DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL TECHNIQUES FOR TOP-DOWN PROTEOMICS OF COLORECTAL CANCER CELLS By Olivia Gordon A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Chemistry – Master of Science 2024 ABSTRACT Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most life-threatening and prevalent forms of cancer worldwide. A better molecular-level understanding of CRC will produce novel protein biomarkers for CRC diagnosis and therapy development. Proteins play fundamental roles in modulating almost all the biological processes in cells, and different proteoforms of the same gene can have divergent biological functions. Therefore, large-scale studies of proteins in a proteoform-specific manner in CRC cells using mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics provide a wonderful opportunity for bettering our understanding of CRC progression and discovering new proteoform biomarkers. MS-based top-down proteomics (TDP) is ideal for the characterization of proteoforms because it measures intact proteoforms directly by employing liquid-phase separations and MS. However, TDP still faces many challenges. One of them is related to the measurement of large proteoforms (>30 kDa) from complex samples (i.e., CRC cells) due to their much wider charge state distributions and more isotopic peaks in each charge state compared to small proteoforms, leading to substantially lower signal-to-noise ratios. Many critical proteins related to CRC are larger than 30 kDa, e.g., DNA mismatch repair proteins (MSH2), EPCAM, and TP53. Therefore, the development of new TDP techniques for large proteoforms is fundamental to advance our understanding of CRC progression and biomarker discovery. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)-MS is an attractive technique for TDP and has the potential to address the issues of large proteoform separation and MS detection. However, in published CZE-MS-based TDP datasets, almost all the identified proteoforms are smaller than 30 kDa. It is suspected that this phenomenon is due to sample preparation techniques and CZE-MS conditions favoring smaller proteoforms. Here, we aim to provide an improved TDP workflow for large proteoforms using optimized sample preparation and CZE-MS/MS methods. Copyright by OLIVIA GORDON 2024 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Liangliang Sun, for his advice and continuous support. I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Dana Spence, Dr. Ruth Smith, and Dr. Sophia Lunt, for their guidance. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge and thank the support from the Michigan State University College of Natural Science for the 2022-23 College of Natural Science Recruiting Fellowship and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) through the grant R01CA247863. Research contained in this thesis is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ……………………………………………………………………vi INTRODUCTION .…………………………………………………………….…………………1 CAPILLARY ZONE ELECTROPHORESIS – MASS SPECTROMETRY OPTIMIZATION..11 COLORECTAL CANCER CELL LINE ANALYSIS …………………………………….……24 FUTURE DIRECTION …………………………………………………………………………31 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………….34 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CRC – colorectal cancer gFOBT – guaiac fecal occult blood test FIT – fecal immunochemical test PTM – post-translational modification DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid RNA – ribonucleic acid KRAS – Kristen Rat Sarcoma Viral oncogene homolog MAPK – mitogen-activated protein kinase MS – mass spectrometry m/z – size-to-charge ratio ESI – electrospray ionization LC – liquid chromatography CE – capillary electrophoresis BUP – bottom-up proteomics TDP – top-down proteomics SEC – size-exclusion chromatography CZE – capillary zone electrophoresis BGE – background electrolyte AGC – automatic gain control kDa – kilodaltons EOF – electroosmotic flow AA – acetic acid vi LC – liquid chromatography MeOH – methanol FA – formic acid CZE-MS – capillary zone electrophoresis-mass spectrometry ACN – acetonitrile BSA – bovine serum albumin CA – carbonic anhydrase MyO – myoglobin Ubq – ubiquitin ABC – ammonium bicarbonate DPBS – Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline NP – nanoparticle SDS – sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis vii INTRODUCTION Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a sizeable issue in the world of oncological treatment and research. Today it is the third most prevalent, and one of the most life-threatening forms of cancer, with a significant impact on global public health1,2. This disease typically arises from the abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells, called polyps, strictly confined to the colon or rectal lining3,4. Often these two areas of occurrence are combined into one, hence the name “colorectal” (Figure 1). Figure 1. Image depicting stage IV colon cancer placement and progression. Image adapted from reference [3]. 1 CRC has several distinct stages, each characterized by the extent of tumor formation and metastasis, that are important to understand when it comes to determining prognosis and treatment options3–6. Early diagnosis will significantly improve a patient’s chances of successful treatment as well as long-term survival5,6. Currently, the standard method for colorectal cancer screening is through a colonoscopy7. A colonoscopy is a medical procedure that involves the insertion of a colonoscope through the rectum into the colon. The colonoscope then inflates the colon with air for a better view of the colorectal lining as a camera transmits a video image to a monitor for the examiner to study8. However, this method of screening has the drawback of poor patient compliance. Due to the invasive nature of the procedure, it carries risks such as hemorrhage, colonic perforation, and cardiorespiratory complications7,8. Besides the physical risks, another reason for the lack of compliance can be attributed to procedure discomfort, bowel preparation, or simply shame8. Looking towards a more non-invasive method of CRC screening, guaiac fecal occult blood tests (gFOBT) have been developed7. This screening method is based on the identification of hemoglobin peroxidase activity in stool. When guaiac is exposed to hemoglobin, the reaction produces a blue color indicating a positive result9. FOBTs are an easy and cost-effective at-home method for screening for CRC. Another method commonly used for testing the presence of occult blood in stool is by using a fecal immunochemistry test (FIT). This test employs the use of antibodies to detect blood rather than guaiac’s color-changing reaction (Figure 2). 2 Figure 2. Image showcasing three different methods for non-invasive colorectal cancer screening. Image adapted from reference [9]. Unfortunately, both of these methods have similar drawbacks: the selectivity is poor and the rate of both false positives and negatives is high7,9. As for the sensitivity aspect, blood in the stool can be the result of many different medical conditions, not exclusively CRC. On the same note, false positives can be caused by a number of things such as high-meat diets and certain medications like ibuprofen or anticoagulants9. In any case, a positive result should be followed up by a colonoscopy for confirmation which, as discussed, has the issue of poor follow-up7–9. CRC, like many diseases, is difficult to make an all-inclusive diagnostic test for. This is due in part to the heterogeneity of the disease as it is a prominent and complex aspect of it10,11. This heterogeneity poses both challenges and opportunities in the understanding, diagnosis, and management of CRC. 3 Studies have shown that there are several opportunities for the alteration of CRC cells on both genetic and proteomic levels10–15. Tumor heterogeneity can manifest in both an intratumor and intertumor setting (Figure 3)10. Figure 3. Figure showing how tumors in CRC can be heterogeneous both inter and intratumor. Each colored circle represents a different theoretical protein. Four colored circles together represent the composition of the proteome for one tumor. Figure adapted from reference [10]. Not only that, but these alterations can occur at any stage in the cancer’s progression. The complete complexity of this disease is not entirely understood. There are a few different subclasses of CRC recognized based upon genetic changes that display differences in clinicopathological features, yet that does no justice to the true complexity16. CRC can be broken down even further into subtypes based on the presence or absence of specific signaling pathway mutations and/or post-translational modifications (PTM) on proteins11. Obtaining a better understanding of CRC at every stage in its progression is vital for the development of improved therapies and potential biomarker discovery. 4 A biomarker is a measurable substance whose presence is indicative of some biological phenomenon17. For the study of CRC, the focus is on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein biomarkers. The most widely used biomarkers today are DNA biomarkers18. This includes mononucleotide markers, Bat-25 and Bat-26, and mutations in the Kristen Rat Sarcoma Viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) gene. These biomarkers indicate that there are accumulations of alterations in highly repeated DNA sequences and there is increased proliferation through prolonged mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway activation respectively, indicative of CRC19–22. Another type of biomarker in clinical trials is RNA, or more specifically microRNA (miRNA), biomarkers18. MicroRNAs are small pieces of non-coding RNA that perform a variety of regulatory functions by binding to coding RNA and preventing protein production23. The unregulated expression of miRNAs, like miR-106a, may significantly affect cell migration and invasion further contributing to CRC progression23,24. However, it is important to note that an increase in RNA does not inherently mean that there will be an increase in protein synthesis and expression22,25,26. The final group of biomarkers utilized for the study of CRC are protein biomarkers. Unfortunately, this group severely lacks overall study and application18. Therefore, there is interest in expanding research toward the field of proteomic biomarker discovery as proteins are known to have a strong structure-to-function relationship27. An attractive method for the discovery of novel protein biomarkers is to utilize mass spectrometry (MS). MS has long been a popular choice of technique for protein analysis due to its ability to handle many of the complexities that are associated with the overall proteome28,29. The principle behind MS is to measure the size-to-charge ratio (m/z) of analyte ions in the gas phase. The instrument itself is made of three fundamental parts: the ion source, the mass 5 analyzer, and the detector28–30. Here, the function and selection of ion source and mass analyzer will be discussed. The ion source functions as the converter of analyte molecules into the gas phase ions if not already in that phase28. The ion source commonly utilized for large biomolecules such as proteins is electrospray ionization (ESI). ESI operates by taking advantage of the electrostatic forces between ions in a solution and the surface tension of the solution forming what is known as a Taylor cone31. Once a voltage is applied to the system, droplets form, and as the solvent evaporates, the charged droplet reaches the Rayleigh limit and undergoes coulombic fission. This process is repeated until only a nakedly charged analyte is left (Figure 4)31,32. Figure 4. Diagram of ESI principle. Charges are represented by plus icons while analyte molecules are solid black circles. As analyte progresses toward the mass spectrometer inlet (right), the solvent is evaporated and the analyte is left charged alone. Figure adapted from reference [31]. This method of ionization is ideal for proteomic studies for a few reasons. It is a soft ionization technique meaning that it will generate ions without excessive fragmentation which is essential for the characterization of more liable protein interactions. This ionization technique also has a high mass range for tolerating large biomolecules such as proteins. Also, ESI is compatible with both liquid chromatography (LC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). The mass analyzer 6 functions as a separator for the generated ions based upon the m/z. The current state-of-the-art mass analyzer to be used in proteomic studies is the orbitrap28,33. An orbitrap is composed of a spindle-like central electrode with an outer electrode surrounding it. An orbitrap works by harnessing the electrostatic attraction of ions towards the central electrode compensated by the centrifugal force of the ions from the introduction into the orbitrap. Ions with different m/z will oscillate at different frequencies. By employing image current as the method of detection, the m/z of different ions can be determined from their respective oscillation frequencies after Fourier transformation (Figure 5)34. Figure 5. Diagram of orbitrap mass analyzer. As ions are tangentially introduced to the orbitrap, the electrostatic attraction to the central electrode allows the ions to oscillate at a frequency specific to their m/z. That oscillation frequency is then Fourier transformed to deduce an ion’s m/z. Figure adapted from reference [34]. 7 The main reason for using an orbitrap in proteomics is its improved resolution (480,000 at m/z 200) for accurate mass determination and its wide dynamic range (up to 5 orders of magnitude) allowing for the detection of low-concentration species28,33,34. As previously mentioned, mass spectrometry is often chosen for proteomic work because it can handle the complexities associated with proteins28,29. The existence of proteoforms is where much of this complexity arises. Proteoforms are different forms of a protein produced from the same gene with a variety of sequence variations due to gene mutations or PTMs35,36. The function of proteoforms with the same gene family can vary drastically; thus, the identification of specific proteoforms is vital to understanding rapidly changing diseases like CRC10,27,35,36. There are currently two approaches to proteoform identification via MS: a bottom-up proteomics (BUP) approach and a top-down proteomics (TDP) approach (Figure 6). Figure 6. Image detailing aspects of proteoform analysis via MS. A) Examples of proteoforms. B) Workflow for bottom-up proteomics. C) Workflow for top-down proteomics. Illustration adapted from reference [37].37 8 Each method begins with an intact proteoform-containing solution. For BUP, this proteoform extract is digested into much smaller, 8-15 residue peptide chains38. Following digestion, the sample is ionized by ESI and analyzed by MS. The difference in the TDP approach is that there is no digestion step. Proteoforms are ionized as intact biomolecules28,35,36,39,40. Like most things, there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each technique. BUP has the capability to be high throughput and has well-developed methods as well as large databases readily available. However, it suffers from potential peptide loss during the preparation steps and limited proteoform sequence coverage with the loss of information about the connectivity between PTMs. TDP on the other hand is reliable and comprehensive for all types of PTMs without prior knowledge and with full sequence coverage. The downside to this technique is that it may require rigorous pre-separation and purification dependent upon the sample and target analyte35,36,39,40. More importantly, TDP still faces many challenges related to the measurement of large proteoforms (>30 kDa) from complex samples (i.e., CRC cells). This is due to their much wider charge state distributions and more isotopic peaks in each charge state compared to small proteoforms, leading to substantially lower signal-to-noise ratios. Many critical proteins related to CRC are larger than 30 kDa, e.g., DNA mismatch repair proteins (MSH2), EPCAM, and TP53. Therefore, the development of new TDP techniques for large proteoforms is fundamental to advance our understanding of CRC progression and biomarker discovery. This study attempts to help fill in the gap of proteoform biomarker knowledge for CRC by developing an MS-based TDP technique for the characterization of large proteoforms in CRC cells. A number of separation and purification techniques before MS analysis will be considered. This includes the use of size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) to reduce the complexity of samples into fractions. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)-MS will also be used as another 9 dimension of separation. CZE-MS conditions, i.e. compositions of background electrolyte (BGE) of CZE and CE-MS sheath buffer and the automatic gain control (AGC) target will be optimized in an effort to target and identify proteoforms that are larger than 30 kilodaltons (kDa) in size with a standard protein mixture. The optimized system will then be used to analyze a much more complex samples: CRC cell lines SW480 and SW620. Here, the entire workflow will be judged for its effectiveness when applied to the CRC stand-in. 10 CAPILLARY ZONE ELECTROPHORESIS – MASS SPECTROMETRY OPTIMIZATION Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is an attractive technique for the separation of proteoforms before introduction to mass spectrometry (MS). This is due to the fact that the separation environment is aqueous and the separation times are rapid41–43. Fundamentally, CE is a separation technique that takes advantage of an analyte’s electrophoretic mobility when subjected to an applied high voltage. These high voltages have the ability to generate an electroosmotic flow (EOF) of BGE and analyte species within a capillary. The most basic setup for this instrument involves a fused silica capillary, usually 20-200 µm inner diameter/360 µm outer diameter, a high voltage supply, buffer reservoirs of BGE, electrodes, and a detection system (Figure 7)44. Figure 7. The basic set-up for a CE system. Figure adapted from reference [43]. The setup configuration in Figure 7 is mostly conserved for MS. The main difference is that the second buffer reservoir is adjusted to accommodate ESI, as depicted in Figure 431. This reservoir 11 contains what is known as a sheath buffer which acts to stabilize the electrical connection for the outlet electrode of the CE45. CE is a diverse technique that has several different modes of operation depending on goal and conditions41–44. The simplest form of CE is capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). After sample injection and application of voltage, the contents of the sample mixture are separated into zones based upon their charge-to-size ratios (Figure 8). Important components of this method include the BGE, sheath buffer for ESI, and electric field strength44. Figure 8. Diagram depicting CZE. Blue spheres may represent analyte. Each blue sphere is assigned a charge denoted by the plus, minus, or no symbol. A voltage being applied across the capillary is represented by the plus and minus symbols on either end. For protein analysis, the typical BGE is 5% (v/v) acetic acid (AA) in liquid chromatography (LC) grade water, the sheath buffer is 10% (v/v) methanol (MeOH) and 0.2% (v/v) formic acid (FA) in LC grade water, and the voltage applied is 30 kV across the length of the capillary46. The average capillary is 1 m long and has an inner diameter of 50 µm. Background Electrolyte Optimization Previous studies have shown that the introduction of organic solvents to the BGE of their CZE- MS experiments has had favorable results47,48. The CZE-MS system was optimized to include an 12 organic solvent in the BGE on the grounds that it may enhance the solubility of more hydrophobic proteoforms, induce conformational changes in proteoforms to reduce the loss due to capillary adsorption, and improve the signal intensity by making the BGE more readily volatile. The available literature was consulted to choose what organic solvent to introduce to the established 5% (v/v) AA BGE. Staub et al. reports testing several organic solvents as add-ins to their 75 mM ammonium formate buffers. This includes MeOH, ethanol, and acetonitrile (ACN) ranging in percentages from 5 to 60 percent (v/v). The study presents its findings through the context of their ACN studies because it “gave a maximal effect at a minimal concentration”48. All reported organic solvents had similar effects but at almost double the concentration of ACN. Using Staub et al. as a guide, various concentrations of ACN from 0 to 30% (v/v) were tested in addition to our standard BGE content of 5% AA (v/v) in water. Concentrations above 30% (v/v) ACN were not tested due to the concern of precipitating hydrophilic proteoforms from solution. A typical methanol-chloroform precipitation procedure will contain 40-90% organic at any given time, thus these experiments will not approach that concentration49. A standard protein mixture containing 0.7 mg/mL bovine serum albumin (BSA, 66 kDa), 0.3 mg/mL carbonic anhydrase (CA, 29 kDa), 0.2 mg/mL myoglobin (MyO, 17 kDa), and 0.05 mg/mL ubiquitin (Ubq, 8 kDa) in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate (ABC, pH=8.0) was prepared for the experiment. All proteins and materials were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). These proteins are standard in the Sun lab and are often used to assess capillary performance. To determine the degree of improvement that the amount of introduced organic solvent provides, two parameters were assessed: resolution between the standard proteins and measured instrument signal intensity. For an analyte peak to be considered fully resolved the resolution must be 1.5 or greater using 13 equation 1 where R is the resolution, tR,1 and tR,2 are the retention times for each peak on the condition that tR1 < tR2, and W0.5h,1 and W0.5h,2 are the full width at half maximum of each peak. 𝑅 = 1.18 × !!,#"!!,$ #%.’(,$$#%.’(,# (1) Figure 9 displays the result of four measured concentrations of ACN (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% (v/v)) in BGE solution and its effect on sample separation. 14 Figure 9. Electropherograms displaying the results of conditions where the BGE was 5% (v/v) AA and (A) 0% (v/v) ACN, (B) 10% (v/v) ACN, (C) 20% (v/v) ACN, and (D) 30% (v/v) ACN. 50 nL of the sample was manually injected on a 50 cm capillary with 10 psi. For each electropherogram, the peak order is the same from left to right: BSA, MyO, and CA. Ubq is unresolved from any peak. “NL” is the normalization level which corresponds to base peak intensity. Each of these experiments was repeated in triplicate to ensure reliable and reproducible results. A summary of the signal intensity alongside the resolution between distinguishable proteins is summarized in Table 1. 15 Table 1. Table of results for the average intensity and resolution for experiments where organic solvent is introduced to the BGE. “-“ indicates that the value was not calculated. Percent ACN (v/v) Average Intensity Average Resolution Average Resolution added to BGE Between BSA and Between MyO and MyO CA 0 10 20 30 3.14 ± 0.77 x 106 1.0 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.1 1.94 ± 0.94 x 106 - 7.89 ± 2.61 x 106 1.4 ± 0.2 12.2 ± 3.26 x 106 1.1 ± 0.2 - 3.4 ± 1.4 3.6 ± 0.9 For the control experiment utilizing no ACN, the average signal intensity is 3.14 x 106. As the concentration of ACN increases, so too do the signal intensities for the runs where concentrations are 20% and 30% (v/v) ACN, being 7.89 x 106 and 1.22 x 107 respectively. This is expected as with a more volatile BGE, an improvement in analyte ionization should be observed. However, the more interesting result of this experiment is the clear improvement in resolution for standard proteins analyzed using an add-in of 20% (v/v) ACN for the BGE. In the control experiment, the resolution between BSA and MyO is on average 1.0 and the resolution between MyO and CA is on average 1.5. For the 20% (v/v) ACN experiments, the resolution is (on average) 1.4 between BSA and MyO and 3.4 between MyO and CA. This means that with the addition of 20% (v/v) ACN, the standard protein peaks were almost entirely resolved from one another. The other percentages of ACN fail to consistently reach conditions where full resolution is achievable. Therefore, the optimized condition for the BGE is 5% (v/v) AA and 20% (v/v) ACN in water. This condition will continue to be used throughout future experiments in this study. 16 Sheath Buffer Optimization Previous studies have also shown that the introduction of organic solvent in the CZE-MS sheath buffer has its benefits45. Including organic solvents in the sheath liquid is essential. The organic content helps to provide a medium for the stabilization of the electrical connection for the outlet electrode of the CE as well as enhancing electrospray and current stability. A recent literature review notes that typically studies either use MeOH or isopropyl alcohol in a concentrations between 20-80% (v/v)45. Currently, the Sun lab already uses a sheath buffer organic solvent concentration of 10% (v/v) MeOH. Using Klampfl and Himmelsbah as a guide for how high the concentration of organic in our sheath buffer can be increased, concentrations of up to 40% (v/v) MeOH were tested. Again, higher concentrations of organic solvent are avoided to limit the potential of hydrophilic proteoform precipitation. Isopropyl alcohol was not chosen for testing to reduce the number of variables when the current system already exists using MeOH. The same standard protein mixture was used as in the BGE experiments (0.7 mg/mL BSA, 0.3 mg/mL CA, 0.2 mg/mL MyO, and 0.05 mg/mL Ubq in 50 mM ABC (pH=8.0)) and the same parameters for assessment were used as well (protein peak resolution and instrument signal intensity). Figure 10 shows the result of four measured concentrations of MeOH (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% (v/v)) in the sheath liquid and its effect on sample separation. 17 Figure 10. Electropherograms displaying the results of conditions where the sheath buffer was 0.2% (v/v) FA (A) 10% (v/v) MeOH, (B) 20% (v/v) MeOH, (C) 30% (v/v) MeOH, and (D) 40% (v/v). 50 nL of the sample was manually injected on a 50 cm capillary with 10 psi. For electropherogram (A), the peak order is BSA, MyO, and CA from left to right. For electropherograms (B), (C), and (D) the peak order is salt, BSA, MyO, and CA. Ubq is unresolved from any peak. “NL” is the normalization level which corresponds to base peak intensity. Each of these experiments was repeated in triplicate to ensure reliable and reproducible results. A summary of the signal intensity alongside the resolution between proteins is summarized in Table 2. 18 Table 2. Table of results for the average intensity and resolution for experiments where organic solvent is introduced to the sheath buffer. Average Intensity Average Resolution Average Resolution Sheath Buffer Condition Between BSA and Between MyO and MyO CA 10% (v/v) MeOH 7.89 ± 2.61 x 106 1.4 ± 0.2 20% (v/v) MeOH 7.92 ± 2.10 x 106 1.2 ± 0.7 30% (v/v) MeOH 3.40 ± 1.59 x 106 1.3 ± 0.1 40% (v/v) MeOH 4.84 ± 0.93 x 106 0.9 ± 0.3 3.4 ± 1.4 2.7 ± 0.5 2.8 ± 0.1 2.1 ± 0.2 As discussed previously, the control experiment utilizing 5% (v/v) AA and 20% (v/v) ACN for the BGE and 10% MeOH for the sheath buffer’s average intensity is 7.89 x 106. As the concentration of MeOH is increased over consecutive experiments the average intensity decreases. This may be the result of the interaction between the sample buffer, 50 mM ABC (pH=8.0), and the organic solvent causing it to precipitate and decrease the ionization of other analyte species. This effect is observed in Figure 10B, C, and D. This same trend is observed when assessing the increased organic’s protein peak resolution. As a reminder, the 20% (v/v) ACN for the BGE and 10% MeOH for the sheath buffer’s experiments resolution is (on average) 1.4 between BSA and MyO and 3.4 between MyO and CA. Increasing the sheath buffer’s concentration of MeOH in this scenario had no improvement on the resolution. In fact, the ABC salt peak continued to grow with each increase in MeOH as interference. Therefore, the optimized condition for sheath buffer is 10% (v/v) MeOH and 0.2% (v/v) FA in water. This condition will continue to be used throughout future experiments in this study. 19 Automatic Gain Control Target Optimization The AGC, or automatic gain control, refers to the number of ions collected in a trap and allowed into the mass analyzer at any given time. The AGC parameter for a mass spectrometer is an important one to consider when optimizing the system with a specific goal in mind. The number of ions allowed to enter the mass analyzer at once should be controlled to mitigate space charge effects and improve mass accuracy50. The last point is especially important when attempting to analyze very large biomolecules specifically. Large biomolecules like some proteoforms suffer from a low signal-to-noise ratio. The larger the ion the more likely it is to have a higher charge. Thus, the higher the charge state, the larger the charge state distribution with competing isotopic peaks per charge state, which lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. It has been shown that increasing the AGC too high results in a lower number of identifications for protein families, and it may result in some deviations in mass accuracy due to space charging effects50,51. Therefore, in theory, lowering the AGC target will have the opposite effect. This will be an interesting parameter to test alongside performing low-resolution MS1 scans for targeting large proteoforms. Reducing the resolution for a highly charged species will allow for a single signal to be produced for each charge state52. Thus, the AGC target will be optimized using a complex sample of yeast lysate that contains a wide range of proteoform masses similar to humans. Originally, the AGC target is set to 3 x 106and data is acquired using high-resolution MS1 (480,000) (Figure 11B). 20 Figure 11. (A) Mass spectrum extracted from the highlighted region of (B) the electropherogram for the separation of yeast lysate. Yeast was lysed in Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (DPBS) and buffer exchanged into 50 mM ABC (pH=8.0). 150 ng of sample was pressure injected onto the capillary. The separation of proteins in Figure 11B looks clear. However, when the MS data is investigated further the resolution for more highly charged species is poor (Figure 11A). To improve this, data acquisition was switched into a low-resolution (7500) mode to make charge states for large and highly charged proteoforms more clear. These results are shown in Figure 12 alongside experiments where the data acquisition was kept in low-resolution mode and the AGC target was lowered to 2 x 106 and 1 x 106. Before assessing the spectral data for the results of this experiment, it is still important to consider the intensity of the results. Because fewer ions are being collected for analysis for each scan, the intensity needed to be preserved as much as possible. As shown in Figure 12, the intensity increases as the AGC target lowers. Ions with a lower abundance are detected more clearly. 21 Figure 12. Electropherograms displaying the results of conditions where the instrument was in low-resolution mode and the AGC target was (A) 3 x 106, (B) 2 x 106, and (C) 1 x 106. “NL” is the normalization level which corresponds to base peak intensity. Figure 13 shows a mass spectrum for a portion of the electropherogram from an experiment where the AGC target is 1 x 106. This highlighted region was chosen specifically because it corresponds to roughly the same area as was chosen in Figure 11. 22 Figure 13. (A) Mass spectrum extracted from the highlighted region of (B) the electropherogram for the separation of yeast lysate under low-resolution mode with the AGC target lowered to 1 x 106. The right-most three m/z correspond to a protein that has a mass of approximately 44.7 kDa. The left-most three m/z correspond to a protein that has a mass of approximately 46.8 kDa. This spectrum clearly shows two proteins that are both over 40 kDa. Without the low-resolution mode and lowered AGC target this was not possible. In order to target large proteoforms while maintaining a high intensity reading, the optimized condition for the AGC target is 1 x 106 in low-resolution mode. 23 COLORECTAL CANCER CELL LINE ANALYSIS Colorectal cancer is a complex disease. Thus, the makeup of its proteome is also complex. When compared to the known proteome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the human proteome has over 14,000 more known proteins53,54. The complexity of the human proteome, in general, make it more difficult to precisely analyze. In the past, it has been difficult to analyze and identify proteoforms over 30 kDa15,46. This is why a separation step ahead of CZE will be used for the CRC cell line samples. As the goal is to target large proteoforms, after cell lysis, the cell line samples will be subjected to size exclusion chromatography (SEC). Fundamentally, SEC separates analytes based on their molecular weight. A column for SEC is packed with a porous stationary phase. Larger molecules that cannot enter and interact with the pores of the stationary phase will elute first with the flow of the mobile phase. Smaller analytes that do enter the pores will take longer, and thus separation occurs (Figure 14)55–57. Figure 14. Depiction of (A) an SEC column packed with porous particles and (B) an example chromatogram displaying the elution order of analytes. Figure adapted from reference [53]. This study takes advantage of the separation ability of SEC. Fractions were collected based on the output from the SEC column. As large proteins will elute first, the earliest fractions will be 24 collected for analysis. The cell lines used in this study are human CRC cell lines SW620 and SW480. These cell lines are derived from metastatic and non-metastatic CRC tumors respectively46. Each fractionation was completed in triplicate for each cell line to evaluate consistency. Fraction 1 for each cell line was collected in the 10-12 minute time frame. Each next fraction was collected every two minutes in succession until 20 minutes had elapsed (Figure 15). Figure 15. SEC chromatograms for (A) SW480 and (B) SW620. Each separation was performed on an SEC-3, 150 Å pore size, 3 µm particle, 30 cm length column. The flow rate was 0.2 mL/min DPBS and fractions were collected every two minutes from 10-20 min. 25 The sample was buffer exchanged into 50 mM ABC (pH=8.0) and analyzed using the previously optimized system (Figure 16). Figure 16. Electropherograms displaying the separation of fraction 1 for CRC cell lines (A,B) SW480 and (C,D) SW620. 50 ng of each sample was pressure injected onto the capillary. “NL” is the normalization level which corresponds to base peak intensity. Unfortunately, reproducibility was an issue during these experiments. The lack of integrity of the capillary coating over time and consecutive runs is suspected. Another potential issue is the interference of leftover DPBS since it is a non-volatile salt. If any has been left over through the buffer exchange and injected into the mass spectrometer, it will give the effect shown at the beginning of the electropherograms and quickly dirty the instrumentation. Despite the absence of 26 reproducibility, there were a few proteoforms over 30 kDa that can be detected clearly. These proteoforms are reported in Table 3. Table 3. Table of results for the manual mass identification for CRC cell lines SW480 and SW620. Cell Line Mass (Da) m/z m/z m/z SW480 46828.5755 699.92 710.55 721.45 69280.2059 738.02 745.96 754.06 38514.3537 756.19 771.29 787.02 39287.9519 802.80 819.51 836.92 52295.6525 844.50 858.31 872.59 46463.8174 1011.09 1033.55 1056.99 39288.1197 756.56 771.37 786.75 39522.8113 1098.83 1130.19 1163.52 43604.5632 1148.50 1179.51 1212.24 62427.9751 1561.71 1601.73 1643.84 Charge State of Most Abundant Peak +71 +93 +50 +49 +62 +45 +51 +35 +37 +39 27 Table 3 (cont’d). 46828.3262 710.55 721.44 732.68 39288.1467 836.94 855.08 874.08 52294.4139 872.57 887.35 902.65 SW620 46463.1359 968.99 989.57 1011.09 32013.4542 1001.43 1033.69 1068.13 48873.8174 1063.48 1087.09 1111.78 43604.2562 1015.05 1039.21 1064.53 56859.4677 1387.83 1422.49 1458.94 +65 +46 +60 +47 +31 +45 +43 +40 Shown in Figure 17 are examples of a few of the mass-identified proteoforms for the SW480 CRC cell line. To obtain clear spectra for the proteoforms, scans were averaged for approximately one second where proteins were detected. 28 Figure 17. Mass spectra extracted from the (A) green, (B) blue, and (C) orange highlighted regions of (D) the electropherogram for the separation of SW480 lysate under low-resolution mode with an AGC target of 1 x 106, respectively. The proteoform from spectrum (A) is approximately 46.8 kDa while the proteins from spectra (B,C) are 39.3 kDa and 43.6 kDa. For SW480, 10 different proteoforms over 30 kDa were identified, and for SW620, 8 were (Table 3). Some of these proteoforms are shared between the two cell lines. It is a good sign that there are distinguished commonalities between the two cell lines. Yet, there are observable differences that point to the possibility for proteoform biomarkers in the future. Another important thing to point out is the visualization of multiple proteoforms for a discovered protein. In the SW480 spectrum, the 1179.51 m/z, 43.6 kDa protein has multiple other proteoforms in its immediate family. They are distinguished by having the same isotopic pattern 29 as the most abundant protein. When zooming in on a specific charge state, there are peaks that have the same charge but lower abundance (Figure 18). These are proteoforms of that highly abundant protein. Likely, they are the product of different PTMs or amino acid variations. Figure 18. (A) Zoomed in mass spectrum from the orange highlighted region of (B). 30 FUTURE DIRECTION MS analysis of proteins over 30 kDa has traditionally suffered from low signal-to-noise ratios due to their high charges and large charge state distributions. This study has provided a workflow to at least mass-identify a few proteoforms by successfully modifying the BGE for CZE and the sheath buffer and AGC target for CZE-MS as well as employing low-resolution MS1 measurement. However, there is still much room for improvement. One improvement that could be made is to the capillary coating. After several consecutive runs, the linear polyacrylamide coating of the capillary used in our study can be worn down and become less effective. This will result in less reproducibility between runs. Proteins may also adsorb into the capillary wall after initial runs lowering the effectiveness58. Alternative coatings to what is currently being used may be necessary. The development of an effective capillary cleanup procedure will also be useful to maintain the effectiveness of CZE separation of large proteoforms58. Another suggestion for improvement is the addition of more large proteoform separations. One important option can be related to the use of nanoparticle (NP) protein corona. Protein corona is a layer of protein molecules adsorbed onto the NP surface when NPs are incubated with a complex biological sample (e.g., human plasma). It has been reported that the use of NPs with different surface chemistry can drastically improve the proteome coverage of human plasma via measuring their protein corona using BUP59,60. The reason is that the NP surface chemistry can determine the composition of protein corona. We expect that the NP protein corona idea will be an effective protein separation approach by employing various NPs with different surface chemistry to incubate with, i.e., CRC cell lysates, separately. 31 The idea was tested by using carboxyl-modified magnetic NPs and one yeast cell lysate. The NPs and the yeast cell lysate in a DPBS buffer were incubated for 1.25 hours. After that, the protein coronas (proteins bound to the NP surface) were eluted by an 8% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) buffer. The eluted proteins were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE), Figure 19. Figure 19. Results of SDS-PAGEs. 20 µg of protein material was loaded per lane. 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