COMPUTATIONS OF COMBINATORIAL MULTIFILTERED LINK FLOER COMPLEXES By Christopher St Clair A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Mathematics—Doctor of Philosophy 2024 ABSTRACT We consider how to effectively compute the combinatorial multigraded link Floer homology of knots and links, then implement it. The goal being to compute the invariant for knots and links for which it is unknown, and further develop the algorithm for its production. We review a traditional description of knot Floer homology and motivate it. Then we move to the combinatorial description of the theory known as grid homology. From there we consider and implement an algorithm leveraging some changes in perspective and tools afforded by modern computing. Finally, included at the end is a compilation of some standard properties of the invariant for examples computed using the resulting program. From the resulting directed graphs we extract the Poincar´e polynomial along with some properties of the invariant for each sample knot. Dedicated to my family, including my cats. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincerest thanks and gratitude go to my advisor Matthew Hedden. He guided and taught me not just mathematics and research skills but embodies who I want to be as a mentor. His support, unwavering patience and openness to my ideas and questions go above and beyond. I want to thank my committee members Matthew Stoffregen, Efstratia Kalfagianni and Elizabeth Munch. Each of them has been so generous with their time to meet with me whenever I have wanted their help or perspective. My fellow students and researchers also deserve credit for their help. Across cohorts, my colleagues and friends have always been there to talk, teach and support eachother. Particular thanks to Tristan Wells, Chen Zhang, Christopher Potvin and Joseph Melby for our frequent talks. Across six difficult years my family has always been there for me. Their love and support made the journey possible. Thanks to my mom Paula, my dad Mark, and my brothers Alex and Lester along with their families. They brought joy, laughter and stability that was sorely needed. Finally, my cats Galois and Noether were by my side through it all. Without them I would have spent a lot more time alone. They always listened and distracted me when I needed it most. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER 3 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX A PERMUTATION CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 13 63 96 98 APPENDIX B CODE FOR GFK GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 APPENDIX C CODE FOR COMPLEX REDUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 APPENDIX D LINK AND KNOT PERMUTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Knot theory is an active field of interest sporting a quirky flavor and array of applications. These range from literal knots people tie, to knots that proteins and DNA tie to knots that topologists “tie”. Being a topic that has existed longer than rope, it has been approached in a multitude of ways. We will help the effort by exploring and leveraging a modern tool developed by low dimensional topologists in pursuit of a tool for efficiently studying 3 and 4 manifolds. That tool is knot Floer homology (HFK), and its invariants. We will touch on the original formulation of the invariant but by the end of our exploration we will have a program that computes a combinatorial version of HFK defined by Manolescu et al. in [11] known as grid homology. Prior work has been done in this direction exists computing whats known as the (dramatically) simplified, unblocked complex in [1]. We will approach the problem differently and end up with the more robust “infinity” complex. Knot homology has proven to be a strong tool thus far, associating a a chain complex, or more generally a multi-graded module with an endomorphism, to a knot or link. It tells us knot genus (by extension, it detects the unknot), sliceness invariants and invariants of manifolds obtained by surgery [10]. The invariant is powerful but finicky; computing it relies heavily on how a knot is presented and is rarely straightforward. Grid homology solves the problem in part by restricting to a rigid class of diagrams. However, we have to pay for the solution by having a very complex presentation of our complex. Knots and links will be represented on a sort of n×n tic-tac-toe style grid. The complexity issue comes down to the complex having n! generators and, naively, potentially n!(n − 1)! entries in the matrix encoding the differential. By the end of chapter 2 we will have simplified the problem some and implemented some tricks to have a program to compute and simplify the invariant for knots and, notably, links through grid size 8 and some examples of size 9. 1 1.1 Knot Theory Knot theory is the study of embeddings of one (or more in the case of links) copies of S1 into different manifolds, up to different notions of equivalence. The simplest and most common formulation is an embedding K : S1 (cid:44)→ S3 up to ambient isotopy. Unless otherwise specified, we will assume this notion of knots and equivalence. If we are considering embed- ding several copies of S1 simultaneously we will refer to these as links with n components L : (cid:70)n i=1 S1 (cid:44)→ S3 These definitions, although natural, are not very practical. Thankfully there is an equiv- alent description of knots which is more useful to actually work with. Given any knot in S3, we will project down to some plane, indicating over and under crossings. Additionally we require the choice of projection to avoid triple points. Figure 1.1 Projecting a knot down onto a plane to get a diagram We will take this projection as defining a knot, and say that two knots are equivalent when they differ by a finite set of Reidemeister moves as in 1.2. Theorem 1.1.1 (Reidemeister). Two knots are equivalent if and only if they can be repre- sented by diagrams which differ by a finite sequence of the moves from R0 - R4 2 Figure 1.2 The Reidemeister moves An overarching goal of knot theory is to be able to distinguish knots and links from one another. In pursuit of this we search for properties of knots that do not depend on a given presentation of a knot. In terms of projections, these are properties that do not change under the Reidemeister moves. A classic example of a knot invariant is the Alexander polynomial ∆ which associates a polynomial to a knot. ∆(K) = ∆K(t) = f (t) The heart of this thesis and the associated program is a combinatorial description of knot Floer homology, which can be thought of as a generalization of the Alexander Polynomial. The invariant was discovered by Ozsv´ath and Szab´o [13], and independently by Rasmussen [15]. It is a robust and well studied set of tools, with excellent introductions and surveys available, [10], [7], and [12], to name a few. We will review it briefly here as well. The Heegaard Floer knot package has a variety of flavors. These are all similar invari- ants that associate a a multigraded module with an endomorphism to a knot or link up to equivalence. (In general, it is safe to think of each flavor as associating a chain complex to a knot or link. In the simplest cases this is exactly true, and in the more complex ones we 3 will relax the boundary map condition). To recover the Alexander Polynomial we will take a graded Euler characteristic of our module, see Theorem 1.1.2 later. The invariant is defined using Heegaard diagrams for knots. A Heegaard diagram is a handle description of a 3-manifold; it consists of a genus g surface called Σ with sets of g disjoint, homologically linearly independent closed curves called alpha curves and another such set of g curves called beta curves which intersect the first transversely. Figure 1.3 Heegaard diagram for S3 To build a three manifold given such a diagram H we thicken Σ to Σ × [−1, 1]. Then we attach 2 handles along the alpha curves at [αi, −1] and also along the betas at [βi, 1]. This will necessarily leave us with a manifold with boundary S2 ⊔ S2. Without thickening we can see this in figure 1.3. To this manifold we attach two 3-balls to each boundary component. We will call this manifold M and H is a Heegaard diagram describing it. Note that, strictly speaking, we also must specify a basepoint for our Heegaard diagram. It is also worth noting that there are infinitely many Heegaard diagrams for any given 3 manifold. The reason for looking at these diagrams is because a Heegaard diagram for a knot in a 3-manifold is exactly a Heegaard diagram for that manifold with two basepoints chosen. To recover a knot from a diagram like this you connect the basepoints with two arcs. One arc entirely inside of the alpha handles and one entirely inside of the beta handles we attached. A shorthand for this is to connect the points via two curves along the surface where one 4 curve avoids the alpha curves and the other avoids the beta. An example of this process can be seen on the left side of figure 1.4. Figure 1.4 Recovering the trefoil from a Heegaard diagram, and the relevant disks for CFK With such diagrams, we can compute knot Floer homology. Knot Floer homology comes in many flavors CF K ∞, CF K −,(cid:92)CF K and more. To refer to all the flavors at once we will use the notation CF K ◦. Each of the flavors carries a bigraded module structure, along with an endomorphism typically referred to as the boundary map (though again this is a bit of a misnomer as some flavors are not chain complexes; similarly the module may be referred to as a complex as well). Assuming we have a proper diagram, then the generators of our module are g tuples of intersections between the alpha and beta curves, such that each curve contains exactly one intersection point. In the case of a torus, the generators then are simply the intersections of a single alpha and beta curve. The endomorphism is defined by counting maps of disks (as 2-gons) into the branched cover of the Heegaard diagram with corners at generators. An illustrative example is for CF K ∞(31). First, we will define the boundary map of CF K ∞: (cid:88) (cid:88) ∂x = U nw(ϕ)V nz(ϕ) · y y∈α∩β ϕ∈π2(x,y) valid ϕ Where U and V are formal variables and and ϕ is a homotopy class of maps of a disk parameterized as in figure 1.5. We denote the intersection number of a disk with a basepoint z or w by nz and nw. The details for which disks are valid are outlined in the references. 5 We are glossing over it here because in the combinatorial description we will be leaning on, the disks in the differential are always valid. Figure 1.5 Image of map of a disk into a Heegaard diagram So to put this into practice for the trefoil, we count the disks in figure 1.6. We find the complex is generated then by a, b and c, and the differential of each generator is: ∂a = V b ∂b = 0 ∂c = U b Figure 1.6 Heegaard diagram for the trefoil with its two relevant disks shaded The gradings are referred to as the Maslov, or homological, gradings and Alexander gradings, the latter of which is a linear combination of the two. There is a Maslov grading for each basepoint, we will refer to them as Maslov U and V gradings and write MU and MV . The boundary map lowers these Maslov degrees by 1. The Alexander grading of an element x will be defined as: 6 A(x) = 1 2 (MU (x) − MV (x)) With the Alexander and Maslov gradings defined we can see how the invariant contains the Alexander polynomial. From CF K ∞ we convert to (cid:92)CF K by setting U = V = 0. Taking homology of resulting complex we obtain (cid:92)HF K. To refer to a specific grading it is traditionally written as (cid:92)HF K MU (K, A). Then the following theorem gives the relationship with ∆K(t). Theorem 1.1.2 ([13]). The Euler characteristic of (cid:92)HF K returns the Alexander polynomial where | − | denotes rank. ∆K(t) = (cid:88) MU ,A (−1)MU |(cid:92)HF K MU (K, A)| · tA 1.2 Grid Presentations Although CF K ◦ are a powerful set of invariants, it is difficult to find diagrams for links that result in straightforward computations. There is an alternative way to present knots which helps here. They are known as grid presentations, or equivalently arc presentations. Definition 1.2.1. A grid diagram of size n is an n × n square grid, with one X and one O in every row and column, and with no two symbols in the same position. The placements of these X and O’s will be referred to as a pair of permutations σX, σO ∈ Sn, where σX(i) is the row that the X is placed in the ith column, and similarly for σO. A grid diagram specifies knot or link by connecting the X’s to O’s vertically, and O’s to X’s horizontally, and at any intersection making the vertical strand the over strand. Figure 1.7 shows this for the Hopf link given by σX = [1, 2, 3, 4] and σO = [3, 4, 1, 2]. Note that generally we will be using one line notation for permutations since they easily encode these diagrams. 7 Figure 1.7 A grid diagram for the hopf link Grid diagrams were introduced by Cromwell in [3], but a thorough treatment of grid diagrams can be found in [14] and our conventions will match theirs as much as possible. We will also mimic their proof of the following Lemma 1.2.2. Lemma 1.2.2. Every link can be represented as a grid diagram Proof. For a link L choose a planar presentation. Approximate this presentation with a piecewise linear one with only horizontal and linear segments. Then at any crossing where a horizontal strand goes over a vertical one, replace it following the procedure in figure 1.8 (imagine grabbing the strands of the crossing and twisting them 90◦). Perturb any strands that are horizontal and at the same height or similarly vertically aligned. Finally label the corners alternating X and O respecting the orientation. Figure 1.8 Switching a horizontal over crossing to a vertical one With the description of link presentations as grid diagrams we have a collection of moves that function like the Reidemeister moves. We will refer to these as grid moves. The proof of 1.2.5 can be found in [3]. 8 Definition 1.2.3 (Grid Move 1: Commutation). Two diagrams differ by a row (column) commutation if exchanging two adjacent rows (columns) transforms one into the other and the intervals defined by the symbols in those rows (columns) are entirely disjoint, or one is a subset of the other. This first move can be thought of as R0 when the strands are completely disjoint, or as R2 when one contains the other; see figure 1.9. Note that if the intervals only partially overlapped we would introduce linking between the strands. In that case this is referred to as a cross commutation. Figure 1.9 The two types of column commutation for grid moves Definition 1.2.4 (Grid Move 2: Stabilization). A diagram can be stabilized to a larger diagram at an X or an O in four ways. In the case of X (or equivalently O) we refer to these as X:N E, X:N W , X:SE, X:SW . At the selected symbol split its row and column into two; in the resulting 2 × 2 s require the compass direction specified to be empty. The inverse of this move is Destabilization. The requirement of the empty square in 1.2.4 is sufficient to determine the placement of the remaining symbols in the resulting diagram. See figure 1.10 9 Figure 1.10 Process of producing X N E stabilization. One of four possible X stabilizations and how a direction specifies the placement Theorem 1.2.5 ([3]). Two grid diagrams represent the same link if and only if they differ by a finite sequence of grid moves. 1.3 Grid Homology We discussed knot Floer homology, and with the aid of grid diagrams we can outline its combinatorial description, grid homology. It was defined in [11] and there is an excellent book entirely on the subject [14]. We will recite the details relevant to the program here. We are going to view the grid diagrams as highly pointed Heegaard diagrams. A n × n grid diagram will be a torus with n alpha and beta curves, and 2n basepoints. The alpha curves are the vertical dividing lines of the diagram, the betas are horizontal, and the basepoints are the X and O symbols. When a diagram has multiple alpha and beta curves, CF K ◦ is defined using a symmetric product. Without going into detail this shakes out to mean that the complex for grid diagrams will be generated by complete pairings of alpha and beta curves called grid states. 10 Each grid state consists of n intersections of alpha and beta curves, such that each alpha and beta curve only a single intersection. See figure 1.11 for an example of a pair of such grid states. Figure 1.11 A pair of grid states and a rectangle connecting them We specify the circle pairing by naming which horizontal circle is paired for each vertical circle, left to right. So for example, if we call the state specified by the black circles in figure 1.11 x then we can say the third alpha circle is paired with the fourth beta circle; or rather that x(3) = 4 and we can see that these grid states are elements of Sn. To a grid diagram of a knot, we associate a bigraded module and endomorphism to it. The module is generated by grid states and the endomorphism is defined on the generators and extended to the full module. For a grid state x the boundary map is defined in terms of rectangles in the diagram. We say that a rectangle connects two grid states if those grid states differ by a transposition, or equivalently differ in two pairings, as seen in figure 1.11. We will also consider such rectangles as going from the lower left generator to the upper right. We will refer to these rectangles as empty when the interior of the rectangle does not intersect any of the points of the grid states and the set of such empty rectangles from x to y will be denoted rect◦(x, y). Figure 1.11 shows an example of such an empty rectangle. Note 11 that each transposition represents two potential rectangles and that some of these rectangles are not empty, for instance the second rectangle in the above example is not empty as can be seen in figure 1.12. Figure 1.12 The states from figure 1.11 and a non-empty rectangle connecting them, note the basepoint at the lower left which is inside the rectangle wrapping around the torus With rectangles and empty rectangles defined we can describe the differential. This map is dependent, like CFK, on the flavor but we will consider the most general infinity flavor. For a gridstate x the map ∂ is defined as: ∂x = (cid:88) y∈Sn (cid:88) ( r∈rect◦(x,y) (cid:89) U Xi(r) i (cid:89) V Oi(r) i )y i∈1...n i∈1...n More simply stated, each empty rectangle connecting x to y contributes a term to the differential with a coefficient for each X and O contained within it. When this is computed we can recover the various flavors by substituting values for various Ui and Vi, typically 1 or 0. In the case when we set Ui = 1 for all i we get the filtered grid complex described as GC− in the following theorem. Theorem 1.3.1 ([14]). The quasi-isomorphism type of GC− for a grid diagram GC−(G) depends only on its associated unoriented knot K. 12 CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 Overview A large portion of the work, and a product of, this dissertation is a program for comput- ing the bigraded module CF K −. As noted, the program is publicly available at The goal of this chapter is to show the va- lidity of the algorithm and communicate the roles of the different component functions it uses. To aid in that, we will consider the different functions as well as a running example for context. The chapter itself will fall into two broad sections: the first to produce the module associated to a given grid, and the second to reduce the complex and convert flavors. It is worth noting the program is written in Python and Sage, which can be thought of as an extension of Python. We will not be assuming any background in either, but at the same time we will not give a rigorous introduction to them. With that in mind some basics of the languages will inevitably be missed but with the hope of communicating exactly enough of the languages to understand the algorithm. Additionally, in the following sections we may omit some code that is present for debug- ging or catching errors. The code without these omissions is available in the appendix as well as the github repository. 2.2 Generating the Module Figure 2.1 is a roadmap of the program functions called in producing the complex. Func- tions separated by a vertical bar indicate that the function on the right is a supporting function of the one on the left. 13 Figure 2.1 Outline of module generation With roadmap in hand, we will start at the beginning of the module generation code. As with all modern programming languages, we will be borrowing from functions and data types made by others. These are brought into Python and Sage by import statements. These include the following import statements. import networkx as nx #Package for handling mathematical graphs or networks import numpy as np #General math package import CodeModules.GFKTools as gfk #Part of the backend of the program import copy import math These are not all of the import statements that are called between the different code modules, but these make up the functional pieces. Any remaining imports are reserved for debugging, and performance testing. The last two are basic Python packages. Copy allows for more control copying variables, and math adds to the default functions. 14 As the comments in green note, networkx and numpy are publicly available Python packages that we will be using. The third import statement is referencing a package stored locally in the program which we will see the details of in this chapter. The phrasing import X as Y means when we want a function or object from a package X we can refer to it by a shorter name Y. So the following two lines are equivalent to Python for example: MyGraph = networkx.DiGraph MyGraph = nx.Digraph Similar shorthands for numpy and GFKTools are added by the import lines. 2.3 Lemma-esque Code The program is made up of a series of helper functions that break the problem into manageable pieces. Some of the functions need dissecting but, like lemmas, will be considered now, and applied later. 2.3.1 generate all rectangles Part of the algorithm to construct the grid complex is to generate all connecting rectangles between grid states. In the approach given here, we will do this by considering all potential rectangles and fitting states to them, rather than the other way around. To that end we need to know all potential sizes of connecting rectangles we can encounter. Lemma 2.3.1. Valid connecting rectangles for a grid diagram of grid size n must have dimensions l × w such that l + w ≤ n Proof. Suppose we have a rectangle r from some generator x to another generator y. For such a rectangle to be valid it must miss all the basepoints of x and y. Thus all the alpha curves intersecting the rectangle must have their basepoints placed above it. This region is made up of w − 2 alpha circles with n − l − 2 beta circles which they can intersect. If a rectangle is valid then we were able to find a pairing of w − 2 alpha and beta circles in that region. So we know that w − 2 ≤ n − l − 2 and therefore w + l ≤ n. 15 Figure 2.2 The region above a connecting rectangle with labeled dimensions Following the argument backwards, for any rectangle of these sizes we can see that the re- gion above the rectangle will have sufficient room to place basepoints among the intersections. Thus these are exactly all the rectangle sizes we will need to consider to generate the grid com- plex. We have a function to generate all these sizes named generate all rectangle sizes. It works by considering all pairs of width and height that sum to less than n, and saving those dimensions as a list of tuples. Actual code below def generate_all_rectangle_sizes(n): #Input: n integer #Output: All possible sizes of allowable rectangles result = [] for width in range(1,n): for height in range(1,n+1-width): result.append((width,height)) return result Then using this function we can build a function that finds every rectangle that will contribute to the differential. def generate_all_rectangles(n): #Input: n integer #Output: All possible connecting rectangles for a grid of size n in a list format sizes = generate_all_rectangle_sizes(n) rects = [] 16 for size in sizes: for i in range(0,n): for j in range(0,n): x = (i % n + 1,j % n + 1) y = ((i+size[0]) % n + 1,(j+size[1]) % n + 1) rects.append((x,y)) return rects The first line of this code calls the function to generate all rectangle sizes, as was described previously, and saves them in a list named sizes. After this we create a list to hold the collection of rectangles we are about to generate. The nested loops take every size, and iterates through all the locations for the lower left hand corner of the rectangle. Then it notes the location of the upper right corner of the rectangle according to the size. The modulo operation accounts for rectangles which wrap around the toroidal diagram. Then these pairs of lower left and upper right are added to the rects variable. 2.3.2 generate all states outside rectangle Recall that the algorithm to compute GF C ◦ in section 1.3 starts by considering each of the generators x ∈ Sn and considers all rectangles that start at x and end at another generator y, while counting only such rectangles that do not contain points from the pair of states. We can avoid considering the invalid rectangles entirely by looking at all the proper rectangles that exist, and constructing all the states they could possibly connect. By considering these we will have computed every element of the differential as well as generator of the complex. Proposition 2.3.2. Every grid state x has a rectangle that starts at it, and contributes to the unreduced complex Proof. Let x ∈ Sn be a generator of the unreduced GF C ◦. Then there is a rectangle connecting x to x ◦ (1, 2) since the rectangle in the first column will be too narrow to contain a basepoint of either generator. 17 Recall that since the diagram is on a torus, the rectangle mentioned in the above proof may wrap around vertically. This happens when x(1) > x(2) as in the right hand side of figure 2.3 Figure 2.3 The possible vertical rectangles in the differential of every grid state mentioned in the proof of proposition 2.3.2. Therefore, if we can find every contributing rectangle along with the states that have them as connecting rectangles we will have every component for the differential, and every generator of the complex. This is precisely the strategy we will employ to compute the complex. Recall that the code from section 2.3.1 will give us all possible rectangles, and the next function we will unpack will give us all the states that a given rectangle connects. That function is appropriately named generate all states outside rectangle. It requires two inputs, a rectangle given by its lower left coordinate, and upper right along with the size of the grid diagram. We will generate the states as if the rectangle is placed in the lower left corner as in figure 2.4 and then shift the results afterwards. Figure 2.4 Regions in generate all states outside rectangle 18 def generate_all_states_outside_rectangle(rectangle, n): #Input: rectangle = ((a0, b0), (a1, b1)), n integer # #Output: List # #This function computes the states as if the rectangle had lower corner #(1,1) then shifts the result - keep in mind when seeing lists appending 1's #Compute the dimensions of the rectangle - mod n since we're working on a torus r_width = (rectangle[1][0] - rectangle[0][0]) % n r_height = (rectangle[1][1] - rectangle[0][1]) % n if (r_width + r_height) > n: print("rectangle dimensions too large to have non-empty set of states" ) return [] pre_result = [] . . This first block of the function computes the size of the rectangle, % here is the mod operation. We store the dimensions into r width and r height. We also do a check to ensure that the dimensions are in line with Lemma 2.3.1. We are going to generate the states we are searching for by placing the basepoints of the generators outside of the rectangle. We will have 3 rectangular regions available to place these basepoints. We will call them reserved, A and B as in figure 2.4.The next section of the code calls a function called truncated sn(n, trunc length) the code for this function can be found in the appendix B line 175. It returns all of the possible beginnings to an element of Sn of length trunc length. . . #region a is the one above the rectangle and b is the columns after that #then s_a is the collection of intersection choices for a grid state x #that keeps the rectangle empty 19 sa = truncated_sn(n - r_height - 1, r_width - 1) sb = generate_sn(n - abs(r_width) - 1) . . We are calling these to give us alphabets for where to place basepoints in the rectangles A and B. We place the points in A first, then place those for B on the horizontal lines that remain. We will handle the case for when A is too narrow to place any points first. . . if sa == []: #whats left holds onto the symbols yet to be used whats_left = [] for i in range(2,r_height+1): whats_left.append(i) for i in range(r_height+1,n+1): whats_left.append(i) for psi in sb: curr_state=[] curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state for i in range(n-abs(r_width) - 1): curr_state.append(whats_left[psi[i] - 1]) pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) . . The if statement signals that we are in the case when A is too narrow to admit any points. After this we have 2 for loops that record all the coordinates, or heights, that we 20 need to place in region B. They populate a list with everything except 1 and the height of the rectangle since those are fixed by the rectangle we are building states around. Each state we build will be a list that starts out named curr state. Since we are guaranteed here to have a rectangle of width 1 we know the first two coordinates of any state associated to this rectangle must start with [1, r height, ...] so we start our state with those using the append function and adding to the list. After this, we place the elements of whats left according to each element of Sn−2. Note that the element of the list called is [psi[i] - 1], this is because Python indexes lists starting from 0 and the permutations index from 1. The last two lines convert the state we produced to a permutation and saves it to our running list of states, pre result. The second case is where region A is large enough to admit points in the generators. for sig in sa: #we're lifting this as a list rather than a permutation because #we need to shift them all up by the height - making it no longer a perm x = sig.copy() #loop lifts the symbols above the rectangle into region a for count, position in enumerate(x): x[count] = position + r_height + 1 #whats left holds onto the symbols yet to be used whats_left = [] for i in range(2,abs(r_height)+1): whats_left.append(i) for i in range(abs(r_height) + 2, n + 1): if i not in x: whats_left.append(i) When A admits points, then either B does or does not. We catch the case when B is too 21 narrow next. . . . . if sb == []: curr_state = x.copy() curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) The only way that B can be too narrow to place points is if it is a single column. When this is the case, we just need to add in the end points of our rectangle which we do above. Then when we have to consider points placed inside B as well we enter the following loop: . . . . for psi in sb: curr_state=x.copy() curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state for i in range(n-abs(r_width) - 1): curr_state.append(whats_left[psi[i] - 1]) pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) In this case we have placed points in A and now we need to map each element of Sn−2−w where w is the width of A, to the remaining horizontal arcs as in figure 2.5 22 Figure 2.5 Mapping an element of an Sn to remaining rows After this we have all of the states that correspond to a rectangle of the given size if it were positioned at the lower left corner of the diagram. The final step then is to pair off the source and targets of the rectangles and shift the results to where the rectangle is actually located. if not ((rectangle[0][0] == 1) and (rectangle[0][1] == 1)): raw_result = hv_set_shift(rectangle[0][0] - 1, rectangle[0][1] - 1, pre_result) else: raw_result = pre_result result = [] rect_pairer = transposition(rectangle[0][0],rectangle[1][0],n) #Up to now the raw_results holds the states associated with base of the rectangle #this loop takes all those and pairs them with the connected state for sig in raw_result: result.append([sig*rect_pairer,sig]) if result == []: return None 23 return result The function hv set shift moves each state horizontally and by composing the permu- tations of them with (1, 2, 3...n)h where h, representing the horizontal shift distance, is the vertical arc of the lower left corner of the rectangle, and then precomposing with (1, 2, 3...n)v where v is the coordinate of the horizontal arc. Figure 2.6 is a diagram showing the effects of the shift. Figure 2.6 How hv set shift shifts the states to return a rectangle to its intended position. In this case shifting horizontally and vertically 3 steps The final loop before returning the result is to append each state and the state it connects to as a list to the result variable. The pair is found by composing with the transposition defined by the x coordinates of the rectangle corners. 2.3.3 count symbols In generating the complex GF C we will need to check which Xs and Os are inside of a rectangle connecting two states x and y. The count symbols function, and its component functions, handle this. def count_symbols(n, rect, symbol_perm): #Input: n integer, rect rectangle ((a0, b0), (a1, b1)), symbol_perm a permutation (cid:44)→ or list # #Output: List with 1/0 for symbol in/out of connecting rectangle 24 # #Iterates through each symbol symbol_perm(i) and marking a corresponding list (cid:44)→ entry #to 1 if the symbol is present temp = zero_list(n) usable_sym = symbol_coordinates(symbol_perm) #Moving the coordinates to the actual heights rather than the discrete style #lists for i in range(n): if parent_check(rect, usable_sym[i]): temp[i] = 1 return temp Not counting the comments, the core of this function is very short. First we make a container for the result called temp. Because the rectangle and symbol coordinates both begin indexing at 1, despite being staggered in the diagram, we need to remap the coordinates. The symbol coordinates function takes a list or permutation representing σX or σO and returns a list of coordinates - for example symbol coordinates([3,2,1,4]) returns the list [(1.5, 3.5), (2.5, 2.5), (3.5, 1.5), (4.5, 4.5)]. The supporting code for this function can be found in section B on line 94. After that is a loop that goes through each column and calls parent check which we will unpack here. def parent_check(rect, target): #Input: rect = ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) and target (tx, ty) # #Output: Returns True if target is inside the rectangle, False otherwise. ax = rect[0][0] ay = rect[0][1] bx = rect[1][0] by = rect[1][1] 25 #This is a belabored switch statement. All of these are possible since grids exist (cid:44)→ on a #torus. There's two possibilities for the x coordinates and two for the y as to (cid:44)→ which one #comes first. This gives us the following 4 cases. if ( (ax < bx) and (ay < by) ): return check_case_{1}(rect, target) if ( (ax > bx) and (ay < by) ): return check_case_{2}(rect, target) if ( (ax < bx) and (ay > by) ): return check_case_{3}(rect, target) if ( (ax > bx) and (ay > by) ): return check_case_{4}(rect, target) print("invalid rectangle given" ) This function’s purpose is to sort out which type of rectangle is being checked in line with the cases shown in figure 2.7 and see if the provided coordinate is inside the rectangle. It decides which case is present by comparing the rectangle’s provided corner x and y coor- dinates. Once the case is determined then it calls the corresponding check case i. These all function very similarly as can be seen in their definitions. def check_case_{1}(rect, target): if (is_between(target[0], rect[0][0], rect[1][0]) and is_between(target[1], (cid:44)→ rect[0][1], rect[1][1])): return True return False def check_case_{2}(rect, target): 26 if ((not is_between(target[0], rect[1][0], rect[0][0])) and is_between(target[1], (cid:44)→ rect[0][1], rect[1][1])): return True return False def check_case_{3}(rect, target): if (is_between(target[0], rect[0][0], rect[1][0]) and (not is_between(target[1], (cid:44)→ rect[1][1], rect[0][1]))): return True return False def check_case_{4}(rect, target): if ((not is_between(target[0], rect[1][0], rect[0][0])) and (not (cid:44)→ is_between(target[1], rect[1][1], rect[0][1]))): return True return False Each of these use a function is between(target, a, b) which checks if a < target < b and returns a boolean accordingly. As an example consider check case 3. When it receives rect this is a list containing the rectangles corners so rect = ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)). Then to access x1 for example we would call rect[1][0]. So in case 3 the function is checking if target has its x coordinate between the x coor- dinates of the rectangle corners, and that the y coordinate is not between the rectangles y coordinates. 27 Figure 2.7 The regions that a rectangle’s corners could be describing. Since rectangles here are stored by opposite corners they are indicated by (r1, r2) Recall that we are calling this check function inside a loop to count symbols. . . for i in range(n): if parent_check(rect, usable_sym[i]): temp[i] = 1 return temp In this loop i corresponds to the columns and we can see then that we are recording a 1 in temp[i] when it does contain the symbol, or we leave it as 0 otherwise. Then finally we return the list of 0’s and 1’s. This data is accessed later, figure 2.9 shows 4 examples of what this function could return. 2.4 Calling build cinf The function called to start the whole process of building the complex is build cinf. The example that we will accompany on its way through the program is the left-handed trefoil given by the permutations σX = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] and σO = [2, 3, 4, 5, 1] as in figure 2.8. 28 Figure 2.8 Grid diagram of left-handed trefoil σX = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] and σO = [2, 3, 4, 5, 1] To hand this data off to the computer we will be giving it to Python as a list containing two other lists, namely the permutations for the X and O data. trefoil = [[5, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5, 1]] Having the trefoil data stored in the so named variable, we can pass this variable to the first domino in a long series by calling the function build cinf from the GFKTools package we recently imported. We will store the result afterward to UnreducedComplex. UnreducedComplex = gfk.build_cinf(trefoil) Unpacking this function we will look at build cinf’s definition from the imported mod- ule. def build_cinf(symbols): #Input: symbols a list of two lists, [sigx, sigo] #Output: g a networkx directed graph xlist = symbols[0] olist = symbols[1] size = len(xlist) comp = generate_all_edges(size, [xlist,olist]) g = nx.DiGraph() for ele in comp: if not g.has_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1])): 29 g.add_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1]), diffweight = []) g[str(ele[0][0])][str(ele[0][1])]['diffweight' ].append((ele[2][0] + (cid:44)→ ele[2][1])) return g The first lines of this function unpack and label the components of the grid given to the function. In the case of our trefoil, this loads σX = [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] into the variable xlist and σO = [2, 3, 4, 5, 1] into the variable olist. The next piece checks the grid size of the given diagram by checking the number of elements in xlist. The following line comp = generate all edges(size, [xlist,olist]) calls the func- tion which generates all the differential maps in the grid complex. def generate_all_edges(n, symbols): #Input: n an integer, symbols, a collection of lists of length n denoting the (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ placement of the symbols. For knots and links this should be a pair of two lists, or permutations. #Output: Returns a list 3 layers deep containing all the edge information of (cid:44)→ CFKinf pre_diff = generate_all_rectangles(n) symbol_count = len(symbols) #This should always be 2 for knots and links. place_holder = [] z_list = zero_list(n) for i in range(symbol_count): place_holder.append(z_list.copy()) unweighted_diff = [] . . The first step is to generate all the rectangles following section 2.3.1. As per 2.3.2 every generator of the complex, and element of a differential will be caught by one of these rectangles. The second step is to produce a container for all the coefficient data. For X and O we will add n slots in a list; one for each symbol/column. 30 Next, for each rectangle we are going to call generate all states outside rectangle which will build a list of generators of our module that use the rectangle in the differential as in 2.3.2. To keep track of this data, we then pair it with the rectangle and a copy of our data container. . . for rect in pre_diff: candidates = generate_all_states_outside_rectangle(rect, n) #each candidate is a collection of points differing on the rectangle given #so each candidate represents an edge from rect[0] = (a0, b0) to rect[1] = (a1, (cid:44)→ b1) #(filling in the rest of the necessary coordinates with the candidate) if candidates is not None: for count, candidate in enumerate(candidates): candidates[count] = [candidate.copy(), rect, place_holder.copy()] #^Replacing the candidate with a clean copy, a note of its connecting #rectangle and initialize the edge weight to zero unweighted_diff = unweighted_diff + candidates #appending the list of these candidates to our unweighted differential . . Since that operation is done for each rectangle we add the results to a running list called unweighted diff. The final step is for X and O to iterate through the unweighted diff elements and record which symbols are inside the rectangle using the count symbols function explained in section 2.3.3, . . for count, symbol in enumerate(symbols): #This should again always be a pair in case of knots and links 31 for i in range(len(unweighted_diff)): #here we replace the previous zero weight after counting the symbols unweighted_diff[i][2][count] = count_symbols(n, unweighted_diff[i][1], (cid:44)→ symbol) return unweighted_diff This resulting output contains all the information of the module but we are going to take several steps and repackage it into a graph. Continuing along build cinf, we will build the module as a directed graph. The first step is to initialize a directed graph object using networkx. Then we will loop through each edge and add it to a directed graph. . . comp = generate_all_edges(size, [xlist,olist]) g = nx.DiGraph() for ele in comp: if not g.has_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1])): g.add_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1]), diffweight = []) g[str(ele[0][0])][str(ele[0][1])]['diffweight' ].append((ele[2][0] + (cid:44)→ ele[2][1])) return g It is worth noting that if the edge is already in the graph that the function stores both edge values. This happens when there are two valid rectangles connecting the states x and y. At this point we have computed and stored all the information of the complex in a graph. From here our goal is to make the data more useful and recognizable. 32 2.5 Initializing the Module Up to this point all of the computations have been done using Python. Now because we want to handle polynomials over F2 we will be using Sage. Sage is an extension of Python so the syntax will be nearly identical but the code is broken into a second part to run with the Sage program. The first portion of the code is kept as separate Python file for maximum modularity. As with the first portion we need to import some modules, in this case some of them will be our own. import itertools as itools import networkx as nx import CodeModules.GFKTools as gfk from CodeModules.GridPermutations import * import CodeModules.perm as pr import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager import random as rd Before we can convert the edge weights of the graph to polynomials we need to define the specific Laurent polynomial ring for Sage. This is handled by our function cinf coeff(n). def cinf_coeff(size): # Takes size as an argument and returns the Laurent polynomial ring over Z2 with (cid:44)→ coefficients U0,...Usize-1,V0,...Vsize-1 n = size varis = name_some_vars(['U' ,'V' ],n) F = LaurentPolynomialRing(GF(2), varis) F.inject_variables() return F,list(F.gens()) 33 We name the necessary variables, one for each X and O, using name some vars. The result will look like ["U0", "U1", ... "Un-1", "V0", ... "Vn-1"]. This is saved to varis. We then pass all of this to Sage’s built-in function LaurentPolynomialRing along with GF(2) = F2 which defines F2[Ui, U −1 i , Vi, V −1 i ]i=0...n. The next line’s inject variables declares each of those variable names as objects we can reference later, so if we execute U1+U2 Sage will recognize it as an element of the polynomial ring and not a python variable name. Then the function returns the ring and the 2n variables we declared. The function that reassembles the graph edges from section 2.2 is construct cinf. The first couple lines extract the size of the grid if it is not provided explicitly. After that we generate the Laurent polynomial for the module and save the associated variables to F and Vars. def construct_cinf(g, sigx, sigo, size = -1): if size == -1: size = len(g.get_edge_data(list(g.edges())[0][0], list(g.edges())[0][1])['diffweight' ][0]) (cid:44)→ n = size/2 else: n = size F,Vars = cinf_coeff(n) resG = nx.DiGraph() . . We initialize a variable resG for the resulting graph we are converting to. To do this we are going to loop over all of the edges of g which will be the resulting graph from generating the module in section 2.4. . . for edge in g.edges: start = edge[0] 34 end = edge[1] poly = F(0) for subweight in g[edge[0]][edge[1]]['diffweight' ]: i = 0 polychange = F(1) for entry in subweight: polychange = polychange*(Vars[i])**entry i = i + 1 poly += polychange resG.add_edge(start,end,diffweight = poly) return grid_complex(resG, F, sigx, sigo) In each step of this loop we will be accessing the edge data that we stored previ- ously. The format of edge data from 2.4 is a list of lists. The structure of that data is diffweight[rectangle][X column, O column]. For each rectangle (at most 2) we will have a polynomial term that will summed. As an idea for the data present see figure 2.9, it illustrates a case where a pair of states are connected by two distinct rectangles. The data stored in the edge data for this example will be in g[3,2,1,4][3,4,1,2][’diffweight’] and is of the form [[0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]]. Figure 2.9 Rectangles connecting two states and the edge data recorded from symbols as lists 35 In the loop then we initialize the resulting edgeweight as 0 and in our module base ring by calling poly = F(0). Then for each rectangle we set a polychange variable to 1 and iterate through the entries multiplying by Var[i]k where k ∈ 0, 1 depending on list data. This is exactly the differential described in section 1.3. We add these to poly and save the result to our graph as the edge weight connecting the same vertices that we were given. The final result is not however returned as a graph, it is returned as a grid complex object. 2.6 Class Definition for grid complex The construct cinf function of the previous section returns a grid complex object. The idea being that our functions are going to reference lots of internal data of the graph we are constructing as well as auxiliary data like the base ring, σX and σO and some other running data. Packaging these as one custom object will allow us to write functions that can much more conveniently access this data. We define classes in Python and Sage very similarly to how we define functions. We define it by using class then defining a function that always runs and any supporting functions. class grid_complex: def __init__(self, ... ) . . def supporting_functions . . In the rest of this thesis some of the functions we unpack will be supporting functions of this grid complex object and some will not. We will specify when this is the case, and additionally whenever we call such functions it will appear as example complex.supporting function with the period indicating that the function is a child function of that specific object. 36 With that in mind, we will unpack the init function that is always called when we create a grid complex object. class grid_complex: def __init__(self, directed_graph, rng, sigx = None, sigo = None): self.comp = directed_graph self.ring = rng self.min_gradings = {} self.max_gradings = {} self.max_grading_changes = {} self.sigx = sigx self.sigo = sigo self.set_to_minus = False self.set_to_tilde = False . . Each of these lines is setting internal variables that we can reference at any time. The first saves the directed graph associated to our complex. We also save the ring for the module, and defining permutations. The final two above set boolean flags that we will flip when the appropriate functions have been called. For instance, when computing the surgered complex it is necessary to convert to the minus complex and this variable lets us know if this has already been done. The variables saved as {} are dictionaries where we can save data much like how lists function but instead of being indexed by integers the indexing is more arbitrary. For example the min gradings variable we will use to save the minimum values of the various gradings and the other dictionaries are similar. We will return to these as they come up. The final section of the init function handles setting up some variables for the surg- ered complex. . . # From here the values necessary for the surgered manifold gradings are mapped (cid:44)→ out 37 if (sigx != None) and (sigo != None): self.size = len(sigx) self.components = link_components(sigx, sigo) for i in range(len(self.components)): key = f 'AGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 key = f 'UGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 key = f 'VGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 else: # This is included in case the methods in the class are useful to another (cid:44)→ complex being loaded in self.components = None What this code does (assuming the defining permutations are provided) is creates vari- ables for each component in each of our dictionaries. So for instance, in the case of the Hopf link, this block will find that the link has 2 components. It will then make keys ’AGrading0’ and ’AGrading1’, and for each dictionary it will save a value of 0 to each of those keys. So it will save that the minimum Alexander grading for the first component is 0, as well as the maximum and the largest change between vertices. It does the same for the Maslov gradings. This is almost certainly not going to be what these values will end up being. But, we know that they are at least (most) these values since we know from section 1.3 that X SW and OSW have these values and we will compare against these values and adjust accordingly later. 38 2.7 Grading the Complex Having called construct cinf we have our complex with edgeweights represented as polynomials. From 1.3 recall that this is a multi filtered complex but the filtration data of our object as it stands is not clear. Our plan to fix that is going to be to set the elements that are in grading 0 for the various gradings. We know these are xN W O and xN W X for the Maslov gradings.Then, when those are set, we can step through a spanning tree computing relative gradings to find the values for the rest of the generators. Figure 2.10 visualizes what we are trying to find. Figure 2.10 Schematic example of a spanning tree highlighted with xN W O and xN W X indicated. Note this is illustrative but is not from a real grid complex When these Maslov gradings are all computed, we can then compute the Alexander grading by A(x) = 1 2(MU (x) − MV (x)) − ( n−1 2 ). This is only technically true for knots, the case of links is more delicate. For links, we will keep track of the Maslov grading but also track what we will dub virtual Maslov gradings. This will be exactly the Maslov grading for knots, but in the case of links we will keep track of a Maslov grading for each component rather than the entire link. That is to say, when we compute relative virtual gradings, we will use VMUi(x) − #(r (cid:84) Xj) where Ci indicates the set of indices that correspond VMUi(y) = 1 − 2 (cid:80) j∈Ci 39 to the ith component of the link. We make similar virtual gradings for the Oi and Vi. Then recalling the equation Ai(x) − Ai(y) = (cid:80) #(r ∩ Oj) up to an added #(r ∩ Xj) − (cid:80) j∈Ci j∈Ci constant, we can see the following: − VMVi(y) − VMVi(x) VMUi(y) − VMUi(x) = = 1 − 2 (cid:80) 1 − 2 (cid:80) j∈Ci j∈Ci #(r (cid:84) Oj) #(r (cid:84) Xj) (VMUi(x) − VMVi(x)) − (VMUi(y) − VMVi(y)) = 2 (cid:80) (#(r (cid:84) Xj) − #(r (cid:84) Oj)) j∈Ci Where the right side is exactly twice the ith Alexander grading and the left side is a function of x minus a function of y. Therefore Ai = 1 2(VMUi(x) − VMVi(x)), up to that same constant which, following [14], is ni−1 2 With the strategy in mind, we will start unpacking the code. The function we call to grade the complex is a method of grid complex and is grid complex.grade link complex. def grade_link_complex(self): if self.sigx == None: gridX = list(self.comp.nodes())[0] else: gridX = self.sigx cycle = pr.full_cycle(self.size) gridX = pr.perm(gridX) gridX = cycle*gridX gridX = gridX.value if self.sigo == None: gridO = list(self.comp.nodes())[0] else: gridO = self.sigo cycle = pr.full_cycle(self.size) gridO = pr.perm(gridO) gridO = cycle*gridO 40 gridO = gridO.value . . This first block of code finds the states xN W X and xN W O. There is additional code for the sake of modularity that picks the base states arbitrarily if the object was made somehow without X and O permutations. There is still some more setup before grading can begin. gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 comp_set = len(self.components) for i in range(comp_set): nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, f "HasBeenGraded { i} " ) We will need to do loops in this algorithm over each component, so we save how many components we have into the comp set variable. After this we set a variable on each vertex called HasBeenGradedi to False where there is an i for each component. The next step is to find a spanning tree in our graph if there is one. Lemma 2.7.1. The unreduced grid complex is connected as a graph. This follows from the fact that we know each grid state connects to each state differing by adjacent transpositions as we saw in the proof of Proposition 2.3.2, and that Sn is generated by adjacent transpositions. So knowing that we can always find a spanning tree we will outsource the job of finding one to NetworkX, the package we have been using to handle our graphs. tree = nx.algorithms.minimum_spanning_tree( self.comp.to_undirected() eds = set(tree.edges()) # optimization spanset = [] ) for edge in eds: 41 if edge in self.comp.edges(): spanset.append(edge) else: spanset.append((edge[1],edge[0])) span = self.comp.edge_subgraph(spanset) As a note we technically will not be finding a directed tree since we do not mind which direction an edge is pointed. We are able to find the relative grading we want regardless of edge direction. The spanning tree algorithm in NetworkX (at the time of writing) is only implemented for undirected graphs. So this code converts to an undirected graph and finds the tree in the first line. After that it saves the edges of the tree and pieces the directed version back together as a directed subgraph in the following loop. The if-else statement just checks to see which direction the edge should have and adds it to a running list spanset. Finally, we get the subgraph generated by the edges we saved and this is our spanning subgraph that we save to span. The actual grading is passed off to helper functions which we do next. . . self.componentwise_relative_grading_loop("UGrading" , gridX, (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.virtual_U_gradings_succ, self.virtual_U_gradings_pred, span, comp_count) self.componentwise_relative_grading_loop("VGrading" , gridO, (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.virtual_V_gradings_succ, self.virtual_V_gradings_pred, span, comp_count) self.relative_grading_loop("UGrading" , gridX, self.maslov_U_succ, (cid:44)→ self.maslov_U_pred, span, comp_count) self.relative_grading_loop("VGrading" , gridO, self.maslov_V_succ, (cid:44)→ self.maslov_V_pred, span, comp_count) . . 42 We will unpack relative grading loop and componentwise relative grading loop in a moment, but after those gradings are found there is a final loop in the function to find the Alexander gradings. . . for vert in self.comp.nodes(): self.comp.nodes()[vert]['AGrading' ] = 0 for i in range(len(self.components)): stab_count = len(self.components[i]) self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ (1/2)*(self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] - self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'UGrading { i} ' ]) - (1/2)*(stab_count - 1) self.comp.nodes()[vert]['AGrading' ] += (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] return In this loop we compute the ith Alexander grading using our virtual Maslov gradings, indicated by UGradingi and VGradingi. We also need the constant offset for the grading which we find by 1 2(stab count − 1) where stab count is the number of symbols in the ith component. We add each of these multigradings together to find the total Alexander grading. 2.7.1 relative grading loop We need to compute two gradings per component, so we will be finding 2i+2 relative grad- ings across our graph each with unique functions. We will build a structural function to hold these. We have relative grading loop and componentewise relative grading loop for the virtual gradings. They are structured very similarly so we will unpack relative grading loop first and then look at where the componentwise variant differs. def relative_grading_loop(self, grading_key, base_vertex, fn1, fn2, span = None, (cid:44)→ grading_multiplicity = 1): # Loop structure around a vertex's neighbors to set gradings based on the (cid:44)→ functions fn1 and fn2. 43 if span == None: span = self.comp nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, "HasBeenGraded" ) self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f 'HasBeenGraded' ] = True self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f ' { grading_key} ' ] = 0 . . The first step checks to see if the loop was provided a spanning tree; if not, it is going to work over the entire complex. The algorithm we implement will work in this case, but in our applications this should not happen. Then we initialize our starting variables and base vertex. We set a flag for each vertex named HasBeenGraded to False. For whichever grading we are computing we switch that flag to True and set the grading to 0 for base vertex which we have to provide to the function when we call it along with the name of what grading we are computing. on_deck = [str(base_vertex)] in_the_hole =[] while len(on_deck) > 0: for vert in on_deck: for i, component_columns in enumerate(self.components): for succ in span.successors(vert): if self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(succ) fn1(i, succ, vert, component_columns) 44 self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True . . The terminology of the variables and loop here follows sports terminology for taking turns. The vertex being used to grade its neighbors is “at bat” then the vertices that are about to be used the same way are “on deck”. Finally the vertices that will follow the on deck ones are “in the hole”. The loop is depicted in 2.11. The first two horizontal arrows grade and reserve vertices for the next step in the loop, saving the vertices but are adjacent to on deck. The diagonal arrows represent flushing on deck and moving in the hole to the newly emptied on deck. The final dotted arrow just means to iterate until all vertices are graded. The naming scheme is a bit of a misnomer since the “batter” remains in “in the hole” until the rest of the waiting batters have been processed. Only half of the code for the loop is shown above. In particular it is the code for computing the grading of a vertex that is the target of the active vertex. This can be seen since the outermost loop is over span.successors(vert). It is a good time to note that if the active vertex is a successor or a predecessor we will have to use a different function to assign gradings. This just comes down to whether the active vertex is x or y in the relative grading equations MU (x) − MU (y) = 1 − 2#(r (cid:92) X) VMUi(x) − VMUi(y) = 1 − 2#(r (cid:92) Xi) The vertices that are predecessors of the active vertex are handled in the following loop. . . for pred in span.predecessors(vert): if self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ]: continue 45 in_the_hole.append(pred) fn2(i, pred, vert, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True on_deck = in_the_hole in_the_hole = [] return We will consider an example of calling this function, to grade the Maslov U grading for example. To call it we will assume we already created a grid complex type object called comp=grid complex(sigx, sigo). Additionally assume we found a spanning tree named tree. Then the function call would look like the following. comp.relative_grading_loop("UGrading" , sigx, comp.maslov_U_succ, comp.maslov_U_pred, (cid:44)→ span) So we are passing the function the necessary supplemental functions to compute successor gradings and predecessor gradings as fn1 and fn2. 46 Figure 2.11 Visualization of the grading loop functions. Before we cover the predecessor and successor grading functions in detail, we will look at the differences in the componentwise version of the grading loop. The first difference is in the setup portion. We will be grading each vertex once for each component of the link so 47 we will set flags for each of these. . . for i in range(grading_multiplicity): nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, f "HasBeenGraded { i} " ) self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f ' { grading_key}{ i} ' ] = 0 . . Then, the only other difference is our actual loop structure. It is one loop deeper so that we can iterate over the components, and the predecessor and successor functions will also use this loop information. We will only look at the successor loop here, the predecessor is similar. . . for i, component_columns in enumerate(self.components): for succ in span.successors(vert): if self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(succ) fn1(i, succ, vert, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True . . At this point we have inspected each part of the grading portion of the program except for the innermost grading functions. There are 8 total such functions as combinations of: successor or predecessor, U or V, and componentwise or non-componentwise. 48 Since they all are very similar we will unpack maslov U pred and virtual V gradings succ to catch each flavor. All the functions are in section C starting on line 707. def maslov_U_pred(self, pred, vert): ed_weight = self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] component_columns = self.sigx Upows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred]['UGrading' ] = self.comp.nodes()[vert]['UGrading' ] + 1 (cid:44)→ - 2*Upows return The function is relatively lightweight. We extract the edgeweight from the vertex, and then we take a sum of all the Ui powers in the polynomial edgeweight. We have not unpacked link U deg but it is also available in the appendix. The code looks at the first term of a polynomial and adds up the powers of the U variables. Once this is found and saved to Upows we rearrange MU (x) − MU (y) = 1 − 2#(r (cid:84) X) to solve for our desired variable. In our case we are setting the value of x which is pred using the value of the active vertex. The other function we will look at behaves very similarly. def virtual_V_gradings_succ(self, i, succ, vert, component_columns): ed_weight = self.comp[vert][succ]['diffweight' ] Vpows = link_V_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] - 1 + 2*Vpows return In this case, the function accepts an argument component columns which indicates the columns that the relevent symbols/variables are associated with. Passing that info along to link V deg indicates that it will only sum the Vi that come from those columns. 49 2.8 Reducing the Complex With the complex generated at this point it will have n! generators and a cumbersome number of edges. The first step will be simplifying the complex from here using a common reduction algorithm. It works by producing a complex with two fewer generators that is chain homotopy equivalent to the original. The reduction can be thought of graphically as deleting an edge xy in the complex, and extending any of the edges that previously ended at y to ∂x, as in figure 2.12. Figure 2.12 Steps in the reduction algorithm This algorithm is known broadly in the literature and is written down in [6] Lemma 4.1. The proof and standard version of the reduction is for chain complexes but our case is a curved complex as noted in section 1.3. So we will largely mimic their proof but for curved complexes. Proposition 2.8.1. Given a curved complex (C, dM ) a freely generated module with potential d2 M = M , and dM (x, y) = 1 where dM (a, b) is the coefficient of b in dM (a), then the com- plex defined by the reduction above is a curved complex (C ′, dN ) which is curved homotopy equivalent to C Proof. We define a homomorphism h : C → C by: h(v) =   x v = y  0 else We also define π : C → C ′ and ι : C ′ → C to be the projection and inclusion maps respectively. 50 Then the boundary map of C ′ can be described equivalently as dN = π ◦(dM −dM hdM )◦ι and d2 N (v) then can be simplified as follows: N = (π ◦ (dM − dM hdM ) ◦ ι)2 d2 = π ◦ (dM − dM hdM )2 ◦ ι = π ◦ (d2 M − d2 M hdM − dM hd2 M + dM hd2 M hdM ) ◦ ι = π ◦ (M − M (hdM + dM h) + M dM h2dM ) ◦ ι = π ◦ (M − M (hdM + dM h) + M dM h2dM ) ◦ ι = M · I The final simplification follows because h2 = 0, and that (hdM + dM h)(v) = 0 for v ∈ C ′. We can see this, as when we distribute through the second term is 0 and the first term is 0 or x which we lose during projection. Therefore (C ′, dN ) is a curved complex. Then defining f : C → C ′ as f = π ◦ (I − dM ◦ h) and g : (I − h ◦ dM ) ◦ ι we get right away that f ◦ g = I. Then, because homotopies of maps for curved complexes are defined nearly identically as for chain complexes we only need to verify g ◦ f − I = hdM + dN h. Thus we obtain as in [6] that g ◦ f ∼ I. 2.8.1 Reduction Algorithm The function we call to search the complex for viable edges to reduce using the algorithm is named graph red search. It will call a helper function to actually do the reduction described which we will unpack afterwards. def graph_red_search(self, started = False, timerstart = None): while True: try: red_target = next((source, target) for source, target, weight in (cid:44)→ self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1) 51 self.graph_reduction(red_target[0], red_target[1]) continue except: ("StopIteration" ) break return The code here finds the first edge it can where the edge weight is 1, which is the required condition for our algorithm. It does this using the next function. From there it calls the helper function, passing it that edge it found and then continues the loop. If there are no edges with weight 1 then the next function will throw a StopIteration error. If it gives this specific error we know we have run out of those reducible edges and the function ceases. From here we will go back and look at the helper function grid complex.graph reduction. def graph_reduction(self, key, target): for x in self.comp.predecessors(target): if x == key: continue for y in self.comp.successors(key): if y == target: continue x_weight = self.comp[x][target]['diffweight' ] y_weight = self.comp[key][y]['diffweight' ] red_weight = x_weight * y_weight if self.comp.has_edge(x,y): old_weight = self.comp[x][y]['diffweight' ] red_weight = red_weight + old_weight self.comp.add_edge(x,y,diffweight=red_weight) self.comp.remove_node(key) self.comp.remove_node(target) return The loop is nested so that for each vertex that comes into the target we consider its 52 combination with each vertex the source edge goes to. See figure 2.13 to see these sets highlighted. Then for each of these combinations we save the weights associated and take their product. Then we add an edge between the pair we are considering. It can happen that an edge is already present, if this is the case then we add the current weight and the weight associated with the reduction algorithm. Figure 2.13 The vertices that constitute the two loops in graph reduction 2.8.2 Parallelization Ingredients In observing the program running the reduction step is the first bottleneck we run into. We will not solve this completely here but we will improve the performance significantly using parallelization. The observation we make is that when we are reducing an edge in the above algorithm, we are only affecting vertices within a certain neighborhood of that edge. That means that if we can find edges sufficiently far away that are reducible, we can run a second task to reduce those edges at the same time without their algorithms needing to access any of the same vertices/edges. As an idealized example see figure 2.14. Note that when the reduction algorithm runs inside the green rectangle, it will not affect any of the data in the blue rectangle, and vice versa. We will come back to the top vertex in the figure in a moment. 53 Figure 2.14 Two regions where the reduction algorithm will not impact one another. The top vertex is grouped with them as information to reconstruct the graph afterward. In order to take advantage of this observation we need to lay groundwork because the type of data we are working with can only be accessed by one process at a time. So we cannot directly reduce two edges simultaneously. Additionally taking the time to break our data into pieces to reduce one edge and reconstruct afterwards will not speed up our problem. So rather than trying to reduce all the reducible edges simultaneously we will break our graph into regions and do the entire search and reduction loop over each of the regions. The goal is to split the graph into regions as in figure 2.15. If we partition our graph into regions like this that glue up along the grey regions, and the vertices in the blue regions only have edges that extend to the grey region at most, then we can reduce any edge inside the search region without affecting another region. Figure 2.15 Search and glue region schematic for each component of the partition. We will build our regions by taking subgraphs generated by all vertices a given distance from a selected vertex. This way we can take a sequence of subgraphs of annuli formed in the graph circles as seen in figure 2.16. This allows us to easily get a partition with definite 54 search and glue regions. This is done just by making sure the outer radius of one region overlaps the inner radius of the next by 1. We can think of these subgraphs as sort of discs of radius r. We will refer to them as ego graphs of radius r keeping in line with the notation of Networkx as it has a built in function to find these subgraphs. It is called networkx.ego graph and we will see it in use when we unpack our similarly named ego split function. Figure 2.16 Ego graphs of varius radii multiples, denoted Gcr As we noted we need our inner radius and outer radius of the annuli we are going to construct to overlap by 1. However we additionally need to make sure the search region is wide enough to actually have edges that we can reduce. To ensure the regions are wide enough we must ensure the search region’s ego distance to be at a minimum 2 units wide. Then if i is the inner radius that reaches the search region, then the edges between egov(i) and egov(i + 1) are eligible to be reduced. So we will split our graph into the annuli defined by egov(3i+2)\egov(3i−1) Graphically the resulting sets can be seen in figure 2.17 55 Figure 2.17 Splitting the graph into the annuli use to parallelize our reduction search 2.8.3 Parallelizing the Algorithm We have all the ingredients necessary now to separate our module and process the pieces in parallel. We will work through the functions in the order they are called. To run the parallel reduction we call grid diagram.ego parallel red search and provide it a cutoff and the number of processors we will let it use. It will split the graph and search the regions in parallel as long as there are at least cutoff reducible edges remaining. Once this threshold is met, it will run the non-parallel reduction function from section 2.8.1. def ego_parallel_red_search(self, cutoff = 100, proc_count = 2): if len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = (cid:44)→ 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1]) > cutoff: while len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = (cid:44)→ 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1]) > cutoff: 56 reducible_edge = rd.sample([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1], 1) (cid:44)→ self.ego_parallel_sweep(reducible_edge[0], proc_count) self.graph_red_search() return This code is essentially just a loop that continuously calls the function grid complex.ego parallel sweep, until we have eliminated enough reducible edges to dip below our provided cutoff. Each time it calls the function it provides it a vertex to center the ego radii from. This center vertex is chosen at random from the remaining reducible edges. If we try to unpack grid complex.ego parallel sweep, we will immediately run into a function named ego split. This function finds each subgraph band egov(i) \ egov(i − 1) for i ∈ {0...n}. If the graph is connected this will span the entire graph. This is the case if we are working with the minus or infinity variants since the generators of GF K are the elements of Sn and adjacent transpositions are among the relations. If, however, we convert to another flavor this may not be the case so we will save G \ egov(n) to a variable named safety and return it along with the bands. def ego_split(graph, vertex, n): result = [] for i in range(n): result.append(nx.ego_graph(graph, vertex, i)) safety = graph.copy() safety.remove_nodes_from(result[n - 1].nodes()) for i in range(n-1, 0, -1): result[i].remove_nodes_from(result[i-1].nodes()) 57 return result, safety With ego split understood and out of the way as the first supporting function of grid complex.ego parallel sweep, we can continue to start unpacking it. We will quickly run into more supporting functions. def ego_parallel_sweep(self, start_vert = None, proc_count = 2): if start_vert == None: start_vert = self.comp.nodes()[0] size = len(list(self.comp.nodes)[0]) ego_bands, safety = ego_split(self.comp, start_vert, size) partition_data = ego_region_partition(size) parallel_subgraph_packer(self.comp, ego_bands, partition_data, self.ring) . . . The start of the function has a catch in case a start vertex is not provided, it will pick one. After this it gets the outputs of ego split we just described and saves the results to ego bands and safety matching the naming scheme from before. After this we call ego region partition. This function defines the radii for the search regions and reserved regions from section 2.8.2. It is a very short function so we will look at it here in the middle of grid complex.ego parallel sweep. def ego_region_partition(n): result = {} split_count = math.ceil(n/4) result["block0" ] = {"search_region" : [0,1] , "reserved_region" : [2]} for i in range(1,split_count): 58 result[f "block { i} " ] = {"search_region" : [3*i, 3*i+1], "reserved_region" : (cid:44)→ [3*i-1,3*i+2]} return result We are going to make our regions 4 steps wide so the minimum width of 2 in the search re- gion is satisfied. The number of regions then needs to be ⌈ n 4 ⌉ which we store to split count. The regions will be named blocki and the initial block0 is distinct since this ”band” only has one edge so we define it separately. Then for each block after that we save it to a dic- tionary of dictionaries so if we call result[blocki] we will get back {"search region" : [3*i, 3*i+1], "reserved region" : [3*i-1,3*i+2]}. At this point we have the regions defined and the rings defined by our ego functions. What is left then is to extract the actual subgraphs we will be searching over which is what the function grid complex.parallel subgraph packer does and is the last line we have seen thus far from grid complex.ego parallel sweep. We will unpack that function now. def parallel_subgraph_packer(graph, subgraphs, region_data, ring): for data in region_data: region_nodes = [] for region in region_data[data]: for i in region_data[data][region]: region_nodes += (list(subgraphs[i].nodes())) packed_subgraph = graph.subgraph(region_nodes) region_data[data]['total_region' ] = grid_complex(packed_subgraph, ring) for data in region_data: region_nodes = [] for i in region_data[data]['search_region' ]: region_nodes += list(subgraphs[i].nodes()) packed_subgraph = graph.subgraph(region_nodes) region_data[data]['search_region' ] = grid_complex(packed_subgraph, ring) return region_data This function is constructed with more generality so we can split our graph differently for parallelization. It expects a list of subgraphs and a dictionary of region data specifying which of those subgraphs are part of each search region and which make up the gluing/re- served regions. 59 The first loop is over each block and records all the nodes from its regions. It then finds the subgraph they generate in the parent graph and saves this as a grid complex object so that we will have access to our custom methods. The second loop functions similarly but instead we loop over blocks and only the specified search regions. These results overwrite our previous dictionary values of search region and total region. Then we can end this aside and get back to our explanation of ego parallel sweep. The next bit of code initializes the parallelization loop. . . . region_count = len(partition_data) count = 0 MyManager.register('list' , list) with MyManager() as manager: processed_subgraphs = manager.list() . . . First we check how many regions we need to assign, saving this to region count. We will use count to keep track of how far our loop has progressed. The MyManager lines are required for parallel processing, the object it initializes will be how we access and assign jobs to separate processors. Registering it as a list means we can make list like variables that multiple processors can access. Then the with command starts the parallel process and we create one of those list objects. With that available we will start the actual loop. . . . while count < region_count: process_dict = {} for i in range(proc_count): 60 if count < region_count: (cid:44)→ process_dict[count] = mp.Process(target = subgraph_red_search, args = (partition_data[f "block { count} " ]['total_region' ], partition_data[f "block { count} " ]['search_region' ], processed_subgraphs)) (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ process_dict[count].start() count += 1 for proc in process_dict: process_dict[proc].join() . . . We will run this as while loop, iterating our count each time we finish assigning a region to a processor. We will save each process we assign to a dictionary named process dict. We cycle through a for loop for each processor we are allowed in this function. For each of those if there are regions unassigned we will satisfy count < region count. When that is the case we make a process, telling it the target function to run and its arguments. Here it is subgraph red search. This function can be found on line 995 in the appendix C. It functions similarly to graph red search from section 2.8.1 but the edges are only reduced from those inside the specified search region. Ending the first for loop we start the process we just set up and iterate the count. The following loop calls join for each of the processes running. This tells our function to wait until each of the processes has concluded before continuing. This repeats until each region is reduced completely. The function continues after the while loop. . . . processed_subgraphs = processed_subgraphs._getvalue() result = processed_subgraphs[0].comp 61 for element in processed_subgraphs: result = nx.compose(result, element.comp) result = nx.compose(result, safety) self.comp = result self.remove_zeros() return The results of our processes were saved to processed subgraphs. This was indicated when we started the processes originally. Since this is a special list from the multiprocessing package, we access its contents with . getvalue() and save the more accessible list over it. We are going to take a result graph and keep gluing the reduced subgraphs iteratively until we have our full complex as a result. To start the process we initialize result as the first subgraph in the list. From there we call the networkx.compose(x,y) function which creates a graph with the vertices of its two arguments and all their edges. We do this for each subgraph we have and then overwrite the overall complex with our new one. The final step removes any edges with weight 0 that may have arisen during the reduction. 62 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS The content of this section will be a compilation of some sample results of the program. Note that the number of generators and edges is an upper bound. The program reduces using only the edge reduction algorithm discussed in section 2.8.1, and furthermore it can happen that the order in which the edges are reduced may have an impact on the final count and gradings as well. The data was produced by generating and reducing the infinity complex using the dis- cussed program, recording the dimensions, Poincar´e polynomial, and grading ranges which were then written out. After the complex was converted to the minus flavor and the same data was recorded and written out. The Poincar´e polynomial is computed by starting with 0 and for each vertex adding uMU (v) (cid:81) i tAi(v) i . This encodes all the ranks of the module by Maslov and Alexander Multi- grading. The resulting polynomial is factored, often only partially, using Sage’s built in factoring algorithm for symbolic expressions. k31 σX σO GF C ∞ [5, 1, 2, 3, 4] [2, 3, 4, 5, 1] Number of Generators 48 Number of Edges 261 Poincar´e Polynomial 11/t3 0 + t0/u4 + 5/u3 + 11/(t0u2) + 14/(t2 0u) + 5u/t4 0 + u2/t5 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0 + t0u + u2)(t0 + u)4/(t5 0u4) Grading Ranges −4 < U Grading < 0 63 −2 < V Grading < 2 −3 < AGrading < 1 −3 < AGrading0 < 1 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 16 74 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t3 0 + t0/u4 + 4/u3 + 6/(t0u2) + 4/(t2 0u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0 + u)4/(t3 0u4) Grading Ranges −4 < U Grading < 0 −2 < V Grading < 2 −3 < AGrading < 1 −3 < AGrading0 < 1 [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] [2, 1, 5, 4, 3] mk31 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 48 Number of Edges 310 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t5 0 + t0/u6 + 5/u5 + 11/(t0u4) + 14/(t2 0u3) + 11/(t3 0u2) + 5/(t4 0u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0 + t0u + u2)(t0 + u)4/(t5 0u6) Grading Ranges 64 −4 < U Grading < 0 −6 < V Grading < 0 −5 < AGrading < 0 −5 < AGrading0 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 16 76 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t5 0 + 1/(t0u4) + 4/(t2 0u3) + 6/(t3 0u2) + 4/(t4 0u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0 + u)4/(t5 0u4) Grading Ranges −4 < U Grading < 0 −6 < V Grading < 0 −5 < AGrading < 0 −5 < AGrading0 < 0 [6, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2] [3, 5, 6, 2, 1, 4] k41 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 160 Number of Edges 1570 Poincar´e Polynomial 8/t5 0+t0/u6+8/u5+26/(t0u4)+45/(t2 0u3)+45/(t3 0u2)+26/(t4 0u)+u/t6 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0 + 3t0u + u2)(t0 + u)5/(t6 0u6) 65 Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 0 −5 < V Grading < 0 −5 < AGrading < 0 −5 < AGrading0 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators 28 Number of Edges 193 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t5 0 + 1/u5 + 5/(t0u4) + 9/(t2 0u3) + 8/(t3 0u2) + 4/(t4 0u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0 + 3t2 0u + 2t0u2 + u3)(t0 + u)2/(t5 0u5) Grading Ranges k51 σX σO GF C ∞ −5 < U Grading < 0 −5 < V Grading < 0 −5 < AGrading < 0 −5 < AGrading0 < 0 [5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4] [7, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2] Number of Generators 320 Number of Edges 4767 Poincar´e Polynomial 57/t4 0 + t2 0/u6 + 7t0/u5 + 22/u4 + 42/(t0u3) + 57/(t2 0u2) + 62/(t3 0u) + 41u/t5 0 + 22u2/t6 0 + 7u3/t7 0 + u4/t8 0 + 1/(t5 0u) 66 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t10 0 +7t9 0u+22t8 0u2 +42t7 0u3 +57t6 0u4 +62t5 0u5 +57t4 0u6 + 41t3 0u7 + 22t2 0u8 + 7t0u9 + u10 + t3 0u5)/(t8 0u6) Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 4 −6 < V Grading < 4 −8 < AGrading < 2 −8 < AGrading0 < 2 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 82 65 Poincar´e Polynomial 5/t4 0 + t2 0/u6 + 6t0/u5 + 13/u4 + 30/(t0u3) + 21/(t2 0u2) + 2/(t3 0u) + u/t5 0 + u3/t7 0 + u4/t8 0 + 1/(t5 0u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t10 0 + 6t9 0u + 13t8 0u2 + 30t7 0u3 + 21t6 0u4 + 2t5 0u5 + 5t4 0u6 + 0u7 + t0u9 + u10 + t3 t3 0u5)/(t8 0u6) Grading Ranges mk51 σX σO GF C ∞ −6 < U Grading < 4 −6 < V Grading < 4 −8 < AGrading < 2 −8 < AGrading0 < 2 [2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3] [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] 67 Number of Generators 328 Number of Edges 6062 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t8 0 + t2 0/u10 + 7t0/u9 + 22/u8 + 43/(t0u7) + 56/(t2 0u6) + 63/(t3 0u5) + 57/(t4 0u4) + 41/(t5 0u3) + 21/(t6 0u2) + 7/(t7 0u) + 1/(t0u8) + 2/(t2 0u8) + 1/(t4 0u6) + 1/(t5 0u5) + 1/(t6 0u4) + 1/(t2 0u9) + 1/(t3 0u8) + 1/(t4 0u7) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t10 0 +7t9 0u+22t8 0u2 +43t7 0u3 +56t6 0u4 +63t5 0u5 +57t4 0u6 + 41t3 0u7 +21t2 0u8 +7t0u9 +u10 +t7 0u2 +2t6 0u2 +t4 0u4 +t3 0u5 +t2 0u6 +t6 0u+t5 0u2 +t4 0u3)/(t8 0u10) Grading Ranges −9 < U Grading < 0 −10 < V Grading < 0 −8 < AGrading < 0 −8 < AGrading0 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators 44 Number of Edges 193 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t8 0 + 3/u8 + 14/(t3 0u5) + 1/(t5 0u3) + 13/(t6 0u2) + 5/(t7 0u) + 1/(t0u8) + 2/(t2 0u8) + 1/(t4 0u6) + 1/(t5 0u5) + 1/(t6 0u4) + 1/(t2 0u9) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (3t8 0u + 14t5 0u4 + t3 0u6 + 13t2 0u7 + 5t0u8 + u9 + t7 0u + 2t6 0u + t4 0u3 + t3 0u4 + t2 0u5 + t6 0)/(t8 0u9) Grading Ranges −9 < U Grading < 0 −10 < V Grading < 0 −8 < AGrading < 0 68 −8 < AGrading0 < 0 [2, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 1] [7, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4] k52 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 458 Number of Edges 8318 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t3 0 + u/t4 0 + 2/t4 0 + 50/t5 0 + 2t0/u6 + 15/u5 + 50/(t0u4) + 95/(t2 0u3) + 122/(t3 0u2) + 95/(t4 0u) + 15u/t6 0 + 2u2/t7 0 + 3/(t3 0u3) + 2/(t2 0u5) + 3/(t4 0u3) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t4 0u6 + t3 0u7 + 2t3 0u6 + 2t8 0 + 15t7 0u + 50t6 0u2 + 95t5 0u3 + 122t4 0u4 + 95t3 0u5 + 50t2 0u6 + 15t0u7 + 2u8 + 3t4 0u3 + 2t5 0u + 3t3 0u3)/(t7 0u6) Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 2 −6 < V Grading < 2 −7 < AGrading < 1 −7 < AGrading0 < 1 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 52 30 Poincar´e Polynomial u/t4 0 +2/t4 0 +t0/u6 +6/u5 +19/(t0u4)+7/(t2 0u3)+2/(t3 0u2)+4/(t4 0u)+ 2u2/t7 0 + 3/(t3 0u3) + 2/(t2 0u5) + 3/(t4 0u3) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0u7 +2t3 0u6 +t8 0 +6t7 0u+19t6 0u2 +7t5 0u3 +2t4 0u4 +4t3 0u5 + 2u8 + 3t4 0u3 + 2t5 0u + 3t3 0u3)/(t7 0u6) 69 Grading Ranges mk52 σX σO GF C ∞ −6 < U Grading < 2 −6 < V Grading < 2 −7 < AGrading < 1 −7 < AGrading0 < 1 [4, 1, 7, 6, 3, 2, 5] [7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3] Number of Generators 450 Number of Edges 8253 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t3 0u2)+2/t7 0+2t0/u8+15/u7+49/(t0u6)+97/(t2 0u5)+120/(t3 0u4)+ 97/(t4 0u3) + 50/(t5 0u2) + 15/(t6 0u) + 1/(t3 0u5) + 1/(t0u8) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t4 0u6 +2t8 0 +15t7 0u+49t6 0u2 +97t5 0u3 +120t4 0u4 +97t3 0u5 + 50t2 0u6 + 15t0u7 + 2u8 + t4 0u3 + t6 0)/(t7 0u8) Grading Ranges −8 < U Grading < 0 −8 < V Grading < 0 −7 < AGrading < 0 −7 < AGrading0 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 30 84 70 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/t7 0 +1/(t0u6)+3/(t2 0u5)+7/(t3 0u4)+5/(t4 0u3)+5/(t5 0u2)+6/(t6 0u)+ 1/(t3 0u5) + 1/(t0u8) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t6 0u2 +3t5 0u3 +7t4 0u4 +5t3 0u5 +5t2 0u6 +6t0u7 +u8 +t4 0u3 + 0)/(t7 t6 0u8) Grading Ranges k819 σX σO GF C ∞ −8 < U Grading < 0 −8 < V Grading < 0 −7 < AGrading < 0 −7 < AGrading0 < 0 [3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4] [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] Number of Generators 322 Number of Edges 1863 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t5 0u2) + 1/u8 + 5/(t0u7) + 15/(t2 0u6) + 19/(t3 0u5) + 15/(t4 0u4) + 6/(t5 0u3)+1/t9 0 +t3 0/u12 +7t2 0/u11 +21t0/u10 +35/u9 +35/(t0u8)+22/(t2 0u7)+14/(t3 0u6)+ 21/(t4 0u5)+35/(t5 0u4)+34/(t6 0u3) +21/(t7 0u2) +7/(t8 0u) +1/(t0u9) +1/(t3 0u7) +1/(t5 0u5)+ 1/(t6 0u4) + 1/(t4 0u7) + 1/(t6 0u5) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t4 0u10 + t9 0u4 + 5t8 0u5 + 15t7 0u6 + 19t6 0u7 + 15t5 0u8 + 6t4 0u9 + 0 + 7t11 t12 0 u + 21t10 0 u2 + 35t9 0u3 + 35t8 0u4 + 22t7 0u5 + 14t6 0u6 + 21t5 0u7 + 35t4 0u8 + 34t3 0u9 + 21t2 0u10 + 7t0u11 + u12 + t8 0u3 + t6 0u5 + t4 0u7 + t3 0u8 + t5 0u5 + t3 0u7)/(t9 0u12) Grading Ranges 71 −9 < U Grading < 0 −12 < V Grading < 0 −9 < AGrading < 0 −9 < AGrading0 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators 130 Number of Edges 524 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t5 0u2)+1/u8+2/(t0u7)+5/(t2 0u6)+5/(t3 0u5)+14/(t4 0u4)+6/(t5 0u3)+ 1/t9 0 +2/u9 +5/(t3 0u6)+8/(t4 0u5)+18/(t5 0u4)+30/(t6 0u3)+19/(t7 0u2)+7/(t8 0u)+1/(t0u9)+ 1/(t3 0u7) + 1/(t5 0u5) + 1/(t6 0u4) + 1/(t4 0u7) + 1/(t6 0u5) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t4 0u7 + t9 0u + 2t8 0u2 + 5t7 0u3 + 5t6 0u4 + 14t5 0u5 + 6t4 0u6 + 2t9 0 + 5t6 0u3 + 8t5 0u4 + 18t4 0u5 + 30t3 0u6 + 19t2 0u7 + 7t0u8 + u9 + t8 0 + t6 0u2 + t4 0u4 + t3 0u5 + 0u2 + t3 t5 0u4)/(t9 0u9) Grading Ranges mk819 σX σO GF C ∞ −9 < U Grading < 0 −12 < V Grading < 0 −9 < AGrading < 0 −9 < AGrading0 < 0 [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2] [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Number of Generators 320 Number of Edges 2422 72 Poincar´e Polynomial 14/t3 0 + t3 0/u6 + 7t2 0/u5 + 21t0/u4 + 35/u3 + 35/(t0u2) + 22/(t2 0u) + 22u/t4 0 + 35u2/t5 0 + 35u3/t6 0 + 21u4/t7 0 + 7u5/t8 0 + u6/t9 0 + 15/t4 0 + 1/u4 + 6/(t0u3) + 15/(t2 0u2) + 20/(t3 0u) + 6u/t5 0 + u2/t6 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t6 0 + t5 0u + t0u5 + u6 + t3 0u2)(t0 + u)6/(t9 0u6) Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 3 −4 < V Grading < 6 −6 < AGrading < 3 −6 < AGrading0 < 3 GF C − Number of Generators 132 Number of Edges 431 Poincar´e Polynomial 4/t3 0 + t3 0/u6 + 6t2 0/u5 + 15t0/u4 + 22/u3 + 25/(t0u2) + 20/(t2 0u) + 3u/t4 0 + 6u2/t5 0 + u3/t6 0 + 14/t4 0 + 8/(t3 0u) + 6u/t5 0 + u2/t6 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t9 0 + 6t8 0u + 15t7 0u2 + 22t6 0u3 + 25t5 0u4 + 20t4 0u5 + 4t3 0u6 + 3t2 0u7 + 6t0u8 + u9 + 8t3 0u5 + 14t2 0u6 + 6t0u7 + u8)/(t6 0u6) Grading Ranges L2a10 −6 < U Grading < 3 −4 < V Grading < 6 −6 < AGrading < 3 −6 < AGrading0 < 3 73 σX σO GF C ∞ [4, 3, 2, 1] [2, 1, 4, 3] Number of Generators Number of Edges 16 56 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(3/2) 0 u2) + 4/(t(1/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 ) + t(1/2) t(1/2) 1 0 /(t(3/2) u2) + t(1/2) 0 1 t(1/2) 0 /(t(3/2) 1 /u4 + 2t(1/2) 0 /(t(1/2) 1 u2) + 2/(t(1/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 1 u3) + 2t(1/2) /(t(1/2) 0 u) + 2/(t(3/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 u) u3) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0 + u)2(t1 + u)2/(t(3/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u4) Grading Ranges −3 < U Grading < 0 −4 < V Grading < 0 −3 < AGrading < 0 −3/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 −3/2 < AGrading1 < 1/2 GF C − Number of Generators 8 Number of Edges 15 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(3/2) 0 u2) + 1/(t(1/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 t(3/2) 1 /(t(1/2) )+t(1/2) 1 0 t(1/2) u) + 2/(t(3/2) 1 0 u) t(1/2) 1 /(t(3/2) 0 u3)+t(1/2) 0 /(t(3/2) 1 u2)+1/(t(1/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 u2)+ Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0 + t0u + t1u + u2)(t1 + u)/(t(3/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u3) Grading Ranges −3 < U Grading < 0 74 −4 < V Grading < 0 −3 < AGrading < 0 −3/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 −3/2 < AGrading1 < 1/2 L2a11 σX σO GF C ∞ [4, 1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 4, 1] Number of Generators Number of Edges 16 56 Poincar´e Polynomial 2t(1/2) /t(1/2) 0 1 /(t(1/2) /u2 + t(3/2) 1 + 2t(1/2) 1 u) + 4t(1/2) /t(1/2) + t(3/2) 0 0 /u + t(3/2) t(1/2) 1 t(3/2) 1 /(t(1/2) 0 0 1 0 2t(1/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u) + u/(t(1/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 ) /u3 + 2t(3/2) 0 /u2 + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0 + u)2(t1 + u)2/(t(1/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 u3) Grading Ranges −3 < U Grading < 0 −2 < V Grading < 1 0 < AGrading < 3 −1/2 < AGrading0 < 3/2 0 < AGrading1 < 3/2 GF C − Number of Generators 8 Number of Edges 18 Poincar´e Polynomial t(1/2) 1 /t(1/2) 0 + t(3/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 /u3 + t(3/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 /u2 + 2t(1/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 /u2 + 3t(1/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 /u 75 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0t1 + t2 0u + 2t0t1u + 3t0u2 + u3)t(1/2) 1 /(t(1/2) 0 u3) Grading Ranges L4a10 σX σO GF C ∞ −3 < U Grading < 0 −2 < V Grading < 1 0 < AGrading < 3 −1/2 < AGrading0 < 3/2 0 < AGrading1 < 3/2 [6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5] [4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 1] Number of Generators 128 Number of Edges 1203 Poincar´e Polynomial 3/t2 0 +3/t2 1 +6/(t0t1)+t2 0t1/u5 +t0t2 1/u5 +3t2 0/u4 +6t0t1/u4 +3t2 1/u4 + 12t0/u3 + 3t2 0/(t1u3) + 12t1/u3 + 3t2 1/(t0u3) + t2 0/(t2 1u2) + 10t0/(t1u2) + 10t1/(t0u2) + 1/(t2 t2 0u2) + 18/u2 + 12/(t0u) + 3t0/(t2 1u) + 12/(t1u) + 3t1/(t2 0u) + u/(t0t2 1) + u/(t2 0t1) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0 + t1)(t0 + u)3(t1 + u)3/(t2 0t2 1u5) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 0 −4 < V Grading < 1 −2 < AGrading < 3 −1 < AGrading0 < 2 −1 < AGrading1 < 2 76 GF C − Number of Generators 30 Number of Edges 239 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t0t1) + t2 0t1/u5 + t2 0/u4 + 3t0t1/u4 + t2 1/u4 + 6t0/u3 + 3t1/u3 + 5t0/(t1u2) + 3t1/(t0u2) + 1/u2 + 3/(t0u) + 2/(t1u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t2 1 + t3 0t1u + 3t2 0t2 1u + t0t3 1u + 6t2 0t1u2 + 3t0t2 1u2 + 5t2 0u3 + t0t1u3 + 3t2 1u3 + 2t0u4 + 3t1u4 + u5)/(t0t1u5) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 0 −4 < V Grading < 1 −2 < AGrading < 3 −1 < AGrading0 < 2 −1 < AGrading1 < 2 [3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 4] [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] L4a11 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 128 Number of Edges 1119 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(11/2) u8) + 2/(t(1/2) 0 u7) + 0 t(5/2) 1 u7) + 1/(t(1/2) u5) + 16/(t(5/2) t(3/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 t(1/2) u4) + 14/(t(7/2) 1 0 0 0 ) + t(1/2) /(t(1/2) 0 1 u6) + 9/(t(3/2) 0 u5) + 4t(1/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 /(t(7/2) 0 /(t(9/2) 0 u6) + 6t(1/2) 1 u5) + 1/(t(3/2) u4) + 4/(t(5/2) t(1/2) 1 /(t(5/2) 0 t(5/2) 1 t(5/2) 1 0 0 u6) + u4) + u3) + 4t(1/2) 1 /(t(3/2) 0 6/(t(3/2) t(3/2) 1 0 t(3/2) 14/(t(5/2) 1 0 u4) + t(1/2) 1 77 16/(t(7/2) 0 1/(t(11/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 u3) + 6/(t(9/2) t(1/2) 1 0 u) + 2/(t(11/2) t(5/2) u2) + 4/(t(9/2) 1 0 0 u3) + 6/(t(7/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u) t(5/2) 1 u2) + 9/(t(9/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u2) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t0t1 + u2)(t0 + u)4(t1 + u)2/(t(11/2) 0 t(5/2) 1 u8) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 0 −8 < V Grading < 0 −8 < AGrading < 0 −11/2 < AGrading0 < 0 −5/2 < AGrading1 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators 28 Number of Edges 134 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(11/2) t(5/2) 1 u3) + 4/(t(7/2) 0 ) + 1/(t(5/2) t(1/2) 1 u3) + 3/(t(9/2) 0 u5) + 2/(t(5/2) 0 t(1/2) 1 u3) + 3/(t(7/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 t(5/2) 1 u4) + u2) + 1/(t(5/2) 0 7/(t(9/2) 0 t(5/2) 1 t(3/2) 1 0 u2) + 1/(t(11/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 t(1/2) 1 u2) + 4/(t(9/2) 0 u) + 1/(t(11/2) 0 t(3/2) 1 u) 0 t(5/2) 1 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 1 +2t3 0t1u+t3 0u2 +4t2 0t1u2 +3t0t2 1u2 +3t2 0u3 +7t0t1u3 + 0t2 t(5/2) 1 u5) 1u3 + 4t0u4 + t1u4 + u5)/(t(11/2) t2 0 Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 0 −8 < V Grading < 0 −8 < AGrading < 0 −11/2 < AGrading0 < 0 −5/2 < AGrading1 < 0 78 L5a10 σX σO GF C ∞ [6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 5] [2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 3, 1] Number of Generators 512 Number of Edges 10240 Poincar´e Polynomial 13/t(7/2) 0 +6/(t(5/2) t1)+16t1/t(9/2) 0 +t2 1/t(11/2) 0 +t(3/2) 0 t1/u6 + 6t(1/2) 0 /u4+t(3/2) 0 1/u6 + 3t(3/2) t2 /(t1u4)+35t1/(t(1/2) 0 0 0 /u5 + 13t(1/2) 0 t1/u5 + 18t2 1/(t(1/2) 0 u4)+26t2 1/(t(3/2) 0 u4)+8t3 1/(t(5/2) 2t(3/2) 0 14t(1/2) 0 2t(1/2) 0 1/(t(1/2) 0 5/(t(3/2) 0 t1u/t(11/2) 0 /(t1u3) + 53t1/(t(3/2) 0 u3) + 33t2 u3) + 9t3 t1u2) + 62t1/(t(5/2) 0 t1u) + 33t1/(t(7/2) 0 u2) + 26t2 u) + 12t2 1/(t(9/2) 0 u2) + 2t3 0 u) + 6u/t(9/2) 0 0 1/(t(5/2) 1/(t(7/2) + u2/t(11/2) 0 u5) + 2t3 0 1/u7+t(5/2) t2 1/(t(3/2) u4)+29/(t(1/2) 0 0 u3) + 35/(t(3/2) 0 0 /u6+ u5) + u3)+ u2) + u2) + 34/(t(5/2) u) + 0 1) + u/(t(7/2) t2 0 t1) + 0 1/(t(7/2) 1/(t(9/2) 0 + u/(t(5/2) 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t7 0t4 1 + t8 0t2 1u + 2t7 0t3 1u + 6t6 0t4 1u + 3t7 0t2 1u2 + 13t6 0t3 1u2 + 18t5 0t4 1u2 +2t4 0t5 1u2 +t7 0t1u3 +14t6 0t2 1u3 +35t5 0t3 1u3 +26t4 0t4 1u3 +8t3 0t5 1u3 +2t6 0t1u4 +29t5 0t2 1u4 + 53t4 0t3 1u4 +33t3 0t4 1u4 +9t2 0t5 1u4 +t5 0t1u5 +35t4 0t2 1u5 +62t3 0t3 1u5 +26t2 0t4 1u5 +2t0t5 1u5 +5t4 0t1u6 + 34t3 0t2 1u6 + 33t2 0t3 1u6 + 6t3 0t1u7 + 13t2 0t2 1u7 + 16t0t3 1u7 + t4 1u7 + t3 0u8 + t2 0t1u8 + 6t0t2 1u8 + t3 1u8 + t2 1u6 + 12t0t4 1u9)/(t(11/2) 0 1u7) t2 Grading Ranges GF C − −6 < U Grading < 0 −5 < V Grading < 1 −7/2 < AGrading < 5/2 −9/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 0 < AGrading1 < 3 79 Number of Generators Number of Edges 30 78 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/t(7/2) 0 + 2t1/t(9/2) 0 + t(1/2) 0 1/u6 + t(1/2) t2 0 0 1/(t(3/2) t3 1/(t(5/2) 4t2 0 u5) + t(1/2) 0 u3) + t1/(t(7/2) 0 u) /u4 + 4t1/(t(1/2) 0 u4) + 4t2 1/(t(3/2) 0 u4) + t3 1/(t(5/2) 0 t1/u5 + 3t2 1/(t(1/2) u4) + 5t1/(t(3/2) 0 0 u5) + u3) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t5 1u + t5 0u2 + 4t4 0t1u2 + 4t3 0t2 1u2 + 0t3 t2 1u2 + 5t3 0t1u3 + 4t2 0t2 0t2 1 + t5 0t3 1u + t3 1u3 + t0t1u5 + 2t0u6 + 2t1u6)/(t(9/2) 0t1u + 3t4 0t2 0 u6) Grading Ranges L5a11 σX σO GF C ∞ −6 < U Grading < 0 −5 < V Grading < 1 −7/2 < AGrading < 5/2 −9/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 0 < AGrading1 < 3 [3, 6, 5, 7, 1, 2, 4] [5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1] Number of Generators 516 Number of Edges 10504 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(1/2) 0 1) + 1/(t(3/2) t4 0 1u) + u/(t(5/2) t2 1) + u/(t(7/2) t3 0 0 u7) + 7/(t(1/2) 0 1) + t1/(t(1/2) t3 0 1) + 3/(t(1/2) t2 0 t6 1) + /(t2 u6) + t(3/2) 0 t1u5)+9/(t(5/2) 0 1u6) + u4)+ 0 7/(t(3/2) 1) + 13/(t(5/2) t5 0 /(t1u6)+12/(t(3/2) t(1/2) 0 7t(1/2) 0 /(t3 0 1) + 13/(t(7/2) t4 u5)+t(3/2) /(t3 0 0 1u4) + 33/(t(1/2) 1u3) + 63/(t(3/2) t3 0 0 1u4) + 35/(t(3/2) t2 1u3) + 28/(t(5/2) t2 0 0 0 t1u3) + 3t(1/2) 0 30/(t(1/2) 0 1u5)+5t(1/2) 0 /(t2 1u5)+18/(t(1/2) 0 u3) + 5t(1/2) t1u4) + 1/(t(7/2) 0 /(t4 1u3) + /(t5 1u2) + 21/(t(1/2) 0 1u2) + t4 80 54/(t(3/2) 0 29/(t(5/2) 0 1u2) + 41/(t(5/2) t3 1u)+12/(t(7/2) t3 0 0 1u2) + 6/(t(7/2) t2 0 t1u2) + 7/(t(1/2) 0 1u)+5u/(t(5/2) t2 0 1)+4u/(t(7/2) t5 0 1)+u2/(t(7/2) t4 1u) + 34/(t(3/2) t5 1)+1/(t(1/2) t5 0 0 0 t4 1u) + 1u4)+ t3 1/(t(5/2) 0 t1u4) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0t4 1u6 + t3 0t2 1u7 + t0t3 1u8 + t4 1u8 + t3 0t7 1 + t5 0t4 1u + t4 0t5 1u + 7t3 0t6 1u + t5 0t3 1u2 + 5t4 0t4 1u2 + 18t3 0t5 1u2 + 12t2 0t6 1u2 + 7t4 0t3 1u3 + 33t3 0t4 1u3 + 35t2 0t5 1u3 + 9t0t6 1u3 + 5t4 0t2 1u4 +30t3 0t3 1u4 +63t2 0t4 1u4 +28t0t5 1u4 +t6 1u4 +3t4 0t1u5 +21t3 0t2 1u5 +54t2 0t3 1u5 +41t0t4 1u5 + 6t5 1u5 + 7t3 0t1u6 + 34t2 0t2 1u6 + 29t0t3 1u6 + 12t4 1u6 + 3t3 0u7 + 7t2 0t1u7 + 13t0t2 1u7 + 13t3 1u7 + 5t0t1u8 + 4t2 1u8 + t1u9 + t3 0t3 1u3 + t0t5 1u3)/(t(7/2) 0 1u7) t6 Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 1 −5 < V Grading < 1 −13/2 < AGrading < 0 −7/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 −4 < AGrading1 < 0 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 28 28 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t(1/2) 0 1) + u/(t(5/2) t4 1) + u/(t(7/2) t3 0 1) + 1/(t(7/2) t2 0 1) + 1/(t(1/2) t3 u6) + u5) + 1/(t(1/2) 0 t1u5) + 1/(t(5/2) 0 0 u4) + 1/(t(1/2) 0 1u4) + 4/(t(3/2) t2 0 0 t1u4) + t(1/2) 1u2) + 3/(t(5/2) t3 0 0 /(t4 1u3) + t3 1u) + 1u3) + 4/(t(3/2) t3 1u4) + 1/(t(5/2) t3 0 0 t1u4) 1u3) + 1/(t(5/2) t2 0 t1u3) + 3/(t(3/2) 0 1/(t(3/2) 0 1/(t(1/2) 0 1/(t(1/2) 0 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0u6 + t0t1u7 + t2 1u7 + t3 0t4 1 + t3 0t3 1u + t2 0t4 1u + t3 0t2 1u2 + 1u2 + t4 0u3 + t3 0t1u3 + 4t2 0t2 1u3 + t0t3 1u3 + 3t2 0t1u4 + 3t0t1u5 + t1u6 + t3 0t1u2 + 4t2 1u2 + t0t4 0t3 1u2)/(t(7/2) 0 t0t3 1u6) t4 81 Grading Ranges L6n100 σX σO GF C ∞ −6 < U Grading < 1 −5 < V Grading < 1 −13/2 < AGrading < 0 −7/2 < AGrading0 < 1/2 −4 < AGrading1 < 0 [6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2] [3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5] Number of Generators 142 Number of Edges 1182 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/(t2 0t3 1) + 2/(t3 0t2 1) + 1/(t2 0t2 1t2) + 2t2/(t3 0t3 1) + t2/u6 + 2t2/(t0u5) + 2t2/(t1u5) + t2 2/(t0t1u5) + 2/u5 + 4/(t0u4) + 4/(t1u4) + 1/(t2u4) + t2/(t2 0u4) + t2/(t2 1u4) + 6t2/(t0t1u4)+2t2 2/(t0t2 1u4)+2t2 2/(t2 0t1u4)+2/(t2 0u3)+2/(t2 1u3)+10/(t0t1u3)+2/(t0t2u3)+ 2/(t1t2u3) + 7t2/(t0t2 1u3) + 7t2/(t2 0t1u3) + t2 2/(t0t3 1u3) + 4t2 2/(t2 0t2 1u3) + t2 2/(t3 0t1u3) + 7/(t0t2 1u2) + 7/(t2 0t1u2) + 1/(t2 0t2u2) + 1/(t2 1t2u2) + 4/(t0t1t2u2) + 2t2/(t0t3 1u2) + 10t2/(t2 0t2 1u2) + 2t2/(t3 0t1u2) + 2t2 2/(t2 0t3 1u2) + 2t2 2/(t3 0t2 1u2) + 1/(t0t3 1u) + 7/(t2 0t2 1u) + 1/(t3 0t1u) + 2/(t0t2 1t2u) + 2/(t2 0t1t2u) + 4t2/(t2 0t3 1u) + 4t2/(t3 0t2 1u) + t2 2/(t3 0t3 1u) + u/(t3 0t3 1) + 1/(t0t1u4) + t2/(t0t2 1u4) + t2/(t2 0t1u4) + 1/(t0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 0t1u3) + t2/(t2 0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 0t2 1u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t3 1t2 2 +2t3 0t3 1t2u+2t3 0t2 1t2 2u+2t2 0t3 1t2 2u+t2 0t2 1t3 2u+t3 0t3 1u2 + 4t3 0t2 1t2u2 + 4t2 0t3 1t2u2 + t3 0t1t2 2u2 + 6t2 0t2 1t2 2u2 + t0t3 1t2 2u2 + 2t2 0t1t3 2u2 + 2t0t2 1t3 2u2 + 2t3 0t2 1u3 + 2t2 0t3 1u3 + 2t3 0t1t2u3 + 10t2 0t2 1t2u3 + 2t0t3 1t2u3 + 7t2 0t1t2 2u3 + 7t0t2 1t2 2u3 + t2 0t3 2u3 + 4t0t1t3 2u3 + 1t3 t2 2u3 + t3 0t1u4 + 4t2 0t2 1u4 + t0t3 1u4 + 7t2 0t1t2u4 + 7t0t2 1t2u4 + 2t2 0t2 2u4 + 10t0t1t2 2u4 + 2t2 1t2 2u4 + 2t0t3 2u4 + 2t1t3 2u4 + 2t2 0t1u5 + 2t0t2 1u5 + t2 0t2u5 + 7t0t1t2u5 + t2 1t2u5 + 4t0t2 2u5 + 4t1t2 2u5 + 82 2u5 + t0t1u6 + 2t0t2u6 + 2t1t2u6 + 2t2 t3 2u6 + t2u7 + t2 0t2 1t2u2 + t2 0t1t2 2u2 + t0t2 1t2 2u2 + t2 0t1t2u3 + t0t2 1t2u3 + t0t1t2 2u3 + t0t1t2u4)/(t3 0t3 1t2u6) Grading Ranges −4 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 −6 < AGrading < 0 −3 < AGrading0 < 0 −3 < AGrading1 < 0 −1 < AGrading2 < 2 GF C − Number of Generators 42 Number of Edges 168 Poincar´e Polynomial 1/(t2 0t3 1) + 1/(t3 0t2 1) + 2t2/(t3 0t3 1) + 2/(t0u4) + 2/(t1u4) + 1/(t2u4) + 1/(t2 1u3) + 3/(t0t1u3) + 2/(t0t2u3) + 2/(t1t2u3) + t2/(t0t2 1u3) + t2 2/(t2 0t2 1u3) + 3/(t0t2 1u2) + 2/(t2 0t1u2)+1/(t2 0t2u2)+1/(t2 1t2u2)+t2/(t2 0t2 1u2)+t2 2/(t3 0t2 1u2)+1/(t0t2 1t2u)+2/(t2 0t1t2u)+ 2t2/(t2 0t3 1u) + 2t2/(t3 0t2 1u) + u/(t3 0t3 1) + t2/(t0t2 1u4) + t2/(t2 0t1u4) + 1/(t0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 0t1u3) + t2/(t2 0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 0t2 1u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t3 1 + 2t3 0t2 1t2 + 2t2 0t3 1t2 + 2t3 0t2 1u + 2t2 0t3 1u + t3 0t1t2u + 3t2 0t2 1t2u + t2 0t1t2 2u + t0t1t3 2u + t3 0t1u2 + t0t3 1u2 + 3t2 0t1t2u2 + 2t0t2 1t2u2 + t0t1t2 2u2 + t1t3 2u2 + 0t1u3 + 2t0t2 t2 1u3 + 2t0t2 2u3 + 2t1t2 2u3 + t0t2u4 + t1t2u4 + 2t2 2u4 + t2u5 + t2 0t1t2 2 + t0t2 1t2 2 + 0t1t2u + t0t2 t2 1t2u + t0t1t2 2u + t0t1t2u2)/(t3 0t3 1t2u4) Grading Ranges −4 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 83 −6 < AGrading < 0 −3 < AGrading0 < 0 −3 < AGrading1 < 0 −1 < AGrading2 < 2 [3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5] [6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2] L6n110 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 144 Number of Edges 1240 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/(t2 0t1) + 1/(t0t2 2) + 2/(t2 0t2) + 2/(t0t1t2) + t0t2 1/u6 + 2t0t1/u5 + 2t2 1/u5 + 2t0t2 1/(t2u5) + t1t2/u5 + t0/u4 + 7t1/u4 + t2 1/(t0u4) + t0t2 1/(t2 2u4) + 4t0t1/(t2u4) + 4t2 1/(t2u4) + 2t1t2/(t0u4) + 2t2/u4 + 7t1/(t0u3) + 2t0t1/(t2 2u3) + 2t2 1/(t2 2u3) + 2t0/(t2u3) + 10t1/(t2u3) + 2t2 1/(t0t2u3) + 4t2/(t0u3) + t2/(t1u3) + t1t2/(t2 0u3) + 7/u3 + 10/(t0u2) + 2/(t1u2) + 2t1/(t2 0u2) + t0/(t2 2u2) + 4t1/(t2 2u2) + t2 1/(t0t2 2u2) + 7t1/(t0t2u2) + 7/(t2u2) + 2t2/(t2 0u2) + 2t2/(t0t1u2) + 4/(t2 0u) + 4/(t0t1u) + 2t1/(t0t2 2u) + 2/(t2 2u) + 7/(t0t2u) + 1/(t1t2u) + t1/(t2 0t2u) + t2/(t2 0t1u) + u/(t2 0t1t2) + t1/u5 + t1/(t0u4) + t1/(t2u4) + 1/u4 + 1/(t0u3) + t1/(t0t2u3) + 1/(t2u3) + 1/(t0t2u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0t2 1t2 + t2 0t2 1u + t2 0t1t2u + t0t2 1t2u + t0t1t2 2u + t2 0t1u2 + t0t2 1u2 + 3t0t1t2u2 + t0t2 2u2 + t1t2 2u2 + t0t1u3 + t0t2u3 + t1t2u3 + t2 2u3 + t2u4 + t0t1t2u)(t0 + u)(t1 + u)(t2 + u)/(t2 0t1t2 2u6) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 84 −4 < AGrading < 2 −2 < AGrading0 < 1 −1 < AGrading1 < 2 −2 < AGrading2 < 1 GF C − Number of Generators 40 Number of Edges 188 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/(t2 0t1)+1/(t0t2 2)+1/(t2 0t2)+t0t2 1/(t2u5)+2t0t1/(t2u4)+2t2 1/(t2u4)+ t1/(t0u3)+2t0t1/(t2 2u3)+2t2 1/(t2 2u3)+2t1/(t2u3)+t2/(t0u3)+1/u3+1/(t0u2)+t0/(t2 2u2)+ t1/(t2 2u2) + t2 1/(t0t2 2u2) + t1/(t0t2u2) + 2/(t2u2) + t2/(t2 0u2) + 1/(t2 0u) + 1/(t0t1u) + t1/(t0t2 2u)+3/(t0t2u)+u/(t2 0t1t2)+t1/(t0u4)+t1/(t2u4)+1/u4 +1/(t0u3)+t1/(t0t2u3)+ 1/(t2u3) + 1/(t0t2u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t3 1t2 + 2t3 0t2 1t2u + 2t2 0t3 1t2u + 2t3 0t2 1u2 + 2t2 0t3 1u2 + 2t2 0t2 1t2u2 + t2 0t1t2 2u2 + t0t2 1t2 2u2 + t0t1t3 2u2 + t3 0t1u3 + t2 0t2 1u3 + t0t3 1u3 + 2t2 0t1t2u3 + t0t2 1t2u3 + t0t1t2 2u3 + t1t3 2u3 + t0t2 1u4 + 3t0t1t2u4 + t0t2 2u4 + t1t2 2u4 + t0t1u5 + t1t2u5 + 2t2 2u5 + t2u6 + 0t2 t2 1t2u + t2 0t1t2 2u + t0t2 1t2 2u + t2 0t1t2u2 + t0t2 1t2u2 + t0t1t2 2u2 + t0t1t2u3)/(t2 0t1t2 2u5) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 −4 < AGrading < 2 −2 < AGrading0 < 1 −1 < AGrading1 < 2 −2 < AGrading2 < 1 85 L6n101 σX σO GF C ∞ [7, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6] [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 1] Number of Generators 288 Number of Edges 5194 Poincar´e Polynomial t0t(1/2) 1 ) + 9t(1/2) 1 )+t(3/2) 1 /t(5/2) 2 /t(3/2) 2 + 5t(3/2) 1 + 13t(3/2) 1 /(t2 0t(1/2) )+t2 0t(5/2) 1 /t(5/2) + 3t(5/2) 2 1 /(t0t(3/2) ) + 4t(5/2) 2 1 /u6+t0t(7/2) t(1/2) 2 0t(5/2) 1 ) + t(7/2) 1 /(t0t(5/2) 2 0t(3/2) /(t2 ) + 2/(t(1/2) 2 1 u5)+2t0t(5/2) /(t(1/2) 2 2t0/(t(1/2) t(3/2) 1 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 5t(1/2) 1 4t(7/2) 1 2t2 0t(3/2) /(t2 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 1 5t(5/2) t(1/2) 1 2 7t0t(3/2) 1 4t(5/2) 1 8t(5/2) 1 9t(5/2) 1 t(1/2) t(5/2) 2 1 /(t(3/2) 8t(3/2) 1 2 0t(1/2) 5t(5/2) 1 0t(5/2) 2t(5/2) 1 0t(3/2) t(5/2) 1 0t(7/2) t(5/2) 2 1 t(3/2) 4u2/(t0t(1/2) 1 2 u3/(t(3/2) t(5/2) 1 2 u4/(t0t(3/2) u2/(t2 u/(t2 u/(t3 /(t2 t(5/2) 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 t(7/2) 1 2 2 2 1 t(1/2) 2 /u5 + t3 2 0t(3/2) /(t(3/2) 1 2 u4) + 2t0t(5/2) 1 t(1/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 /u4 + 2t(7/2) 1 u3) + 11t(5/2) /(t(1/2) 2 1 /(t0u3) + t(7/2) 1 u4) + t2 /(t(1/2) 2 u4) + 4t(7/2) 1 /(t0u4) + 3t2 0t(3/2) u3) + 4t(7/2) 1 1 /(t(1/2) 2 /(t2 t(1/2) 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 0t(1/2) 0u3) + t2 u2) + 4t0t(1/2) 1 1 u2) + 2t(7/2) 1 u2) + 3t(7/2) 1 0u2) + 3t0t(3/2) 1 u) + 12t(5/2) 1 /(t2 u2) + t(1/2) 1 u) + t(5/2) 0t(1/2) 2 /(t(5/2) 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 /(t0u) + 4t(1/2) u) + 7t(1/2) t(1/2) 2 1 1 1 t(1/2) 2 1 1 ) + 7t(1/2) t(3/2) 2 0t(1/2) )+t(1/2) 1 ) + 5t(1/2) t(5/2) 2 u/(t2 2 1 ) + t(3/2) u2/(t2 0t(3/2) 2 t(5/2) 2 1 ) + 2t(1/2) 1 u) + t(1/2) 1 ) + 7u/(t(1/2) )+u/(t0t(1/2) 1 ) + 2u2/(t(1/2) 1 ) + 3t(1/2) 1 ) + 2u3/(t0t(1/2) 1 ) + t(5/2) 1 ) + t(7/2) 1 2 /(t3 0t(3/2) /(t0t(1/2) 2 /u5+ ) + ) + /(t2 0t(5/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 t(1/2) 1 2 /(t(3/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 u4) + /u4 + u3) + /u3 + u2) + u2) + /(t0u2) + u) + u) + 2 u/(t2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 u/(t0t(5/2) 2 0t(3/2) 2 u2/(t0t(7/2) 0t(5/2) 2 t(7/2) 2 0t(1/2) t(3/2) 1 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 u2/(t2 1 ) + ) + )+ ) + ) + ) + u3) + u2) + u4) + t0t(7/2) 1 u4) + 3t0t(3/2) 1 u3) + 4t(7/2) 1 u3) + 3t(3/2) 1 u2) + 6t0t(3/2) 1 u2) + 10t(3/2) 1 /u2 + t(3/2) t(1/2) 2 u) + 3t0t(1/2) 1 1 u) + 8t(3/2) 1 1 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 /(t(5/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 u/t(5/2) 2 u/(t0t(3/2) 2 + 11t(3/2) 1 ) + 3t(3/2) 1 )+t(1/2) 1 u2/(t0t(5/2) u2/t(7/2) 2 +t(3/2) 1 ) + 3t(3/2) 2 1 u2/(t3 0t(3/2) 2 ) + u3/(t(1/2) ) + u3/(t2 0t(5/2) 2 u4) + t0t(3/2) 1 u3/(t2 /(t(3/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 u3) + t(5/2) 1 u3) + t(3/2) 1 /(t0u3) + t0t(1/2) 1 86 /(t(3/2) 2 u2)+3t(5/2) 1 /(t0t(3/2) 2 u2)+t(3/2) 1 /(t0t(1/2) 2 u2)+t(3/2) 1 /(t(5/2) 2 u)+t(1/2) 1 /(t(3/2) 2 u)+ t(3/2) 1 2t(3/2) 1 /(t0t(3/2) 2 u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t5 0t4 1t4 2+t4 0t5 1t3 2u+2t4 0t4 1t4 2u+4t3 0t5 1t4 2u+t6 0t3 1t2 2u2+t5 0t4 1t2 2u2+ 0t5 t4 1t2 2u2 + 2t5 0t3 1t3 2u2 + 2t4 0t4 1t3 2u2 + 4t3 0t5 1t3 2u2 + 3t4 0t3 1t4 2u2 + 5t3 0t4 1t4 2u2 + 2t2 0t5 1t4 2u2 + 3t5 0t3 1t2 2u3 + 4t3 0t5 1t2 2u3 + 7t4 0t3 1t3 2u3 + 11t3 0t4 1t3 2u3 + 4t2 0t5 1t3 2u3 + 3t3 0t3 1t4 2u3 + 4t2 0t4 1t4 2u3 + t0t5 1t4 2u3 + t5 0t2 1t2 2u4 + 6t4 0t3 1t2 2u4 +8t3 0t4 1t2 2u4 +2t2 0t5 1t2 2u4 +4t4 0t2 1t3 2u4 +10t3 0t3 1t3 2u4 +9t2 0t4 1t3 2u4 +3t0t5 1t3 2u4 +t3 0t2 1t4 2u4 + 0t3 t2 1t4 2u4 + t0t4 1t4 2u4 + 3t4 0t3 1t2u5 + t3 0t4 1t2u5 + 3t4 0t2 1t2 2u5 + 8t3 0t3 1t2 2u5 + 12t2 0t4 1t2 2u5 + 7t3 0t2 1t3 2u5 + 8t2 0t3 1t3 2u5 + 5t0t4 1t3 2u5 + t2 0t2 1t4 2u5 + t4 0t2 1t2u6 + 5t3 0t3 1t2u6 + 3t2 0t4 1t2u6 + t0t5 1t2u6 + 2t4 0t1t2 2u6 + 9t3 0t2 1t2 2u6+13t2 0t3 1t2 2u6+4t0t4 1t2 2u6+2t3 0t1t3 2u6+5t2 0t2 1t3 2u6+t0t3 1t3 2u6+4t3 0t2 1t2u7+11t2 0t3 1t2u7+ 2t0t4 1t2u7 +7t3 0t1t2 2u7 +7t2 0t2 1t2 2u7 +3t0t3 1t2 2u7 +t4 1t2 2u7 +t2 0t1t3 2u7 +t0t2 1t3 2u7 +t3 0t2 1u8 +t2 0t3 1u8 + t0t4 1u8 +2t3 0t1t2u8 +5t2 0t2 1t2u8 +3t0t3 1t2u8 +4t2 0t1t2 2u8 +3t0t2 1t2 2u8 +t3 1t2 2u8 +t3 0t1u9 +t3 0t2u9 + 2t2 0t1t2u9 + 2t0t2 1t2u9 + t0t1t2 2u9 + t2 0t2u10 + t3 0t5 1t2 2u2 + t4 0t3 1t2 2u3 + t2 0t5 1t2 2u3 + t2 0t4 1t3 2u3 + 0t3 t2 1t4 2u3 + t4 1t2 t4 2u6)/(t3 1t2 0t2 0t(3/2) 2u4 + t3 t(7/2) 2 u6) 1 0t3 1t2 2u4 + 3t2 0t4 1t2 2u4 + t2 0t3 1t3 2u4 + t3 0t3 1t2u5 + t3 0t2 1t2 2u5 + 2t2 0t3 1t2 2u5 + Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 1 −4 < V Grading < 4 −2 < AGrading < 5 −3 < AGrading0 < 3 0 < AGrading1 < 7/2 −5/2 < AGrading2 < 1/2 GF C − Number of Generators 82 Number of Edges 194 Poincar´e Polynomial t2 3t(7/2) 1 t(1/2) 2 /u5 + t3 1 0t(5/2) 0t(3/2) t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /u6 + t0t(7/2) 0t(5/2) u4) + t2 /(t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 1 1 1 u5) + 2t0t(5/2) 1 u4) + t0t(7/2) 1 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /u5 + u4) + 87 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 0t(3/2) /(t(1/2) t2 1 2 4t(5/2) t(1/2) 1 2 4t0t(3/2) 1 3t(5/2) 1 t(5/2) 1 4t(5/2) 1 2t(3/2) 1 t0t(3/2) 1 t(3/2) 1 /(t0t(1/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 u4) + 2t0t(5/2) /(t(1/2) 2 u4) + 4t(7/2) 1 1 t(1/2) 2 /u4 + 2t(7/2) 1 u3) + 5t(5/2) /(t(1/2) 2 1 /(t0u3) + t(7/2) 1 u2) + t(7/2) /(t0u4) + 2t2 0t(3/2) u3) + 3t(7/2) /(t(1/2) 2 1 1 /(t2 t(1/2) 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 0t(1/2) 0u3) + t2 u2) + t0t(1/2) 1 1 1 u2) + 2t(7/2) 1 1 u2) + t(3/2) ) + t(1/2) /(t2 0t(1/2) 2 u/(t0t(5/2) 2 1 u3) + t(3/2) /(t0t(3/2) 2 u) + t(1/2) 1 1 /(t(3/2) 2 u) + 3t(3/2) 1 u3) + t(7/2) 1 u2) + t(3/2) 1 /(t(5/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 u) + 2t(3/2) 1 1 1 u3) + 2t(3/2) u4) + t0t(3/2) u2) + 4t0t(3/2) 1 u3) + t(7/2) /(t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t0t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 u/(t0t(3/2) 2 1 u2) + 3t(5/2) u2) + 3t(3/2) u) + t(5/2) ) + t(5/2) t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 t(1/2) 2 /(t(3/2) 2 /(t(1/2) 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 0t(3/2) /(t3 2 /(t0t(3/2) 2 1 1 1 1 /u4 + u3) + /u3 + u2) + u2) + u) + ) + u2) + /(t0t(3/2) 2 u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t5 0t2 1t3 2+t4 0t3 1t2 2u+2t4 0t2 1t3 2u+3t3 0t3 1t3 2u+t6 0t1t2u2+t5 0t2 1t2u2+ 0t3 t4 1t2u2 + t5 0t1t2 2u2 + 2t4 0t2 1t2 2u2 + 4t3 0t3 1t2 2u2 + t4 0t1t3 2u2 + 4t3 0t2 1t3 2u2 + 2t2 0t3 1t3 2u2 + 2t5 0t1t2u3 + 0t3 t3 1t2u3 + 4t4 0t1t2 2u3 + 5t3 0t2 1t2 2u3 + 3t2 0t3 1t2 2u3 + 2t3 0t1t3 2u3 + 3t2 0t2 1t3 2u3 + t0t3 1t3 2u3 + t5 0t2u4 + 4t4 0t1t2u4 + t3 0t2 1t2u4 + t2 0t3 1t2u4 + t4 0t2 2u4 + 3t3 0t1t2 2u4 + 4t2 0t2 1t2 2u4 + 2t0t3 1t2 2u4 + t3 0t1t2u5 + 0t2 t2 1t2u5 +2t2 0t1t2 2u5 +3t2 0t1u7 +t2 0t3 1t2u3 +t3 0t1t2u4 +3t2 0t2 1t2u4 +t2 0t1t2 2u4 + 0t1u5 + t3 t3 0t2u5 + 2t2 0t1t2u5 + t2 0t2u7 +t4 1t2u6)t(1/2) 0t1t2u3 +t2 0t(5/2) /(t3 2 1 u6) Grading Ranges L6n111 σX σO −6 < U Grading < 1 −4 < V Grading < 4 −2 < AGrading < 5 −3 < AGrading0 < 3 0 < AGrading1 < 7/2 −5/2 < AGrading2 < 1/2 [2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4] [5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1] 88 GF C ∞ Number of Generators 142 Number of Edges 1139 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/(t3 1t2 2) + 2/(t0t2 1t2 2) + 2/(t0t3 1t2) + 1/(t2 0t2 1t2) + t2/u6 + t0/(t1u5) + 2t2/(t0u5)+2t2/(t1u5)+2/u5+4/(t0u4)+2t0/(t2 1u4)+7/(t1u4)+2t0/(t1t2u4)+1/(t2u4)+ t2/(t2 0u4) + t2/(t2 1u4) + 4t2/(t0t1u4) + 2/(t2 0u3) + t0/(t3 1u3) + 7/(t2 1u3) + 9/(t0t1u3) + t0/(t1t2 2u3)+2/(t0t2u3)+4t0/(t2 1t2u3)+7/(t1t2u3)+2t2/(t0t2 1u3)+2t2/(t2 0t1u3)+2/(t3 1u2)+ 7/(t0t2 1u2)+4/(t2 0t1u2)+2t0/(t2 1t2 2u2)+2/(t1t2 2u2)+1/(t2 0t2u2)+2t0/(t3 1t2u2)+10/(t2 1t2u2)+ 7/(t0t1t2u2) + t2/(t2 0t2 1u2) + 1/(t0t3 1u) + 2/(t2 0t2 1u) + t0/(t3 1t2 2u) + 4/(t2 1t2 2u) + 1/(t0t1t2 2u) + 4/(t3 1t2u) + 7/(t0t2 1t2u) + 2/(t2 0t1t2u) + u/(t0t3 1t2 2) + 1/(t1u5) + 1/(t2 1u4) + 1/(t1t2u4) + 1/(t0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 1t2u3) + 1/(t0t1t2u3) + 1/(t0t2 1t2u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0t3 1t3 2 + t3 0t2 1t2 2u + 2t2 0t3 1t2 2u + 2t2 0t2 1t3 2u + 2t0t3 1t3 2u + 2t3 0t2 1t2u2 + t2 0t3 1t2u2 + 2t3 0t1t2 2u2 + 7t2 0t2 1t2 2u2 + 4t0t3 1t2 2u2 + t2 0t1t3 2u2 + 4t0t2 1t3 2u2 + t3 1t3 2u2 + 0t2 t3 1u3 + 4t3 0t1t2u3 + 7t2 0t2 1t2u3 + 2t0t3 1t2u3 + t3 0t2 2u3 + 7t2 0t1t2 2u3 + 9t0t2 1t2 2u3 + 2t3 1t2 2u3 + 2t0t1t3 2u3 + 2t2 1t3 2u3 + 2t3 0t1u4 + 2t2 0t2 1u4 + 2t3 0t2u4 + 10t2 0t1t2u4 + 7t0t2 1t2u4 + t3 1t2u4 + 2t2 0t2 2u4 + 7t0t1t2 2u4 + 4t2 1t2 2u4 + t1t3 2u4 + t3 0u5 + 4t2 0t1u5 + t0t2 1u5 + 4t2 0t2u5 + 7t0t1t2u5 + 2t2 1t2u5 + t0t2 2u5 + 2t1t2 2u5 + 2t2 0u6 + 2t0t1u6 + 2t0t2u6 + t1t2u6 + t0u7 + t2 0t2 1t2 2u + t2 0t2 1t2u2 + 0t1t2 t2 2u2 + t2 0t1t2u3 + t0t2 1t2u3 + t0t1t2 2u3 + t0t1t2u4)/(t2 0t3 1t2 2u6) Grading Ranges −5 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 −6 < AGrading < 0 −2 < AGrading0 < 1 −3 < AGrading1 < 0 −2 < AGrading2 < 1 89 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 36 91 Poincar´e Polynomial 2/(t3 1t2 2)+1/(t0t3 1t2)+1/(t0u4)+1/(t1u4)+t0/(t1t2u4)+t2/(t0t1u4)+ 2/(t2 0u3) + 1/(t0t1u3) + 2t2/(t2 0t1u3) + 3/(t0t2 1u2) + 1/(t2 0t2u2) + t0/(t3 1t2u2) + 1/(t2 1t2u2) + 1/(t0t1t2u2) + t2/(t2 0t2 1u2) + 2/(t2 0t2 1u) + 2/(t2 1t2 2u) + 3/(t3 1t2u) + 1/(t2 0t1t2u) + u/(t0t3 1t2 2) + 1/(t1u5) + 1/(t2 1u4) + 1/(t1t2u4) + 1/(t0t2 1u3) + 1/(t2 1t2u3) + 1/(t0t1t2u3) + 1/(t0t2 1t2u2) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t2 1t2u+t2 0t2 1t2 2u+t0t3 1t2 2u+t0t2 1t3 2u+t0t2 1t2 2u2 +2t3 1t2 2u2 + 2t2 1t3 2u2 + t3 0t2u3 + t2 0t1t2u3 + t0t2 1t2u3 + t3 1t2u3 + 3t0t1t2 2u3 + t1t3 2u3 + 2t2 0t1u4 + 3t2 0t2u4 + 1t2u4 + 2t1t2 t2 2u4 + 2t2 0u5 + t0t2u5 + t0u6 + t2 0t2 1t2 2 + t2 0t2 1t2u + t2 0t1t2 2u + t2 0t1t2u2 + t0t2 1t2u2 + t0t1t2 2u2 + t0t1t2u3)/(t2 0t3 1t2 2u5) Grading Ranges L7n11 σX σO GF C ∞ −5 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 0 −6 < AGrading < 0 −2 < AGrading0 < 1 −3 < AGrading1 < 0 −2 < AGrading2 < 1 [3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 1, 6] [7, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2] Number of Generators 320 Number of Edges 4480 90 Poincar´e Polynomial 15/(t(7/2) 0 1) + 8/(t(9/2) t2 0 t1) + t(1/2) 0 1/(t(3/2) t2 0 5/(t(1/2) 0 20/(t(3/2) 0 35/(t(5/2) 0 u/(t(11/2) 0 5/(t(5/2) 0 3/(t(7/2) 0 u5) + t(1/2) u6) + 7/(t(1/2) 0 t1u4) + 18t1/(t(5/2) 0 0 u4) + 2t2 0 /(t1u5) + 14t1/(t(3/2) 1/(t(7/2) 1/(t(9/2) 0 0 u3) + t2 u2)+8/(t(9/2) 0 u)+11/(t(5/2) 0 t1u3) + 6t1/(t(7/2) 0 t1u2)+2t1/(t(9/2) 0 t1) + u2/(t(11/2) 0 u4) + 4/(t(3/2) 0 t1u2) + 1/(t(7/2) 0 t2 1u) 1) + t1/(t(3/2) t2 t1u4) + t1/(t(7/2) 0 0 t1/u7 + t(1/2) 1/(t(5/2) u5) + t2 0 /u6 + 5t1/(t(1/2) 0 u6) + u5) + 22/(t(3/2) u4) + 0 0 u3) + 5/(t(1/2) 0 1u3) + t2 u4) + 34/(t(5/2) 0 u3) + 18/(t(7/2) u2) + 11/(t(3/2) 0 1u2) + t2 1u)+28/(t(7/2) t2 0 u5) + 1/(t(1/2) 0 0 t1u)+6u/(t(9/2) 0 t2 1)+ t1u5) + t1/(t(5/2) 0 u5) + u6) + 3/(t(3/2) 0 u4) + 3/(t(7/2) 0 u3) + 7/(t(5/2) 0 t1u3) + 2/(t(9/2) 0 u2) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t6 0t3 1+t6 0t2 1u+5t5 0t3 1u+t4 0t4 1u+t6 0t1u2+7t5 0t2 1u2+14t4 0t3 1u2+ 0t4 t3 1u2 + 5t5 0t1u3 + 22t4 0t2 1u3 + 18t3 0t3 1u3 + 2t2 0t4 1u3 + 5t5 0u4 + 20t4 0t1u4 + 34t3 0t2 1u4 + 6t2 0t3 1u4 + t0t4 1u4 + 11t4 0u5 + 35t3 0t1u5 + 18t2 0t2 1u5 + 2t0t3 1u5 + 11t3 0u6 + 28t2 0t1u6 + 8t0t2 1u6 + 15t2 0u7 + 8t0t1u7 + 6t0u8 + t1u8 + u9 + t4 0t3 1u + t5 0t1u2 + 3t4 0t3 1u2 + 4t4 0t1u3 + 5t3 0t2 1u3 + t2 0t3 1u3 + 7t3 0t1u4 + 3t2 0t2 1u4 + 3t2 0t1u5 + 2t0t2 1u5 + t2 1u2 + t3 0t2 0u6)/(t(11/2) 0 1u7) t2 Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 0 −6 < V Grading < 0 −11/2 < AGrading < 0 −9/2 < AGrading0 < 0 −2 < AGrading1 < 2 GF C − Number of Generators 84 Number of Edges 325 Poincar´e Polynomial 3/(t(7/2) t1)+2/(t(1/2) 0 u5)+3t1/(t(3/2) 0 u5)+2/(t(3/2) 0 u4)+ 10t1/(t(5/2) 0 5/(t(7/2) 0 u4)+t2 1/(t(7/2) 0 u2) + 5/(t(5/2) 0 t1u3)+4t1/(t(7/2) 0 u) + 2/(t(7/2) u3)+t2 1/(t(9/2) t1u) + t1/(t(3/2) 0 0 0 u3)+ u6) + 0 1)+1/(t(9/2) t2 0 u4)+10/(t(5/2) 0 u3)+3/(t(3/2) 0 t1u2) + t1/(t(9/2) 0 u2) + 3/(t(9/2) 0 91 3/(t(3/2) 0 7/(t(5/2) 0 u5) + t1/(t(5/2) 0 u5) + 4/(t(5/2) 0 u4) + 3/(t(3/2) 0 t1u4) + t1/(t(7/2) 0 u4) + 2/(t(7/2) 0 u3) + t1u3) + 2/(t(9/2) 0 u2) + 3/(t(7/2) 0 t1u2) + 1/(t(7/2) 0 t2 1u) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (2t4 0t2 1u + 3t3 0t3 1u + 2t3 0t2 1u2 + 10t2 0t3 1u2 + t0t4 1u2 + 3t3 0t1u3 + 10t2 0t2 1u3 + 4t0t3 1u3 + t4 1u3 + 5t2 0t1u4 + 5t0t2 1u4 + t3 1u4 + 2t0t1u5 + 3t2 1u5 + 3t0u6 + t1u6 + 1u + t2 0t3 1u + 3t3 0t1u2 + 4t2 0t2 1u2 + t0t3 1u2 + 7t2 0t1u3 + 2t0t2 1u3 + 3t0t1u4 + 2t2 1u4 + 0t2 1 + 3t3 0t3 t3 t0u5)/(t(9/2) 0 1u6) t2 Grading Ranges L7n20 σX σO GF C ∞ −6 < U Grading < 0 −6 < V Grading < 0 −11/2 < AGrading < 0 −9/2 < AGrading0 < 0 −2 < AGrading1 < 2 [4, 7, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6] [1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 2] Number of Generators 516 Number of Edges 8353 Poincar´e Polynomial t2 0/(t(5/2) 1 u) + 2t0/t(7/2) 1 + 18/t(9/2) 1 0t(1/2) t2 1 /u7 + 6t2 u6) + 3t0t(1/2) 1 /u6 + 15t2 u5) + 18t0/(t(1/2) 1 ) + + 15/(t0t(7/2) 1 u5) + 3t(1/2) 1 /u5 + 1 + 3t0/t(11/2) 0/(t(3/2) u4) + t(1/2) 1 1 u4) + 18/(t(1/2) 1 0/(t(1/2) 1 u4) + 45t0/(t(3/2) 1 u3) + 45/(t(3/2) 1 21t2 0/(t(5/2) 61t0/(t(5/2) 1 60/(t(5/2) 1 3u/t(11/2) 1 1 u2)+15/(t0t(3/2) 1 + 6u/(t0t(9/2) 1 u3) + 6/(t0t(1/2) 0/(t(11/2) ) + u2/(t0t(11/2) u2)+t2 1 1 1 ) + t0/(t(5/2) 1 u3) + 6t2 1 u)+18t0/(t(9/2) 1 0/(t(9/2) u)+45/(t(7/2) u4) 1 /(t0u4) + 15t2 0/(t(7/2) u2) + 43t0/(t(7/2) 1 1 u3) + u2) + u)+20/(t0t(5/2) 1 u)+ 92 Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t3 0t3 1u6 + 2t2 0t2 1u7 + t3 0t6 1 + 6t3 0t5 1u + 3t2 0t6 1u + 15t3 0t4 1u2 + 18t2 0t5 1u2 +3t0t6 1u2 +21t3 0t3 1u3 +45t2 0t4 1u3 +18t0t5 1u3 +t6 1u3 +15t3 0t2 1u4 +61t2 0t3 1u4 +45t0t4 1u4 + 6t5 1u4 + 6t3 0t1u5 + 43t2 0t2 1u5 + 60t0t3 1u5 + 15t4 1u5 + t3 0u6 + 18t2 0t1u6 + 45t0t2 1u6 + 20t3 1u6 + 3t2 0u7 + 18t0t1u7 + 15t2 1u7 + 3t0u8 + 6t1u8 + u9 + t2 0t3 1u3)/(t0t(11/2) 1 u7) Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 1 −11/2 < AGrading < 3/2 −1 < AGrading0 < 2 −11/2 < AGrading1 < 1/2 GF C − Number of Generators Number of Edges 34 46 Poincar´e Polynomial 2t0/t(7/2) u6) + 4t2 0/(t(3/2) u5) + t0/(t(1/2) u5) + t(1/2) 1 /u5 + + t2 0/(t(1/2) 1 1 u4) + 3/(t(1/2) 1 u4) + 5t0/(t(3/2) 1 0/(t(5/2) t2 1 1/(t0t(1/2) 1 u3) + 4/(t(5/2) 1 u2) + 1/(t(7/2) 1 u4) + t2 0/(t(7/2) u) + 1/(t0t(5/2) 1 1 1 1 u3) + 3t0/(t(5/2) 1 u) + u/t(11/2) 1 u3) + 3/(t(3/2) 1 u3) + + t0/(t(5/2) 1 u4) Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (2t2 0t2 1u6 + t3 0t5 1 + 4t3 0t4 1u + t2 0t5 1u + t0t6 1u + t3 0t3 1u2 + 1u2 + t3 0t2 1u3 + 3t2 0t3 1u3 + 3t0t4 1u3 + t5 1u3 + 4t0t3 1u4 + t0t2 1u5 + t3 1u5 + t0u7 + 5t2 1u2 + 3t0t5 0t4 1u2)/(t0t(11/2) 1 0t3 t2 Grading Ranges u6) −6 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 1 −11/2 < AGrading < 3/2 −1 < AGrading0 < 2 93 −11/2 < AGrading1 < 1/2 [3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 2, 4] [7, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1] L7n21 σX σO GF C ∞ Number of Generators 512 Number of Edges 9731 Poincar´e Polynomial 3t0/t(13/2) + 11/t(11/2) 1 1 u6) + 2t(1/2) u6) + 5t0/(t(1/2) 1 1 ) + 3/(t2 + 19/(t0t(9/2) 0/(t(5/2) 0t(7/2) 1 u5) + 19t0/(t(3/2) 1 ) + t2 0/(t(1/2) u5) + 6/(t(1/2) 1 u7) + u5) + /u6 + 8t2 2t2 0/(t(3/2) 1 3t(1/2) 1 1 7t2 0/(t(9/2) 0/(t(11/2) t2 1 10t0/(t(11/2) 0t(9/2) u/(t2 1 1 /(t0u5) + 10t2 0/(t(7/2) u3) + 43t0/(t(7/2) 1 1 u4) + 36t0/(t(5/2) 1 u3) + 61/(t(5/2) 1 1 u4) + 33/(t(3/2) 1 u3) + 13/(t0t(3/2) 1 u2) + 33t0/(t(9/2) 1 u) + 35/(t(9/2) 1 ) + u2/(t0t(13/2) ) 1 u2) + 63/(t(7/2) 1 u2) + 29/(t0t(5/2) 1 u) + 36/(t0t(7/2) 1 u) + 2/(t2 0t(5/2) 1 u) + 3u/t(13/2) 1 1 u3) + 2/(t2 1 u4) + 5/(t0t(1/2) 0t(1/2) 0/(t(13/2) 1 + 5u/(t0t(11/2) u2) + t2 1 1 1 u4) + u3) + u) + ) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t4 0t6 1 + 2t4 0t5 1u + 5t3 0t6 1u + 2t2 0t7 1u + 8t4 0t4 1u2 + 19t3 0t5 1u2 + 6t2 0t6 1u2 + 3t0t7 1u2 + 10t4 0t3 1u3 + 36t3 0t4 1u3 + 33t2 0t5 1u3 + 5t0t6 1u3 + 7t4 0t2 1u4 + 43t3 0t3 1u4 + 61t2 0t4 1u4 + 13t0t5 1u4 + 2t6 1u4 + t4 0t1u5 + 33t3 0t2 1u5 + 63t2 0t3 1u5 + 29t0t4 1u5 + t4 0u6 + 10t3 0t1u6 + 35t2 0t2 1u6 + 36t0t3 1u6 + 3t3 0u7 + 11t2 0t1u7 + 19t0t2 1u7 + 3t3 1u7 + 3t2 0u8 + 5t0t1u8 + 1u8 + t0u9)/(t2 t2 1u6 + 2t4 0t(13/2) u7) 1 Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 1 −13/2 < AGrading < 1/2 −2 < AGrading0 < 2 94 −13/2 < AGrading1 < 1/2 GF C − Number of Generators 30 Number of Edges 0 Poincar´e Polynomial t(1/2) 1 u4) + 7t0/(t(5/2) 1 0/(t(7/2) t2 1 1/(t0t(3/2) 1 u3) + 1/(t(9/2) 1 u) + 2/(t0t(7/2) 1 /u6 +2t2 0/(t(5/2) 1 u4) + 5/(t(3/2) 1 u5)+t0/(t(3/2) 1 u5)+2/(t(1/2) 1 u4) + 1/(t0t(1/2) 0t(5/2) u) + 1/(t2 1 1 u4) + t0/(t(7/2) 1 u) + u/t(13/2) 1 /(t0u5)+ u5)+2t(1/2) 1 u3) + 1/(t(5/2) 1 u3) + Poincar´e Polynomial (factored) (t2 0t7 1 +2t4 0t4 1u+t3 0t5 1u+2t2 0t6 1u+2t0t7 1u+t4 0t3 1u2 +7t3 1u2 + 5t2 0t5 1u2 + t0t6 1u2 + t3 0t3 1u3 + t2 0t4 1u3 + t0t5 1u3 + t2 0t2 1u5 + 2t0t3 1u5 + t4 1u5 + t2 0u7)/(t2 0t4 0t(13/2) 1 u6) Grading Ranges −6 < U Grading < 1 −6 < V Grading < 1 −13/2 < AGrading < 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Will copy argument if given a perm instead of a list (cid:44)→ datatype. def __init__(self, lst = [1]): #initialization just loads the list into the (cid:44)→ self.value check_if_valid(lst) if type(lst) == perm: self.value = lst.value.copy() else: self.value = lst.copy() def __str__(self): return str(self.value) def __repr__(self): return str(self.value) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.value[i- 1] def __setitem__(self, i, val): self.value[i- 1] = val def __mul__(self, other): #self o other as permutation composition, also loads this (cid:44)→ into the * notation so sig*phi works temp_sig = self.value.copy() temp_phi = other.value.copy() temp_sig, temp_phi = match_sizes(temp_sig, temp_phi) n = len(temp_phi) 98 result = temp_sig.copy() for i in range(n): result[i] = temp_sig[temp_phi[i] - 1] return perm(result) def __len__(self): return len(self.value) def __eq__(self, other): #lets us compare permutations if type(other) != perm: return False if self.value == other.value: return True else: return False def copy(self): newCopy = perm(self.value) return newCopy def inverse(self): #Finding sig^- 1 result = identity_perm(len(self.value)) for i in range(1,len(self.value)+1): result[self[i]] = i return result def __pow__(self, n): #computes sig**n and loads it into the ** notation temp_sig, temp_id = match_sizes(self.value.copy(), [1]) result = perm(temp_id) if n >= 0: for i in range(n): result = self * result return result else: inv = self.inverse() for i in range(-n): result = inv * result return result def size(self): return len(self.value) def cycles(self): #returns a tuple of tuples representing the cycle notation for 99 cycle_collection = [] #the given permutation for example [2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 4] --> (cid:44)→ ((1, 2)(3)(4,5,6) counted = [] for x in range(self.size()): current = x + 1 current_cycle = [] while current not in counted: current_cycle.append(current) counted.append(current) current = self.value[current - 1] if len(current_cycle) > 0: cycle_collection.append(tuple(current_cycle)) return tuple(cycle_collection) def reduce_at(self, position): #removes an element that maps to itself and (cid:44)→ renumbers the permutation so its consistent if self.value[position - 1] == position: result = [] for x in self.value: if x < position: result.append(x) elif x > position: result.append(x- 1) return perm(result) else: raise ValueError("Cannot reduce at given value - given value is not fixed (cid:44)→ under the permutation" ) def collapse_at(self, position): #pass this function the i s.t. you want to remove (cid:44)→ sigma(i) original_value = self.value[position - 1] result = [] reference = self.value.copy() for x in reference: if x < original_value: result.append(x) elif x > original_value: result.append(x - 1) return perm(result) def widen_at(self, position = 1, value = 1): #inverse of the reduce function - (cid:44)→ widens a permutation by adding i -> i in reference = self.value.copy() #the middle of a permutation and renumbers the (cid:44)→ inputs and outputs that are size = len(reference)+1 # larger than i accordingly. 100 reference.append(size) 5, 4, 7, 2, 6] (cid:44)→ # Ex: [1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 5] widen at 4 --> [1, 3, result = [] #This operation isn't very natural in (cid:44)→ permutations but it is in the context of grids for i in range(size): if i+1 < position: if reference[i] < value: result.append(reference[i]) else: result.append(reference[i] +1) elif i+1 > position: if reference[i- 1] < value: result.append(reference[i- 1]) else: result.append(reference[i- 1] +1) else: result.append(value) return perm(result) def identity_perm(n): #produces perm data type of [1, 2, 3 ... n] temp_list = [] for i in range(n): temp_list.append(i+1) return perm(temp_list) def extend_perm(sig, n, isPerm = False): #Extends a permutation to length n - will not #accepts lists and perms returning the same (cid:44)→ shorten a given permutation check_if_valid(sig) (cid:44)→ type as given if type(sig) == list: size = len(sig) if n <= size: if isPerm: return perm(sig) return sig extended_perm = sig for i in range(size+1, n+1): extended_perm.append(i) if isPerm: return perm(extended_perm) return extended_perm else: return extend_perm(sig.value, n, True) def match_sizes(sigma, phi): 101 #extends the sigma and phi as necessary, adding elements mapping to themselves #accepts lists and perms returning the same type as given check_if_valid(sigma) check_if_valid(phi) new_sigma = perm(sigma) new_phi = perm(phi) fin_sigma = extend_perm(new_sigma, len(phi)) fin_phi = extend_perm(new_phi, len(sigma)) return (type(sigma)(fin_sigma.value), type(phi)(fin_phi.value)) def check_if_valid(sig): #Running collection of possible errors for given permutation (cid:44)→ arguments if not ((type(sig) == list) or (type(sig) == perm)): #checks if sig is a list or a (cid:44)→ perm type and raises a warning if not raise ValueError("Neither list nor perm passed to function" ) return def transposition(x, y, n = 2): #Permutation of [1,2 ... y ... x ... n] just swapping x (cid:44)→ and y temp_list = [] for i in range(n): temp_list.append(i+1) temp_list[x- 1] = y temp_list[y- 1] = x return perm(temp_list) def generate_all_transpositions(n): temp_list = [] for x in range(1,n): for y in range(x+1,n+1): temp_list.append(transposition(x,y,n)) # print("transposing x = " + str(x) + " and y = " + str(y)) return temp_list def generate_all_labeled_transpositions(n): temp_list = [] for x in range(1,n): for y in range(x+1,n+1): temp_list.append([transposition(x,y,n), [x,y]]) return temp_list def generate_sn(n): ref = list(range(1,n+1)) 102 temp_list = [] working_x = [] hold = [] for x in range(1,n+1): temp_list.append([x]) for i in range(n- 1): # print(i) for z in range(1,n+1): for x in temp_list: if z not in x: working_x = x.copy() working_x.append(z) hold.append(working_x) temp_list = hold.copy() hold = [] result = [] for entry in temp_list: result.append(perm(entry)) return result def full_cycle(n): #permutation of [1, 2, 3, ... n] result = [] for i in range(n- 1): result.append(i+2) result.append(1) return perm(result) def perm_from_cycle(cycle, given_size = - 1): #takes a TUPLE of TUPLES so make sure to (cid:44)→ include commas if either of those tuples has a single element size = 0 #currently broken - doesn't handled duplicate instances of an (cid:44)→ element -- requires reduced cycles if given_size == - 1: for sub_cycle in cycle: for x in sub_cycle: if x > size: size = x else: size = given_size temp_sig = [] for i in range(size): temp_sig.append(i+1) for sub_cycle in cycle: for i in range(len(sub_cycle)): temp_sig[sub_cycle[i- 1] - 1] = sub_cycle[i] 103 return perm(temp_sig) 104 APPENDIX B CODE FOR GFK GENERATION The following code is discussed in section 2.2. It is used to generate the data for the module. import sys import pickle import time try: from .perm import * except: from perm import * import networkx as nx ###################################################### #First chunk is code for actually computing the complex ###################################################### def is_between(target, a, b): #Input: integers target, a, b # #Output: Returns True if target is between a and b False otherwise if target > a: if target < b: return True return False #Note: The next 4 cases and the parent_check function use the following conventions, (cid:44)→ where the shaded shaded region is the parent rectangle being checked if it contains the target # # #Input: Coordinates rect = ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) target = (tx, ty) # #Output: True if target is inside shaded region, False otherwise # def check_case_{1}(rect, target): if (is_between(target[0], rect[0][0], rect[1][0]) and is_between(target[1], (cid:44)→ rect[0][1], rect[1][1])): return True 105 return False def check_case_{2}(rect, target): if ((not is_between(target[0], rect[0][1], rect[1][1])): return True (cid:44)→ return False def check_case_{3}(rect, target): rect[1][0], rect[0][0])) and is_between(target[1], if (is_between(target[0], rect[0][0], rect[1][0]) and (not is_between(target[1], (cid:44)→ rect[1][1], rect[0][1]))): return True return False def check_case_{4}(rect, target): if ((not is_between(target[0], is_between(target[1], return True (cid:44)→ rect[1][0], rect[0][0])) and (not rect[1][1], rect[0][1]))): return False def parent_check(rect, target): #Input: rect = ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) and target (tx, ty) # #Output: Returns True if target is inside the rectangle, False otherwise. ax = rect[0][0] ay = rect[0][1] bx = rect[1][0] by = rect[1][1] #This is a belabored switch statement. All of these are possible since grids exist (cid:44)→ on a #torus. There's two possibilities for the x coordinates and two for the y as to (cid:44)→ which one #comes first. This gives us the following 4 cases. if ( (ax < bx) and (ay < by) ): return check_case_{1}(rect, target) 106 if ( (ax > bx) and (ay < by) ): return check_case_{2}(rect, target) if ( (ax < bx) and (ay > by) ): return check_case_{3}(rect, target) if ( (ax > bx) and (ay > by) ): return check_case_{4}(rect, target) print("invalid rectangle given" ) def symbol_coordinates(symbol_perm): #Input: List or permutation of symbols (typically X and O) coordinates # #Output: List of the same size with the cartesian (x,y) coordinates of the symbols (cid:44)→ # (cid:44)→ if the lower left corner of the grid is at (1,1) and the alpha and beta curves are 1 unit apart # # #Note: This could be approached centering the corner at (0,0) the choice of putting (cid:44)→ # (cid:44)→ # (cid:44)→ it at (1,1) is so that the generator coordinates are exactly at the height of their given permutation. That is the state [2,1,3...] has the first intersection at (1,2) # #Example: call symbol_coordinates([1,3,2]) if type(symbol_perm) == perm: temp = symbol_perm.value.copy() else: temp = symbol_perm.copy() for count, element in enumerate(temp): 107 temp[count] = (count + 1.5, element + 0.5) return temp def hv_set_shift(h,v,sigs): #Input: h integer, v integer, sigs a collection of permutations # #Output: The list of all permutations shifted horizontally by h and vertically by v. the (cid:44)→ # (cid:44)→ # this amounts to setting phi = [1, 2, 3, ... , n] and taking each sig in list and replacing it with (phi^h) o sig o (phi^v) result = [] if len(sigs) == 0: n = 0 else: n = len(sigs[0]) hshift = full_cycle(n)**(-h) vshift = full_cycle(n)**v for sig in sigs: result.append((vshift*sig)*hshift) return result def deprecated_truncated_sn(n, trunc_length): #Input: n integer, trunc_length integer # #Output: List of lists, each on length trunc_length. One for each sub-sequence that appears in sn. For example [5,1,6] would be an element for n = 6 # and trunc_length = 3, from possibly [5,1,6,3,2,4] # #We'll make sn then chop off the first trunc_length and save it to result pre_result = generate_sn(n) 108 result = [] for sig in pre_result: temp = sig.value.copy() trunc_sig = temp[0:trunc_length] if trunc_sig not in result: result.append(trunc_sig.copy()) return result def truncated_sn(n, trunc_length): result = [[]] hold = [] symset = list(range(1,n+1)) while len(result[0]) < trunc_length: for sym in symset: for res in result: if not (sym in res): hold.append(res + [sym]) result = hold hold = [] return result def generate_all_states_outside_rectangle(rectangle, n): #Input: rectangle = ((a0, b0), (a1, b1)), n integer # #Output: List # #This function computes the states as if the rectangle had lower corner #(1,1) then shifts the result - keep in mind when seeing lists appending 1's #Compute the dimensions of the rectangle - mod n since we're working on a torus r_width = (rectangle[1][0] - rectangle[0][0]) % n r_height = (rectangle[1][1] - rectangle[0][1]) % n if (r_width + r_height) > n: 109 print("rectangle dimensions too large to have non-empty set of states" ) return [] pre_result = [] #region a is the one above the rectangle and b is the columns after that #then s_a is the collection of intersection choices for a grid state x #that keeps the rectangle empty sa = truncated_sn(n - r_height - 1, r_width - 1) sb = generate_sn(n - abs(r_width) - 1) #sanity check: 2 intersections used by corners, rw - 1 for a and n - rw - 1 for b (cid:44)→ means 2 + a + b = n #This case should only happen when the rectangle prevents placing any points in #region a (above it) if sa == []: #whats left holds onto the symbols yet to be used whats_left = [] for i in range(2,r_height+1): whats_left.append(i) for i in range(r_height+1,n+1): whats_left.append(i) for psi in sb: curr_state=[] curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state for i in range(n-abs(r_width) - 1): curr_state.append(whats_left[psi[i] - 1]) pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) #Case for the rest of the rectangles for sig in sa: #we're lifting this as a list rather than a permutation because #we need to shift them all up by the height - making it no longer a perm 110 x = sig.copy() #loop lifts the symbols above the rectangle into region a for count, position in enumerate(x): x[count] = position + r_height + 1 #whats left holds onto the symbols yet to be used whats_left = [] for i in range(2,abs(r_height)+1): whats_left.append(i) for i in range(abs(r_height) + 2, n + 1): if i not in x: whats_left.append(i) if sb == []: curr_state = x.copy() curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) for psi in sb: curr_state=x.copy() curr_state.append(1) curr_state = [1+r_height] + curr_state for i in range(n-abs(r_width) - 1): curr_state.append(whats_left[psi[i] - 1]) pcurr_state = perm(curr_state.copy()) pre_result.append(pcurr_state) #States need to all be shifted unless the rectangle is actually based at (1, 1) if not ((rectangle[0][0] == 1) and (rectangle[0][1] == 1)): raw_result = hv_set_shift(rectangle[0][0] - 1, rectangle[0][1] - 1, pre_result) 111 else: raw_result = pre_result result = [] rect_pairer = transposition(rectangle[0][0], rectangle[1][0], n) #Up to now the raw_results holds the states associated with base of the rectangle #this loop takes all those and pairs them with the connected state for sig in raw_result: result.append([sig*rect_pairer,sig]) if result == []: return None return result def zero_list(n): #Input: Integer n # #Output: List of length n with all entries zero --- ex: zero_list(5) = [0, 0, 0, 0, (cid:44)→ 0] result = [] for i in range(n): result.append(0) return result def count_symbols(n, rect, symbol_perm): #Input: n integer, rect rectangle ((a0, b0), (a1, b1)), symbol_perm a permutation (cid:44)→ or list # #Output: List with 1/0 for symbol in/out of connecting rectangle # #Iterates through each symbol symbol_perm(i) and marking a corresponding list (cid:44)→ entry #to 1 if the symbol is present 112 temp = zero_list(n) usable_sym = symbol_coordinates(symbol_perm) #Moving the coordinates to the actual heights rather than the discrete style #lists for i in range(n): if parent_check(rect, usable_sym[i]): temp[i] = 1 return temp def generate_all_rectangle_sizes(n): #Input: n integer # #Output: All possible sizes of allowable rectangles # #Any sizes outside of this are too large to not contain a generator's basepoint #not to be confused with z/w's. result = [] for width in range(1,n): for height in range(1,n+1-width): result.append((width,height)) return result def generate_all_rectangles(n): #Input: n integer # #Output: All possible connecting rectangles for a grid of size n in a list # format sizes = generate_all_rectangle_sizes(n) rects = [] for size in sizes: for i in range(0,n): 113 for j in range(0,n): x = (i % n + 1,j % n + 1) y = ((i+size[0]) % n + 1,(j+size[1]) % n + 1) rects.append((x,y)) return rects def generate_all_edges(n, symbols): #Input: n an integer, symbols, a collection of lists of length n denoting the (cid:44)→ placement of the symbols. For knots and links this should be a pair of two lists, or permutations. # # #Output: Returns a list 3 layers deep containing all the edge information of (cid:44)→ CFKinf # #Call generate_all_edges(5,[[5, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5, 1]]) as an example pre_diff = generate_all_rectangles(n) symbol_count = len(symbols) #This should always be 2 for knots and links. place_holder = [] z_list = zero_list(n) for i in range(symbol_count): place_holder.append(z_list.copy()) unweighted_diff = [] for rect in pre_diff: candidates = generate_all_states_outside_rectangle(rect, n) #each candidate is a collection of points differing on the rectangle given #so each candidate represents an edge from rect[0] = (a0, b0) to rect[1] = (a1, (cid:44)→ b1) #(filling in the rest of the necessary coordinates with the candidate) if candidates is not None: for count, candidate in enumerate(candidates): candidates[count] = [candidate.copy(), rect, place_holder.copy()] #^Replacing the candidate with a clean copy, a note of its connecting 114 #rectangle and initialize the edge weight to zero unweighted_diff = unweighted_diff + candidates #appending the list of these candidates to our unweighted differential for count, symbol in enumerate(symbols): #This should again always be a pair in case of knots and links for i in range(len(unweighted_diff)): #here we replace the previous zero weight after counting the symbols unweighted_diff[i][2][count] = count_symbols(n, unweighted_diff[i][1], (cid:44)→ symbol) return unweighted_diff def imp_from_pickle(filename = 'PickleDefault.pickle' ): # Imports pickle file and returns the object. Will import from DefaultPickleComp if no (cid:44)→ name is provided if filename == 'DefaultPickleComp' : print('No name provided for import - importing from DefaultPickleComp' ) try: file = open(filename,'rb' ) print("file opened" ) except: print('Ran into an error: Make sure you \' ve exported to the file you \' re (cid:44)→ trying to import from' ) stuff = pickle.load(file) file.close() print('file closed' ) return stuff def pickle_it(comp, filename = "PickleDefault.pickle" ): #Input: comp is any data (Usually a complex as a networkx type graph) and str (cid:44)→ filename #Exports the complex as a binary file using the pickle module, just shorthand file = open(filename, 'wb' ) pickle.dump(comp, file) 115 file.close() return def build_cinf(symbols): #Input: symbols a list of two lists, [sigx, sigo] # #Output: g a networkx directed graph # # # # xlist = symbols[0] olist = symbols[1] size = len(xlist) if type(symbols) == grid: xlist = symbols.sig_x olist = symbols.sig_o comp = generate_all_edges(size, [xlist,olist]) g = nx.DiGraph() nx.set_edge_attributes(g, {'diffweight':[]}) for ele in comp: if not g.has_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1])): g.add_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1]), diffweight = []) g[str(ele[0][0])][str(ele[0][1])]['diffweight' ].append((ele[2][0] + (cid:44)→ ele[2][1])) return g def pickle_cinf(gknot, filename = 'DefaultPickleComp' ): #Input: Grid or pair of x and o coordinates as list or tuple # #The function takes the pair calls for the CFK complex to be constructed, loads (cid:44)→ the #result into a networkx directed-graph then calls the function to pickle the (cid:44)→ resulting #graph structure. This is intended to pass to the sage processing from here. if filename == 'DefaultPickleComp' : 116 print('No name provided for pickling - saving to DefaultPickleComp' ) # # # # if type(gknot) == grid: size = gknot.size xlist = list(gknot.sig_x) olist = list(gknot.sig_o) if (type(gknot) == list) or (type(gknot) == tuple): size = len(gknot[0]) xlist = gknot[0] olist = gknot[1] comp = generate_all_edges(size, [xlist,olist]) g = nx.DiGraph() for ele in comp: g.add_edge(str(ele[0][0]),str(ele[0][1]), diffweight = (ele[2][0] + ele[2][1])) pickle_it((g, size, gknot), filename) return ############################################ #Code in this section is for getting the user input ############################################ def get_integer_bounded(n): #Input: integer n # #Output: An integer input from the user between 1 and n while True: num = input() try: val = int(num) if (val < n + 1) and (val > 0): return val 117 print("Your integer isn't between 1 and " + str(n)) except ValueError: print("Please only enter an integer." ) def user_sig(n): #Input: integer n # #Output: List version of the n entries from the user. Check if valid can be (cid:44)→ # strengthened in, as it stands it won't catch any errors in this function result = [] print("input the coordinates, returning after each entry" ) for i in range(n): val = get_integer_bounded(n) result.append(int(val)) if check_if_valid(result): return result else: print("Invalid sig entered" ) user_sig(n) def correct_prompt(): #Input: None # #Output: True if user confirms, False if user specifies, loops until one of the two (cid:44)→ is given while True: ans = input("Is this correct? (Y/N)" ) if (ans == 'Y' ) or (ans == 'y' ): return True elif (ans == 'N' ) or (ans == 'n' ): return False 118 else: print("You didn't enter Y or N, please only enter one of these (cid:44)→ options." ) def prompt_for_link(): #Input: None # #Output: List of two lists representing sigx and sigo sigx = [] check = False sigo = [] n = int(input("Enter grid size: " )) while True: print('Grid size = ' + str(n)) ans = correct_prompt() if ans: break else: n = int(input('Enter grid size: ' )) print('First enter sigx.' ) sigx = user_sig(n) while check != True: print("sigx = " + str(sigx)) ans = correct_prompt() if ans: break else: sigx = user_sig(n) print('Now enter sigo' ) sigo = user_sig(n) while check != True: print("sigo= " + str(sigo)) ans = correct_prompt() if ans: break else: sigo = user_sig(n) return [sigx, sigo] 119 ######################################## #Function call if ran as script ######################################## # def main(): # # # user_syms = prompt_for_link() fname = str(input('What would you like the pickle (output) to be named: ')) pickle_cinf(user_syms, fname) # if __name__ == '__main__': # main() 120 APPENDIX C CODE FOR COMPLEX REDUCTION The code here is for grading and reducing the complex after it is produced by B. The code is included here without exposition and explanation as in the primary sections. import itertools as itools import networkx as nx import csv # import ast import numpy as np from scipy import sparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import multiprocessing as mp #from sage.graphs.graph_decompositions.graph_products import is_cartesian_product import GFKTools as gfk from GridPermutations import * import time import pickle import perm as pr from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager import random as rd TIMERS = True PROCESSOR_COUNT = 12 OUTPUTDIRECTORY = 'Outputs/' PRINT_PROGRESS = True class MyManager(BaseManager): # Necessary class definition for parallel processing pass class grid_complex: # This is the data type that holds all the information and most of the functions (cid:44)→ and methods necessary # to produce and manipulate the graded complex. def __init__(self, directed_graph, rng, sigx = None, sigo = None): 121 # Initializing and setting default values. sigx and sigo should generally be (cid:44)→ provided - fail safes are included # however if they're ever used then only the relative grading of the final object (cid:44)→ will be correct if type(directed_graph) != nx.DiGraph: raise("!This data type only supports networkx digraphs!" ) self.comp = directed_graph self.ring = rng self.min_gradings = {} self.max_gradings = {} self.max_grading_changes = {} self.sigx = sigx self.sigo = sigo self.set_to_minus = False self.set_to_tilde = False # From here the values necessary for the surgered manifold gradings are mapped (cid:44)→ out if (sigx != None) and (sigo != None): self.size = len(sigx) self.components = link_components(sigx, sigo) for i in range(len(self.components)): key = f 'AGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 key = f 'UGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 key = f 'VGrading { i} ' self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 else: # This is included in case the methods in the class are useful to another (cid:44)→ complex being loaded in self.components = None 122 def __repr__(self): # If the object is called it will return the underlying digraph return self.comp def subcomplex(self, subgraph): # This is essentially just the subgraph - may not be an actual subcomplex if (cid:44)→ poor choice of vertices/edges are made sub_copy = subgraph.copy() result = grid_complex(sub_copy, self.ring) def copy(self): # Adds copy functionality like the copy module if self.sigx == None: new_copy = grid_complex(self.comp.copy(), self.ring) else: new_copy = grid_complex(self.comp.copy(), self.ring, self.sigx.copy(), (cid:44)→ self.sigo.copy()) return new_copy def grid(self): # Adding functionality to return the original grid that produced the complex return [self.sigx, self.sigo] def graph(self): return self.comp def ring(self): return self.ring def to_hat(self): # Substitutes 0 for all the U and V variables in the complex print("setting Ui's and Vi's = 0" ) gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 123 for edge in self.comp.edges(): for i in range(2*size): src = edge[0] tar = edge[1] self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i]:0}) return def to_minus(self): # Substitutes U0 for all the Ui and 1 for Vi self.set_to_minus = True print("normalizing Ui's and setting Vi = 1" ) gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 for edge in self.comp.edges(): for component in self.components: for i in component: # if i == component[0]: continue setting_var = component[0] - 1 src = edge[0] tar = edge[1] self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i - 1]:gens[setting_var]}) self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i+size- 1]:1}) self.remove_zeros() return def to_tilde(self, overwrite = True): # Converts the complex to the tilde flavor by setting all the U's and V's to 0 # overwrite option determines whether to apply it to the complex or to make a (cid:44)→ copy and apply # the changes there. 124 if overwrite == False: replacement = self.copy() return replacement.to_tilde() self.set_to_tilde = True print("Setting all U's and V's to 0" ) gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 for edge in self.comp.edges(): for i in range(2*size): src = edge[0] tar = edge[1] self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i]:0}) self.remove_zeros() return self def link_normalize(self): # Substitutes Ucomp for all the Ui associated to that component gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 for edge in self.comp.edges(): for component in self.components: for i in component: if i == component[0]: continue setting_var = component[0] - 1 src = edge[0] tar = edge[1] self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i - 1]:gens[setting_var]}) self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight' ].subs({gens[i+size- 1]:gens[size + setting_var]}) 125 # # # # # # # # # (cid:44)→ # (cid:44)→ # # self.remove_zeros() return def normalize(self): #Substitutes U0 for all the Ui and V0 for all Vi gens = self.field.gens() size = len(gens)/2 for edge in self.comp.edges(): for i in range(size): src = edge[0] tar = edge[1] self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight'] = self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight'].subs({gens[i]:gens[0]}) self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight'] = self.comp[src][tar]['diffweight'].subs({gens[i+size]:gens[size]}) self.remove_zeros() return def remove_zeros(self): # Searches the complex for edges with weight 0 and removes the edge elist = list(self.comp.edges()) for x,y in elist: if self.comp[x][y]['diffweight' ] == 0: self.comp.remove_edge(x,y) return def split_by_grading(self, partition_list, key): # Unnecessary in current version - different approach to parallelization # partition_list is expected to be of the form matching the partition (cid:44)→ function's output. result = [] 126 for data in partition_list: gens = [vert for vert in self.comp.nodes() if (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ ((self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] >= data[0]) and (self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] <= data[4])) ] subg = self.comp.subgraph(gens) result.append(subg) return result def graph_red_search(self, started = False, timerstart = None): # searches through a cfk inf complex for reducible edges and calling # the reduction function to eliminate the pair according to the reduction (cid:44)→ algorithm if not started: timerstart = time.time() print("Reducing complex..." ) print(len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = (cid:44)→ 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1])) while True: count = (count + 1)% try: red_target = next((source, target) for source, target, weight in (cid:44)→ self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1) print(self.comp.edges[red_target]) self.graph_reduction(red_target[0], continue red_target[1]) # # except: ("StopIteration" ) break timerstop = time.time() # print('Time to reduce complex: ' + str(timerstop - timerstart)) return def graph_reduction(self, key, target): # Deletes edge specified from graph_red_search and adds in edges according to (cid:44)→ the # reduction algorithm 127 for x in self.comp.predecessors(target): if x == key: continue for y in self.comp.successors(key): if y == target: continue x_weight = self.comp[x][target]['diffweight' ] y_weight = self.comp[key][y]['diffweight' ] red_weight = x_weight * y_weight if self.comp.has_edge(x,y): old_weight = self.comp[x][y]['diffweight' ] red_weight = red_weight + old_weight self.comp.add_edge(x,y,diffweight=red_weight) self.comp.remove_node(key) self.comp.remove_node(target) return def minus_reduction(self, overwrite = True): # Reduces the complex but only reducing edges between vertices that are in the (cid:44)→ same Alexander gradings # Note: This will not overwrite (regardless of argument) if the complex hasn't (cid:44)→ been converted to the minus flavor. Instead, it # will make a copy, do the reduction there, and return the new complex if self.set_to_minus == False: replacement = self.copy() replacement.to_minus() replacement.minus_reduction(True) if overwrite == False: replacement = self.copy() replacement.minus_reduction(True) while True: (cid:44)→ starting_edge_count = len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if (weight == 1 and alexander_grading_equivalent(self.comp, source, target, len(self.components)))]) (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ try: 128 source, target = next((source, target) for source, target, weight in (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if (weight == 1 and alexander_grading_equivalent(self.comp, source, target, len(self.components)))) print("my alexander function returned " + (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ str(alexander_grading_equivalent(self.comp, source, target, len(self.components)))) print(self.comp.nodes()[source]["AGrading0" ]) print(self.comp.nodes()[target]["AGrading0" ]) # print(self.comp.nodes()[source]["AGrading1"]) self.graph_reduction(source, target) except StopIteration: pass except: print("Unexpected Error" ) end_edge_count = len([source for source, target, weight in (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if (weight == 1 and alexander_grading_equivalent(self.comp, source, target, len(self.components)))]) if starting_edge_count == end_edge_count: break return self def grade_link_complex(self): # Input: given_graph a networkx directed graph with 'diffweight' attribute on (cid:44)→ edges # # given_field the laurent polynomial field associated to the grid graph gridX a list representing the vertex to be graded 0 in U V and (cid:44)→ Alexander gradings # # Output: given_graph with new attributes on the vertices for U V and Alexander (cid:44)→ # gradings also an attribute HasBeenGraded as an artifact # If the positions of the Xs aren't provided we'll initialize around whatever # state happens to appear first in the digraph structure - This will mean the (cid:44)→ complex's absolute grading will be off 129 if self.sigx == None: gridX = list(self.comp.nodes())[0] else: gridX = self.sigx if self.sigo == None: gridO = list(self.comp.nodes())[0] else: gridO = self.sigo gens = self.ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 print("grading complex..." ) comp_set = len(self.components) # Adding an attribute to all nodes to keep track of if they've been assigned (cid:44)→ gradings for i in range(comp_set): nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, f "HasBeenGraded { i} " ) # The gradings are relative so we're declaring one to be in U, V, and Alexander (cid:44)→ grading 0 # this block initializes those balues for i in range(comp_set): # # # self.comp.nodes()[str(gridX)][f'HasBeenGraded{i}'] = True self.comp.nodes()[str(gridX)][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] = 0 self.comp.nodes()[str(gridX)][f'UGrading{i}'] = 0 self.comp.nodes()[str(gridX)][f'VGrading{i}'] = 0 if TIMERS: timerstart = time.time() # Built in function to find a spanning tree #span = nx.algorithms.tree.branchings.greedy_branching(given_graph) tree = nx.algorithms.minimum_spanning_tree( self.comp.to_undirected() eds = set(tree.edges()) # optimization spanset = [] ) 130 for edge in eds: if edge in self.comp.edges(): spanset.append(edge) else: spanset.append((edge[1], edge[0])) span = self.comp.edge_subgraph(spanset) if TIMERS: timerstop = time.time() print("Time to find arborescence:" + str(timerstop - timerstart)) # Bit of baseball terminology for the following nested loops, the active data (cid:44)→ is essentially at bat, the list we're working # through is called on_deck, and then we're building up the follow up as (cid:44)→ in_the_hole which will turn into # on deck on the following loop # # On deck holds the edges to be iterated through on_deck = [str(gridX)] # In the hole holds the ones to be iterated through once on_deck is cleared in_the_hole = [] if TIMERS: timerstart = time.time() comp_count = len(self.components) # Grading Loops Start: #################### self.componentwise_relative_grading_loop("UGrading" , gridX, (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.virtual_U_gradings_succ, self.virtual_U_gradings_pred, span, comp_count) self.componentwise_relative_grading_loop("VGrading" , gridX, (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ self.virtual_V_gradings_succ, self.virtual_V_gradings_pred, span, comp_count) self.relative_grading_loop("UGrading" , gridX, self.maslov_U_succ, (cid:44)→ self.maslov_U_pred, span, comp_count) 131 self.relative_grading_loop("VGrading" , gridX, self.maslov_V_succ, (cid:44)→ self.maslov_V_pred, span, comp_count) #################### # Grading Loops End for vert in self.comp.nodes(): self.comp.nodes()[vert]['AGrading' ] = 0 for i in range(len(self.components)): stab_count = len(self.components[i]) self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ (1/2)*(self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] - self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'UGrading { i} ' ]) -(1/2)*(stab_count - 1) self.comp.nodes()[vert]['AGrading' ] += (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] if TIMERS: timerstop = time.time() print('Time to grade complex (given arborescence): ' + str(timerstop - (cid:44)→ timerstart)) return def gml_export(self, filename = 'PleaseNameMe.gml' ): # Exports the graph as a gml file which can be opened in a program like Gephi # # if component_length == - 1: return("!!! Unknown number of components for export !!!") component_length = len(self.components) if component_length == 0: raise("Error finding number of components" ) nxG = self.comp.copy() if filename == 'PleaseNameMe.gml' : print("You didn't name your output! It's been named PleaseNameMe.gml" ) if filename[-4:] != ".gml" : return self.gml_export(filename + ".gml" ) # filename += ".gml" 132 for x,y in nxG.edges(): nxG[x][y]['diffweight' ] = str(nxG[x][y]['diffweight' ]) for node in nxG.nodes(): #print(str((nxG.nodes()[node]['UGrading'], nxG.nodes()[node]['VGrading'], (cid:44)→ nxG.nodes()[node]['AGrading']))) try: nxG.nodes[node]['UGrading' ] = int(nxG.nodes[node]['UGrading' ]) nxG.nodes[node]['VGrading' ] = int(nxG.nodes[node]['VGrading' ]) nxG.nodes[node]['AGrading' ] = int(nxG.nodes[node]['AGrading' ]) except: nxG.nodes[node]['UGrading' ] = int(-99) nxG.nodes[node]['VGrading' ] = int(-99) nxG.nodes[node]['AGrading' ] = int(-99) for i in range(component_length): try: nxG.nodes[node][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ int(nxG.nodes[node][f 'AGrading { i} ' ]) nxG.nodes[node][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ int(nxG.nodes[node][f 'UGrading { i} ' ]) nxG.nodes[node][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ int(nxG.nodes[node][f 'VGrading { i} ' ]) except: nxG.nodes[node][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] = int(-99) nxG.nodes[node][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] = int(-99) nxG.nodes[node][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] = int(-99) print("writing to " + OUTPUTDIRECTORY + str(filename)) nx.write_gml(nxG, OUTPUTDIRECTORY + filename) return def find_grading_ranges(self, key = "AGrading" ): # Finds the minimum and maximum gradings among the vertices associated with a (cid:44)→ grading key self.min_gradings[key] = 0 self.max_gradings[key] = 0 for vert in self.comp.nodes(): 133 if self.comp.nodes[vert][key] < self.min_gradings[key]: self.min_gradings[key] = self.comp.nodes[vert][key] if self.comp.nodes[vert][key] > self.max_gradings[key]: self.max_gradings[key] = self.comp.nodes[vert][key] return def comp_truncate(self, grading_cutoff): # Grading cutoff should be a tuple of values, this function will # I've only considered this for calling after converting to minus complex generators = self.ring.gens() for i in range(len(self.components)): for vert in self.comp: if self.comp.nodes()[vert][f "AGrading { i} " ] >= grading_cutoff[i]: self.comp.nodes()[vert][f "AGrading { i} " ] += 1 self.comp.nodes()[vert][f "UGrading { i} " ] += -2 for targ in self.comp.successors(vert): self.comp[vert][targ]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp[vert][targ]['diffweight' ]*generators[i] for pred in self.comp.predecessors(vert): self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ]*(generators[i]^(- 1)) return def surgery(self, grading_list = None, target_grading = None): # Creates a copy of the graph and truncates it below every combination of (cid:44)→ Alexander gradings # and reduces the resulting complexes then writes them out if grading_list == None: grading_list = [] 134 for i in range(len(self.components)): self.find_grading_ranges(f "AGrading { i} " ) for i in range(len(self.components)): grading_list.append(self.max_gradings[f "AGrading { i} " ]) if target_grading == None: target_grading = [] for i in range(len(self.components)): target_grading.append(self.min_gradings[f "AGrading { i} " ]) print("target gradings = " + str(target_grading)) print("max gradings = " + str(grading_list)) if self.set_to_minus == False: print("This complex hasn't been converted to minus. Making a copy of the (cid:44)→ complex and converting it to the minus complex" ) minus_copy = self.copy() minus_copy.to_minus(), target_grading) print("uhh didn't expect to be here..." ) grading_ranges = [] for i in range(len(target_grading)): grading_ranges.append(list(range(target_grading[i], grading_list[i] +1))) sub_gradings = itools.product(*grading_ranges) for grading in sub_gradings: specimen = self.copy() specimen.comp_truncate(grading) specimen.graph_red_search() specimen.remove_zeros() specimen.gml_export(str(self.sigx) + str(self.sigo) + "surgery" + (cid:44)→ str(grading)) return 135 def relative_grading_loop(self, grading_key, base_vertex, fn1, fn2, span = None, (cid:44)→ grading_multiplicity = 1): # Loop structure around a vertex's neighbors to set gradings based on the (cid:44)→ functions fn1 and fn2. if span == None: span = self.comp nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, "HasBeenGraded" ) self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f 'HasBeenGraded' ] = True self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f ' { grading_key} ' ] = 0 on_deck = [str(base_vertex)] in_the_hole = [] while len(on_deck) > 0: for vert in on_deck: # Every vertex in on_deck should be graded. The loops iterate through (cid:44)→ the neighbors of each of these # vertices, grading them and then adding them to in_the_hole, ignoring (cid:44)→ vertices that have already been graded. # # The loop is broken into two halves since we have two flavors of (cid:44)→ neighbor in a directed graph, successors and # predecessors, named accordingly. These flavors differ in relative (cid:44)→ grading change by a sign. for i, component_columns in enumerate(self.components): for succ in span.successors(vert): #skip the vertex if its already been graded if self.comp.nodes()[succ]['HasBeenGraded' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(succ) fn1(succ, vert) self.comp.nodes()[succ]['HasBeenGraded' ] = True for pred in span.predecessors(vert): 136 if self.comp.nodes()[pred]['HasBeenGraded' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(pred) fn2(pred, vert) self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'HasBeenGraded' ] = True on_deck = in_the_hole in_the_hole = [] return def componentwise_relative_grading_loop(self, grading_key, base_vertex, fn1, fn2, (cid:44)→ span = None, grading_multiplicity = 1): # Loop structure around a vertex's neighbors to set gradings based on the (cid:44)→ functions fn1 and fn2, passing # the functions are passed component information as well if span == None: span = self.comp for i in range(grading_multiplicity): nx.set_node_attributes(self.comp, False, f "HasBeenGraded { i} " ) self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True self.comp.nodes()[str(base_vertex)][f ' { grading_key}{ i} ' ] = 0 on_deck = [str(base_vertex)] in_the_hole =[] while len(on_deck) > 0: for vert in on_deck: # Every vertex in on_deck should be graded. The loops iterate through (cid:44)→ the neighbors of each of these # vertices, grading them and then adding them to in_the_hole, ignoring vertices that have already been graded. (cid:44)→ # 137 # The loop is broken into two halves since we have two flavors of (cid:44)→ neighbor in a directed graph, successors and # predecessors, named accordingly. These flavors differ in relative (cid:44)→ grading change by a sign. for i, component_columns in enumerate(self.components): for succ in span.successors(vert): #skip the vertex if its already been graded if self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(succ) fn1(i, succ, vert, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True for pred in span.predecessors(vert): if self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ]: continue in_the_hole.append(pred) fn2(i, pred, vert, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'HasBeenGraded { i} ' ] = True on_deck = in_the_hole in_the_hole = [] return # The following block of function definitions are the supporting functions for the (cid:44)→ grading loops # These are passed as fn1 and fn2 to the grading loops in the grading function ######################################### def virtual_U_gradings_pred(self, i, pred, vert, component_columns): ed_weight = self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] Upows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] + 1 - 2*Upows return 138 def virtual_U_gradings_succ(self, i, succ, vert, component_columns): ed_weight = self.comp[vert][succ]['diffweight' ] Upows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'UGrading { i} ' ] - 1 + 2*Upows return def virtual_V_gradings_pred(self, i, pred, vert, component_columns): ed_weight = self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] Vpows = link_V_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] + 1 - 2*Vpows return def virtual_V_gradings_succ(self, i, succ, vert, component_columns): ed_weight = self.comp[vert][succ]['diffweight' ] Vpows = link_V_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] = (cid:44)→ self.comp.nodes()[vert][f 'VGrading { i} ' ] - 1 + 2*Vpows return def maslov_U_pred(self, pred, vert): ed_weight = self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] component_columns = self.sigx Upows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred]['UGrading' ] = self.comp.nodes()[vert]['UGrading' ] + 1 (cid:44)→ - 2*Upows return def maslov_U_succ(self, succ, vert): ed_weight = self.comp[vert][succ]['diffweight' ] 139 component_columns = self.sigx Upows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ]['UGrading' ] = self.comp.nodes()[vert]['UGrading' ] - 1 (cid:44)→ + 2*Upows return def maslov_V_pred(self, pred, vert): ed_weight = self.comp[pred][vert]['diffweight' ] component_columns = self.sigo Vpows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[pred]['VGrading' ] = self.comp.nodes()[vert]['VGrading' ] + 1 (cid:44)→ - 2*Vpows return def maslov_V_succ(self, succ, vert): ed_weight = self.comp[vert][succ]['diffweight' ] component_columns = self.sigo Vpows = link_U_deg(ed_weight, self.ring, component_columns) self.comp.nodes()[succ]['VGrading' ] = self.comp.nodes()[vert]['VGrading' ] - 1 (cid:44)→ + 2*Vpows return ######################################### # End of relative grading support functions def find_max_difference(self, key_set): # For a given set of keys this function iterates through the graph and finds (cid:44)→ the largest difference. This could be improvable # speed-wise by considering edges instead but as it stands the grading would (cid:44)→ have to be recomputed since that data is # recorded in the vertices instead. So in its current state that would be more (cid:44)→ expensive in processing and this is cheaper 140 # memory wise regardless. if type(key_set) == str: key_set = [key_set] for key in key_set: self.max_grading_changes[key] = 0 result = 0 for vert in self.comp.nodes(): for nb in self.comp.neighbors(vert): for key in key_set: if (abs(self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] - self.comp.nodes()[nb][key])) (cid:44)→ > self.max_grading_changes[key]: print("setting value" ) self.max_grading_changes[key] = (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ abs(self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] - self.comp.nodes()[nb][key]) return def parallel_graph_single_split(self, key, split_count, split_blocks = None): # Deprecated by ego split # WARNING: !!!split count should be passed at most one lower than the actual (cid:44)→ number of cores available, this is because of # ceilings being a part of the function - it means it can return a set with (cid:44)→ more blocks than the given split count!!! self.find_max_difference(key) max_step = self.max_grading_changes[key] self.find_grading_ranges(key) if split_blocks == None: split_blocks = degree_partition(max_step, (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ math.ceil(self.min_gradings[key]), math.ceil(self.max_gradings[key]), split_count) if split_blocks == None: return None 141 result = [] for split in split_blocks: current_subgraph = [] vertex_set = [] vertex_set = [vert for vert in self.comp.nodes() if ((self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] >= split[0]) and (self.comp.nodes()[vert][key] <= split[- 1]))] (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ current_subgraph = self.comp.subgraph(vertex_set).copy() result.append([current_subgraph, split]) return result def parallel_reduction_helper(self, subgraph_set, overwrite = True): print("running parallel_reduction_helper" ) process_dict = {} for count, subgraph in enumerate(subgraph_set): process_dict[count] = mp.Process(target = (cid:44)→ subgraph[0].range_graph_red_search(), args = subgraph[1] ) process_dict[count].start() for proc in process_dict: proc.join() result = subgraph_set[0][0] for subgraph in subgraph_set: result = nx.compose(result, subgraph) if overwrite: self.comp = result return else: 142 return result def grading_parallel_graph_red_search(self, proc_count = 2, splitting_key = (cid:44)→ "AGrading" ): # Deprecated by ego_parallel_red_search # graph_red_search with parallel processing by splitting into pieces based on (cid:44)→ splitting_key key = splitting_key subgraph_set = self.parallel_graph_single_split(splitting_key, proc_count - 1) if subgraph_set == None: self.graph_red_search() return step = parallel_active_range(self.max_grading_changes[key], (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ math.ceil(self.min_gradings[key]), math.ceil(self.max_gradings[key]), proc_count) target_loop = math.ceil((1+self.max_gradings[key] (cid:44)→ -self.min_gradings[key])/step) print(str(target_loop) + str(" target number of loops" )) partition = subgraph_set[:][1] for i in range(target_loop): self.parallel_reduction_helper(subgraph_set) partition_block_iterator(partition, step) subgraph_set = self.parallel_graph_single_split(splitting_key, proc_count - (cid:44)→ 1, split_blocks = partition) # iterate the split return 143 def ego_parallel_red_search(self, cutoff = 100, proc_count = 2): # graph_red_search with parallel processing support by using networkx ego graph (cid:44)→ function # to split the graph if len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = (cid:44)→ 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1]) > cutoff: print("entering parallel reduction" ) while len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = (cid:44)→ 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1]) > cutoff: print(str(len([source for source, target, weight in self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1])) + "reducible edges remaining" ) (cid:44)→ reducible_edge = rd.sample([source for source, target, weight in (cid:44)→ self.comp.edges(data = 'diffweight' ) if weight == 1], 1) self.ego_parallel_sweep(reducible_edge[0], proc_count) print("parallel reduction complete" ) self.graph_red_search() return def ego_parallel_sweep(self, start_vert = None, proc_count = 2): if start_vert == None: start_vert = self.comp.nodes()[0] size = len(list(self.comp.nodes)[0]) # (self.comp.nodes[0]) ego_bands, safety = ego_split(self.comp, start_vert, size) partition_data = ego_region_partition(size) parallel_subgraph_packer(self.comp, ego_bands, partition_data, self.ring) region_count = len(partition_data) count = 0 MyManager.register('list' , list) with MyManager() as manager: processed_subgraphs = manager.list() while count < region_count: process_dict = {} 144 for i in range(proc_count): if count < region_count: # processed_subgraphs = [] (cid:44)→ process_dict[count] = mp.Process(target = subgraph_red_search, args = (partition_data[f "block { count} " ]['total_region' ], partition_data[f "block { count} " ]['search_region' ], processed_subgraphs)) (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ process_dict[count].start() count += 1 # print("Assigned parallel jobs, waiting for them to finish") for proc in process_dict: # print(proc) process_dict[proc].join() # print("count = " + str(count) + "region_count = " + (cid:44)→ str(region_count)) processed_subgraphs = processed_subgraphs._getvalue() # print("replacing parent graph...") result = processed_subgraphs[0].comp for element in processed_subgraphs: result = nx.compose(result, element.comp) result = nx.compose(result, safety) # print('reduced total graph from ' + str(len(self.comp.nodes())), end = "") self.comp = result self.remove_zeros() # print(' to ' + str(len(self.comp.nodes()))) return def subgraph_red_search(subg, search_reg, result_list): # graph_red_search limited to the subgraph search_reg, results are appended to (cid:44)→ result_list # which in practice is a proxy list object handled by a multiprocessing manager 145 subgraph = subg.copy() search_region = search_reg.copy() og_size = len(subgraph.comp.nodes()) for ed in [edge for edge in search_region.comp.edges() if (cid:44)→ search_region.comp.edges[edge]['diffweight' ] == 1]: print("identified edge " + str(ed) + " for reduction") print("nodes of subg" + str(subgraph.comp.nodes())) print("nodes of search region" + str(search_region.comp.nodes())) if ed in subgraph.comp.edges(): print("reducing an edge") subgraph.graph_reduction(ed[0], ed[1]) # # # # f_size = len(subgraph.comp.nodes()) # print("reduced subgraph from size " + str(og_size) + " to " + str(f_size)) result_list.append(subgraph) # print("running change result length = " + str(len(result_list))) return def ego_split(graph, vertex, n): # Returns a list of collections of vertices whose index is also their distance from (cid:44)→ the provided vertex # Safety is provided to catch any separate components. result = [] for i in range(n): result.append(nx.ego_graph(graph, vertex, i)) safety = graph.copy() safety.remove_nodes_from(result[n - 1].nodes()) for i in range(n- 1, 0, - 1): result[i].remove_nodes_from(result[i- 1].nodes()) return result, safety def ego_region_partition(n): 146 # Returns a dictionary of dictionaries which indicate the regions that are going to (cid:44)→ be reduced and # preserved during the parallel reduction result = {} split_count = math.ceil(n/4) result["block0" ] = {"search_region" : [0,1] , "reserved_region" : [2]} for i in range(1,split_count): result[f "block { i} " ] = {"search_region" : [3*i, 3*i+1], "reserved_region" : (cid:44)→ [3*i- 1,3*i+2]} return result def parallel_subgraph_packer(graph, subgraphs, region_data, ring): # Takes the collections of vertices (intended for those from ego_split) as (cid:44)→ subgraphs from a parent # graph and joins them up as subgraphs based on region_data. ring is provided to (cid:44)→ construct grid_complex objects # from the resulting graphs. # region_data should be a dict of dicts with inner dict data labeled (cid:44)→ "search_region" and "reserved_region" # the outer data should be labeled f"block{i}". See ego_region_partition for an (cid:44)→ example function that works # with this # subgraphs should be a list of subgraphs corresponding to the region data (cid:44)→ specified above for data in region_data: # print(region_data[data]) region_nodes = [] # unpacking the indices of the subgraphs we were passed - so we need to unpack (cid:44)→ 3 # layers deep in total for region in region_data[data]: 147 for i in region_data[data][region]: # print(type(subgraphs[i])) region_nodes += (list(subgraphs[i].nodes())) packed_subgraph = graph.subgraph(region_nodes) region_data[data]['total_region' ] = grid_complex(packed_subgraph, ring) for data in region_data: region_nodes = [] for i in region_data[data]['search_region' ]: region_nodes += list(subgraphs[i].nodes()) packed_subgraph = graph.subgraph(region_nodes) region_data[data]['search_region' ] = grid_complex(packed_subgraph, ring) return region_data def subgraph_neighborhood(graph, subgraph): # Output: subgraph induced by the given subgraph and any neighbors it has in graph result_nodes = set(subgraph.nodes()) for node in subgraph.nodes(): for neighbor in graph.neighbors(node): result_nodes.add(neighbor) result = graph.subgraph(result_nodes) return result def partition_block_iterator(blocks, step_size): for count, block in enumerate(blocks): 148 if count == 0: for i in range(1, len(block)): blocks[i] += step_size else: for i in range(len(block)): blocks[i] += step_size return def name_some_vars(letters, num): # Accepts a collection of strings, and an integer. Passing "U" and 3 for example (cid:44)→ returns "U0, U1, U2" result = [] num = int(num) for letter in letters: for i in range(num): new_var = f " { letter}{ i} " #print(new_var) result.append(new_var) return result def construct_cinf(g, sigx, sigo, size = - 1): # Construct CFKinf complex from graph data - essentially just changing weights to (cid:44)→ polynomials # Only works for grid diagrams *not* Latin Squares print('constructing cinf...' ) if size == - 1: size = len(g.get_edge_data(list(g.edges())[0][0], list(g.edges())[0][1])['diffweight' ][0]) the edges (cid:44)→ (cid:44)→ #kind of a mess - just turning print("Grid size is " + str(size/2)) n = size/2 (cid:44)→ #into a list and checking the length of#the weight of the first edge 149 else: n = size timerstart = time.time() F,Vars = cinf_coeff(n) resG = nx.DiGraph() for edge in g.edges: start = edge[0] end = edge[1] poly = F(0) # # for subweight in g[edge[0]][edge[1]]['diffweight' ]: i = 0 polychange = F(1) print(str(subweight) + str(edge)) for entry in subweight: polychange = polychange*(Vars[i])**entry i = i + 1 poly += polychange print(str(edge) + str(poly)) resG.add_edge(start,end,diffweight = poly) timerend = time.time() elap = timerend - timerstart print('Time to construct cinf ' + str(elap)) return grid_complex(resG, F, sigx, sigo) def cinf_coeff(size): # Takes size as an argument and returns the Laurent polynomial ring over Z2 with (cid:44)→ coefficients U0,...Usize- 1,V0,...Vsize- 1 n = size varis = name_some_vars(['U' ,'V' ], n) F = LaurentPolynomialRing(GF(2), varis) F.inject_variables() return F,list(F.gens()) 150 def range_skip_entry(n, skip): # Acts similarly to standard range(n) but omits the "skip"th entry u = [] for i in range(0, skip): u.append(i) for j in range(skip+1, n): u.append(j) return u def link_GFC(sigx, sigo, filename = None): # Group of usual commands/functions used to produce, simplify and output a (cid:44)→ grid_complex and # its simplification in one function - uses the parallel processing functions start_time = time.time() if filename == None: filename = "X" for pos in sigx: filename = filename + str(pos) filename = filename + "O" for pos in sigo: filename = filename + str(pos) filename = filename + ".gml" comp = setup_complex(sigx, sigo) print("passing to parallel reducer" ) comp.ego_parallel_red_search(proc_count = PROCESSOR_COUNT) # comp.parallel_graph_red_search(PROCESSOR_COUNT, split_key) print("completed parallel reducer function" ) comp.gml_export(filename) picklefilename = filename + ".p" gfk.pickle_it(comp, picklefilename) comp.link_normalize() # comp.parallel_graph_red_search(PROCESSOR_COUNT) filename = "Normalized" + filename comp.gml_export(filename) picklefilename = filename + ".p" gfk.pickle_it(comp, picklefilename) 151 for i in range(len(comp.components)): comp.find_grading_ranges(f 'AGrading { i} ' ) end_time = time.time() print("Time to process complex = " + str(end_time - start_time) + " seconds" ) return comp def setup_complex(sigx, sigo): # Takes two lists sigx and sigo, constructs and grades the associated complex then (cid:44)→ returns the result raw_complex = gfk.build_cinf([sigx, sigo]) comp = construct_cinf(raw_complex, sigx, sigo) comp.grade_link_complex() return comp def link_components(sigx, sigo): # Returns the number of components in the link defined by sigx and sigo xperm = pr.perm(sigx) operm = pr.perm(sigo) comps = xperm*operm**(- 1) result = comps.cycles() return result def link_U_deg(poly, ring, component_columns): # Input: poly a laurent polynomial in field a laurent polynomial ring # # Output: The total sum of powers of Ui in poly gens = ring.gens() 152 size = len(gens)/2 degree = 0 if type(poly) == sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int: return 0 powers = poly.exponents() # len(powers) tells you how many terms the polynomial has if len(powers) > 1: print(poly) raise Exception("Ran into a non-homogoneous degree change - polynomial wasn't # # # (cid:44)→ a monomial") if len(powers) == 0: return 0 # powers is a list of lists since its intended for more than just monomials, since (cid:44)→ we are only care about the leading # term we pull that one out powers = powers[0] for i in component_columns: degree = degree + powers[i- 1] return degree def link_V_deg(poly, ring, component_columns): #Input: poly a laurent polynomial in "ring" a laurent polynomial ring # #Output: The total sum of powers of Ui in poly gens = ring.gens() size = len(gens)/2 degree = 0 if type(poly) == sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int: return 0 powers = poly.exponents() 153 if len(powers) == 0: return 0 # powers is a list of lists since its intended for more than just monomials, since (cid:44)→ we are only care about the leading # term we pull that one out powers = powers[0] for i in component_columns: degree = degree + powers[size + i- 1] return degree def parallel_active_range(max_grading_step, lower_range, upper_range, split_count): # deprecated by ego parallelization # Finds and returns the range of gradings that can be reduced without affecting the (cid:44)→ gluing region # or bleeding outside of the reserved regions block_size = math.floor((upper_range - lower_range)/split_count) result = block_size - 2*max_grading_step return result def degree_partition(max_grading_step, lower_range, upper_range, split_count): # deprecated by ego parallelization # Returns lists marking degrees for gluing, reducing and preserving when splitting (cid:44)→ the graph # by grading for parallelization #output = list of lists if split_count == 0: raise Exception("Cannot split the graph into 0 pieces - check function (cid:44)→ arguments" ) 154 first_round = [] block_size = math.floor((upper_range - lower_range)/split_count) active_range = block_size - 2*max_grading_step print("active range " + str(active_range)) if ((active_range <= 0) and (split_count > 1)) : print(str((max_grading_step, lower_range, upper_range, split_count - 1))) print("Cannot partition the graph into this many pieces! Parititioning into a (cid:44)→ smaller number of pieces" ) return degree_partition(max_grading_step, lower_range, upper_range, split_count (cid:44)→ - 1) if split_count == 1: return None block = [] max_grading_step += - 1 trailing_edge = lower_range - 1 - max_grading_step leading_edge = trailing_edge while trailing_edge < upper_range: block = [] block.append(leading_edge) leading_edge += 1 block.append(leading_edge) leading_edge += max_grading_step block.append(leading_edge) leading_edge += active_range block.append(leading_edge) leading_edge += max_grading_step block.append(leading_edge) leading_edge += 1 block.append(leading_edge) first_round.append(block) trailing_edge = leading_edge print(first_round) return first_round 155 def alexander_grading_equivalent(comp, source, target, component_count): #Returns bool for if two vertices have the same Alexander multigradings result = True for i in range(component_count): if comp.nodes()[source][f 'AGrading { i} ' ] != (cid:44)→ comp.nodes()[target][f 'AGrading { i} ' ]: result = False return result #End of main code block 156 APPENDIX D LINK AND KNOT PERMUTATIONS The following code is the collection of grid presentations of knots up to grid size 9 and all links from LinkInfo up to size 9 in one line notation. It is stored in Python dictionaries of lists as written. The entire collection of links listed on Linkinfo is available along with the program publicly at The code is included here without exposition and explanation as in the primary sections. #Permutations of knots up to arc index (grid size) 9 transcribed from Lenherd Ng's (cid:44)→ Legendrian knot atlas = [[5, 1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5, 1]], knot_dict = dict(k3_{1} mk3_{1} = [[5,4,3,2,1],[2,1,5,4,3]], k4_{1} = [[6, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2],[3, 5, 6, 2, 1, 4]], k5_{1} = [[5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4],[7, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2]], mk5_{1} = [[2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3],[7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], k5_{2} = [[2, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 1],[7, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4]], mk5_{2} = [[4, 1, 7, 6, 3, 2, 5],[7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3]], k6_{1} = [[8, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 3, 2],[3, 7, 8, 5, 6, 2, 1, 4]], mk6_{1} = [[8, 1, 6, 7, 3, 2, 5, 4],[5, 7, 8, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6]], k6_{2} = [[8, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4],[6, 7, 8, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2]], mk6_{2} = [[8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4],[3, 1, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2]], k6_{3} = [[8, 1, 4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 2],[4, 5, 7, 8, 3, 2, 1, 6]], k7_{1} = [[2, 7, 8, 9, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6],[9, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4]], mk7_{1} = [[2, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3],[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], k7_{2} = [[2, 8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 1], [9, 1, 7, 8, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4]], mk7_{2} = [[6, 1, 9, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7], [9, 8, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5]], k7_{3} = [[4, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2, 5], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3]], mk7_{3} = [[5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2]], k7_{4} = [[6, 1, 9, 3, 2, 8, 5, 4, 7], [9, 8, 2, 1, 7, 4, 3, 6, 5]], mk7_{4} = [[2, 8, 9, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 1], [9, 1, 7, 8, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4]], k7_{5} = [[3, 8, 9, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2], [9, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6]], mk7_{5} = [[4, 1, 9, 8, 7, 3, 2, 6, 5], [9, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3]], k7_{6} = [[2, 8, 9, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 1], [9, 1, 3, 2, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6]], mk7_{6} = [[3, 1, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, 4, 2], [9, 8, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5]], k7_{7} = [[2, 5, 8, 9, 7, 4, 3, 6, 1], [9, 1, 3, 6, 2, 8, 5, 4, 7]], mk77 = [[4, 8, 9, 2, 1, 7, 5, 6, 3], [9, 1, 7, 8, 6, 3, 2, 4, 5]], k8_{19} = [[3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4], [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], mk8_{19} = [[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2], [7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]], k8_{20} = [[8, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6, 3], [4, 7, 5, 6, 8, 3, 2, 1]], mk8_{20} = [[8, 6, 4, 5, 3, 7, 1, 2], [3, 1, 7, 8, 6, 2, 4, 5]], 157 k8_{21}= [[8, 1, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 3], [5, 7, 8, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6]], mk8_{21} = [[8, 7, 4, 6, 5, 3, 1, 2], [3, 1, 8, 2, 7, 6, 4, 5]], k9_{42} = [[8, 7, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5], [4, 1, 8, 6, 5, 7, 3, 2]], mk9_{42} = [[8, 1, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2, 3], [4, 7, 8, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6]], k9_{43} = [[4, 8, 9, 3, 2, 7, 1, 6, 5], [9, 1, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]], mk9_{43} = [[7, 1, 6, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8], [9, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3]], k9_{44} = [[3, 8, 1, 9, 6, 4, 5, 7, 2], [9, 5, 7, 2, 1, 8, 3, 4, 6]], mk9_{44} = [[5, 8, 9, 3, 1, 7, 2, 6, 4], [9, 2, 7, 8, 6, 4, 5, 3, 1]], k9_{45} = [[2, 8, 9, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 1], [9, 1, 4, 7, 2, 8, 3, 5, 6]], mk9_{45} = [[4, 2, 9, 3, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6], [9, 8, 5, 7, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3]], k9_{46} = [[8, 3, 1, 5, 7, 4, 6, 2], [4, 7, 6, 8, 2, 1, 3, 5]], mk9_{46} = [[8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2], [3, 6, 4, 8, 2, 7, 1, 5]], k9_{47} = [[4, 2, 1, 9, 7, 5, 6, 8, 3], [9, 8, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 7]], mk9_{47} = [[6, 1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 4, 5, 7], [9, 8, 4, 7, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]], k9_{48} = [[5, 1, 9, 2, 7, 6, 8, 4, 3], [9, 8, 4, 6, 5, 1, 3, 2, 7]], mk9_{48} = [[2, 5, 8, 9, 4, 6, 7, 3, 1], [9, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 5, 6, 4]], k9_{49} = [[6, 2, 9, 1, 8, 5, 4, 3, 7], [9, 8, 4, 7, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5]], mk9_{49} = [[2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 1, 3], [9, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6]], k10_{124} = [[8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4]], mk10_{124} = [[8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2]], k10_{128} = [[5, 1, 9, 4, 3, 2, 8, 7, 6], [9, 8, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]], mk10_{128} = [[2, 8, 9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1], [9, 1, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5]], k10_{132} = [[3, 8, 2, 9, 4, 7, 5, 6, 1], [9, 1, 7, 6, 8, 3, 2, 4, 5]], mk10_{132} = [[6, 2, 9, 8, 4, 5, 3, 7, 1], [9, 8, 7, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5]], k10_{136} = [[5, 1, 9, 7, 3, 2, 8, 4, 6], [9, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 3]], mk10_{136} = [[2, 6, 8, 9, 4, 5, 3, 7, 1], [9, 1, 3, 7, 8, 2, 6, 4, 5]], k10_{139} = [[4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 7, 6, 5], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1]], mk10_{139} = [[5, 4, 6, 8, 9, 7, 1, 3, 2], [9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]], k10_{140} = [[4, 8, 2, 9, 3, 5, 7, 6, 1], [9, 1, 7, 6, 8, 2, 4, 3, 5]], mk10_{140} = [[7, 2, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 3, 1], [9, 8, 3, 1, 2, 7, 5, 6, 4]], k10_{142} = [[6, 1, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2, 8, 7], [9, 8, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4]], mk10_{142} = [[3, 4, 8, 9, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2], [9, 1, 2, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6]], k10_{145} = [[5, 8, 7, 1, 9, 4, 2, 3, 6], [9, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2]], mk10_{145} = [[5, 2, 9, 3, 8, 1, 6, 7, 4], [9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1]], k10_{160} = [[5, 1, 9, 2, 4, 3, 8, 7, 6], [9, 8, 3, 7, 1, 6, 5, 4, 2]], mk10_{160} = [[3, 7, 8, 9, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6], [9, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 2]], k10_{161} = [[4, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6, 8, 2, 1], [9, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]], mk10_{161} = [[5, 3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 7, 6, 4], [9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1]], k11n19 = [[4, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6], [9, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 2, 3]], mk11n19 = [[4, 3, 7, 9, 8, 2, 1, 6, 5], [9, 8, 1, 6, 5, 7, 4, 3, 2]], k11n38 = [[4, 1, 9, 2, 6, 8, 7, 3, 5], [9, 8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2]], mk11n38 = [[2, 7, 3, 9, 5, 6, 4, 8, 1], [9, 1, 8, 4, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6]], k11n95 = [[3, 1, 9, 7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 2], [9, 8, 5, 2, 4, 3, 1, 7, 6]], mk11n95 = [[4, 6, 7, 9, 2, 8, 1, 3, 5], [9, 1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 2]], k11n118 = [[5, 3, 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 4, 6], [9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2]], 158 mk11n118 = [[4, 2, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 1, 3], [9, 8, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7]], k12n242 = [[4, 3, 2, 9, 8, 1, 7, 6, 5], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], mk12n242 = [[6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [9, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2]], k12n591 = [[5, 3, 2, 9, 8, 1, 7, 6, 4], [9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1]], mk12n591 = [[5, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6], [9, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2]], k15n41185 = [[4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5], [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]], mk15n41185 = [[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3], [9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]) #Permutations of (prime?) links. Retrieved from linkinfo and processed for their (cid:44)→ permutations. Not necessarily minimal. link_dict = dict( L2a1_{0} = [[4, 3, 2, 1], [2, 1, 4, 3]] L2a1_{1} = [[4, 1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 1]] L4a1_{0} = [[6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5], [4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 1]] L4a1_{1} = [[3, 2, 6, 1, 5, 4], [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]] L5a1_{0} = [[6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 7, 5], [2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 3, 1]] L5a1_{1} = [[3, 6, 5, 7, 1, 2, 4], [5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1]] L6a1_{0} = [[8, 3, 4, 6, 5, 1, 2, 7], [4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6, 8, 1]] L6a1_{1} = [[2, 1, 8, 5, 4, 3, 7, 6], [8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 1]] L6a2_{0} = [[8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1], [3, 7, 1, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6]] L6a2_{1} = [[3, 2, 8, 1, 5, 4, 7, 6], [8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 1]] L6a3_{0} = [[8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1]] L6a3_{1} = [[2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 8, 3], [4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 2, 1]] L6a4_{0}_{0} = [[8, 1, 7, 5, 4, 2, 3, 6], [2, 4, 3, 8, 6, 5, 7, 1]] L6a4_{1}_{0} = [[3, 5, 4, 8, 7, 1, 2, 6], [7, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4, 8, 1]] L6a4_{0}_{1} = [[8, 1, 3, 5, 4, 2, 7, 6], [2, 4, 7, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1]] L6a4_{1}_{1} = [[3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 1, 8, 6], [7, 5, 6, 8, 3, 4, 2, 1]] L6a5_{0}_{0} = [[9, 5, 6, 1, 3, 4, 7, 2, 8], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8, 3, 9, 1]] L6a5_{1}_{0} = [[5, 1, 9, 2, 8, 7, 3, 4, 6], [9, 8, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5, 2, 1]] L6a5_{0}_{1} = [[6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 8, 2, 1], [8, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 7, 3]] L6a5_{1}_{1} = [[5, 1, 9, 7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 6], [9, 8, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5, 4, 1]] L6n1_{0}_{0} = [[6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2], [3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5]] L6n1_{1}_{0} = [[3, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5], [6, 1, 5, 3, 4, 2]] L6n1_{0}_{1} = [[7, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2, 1]] L6n1_{1}_{1} = [[2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4], [5, 3, 4, 2, 6, 1]] L7a1_{0} = [[9, 1, 3, 5, 4, 8, 2, 7, 6], [2, 4, 8, 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 1]] L7a1_{1} = [[2, 7, 3, 6, 5, 4, 9, 8, 1], [9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 6, 5, 3, 4]] L7a2_{1} = [[2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 4, 3, 5, 6], [9, 8, 4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 7, 1]] L7a3_{0} = [[7, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 9, 2, 1], [9, 2, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 8, 3]] L7a4_{0} = [[9, 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7, 2, 1], [4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6, 1, 9, 8]] L7a4_{1} = [[2, 1, 9, 3, 4, 6, 5, 8, 7], [9, 8, 4, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6, 1]] L7a5_{0} = [[9, 4, 5, 6, 8, 2, 3, 1, 7], [5, 8, 1, 9, 3, 4, 7, 6, 2]] L7a5_{1} = [[3, 2, 9, 1, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6], [9, 8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 7, 1]] L7a6_{0} = [[9, 5, 6, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1], [6, 7, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8]] L7a6_{1} = [[2, 1, 9, 5, 6, 3, 4, 8, 7], [9, 8, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1]] 159 L7a7_{0}_{0} = [[7, 8, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 9, 1], [9, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7, 6, 5, 8]] L7a7_{1}_{0} = [[2, 1, 9, 3, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6], [9, 8, 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1]] L7a7_{0}_{1} = [[7, 8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 9, 1], [9, 3, 2, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 8]] L7a7_{1}_{1} = [[3, 2, 9, 6, 5, 4, 1, 8, 7], [9, 8, 5, 4, 3, 7, 6, 2, 1]] L7n1_{0} = [[8, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 1]] L7n1_{1} = [[3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 1, 6], [7, 1, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2]] L7n2_{0} = [[4, 7, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6], [1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 2]] L7n2_{1} = [[3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 2, 4], [7, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1]] L8n1_{0} = [[8, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 7], [5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 1, 4, 3]] L8n1_{1} = [[5, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 9, 7, 8], [9, 1, 8, 4, 5, 7, 6, 3, 2]] L8n2_{0} = [[7, 1, 5, 2, 6, 4, 3, 8], [2, 6, 8, 7, 3, 1, 5, 4]] L8n2_{1} = [[4, 6, 1, 2, 3, 8, 7, 5], [8, 3, 5, 4, 7, 6, 2, 1]] L8n3_{0}_{0} = [[8, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7], [5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3]] L8n3_{1}_{0} = [[4, 2, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8, 6], [7, 8, 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1]] L8n3_{0}_{1} = [[8, 4, 2, 7, 5, 1, 6, 3], [5, 1, 6, 4, 8, 3, 2, 7]] L8n3_{1}_{1} = [[4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 7, 5, 6], [7, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 8, 1]] L8n4_{0}_{0} = [[8, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 9], [6, 5, 7, 4, 9, 8, 1, 2, 3]] L8n4_{1}_{0} = [[3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2, 9, 8, 7], [9, 8, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1]] L8n4_{0}_{1} = [[8, 5, 2, 6, 9, 4, 1, 7, 3], [6, 1, 7, 4, 5, 8, 3, 2, 9]] L8n4_{1}_{1} = [[5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 8, 4, 6], [8, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 1]] L8n5_{0}_{0} = [[9, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 7, 4, 8], [6, 5, 7, 4, 8, 1, 2, 9, 3]] L8n5_{0}_{1} = [[9, 5, 2, 6, 8, 1, 7, 4, 3], [6, 1, 7, 4, 5, 3, 2, 9, 8]] L8n7_{0}_{0}_{0} = [[6, 1, 8, 4, 3, 9, 7, 5, 2], [9, 3, 2, 7, 5, 6, 4, 1, 8]] L8n7_{1}_{0}_{0} = [[3, 1, 2, 9, 5, 4, 7, 8, 6], [9, 7, 4, 3, 8, 6, 1, 5, 2]] L8n7_{0}_{1}_{0} = [[6, 3, 8, 4, 5, 9, 7, 1, 2], [9, 1, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5, 8]] L8n7_{1}_{1}_{0} = [[3, 1, 4, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2], [9, 7, 2, 3, 8, 4, 1, 5, 6]] L8n7_{0}_{0}_{1} = [[6, 1, 8, 7, 3, 9, 4, 5, 2], [9, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 8]] L8n7_{1}_{0}_{1} = [[3, 1, 2, 9, 8, 4, 7, 5, 6], [9, 7, 4, 3, 5, 6, 1, 8, 2]] L8n7_{0}_{1}_{1} = [[6, 3, 8, 7, 5, 9, 4, 1, 2], [9, 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 5, 8]] L8n7_{1}_{1}_{1} = [[3, 1, 4, 9, 8, 6, 7, 5, 2], [9, 7, 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 8, 6]] L8n8_{0}_{0}_{0} = [[5, 1, 7, 3, 8, 4, 6, 2], [8, 4, 2, 6, 5, 1, 3, 7]] L8n8_{1}_{0}_{0} = [[3, 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 5, 7], [8, 6, 5, 3, 7, 1, 2, 4]] L8n8_{0}_{1}_{0} = [[5, 4, 7, 3, 8, 1, 6, 2], [8, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 7]] L8n8_{1}_{1}_{0} = [[3, 1, 5, 8, 4, 6, 2, 7], [8, 6, 2, 3, 7, 1, 5, 4]] L8n8_{0}_{0}_{1} = [[5, 1, 7, 6, 8, 4, 3, 2], [8, 4, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7]] L8n8_{1}_{0}_{1} = [[3, 1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4], [8, 6, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 7]] L8n8_{0}_{1}_{1} = [[5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 1, 3, 2], [8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7]] L8n8_{1}_{1}_{1} = [[3, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 4], [8, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, 7]] L9n1_{0} = [[9, 1, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 3, 8], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 4, 1, 2]] L9n1_{1} = [[3, 4, 2, 7, 9, 5, 6, 1, 8], [9, 1, 8, 3, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2]] L9n2_{0} = [[6, 9, 4, 1, 5, 7, 2, 3, 8], [1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 3, 4, 9, 2]] L9n2_{1} = [[3, 5, 1, 8, 9, 6, 7, 2, 4], [9, 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 5, 6, 1]] L9n3_{0} = [[7, 9, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 8], [1, 5, 6, 8, 7, 3, 4, 9, 2]] L9n3_{1} = [[2, 4, 3, 7, 9, 5, 6, 8, 1], [9, 1, 8, 2, 6, 7, 4, 3, 5]] L9n4_{1} = [[3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 1, 8], [9, 1, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 2]] 160 L9n5_{0} = [[4, 9, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8], [1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2]] L9n5_{1} = [[3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 4], [9, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1]] L9n6_{1} = [[2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 8, 1], [9, 1, 8, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7]] L9n7_{0} = [[9, 1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8], [5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 1, 2]] L9n13_{0} = [[9, 2, 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 1], [4, 6, 7, 3, 8, 1, 9, 2, 5]] L9n14_{0} = [[2, 8, 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 9, 1], [6, 4, 7, 3, 9, 1, 8, 2, 5]] L9n14_{1} = [[2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 8, 9, 7], [8, 3, 9, 7, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1]] L9n15_{0} = [[8, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7], [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2]] L9n15_{1} = [[2, 1, 5, 8, 3, 4, 9, 6, 7], [9, 4, 2, 6, 7, 8, 5, 3, 1]] L9n16_{0} = [[2, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4, 7, 9, 1], [6, 5, 7, 4, 9, 8, 1, 2, 3]] L9n17_{1} = [[2, 1, 5, 7, 8, 3, 9, 4, 6], [8, 3, 2, 9, 4, 6, 5, 7, 1]] L9n18_{1} = [[2, 1, 4, 8, 6, 7, 3, 9, 5], [7, 3, 6, 5, 2, 9, 8, 4, 1]] L9n19_{1} = [[4, 5, 2, 3, 8, 1, 7, 6], [8, 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]] L9n23_{0}_{0} = [[9, 1, 3, 5, 6, 2, 7, 4, 8], [6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 4, 3, 1, 2]] L9n23_{1}_{0} = [[2, 3, 1, 8, 4, 5, 6, 9, 7], [8, 9, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 4, 1]] L9n23_{0}_{1} = [[9, 5, 3, 8, 6, 4, 7, 1, 2], [6, 1, 7, 5, 9, 2, 3, 4, 8]] L9n23_{1}_{1} = [[2, 9, 1, 8, 6, 5, 3, 4, 7], [8, 3, 5, 2, 4, 7, 6, 9, 1]] L10n45_{1} = [[5, 3, 7, 8, 6, 2, 9, 1, 4], [9, 6, 4, 5, 1, 7, 3, 8, 2]] L10n46_{1} = [[1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 7, 3, 2, 9], [7, 3, 2, 1, 9, 5, 8, 6, 4]] L10n93_{0}_{0} = [[8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 1]] L10n93_{0}_{1} = [[8, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 9, 7], [2, 9, 4, 5, 3, 8, 7, 6, 1]] L10n93_{1}_{1} = [[2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 1, 8, 9, 4], [5, 6, 8, 4, 9, 7, 2, 3, 1]] L10n94_{1}_{0} = [[3, 7, 5, 9, 4, 2, 6, 1, 8], [9, 1, 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4, 2]] L10n94_{1}_{1} = [[2, 9, 4, 8, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7], [8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 4, 2, 9, 1]] L10n104_{0}_{0}_{0} = [[9, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2, 8, 7], [6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1, 4, 3, 2]] L10n104_{1}_{0}_{0} = [[1, 9, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 7, 8], [5, 4, 7, 1, 3, 9, 8, 2, 6]] L10n104_{0}_{1}_{0} = [[9, 5, 4, 3, 6, 1, 2, 8, 7], [6, 1, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 3, 2]] L10n104_{1}_{1}_{0} = [[5, 9, 2, 1, 6, 4, 3, 7, 8], [1, 4, 7, 5, 3, 9, 8, 2, 6]] L10n104_{0}_{0}_{1} = [[8, 6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 7], [4, 2, 5, 8, 7, 6, 1, 3]] L10n104_{1}_{0}_{1} = [[1, 9, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 8], [5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 9, 8, 7, 6]] L10n104_{0}_{1}_{1} = [[8, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 3], [4, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 1, 7]] L10n104_{1}_{1}_{1} = [[5, 9, 7, 1, 6, 4, 3, 2, 8], [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 9, 8, 7, 6]] L10n105_{0}_{0}_{0} = [[1, 3, 9, 2, 5, 4, 8, 6, 7], [4, 8, 5, 6, 7, 1, 3, 2, 9]] L10n105_{1}_{0}_{0} = [[3, 1, 8, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6], [7, 5, 4, 6, 1, 3, 8, 2]] L10n105_{0}_{1}_{0} = [[4, 3, 9, 2, 5, 1, 8, 6, 7], [1, 8, 5, 6, 7, 4, 3, 2, 9]] L10n105_{1}_{1}_{0} = [[3, 5, 8, 2, 1, 7, 4, 6], [7, 1, 4, 6, 5, 3, 8, 2]] L10n105_{1}_{0}_{1} = [[3, 1, 8, 6, 5, 7, 4, 2], [7, 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 8, 6]] L10n105_{1}_{1}_{1} = [[3, 5, 8, 6, 1, 7, 4, 2], [7, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 8, 6]] L11n132_{1} = [[2, 9, 1, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5, 8], [7, 5, 6, 8, 2, 9, 1, 3, 4]] L11n148_{1} = [[1, 8, 7, 4, 6, 5, 3, 2, 9], [5, 3, 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 6, 4]] L11n204_{0} = [[8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 9]] L11n204_{1} = [[2, 3, 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9, 4], [6, 5, 4, 8, 9, 7, 2, 3, 1]] L11n276_{0}_{0} = [[9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1], [4, 6, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7]] L11n276_{0}_{1} = [[9, 2, 8, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5, 7], [4, 6, 3, 9, 5, 2, 7, 8, 1]] L11n276_{1}_{1} = [[8, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6], [3, 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 4, 2]] 161 L11n277_{0}_{0} = [[8, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 1], [3, 6, 9, 8, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7]] L11n277_{0}_{1} = [[8, 2, 9, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 7], [3, 6, 4, 8, 5, 2, 7, 9, 1]]) 162