were calculated as a conservative way to compare statistical differences across importance shares both 77 within and across survey groups. Additionally, to test for differences in preference shares across the samples, I use the full combinatorial method from Poe et. al (2005). This allows me to draw conclusions for which attributes are most important to different groups, and how these preferences are displayed across the market. The Krinsky-Robb and Poe tests were conducted in MATLAB using the coefficient and variance matrices obtained from modeling the correlated RPLs in NLogit 6. 5. Results and Discussion The results of the analysis methods used in this chapter and corresponding discussion are presented by method type in the sections below. 5.1 Descriptive Statistics Participant demographics by survey group are presented in Table 15 and Table 16. For retailers and processors, the demographic statistics are representative of the survey respondent; relevant operation demographics are included in Table 17. 78 Table 15: General Participant Demographics by Survey Group Category Processors (%) Retailers (%) Consumers (%) Gender (n = 94, n = 33, n = 507) Male Female Prefer not to disclose Education Level (n = 94, n = 32, n = 507) Less than High School High School Some College 2-Year Degree (Associates) 4-Year Degree (Bachelor's) Master's Degree Professional Degree Prefer not to Disclose Race (n = 94, n = 36) White Black Native American or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Asian Other Prefer not to disclose Political Party (n = 94, n = 33, n = 507) Democrat Republican Independent Other Prefer not to disclose 1st Generation Immigrant (n = 94, n = 33, n = 507) No Yes Prefer not to disclose 2nd Generation Immigrant (n = 94, n = 33, n = 507) No Yes Prefer not to disclose Currently Religious (n = 94, n = 33) Yes No Prefer not to disclose Previously Religious (n = 20, n = 12) Yes No Prefer not to disclose 76% 19% 5% 0% 6% 13% 10% 44% 22% 5% 0% 76% 1% 0% 0% 3% 6% 14% 5% 35% 26% 3% 31% 82% 10% 9% 66% 21% 13% 21% 56% 22% 45% 40% 15% 79 49% 50% <1% 2% 20% 18% 11% 27% 17% 5% <1% 40% 21% 28% 1% 9% 70% 27% 4% 52% 41% 8% 79% 21% 0% 0% 3% 13% 28% 25% 22% 9% 0% 66% 0% 5% 2% 10% 2% 2% 6% 27% 36% 6% 24% 91% 6% 3% 82% 15% 3% 36% 48% 15% 58% 42% 0% Increased specificity for consumer demographics is important to include, as preferences and opinions of Muslim consumers will be influenced more strongly and in different ways by their race, ethnicity, sect of Islam, and status as a convert or revert to Islam (Table 16). Percentage 45% 27% 23% 2% 8% 16% <1% 3% 1% Table 16: U.S. Muslim Halal Consumer Demographics: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion (n = 507) Category Race and Ethnicity White Black or African American Middle Eastern or North African American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian South or Southeast Asian Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other Prefer not to Disclose Sect of Islam Sunni Shia or Shiite Ibadi Non-denominational Other Prefer not to disclose Convert or Revert to Islam Years Since Converting or Reverting to Islam (n = 165) 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 21-25 years 26-30 years 31-35 years Over 35 years Prefer not to Disclose Previous Religion (n = 165) Christianity Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Sikhism Other None Prefer not to Disclose 23% 17% 17% 10% 7% 7% 5% 8% 6% 50% 9% 2% 5% 2% 5% 19% 7% 63% 11% 6% 13% 2% 5% 33% 80 Unsurprisingly, the demographic patterns of the supply-side agents differ from consumers. While the majority of supply-side agents were male, white, and had at least a 4-year degree, consumers were evenly split amongst genders, were a much wider variety of races, and were generally less educated overall. Supply-side agents were more commonly Republicans or Independents, while consumers were more likely to be Democrats. Consumers were more likely to be first- or second-generation immigrants and 100% were currently religious (non-religious individuals were screened out of the survey), compared to 21% and 36% of processors and retailers, respectively. These general differences in survey groups may help to explain differences in preferences and opinions across groups for a potential U.S. NHMC program. Muslim consumers’ demographics provide even more detailed information that can explain variability in preferences. While the largest group of consumers is white, there are also large percentages of other races and ethnicities represented in the survey. Likewise, the majority of consumers represented are Sunni Muslims (the most common across the world and the most likely to follow stricter halal dietary standards), though other denominations are well represented. Further, one-third of the sample were Islamic converts (also commonly referred to as reverts), with the majority converting within the last 15 years. Recent converts may display different preferences than life-long Muslims. Finally, one-half of converts were previously Christians, who may display different preferences or opinions than converts from other religions or those who had not previously followed a religion. 81 Retailers (n = 41) Processors (n = 95) 48% 23% 23% 6% 7% 44% 45% 3% N/A N/A N/A Table 17: Processing and Retailing Establishment Summary Statistics Category Establishment Type Slaughter without processing Processing without slaughter Slaughter and processing Other Grocery Store Butcher Shop/Deli Other Location Rural Suburban Urban Prefer not to disclose Type of Animals Processed/Sold Beef Veal Lamb Pork Turkey Chicken Goat Exotics Halal Status Current Halal Past Halal Never Halal Unsure No. of Employees 83% 34% 55% 46% 35% 38% 55% 35% 34% 4% 62% N/A Mean 62 Mean 1992 Min 2 Min 1902 Max 850 Max 2022 Mean 45 Mean 1979 Year Established N/A N/A N/A N/A 80% 12% 7% 61% 33% 6% N/A 100% 41% 56% 85% 95% 100% 17% 34% 22% 10% 51% 17% Min 1 Min 1867 Min 600 Max 2021 The processors and retailer operation demographics in Table 17 show that supply-side responses came from a variety of different business types, ages, and sizes. For processors, many establishments slaughtered multiple species of animals; likewise, retailers sold products from 82 multiple species. Finally, halal businesses were represented in each sample. The variety of businesses and heterogeneity in their characteristics helps to ensure the data collected is fairly representative of each group’s national population. 5.2 Attribute Preferences The count data and corresponding descriptive discussion of the best-worst question responses is given in Appendix A.3. Figure 8 presents the descriptive results based on the BWS scores. The scores reveal the most and least important attributes to consider for each of the three groups. The BWS scores provide information on the ideal base case for the RPL model; in this instance, I selected the least important attribute for two of the three groups (Inspections) as the base case. 83 Figure 8: Best-Worst Scores for Processors, Retailers, and Consumers Processor Best-Worst Scores Costs Information Inspections Enforcement Who/What Certified -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Halal Standards Benefits Retailer Best-Worst Scores Costs Enforcement Information Inspections Halal Standards Who/What Certified -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Benefits Consumer Best-Worst Scores Costs Information Who/What Certified Enforcement Inspections Halal Standards Benefits -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 The coefficients for the correlated RPLs are given in Table 18, while the additional variance and correlation matrices for the correlated RPLs and the results for the uncorrelated RPLs and MNLs are given in Appendix A.3. In all models, the Inspection attribute of a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program – has been dropped to avoid multicollinearity. Therefore, the coefficients reflect the importance of each of the six attributes relative to Inspection, which was normalized to zero for identification purposes as it was the least important attribute to processors and retailers, and the second least important attribute to consumers (based on the BWS scores). 84 The correlated RPL results are generally consistent with the BWS scores. For processors, all attributes of the best-worst scales are statistically significant at least at the 5% level, excluding Benefits, which was not significant. For retailers, all attributes are statistically significant at least at the 10% level, excluding Enforcement and Halal Standards; for consumers, all attributes are statistically significant at the 10% level, excluding Benefits. The results indicate that Who/What is Certified is the most preferred attribute for retailers and processors, closely followed by Halal Standards and Costs for processors, as well as Costs for retailers. For consumers, Halal Standards and Who/What is Certified are the top two preferred attributes. On the other hand, Information was the least preferred attribute (least important to consider) for processors and retailers, while consumers indicated that the Costs were least important. The importance shares from the correlated RPLs are given in Table 19. Importance shares results for the uncorrelated RPLs and MNLs are given in Appendix A.3. Results show that 23% of processors view the attributes Who/What is Certified and Halal Standards as the most important attribute for program designers to consider when developing a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. Who/What is Certified was the most important attribute for program designers to consider for retailers (27%) and the second most important for program designers to consider for consumers (18%). Halal Standards was the fourth most important attribute for program designers to consider for retailers (13%) and the most important attribute for program designers to consider for consumers (22%). I see the most consensus in rankings of attribute importance between the two supply chain members (processors and retailers), while the preferences of consumers are more divergent. These differences between the supply and demand sides of the market are unsurprising and illustrate the general challenges of food policy making and, more specifically, the diversity of 85 preferences for what is most important to affected market participants when designing a NHMC program. Finally, I conducted pair-wise Poe tests on the preference shares associated with each of the seven attributes considered in the BWS for a hypothetical NHMC program. Table 20 presents the p-values from the Poe tests, with values under 0.05 indicating the two groups’ shares are statistically different at the 5% level. Poe test results for the uncorrelated RPLs and MNLs are given in Appendix A.3. Overall, the results reveal patterns of preferences between the three groups in the study. Unsurprisingly, the Poe test shows that consumers’ preferences across the attributes of a hypothetical national U.S. halal certification program are significantly different from those of the processors and retailers. Consumers place stronger, more positive emphasis on Inspection relative to retailers and Halal Standards. On the other hand, consumers place stronger and more negative emphasis on the Costs and Who/What is Certified than both processors and retailers, and Benefits and Inspection when compared to processors. As for processors and retailers, their responses are overall very similar; there are only two statistically significant differences on the attributes Enforcement and Benefits. The BWS shares indicated that processors valued Enforcement more than retailers, while retailers valued Benefits more than processors. 86 Table 18: Correlated Random Parameters Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (n = 507) Best-Worst Scaling Attributes Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors Coefficient (st. error) 0.92*** (0.16) 0.29** (0.14) -0.81*** (0.16) 0.99*** (0.15) 0.97*** (0.15) -0.047 (0.15) Retailers Coefficient (st. error) 0.91*** (0.25) -0.18 (0.23) -0.79*** (0.24) 1.05*** (0.23) 0.35 (0.24) 0.40* (0.24) Consumers Coefficient (st. error) -0.35*** (0.05) -0.09* (0.05) -0.20*** (0.05) 0.29*** (0.05) 0.52*** (0.05) 0.07 (0.05) McFadden Pseudo R2 N Log likelihood AIC AIC/N Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Base attribute normalized to zero is Inspection Type/Frequency. 0.23 574 -860.64 1775.30 3.09 0.24 231 -342.56 739.10 3.20 0.12 3549 -6053.56 12161.1 3.43 87 Table 19: Best-Worst Scaling Shares of Preferences for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Consumers, Retailers, & Processors: Correlated Random Parameters Logit National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors (n = 82) Share 0.22*** 0.12*** 0.04*** 0.23*** 0.09*** 0.23*** 0.08*** 95% CI [0.18, 0.26] [0.10, 0.14] [0.03, 0.05] [0.20, 0.27] [0.07, 0.10] [0.19, 0.27] [0.07, 0.10] Retailers (n = 33) Share 0.24*** 0.08*** 0.04*** 0.27*** 0.09*** 0.13*** 0.14*** 95% CI [0.17, 0.30] [0.06, 0.11] [0.03, 0.06] [0.21, 0.34] [0.07, 0.13] [0.09, 0.19] [0.10, 0.19] Consumers (n = 507) 95% CI Share [0.09, 0.10] 0.09*** [0.11, 0.13] 0.12*** [0.10, 0.12] 0.11*** [0.17, 0.19] 0.18*** [0.12, 0.14] 0.13*** [0.21, 0.24] 0.22*** [0.13, 0.15] 0.14*** Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Table 20: P-values from Poe tests for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Pair-wise Comparisons Between Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (507) National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors vs. Retailers Processors vs. Consumers Retailers vs. Consumers 0.68 0.03 0.34 0.16 0.33 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.44 Note: Values that are statistically significant at the 5% level or better are bolded. 88 5.3 Follow-Up Questions: Certification Specifics Follow-up questions for each of the BWS attributes allow me to dig deeper into the nature of participants’ preferences for a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. Descriptive statistics for these follow-up questions are given by survey group in Table 21-Table 30. Note that the number of respondents for processors and retailers is slightly higher for these questions than the BWS questions, as not all processors and retailers completed all BWS questions, thus excluding these participants from the MNL and RPL panel analyses. The BWS scores, RPL coefficients, and BWS shares for the three groups provided consistent preference patterns for different attributes of a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. To summarize, processors’ results showed Who/What is Certified, Halal Standards, and Costs as the most important attributes for program designers to consider when developing a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. Retailers’ results showed Who/What is Certified and Costs as the two most important attributes for program designers to consider when developing a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. Muslim halal consumers’ results identified Halal Standards and Who/What is Certified as the two most important attributes for program designers to consider when developing a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. I now discuss these results in more detail by group – and by halal versus non-halal supply chain members where applicable – using additional information gathered from the follow-up questions and qualitative interview quotes for further context. Table 21 provides more detail on the Halal Standards preferred by group. Between non- halal processors and halal processors only, the results show an increased preference for each of the given possible standards by halal processors. This increase in strength of preferences makes sense, as halal processors are both more knowledgeable of the halal process and have more at stake when defining standards than those currently outside of the market. These responses also support the 89 interview findings that halal processors generally favor standards that are more closely associated with hand slaughter (e.g., zabiha slaughter method, slaughterers of Muslim faith, individual spoken blessings, and no stunning). For halal consumers, the results show more variability in preferences, with consumers indicating stronger preferences for additional quality attributes not typically included in current halal certifications used in the U.S. (e.g., animals face Mecca and non-GMO) (Table 21). These variations in consumers’ preferences and the generally smaller percentages of consumers indicating that any one standard was preferred are unsurprising given the diversity in Islamic sect, racial, and ethnic backgrounds of the consumer sample. Furthermore, consumers interviewed in the earlier phase of this project who are less strict in their halal dietary requirements indicated little to no preference between zabiha and machine slaughter or the faith of the slaughterer, for example. Table 22 provides more information on opinions on the attribute Who/What is Certified. For all retailers and processors, the majority want a hypothetical U.S. national halal certification program to require certification of individual products (>63%) and supply chain members (>50%). For those that want supply chain members to have certification, the supply chain agents indicated slaughter (>91%) and processing (>83%) establishments were the most preferred to be certified. A higher percentage of halal processors and retailers indicated that supply chain agents should be certified, which matches the opinions of nearly all halal processors and retailers interviewed. The interviewees valued a halal supply chain with strict and well-defined certifications for each member to ensure their good name and product quality were maintained. Additionally, halal retailers interviewed indicated they rely heavily on their reputation within their local communities and word-of-mouth of happy customers; thus, strong certification utilization is important. 90 I asked processors and retailers to indicate which of the given costs of a U.S. NHMC program would be most important to their businesses (Table 23). The cost categories indicated as important were consistent between non-halal processors and halal processors, with the most notable difference being the costs of potential establishment modifications; 67% of non-halal processors and 34% of halal processors indicated this was an important factor. The higher percentage of non-halal processors who considered the costs of establishment modifications to be important is logical, as these processors do not currently have a halal program and therefore their establishments may not currently have the infrastructure to add a halal program. There were notable differences in which cost categories were most important for non-halal retailers and halal retailers. Forty-one percent of non-halal retailers and 67% of halal retailers indicated certification fees were an important factor, while 50% of non-halal retailers and 33% of halal retailers indicated the costs of potential establishment modifications were important. Table 21: Market Participants’ Preferred Halal Standards for a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Preferred Halal Standards Zabiha (hand-slaughter) Machine slaughter Slaughterers of Muslim faith Slaughterers of Jewish or Christian faith Individual spoken blessings Animals not stunned Animals face Mecca Non-GMO Other Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 76% 9% Halal Processors (n = 32) 88% 22% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 22% 16% Halal Retailer s (n = 9) 78% 0% Halal Consumers (n = 507) 53% 19% 6% 9% 16% 22% 3% 22% 13% 67% 33% 33% 44% 33% 11% 0% 58% 14% 36% 35% 33% 32% 0% 12% 8% 8% 3% 3% 3% 8% 75% 16% 47% 38% 22% 6% 6% 91 Table 22: Market Participants’ Opinions on Who or What Should be Certified Under a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Non- Halal Retailers (n = 32) 63% 50% Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) Halal Processors (n = 32) Halal Retailers (n = 9) Halal Consumers (n = 507) Who or What Certified 75% 72% 79% 77% 78% 67% 80% 58% Individual Products Supply Chain Members Which Supply Chain Members? (n = 61, 38, 22, 16, 392) Slaughter Establishments Processing Establishments Transportation/ Distributors Retailers/Wholesalers Restaurants and Food Service Other 92% 84% 24% 32% 34% 5% 96% 91% 57% 65% 61% 0% 94% 83% 88% 100% 31% 44% 38% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 76% 66% 52% 66% 57% 1% Table 23: Costs of U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Considered Most Important Program Cost Category Certification Fees Establishment Modifications Increased Labor Hours Needed Cost of Traceability Equipment Other Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 35% 67% 42% 38% 2% Halal Processors (n = 32) 47% 34% 28% 31% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 41% 50% 28% 44% 0% Halal Retailers (n = 9) 67% 33% 33% 44% 0% 5.4 Follow-Up Questions: Program Implementation and Transparency The development of a U.S. NHMC program will be complex and subject to a wide array of market participants’ preferences, as seen in previous U.S. national certification program development processes (e.g., USDA Organic). Nonetheless, the results of my surveys and analysis provide initial context and guidance for the potential future development of such a program. There are no glaring differences in opinions and preferences that would preclude the development of a 92 national program across the three study groups. However, other factors must be considered when designing a national-level certification program; specifically, who would set the standards for and enforce such a program, how certifications would be administered and audited, and the amount and nature of program transparency. 5.4.1 Program Standards and Enforcement Halal is a religious attribute of a food product and is defined by interpreting religious texts; thus, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal, state, and local governments from setting or specifying halal standards. Therefore, the choice of which halal standards to include or exclude from a national program would fall to non-government organizations (NGOs) – potentially including consumer advocacy groups, religious organizations, certifier and producer organizations, and supply chain members. Table 24 shows market participants’ opinions of which of these groups should have a say in setting these standards. Reaching a consensus on halal standards amongst so many different voices is likely to be difficult; therefore, identifying which types of organizations should lead this effort is critical. In interviews, multiple halal processors, halal retailers, and Muslim halal consumers all indicated that religious organizations were their most preferred option for setting halal standards, followed to a lesser extent by certifiers and non- government groups. Indeed, based on the results of market participants’ opinions presented here, the ideal candidates to work together to set halal standards should be religious (44-89%), certifier (31-48%) and non-government (11-28%) organizations. Enforcement of a predetermined religious standard is not prohibited by the First Amendment; therefore, options for program enforcement include federal and state government organizations such as the USDA or state-level departments of agriculture. With this expansion of options, the organizations most preferred to be in charge of program management and enforcement 93 are religious (22-67%), U.S. government (11-53%), and certifier organizations (19-35%). These findings match interview findings; multiple halal processors, retailers, and consumers all expressed their desire for a U.S. government-backed certification program, with input from religious and certifier organizations. 94 Table 24: Market Participants’ Opinions on Who Should Set and Enforce Standards for a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program, Aggregated Organizations Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) Halal Processors (n = 32) Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) Halal Retailers (n = 9) Halal Consumers (n = 507) Set U.S. Government Organizations N/A State Government Organizations N/A 23% Non-Government Organizations 49% Religious Organizations 32% Certifier Organizations 20% Producer Organizations 28% Slaughterers & Processors 5% Wholesalers & Distributors 3% Retailers & Restaurants 6% Other Note: Due to the religious freedom protections of the First Amendment, governments are prohibited from setting or defining religious practices; in this case, halal standards. Enforce 44% 18% 14% 30% 33% 11% 11% 3% 0% 3% Enforce 51% 35% 21% 49% 35% 23% 31% 23% 18% 0% Enforce 53% 22% 19% 44% 19% 0% 19% 0% 0% 3% Enforce 11% 22% 44% 67% 33% 0% 22% 0% 0% 0% Enforce 28% 28% 16% 22% 34% 6% 13% 3% 3% 0% Set N/A N/A 28% 63% 31% 9% 28% 3% 3% 6% Set N/A N/A 25% 66% 48% 30% 29% 42% 22% 0% Set N/A N/A 28% 44% 34% 19% 6% 25% 6% 0% Set N/A N/A 11% 89% 33% 22% 0% 33% 0% 0% 95 5.4.2 Certification Administration and Auditing Proper enforcement of a U.S. NHMC program will require defined standards for administering certifications and auditing certified agents and products. However, administration and auditing of certifications is more than just setting standards – a defined method and timeline for inspections is ideal to ensure initial and ongoing compliance. Table 25 shows survey participants’ preferences for the types of inspections or audits that should be conducted to ensure supply chain members’ compliance and retain certification. The results show that the majority of the market prefers random or a mixture of scheduled and random inspections or audits. This is unsurprising, as multiple interview participants across all three groups expressed their concern that exclusively using scheduled audits could allow for certifications to be granted to dishonest supply chain members. Furthermore, these preferences are in line with the nature in which many certification programs are managed in a variety of contexts, and therefore should not pose a challenge to implement. Table 25: Market Participants’ Opinions for how Certified Suppliers Under a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Should be Audited Inspection Type Non-Halal Processors (n = 38) 47% 5% Halal Processors (n = 23) 22% 22% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 16) 44% 6% Halal Retailers (n = 6) 0% 50% Halal Consumers (n = 392) 19% 29% Scheduled Random Mixed Scheduled & Random Other Note: The number of participants is lower for this question, as only survey participants who indicated that they preferred supply chain members be required to hold certification saw this question in the survey. 50% 52% 42% 57% 50% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 5.4.3 Program Transparency and Traceability Finally, it is vital to consider the transparency and traceability of a certification granted under a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program. Consumers are increasingly interested in having access to information about where and how their food is produced, as well as having the ability to self- 96 authenticate labels and other quality indicators in real-time. Likewise, supply chain members are in favor of employing transparency and traceability efforts to ensure their products are viewed as authentic and trustworthy to their customers. I asked survey participants about who should have access to four main types of information that relate to a hypothetical U.S. NHMC program; the results are shown in Table 26 - Table 29. First, survey participants were asked which groups should have access to traceability information for individual products (Table 26) and who should have access to a list of all certified establishments (Table 27). The majority of survey participants indicated that the general public, slaughter and processing establishments, wholesalers and distributors, and retailers and restaurants should have access to both of these types of information. Halal supply chain members were more in favor of these groups having access to this information than non-halal supply chain members. Second, survey participants were asked who should have access to a list of all enforcement agencies that would be responsible for issuing and auditing certifications (Table 28) and who should have access to the list of halal standards included in the certification (Table 29). Again, most survey participants indicated that the general public, slaughter and processing establishments, wholesalers and distributors, and retailers and restaurants should have access to this information; additionally, the majority of halal processors again indicated that government organizations should be able to access this information. Again, halal supply chain members were more in favor of these groups having access to this information than non-halal supply chain members. Finally, I asked survey participants how the general public should have access to any of the traceability or transparency information asked about in these four questions; these results are shown in Table 30. . All three groups were strongly in favor of online access and halal processors, non-halal and halal retailers, and consumers also favored the ability to use a QR code or cell phone app. 97 These responses show that generally, there is strong interest in ensuring a U.S. NHMC program has robust transparency and traceability attributes. Overall, the results of these survey questions align with opinions expressed by interviewees; the majority of interviewees were in favor of a U.S. NHMC with robust transparency and traceability attributes. 98 Table 26: Market Participants’ Opinions on Which Groups Should Have Access to Traceability Information for Individual Products Under a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Groups That Should Have Access to Traceability Information General Public Slaughter & Processing Establishments Wholesalers & Distributors Retailers & Restaurants Government Organizations None Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 59% 59% 59% 52% 41% 8% Halal Processors (n = 32) 84% 75% 81% 84% 66% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 53% 53% 59% 53% 31% 3% Halal Retailers (n = 9) 56% 78% 78% 56% 33% 0% Halal Consumers (n = 507) 62% 59% 55% 55% 32% 2% Table 27: Market Participants’ Opinions on Which Groups Should Have Access to a List of all Certified Establishments Under a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Groups That Should Have Access to List of all Certified Establishments General Public Slaughter & Processing Establishments Wholesalers & Distributors Retailers & Restaurants Government Organizations None Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 64% 59% 64% 58% 47% 9% Halal Processors (n = 32) 88% 81% 88% 88% 66% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 59% 53% 56% 56% 38% 3% Halal Retailers (n = 9) 67% 67% 67% 56% 33% 0% Halal Consumers (n = 507) 60% 59% 55% 55% 33% 2% 99 Table 28: Market Participants’ Opinions on Which Groups Should Have Access to a List of all Enforcement Agencies Under a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Groups That Should Have Access to List of all Enforcement Agencies General Public Slaughter & Processing Establishments Wholesalers & Distributors Retailers & Restaurants Government Organizations None Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 55% 56% 53% 45% 49% 11% Halal Processors (n = 32) 81% 75% 75% 75% 66% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 53% 53% 59% 53% 34% 3% Halal Retailers (n = 9) 78% 56% 67% 56% 33% 0% Halal Consumers (n = 507) 60% 53% 53% 50% 35% 2% Table 29: Market Participants’ Opinions on Which Groups Should Have Access to a List of Halal Standards Included in a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Groups That Should Have Access to List of Halal Standards Used General Public Slaughter & Processing Establishments Wholesalers & Distributors Retailers & Restaurants Government Organizations None Non-Halal Processors (n = 66) 64% 62% 59% 52% 48% 8% Halal Processors (n = 32) 81% 81% 78% 72% 69% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 32) 53% 53% 53% 50% 44% 3% Halal Retailers (n = 9) 78% 56% 67% 56% 33% 0% Halal Consumers (n = 507) 57% 58% 57% 55% 33% 2% 100 Table 30: Market Participants’ Opinions on how the General Public Should Have Access to Information Related to a U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program Information Access Method Halal Processors (n = 29) 100% Online website 52% Using a QR code or cell phone app 31% Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 0% Other Note: The number of participants is lower for this question, as only survey participants who indicated that the general public should have access to information related to a U.S. NHMC program saw this question in the survey. Halal Consumers (n = 411) 74% 53% 55% <1% Non-Halal Processors (n = 46) 100% 39% 35% 0% Non-Halal Retailers (n = 20) 95% 65% 35% 0% Halal Retailers (n = 7) 100% 86% 0% 0% 101 6. Implications for Implementation As previously discussed, the modern-day U.S. halal meat and poultry certification landscape is complex. There are many competing players with differing standards, approaches to certification, and market segments. This complicates efforts to develop a uniform standard for the U.S. market. However, halal meat and poultry market participants’ interest in a U.S. government- backed approach to increased market regulation is coming to fruition, though not specifically for halal products. The USDA under the Biden administration has made efforts to expand transparency, diversity, and accessibility in local meat and poultry processing, via the Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, the 2021 American Rescue Plan, and the USDA’s Meat and Poultry Supply Chain initiatives, among other methods (The United States Government 2022, United States Department of Agriculture 2023). Additional concerns of halal market participants can be addressed by the federal government. Supply-side survey respondents indicated that the potential costs– such as certification fees and establishment modifications – of participating in a NHMC program are of concern; however, it is possible that federal grant programs could alleviate these financial burdens. The Biden administration has provided the USDA with increased funding for grant programs including the Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant Program (MPIRG), the Meat and Poultry Processing Capacity Technical Assistance Program (MPPTA), the Local Meat Capacity Grant (LocalMCap), and the Indigenous Animals Grant (IAG), which together aim to support the growth of the meat and poultry supply chain, increase access to inspection and certification programs, expand domestic processing capacity, and improve the ability of independent facilities to serve more customers in more markets (United States Department of Agriculture 2023). These grants are available to very small and small meat processors to “Increas[e] access to 102 slaughter/processing facilities for smaller farms and ranches, new and beginning farmers and ranchers, socially disadvantaged producers, veteran producers, and/or underserved communities” and promote efforts for “developing new and expanding existing markets” (United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service 2024). These efforts are important steps for the overall U.S. meat and poultry supply chain that also benefit the halal market. Furthermore, additional rulemaking endeavors and investigations are underway by the USDA’s Packers and Stockyards Division to expand and strengthen the USDA’s ability and authority to foster and regulate a more diverse, equitable, and transparent meat and poultry supply chain (The United States Government 2022). Results of these investigations may provide new legal precedent for enforcing and regulating transparency and labeling in the meat and poultry supply chain, which will address some of halal market participants’ concerns about the appropriate utilization of halal certifications and information accessibility. Likewise, the new rules will enable the USDA to prosecute unfair, deceptive, and anticompetitive behavior in the meat and poultry industry, which will strengthen the authenticity of labeled products. Altogether, the financial and legal efforts at the federal level point to increased interest in revitalizing the U.S. domestic meat and poultry industry. This revitalization will include diversification of the products available to consumers – such as certified halal products – and improvements in enforcement of traceability, labeling, and other authenticity verification strategies that would positively impact the certification landscape of the halal meat and poultry market. While these efforts are not explicitly directed at the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry certification landscape, they have and will continue to improve upon certification-related issues such as transparency, information access, certification costs and benefits, enforcement, and regular inspections – all of which are areas of concern for the halal market. 103 Taken together, public opinion and current presidential leadership do not provide a clear answer as to whether a NHMC program will be developed in the near future, nor how it would likely be implemented. However, a more transparent, well-regulated U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry market is possible without direct federal intervention in the halal market, as discussed above. Further, consumer right-to-know legislation provides legal protections for enforcing appropriate certification utilization without violating the religious protections in the First Amendment. Thus, we have the necessary legal framework to facilitate the proper use of a U.S. domestic NHMC program, were one to be developed. The only remaining piece of the certification implementation process is the certification program itself. The results of this study help identify market’s preferences for the attributes of a NHMC program. However, a significant hurdle in developing a NHMC will be reaching a consensus on standards amongst the many different groups in the market. If this can be achieved, U.S. domestic halal meat certifiers develop the NHMC program, thereby simplifying and strengthening U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry certification. Finally, the NHMC program can be implemented effectively by coordinating with federal and state governments as needed for proper labeling enforcement and management. However, the development of a national certification program in the U.S. is complex, as seen in the years-long refinement and adoption of the USDA organic certification. Nonetheless, the logistical and institutional experience of developing the USDA organic certification can inform and aid in the process of designing a U.S. national halal meat certification program. Most notably, perhaps, is the way in which program development can incorporate the preferences of stakeholders and consumers. The variation in opinions and preferences for a NHMC program’s standards and structure from market agents and how they may impact how a NHMC program would operate are important to consider for the program to be successful. Additionally, when developing such a 104 program, the U.S. can take cues from current halal meat and poultry certification programs in place throughout the world, in terms of organizational structure, transparency standards, implementation process, and many other attributes. 7. Conclusions, Limitations, and Future Work There is a lack of clarity and standardization in certifications in the U.S. halal meat and poultry market that makes it challenging for participant – including processors, retailers, and consumers – to engage fully and confidently in the market. Indeed, in interviews conducted for this research, Muslim halal meat consumers and current halal meat retailers and processors expressed concern over the lack of transparent and standardized certification requirements and shared desires for the development of such a system. These issues leave much to be desired for Muslim Americans. Thus, the purpose of this study was to understand what the U.S. domestic halal market participants want out of a NHMC program, and how these desires compare to what is feasible to implement. I achieved this objective by investigating the preferences for a NHMC program for processors, retailers, and Muslim halal meat consumers. I used a mixed methods design employing qualitative interviews and stacked surveys with BWS. In all, the findings of this chapter aid in bolstering halal meat consumer confidence in the authenticity of their products, as well as improve the equity of the U.S. food system. My analysis reveals the preferences of market participants for the design and implementation of a U.S. NHMC program and the potential challenges that may be faced in developing such a program. By studying patterns in processors’, retailers’, and consumers’ preferences for different attributes of a U.S. NHMC program, I determine common characteristics that should be carefully considered in program design to meet the market’s needs. Results show that the market overall prefers that program designers consider most carefully Who/What is 105 Certified, Halal Standards, and Costs when developing a U.S. NHMC program. The results show that the implementation of a NHMC designed by non-governmental agencies and backed by federal consumer-right-to-know legislation may be ideal. In this manner, the First Amendment is not violated, but Muslim Americans are granted further religious security. Finally, the data indicated that multiple transparency and traceability measures should be included to ensure a robust and trustworthy program. The hurdles to designing a U.S. NHMC program described in this research are notable, but not insurmountable. The design of a U.S. NHMC program will involve multiple groups’ opinions and the need to consider a variety of religious and non-religious preferences for program attributes. The most difficult part of the process will be reaching a consensus on standards amongst many different groups without government involvement, and then coordinating with federal and state governments as needed for proper enforcement and management without violating the First Amendment. Despite this challenge, the results of the analyses described in this work provide detailed information on which attributes are important to consider while developing a U.S. NHMC program, and also shed light on how to best suit the needs and wants of the market. With this information, program designers will be well equipped to develop a U.S. NHMC program. Furthermore, steps to strengthen the U.S. meat and poultry industry’s transparency, equity, and authenticity in general have already begun to be implemented by the Biden administration and the USDA, and consumer right-to-know legislation is in place to enforce proper certification utilization in the food system overall. Thus, the U.S. domestic halal meat and poultry market is in 106 a prime position to implement a national certification; the only missing piece is the certification program itself. Despite these novel findings, there are some limitations of this study. First, collecting data from supply-side agents in any market is notoriously difficult, which led to lower response rates and lower numbers of quality observations in my BWS datasets. As such, the sample sizes for processors and retailers were much smaller than the sample of consumers and may not be representative of the industry in this analysis. However, the findings from the interviews are consistent with those from the surveys, suggesting that the results and conclusions are reasonably sound and representative of the market despite the small sample sizes. Moving forward there is need for additional research focused on the potential structure and design of a U.S. NHMC program. As my analysis is exploratory in nature, additional research should be conducted to better describe the attribute preferences expressed in the BWS. A deeper understanding of these preferences would aid in the design of a more effective program. To achieve this, future work would benefit from larger sample sizes for processors and retailers to ensure more representative data. As in the case of Essay 1, there are two methods that I believe could be effective for increasing sample size when working with these populations. First, utilizing a team of researchers to conduct in-person or virtual (e.g., Zoom or phone) surveys in real-time may increase response rates and quality, as processors and retailers are typically less likely to complete surveys. Secondly, some of the U.S. halal processor and retailer communities are nonnative English speakers, especially older individuals and recent immigrants. 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Introduction Throughout the world, many national, provincial, state, and local jurisdictions engage in legislative efforts to regulate food production systems beyond federal or overarching requirements. This behavior has been seen recently with members of the European Union (EU), including Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom (UK)13, who have passed additional agricultural production regulations beyond the EU's standards (Vogeler, 2019a, 2019b). Similarly, over the past two decades in the United States (US), some states have made concerted efforts to wrest from Congress the regulatory control of food production systems within their borders (Neill et al., 2020). These state regulatory efforts tend to focus on socially controversial agricultural practices, such as genetically modified varieties or use of production enclosures or farming practices deemed not to promote farm animal welfare (FAW). The resulting laws can have substantial negative economic effects for agricultural producers, including unfunded mandates and vote-buy gaps (Sumner et al., 2008). Unfunded mandates in agriculture arise when a law passes that requires changes to agricultural production 13 These regulations were passed prior to the UK's withdrawal from the EU in 2020. 114 practices but provides no monetary assistance to the producer to implement these changes (Paul et al., 2019). A vote-buy gap occurs when citizens vote or express support for a law to regulate products, but then demonstrate little demand for these specialized products (Norwood et al., 2019). Further, these regulations effect producers and consumers both in-state (Sumner et al., 2008; Malone & Lusk, 2016; Mullally & Lusk, 2018; Ortega & Wolf, 2018) and out-of-state (Carter et al., 2021; Carter & Schaefer, 2019; Sumner, 2017). The rise of piecemeal state legislation surrounding labeling of genetically modified foods led Congress to implement the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (NBFDS), which preempts state efforts to regulate the labeling of genetically modified foods (Bovay & Alston, 2018). However, states have almost-unfettered power to develop new mandates or restrictions in the area of FAW. As shown in Figure 9, this authority has culminated in 19 state- level bills and ballot initiatives concerning FAW across 13 states through 2020 (Animal Agricultural Alliance, 2021). In light of the substantial negative economic effects of FAW regulations for agricultural producers and other stakeholders, a natural question emerges – can one empirically assess how and why these measures occur in US states' regulatory landscapes? Figure 9: Timeline of All Enacted FAW Regulations 2000-2021 Note: Bills are above the horizontal axis, have square markers, and are blue in color; ballot initiatives are below the axis, have round markers, and are orange in color. The bills in Kentucky and Ohio were administrative regulations or revised statutes. Regulations occurring after 2020 were not included in this article’s analysis due to limited data availability. 115 We seek to model the evolution of the state-level FAW regulatory landscape as a function of legislature characteristics and constituent demographics. More specifically, we utilize a two- stage model to assess (i) whether and when a given state considers FAW measures, and (ii) if so, the likelihood the measures are passed. Using this model, we estimate the likelihood of FAW adoption outcomes for all 50 states. Using these predictions, we then estimate the cost to the egg and pork industries to upgrade to cage- and crate-free production methods in the states most likely to pass a FAW regulation in the future. We believe this exercise will assist producers and industry stakeholders in gauging the future of the regulatory landscape and provide guidance on whether to upgrade existing enclosures to comply with mandates on the horizon or to continue operating with “conventional” enclosures. Of course, we are not the first to attempt to understand the uptake of state-level farm regulation. Videras (2006) first analyzed whether religious demographic variables could be used to predict voting outcomes in the context of the 2002 Florida Animal Cruelty Amendment. Results showed that Catholicism and Evangelism had strong, conflicting effects on support for the FAW ballot initiative. Smithson et al. (2014) expanded on (Videras, 2006) by analyzing the demographic drivers of voting under the 2008 California Proposition 2 ballot initiative. The authors further created predictions for all 50 states to determine which states and animal agriculture industries have a high probability of future FAW regulations. Bovay and Alston (2016) develop a similar approach to model the probability of genetically modified organism (GMO) labeling restrictions across all 50 states based on California Proposition 37. Similarly, Bovay and Sumner (2019) used voting results from both California Proposition 2 and the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act in Massachusetts in 2016 to draw connections between political party affiliation and support for FAW initiatives. 116 However, one persistent puzzle in this line of research is that studies tend to over-predict state-level FAW regulation. Smithson et al. (2014), for example, predicted between 46% and 100% of all 50 US states would pass a FAW law through a ballot initiative, if such initiatives were considered. Similarly, Bovay and Sumner (2019) predicted that nearly all 50 states would have passed FAW regulations in the 2008 and 2016 election years. If FAW measures are so universally popular, why has this widespread adoption not already occurred? We posit that this gap between the literature and reality is a function of inherent selection in whether and when states consider this type of regulation. In contrast to previous papers,14 our model utilizes a two-stage, three-part process to account for potential selection bias between bills and ballot initiatives by state legislators. A large body of research in political science has established how the use of ballots versus bills functions in state legislature behavior (Matsusaka, 1992; Boehmke & Patty, 2007). Consider, for example, the different costs to legislators and citizen groups of voting on a proposed law. It is much cheaper for an interest group to lobby a handful of legislators than the population of a state, and so this is usually the first step (Matsusaka, 1992). For the legislators, costs are more complex: they must weigh their personal views, party views, and the views of their constituents before deciding to vote. Our specification allows us to consider the effect that legislative decisions have on the success of a proposed bill or ballot initiative, especially when using these models to forecast voting outcomes in other states. 2. Background In the US, individual states can enact their own FAW laws and regulations, so long as these laws do not contradict laws passed by the federal government. This type of legislative process is similar to that exercised by members of the EU, in which some countries have chosen to enact 14 Previous papers include an earlier version of this work, Hopkins et al. (2020). 117 their own laws to regulate agricultural production that go beyond what is required by the EU. In the US, FAW legislation is passed at the state level through two major avenues: through a bill voted on in the legislature or through a ballot initiative voted on directly by citizens. Since 2007, 11 FAW laws have been enacted through the legislative process. All but one US state has a bicameral legislative body, which is a two-body legislature made up of the State Senate and State House of Representatives.15 The process to pass a legislative bill in the US involves several stages. Typically, one or more representatives drafts a bill to present to the legislative body that they reside in.16 The bill will then be considered by smaller, more focused committees within the respective body, and if it passes in committee(s), it can be voted on by the entire body.17 Once a bill passes by majority vote in either the House or Senate, it is sent to the other legislative body and goes through the entire process again. If it passes a vote in the second legislative body, it is then referred to the Governor of the state, who can either sign it into law or veto it.18 Ballot initiatives are an option to create laws in 24 of the 50 US states.19 A ballot initiative is typically proposed by citizens of the state, an interest group, or some other non-governmental organization (NGO). Ballot initiatives in the US fall into two categories: direct and indirect ballot initiatives. Direct ballots bypass the legislature at every step of the ballot initiative process; that is, they do no not require approval or action by legislatures to be placed on a ballot, so long as a state's 15 Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral legislature, meaning it only has one legislative body. 16 Representatives may draft legislation to support their own beliefs, the beliefs of their constituents, or in response to lobbying from interest groups. 17 It is common that bills do not make it through committee or do not receive a vote on the floor of the Senate or House once through a committee. 18 If there is two-thirds support of the vetoed law in both legislative bodies, vetoed laws can be passed into law without the Governor's signature, though this is rare. 19 Each state has its own requirements and processes that must be followed before the initiative can be considered, and these requirements vary greatly across states; therefore, our empirical analysis cannot differentiate between direct versus indirect ballot initiatives. 118 signature and legal filing requirements have been met. On the other hand, indirect ballot initiatives must be approved by the state legislature before they can appear on a ballot. In either case, typically a subset of the state legislature, such as a Budget Committee, is involved in the ballot initiative process to the extent that they conduct a financial and legal analysis of the proposed law to present to the petitioners. Some states also require the legislature to hold formal hearings or an open forum about the initiative proposed. At any point in the direct or indirect ballot initiative process, the legislature can decide to pass a bill to enact the regulations proposed in the ballot initiative. Once an initiative is on a ballot, it is voted on by citizens and will become law if it passes with a majority of the vote.20,21 Six FAW laws have been passed through ballot initiatives since 2002. A list of the FAW bills and ballot initiatives analyzed in this article is given in Table 31. Of the laws enacted, 10 of them involve confinement standards for egg-laying hens or the sale of eggs from hens raised in battery cages, 11 involve confinement standards for gestating sows, and 11 involve confinement of veal calves. There were an additional two bills regulating the confinement of veal calves and gestating sows that were vetoed by the states' governors (MI 2019 and NJ 2013). 20 Some states have specific requirements for majority vote, such as a 60% super-majority or a majority of all ballots cast, even if a person declined to vote on the initiative. 21 Once passed by majority vote, the outcome may need to be confirmed by the legislature before being passed into law and may still require the Governor's signature. However, this additional legislative confirmation process is normally more of a formality; once the citizens have expressed majority support for a ballot initiative, the law will be enacted. 119 Table 31: Farm Animal Welfare Legislative Bills and Ballot Initiatives Analyzed Type Ballot Title of Legislation Amendment 10 – HSUS Ballot Initiative: Gestating Sows Proposition 204 Or. Rev. Stat. §600.150 SB 201 Proposition 2 Mich. Comp. Laws. Ann. §287.746 Ballot Bill Bill BallotD Bill BallotD Amendment 2 – Livestock Care Standards Year State FL 2002 Industry Affected Pork Pork, Veal Pork Pork, Veal 2006 AZ 2007 OR 2008 CO 2008 CA Eggs, Pork, Veal 2009 MI Eggs, Pork, Veal 2009 OH Veal Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill* Ballot Bill* Bill BallotD Bill Bill Bill Amendment 2010 CA Eggs AB 1437 SB 805 – Relating to egg-laying hens 2011 OR Eggs Wash. Rev. Code §69.25.065 and §69.25.107 2011 WA Eggs SB 2191 SB 1921 Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act SB 660 HB 7456 – Unlawful Confinement of a Covered Animal Proposition 12 SB 174 S.B. 1019 HB 2049 – Concerning commercial egg layer operations Pork, Veal Pork RI 2012 2013 NJ 2016 MA Eggs, Pork, Veal 2018 MI RI 2018 Eggs, Pork Eggs, Pork, Veal 2018 CA Eggs, Pork, Veal 2019 MI Eggs 2019 OR Eggs 2019 WA Eggs * Represents a bill that passed but was vetoed by the state’s governor. All other bills or ballots have been enacted. D Indicates a direct ballot initiative. All other ballot initiatives are indirect. Relationships between demographic characteristics and support for FAW are well documented in agricultural economics and political science literature and are therefore important to consider when studying FAW regulation adoption. Smithson et al. (2014) found that an increase in median household income and an increase in poverty rate both correlated with a decrease in support for FAW regulations. Educational achievement has been shown to correlate with lower support for regulations to increase FAW, as more educated individuals are more likely to view animal and human similarities and differences more scientifically and this may change their views on FAW (Jerolmack, 2003). Previous research suggests that religion plays a large role in an individual's view of the natural world and thus impacts views on animals and animal welfare (Videras, 2006). For instance, 120 Catholics tend to be more supportive of animal welfare issues than Protestants and Evangelicals (Smithson et al., 2014; Oldmixon, 2017). Overall, non-religious, non-Christians, and Catholics are most in favor of FAW over Christians (Cornish et al., 2016; Jerolmack, 2003; Flynn, 2001). Jerolmack (2003) found that Jewish and other religions were more likely to support animal rights. In Islam, concern for animal welfare and animal rights are key moral and religious values (Gharebaghi et al., 2007). Several studies have also shown that non-white Americans tend to view regulation to increase FAW more positively (Jerolmack, 2003; Franklin et al., 2001; Nibert, 1994; Peek et al., 1996; Uyeki & Holland, 2000). Over the past two decades, FAW has become an increasingly politicized issue in the US (Feindt et al., 2020; Lai et al., 2021; Vogeler, 2020). Membership in the Democratic party has been linked to higher concern for animal welfare in a wide variety of past studies and contexts, including McKendree et al. (2014), Deemer and Lobao (2011), Czech and Borkhataria (2001), Miele et al. (1993), and Heleski et al. (2006). Furthermore, from past studies using voter data, we know that liberals are more supportive of animal welfare measures, in general, than conservatives (Smithson et al., 2014). 3. Methodology We utilize a two-stage, three-part multinomial endogenous switching regression (MESR) to model the implementation of FAW regulations and account for decision selection bias.22,23 In 22 Selection bias is a common challenge in studies using nonrandomized data to model decisions and outcomes. Methodologically, most studies in this area have used propensity score matching (PSM); however, the PSM approach does not correct selection bias from unobserved factors (Abdulai, 2016; Jaleta et al., 2016). Unlike PSM, MESR models employ a selection correction method by calculating an Inverse Mills Ratio (IMR) using the theory of truncated normal distribution to correct selection bias (Bourguignon et al., 2007). The IMR is the ratio of the probability density function to the complementary cumulative distribution function of a distribution. This technique is commonly used in development economics to account for unobserved heterogeneity and selection bias in farmers' cropping decisions (Kassie et al., 2015; Di Falco, 2014). 23 One method for adjusting for this bias may be Heckman's (Heckman, 1976) two-stage model; however, we must consider the different levels of data aggregation, inclusion of population weights, use of both panel and cross- sectional data sets, and likelihood of unobserved heterogeneity in our analysis. Thus, the Heckman approach would give inconsistent estimates if selection bias originating from observed and unobserved heterogeneity is not addressed. 121 the MESR framework, the two stages are modeled simultaneously. A simple schematic of our MESR model is depicted in Figure 10. We hypothesize the likely source of selection bias occurs at the state legislative level – legislatures may endogenously self-select different FAW legislative actions, and decisions are likely to be influenced by unobserved factors that may be correlated with outcome variables. Additionally, accounting for institutional characteristics is crucial to understanding the relationship between policy changes and politics, particularly in FAW where passing regulations using democratic instruments such as ballot initiatives is common (Vogeler, 2020). The MESR allows us to take into account the characteristics of individual states' governments and their impact on the likelihood of a FAW bill or ballot initiative occurring and passing. These relationships are modeled in Stage 1 (Legislature Action Decisions) of our model. We then account for decision selection bias in our second stage FAW regulation voting outcome models – Stage 2.1 (Ballot Initiative Voting Outcomes) and Stage 2.2 (Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes) by including the first-stage Inverse Mills Ratio (IMR) as an explanatory variable and bootstrapping to compute coefficient and standard error estimates. 3.1. Econometric Model We discuss each of the components in turn. 122 Figure 10: Farm Animal Welfare Voting Two-Stage Selection Model Schematic 3.1.1 Stage 1: Legislative Action Decisions Here, we model state legislatures' choice of alternative legislative actions for addressing FAW concerns – no action, bill proposed, or ballot initiative allowed – using a multinomial logit selection (MNLS) model accounting for unobserved heterogeneity (Equation 18). Stage 1 is aggregated at the state level and consists of 20 years of annual panel data for 49 of the 50 states (n = 980).24 We cluster the standard errors by state. The dependent variable can take three values: y = 0 if no action was taken, 𝑦 = 1 if a ballot initiative was placed on a ballot, or 𝑦 = 2 if a bill was proposed to the state legislature. We estimate the following first-stage model: 𝑌$ = {0,1,2} = (𝑋$ ( × β) + (𝐷$ ( × δ) + (𝐶$ ( × κ) + ε$ where 𝑌$ is the predicted action outcome of a state legislature, 𝑋$ is the matrix of state legislature political variables – dummy variables to indicate whether the state house, senate and governor are all of the same political party (denoted TRIFECTA_D and TRIFECTA_R), and continuous Equation 18 24 Nebraska is excluded from this data set due to its unique unicameral state government system and because the state's legislators are not required to affiliate with a political party. 123 variables indicating the percent of house and senate seats occupied by Democrats (denoted HOUSE%D and SENATE%D) – with β the corresponding coefficients. 𝐷$ is the matrix of legislative characteristic variables – counts of previous animal welfare legislation (denoted COUNT_PASSED_PREV), a dummy variable indicating whether the state had previously passed FAW regulation (denoted PREV_LAW),25 and a dummy variable indicating whether the state allows ballot initiatives (denoted ALLOW_BALLOT) – with δ the corresponding coefficients. 𝐶$ is the matrix of state agricultural industry density variables (denoted HENS_PER_1000 and HOGS_PER_1000) which are the number of egg-laying hens and gestating sows per 1,000 people in each state, respectively – with κ the corresponding coefficients. ε$ is the error term. The IMRs for each of the second stage regressions are then calculated (Equation 19 and Equation 20) from their respective estimated outcome probabilities in the MNLS model: 𝐼𝑀𝑅$ = 𝑓(𝑌$) 𝐹K(𝑌$) 𝐹K(𝑌$) = 𝑃𝑟(𝑌$ > 𝑦$) = k 𝑓(𝑠)𝑑𝑠 6 7( Equation 19 Equation 20 where 𝑖 = 0,1,2 for the no action, ballot, and bill outcomes, respectively, 𝑓(𝑌$) is the standard normal probability density function (PDF), 𝐹K(𝑌$) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function (CDF), and 𝑠 is the integration argument. 25 COUNT_PASSED_PREV and PREV_LAW account for the "snowball effect" of previous laws. A "snowball effect" is a situation in which one event influences the likelihood that a similar event occurs (Matsusaka, 2005). These two variables also proxy for the diffusion of media coverage related to FAW within and between states, increased public awareness of FAW, and other time effects. 124 3.1.2. Stage 2: Ballot and Bill Voting Outcomes In the second stage, we evaluate the voting outcomes for a ballot initiative (Stage 2.1) or a legislative bill (Stage 2.2) using ordinary least squares (OLS) with IMRs as additional covariates to account for selection bias from time-varying unobserved heterogeneity. Stage 2.1 Ballot Initiative Voting Outcomes: In Stage 2.1, we model county-level voting outcomes for six ballot initiatives in Arizona (AZ; 2006), California (CA; 2008 & 2018), Florida (FL; 2002), Massachusetts (MA; 2016), and Ohio (OH; 2009) (n = 299). To model these voting outcomes, we estimate a log-linear model: 𝑙𝑛 m 𝑉0 1 − 𝑉0 o = (𝐼𝑀𝑅0 ( × ϕ) + (𝐵0 ( × ζ) + 𝑢0 Equation 21 where the dependent variable is the log-odds of the predicted “yes” portion of the ballot initiative vote 𝑉0. 𝐼𝑀𝑅0 is the IMR value from the Stage 1 ballot outcome with ϕ the corresponding coefficient.26 𝐵0 is the matrix of county demographics including people per farm (PEOPLE_PER_FARM),27 percent of voters in the county who voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in the year closest to when the initiative was on the ballot (%DEMOCRAT), median household income in thousands of dollars (HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000), the percent of people in poverty (POVERTY_RATE), the percent of persons of 25+ years of age with a bachelor's degree (EDUCATION), the percent of white (%WHITE), Black (%BLACK), and Hispanic citizens (%HISPANIC), and the percent of Mainline Protestants (%MAINLINE_PROTESTANT), Evangelical Protestants (%EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT), 26 A table showing the distribution of the Stage 1 ballot IMRs is given in Appendix A.4. 27 This variable (PEOPLE_PER_FARM) is a proxy for citizens' familiarity with agriculture. 125 and Catholics (%CATHOLIC) – with ζ the corresponding coefficients.28 There is little accurate data available for Jewish and Muslim populations at the county level, and so we unfortunately do not include these religions in our model.29 𝑢0 is the error term. Standard errors in the model are clustered by state, as we are aggregating data from five different states. Stage 2.2 Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes: In Stage 2.2, we model 13 individual bill voting outcomes in California (CA; 2010), Colorado (CO; 2008), Michigan (MI; 2009, 2018 & 2019), New Jersey (NJ; 2013), Oregon (OR; 2007, 2011 & 2019), Rhode Island (RI; 2012 & 2018), and Washington (WA; 2011 & 2019) (n = 1,583). To estimate bill-voting outcomes, we use a linear probability model (LPM) with continuous state legislative-district level demographic data to predict the vote of individual legislators.30 The dependent variable can take two values: 𝑍 = 0 if the legislator voted “no”, was absent, or declined to vote on an FAW bill, or 𝑍 = 1 if the legislator voted “yes”. We estimate the following model: 𝑍) = {0,1} = >𝐼𝑀𝑅) ( × τ? + >𝐿) ( × γ? + 𝑢) where 𝑍) is the actual vote of a given legislator. 𝐼𝑀𝑅) is the vector of IMR values from the Stage 1 bill outcome with τ the corresponding coefficient. 𝐿) is the matrix of state legislative district Equation 22 28 These variables were selected to be consistent with previous literature on the relationships between demographic characteristics and FAW ballot initiative outcomes (Videras, 2006; Smithson et al., 2014; Bovay & Sumner, 2019), as well as documented correlations between demographics and support for FAW in general (McKendree et al., 2014; Jerolmack, 2003; Deemer & Lobao, 2011; Czech and Borkhataria, 2001; Miele et al., 1993; Heleski et al., 2006; Oldmixon, 2017). 29 We collected county-level data from ARDA the Association of Religious Data Archives ( for the percentage of Jewish and Muslim citizens for the bill and ballot states involved in our Stage 2 models. This data was very sparse, as these populations are small relative to the overall population of the US. Roughly 3/4 of the counties collected did not report a percentage estimate for Muslim citizens and about 2/3 did not report a percentage for Jewish citizens. We attempted to interpolate the data using fractional probit and OLS models; however, the results were poor. For example, the model predicted negative Jewish and Muslim population estimates for some counties, which is nonsensical. 30 In order to use the MESR model with IMRs, the second-stage models must be linear, that is, a probit or logit function is not compatible. Further, an LPM is as appropriate as a logit or probit for this data so long as our standard errors are robust (Bellemare, 2015). 126 demographic variables. These variables are equivalent to those in Stage 2.1, except at the legislative district, rather than county, level.31 Additionally, we include a dummy variable to indicate the political party of the legislator (denoted DEMOCRAT). Corresponding coefficients are represented by γ. 𝑢) is the error term. Stage 2 Bootstrapping and Standard-Error Clustering: To help with bias and inconsistency and improve inference in the IMR-adjusted second stage models, we bootstrap coefficients and standard errors using a stationary cluster block bootstrap method. This allows us to estimate coefficients simultaneously across the two stages of our model (Politis & White, 2004; Politis & Romano, 1994; Hall et al., 1995). Our block bootstrapping procedure randomly selects 45 states to use in our model and tests out-of-sample prediction accuracy using the five states randomly excluded in each repetition.32 3.2 Data by Stage In this section, we describe our data selection and collection process, aggregation levels, and summary statistics by stage. More explicit information on how data were accessed and data sources are given in Appendix A.5. The variable names, descriptions, and summary statistics for Stage 1 (Legislative Action Decisions) are included in Table 32. The majority of our data were collected from the respective 31 As above, these include people per farm (PEOPLE_PER_FARM), median household income (HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000), the percent of people in poverty (POVERTY_RATE), the percent of persons 25+ years of age with a bachelor's degree (EDUCATION), the percent of white (%WHITE), Black (%BLACK), and Hispanic citizens (%HISPANIC), and the percent of Mainline Protestants (%MAINLINE_PROTESTANT), Evangelical Protestants (%EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT), and Catholics (%CATHOLIC). We selected the variables based on documented correlations between demographics and support for FAW (McKendree et al., 2014; Jerolmack, 2003; Deemer & Lobao, 2011; Czech & Borkhataria, 2001; Miele et al., 1993; Heleski et al., 2006; Oldmixon, 2017) and for comparison to the ballot model. 32 We chose to bootstrap using blocks rather than only clustering by state, as only clustering standard errors by state in the Stage 1 MNLS model would likely lead to correlation between observations from the same state. We conducted 1,000 repetitions with 35, 40, and 45 states per block in Stage 1. Models were robust to block size and thus we chose the 45 block model. 127 state government websites and Agricultural industry data was collected from USDA QuickStats and the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC). Variable names, descriptions, and summary statistics for Stage 2.1 (Ballot Initiative Voting Outcomes) are given in Table 33. Counties with less than 2,000 people were dropped, then each county within a state was given a weight corresponding to the fraction of its population relative to the overall state population, minus any dropped counties.33 Variable names, descriptions, and summary statistics for Stage 2.2 (Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes) are given in Table 34. There is no need to weight this data, as legislative districts are drawn to be proportional based on the most recent census data. The majority of the demographic data for Stage 2.1 and 2.2 were downloaded from the United States Census website ( Data were used from the census year closest to the year the ballot or bill was considered. Stage 2.1 data on vote outcomes were collected from each state's records, available online. Stage 2.2 data on legislators' individual votes was collected from each state legislature's records, available online. Farm data was collected from USDA QuickStats. All religion data were retrieved from the Association of Religious Data Archives.34 33 Weighting is important when evaluating demographic makeup, as weighting the data by county population ensures more realistic and accurate predictions. In the U.S., state-level elections are determined by a majority vote; therefore, relative populations should be considered when collecting the data. Our weighting procedure is similar to that used by Smithson et al. (2014). This weighting method is intuitive: if County A has two times the population of County B, then the demographic percentages and voting outcomes from County A will be given two times the importance of those from County B in the state-wide calculations. 34 As religious data is not reported for all states by legislative district, religious affiliation data for legislative districts was obtained by aggregating and averaging the data from counties in the district. 128 Table 32: Variable Names and Descriptions for Stage 1 – Legislative Action Decisions Variable Name Description 𝑌$, 𝑖 = 0,1,2 HENS_PER_1000 HOGS_PER_1000 TRIFECTA_D TRIFECTA_R HOUSE%D SENATE%D COUNT_PASSED_PREV PREV_LAW ALLOW_BALLOT Categorical variable = 0 if the state legislature took no action, = 1 if the state legislature allowed a ballot initiative, and = 2 if the state legislature proposed a legislative bill Continuous variable equal to the number of egg-laying hens per 1,000 people in a state in a given year Continuous variable equal to the number of gestating sows per 1,000 people in a state in a given year Dummy variable = 1 if all three bodies of state legislative branch are controlled by Democrats, = 0 otherwise Dummy variable = 1 if all three bodies of state legislative branch are controlled by Republicans, = 0 otherwise Continuous variable equal to the percent of the state’s House of Representatives that belong to the Democratic Party Continuous variable equal to the percent of the state’s Senate that belong to the Democratic Party Discrete variable equal to the total number of farm animal welfare regulations in place throughout the US Dummy variable = 1 if the state has a previous farm animal welfare law in place, = 0 otherwise Dummy variable = 1 if the state allows ballot initiatives, = 0 otherwise Mean Standard Deviation Frequency (%) 𝑖 = 0, 95.61% 𝑖 = 1, 0.92% 𝑖 = 2, 3.47% 1430.57 2474.54 61.78 123.08 0.21 0.33 0.41 0.47 48.76 16.89 47.04 19.11 8.60 0.12 0.48 7.55 0.32 0.50 129 Table 33: Variable Names and Descriptions for Stage 2.1 – Ballot Voting Outcomes Variable Name 𝑙𝑛 m 𝑉0 1 − 𝑉0 o PEOPLE_PER_FARM HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 POVERTY_RATE EDUCATION %WHITE %BLACK %HISPANIC %DEMOCRAT %CATHOLIC %EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT %MAINLINE_PROTESTANT Description Log of the odds of success of the ballot initiative Continuous variable equal to the number of people per farm in the county Continuous variable equal to the median household income in the county in thousands of dollars Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are below the poverty line Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county 25+ years old with a 4-year college degree Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are white Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are Black Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are Hispanic Continuous variable equal to the percent of voters in the county who voted for the Democratic presidential candidate in the presidential election year closest to when the initiative was on the ballot Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are Catholic Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are Evangelical Protestants Continuous variable equal to the percent of people in the county who are Mainline Protestants Mean 0.31 Standard Deviation 0.65 1392.42 9326.10 49.56 16.26 5.19 5.23 20.69 9.98 71.99 21.01 5.92 7.44 15.42 17.32 47.42 12.06 17.67 14.04 12.87 8.89 6.52 4.99 130 Table 34: Variable Names and Descriptions for Stage 2.2 – Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes Variable Name 𝑍) PEOPLE_PER_FARM HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 POVERTY_RATE EDUCATION %WHITE %BLACK %HISPANIC DEMOCRAT %CATHOLIC %EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT %MAINLINE_PROTESTANT Description Discrete variable = 1 if the legislator voted yes on a farm animal welfare bill, = 0 otherwise Continuous variable equal to the number of people per farm in the legislative district Continuous variable equal to the median household income in the legislative district in thousands of dollars Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are below the poverty line Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district 25+ years old with a 4-year college degree Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are white Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are Black Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are Hispanic Dummy variable = 1 if legislator belongs to the Democratic Party Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are Catholic Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are Evangelical Protestants Continuous variable equal to the percent of constituents in the legislative district who are Mainline Protestants Mean Standard Deviation 0.80 0.40 395.71 2358.62 60.57 18.43 13.76 6.92 30.98 14.01 80.81 16.94 9.04 13.90 13.32 14.42 0.59 0.49 21.20 13.47 10.05 4.77 5.75 22.28 131 4. Results We present the results of each stage of our model in turn. 4.1. Stage 1: Legislature Action Decisions Results of the multinomial logit model for Stage 1 are in Table 35. with results for the ballot outcome on the left and bill outcome on the right. The base case is a legislature not taking any action on FAW regulations; that is, neither a bill nor ballot initiative is proposed. For ease of interpretation, Stage 1 model coefficients are given in relative risk ratio (RRR) format.35 A value greater than one means the risk of the outcome falling in the comparison group rather than the base group increases as the variable increases. A RRR less than one means the risk of the outcome falling in the comparison group over the base group decreases as the variable increases. For example, the coefficient of 1.695 on PREV_LAW for the bill outcome means that a bill is 69.5% more likely to occur than no action, all else equal. Similarly, the coefficient of 0.281 on TRIFECTA_R in the ballot column means that a ballot is 71.9% [1.00 - 0.281 = 0.719] less likely to occur than no action, all else equal. A state's ties to the pork and egg industries resulted in interesting impacts on the likelihood that a bill or ballot would be proposed over no action taken. The ratio of gestating sows and egg- laying hens to 1,000 people within the state, HOGS_PER_1000 and HENS_PER_1000, have notable predicted influences. While the number of egg-laying hens per 1,000 people does not have a correlated effect on the likelihood a ballot or bill is proposed, the number of gestating sows per 1,000 people does. As the number of gestating sows per 1,000 people increases, we see a corresponding 5.2% decrease in the likelihood that a ballot is proposed and a 0.8% decrease in the likelihood that a bill is proposed. This implies that states with higher ratios of gestating sows to 35 A table with non-transformed coefficients is in Appendix A.4. 132 people are less likely to propose FAW regulations. This is sensible. States in which this ratio is higher likely have larger populations of people familiar with the pork industry, and this familiarity will influence the peoples' choice to regulate FAW in pork production. Further, state legislators in states with prominent agricultural industries likely have closer connections with local Farm Bureaus and other agricultural lobbyists. Introducing legislation that is counter to these groups' interests can have high political costs from the legislators' perspective. The history of FAW regulations is also important. As the number of previous FAW laws in the nation overall rises (COUNT_PASSED_PREV), we see a correlation with an increase in the likelihood that either a ballot or a bill is proposed in any state, though this correlation is only significant in the bill case. These results support (Matsusaka, 2005) who asserts that there can be a bandwagon effect where legislation in one state leads to proposals of similar legislation in other states. When there is already a FAW law in place in a state (PREV_LAW), a bill is more likely to be proposed in a given state during a given year than no action taken. This association makes sense, as citizens of a state that already had a FAW regulation in place have likely been exposed to more media coverage of FAW issues. On the other hand, in states with a previous law, it is 51.5\% less likely that a ballot is proposed than no action taken. This makes sense as citizens are unlikely to feel the need to petition for a ballot initiative for another FAW law if FAW concerns have already been addressed. The option within a state to take action through a ballot initiative (ALLOW_BALLOT) correlates with an over 18-fold (19.391) increase in the likelihood that a ballot will be proposed in a given year than no action taken. Interestingly, the influence of political party and legislative composition was more pronounced in the bill model. Our results show that the presence of a Democratic trifecta (TRIFECTA_D) is associated with a significant increase in the likelihood that a bill is proposed 133 and a decrease in the likelihood that a ballot is proposed. On the other hand, a Republican trifecta (TRIFECTA_R) correlates with a decrease in the chances of either a FAW bill or ballot, though the correlation is only significant in the case of a bill. As the percent of Democrats in the House (HOUSE%D) increases, we see an increase in the likelihood of proposing a bill or a ballot, though these effects are not statistically significant. These findings are in line with previous studies, which found that Democrats tend to support FAW more than Republicans (McKendree et al., 2014; Deemer and Lobao, 2011; Czech and Borkhataria, 2001; Miele et al., 1993; Heleski et al., 2006). On the other hand, as the percent of Democrats in the Senate increases (SENATE%D), we see a small associated decrease in the likelihood of a proposed bill or ballot. Finally, the constant terms in both the bill and ballot outcomes are very close to zero, meaning the probability of no action is almost 100% more likely than a bill or ballot. Our out-of-sample model predictions (the five states randomly excluded from the clustering in each of our 1,000 bootstrapping repetitions) are over 92% accurate.36 In Table 36 we present the predicted mean probability of the three outcomes in a given state for a given year from 2000 to 2019. We note that the mean predicted probability for no action in a state in each year is about 96%, going as low as about 49% and as high as nearly 100%. These predictions suggest that the FAW bills and ballots that are currently in place were unlikely to occur. 4.2. Stage 2.1: Ballot Initiative Voting Outcomes The results of the OLS regression for the ballot initiative model in Stage 2.1 are given in Table 37 with the ballot model on the left in column (1). The dependent variable in the ballot 36 See Appendix A.4 for descriptive statistics on the accuracy of out-of-sample predictions. 134 regression is the log-odds of success of the initiative. The results of the model are contingent on a ballot being allowed and put to a vote.37 In our ballot model, all variables are statistically significant. We note first that PEOPLE_PER_FARM, %DEMOCRAT, %WHITE, %BLACK, and %HISPANIC are all positive, indicating that an increase in these variables is associated with an increase in the likelihood of a ballot initiative's success. These effects are in line with those in Smithson et al. (2014). On the other hand, an increase in the percent of adults with at least a 4-year degree (EDUCATION) and the percent of citizens living below the poverty line (POVERTY_RATE) both correlate to a statistically significant decrease on the success of a ballot initiative. The sign on POVERTY_RATE matches the models presented in Smithson et al. (2014). The negative association of increased education on support for FAW regulations is supported by Jerolmack (2003), who suggest that educated individuals are more likely to view animal and human similarities and differences more scientifically. Additionally, the positive sign on the coefficient for HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 indicates a predicted increase in support for FAW regulations as median household income increases – this makes sense, as households with higher income levels have more disposable income to spend on specialty products. An increase in the percent of Catholic citizens (%CATHOLIC) suggests a slight decrease in the likelihood that a FAW ballot initiative succeeds, which is in line with previous findings (Smithson et al., 2014; Videras, 2006; Oldmixon, 2017). The signs of %EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT and %MAINLINE_PROTESTANT are negative and positive, respectively. Our results for Evangelical Protestants align with results in previous papers (Smithson et al., 2014; Videras, 2006; Oldmixon, 2017). While our results for Mainline Protestants 37 K-density plots showing the distribution of the R-squared values, IMRs, and residuals for the ballot model are given in Appendix A.4. Additionally, descriptive statistics for the IMRs are given by year in Appendix A.4. 135 conflict with (Videras, 2006) and Smithson et al. (2014), we believe the inclusion of more data in our model, particularly from states with higher percentages of Mainline Protestants, allows for more robust estimates of the effects on support for FAW regulations of numbers of Mainline Protestants. The IMR values from Stage 1 (BALLOT_IMR) are statistically significant and positive. Thus, there exists a selection process that would bias results if not taken into account.38 Finally, the constant term has a positive and significant value, suggesting that a ballot is likely to pass once considered. Table 35: Stage 1 Legislature Action Decisions Output VARIABLES HENS_PER_1000 HOGS_PER_1000 COUNT_PASSED_PREV PREV_LAW ALLOW_BALLOT TRIFECTA_D TRIFECTA_R HOUSE%D SENATE%D CONSTANT (1) Ballot Outcome 1.000 (<0.001) 0.948** (0.024) 1.050 (0.045) 0.485 (0.467) 19.391*** (21.053) 0.537 (0.312) 0.281 (0.328) 1.019 (0.042) 0.995 (0.038) 0.001*** (0.002) (2) Bill Outcome 1.000 (<0.001) 0.992** (0.003) 1.097*** (0.038) 1.695 (0.793) 1.443 (0.617) 2.442* (1.233) 0.179* (0.159) 1.045 (0.034) 0.987 (0.026) 0.002*** (0.002) Observations Note: Robust standard error form in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Standard errors are given in relative risk ratio format. 980 38 An unadjusted ballot model, similar in structure to those estimated by Smithson et al. (2014) and Videras (2006) is included in Appendix A.4. 136 Table 36: Mean Predicted Probability of Stage 1 Legislative Action Decisions Outcomes Max. Prob. 0.99940 0.51945 0.09639 Predicted Outcome Mean Prob. No Action Bill Proposed Ballot Proposed Note: 36 FAW bills were proposed between 2000 and 2019, but only 13 made it to a vote in a state legislature; the “Bill Proposed” outcome does reflect this full consideration rate. Min. Prob. 0.47826 0.00021 0.00014 Std. Dev. 0.06766 0.06342 0.01403 0.95714 0.03367 0.00918 Table 37: Stage 2.1 Ballot Initiative and Stage 2.2 Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes Variables PEOPLE_PER_FARM %DEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT %WHITE %BLACK %HISPANIC EDUCATION POVERTY_RATE HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 %CATHOLIC %EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT %MAINLINE_PROTESTANT BALLOT_IMR BILL_IMR CONSTANT (1) Ballot Model <0.001*** (<0.001) 0.014*** (<0.001) 0.008*** (<0.001) 0.001*** (<0.001) 0.008*** (<0.001) -0.009*** (<0.001) -0.023*** (<0.001) 0.002*** (<0.001) -0.003*** (<0.001) -0.034*** (<0.001) 0.030*** (<0.001) 0.110*** (<0.001) 0.650*** (0.001) (2) Bill Model <0.001*** (<0.001) 0.208*** (0.001) <0.001*** (<0.001) 0.002*** (<0.001) 0.002*** (<0.001) <0.001*** (<0.001) -0.006*** (<0.001) -0.001*** (<0.001) <0.001*** (<0.001) 0.003*** (<0.001) 0.013*** (<0.001) 0.009*** (<0.001) 0.678*** (0.004) Observations Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. Coefficients and errors are obtained from cluster bootstrapping. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. All variables in (1) are weighted by county population as a proportion of the total state population. 1,583 299 137 4.3. Stage 2.2: Legislative Bill Voting Outcomes The results of the LPM regression for the legislative bill model in Stage 2.2 are given in Table 37 on the right in column (2). The dependent variable here is the vote of the legislator, with a value of 1 equating to a “yes” vote and a value of 0 otherwise. The results of this model are contingent on a bill being proposed and put to a vote. An increase in the number of people per farm (PEOPLE_PER_FARM) correlates with a significant increase in the likelihood of a legislator voting "yes" on a FAW bill, though the magnitude of this coefficient is small. This implies that legislators from districts with relatively less representation and familiarity with agriculture are more likely to vote in support of FAW regulations. Legislators who identify as Democrats are significantly more likely to vote “yes” on an FAW regulation than to vote “no”, as evidenced by the positive coefficient on DEMOCRAT. Again, this aligns with previous literature that Democrats are more likely to support FAW than Republicans (McKendree et al., 2014; Deemer & Lobao, 2011; Czech & Borkhataria, 2001; Miele et al., 1993; Heleski et al., 2006). Increases in the percent of white (%WHITE), Black (%BLACK), Hispanic (%HISPANIC), adults with at least a 4-year college degree (EDUCATION), Catholic (%CATHOLIC), Evangelical Protestant (%EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT), and Mainline Protestant (%MAINLINE_PROTESTANT) constituents all correlate with an increased likelihood that a legislator votes “yes” on a FAW bill. However, all these effects are small. The positive signs on EDUCATION, %CATHOLIC, and %EVANGELICAL_PROTESTANT are opposite to the signs in the ballot model. Increases in the percent of constituents living below the poverty line (POVERTY_RATE) and the median household income (HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000) in the legislative district are associated with a decrease in the likelihood that a legislator votes “yes” on a FAW bill, but again, these effects are small. The negative correlation between increases in 138 HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 and the likelihood that a legislator supports a FAW bill differs from the correlation found in the ballot model. The IMR values from Stage 1 are statistically significant, confirming the need to include the selection process from Stage 1. Additionally, the constant coefficient, which is statistically significant and positive, suggests that once a bill is put to a vote, it is more likely to pass than fail. 4.4. Ballot (Stage 2.1) and Bill (Stage 2.2) Model Comparisons There are general differences in the importance and influence of demographics between the bill and ballot initiative models. The only demographic variable that has a meaningful magnitude associated with success of a FAW regulation in the bill model is the legislator's political party (DEMOCRAT). In the ballot initiative model, the demographic variables are all relatively similar in their overall magnitude and correlation to voting outcomes. When comparing these two models, we conclude that legislators tend to vote along party lines when it comes to FAW regulations. For ballot initiatives, constituents' preferences and demographic characteristics more directly impact the outcome of FAW regulation, and as such, we see that the effect of demographic variables are more influential on voting outcomes. Indeed, Tolbert and Smith (2006) find that policies that result from a popular vote are more likely to be representative of voter preferences than policies that result from legislative votes. 4.5. Ballot Model Predictions To understand the implications of using a multi-stage model and accounting for the decision of whether or not a ballot goes before the people, we generate predictions for all 50 states for our novel IMR adjusted ballot model using data from 2019 ( 139 Figure 11). Accurate predictions are shaded in dark grey in 140 Figure 11. We use the ballot model to predict outcomes, but count either a bill, administrative action, or a ballot as a pass in “reality”. Since only 24 of the 50 states have a ballot process, we use the outcomes from our model as a prediction of the opinions of a state's population. Our predictions for the non-ballot states should be considered as indicators for public opinion towards FAW, which influence the likelihood of a legislature proposing a bill but do not indicate that a legislature will necessarily pass a law. These results are also presented in Table 51 in Appendix A.4. In reality, 24% of all 50 states and 41.7% of the 24 ballot initiative states have passed FAW regulations. With our ballot model we predict that 26% of all 50 states and 30.4% of the 24 ballot states would pass FAW regulations. The predicted pass rates given by our novel IMR adjusted model are close to the actual percentage of states with FAW regulations in place. Furthermore, our model is 74% and 75% accurate in predicting the presence of a FAW law in all 50 states and the 24 ballot states, respectively. These results show that the inclusion of legislature- level behavior in our multi-stage model is important to consider and yields predictions that are more consistent with actual FAW regulation outcomes. 141 Figure 11: Map of Ballot Model Predictions WA* ✓L OR* ✓L ID* MT* WY* NV* UT* CA* ✓B, L ND* SD* NE* MN IA CO* ✓L KS MO* AZ* ✓B NM OK* TX AR* LA AK* HI NH VT NY PA VA NC ME* ✓A MA* ✓B ✓L RI CT NJ V ✓L DE MD WI MI* ✓L IL* IN OH* ✓B WV ✓A KY TN AL GA MS* SC FL* ✓B Powered by Bing © GeoNames, Microsoft, TomTom Note: States shaded in grey represent where the model prediction matches reality. States with a (P) have passed a FAW regulation as of 2019. The subscripts “A”, “B”, and “L” correspond to regulations passed through an administrative regulation, a ballot initiative, and a legislative bill, respectively. The superscript “V” denotes that the regulation was vetoed by the governor of the state and therefore is not in effect. States with a (*) allow ballot initiatives. 5. Implications Predicting the outcome of future FAW regulations is important for several reasons. Producers, animal agriculture supply chain stakeholders, and consumers are all impacted by the outcomes of FAW regulations. In some cases, such as in California (CA) and Michigan (MI), FAW regulations also prohibit the import of products not produced in a manner that adheres to their state regulation(s). As such, consumers within a state with a FAW regulation can be precluded from purchasing these products, which negatively effects some consumers' welfare. These stakeholder effects could be seen in other instances of national, provincial, state, and local government regulations (such as in the EU) that go beyond what is required by the overarching government or organization. 142 The state-level regulatory process of the US is likely to remain the same in the future, with all states offering legislative bills and only 24 states allowing ballot initiatives as a means for passing new laws. As such, our predictions can assist producers and industry stakeholders in gauging the future of the regulatory landscape and provide guidance on whether to upgrade existing production methods to comply with anticipated mandates. Our model predicts where new FAW regulations are most likely to be passed; namely in the seven states that were predicted by our model to have a FAW law in place in 2019 but did not. These states are Alaska (AK), Connecticut (CT), Delaware (DE), Maryland (MD), Nevada (NV), New Hampshire (NH), and Vermont (VT). In Table 38 and Table 39, we present the predicted percentage of the population within these states that would be in favor of FAW regulations, the number of egg-laying hens and gestating sows in the state, the relative size of the state's industry to the national total, and the estimated costs to the industry in each of these states to update to cage-free egg and crate-free pork production methods. We assume that 18.32% of egg-laying hens and 18.67% of gestating sows are already in cage-free and crate-free housing systems.39 Table 38: Annual Cost to Update Cage-Free Egg Production in Seven States Predicted to Pass FAW Regulation State Number of Egg-Laying Hens Percent of Egg- Laying Hens in the Nation Alaska* Connecticut Delaware Maryland Nevada New Hampshire Vermont Total Note: States with a (*) allow ballot initiatives. We assume a $6.95 increase in production cost per hen per year. Collar values have been inflated to 2022 dollars. 8,360 3,249,703 3,249,703 2,971,918 15,964 246,099 173,241 9,914,988 0.002 0.882 0.882 0.807 0.004 0.067 0.047 2.69 Annual Cost to Update to Cage-Free System $47,477.80 $18,455,593.01 $18,455,593.01 $16,878,005.68 $90,662.15 $1,397,636.25 $983,863.82 $56,308,831.72 Percent of Population in Favor of FAW Regulation 57.224 57.659 61.573 59.082 55.794 62.032 63.689 N/A 39 For a detailed explanation of how we calculated these numbers and the estimated costs to the other states without a FAW regulation in place, please see Appendix A.6. 143 Table 39: Annual Cost to Update to Crate-Free Pork Production in Seven States Predicted to Pass FAW Regulation State Alaska* Connecticut Delaware Maryland Nevada New Hampshire Vermont Total Note: States with a (*) allow ballot initiatives. We assume an increase in production costs of $51.53 (lower bound) and $87.77 (upper bound) per sow per year. Dollar values have been inflated to 2022 dollars. Annual Cost to Update to Crate-Free System Lower Bound $16,754.39 $25,131.59 $167,543.93 $154,978.13 $16,754.39 $25,131.59 $33,508.79 $439,802.81 Annual Cost to Update to Crate-Free System Upper Bound $28,534.83 $42,802.24 $285,348.25 $263,947.13 $28,534.83 $42,802.24 $57,069.65 $749,039.16 Percent of Population in Favor of FAW Regulation 57.224 57.659 61.573 59.082 55.794 62.032 63.689 N/A Percent of Gestating Sows in the Nation 0.003 0.005 0.031 0.029 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.080 Number of Gestating Sows 400 600 4,000 3,700 400 600 800 10,500 144 As seen in Table 38, these seven states make up almost 3% of national egg production. Matthews and Sumner (2015) estimate an annual increase of $6.95 per hen in 2022 dollars to update to a cage-free production method. The total estimated annual cost to update all seven states' egg industries to cage-free production methods is over $56.3 million annually. Likewise, in Table 39, these seven states make up less than 1% of national pork production. Ortega and Wolf (2018) estimate an annual increase of between $51.53 and $87.77 per sow in 2022 dollars to update to crate-free production methods. The estimated cost to update all seven states' pork industries to crate-free production is between $439.8 thousand and $749.1 thousand annually. These estimated values do not take into account any effects on interstate commerce. In the case that future FAW regulations impose restrictions on what products can be sold within a state, the predicted costs to consumers would be added to these estimates. Outside of the US, the correlations we find between demographic variables and predicted public support for FAW regulations are likely transmutable. These associations can help inform policy makers and industry stakeholders of potential future FAW regulations in countries or organizations with similar legislative and regulatory processes to the US. Furthermore, we have provided a novel two-stage, three-part MESR analysis method to incorporate multiple stages of regulatory processes into predictions that can be applied to other legislative processes throughout the world. Additionally, an MESR model like the one presented here can be used to model the regulatory process for other types of agricultural policies and laws, such as laws related to regulating agricultural pollution. Further, as affluence increases in developing countries worldwide, it is likely that there will be an increase in these consumers' activity in food system regulations in the future. Our results shed light on likely regulatory outcomes in these countries. Countries in which ballot initiatives or 145 a similar process are allowed can anticipate citizens' voting behavior through analyzing demographic characteristics. On the other hand, countries in which laws are only passed through a legislature of elected representatives can anticipate that political party-line voting will occur. 6. Conclusion Nineteen state-level bills and ballot initiatives concerning farm animal welfare (FAW) have been adopted across 12 states. In this research, we seek to model the evolution of the state-level FAW regulatory landscape as a function of legislature characteristics and constituent demographics. More specifically, we utilize a two-stage model to assess (i) whether and when a given state considers FAW measures, and (ii) if so, the likelihood the measures are passed. We find that state legislature characteristics influence the likelihood of taking FAW regulatory action differently between ballot initiatives and legislative bills. Moreover, political party has a stronger influence on the outcome of votes on legislative bills, while demographics have a stronger effect on the outcome of votes on ballot initiatives. Finally, we find that new FAW regulations are most likely to be passed in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Vermont. We estimate the costs to the egg and pork industries to update to cage- and crate-free production systems in these states to be small. Of course, our analysis is not without limitations. For example, our analysis necessarily reduces nuanced regulation into a binary outcome. However, not all FAW regulations are alike. Underlying “yes” or “no” outcomes we have modeled are distinct rules that may affect markets differently. We are unable to account for these differences in our specifications. Further, there are likely multiple factors leading to over-prediction in FAW regulation voting models, including the presence of social desirability bias (SDB) in public voting (Lai et al., 2021). Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, our analysis relies on an assumption that the future – both in terms of what 146 policies are considered and how those considerations play out – is like the past. The US is constantly experiencing changes in discourse, policy environments, and business strategies at the firm level. These changes may impact the probabilities that FAW legislation is proposed and how it is voted on, so out of sample predictions in the future using our model may not be possible. To the extent that the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing climate crisis, and other current issues take center stage in the policy arena, these considerations could “crowd out” agricultural policies, such as the farm animal welfare regulations considered in this analysis. This could reduce the ongoing external validity of our results. 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Using these concepts and themes, I developed a concept map and the first round of subject codes following techniques and suggestions from Saldaña (2013). Then I reviewed the transcripts again, and refined the concept map and codes, to allow for the addition of new codes/themes or to condense codes/themes together. I applied each cycle of codes to the interviews until I was satisfied that the codes accurately captured the information needed for the next phase of data collection. 153 Read through of transcripts Identification of major themes and concepts Concept map and code revising Development of concept map and codes Application of codes to transcripts Summary statement writing Answering research questions Compilation of findings and drawing conclusions Figure 1: Stages of Qualitative Data Analysis For each interview transcript, a summary statement was composed for each of the codes. Then, these individual summaries were condensed into a single summary statement for each subject code to convey general interview findings. This technique is used in qualitative research to display data in an organized manner and see trends or gaps in information (Miles, Huberman, and Saldaña 2014). These summaries were used to draw conclusions and provide answers to the research questions and inform the design of the online survey. I intend to review all transcripts at least one additional time after the quantitative data is collected and analyzed; I think it is prudent to also review the transcripts through the lens of quantitative findings and potential interconnections and effects between the groups of interviewees rather than assuming each group operates in a vacuum. 154 APPENDIX A.2 PROCESSOR, RETAILER, AND CONSUMER SURVEY QUESTIONS Meat Processor Survey Q1 You are being asked to participate in a research study of meat and poultry slaughter and processing establishment preferences. Processing includes packing, freezing, canning, salting, smoking, and eviscerating meat products. You should feel free to ask the researchers any questions you may have. Your participation in this study will take about fifteen to twenty minutes. You will be asked to respond to a series of questions about how you make decisions at your establishment. There are 46 questions asking about your preferences for business practices in addition to questions asking about your establishment’s operations. I also ask some basic demographic questions. This project will assist researchers to benchmark awareness of food- related issues and study events that could affect demand. You can choose to not complete the survey without penalty. Study Title: U.S. Meat Industry Overview: Consumer Preferences, Retailer Motivations, and Processor Practices Researcher Title and Contact Information: Melissa G.S. McKendree, PhD, and Kelsey Hopkins, PhD Candidate,, 847-513-1708 Department and Institution: Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University Sponsor: USDA-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative The researchers will not have access to your name or your establishment's name. At no point will a data file be constructed in which your personal information is linked with your responses. The data will only be released in summaries in which no individual’s answers can be identified. You have the right to say no to participating in this research. You can stop at any time after you have started. There will be no consequences if you stop and you will not be criticized. You will not lose any benefits that you normally receive. If you have concerns or questions about this study, such as scientific issues, how to do any part of it, or to report an injury, please contact the researcher Melissa G.S. McKendree, 202 Morrill Hall of Agriculture, East Lansing, MI, 48824, If you have questions about your role and rights as a research participant, would like to obtain information or offer input, or would like to register a complaint about this study, you may contact, anonymously if you wish, the Michigan State University’s Human Research Protection Program at 517-355-2180, Fax 517- 432-4503, or e-mail or regular mail at 4000 Collins Rd, Suite 136, Lansing, MI 48910. Continuing with the survey means that you voluntarily agree to participate in this research study. Q2 What type of establishment do you have? 155 Note: By definition, "processing" includes packing, freezing, canning, salting, smoking, and eviscerating/cutting meat products after slaughter. o Slaughter establishment (without further processing) o Processing establishment (without slaughter) o Slaughter and processing establishment o Distributor/storage facility o Other (e.g., custom butcher shop, on-farm custom exempt slaughter) o None of the above Q3 Does your establishment slaughter or process ONLY pork, seafood, fish, and/or egg products? o Yes o No o Not applicable Q4 To the best of your knowledge, which of these are requirements for a meat or poultry product to be halal? Select all that apply. ▢ A blessing was spoken over the animal at the time of slaughter ▢ It is free of alcohol or alcohol derivatives ▢ The animal is slaughtered by a Muslim or Person of the Book (Jewish or Christian) ▢ The animal or meat product is imported from a Muslim majority country ▢ It is free of pork/porcine products or derivatives ▢ ⊗I am not sure/don’t know Q5 Has your establishment ever supplied halal meat or poultry products? o Yes, currently supplying halal meat/poultry products o Yes, supplied halal meat/poultry products in the past but not currently o No, never supplied halal meat/poultry products Q6 Is your establishment certified for any other niche/specialty or value-added products (e.g., organic, kosher, antibiotic free, no added hormones, grass-fed, humanely raised, branded, etc.)? o No o Yes; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q7 In what year did your establishment begin operations? _______________________ Q8 In what U.S. state is your establishment? ▼ Alabama ... I do not reside in the United States Q9 Approximately how many people are employed at your establishment?_______________ Q10 Approximately what percentage of your products are exported for international sale? o 0% o 1-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o 75% or more o Not applicable/unsure Q11 What type(s) of animal(s) do you slaughter/process at your establishment? 156 Slaughter Process Beef Veal Lamb or sheep Pork Turkey Chicken Goat Other (e.g., deer, bison, or exotic fowl) Q15 Please select the top three (3) motivations for your decision to supply halal meat or poultry products: Neither Slaughter nor Process ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ My establishment has a halal program so I can sell our products at a premium price ▢ My establishment has a halal program so I can sell to more customers ▢ My establishment has a halal program so I can compete with other similar businesses with halal programs ▢ My establishment has a halal program so I can provide halal products for Muslim communities ▢ My establishment has a halal program so I can provide halal products for people with diverse cultural backgrounds Q12 What type of halal meat or poultry does your establishment provide? (Select all that apply) ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal ▢ Machine-slaughtered halal Display This Question: If Q12 = Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal Q13 For your method of zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal, is the cut to the animal's throat vertical or horizontal? o Vertical o Horizontal o I don't know/ I am not sure Q14 How many years have you had a halal program at your establishment? o Less than 1 year o 1-3 years o 4-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-20 years o More than 20 years o Q94 Please indicate to what extent each of the following INCENTIVIZED you to start a halal program to your establishment: 157 Neutral Not an incentive o o o An incentive o o o o o o Higher price for my products Access to new markets to sell my products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to apply for grants or financial aid to help set up the program Assistance from organizations (certifiers, universities, etc.) to coordinate setting up the halal program Competing with similar businesses that had a halal program Q93 Please indicate to what extent each of the following served as a BARRIER when you started a halal program to your establishment: o o o o o o o o o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Lack of Muslim laborers available near me Limited local market opportunities to sell my product Lack of knowledge for how to implement a halal program at my operation Display This Question: Not a barrier o o o o o o Neutral A barrier o o o o o o o o o o o o If Q2 = Slaughter establishment (without further processing) Or Q2 = Slaughter and processing establishment Or Q2 = Other (e.g., custom butcher shop, on-farm custom exempt slaughter) Q16 Approximately what percent of your establishment’s total slaughter is halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26 - 50% o 51-75% o More than 75% o Not applicable Display This Question: If Q2 = Processing establishment (without slaughter) Or Q2 = Slaughter and processing establishment Or Q2 = Other (e.g., custom butcher shop, on-farm custom exempt slaughter) Q17 Approximately what percent of your establishment’s total processing is halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o More than 75% 158 o Not applicable Q18 Approximately what percentage of your halal products are exported for international sale? o 0% o 1-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o 75% or more o Not applicable/unsure Display This Question: If Q18 = 0% Q19 Why does your establishment not export halal meat or poultry products for international sale? Select all that apply. ▢ Our halal certification program does not support exports ▢ I do not know how to coordinate exporting our halal products ▢ I do not have excess halal product available for export ▢ I do not want to export our halal products ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q20 Is your operation certified by a third party to provide halal meat or poultry products? o Yes o No o I am not sure Display This Question: If Q20 = Yes Q21 Which organization(s) provides your halal certification? Select all that apply. Islamic Services of America (ISA) Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) Other; please specify: Display This Question: Current certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Past certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Never been my certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ If Q2 = Processing establishment (without slaughter) Or Q2 = Slaughter and processing establishment Or Q2 = Other (e.g., custom butcher shop, on-farm custom exempt slaughter) Q22 Approximately what percent of your establishment’s total processing was halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o More than 75% o Not applicable Display This Question: If Q2 = Slaughter establishment (without further processing) Or Q2 = Slaughter and processing establishment 159 Or Q2 = Other (e.g., custom butcher shop, on-farm custom exempt slaughter) Q23 Approximately what percent of your establishment’s total slaughter was halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o More than 75% o Not applicable Q24 Approximately what percentage of your halal meat or poultry products were exported for international sale? o 0% o 1-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o 75% or more o Not applicable/unsure Q25 What type of halal meat or poultry did your establishment provide? (Select all that apply) ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal ▢ Machine-slaughtered halal Display This Question: If Q25 = Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal Q26 For your method of zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal, was the cut to the animal's throat vertical or horizontal? o Vertical o Horizontal o I don't know/ I am not sure Q27 Please select the top three (3) motivations for your decision to supply halal meat or poultry products in the past: ▢ My establishment had a halal program so I could sell our products at a premium price ▢ My establishment had a halal program so I could sell to more customers ▢ My establishment had a halal program so I could compete with other similar businesses with halal programs ▢ My establishment had a halal program so I could provide halal products for Muslim communities ▢ My establishment had a halal program so I could provide halal products for people with diverse cultural backgrounds Q28 How many years did you have a halal program at your establishment? o Less than 1 year o 1-3 years o 4-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-20 years o More than 20 years Q29 Was your operation certified by a third party to provide halal meat or poultry products? o Yes o No 160 o I am not sure Display This Question: If Q29 = Yes Q30 Why did you end your halal certification? (Check all that apply) ▢ Costs became prohibitive ▢ Wanted to offer different products ▢ Standards were too strict/hard to meet ▢ Poor working relationship with certifier ▢ Insufficient demand for halal products ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q29 = Yes Q31 Which organization(s) was your halal certification from? Select all that apply. ▢ Islamic Services of America (ISA) ▢ Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) ▢ Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) ▢ Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q32 Have you ever considered adding a halal program to your establishment again? o Yes o No Q33 Please indicate how likely each of the following are to INCENTIVIZE you to add a halal program back to your establishment: Unlikely Neutral o o o Higher price for my products Access to new markets to sell my products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to apply for grants or financial aid to help set up the program Assistance from organizations (certifiers, universities, etc.) to coordinate setting up the halal program Competing with similar businesses that had a halal program Q34 Please indicate how likely each of the following serve as a BARRIER in your decision to add a halal program back to your establishment: o o o o o o o o o o o o Likely o o o 161 Unlikely Neutral o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Lack of Muslim laborers available near me Limited local market opportunities to sell my product Lack of knowledge for how to implement a halal program at my operation Q35 Have you ever considered adding a halal program to your establishment? o o o o o o o o o o o Likely o o o o o o o Yes o No o I do/did not know what halal is Q36 Are you interested in learning more about halal meat production opportunities for your establishment? o Yes o No Q37 Please indicate how likely each of the following are to INCENTIVIZE you to add a halal program to your establishment: Unlikely Neutral Likely o o o o Higher price for my products Access to new markets to sell my products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to apply for grants or financial aid to help set up the program Assistance from organizations (certifiers, universities, etc.) to coordinate setting up the halal program Competing with similar businesses that had a halal program Q38 Please indicate how likely each of the following serve as a BARRIER in your decision to add a halal program to your establishment: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Unlikely Neutral Likely o o o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Lack of Muslim laborers available near me Limited local market opportunities to sell my product Lack of knowledge for how to implement a halal program at my operation Q39 There is not a NHMC program in the U.S. I am interested in your opinions to help design a future national U.S. meat and poultry halal certification program. If you do not currently have a halal program, imagine that you are considering adding a halal program to your establishment. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o In the following section of the survey, you will be presented seven scenarios. Please consider the 162 three factors presented, and indicate which one factor is the least important and which one is the most important to you when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program. Please select one factor as least important AND one factor as most important in each question. The questions look similar but contain different comparisons of factors. Please treat each question individually. To help, I have given an example below with ice cream, where flavor is the most important factor and price is the least important factor in your decision to buy ice cream. EXAMPLE Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important in your decision to buy ice cream? Q40 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) o o o Q41 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, price premiums) Most Important (Check only one) o o o 163 Q42 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Costs associated with certification program involvement (e.g., certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor) ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) o o o Q43 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) o o o Q44 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, price premiums) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) ⊗Costs associated with certification program involvement (e.g., certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor) Most Important (Check only one) o o o 164 Q45 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Costs associated with certification program (e.g., facility modifications, traceability equipment, certification fees, labor) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) o o o Q46 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, price premiums) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) 165 Q47 If you were to use a national halal certification at your establishment, would you want it to be internationally accredited or recognized for export? o Yes o No o Maybe o I would not want to use a national halal certification at my establishment Q48 Should individual products or supply chain members be required to have a national halal certification to ensure authentic halal meat and poultry products? o Individual products o Supply chain members (e.g., processor, wholesaler, retailer) o Both individual products and supply chain members Display This Question: If Q48 = Supply chain members (e.g., processor, wholesaler, retailer) Or Q48 = Both individual products and supply chain members Q49 Which members of the supply chain should be required to have a national halal certification? Select all that apply. ▢ Slaughter establishments ▢ Processing establishments ▢ Distributors or transportation services ▢ Retailers and wholesalers ▢ Restaurants and food service ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q50 Under a national halal certification, how should a certified business be inspected? o Pre-scheduled inspections o Random/surprise inspections o A mixture of pre-scheduled and random inspections o Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q51 Which benefits of a national halal certification would be most important to your business? Select up to three. ▢ Access to new domestic (U.S.) markets ▢ Access to new export (international) markets ▢ Ability to charge a higher price for my products ▢ Increased consumer trust ▢ Ease of identifying a certified product ▢ Ease of communicating product attributes ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗None of the above Q52 Which costs of a national halal certification would be most important to your business? Select up to three. ▢ Reoccurring certification fees ▢ Cost of establishment modifications ▢ Increased labor hours needed ▢ Cost of traceability and/or verification equipment ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ 166 ▢ ⊗None of the above Q53 In your opinion, what standards should be included in a national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughter) ▢ Machine-slaughter ▢ Slaughterers of Muslim faith ▢ Slaughterers of Christian or Jewish faith ▢ Individual spoken blessings ▢ Animal(s) not stunned ▢ Animal(s) face Mecca at time of slaughter ▢ GMO-free ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗I don't know Q54 Please indicate which parties should have access to the names of establishment(s) at which a halal meat or poultry product was slaughtered and/or processed using a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Wholesaler/distributor ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q55 Please indicate which parties should have access to a national list of halal certified meat/poultry establishments certified with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Wholesalers/distributors ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q56 Please indicate which parties should have access to the name(s) of enforcement agencies that certify halal establishments with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Wholesalers/distributors ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q57 Please indicate which parties should have access to information regarding the halal standards used in slaughter and/or processing under a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers 167 ▢ Wholesalers/distributors ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Display This Question: If Q54 = General public Or Q55 = General public Or Q56 = General public Or Q57 = General public Q58 How should the general public be able to access information related to a national halal certification program for meat/poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ Online (e.g., company website, online database) ▢ Using a QR code/cell phone app ▢ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q59 Who should set standards for a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. Note: The U.S. and state governments are not legally allowed to define standards related to religious products. ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Wholesalers/distributors ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q60 Who should enforce a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ U.S. government organization (e.g., the USDA) ▢ State government organization (e.g., state department of agriculture) ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Wholesalers/distributors ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ Q61 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: 168 Agree Neutral Disagree o o o o o o o o o Halal meat or poultry tastes better than non-halal meat or poultry All halal meat or poultry slaughter or processing establishments must be halal certified Halal establishments that are certified have a stronger reputation than halal establishments that are not certified Halal meat/poultry is more sanitary than non-halal meat/ poultry The halal slaughter process is more humane for the animal Establishments that are not halal certified cannot be trusted to supply authentic halal products Halal meat and poultry is higher quality than non-halal meat and poultry Halal meat and poultry is healthier than non-halal meat and poultry If an establishment has a good reputation for supplying halal meat and poultry products, it does not need to be certified as halal Q62 What is your role or job at your establishment? __________________________________ Q63 What is your current age? o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 18-24 years old o 25-34 years old o 35-44 years old o 45-54 years old o 55-64 years old o 65-74 years old o 75 years or older o Prefer not to disclose Q64 Were you born in the U.S.? o Yes o No, I was born in this country: __________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q65 Were your parents and grandparents born in the U.S.? o Yes o No; they were born in this/these countries:____________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Q64 = No, I was born in this country: Or Were you born in the U.S.? Text Response Is Not Empty Q66 How long have you lived in the U.S.? o 0-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-15 years o 16-20 years o 21-25 years 169 o Over 25 years o Prefer not to disclose Q67 What is your gender? o Male o Female o Prefer to self-describe: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q68 What is the highest level of education you have completed? o Less than High School o High school graduate or GED o Some college o 2-year degree (Associates) o 4-year degree (BA, BS) o Professional degree (JD, MD, PhD, etc.) o Prefer not to disclose Q69 Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? o No o Yes; please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q70 What is your race? Select all that apply. ▢ White ▢ Black or African American ▢ Native American or Alaska Native ▢ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ▢ Asian ▢ Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗Prefer not to disclose Q71 Which political party do you most identify with? o Democrat o Republican o I am an independent o Other; please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer to not disclose Q72 Which best describes the area in which you live? o Rural o Suburban o Urban o Prefer not to disclose Q73 Do you consider yourself to be religious? o No o Yes, I am: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Q73 = No Q74 Have you followed a religion in the past even if you do not do so now? o No 170 o Yes, I was: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q75 Do you have any final thoughts or comments you wish to share about using/not using a halal meat program at your establishment? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 171 Meat Retailer Survey Q1 You are being asked to participate in a research study of meat and poultry retailers. You should feel free to ask the researchers any questions you may have. Your participation in this study will take about fifteen to twenty minutes. You will be asked to respond to a series of questions about how you make decisions at your retail establishment. There are questions asking about your preferences for business practices in addition to questions asking about your store’s operations. I also ask some basic demographic questions. This project will assist researchers to benchmark awareness of food-related issues and study events that could affect demand. You can choose to not complete the survey without penalty. Study Title: U.S. Meat Industry Overview: Consumer Preferences, Retailer Motivations, and Processor Practices Researcher Title and Contact Information: Melissa G.S. McKendree, PhD, and Kelsey Hopkins, PhD Candidate,, 847-513-1708 Department and Institution: Dept. of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University Sponsor: USDA-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative At no point will a data file be constructed in which your personal information is linked with your responses. The data will only be released in summaries in which no individual’s answers can be identified. You have the right to say no to participating in this research. You can stop at any time after you have started. There will be no consequences if you stop, and you will not be criticized. You will not lose any benefits that you normally receive. If you have concerns or questions about this study, such as scientific issues, how to do any part of it, or to report an injury, please contact the researcher Melissa G.S. McKendree, 202 Morrill Hall of Agriculture, East Lansing, MI, 48824, If you have questions about your role and rights as a research participant, would like to obtain information or offer input, or would like to register a complaint about this study, you may contact, anonymously if you wish, the Michigan State University’s Human Research Protection Program at 517-355-2180, Fax 517- 432-4503, or e-mail or regular mail at 4000 Collins Rd, Suite 136, Lansing, MI 48910. Continuing with the survey means that you voluntarily agree to participate in this research study. Please certify that you are over 18 years of age and agree to voluntarily participate in this survey. o I am over 18 and agree to participate o I am not over 18 or do not agree to participate 172 Q144 Please ensure you are carefully reading through the survey questions and making thoughtful selections in order to qualify for the $25 survey incentive. Any nonsense answers, quality issues, or speeding will be disqualified without incentive. o Agree o Disagree Skip To: End of Survey If Q144 = Disagree Q2 Do you represent (work for or own) a retail store that sells meat or poultry products? o No o Yes Q3 What is your role or job at your store?____________________________________________ Q4 Which of the following best describes your store? o Supermarket (e.g., Walmart, Target, Meijer) o Club membership store (e.g., Costco, Sam's Club) o Grocery store (e.g., independent small local or regional store) o Convenience store o Butcher shop/deli o Other, please specify: __________________________________________________ o None of the above Q5 To the best of your knowledge, which of these are requirements for a meat or poultry product to be halal? Select all that apply. ▢ A blessing was spoken over the animal at the time of slaughter ▢ It is free of alcohol or alcohol derivatives ▢ The animal is slaughtered by a Muslim or Person of the Book (Jewish or Christian) ▢ The animal or meat product is imported from a Muslim majority country ▢ It is free of pork/porcine products or derivatives ▢ ⊗I am not sure/don’t know Q6 Has your retail store ever sold halal meat or poultry products? o Yes, currently selling halal meat/poultry products o Yes, sold halal meat/poultry products in the past but not currently o No, never sold halal meat/poultry products o I am unsure/don't know Q7 Does your retail store sell any other certified niche/specialty or value-added meat or poultry products besides halal (e.g., organic, kosher, antibiotic free, no added hormones, grass-fed, humanely raised, branded)? o No, no other specialty meat or poultry products o Yes, I sell other specialty meat or poultry products. Please specify: __________________ Q8 The following questions ask for basic information about your retail store. If you are responsible for multiple retail stores, please answer the questions based on your primary or flagship retail location. Q9 In what year did your store begin operations? Please enter a full year, such as 1990. _______ Q10 In what U.S. state is your store? ▼ Alabama ... My store is not in the United States 173 Q11 In what type of area is your store located? o Rural or countryside o Suburban or small-mid size city o Urban or large city o Prefer not to disclose Q12 Approximately how many people are employed at your store full time or full time equivalent? Note: For example, if an employee works 20 hours per week, they are considered 0.5 full time equivalent. _________________________________________________ Q13 The following questions ask you about the meat and poultry products you sell in your store. Q14 Where or how do you sell meat or poultry products at your store? Select all that apply. o Products are sold prepackaged on shelves (shelf stable products) o Products are sold prepackaged in a refrigerated or frozen display case (case ready) o Products are sold prepackaged in a refrigerated or frozen display case (not case ready/cut in store) Products are sold at a service deli counter o Products are sold at a service butcher counter o Other location or method. Please specify: ______________________________________ 174 I do not sell products from this species at my store ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Q15 What species and types of meat or poultry products do you sell at your store? Frozen fully cooked Deli meats/ poultry Canned, smoked, or cured meat/poultry products Ready to eat products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Beef Veal Lamb or sheep Pork Turkey Chicken Goat Other (e.g., deer, bison, camel, or exotic fowl) Q16 How many years have halal meat/poultry products been sold at your store? ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ o Less than 1 year o 1-3 years o 4-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-20 years o More than 20 years Q17 Approximately what percent of your store’s total meat/poultry sales are halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26 - 50% o 51-75% o More than 75% Q18 What standard of halal meat or poultry does your store sell? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal ▢ Machine-slaughtered halal ▢ ⊗I am not sure/don't know Display This Question: 175 If Q18 = Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal Q19 For your zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal products, is the cut to the animal's throat vertical or horizontal? o Vertical (up and down) o Horizontal (ear to ear) o I don't know/ I am not sure Q20 What halal meat or poultry products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen fully cooked products ▢ Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) ▢ Deli meats/poultry ▢ Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q21 What types of halal fresh whole muscle cuts do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q22 What types of halal frozen whole muscle cuts do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Frozen fully cooked products Q23 What types of halal frozen fully cooked products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal 176 ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) Q24 What types of halal ready to eat (shelf stable) products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Deli meats/poultry Q25 What types of halal deli products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q20 = Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry Q26 What types of halal canned, smoked, or cured products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If What  halal meat or poultry products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. Text Response Is Not Empty Q27 What types of halal ${Q20/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7} products do you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef 177 ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q28 Would you like to sell other halal meat or poultry products at your store that you do not currently offer? o Yes. Please specify other halal meat or poultry products you would like to sell: ________ o No Q29 Please select the top three (3) motivations for your decision to sell halal meat/poultry products: ▢ My store offers halal meat/poultry products so I can sell these products at a higher retail margin ▢ My store offers halal meat/poultry products so I can attract more customers ▢ My store offers halal meat/poultry products so I can compete with other similar businesses that offer halal meat/poultry products ▢ My store offers halal meat/poultry products so I can provide halal meat/poultry products for Muslim communities ▢ My store offers halal meat/poultry products so I can provide halal meat/poultry products for people with diverse cultural backgrounds Q30 Are any of the halal products your establishment provides certified by a third party? (e.g., individual products have a stamp or label that says "halal") o Yes o No o I am not sure Q31 Is your store certified by a third party to provide halal meat or poultry products? o Yes o No o I am not sure Display This Question: If Q31 = Yes Q32 Which organization(s) provides your store's halal certification? Select all that apply. Islamic Services of America (ISA) Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) The Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA) Other. Please specify: Display This Question: If Q30 = Yes Current certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Past certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Never been my certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Q33 Which organization(s) provides your products' halal certification? Select all that apply. 178 Current certifier Past certifier Never been my certifier Unsure if they have ever been my certifier ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Islamic Services of America (ISA) Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) The Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA) Other. Please specify: ▢ Q34 Please indicate to what extent each of the following MOTIVATED your store to start a halal program: ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ Neutral Not a motivation o o o A motivation o o o Higher retail margin for halal products Access to new customers to sell halal products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to compete with other similar businesses that offer halal meat/poultry products Assistance from organizations (certifiers, producer groups, etc.) to coordinate finding a supplier Q35 Please indicate to what extent each of the following was a CHALLENGE when you started a halal program to your store: o o o o o o o o o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Limited local customer base to sell halal products Lack of knowledge for how to sell halal products at my store Display This Question: Not a challenge o o o o o Neutral o o o o o A challenge o o o o o If Q35 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ Neutral ] Or Q35 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ A challenge ] Q36 In the previous question, you indicated that costs were a challenge or barrier when beginning your halal program. Which of the following costs were the most challenging? Select all that apply. ▢ Reoccurring certification fees 179 ▢ One-time infrastructure costs (e.g., additional refrigerators or shelves) ▢ Increased labor ▢ Traceability technology costs ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q37 How many years did you sell halal meat/poultry products at your store? o Less than 1 year o 1-3 years o 4-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-20 years o More than 20 years Q38 Approximately what percent of your store’s total meat/poultry sales were halal? o Less than 10% o 11-25% o 26-50% o 51-75% o More than 75% Q39 What standard of halal meat or poultry products did your store sell? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal ▢ Machine-slaughtered halal ▢ ⊗I don't know/am not sure Display This Question: If Q39 = Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal Q40 For your zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal products, was the cut to the animal's throat vertical or horizontal? o Vertical (up and down) o Horizontal (ear to ear) o I don't know/ I am not sure Q41 What halal meat or poultry products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen fully cooked products ▢ Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) ▢ Deli meats/poultry ▢ Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q42 What types of halal fresh whole muscle cuts did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb 180 ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q43 What types of halal frozen whole muscle cuts did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Frozen fully cooked products Q44 What types of halal frozen fully cooked products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) Q45 What types of halal ready to eat (shelf stable) products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Deli meats/poultry Q46 What types of halal deli products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal 181 ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q41 = Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry Q47 What species of halal canned, smoked, or cured products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If What halal meat or poultry products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. Text Response Is Not Empty Q48 What species of halal ${Q41/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7} products did you sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q49 Please select the top three (3) motivations for your decision to sell halal meat/poultry products: ▢ My store offered halal meat/poultry products so I could sell those products at a higher retail margin ▢ My store offered halal meat/poultry products so I could attract more customers ▢ My store offered halal meat/poultry products so I could compete with other similar businesses that offered halal meat/poultry products ▢ My store offered halal meat/poultry products so I could provide halal meat/poultry products for Muslim communities ▢ My store offered halal meat/poultry products so I could provide halal meat/poultry products for people with diverse cultural backgrounds Q50 Why did you stop offering halal? (Check all that apply) ▢ Costs became prohibitive ▢ Wanted to offer different products ▢ Standards were too strict/hard to meet 182 ▢ Poor working relationship with certifier ▢ Insufficient demand for halal meat/poultry products ▢ Insufficient supply of halal meat/poultry products ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q51 Were any of your halal meat/poultry products certified by a third party? o Yes o No o I am not sure Q52 Was your store certified by a third party to provide halal meat or poultry products? o Yes o No o I am not sure Display This Question: If Q51 = Yes Q53 Which organization(s) was your store's halal certification from? Select all that apply. ▢ Islamic Services of America (ISA) ▢ Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) ▢ Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) ▢ Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) ▢ The Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗Unsure/don't know Display This Question: If Q51 = Yes Q54 Which organization(s) were your products' halal certification from? Select all that apply. ▢ Islamic Services of America (ISA) ▢ Halal Food Standards Alliance of America (HFSAA) ▢ Halal Monitoring Services (HMS) ▢ Halal Transactions of Omaha (HTO) ▢ The Islamic Society of the Washington Area (ISWA) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗Unsure/don't know Q55 Have you ever considered selling halal meat/poultry products at your store again? o Yes o No Q56 Please indicate how likely each of the following are to MOTIVATE you to sell halal meat/poultry products at your store again: 183 Unlikely Neutral Higher retail margin for halal products Access to new customers to sell halal products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to compete with other similar businesses that offer halal meat/poultry products Assistance from organizations (certifiers, producer groups, etc.) to coordinate finding a supplier Q57 Please indicate how likely each of the following would be a CHALLENGE if you were to sell halal meat/poultry products at your store again: o o o o o o o o o o o Likely o o o o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Limited local customer base to sell halal products Lack of knowledge for how to sell halal products at my store Display This Question: Unlikely Neutral o o o o o o o o o o Likely o o o o o If Q57 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ Neutral ] Or Q57 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ Likely ] Q58 In the previous question, you indicated that costs would be a challenge or barrier when starting a halal program at your store again. Which of the following costs would be the most challenging? Select all that apply. ▢ Reoccurring certification fees ▢ One-time infrastructure costs (e.g., additional refrigerators or shelves) ▢ Increased labor ▢ Traceability technology costs ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q59 Have you ever considered selling halal meat/poultry products at your store? o Yes o No o I do/did not know what halal is Q60 Are you interested in learning more about halal meat/poultry retail opportunities for your store? o Yes o No Display This Question: If Q59 = Yes Or Q60 = Yes Q61 What halal meat or poultry products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. 184 ▢ Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) ▢ Frozen fully cooked products ▢ Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) ▢ Deli meats/poultry ▢ Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q61 = Fresh whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q62 What types of halal fresh whole muscle cuts would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q61 = Frozen whole muscle cuts or ground (e.g., chicken breasts, roasts, ground turkey) Q63 What types of halal frozen whole muscle cuts would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q61 = Frozen fully cooked products Q64 What types of halal frozen fully cooked products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: 185 If Q61 = Ready to eat shelf stable products (e.g., snack sticks, jerky) Q65 What types of halal ready to eat (shelf stable) products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q61 = Deli meats/poultry Q66 What types of halal deli products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q61 = Canned, smoked, or cured meats/poultry Q67 What species of halal canned, smoked, or cured products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If What halal meat or poultry products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. Text Response Is Not Empty Q68 What species of halal ${Q61/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7} products would you like to sell at your store? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ 186 Q69 Please indicate how likely each of the following are to MOTIVATE you to sell halal meat or poultry products at your store: Unlikely Neutral Likely o o o o Higher retail margin for halal products Access to new customers to sell halal products Supplying niche religious products to minority communities The ability to compete with other similar businesses that offer halal meat/poultry products Assistance from organizations (certifiers, producer groups, etc.) to coordinate finding a supplier Q70 Please indicate how likely each of the following serve as a CHALLENGE in your decision to sell halal meat or poultry products at your store: o o o o o o o o o o o Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) Religious or racial discrimination from regulating bodies Backlash or displeasure from my non-Muslim customers Limited local customer bases to sell halal products Lack of knowledge for how to sell halal products at my store Display This Question: Unlikely Neutral o o o o o o o o o o Likely o o o o o If Q70 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ Neutral ] Or Q70 = Costs associated with certification program involvement (certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor, etc.) [ Likely ] Q71 In the previous question, you indicated that costs would be a challenge or barrier when starting a halal program at your store. Which of the following costs would be the most challenging? Select all that apply. ▢ Reoccurring certification fees ▢ One-time infrastructure costs (e.g., additional refrigerators or shelves) ▢ Increased labor ▢ Traceability technology costs ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q146 The following question is to verify that you are paying attention. Please select the animal that has hooves from the options below. o Cat o Horse o Dog o Hamster Skip To: End of Survey If Q146 != Horse Q72 There is not a NHMC program in the U.S. I am interested in your opinions to help design a future national U.S. meat and poultry halal certification program. If you do not currently sell halal meat or poultry products, imagine that you are considering selling halal meat or 187 poultry products at your store. In the following section of the survey, you will be presented seven scenarios. Please consider the three factors presented, and indicate which one factor is the least important and which one is the most important to you when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program. Please select one factor as least important AND one factor as most important in each question. The questions look similar but contain different comparisons of factors. Please treat each question individually. To help, I have given an example below with ice cream, where flavor is the most important factor and price is the least important factor in your decision to buy ice cream. EXAMPLE Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important in your decision to buy ice cream? Please click the arrow to continue. Q73 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) o o o 188 Q74 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, higher retail margin, increased consumer trust) o o o Q75 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Costs associated with certification program involvement (e.g., certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor) ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (e.g., government, religious organization, private non- religious organization) ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) o o o Q76 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) o o o 189 Q77 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, higher retail margin, increased consumer trust) ⊗What halal standards will be required (e.g., hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) ⊗Costs associated with certification program involvement (e.g., certification fees, infrastructure, traceability technology materials, labor) o o o Q78 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Costs associated with certification program (e.g., facility modifications, traceability equipment, certification fees, labor) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗Inspection process (e.g., frequency, random or scheduled) o o o Q79 Of the following three factors, which one is the least important and which one is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) ⊗What information will be passed on to my customers and how they access it (e.g., only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Benefits associated with certification program involvement (e.g., access to new markets, higher retail margin, increased consumer trust) ⊗What will be required to be certified (e.g., products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) 190 Q80 If there were a national halal certification, should individual products or supply chain members be required to have a certification to ensure authentic halal meat and poultry products? o Individual products o Supply chain members (e.g., processor, wholesaler, retailer) o Both individual products and supply chain members Display This Question: If Q80 = Supply chain members (e.g., processor, wholesaler, retailer) Or Q80 = Both individual products and supply chain members Q81 Which members of the supply chain should be required to have a national halal certification for their establishment? Select all that apply. ▢ Slaughter establishments ▢ Processing establishments ▢ Distributors or transportation services ▢ Retailers and wholesalers ▢ Restaurants and food service ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If Q80 = Supply chain members (e.g., processor, wholesaler, retailer) Or Q80 = Both individual products and supply chain members Q82 Under a national halal certification, how should a certified business be inspected? o Pre-scheduled inspections o Random/surprise inspections o A mixture of pre-scheduled and random inspections o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q83 Under a national halal certification, how should a certified meat or poultry product be verified or traced? Select all that apply. ▢ Paper trail/certificates ▢ Online universal internet or cloud-based system (e.g., blockchain, RFID) ▢ Online store-specific system (e.g., store records) ▢ Laboratory tests to ensure no pork DNA ▢ Government audits ▢ Third party certifier audits (non-government) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q84 Which benefits of a national halal certification would be most important to your business? Select all that apply. ▢ Access to new markets ▢ Ability to receive a higher retail margin for my products ▢ Increased consumer trust ▢ Ease of identifying a certified product ▢ Ease of communicating product attributes ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q85 Which costs of a national halal certification would be most important to your business? Select all that apply. ▢ Reoccurring certification fees 191 ▢ Cost of establishment modifications (e.g., more shelves/coolers) ▢ Increased labor hours needed ▢ Cost of traceability and/or verification equipment ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q86 In your opinion, what standards should be included in a national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughter) ▢ Machine-slaughter ▢ Slaughterers of Muslim faith ▢ Slaughterers of Christian or Jewish faith ▢ Individual spoken blessings ▢ Animal(s) not stunned ▢ Animal(s) face Mecca at time of slaughter ▢ Non-GMO ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q87 For a national halal certification, please indicate which parties should have access to the names of slaughter and/or processing establishment(s) at which an individual halal meat or poultry product was produced. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q88 Please indicate which parties should have access to a national list of halal certified meat/poultry establishments certified with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q89 Please indicate which parties should have access to the name(s) of enforcement agencies that certify halal establishments with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q90 Please indicate which parties should have access to information regarding the halal standards used in slaughter and/or processing under a national halal certification. Select all that apply. 192 ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Display This Question: If Q87 = General public Or Q88 = General public Or Q89 = General public Or Q90 = General public Q91 How should the general public be able to access information related to a national halal certification program for meat/poultry (e.g., where it is was produced, what halal standards were used)? Select all that apply. ▢ Online (e.g., company website, online database) ▢ Using a QR code/cell phone app ▢ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q92 Who should set standards for a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. Note: U.S. and state governments are not legally allowed to define standards for religious products. ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q93 Who should enforce a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ U.S. government organization (e.g., the USDA) ▢ State government organization (e.g., state department of agriculture) ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q94 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: 193 Agree Neutral Disagree o o o o o o o o o Halal meat or poultry tastes better than non-halal meat or poultry All halal meat or poultry retail stores must be halal certified Halal retail stores that are certified have a stronger reputation than halal retail stores that are not certified Halal meat/poultry is more sanitary than non-halal meat/ poultry The halal slaughter process is more humane for the animal Retail stores that are not halal certified cannot be trusted to supply authentic halal products Halal meat and poultry is higher quality than non-halal meat and poultry Halal meat and poultry is healthier than non-halal meat and poultry If a retail store has a good reputation for supplying halal meat and poultry products, it does not need to be certified as halal Q145 The following question is to verify that you are a real person. Which of the following is equal to 10 plus 21? o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 11 o 17 o 31 Skip To: End of Survey If Q145 != 31 Q95 What is your current age? o 18-24 years old o 25-34 years old o 35-44 years old o 45-54 years old o 55-64 years old o 65-74 years old o 75 years or older o Prefer not to disclose Q96 Were you born in the U.S.? o Yes o No, I was born in this country: ______________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q97 Were your parents and grandparents born in the U.S.? o Yes o No, they were born in this/these countries: ____________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Q96 = No, I was born in this country: Or Were you born in the U.S.? Text Response Is Not Empty Q98 How long have you lived in the U.S.? o 0-5 years o 6-10 years 194 o 11-15 years o 16-20 years o 21-25 years o Over 25 years o Prefer not to disclose Q99 What is your gender? o Male o Female o Prefer to self-describe: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q100 What is the highest level of education you have completed? o Less than High School o High school graduate or GED o Some college o 2-year degree (Associates) o 4-year degree (BA, BS) o Professional degree (JD, MD, PhD, etc.) o Prefer not to disclose Q101 Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? o No o Yes; please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q102 What is your race? Select all that apply. ▢ White ▢ Black or African American ▢ Native American or Alaska Native ▢ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ▢ Asian ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ ⊗Prefer not to disclose Q103 Which U.S. political party do you most identify with? o Democrat o Republican o I am an independent o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer to not disclose Q104 Which best describes the area in which you live? o Rural o Suburban or mid-size city o Urban or large city o Prefer not to disclose Q105 Do you consider yourself to be religious? o No o Yes, I am: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: 195 If Q105 = No Q106 Have you followed a religion in the past even if you do not do so now? o No o Yes, I was: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q107 Do you have any final thoughts or comments you wish to share about selling/not selling halal meat or poultry at your store? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Q143 Thank you for completing this survey! If you would like to retrieve your $25 reward for participating, please enter your email address in the box below, and I will reach out to you with your gift card. If you do not wish to receive your gift card, you can click the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen to skip this question. Please note that in order to qualify for this gift card, your survey response will need to meet data quality standards and will be reviewed by the research team. Gift cards will be sent out on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, so it may take up to 14 days to receive your gift card. Thank you for your participation in this research project! Email address for gift card:__________________________________________________ 196 Halal Meat Consumer Survey Q1 You are being asked to participate in a research study of U.S. Muslim consumer preferences for halal meat and poultry retail purchases. Your participation in this study will take about twenty (20) minutes. You will be asked to respond to a series of questions about how you purchase halal meat, your preferences for retail locations, and halal meat certifications. We also ask some basic demographic questions. This survey will assist researchers to anticipate the demand for various halal meat products and improve awareness of halal-related issues or events that could affect demand. Researchers are required to provide a consent form to inform you about the research study, to convey that participation is voluntary, to explain risks and benefits of participation, and to empower you to make an informed decision. You should feel free to ask the researchers any questions you may have. Study Title: U.S. Meat Industry Overview: Consumer Preferences, Retailer Motivations, and Processor Practices Researcher Title and Contact Information: Melissa G.S. McKendree, PhD, and Kelsey Hopkins, PhD candidate,, 847-513-1708 Department and Institution: Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University Sponsor: USDA-Agriculture and Food Research Initiative The risks associated with this study are minimal. The risks are not greater than those ordinarily encountered in daily life. Moreover, you may stop the survey at any time. The data will only be released in summaries in which no individual’s answers can be identified. You have the right to say no to participate in the research. You can stop at any time after it has already started. There will be no consequences if you stop, and you will not be criticized. You will not lose any benefits that you normally receive. If you have concerns or questions about this study, such as scientific issues, how to do any part of it, or to report an injury, please contact the researcher Melissa G.S. McKendree, 202 Morrill Hall of Agriculture, East Lansing, MI, 48824, If you have questions or concerns about your role and rights as a research participant, would like to obtain information or offer input, or would like to register a complaint about this study, you may contact, anonymously if you wish, the Michigan State University’s Human Research Protection Program at 517-355- 2180, Fax 517-432-4503, or e-mail or regular mail at 4000 Collins Rd, Suite 136, Lansing, MI 48910. Continuing with the survey means that you voluntarily agree to participate in this research study. Please click the arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue. Q2 Please ensure you are carefully reading through the statements and making thoughtful selections in order to qualify for the incentive. Any nonsense answers, keyboard slamming, quality issues, or speeding will be disqualified without incentive. o Agree and continue o Disagree and exit Skip To: End of Block If Please ensure you are carefully reading through the statements and making thoughtful selections i... = Disagree and exit 197 Q3 Are you 18 years or older and live in the U.S.? o Yes o No Skip To: End of Block If Are you 18 years or older and live in the U.S.? = No Q4 Have you purchased a halal meat or poultry product in the last twelve (12) months? o Yes o No Skip To: End of Block If Have you purchased a halal meat or poultry product in the last twelve (12) months? = No Q5 Do you identify as Muslim? o Yes o No Skip To: End of Block If Do you identify as Muslim? = No Q6 Are you one of the primary grocery shoppers for your household? o Yes o No Skip To: End of Block If Are you one of the primary grocery shoppers for your household? = No Q7 Do you follow a vegetarian, vegan, or pescatarian diet? (That is, you do not eat meat.) o Yes o No Q8 How often do you eat halal meat products? o Always. I never eat non-halal meat products. o Very often. It is rare that I eat meat that is non-halal. o Often. I frequently eat halal meat products. o Somewhat often. I eat halal meat products, but I eat non-halal meat products just as frequently. o Almost never. I typically eat non-halal meat products. o Never. Q9 If halal meat products are not available, will you purchase kosher meat products to eat instead? o Always. I always purchase kosher meat if halal meat is not available. o Very often. It is very common that I purchase kosher meat if halal meat is not available. o Often. I frequently purchase kosher meat if halal meat is not available. o Somewhat often. I purchase kosher meat about half of the time if halal meat is not available. o Almost never. It is rare that I purchase kosher meat if halal meat is not available. o Never. I do not purchase kosher meat if halal meat is not available. 198 Q10 If halal meat products are not available, will you purchase vegetarian or pescatarian (fish/seafood) options instead? o Always. I always purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options if halal meat is not available. o Very often. It is very common that I purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options if halal meat is not available. o Often. I frequently purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options if halal meat is not available. o Somewhat often. I purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options about half of the time if halal meat is not available. o Almost never. It is rare that I purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options if halal meat is not available. o Never. I do not purchase vegetarian or pescatarian options if halal meat is not available. Q11 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ⊗I prefer that my halal meat retailer is reliable ⊗I prefer that my halal meat retailer is considerate and nice ⊗I prefer that my halal meat retailer is well- stocked ⊗I prefer that my halal meat retailer sells quality halal meat products ⊗I prefer that my halal meat retailer is transparent and honest Q12 What is the name of the store you purchase the majority of your everyday halal meat and poultry products from? Note: "Everyday" halal meat and poultry products are those you purchase for daily consumption outside of religious holidays such as Eid. o Name of store: __________________________________________________ Q13 This section of the survey asks you about your buying relationship with ${e://Field/Store%20Name}. Q14 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ${e://Field/Store%20Name} demonstrates empathy and kindness toward me and treats everyone fairly ${e://Field/Store%20Name} openly shares information, motives, and choices in straightforward and plain language ${e://Field/Store%20Name} consistently and dependably delivers on their promises ${e://Field/Store%20Name} communicates product characteristics in plain and easy to understand language ${e://Field/Store%20Name} resolves issues in an adequate and timely manner ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure 199 Q15 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: ${e://Field/Store%20Name} quickly resolves issues with safety, security and satisfaction in mind ${e://Field/Store%20Name} values and respects everyone, regardless of background, identity or beliefs ${e://Field/Store%20Name} values the good of society and the environment, not just profit ${e://Field/Store%20Name} is upfront about how they make and spend money from our interactions ${e://Field/Store%20Name} is clear and upfront about fees and costs of products, services and experiences Q16 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ${e://Field/Store%20Name}'s products are good quality, accessible and safe to use ${e://Field/Store%20Name}'s prices are good value for the money ▼ Strongly agree ... ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ${e://Field/Store%20Name}'s employees and leadership are competent and understand how to respond to my needs ${e://Field/Store%20Name} can be counted on to improve the quality of their products and services ${e://Field/Store%20Name} consistently delivers products, services, and experiences with quality Q17 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ⊗${e://Field/Store%20Name} sells quality halal meat products ⊗${e://Field/Store%20Name} takes care of their employees ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable/ Unsure ⊗${e://Field/Store%20Name}'s marketing and communications are accurate and honest ⊗${e://Field/Store%20Name} creates long term solutions and improvements that work well for me ⊗${e://Field/Store%20Name} facilitates digital interactions that run smoothly and work when needed (e.g., placing online or phone orders) Q18 Please rate your overall relationship (in terms of trustworthiness, friendliness, reliability, and transparency) with ${e://Field/Store%20Name}. A score of "100" indicates your relationship with ${e://Field/Store%20Name} is ideal or perfect, a score of "0" indicates your relationship is nonexistent. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 Relationship Q19 In this section of the survey, we will be asking you questions about ${e://Field/Store%20Name} and the halal meat or poultry products you purchase there. Q20 What type of store is ${e://Field/Store%20Name}? o Small ethnic grocery store (for example, an Asian or Indo-Pakistani grocery store) o Small local or regional non-ethnic grocery store o Box/chain store (for example, Walmart, Whole Foods, Meijer) o Membership store (for example, Costco, Restaurant Depot) o Butcher shop (that is, they sell only meat or poultry products) o Online retailer (for example, One Stop Halal, Crescent Foods) o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q21 How often do you purchase halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}? o Daily o 4-6 times a week o 2-3 times a week o Once a week o Every other week o Once a month o Every other month o 3-5 times per year o 1-2 times per year Q22 When you purchase halal meat or poultry, do you purchase only for your household, or do you purchase on behalf of a group or multiple households? o Only my household o Multiple households or a group Q23 When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of products do you purchase? (Select all that apply) ▢ Fresh whole cuts or ground products (for example, chicken breasts or ground beef purchased at a butcher counter) ▢ Pre-packaged fresh whole cuts or ground products (for example, steak or ground turkey available in coolers/on refrigerated shelves) ▢ Frozen packaged whole cuts (for example, frozen chicken breasts) ▢ Refrigerated processed products (for example, lunch/deli meat, hot dogs) ▢ Frozen processed products (for example, frozen dinners, frozen hamburger patties) ▢ Ready to eat processed products (for example, jerky, snack sticks) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Fresh whole cuts or ground products (for example, chicken breasts or ground beef purchased at a butcher counter) Q24 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as fresh whole cuts (for example, chicken breasts or ground beef purchased from a 201 butcher counter)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Pre-packaged fresh whole cuts or ground products (for example, steak or ground turkey available in coolers/on refrigerated shelves) Q25 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as pre-packaged refrigerated whole cuts (for example, steaks or ground turkey available in coolers/on refrigerated shelves)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Frozen packaged whole cuts (for example, frozen chicken breasts) Q26 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as frozen packaged whole cuts (for example, chicken breasts available in freezers)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Refrigerated processed products (for example, lunch/deli meat, hot dogs) Q27 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as refrigerated processed products (for example, lunch/deli meat, hotdogs)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal 202 ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Frozen processed products (for example, frozen dinners, frozen hamburger patties) Q28 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as frozen processed products (for example, frozen dinners, frozen hamburger patties)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... = Ready to eat processed products (for example, jerky, snack sticks) Q29 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as ready to eat processed products (for example, jerky, snack sticks)? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Display This Question: If If When you buy halal meat or poultry products from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, what kinds of product... Text Response Is Not Empty Q30 When shopping at ${e://Field/Store%20Name}, which types of halal meat or poultry do you purchase as ${Q23/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}? Select all that apply. ▢ Beef ▢ Veal ▢ Lamb ▢ Goat ▢ Turkey 203 ▢ Chicken ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q31 Is ${e://Field/Store%20Name} certified by a halal certification organization (for example, the store has a sign/certificate displayed from a certifier)? o Yes. Please specify certifier if known: ____________________________________ o No o I don't know Q32 Does ${e://Field/Store%20Name} sell individually halal certified meat products? (for example, a package has a label or stamp on it that says "halal") o Yes. Please specify certifier if known: _____________________________________ o No o I don't know Q33 Please select all factors that contributed to your decision to purchase from ${e://Field/Store%20Name}. (Select all that apply) ▢ Recommendations from friends or family ▢ Good customer service ▢ Online reviews ▢ Recommendations from mosque, Islamic community center, or other religious leader/group ▢ Reputation or history as a trustworthy retailer ▢ Store carries a halal certification for all meat or poultry products ▢ Certified halal meat products available ▢ Owner / staff is Muslim ▢ Retailer serves my country's community (for example, Indo-Pakistani, Somali, Turkish) ▢ Low/no sales tax ▢ Near other businesses I shop at ▢ Low/fair prices ▢ Near where I live ▢ Near where I work ▢ Cleanliness / sanitary environment ▢ Quality of products available ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q34 What standard of halal meat or poultry products do you purchase? o Zabiha (hand-slaughtered) halal o Machine-slaughtered halal o Whichever is available o I do not have a preference o I do not know the difference between Zabiha and machine-slaughtered halal Q35 What standards do you prefer when you purchase your halal meat and poultry products? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughter) ▢ Machine-slaughter ▢ Slaughterers of Muslim faith ▢ Slaughterers of Christian or Jewish faith 204 ▢ Individual spoken blessings ▢ Animal(s) not stunned ▢ Animal(s) face Mecca at time of slaughter ▢ Does not contain genetically modified organisms (non-GMO) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q36 Where or from whom do you get information about what standards are required for meat or poultry to be halal? Select all that apply. ▢ Friends / family ▢ Religious leader / group (for example, from your imam, your mosque, or Islamic community center) ▢ Social media page(s) (for example, a Facebook group) ▢ Store websites / advertisements ▢ Halal certifiers ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q37 Where or from whom do you get information about where to find authentic halal meat or poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ Friends / family ▢ Religious leader / group (for example, from your imam, your mosque, or Islamic community center) ▢ Social media page(s) (for example, a Facebook group) ▢ Store websites / advertisements ▢ Halal certifiers ▢ Consumer apps / websites (for example, Scan Halal) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q56 The following question is to verify that you are a real person. Which of the following is equal to 10 + 21? o 9 o 31 o 53 Skip To: End of Block If The following question is to verify that you are a real person. Which of the following is equal t... != 31 Q38 Please read these instructions and descriptions carefully, as they are important for the next questions. In this section of the survey, you will be asked eight (8) questions where you will choose between two (2) different stores to purchase halal meat and poultry products, or have the option to not shop at either store. When comparing the stores, you will see different characteristics: The use of a comprehensive store-wide halal certification A halal certification only on individual products Your one-way travel time to the store the stores are the same (for example, prices and variety of products available) - that is, your choice should depend on the information shown. In the following questions, you will be shown pictures of the stores you are choosing between to Your relationship with the retailer. All other characteristics of 205 help you to visualize your choice. ____________________________________________________________________________ Halal Certifications For the purpose of this survey, the halal standards for these certifications are those that you prefer (for example, hand or machine cut, stunned or not stunned). On the front of these stores, you will see different halal certification logos, which are also shown here with a description: The store above with the green 8-point star is certified halal, meaning that all the meat and poultry products sold inside are certified as halal. The store above with the blue 18-point star carries halal certified meat and poultry products, but not all meat and poultry products sold inside are necessarily certified as halal. Halal certified meat and poultry products would be labeled individually with the halal certification. The store above with the green 8-point star and blue 18-point star is both halal certified and carries halal certified meat and poultry products, meaning that all the meat and poultry products sold inside are certified as halal and all of these products are additionally individually labeled as halal certified. ____________________________________________________________________________ Travel Time Travel time is the one-way time shown is the minutes it takes you to get to the retailer from your home. Travel times will be either 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes one-way. ____________________________________________________________________________ Relationship You will see four (4) different possible levels of your relationship with the retailer; these are given below with definitions. No relationship with this retailer: You have never purchased from this store before and do not know anything about their trustworthiness, friendliness, reliability, or transparency. Relationship I have with my current retailer: This is the current relationship you have with the retailer you purchase from most frequently, in terms of trustworthiness, friendliness, reliability, and transparency. Best retailer relationship I have experienced: This is the best relationship you have had with a retailer in terms of trustworthiness, friendliness, reliability, and transparency. Ideal or perfect retailer relationship: This is the most trustworthy, friendly, reliable, and transparent retailer you can imagine purchasing halal meat and poultry products from. Q39 IMPORTANT: Previous similar surveys have found that people often state they are willing to shop at different stores when they are not actually willing to do so. Accordingly, it is important that you make each of your upcoming selections like you would if you were actually facing these exact choices; that is, noting that choosing to shop at one store means that you would not shop at the other location for your halal meat or poultry products. The accuracy of your responses is very important, as the information collected here will be used to help design future policies and regulations for halal meat and poultry products. 206 Please read carefully and be aware that every question has different information even though they may look very similar. Q40 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o No certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced Store and product certifications present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q41 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o No certifications present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship Product and store certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q42 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Product certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer Store certification present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q43 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Product certification present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer Store certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q44 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store certification present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer Product certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q45 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? 207 o o Store certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer Product certification present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q46 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store and product certifications present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced No certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q47 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store and product certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship No certifications present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q48 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o No certifications present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer Store and product certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q49 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o No certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer Store and product certifications present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q50 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Product certification present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced Store certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores 208 Q51 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Product certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship Store certification present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q52 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced Product certification present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q53 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store certification present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Ideal or perfect retailer relationship Product certification present 30 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q54 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store and product certifications present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store No relationship with this retailer No certification present 45 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q55 Imagine you are grocery shopping and want to purchase halal meat or poultry products. Of the stores below, which would you prefer to purchase from, taking into account halal certifications, one-way travel time to the store, and your relationship with the retailer? o Store and product certifications present 15 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Relationship I have with my current retailer No certification present 60 minutes total time spent traveling to the store Best retailer relationship I have experienced o o I would not shop for halal meat products at either of these two stores Q57 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: 209 Halal meat and poultry is healthier to eat than non-halal meat and poultry I will never eat meat or poultry that is not halal certified ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure Halal meat and poultry is cleaner/more hygienic than non-halal meat or poultry I have access to good information about halal certified meat and poultry in the U.S. Halal meat and poultry tastes better than non-halal meat and poultry ▼ Strongly agree ... Q58 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Not applicable / Unsure I will not buy a meat or poultry product if my peers or family have doubts about whether it is truly halal I always check labels to see if all ingredients are halal before purchasing Halal meat and poultry slaughtering is more humane than non-halal meat and poultry slaughtering It is easy for me to tell if a meat or poultry product is halal I am willing to travel extra miles to get authentic halal meat or poultry products I check to see if a restaurant serves halal food before I eat there ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure Q59 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: I am willing to pay more for meat or poultry that has been certified as halal If halal meat or poultry is not available, I will chose a seafood or vegetarian option instead I always check to see if a meat or poultry product is certified halal before eating it I have enough knowledge about U.S. halal meat and poultry to tell the difference between halal certified and non-halal meat and poultry Q60 Now we will move onto the next portion of the survey, which will ask you questions about your opinions about a national halal certification program. Q61 There is not a NHMC program in the U.S. We are interested in your opinions to help design a future national U.S. meat and poultry halal certification program. ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure ▼ Strongly agree ... Not applicable / Unsure In the following section of the survey, you will be presented seven (7) scenarios. Please consider the three (3) factors presented, and indicate which one (1) factor is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to you when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program. Please select one factor as least important AND one factor as most important in each question. 210 The questions look similar but contain different comparisons of factors. Please treat each question individually. To help, we have given an example below with ice cream, where flavor is the most important factor and price is the least important factor in your decision to buy ice cream. EXAMPLE Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important in your decision to buy ice cream? Q62 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (for example, government, religious organization, private non-religious organization) ⊗What will be required to be certified (for example, products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗What halal standards will be required (for example, hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) Q63 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (for example, government, religious organization, private non-religious organization) ⊗Inspection process (for example, frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗Benefits associated with certified products (for example, transparency, reliability, quality) o o o o o o o o 211 Q64 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o Q65 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o ⊗Costs associated with certified products (for example, higher prices) ⊗Which group(s) will enforce the program (for example, government, religious organization, private non-religious organization) ⊗What product information I have access to and how I can access it (for example, only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗What product information I have access to and how I can access it (for example, only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Inspection process (for example, frequency, random or scheduled) ⊗What halal standards will be required (for example, hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) Q66 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o ⊗Benefits associated with certified products (for example, transparency, reliability, quality) ⊗What halal standards will be required (for example, hand versus machine slaughter, stunned or not stunned) ⊗Costs associated with certified products (for example, higher prices) o o o o o o o o o o o o 212 Q67 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) o Most Important (Check only one) o o o ⊗Costs associated with certified products (for example, higher prices) ⊗What will be required to be certified (for example, products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) ⊗Inspection process (for example, frequency, random or scheduled) o o Q68 Of the following three (3) factors, which one (1) is the least important and which one (1) is the most important to consider when designing a national U.S. halal meat and poultry certification program? Least Important (Check only one) Most Important (Check only one) ⊗What product information I have access to and how I can access it (for example, only available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) versus accessible online) ⊗Benefits associated with certified products (for example, transparency, reliability, quality) ⊗What will be required to be certified (for example, products, retailers, slaughter and processing establishments) 213 Q69 Should individual products or supply chain members be required to have a national halal certification to ensure authentic halal meat and poultry products? o Individual products o Supply chain members (for example, processor, wholesaler, retailer) o Both individual products and supply chain members Display This Question: If Should individual products or supply chain members be required to have a national halal certifica... = Supply chain members (for example, processor, wholesaler, retailer) Or Should individual products or supply chain members be required to have a national halal certifica... = Both individual products and supply chain members Q70 Which members of the supply chain should be required to have a national halal certification? Select all that apply. ▢ Slaughter establishments ▢ Processing establishments ▢ Distributors or transportation services ▢ Retailers and wholesalers ▢ Restaurants and food service ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q71 Under a national halal certification, how should a certified business be inspected? o Pre-scheduled inspections o Random/surprise inspections o A mixture of pre-scheduled and random inspections o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q72 If there were a national halal certification for meat and poultry, what should be the minimum requirements for the certification? Select all that apply. ▢ Zabiha (hand-slaughter) ▢ Machine-slaughter ▢ Slaughterers of Muslim faith ▢ Slaughterers of Christian or Jewish faith ▢ Individual spoken blessings ▢ Animal(s) not stunned ▢ Animal(s) face Mecca at time of slaughter ▢ Not genetically modified (Non-GMO) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q73 Please indicate which parties should have access to the names of establishment(s) at which a halal meat or poultry product was slaughtered and/or processed using a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above 214 Q74 Please indicate which parties should have access to a national list of halal certified meat/poultry establishments certified with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q75 Please indicate which parties should have access to the name(s) of enforcement agencies that certify halal establishments with a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Q76 Please indicate which parties should have access to information regarding the halal standards used in slaughter and/or processing under a national halal certification. Select all that apply. ▢ General public ▢ Processors/slaughterers ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Government organizations ▢ ⊗None of the above Display This Question: If Please indicate which parties should have access to the names of establishment(s) at which a hala... = General public Or Please indicate which parties should have access to a national list of halal certified meat/poult... = General public Or Please indicate which parties should have access to the name(s) of enforcement agencies that cert... = General public Or Please indicate which parties should have access to information regarding the halal standards use... = General public Q77 How should the general public be able to access information related to a national halal certification program for meat/poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ Online (for example, company website, online database) ▢ Using a QR code/cell phone app ▢ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q78 Who should set standards for a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. Note: U.S. and state governments are not legally allowed to define standards for religious products. 215 ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q79 Who should enforce a new national halal certification for meat and poultry? Select all that apply. ▢ U.S. government organization (for example, the USDA) ▢ State government organization (for example, state department of agriculture) ▢ Non-government organizations ▢ Religious organizations ▢ Certifier-led organizations ▢ Producer-led organizations ▢ Slaughterers/processors ▢ Distributors/wholesalers ▢ Retailers/restaurants ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ Q80 Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Agree Neutral o o Disagree o o o o o o o o o All halal meat or poultry slaughter or processing establishments must be halal certified Halal establishments that are certified have a stronger reputation than halal establishments that are not certified Establishments that are not halal certified cannot be trusted to supply authentic halal products If an establishment has a good reputation for supplying halal meat and poultry products, it does not need to be certified as halal Q81 Now we are going to ask you questions about yourself. These responses will only be used by the research team and will not be shared with any identifying information attached. Q82 Which branch of Islam do you practice? o Sunni o Shia or Shiite o Ibadi o Non-denominational o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q83 Have you converted or reverted to Islam? o Yes o No o Prefer not to disclose o 216 Display This Question: If Have you converted or reverted to Islam? = Yes Q84 Which religion did you follow prior to converting or reverting to Islam? o Christianity o Hinduism o Buddhism o Judaism o Sikhism o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ o None/ not applicable o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Which religion did you follow prior to converting or reverting to Islam? = Christianity Q85 Which branch of Christianity did you follow prior to converting or reverting to Islam? o Catholicism o Protestant (for example, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Episcopalian) o Orthodox (for example, Greek, Eastern) o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Have you converted or reverted to Islam? = Yes Q86 When did you convert to Islam? o 0-5 years ago o 6-10 years ago o 11-15 years ago o 16-20 years ago o 21-25 years ago o 26-30 years ago o 31-35 years ago o Over 35 years ago o Prefer not to disclose Q87 I consider myself: o A vegetarian o A vegan o None of the above o Prefer not to disclose Q88 What is your current age? o 18 - 24 years old o 25 - 34 years old o 35 - 44 years old o 45 - 54 years old o 55 - 64 years old o 65 - 74 years old o 75 years or older o Prefer not to disclose Q89 What is your gender? 217 o Male o Female o Non-binary / third gender o Prefer to self-describe: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q90 What is your current marital status? o Single, Never Married o Married o Separated o Divorced o Widowed o Prefer not to disclose Q91 How many people (including yourself) live in your household? o 1 o 2 o 3 o 4 o 5 or more o Prefer not to disclose Q92 Are there children under the age of 12 living in your household? o Yes o No o Prefer not to disclose Q93 Have you ever received food stamps? o Yes o No o Prefer not to disclose Q94 Are you currently on food stamps? o Yes o No o Prefer not to disclose Q95 In what U.S. state do you live? ▼ Alabama ... Wyoming Q96 What is your ZIP code? _____________________________________________________ Q97 Please select your U.S. citizenship status. o U.S. Citizen o Lawful Permanent Resident o Temporary Resident (e.g., visitor, student) o Prefer not to disclose Q98 Were you born in the U.S.? o Yes o No, I was born in this country: ____________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q99 Were your parents born in the U.S.? o Yes o No, they were born in this country: __________________________________________ 218 o Prefer not to disclose Display This Question: If Were you born in the U.S.? = No, I was born in this country: Or Or Were you born in the U.S.? Text Response Is Not Empty Q100 How long have you lived in the U.S.? o 0-5 years o 6-10 years o 11-15 years o 16-20 years o 21-25 years o 26-30 years o 31-35 years o More than 35 years o Prefer not to disclose Q101 What is the highest level of education you have completed? o Less than High School o High School/GED o Some College o 2-Year College Degree (Associates) o 4-Year College Degree (BA, BS) o Master's Degree o Professional Degree (Ph.D., J.D., M.D., etc.) o Prefer not to disclose Q102 What is your approximate annual household income before taxes? o Less than $20,000 o $20,000 - $39,999 o $40,000 - $59,999 o $60,000 - $79,999 o $80,000 - $99,999 o $100,000 - $119,999 o $120,000 - $139,999 o $140,000 - $159,999 o $160,000 or greater o Prefer not to disclose Q103 Which category best describes you? Select all that apply. ▢ White (for example, German, Irish, English, Italian, Polish, French, etc.) ▢ Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin (for example, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Dominican, Colombian, etc.) ▢ Black or African American (for example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somalian, etc.) ▢ Middle Eastern or North African (for example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Moroccan, Algerian, etc.) ▢ American Indian or Alaskan Native (for example, Navajo nation, Blackfeet tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village or Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) ▢ Asian (for example, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.) 219 ▢ South or Southeast Asian (for example, Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Vietnamese, Malaysian, etc.) ▢ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (for example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan, Fijian, etc.) ▢ Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ ▢ Prefer not to disclose Q104 Which U.S. political party do you most identify with? o Democratic o Republican o I am an independent o Other. Please specify: __________________________________________________ o Prefer not to disclose Q105 Which best describes the area in which you live? o Rural o Suburban o Urban o Prefer not to disclose Q106 Do you have any final comments to share about your responses or this study? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 220 APPENDIX A.3 BEST-WORST SCALING RESULTS AND ADDITIONAL TABLES The count data of the best-worst question responses is given in Figure 12, Figure 13, and Figure 14. Figure 12 aggregates these responses from halal and non-halal processors, Figure 13 gives the responses from halal processors only, and Figure 14 gives the responses from non-halal processors only. We exclude past halal processors from this analysis. Looking at the data in Figure 12, we may conclude that the meat and poultry processing industry overall is not strongly concerned about what requirements for information and transparency across the supply chain may be imposed by a national halal certification. Likewise, the benefits of certification and inspection type and frequency appear to have low importance to the industry overall. Costs of certification, which standards are included in the certification, and what establishments are required to carry a certification are overall more important to the industry. However, when disaggregated into halal and non-halal processors, the count data provides a more nuanced insight into the market’s preferences. For halal processors, which standards are included in a certification, what establishments are required to be certified, and who is in charge of enforcing the certification are highly important, while the remaining four factors are relatively unimportant to halal processors. For non-halal processors, the most important characteristics to consider when designing a national halal certification program are costs, what is included in the certification, and which establishments are required to be certified. The type of information and transparency passed along the supply chain appears very unimportant, while the remaining three factors are of relatively mild importance. When comparing halal and non-halal processors, I conclude that halal processors are overall more interested in the rigor of the standards and enforcement integrity of a potential national halal certification, while non-halal processors are most concerned with the costs and how they may need to adjust their business to meet standards. Figure 12: Best-Worst Count Data by Attribute of Potential National Halal Certification Program, Current Halal and Non-Halal Processors Combined, n = 98 All Processors Best-Worst Count Data Which standards are included 45% 21% 34% What is required to be certified Costs of certification 41% 38% 16% 22% Who is in charge of enforcement 28% 32% Benefits of certification 22% Inspection frequency and type 22% 34% 33% Type of information passed down the supply chain 10% 49% 43% 39% 40% 43% 46% 41% % of time chosen as most important % of time chosen as least important % of time not chosen 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 221 Figure 13: Best-Worst Count Data by Attribute of Potential National Halal Certification Program, Current Halal Processors, n = 32 Halal Processors Best-Worst Counts Which standards are included 66% 8% 27% What is required to be certified 48% 18% Costs of certification 16% 50% 34% 34% Who is in charge of enforcement 41% 27% 32% Benefits of certification 17% Inspection frequency and type 16% 38% 40% Type of information passed down the supply chain 14% 37% 46% 44% 49% % of time chosen as most important % of time chosen as least important % of time not chosen 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Figure 14: Best-Worst Count Data by Attribute of Potential National Halal Certification Program, Non-Halal Processors, n = 66 Non-Halal Processors Best-Worst Counts Which standards are included What is required to be certified 39% 41% 28% 34% 16% 43% Costs of certification 49% 12% 39% Who is in charge of enforcement 24% 34% Benefits of certification 28% 34% Inspection frequency and type 25% 32% Type of information passed down the supply chain 7% 56% 43% 38% 43% 37% % of time chosen as most important % of time chosen as least important % of time not chosen 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 222 Table 40: Multinomial Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (n = 507) Best-Worst Scaling Attributes Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors Coefficient (st. error) 0.46*** (0.11) 0.17 (0.11) -0.41*** (0.11) 0.60*** (0.11) 0.55*** (0.11) 0.01 (0.11) Retailers Coefficient (st. error) 0.39** (0.17) -0.14 (0.17) -0.46*** (0.17) 0.62*** (0.17) 0.22 (0.17) 0.14 (0.17) Consumers Coefficient (st. error) -0.25*** (0.04) -0.07 (0.04) -0.16*** (0.04) 0.22*** (0.04) 0.37*** (0.04) 0.06 (0.04) N Log likelihood AIC AIC/N Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Base attribute normalized to zero is Inspection Type/Frequency. 3549 -6202.82 12417.6 3.499 231 -388.49 789.0 3.415 574 -960.86 1933.7 3.369 223 Table 41: Best-Worst Scaling Shares of Preferences for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Consumers, Retailers, & Processors: Multinomial Logit Processors (n = 82) Share 0.18*** 0.13*** 0.07*** 0.20*** 0.11*** 0.19*** 0.11*** National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Consumers (n = 507) 95% CI Share [0.10, 0.11] 0.11*** [0.12, 0.13] 0.13*** [0.11, 0.12] 0.12*** [0.16, 0.18] 0.17*** [0.13, 0.14] 0.14*** [0.19, 0.21] 0.20*** [0.14, 0.15] 0.14*** 95% CI [0.15, 0.20] [0.11, 0.15] [0.06, 0.09] [0.18, 0.23] [0.10, 0.13] [0.17, 0.22] [0.10, 0.13] 95% CI [0.14, 0.22] [0.08, 0.13] [0.06, 0.10] [0.18, 0.27] [0.10, 0.15] [0.12, 0.19] [0.11, 0.17] Share 0.18*** 0.11*** 0.08*** 0.22*** 0.12*** 0.15*** 0.14*** Retailers (n = 33) Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Table 42: P-values from Poe tests for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Pair-wise Comparisons Between Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (507), Multinomial Logit National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors vs. Retailers Processors vs. Consumers Retailers vs. Consumers 0.54 0.05 0.40 0.19 0.26 0.97 0.05 0.00 0.35 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.94 1.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.36 Note: Values that are statistically significant at the 5% level or better are bolded. 224 Table 43: Uncorrelated Random Parameters Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (n = 507) Best-Worst Scaling Attributes Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors Coefficient (st. error) 0.80*** (0.15) 0.25* (0.14) -0.74*** (0.14) 0.92*** (0.14) 0.95*** (0.14) -0.04 (0.14) Retailers Coefficient (st. error) 0.67*** (0.23) -0.41* (0.23) -0.78*** (0.23) 0.92*** (0.22) 0.43* (0.23) 0.16 (0.22) Consumers Coefficient (st. error) -0.34*** (0.05) -0.10** (0.05) -0.20*** (0.05) 0.27*** (0.05) 0.49*** (0.05) 0.07 (0.04) McFadden Pseudo R2 N Log likelihood AIC AIC/N Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Base attribute normalized to zero is Inspection Type/Frequency. 0.12 3549 -6095.59 12215.2 3.442 0.21 231 -353.08 730.2 3.161 0.21 574 -879.30 1782.6 3.106 225 Table 44: Best-Worst Scaling Shares of Preferences for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Consumers, Retailers, & Processors: Uncorrelated Random Parameters Logit National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors (n = 82) Share 0.20 0.12 0.04 0.23 0.09 0.23 0.09 95% CI [0.16, 0.24] [0.09, 0.14] [0.03, 0.05] [0.19, 0.27] [0.07, 0.11] [0.19, 0.27] [0.07, 0.11] Retailers (n = 33) Share 0.21 0.07 0.05 0.27 0.11 0.17 0.13 95% CI [0.16, 0.27] [0.05, 0.10] [0.03, 0.07] [0.20, 0.34] [0.08, 0.14] [0.12, 0.22] [0.09, 0.17] Consumers (n = 507) 95% CI Share [0.09, 0.10] 0.10 [0.11, 0.13] 0.12 [0.10, 0.12] 0.11 [0.16, 0.18] 0.17 [0.13, 0.14] 0.13 [0.21, 0.23] 0.22 [0.13, 0.15] 0.14 Note: *** indicates p < 0.01, ** indicates p < 0.05, and * indicates p < 0.1. Table 45: P-values from Poe tests for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program: Pair-wise Comparisons Between Processors (n = 82), Retailers (n = 33), and Consumers (507), Uncorrelated Random Parameters Logit National Halal Meat & Poultry Certification Program Attribute Cost of Certification Enforcement and Regulation Information Collected/Available Who/What Must be Certified Inspection Frequency and Type Which Halal Standards are Included Benefits of Certification Processors vs. Retailers Processors vs. Consumers Retailers vs. Consumers 0.57 0.01 0.30 0.16 0.16 0.97 0.03 0.00 0.68 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.06 0.03 0.19 Note: Values that are statistically significant at the 5% level or better are bolded. 226 Figure 15: All Output of Correlated Random Parameters Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program, Consumers (n = 507) Iterative procedure has converged Normal exit: 38 iterations. Status=0, F= .6053561D+04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Parameters Multinom. Logit Model Dependent variable CHOICE Log likelihood function -6053.56104 Restricted log likelihood -6906.03512 Chi squared [ 27](P= .000) 1704.94815 Significance level .00000 McFadden Pseudo R-squared .1234390 Estimation based on N = 3549, K = 27 Inf.Cr.AIC = 12161.1 AIC/N = 3.427 --------------------------------------- Log likelihood R-sqrd R2Adj No coefficients -6906.0351 .1234 .1221 Constants only can be computed directly Use NLOGIT ;...;RHS=ONE$ At start values -6202.8157 .0241 .0226 Note: R-sqrd = 1 - logL/Logl(constants) Root Likelihood:Geom. Mean of P^ .1816 Warning: Model does not contain a full set of ASCs. R-sqrd is problematic. Use model setup with ;RHS=one to get LogL0. --------------------------------------- Response data are given as ind. choices Replications for simulated probs. =1000 Used Halton sequences in simulations. RPL model with panel has 507 groups Fixed number of obsrvs./group= 7 Number of obs.= 3549, skipped 0 obs 227 Figure 15 (cont’d) --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Standard Prob. 95% Confidence CHOICE| Coefficient Error z |z|>Z* Interval --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Random parameters in utility functions.......................... A1| -.34640*** .04825 -7.18 .0000 -.44098 -.25183 A2| -.09280* .04750 -1.95 .0507 -.18589 .00030 A3| -.20008*** .04678 -4.28 .0000 -.29177 -.10839 A4| .28766*** .04682 6.14 .0000 .19591 .37942 A6| .51522*** .04916 10.48 .0000 .41887 .61157 A7| .06852 .04628 1.48 .1387 -.02219 .15924 |Diagonal values in Cholesky matrix, L........................... NsA1| .88157*** .05371 16.41 .0000 .77630 .98683 NsA2| .88719*** .04802 18.47 .0000 .79307 .98131 NsA3| .59115*** .04163 14.20 .0000 .50955 .67274 NsA4| .60445*** .04064 14.87 .0000 .52480 .68410 NsA6| .58399*** .04228 13.81 .0000 .50112 .66685 NsA7| .36926*** .03704 9.97 .0000 .29665 .44186 |Below diagonal values in L matrix. V = L*Lt..................... A2:A1| -.21233*** .04916 -4.32 .0000 -.30868 -.11598 A3:A1| -.33569*** .04866 -6.90 .0000 -.43106 -.24031 A3:A2| -.29119*** .04222 -6.90 .0000 -.37394 -.20844 A4:A1| -.08463* .04841 -1.75 .0804 -.17952 .01026 A4:A2| -.28091*** .04249 -6.61 .0000 -.36418 -.19764 A4:A3| .10671*** .03916 2.73 .0064 .02996 .18346 A6:A1| -.13966*** .04991 -2.80 .0051 -.23749 -.04183 A6:A2| -.32461*** .04452 -7.29 .0000 -.41186 -.23735 A6:A3| .21022*** .04121 5.10 .0000 .12946 .29098 A6:A4| .65385*** .04287 15.25 .0000 .56983 .73788 A7:A1| -.38867*** .04841 -8.03 .0000 -.48356 -.29378 A7:A2| -.11276*** .04168 -2.71 .0068 -.19445 -.03106 A7:A3| .31559*** .03918 8.06 .0000 .23880 .39238 A7:A4| .26119*** .03784 6.90 .0000 .18703 .33535 A7:A6| .08272** .03635 2.28 .0229 .01146 .15397 228 Figure 15 (cont’d) |Standard deviations of parameter distributions.................. sdA1| .88157*** .05371 16.41 .0000 .77630 .98683 sdA2| .91224*** .04805 18.99 .0000 .81807 1.00641 sdA3| .73955*** .04251 17.40 .0000 .65623 .82287 sdA4| .68031*** .04087 16.65 .0000 .60020 .76041 sdA6| .96831*** .04050 23.91 .0000 .88894 1.04769 sdA7| .68905*** .04121 16.72 .0000 .60827 .76982 |Covariances of Random Parameters................................ A2:A1| -.18718*** .03935 -4.76 .0000 -.26430 -.11007 A3:A1| -.29593*** .03810 -7.77 .0000 -.37061 -.22125 A3:A2| -.18706*** .04227 -4.43 .0000 -.26991 -.10421 A4:A1| -.07461* .04097 -1.82 .0686 -.15491 .00569 A4:A2| -.23125*** .03825 -6.05 .0000 -.30623 -.15627 A4:A3| .17329*** .03888 4.46 .0000 .09708 .24950 A6:A1| -.12312*** .04109 -3.00 .0027 -.20367 -.04258 A6:A2| -.25833*** .04053 -6.37 .0000 -.33777 -.17889 A6:A3| .26567*** .04215 6.30 .0000 .18307 .34828 A6:A4| .52066*** .05060 10.29 .0000 .42148 .61983 A7:A1| -.34264*** .03733 -9.18 .0000 -.41580 -.26948 A7:A2| -.01751 .04338 -.40 .6865 -.10253 .06751 A7:A3| .34986*** .04672 7.49 .0000 .25830 .44143 A7:A4| .25612*** .04050 6.32 .0000 .17674 .33551 A7:A6| .37631*** .04928 7.64 .0000 .27972 .47290 --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ***, **, * ==> Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level. Model was estimated on Jan 01, 2024 at 09:24:34 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Correlation Matrix for Random Parameters --------+----------------------------------------------------- Cor.Mat.| A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A7 --------+----------------------------------------------------- A1| 1.00000 -.23276 -.45391 -.12440 -.14423 -.56407 A2| -.23276 1.00000 -.27727 -.37262 -.29245 -.02786 A3| -.45391 -.27727 1.00000 .34443 .37099 .68657 A4| -.12440 -.37262 .34443 1.00000 .79037 .54638 A6| -.14423 -.29245 .37099 .79037 1.00000 .56400 A7| -.56407 -.02786 .68657 .54638 .56400 1.00000 229 Figure 16: All Output of Correlated Random Parameters Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program, Retailers (n = 33) Iterative procedure has converged Normal exit: 21 iterations. Status=0, F= .3425588D+03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Random Parameters Multinom. Logit Model Dependent variable CHOICE Log likelihood function -342.55881 Restricted log likelihood -449.50524 Chi squared [ 27](P= .000) 213.89288 Significance level .00000 McFadden Pseudo R-squared .2379203 Estimation based on N = 231, K = 27 Inf.Cr.AIC = 739.1 AIC/N = 3.200 --------------------------------------- Log likelihood R-sqrd R2Adj No coefficients -449.5052 .2379 .2197 Constants only can be computed directly Use NLOGIT ;...;RHS=ONE$ At start values -388.4877 .1182 .0971 Note: R-sqrd = 1 - logL/Logl(constants) Root Likelihood:Geom. Mean of P^ .2270 Warning: Model does not contain a full set of ASCs. R-sqrd is problematic. Use model setup with ;RHS=one to get LogL0. --------------------------------------- Response data are given as ind. choices Replications for simulated probs. =1000 Used Halton sequences in simulations. RPL model with panel has 33 groups Fixed number of obsrvs./group= 7 Number of obs.= 231, skipped 0 obs 230 Figure 16 (cont’d) --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Standard Prob. 95% Confidence CHOICE| Coefficient Error z |z|>Z* Interval --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Random parameters in utility functions.......................... A1| .91392*** .24643 3.71 .0002 .43093 1.39691 A2| -.17735 .23345 -.76 .4474 -.63491 .28021 A3| -.79397*** .24061 -3.30 .0010 -1.26556 -.32237 A4| 1.05049*** .23288 4.51 .0000 .59405 1.50692 A6| .35458 .23941 1.48 .1386 -.11467 .82382 A7| .39813* .23971 1.66 .0967 -.07168 .86795 |Diagonal values in Cholesky matrix, L........................... NsA1| 1.85616*** .29287 6.34 .0000 1.28215 2.43017 NsA2| 1.73116*** .26483 6.54 .0000 1.21210 2.25022 NsA3| 1.08359*** .22861 4.74 .0000 .63552 1.53166 NsA4| .23369 .19074 1.23 .2205 -.14015 .60752 NsA6| .01543 .19983 .08 .9385 -.37623 .40709 NsA7| 1.18455*** .22404 5.29 .0000 .74543 1.62367 |Below diagonal values in L matrix. V = L*Lt..................... A2:A1| .56945** .23733 2.40 .0164 .10430 1.03460 A3:A1| .31574 .23456 1.35 .1783 -.14399 .77547 A3:A2| .35253 .22054 1.60 .1099 -.07973 .78479 A4:A1| .71177*** .23914 2.98 .0029 .24307 1.18047 A4:A2| .28354 .20243 1.40 .1613 -.11321 .68029 A4:A3| -.09126 .18869 -.48 .6286 -.46109 .27858 A6:A1| -.30952 .25500 -1.21 .2248 -.80930 .19026 A6:A2| .95030*** .23396 4.06 .0000 .49174 1.40886 A6:A3| .63784*** .23022 2.77 .0056 .18662 1.08905 A6:A4| -1.66497*** .28356 -5.87 .0000 -2.22074 -1.10919 A7:A1| 1.32502*** .26996 4.91 .0000 .79592 1.85413 A7:A2| .33871 .21834 1.55 .1208 -.08923 .76665 A7:A3| -.66067*** .20993 -3.15 .0016 -1.07213 -.24922 A7:A4| .92612*** .23406 3.96 .0001 .46738 1.38486 A7:A6| -1.00791*** .21907 -4.60 .0000 -1.43727 -.57855 231 Figure 16 (cont’d) |Standard deviations of parameter distributions.................. sdA1| 1.85616*** .29287 6.34 .0000 1.28215 2.43017 sdA2| 1.82241*** .26765 6.81 .0000 1.29784 2.34699 sdA3| 1.18243*** .22299 5.30 .0000 .74539 1.61948 sdA4| .80619*** .23139 3.48 .0005 .35268 1.25971 sdA6| 2.04403*** .23082 8.86 .0000 1.59164 2.49643 sdA7| 2.36297*** .20718 11.41 .0000 1.95690 2.76905 |Covariances of Random Parameters................................ A2:A1| 1.05699* .54743 1.93 .0535 -.01595 2.12993 A3:A1| .58607 .47567 1.23 .2179 -.34623 1.51837 A3:A2| .79009* .46112 1.71 .0866 -.11369 1.69387 A4:A1| 1.32116** .55949 2.36 .0182 .22458 2.41773 A4:A2| .89617* .47633 1.88 .0599 -.03742 1.82976 A4:A3| .22581 .30547 .74 .4598 -.37291 .82452 A6:A1| -.57452 .46464 -1.24 .2163 -1.48518 .33615 A6:A2| 1.46887*** .55642 2.64 .0083 .37831 2.55944 A6:A3| .92844** .40721 2.28 .0226 .13033 1.72656 A6:A4| -.39814 .46307 -.86 .3899 -1.30575 .50946 A7:A1| 2.45946*** .75575 3.25 .0011 .97822 3.94069 A7:A2| 1.34090** .60810 2.21 .0274 .14904 2.53275 A7:A3| -.17813 .44834 -.40 .6911 -1.05685 .70060 A7:A4| 1.31586** .54121 2.43 .0150 .25511 2.37661 A7:A6| -2.06715*** .78743 -2.63 .0087 -3.61048 -.52382 --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ***, **, * ==> Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level. Model was estimated on Jan 01, 2024 at 07:44:43 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Correlation Matrix for Random Parameters --------+----------------------------------------------------- Cor.Mat.| A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A7 --------+----------------------------------------------------- A1| 1.00000 .31247 .26703 .88288 -.15143 .56074 A2| .31247 1.00000 .36665 .60996 .39432 .31138 A3| .26703 .36665 1.00000 .23688 .38414 -.06375 A4| .88288 .60996 .23688 1.00000 -.24161 .69074 A6| -.15143 .39432 .38414 -.24161 1.00000 -.42798 A7| .56074 .31138 -.06375 .69074 -.42798 1.00000 232 Figure 17: All Output of Correlated Random Parameters Logit Results of Best-Worst Scaling for Hypothetical U.S. National Halal Meat and Poultry Certification Program, Processors (n = 96) Iterative procedure has converged Normal exit: 32 iterations. Status=0, F= .8606388D+03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Random Parameters Multinom. Logit Model Dependent variable CHOICE Log likelihood function -860.63878 Restricted log likelihood -1116.95243 Chi squared [ 27](P= .000) 512.62728 Significance level .00000 McFadden Pseudo R-squared .2294759 Estimation based on N = 574, K = 27 Inf.Cr.AIC = 1775.3 AIC/N = 3.093 --------------------------------------- Log likelihood R-sqrd R2Adj No coefficients -1116.9524 .2295 .2222 Constants only can be computed directly Use NLOGIT ;...;RHS=ONE$ At start values -960.8607 .1043 .0958 Note: R-sqrd = 1 - logL/Logl(constants) Root Likelihood:Geom. Mean of P^ .2233 Warning: Model does not contain a full set of ASCs. R-sqrd is problematic. Use model setup with ;RHS=one to get LogL0. --------------------------------------- Response data are given as ind. choices Replications for simulated probs. =1000 Used Halton sequences in simulations. RPL model with panel has 82 groups Fixed number of obsrvs./group= 7 Number of obs.= 574, skipped 0 obs 233 Figure 17 (cont’d) --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Standard Prob. 95% Confidence CHOICE| Coefficient Error z |z|>Z* Interval --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Random parameters in utility functions.......................... A1| .91671*** .15806 5.80 .0000 .60691 1.22651 A2| .28945** .14281 2.03 .0427 .00955 .56935 A3| -.81308*** .15676 -5.19 .0000 -1.12032 -.50584 A4| .98937*** .14577 6.79 .0000 .70366 1.27509 A6| .97008*** .15223 6.37 .0000 .67172 1.26845 A7| -.04691 .14636 -.32 .7486 -.33378 .23995 |Diagonal values in Cholesky matrix, L........................... NsA1| 2.09648*** .21355 9.82 .0000 1.67792 2.51503 NsA2| 1.31529*** .15257 8.62 .0000 1.01627 1.61432 NsA3| 1.46573*** .15789 9.28 .0000 1.15628 1.77518 NsA4| .82066*** .12589 6.52 .0000 .57392 1.06740 NsA6| 1.31810*** .15276 8.63 .0000 1.01871 1.61750 NsA7| 1.39940*** .15315 9.14 .0000 1.09923 1.69958 |Below diagonal values in L matrix. V = L*Lt..................... A2:A1| .53761*** .15864 3.39 .0007 .22669 .84854 A3:A1| -.18392 .15577 -1.18 .2377 -.48922 .12138 A3:A2| .34598** .13530 2.56 .0106 .08081 .61115 A4:A1| -.28950* .15286 -1.89 .0582 -.58911 .01011 A4:A2| .04337 .12925 .34 .7372 -.20996 .29670 A4:A3| .31768*** .12000 2.65 .0081 .08249 .55287 A6:A1| .45964*** .16344 2.81 .0049 .13931 .77997 A6:A2| .32291** .13953 2.31 .0206 .04945 .59638 A6:A3| .37361*** .12727 2.94 .0033 .12415 .62306 A6:A4| -.70761*** .13096 -5.40 .0000 -.96430 -.45093 A7:A1| -.74733*** .16135 -4.63 .0000 -1.06356 -.43110 A7:A2| .59629*** .13425 4.44 .0000 .33316 .85941 A7:A3| .83063*** .13309 6.24 .0000 .56977 1.09149 A7:A4| -.16944 .12007 -1.41 .1582 -.40477 .06589 A7:A6| .24544** .12172 2.02 .0438 .00688 .48401 234 Figure 17 (cont’d) |Standard deviations of parameter distributions.................. sdA1| 2.09648*** .21355 9.82 .0000 1.67792 2.51503 sdA2| 1.42092*** .16430 8.65 .0000 1.09890 1.74295 sdA3| 1.51720*** .15719 9.65 .0000 1.20912 1.82528 sdA4| .92742*** .12721 7.29 .0000 .67810 1.17674 sdA6| 1.64111*** .14855 11.05 .0000 1.34996 1.93225 sdA7| 1.91084*** .13770 13.88 .0000 1.64094 2.18073 |Covariances of Random Parameters................................ A2:A1| 1.12709*** .38691 2.91 .0036 .36875 1.88543 A3:A1| -.38558 .32129 -1.20 .2301 -1.01529 .24414 A3:A2| .35619* .21533 1.65 .0981 -.06585 .77823 A4:A1| -.60693* .31371 -1.93 .0530 -1.22178 .00793 A4:A2| -.09859 .19115 -.52 .6060 -.47324 .27605 A4:A3| .53389** .21289 2.51 .0121 .11663 .95114 A6:A1| .96363** .38080 2.53 .0114 .21729 1.70998 A6:A2| .67184** .26875 2.50 .0124 .14509 1.19858 A6:A3| .57479** .23677 2.43 .0152 .11073 1.03885 A6:A4| -.58109*** .17591 -3.30 .0010 -.92586 -.23631 A7:A1| -1.56676*** .31778 -4.93 .0000 -2.18960 -.94393 A7:A2| .38252 .24389 1.57 .1168 -.09549 .86053 A7:A3| 1.56123*** .33940 4.60 .0000 .89603 2.22643 A7:A4| .36703 .22372 1.64 .1009 -.07145 .80552 A7:A6| .60279** .27302 2.21 .0273 .06768 1.13789 --------+------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ***, **, * ==> Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level. Model was estimated on Jan 01, 2024 at 08:01:49 PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Correlation Matrix for Random Parameters --------+----------------------------------------------------- Cor.Mat.| A1 A2 A3 A4 A6 A7 --------+----------------------------------------------------- A1| 1.00000 .37835 -.12122 -.31216 .28008 -.39110 A2| .37835 1.00000 .16522 -.07482 .28811 .14088 A3| -.12122 .16522 1.00000 .37943 .23085 .53852 A4| -.31216 -.07482 .37943 1.00000 -.38179 .20711 A6| .28008 .28811 .23085 -.38179 1.00000 .19222 A7| -.39110 .14088 .53852 .20711 .19222 1.00000 235 APPENDIX A.4 FARM ANIMAL WELFARE REGULATIONS ADDITIONAL TABLES Table 46: Stage 1 Legislative Action Decision Outcomes Coefficients VARIABLES HENS_PER_1000 HOGS_PER_1000 COUNT_PASSED_PREV PREV_LAW ALLOW_BALLOT TRIFECTA_D TRIFECTA_R HOUSE%D SENATE%D CONSTANT (1) Ballot Outcome MNL Coefficients <0.001 (<0.001) -0.054** (0.025) 0.049 (0.043) -0.724 (0.963) 2.965*** (1.086) -0.622 (0.580) -1.268 (1.165) 0.019 (0.041) -0.005 (0.039) -6.740*** (1.645) 980 Observations Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. Table 47: Out of Sample Stage 1 Accurate Prediction Percentage (2) Bill Outcome MNL Coefficients <-0.001 (<0.001) -0.008** (0.003) 0.093*** (0.034) 0.528 (0.468) 0.367 (0.428) 0.893* (0.505) -1.719* (0.888) 0.044 (0.032) -0.013 (0.026) -6.106*** (1.077) Predicted Outcome Accuracy Mean 0.931 Note: We used clusters of 45 states in the Stage 1 bootstrap; the remaining 5 states are used for out of sample predictions for each repetition. An accurate prediction is when the real-world outcome matches the overall prediction of the model. As there are three possible outcomes (no action, ballot proposed, bill proposed), the predicted probability for any given outcome must be larger than the remaining two outcomes for it to be considered the model’s overall prediction. Standard Deviation 0.218 236 Figure 18: K-Density Plots: Ballot Model Residuals (top), Ballot Model R-Squared (middle), and Ballot Model Inverse Mills Ratios (bottom) K-Density Ballot Model Residuals y t i s n e D 5 . 1 1 5 . 0 0 4 0 3 y t i s n e D 0 2 0 1 0 8 0 . 6 0 . y t i s n e D 4 0 . 2 0 . 0 -4 -2 0 Residuals kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0262 2 4 K-Density Ballot Model R-squared .3 .4 .5 R-Squared .6 .7 kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.0007 K-Density Ballot Model Inverse Mills Ratio -200 -150 -100 Ballot Inverse Mills Ratio -50 0 kernel = epanechnikov, bandwidth = 0.2838 237 Table 48: Ballot IMR by Year Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Mean -12.726 -12.693 -12.679 -12.646 -12.598 -12.570 -12.297 -12.261 -12.006 -11.876 -12.081 -12.503 -12.163 -12.237 -12.424 -12.163 -12.053 -12.042 -11.931 -11.751 Standard Deviation 2.826 2.835 2.695 2.720 2.788 2.788 2.766 2.570 2.566 2.620 2.630 2.756 2.767 2.789 2.719 2.546 2.804 2.886 2.843 2.525 Table 49: Coefficients with of Percentage of “Yes” Votes as Independent Variable Variables PEOPLE_PER_FARM %DEMOCRAT %WHITE %BLACK %HISPANIC EDUCATION POVERTY_RATE HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 %CATHOLIC %EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT %MAINLINE PROTESTANT BALLOT_IMR CONSTANT Observations Note: Coefficients in (1) are obtained from cluster bootstrapping. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. To obtain the coefficients in terms of the percentage of “yes” votes from our adjusted model, we must exponentiate to remove the natural log and rearrange terms. The rearranged equation is: (2) Transformed Coefficients 0.500*** 0.504*** 0.502*** 0.500*** 0.502*** -0.498*** -0.494*** 0.501*** -0.499*** -0.491*** 0.507*** 0.527*** 0.657*** (1) OLS Coefficients 0.000*** 0.014*** 0.008*** 0.001*** 0.008*** -0.009*** -0.023*** 0.002*** -0.003*** -0.034*** 0.030*** 0.110*** 0.650*** 299 𝑉) = 𝑒𝑥𝑝[(𝐼𝑀𝑅 × ϕ) + (𝐵* × ζ))] 1 + 𝑒𝑥𝑝[(𝐼𝑀𝑅 × ϕ) + (𝐵* × ζ))] Equation 23 238 Table 50: Ballot Model Without MESR and IMRs VARIABLES PEOPLE_PER_FARM %DEMOCRAT %WHITE %BLACK %HISPANIC EDUCATION POVERTY_RATE HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_1000 %CATHOLIC %EVANGELICAL PROTESTANT %MAINLINE PROTESTANT CONSTANT Unadjusted (no IMR) Ballot Model Coefficients <0.001 (<0.001) 0.014** (0.006) 0.009** (0.004) -0.006 (0.009) 0.008 (0.005) -0.006 (0.007) -0.008 (0.014) 0.005 (0.003) 0.004 (0.004) -0.037** (0.016) 0.029*** (0.010) -0.881 (0.622) Observations R-squared Note: Robust standard errors are in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1. All variables are weighted by county population as a proportion of the total state population. 299 0.311 239 Table 51: Comparing Real World Outcomes to Ballot Model Predictions State Alabama Alaska* Arizona* Arkansas* California* Colorado* Connecticut Delaware Florida* Georgia Hawaii Idaho* Illinois* Indiana Iowa Kansas KentuckyR Louisiana Maine*R Maryland Massachusetts* Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi* Missouri* Montana* Nebraska* Nevada* New Hampshire New JerseyV New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota* Ohio* Oklahoma* Oregon* Reality No regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place Ballot Model Fail Pass Fail Fail Pass Fail Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass 240 Table 46 (cont’d) State Ballot Model Fail Pennsylvania Fail Rhode Island Fail South Carolina Fail South Dakota* Fail Tennessee Fail Texas Fail Utah* Pass Vermont Fail Virginia Pass Washington* Fail West Virginia Fail Wisconsin Fail Wyoming* 26% All 50 States 30.4% Ballot States 74% Accuracy All 50 States Accuracy Ballot States 75% Note: States with a (*) are states that allow ballot initiatives. (V) indicates that a FAW law passes by the legislature was vetoed by the governor and is therefore not in effect in reality. Shaded cells correspond to predictions that match what exist in reality. The superscript (R) indicates a state that has a FAW regulation in place that was not passed through a bill or ballot. Reality No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place Regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place No regulation in place 24% 41.7% N/A N/A 241 APPENDIX A.5 FARM ANIMAL WELFARE DATA COLLECTION METHODS Stage 1: State legislature political party information was collected from state legislature websites. In some instances, these websites were incomplete, and these gaps were filled in by the lead author using a range of sources, including, state and local newspapers, and political party websites. Industry size information for egg-laying hens was downloaded from USDA QuickStats and industry size information for gestating sows was downloaded from the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC). Stage 2: for the file The 2006 Records Votes for State Initiative Arizona 2006, Proposition 204: Votes on Proposition 204 came from the Arizona’s Secretary of State Election General ( The “Official Election Results (PDF)” was downloaded on February 8, 2019. Data regarding the voting outcome of Proposition 204, by county, is found on page 15 of the document. California 2008, Proposition 2: Votes on Proposition 2 came from California’s Statement of Vote from the 2008 General Election ( file election-results/presidential-general-election-november-4-2008/statement-vote/). “Complete Statement of Vote (PDF)” was downloaded on January 11, 2019. Data regarding the voting outcome of Proposition 2, by county, is found on page 57 of the document. California 2018, Proposition 12: Votes on Proposition 12 came from California’s Statement of Vote from the November 6, 2018 General Election ( elections/statewide-election-results/general-election-november-6-2018/statement-vote/). The file “Complete Statement of Vote (PDF)” was downloaded on February 10, 2019. Data regarding the voting outcome of Proposition 12, by county, is found on page 98 of the document. Florida 2002, Amendment 10: Votes on Amendment 10 came from Florida’s Department of State 2002 results ( ODE=). Massachusetts 2016, Question 3: Votes on Question 3 came from Massachusetts’ Secretary of the results General ( Ohio 2009, Issue 2: Votes on Issue 2 came from the Ohio’s Statement of Vote from the November 3, 2009 General Election ( election-results/state-issue-2-november-3-2009/). The file “State Issue 2 Official Results: November 3, 2009” was downloaded on February 10, 2019. Commonwealth Elections Election General 2016 Votes for State Legislation California 2010: The Colorado 2008: The legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on record of record of this bill this bill came came from from 242 came came came this bill this bill this bill record of record of record of record of 2007: The legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on from Michigan 2009: The ctName=2009-HB-5127 Michigan 2018: The from ectname=2017-SB-0660 Michigan 2019: The from tName=2019-SB-0174 New Jersey 2013: The this of record Oregon Oregon this of Oregon this of Rhode Island 2012: The from ge=25&CiScope=%2FJournals12%2F&CiSort=DocTitle%5Ba%5D&HTMLQueryForm=%2Fse arch%2Fsearch%2Easp&Abstractt=1 Rhode Island 2018: The Washington 2011: The Washington 2019: The legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on legislators’ votes on this bill came this bill came this bill came this bill came this bill came 2011: The 2018: The record of record of legislators’ legislators’ legislators’ record of record of record record votes votes votes came came came from from from from from from from bill bill bill on on on all data Demographic Information File Download website For (, all reference codes are found in the file, Mastdata.xls, under “Reference Information Files”. The data available closest to the vote in question was used for both counties and legislative districts. the Counties Data retrieved from Vote for Democratic Presidential Candidate Arizona 2006, Proposition 204: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Kerry-Edwards, in the 2004 Presidential election came from Arizona’s Secretary of State Record for the 2004 General Election ( California 2008, Proposition 2: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Obama-Biden, in the 2008 Presidential Election came from the California’s Statement of Vote Records for the 2008 General ( Election results/presidential-general-election-november-4-2008/statement-vote/). California 2018, Proposition 12: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Clinton-Kaine, in the 2016 Presidential election came from the California’s Statement of Vote Records for the 2016 General Election ( 243 6, of on the 2012 Votes General November Florida 2002, Amendment 3: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Clinton-Gore, in the 1996 Presidential election came from Florida’s Department of State records for the November 5, 1996 Abstract Election ( *Note: The 1996 Presidential election was used opposed to the 2000 Presidential election due to the controversial results in Florida in 2000. Massachusetts 2016, Question 3: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Clinton-Kaine, in the 2016 Presidential election came from the Massachusetts’ Secretary of the Commonwealth results for the 2016 General Election ( complete-sov.pdf). Ohio 2009, Issue 2: Votes for the Democratic ticket, Obama-Biden, in the 2008 Presidential election came from the Ohio’s Secretary of State Results for the November 4, 2008 General Election ( results/). Median Household Income Data regarding median household income is found on the “Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates the US Census Bureau website on ( Program” (SAIPE) page Percent of People all Ages in Poverty Data regarding poverty is found on the “Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) the US Census Bureau website ( Program” page on surveys/saipe.html). Persons 25+ years of age with a Bachelor’s degree or higher Education data ( found on is the USA Counties Data File Download website Race – White, Black, Hispanic Race on is ( found data the USA Counties Data File Download website Religious Data – Catholic, Mainline Protestant, Evangelical Protestant Religious of Religious Data Archives the Association ( Collect data from the “Percent” column for the 2010 religious census. came from data People per Farm Information on farm numbers per county was downloaded from USDA QuickStats. 244 APPENDIX A.6 CALCULATION OF FARM ANIMAL WELFARE INDUSTRY COSTS Eggs The calculation of the estimated cost to the egg industry of updating to cage-free egg production in states that do not currently have a FAW regulation in place utilized data from the United Egg Producers (United Egg Producers, 2022), USDA Quick Stats, and Matthews and Sumner (2015). Data from 2017 (the most recent available) on the inventory of egg-laying hens in each state was downloaded from USDA Quick Stats. In five states – Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Kansas, and Maine – the number of egg-laying hens was not provided. For these five states, we took the number of egg-laying hens in the nation overall, subtracted the total known from the 45 states that reported inventory numbers, and then divided the unaccounted for inventory evenly between these five states. According to the United Egg Producers, at the end of 2020, 28% of all egg-laying hens were in cage-free systems. We removed the percentage accounted for by the seven states that have a cage-free regulation – California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington. We assumed that 100% of the egg-laying hens in these states were in cage-free systems. We then calculated the number of egg-laying hens in cage-free systems in the remaining 43 states without cage-free regulations and computed the new percentage of egg-laying hens in cage-free systems. This updated estimate is 18.32% of egg-laying hens, meaning 81.68% of all egg-laying hens are in conventional housing in the 43 states without a cage- free regulation. This percentage of conventionally housed hens was multiplied by the total inventory in a given state to calculate the number of egg-laying hens in conventional housing. To estimate the cost of upgrading to cage-free production for these 81.68% of hens, we used estimated changes in cost of producing a dozen eggs under conventional versus cage-free systems from Matthews and Sumner (2015), scaled to the average number of eggs produced per hen in 2020 and inflated to 2022 dollars. According to the United Egg Producers (United Egg Producers, 2022), on average a hen laid 296 eggs in 2020. Converting this number to dozens of eggs, we have the estimated cost of upgrading from conventional to cage-free production per egg- laying hen, which is $6.95 per hen per year in 2022 dollars. We present the predicted percentage of the population within the 31 states not predicted by our model to be likely to pass a FAW regulation, the number of egg-laying hens in those states, the relative size of the states’ industry to the national total, and the estimated costs to the industry in each of these states to update to cage- free egg production methods Table 52. Pork The calculation of the estimated cost to the pork industry of updating to crate-free pork production in states that do not currently have a FAW regulation in place utilized data from World Animal Protection (World Animal Protection, 2021), the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC), Purdue University’s Center for Commercial Agriculture (Langemeier, 2019), and Ortega and Wolf (2018). Data from 2019 (corresponding to the year for the data used in our predictions) on the inventory of gestating sows in each state was downloaded from LMIC. According to World Animal Protection’s “Quit Stalling” report on crate-free pork production (World Animal Protection, 2021), at the end of 2020, about 25% of all gestating sows were in crate-free systems. We removed the percentage accounted for by the eleven states that have a cage-free regulation – Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington. We assumed that 100% of the gestating 245 sows in these states were in crate-free systems. We then calculated the number of gestating sows in crate-free systems in the remaining 39 states without crate-free regulations and computed the new percentage of gestating sows in crate-free systems. This updated estimate is 18.67% of gestating sows, meaning 81.34% of all gestating sows are in conventional housing in the 39 states without a crate-free regulation. This percentage of conventionally housed gestating sows was multiplied by the total inventory in a given state to calculate the number of gestating sows in conventional housing. To estimate the cost of upgrading to crate-free production for these 81.34% of sows, we used estimated changes in cost per weaned pig under conventional versus two types of crate-free systems from Ortega and Wolf (2018), scaled to the average number of pigs produced per sow in 2019 and inflated to 2022 dollars. According to the Purdue University Center for Commercial Agriculture (Langemeier, 2019), in 2019, on average a sow had two litters of piglets per year, with an average litter size of 11, for an estimated total of 22 piglets per sow per year. Converting to cost per sow, we have the estimated cost of upgrading from conventional to crate-free production per sow, which is between $51.53 and $87.77 per sow per year in 2022 dollars. We present the predicted percentage of the population within the 31 states not predicted by our model to be likely to pass a FAW regulation, the number of gestating sows in those states, the relative size of the states’ industry to the national total, and the estimated costs to the industry in each of these states to update to crate-free pork production methods in Table 53. 246 Table 52: Cost to Update to Cage-Free Egg Production in 31 States not Predicted to Pass a FAW Regulation State Alabama Arkansas* Georgia Hawaii Idaho* Illinois* Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Minnesota Mississippi* Missouri* Montana* Nebraska* New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota* Oklahoma* Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota* Tennessee Texas Utah* Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming* Percent of Population in Favor of FAW Regulation 21.451 34.367 35.904 38.745 42.278 46.797 23.841 0.171 5.630 34.514 11.274 20.817 11.958 39.778 N/A 55.172 38.939 54.224 10.165 12.272 0.345 61.928 25.678 0.011 20.968 34.773 52.484 51.360 39.490 48.259 5.369 Number of Egg-Laying Hens Percent of Egg- Laying Hens in the Nation Cost to Update to Cage-Free System 7,867,738 12,285,533 17,966,521 192,185 472,192 5,470,158 26,354,377 56,554,774 3,249,703 1,970,896 10,849,607 5,828,262 11,306,386 931,006 7,353,761 1,631,775 102,020 6,058,141 14,160,452 81,364 3,354,460 26,317,523 4,002,121 2,708,331 1,986,321 21,006,254 4,480,850 2,447,718 1,215,655 7,639,627 29,550 2.137 3.336 4.879 0.052 0.128 1.485 7.157 15.358 0.882 0.535 2.946 1.583 3.070 0.253 1.997 0.443 0.028 1.645 3.845 0.022 0.911 7.147 1.087 0.735 0.539 5.704 1.217 0.665 0.330 2.075 0.008 $44,682,163.73 $69,771,540.05 $102,034,794.87 $1,091,449.87 $2,681,655.17 $31,065,916.96 $149,670,793.32 $321,183,759.74 $18,455,593.01 $11,193,038.93 $61,616,682.76 $33,099,647.82 $64,210,804.99 $5,287,334.49 $41,763,204.75 $9,267,115.62 $579,388.17 $34,405,168.05 $80,419,510.00 $462,079.39 $19,050,523.92 $149,461,493.46 $22,728,696.07 $15,381,052.24 $11,280,640.02 $119,297,932.97 $25,447,475.93 $13,900,988.62 $6,903,902.46 $43,386,684.26 $167,819.26 $1,509,948,850.89 265,875,261 Total Note: States with a (*) are states that allow ballot initiatives. The predicted percent of the population in favor of a FAW regulation in Nebraska could not be estimated since Nebraska was left out of the Stage 1 model due to its unicameral state legislature. 72.20 N/A 247 Table 53: Cost to Update to Crate-Free Pork Production in 31 States not Predicted to Pass a FAW Regulation Percent of Population in Favor of FAW Regulation Number of Gestating Sows 21.451 34.367 35.904 38.745 42.278 46.797 23.841 0.171 5.630 34.514 11.274 20.817 11.958 39.778 N/A 55.172 38.939 54.224 10.165 12.272 0.345 61.928 25.678 0.011 20.968 34.773 52.484 51.360 39.490 48.259 5.369 15,312 57,816 21,114 2,225 8,238 464,442 280,559 917,567 174,810 2,018 572,545 47,797 334,240 20,933 391,551 685 318 10,923 896,231 35,147 425,387 103,064 9,195 167,015 15,466 83,017 16,842 8,460 1,362 43,716 16,842 Percent of Gestating Sows in the Nation 0.271 1.025 0.374 0.039 0.146 8.232 4.973 16.263 3.098 0.036 10.148 0.847 5.924 0.371 6.940 0.012 0.006 0.194 15.885 0.623 7.540 1.827 0.163 2.960 0.274 1.471 0.299 0.150 0.024 0.775 0.299 Cost to Update to Crate-Free System Lower Bound Cost to Update to Crate-Free System Upper Bound $1,141,393.00 $670,175.71 $6,634,346.82 $3,895,396.30 $2,568,134.25 $1,507,895.34 $142,674.13 $83,771.96 $706,236.92 $414,671.22 $79,540,824.82 $46,702,869.62 $34,598,475.37 $20,314,701.14 $88,798,281.25 $151,234,572.76 $25,253,320.17 $14,827,637.53 $28,534.83 $16,754.39 $85,247,789.83 $50,053,748.16 $6,348,998.57 $3,727,852.37 $72,193,107.37 $42,388,613.50 $4,565,572.01 $2,680,702.83 $54,858,201.16 $32,210,319.95 $57,069.65 $33,508.79 $28,534.83 $16,754.39 $370,952.73 $217,807.10 $78,955,075.55 $134,470,363.04 $5,207,605.57 $3,057,676.67 $62,063,244.48 $36,440,804.10 $15,480,142.59 $9,089,258.03 $1,319,735.66 $774,890.66 $36,310,564.88 $21,319,964.70 $3,887,869.91 $2,282,786.00 $19,261,006.91 $11,309,215.07 $11,984,626.52 $7,036,844.93 $477,958.32 $280,636.08 $49,935.94 $29,320.19 $7,062,369.20 $4,146,712.19 $5,171,937.04 $3,036,733.67 State Alabama Arkansas* Georgia Hawaii Idaho* Illinois* Indiana Iowa Kansas Louisiana Minnesota Mississippi* Missouri* Montana* Nebraska* New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota* Oklahoma* Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota* Tennessee Texas Utah* Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming* Total Note: States with a (*) are states that allow ballot initiatives. The predicted percent of the population in favor of a FAW regulation in Nebraska could not be estimated since Nebraska was left out of the Stage 1 model due to its unicameral state legislature. $486,321,379.40 $828,266,099.29 5,144,837 91.19 N/A 248