PHYSCOMITRIUM PATENS: APPLICATIONS IN SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY AND THE CURATION OF DITERPENOID LIBRARIES By Davis T. Mathieu A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Genetics & Genome Sciences — Doctor of Philosophy 2024 ABSTRACT The model moss species, Physcomitrium patens (P. patens), provides a unique system for investigating plant development, evolution, and physiology and also serves as an excellent chassis for synthetic biology. Because of the unique phylogeny of P. patens as a bryophyte, and sister to the vascular plants, allows opportunity for understanding shared traits among embryophytic life, early terrestrialization of plants on land 500 million years ago, and the divergences/convergences of plant traits since then. The high prevalence and global distribution of plants and fungi today can in-part be attributed to their long-standing relationship which predates early terrestrialization, and who’s early collaboration likely reduced the initial barriers for both kingdoms to thrive on land. Here, the interaction between P. patens and fungi in the Mortierellaceae family are cocultured together to characterize their physiological and transcriptional responses. These analyses are used to explore possible long-standing interactions between plants and fungi, identify essential traits in plant-fungal communication, and provide foundational exploration into coculturing these systems for metabolite production. P. patens is an effective system for the production of heterologous metabolites, particularly diterpenes, because of its relatively low chemical diversity, many developed synthetic biological tools, and similar machinery/compartments to vascular plants. The large pool of diterpene chemodiversity and bioactivity known today affords these compounds with high humanitarian and economic value, making it an excellent metabolite to develop for expression in P. patens. Work presented in this dissertation focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of a coculture system with P. patens and Mortierellaceae, explores long-standing relationships among plants and fungi, provides schematic and initial testing of novel synthetic biological tools for improving P. patens as a chassis, and evaluates complexities among the total diterpene landscape to-date. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... v LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... viii CHAPTER 1 Physcomitrium patens: A Chassis for Diterpene Synthesis and the Exploration of Fungal Symbiosis for Improved Growth and Extraction ................................ 1 Physcomitrium patens as a Model Species and Chassis for Heterologous Expression: ....... 2 Terpene Utility and Synthesis: ................................................................................................. 4 Native terpene metabolic pathways in P. patens: .................................................................... 7 Plant-Fungal Symbiosis: ........................................................................................................... 8 Mortierellaceae characteristics, utility, and evolutionary relevance: ................................. 10 Work presented in this dissertation: .......................................................................................11 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 14 CHAPTER 2 Multilevel analysis between Physcomitrium patens and Mortierellaceae endophytes explores potential long-standing interaction among land plants and fungi ...... 27 Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 28 Keywords.................................................................................................................................. 29 Significance Statement ............................................................................................................ 29 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 29 Methods & Materials .............................................................................................................. 33 Results & Discussion ............................................................................................................... 44 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 66 Data availability....................................................................................................................... 67 Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................. 68 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 68 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 70 CHAPTER 3 Rule-Based Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Diterpene Library: A Simulation of Synthesis and Unravelling of Compound Structural Diversity .................. 85 Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 86 Keywords.................................................................................................................................. 87 Significance Statement ............................................................................................................ 87 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 87 Methods & Materials .............................................................................................................. 91 Results & Discussion ............................................................................................................... 99 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................116 Data availability......................................................................................................................118 Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................119 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................119 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 121 iii CHAPTER 4 Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Targeted Transformation and Development of Promoter Reporter System in Physcomitrium patens for Sequential Targeting of Diterpene Module ................................................................................................ 135 Abstract .................................................................................................................................. 136 Keywords................................................................................................................................ 137 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 137 Materials & Methods ............................................................................................................ 141 Results .................................................................................................................................... 147 Conclusion & Future Directions .......................................................................................... 151 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 152 APPENDIX: CIRRICULUM VITAE ...................................................................................... 160 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Select ontology and gene representatives from differential gene expression among P. patens and Mortierellaceae cocultures. ......................................................................... 58 Table 4.1: Candidate genes for promoter cloning with P. patens reporter gene construct ......... 151 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Daily quantified growth of P. patens over 65 days compared to samples inoculated with either B. erionia WT, B. erionia CU, L. elongata WT, or L. elongata CU ......... 45 Figure 2.2: Representative and specific interaction of P. patens with B. erionia and L. elongata (White bar indicates 50 µm for each picture) ............................................................ 47 Figure 2.3: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of P. patens mapped RNA-seq reads for the 15 RNA-sequencing libraries generated with DeSEQ2. The color of each point correlates to experimental treatment. ............................................................................................ 49 Figure 2.4: Venn diagram of DEGs between P. patens control and P. patens co-cultures with B. erionia WT (dark blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (red), and L. elongata CU (pink). ...................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 2.5: Principal component analysis (PCA) of transcripts per million mapped reads (TPM) of the 99 libraries from the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ [Perroud et al. 2018] and the 15 samples analyzed here. ....................................................................................................... 62 Figure 2.6: Heatmap of the 822 genes with mapped reads to the dataset were presented here and absent among all ‘Gene Atlas Project’ samples.............................................................. 63 Figure 2.7: Mortierella coculture DEGs (Padj<0.01, DESeq2) comparisons across C. reinhardtii, A. thaliana, and P. patens. ..................................................................................... 66 Figure 3.1: Principal component analysis of DNP diterpene skeleton structures based on RDKit bit vector comparison scores ........................................................................................... 101 Figure 3.2: Summary of carbocation cyclization (TPS enzyme) reactions modeled at a global/theoretical level, filtered to identified structures, and examples of local synthesis. ........ 106 Figure 3.3: Summary of carbocation quenching patterns and post cyclization decoration for each of the top 20 most common diterpene skeleton classes in the TeroKit database ........ 1097 Figure 3.4: Visual of atom and bond variation among the top 20 most common diterpene skeletons and identified variation related to diterpene origin, carbon connection(s), and carbon neighbor(s). ......................................................................................................................112 Figure 3.5: Heatmap of top 50 most common diterpene skeletons and their abundance in plants and algae. ...........................................................................................................................115 Figure 4.1: Homologous DNA constructs for P. patens transformation .................................... 148 vi Figure 4.2: Physcomitrium patens transcript per million abundance of select genes grown in isolation and in coculture with either B. erionia or L. elongata ................................................. 149 Figure 4.3: Identified transcription factor binding motifs within the 5’ UTR and 5kbp upstream of fungal responsive gene candidates .......................................................................... 150 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PEG DNA SNP BAC Mbp –Polyethylene Glycol –Deoxynucleic Acid –Single Nucleotide Polymorphism – Bacterial Artificial Chromosome – Mega Base Pairs LTR-RT – Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon BCE – Before Common Era DMAPP – Dimethylallyl Diphosphate IDP – Isopentenyl Diphosphate GGDP – Geranylgeranyl Diphosphate DNP TPS – Dictionary of Natural Products – Terpene Synthase diTPS – Diterpene Synthase OGD UGT –2-Oxoglutarate-Dependent Dioxygenase – Uridine diphosphate glycosyltransferases CPS/KS – Copalyl Diphosphate/Kaurene Synthase UV – Ultraviolet CRISPR/ – Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats Cas9 – CRISPR-Associated Protein 9 MRE – Mollicutes-Related Endobacteria BRE – Burkholderia-Related Endobacteria RNA – Ribonucleic Acid viii CERK1 – Chitin Elicitor Receptor Kinase 1 VAPYRIN – Vesicle-Associated Membrane Protein (VAMP)-Associated Protein AMF – Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi WT CU – Wild Type – Cured MYA – Million Years Ago BCD – Solution B, C, and D Media MgSO4 – Magnesium Sulfate KH2PO4 – Monopotassium Dihydrogenphosphate KNO3 – Potassium Nitrate FeSO4·7H2O – Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate H2O FAA EST LED – Water – Formalin-aceto-alcohol – Eastern Standard Time – Light-Emitting Diode MSU HPCC – Michigan State University High-Performance Computer Cluster QC – Quality Control DEG – Differentially Expressed Genes Padj – Adjusted P-value RPKM – Reads per Kilobase per Million Mapped Reads TPM – Transcripts per Million PpNH4 – Physcomitrium patens Ammonium solution ix PCA – Principal Component Analysis NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information PCR CDS – Polymerase Chain Reaction – Coding Sequence TAIR – The Arabidopsis Information Resource GO – Gene Ontology MLD-Kinase – Myosin Light-Chain Kinase CDPK – Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase GRAS – Gibberellic Acid Insensitve (GAi): Repressor of GAI (RGA): Scarecros (SCR) WRKY – WRKY Binding Transcription Factor TIFY – TIFY Binding Transcription Factor HEX – Haematopoietically Expressed Homeobox Transcription Factor HMG-CoA – Hydroxymethylgutaryl-CoA Reductase MVA – Mevalonate MYB-like – Myeloblastosis-Like Transcription Factor GDP ROS – Guanosine Diphosphate – Reactive Oxygen Species BIM1 – Binding to Microtubules protein DOF ATP – DNA-Binding With One Finger Transcription Factor – Adenosine Triphosphate GLK1 – GOLDEN2-LIKE Transcription Factor CaCO3 – Calcium Carbonate x MgCO3 – Magnesium Carbonate siRNA – Small Interfering Ribonucleic Acid SMILES – Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System SMARTS – SMILES Arbitrary Target Specification InChi – IUPAC International Chemical Identifier IQV – Index of Qualitative Variation H C – Hydrogen – Carbon CYP701 – Cytochrome P450; 701 family YFP TE – Yellow Fluorescent Protein – Transposable Elements NPT-II – Neomycin Phosphotransferase II LP4-2A – Linker Protein OCS-T – octopine synthase gene terminator PNZ – promtoer module Cfr9I – Citrobacter freundii 9I endonuclease AT GC – Adenine/Thymine – Guanie/Cytosine BLAST – Basic Local Alignment Search Tool CTAB – Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide EDTA – Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid TE buffer – Tris-EDTA buffer xi gDNA – Genomic Deoxynucleic Acid IDT – Integrated DNA Technologies pBK3 – Physcomitrium patens CPS/KS Knockout GC/MS – Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy Tm – Melting Temperature xii CHAPTER 1 Physcomitrium patens: A Chassis for Diterpene Synthesis and the Exploration of Fungal Symbiosis for Improved Growth and Extraction 1 Physcomitrium patens as a Model Species and Chassis for Heterologous Expression: Native to North America, Europe, and Eastern Asia, Physcomitrium patens (P. patens; formerly Physcomitrella patens) has been a valuable tool aiding in plant biology research since its collection in 1962 [Engel 1968, Rensing et al. 2020]. The moss found initial utility in developmental plant genetics and plant hormone biology due to its morphological simplicity and phylogenetic relationship to vascular plants. The early production of multiple panels of mutant lines further accelerated its relevance within these fields [Engel, 1968, Ashton and Cove, 1977, Ashton et al., 1979, Abel et al., 1989]. The later development of a polyethylene-glycol (PEG)- mediated transformation in P. patens allowed for homologous recombination for the insertion of DNA into the genome, reigniting its utility within the study of plant biology and synthetic biology [Kammerer and Cove, 1996, Schaefer and Zrÿd, 1997, Strepp et al., 1998]. Contrary to the vascular plants, P. patens and other bryophytes uniquely dominate the gametophytic, haploid life cycle. This dominant haploid cycle likely served as an important characteristic for the high transformation efficiency in P. patens, since only one gene copy must be inserted/knocked out to exhibit complete dominance. Capacity for transformation marked P. patens as one of the first multicellular organism to have transformation efficiency comparable to yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [Schaefer and Zrÿd, 1997, Schaefer, 2001 Schaefer and Zrÿd, 2001]. Specific examples of this included P. patens demonstrating capacity to produce the diterpene taxadiene [Anterola et al. 2009, Bach et al. 2014], and sesquiterpenes: patchoulol, and α/β-santalene [Zhan et al. 2014] and artemisinin [Khairul Ikram et al. 2017]. Development of CRISPR/Cas9 technologies continued to expand the range of P. patens utility for heterologous expression, allowing for greater ease of multi-gene targeting and higher efficiency for gene knockout/insertion [Collonnier et al. 2017]. Continued improvements to transformation protocols 2 in P. patens have maintained the species as an excellent chassis for heterologous expression of biochemical pathways. Using P. patens in this way will be further explored in Chapter 4. When considering a non-native chassis for heterologous expression, P. patens provides many benefits over both single celled and multi-cellular alternatives. An autotrophic lifestyle provides advantages when compared to yeast and bacteria, as it requires fewer inputs to maintain in a lab setting. Also, because most known specialized metabolites are derived from land plants, P. patens retains cellular phytochemical machinery and compartments more closely related to these sources compared to other, more popular platforms like bacteria, yeast, and algae [Fang et al. 2019, Zeng et al. 2020, Chapter 3]. Physcomitrium patens has flexibility in growing conditions and can be cultured in liquid, soil, and agar media, exhibits a high degree of stress tolerance, and can undergo storage indefinitely with cryopreservation [Schulte and Reski 2004, Frank et al. 2005, Mathieu et al. 2024 (Chapter 2)]. The turn of the millennia coincided largely with the next-generation sequencing revolution. Because P. patens had an established foothold at that time in 2008 led to it becoming the fifth land plant to have its genome sequenced [Rensing et al. 2008] following Arabidopsis thaliana [The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative 2000], rice (Oryza sativa) [International Rice Genome Sequencing Project 2005], poplar (Popolus tricharpa) [Tuskan et al. 2006] and grape (Vitis vinifera) [The French–Italian Public Consortium for Grapevine Genome Characterization 2007]. This event established P. patens as the flagship genome for the second largest phylum of land plants, the Bryophyta [Rensing et al. 2008, Michael and Jackson 2013, Rensing et al. 2020]. This genome sequence was highly prioritized at the time due to its unique phylogenetic placement in relation to vascular plants and the algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (sequenced in 2007) [Merchant et al. 2007]. Physcomitrium patens’ physiological similarities to the earliest land 3 plants referenced by fossil records further strengthened it as a platform for studying plant evolution [Kenrick and Crane 1997, Renzaglia and David 2001, Merchant et al. 2007, Rensing et al. 2008]. While P. patens has also adapted to the changing environment since its divergence from other land plants, it still has some capacity to act as a proxy for ancient land plants due to its shared morphology to ancestral accounts of land plants and an overall lower SNP accumulation over time compared to other known species such as A. thaliana [Lang et al. 2018]. In 2018, the P. patens genome was updated from its BAC/Fosmid predecessor to a 27 pseudochromosome level assembly using a shotgun sequencing strategy in combination with Sanger reads and the incorporation of former assemblies to create the 462 Mbp genome [Rensing et al. 2008, Lang et al 2018]. Publishing this new assembly resulted in the identification of unique genomic architecture compared to seed plants. Unlike most land plants, P. patens has fairly homogenous regions of genic space and long terminal repeat retrotransposon (LTR-RT) distribution across all chromosomes, instead of high gene distribution concentrated on chromosome arms [Lang et al. 2018]. This homogenization of genic and transposon spaces is likely also responsible for the abnormally high expression of LTR-RTs [Lang et al. 2018]. Despite high LTR-RT activity, P. patens seems to face minimal adverse effects and still retains a relatively small genome. This unique phenomenon is explored for its utility in synthetic biology applications in Chapter 4, particularly in the context of heterologous expression of diterpene pathways. Terpene Utility and Synthesis: Terpenoids currently make up the largest known class of natural products with over 180,000 compounds reported in the TeroKit database as of July 20231 [Zeng et al. 2020, Zeng et al. 1 4 2022]. In nature, terpenoids function in organism-to-environment communication, particularly for clades with life cycles that are predominantly sessile, like that of plants, fungi, and corals [Zeng et al. 2020]. Plants produce the majority of terpenoid diversity, making up 75% of reported compounds [Zhou and Percherski 2020, Zeng et al. 2020], and find biological utility in many ways, including extracellular signaling [Irmisch et al. 2014, Dutta et al. 2017, Zeng et al. 2020, Rosenkranz et al. 2021], bacterial curation for the rhizosphere microbiome [Bullington et al. 2018, Huang and Osbourn 2019, Su et al. 2023], pollinator attraction [Kortbeek et al. 2019], and herbivory defense [Kortbeek et al. 2019, Ninkuu et al. 2021]. Humanity also has a long parallel history with terpene-producing plants, most notably in the form of traditional medicines. Some of the earliest written accounts of effective herbal medicines occur in the Babylonian Empire (~4,000 BCE) [Luqman 2014], the Yin and Shang dynasties in China (~1,000 BCE) [Ma et al. 2021], and ancient Greece (~500 BCE) [Jaiswal and Williams 2017]. While throughout human history many cultures have independently found uses for terpenes, western science still relies on the medicinal traditions and word of mouth inheritance of this information to continue compound discovery and understanding. In the US alone, terpenoid production is a multibillion-dollar industry, largely notable in their uses as fragrances, flavors, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and pesticides [Degenhardt et al. 2003, González-Coloma et al. 2014, Hausch et al. 2015, Koul 2008, Lange et al. 2011, Schalk et al. 2011, Phillipe et al. 2014, Celedon & Bohlmann 2016, Kutyana & Bornemann 2018, Nuutinen 2018, Tetali 2019, Wang et al. 2005, Wani et al. 1971, Wilson & Roberts 2011, Zerbe et al. 2012, Zerbe and Bohlmann 2014, Zhao et al. 2016, Tetali 2019, Smith et al. 2022]. Future collaborations with many cultural groups must focus on respecting tradition, ethical sourcing of materials, and properly compensating all parties involved. If done properly, 5 these collaborations hold promise for the elucidation of many compounds that will likely provide services, utilities, and economic growth worldwide [Leonti and Casu 2013, Marks et al. 2023]. Diterpenoids originate from the combination of one dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP) and three isopentenyl diphosphates (IDP) to ultimately form the main diterpene precursor geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP). Work presented here explores the role of the 20C diterpenoids in the context of heterologous expression in P. patens (Chapter 4) and reported diterpene diversity of compounds from the Dictionary of Natural Products (DNP; version 26.2) and TeroKit databases (Chapter 3) [Zeng et al 2019, Zeng et al. 2020, Zeng et al. 2022]. Nearly all reported diterpenes are derived from the combination of DMADP and three units of IDP via head-to-tail synthesis to create geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) [Schmidt et al. 2005]. Generally, GGDP is further modified with ring formation through help of diterpene synthases (diTPSs) to form various terpene backbones [Karunanithi and Zerbe 2019, Johnson et al. 2019]. Diterpene synthases can generally be classified into two modes of synthesis; either by a Class II/Class I mechanism or just a Class I enzyme acting alone, determined by which enzymes are present and which order reactions are carried out to form and resolve carbocations via cyclization, rearrangement, and elimination reactions [Karunanithi and Zerbe 2019]. The Class II/Class I mechanisms uses two enzymes (with some exceptions like in the case of P. patens in which one enzyme carries out both mechanisms) and first forms a carbocation at the GGDP tail (Class II) leading to initial cyclization. This is followed by the removal of the diphosphate (Class I), which yields another carbocation and additional cyclization or be resolved with the quenching of water or hydride ion. Alternatively, Class I diTPSs act independently to form and resolve the carbocation cascade reactions in one step starting by removing the diphosphate group. After cyclization, additional enzymes such as Cytochrome P450s (P450s), 2OGDs, UDP dependent 6 glycosyl transferases (UGT), and amino transferases provide the majority of observed structural diversity, which is explored more in Chapter 3. Native terpene metabolic pathways in P. patens: Physcomitrium patens has low chemical diversity compared to most land plants [Bach et al. 2014]. Evidence for this is particularly exemplified by the absence of P450s and UGTs, which are generally responsible for the decoration of specialized metabolites and correlate with chemical diversity [Hamberger and Bak 2013, Nelson and Werck-Reichhart 2011]. While A. thaliana and O. sativa have 246 and 343 P450s respectively, P. patens only has 71 [Hamberger and Bak 2013]. This lack of background metabolite expression in P. patens strengthens it as a platform for the production of metabolites of interest since it reduces the risk of nonspecific modifications to heterologous products as a result of these enzymes having an abnormally high degree of substrate promiscuity [Nelson and Werck-Reichhart 2011, Hamberger and Bak 2013, Bach et al. 2014]. With regards to diterpene biosynthesis, P. patens has only one known endogenous diterpene pathway, which produces ent-kaurenoic acid, a precursor for the phytohormone gibberellin in vascular plants [Richards et al. 2001, Sun and Gubler 2004, Genschik 2009, Miyazaki et al. 2011, Davière and Achard 2013]. In P. patens, ent-kaurene synthesis is carried out by a single, bi-functional Class II/Class I diTPS copalyl diphosphate/kaurene synthase (CPS/KS) enzyme, which produces ent-kaur-16-ene and the hydroxylated isomer, ent-16-α-hydroxy kaurene [Hayashi et al. 2010, Hoffmann et al. 2014, Zhan et al. 2014]. Physcomitrium patens synthesizes other terpenoid classes such as the carotenoid derived strigolactone [Hoffmann et al. 2014], but ent-kaurene is by far the major terpene produced. 7 Although native terpene diversity is low, P. patens is excellent at producing large quantities of ent-kaurene, reaching concentrations 0.37-fold that of chlorophyll a and b [Zhan et al. 2014]. Despite the importance placed on ent-kaurene production, it is surprisingly not essential for cell growth [Hayashi et al. 2010]. CPS/KS knockout lines have a reduced capacity for cellular elongation, with stalled differentiation of chloronema (non-leafy undifferentiated filamentous tissue) but overall see little to no reduction of biomass [Hayashi et al. 2010]. While the differentiation of chloronema to caulonemata (the filamentous tissue preceding reproductive maturity) is important to reach sexual maturity in nature, chloronema can be maintained and grown indefinitely in a laboratory setting [Miyazaki et al. 2014]. From a biochemical standpoint, the endogenous diTPS pathway present in P. patens provides a nearly perfect foundation for the heterologous production of diterpenes due to high production of the GGDP precursor intended for ent-kaurene synthesis, low risk of nonspecific modification from P450s and UGTs, and the ent-kaurene knockouts arresting the organism at the easily cultured and genetically stable chloronema phase. Plant-Fungal Symbiosis: About 90% of terrestrial plants share a mutualistic relationship with fungal symbionts [Bonfante and Genre 2010]. This interaction is generally characterized by an exchange of nutrients wherein plants provide a steady source of carbon through lipid or sugar derivatives, and in turn, fungi provide useable nitrogen, phosphorous, micronutrients, and improved water retention [Bonfante & Genre 2010, Martin & Nehls 2009]. Plant-fungal cocultures are also noted for better mitigation of stresses such as oxidative, osmotic, heat, UV radiation, and rapid temperature flux [de Vries & Archibald 2018, Du et al. 2019, Fürst-Jansen et al. 2020, Jermy 2011, Kohler et al. 2015, Lutzoni et al. 2018]. These stressors would have also posed as strong preventative forces 8 to initial plant terrestrialization as well. The observed stresses fungi and plants help mitigate together, the expansivity of environments in which they interact, and the traits each kingdom has to communicate with one another has led to the hypothesis that fungal mutualism may have played a critical role in initial plant colonization of land [Du et al. 2019, Knack et al. 2015, Kohler et al. 2015, Hanke & Rensing 2010, Liepina 2012, Loron et al. 2019, Lutzoni et al. 2001, Lutzoni et al. 2018, Morris et al. 2018, Nelson et al. 2020, Russell & Bulman 2005]. This symbiosis is further exemplified by the origin of land plants being tied largely to embryophytes, a clade with many connections to fungal symbiosis, suggesting that the necessary traits may have predated their emergence on land [Zhong et al. 2015, Morris et al. 2018]. The fossil records further support this, where key plant-fungal structures for interaction are observed dating back 407 million years ago (MYA) [Strullu-Derrien et al. 2014]. This parallels the emergence/retention of gene homologies necessary to interact with mycorrhizal structures before the divergence between charophytic algae and embryophytes (600 MYA) [Karandashov et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2010, Delaux et al. 2015]. Ancestral reconstruction of plant-fungal interaction predicts that the earliest plant-fungal symbionts likely resembled s common ancestor of Mucoraceae, Mortierellaceae and Glomeraceae, which all dominate the landscape today [Feijen et al. 2018]. Chapter 2 explores the shared physiology of early land plants and fungi compared with P. patens and specifically Mortierellaceae species, with aims to identify shared communication patterns throughout fungal- embryophyte relations today. The potential for symbiosis is also explored due to observed mutualistic interactions with algae, A. thaliana and other modern embryophytes [Becker & Cubeta 2020, Du et al. 2019, Fiejen et al. 2018, Rensing et al. 2008, VandePol et al. 2022, Zhang et al. 2021]. Fungi have many applications in plant synthetic biology, where they have previously 9 been used as inoculants for improved growth and resiliency [Du et al. 2019, Vandepol et al. 2022], for the flocculation of algae out of solution [Jo et al. 2023, Shitanaka et al. 2023, Zhang et al. 2024], and for the biosynthesis hydrophobic lipid droplets in the storage of hydrophobic metabolites [Kamisaka et al. 1999, Yu et al. 2017]. Mortierellaceae characteristics, utility, and evolutionary relevance: Mortierellaceae represents a clade of globally ubiquitous fungi with isolates spanning from both the Antarctic [Weinstein et al. 2000] and Arctic poles [Gams et al. 1972, Salt 1977]. This family of soil-inhabiting fungi are characterized by their capacity for chitinolytic decomposition [Jackson 1965, Schlegel and Zaborosch 1993], prolific growth, multinucleated haploid mycelia, and bidirectional cytoplasmic transport mechanisms [Uehling et al. 2017]. Mortierellaceae have been found to be saprotrophic and associated with plant roots [Bonito et al. 2016, Liao et al. 2019] and have been reported to provide benefits to plant growth in corn (Zea mays), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), A. thaliana, and C. reinhardtii to name a few [Weber and Tribe 2003, Dyal and Narine 2005, Ueling et al. 2017, Du et al. 2019, Zhang et al. 2020, Telagathoti et al. 2021, Vandepol et al. 2022]. Because Mortierellaceae can easily be cultured, have capacity for mutualism, and are noted for their prolific and abundant production of essential fatty acids (50-80% fungal dry weight) [Pillai et al. 1998, Jansa et al. 1999, Zhang et al. 2021, Chang et al. 2022], pursuits to advance Mortierellaceae utility for synthetic biology have been of growing interest. In the context of terpenoid heterologous expression in P. patens, Mortierellaceae could provide a potential benefit as a symbiont to accelerate plant growth, biomass production, and improved nutrient turnover. The substantial production of lipids and lipid droplets also could provide excellent vessels for the storage and extraction of hydrophobic terpenoids. On the basis of 10 phylogeny and morphology, the family Mortierellaceae share many similarities to the bryophytes with respect to their global dispersal, shared evolutionary expansion, and traits resembling the earliest predicted land-dwelling fungi [Krings et al. 2013, Krings et al. 2014, Feijen et al. 2018, Wang et al. 2023]. Work presented in Chapter 2 and 4 explore the potential of using Mortierellaceae to serve as a fungal symbiont or aggregate for improved production of heterologous pathways in P. patens. Mortierellaceae are excellent candidates in these pursuits due to their benefits in producing high value and hydrophobic lipid droplets, their demonstrated capacity for plant-fungal mutualism, and phylogenetic similarities with P. patens that may have implications in longstanding interactions between kingdoms. Work presented in this dissertation: Work presented here aims to demonstrate Physcomitrium patens’ utility as a chassis for heterologous expression, particularly for diterpene production, and to identify complex patterns hidden within diterpene databases. As a model species, P. patens has utility in many overlapping fields of plant biology. While the work here was investigated with the purpose of improving heterologous production of natural products in P. patens, it is unavoidable to ignore P. patens response in the context of plant physiology, evolution, and development. Chapter 2 explores the viability of moss-fungal symbiosis with downstream applications for the harmonious production of hydrophobic metabolites (in moss) in conjunction with production of lipid droplets for metabolite storage (in fungi). While still the overarching intent, Chapter 2 also explores the complex physiological interactions of P. patens and Mortierellaceae from both the cellular and organismal level, explores the symbiotic tendencies of bryophytes and Mortierellaceae, and compares many transcriptional datasets to elucidate P. patens exchange with its environment. Chapter 4 takes advantage of the unique genomic architecture of P. patens and reduced 11 specialized metabolite background for heterologous expression of these two synthetic biological tools [Hamberger and Bak 2013, Lang et al. 2018, Banarjee et al. 2019]. The first tool investigates loci effects on metabolite production through the insertion of heterologous diterpene pathways, targeted to multiple LTR-RT loci. While likely not a viable solution in other systems, the unique LTR-RT distribution in the P. patens genome and relatively high LTR-RT activity provides expression comparable or in some cases outcompeting the Pp108 locus, considered neutral for the lack of detrimental impact upon insertion of heterologous genetic material, and thus a potential area for improved metabolite expression [Schaefer & Zrÿd 1997, Lang et al. 2018, Banerjee et al. 2019]. The second tool aims to produce a reporter system for testing the conditional response of P. patens promoters. This reporter system aims to identify promoters with consistently high expression compared to the more commonly used Ubiquitin promoter from Zea mays, which regulates a gene 450 million years diverged from P. patens [Christensen & Quail 1996]. Additionally, this system has potential for testing conditional regulatory effects, where a promoter is only active when certain parameters are met like when in the presence of fungi or later in development. Physcomitrium patens provides many advantages as a biological chassis for producing diterpenes. It has low metabolite diversity but a high diterpene production pool and the wealth of biological information that comes from being a model species makes this system a strong platform for diterpene production. The synthetic tools investigated here explore new avenues to further strengthen P. patens in these pursuits of metabolite production. Due to time constraints and challenges with cloning, this project was not completed, however, the necessary genetic elements have been assembled including large DNA fragments for insertion, CRISPR/Cas 9 vectors for Pp108 and LTR-RT loci and cloned out P. patens promoters. Chapter 12 4 will explore the steps to assemble the necessary genetic elements, challenges faced, and future directions for these new P. patens technologies. Work presented in Chapter 3, investigates diterpene synthesis from a different perspective. A computational approach is taken to examine the wealth of reported diterpene diversity among the DNP and TeroKit databases (>60,000). Plants are the most commonly reported producers of unique terpenes and here it is explored further as to where that diversity occurs in the context of diterpene synthesis mechanisms and phylogenetic distributions. Major diterpene compound classes are dissected to determine where reported variability is presented in specific molecule groups, mainly in the context of alternative cyclization and/or functional group decoration. Curation strategies are presented for the analyzed diterpene databases, with the intent of improving these repositories in the future and identifying hidden, complex patterns. 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E., Hamberger, B., Singan, V., Keymanesh, K., Wang, M., Barry, K., Mondo, S., Pangilinan, J., Koriabine, M., Grigoriev, I. V., Bonito, G., & Hamberger, B. Multilevel analysis between Physcomitrium patens and Mortierellaceae endophytes explores potential long-standing interaction among land plants and fungi. The Plant Journal 2024. 27 Abstract The model moss species Physcomitrium patens has long been used for studying divergence of land plants spanning from bryophytes to angiosperms. In addition to its phylogenetic relationships, the limited number of differential tissues, and comparable morphology to the earliest embryophytes provide a system to represent basic plant architecture. Based on plant- fungal interactions today, it is hypothesized these kingdoms have a long-standing relationship, predating plant terrestrialization. Mortierellaceae have origins diverging from other land fungi paralleling bryophyte divergence, are related to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi but are free-living, observed to interact with plants, and can be found in moss microbiomes globally. Due to their parallel origins, we assess here how two Mortierellaceae species, Linnemannia elongata and Benniella erionia, interact with P. patens in coculture. We also assess how Mollicute-related or Burkholderia-related endobacterial symbionts (MRE or BRE) of these fungi impact plant response. Coculture interactions are investigated through high-throughput phenomics, microscopy, RNA-sequencing, differential expression profiling, gene ontology enrichment, and comparisons among 99 other P. patens transcriptomic studies. Here we present new high- throughput approaches for measuring P. patens growth, identify novel expression of over 800 genes that are not expressed on traditional agar media, identify subtle interactions between P. patens and Mortierellaceae, and observe changes to plant-fungal interactions dependent on whether MRE or BRE are present. Our study provides insights into how plants and fungal partners may have interacted throughout history based on their communications observed today and identify L. elongata and B. erionia as modern fungal endophytes with P. patens. 28 Keywords Physcomitrium patens, Mortierellaceae, endobacteria, RNA-sequencing, differential expression, gene ontology enrichment, RaspberryPi, PlantCV Significance Statement We implement high resolution automated phenomics, bright field microscopy, and high throughput transcriptomic analysis with the moss, Physcomitrium patens, in coculture with fungal endophytes in Mortierellaceae, Linnemannia elongata and Benniella erionia either containing or lacking intracellular bacterial symbionts. The nature of this interaction represents an untested facet of plant-fungal-bacterial relations and may give insight into how long standing evolutionarily conserved traits influencing cross-Kingdom communication have been retained. Introduction Plants and fungi have a long history of symbiosis and cohabitation, with over 90% of modern land plants demonstrating some degree of mutualism [Bonfante & Genre 2010, Smith & Read 2010]. In addition to the high frequency of plant-fungal interaction among land plants, the observed mutualism extending to algae and lichens implies that the emergence of traits allowing for a beneficial exchange of compounds between plant and fungus arose even earlier in chlorophyllic phototroph evolution [Du et al. 2019, Ducket et al. 2006, Knack et al. 2015, Kohler et al. 2015, Hanke & Rensing 2010, Liepina 2012, Loron et al. 2019, Lutzoni et al. 2001, Lutzoni et al. 2018, Morris et al. 2018, Nelson et al. 2019, Russell & Bulman 2005]. Although bacteria and fungi are known to have dominated the terrestrial landscape long before plant terrestrialization, the ability for plant and fungal kingdoms to interact early in embryophyte evolution may have enabled the global takeover of both Kingdoms. Today, this relationship is exemplified through plants exchanging a reliable carbon source via the products of photosynthesis (i.e., sugars and fatty acids) 29 and nearly ubiquitous symbiosis with filamentous fungi that exchange nitrogen, phosphorous, micronutrients, metabolites and water retention [Bonfante & Genre 2010, Martin & Nehls 2009]. Further, modern plant and fungal symbionts have been shown to mitigate many shared stresses such as oxidative, osmotic, heat, UV radiation, and rapid temperature flux [de Vries & Archibald 2018, Du et al. 2019, Fürst-Jansen et al. 2020, Jermy 2011, Kohler et al. 2015, Lutzoni et al. 2018]. These same stresses would have posed significant barriers to entry for the first terrestrial land plants as well. The early emergence of plant-fungal interactions may have reduced constraints imposed by the ancient terrestrial landscape, and consequently may have led to the global expansion of plants and fungi observed today. While many plant-fungal mutualists have been identified in embryophytes, no reports of fungal mutualism in the model moss Physcomitrium patens (formerly Physcomitrella patens) have been made [Bonfante & Genre 2010, Read et al. 2000]. This is despite many arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that have demonstrated capacity for mutualism in other bryophytes like hornworts and liverworts [Fonseca & Berbara 2008, Ligrone et al. 2007]. P. patens is capable of specialized fungal response although this is largely in the context to combatting parasitic fungi which otherwise would decrease host fitness [Bressendorff et al. 2016, Davey et al. 2009, Delaux & Schornack 2021, Lehtonen et al. 2009, Lehtonen et al. 2012, Mittag et al. 2015, Ponce de Leon 2011, Ponce de Leon et al. 2012]. Additionally, evidence that P. patens has (or had) the capacity for interacting with fungi can be supported by the presence of orthologs essential to detecting and forming plant-fungal interaction. Some conserved genes that are indicative of this possibility include a chitin like receptor PpCERK1 necessary to signal environmental presence of fungi, a VAPYRIN like homolog with only known function in forming symbiotic interaction between plants and fungi, and functional strigolactone hormone pathways with secondary functions 30 known to signal host root proximity to symbiotic and parasitic fungi [Bressendorff et al. 2016, Delaux & Schornack 2021, Proust et al. 2011, Rathgeb et al. 2020]. Here we investigate two filamentous fungal species belonging to Mortierellaceae as potential symbiotic candidates with P. patens. Mortierellaceae are a lineage of free-living fungi closely related to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, that are known to improve aboveground plant growth and development and to associate with plants as endophytes [Vandepol et al. 2022, Johnson et al. 2019, Zhang et al. 2021]. Fungi in Mortierellaceae embody many promising traits as a mutualist, sharing an evolutionary history with the widespread but host-dependent arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and forming mutualisms with chlorophytes (algae), Arabidopsis thaliana, and other embryophytes [Becker & Cuta 2020, Du et al. 2019, Johnson et al. 2019, Rensing et al. 2008, VandePol et al. 2022, Zhang et al. 2021]. Interestingly, species in both AMF and Mortierellaceae can be colonized by either Mollicute-related endobacteria (MRE) or Burkholderia-related endobacteria (BRE), which grow within host cells and are nutritionally dependent on the host. We investigated interactions of P. patens with Linnemannia elongata (formerly Mortierella elongata strain NVP64) and Benniella erionia (formerly strain GB_Aus27b), either carrying (WT) or cleared (CU) of its bacterial endosymbiont (described in more detail below). There are multiple reports of L. elongata forming mutualistic interactions with algae and plants in ways that increase plastid size, aboveground plant growth, flowering, and seed production in different plant species [Du et al. 2019, VandePol et al. 2022]. In contrast, the recently described fast-growing fungus B. erionia caused chlorosis in interactions with the algal species Nannochloropsis oceanica and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Du et al. 2019]. The lack of identified interaction of P. patens with AMF, which is the most widespread embrophytic mutualist seen today [Feijen et al. 2018], may be due to AMF predominantly colonizing roots, a tissue absent in moss. Despite the current global 31 abundance of AMF, ancestral reconstruction suggests that the prolificity seen today parallels the emergence and expansion of angiosperms 250 MYA, while the fungal species detected during plant terrestrialization more closely resembles Mortierellaceae [Fiejen et al. 2018]. We also assessed the impact of endobacterial symbionts of fungi on fungal-moss interactions. Previous studies have shown that MRE and BRE intracellular bacteria can be removed from the hosts with antibiotics, which results in changed fungal growth and metabolism [Desirò et al. 2017, Uehling et al. 2017, VandePol 2022]. As L. elongata naturally contains BRE and B. erionia naturally contains MRE, we carried out our experiment using isogenic isolates either with (WT) or without (CU) endosymbionts. Previous studies with AMF have found that BRE increases sporulation in their host and improves energy capacity/availability, often at the expense of a reduced growth rate [Alabid et al. 2019, Salvioli et al. 2016, Uehling et al. 2017]. While the exact impact that endobacteria have specifically on L. elongata, B. erionia, and their plant associates are unclear, endobacteria are known to influence how fungi interact with their environment, and therefore may play an important role in plant-fungal interactions [Desirò et al. 2017, Guo & Narisawa 2018, Ohshima et al. 2016, Uehling et al. 2017, VandePol 2020]. To measure the interaction between fungal endophytes and P. patens, we investigated the interaction at organismal, cellular, and transcriptional levels. This was accomplished through a custom built phenomics platform and analysis pipeline, brightfield microscopy, and RNA- sequencing with subsequent expression analysis. Broader influences were also investigated through incorporation of transcriptional analysis data and comparison with the results from the ‘Physcomitrella patens Gene Atlas Project’ (‘Gene Atlas Project’), which examined 99 RNA-seq expression datasets generated with P. patens transcripts [Perroud et al. 2018]. Our results indicate distinct responses in P. patens when cocultured with B. erionia or L. elongata and the nature of 32 their response being dictated by endobacteria. Here, we propose that P. patens has retained some ability to interact with Mortierellaceae endophytically based on the observation of asymptomatic intracellular colonization of fungi within plant tissues and these colonizations potentially being dependent upon the presence of endobacteria. These observations provide insights for an interaction that may have originated 500 MYA [Fiejen et al. 2018, Hobbie & Boyce 2010, Ivarsson et al. 2020]. Methods & Materials Bright field microscopy of P. patens and Mortierellaceae in coculture P. patens (Gransden 2004; strain Pp40001) and L. elongata wildtype (WT), L. elongata cured of BRE (CU), B. erionia wildtype (WT) and B. erionia cured of MRE (CU) were cocultured on opposite halves of BCD agar media (1mM MgSO4, 1.84 mM KH2PO4, 10 mM KNO3, 12.5mg FeSO4·7H2O, 7g Agar, 1mL Hoagland’s A-Z trace element solution, H2O to 1L) for two weeks [Ashton & Cove 1977, Wang & He 2015]. B. erionia and L. elongata were cured of endobacteria in previous work by cycling between liquid and agar medias for one-week intervals over fifteen weeks with a combination of four antibiotics (80 µg/ml Ampicillin, 50 µg/ml Kanamycin, 50 µg/ml Streptomycin, and 120 µg/ml Ciprofloxacin) [Desirò et al. 2017, Ueling et al. 2017]. The resulting fungal strains were then confirmed for the absence of endobacteria through sequencing. Whole plant-fungal cocultures, which mainly consisted of P. patens protonema, and to a lesser extent P. patens rhizoid and leaflets (all asexual tissues) along with fungal hyphae, were collected by scraping all tissue off the surface of the plate with tweezers, placing in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes, and cleared with 1 mL formalin-aceto-alcohol (FAA) solution (50 Ethanol: 5 Glacial Acetic Acid: 10 Formalin: 35 H2O). The cocultures were then placed under a vacuum for 30 minutes and stored 33 in the dark overnight. The next day, FAA solution was removed with a pipette, then tissue was stained with 1 mL 1% Chlorazol Black E for 24 hours. Samples were destained with 25%, 50%, 75%, Ethanol solutions each for 20 minutes, then stored in 100% Ethanol solution until microscopy. Samples were then placed on microscope slide with glycerol and viewed with a bright field microscope (Model: Leica DM750) (Figure 2.2; Supplemental Data 1). Automated phenotyping of P. patens and Mortierellaceae using RaspberryPis P. patens (Gransden 2004; strain Pp40001) was inoculated on 100g wet Redi-earth soil in 1-liter, wide-mouth mason jars, under fluorescent lights, on top of a black tarp, with white walls surrounding the experiment. A sterilized, white, metal thumbtack was placed in the center of the soil for each sample to correct for white balance. Samples were watered every 14 days (or as needed to keep soil damp), with 10mL distilled water. One-piece, twist-top, wide mouth lids were used and had two, 1cm diameter holes drilled, for camera placement and watering, respectively. P. patens in BCD-agar were blended until homogenous at the day of inoculation, and evenly dispersed among samples. The four fungal strains were grown independently for inoculation on 2g of perlite with 10mL of minimal malt extract (5g/L malt extract, 0.25g/L yeast extract) liquid media for two weeks. Fungal treatments were randomly selected for inoculation to jars following the two- week growth phase. In each jar 2g of saturated, colonized perlite was dispersed to their respective treatment (10 control, 8 P. patens x B. erionia WT, 8 P. patens x L. elongata WT, 7 P. patens x B. erionia CU, 7 P. patens x L. elongata CU). The control treatment was inoculated with 2g of perlite and sterile malt extract media. Monitoring of growth occurred with RaspberryPi Microcomputers 3 ModelB V1.2, which were initialized following online instructions2 and all devices were fitted with an Arducam Multi 2 34 Camera Adapter Module V2.1 with four Raspberry Pi V2.1 Cameras. Scripts to run multi-camera adapter and camera were downloaded and set up following instructions for this specific RaspberryPi hardware3. Images were automatically captured daily at 12:00 PM EST (Supplemental Data 2a). Double sided 2x2cm scotch foam tape with 8mm diameter cut hole was placed on jar lids to secure cameras with a perpendicular view ~15cm away from each sample then secured to position with tape. Image analysis using PlantCV Images were annotated to include key information, i.e., their origin and time of image capture Cam#_lens_#_YEAR-MM-DD_HH-MM.jpg (ex: Cam1_lens_1_2021-08-13_12-00.jpg). Python script (Supplemental Code 1) for quantifying green pixels in each image ran in Jupyter Notebook [Kluyver et al. 2016]. PlantCV installation4 was done following Anaconda5 specific instructions [Berry et al. 2018, Gehan et al. 2017]. Necessary dependencies were imported for analysis (os [v3.7.6], numpy [v1.18.1], cv2 [v3.4.9], matplotlib [v3.1.3], plantcv [v3.8.0], pandas [v1.0.1], glob [v3.7.6]). Each picture was then loaded and labeled based on treatment, date, computer, and camera. The white thumbtack centered in each mason jar was used to correct for white balance. Each image was converted from RGB (red, green, blue) to the LAB (lightness, magenta/green, blue/yellow) color space. The threshold for plant health was designated as anything in the pixel value range among the “A” (green-magenta) values between 121-255. This range was selected due to it distinguishing only healthy, green moss tissue. Clusters of pixel groups less than 100 were removed and dilated to reduce noise. Final appended counts along with treatment, date, computer, 3 4 5 35 and camera were then exported as a .csv for data visualization and evaluation (Supplemental Data 2b). Propagation of P. patens in coculture with Mortierellaceae species for RNA extraction Samples were grown on autoclaved Redi-earth mix, inoculated with liquid BCD media in sterile glass jars with 0.5-micron pore vents under 50 µmol LED lights over the course of 35 days with fungal inoculation occurring on day 10. The 25 days spent in coculture provided time for fungi and plants to sufficiently overcome transplant stresses and naturally colonize the soil together (to avoid differential expression and variation that may be caused solely by changing environments). The five experimental conditions were grown in triplicate with P. patens (Genotype: Gransden 2004; strain: Pp40001) grown in seclusion, cocultured with L. elongata strains containing or cured of endobacteria (WT/CU), and cocultured with B. erionia strains containing or cured of endobacteria (WT/CU). Fungi in isolation were also cultivated, however, tissue retrieved was insufficient for RNA sequencing. Using tweezers, samples were extracted and separated from the soil 25 days after inoculation, removing growth substrate while maintaining P. patens rhizoid and fungal hyphae structures. Samples were flash frozen in liquid N2 in 2mL Eppendorf tubes and stored at -80° C until RNA extraction. RNA extraction and quality control for Illumina library preparation A phenol-chloroform based RNA extraction was performed as described in previous work [Kolosova et al. 2004] but adapted to 100mg of plant tissue. After extraction, 1 µL RNA was run on a 1% agarose gel to confirm integrity. Samples were treated with DNase following manufacturer’s instructions (ThermoFisher, Product AM1907). Submitted RNA was quality checked with an Agilent 2100 Flowcell Bioanalyzer (RNA integrity value 8.11±0.15 (95% CI)), DeNovix DS-11 Nanodrop (273.8±41.3 ng/µL (95% CI)), and Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer. 36 RNA sequencing, processing, alignment, and data management Plate-based RNA sample prep was performed on the PerkinElmer Sciclone NGS robotic liquid handling system using Illumina's TruSeq Stranded mRNA HT sample prep kit utilizing poly-A selection of mRNA following the protocol outlined by Illumina in their user guide6 and with the following conditions: total RNA starting material was 1 µg per sample and 8 cycles of PCR was used for library amplification. The prepared libraries were then quantified using KAPA Illumina library quantification kit (Roche) and run on a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR instrument (Roche). The quantified libraries were then multiplexed, and the pool of libraries was then prepared for sequencing on the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 sequencing platform using NovaSeq XP v1 reagent kits (Illumina), S4 flow cell, following a 2x150 indexed run recipe [Modi et al. 2021]. We generated a total of 664 million paired reads (per sample: 49M ± 3.9M (95% CI)) and data is available on the JGI online genome database (; GOLD Project ID Gp0332982-Gp0332996) and the NCBI SRA database (PRJNA807682). All reads were mapped back to P. patens genome version 3.3 CDS file 2018 [Ppatens_318_V3.3.cds.fa.gz; Phytozome; NCBI Taxonomy ID: 3218] (P. patens transcriptome) [Lang et al. 2018], Filtered Mortierella GBAus27b CDS file [MorGBAus27b_1_GeneCatalog_CDS_20170422.fa.gz, MycoCosm; NCBI Taxonomy ID: 1954212] (B. erionia transcriptome) [Chang et al. 2022], and filtered Mortierella NVP64 CDS file [MoeNVP64_1_GeneCatalog_CDS_20190403.fa.gz; MycoCosm; NCBI Taxonomy ID: 2684331] (L. elongata transcriptome). Prior to mapping, meta-transcriptomes were created representing their respective environmental conditions by concatenating all genes from P. patens with either the B. erionia transcriptome or L. elongata transcriptome when applicable. Supplemental bash script (Supplemental Code 2a-b) was submitted to the Michigan State 6 37 University High Performance Computing Center (MSU HPCC). The transcriptome and meta- transcriptomes (P. patens; P. patens x B. erionia; P. patens x L. elongata) were indexed using Salmon [v1.2.1] and the ‘salmon index’ function to create reference libraries for downstream read quantification. Raw reads were split into forward and reverse read files, raw quality control (QC) reports were generated with FastQC [v0.11.7], low-quality reads and adapters were removed using FastP [v0.21.0] which maintained 97.33 ± 0.64% (95% CI) of the original sequence [Andrews 2010, Chen et al. 2018, Patro et al. 2017]. Trimmed QC reports were again generated with FastQC, and filtered reads were mapped to their respective index using the ‘salmon quant’ function [Andrews 2010]. In total there were five treatments, each in triplicate (JGI Sample Barcode; P. patens: CUTON, CUTOO, CUTOP; P. patens x B. erionia WT: CUTOS, CUTOT, CUTOU; P. patens x B. erionia CU: CUTOW, CUTOX, CWYAU; P. patens x L. elongata WT: CUTOZ, CUTPA, CUTPB; P. patens x L. elongata CU: CUTPC, CUTPG, CUTPH)) (Supplemental Data 3a). Differential gene expression analysis using DESeq2 Expression of P. patens genes from each treatment were differentiated and determined as significant using DESeq2 [v1.26.0] (Supplemental Code 3) [Love et al. 2014]. The P. patens mapped read dataset (Supplemental Data 3a) was used as an input after formatting with tximport [v1.22.0], to correct for multiple isoforms across samples [Soneson et al. 2016]. The algorithm modeled relative library depth, dispersion of individual gene counts, and significance of coefficients, all of which were used to determine library size and dispersion corrected negative binomial general linearized model. Genes were considered significant if they demonstrated high differential expression differences based on the Bonferroni adjusted P-value (Padj<0.01) (Supplemental Data 3b-e). 38 Comparative analysis across the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ and newly tested conditions here The quantified reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) datasets from ‘The Physcomitrella patens Gene Atlas Project’ were downloaded to compare our 15 samples to their 99 P. patens samples representing various tissues, treatments, growth stages, and laboratory biases to untangle globally shared trends in expression [Perroud et al. 2018]. RPKM values were converted to transcript per million (TPM) using the following equation on the dataset: 𝑇𝑃𝑀 = 𝑅𝑃𝐾𝑀 ∑ 𝑅𝑃𝐾𝑀 ∗ 106 (Supplemental Data Xa-b; Supplemental Code 4) because TPM is a unitless metric and resembles a percentage based system, it corrects for varying library sizes, and serves as a better tool for inter-sample comparison [Zhao et al. 2020]. The dataset was simplified by removing genes with summed expression less than 20 TPM across all samples ( ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑀 114 < 20 ), which reduced the gene dataset by 51.47% (16256/31581). Differential expression of samples between results reported here and within the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ were compared using DESeq2 (Supplemental Data Xc; Supplemental Code 4) [Love et al. 2014]. A principal component analysis was performed to identify clustering based on expression to identify similarities or differences between our samples and the ‘Gene Atlas Project’. Additionally, comparisons were made across all samples with ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑀 99 ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑀 15 = 0 among all ‘Gene Atlas Project” samples and then compared to our samples where ≠ 0 to identify any novel gene expression (Supplemental Data Xd). This comparison was also made in reverse to identify which genes were silenced in our samples, in which ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑀 15 = 0 and ∑ 𝑇𝑃𝑀 99 ≠ 0 among the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ (Supplemental Data Xe). Analysis of transcriptional differences in P. patens based on growth media effects Comparisons based on common P. patens media sampled 41 libraries from gametophore tissues grown on BCD Agar (5), BCDAT (6), Hoagland (6), Knop agar (8), Knop liquid (8), PpNH4 protoplast solution (5) and soil (3). This was taken from 5 different projects (NCBI: 39 PRJNA751102, PRJNA880579, PRJNA723997, PRJNA259147, PRJNA807682) (Supplemental Data 5) [Causier et al. 2023, Garcias-Morales et al. 2021, Otero et al. 2021, Perroud et al. 2018]. Select SRA “control” reads from each project were downloaded using SRA-toolkit [v3.0.3], trimmed with Fastp [v0.21.0], the P. patens transcriptome was again indexed and used for mapping reads with Salmon [v1.8.0], and finally quantified read files were merged using the salmon merge function (Supplemental Code 5). PCA was generated as before using Supplemental Code 4, but with the media-based quant file as an input and classification of each variable based on media (Supplemental Data 5; Supplemental Code 5). M. elongata NVP64 genome and transcriptome sequencing, assembly & annotation The Mortierella elongata NVP64 genome was sequenced using the PacBio Sequel platform. 5 µg of genomic DNA was sheared to >10kb using Covaris g-Tubes. The sheared DNA was treated with exonuclease to remove single-stranded ends and DNA damage repair mix followed by end repair and ligation of blunt adapters using SMRTbell Template Prep Kit 1.0 (Pacific Biosciences). The library was purified with AMPure PB beads. PacBio Sequencing primer was then annealed to the SMRTbell template library and sequencing polymerase was bound to them using Sequel Binding kit 3.0. The prepared SMRTbell template libraries were then sequenced on a Pacific Biosciences's Sequel sequencer using v3 sequencing primer, 1M v3 SMRT cells, and Version 3.0 sequencing chemistry with a 1x360 sequencing movie run time. Filtered subread data was assembled with Falcon version (pb-assembly 0.0.2, falcon-kit 1.2.3, pypeflow 2.1.0) ( to generate an initial assembly and genome statistics (Supplemental Data 6; NCBI Accession: JAXBDG000000000). Mitochondrial sequence was assembled separately from the Falcon pre-assembled reads (reads) using an in- house tool (, used to filter the reads, and polished with Arrow version 40 SMRTLink [v6.0.0.47841] ( A secondary Falcon assembly was generated using the mitochondria-filtered reads, improved with finisherSC [v2.1] [Lam et al.,2014], and polished with Arrow version SMRTLink [v6.0.0.47841] ( Completeness of the euchromatic portion of the genome assembly was assessed by aligning assembled consensus RNA sequence data with bbtools [v38.41] [k=13 maxindel=100000 customtag ordered nodisk] and [fraction=85] ( Contigs less than 1000 bp were excluded. We additionally sequenced and assembled a de-novo transcriptome for M. elongata NVP64, which provided RNA evidence for improved gene calling. Plate-based RNA sample prep was performed on the PerkinElmer Sciclone NGS robotic liquid handling system using Illumina's TruSeq Stranded mRNA HT sample prep kit utilizing poly-A selection of mRNA following the protocol outlined by Illumina in their user guide ( _kit.html) and with the following conditions: total RNA starting material was 1 µg per sample and 8 cycles of PCR was used for library amplification. The prepared library was quantified using KAPA Biosystem’s next-generation sequencing library qPCR kit (Roche) and run on a Roche LightCycler 480 real-time PCR instrument. The quantified library was then multiplexed with other libraries, and the pool of libraries was then prepared for sequencing on the Illumina HiSeq sequencing platform utilizing a TruSeq paired-end cluster kit, v4, and Illumina’s cBot instrument to generate a clustered flow cell for sequencing. Sequencing of the flow cell was performed on the Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencer using HiSeq TruSeq SBS sequencing kits, v4, following a 2x150 indexed run recipe. Raw fastq file reads were filtered and trimmed using the 41 JGI QC pipeline resulting in the filtered fastq file. Using BBDuk7, raw reads were evaluated for artifact sequence by kmer matching (kmer=25), allowing 1 mismatch and detected artifact was trimmed from the 3' end of the reads. RNA spike-in reads, PhiX reads and reads containing any Ns were removed. Quality trimming was performed using the phred trimming method set at Q6. Finally, following trimming, reads under the length threshold were removed (minimum length 25 bases or 1/3 of the original read length - whichever is longer). Filtered fastq files were used as input for de novo assembly of RNA contigs. Reads were assembled into consensus sequences using Trinity [v2.3.2] [Grabherr et al. 2011]. Trinity was run with the --normalize_reads (In- silico normalization routine) and --jaccard_clip (Minimizing fusion transcripts derived from gene dense genomes) options. Incorporating this de-novo transcriptome and filtered RNAseq reads, the M. elongata NVP 64 genome was then annotated using the JGI annotation pipeline [Grigoriev et al., 2014]. Orthologous differential expression analysis of P. patens Genes identified as essential for plant-fungal symbiosis and their homologs were found in previous work including those of P. patens [Delaux et al. 2015]. Homologous gene models from this work were extracted and updated to the newer P. patens gene models [V3.3] from the latest assembly and were separated based on gene function. These genes were then searched within DGE analysis of each P. patens-Mortierellaceae coculture (Supplemental Data 3b-e) and, if hit, were interpreted as up- or down- regulated among that condition (Supplemental Data 7). Reads of L. elongata (WT/CU) coculture with A. thaliana were retrieved from the SRA database (PRJNA704083; Supplemental Data 8a) and with C. reinhardtii are now available on the SRA database (PRJNA809543; Supplemental Data 8a). A. thaliana CDS (Araport11_cds_20220103.gz) 7 42 and C. reinhardtii CDS (Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii.Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii_v5.5- .cds.all.fa.gz) were obtained from The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR; and EnsemblePlants ( respectively. Reads were quantified and analyzed in the same pipeline previously described, using FastQC [v0.11.7], FastP [v0.21.0], Salmon [v1.2.1], tximport [v1.22.0], DESeq2 [v1.26.0], and g:Profiler (Supplemental Data W, Vab; Supplemental Code 6a-c). Orthofinder [v2.5.2] was used to identify single copy orthologs between plant systems [Emms & Kelly 2019]. Amino acid sequences were obtained through Ensembl (Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.pep.all.fa.gz, Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii.Chlamydomonas_rei- nhardtii_v5.5.pep.all.fa.gz, Physcomitrium_patens.Phypa_V3.pep.all.fa.gz; plants.ensembl.o- rg). Single copy orthogroups (Supplemental Data 8c-f) were manually filtered for overlapping DEGs between P. patens, A. thaliana, two C. reinhardtii treatments (Supplemental Data 8g). This was repeated exclusively between P. patens vs. A. thaliana and P. patens vs. C.reinhardtii DEGs (Supplemental Data 8c). The results from this analysis did not demonstrate any clear shared response. Gene ontology enrichment analysis Gene ontology (GO) enrichment was categorized using g:Profiler by submitting the separated list of significant up- or down-regulated genes generated with DESeq2 (Supplemental Data 3b-e) for each experimental condition (Supplemental Data 9). The g:Profiler software was used to identify significantly differentiated GO terms for the four fungal treatments and P. patens and overrepresented terms between our samples and the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ [Raudvere et al. 2019, Reimand et al. 2007]. 43 Results & Discussion Development and implementation of high-throughput phenomics approach monitors P. patens growth We have created and utilized a novel phenomics platform which can automatically capture P. patens growth over time with exceptional sensitivity and throughput. Over the course of two months and 40 samples, we generated over 2,000 time-stamped images. These images were quantified with resolution indicating growth changes at the millimeter scale (Supplemental Data 2a-b). This was accomplished by using RaspberryPis for image capture and the software PlantCV to quantify plant growth. While sample germination differed between replicates, no systematic advantage or penalty to health was observed for either P. patens or fungal partners. Hence, the results at the scale and macroscopic resolution of this experiment do not generate decisive results regarding either negative or positive effects on growth (Figure 2.1). This phenomics approach also provided additional benefit in confirming the cohabitation of both species throughout the entirety of the growth period as seen by the maturating fungi and P. patens cultures present throughout the photos (Supplemental Data 2a). 44 Figure 2.1: Daily quantified growth of P. patens over 65 days compared to samples inoculated with either B. erionia WT, B. erionia CU, L. elongata WT, or L. elongata CU Average daily green pixel count with standard deviation of P. patens grown in isolation (black) or grown in coculture with B. erionia WT (dark blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (magenta), L. elongata CU (pink). All samples grew without fungi until day of inoculation (Day 23) indicated by vertical black line, in which fungal inoculated (or uninoculated) perlite was added to their respective samples predetermined by a random number generator. The dip in growth on day of inoculation can be attributed to perlite covering up already grown moss tissue. Microscopy reveals P. patens responds differently and uniquely to each fungal strain To investigate the physical interaction of fungal species with P. patens at a cellular resolution, combinations were subjected to histology. Fungal hyphae were often identified near or within ruptured plant cells, suggesting all fungal samples may have saprotrophic tendencies. Complementing our phenomic observations, all cocultures showed successful cohabitation with clear maturation and growth of both plant and fungi on BCD agar. B. erionia WT cocultures had the most common occurrences of fungal hyphae inhabiting ruptured P. patens cells and the highest abundance of hyphae within plant cells. Additionally, we found multiple characteristic 45 instances of B. erionia WT hyphae inside P. patens where the plant cell had also retained turgor pressure (Figure 2.2A; Supplemental Data 1). Representative colonized cells experienced bleaching and lacked any observable chloroplasts, with neighboring P. patens cells containing an abnormally high density of chloroplasts (Figure 2.2A; Supplemental Data 1). Infected P. patens cells were typically limited to a single cell without passage through cellular junctions, which could indicate successfully suppressed infection by P. patens. In contrast, P. patens and B. erionia CU cocultures showed no visible interaction, indicating the potential relevance of endobacteria for colonization. While the exact function(s) of endobacteria in fungi is still speculative, they appear to confer a higher resiliency to environmental conditions and better fungal germination rate in some cases, with evidence here suggesting in some cases endobacteria may also have an influential role in fungal colonization in plant hosts [Naumann et al. 2010, Salvioli et al. 2016]. Linnemannia elongata WT cocultures also exhibited intracellular colonization, however P. patens retained cellular chloroplast content within fungal inhabited cells (Figure 2.2B & 2.2C; Supplemental Data 1). Unlike B. erionia WT, L. elongata WT hyphae were observed to cross P. patens cellular junctions (Figure 2.2C; Supplemental Data 1). The retention of chloroplasts, the spread of intracellular hyphae, and the retention of turgor pressure in P. patens with L. elongata WT indicates a less intrusive interaction. L. elongata CU uniquely inhabits its environment compared to all other samples by producing a high abundance of chlamydospores (Figure 2.2D; Supplemental Data 1) [Nguyen et al. 2019]. Because of this unique environmental colonization, it is possible that L. elongata CU induces a different and unique P. patens response compared to the other fungal cocultures. Based on the lack of colonization of P. patens from both cured 46 Mortierellaceae strains and colonization from both WTs, it appears that endobacteria may be a critical component for both L. elongata and B. erionia to interact endophytically. Figure 2.2: Representative and specific interaction of P. patens with B. erionia and L. elongata (White bar indicates 50 µm for each picture) A) Two unruptured P. patens protonema cells, one of which (right arrow) has experienced major chlorosis and appears to have a B. erionia hyphae encapsulated within the cell, while the neighboring P. patens cell (left arrow) has an abnormally high abundance of chloroplasts. B) L. elongata WT hyphae spanning intercellularly between two P. patens cells C) Second occurrence of L. elongata WT colonizing P. patens cells with L. elongata WT bridging the gap between P. patens cellular junction points D) Abundance of L. elongata CU sporing bodies in cell culture. Comparative transcriptomics indicates distinct response in P. patens by L. elongata, B. erionia, and endobacterial presence Our study consisted of 15 transcript libraries, containing 5 different treatment groups with 3 replicates each. Among the metadata, mapped reads mainly aligned to the P. patens transcriptome (99.1 ± 1.2% (95% CI)). The 0.9% of reads to map to a fungal transcriptome were 47 heavily inflated by replicates in P. patens x L. elongata CU cocultures (CUTPG, CUTPC, and CUTPH), which represented 0.5%, 1.7% and 8.4% of total mapped reads respectively. This is in contrast to the other 9 fungal coculture samples, which generally mapped less than 0.01%. The pool of total mapped fungal reads, even with L. elongata CU samples, was not sufficiently representative for analysis of transcriptomic response in fungi. Our principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the derived variance between samples led to two major clusters based on transcriptomic response (Figure 2.3). Consistent with the distinct microscopic interaction observed, cocultures indicating stress responses in P. patens (Cluster B: B. erionia WT and L. elongata CU) clustered separately from samples speculated to induce a neutral response (Cluster A: uninoculated P. patens, B. erionia CU, and L. elongata WT (Figure 2.3)). Additionally, investigating the identified gene homologs necessary for plant-fungal symbiosis [Delaux et al. 2015] presents strong differences between WT and CU strains of each fungal species effects on P. patens (Supplemental Data 7). The presence of endobacteria seems to influence the P. patens symbiotic genes in these strains inversely, where B. erionia CU and L. elongata WT have no hits and only one differentially expressed gene (DEG; a downregulated GRAS transcription factor) respectively represented in both strains. That contrasts strongly with B. erionia WT and L. elongata CU with 20 DEGs and 14 DEGs respectively and among those hits, 8 DEGs (1 MLD-Kinase; 2 CDPKs; 5 GRAS transcription factors) were shared and regulated the same between both strains (Supplemental Data 7). Of all the treatments investigated (fungal presence, B. erionia coculture, L. elongata coculture, and endobacteria presence/absence) we identified that the combined effects from species and endobacteria were the most informative as each induced unique responses in P. patens. This phenomenon is especially illustrated by 75.4% of all DEGs being unique to a specific fungal 48 coculture (Figure 2.4; Supplemental Data 3a-d). Figure 2.3: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of P. patens mapped RNA-seq reads for the 15 RNA-sequencing libraries generated with DeSEQ2. The color of each point correlates to experimental treatment. P. patens control grown in isolation (black), and P. patens treatments grown in coculture with B. erionia WT (dark blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (magenta), and L. elongata CU (pink). 49 Figure 2.4: Venn diagram of DEGs between P. patens control and P. patens co-cultures with B. erionia WT (dark blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (red), and L. elongata CU (pink). Total DEGs called by DESeq2 and their significance between each treatment. Genes qualified as differentially expressed if they had expression differences with Padj<0.01 compared to P. patens control. Transcriptomic response from B. erionia WT suggest infectious activity in P. patens Among the four fungal treatments, P. patens cocultured with B. erionia WT had the most definitive response phenotypically and transcriptomically. There were 2,586 total significant DEGs (Padj<0.01), with 1,533 upregulated and 1,053 downregulated (Supplemental Data 3b). Gene groups with overrepresented expression in B. erionia WT cocultures had ontology enrichment especially with function in transmembrane transport, calcium/inorganic ion transport, and localization (Supplemental Data 9). Consistent with the observed chloroplast rerouting 50 between colonized plant cells, the enrichment of organelle transport genes supports that P. patens transcriptomically responds to contain fungal infection and limit organelle damage by changing cellular organization, which is an observed infection response [Savage et al. 2021]. Of specific transporters, a putative syntaxin transporter was highly represented among B. erionia WT coculture gene hits and is shown to function in cellular reorganization for the shuttling/protection of organelles in other systems (Table 1) [Hachez et al. 2014]. Ion transport, particularly calcium, was also overrepresented. Calcium channels are essential for cell signaling locally and globally within plant systems, notably influencing immune response for both parasitic and symbiotic fungi [Chen et al. 2015A, Ivashuta et al. 2005] and also can direct the tethering or relocation of organelles [Allan et al. 2022, Tominaga et al. 2012]. Additional transporters from DEGs included a chloroquine resistance transporter, whose homologs have been affiliated with regulating abiotic stress in Arabidopsis [Maughan et al. 2010, Waller et al. 2003], as well as a nodulin-like transporter. Nodulin-like transporter homologs have been observed in other non-nodulating systems and play important roles not only in the transport of micronutrients but also are critical for communication between the plant-fungal interface for symbiosis and infection [Akiyama et al., 2005, Besserer et al., 2006, Denancé et al. 2014, Waters et al., 2013]. Pathways influencing photosynthesis, abiotic stimuli response, and transcriptional regulation saw substantial depletion in expression (Supplemental Data 9). Photosynthesis changed most prominently with 28 related GO terms having decreased expression in coculture, including chlorophyl binding, photosystem I & II, thylakoid activity, and chloroplast activity (Supplemental Data 9). Photosynthesis pathways play an important role in plant immunity. Reduced photosynthesis activity has been reported as one of the first actions in immune response to both abiotic and biotic stressors [Lu & Yao 2018, Yang et al. 2022]. Typically, during the early 51 stages of infection photosynthetic activity is reduced and even after infection has passed transcript accumulation can remain low [Chen et al. 2015B, Hu et al. 2020, Scharte et al. 2005, Swarbrick et al. 2006, Yang et al. 2022]. We also investigated highly expressed individual genes outside the gene ontology categories, whose differential expression posed interesting considerations. Carbon metabolism genes stood out due to their distinct role in mediating plants-fungal symbiosis [Bonfante & Genre 2010]. Many of the highest supported and upregulated genes presented here are annotated with putative functionality in carbohydrate synthesis and cellulose/cell wall biosynthesis (Table 1). Additionally, there was also activation of three transcription factors which may be involved in the regulation of the previously highlighted gene ontologies. These included a WRKY, TIFY, and HEX transcription factor (Table 1). WRKY transcription factors are heavily represented and conserved among embryophytes, with nearly 40 copies in P. patens, and regulate the expression of abiotic stress, biotic stress, and developmental response [Bakshi & Oelmüller 2014]. In angiosperms, TIFY motif transcription factors have demonstrated the signaling of growth, development and defense response, and we suspect similar activity here [Xia et al. 2017]. B. erionia WT cocultures identified upregulation of a hydroxymethylgutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG- CoA; Table 1), encoding a key regulatory enzyme in the cytosolic mevalonate (MVA) terpenoid biosynthetic pathway (Table 1) [Friesen & Rodwell 2004, Simkin et al. 2011]. This gene is involved in the production of precursors of sterol biosynthesis, which are integral for membrane integrity and hormonal responses [Morikawa et al. 2009]. The transcriptomic and histological responses described here parallel those recently described in the infection of P. patens with the broad spectrum necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea (Sclerotiniaceae) and provides 52 strong support for classifying B. erionia WT as pathogenic towards P. patens [Reboledo et al. 2021, Reboledo et al. 2020]. When cured of endobacteria, B. erionia loses capacity for interaction with P. patens In contrast to the response with B. erionia WT, the strain cured of the endobacterium reduced transcriptional response 40-fold when cocultured with P. patens (Figure 2.4). We detected 65 DEGs (Padj<0.01) in the presence of B. erionia CU, with only 46 upregulated genes and 19 downregulated genes (Supplemental Data 3c). This limited set of genes still shows ontology enrichment in pathways for extracellular sensing and cell wall response (Supplemental Data 9). There were no gene ontologies depreciated in P. patens when in coculture with B. erionia CU. We identified two upregulated transcription factors, which included an ethylene responsive transcription factor and a MYB-like transcription receptor. Ethylene responsive transcription factors are conserved throughout embryophytes and regulate many diverse regulatory pathways but predominantly are involved in response to external stimuli [Binder 2020, Hall et al. 1977, Licausi et al. 2013]. Notably, the key committed step involved in ent-kaurene biosynthesis, encoded by the ent-kaurene synthase gene (Table 1), was also identified to be downregulated here. Ent-kaurene has parallel functions to gibberellins in angiosperms, which generally function in the regulation of developmental changes and response to pathogens. The downregulation of ent- kaurene synthase here provides implication for decreased environmental sensitivity [Hayashi et al. 2010, Miyazaki et al. 2011, Miyazaki et al. 2018, Reboledo et al 2021, Reboledo et al. 2020]. Overall, P. patens response to B. erionia CU presents itself as relatively neutral, non-specific, and with no characteristics of plant-pathogen interaction. Therefore, B. erionia appears to require the endobacterium to retain pathogenicity. 53 L. elongata WT cocultures demonstrate beneficial tendencies with P. patens When L. elongata WT was cocultured with P. patens, a total of 802 genes were differentially expressed (Padj<0.01), with 287 genes upregulated and 515 genes downregulated (Supplemental Data 9). Of the upregulated genes, we identified enrichment in three ontologies: cytoskeletal reorganization, cell wall biogenesis and the synthesis of various polysaccharide pathways (Supplemental Data 9). Complementing what was observed with microscopy, cytoskeletal rearrangement in P. patens may be occurring to harbor the L. elongata hyphae within plant cells but the cytoskeleton also plays dynamic roles in plant growth, development, and immune response [Wang et al. 2022]. Additionally, we identified enrichment in cell wall biosynthesis (Supplemental Data 9). Differentiation of cell wall activity likely has a related function to the differentiation of cytoskeletal rearrangement since both are implicated in cellular architecture. Upregulation for the synthesis of polysaccharides may be relevant in two different pathways due to the integral role of polysaccharides in the cell wall [Voiniciuc et al. 2018] or due to the essential role carbon exchange plays in plant-fungal mutualism [Bonfante & Genre 2010]. Alterations to carbon metabolism are generally indicative of plants-fungal symbiosis and the higher expression for these pathways here may suggest a positive interaction between these two species. Notable DEGs directly involved in carbon/photosynthesis included the Chlorophyl A/B binding protein, beta-1-3 glucanase, and GDP-fucose transferase (Table 1). These genes also suggest a heightened production of polysaccharides and also may indicate the upregulation of carbon metabolism. Further support for cross kingdom interaction comes from DEGs encoding a formerly characterized alpha- dioxygenase (Table 1), which has been shown to participate in fungal infection response and plant development [Groenewald and Weshuizen 1997, Machado et 54 al. 2015], as well as a spermidine synthase (Table 1), which has implications in plant host defense against infection [Mueller 1998, Stenzel et al. 2003, Takahashi & Kakehi 2010]. Comparatively, L. elongata WT uniquely caused a disproportionally high number of downregulated genes including a depleted response to oxidative stresses, metal ion binding, and photosynthesis (Supplemental Data 9). Reduced sensitivity to oxidative stresses is a common response induced by endophytic fungi in plant systems [Clay 1988, Fontana et al. 2021, White and Torres 2010]. This relationship often embodies a mutualistic interaction by aiding both systems in defense, where fungi provide a heightened protection against abiotic stressors, specifically reactive oxygen species (ROS) [Clay 1988, Fontana et al. 2021, White and Torres 2010]. This can be accompanied by fungal ROS mediation of the host, creating “leaky” plant cells enabling easier access to nutrients by fungal endophytes, and could further help explain the previously highlighted DEG, pectate lyase (Table 1) [Su 2023, White and Torres 2010]. In plants, iron plays a key role in photosynthesis and the repression of its ontology here coincides with reduced photosynthetic activity (Supplemental Data 9). Endophytic fungi have been reported to provide absorbable iron from the soil to their plant hosts [Verma et al. 2022]. This may indicate that P. patens is receiving iron from L. elongata WT and consequently reducing iron binding, consistent with the observed repression of a ferritin like receptor (Table 1). Like with B. erionia WT, we also detected a strong depletion of gene expression affiliated with photosynthesis in P. patens x L. elongata WT cocultures. This repression is likely again due to the important role of photosynthesis in general immune response. A distinction for L. elongata WT photosynthetic response compared to B. erionia WT, is the affiliated deactivation of many early light-induced proteins (Table 1), which are usually activated in response to abiotic stress [Hutin et al. 2003]. This complex suggests that an induced immune response is occurring, which, in combination 55 with the lack of any asymptomatic phenotypes to photosynthetic tissue, may further point to the establishment of a beneficial interaction in P. patens x L. elongata WT cocultures. Endobacterial absence in L. elongata CU influences its environmental colonization and shifts its subsequent interaction with P. patens to resemble B. erionia WT response P. patens in coculture with L. elongata CU had a total of 1053 DEGs (Padj<0.01), with 829 genes upregulated and 224 genes downregulated. While the quantity of DEGs was comparable to L. elongata WT, only 112 (10.3%) DEGs were shared between both L. elongata strains. In contrast 583 (53.8%) DEGs were shared with B. erionia WT (Figure 2.4). We identified enrichment pathways in cell periphery/membrane activity, transcription factor activity, and lipid transport (Supplemental Data 9). As with B. erionia CU, L. elongata CU also displayed no significant depletion of specific gene ontologies (Supplemental Data 9). Due to the characteristicly high density of chlamydospores from L. elongata CU cocultures and enrichment of cell periphery, the changes in P. patens gene expression may suggest mechanical or chemical interactions distinct from the other cocultures due to the aforementioned chlamydospores. As in B. erionia CU, the activation of the same ethylene response transcription factor (Table 1) could implicate signaling of pathogen response and/or alternative cell development in P. patens [Binder 2020, Hall et al. 1977, Licausi et al. 2013]. The upregulation of phosphorelay signal transduction system and hybrid signal transduction histidine kinase (Table 1), involved in the regulation of osmotic and oxidative stress, may indicate that L. elongata CU is inducing a stress response cascade in P. patens [Carapia-Minero et al. 2018]. Many of the differentially expressed transcription factors identified here have homologs which are directly involved in other systems for growth, development, signaling, and differentiation. These included a HEX motif transcription factor [Soufi & Jayaraman 2008], an E2F/DP family helix DNA binding protein [Müller et al. 2001, Mariconti et al. 2002], a BIM1 motif transcription factor specifically induced through membrane 56 signaling [Yin et al. 2004], an RNA Pol II transcription regulator co-expressed with sporophyte development, and a cycling DOF factor [Ishida et al. 2014, Goralogia et al. 2017, Wei et al. 2018] (Table 1). We identified an allene oxide synthase (Table 1) with suggested role in the jasmonate pathway and potential involvement in development and stress response [Stenzel et al. 2003]. Also, we identified the same HMG-CoA reductase differentially expressed in B. erionia WT, indicating a connection to plant defense [Friesen & Rodwell 2004 Simkin et al. 2011]. Genes with lower transcript accumulation in L. elongata CU cocultures included a GLK1 motif transcription factor (Table 1) which has conserved function throughout embryophytes (and the algae C. reinhardtii), directly influencing chlorophyll biosynthesis [Gang et al. 2019, Waters et al. 2009, Yasumura et al. 2005]. Represented as well were genes encoding a putative xyloglucan glycosyltransferase and an alpha-ketoglutarate sulfonate dioxygenase, which are involved in carbon metabolism and more specifically saccharide production. The upregulation of these genes could suggest either that carbon exchange may be occurring or, because the plant cell wall is a major sink for saccharides, these genes could also indicate major changes to cell wall structure instead. 57 Table 2.1: Select ontology and gene representatives from differential gene expression among P. patens and Mortierellaceae cocultures Representative differentially expressed genes from each coculture that exemplify the enriched/depleted ontologies and the unique interactions. For selected genes with particularly strong support and with implication in plant-fungal exchange but with ontologies not significantly represented (n.s.) were also included in this dataset. Comparisons with the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ identifies multiple novelties in P. patens expression ‘The Physcomitrella patens gene atlas project: large-scale RNA-Seq based expression data’ (‘Gene Atlas Project’) was published in response to the updated P. patens chromosome-scale 58 CocultureOntologyRegulationGene(s) ExpressionAnnotationLog2PadjEnrichedPp3c19_4690↑syntaxin transporter4.231.14x10e-40EnrichedPp3c16_7270↑membrane protein2.127.01x10e-40EnrichedPp3c14_6070↑ATP-binding cassette transporter2.283.12x10e-31EnrichedPp3c1_4260↑predicted transporter protein1.772.60x10e-45EnrichedPp3c9_2960↑nodulin like transporter3.086.06x10e-28EnrichedPp3c6_18950↑chloroquine resistance transporter2.696.06x10e-28n.s.Pp3c4_25090↑carboxykinase2.774.00x10e-40n.s.Pp3c14_11970↑exostosin related gene2.075.74x10e-36n.s.Pp3c21_16620↑cellulose/cell wall biosynthesis3.382.47x10e-36n.s.Pp3c5_19530↑cellulose/cell wall biosynthesis1.963.17x10e-26n.s.Pp3c1_41400↑cellulose/cell wall biosynthesis1.723.21x10e-22n.s.Pp3c15_25660↑cellulose/cell wall biosynthesis1.685.85x10e-22n.s.Pp3c19_3000↑WRKY transcription factor3.313.12x10e-31n.s.Pp3c19_8700↑protein TIFY2.363.86x10e-31n.s.Pp3c6_2730↑HEX transcription factor (leaflet specific)2.174.12x10e-23isoprenoid synthesisn.s.Pp3c1_10000↑hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase1.572.94x10e-30n.s.Pp3c19_17670↓BAG family molecular chaperone regulator-2.223.19x10e-27n.s.Pp3c19_10440↓DNAJ homolog subfamily-1.541.04x10e-25extracellular sensingEnrichedPp3c26_13260↑ethylene response transcription factor1.682.80x10e-4EnrichedPp3c23_11030↑MYB-like transcription factor1.834.01x10e-4EnrichedPp3c4_24020↑cell wall assembly regulator1.519.86x10e-6isoprenoid synthesisn.s.Pp3c7_1880↓ent-kaurene synthase-1.501.91x10e-6cytoskeletal reorganizaitonEnrichedPp3c18_1430↑myosin ATPas0.902.19x10e-6EnrichedPp3c5_7180↑chlorophyl A/B binding protein1.293.07x10e-10EnrichedPp3c17_5150↑beta-1-3-glucanase1.451.23x10e-7EnrichedPp3c3_20980↑GDP-fucose transferase0.905.11x10e-6EnrichedPp3c17_16370↑pectate lyase0.986.45x10e-8n.s.Pp3c26_4220↑alpha-dioxygenase1.574.29x10e-6n.s.Pp3c6_27380↑spermidine synthase1.004.89x10e-6metal ion bindingDepletedPp3c7_6750↓ferritin like receptor-1.301.22x10e-14DepletedPp3c24_9670↓early light induced proteins-2.071.48x10e-22DepletedPp3c11_7280↓early light induced proteins-1.891.16x10e-12EnrichedPp3c26_13260↑ethylene response transcription factor2.257.28x10e-11EnrichedPp3c6_2730↑HEX motif transcription factor1.931.49x10e-10EnrichedPp3c22_10160↑E2F/DP family helix DNA binding protein2.952.18x10e-10EnrichedPp3c9_470↑BIM1 motif transcription factor1.826.92x10e-10EnrichedPp3c11_6620↑RNA pol II transcription regulator2.336.92x10e-10EnrichedPp3c17_3860↑cyclic DOF factor2.576.92x10e-10EnrichedPp3c1_10000↑hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase1.409.05x10e-11EnrichedPp3c5_3730↑allene oxide synthase3.023.66x10e-11n.s.Pp3c21_16620↑xyloglucan glycosyltransferase3.199.39x10e-13n.s.Pp3c20_13320↑alpha-ketoglutarate sulfonate dioxygenase1.603.28x10e-11photosynthesisn.s.Pp3c7_5800↓GLK1 motif transcription factor-2.691.25x10e-13transport / localizationB. eriona WTB. eriona CUL. elongata WTL. elongata CUcarbon metabolismtranscription factorstress responsecell wall biogenesis / polysaccharide synthesisimmune responsephotosynthesistranscription factorlipid transportcell wall responsecarbon metabolism genome assembly V3.3 in 2018 [Perroud et al. 2018, Lang et al. 2018]. This resource was developed to identify specific trends involved in developmental stages, environmental conditions, and to support the reproducibility of RNA-sequencing in P. patens amongst different labs [Perroud et al. 2018]. In contrast to the samples of the ‘Gene Atlas Project’, grown aseptically on defined growth media, we introduced two novel variables, fungal cocultures and growth on soil, a substrate closer resembling nature with no noticeable impact on P. patens or Mortierella growth. Comparisons between all samples (our 15 and the 99 ‘Gene Atlas Project’ samples) were investigated using a principal component analysis (PCA) (Figure 2.5) (Supplemental Code 4). Our samples (d) clustered tightly and distinctly from the original three major clusters “gametophores” (a), “sporophytes” (b), and “strong stresses” (c). With PC1 explaining 44.1% of variance, PC2 explaining 23.1% and PC3 explaining 11.1%, the inclusion of P. patens grown with fungi and on soil sufficiently shifted the original ‘Gene Atlas Project’ dispersion while maintaining the same clustering patterns from the originally explained variation (PC1:78%, PC2:10%, PC3:6%) [Perroud et al. 2018]. Growth on soil had a more defining signal than fungal cocultures, seen with the tight distribution of all 15 samples, including the control replicates. Notably, the dotted circles in Figure 2.5 represent control experiments grown on the conventional liquid/solid BCD and Knop medias with the same P. patens strain, genotype and tissue types sampled as those grown here on soil [Cove et al. 2009, Perroud et al. 2018, Reski & Abel 1985], which especially highlights the influence growth media has on gene expression. Explanatory variables for the expression difference of soil compared to lab-based agar/liquid medias include supplements such as CaCO3 and MgCO3 rich dolomite, silicon, and organics through peat moss. Additionally, the soil provides moisture retention and structural aeration different than agar-based medias. Although all samples tested here differed substantially from 59 one another, growth on soil was the most influential factor in distinguishing their expression from the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ (Figure 2.5). The impact media has on P. patens expression is significant as “control” samples grown on common P. patens growth medias including BCD Agar, BCDAT, Knop Liquid/Agar, Hoagland, and PpNH4 protoplast medias all lead to distinct clustering of samples despite each recipe, other than soil, having similar composition (Supplemental Data 5). Additionally, soil samples are on the same axis with PpNH4 and Hoagland based media for PC1 (70.9% variance) and with Knop/BCD Agar samples for PC2 (19.6% variance) (Supplemental Data 5). While using soil as a media here also leads to distinct clustering of samples from other medias, they do not vary substantially to warrant their own category entirely. Comparatively, we see the difference in expression from growth on soil or growth on Knop agar is comparable to the difference from growth on BCD agar or Knop agar (Supplemental Data 5). Differential expression analysis comparing our samples and the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ produced a total of 7,450 significant DEGs (Padj<0.0001). Among these, 3,873 were upregulated in our samples and 3,577 were downregulated (Supplemental Data 4a). Among upregulated genes, we identified enrichment in ubiquitin expression, transcription and translation, and nitrogen biosynthesis pathways (organonitrogen, peptides, and amides) (Supplemental Data 9). From downregulated genes, we identified depleted activity in mitosis and cell division, endoplasmic reticulum activity, and Golgi apparatus activity (Supplemental Data 9). A total of 2,116 genes lacked any sign of expression specifically in our samples but were expressed in at least one other ‘Gene Atlas Project’ sample (Supplemental Data 4e). Genes silenced in our system but expressed elsewhere saw enrichment in membrane processes and DNA transposition (Supplemental Data 9). This included 7 genes with expression conserved in all 99 ‘Gene Atlas Project’ samples and silenced in our system (Supplemental data 4e). Two of 60 these genes function in endoplasmic reticulum transport (Pp3c9_10380, Pp3c12_8160) and three were involved in regulation of the central dogma (Pp3c1_24700, Pp3c11_25450, Pp3c10_6100). In contrast, novel expression exclusive to the current study compared to the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ yielded a total of 822 genes (Figure 2.6). Among those, 55 genes (6.7%) were not scaffolded to a chromosome, representing over a 3-fold higher abundance than what would be expected based on the transcriptomic makeup. Additionally, from those 822 total genes, 26% had significantly high differential expression with the most highly supported gene (Pp3c15_19571) having an average of 781 TPM (in the top 1% of genes expressed). Among genes with novel expression, we detected enrichment in pathways involved in RNA polymerase II activity, cell shape regulation, and beta (1,3)-D-glucan biosynthesis activity (Supplemental Data 9). While RNA polymerase II activity is most well-known for its role in the production of mRNA, it also plays a dynamic and conserved role in plant pathogen response and its representation here likely shares both functionalities [Li et al. 2014]. A sub-class of RNA-polymerase II, the RNA-directed RNA polymerases, also has utility in forming small interfering RNA (siRNA) [Du et al. 2022, Hunter et al. 2013] and a putative RNA-directed RNA polymerase was included among our identified genes (Pp3c6_8521). Generally, siRNAs function against the invasion of foreign entities, alternative gene regulation, and control of transpositional elements [Castel & Martienssen 2013, Du et al. 2022], which may parallel the unique challenges presented in our conditions. Also, DNA-transposition was one of the few ontologies underrepresented in our system and its reduced transposition may be due to the presence of siRNA. Enrichment of cell shape morphology detected in all samples may imply the necessity for certain cellular features for soil specific conditions. Genes putatively involved in beta (1,3)-D-glucan biosynthesis have a presumed 61 involvement in cell wall structure [Douglas 2001, Roberts et al. 2012, Roberts et al. 2018] and plant defense. [Vega-Sánchez et al. 2013]. Figure 2.5: Principal component analysis (PCA) of transcripts per million mapped reads (TPM) of the 99 libraries from the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ [Perroud et al. 2018] and the 15 samples analyzed here. Samples had four distinct clusters with various gametophore tissues (maroon, a), sexual tissues (yellow, b), high heat samples (purple, c), and samples grown on soil (green, d). Circled with dotted ellipses are control groups from intra- and interlaboratory conditions with different medias (Knop Agar, Knop liquid, BCD Agar). PC1 explains 44.1% of the variance and PC2 explains 23.1% of the variance. 62 Figure 2.6: Heatmap of the 822 genes with mapped reads to the dataset were presented here and absent among all ‘Gene Atlas Project’ samples. Rows ordered based on the total sum of gene expression per gene. Columns represent the 114 sample conditions. Control groups (black), B. erionia WT (dark blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (magenta), L. elongata CU (pink), and ‘Gene Atlas Project’ samples (white). Expression in TPM is measured based on a log2 scale where the darker shade of green indicates more expression and white indicates no expression. Comparative Expression Across P. patens, A. thaliana, and C. reinhardtii identifies Shared Trends To determine potentially conserved traits between taxonomically distant plant lineages, the responses from P. patens in coculture with L. elongata WT and CU were compared to Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii) [Vandepol 2022]. Comparatively, the response in A. thaliana only represented a smaller subset of the transcriptome where 280 and 279 genes were differentially expressed with L. elongata WT and L. elongata CU cocultures, respectively (Figure 2.7A). Despite lower overall DEGs, improved aerial growth was still observed in L. elongata coculture regardless of endobacterial presence [Vandepol 2022]. Remarkably, and consistent with the interaction being inherently mutualistic, only C. reinhardtii in coculture survived two weeks of growth in minimal conditions, as both the 63 algae and fungi in isolation were unable to do so. Due to the harsh conditions, significant changes to gene expression were observed, with 4,363 and 5,636 genes differentially expressed in L. elongata WT and L. elongata CU cocultures, respectively (Figure 2.7A). Additionally, for both A. thaliana and C. reinhardtii, the principal component analysis showed clustering of samples mainly based on coculturing and less influence from endobacteria presence/absence than what was observed with P. patens (Figure 2.7B & 2.7C). Based on phenotypes and transcript profiles L. elongata WT appeared to establish a beneficial response among cocultures with all plant hosts analyzed here. From shared enrichment in ontology, the transcriptomic response induced in plantae by L. elongata WT also shared similarities despite the vast degree of divergence from P. patens (~630 MYA for C. reinhardtii, and ~450 MYA for A. thaliana). P. patens cocultures had influence on large scale cellular reconfiguration, increased carbon metabolism, reduced susceptibility to abiotic stress, and reduced photosynthesis. Likewise, C. reinhardtii also displayed an increased representation of carbohydrate metabolism largely in the form of glycosylation activity, reduced photosynthesis, and reduced response to abiotic stress (Supplemental Data 4). A. thaliana also showed an increase of carbon metabolic processes but inversely increased photosynthetic activity and stress response (Supplemental Data 9). A shared differential expression of isoprenoid/terpene metabolism, observed among all three plants investigated here, could represent a defining and conserved feature across species. Unique to P. patens cocultures, the presence and absence of endobacteria distinctly influenced the interaction in plantae. We investigated the response of single copy orthologs between P. patens, A. thaliana, and C. reinhardtii (Supplemental Data 8c-g). All three species shared a total of 1,524 single copy orthologs, P. patens and A. thaliana shared 3,032 single copy orthologs, and P. patens and C. 64 reinhardtii shared 2,484 single copy orthologs. Only one single copy ortholog shared differential expression patterns between the plant hosts (Pp3c9_570; AT4G24160; CHLRE_01g000300) and is characterized in A. thaliana for maintaining the lipid homeostasis by regulating both phospholipid and neutral lipid levels. Generally, this gene plays an important role in regulating glycerol-3-phosphate availability and downstream lipid metabolism [Brzoska & Boos 1988, Larsen et al. 1983, Raetz 1986, Wang et al. 2016]. P. patens and C. reinhardtii shared a total of 115 additional single copy orthologs (Supplemental Data 8c). Among those, there are 20 orthologous pairs coregulated in coculture with L. elongata WT and/or L. elongata CU. These orthologs may represent parallel expression patterns conserved across 600 MY of divergence and may hold key insights to the long-standing, fundamental mechanisms of plant-fungal symbiosis. 65 Figure 2.7: Mortierella coculture DEGs (Padj<0.01, DESeq2) comparisons across C. reinhardtii, A. thaliana, and P. patens. A.) Proportion of significant DEGs compared within each respective transcriptome (C. reinhardtii: 17,469 genes; A. thaliana: 27,459 genes; P. patens: 32,161 genes) among cocultures with B. erionia WT (blue), B. erionia CU (light blue), L. elongata WT (magenta), L. elongata CU (pink). Solid fill, upregulated genes in each sample; striped sections, downregulated genes B.) PCA distribution of expression of C. reinhardtii in isolation (green), coculture with L. elongata WT (magenta) or L. elongata CU (pink). C.) PCA distribution of A. thaliana in isolation (yellow), coculture with L. elongata WT (magenta) or L. elongata CU (pink). Conclusion Here we report that the Mortierellaceae species B. erionia and L. elongata are both capable of endophytic interactions with P. patens, albeit subtle and possibly dependent on endobacteria. The ability for these fungi to interact with P. patens is largely dependent on endobacterial presence and absence, which changes both the plant phenotypic and transcriptomic response. Current understandings of how endobacteria influence their fungal host and the subsequent effects that these have on their environment are still limited, and because of this, their influence on P. patens interaction is notable, particularly with MRE in B. erionia. Interactions between any two 66 organisms are environmentally dependent and may be beneficial or adversarial depending on those conditions, [Bonfante & Genre 2010, Dickie et al. 2013, Du et al. 2019, Eastburn et al. 2011, Giauque & Hawkes 2013] and as such we are just beginning to uncover the complexities of potential relationships with P. patens and fungi in Mortierellaceae. Comparison with the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ indicated distinct changes to gene expression caused by different growth conditions (soil vs. common lab-based medias). Comparisons across our work and that of the ‘Gene Atlas Project’ yielded the discovery of 822 genes with novel expression, 7 genes which previously were otherwise constitutively on, and an updated “Gene Atlas” reference with the appending of our data along with methodology to build upon these methods moving forward (Supplemental Data 4a-b; Supplemental Code 4). While the mechanisms of how plants initially colonized land remains a mystery, the biodiversity and response captured by the second largest clade of land plants, the bryophytes, helps to provide further gravity to the influential role fungi played in making that possible. In conclusion, the exchange between plant hosts and fungal symbionts, and the evolution of those exchanges, are dynamic, competitive, and conditional. Data availability The following supplemental data have been deposited at: Supplemental Data 1: Supp.1.Additional_Microscopy_Photos.tar.gz Supplemental Data 2a: Supp.2a.Physco_photos.tar.gz Supplemental Data 2b: Supp.2b.Photo_Pixel_Quantification.csv Supplemental Data 3a: Supp.3a.Physco_quants.tar.gz Supplemental Data 3b: Supp.3b.Ppatens_Berioniawt_DESeq.csv Supplemental Data 3c: Supp.3c.Ppatens_Berioniacu_DESeq.csv Supplemental Data 3d: Supp.3d.Ppatens_Lelongatawt_DESeq.csv Supplemental Data 3e: Supp.3e.Ppatens_Lelongatacu_DESeq.csv Supplemental Data 4a: Supp.4a.Perroud_Mathieu.tar.gz Supplemental Data 4b: Supp.4b.Perroud_Mathieu.csv Supplemental Data 4c: Supp.4c.Significant_Perroud.csv Supplemental Data 4d: Supp.4d.Novel_Expression_Perroud_v_Mathieu.csv 67 Supplemental Data 4e: Supp.4e.Novel_Silencing_Perroud_v_Mathieu.csv Supplemental Data 5: Supp.5.Media_Effects_On_Ppatens_PCA.pdf Supplemental Data 6: Supp.6.Mortierella_elongata_NVP64_genome_stats.xlsx Supplemental Data 7: Supp.7.SYM_gene_hits.txt Supplemental Data 8a: Supp.8a.Arabidopsis_quants.tar.gz Supplemental Data 8b: Supp.8b.Algae_quants.tar.gz Supplemental Data 8c: Supp.8c.Orthogroups.tsv Supplemental Data 8d: Supp.8d.SingleCopy_Orthogroups_all.tsv Supplemental Data 8e: Supp.8e.SingleCopy_Orthogroups_AT_PP.tsv Supplemental Data 8f: Supp.8f.SingleCopy_Orthogroups_CR_PP.tsv Supplemental Data 8g: Supp.8g.Orthogroup_Significant_hits_overlap.xlsx Supplemental Data 9: Supp.9.Gene_Ontology_Reports.xlsx The following supplemental code has been deposited at Supplemental Code 1: Supp.1.Green_Pixel_Quantification.ipynb Supplemental Code 2a: Supplemental Code 2b: Supplemental Code 3: Supp.3.DESeq2_physco__v__Mort.R Supplemental Code 4: Supp.4.Perroud_Mathieu_comparisons.r Supplemental Code 5: Supp.5.Media_based_analysis.tar.gz The genome of Linnemannia elongata was submitted to NCBI GenBank and will be accessible as soon as the data is processed, accession number JAXBDG000000000. Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Alan Yocca and Patrick Edger for their recommendations and mentoring in phylogenetics; Aparajita Banerjee, Malik Sankofa, and Balindile Motsa for their assistance in maintaining and growing P. patens strains; Sean Johnson, Reid Longley and Natalie VandePol for their help and recommendations for genetic analysis. The work (proposal: 10.46936/10.25585/60001086) conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy operated under Contract No. DE-AC02- 68 05CH11231. DM, GB and BH acknowledge support for this project from the NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity Grant (DEB 1737898) and the NSF-funded doctoral student training grant Integrated training Model in Plant And Compu-Tational Sciences (IMPACTS). BH and GB acknowledges funding from the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under Award Number DE-SC0018409 and support from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology startup funding and support from AgBioResearch (BH=MICL02454; GB= MICL02416). GB also acknowledges support from the US Department of Energy (DOE) Biological and Environmental Research (BER) and Biological System Science Division (BSSD) under the grant number LANLF59T. BH gratefully acknowledges support from the MSU James K. Billman, Jr. MD endowment. We collectively acknowledge that Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. In particular, the University resides on Land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. 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Agronomy, 10(5), Article 5. 84 CHAPTER 3 Rule-Based Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Diterpene Library: A Simulation of Synthesis and Unravelling of Compound Structural Diversity Mathieu, D., Schlecht, S., van Aalst, M., Shebek, K., Busta, L., Babineau, N., Ebenhöh, O., Hamberger, B. 85 Abstract Terpenoids make up the largest class of specialized metabolites with over 180,000 reports currently across all kingdoms of life. Their synthesis accentuates one of natures most choreographed enzymatic and non-reversible chemistries, leading to an extensive range of structural functionality and diversity. Current terpenoid repositories provide a seemingly endless playground of information regarding structure, sourcing, and synthesis. Efforts here investigate entries for the 20-carbon diterpenoid variants and deconstruct the complex patterns into simple, categorical groups. This deconstruction approach reduces over 60,000 unique compound entries down to less than 1,000 categorical structures. Furthermore, over 75% of all diversity can be represented by just 25 total structures. The diversity of diterpenoids could be identified at an atom-by-atom comparison, across the total compound landscape, and distributed throughout the tree of life. Additionally, these core structures provide guidelines for predicting how this diversity first originates via the help of diterpene synthases. Over 95% of all diterpenoid structures rely on cyclization. Here a reconstructive approach is reapplied to the data based on known biochemical rules to model the birth of compound diversity. This computational synthesis validates previously identified reaction products and pathways, as well as predicts multiple trajectories for synthesizing real and theoretical compounds. This deconstructive and reconstructive approach applied to the diterpene landscape provides modular, flexible, and an easy-to-use toolset for categorically simplifying otherwise complex or hidden patterns. 86 Keywords Carbocation, Diterpene, Compound Libraries, Computational Modelling, Rule-Based Analysis Significance Statement Analyses performed here categorically curate compounds, provide user-friendly software with modularity as part of the design, and views the diterpene landscape from new perspectives. Compounds are investigated based on origin, abundance, synthesis, and diversification. Full data analysis offers a contrasting yet synergistic perspective, enabling the exploration of both structural complexities and categorical simplicities, while still considering the individual compound(s) and how they fit within the complete diterpene landscape. Introduction Terpenoids are specialized metabolites known for their metabolic diversity, expansive utility, and vast abundance throughout the tree of life. They are structurally characterized by the combination of the 5-carbon molecules, isopentenyl diphosphate (IDP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP), to form the linear prenyl-diphosphates, which are further linked to form the mono- (C10), sesqui- (C15), di- (C20), sester- (C25), tri- (C30), tetra- (C40) and polyterpenoid classes. Currently, over 180,000 unique terpenoid structures have been reported in the Dictionary of Natural Products (DNP) and TeroKit databases [Buckingham 2015, Zeng et al. 2020, Buckingham 2023]. Most reported structural diversity originates from the cyclization of linear precursors in a number of different ways via terpene synthase (TPS) activity [Degenhardt et al., 2009; Durairaj et al., 2019; Johnson et al., 2019a; Miller et al. 2020; Zeng et al., 2019] and through further modification via oxidative functionalization by NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases, subsequently acting dehydrogenases, 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenases, or a range of transferase affording conjugates [Kawai et al. 2014; Johnson et al., 87 2019b; Karunanithi and Zerbe, 2019; Luo et al. 2016; Miller et al. 2020; Pateraki et al., 2017]. In nature, these compounds function with purpose in defense, pollinator attraction, developmental signaling, and interspecies communication [Degenhardt et al. 2003; Theis and Lerdau 2003; Aros et al. 2012; Boncan et al. 2020; Caissard et al. 2004; Chou et al. 2023; Cseke et al. 2007; Gershenzon & Dudareva 2007; Dötterl & Gershenzon 2023; Erbilgin et al., 2006; Jassbi et al. 2008; Heiling et al. 2010; Huang & Osbourn 2019; Keeling and Bohlmann, 2006; Laurent et al. 2003; Li et al. 2021; Lipińska et al. 2022; Lu et al. 2018; Miller et al. 2020; Miyazaki et al. 2015; Nagel et al. 2014; Ndi et al. 2007; Piccoli & Bottini 2013; Proffit et al. 2020; Schiebe et al., 2012; Toyomasu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2023; Zhao et al., 2011]. The intrinsic role terpenoids serve in communication and defense likely has been a driving force for the observed diversity to date [Luo et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2014; Li et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2022]. Additionally, because plants and other sessile organisms are unable to move from threats, there is greater pressure for these responses to be chemical [Weng 2013; Villegas-Plazas et al. 2018; Weng et al. 2021]. From a human perspective, terpenes offer broad applications as fuels, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, fragrances, and pesticides [Degenhardt et al. 2003; González-Coloma et al. 2014; Hausch et al. 2015; Koul 2008; Lange et al. 2011; Schalk et al. 2011; Phillipe et al. 2014; Celedon & Bohlmann 2016; Kutyana & Bornemann 2018; Nuutinen 2018; Tetali 2019; Wang et al. 2005; Wani et al. 1971; Wilson & Roberts 2011; Zerbe et al. 2012; Zerbe and Bohlmann 2014; Zhao et al. 2016]. Work presented here utilizes diterpenes as a case study to showcase developed software and reveal complex patterns that exist within the current structural landscape. Over 95% of diterpenes are cyclized either sequentially by a class II diTPS followed by a class I diTPS, or by a class I TPS alone. Class II/class I derived diterpenes most commonly represent structures with 88 a characteristic decalin-core and are blanket referred to here as “labdane-derived”. These compounds are synthesized by an initial protonation at the GGDP tail (class II), which then leads to cationic cycloisomerization and subsequent quenching by deprotonation or hydroxylation. This is followed by the removal of the diphosphate (class I), forming another carbocation that can also cyclize (as in the case of kaurenes) and/or be quenched (as in the case of labdanes) [Peters 2010; Tantillo 2010]. The other most common synthesis, catalyzed by class I TPS, forms a carbocation by removing the diphosphate, which can lead to larger ring formations. This mode of synthesis is referred to here as “macrocyclic-derived”. Class II/class I and class I chemistries that orchestrate diterpene synthesis provide the foundation for most diterpene structural diversity. Studying the immense size and scale of the current terpene landscape requires analysis to be performed in a computational space. This work has been done previously through machine learning and/or rule-based approaches to mirror biochemical reactions [Tantillo 2010, Tantillo 2011, Durairaj et al. 2021; Hosseini & Pereira 2023; Shebek et al. 2023; Strutz et al. 2022; Zeng et al. 2019; Zeng et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2022]. Machine learning can generate an abundance of compounds and parse out complex patterns within datasets, but also faces limitations where biases, and errors within a dataset may not be readily detected, which affect interpretation and reproducibility [Carbone 2022; Malik 2020]. Alternatively, a rule-based approach provides a higher degree of control to the user, allows the ability for modularity based on conditions, grants ease to accommodate a growing database in the future, and emphasizes human consideration when modelling the metabolic landscape. Here, rule-based methods are utilized with Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILEs) as inputs, which are the presentation of chemical structures as text in a computational space [Kumar 2021; Toropov et al. 2005; Weininger 1988; Weininger et al. 1989; Weininger 1990]. The reaction rules applied are represented in a SMILES 89 Arbitrary Target Specification (SMARTS) format for pattern recognition within compound structures and determining if a reaction is permissible [Arteca 1996; Landrum 2023; O’Donnell et al. 1991; Sayle 1997; Todeschini & Consonni 2003; Van Drie et al. 1989]. The rule-based methodology here operates on the reported diterpenes in the DNP (>25K; v30.1) and TeroKit (>40K; v2.0) databases to uncover complex patterns regarding diterpene structural diversity, synthesis, and origin. Diterpene synthases catalyze complex, multi-step chemistries derived from diphosphate cleavage, protonation, carbocation rearrangements via nucleophilic attacks, methyl and hydride shifts, and eventual quenching and resolution of carbocations. A reverse (deconstruction) and forward (synthesis) approach are used here to model diterpene biochemistry targeting the synthesis of diterpene backbones and skeletons. The derived backbones are defined here as only the portion of the molecule originating from a prenyl- diphosphate but with retained stereochemistry, bond information, and hydroxyl substituted R- groups. Diterpene skeletons are defined as the most simplified 20-carbon structures limited to carbon-carbon linkages, without considering bond variation, stereochemistry, or hydroxyl groups. The reverse approach isolates and identifies these diterpene backbones and skeletons. The forward approach predicts diterpene backbone and skeleton formation using carbocation reactions mirroring the mechanisms of class II and class I diTPSs [Shebek et al. 2023; Strutz et al. 2022]. This reconstructive modelling approach provides a unique platform to demonstrate known carbocation rearrangements and produce an output of stepwise mechanisms for both known and theoretical diterpene chemistries. Deconstructive and reconstructive paired methods provide a unique synergy for simplifying the abundance of reported compounds, examining the origin of diversity, and predicting mechanisms of synthesis. 90 Methods & Materials Deconstruction of the DNP and TeroKit diterpene libraries to skeletons and backbones The DNP database8 (v30.2) was queried within the rubric ‘Type of Compound Words’ for “diterpen”. Database hits were semi-automatically downloaded, extracted, and concatenated, collecting information on Chemical name, formula, weight, SMILE, InChi, compound type, and biological source for each compound (Supplemental Data 1a). The TeroKit molecule database9 (v2.0) was downloaded and subsequently parsed into “sesquiterpene”, “diterpene”, and “triterpene” datasets using the grep command (Supplemental Data 1b-d) [Zeng et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2022]. These datasets included TeroKit compound ID, molecular formula, InChi, and SMILEs. SMILEs from each datasets were used as input for deconstruction. Python (v3.9) was used with libraries, pandas (v1.5.1), numpy (v1.25.0), re (v2.2.1), matplotlib (v3.7.1), and RDKit (v2022.09.1) (Supplemental Code 1) [Landrum 2023]. Formatted SMILEs from each database were subsequently and iteratively deconstructed to backbones and skeletons. The first function removed any portion of the molecule containing: boron, halogens, silicon, phosphate, sulfur, selenium, tin, fatty acids, saccharides, coumarin, nitrogenous bases, other nitrogen containing R groups, ester linked R groups, ether linked R groups, and other “non-terpene” derived carbon side chains. Instances of isotopic carbon or charged carbon atoms were also converted to a neutral 12C. The output returned a backbone with any R-group substituted with an alcohol moiety. Bond and stereochemical variation was retained, along with a list of each step taken to deconstruct the original compound. These backbones were then flattened to a carbon skeleton by converting all covalent bonds to single bonds and removing hydroxyl groups, resulting in exclusively carbon-carbon connections. Backbones, skeletons, and final carbon numbers were 8 9 91 appended in order to update original datasets (Supplemental Data 2a-2d) and generate abundance summaries based on shared skeleton structures for the DNP (Supplemental Data 2e) and TeroKit (Supplemental Data 2f) datasets. Deconstruction of sesquiterpene and triterpene databases were performed as proof-of-functionality and to support robustness of programs (Supplemental Data 2c, 2d). Representation of TeroKit skeletons were visualized based on abundance to identify percentile coverages for the total diterpenoid database (Supplemental Data 2g). Carbon number of deconstructed diterpenoids identified database outliers, database entry errors, and non-C20 diterpenoids, such as cleavage products and apo-terpenoids (Supplemental Data 2h, 2i). Structural comparison of the DNP diterpene skeletons Due to a higher degree of curation, skeletons identified from the DNP were used for structural comparison (Supplemental Data 2e). A comparison matrix was generated by converting the 671 skeleton SMILEs to bit vectors (binary vectors) using RDKit (v2022.09.1) [Landrum 2023]. All skeleton comparisons were made based on bit vector comparison calculations to determine similarity scores ranging from 0 to 1 and to create a 671x671 matrix (Supplemental Data 3). This matrix was visualized with seaborn (v0.12.2) as a heatmap (Figure 3.1; Supplemental Code 2). A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on this matrix using sklearn (v1.1.3) functions for transformation, PCA generation, and variance calculations (Supplemental Code 2). Modelling diterpene carbocation reactions for backbone generation in Pickaxe The software, Pickaxe [Shebek et al. 2023], was modified for job submission in a bash terminal (Supplemental Code 3a). The following Pickaxe settings were changed from their default: “input_cpds”, “product_cpds”, “output_dir”, “generations”, “sample_size=1000000”, “coreactant_list”, “rules_list”, “processes=24”, “kekulize=False”, “processes=24”, 92 “quiet=False”, “neutralise=False”. Quality of life additions were made to print an abundance summary of rule usage and to include date and time in output naming. Because Pickaxe has multiple checks for validating compound structures, the inclusion of charged carbocation atoms required adaptation of the rules. In brief, the noble gas, Xenon, was used to represent carbocations in all reactions instead. The creation of diTPS SMARTs rules had three guiding principles. First, the majority of carbocation rules prioritized the formation of reactive centers on tertiary carbons, because of the higher commonality and stability of carbocations at these positions [Tantillo 2010]. Generally, these rules represented a nucleophilic attack of a double bond, ring formation, and subsequent generation of a new tertiary carbocation. Second, when possible, reaction rules focused on the ‘reactive unit’ as opposed to the entire molecule. This maintained specificity of known reactions and allowed the same rule to be more generalizable in other conditions as well, reducing redundancy within the ruleset. Third, high specificity was used for instances where rules fulfilled niche reactions, such as in the case of concerted reactions, carbocation stabilization via delocalization or hyperconjugation, or the generation of secondary carbocations [Tantillo 2011]. These respective rules would be generated to resemble the identified mechanism as closely as possible within the context of Pickaxe. Illustrations of specific reaction rules and their sourcing can be found in Supplemental Data 4. Pickaxe had four separate submissions where 1.) represented unfiltered class II diTPS action, 2.) represented unfiltered class I diTPS action, 3.) represented the class II and class I rules from steps 1 and 2 but now filtered to known diterpene backbones and 4.) explored where remaining skeleton diversity may be originating. Updated coreactant lists and custom biochemical rulesets were generated for each of the four iterations (Supplemental Data 5a-d). The first iteration had 10 generations of reactions and used geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) as the initial substrate. 93 This iteration used the class II diTPS reaction ruleset, specifically excluding diphosphate cleavage and any rules generating macrocyclic compounds (Supplemental Data 5a). The second iteration had 10 generations of reactions, used GGDP and all products obtained from the first iteration of compounds. The second iteration used the class I diTPS reaction ruleset (Supplemental Data 5b). All compounds generated from the first and second iteration not containing a diphosphate or carbocation were converted to carbon skeletons, converted to a canonical SMILE format, and compared to all previously identified C20 skeletons (Supplemental Data 2e, 2f). If a compound matched a previously identified skeleton, the original compound was marked as a successful target match, representing 80 backbones (736 redundant structures) in total (Supplemental Code 3c). First and second Pickaxe submissions quantified total novel compounds synthesized at each generational step to track overall abundance overtime (Figure 3.2a). Validation of the model necessitates comparison to known terpene synthesis reactions with the third iteration, which was pruned based on successful targets generated from class I activity (Figure 3.2b; Supplemental Data 5C, 6). All filtered reactions were concatenated into a single file and converted into a network containing information on edge (reactions) and node (compound) data between compounds (Supplemental Code 3c) along with key identifiers like, SMILES, and compound classifications (GGDP, class II intermediates, class II products, class I intermediates, final targets). These were made into a network in Cytoscape (v3.10.1) to represent known diTPS carbocation reactions (Figure 3.2b; Supplemental Data 6) [Shannon et al. 2003]. Within Cytoscape the “analyze network function” was performed to evaluate stress centrality distribution and betweenness centrality. Reactions specific for generating Kaurene and Taxadiene synthesis were also analyzed independently in Cytoscape (Figure 3.2c, 3.2d; Supplemental Data 94 6) [Shannon et al. 2003]. The fourth Pickaxe submission performed 3 generations of rules that further modified skeleton structure in ways beyond the scope of diTPS activity. These rules broke carbon rings, created carbon rings, expanded/collapsed connecting rings, and shifted carbon side chains (Supplemental Data 5d). Predicting carbocation quenching mechanisms for common diterpene backbones The top 20 most common diterpenes in the TeroKit database (Supplemental Data 2b, 2f) were used to predict carbocation resolution via rearrangement or quenching with water (Supplemental Code 4). Compound lists also identified aromatic ring systems and predicted post TPS activity on double bond desaturation and saturation post carbocation cascades. Within a skeleton class, all backbones had hydroxyl groups removed and the remaining number of hydrogen atoms were counted. Compounds with 32, 34, or 36 hydrogen atoms present were determined to represent the resolution of zero, one, or two carbocations via rearrangement or quenching with water respectively. Class II/class I derived compounds generate 2 carbocations, whereas class I derived compounds generate 1 carbocation, and the phytanes produce none. Compounds with fewer than 32 hydrogen atoms were assigned to have post-cyclization decoration via double bond formation. More than H34/H36 atoms for macrocyclic and labdane-derived compounds respectively indicated additional post-cyclization saturation events. The relative frequency of H32, H34, H36, H36, and aromatic ring systems for the top 20 most common diterpenes were all quantified (Figure 3.3). Carbocations were estimated based on double bond positioned in conjunction with tertiary carbons or specifically the secondary carbon involved in kaurene synthesis [Tantillo 2010]. When a double bond was positioned at two neighboring tertiary carbons, both positions were considered as possibilities. In circumstances where carbocations were predicted to be quenched 95 with water, all variants with the predicted number of quenching events were created and compared to predict final carbocation position (i.e. 34H; One hydroxyl, 36H: Two hydroxyl groups). Compounds with a single unambiguous, resolved carbocation structure were estimated as final products. Compounds with multiple estimated structures were compared to the list of unambiguous structures. Those that were found to match a previously identified unambiguous structure, prioritized based on frequency, were quantified to that compound group. Compounds that were aromatic or did not match an unambiguous structure were identified as ambiguous and excluded among resolved carbocation structures (Figure 3.3; Supplemental Code 4). Determining diterpene molecular activity from variability of atomic decoration and bonds Because of the higher compound count and inclusion of stereochemistry, the skeletons from the deconstructed TeroKit database (Supplemental Data 2b, 2f) were used to evaluate atomic variability within the top 20 most common diterpene classes (Figure 3.4; Supplemental Data 7). This analysis aligned all SMILEs backbones with the same skeleton and compared each atom and bond location to the canonical reference (Supplemental Code 5). All backbones were harmonized to have the same number of non-hydrogen atoms. This configuration was solved again by replacing any carbons with R-groups instead with Xenon. If the canonical SMILEs for compounds with 20 atoms completely aligned with the reference SMILEs, the carbon stereocenters, “[C@]”, “[C@@]”, “[C@H]”, “[C@@H]”, were replaced with L, R, D, or U respectively. All occurrences of “[Xe]” were replaced with “X”. These conversions of stereocenters and “[Xe]” made it so all SMILE names were an identical number of atoms and characters L, R, U, and D were later converted back into “C” after the bonds with indicated stereochemistry were replaced with the symbols “^” and “*” to represent the chirality of those 96 bonds. At completion this method generates an output similar to what is visualized below (Supplemental Data 7): C(-C)(-C)-C-C-C-C(-C)-C1-C-C-C(-C)-C2-C-C-C(-C)-C-C-1-2 C(-C)(-C)=C-X-C-C(-X)-C1-C-C-C(-C)-C2:X:C:C(-C):X:C-1:2 C(-C)(-C)=C-C-C-C(-C)-C1-C-C-C(-C)-C2:X:X:C(-C):C:C-1:2 C(-C)(-C)=C-C-C-C(-C)-C1-C-C-C(-C)-C2:C:C:C(-C):C:C-1:2 ... ... C(*C)(^X)-C-C-C-C(*C)^C1-C-C=C(-C)*C2-C-C-C(-C)=C^C-1-2 Occasionally a backbone SMILE did not conform to the canonical reference. To correct for this the canonical reference was iteratively changed to match the nonconforming SMILE by replacing bonds with the matching number of double bonds, triple bonds, or aromatic bonds equal to those present in the nonconforming SMILE. When checking for bonds, occurrences of Xenon were substituted with carbon. When the bond patterns matched, Xenon atoms iteratively replaced carbon in the updated compound until this also matched the non-conforming SMILE. In order to make sure all SMILEs had conforming atom order to the canonical SMILE, two approaches were used. The first approach checked compound similarity as each bond or Xenon was replaced, then used the top 5 most similar compounds to the product at each step until number of bonds and Xenon matched the non-conforming SMILE (comparing <60 compounds per iteration). When this method did not work the second approach was implemented. This approach substituted the number of bonds and Xenon from the nonconforming SMILE in every possible combination in reference to the canonical SMILE. This has the potential to generate many compounds for comparison and directly parallels the binomial coefficient equation to estimate compound abundance. For example, if a compound contained ten Xenon atoms, there would be ~184,000 different possible compounds, and only one will match our nonconforming 97 reference in canonical order. This method, while highly accurate, was only used as a last resort and faces even greater computational demand when working with molecules larger than diterpenes. When backbones aligned, the reference SMILE was converted to an edge/node table (Supplementary Code 5). The level of diversity for each bond (edge) and atom (node) is calculated using the index of qualitative variation (IQV). All occurrences of R-groups were assumed to be unique. IQV values for atoms were used and saved as intensity values for each node and the IQV values for bonds were used to describe the intensity of each connecting edge. Edge/node tables were used as input Cytoscape (v3.10.1) to visualize the data (Figure 3.4; Supplemental Data 7) [Shannon et al. 2003]. Decoration bias based on carbon position (primary, secondary, or tertiary) for the two major classes, labdane-derived and macrocyclic-derived, were investigated. This was accomplished by calculating the percentage of decoration at each carbon location with consideration to the number of connecting carbons and the position of all neighboring carbons (Supplemental Code 5). All conditions were then compared to determine effects based on diterpene class and position-based variation. Only Carbon positions that had at least three instances of atomic location and neighbors among labdane- or macrocyclic-derived diterpenes were used. Phylogenetic distribution of diterpenes within Viridiplantae, Rhodophyta, and Chromista The DNP skeleton summary datasets (Supplemental Data 2a, 2e) were used to quantify compound abundance among land plant families, green algae, red algae, and brown algae (out group) (Supplemental Code 6). Plant taxonomic Family was extrapolated to also consider a Phylum and Kingdom level analysis. An indexed list was created matching the reported Family to compound. This list was compared to the diterpene skeleton list (Supplemental Data 2e) to 98 identify overlap and quantify reported skeletons for all selected Families. Families were excluded from phylogeny if they had less than 10 reported compounds among the top 50 most common diterpene skeletons. The remaining Families were manually sorted based on phylum divergence and top diterpene skeletons were manually annotated based on DNP reports and external reports [Eman et al. 2020; Feng et al. 2014; Gao et al. 2016; He et al. 2005; Li et al. 2013; Mendes et al. 2023]. Results & Discussion Diterpene database deconstruction summary Among the reported diterpenes (>60K) we identified a total of 924 unique C20 skeletons identified from the TeroKit (872) and DNP datasets (671) (Supplemental Code 1). Only C20 skeletons were considered as skeletons candidates because nearly all structures that were not C20 were either misannotated, derivatives of identified C20 diterpene structures, or diterpene- diterpene dimers (40C). Additionally, the majority of both databases could be deconstructed back to C20 (TeroKit 85.8%; DNP 88.0%). Among the non- C20 skeletons identified in TeroKit, backbone with C19 (2960), C18 (691), C17 (316), and C21 (312), mainly due to (de)methylation events of already identified C20 backbones. The majority of diterpenes were represented by a small percentage of structures, with the top 25 most common skeletons defining over 75% (26,000 compounds; Supplemental Data 2g). Echoed in the findings of previous work [Johnson et al. 2019a], monoterpenes (~60), sesquiterpenes (~320), triterpenes (~70), and other compounds (such as alkaloids) were misannotated as diterpenes (Supplemental Data 2h; Supplemental Code 1). While the compound landscape is filled with anomalies, being able to categorically organize all reports allows for the parsing and curation of the data as a whole, 99 which can determine whether a compound is or is not a diterpene. This has the potential to provide a select group compounds for manual database filtration, with the potential of removing near all misannotated compounds. Skeleton structures from the DNP were compared to visualize compound distribution and similarities (Figure 3.1). Skeletons clustered largely based on mode of cyclization, representing 26% of identified skeleton variance, where the linear phytane backbone and other minor acyclic derivates, not acted upon by TPSs, distinguished themselves from those that were cyclized (Figure 3.1, Group 1). The next major clusters identified 17% of variance and were represented by the labdane-derived structures (Figure 3.1, Group 2), defined by their synthesis via diTPS class II/class I activity compared to the macrocyclic-derived structures (Figure 3.1, group 3), which are typically acted upon by a class I diTPS only. 100 Figure 3.1: Principal component analysis of DNP diterpene skeleton structures based on RDKit bit vector comparison scores Each point represents a diterpene skeleton in which point size is correlated to the number of reported compounds in the DNP database that deconstructed back to that specific core structure. Point color indicates the number of carbon rings present for each structure. PC1 defines 26% variance and is largely characterized by the presence or absence of rings. PC2 defines 17% variance and distinguishes itself based on mode of TPS cyclization. Cluster 1 represents the phytanes, which are the dephosphorylated form GGDP, the most common diterpene precursor. Cluster 2 contained the labdane-derived class II/class I compounds. Cluster 3 contained macrocyclic-derived compounds, synthesized via class I activity. Modeling diterpene backbone cyclization validates known and identifies new chemistries We modelled diTPS synthesis to validate the origin of observed skeleton diversity and investigate additional theoretical chemistries. Performing reactions in two steps allowed chemistry to mirror the two main methods of diTPS activity, either through class II mechanism or class I mechanism. The minimum number of steps required to produce clerodane (class 101 II/class I product) and dolabadiene (class I product) each required 8 generations. The increase to 10 generations for both class II and class I reactions generated only 3 additional skeletons, indicating approach towards the upper threshold. Quantification of class II and class I products generated >347,000 compounds and matched to a total of 80 unique skeleton structures (Figure 3.2A). The acquisition and implementation of the computational rules varied greatly within the datasets. There were 12,319 occurrences where multiple rules created the same product. While some rules were intended to perform very specific and limited reactions, in practice this was not always the case as structures continued to become more complex. For example, amphilectane biosynthesis can only occur in one way and as predicted the necessary reaction rule only met conditions for biosynthesis 6 times. This contrasted with a different rule that was designed with precise chemistry, which forms the secondary beyeranyl carbocation necessary for pimarane to cyclize to beyerene, kaurene, artisinene, and trachylobane [Hong & Tantillo 2011]. In practice, this very specific secondary carbocation rule met conditions for implementation over 1,000 times. Rules designed to be more generic on the other hand, such as those to quench carbocations, hydride shifts, or methyl shifts understandably occurred >254,000, >115,000, and > 24,000 times respectively. As would be expected, these include rules for the quenching of carbocations, which can occur at every step in the process. Likewise, 1,2-hydride and 1,2-methyl shifts, which only required an adjacent tertiary or quaternary Carbon respectively and become more common as structures are more cyclized. In total, actions orchestrated by diTPSs exclusively are able to determine 80 of the identified skeleton structures. Notable compounds not represented among the synthesized skeletons included the lathyranes, ingenanes, tiglianes, and grayananes. The lathyrane and lathyrane- 102 derived skeletons are specifically known to originate through initial alcohol dehydrogenase activity and thus were also expected to be absent here [Luo et al. 2016; Wong et al. 2018]. Grayananes are speculated to be an oxidative rearrangement derivative from ent-kaurene, with synthesis exclusive to the Ericaceae family [Fay et al. 2022; Turlik et al. 2019]. As one of the more prominent compounds in the database, grayanane biosynthesis illustrates an interesting phenomenon shown within the model. While only 80 of the 924 skeletons were able to be recreated solely through diTPS activity, much of that remaining diversity (like is the case with grayanane) still relies on diTPS driven carbocation rearrangement for synthesis. Then, after cyclization, many other, less common enzymatic processes provide mechanisms beyond the scope of diTPS and carbocation activity leading to additional skeleton diversity. While only 10% of skeleton diversity was represented by unique diTPS carbocation rearrangements, many structures require additional secondary derivatization from the actions of other non-diterpene synthase enzymes, for example, the structures seen with the grayananes, gibberellins, and seco-kaurenes [Fernández-Martn et al. 1995, Turlik et al. 2019, Fay et al. 2022, Zou et al. 2023]. When rules are applied to change skeleton shape using rules beyond the scope of diterpene activity, 608 additional skeletons origins were identified. These alternative rules provided the additional diversity through the action of ring breakages (86), alternative ring formation (59), carbon side chains shifting (173), ring and methyl groups collapsing/expanding (35), or a combination of these conditions (255). The remaining ~240 skeletons that were unaccounted for likely require highly specialized mechanisms, are plausibly derived from an alternative C20 prenyl-diphosphate [Cheng et al. 2012, Miller et al. 2020] or may have been misannotated as diterpenes altogether. 103 A total of 737 unique compounds represented the 80 diTPS derived skeleton and these were used to generate a reaction network and predict origin of backbone synthesis (Figure 3.2B, 3.2C, 3.2D). Cembrene, pimarane, and taxane related carbocations represented the highest network stress and betweenness centrality, which are indicative of nodes that have high flow through or serve as a critical hub required for further synthesis [Shannon et al. 2003]. Two Cembrenyl ion variants had the highest significant representation as a critical hub, having the first and seventh highest betweenness centralities of 0.372 and 0.249 respectively. The first ion, the main cembrenyl cation paralleled previous reaction reports leading to direct synthesis of cembrene A and cembrene C [Meguro et al. 2013; Rinkel et al. 2018]. The cembrenyl cation also connects downstream with a wide variety of macrocyclic diterpenes like taxanes and casbanes, which serve as additional relevant precursors to greater skeleton diversity among the Taxaceae and Euphorbieaceae families respectively (Figure 3.5) [Luo et al. 2016; Rinkel et al 2017; Li & Dickschat 2022]. This ion variant had a hydride shift post-cyclization, indicative of other complex reactions. Some of the reactions available with this ion, like apparent secondary carbocations or ranged proton transfers, exemplify instances of how hyperconjugation or charge delocalization originating from different parts of the structure can permit otherwise unlikely reactions. The nature of investigating these mechanisms in a stepwise fashion makes some of these instances artifacts of the model, while still highlighting the pivotal roles played based on certain atomic configurations [Hong & Tantillo 2011; Tantillo 2011; Schrepfer et al. 2020]. Coincidentally, this variant provides an important first step in Pickaxe to create some of the most common reported marine-life derived skeletons, such as the briaranes and eunicellanes [Moon & Harned 2018; Rinkel et al. 2018; Xu et al. 2022; Yan et al. 2023]. It is of note that the eunicellanes are synthesized differently in coral and bacteria and both mechanisms are 104 represented here, but the mechanism implemented by coral is caused by this particular cembrenyl cation [Li et al. 2023; Li & Rudolf 2023]. Likewise, because the pimaranyl cation (0.345 betweenness centrality) is necessary to form trachylobane, abietane, atisane, beyerene, kaurene, (iso)pimarane, cassanes, and more, it is reasonable that it had the second highest betweenness centrality [Tantillo 2010]. Lastly, a verticillanyl cation (precursor to taxanes and abeotaxanes) and a taxadiene ion also saw particularly notable betweenness centrality (0.321 and 0.284 respectively). 105 Figure 3.2: Summary of carbocation cyclization (TPS enzyme) reactions modeled at a global/theoretical level, filtered to identified structures, and examples of local synthesis. Structures throughout are indicated as either Black (GGDP), Purple (carbocation containing), Yellow (phosphate retaining), Blue (resolved backbone), light Blue (resolved backbone matching a known structure), Green (kaurene), or Red (taxadiene). A Products of diTPS class II reactions and created 1442 total structures after 10 generations. The second iteration built upon the first where resolved compounds with retained diphosphate (931 structures (yellow) and GGDP (black)) were used as inputs. The second iteration performed diTPS class I reactions, creating 347,000 compounds after 10 generations. B The third Pickaxe iteration filtered to reaction paths exclusively to those that led to known structures. Local examples of synthesis are visualized for C the class II/class I synthesis of kaurene, and D the class I synthesis of taxadiene. 106 Predictive carbocation quenching patterns Carbocation cycloisomerization prevalently generates tertiary carbocations as they tend to be the lowest energy state intermediates [Peters 2010; Tantillo 2010]. Beyond the cycloisomerization, carbocations are generally resolved either by a deprotonation to form a double bond or through quenching with water. This leads to post-cyclized backbones having a mass of 272 g/mol, 290 g/mol, or 308 g/mol, depending on whether zero, one, or two carbocations were resolved with water. In the process of synthesis, labdane-derived compounds generate two carbocations, macrocyclic-derived compounds generate one carbocation, and phytanes generate zero. Because of this phenomenon, the carbocation resolution methods, additional double bond (de)saturation events, and aromatization events can be estimated based on final hydrogen number (Figure 3.3). Generally, each compound class illustrates unique carbocation resolution and post-cyclization modification patterns, with closely related structures sharing some similarities. For example, the labdanes and clerodanes share remarkably similar quenching and post-cyclization modification distribution, however that distribution differs greatly from the kauranes and abietanes. Only three skeleton classes had reported aromaticity among their compounds, with those being the abietanes, cassanes, and bifloranes. Because of their absence among the other compound classes, it appears a slight majority of reported abietanes and bifloranes were aromatic (~50%; Figure 3.3). The bifloranes and abietanes are both known to have spontaneous aromatization events. For the abietanes, miltiradiene is known to spontaneously aromatize to form abietatriene [González 2015; Zi & Peters 2013; Bryson et al. 2023]. Likewise, the biflorane derivative, dihydroserrulatene is known to spontaneously aromatize to serrulatane [Zi & Peters 2013; Miller et al. 2020]. 107 Certain skeleton classes had the majority of molecular features represented by one predicted orientation, particularly in the case of the kauranes, enmeins, grayananes, taxanes, eunicellanes, and tiglianes (Figure 3.3). These classes all had carbocations that could be resolved back to a single method of carbocation quenching among reported compounds. This could be because of a necessity for conservation due to essential function, as is the case of the kauranes as hormone precursors. Alternatively, commonality in skeleton reports may be shared because a backbone is isolated to a particular species or sampling bias due to interesting bioactivity, which may be the case for skeleton classes such as the taxanes, tiglianes, and ingenanes. Because enmeins and grayananes are likely derivatives of kaurane, it is of note that the core quenching patterns seem to remain similar in these structures after the major skeletal modifications take place (Figure 3.3). This phenomenon is particularly curious for the eunicellanes due to the aforementioned two diverging mechanisms leading to the same product [Li et al. 2023; Li & Rudolf 2023]. The majority of phytane derivatives have double bond modification, as ~90% of compounds have fewer double bonds than GGDP. This is the case for many macrocyclic-derived compounds as well. Extrapolating from this, the macrocyclic-derived cembranes, briaranes, and eunicellanes all see double bond desaturation as common post cyclization modification (represented by purple and forest green; Figure 3.3). Alternatively, abietanes, cassanes, daphnanes, and especially the tiglianes and ingenanes see desaturation as a common post-cyclization decoration (represented by mint green; Figure 3.3). 108 Figure 3.3: Summary of carbocation quenching patterns and post cyclization decoration for each of the top 20 most common diterpene skeleton classes in the TeroKit database. Deconstructed diterpene backbones for each skeleton class were investigated based on carbocation resolution patterns. Resolutions occurred via rearrangement or quenching with water, which generally led to a final hydrogen count of 32, 34, or 36 (Pink, Magenta, Lavender respectively). Occurrences of less than 32 hydrogens suggest additional backbone modification after cyclization, leading to double bond formation (mint Green). The occurrence of more than 36 hydrogens suggest double bond desaturation modification, (forest Green). Indicated by the smaller pie chart are the quantified estimates of unambiguous carbocation structures. Aromatics and ambiguous structures were identified with Gray. Multiple SMILEs alignment of diterpene backbones identifies atomic “hotspots” Localized atom and bond diversity within specific diterpene classes was investigated using IQV values for each atom and bond among the top 20 TeroKit diterpene skeletons (Figure 3.4). This was done to speculate the effects of position-based sources of bioactivity, evolutionary driven effects, steric availability for decoration, and/or localized rigidity for common diterpene cores. Notably, the labdane-derived and macrocyclic-derived compounds show distinctions in 109 decoration (Figure 3.4A). Regardless of neighbor or position, labdane-derived compound carbons are decorated at a rate of ~20.5% (Supplemental Code 5). One commonality to functional group addition being that the primary carbon, which neighbored the diphosphate prior to cyclization, was often decorated at a frequency of ~56.2% (Figure 3.4B). Another identified commonality being that one of the two methyl groups that neighbor each other is often more decorated. This localized decoration is likely a product of the CYP701 family, which is specifically known to target this region and its ability to act on a range products may be due to neofunctionalization within the enzyme family or decoration occurring early in labdane formation [Bak et al. 2011]. Alternatively, the macrocyclic-derived compounds displayed much higher atom variation overall, with a decoration rate of ~28.7%. Among bond specific variations, the tertiary carbons with a methyl group neighbor, saw the highest fluctuation in bond type (Figure 3.4A). Additionally, many of the macrocyclic-derived compounds had exceptionally high frequency of atom decoration. Of note, some macrocyclic derived atomic positions had decoration for nearly every reported backbone (>95% decoration rate, Supplemental Data 7). Generally, these compounds saw the highest decoration among secondary carbons, with decoration occurring ~52.9% of the time (Figure 3.4B). This high frequency may be partially explained by some macrocyclic compound originating from one pathway but with promiscuous timing of when certain oxidative decorations are added. Overall, kauranes had the lowest decoration overall, despite having over 3,300 unique entries. Due to its main role as a plant hormone precursor, this limited diversity in structure may be necessary to retain its integral role in signaling, compared to many other groups, which more commonly function in host defense. Interestingly however, the enmeins and grayananes, which 110 are speculated to be derivatives of kaurene [Ujita 1972; Yang et al. 2016; Pan et al. 2018; Turlik et al. 2019; Fay et al. 2022], have atom/bond variation that is more similar to the macrocyclic- derived compounds then kauranes. The enmeins are mainly sourced from Lamieaceae, which also host the highest abundance of kaurane entries as well (Figure 3.5) [Zeng et al. 2020]. Grayananes on the other hand are nearly all sourced from the Family Ericaceae (Figure 3.5), and with this high frequency of decoration may be specific just to that Family. This large divergence in atomic decoration may suggest that skeleton distance in grayananes and enmeins can only occur after substantial structural derivatization from kaurane has taken place first. Taxanes, jatrophane and derivatives (ingenanes and lathyranes) also provide a unique representation among the dataset. Atoms of these compounds represent atomic diversity where each location seemed to have an all-or-nothing representation, where atoms were nearly always or almost never decorated (Figure 3.4A). Because these compounds are known to have high bioactivity [Guenard et al. 1993; Croteau et al. 2006; Luo et al. 2016], this distinction among compound classes may be a product of their utility in nature, leading to the diversification and expansion of compounds with high bioactivity within the Euphorbiaceae and Taxaceae Families and only building upon successful diterpene derivatives. Alternatively, this phenomenon may be due to sampling bias and growing interest for specific sources and compounds in the context of research pursuits within these families. For example, bioactive compounds, such as Taxol [Guenard et al. 1993; Croteau et al. 2006], may be used and derivatized more often because of their importance in pharmaceuticals applications, leading to specific compound classes seeing a more “all-or-nothing” response within the database. 111 Figure 3.4: Visual of atom and bond variation among the top 20 most common diterpene skeletons and identified variation related to diterpene origin, carbon connection(s), and carbon neighbor(s). Skeleton names and the number of compounds with that representative skeleton were labeled for each. Compounds were distinguished as either labdane-derived (Orange), Macrocyclic (Blue), or ambiguous to these distinctions (White). Atom and bond variation was calculated using the index of qualitative variation (IQV). Variation of carbon position (1°, 2°, or 3°) and the position of all neighbors were investigated to identify positional based decoration for both Labdane-derived and Macrocyclic compounds. 112 Distribution and magnitude of diterpene diversity in relation to evolutionary divergence among Viridiplantae, Rhodophyta, and Phaeophytes Plants are the main known producer of diterpenes, which is echoed in the DNP database (Supplemental Data 1a, 2a) and in previous reports [Zeng et al. 2020; Johnson et al. 2019a]. There are a total of 196 unique taxonomic Families in the DNP and 149 represent Plantae or algae. Paralleling this 76.9% (16761/21804) of all database compounds also come from plants. Specialized metabolism is often considered to be a potential driving force in speciation [Ehrlich & Raven 1964; Pichersky & Lewinsohn 2011; Chae et al. 2014; Alicandri et al. 2020; Jia et al. 2022] and here it was investigated to identify if certain structures and their presence or absence correlated with phylogeny at a family level. The top 50 DNP skeletons (Supplemental Data 2a, 2e), representing 84.5% of all DNP diterpene entries, were used as the first metric, and the 67 plant Families, Charophytes (green algae), Rhodophytes (red algae), and Phaeophytes (brown algae) with at least 10 diterpenes reported were compared (Figure 3.5). Overall little correlation between reported diterpenes and phylogenetic divergence at a Family level were observed, with the exception that most Gymnosperms (lacking Taxaceae and Cephalotaxaceae) clustered together (Supplemental Data 8a). This does not discount that speciation may still occur at a more local level, but the presence and absence of diterpene skeleton derivatives appear to be more dynamic in their presence and origin (Figure 3.5). Regarding diterpene abundance, the Lamiaceae (3,595 diterpenes reported), Euphorbiaceae (2,285 diterpene reported), and Asteraceae (2,073 diterpenes reported) had the highest respective compound entries (Figure 3.5). These families are also some of the largest and most diverse plant clades (Asteraceae ~24,000 species; Euphorbiaceae ~7,000 species; Lamiaceae ~7,000 species), but no significant correlation was identified between the number of total species within a family and compound abundance (Supplemental Data 8b, Supplemental Code 6). Also of note, the 113 Taxaceae (27.93), Ginkgoaceae (10.00), Taxodiaceae (9.05), and Cephalotaxaceae (6.40) had the highest ratios of reported diterpenes per species, corrected for family size (Supplemental Data 8c, Supplemental Code 6). Comparatively, skeleton distribution and abundance clustered distinctly due to a number of factors. The first major cluster (A; Figure 3.5), represents further derivatized versions of the pimarane skeletons, with them largely present in Liverworts and Angiosperms. Next, the Euphorbiaceae dominated reports of macrocyclic structures (B; Figure 3.5), and represented compounds further derived from the casbane and cembrane skeletons. The following cluster (C; Figure 3.5) contains compounds tied closely to the Taxaceae family, representing taxane and taxane-derived skeletons. Major compounds most commonly synthesized in fungi, coral, and bacteria (D; Figure 3.5) are prominently absent among most plant Families, with some unique skeletons only reported within the Phaeophytes (brown algae), which diverged from Viridiplantae over 1 billion years ago [Yoon et al. 2009]. The next major cluster contained abietane derivates (E; Figure 3.5), which were nearly exclusive to Lamiaceae. The last major cluster (F; Figure 3.5) contained compounds widely distributed among all Plantae (8,725 compounds; 39.6%) and represent the major labdane derivatives, including the clerodanes, abietanes, pimaranes, and kauranes. 114 Figure 3.5: Heatmap of top 50 most common diterpene skeletons and their abundance in plants and algae. Families were manually organized based on Phylum divergence in respect to each other (Grey: brown algae, Red: red algae, Green (dark to light): Charophytes, Bryophytes, Lycophytes, and Gymnosperms, Purple (light to dark): Magnoliids, Monocots, Eudicots). Compounds were hierarchically clustered and were distributed based on A derived skeletons from pimaranes, B cembrene and casbene derived diterpene skeletons in Euphorbeaceae, C taxane and taxane derivates, D diterpene skeletons most commonly found in fungi and marine life, E derived skeletons further derived from abietanes, and F Labdane-derived compounds. 115 Conclusion The Dictionary of Natural Products and TeroKit databases provide an important and monumental source of compound information, however the extraction of useful or curated data can be difficult. Work presented here improves upon previous curations of diterpene libraries, provides improved method for identifying, dissecting, and synthesizing diterpenes, along with predicting different biases and errors present among current database submissions [Johnson et al 2019a; Zeng et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2022] (Supplemental Data 2a-2f). Paralleling previous findings, the majority of reported diterpenes are mainly sourced from Euphorbeaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, and multiple marine-life sources [Johnson et al 2019a; Zeng et al. 2020; Zeng et al. 2022]. Additionally, the overall diterpene landscape is represented by a limited number of skeletons, with 25 of the 924 identified structures representing over 75% of the complete database [Johnson et al. 2019a, Zeng et al. 2020]. While most diterpene skeletons begin either through the class II/class I or class I diTPS mechanisms, only 80 diterpene skeletons could be produced exclusively through these means. While more terpene synthase mechanisms likely exist, this select group is indicative that the majority of terpene diversity instead comes from additional activity. This trend is further emphasized by the additional 608 skeletons that are somehow derived from more unconventional modifications to common diterpene skeletons by means of ring breakages, shifting carbon chains, or other sources. The dissection and construction of the diterpene library in this way has illuminated a number of notable patterns as well. This includes differences between the labdane-derived and macrocyclic- derived compounds in their reported decoration patterns. The kauranes and taxanes both act as unique outliers within the dataset, for different reasons. Kaurane is the third most abundant reported diterpene skeleton and has many post TPS modified skeletons as well (including the 116 enmeins, grayananes, gibberellins, and so on), all of which generally have high degrees of variability in their decoration and core structure. Despite kaurane having over 3,000 unique entries, is one of the most conserved structures with overall limited decoration and structural variance among any of the common skeletons (Figure 3.3; Figure 3.4). Taxanes represent a family of compounds with little variation in core structure formation (Figure 3.3) but see high conservation for atoms which either are or are not decorated among reported samples (Figure 3.4). Because of the high interest and bioactivity of taxadiene derivatives in medicine [Wani et al. 1971; Croteau et al. 1993], semi-synthetic derivatives [McGuire et al. 1997; Hao 2021], and generally conserved structure, the taxanes are likely reported highly not because of the many derivatives present in nature (as only few species produce them) but instead because of sampling biases, and semi-synthetic derivatives. Also, the high ratio of reported compounds to family size among Taxaceae and taxanes may suggest an error in the reported sourcing among some taxanes as well (Supplemental Data 8c; Figure 3.5). The software used to deconstruct the diterpene library (Supplemental Code 1) and reconstruct diTPS synthesis mechanisms (Supplemental Code 3a) both provide modular platforms for accommodating additional considerations, a growing database size, and revision in the future. These tools in conjunction with each other provide an excellent framework for modelling and predicting the mechanistic modes representing the current diterpene landscape. Formatting many of these scripts in Jupyter Notebook also provides an easy-to-pickup tool for those with more limited experience in Python [Kluyver et al. 2016; Ferretti et al. 2019; Kumar et al. 2023]. Pickaxes’ plug-and-play nature also allows individuals to pick up presented rulesets, modify, and expand upon them. The TeroKit and DNP datasets as they currently stand are excellently curated and have an incredible wealth of knowledge. This exploration has enlightened that they likely 117 have an error rate of less than 1% however the complete and automated deconstruction of the library, done here, provides avenues for improving curation of these databases to near perfection. In future versions of this work, these models could be improved further with the inclusion of additional diTPS rules, writing prevalent reaction rules beyond diTPS activity exclusively, considering stereochemistry, and applying thermodynamic parameters without penalizing concerted reaction intermediates. Data availability The following supplemental data have been deposited at: Supp.1a.DNP_Diterpene_Mining_v30.2.csv Supp.1b.TeroKit_Diterpene_v2.0.tsv Supp.1c.TeroKit_Triterpene_v2.0.tsv Supp.1d.TeroKit_Sesquiterpene_v2.0.tsv Supp.2a.DNP_Diterpene_Mining_v30.2_Updated_Skeleton_Backbone.tsv Supp.2b.TeroKit_Diterpene_v2.0_Updated_Skeleton_Backbone.tsv Supp.2c.TeroKit_Triterpene_v2.0_Updated_Skeleton_Backbone.tsv Supp.2d.TeroKit_Sesquiterpene_v2.0_Updated_Skeleton_Backbone.tsv Supp.2e.DNP_Diterpene_Skeleton_Summary.tsv Supp.2f.Terokit_Diterpene_Skeleton_Summary.tsv Supp.2g.Terokit_Diterpene_Skeleton_Abundance_Distribution.png Supp.2h.Terokit_Diterpene_Deconstructed_Skeleton_Carbon_Distribution.png Supp.3.PCA_comparison_matrix.tsv Supp.4.NICKS_FOLDER_OF_CARBOCATION_EXPLANATION Supp.5a.step1_10_gen_Class_II Starting_reactants.csv classII_diTPS_rules.tsv metacyc_coreactants_v2.tsv step1_10_gen_Class_II_reactions.tsv step1_10_gen_Class_II_compounds.tsv Supp.5b.step2_10_gen_Class_I Starting_reactants.csv classI_diTPS_rules.tsv metacyc_coreactants_v2.tsv step2_10_gen_Class_I_reactions.tsv step2_10_gen_Class_I_compounds.tsv Targets_hit.tsv Rules_Ratios.tsv Supp.5c.step3_Real_Backbones_Only -starting_reactants.tsv 118 -confirmed_backbone_targets.tsv -metacyc_coreactants_v2.tsv -classII_diTPS_rules.tsv -step3_Class_II_reaction.tsv -step3_Class_II_compounds.tsv Supp.5d.non_diTPS_ruleset_exploration -diTPS_Skeleton_reactants.tsv -non_diTPS_ruleset.tsv -metacyc_coreactants_v2.tsv -non_diTPS_reactions.tsv -non_diTPS_compounds.tsv Supp.6.Cytoscape_Networks - Pruned_Network (Figure 2b) - Clustered Network for Class I - Kaurene Network (Figure 2c) - Macrocylic Network (Figure 2d) Supp.7.Backbone_IQV.tar.gz Supp.8a.Family_Compound_Phylogeny_Clustered.png Supp.8b.Family_Species_count_V_compound.png Supp.8c.Family_Species_count_V_compound_ratio.png The following supplemental code has been deposited at Supp_Code.1.Terpenoid_Deconstruction.ipynb Supp_Code.2.Skeleton_PCA.ipynb Supp_Code.4.Carbocation_Quench_Predictor.ipynb Supp_Code.5.Backbone_MSA.ipynb Supp_Code.6.Phylogenetic_Skeleton_Abundance_Heatmap.ipynb Conflict of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgements DM, and BH acknowledge support for this project from the NSF Dimensions of Biodiversity Grant (DEB 1737898) and the NSF-funded doctoral student training grant Integrated training Model in Plant And Compu-Tational Sciences (IMPACTS). BH acknowledges funding from the 119 Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under Award Number DE-SC0018409 and support from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology startup funding and support from AgBioResearch (BH=MICL02454; GB= MICL02416). BH gratefully acknowledges support from the MSU James K. Billman, Jr. MD endowment. OE is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany's Excellence Strategy EXC 2048/1, Project ID: 390686111. MvA is funded by EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Grant Agreement 862087. 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Of these high value metabolites, diterpenoids have been a major draw, due to their application in flavors, fragrances, feedstocks, and pharmaceuticals to name a few. P. patens has many advantages as a chassis for the heterologous expression of metabolites because of its ability to form genetically stable transformants, many -omic libraries, and containing protein assembly machinery closely related to vascular plants (the primary source of diterpenes). Transformation is typically targeted to the Pp108 locus within the P. patens genome, due to its neutral phenotype when knocked out and the common success rate at which it undergoes transformation, despite transformants often showing low expression. Here we build upon a transformation library generated through a shotgun approach for transformation where the Gypsy long terminal repeat retrotransposons (RLG2) were targeted, providing a wide portfolio of enhanced yellow fluorescent portion (YFP) expression. Unlike most organisms, transposable elements (TEs) in the P. patens genome are homogenously distributed throughout both euchromatic and heterochromatic regions, making this system one of few that may provide effective and reliable expression levels at these sites. Additionally, most synthetic biological tools in plants utilize the ubiquitin promoter originating from Zea mays, however regulatory elements are especially prone to changes in motif recognition and mutation. Identifying regulatory elements sourced from P. patens would provide opportunity for higher expression overall and greater control for conditional gene expression. Here, a reporter system is developed for easy insertion and testing of promoter elements upstream of an eYFP gene, with homologous regions to the Pp108 loci. Unconventional approaches for improving P. patens expression of heterologous genes by targeting alternative loci 136 or testing alternative promoters provides direction for improving the system as a whole for the production of high-value metabolites in the future. Keywords Physcomitrium patens, synthetic engineering, homologous recombination, long terminal repeat retrotransposons, reporter systems, promoters, diterpenes Introduction Terpenoids make up one of the most structurally diverse and abundant groups of natural products, with over 160,000 known compounds to date [Buckingham 2015, Christianson 2017, Zeng et al. 2020, Zhou & Pichersky 2020, Buckingham 2024]. The diterpene sub-family consists of over 60,000 unique compounds to-date and most are derived from the 20 Carbon precursor geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) [Heusler 1902, Zerbe et al. 2013, Johnson et al. 2019, Zeng et al. 2020]. The current abundance of chemodiversity likely can be attributed to their role in communication and defense, which face constant selection pressure in nature. The diterpene synthase (diTPS) enzymes are responsible for the early stages of synthesis and because most products influence specialized metabolism allows these enzyme families more flexibility for natural expansion and neofunctionalization [Buckingham 2015]. As the largest producers of diterpenes, land plants find utility from them in organism defense, pollinator attraction, developmental signaling, and interspecies communication [Degenhardt et al. 2003; Theis and Lerdau 2003; Aros et al. 2012; Boncan et al. 2020; Caissard et al. 2004; Chou et al. 2023; Cseke et al. 2007; Gershenzon & Dudareva 2007; Dötterl & Gershenzon 2023; Erbilgin et al., 2006; Jassbi et al. 2008; Heiling et al. 2010; Huang & Osbourn 2019; Keeling and Bohlmann, 2006; 137 Laurent et al. 2003; Li et al. 2021; Lipińska et al. 2022; Lu et al. 2018; Miller et al. 2020; Miyazaki et al. 2015; Nagel et al. 2014; Ndi et al. 2007; Piccoli & Bottini 2013; Proffit et al. 2020; Schiebe et al., 2012; Toyomasu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2023; Zhao et al., 2011]. In addition to their role in nature, these compounds have significant value in humanitarian applications as well with their use as fragrances, flavors, fuels, pesticides, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals [Degenhardt et al. 2003; González-Coloma et al. 2014; Hausch et al. 2015; Koul 2008; Lange et al. 2011; Schalk et al. 2011; Phillipe et al. 2014; Celedon & Bohlmann 2016; Kutyana & Bornemann 2018; Nuutinen 2018; Tetali 2019; Wang et al. 2005; Wani et al. 1971; Wilson & Roberts 2011; Zerbe et al. 2012; Zerbe and Bohlmann 2014; Zhao et al. 2016]. However, cultivating these compounds in vivo often demands significant resources, space, and time, with production often suboptimal in their native host [Lambertz et al. 2014, Teijaro et al. 2019]. Therefore, the heterologous expression of diterpene pathways can provide route for huge improvements to production and yield. The model moss, Physcomitrium patens (P. patens) provides an excellent framework for the heterologous expression of diterpenes. As previously mentioned most known diterpenes are synthesized in land plants, largely the mints (Lamiaceae), spurge (Euphorbiaceae), and composite flower (Asteraceae) families [Johnson et al. 2019, Zeng et al. 2020]. Because P. patens has cellular machinery, physiology, and compartments more similar to native systems provide it huge advantages over other heterologous systems like Escherichia coli (E. col; bacteria), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae; yeast), and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii; algae) [Fang et al. 2019, Liénard & Nogué 2009]. Additionally, chemical diversity within P. patens is comparatively low, with only one endogenous bi-functional Class II/Class I diTPS copalyl diphosphate/kaurene synthase (CPS/KS) enzyme, responsible for synthesizing 138 ent-kaurenoic acid directly from GGDP [Hayashi et al. 2006, Hoffmann et al. 2014; Zhan et al. 2014]. Despite ent-kauranic acid reaching extremely high concentrations of about 0.37-fold of chlorophyl, CPS/KS knockouts still generates viable cultures [Hoffmann et al. 2014, Zhan et al. 2014]. Although these knockout lines are developmentally stunted as chloronema (non-leafy undifferentiated, filamentous tissue), preventing sexual maturity, these tissue cultures can still be propagated indefinitely with no known adverse effects to plant health [Hayashi et al. 2010]. These mutant lines are perfect for the synthetic production of nonnative diterpenes because they still produce an excess pool of the GGDP precursor. This characteristic has been used previously for production of 13R-ent-manoyl oxide, which is a precursor for the weight loss drug forskolin, and taxadiene, which is a precursor to the anticancer drug Taxol™ [Anterola et al. 2009, Pateraki et al. 2014, Bach et al. 2014, Banerjee et al. 2019]. Benefits from culturing P. patens come from flexible propagation possible on agar, liquid, and soil medias, capacity to store mutants for long periods of time with cryopreservation, and potential for commercial production without requiring acres of land [Schulte & Reski 2004, Ikram 2023, Mathieu et al. 2024]. Pairing the capacity for stable transformation via homologous recombination with an updated P. patens chromosome-scale genome assembly in 2018 provided new opportunities for improving old technologies [Schaefer & Zrÿd 1997, Novikova et al. 2008, Lang et al. 2018, Banerjee et al. 2019]. Historically the Pp108 locus has been a classic target for homologous recombination in P. patens due to its neutrality when replaced [Schaefer & Zrÿd 1997]. While the Pp108 locus is reliable, the P. patens genome assembly illustrates the potential for alternative insertion sites, uniquely including the multiple genomic loci for long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RT) instead [Lang et al. 2018, Banerjee et al. 2019, Vendrell-Mir et al. 2020]. The unique and homogenous distribution of LTR-RTs and relatively high LTR-RT activity provided a unique 139 opportunity to use a “shotgun approach” for untargeted transformation throughout the genome [Banerjee et al. 2019]. Previous work, replacing LTR-RT loci with an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (eYFP) at random, was used to generate a panel of eYFP mutants with a range of fluorescent expressions [Lang et al. 2018, Banerjee et al. 2019, Vendrell-Mir et al. 2020]. This illustrates a high variability of expression regarding just the position within the genome, with some of the mutant lines even exceeding eYFP activity from former Pp108 eYFP mutants [Banerjee et al. 2019]. Work done here aims to perform a secondary knockout, now instead targeting the inserted LTR-RT-eYFP loci, to determine if this range of expression correlates when producing the diterpene manoyl oxide instead [Pateraki et al. 2014, Banerjee et al. 2019]. Additionally, a reporter system was developed for testing native P. patens promoters activity in native but alternative locations. This will allow promoter activity to be tested in the context of environmental response and to identify native promoters that outcompete the commonly used Zea mays ubiquitin promoter, which diverged from P. patens 450 million years ago [Christensen & Quail 1996]. The promoter elements intended for testing here captured the upstream region of genes with distinct expression patterns when in the presence of Benniella erionia or Linnemannia elongata for determining the regulatory capacity of fungal induced response in P. patens [Mathieu et al. 2024]. These reporter constructs with inserted promoters would be targeted for the Pp108 locus to compare expression to a neutral background [Banerjee et al. 2019]. This work, while incomplete, provides an important foundation for developing new synthetic biological tools in P. patens through alternative loci transformation targeting and identification of novel regulatory regions within the P. patens genome. 140 Materials & Methods Physcomitrium patens culturing and propagation Propagation of moss was performed similarly to previously published work [Cove 2005, Banerjee et al. 2019]. Moss was cultured in a laminar flow hood under sterile conditions. Tissue was added to 25 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with 5 mL autoclaved water, before tissue was blended until homogenous. The mixture was then dispersed evenly onto BCD-media plates (composition: 45 µM iron (II) sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4·7H2O), 1 mM magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), 1.84 mM monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 10 mM potassium nitrate (KNO3), trace element solution (1000× dilution), 1 mM calcium chloride (CaCl2), 5 mM diammonium tartrate ((NH4)2C4H4O6), agar (0.7% (w/v). Trace element solution, Al2(SO4)3·K2SO4·24H2O, CoCl2·6H2O, CuSO4·5H2O, H3BO3, KBr, KI, LiCl, MnCl2·4H2O, SnCl2·2H2O, ZnSO4·7H2O). Calcium chloride and diammonium tartrate were added to the BCD agar media immediately before use. Plates were then sealed with micropore tape (3M, VWR) and were incubated at 18h light: 6h dark cycles under LED lights at 100-150 µmol m−2 s−1 intensity. PCR-based Assembly of diterpene construct for targeted insertion to LTR-RT/eYFP The module targeted to replace LTR-RT/eYFP mutant lines via homologous recombination consisted of one continuous module that contained homogeneous regions to the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) herbicide resistance marker, a sulfonamide resistance cassette, actin promoter, a class II diTPS and class I diTPS linked by LP4-2A linker, and octopine synthase gene terminator (OCS-T; Figure 4.1). This utilized individual parts previously reported in Banerjee et al. 2019. Modules were assembled in two steps. The first module, which contained homogenous NPT-II herbicide resistance marker, sulfonamide resistance cassette, and actin promoter were first assembled with each portion containing 20-bp overhangs to their respective 141 neighbor and were connected using the In-Fusion protocol. The second module was then stitched together, which consisted of the class II/class I diTPS and OCS-T cassettes, by again designing 20bp overhangs between modules and connecting elements with a second In-Fusion protocol. The entirety of this sequence was transformed into a pEAQ vector for long term storage at -20°C [Sainsbury et al. 2009]. PCR-based Assembly of Empty Reporter Gene Construct Fragments for the reporter system were acquired as three modules from work previously performed [Banerjee et al. 2019]. The first module contained the 5’ region homogenous to the Pp108 locus, NPT-II herbicide resistance marker, and Zea mays ubiquitin promoter (PNZ module). This first module (PNZ module) was modified to include a 20bp pEAQ overhang on the 5’ Pp108 region and a constructed Cfr9I restriction enzyme site and eYFP overhang, connecting to the NPT-II marker, with the ubiquitin promoter intentionally removed. These alterations generated the first module. The second module (YFP module) contained the full eYFP sequence but with primers designed with 20bp overhang before the start site, including Cfr9I and NPT-II marker, and a 20bp overhang coinciding with the terminator sequence. The third module (OCS module) contained an OCS terminator and the 3’ Pp108 homologous region, with 20 bp overhang aligning to eYFP stop site and pEAQ. The PNZ and YFP modules were fused by PCR forming one PNZ-YFP module. In-Fusion cloning was performed to connect the PNZ-YFP module, OCS module, and pEAQ vector [Sainsbury et al. 2009]. After In-Fusion positive antibiotic clones were screened and confirmed for all three PNZ, YFP, and OCS modules independently. Successful clones were validated with sequencing and stored at -20°C. 142 Identifying Promoter Regions from P. patens Promoters were chosen based on measured RNA-seq responses of P. patens cocultured with L. elongata and B. erionia [Mathieu et al. 2024]. Promoters were chosen based on differentially expressed genes that were statistically significant, had interesting physiological implications, and distinct upregulation in the presence of fungi. In order to ensure this response was binary (on or off in the presence of fungi) the candidate gene promoters were selected only when expression in the presence of fungi was 8TPM or higher and was 0 TPM or was nearly 0 TPM when in the absence of fungi. Tentative promoters were identified in the P. patens v3.3 genome in Phytozome by searching gene candidates and comparing 5kb upstream with and without the 5’ UTR [Lang et al. 2018]. These regions were shortened in cases where a restriction site for Cfr9I was present earlier or a gene neighbored within that 5kb window. To differentiate the regulatory effect of the 5’ UTR and sequence upstream of the UTR, two versions of the Fasta file were generated, where one included the UTR and the other replaced the full UTR with the character “N” so positionally both sequences aligned in relation to the start site. All tentative promoter sequences were evaluated for transcription factor binding sites in PlantPan (v3.0) [Chow et al. 2019] and PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB (v5.0) [Jin et al. 2017]. Results from PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB provided regulatory information more specific to P. patens and thus was prioritized. Regions for cloning were chosen based on capturing the highest predicted regulatory elements in the shortest number of base pairs. These values were also adjusted to accommodate AT rich regions for primer design. All primer sets were selected based on similar melting temperatures, acceptable range of GC-content (35-60%), having only one matching BLAST hit within the P. patens genome, and with overhangs to include the restriction site for the Cfr9I endonuclease. 143 PCR amplification of P. patens Promoter Regions and Reporter Gene Assembly High molecular weight genomic DNA was isolated from P. patens (Gransden 2004) by flash freezing in liquid N2 and then grinding tissue with mortar and pestle. Ground tissue was placed in 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes with 500 µL Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) buffer (composition: 2% CTAB, 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 100mM Tris·HCl, 1.4 M NaCl, 20 mM Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)) with 100 mg of ground tissue and was incubated at 60°C for 30 minutes. Extract was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 14,000 x g and supernatant was transferred to a new 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube. 5 µL RNase A was added and sample was incubated at 37°C for 20 minutes. An equal volume of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol solution (25:24:1) was added, then sample was vortexed and centrifuged for 1 minute at 14,000 x g. The aqueous top layer was then transferred to a new tube. Extractions with phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol, vortexing, centrifuging, and extraction of aqueous layer was repeated until clear. A ratio of 0.7 volume cold isopropanol (-20°C) was added to the extract, then the tube was inverted, and sat at -20°C for 15 minutes. The sample was centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 minutes and decanted, leaving the gDNA pellet. The pellet was washed with 500 mL 70% ethanol, centrifuged at 14,000 x g, decanted, and set out to dry for 30 minutes. Final pellet was dissolved in 100 µL Tris-EDTA (TE) Buffer. This was used as a concentrate and aliquots were made at 100 ng/µL. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using P. patens gDNA and promoter targeted primers. PCR was run multiple times with multiple annealing temperatures. PCR settings were as follows: a denaturation at 95°C for 15 s, and 35 cycles of annealing at 50°C, 53°C, 55°C, 58°C, and 61°C for 90 s, and extension at 72°C for 210s. The PCR products and reporter gene construct are separately digested with the restriction enzyme Cfr9I. Products are then run on a gel and extracted with a gel and PCR clean-up kit. 144 Fragments are then ligated together using a T4 ligase, and cloned into E. coli for plasmid extraction and long-term storage at -20°C. CRISPR/Cas9 Construct for Enhanced Transformation Efficiency CRISPR/Cas9 constructs were generated based on procedures performed in previous work but instead cut sites were targeted for LTR-RT/eYFP or Pp108 loci [Brooks et al. 2014]. Potential CRISPR/Cas9 gRNA were predicted by Benchling within the LTR-RT/eYFP and Pp108 loci and 2 target sequences near homologous regions of inserts but not overlapping were chosen for both. Identified gRNA was translated into gBLOCK template and ordered from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) [Brooks et al. 2014]. Each gBLOCK was prepared following recommended instructions provided by IDT; diluting with TE-buffer, incubating at 55°C, vortexing, centrifuging, and storing long-term at -20°C. Assembly of CRISPR/Cas9 and gBLOCks were constructed in Golden Gate. The assembled plasmid was transformed into competent E. coli and confirmed with colony PCR. Homologous Recombination Transformation in P. patens (Future Directions) Multiple P. patens (Gransden 2004) lines were used for transformation depending on whether homologous recombination was targeted to the Pp108 loci (reporter gene constructs), or whether targeted to the LTR-RT/eYFP loci. For reporter genes, P. patens ecotype:40001 was used [Ashton & Cove 1977; Mathieu et al. 2024]. Previous CPS/KS knockout lines (pBK3), which are incapable of synthesizing ent-kaurenoic acid, were previously targeted for knockout at LTR-RT sites, creating a panel of LTR-RT/eYFP mutant lines [Zhan et al. 2015, King et al. 2016, Banerjee et al. 2019]. Here RT/YFP AA (high expression), RT/YFP F (high expression), RT/YFP J (moderate expression), RT/YFP V (low expression) were used as targets for secondary knockout with LTR-RT/eYFP targeted diterpene module. Transformation via homologous 145 recombination was performed for all cases using the PEG-mediated transformation protocol performed previously [Liu & Vidali 2011, Banerjee et al. 2019]. The respective CRISPR/Cas9 constructs were included in transformation (1µg). These were designed for double stranded breaks at Pp108 and LTR-RT/eYFP loci for increased homologous recombination and transformation success [Collonnier et al. 2017, Zhu 2021]. Construct derived mutants and LTR- RT/eYFP derived mutants are transferred after 4 days to sulfonamide and Kanamycin selection media treatment respectively. Microscopy (Future Directions) Both eYFP and chlorophyll fluorescence are measured using Fluoview FV 10i (Olympus), at excitation 480 nm/emission 527 nm (eYFP) and excitation 559 nm/emissions 570/670 nm (chlorophyll), as was done previously [Banerjee et al. 2019]. Validation of Successful Transformation (Future Directions) Initial transformation validation to confirm the presence of promoter reporter mutants and LTR- RT/YFP mutants examine the presence/absence of YFP fluorescence under blue light. Confocal microscopy follow and serve as a more rigorous validation protocol. Depending on the transformants being investigated, eYFP expression (promoter reporter mutants) or tentative absence due to knockout (LTR-RT/eYFP mutants) are used for further confirmation and imaging. Final confirmation validates presence with PCR and subsequent sequence-verification. For reporter genes, if eYFP expression is absent, PCR validation must also be performed as well due to the tentative and subjective expression based on promoter conditional response. Analysis with Gas-Chromatography Mass-Spectrometry (GC-MS) (Future Directions) All analyses follow the performed methods and materials in previous work [Banerjee et al. 2019]. 146 Conditional Response of Specific Promoters (Future Directions) After sufficient recovery and validation of successful transformation, confirmed reporter/promoter lines are investigated for a response conditional to their environment. Mutants are propagated with fungal coculture (L. elongata or B. erionia) or in isolation (control) and plated on BCD agar media for two weeks, like in previous work [Mathieu et al. 2024]. P. patens tissue are collected and investigated with microscopy measuring eYFP and chlorophyll excitation. Results DNA constructs for homologous recombination were all successfully assembled and sequence verified, including the LTR-RT/eYFP diterpene module, the empty reporter gene cassette, and CRISPR/Cas9 system for targeted double stranded break at LTR-RT/eYFP and Pp108 loci (Figure 4.1). Gene candidates were selected based on gene response in the presence and absence of fungal cocultures (Figure 4.2). Promoter regions were selected based on the upstream region of candidate gene sequence which had high corresponding transcription factor binding site motifs (Figure 4.3). Many of the promoters were also successfully isolated from P. patens gDNA. Despite promoters being notoriously challenging for cloning, all but one P. patens x B. erionia (Pp3c21_7650) gene could not be isolated. Necessary conditions for PCR annealing, product size, gene function, forward primer sequence, and reverse primer sequence can be found in Table 4.1. 147 Figure 4.1: Homologous DNA constructs for P. patens transformation DNA constructs targeted for homologous recombination with the aid of CRISPR/Cas9 constructs of the A LTR-RT/eYFP mutants eYFP loci with diterpene module and B P. patens, ecotype: Pp40001 strain with reporter gene construct targeted for the Pp108 loci 148 Figure 4.2: Physcomitrium patens transcript per million abundance of select genes grown in isolation and in coculture with either B. erionia or L. elongata Physcomitrium patens expression profiles from selected gene candidates with statistical support and high responsivity to the presence of B. erionia coculture (Red) or L. elongata coculture (Blue) compared to when grown in isolation (Green). 149 Figure 4.3: Identified transcription factor binding motifs within the 5’ UTR and 5kbp upstream of fungal responsive gene candidates Predicted transcription factor binding motifs from Physcomitrella patens based on the results from the program PlantRegMap/PlantTFDB. Sequences investigate everything before the identified start site, where the 5’UTR is represented in pink and the 5kbp upstream of the UTR is represented as blue. Left side represents gene candidates with activity in response to B. erionia and the right side for genes responsive to L. elongata 150 Table 4.1: Candidate genes for promoter cloning with P. patens reporter gene construct Conclusion & Future Directions This project remains incomplete due to a lack of available time and challenges faced with the successful transformation of P. patens. If transformation had been successful, experimental procedures would have progressed for the identification of predicted diterpene production and validation of eYFP conditional expression. The design of these constructs provide a new perspective for synthetic biology in P. patens. By targeting unconventional loci for cloning and determining conditional and local regulatory elements allows us to improve P. patens as a platform for synthetic biology 151 Gene of InterestCocultureTmbpGene functionForward PrimerReverse PrimerPp3c3_16620B. erionia58°C2603early light induced proteinTACCCGGGGCCTTTTAGGCTTTAGACTCTTTCTTCCCGGGTCGATGATTGAATCGAAGCPp3c17_13810B. erionia58°C2033unknownTACCCGGGTCATTAATAGAACTCACACTGTTCCCGGGACAACACCAAATCACTTGCPp3c9_2960B. erionia55°C3072unknownCATGCTAGCGACGACGACTTCCCGGGGAGCCAATATGATCGCCCPp3c14_6070B. erionia50°C2211transporterTACCCGGGCCATTATTGTCGCACTTTGTAAGGTTCCCGGGTTCCTTTCGCTTCCTCTACGCPp3c17_5320B. erionia55°C2004unknownTACCCGGGAGCAACAGAGCCATGACAACTGTTCCCGGGTTTCTCGGTTTAGTTTCGCTTCGPp3c17_8560B. erionia53°C3797abioitic stress responseCAAGTCAAGTAAAAGAAAGAACTTGAGTTCCCGGGTTTCTGAGTATGAATGAAATGCACTCPp3c19_3000B. erionia55°C2808transcription factorAACCCGGGCTCATGATTCTAGGAGTTCAACCCGGGAACACCCCAGAAATAAAGTGGPp3c19_4690B. erionia61°C3110syntaxin-related geneTACCCGGGTCGGACGACTACAAGTTCAACCTTCCCGGGGGTTATCAGACTGTGAAATCGCGPp3c19_17300B. erionia58°C2015gametophore-coexpressedTACCCGGGGAGCTGTGGCAGTAATAAAACAACGTTCCCGGGCTCTCTCACACAACTCTCGTCPp3c21_16620B. erionia3968 carbon metabolismCCCCCGGGGTAAAGGCACAAAGGTTATCCATACTTCCCGGGCTTGACAACTTTCTGCTGCCPp3c27_7650B. erionia55°C1016membrane proteinTGTTGTTTGGACTTTTCAAGGTCTCTTCGAGACTCTCAACGTCACCPp3c2_6110L. elongata58°C702unknownTACCCGGGCGAATTATGAACTCTCACTACTTCCCGGGTGCAATATCTATGGTTGAGTGPp3c2_6690L. elongata61°C1139transcription factorTACCCGGGGTTTATCAAAACACATGCAATATCTTCCCGGGCTTCGATTACCTGCAAAAACPp3c16_21830L. elongata61°C2526unknownTACCCGGGAAGATCCATGCTTGTTGTGCTTCCCGGGAGTTTACCAGAAGAATCGAAPp3c22_17930L. elongata61°C3834unknownTACCCGGGCAATTAGTCTAGTCCACCGAGCCTTCCCGGGCTACACATTGACAAAGTCTCGPp3c26_3080L. elongata61°C1873peroxidaseTACCCGGGGGTCAATATTGGGGTCAATATTCCCGGGTGTTTCACTTCTCAAACAAGGPp3c5_7180L. elongata50°C1564chlorophyl A/B bindingATCCCGGGGTACAGATCAATCCAGTTGCTTCCCGGGGGCTGAAACACACAATGCACPp3c19_1760L. elongata55°C2029periostinTACCCGGGTTTTATGGACATGATAGTAGTTCCCGGGGGTGAGGTGGGCAGCATAGCPp3c21_6170L. elongata55°C3042polygalacturonase; pectinaseTACCCGGGTTTGCAACAGACTTATCTGAGGTTCCCGGGCCACACAGACCAAAGCCTACPp3c24_9670L. elongata55°C2973photosynthesisTACCCGGGCATACGCATGTAATGTCATGGTTCCCGGGCTTCAGAAAAACCAATATCTCTCTCPp3c26_14380L. elongata58°C1526mitosis relatedTACCCGGGTCATAGCTCCACCGGTGATCTTCCCGGGATCTATTCCTGGCTTGCATATCPp3c27_1590L. elongata55°C2020gametophore-coexpressedTACCCGGGGTTGTTTCCCCTGGTCGCTTGGGGTTCCAATAGTCGAGCT REFERENCES Aros, D., Gonzalez, V., Allemann, R. 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Leading projects with extensive breadth coordinating experts in mycology, plant biology, evolution, genomics, specialized metabolism, bioinformatics, and computational modelling. Major accomplishments include 1.) Analyzing multifaceted interaction of moss and fungi with implications into long- standing symbiosis 2.) Uncovering of complex patterns through deconstruction and reconstruction of the TeroKit database, which has over 160K unique terpene entries and 3.) The exhibition of “Fog of Dawn” presented at Science Gallery Detroit, reaching an audience of 400K people. Areas of Expertise Education (Sept 2017 – Apr 2024, Michigan State University) • Doctor of Philosophy: Genetics & Genome Sciences (Aug 2013 – May 2017 South Dakota School of Mines & Technology) • Bachelor of Science: Applied Biological Sciences; Minor: Chemistry Research Experience Dissertation Research (2017-2024): 160 Title: PHYSCOMITRIUM PATENS: APPLICATIONS IN SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY AND THE CURATION OF THE DITERPENOID LIBRARIES 1. Physcomitrium patens: A Chassis for Diterpene Synthesis and the Exploration of Fungal Symbiosis for Improved Growth and Extraction 2. Multilevel Analysis between Physcomitrium patens and Mortierellaceae Endophytes Explores Potential Long-Standing Interaction among Land Plants and Fungi 3. Rule-Based Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Diterpene Library: A Simulation of Synthesis and Unravelling of Compound Structural Diversity 4. Long Terminal Repeat Retrotransposon Targeted Transformation and Development of Promoter Reporter System in Physcomitrium patens for Sequential Targeting of Diterpene Module Advisor: Dr. Björn Hamberger Committee: Dr. Gregory Bonito, Dr. Frances Trails, Dr. Ning Jiang, Dr. Robert Van Buren NEXTplant/iGRAD Exchange at Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf DE (Fall 2022): Project Title: Predicting Promiscuity & Modeling the Diterpenoid Synthesis Landscape Advisor: Dr. Oliver Ebenhӧh & Dr. Björn Hamberger MSU Lab Rotations: Project Title: Preparation & Genome Assembly (Winter 2017) Advisor: Dr. C. Robin Buell Project Title: Analyzing & Identifying Rice Genome Architectural Anomalies (Fall 2017) Advisor: Dr. Ning Jiang Undergraduate Lab Experience: Project Title: Utilization of CRISPR/Cas9 to Induce Gene knockout in the Noxious Weed species Euphorbia lathyris to Develop as a Novel Arid Biofuel Crop (Summer 2016) Advisor: Dr. Björn Hamberger; Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center Research Experience for Undergraduates (GLBRC REU) Project Title: Sampling and Analyzing virulence in South Dakota Watershed (2014-2016) Advisor: Kelsey Murray & Dr. Linda DeVeaux Publications Davis Mathieu, Nicholas Schlecht, Marvin Van Aalst, Kevin M. Shebek, Luke Busta, Nicole Babineau, Oliver Ebenhöh, Björn Hamberger. ‘Rule-Based Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Diterpene Library: A Simulation of Synthesis and Unravelling of Compound Structural Diversity.’ (IN PROGRESS). Davis Mathieu, Abigail E. Bryson, Britta Hamberger, Vasanth Singan, Keykhosrow Keymanesh, Mei Wang, Kerrie Barry, Stephen Mondo, Jasmyn Pangilinan, Maxim Koriabine, Igor V. Grigoriev, Gregory Bonito, Björn Hamberger. ‘Multilevel analysis between Physcomitrium 161 patens and Mortierellaceae endophytes explores potential long-standing interaction among land plants and fungi.’ The Plant Journal 118, 304-323 (2024). Connor Yeck (Interviewed Björn Hamberger & Davis Mathieu). ‘Friend or foe? MSU researchers explore ancient partnership between moss and fungi.’ MSU NatSci & EurekAlert. partnership-between-moss-and-fungi%20%20%20.aspx; releases/1033809 (2024). Jyothi Kumar*, Fabio Gomez-Cano†, Seth W. Hunt†, Serena G. Lotreck†, Davis T. Mathieu†, McKena L. Wilson†, Tammy M. Long*, ‘Central Dogma, Dictionaries, and Functions: Using Programming Concepts to Simulate Biological Processes.’ CourseSource 10 (2023). Abigail E. Bryson, Emily R. Lanier, Kin H. Lau, John P. Hamilton, Brieanne Vaillancourt, Davis Mathieu, Alan E. Yoca, Garret P. Miller, Patrick P. Edger, C. Robin Buell & Björn Hamberger. ‘Uncovering a miltiradiene biosynthetic gene cluster in the Lamiaceae reaveals a dynamic evolutionary trajectory.’ Nature Commun 14. (2023). Garret P Miller, Wajid Waheed Bhat, Emily R Lanier, Sean R Johnson, Davis T. Mathieu, Björn Hamberger. ‘The biosynthesis of the anti-microbial diterpenoid leubethanol in Leucophyllum frutescens proceeds via an all-cis prenyl intermediate.’ The Plant Journal. (2020).\ Abigail E. Bryson, Maya Wilson Brown, Joey Mullins, Wei Dong, Keivan Bahmani, Nolan Bornowski, Christina Chiu, Philip Engelgau, Bethany Gettings, Fabio Gomezcano, Luke M. Gregory, Anna C. Haber, Donghee Hoh, Emily E. Jennings, Zhongjie Ji, Prabhjot Kaur, Sunil K. Kenchanmane Raju, Yunfei Long, Serena G. Lotreck, Davis T. Mathieu, Thilanka Ranaweera, Eleanore J. Ritter, Rie Sadohara, Robert Z. Shrote, Kaila E. Smith, Scott J. Teresi, Julian Venegas, Hao Wang, McKena L. Wilson, Alyssa R. Tarrant, Margaret H. Frank, Zoë Migicovsky, Jyothi Kumar, Robert VanBuren, Jason P. Londo, Daniel H. Chitwood. ‘Composite modeling of leaf shape along shoots discriminates Vitis species better than individual leaves.’ Applications in Plant Sciences. (2020). Davis Mathieu. ‘Spirit Molecules.’ MSU Today. mathieu-spirit-molecules (2020). Presentations Davis Mathieu. ‘Physcomitrium patens: Applications in Synthetic Biology and the Curation of the Diterpenoid Libraries.’ Dissertation Defense (March 29th, 2024) 162 Davis Mathieu. ‘A reconstructive and deconstructive approach for unravelling the complete diterpene library’. Phytochemical Society of North America Annual Conference. (July 2023) Davis Mathieu. ‘Predicting Promiscuity & Modeling the Diterpenoid Synthesis Landscape.’ Next Plant Fellows Seminar. (February 2023) Davis Mathieu, Abigail Bryson, Björn Hamberger. ‘High Throughput Phenomic Analysis of Physcomitrella patens.’ ASBMB symposium: Evolution and Core Processes in Gene Expression. (May 2019) Davis Mathieu, Abigail Bryson, Björn Hamberger. ‘High Throughput Phenomic Analysis of Physcomitrella patens.’ ASPB Annual Meeting (August 2019) Davis Mathieu, Abigail Bryson, Björn Hamberger. ‘High Throughput Phenomic Analysis of Physcomitrella patens.’ MSUs Genetics Mini symposium: Epigenetic Stress Memory. (May 2019) Davis Mathieu, Björn Hamberger. ‘Science Gallery Detroit: Collisions Between Science and Art – “Fog of Dawn”.’ Science Cafes and Pubs. (April 7th, 2019) Davis Mathieu, Mitch Roth, Levi Bauer, Taylor Murphey, Christine Ponnampalam, Abby Bryson. ‘How to Catch a Criminal with DNA’. MSU Science Festival: East Lansing, MI, (April 6th, 2019) Davis Mathieu, Levi Bauer, Anne-Sophie Bohrer, Laura Harding. ‘DNA has Never Been Sweeter’. Girls Math & Science Day: East Lansing, MI, (March 2nd, 2019) Davis Mathieu, Hamberger, Britta; Hamberger, Bjӧrn. ‘Transformation of Euphorbia lathyris from a Nuisance to a Biofuel.’ MSU Mid-SURE Poster Session; East Lansing, MI, (July 2016) Liber, Julian; Caldewell, Sarah; Lee, Jordan; Schultz, Jessica; Viola, Sophia; Uhelski, Erin; Gate, Casper; Rose, Ashley; Ducat, Danny; Hamberger, Bjӧrn; Whitehead, Tim; TerAvest, Machaela; Davis Mathieu; Pedro Beschoren de Costa. ‘Climate change conjures a host of problems. Our Solution? ENDOPHYTE CLUB.’ iGEM 2018 Jamboree; Boston, MA, October 2018 Awards & Grants • Jeff Schell Fellowship for Agricultural Science. The Bayer Foundation (2023). • NSF Research Trainee Integrated Training Model in Plant And Compu-Tational Sciences (NRT-IMPACTS) Fellow. National Science Foundation & Michigan State University (2019-2024). 163 • Plant Biotechnology for Health and Sustainability Graduate Training Program Fellow. Michigan State University (2018). • RMAC Academic All American. (Sep 2014 – May 2017) • Dean’s List. South Dakota School of Mine & Technology (Cum laude) Coordinated Events • Science Gallery Detroit ‘DEPTH’ Exhibitionist: “Fog of Dawn” (Summer 2019 – 400K audience) • Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum Exhibitionist: “Spirit Molecule” (June 2019 – September 2019) • Genetics and Genome Science Minisymposium Series (Sept 17th, Sept 24th, Oct 1st, Oct 8th 2020) • Lansing Elementary Science STEAM Nights (8 total events 2018-2020) • MSU SciComm Live Science-Art Show (Oct 19th, 2019) • MSU Fascination of Plants Day (July 2019) • MSU Science Festival (March 2019) • Girls Math & Science Day (March 2019) • MSU Fascination of Plants Day (July 2018) • MSU Grandparents University (June 2018) • MSU Science Festival (March 2018) Select Memberships • Genetics and Genome Science Graduate Student Organization (GGS GSO) o GGS President (May 2021 – May 2022) o GGS Outreach Coordinator (May 2018 – May 2022) • NRT IMPACTS Fellow (2019 – 2024) • Scientific Literature Reviewer Fungal Biology (2024 – present) The Plant Cell (2023 – present) PLOS ONE (2020 – present) • Team Coordinator (Great Lakes Relay/Michigan Outback Relay) (2018 – present) Interests Running • Kayaking • Climbing • Chess • Cooking • Geocaching • Ceramics 164