AN HI S T 0 CHE M I C A L A N D RELATION BETWEEN OF A G I N G LESION MODPHOLOCICA L INVESTIGATION THE GROWTH-PROHOTING TETRAHYMENA INDUCTION GELEII IN T H E OF THE PROPERTIES (STRAIN W) AND CHORIOALEANT01S By Frederick- O t t o AN Submitted State to t h e College in Par t i a l School MarzIce ABSTRACT of G r a d u a t e Studies of Michigan Sciences of A g r i c u l t u r e and Applied Fulfillment the Requirements for DOCTOR the OF of Degree of PHILOSOPHY Department of Zoology 1953 ABSTRAC T A semi-quantitative distribution dase, of D N A , fat, (strain W) throughout then conducted these various horn embryos. istics of Alkaline tion, in maximum for mins in any correlation and of The th e T. those to t h e decreased geleii of 12-14-day lesions embryonic was in a tryptone lipase and was media activity activity and between fat the various obtained. tended deposition the inoculation White Leg­ character­ oil, W were strain suspending media. in T_. g e l e i i W cultures; glycogen acid deposi­ phospholipid deposition, cyclic Th e but was at a No p o s i t i v e r e a c t i o n addition alkaline to presence of geleii by c r o t o n cultures. inhibited but to in 2 3 3 - h o u r and the pedigreed cultures; inter­ properties activity activity was 3G0-hour or u r a t e s and geleii investigation, was morphological induced 144-hour DN A old the peroxi- 72-hour induced by maximum cultures; 144 and and grafts and at An VJ s u b s e q u e n t lesions phosphatase lipase phosphatase of at growth-promoting histochemical cultures. peroxidase made to a s c e r t a i n activity, 72, was cultures. in 4 3 2 - h o u r 504-hour media of lipase, in T e t r a h y m e n a the in t r y p t o n e phosphatase phosphatase, and urates chorioallantoic with determination of lymphomatosis, reared life chorioallantois compared 12 the suspensions the acid in v a r i o u s materials onto and glycogen, reared vals of alkaline histochemical of vita­ phosphatase increase DNA of g l y c o g e n . and and a cid Diffusion complicated acid th e phosphatase, attributable catalyzed line gen histochemical to acted inhibitory The physiology of but alkaline and the role Td geleii geleii relationship W and the existed extent chorioallantoic these aged growth Td which for the maximal while the Fat the s t i m u l a t i o n of enzyme salt of cell geleii solutions at A and in t h e pos­ direct of size a Td of maximum gelei i induced in epithelial play an important W cultures tissues of induced th e produced a tissues. synthesis solution, culture may membrane solutions pronounced synthesis mesodermal metabolism aegree. the counter phosphatase induction Ringer's epithelial salt also glyco­ determined, the proliferation and T. of in th e DNA lesion of was its in c a r b o h y d r a t e some and increased alka­ substances depo s i t i o n was fat or Magnesium across of age former on al k a l i n e of to alkaline deposition inorganic study proliferation. in t h e the definitely role in a r e a s that inorganic be exception W and suggested the materials properties lesion. both be c o n c e r n e d w i t h epithelial proliferation allantois nounced of the vitamins play a between geleii in c e l l u l a r may for fat. W c o u l d not of magnesium ana of W suspensions, growth-promoting of investigated may inocula utilized sessed of nutrient chorioallantois, with role the phosphatase T. activity effect of of diffusion deposition ph os ph at a. se transfer acid other th e reaction Calcium and phosphatase activity. All negative complete decreased the while a a end-products. and acid bu t and localization Alkaline chorio- more pro­ and acid 3 phosphatase nutrient lesions and materials while metabolism of physiological No agent. could all across alkaline saline appeared the proteins. reduced its or m o r p h o l o g i c a l be utilized for to a i d vascular phosphatase fibrillar histochemical lesion lipase also in t h e membranes appeared Suspension of lesion-inducing characteristic identification of transfer of th e to a i d T. of induced in th e gele i i 'A! -in properties. of the the induced induction AN HISTOCHEMICAL AND R E L A T I O N . BE TW EEN OF AGING LESION MORPHOLOGICAL THE GROWTH-PROMOTING TETRAHYMENA INDUCTION INVESTIGATION GELEII IN T H E OF THE PROPERTIES (STRAIN W) AND CHOPIOALLANTOI3 By Frederick Otto Marzke A THESIS Submitted State to th e College in Partial School of of G r a d u a t e Agriculture Fulfillment for DOCTOR the of Studies and Applied th e Degree of of Zoology 1953 Michigan Sciences Requirements OF P H I L O S O P H Y Department of ProQuest Number: 10008375 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest. ProQuest 10008375 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 - 1346 F r e d erick Otto candidate Doctor Final examination’ for of October Marzke th e degree of Philosophy 1 'j , 1953, 2 i 0 0 p.m. . R o o m 404, Natural Science Dissertation: Outline Major Minor of Studies: subject: subjects: Biographical Bo rn , An Histochemical and Morphological Investi­ g a t i o n of t h e R e l a t i o n b e t w e e n t h e G r o w t h p r o m o t i n g P r o p e r t i e s of A g i n g T e t r a h y m e n a g e l e i i ( s t r a i n w) a n d L e s i o n I n d u c t i o n in the Chorioallantois July Zoology Physiology, Ite ms : 23, Undergraduate 1 913 , M e m b e r of Society Lansing, Studies, Gradu a t e Studies, 1951-53 Experience: Entomology Michigan Michigan Michigan State State College, College, 1938-42 194^-47, ’ cont. M e m b e r U n i t e d S t a t e s A rm y, 1 9 4 2 - 4 A , E n t o ­ m o l o g i s t , U n i t e d S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i ­ culture, Savannah, Georgia, 1947-51 Phi K a p p a P h i , of A m e r i c a Society of S i g m a Xi, Entomological A C K N O W L E D G E NTS Th e Dr. author R i c h a r d A. stant wishes Fennell encouragement The author Photographer, to his sincere thanks for hi s guidance, interest during the course this is a l s o indebted Agricultural photomicrographs. express to of Mr. Experiment P. G. Station, to and con­ investigation. Coleman, for the T AB LE OF CON TE NTS I N T R O D U C T I O N ............................................... 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS ............... R E S U L T S .............................................. 1. Histochemical Properties of T. 3 . 8 g e l e ii W Alkaline Phosphatase L o c a l i z a t i o n a n d variation with age of c u l t u r e .................................. 8 E f f e c t of t h e a d d i t i o n of v i t a m i n s to c u l t u r e m e d i u m . 9 E f f e c t of th e a d d i t i o n of t h e m a g ­ n e s i u m or c a l c i u m i on to the ................. 1 7 c u l t u r e medium. S p e c i f i c i t y of a l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e activity. . 18 D i f f u s i o n ....................................19 A c i d Phosphatase Localization a n d variation with age of c u l t u r e ................................. 2 0 E f f e c t of t h e a d d i t i o n of t h e m a g ­ n e s i u m o r c a l c i u m i o n to th e c u l t u r e m e d i u m ....................... . 2 5 D i f f u s i o n ................................. . 2 9 Lipase Localization and vari a t i o n with age of c u l t u r e ......................... 39 E f f e c t of the a d d i t i o n of t h e m a g ­ n e s i u m or c a l c i u m i o n t o th e c u l t u r e m e d i u m ......................... 30 D i f f u s i o n ....................................30 lycogen Localization and variation with age of c u l t u r e ........................ 35 Effect of the addition of the mag­ nesium or calcium ion to the culture m e d i u m ...................... 35 D i f f u s i o n ............................... 35 TABLE OF CONTEN TS (Cont.) Fat L o c a l i z a t i o n a n d v a r i a t i o n w i t h age of c u l t u r e .......................... E f f e c t of t h e a d d i t i o n of t h e m a g ­ n e s i u m or c a l c i u m io n to t h e culture medium ..................... D i f f u s i o n ............................... 39 40 Phospholipids Lo c a l i z a t i o n a n d v a riation with age of c u l t u r e .......................... 40 39 Desoxyribonucleic Acid Localization and variation with age of c u l t u r e .......................... E f f e c t of th e a d d i t i o n of the m a g ­ n e s i u m or c a l c i u m i o n t o t h e culture medium ..................... D i f f u s i o n ............................... R e l a t i o n b e t w e e n i n t e n s i t y of s t a i n i n g r e a c t i o n a n d s i z e of nuclei. ............................ Peroxidase . 43 44 44 47 U r a t e s ................................. V a r i a t i o n in S i z e and Fixation 2. 40 47 I n t e r r e l a t i o n s h i p of A c t i v i t y T r e n d s for Enzyme A c t i o n a nd Fat a n d G l y c o g e n D e p o s i t i o n .................. 50 Induction in the Cell 47 wi t h Age ............. Lesion of . Chorioallantois F r e q u e n c y of l e s i o n i n d u c t i o n .......... S i z e o f l e s i o n i n d u c e d .................. General morphological characteristics of i n d u c e d l e s i o n s ....................... M o r p h o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a n i n d i v i d u a l l e s i o n i n d u c e d b y T. g e l e i i W .................................... M o r p h o l o g i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of embryonic grafts ....................... E p i t h e l i a l nests .......................... Inclusion bodies .......................... H i s t o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of i n d u c e d l e s i o n s .................................... 50 55 58 72 73 74 75 77 TA B L E OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Section IV V VI DISCUSSION 1. Histochemical 3. Lesion induction S U M M A R Y ............. . LITERATURE properties CITED in th e of T. geleii W . 80 chorioallantois . 87 ............................ ..................... . . . . . . 95 100 LIST OF TEXT-FIGURES Text-f igure I II III IV V VI VII VIII Relation between age and alkaline phospha­ tase activity in T_. geleii W. (Organisms suspended in physiological saline). . . . 10 Relation between age, suspension in physiological saline and the histochemical properties of T. geleii W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone ................ 12 Relation between age and the histochemical properties of geleii W reared in tryptone. (Organisms suspended in physiological saline) .................... 22 Relation between age and acid phosphatase activity in TL R-eleii W (Organisms sus­ pended in physiological saline) ......... 24 Relation between age, suspension in physiological saline and acid phospha­ tase activity in T. geleii W ............. 27 Relation between age and lipase activity in Z* Se W (Organisms suspended in physiological saline) .................... 31 Relation between age of culture and the histochemical properties of T. geleii W reared in t r y p t o n e ............... 33 Relation between a^e and glycogen deposition in T. geleii W. (Organisms suspended in physiological saline) . . . . . . . . . . 37 IX Relation between age and desoxyribonucleic acid activity in T_, geleii U V ...... 41 X Relation between age and desoxyribonucleic acid activity in T\ geleii W (Organisms suspended in physiological saline) ... 45 LIST OF TE XT -FI G U R E S (Cont.) Text»figure XI XII XIII XIV R e l a t i o n b e t w e e n a g e, h i s t o c h e m i c a l t e c h n i q u e a n d l e n g t h of g e l e i i W r e a r e d in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d t r y p t o n e .................. 48 Relation between age a n d the h i s t o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of T\ g Q l eii W s u b s e q u e n t to th e a d d i t i o n of C a C l g or M g C l g to t h e c u l t u r e m e d i u m ( O r g a n i s m s s u s p e n d e d in p h y s i o l o g i c a l s a l i n e ) ....................... 53 Relation b e t w e e n age a n d the h i s t o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of T\ g e l e ii W r e a r e d in v i t a m i n a n d magneslum-^cJhloride-enriched t r yptone (Organisms s u spended in p h y s i ­ ............. ological saline). 5B R e l a t i o n b e t w e e n age a n d the h i s t o c h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of T. g e l eii W r e a r e d in vitamin and calcium chloride-enriched t r y p t o n e (Organisms s u s p e n d e d in p h y s i ­ o l o g i c a l s a l i n e ) ...............................- 58 LIST OF TABLES Table I II A l k a l i n e P h o s p h a t a s e A c t i v i t y in S p e c i m e n s Z* ^ Q l e i i W R e a r e d i n T r y p t o n e a n d V i t a m i n e n r i c h e d T r y p t o n e ....................... 14 C h o r i o a l l a n t o i c Lesions I n d u c e d by S p e c i m e n s Z* g e l e i i W a n d o t h e r I n o c u l a ............. SI LIST OF PLATES Plate I II Alkaline phosphatase activity in specimens of geleii W suspended in culture medium . . . 103 Fig. 1. 24-hour cells reared in tryptone; Fig. 2. 144-hour cells reared in tryptone; Fig. 3. 216-hour cells reared in tryptone; Fig. 4. 432-hour cells reared in tryptone; Fig. 5. 288-hour cells reared in tryptone fortified with GaClg i Fig. 6. 388-hour cells reared in tryptone fortified with CaClg (control); Fig. 7. 288-hour c’ells reared in tryptone fortified with MgCl 2 ; and Fig. 8. 288-hour cells reared in tryptone fortified with MgClg and exposed to an increased amount of MgClg in the phosphatase buffer. Alkaline phosphatase activity in specimens of i* geleii W suspended in culture medium . . . Fig. 9. 105 288-hour cells reared in vitaminenriched tryptone; Fig. 10. 288-hour cells reared in vitamin and magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; Fig. 288-hour cells reared in magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; 11. Fig. 12. 73-hour cells reared in the initial riboflavin-enriched tryptone; Fig. 13. Maximum phosphatase activity after first transfer to vitamin-enriched tryptone, 216-hour cells; LIST OF PLATES (Cont.) Plate III Fig. 14. 72-hour cells from 2nd transfer to vitamin-enriched tryptone; and Fig. 360-hour cells from 2nd transfer to vitamin-enriched tryptone. Alkaline phosphatase activity in unwashed specimens X* gQleii W from 288-hour cultures after a 20-minute exposure to various enzyme inhibitors......................................... 107 Fig. IV 15. 16. 0.01M sodium arsenate (specimens reared in vitamin-enriched tryp ton e); Fig. 17. 0.01M sodium arsenate (specimens reared in tryptone); Fig. 18. 0.01M sodium arsenate (specimens reared in magnesium chlorideenriched tryptone); Fig. 19. 0.01M sodium arsenate (specimens reared in magnesium chloride and vitamin-enriched tryptone); Fig. 20. 0.02M semicarbazide (specimens reared in magnesium chloride and vitamin-enriched tryptone; Fig. 21. 0.025M oxidized glutathione (speci­ mens reared in magnesium chloride and vitamin-enriched tryptone); and Fig. 22. 0.025M reduced glutathione (speci­ mens reared in magnesium chloride and vitamin-enriched tryptone) Histochemical reactions in specimens of T. geleii W ......................................... 109 Fig. 23. Acid phosphatase activity in 73-hour cells reared in tryptone; Fig. 24. acid phosphatase activity in 73-hour cells reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone; LIST OF PLATES (Cont.) Plate V VI Fig. 25. acid phosphatase 238-hour cells a c t i v i t y in r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 28. a c i d p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in 3 8 8 = h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d tryptone; F ig . 27. l i p a s e a c t i v i t y in 3 8 8 - h o u r r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 28. D N A a c t i v i t y in 2 8 8 - h o u r in t r y p t o n e ; a n d Fig. 29. a l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in 1 4 4 h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e . cells cells reared, H i s t o c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n s in s p e c i m e n s of T. g e l e i i ..................... s u s p e n d e d in culture m e d i u m Fig. 30. G l y c o g e n d e p o s i t i o n in 7 2 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 31. g l y c o g e n d e p o s i t i o n in 2 8 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 32. g l y c o g e n d e p o s i t i o n in 7 2 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n enriched tryptone; Fig. 33. g l y c o g e n d e p o s i t i o n in 2 3 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n enriched tryptone; Fig. 34. p h o s p h o l i p i d d e p o s i t i o n in c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n enriched tryptone; a n d 73-hour Fig. 35. p h o s p h o l i p i d d e p o s i t i o n in c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n e nric h e d tryptone. 504-hour Chorioallantoic lesions p e n s i o n s of T_. g e l e i i Fig. 36. W Ill * induced by saline sus­ W ................................1 1 3 C r o s s - s e c t i o n of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i c l e s i o n s h o w i n g e p i t h e l i a l n es t f o r m a t i o n induced by 1 8 -aay old T . geleii W ; LIST OF PLATFS (Cont.) Plate VII Fig. 37. c r o s s - s e c t i o n of e p i t h e l i a l nest induced by 1 8-day old T . gelei i W ; Fig. 38. l o c a l i z a t i o n of fat in h y p e r ­ p l a s t i c d o r s a l e p i t h e l i u m of chorioallantoic lesion induced b y 1 4 - d a y o l d T_. g e l e i i W ; Fig. 39. i n c l u s i o n b o d i e s in e p i t h e l i u m of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i s i n d u c e d b y 3 - d a y o l d Id g e l e i i W; Fig. 40. inclusion inocula b o d i e s in u n a b s o r b e d of 3 - d a y o l d T_. g e l e i i Fig. 41. a l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in peripheral mesodermal fibro­ b l a s t s of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i c l e s i o n i n d u c e d by 1 2 - day old Td g e l e i i W; a n d Fig. 42. a c i d p h o s p h a t a s e d i f f u s i o n in chorioallantoic lesion induced b y 9 “ d a y o l d Id, g e l e i i Vv e x p o s e d to 5 0 ° C. f o r o n e - h a l f hour. Chorioallantoic lesions p e n s i o n s of Id g e l e i i W; i n d u c e d by s a l i n e s u s ­ W ....................... Fig. 43. C r o s s - s e c t i o n of v e n t r a l s u r f a c e of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i c l e s i o n i n d u c e d b y 3 - d a y o l d T. g e l e i i W s h o w i n g f o r m a t i o n of e p i t h e l i a l n e s t s ; Fi g. 44. f a t d e p o s i t i o n in d o r s a l e p i t h e l i u m of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i c l e s i o n induced b y 1 4 - d a y o l d T. g e l e i i W; a n d Fig. 45. f a t d e p o s i t i o n in e p i t h e l i a l n e s t s of c h o r i o a l l a n t o i c l e s i o n i n d u c e d b y 1 4 - d a y o l d T. g e l e i i W 115 INTRODUCTION Robertson (1923) maintained that protozoa released autocatalytic materials which stimulated growth. Mast and Pace (1946) demonstrated that cultures of Chilomonas paramecium produced a substance which was not a B vitamin but which in low concentrations accelerated growth but in high concentra­ tions retarded it. Other living cells, including those of higher animals, have also been found to elaborate substances wh ich facilitate growth. Duran-Reynals (1929) demonstrated that the addition of testicular extracts enhanced the patho­ genicity of a neurovirus. Margoliash, Tennenbaum and Doljanski (1948) noted that the reduction in growth-stimulation by the chicken heart subsequent to dialysis was not accompanied by the appearance of growth substances in the dialyzate itself. Webb and Loofbourow (1947) found that the supernatant from ultra-violet damaged cells exhibited higher concentrations of biotin, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and riboflavin and possessed greater growth-promoting properties than supernatants from undamaged cells. Errera, Loofbourow and Yeats Loofbourow, Oppenheim- (1947) found that enhanced growth- promoting properties of suspensions of damaged cells could be correlated with an increase in the amount of nucleotides and nucleosides. Linser and Kaindl (1951) believed that growth- inhibiting or promoting materials were adsorbed by molecules 2 present in the protoplasm and converted into a part of the living substance. These materials must fit available spaces in order to stimulate growth and must not accumulate to excess or growth inhibition may occur. Fennell materials (1951) demonstrated that the growth-promoting in Tetrahymena geleii tive lesions (strain W) induced prolifera­ in the chorioallantois of the chicken embryo and investigated the relationship between age of culture, lesion induction and concentration of possible growth-promoting substances. As very little information is available concerning the effect of protozoan growth-promoting materials on verte­ brate tissues, of that study. this present investigation is a continuation It has as its objectives: (l) a semi- quantitative histochemical estimation of the distribution of alkaline and acid phosphatase, lipase, peroxidase, fat, glycogen, urates and DNA at various intervals during the life of cultures of T. geleii W; (2) a clarification of the role of these materials in the physiological processes of aging T. geleii W; and (3) an ascertainment of any correlation between the presence of these substances and the growthpromoting properties of geleii W subsequent to inoculation onto the chorioallantois of the chicken embryo. M A T E R I A L S AND METHODS All histochemical studies were made on specimens of Tetrahymena geleii (strain W) cultured at 20-30°. culture media were used: Bacto-Tryptone 1 gm. Two basic (l) tryptone made with 15 gm. (Difoo Laboratories, Detroit, iCHgPO^ in 1,000 cc. distilled water; Michigan) and (2) vitamin- enriched tryptone made in an identical manner as the preced­ ing but enriched with the following vitamins: flavin, 1 mg. thiamine, micrograms biotin. 1 mg. ribo­ 100 micrograms nicotinic acid and 0.5 Additional media were prepared in which either 0.448 gm. of CaClg or 1.07 gm. MgClg was added to each of the basic solutions. Cultures of organisms were established by inoculating a 125 cc. Ehrlenmeyer flask containing 75 cc. of the sterile culture medium with 1 cc. culture. of a sterile heavily populated stock In most experiments tests were made with organisms 72 hours subsequent to inoculation and at 72-hour intervals thereafter throughout the life of the culture. In all investi­ gations age of culture refers to hours subsequent to inocula­ tion. Histochemical studies were made both on X- gelQii W suspended in the original culture medium and on specimens suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes subsequent to removal from the culture medium. 4 Alkaline and aci d phosphatases were localized by the methods of Gomori (1943). (1941) and lipase by the method of Gomori Peroxidase was ascertained by methods of both McJunkin and Armitage (Glick 1949). The deposition of glycogen was studied by mean3 of the Feulgen-Bauer reagent (Bensley and Bensley 1938). Desoxyribonucleic acid was identified by the method of Bensley and Bensley (ibid.) The Hollande modification of the Courmont-Andre method was utilized for testing the presence of urates (Glick ojo. c it. ). The deposition of phospholipids was determined by the SmithDietrich reaction (Lison 1936) although the reliability of this test has been questioned (Cain 1950). Aqueous suspen­ sions of cells were stained with Sudan IV to ascertain the amount of fat at various ages. .Estimates of enzymatic activity and deposition of fat a n d glycogen in T. geleii W were made by measurements of the length of the cell3 and the approximate area of the positive reaction subsequent to the histochemical tests. With the exception of desoxyribonucleic acid, the following formula was used for establishing a comparative index of activity: Activity factor = LgP LIT in which L^, cells, L2 , P and T represent the average length of the the approximate area of the positive reaction, the total number of positive cells and the total number of cells counted, respectively. The term glycogen/ or fat/cytoplasm 5 ratio is used in the discussion on fat and glycogen deposi­ tion, but it was ascertained in the same manner as the ac tiv­ ity factor for enzymes. However, on all graphs the term activity factor is u s e d synonomously with glycogen and fat deposition. Each factor or ratio was determined after a count had been made of the total number as well as the total positive cells in 10 microscopic fields (800X) and after the average total length and length of positive area of 10-15 cells on each slide had been measured with a micrometer. fields and cells were selected at random. All It should be emphasized that this activity factor is an approximation, a similar method was devised and used by de Robertis in a study of thyroid tissues in vertebrates. but (1949) In the estima­ tion of nuclear desoxyribonucleic acid an activity factor was established on intensity of the staining reaction. A nega­ tive reaction was given a value of 0; a light nuclear stain­ ing reaction, a value of 1; a medium reaction, a value of 2; and a heavy reaction, a value of 3. Each of these values was then multiplied by the total number of nuclei placed in each category, and the sum of these products for each slide divided by the total number of nuclei counted. Each activity factor for DNA was obtained by the classification and count­ ing of all nuclei in 10 randomly selected microscopic fields (soox). Pedigreed White Leghorn hatching eggs were used exclus­ ively for the study of lesion induction by T. geleii W. 6 Organisms used for inoculation of the chorioallantois were wa shed in two changes of physiological saline. After each washing the cells were centrifuged and the supernatant removed. A suspension was then made of a 1-10 dilution of the concen­ trated washed organisms in physiological saline and left for 2 hours to several days. The chorioallantois of 12-14-day old embryos was then inoculated with 0.05 c c . portions of the suspension by the artificial air sac method of Burnet (1936). A few eggs were inoculated with organisms suspended in the original culture solution. Also in several experi­ ments the organisms were heated for one-half hour at 50° C. prior to inoculation. Other inocula were prepared in which Ringer's solution or 0.02N HOI or 0.005N CaO in physiological saline was substituted for physiological saline as the wash­ ing and suspending medium. Some embryos portions of a 1:4 were also inoculated with 0.05 or0.1 c c . saline dilution of strain 12 lymphomatosis mince or 0.05 cc. portions of a 0.05-0.25 per cent croton oil emulsion in 0.03N NaOH in physiological saline. Approximately 16 square millimeter sections of embryonic heart, head ectoderm or liver washed in normal saline were grafted onto the chorioallantoic membrane through a triangular window cut into the shell. The section of shell was then replaced and sealed with scotch tape. The embryonic tissue was maintained in saline at either room temperature for 15 minutes at 50° C. prior to grafting. or heated 7 In each series of experiments, 0.05 cc. solutions use d as the suspending medium for portions of all gelei i W and other inocula were u s e d as c o n t r o l s . Lesions were fixed in acetone for the histocheinical localization of enzyme activity. Acid and alkaline phospha- tase, lipase and desoxyribonucleic acid activity and the deposition of glycogen were determined by the methods utilized for T_- geleii W. Leaions were fixed in acetic-bicbromate to ascertain the site of fat accumulation (Bensley and Bensley, op. c i t . ). All morphological investigations were made with lesions fixed in Zenker-formol and stained with haemotoxylineosin or haemotoxylin-eosin azure. RESULTS 1. HISTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TETRAHYMENA GELEII W, All histochemical tests were at least duplicated ana were conducted with specimens of T. geleii W obtained from various culture media 24 to 576 hours subsequent to inoculation. In all tests control slides were stained. Results in these experiments represent trends in activity rather than a quantitative estima.tion of the activity at definite hours, as variations may exist in the activity at identical hours the duplicated studies, in but the trend in activity usually remains fairly constant. ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE Localizat ion and variat ion w ith age of cult ure . Alkaline phosphatase activity in young (24-hour) unwashed cells reared in tryptone was characterized by small black spherical entitie wide l y scattered throughout the cell but most heavily concen­ trated near the nucleus or posterior end of the organism (Fig. 1). At 72 hours these discrete particles disappeared a nd the positive area was concentrated in the vicinity of the nucleus. A diffuse grayness noted throughout the cytoplasm of many cells was not considered as definitely positive. sequent to 144 hours, Sub­ there was still phosphatase activity in the vicinity of the nucleus, but the most highly concentrated 9 site occurred in the posterior end of the cell an d 4). (Figs. 2, 3 The tendency for the phosphatase to be concentrated in this area remained fairly constant until the age at which enzymatic activity disappeared except for occasional spherical senescent cells in which the phosphatase activity was located in the center of the organisms. The initial addition of vita­ mins alone to the tryptone solution did not materially alter the localization of alkaline phosphatase (Fig. 9). There was a tendency for any nuclear phosphatase to decline in activity in organisms washed in physiological saline. A study of Text-figure I indicates that in specimens of 2.* gslQii W cultured in tryptone alkaline phosphatase activity increased slightly between 72 and 288 hours at which time a maximum activity factor of 0.05 was obtained. A rapid decline then occurred and subsequent to 330 hours of age all activity disappeared. The initial addition of vitamins to the tryptone solution tended to induce maximum activity earlier (72 hours) and to delay the complete cessation of any visible reaction. With the exception of 360-hour cultures, enzynatic activity was greater in the organisms reared in tryptone than in those reared in vitamin-enriched media. It is evident from Text- figure II that alkaline phosphatase activity was higher in organisms in which washing in saline was omitted. Effect of the addit ion of vitamins to the culture media.. Early in the course of this study it became apparent that the cultures of T. geleii W were becoming increasingly short­ lived and less productive. It was to counteract this trend 10 T E X T - F IG U R E I elation between age and alkaline phosphatase activity in * gQiQii W, All specimens were suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. O © i- gelei i W “ Z* geleii W tryptone; CD- 1 ® " T. © ” T. reared in t ryptone; reared in calcium chloride-enriched geleii W reared in magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; geleii W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone; geleii W reared in vitamin and magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; and Z' gQlQli W reared in vitamin and calcium chloride-enriched tryptone. CM 1^- ro O O M010VJ CM* o A1IAI10V 14 4 AGE 216 288 360 OF CULTURE IN HOURS 432 12 TFXT-FIGURE II Relation between age, suspension in physiological saline and the histocheraical properties of _T. geleii W reared in vitaminenriched tryptone. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. o- Alkaline phosphatase activity in T. geleii W suspended in physiological saline; 4 ^ - alkaline phosphatase activity in T. geleii W suspended in original culture medium; acid phosphatase activity in T. geleii W suspended in physiological saline; © - acid phosphatase activity in _T * geleii W suspended in original culture medium; glycogen deposition in T. geleii W suspended in physiological saline; and glycogen deposition in T. geleii W suspended in original culture medium. a o io V d AX IA I I O V AGE 144 OF 288 CULTURE 216 IN HOURS 360 432 504 14 TABLE I Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Specimens of X* geleii W Reared in Tryptone and Vitaminenriched Tryptone Cays Subsequent to Inoculation into Initial Vitamin-enriched Culture Medium Culture Medium Age of Culture in Days Vitamin enr iched 3-15 18-31 1 0 8 18 3-24 8 145 3= 15 9 165 3“ 30 10 188 3-34 11 209 13 212 3 13 223 3 6-31 17 264 19 272 6 30 278 6 21 286 6-27 22 292 6-15 23 299 7 34 306 7-14 25 313 7-14 Tryptone Enz yme Reaction ++' 3 *■ ++ Vitamin enr iched 4*^ 15 TABLE I (Cont.) Transf er No. Days Subsequent to Inoculation into Initial Vitamin-enriched Culture Medium Culture Medium Age of Culture in Days Enzyme React ion 26 320 Vitamin 7 - 27 327 li 7-14 - 28 334 II 7 + 29 341 it 14 - 30 355 it 14 - 31 367 n 7 - 32 369 It 7 -t- ^With the exception of those in which only listed, tests were conducted in Transfers intervals and in Transfers 23-32 at 7-day p -►-Slightly positive; Moderate to heavy one day is 1-22 at 3-day intervals. positive reaction. 13 that vitamins were first added, to the tryptone cultures in the amount stated under materials and me t h o d s . In the first series of histochemical studies subsequent to the addition of vitamins a slight but not significant decline in the level of alkaline phosphatase activity was apparent 13). (Figs. 12 and However, as noted in Table I, upon inoculation of subsequent series of vitamin cultures and conduction of additional series, all evidence of alkaline phosphatase activity disappeared (Figs. 14 and 15). This inhibition was at first believed to be attributable to factors other than the presence of the added vitamins, but investigations utilizing triple distilled water, fresh chemical solutions, negative for alkaline phosphatase. approximately seven months' etc. , remained After 10 transfers and exposure to vitamins, the organ- isms were transferred to tryptone medium. Three days after this first transfer phosphatase activity was still inhibited, but after subsequent inoculations, activity again became vis i b l e . After six transfers and approximately two months in the tryptone solutions the organisms were again transferred to media containing vitamins. Alkaline phosphatase activity was still visible after eight transfers and a two months' in the vitamin-enriched media. exposure On the ninth transfer inhibi­ tion of phosphatase activity again occurred. With the excep­ tion of a weakly positive reaction on the 11th transfer, com­ plete alkaline phosphatase inhibition was maintained until 1? the 15th transfer in the vitamin-enriched media. Subsequent to this transfer the organisms have shown erratic results and have become alternately positive and negative. Although the presence of vitamins appeared to have an inhibitory effect on phosphatase activity, which could be counteracted by the addition of magnesium, future research is required to clarify existing results. Effect of the addition of the magnesium or calcium ion to the culture m e d i u m . The magnesium ion has been widely described as an activator of alkaline phosphatase a n d Furth 1941). (Kabat The results obtained in this present investi­ gation demonstrated that the addition of magnesium or calcium chloride to either of the basic culture media increased alkaline phosphatase activity, but that the calcium ion was the more effective (Text-fig. A definite shift I and Figs. 5 and 7). in the site of alkaline phosphatase activity from the posterior towards the nuclear region of the cell occurred in organisms reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone to which magnesium chloride had been added (Fig. 10). Calcium activation of phosphatase activity was more pronounced in organisms reared in tryptone and reached a maximum at 144 hours at which time the phosphatase activity factor increased from 0.03 to 0.32. Control slides from cultures containing magnesium or calcium chloride were negative (Fig. 6). To determine the effect of the concentration of magnesium in the glycerophosphate buffer on alkaline phosphatase activity, 18 0.0137 gra. of magnesium chloride was added to each ^50 cc. of the substrate. Increasing the concentration of the mag­ nesium did not alter the site of phosphatase activity in organisms reared in tryptone enhanced the reaction (Fig. 8), but occasionally in cells from 72 to 144 hours of age. Eliminating magnesium from the buffer also did not alter the site of phosphatase activity but decreased the intensity of the reaction in 433-hour cultures. In addition to its effect on alkaline phosphatase activ­ ity, magnesium chloride extended the life of the culture for 10-15 days. Specificity of alkaline phosphatase a c t i v i t y . The shift in alkaline phosphatase activity from the posterior region towards the center of the organism (Fig. 10) subsequent to the addition of magnesium chloride to the vitamin-enriched media gave ri3e to the possibility that several substrate specific enzymes hydrolyzing phosphate esters might be present in T_. geleii W. which 1 cc. Enzyme inhibition tests were conducted in of one of the following inhibitors was applied to a series of 0 lipase activity; “ glycogen deposition; and fat deposition COm o 10 o o MOJLOVJ ro o OJ o A 1 IA I1 0 V o 34 TEXT-FIGTJRE IV Relation between age and acid phosphatase activity in _T. geleii W . All specimens were suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Act ivit y factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. X- g e lQii W reared in tryptone; @ - T . geleii W reared in calcium chlorideenriched tryptone; i geleii W reared in magnesium chlorideenriched tryptone; ~ X- geleii W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone; C - 1- g e l 33-1 w reared in vitamin and magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; and X* geleii W reared in vitamin and calcium chloride-enriched tryptone.' *> yOXOVJ CSI A1IAI10V « o 144 AGE 216 288 360 OF CULTURE IN HOURS 432 504 26 In vitamin-enriched tryptone an alternate rise and fall in activity appeared throughout the experiment (Text-fig. IV). No positive reaction was visible in cells from 73, 216 or 3 60-hour cultures, but at 144, 283, 433 and 504 hours acid phosphatase activity was greater than in cells not exposed to vitamins. The maximum difference in phosphatase activity between organisms cultured in tryptone and those cultured in vitamin-enriched tryptone occurred at 238 hours at which time the activity factor for acid phosphatase in cells from tryp­ tone was 0.13 and from vitamin-enriched tryptone 0.72 fig. (Text- IV). Washing organisms in physiological saline appeared to influence the activity factor for acid phosphatase to a greater extent than the factor for any other substance studied. The maximum effect occurred at 504 hours at which time the activity factor for unwashed cells reared in tryptone was 1.0 and for cells suspended in physiological saline 0.04 In organisms from vitamin-enriched media, (Text-fig. V). the effect of sus­ pension in physiological saline was less pronounced (Textfigs. II and V). Effect of the a ddition of the magnesium or calcium ion culture m e d i u m . The addition of calcium chloride to tryptone media increased acid phosphatase activity in all cells suspended in physiological saline with the exception of those aged 432 hours (Text-fig. I V ). The maximum increase was obtained at 288 hours at which time the activity factor 27 TEXT-FIGtJPE V Relation between age, suspension in physiological saline and. ac i d phosphatase activity in T. geleii W. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. O - ® T . geleii W reared in tryptone and fixed and stained immediately after removal from culture medium; “ T. geleii UV reared in tryptone and suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation; ” X* % e 3-e i i W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone and stained immediately after removal from culture medium; and X- geleii ^ reared in vitamin^-enriched tryp= tone and suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation. to a o io v d AXIAIXOV o 144 AGE 216 288 OF CULTURE IN 360 HOURS 432 504 29 increased, from 0.13 to 0.80. The addition of calcium chloride to media containing vitamins decreased acid phosphatase activity (Text-fig. IV). The activation phosphatase activity by magnesium chloride of acid in organisms reared in tryptone reached a maximum at 432 hours at which time the activity factor increased from 0.18 to 0.28. In vitamin-enriched cultures the magnesium ion stimulated activity at 144 and 380 hoars but decreased it at 288 hours. Nuclear acid phosphatase exhibited the maximum stimulation by the magnesium ion. Diffusion. Acid phosphatase or its catalyzed end products diffused readily from T_. geleii W and resulted in the forma­ tion of a heavy extra-cellular precipitate during the histochemical localization of this enzyme. There was no evidence for a complete diffusion of acid phosphatase from any organism. Occasionally acid phosphatase activity was entirely absent, but undetermined factors other than diffusion appeared to be respons i b l e . LIPASE Localization and variation with age of cultur e. Lipase activity in T_. gelQii W less than 218 hours of age and reared in tryptone was restricted almost entirely to the nucleus. However, a few cells exhibited slight activity in the distal end of the organism. In 288-hour cultures the positive sites of lipase activity became more widely dispersed but remained the most heavily concentrated in the vicinity of the nucleus (Fig. 27). Subsequent to 288 hours, lipase activity was again 30 restricted almost entirely to the nucleus. ing the cells Neither suspend­ in physiological saline nor adding vitamins to the culture medium shifted the site of lipase activity. The first positive reaction for lipase was obtained in cells aged 144 hours (Text-fig. VI). The maximum activity factor for w;-shed organisms reared in tryptone was 0.11 and for cells suspended in the original culture medium 0.04 (Text-figs. VI and VII). The former was obtained 288 hours an d the latter 380 hours subsequent to seeding. The addi­ tion of vitamins to the tryptone medium decreased lipase activity and the activity factor never exceeded 0.03 fig. VI). (Text- Suspension in physiological saline appeared to have little effect on the amount of visible lipase activity. Iffeet of the addition of the magnesium or calcium ion to the culture medium. The addition of either calcium or magnesium chloride to vitamin-enriched media shifted lipase activity from the nucleus towards the distal end of the cell. Calcium had little effect on the amount of activity in the vitamin-enriched cells, but magnesium increased the activity factor at 288 hours from 0 to 0.1b (Text-fig. Diff u s i o n . VI). All slides containing T. gelpji W exposed to calcium chloride exhibited a heavy brown extracellular pre­ cipitate when stained for lipase activity. This may be attri­ buted to either a diffusion of the enzyme or the presence of the calcium ion. In these present experiments it is believed that diffusion played only a minor role in the localization of lipase activity. TEXT-FIGURE VI Relation between age and lipase activity in _T. geleii W. All specimens were suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. geleii W reared O - Z* gQleii W reared in tryptone; in vitamin-enriched tryptone € > - T. Keleii Vtf reared in magnesium chloride vitarnin-enriched tryptone; and and i- RQloii W reared in calcium chloride and vitamin-enriched tryptone. CM 1^ CM o a o io v j A 11A I10V 144 AGE 216 288 OF CULTURE IN 360 HOURS 432 504 33 TEXT-FIGURE VII Relation between age of culture and the histochemical proper­ ties of _T, geleii W reared in tryptone. All specimens stained immediately after removal from culture medium. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. Alkaline phosphatase activity; acid phosphatase activity; ^ ° lipase activity; and glycogen deposition. 3 oo cs 8 H O lO Vd m o o ro O A 1IAIX0V CVJ O - o 35 GLYCOGEN Localiza.tion and variation with age of cultu re. In unwashed cells from tryptone cultures the highest glycogen concentration was visible between the nucleus and the pellicle of the organism (Figs. 30=33). The nucleus and proximal tip remained negative in all cells but those in which the entire organism exhibited a positive Feulgen-Bauer reaction. In 73-hour organisms suspended in physiological saline glycogen was located in scattered discrete sites which were most highly concentrated in the distal end of the cell . These sites enlarged and coalesced as the amount of glycogen increased, but deposition remained at a maximum in the posterior portions of the cell. The addition of vitamins to the culture medium did not alter the localization of glycogen. Glycogen denosit ion in unwashed cells from tryptone cultures was at a maximum between 144 and 288 hours during which time the glycogen/cytoplasm ratio averaged approximately 0.61 (Text-fig. VII). The addition of vitamins decreased the glycogen/cytoplasm ratio (Text-fig. II). In organisms from tryptone cultures and suspended in physiological saline a maximum ratio of 0.57 was obtained at 432 hours III and VIII). (Text-figs* In these cells glycogen deposition was gradual between 72 and 288 hours but increased rapidly as it approached a maximum. Maximum glycogen deposition occurred earlier in organisms from vitamin-enriched cultures, and a glycogen/ cytoplasm ratio of 0.57 and 0.53 was obtained at 216 and 360 hours, respectively (Text-fig. VIII). 36 In general, suspending cells in physiological saline decreased the glycogen/cytoplasm ratio. The maximum decline n o ted in cells from tryptone cultures occurred at 144 hours at which time the ratio decreased from 0.63 to 0.13 (Textf i g s . Ill and VII). The maximum decline in cells from vitamin- enriched media occurred at 288 hours at which time the ratio decreased from 0.50 to 0.32 (Text-fig. II). Effect of the addition of the magnesium or calcium ion to the culture m e d i u m . The addition of calcium chloride to vitamin-enriched tryptone increased the amount of visible glycogen in all cells studied (Text-fig. VIII). The addition of magnesium chloride increased glycogen deposition in all cells but those aged 316 and 360 hours. The glycogen/cytoplasm ratio in organisms from the magnesium-enriched media reached a maximum of 0.86 at 144 hours and in the calcium-enriched media it reached a maximum of 0.84 at 216 hours VIII). (Text-fig. The magnesium ion appeared to be more effective in increasing glycogen deposition in cells 144 hours of age or less and the calcium ion in increasing deposition in older cells. Diffusion. Many slides containing cells which had been wa shed in saline exhibited an extracellular positive reaction for glycogen. Apparently handling of organisms during the washing process was an important factor in cytolysis and the escape of glycogen from the cell. No extracellular positive reaction was noted on slides of unwashed T. geleii W, and, 3? TEXT-FIGURE VIII Relation between age and glycogen deposition in T. gelei i W. All specimens were suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. • - T. geleii W reared in tryp ton e; o- T. geleii W reared in vi tamin-enriched tryptone; © - T, geleii W reared in magnesium chloride and vitam in--enriched t ryptone; and T. geleii W reared in calcium chloride and vitamin"enriched tryptone. CM K co% AGE CM OF CULTURE 00 CM 1^- rO CM HOJLOVd A 1 IA I1 0 V 43 A positive Feulgen reaction in specimens of T. geleii W was restricted to the nucleus (Fig. 28). Maximum DNA activity in unwash ed organisms from tryptone cultures was noted 72> 144 and 380 hours subsequent to inoculation (Text-fig. IX). No activity was visible at 216 hours and after 360 hours the Feulgen reaction decreased in intensity until most of the organisms were negative at 504 hours. Organisms reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone exhibited maximum DNA activity 72 hours subsequent to seeding (Text-fig. I X ). Between 72 and 144 hours a slight decrease in activity occurred and then remained constant until the cells had aged 360 hours. After 360 hours another decline occurred and all activity disappeared 504 hours subsequent to inoculation. Suspending organisms in physiological saline prior to staining produced no significant alteration in the intensity of the Feulgen reaction in cells reared in tryptone. activity in organisms DNA reared in vitamin-enriched media.was decreased by the washing process and reached a maximum at 216 hours at which time the activity factor decreased from 1.85 to 0.3 (Text-fig. X). A cyclic rise and fall in DNA activity occurred in all cells except unwashed organisms from vitaminenriched tryptone (Text-figs. IX and X). Effect of the addition of the magnesium or calcium ion to the culture m e d i u m . The addition of calcium or magnesium chloride to vitamin-enriched tryptone induced minimal DNA activity at 144 and 360 hours and a maximum reset, ion at 316 44 hours (Text-fig. X). This is the inverse of that noted in organisms from solutions in which calcium or magnesium was omitted. Diffus i o n . No evidence of diffusion occurred on any slides stained for DNA. Relat ion between intensity of staining react ion and size of n u c l e i . According to Bradfield (i960) fluctuations in nuclear staining for DNA may be due to changes volume. in nuclear Approximate measurements made of nuclear area in the course of this study indicated that, in general, the smaller the nuclei, the greater the intensity of staining. This would indicate that in the smaller nuclei the DNA was more highly concentrat ed. Many nuclei were irregularly shaped, but all areas were calculated, as the product of the length and the width. sequent to the measurement of 30 cell nuclei, Sub­ the average area of those placed in categories 1, 2 and 3 (see materials and methods) was 59, 54 and 31 square microns, respectively. According to these results the average area of the lightest staining nuclei was approximately twice that of the heaviest staining ones, while no significant difference was apparent between the light and medium staining nuclei. The difficulty in classifying the nuclei into the latter two categories may account for this small difference. 45 TEXT-FIGURE X Relation between age and desoxyribonucleic acid activity in X* ffele i i W. All specimens were suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation ana staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. X* g e leii W reared in tryptone; O - i- geleii W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone; X* leii W reared in vitamin and magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; and ( ^ “ X* gelQii W reared in vitamin and calcium chloride-enriched tryptone. fO CJ aOlDVd Ail AliOV 144 AGE 216 288 360 OF CULTURE IN HOURS 432 504 47 PEROXIDASE No positive reaction for peroxidase was visible on any slides of T. geleii W. URATES No positive reaction for urates was obtained. VARIATION IN SIZE OF CELL WITH AGE AND FIXATION It is evident from Text-figure XI that specimens of _T. g e l e i i W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone decreased in average length as the culture aged. Both fixation and the staining technique tended to decrease the size of the cell. With the exception of organisms aged 380 and 504 hours, unfix ed cells, length. those stained for fat, exceeded all cells in Organisms of the former age stained for lipase and of the latter age stained either for lipase or acid phospha­ tase were longer than unfixed cells of the same age. A maxi­ mum average length of 77 microns was exhibited by unfixed organisms 144 hours of age and a minimum of 33 microns by organisms 504 hours of age and stained by the Feulgen-Bauer reaction for glycogen. In general, the average length of all fixed cells increased between 72 and 144 hours subsequent to inoculation. From 144 to 288 hours of age the length usually remained at a maximum and then gradually decreased until a minimum length was reached at 504 hours. An exception was noted in the cells stained for alkaline phosphatase, as a decline in length 48 T E X T - F I G TJRE XI Relation between age, histochemical technique and length of Z.* i W reared in vitamin-enriched tryptone and fixed and stained immediately after removal from culture medium. Unfixed T. geleii W 3 tained with Sudan IV for f a t ; “ !L* £ Q l 0 i i W stained by Gomori technique for alkaline phosphatase; Z* g e l ^ ii W stained by Gomori technique for acid phosphatase; 0 - O" 1- geleii W stained by Gomori technique for lipase; and —• w stained by Feulgen-Bauer tech­ nique for glycogen. O IO o iP 00 00 CM AGE (£ CM OF CULTURE IN to HOURS CM tO CM N- o u> SNOdOm O iO $ Nl 1 1 3 0 8 o CM O dO HJL0N31 O 50 occurred between 144 and 215 hours of age and a pronounced increase between 350 a n d 432 hours. The unfixed cells followed the same general trend as those stained for alkaline phosphatase. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF ACTIVITY TRENDS IN BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES INVESTIGATED In unwashed organisms from tryptone cultures acid phos­ phatase activity and glycogen deposition closely paralleled one another (Text-fig. exception was n o t e d a s VII). At 144 hours, however, an acid phosphatase activity decreased as glycogen deposition increased. The deposition of glyco­ gen increased slightly between 350 and 504 hours while acid phosphatase rapidly approached a maximum activity factor of 1.0. Fat deposition increased gradually with the increase in the age of the culture. Alkaline phosphatase activity reached a maximum at 215 hours at which time acid phosphatase was also highly active and glycogen deposition near a maximum. In cells from cultures aged more than 350 hours acid phospha­ tase activity increased rapidly while any visible reaction for alkaline phosphatase disappeared entirely. Lipase activ- ity was at a maximum at 350 hours at which time a rapid decline in acid phosphatase activit-y and the deposition of glycogen was apparent. Acid phosphatase activity exceeded that of alkaline phosphatase in all organisms. DNA activity was at a maximum 72, 144 and 360 hours subsequent to seeding and at a minimum at 215 and 504 hours (Text-fig. IX). In cells more 51 than 72 hours of age DMA activity bore an inverse relationship to glycogen deposition and acid and alKaline phosphatase activity (Text— figs. VII and IX). In older cells a slight parallel between lipase and DNA activity was apparent. In general, the activity factor for acid phosphatase in unwashed cells exceeded that for glycogen denosit ion. sequent to suspension in physiological saline this inter­ relationship was reversed (Text-figs. less, Ill and VII). Neverthe- in washed organisms a parallel between acid phosphatase activity and glycogen deposition was still apparent fig. Sub­ III). (Text- At 144 hours acid phosphatase activity increased as glycogen deposition decreased, but in all cells 216 hours of age or older a parallel increase in the amount of both occurred. Acid phosphatase activity and glycogen deposition approached a maximum as fat deposition increased, but dis­ appeared rapidly at the time fat deposition approached its maximum. Both lipase and alkaline phosphatase were at a maximum in cells 288 hours of age and decreased at the time acid phosphatase activity and glycogen and fat deposition were approaching a maximum. Alkaline phosphatase activity exceeded lipase activity in cells 144 hours or less in age, but in the older cells lipase became more active. Glycogen deposition exceeded fat deposition in cells 72, 360 and 432 hours of age, but in other cells the activity factor for fat usually exceeded that of all substances studied. DNA activity in washed cells appeared to be inversely related to alkaline 53 phosphatase an d lipase activitv, but the relationship was not as pronounoed as that noted in the unwashed cells (Text- f i g s . Ill and X ) . Acid phosphatase in unwashed organisms frorn vitaminenriched tryptone exhibited a cyclic rise and fall in activity (Text-fig. II). In each period the activity factor increased rapidly from approximately 0 to a maximum and then declined to 0 again. The activity factor for glycogen deposition increased gradually to 0.58 between 72 and 216 hours and then declined to 0.18 at 504 hours. DNA and alkaline phos­ phatase activity and glycogen deposition followed parallel trends (Text-figs. II and IX). However, the activity factor for alkaline phosphatase did not exceed 0.04. Suspension in physiological saline decreased the maxi­ mum peaks in the cyclic rise and fall in acid phosphatase activity in cells 216 to 360 hours in age (Text-fig. II). Glycogen deposition.was decreased but maintained the same general trend as in the unwashed cells. Alkaline phosphatase activity practically disappeared in cells 216 hours of age or older while lipase activity increased slightly between 288 and 504 hours. Glycogen deposition and alkaline phosphatase activity appeared to decrease as lipase activity and fat deposition increased. The cyclic behavior of acid phospha­ tase did not appear to be directly correlated with the activ­ ity of any of the substances studied. Alkaline phosphatase and DNA activity decreased between 72 and 216 hours, but no additional parallel trend was noted (Text-figs. II and X). 53 TEXT-FIGURE XII Relation between age and the histochemical properties of X* geleii W subsequent to the addition of calcium or magnesium chloride to the culture medium. All specimens reared in tryptone and suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and 3taining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. Alkaline phosphatase activity in T_. geleii W reared in magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; alkaline phosphatase activity in T, geleii W reared in calcium chloride-enriched tryptone ; O - acid phosphatase activity in T. geleii W reared in magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone; and acid phosphatase activity in T. geleii reared in calcium chloride-enriched tryptone. o in 00 00 CM CD CULTURE O CD rO IN HOURS CM ro «■ CM 9*0 in CM d O lO V J A 1 IA I10V o AGE OF CM 55 All organisms reared in media containing magnesium or calcium chloride were suspended in physiological saline. The cells irom tryptone cultures containing magnesium chloride exhibited maximum acid phosphatase activity at 432 hours and maximum alkaline phosphatase activity at 238 hours XII). (Text-fig. In organisms from cultures containing calcium chloride the maximum activity factor for the former occurred at 288 hours and for the latter at 144 hours. Acid phosphatase was more active than alkaline phosphatase in these cells. In washed cultures containing both vitamins and magnesium chloride a correlation between acid phosphatase activity and glycogen deposition was again apparent (Text-fig. XIII). Both approached a maximum at 144 hours, declined in activity between 144 and 216 hours, increased between 216 and 288 hours and then decreased again between 288 and 360 hours. Lipase activity was absent in younger cells but between 216 and 360 hours it followed the same trend as acid phosphatase and glycogen activity. The alkaline phosphatase activity factor decreased gradually from 0.05 at 72 hours to 0 at 288 hours. A negative correlation between DNA activity and acid phosphatase activity and glycogen deposition was aoparent cells 288 hour 3 or less in age (Text-figs. XIII and X). in Lipase activity increased between 216 and 288 hours at which time DNA activity was decreasing. Subsequent to the addition of calcium chloride to vitaminenriched media glycogen deposition reached a maximum in 53 TEXT-FIGURE XIII Relation between age and the histochemical properties of T. geleii W reared in vitamin and magnesium chloride-enriched tryptone. All specimens suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. C - Alkaline phosphatase activity; acid phosphatase activity; - lipase activity; and O - glycogen deposition. 0> CO ro dO lO Vd AJLIAIIOV csj o 144 AGE 216 28 8 360 OF CULTURE IN HOURS 432 58 TEXT-FIGURE XIV Relation between age and the histochemical properties of X* gQleii W reared in vitamin and calcium chloride-enriched tryptone. All specimens suspended in physiological saline for 30 minutes prior to fixation and staining. Activity factor determined by formula given under materials and methods. CD ^ Alkaline phosphatase activity; - acid phosphatase activity; C P - lipase activity; and O - glycogen deposition. r-CJ 1^ a O l D V J A H A I 1 DV AGE 144 OF IN 28 8 CULTURE 216 HOURS 360 432 60 organisms aged 216 hours (Text-fig. XIV). additional peaks in the activity curve. There were no Both acid and alka­ line phosphatase activity was at a maximum at 144 hours and lipase activity at 216 hours. In cells 72 to 144 hours of age DNA activity bore an inverse relationship to acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and glycogen deposition figs. XIV and X). (Text- Between 144 and 216 hours the same relation­ ship between DNA and acid and alkaline phosphatase was apparent, but glycogen deposition paralleled that of DNA activity. The activity factor for glycogen deposition far exceeded that for any other substance. 2* LESION INDUCTION IN THE CHORIQALLANTOIS Pedigreed White Leghorn hatching eggs were used exclu- sively for the study of lesion induction by protozoan cultures. X* gelQii W were reared in the various culture media described under materials and methods and washed by centrifugation in two changes of physiological saline prior to inoculation onto chorioallantois of 12-14-day old chicken embryos by the arti­ ficial air sac method of Burnet (1936). Frequency of les ion induct i o n . It is evident from Table II that at least 66.7 per cent of all embryos survived inocu­ lation by the various suspensions of T. gelei i W and other substances utilized in this study. The only exceptions oc­ curred in embryos inoculated with croton oil or a heated sus­ pension of unwashed T_. Re 1 eii W in which a mortality of 100 an d 75 per cent, respectively, was obtained. The maximum the e i TABLE Type of Inoculum T. Chorioallantoic Lesions Induced by FTo of ^er cent Per "cent Av Vol of Embryos Survival Develops Lesion Injected of ing mm^ Embryos Lesions A’v*K3ax Height of Epithelium mm geleii W 3“ day cultures 37 85-2 7-9-day 17 76.4 9-day + 50°C n " 30 85 4 25 9 -day " in 0.005N CaO 10 80 12-14-day " 49 14-24-day n in 0.02N HC1 18-day 56.5 100 30 „ D 0.139“ V 0.130 D 0.051 V 0.042 30 D 0.273 V 0.168 29 7 D 0.073 V 0.030 87.5 46 D 0.161 V 0.073 79.6 ^9.2 111 D 0.245 V 0.191 26 84.6 86.4 81 D 0.137 V 0.133 n 47 80.9 68.4 118 D 0.140 V 0.135 18-20-day " with MgCla 33 93.9 51.6 25 D 0.122 V 0.155 18-20-day " with CaCl2 37 94.6 68.6 29 D 0.142 V 0.070 24-d ay 60 81.7 57.1 120 D 0.161 V 0.154 9 - day " + 50°C (No saline) " 88.2 60 100 62 II Specimens of T. gelei i W and Other Inoculai “ Per cent Approx tio Per cent of Lesions Showing Hyperplasia~ of Lesions of Mesoderm Mesoderm + Epithelium with IncluM & E = M> E E > M E>^M Inclusions sions— 83.3 100 0-+ A v 12+ 19-85 Av 52 o — 50 0=+ Av Ot 40 0-25 Av 5 50 0-13 Av 3 22.2 44.4 37.5 37.5 25 18.2 36.3 18.2 0-+ A v 15+ 22.2 18.2 9.1 100 50 50 11.8 52.9 11.8 28.6 57.1 14.3 7.7 15.4 16.7 6^.7 11.1 53.8 66.7 20 33.3 40 15.4 23.1 15.4 23.5 23.1 16.6 6.7 15.4 30.8 63 TABLE Type of Inoculum ~Wo~ of "Per cent Per cent Av Vol of A v Wax Embryos Survival Develop­ Lesion Height of Injected ing Epithelii Embryos Les ions mm 0 1.4 12 D 0.039 V 0.018 78.6 54. 5 13 D 0.024 V 0.063 6 66. 7 50 90 D 0.033 V 0.016 0.02N NaOH 5 80 100 984 D 0.087 V 0.034 0.005N GaO 2 100 50 90 D 0.236 V 0.243 57.1 28 D 0.155 V 0.302 0.05-0.25 croton oil emulsion 73 0.5-1.0 cc strain 12 lymphomatosis 14 0.02N HC1 Physiological saline F?j.nger 1s solut ion 18 77.8 6 66. 7 0 0 — i Embryos exposed to 0.5 cc. portions of the various inocula unless strain 13 lymphomatosis 1:4 with physiological saline. All 3 Upper figure refers to range in number of inclusion bodies; 3 D-Dorsal epithelium; V-Ventral epithelium. 34 II (Cont.) ^ er cent Approx No Far cent of Le~310ns Showing Hyperplasia of Lesions of Mesoderm Mesoderm t Epithelium with Inclu^ M & E M>E E> M Inclusions sions___________ ______________________ __________ _ 0 0 0 0 100 33.3 63.7 100 0 0 100 * 0 0 0 0 25 50 25 100 20 40 40 otherwise specified. All T_. gele i i W w e r e diluted 1:10 and inorganic salts dissolved in physiological saline. lower figure to average number of inclusion bodies. 35 survival rate occurred subsequent to inoculation with 0.005N CaO or 18“ 20“ day old T. geleii W reared in media containing calcium or magnesium chloride. All embryos surviving inoculation with either 0.02N NaOH or 7-9-day old _T. geleii W suspended in either the ori­ ginal culture medium and heated for one-half hour at 50° C. or in unhea ted physiological saline developed a chorioallantoic lesion at the site of inoculation. From 55.5 to 39.2 per cent of the embryos surviving exposure to unheated physiological saline suspensions of all other inocula of T. geleii W devel­ oped lesions. The suspension of 14-24-day old cultures in 0.03N HC1 in physiological saline increased the rate of lesion induction to 86.4 per cent. The addition of calcium chloride to the culture medium did not materially alter the per cent of lesions developing subsequent to inoculation with 18-20day old organisms, but the addition of magnesium chloride decreased the number induced to 51.6 per cent. All concentrations of croton oil killed the embryos although one developed a lesion before death. The strain 12 lymphomatosis agent produced lesions in 54.5 per cent of the exposed embryos. With the exception of Ringer's and 0.02N NaOH, all solutions used for suspending T. geleii W produced lesions in approximately 50 per cent of the inocu­ lated embryos. No lesions developed in any embryos inoculated with Ringer's solution. 66 Size of lea Ion induced. Subsequent to removal from the ohorioallantois the length, width and depth of each lesion was measured in millimeters and the total volume used as an index for growth induction. Lesions produced in these experiments ranged in average size from approximately 13 cubic millimeters allantoic membranes inoculated with croton oil to approximately 984 cubic millimeters (Table II). in the chorio­ in those inoculated with 0.Q2N NaOH The latter far exceeded in size lesions produced by any other inocula. An examination of the effect of age of the T_. geleii W culture on the size of lesion produced indicated that, in general, An the older the culture the larger the lesion. exception was noted in lesions induced by 7-S-day old cultures suspended in physiological saline, as they averaged only onethird the size of those induced by 3-day old cultures. The average size of lesion induced by 12-14-day old organisms was approximately twice that produced by 3-day cultures and six times that produced by 7-9-day old organisms. After 12 days the lesion-inducing properties of T. geleii W varied but slightly with an increase in age. Suspending organisms in physiological saline decreased the lesion-inducing properties of T. geleii W. The average volume of lesion produced by 9-day old organisms suspended in the original culture medium and subjected to a temperature of 50° C. for one-half hour was 397 cubic millimeters. On 67 the other hand, the inoculation with organisms of the same age subsequent to suspension in physiological saline and subjection to heat produced an average lesion size of only 30 cubic millimeters. Similar aged cultures which remained unheated but suspended in saline induced lesions averaging 20 cubic millimeters. The latter would indicate that washing not heating was the principal factor involved in the difference in size of lesion produced. This effect of washing warrants further investigation in the future, as the results might be attributable to growth-inducing substances diffusing into the culture medium and being removed in the washing process, or it may indicate that the culture medium itself may have growth-promoting properties. No study was made of the effect of Bacto-tryptone on the chorioallantoic membrane. In cultures 14 days of age or older the addition of mag­ nesium or calcium chloride to the culture medium or HC1 to the physiological saline utilized as a suspending medium decreased the lesion-inducing properties of Id geleii 'ft. The addition of 0.005N CaO to the physiological saline used for suspending 9-day old unheated cultures of Td geleii W doubled the average size of lesion produced. Physiological saline alone induced an average sized lesion of 28 cubic millimeters while the addition of either 0.005N CaO or 0.02N HC1 to the saline increased the size of lesion to approximately 90 cubic millimeters. Croton oil and the strain 12 lymphoma­ tosis agent produced the smallest lesions in this study. 68 Ringer*s solution wa3 the only suspending medium to induce no lesions. General morphological characteristics of induced l e s ions. Two types of lesions were induced by the inocula used in these investigations •* (l) gray thickened areas in the chorioal- lantois a n d (2) umbilicated. following inocula: saline, The former was induced by the 7-9-day old T. geleii TP in physiological cultures of 18—20-day old _T. geleii W to which mag­ nesium chloride had been added, 14-34-day old T. geleii W suspended in 0.02W HC1 in physiological saline, croton oil and physiological saline. types of lesions. All other inocula induced both Umbilicated lesions usually exhibited the greater degree of hyperplasia of the various tissue elements and were frequently characterized by a complete destruction of the dorsal epithelium near the site of inoculation. Gray thickened areas tended to follow the course of the circulatory system and either varied but slightly from normal tissue or exhibited varying degrees of tissue proliferation. Hemorrhages were visible in many embryos, but no correlation was apparent between the type of inoculum and the amount of hemorrhaging. It is also evident from Table II that lesions resulting from inoculation with croton oil were characterized by necrosis and slight mesodermal hyperplasia. Those induced by 0.02N HC1 and 0.005N CaO exhibited both mesodermal and epithelial pro­ liferation in equal ratios. All other inocula produced lesions characterized by mesodermal proliferation alone and in 69 conjunction with varying degrees of epithelial hyperplasia. No lesions were noted in which hyperplasia was restrictei solely to the epithelium. In general, maximum epithelial hyperplasia was induced by saline suspensions of T. geleii W and increased with an increase in the age of the culture. An exception was noted in the 18-day old cultures which produced lesions in which 23 per cent exhibited extreme proliferation of the epithelium but over 50 per cent exhibited the most extensive hyperplasia in the mesoderm. Maximum epithelial proliferation occurred in lesions produced by 24-day old cultures in which 30,3 per cent of the lesions exhibited a considerably more extensive hyperplasia of the epithelium than of the mesoderm. This epithelial hyperplasia varied from a simple increase in number of layers of cells to an extreme foliate type of growth. The addition of calcium or magnesium chloride to the culture medium or HC1 to the saline used for suspension of the organ­ isms decreased the amount of epithelial and stimulated the degree of mesodermal hyperplasia. The addition of CaO to physiological saline stimulated epithelial rather than meso­ dermal hyperplasia. Unwashed 9-day old cultures subjected to 50° C. stimulated epithelial growth to a greater extent than mesodermal, but suspending the organisms in physiological saline prior to exposure to heat reversed this growth-promoting relationship. 70 Two-thirds of the lesions produced by strain 12 lympho­ matosis virus showed equal hyperplasia of both mesodermal and epithelial tissues, while one-third of those examined exhibited hyperplasia only in the mesodermal elements. Physiological 3aline and most of the suspending media induced maximum hyper­ plasia in the mesoderm. Maximum height of dorsal epithelial growth was obtained by inoculation with 9-day old washed T. geleii W subjected to heat, 12-14-day old T. geleii W in physiological saline and 0.QQ5N CaO. Minimal proliferation was induced by the strain 12 lymphomatosis agent, croton oil, 0.02N HC1 and 7-9-day geleii W suspended in physiological saline. nation of Table II indicates that, An exami­ in general, the average height of maximum growth was greater in the dorsal (ecto= dermal) than in the ventral (endodermal) epithelium. The only exceptions noted were, in those lesions produced by TP. geleii W cultures to which magnesium chloride had been added and by the strain 12 lymphomatosis agent, 0.005N CaO or physiological saline. In many lesions the endodermal epi­ thelium exhibited more extensive proliferation than the ectodermal epithelium although the height of the latter may be the greater. Investigations indicated that the most active site for growth stimulation was to be found in the endodermal or ventral epithelial tissues and that the growthstimulating substances may diffuse through the dorsal epi­ thelium to induce their maximum effect upon the endoderm. In 71 several lesions outpocketings were visible ranging in size from small knobs to large mushroom-like growths. These out- pocketi ng 3 were ch i e f l y mesodermal in origin with no exten­ sive p r o l i f e r a t i o n of the dorsal epithelium. Maximum mesodermal cellularity was visible in lesions produced by unwashed 9-day old organisms subjected to 50° C. for one-half hour. In most lesions the site of greatest fibroblast proliferation was to be found in the ventral half of the lesions adjacent to the endodermal epithelium. Pro­ nounced fioroblast activity was also visible adjacent to the dorsal epithelium. These active sites tended to increase in concentration and area as the age of the T. geleii W used in the inoculum increased. The endodermal epithelium was frequently vacuolated, the significance of which was unknown but may be an indica­ tion of fatty degeneration. Also in lesions stained with haemotoxylin-eosin a blue and a brown precipitate were fre­ quently noted. The former occurred along capillaries and in areas in which necrotic tissue was present and was heaviest in lesions produced by 3-day old T,. geleii W. The latter was restricted to the epithelial ne3ts described in a subsequent section and may represent the breakdown product of some of the blood constituents. A positive correlation appeared between the age of the T. geleii W cultures used for inoculation and the amount of necrosis visible in the induced lesion. Congestion was 72 heaviest in lesions induced by cultures of T. g e 1ei i W aged from 3-9 days. Lymphocytes and macrophage-like cells were visible in most lesions. The former were at a maximum in lesions produced by 3-day old T. gelei i W and the latter in those induced by 14-34— day old cultures. cells were Vascular endothelial in the process of capillary formation in the larger lesions. Neutrophils were notea only in lesions induced by 0.02N NaOH. No distinct characteristics could be isolated to dif­ ferentiate histologically the lesions produced by the various inocula use d in this study with the exception of those induced by croton oil in which extensive necrosis was visible. Varia­ tion was as extreme among lesions produced by the same inocula as between those induced by different ones. Morphological characteristics of an individual lesion induced by geleii W. A microscopic examination of a lesion induced by 3-day old T. geleii W and stained with haemotoxylineosin revealed pilose projections in areas of maximum pro­ liferation of the dorsal epithelium. Adjacent to this area deep pits were visible which divided the epithelium into broad-based foliate projections with truncate distal surfaces. The more distal the epithelium to the site of maximum pro­ liferation the less convoluted and hyperplastic it became. The nuclei of the cells forming the most extensive epithelial growth were smaller than those in the less proliferative areas. In the latter the cells were segmentally arranged but in the 73 former t h e thin pattern was nuclear surface of membranes the dorsal Proliferating eosinophils dorsal more Whorls were or of visible T he an or could latter was onset lymphocytes to little chromatin. The outer stai ne d an mesenchymal t he cells identified. staining the themselves but surface. blood corpuscles, Aggregates cells of ectoderm to t h e re d few membrane proliferating by nu merous blue. and a arranged lie p a r a l l e l b lue intense basement fibroblasts be small part with a one of had to t h e not of in f i b r i n o u s filled cells were of dispersed lesion. central phages the tended other the increase Proximal surrounded but epithelial beneath perpendicular cells, throughout very All epithelium visible distal lymphocytes and fibroblasts, epithelium. obliquely those were irregular. of t he material pale the lesion note d . less first cells eosinophils to a p p e a r process. were macro- visible. subsequent A few present cellular a n d Numerous brown substance were the proliferative and became The to scattered in t h i s area of the mesoderm. The ity and ventral portion fibroblast appeared to along the ventral phils and lymphocytes embryonic liver the lesion a c t i v i t y w a s at be w a l l i n g ?/iorpho l o g i c a l of off surface. were necrotic maximum. present exhibited in c e l l u l a r - The latter areas whi c h were Hemorrhage, characteristics grafts a increased congestion, near areas of of visible eosino­ necrosis. e m b r y o n ic g r a f t s . pronounced necrosis, All were 74 adherent nection to the to t h e ectodermal blood, s u p p l y . tissues proliferation hemorrhagic sequent cnorioallantois to of and the was adjacent to All which adherent areas several The of small Feulgen liferating The used gates of t he of area a heavy of heavy may were dub - blue the pre­ graft exhibited and was latter grafts pro­ concentretion the site of be p r e c u r s o r s in t h e of chorio- grafts. liver grafts phosphatase intensely a c t i v i t y was portions DNA w a s were most restricted of n e c r o t i c intense in the t i s sue. pro­ cells. to lesion that adjacent induced by t he to all embryonic various inocula study. Epithelial examination liver cellular lymohocytes. at a m a x i m u m circumscribed similar of This and head induced suriace activity, The embryonic for All ventral embryonic acid haa with fibroblasts were chorioallantoic in t h i s formation to reaction blood grafts was the formation. s u d a n o p h i l i c , but to along phosphatase nests but heart haemotoxylin-eosin a proliferating tubule allantois adherent infiltrate; with established a con­ embryonic chorioallantois. nounced alkaline epithelial The chorioallantoic. visible the of a c t i v e l y n ot heavily staining cipitate peculiar were ana had nests. nests of cells ventral t he of All inocula a ppear ed cells various (Figs. lesions resulted from (endodermal) 3^ a n d 43). indicated stimulation and epithelium. to stimulate A t hat t he microscopic these aggro* outpccaetings Apparently either 75 g rowth-promo ting the dorsal maximum portion effect capacity for membrane. the upon maximum to number of number for inoculation carcinomas similarity 43) in t h i s elements, (Fig. geleii W. area of The the of the to exhibiting were found average by unhea t e d A slight t he a g e or a g r e a t e r nests 3^). their proximity produced epithelial in the visible in w h i c h decline in culture u s e d A n e gts surrounding in w h i c h cellular definite were a and vicinity. distinct aggregates larger lumen h a d similar determination of Oc­ to this blood tissue made. examination aforementioned which cholanthrene the those apparent. t he produce lesions 28 a n d was o l d T. were A comparative d uc ed by mesodermal to in c l o s e occasional o c c u r r e d as than been formed and be in were d i f f us i ng throu^i increased. nests cells w e r e of (Fig. inherent nests was constituting casionally surface epithelium 7-9-day vacuolated c o u l d not of nests produced Cells of but capable chorioallantois is a c t u a l l y dorsal of wore ventral majority the the it w a s the surface, suspensions visible the prolifera.tion adjacent more of growth The ventral extreme substances developed in the the former 1952) epithelial and in c h i c k e n s two. at the inocula (Duran-Reynals between of the nests squamous treated with pro­ cell methyl- revealed a superficial However, the s t a g e of no keratinization development was in w h i c h studied. Inclusion cytoplasmic bodies. Fennell inclusion bodies in (1951) the noted intranuclear epithelial tissues of and 76 lesions that induced the by c u l t u r e s combination of of T. preformed w h i c h a c c u m u l a t e d as the soaps insoluble w h i c h w o u l d be characteristics In t h i s bodies were of entities could plasmic These to (Fig. could 40) or extracellular duced by 3-day identical tained, to but All suspensions bodies, in a lumen present inclusion bodies while 9— day old unwashed T_. g e l e i i agent, NaOH a n d The 0.02N maximum number of at a could they not numerous Spherical W and and cyto­ periphery lesion in of of the itself. lesions pro­ particles were be d e f i n i t e l y a s c e r ­ not be separated. C aO a n d h e a t e d W contained oil, in frequently these in l e s i o n s croton the b a s a l geleii in t h e maximum could by 0.005N visible W, the lar-e aggregates on the Whether o l d T_. ^ e l e i i none w e r e calcium haemotoxylin 39). of T. areas either were most intranuclear found g e l e i i W. of fat assume in were also be produced th e inclusion with 37 a n d remnants o l d T. lesions They were In s o m e morphologically with produce concentrated from the bodies could stained (Figs. inocular inclusion b o d i e s . salts cytoplasmic inclusion bodies distinguished particles lesion epithelium. in un a b s o r b e d be and heavily areas postulated i n c l u s i o n bodies. in l e s i o n s most hyperplastic similar not these dorsal aged He in w a t e r a n d m i g h t visible visible W. calcium organisms intranuclear a n d were the moderately visible study also eosin-azure cells of t h e geleii inclusion induced by 9-day strain normal saline 12 Ringer's or saline cellular i n c l usion bodies lymphomatosis solution. occurred in 77 lesions of T. age induced geleii induced sion W, possibility The of of a inclusion third were of those geleii W 50° for in C. dorsal (Figs. face 45) . one-half and of nests the by magnesium had by 14-24-dey per cent of those day old obtained. the saline a n d most or old In a l l Alkaline T. of of T. phosphatase fat geleii p er Epi­ (Fig. scattered droplets cent most in l e s i o n s calcium ot and saline a positive was sur­ W to w h i c h in 0 . 0 3 N H C 1 to w h i c h lesions fat were visible by ph ys iol ogi cal W proliferation for cells and to a n d vein s . in 2 5 cultures o l d T_- fragments. positive a c t i v i t y was cultures one- epithelium and inocular in a r t e r i e s re 1 eii other A ll concentrated maximum lesions, b e e n addea, induced of the subjected highly ventral epltheloid most phosphatase old exception exhibiting tissue of visible produced been added. the frequently highly chloride inclu­ calcium and the induced l e s i o n s . Fat w a s tissues mesoderm cultures of physiological hour. 18-20-day fat, inoculation with 9-aay sudanophilic Mo a l k a l i n e induced by necrotic occasionally of t e n d to support between fat w i t h and along were Intensely throughout were 44), in a r e a s thelial in epithelial 38 for produced suspended minimum number bodies. properties positive the results relationship 3— day o l d c u l t u r e s and Organisms f r o m 1 2 - 1 9 days of containing preceding Histochemical lesions C a O and. 24 respectively. lesions bodies. production by 0 . 0 0 5 N those in 3 3 . 3 or chloride reaction highly 18-20had wrs concentrated 78 in the ventral half of capillaries and Mesenchymal cells exhibited slightly a in t h e u s u ally apparent ing t he epithelial lesions 50 per suspended calcium nests, of in 0 . 0 2 N chloride HC1 physiological occurred in sites with exception chymal bu t cells acid was Lipase produced normal but t he A lesions 3-day saline was more to old the C. active positive studied or to in tissue, includ­ a positive Acid be d e t e c t e d of T. ^eleii 14-34-uay old 55.7 those per c e n t of W, in to which of alkaline in a n y old cultures cultures phosphatase mesodermal those pro­ activity phosohatase fibroblasts and mesen­ phosphatase was usually present Th e intense for a c i d phosphatase. t h a n that visible cultures for old the of one-half less in a l l T. same W as prior except alkaline those suspended suspended hour sites r e a c t io n for lesions geleii cultures to alkaline in s a l i n e in and inoculation. phosphatase, intense. Feulgen— Bauer with ^rayncss e ntirely absent. in t h e r e a c t i o n was 41). A diffuse considered could 18-30-day alkaline and 9— day 5 0° not and frenuently epithelial by e i t h e r saline. activity was by .subjected Lipase in w h i c h phosphatase phosphatase or similar of (Fig. lesion old c u l t u re s aa.ed duced by the was activity induced was t he arteries phosphatase. by 7 - 9 - d a y those the reaction. but v e ins, fibroblasts of throughout phosphatase induced cent center positive for alk a l i n e Wo a c i d lesion a l o n g in p r o l i f e r a t i n g was reaction th e reaction was exception of that obtained in a l l p r o d u c e d by c r o t o n 79 oil. This reaction was restricted to the dorsal epithelium and epithelial nests. This reaction was not eliminated by saliva and may be due to some polysaccharide other than gly­ cogen from which aldehydes could be released. Desoxyribonucleic acid was present in the nuclei of all cells but was most heavily concentrated in the actively pro­ liferating blood and enithelial cells and in peripheral fibroblasts of the mesoderm. With the exception noted in the discussion on glycogen (Feulgen-Bauer reaction) all control slides were negative. DISCUSSION 1. HISTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TETRAHYMENA GELEII W. Data presented in the preceding experiments were diffi­ cult to duplicate possibly due to a heterogeneity of the cultures, variations in temperature or to uncontrollable environmental factors. No definite conclusions could be drawn as to the function of the various substances investi/ gated in T^. geleii W for no distinct correlations were demon­ strable. However, certain possible relationships were noted, an d it is interesting to speculate on the functional role of these substances in the physiology of this organism. Junquiera (1950) maintained that acid phosphatase might be involved in carbohydrate synthesis in vertebrates. In tryptone cultures of T . g eleii W 216 hours in age or older the curves for glycogen deposition and acid phosphatase activity were similar if the organisms were stained im­ mediately upon removal from the culture medium. This sug­ gested that acid phosphatase might play a role in glycogen deposition. However, in organisms reared in vitamin-enriched media acid phosphatase frequently exhibited a cyclic activity curve; i.e., it increased from approximately zero to a maxi­ mum and then decreased to zero again. Glycogen deposition, on the other hand, was maintained at an approximately con­ stant rate. This suggested that if a c i d phosphatase played 81 a role in glycogen deposition in these organisms, excess end products of dephosphorylation occurred with increased enzymatic activity and inhibited, acid phosohatase activity. Eventually the end products of the reaction might be depleted and acid phosphatase activity again increased to a maximum. growing cells, tryptone, In rapidly such as those exposed to vitamin-enriched the end products of enzymatic activity may build up rapidly. In other cultures of _T. geleii W no correlation was apparent between acid phosphatase activity and glycogen deposit i on. Wichterman (1953) believed that fat under anaerobic conditions could form as an end prouuct of carbohydrate metabolism in paramecium. Results of this study indicated that the curve for fat and glycogen deposition was similar in organisms reared in tryptone and suspended in physiological saline prior to fixation. In young cells the amount of fat an d glycogen was relatively low, but as the cultures aged there was a corresponding increase in both. Eventually the organisms became completely filled with fat, ana a rapid decline in glycogen deposition was observed. This suggested that the synthesis of glycogen may be closely related to that of fat, and that on completion of the latter the supply of the former becomes depleted either through utilization in the formation of fat or through a reduced requirement by senescent cells. However, the chemical interrelationsnips in the formation of these compounds in _T. geleii W are not clarified at this time. 82 Wislocki and Dempsey (1945) maintained that in vertebrate tissues alkaline phosphatase played an important role in the synthesis of glycogen. If alkaline phosohatase was imrortant in carbohydrate synthesis in T. geleii W, it may have been functional in organisms fro m tryptone cultures but not in cells which have become adapted to vitamin-enriched media. Rothstein and Meier (1949) maintained that yeast surface phosphatases played no direct role in either metabolism or in the mechanisms of phosphate uptake, but that they rnsde available to cells substances in the medium which ordinar ily could not be utilized. Many authors (Gotnori, 1941, and Maengwyn- Dav ies , Friedenwald and White, 1952, etc.) have demonstrated that in vertebrate tissues the duodenum, arteries and capillaries exhibited maximum alkaline phosphatase activity. This has led to the conclusion that one of the functions of alkaline phosphatase is the absorption and transfer of organic substances across cell membranes. Alkaline phospha­ tase activity in T. geleii W reared in tryptone was confined, in general, to the distal end of the cell adjacent to the pellicle which suggested that one function of alkaline phos­ phatase in this organism was also concerned with an increase in the availability and transfer of nutrients into the cell. All visible alkaline phosphatase activity disappeared in T. geleii W which had become adjusted to vitamin-enriched culture media. Therefore, this enzyme may also be involved in the release of materials essential for the synthesis of 83 certain vitamins. Most of the vitamins used in this study regulate carbohydrate metabolism, and the disappearance of alkaline phosphatase may be correlated with a vitamin-activation of other enzymes associated with the synthesis of carbo­ hydrates and other metabolic processes essential for rapidly growing cells. The presence of a negative reaction for alka­ line phosphatase does not eliminate the possibility of the enzyme being present in either an inactive state or in too minute amounts to be detected by the Gomori technique. Pritchard phatase is both and and nuclear cell alkaline sequent partial was and salivary to t h e n o t e d that increased bacteria and found that acid which there was suggested synthesis of a with t he rate liver of phosphatase evidence for relationship found of that desoxyrat sub­ Catcheside alkaline phosphatase b a nas Drosophila of Heden synthesis polynucleotide DeRooertis occurred the a c id, in p r o t e i n the Malmgren and protein increased metazoa. protein. (1944) phos­ c o xitclx 1*10ct t ti0 mo x x mixin 00 aesoxynucleohides. closely associated et a l that that nucleic involved Feulgen-positive and of Danielli and showed growth believe a^e and in t h e c h r o m o s o nio s w lix o 1*1 glI s o of and which hepatectomy. centration both metabolism phosphatase (1945) (194-) Brues increased Krugelis restricted the division. turnover (1945) Danielli nucleoproteins nucleotide to and concerned with nucleotides synthesis ( 1 947) and presence between acid were content Schmitt in a r e a s of (194?) in (1948) of a x o n s in neurofibrils phosphatase and the 84 In u n w a s h e d enriched was m e d i a alkaline maintained were specimens at a 360 hours in w h i c h DNA between latter DNA may role maximum This catalyze in D NA etc. suspended DNA and acid cyclic, at 360 h o u r s Acid phos'ohstase w e r e in w h i c h DNA turnover hi g h l y active. The former may aid On from in the the tryptone phosphatase tase and from t he solutions the in the cannot measurements indicated of that, D NA bore an end activ­ DNA in w h i c h into activ­ the nucleotides, tryptcne to p l a v and a. cultures the a c t i v i t y c u r v e for in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d rapid, a c i d phosphatase that a c i d was phosphatase towards in DNA of size made may Although involved this time. in the smaller of the cell implicate both in DNA acid acid and metabolism, Approximate course the acid of a c i d p h o s p h a ­ nucleus activity be organisms r e l a t i o n s h i p to the D NA. to the in u n w a s h e d in l oc a ti o n c l a r i i i e d at in g e n e r a l , cultures relationship from inverse shift appeared nuclear cells time appeared similar, activity breakdown be activity DNA. decrease phosphatase role of DNA saline may be DNA the also suggested The posterior subsequent alkaline hand, activity. phosphatase their synthesis other of organisms in p h y s i o l o g i c a l at w h i c h activity phosphatase In but phosphatase inverse phosphatase conversion in v i t a m i n - from tryptone alkaline suggested an the turnover. and media was absent level u n t i l In s p e ci me ns and alkaline nucleosides, was fairly constant activity ity disappeared. g e1ei i W reared phosphatase of a g e . ity approached a of _T. of this nucleus study 85 the greater the staining intensity for DNA, which may alter the estimation of DNA activity on the basis of staining: reaction alone. Kabat and Furth (1941) maintained that the mag­ nesium ion activated alkaline phosphatase. experiment, In these present calcium was even more effective than magnesium in the activation of phosphatase. Both ions tended to increase glycogen deposition and the life of the culture but decrease fat deposition. The decrease in the latter by addition of magnesium to the culture solution may have resulted from a greater utilization of the stored lipids by the rapidly growing cells. The shift in alkaline phosphatase activity from the distal end towards the nucleus in cells from magnesium and vitamin-enriched culture media, may be correlated with the increased division rate and DNA turnover which must occur in rapidly growing cell3. Maengwyn-Davies, Frielenwala and White man, Feigen, Wolf and Kabat (1950) (i960) and New­ showed that it was possible to differentiate histochemically substrate specific enzymes hydrolyzing a number of phosphate esters. This suggested that in these present experiments the shift in alkaline phos­ phatase activity from the distal end of the cell towards the nucleus upon addition of vitamins and magnesium chloride to the culture medium might be attributable to the presence of several enzymes. The results obtained in the experiments on inhibition, however, suggested that the shift was a mani­ festation of two different functions of the same enzyme and "that a i n 1* non-specific g eleii centrations is essential wof alkaline Further inhibitors before phosphatase w as probably investigation utilizing and an definite other increased number conclusions may be present of con­ substrate drawn. LeDuc and Dempsey (1951) and Martin and Jacoby (1949) demonstrated that, the phenomenon of diffusion complicated the histochemical reaction for alkaline phosphatase in vertebrate tissues. Diffusion was also a prominent factor in the local­ ization of both alkaline ana acid phosphatase in T. geleii W. A negative alkaline phosphatase reaction was obtained and attributed entirely to the diffusion of the enzyme or the inorganic phosphate resulting from the enzymatic catalysis of the dephosphorylation of hexose phosphates, etc. Acid phosphatase unlike alkaline phosphatase diffusion was never complete due to a higher degree of activity for the former. An extracellular equilibrium was readily established and diffusion curtailed before catalysis was complete. Lipase appeared to be concerned with the hydrolysis of fat in T. gelei i W, as the addition of magnesium to the culture medium enhanced lipase activity and decreased fat deposition. Moreover, a decrease in lipase activity occurred after the cells aged 360 hours during which time fat deposi­ tion rapidly approached a maximum. The shift in location of lipase activity from the nuclear region to the distal end of the cell subsequent to the addition of calcium or magnesium to the culture medium cannot be explained at this time unless fat hydrolysis is excessive in rapidly growing organisms and 87 lipase aids in the transfer of the end products of this reaction across the cellular membranes. Peroxidase may have been present inactive state, in T. geleii W in an but it could not be demonstrated. gested that no biological oxidations This sug­ in T. geleii W require catalysis by peroxidase. Purine catabolism in _T. geleii W does not appear to result in the formation of urates or uric acid but is probably accomplished through other chemical pathways. 3. LESION INDUCTION IN THE CHQRIQALLANTOIS All salt solutions, suspensions of TO geleii W and other inocula utilized in the experiments on lesion induction, with the exception of Ringer's solution, promoting properties to some degree. possessed growth- Apparently most foreign materials will stimulate cellular proliferation in the chorioallant ois either by irritation or by release of q uan­ tities of normally occurring growth-promoting materials. Lesion induction by protozoan cultures undoubtedly involved both of these processes; i.e., an irritation by the suspend­ ing medium and the release of growth-promoting substances by the organisms themselves. These substances accumulated as the organisms aged and reached a maximum when the cells became senescent (34-day old cultures). Fennell (1951) demonstrated that suspensions of these senescent specimens exhibited abundant amounts of neutral fat, fatty acids, cium salts and a high degree of phosphatase activity. cal­ The 88 largest lesions NaOH and tion or tissue in the roust b e the as attributable release of to either growth-promoting NaOH would u ndoubtedly concentration and ring investigation were could not be not an occur factor. In these present experiments by 0.02N inflammatory factors considered a growth-promoting the age produced by the in n a t u r e normally reac­ necrosed in t h i s occur­ it was noted that during interval in which the lesion-inducing properties of X* geleii W were at a maximum the fat and glycogen content of the organisms were also approaching a maximum. however, Glycogen, frequently disappeared rapidly when the cells haa become nearly filled with fat. Acid phosphatase also ordi­ narily increased in activity during this period. scopic examination of the lesions The micro­ induced by these senescent cells revealed that maximum fat deposition occurred in areas of maximum epithelial proliferation. that the role of lipids been underestimated. It, therefore, appeared in the proliferative process may have The corresponding appearance of maxi­ mum fat concentration in areas of greatest epithelial pro­ liferation and in T. geleii w at the height of its lesioninducing power indicated that although lipids may not be the dominant factor inducing growth their possible role in this process should not be overlooked. Acid phosphatase and gly­ cogen also increased in T. geleii W during the period in which it manifested its maximum growth-inducing properties and may play an indirect if not dominant role in the proliterative 89 process. Experiments with organisms suspended in physiological saline emphasized the possible role of the phosphatases or other enzymes in growth induction as many of them diffused readily from specimens of Th gel e i i W and could be materially reduced in the washed organisms prior to inoculation onto the ch ori oallantois. Unwashed cultures of _T. geleii W pro­ duced lesions larger than any induced by cultures suspended in physiological saline. Apparently the omission of washing conserved the phosphatases or other substances conducive to lesion induction. However, the culture medium itself may possess some growth-stimulating properties. Neither the histochemical nor the morphological investi­ gations of the induced lesions revealed any characteristics by which the induction agent could be accurately identified. Extensive variations same inocula. existed between lesions produced by the However, a tendency was noted for certain types of inducing agents to be specific in their stimulation of certain chorioallantoic tissues. In general, entities induc­ ing maximum epithelial growth appeared to be concentrated in inocula prepared from protoplasm ana appeared to increase in concentration as the age of the protoplasm used for inocula­ tion increased. On the other hand, maximum mesodermal pro­ liferation was stimulated by inorganic salt solutions and other suspending media. The addition of metallic ions to protozoan cultures reduceo the protoplasmic effect on the epithelial tissues. The effect of metallic ions on mesodermal 90 tissues may be attributable to an alteration in the concen­ tration of the extracellular fluid of the mesodermal connective t i s sue. The endoderm&l epithelium and the ventral half of the mesodermal tissues exhibited the maximum growth stimulation and enzyme activity. The endodermal cells may normally be active sites of enzyme secretion which would aid in the trans­ port of nutrient materials ana would account for the strongly positive reaction visible in the ventral portions of the indi­ vidual lesions. On the other hand, an apparent diffusion of enzymes or catalyzea ena products from the dorsal to the ventral surface of the lesion was noted and the subsequent increased ventral growth may be attributable to the increased concentration of the diffused growth-promoting materials. appeared, however, It that all tissues of the chorioallantois were stimulated equally a.nd that the growth differential of the ventral surface was normally greater than that of the dorsal. The increased amount of phosphatase activity present in the ventral half of the lesion might also have been a mani­ festation of induced stress, as Moog (1952) found that phos­ phatase in embrvonic tissue was normally increased at times of stress . Acid and alkaline phosphatase were visible in all lesions with the exception of several induced by physiological saline or protozoan cultures added. to which HC1, MgClg or CaClg had been The heaviest concentrations of both ot the phosphatases and lipase were visible in the walls of arteries, veins and 91 capillaries that in r a p i d l y increased across of of t h e to the growing enhance vascular substances The induced fibroblasts tissues the in t h e suggested a proteins of proliferation. alkaline of phosphatase nucleic Fell and acid and Danielli healing wounds alkaline was more and alkaline the acid which growth cated that phosphatase important positive thelial t ha t promotion role in in g r o w t h might of a l l of at act was by a various the mesodermal off of a r e a s the liberation complex. formation increase phosphatase lesion than geleii of s u g g e s t e d that marked in in activity in the W w h e n the induc­ l a t t e r ’s a maximum. This as inhibitor a growth fibrillar geleii metabolism metabolism collagen proteins materials. highly active Th the nucleoprotein growth-indueirg during W was suggested to w a l l On t h e the period pronounced and physiological other processes be a b s e n t in a l l r eaction was lesions. induced obtained may However, the lesions. in t h e in indi­ promotion. Feulgen— Bauer tissues Td materials walling Alkaline were the f o r m a t i o n and in the (1950) the induced properties G l y c o g e n a p p e a r e d to A from notea in the in concerned with protein phosphatase its role Bradfield be either st re am. subsequent disappeared from irritants hand, be may therefore, were nutrient phosphatase associated with pronounced stimulating off the (1943) wa s g r o w t h - i n d u c t io n by blood phosphatase activity. tion agent that and of enzymes to catalyze possible fibrillar active or of a l k a l i n e It a p p e a r e d , these transfer membranes present presence lesions. epi­ reaction was 93 not eliminated by saliva saccharide or other released. In the as rapidly as by ordinary glycogen it and was substance induced is formed, ordinarily from which lesions histochemical is attributed the so t h a t highly mucopoly­ aldehydes glycogen it c o u l d techniques. most to a could be m a y be u t i l i z e d not be detected In e m b r y o n i c concentrated tissue in th e yolk sac. Th e localization relationship turnover between in t h e DNA activity alkaline proliferating pronounced in the and essential may be of vascular in inter- phosphatase activity and tissue. tissue the suggested an Both were and especially peripheral formation DNA fibroblasts of c y t o p l a s m i c desoxy- ribonucleotides. The calcium investigated older ties ion w h i c h in t h i s the appeared senescent to increase o n fat production may effect on lesion Groton irritant, by oi l and a cultures. lesion The strain 12 small virulence of of the e n z ym es production lesion-inducing In y o u n g induction. cultures The effect for its in proper­ calcium of c a l c i u m inhibitory induction. at all concentrations detailed ncmber resistance th e the partially account lymphomatosis inherent most d e c r e a s e d fat decreased comparative carcinogenetic agents ma de . an study and T_. g e l e i i W a l s o of activated viral was study and protozoan and size agent of the was of of powerful lesions could induced undoubtedly eg g s an lesion=induction cultures inoculated culture. too due or a not by be th e to e i t h e r loss in 93 Ringer normal s s o l u t i o n was extracellular induction R i n g e r 13 processes solution Epithelial appeared sional to be nests could ences between nated any ficial nests similarity suggested agents and Further clusions can be from those and were most 24-day pothesis be cium salts and the growth to a l l medium. studied two. a n d the Occa­ in w h i c h blood differ­ system elimi­ A super­ squamous (195?>) w i t h cell methylcholan- carcinogenetic encompass are research morphological circulatory might scrowth- lesions lumens the the enithelium. s t i m u l a t i o n by cultures cytoplasmic could in in by required similar pro­ before any lesions. distinguished con­ were Other present All W. (19 51) by the noted in morphologically aggregates o n th e of periphery aforementioned bodies produced by calcium TT. g e l e i i Fennell No inclusion bodies infections. lesions of be entities produced fat. not viral similar specimens with extreme by D u r a n - R e y n a l s of s e v e r a l soaps contained future suspending ventral The simulate d ra wn . suggested calcium common the investigations numerous old of the nests tha t visible in l u m e n s were In al l between these lesions morphologically as to i n f l a m m a t o r y or between Intranuclear and the No correlation protozoan cesses. of which nests produced threne many be u s e d detected. these inocula stimulated. noted which possible carcinomas were invaginations be only environment. should were cells the Tnis that supports the or hy­ inclusion bodies combination i n v e s t i g a t i o n was oxide of made preformed to may cal­ determine 24 the presence requires of living production any virus cells, within it w o u l d of t h e s e b o d i e s the be inocula, difficult b y a CaO s o l u t i o n . but to as the explain virus the SUMMARY 1. Cultures throughout the p h 0 3, A life each were T_. g e l e i i of lipase, semi-quantitative for or of the determination of made in t ryptone chemical No functions no of and the the Th conclusions substances phosphatase in tryptone was most of the and reached a cell Alkaline synthesis brane thesis tests of of phosphatase and the highly transfer Th g e l e i i W. It carbohydrates i n d i c a t e d this phosphatase histotests were original be d r a w n as in T. to t h e in T. g e l e ii However, geleii in t h e in c u l t u r e s role may also to noted. in DNA nutrients in y o u n g o n th e in t h e concentrated of chloride demonstrable. activity may play a organisms tryptone alone investigated were maximum The s a l in e. could were of a c t i v i t y Histochemical suspended relationships Alkaline W. and acid th e a m o u n t medium 72 h o u r s glycogen and urates. calcium culture correlations certain possible or %eleii every in te r v a l . physiological various fat, vitamin-enriched organisms definite distinct 3. of in each magnesium of both with medium 2. W as effect properties conducted culture the and at stained for alkaline DNA, in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h ascertain culture peroxidase, substance was reared W were was distal end aged 283 hours. metabolism, v i t a m i n across play a role T. W reared gele_ii W. the cell in t h e mem­ syn­ Inhibition non-specific. 4. A accurate heavy extracellular localization of a c i d suspended in t h e reared tryptone and in phosphatase end of original activity organisms cultures acid Maximum activity play an role phosphatase and reached geleii nucleus to be A proximal tip senescent 8. and 9. geleii of most Acid the nucleus phosphatase synthesis. Cyclic relationship between highly organisms hours concentrated reared subsequent c o n c e r n e d w i t h the T. geleii m a x i m u m at positive d i s t a l l y as W. of reached a 7. in was G l y c o g e n d e p o s i t i o n was pellicle tone In o l d e r shifted towards hours. distal may curves acid to in th e in t r y p t o n e seeding. hydrolysis of and Lipase fat in _T. W . 6. and of maximum 360 appeared 144 saline a c i d in the in age. in c e l l s metabolism. activity a activity possible Lipase the concentrated an in o r g a n i s m However, in p h y s i o l o g i c a l in g l y c o g e n suggested a DNA medium. than 288 hours in activity vicinity highly o c c u r r e d at important 5. culture phosphatase interfered with phosphatase activity suspended was l es s precipitate between in or g an is ms W and the reared nucleus in t r y p ­ 432 h o u r s . reaction for fat of 3-day o l d T. geleii the cells ag e d . Fat first appeared W and gradually deposition in the expanded reached a maximum cel ls. Phospholipids were dispersed first appeared in c e l l s DNA activity was W and heaviest exhibited aged throughout 504 r e s t r i c t e d to cyclic changes T. geleii hours. the nucleus of in c o n c e n t r a t i o n . Id An 97 inverse relationship existed and intensity the the 10. No visible positive geleii The addition biotin to phosphatase gen deposition the medium Suspension decreased alkaline deposition 13. medium the of to 14. W, The of T. and acid of g l y c o g e n but alkaline W magnesium inhibitory phenomenon dispersed of chloride effect to of saline a c tivity and the of salt of £. solutions and the salts the c u l t u r e deposition shifteu of the lipase activity. complicated the histo- and acid phosphatase. phosphatase Croton geleii were chorioallantois embryos. to phosphatase activity and ■ diffusion alkaline added occurred in c e l ls . Suspensions the and acid in p h y s i o l o g i c a l these phosphatase alkaline Leghorn of decreased media diffusion of riboflavin, activity. and acid Complete tion was inhibited alkaline phosphatase of other acid, i n c r e a s e d DN A th e geleii localization 15. nucleus lipase a c t i v i t y and g l y c o ­ but phosphatase chemical and medium The a u d i t i o n In v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d of the or u r a t e s nicotinic decrease increased alkaline widely peroxidase C a l c i u m a n d .m ag ne s i u m c h l o r i d e location of glycogen. deposition f at . culture counteracted on alkaline 12. size reaction. thiamine, i n T_. geJLeii activity. vitamins of tended phosphatase culture th e W. tryptone and Feulgen r e a c t i o n for i n T. 11. and of between of oil, W in p h y s i o l o g i c a l prepared and used 12-14-day the strain old 12 for saline inocula­ pedigreed White lymphomatosis 98 agent, embryonic u s e d as comparei 13. All exception of properties 17. Two (2) gray an inocula some types culture of T. in areas in t h e these reaction and (3) to the existed between size of the properties of T. the deposition approaching induced a direct maximal W. cultures tissues proliferation and the 22. orior size to of 23. Suspension inoculation lesion epithelial may play a role age of T. onto of processes: normally geleii the geleii the le sion. W were at increasing and maximal salt mesodermal a fat prolifera­ solutions tissues. extent g e l e ii W u s e d W of maximum. b e t w e e n th e of T. age induced inorganic of the of e p i t h e l i a l for inoculation. in p h y s i o l o g i c a l chorioallantois A saline r e d u c e d th e induced. Maximal mal while existed a stimulated proliferation relationship two presence and epithelial the (l) u m b i l i c a t e d involve acid phosphatase act i v i t y was of with chorioallantois. maximum when tion experiments, substances. gelei i W a n d T_. g e l e i i cultures. induced: induction appeared relationship 31. were possessed growth— promoting were Lesion-inducing glycogen media 1 esion-indueing protozoan lesions thickened direct of utilizea growth-promoting A 20. those suspending and their solution, of inflammatory 19. various degree. Lesion occurring th e inocula with Ringer's to IS. (l) and chorioallantoic properties and grafts fat deposition was proliferation in c e l l u l a r and visible suggested proliferation. in a r e a s t ha t fat of maxi­ synthesis 99 24. The phosphatase veins and play a 25. blasts a lipase in t h e Alkaline might 23. the concentration activity was of induced transfer of of a l k a l i n e noted lesions. nutrient and acid in w a l l s These of a r t e r i e s , enzymes materials may across membranes. subsequent induced and capillaries role vascular heaviest be phosphatase activity related to fibrillar inhibition of growth. Intranuclear lesions hypothesis and an of inclusion protein bodies investigation Fennell (1951) in m e s o d e r m a l that of metabolism and were these fibro­ visible bodies t h e y m a y be in supported calcium soaps. 27. the of No induced the histochemical lesions or m o r p h o l o g i c a l c o u l d be u t i l i z e d i n d u c t i o n agent. fo r characteristic the of identification LI TFRAT-JRE CITED B e n s l e y , H. R. a n d B e n s l e y , S. H. Handbook and Cytological Technique. U n i v e r s i t y of Ch i c a g o , 1938. Rr a df i e 1 d , J. Biol. R e v s . R. G. 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The r e l a t i o n b etween growth substances, cytoc h e m i c a l p r o p e r t i e s of T e t r a h y m e n a g e l e i i a n d l e s i o n i n d u c ­ tion in the chori o a l l a n t o i s . F ig . 3. 216-hour cells reared in t r y p t o n e > Fig. 4. 432-hour cells reared in t r y p t o n e > Fig. 5. 2 88-h o u r cells r e a r e d f i e d with CaOl^ » in t r y p t o n e f o r t i- Fig. 6. 2 8 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e fie d with CaCl2 (control) ■ > forti- Fig. 7. 2 8 8 - h o u r cells reared fied with MgCl2 ; and in t r y p t o n e f ort i- Fig. 8. 2 8 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t rvp t one f ort if i e d w i t h M g C l 2 a n d e x p o s e d to a n i n c r e a s e d a m o u n t of M g C l 2 in the p h o s p h a t a s e buffer. cells reared in t r y p t o n e ; 105 PLATE II A l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in s p e c i m e n s of T. s u s p e n d e d in cult u r e medium. A l l f i g u r e s X600. scale insert: 1 s p a c e - 0 . 0 1 mm. rearea geleii W Micrometer Fig. 9. 2 8 8 - h o u r cells tryptone; in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d Fig. 10. 2 8 3 - h o u r ce l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n a n d m a g n e s i u m chloride-enriched tryptone; Fig. ll. 2 8 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in m a g n e s i u m c h l o r i d e - e n r i c h e d tryptone; Fig. 12. 7 2 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in th e i n i t i a l r i b o f l a v i n - e n r i c h e d tryptone; Fig. 13. Maximum phosphatase activity after f i r s t t r a n s f e r to v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d t r y p t o n e , 2 1 6 - h o u r ce lls ; Fig. 14. 7 2 - h o u r .c e l l s f r o m 2 n d t r a n s f e r vitamin - e n r i c h e d tryptone; and Fig. 15. 3 6 0 - h o u r ce l l s f r o m 2 n d t r a n s f e r v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d t r y p to ne . to to 107 PLATE III c+pq A l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in u n w a s h e d s p e c i m e n s of T. e l s i i W f r o m 3 8 8— h o u r c u l t u r e s a f t e r a 2 0 - m i n u t e ex no s ur e o various enzyme inhibitors. A l l f i g u r e s X800. Micro­ m e t e r s c a l e insert: 1 s p a c e = 0 . 0 1 mm. Fig. 18. 0.0 1 M sodium arsenate (specimens r e a r e d in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d t r y p t o n e ) ; Fig. 17. 0.01M sodium arsenate r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ) ; Fig. 18. 0.01M sodium in m a g n e s i u m t r y p t o n e ); Fi g. 19. 0.01M sodium arsenate in m a g n e s i u m c h l o r i d e enriched tryptone); Fig. 20 Q.03M semicarbazide (specimens reared in m a g n e s i u m c h l o r i d e a n d v i t a m i n enriched tryptone); Fig. 21. 0 . 0 2 5 M oxidized glutathione (specimens r e a r e d in m a g n e s i u m c h l o r i d e a n d vitamin-enriched tryptone); and Fig. w 22. 0. 0 2 5 M reduced glutathione (specimens r e a r e d in m a g n e s i u m c h l o r i d e a n d v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d tryptone). (specimens arsenate (specimens chloride-enriched reared (specimens reared a n d vit am in - Iumdk 109 PLATE IV H i g t o c h e m i c a l r e a c t i o n s in s p e c i m e n s of T. g e l e i i W. Specim e n s i n F i g s . 2 3 - 2 % s u s p e n d e d in p h y s i o l o g i c a l s a l i n e a n d in F i^ s. 3 7 = 2 9 i n t h e c u l t u r e m e d i u m . Al l f i g u r e s X600. Micrometer scale insert: 1 s p a c e = 0 . 0 1 mm. Fig. 23. Acid phosphatase activity c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 34. a c i d p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in 7 3 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e a tryptone; Fig. 25. acid phosphatase activity c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e ; Fig. 26. a c i d a c t i v i t y in 2 8 8 - h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in v i t a m i n - e n r i c h e d tryptone; Fig. 27. l i p a s e a c t i v i t y in 2 8 8 - h o u r r e a r e d in t r y p tone; Fig. 28. DPA a c t i v i t y in tryptone; Fig. 29. a l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e a c t i v i t y in 144h o u r c e l l s r e a r e d in t r y p t o n e . in 2 8 8 - h o u r and in 7 2 - h o u r in 2 8 8 - h o u r cells cells reared '?■ 4fiii € ■•/Vi iJf'i: *''jSip "