CULTURAL AND GENETICAL STUDIES OF CERTAIN AGARICS John B. Routien A THESIS Submitted to the Graduate School of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial ful­ filment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILO SOPHY Department of Botany 1939 ProQ uest Number: 10008418 All rights reserved INFO RM ATION TO A LL USERS The quality o f this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy subm itted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete m anuscript and there are m issing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQ uest 10008418 Published by ProQ uest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This w ork is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code M icroform Edition © ProQ uest LLC. ProQ uest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 -1 3 4 6 \ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. E. A. Bessey for his suggestions and advice throughout the progress of this investigation and for his assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. Acknowledgment is also made to Dr. H. J. Stafseth and Professor C. D. Ball for their critical reading of the the si s * 125811 TA3LE OF COITEEHTS introduction 1 CULTURAL STUDIES Review of literature 3 Materials and methods 7 Results 22 Discussion and conclusions 29 GEHETICAL STUDIES Review of literature 32 Materials and methods H1+ Results Spore germination 1+9 Polarity 1+9 Geographic races 63 Interspecific pairings 63 Intergeneric pairings 61+ Discussion and conclusions 67 SUMMARY 72 LITERATURE CITED 75 PLATES S3 1 INTRODUCTION During the past two decades there has "been an increasing amount of experimental study of the Agaricaceae. Some of this has with the development of the fruiting-body and the cytological phenomena that accompany the growth and maturation of the sporophore. Another part of it deals with the more careful study of the fruiting-"body as an aid in the preparation of a system of classification that would show the more probable relationships of the mushrooms. There have been a few papers dealing with the culturing of Agarics for the production of frultingbodies, but most of this type of study has been incidental to other prob­ lems* A very few workers have been engaged in the study of the physio­ logy of members of the Agaricaceae. The subject of greatest interest to students of this group of fungi in the past few years, hov/ever, is what might be called "sexuality." It was known for a long time that the mycelium of some mushroomspossessed clamp-connections. Kniep (^4-2, U3 , structures and the conjugate was studying the division of the nuclei in formationof these the cellswhen Bensaude (5 ) reported in Coprinus fimetarius Fr* the existence of what has been called "heterothallism." Bensaude found that the mycelium derived from the germination of a basidiospore was characterized by the presence of only one nucleus in each cell and by the absence of clampconnections* Hov/ever, when certain spores we re allowed to germinate and the mycelia from these grown together, then the resultant mycelium was dicaryon and had clamp-connections. As a result of the work of numerous investigators it has been found that there is a wide range of phenomena involved in the Msexuality" (which includes heterothallism) of the Hymenomyceteae. 2 The present investigation was "begun with the hope that some con­ tribution could "be made to the study of the inheritance of characters in the Agarics, a problem that has received little attention to date. Before much progress could he made it was necessary to find suitable media, artificial, if possible, for the development of fruiting-bodies of the fungi studied and to determine the type of "sexuality" possessed by each species. This paper, therefore, consists of two main parts, which are as follows: a study of many kinds of culture media for the production of fruiting-bodies and a study of the types of "sexuality" in the various fungi. Hie results of the genetical study were meager and are discus­ sed only briefly in this paper. CULTURAL STUDIES Review of literature In most of the experiments dealing with the production of fruitinghodies of mushrooms in pure culture the investigators have used some substance or substances upon which the particular fungi normally grow. For example, sterile horse-dung has been used by Bohn (7)» Borriss (8 , 9), Brunswik (15), Buller (17, IB). Hanna (33, 34), Lakon (46), Oort (56 ) and Sass (63) for growing species of Coprinus. Rabbit-dung was used by G-ilmore (32) in her work with Psilocybe coprophila Fr. Several workers, Hanna (35)» Humphrey (3B) and Mounce (50),have used horse-dung mixed with sawdust or soil or horse-dung placed on or above a layer of soil or used as a spawn to be placed in the soil. In some experiments horse-dung was used with some enriching material such as malt extract. Poole (57) found that a mixture of the dead roots and canes of the dewberry plus prune juice was a good medium for the production of fruiting-bodies of Collybia dryophila Fr. It was discovered by Arnold (2) that 0_. cirrata Fr. , C_. cirrata var. Cookei Bres. and C. tuberosa Fr. formed typical sporophores when grown on the caps of Boletus luteus. This was true when the caps were placed on the surface of wet soil and the caps and soil sterilized by steam under pressure. However, when the soil was first sterilized by means of dry heat, the fungi would not grow. This same investigator found that Marasmius elongatipes Pk. would fruit when it was grown on a medium consisting of powdered oak wood, malt extract solution and peptone. Thompson (6S) was able to secure fruiting-bodies of Nyctalis asterophora Fr. and H. parasitica (Bull.) Fr. on corn-meal and oat-meal agar. h Etter (25) secured good results with several species "by the use of a medium consisting of corn-starch, corn-meal, sawdust from some wood that the fungus normally grew upon and a strong solution of malt extract that was added to the medium at the proper time, Eaufert (Ho) obtained fruiting-bodies of PIeurotus corticatus Fr. by the use of sawdust of the basswood tree plus four per-cent malt extract solution. Apparently very few attempts have been made to use vegetable mate­ rial itself for the production of fruiting-bodies* Long and Harsch (hj) found that the few species of Agarics that they tried as well as more than thirty species of wood-rotting fungi developed fruiting-bodies on a number of vegetables and fruits as well as on corn-meal and malt. Of the vegetables the parsnips and prunes were especially good; beans, celery, beets, potatoes and alfalfa were useful to some extent. Hot many workers have successfully used artificial media. Gilmore (32) used/a medium of glucose plus certain salts end peptone for Psilocybe coprophila Fr. Dickson (22, 23 , 2h) found that malt extract was suit­ able for Coprinus sphaerosporus (new species), and Sass (63 ) also found this medium to be useful in his work with certain species of Coprinus. The writer did not find in the literature any record of an attempt to discover purely artificial media that would permit the production of fruiting-bodies. A medium that could be made up in exactly the same man­ ner every time and which would contain exactly the same materials would be valuable for cultural and genetical studies. With this in mind, the writer tried to find such a medium for at least some fungi. Lack of notable success led him to try other types of media. Careful study of the physical factors involved in the production of sporophores has been almost entirely neglected. Almost all of the 5 workers referred to in the preceeding paragraphs have stated that dif­ fuse sunlight is necessary for the formation of fruiting-bodies; Dickson (22), however, found that normal sporophores of Coprinus sphaerosporus would develop in the dark. Long and Harsch (^7) say that light is essential and that the character of the substrate is of secon­ dary importance. Most of their work was done with such wood-rotting fungi as Polyporus, Fomes, etc. Borriss (8, 9), working with Coprinus lagopus Fr., reported that certain rays of spectrum (UOO-^OO m u) are most effective in regard to the production of fruiting-bodies and that rays longer than 6^0 m u are of no value. The greatest results were obtained by the use of rays between UU0-U 50 m u. Apparently of almost equal importance is mechani­ cal stimulation of the fruit-body primordium. Temperature and humidity were much less important. Several workers, Etter (25), Hanna (35) an<3- Kaufert (*40), have pointed out that the various colorings or hairs on the pileus or lines on the stipe are apparently influenced by the relative humidity of the atmosphere. Freedom for the cap to expand outside of the container also is necessary for the typical markings to develop. Etter (25 ) and Kaufert (^0) have emphasized that the medium must be porous and that there must be an abundant supply of readily-available food materials. In general, rather moderate temperatures (22°-27°C.) are best for the growth of the mycelium and production of fruiting-bodies. Another possible factor which has been hinted at in some reports, Lakon (U6 ) and Gilmore (32), is indicated by the fact that certain fungi have produced numerous typical fruiting-bodies during the summer months, 6 "but during the winter months these same fungi, under seemingly similar con­ ditions, form atypical sporophores or none at all. The cause of this is unknown. The relation of the genetical constitution of the fungus to its ability to form fruiting-bodies has been studied only within the last few years. At first it was thought that only the dicaryon mycelia would form sporophores, and the appearance of the fruiting-bodies was suggested as a criterion for judging whether or not a mycelium was monocaryon or dicaryon. It was soon pointed out, however, that the monocaryon mycelia of certain Agarics would produce fruiting-bodies. A criticism that might have been more pertinent, honrever, would be that, since so little was known concerning the factors operative in the formation of fruiting-bodies, their absence should not be interpreted as indicating that the hyphae were monocaryon. Zattler (90) found in Schizophyllum commune Fr. that certain monosporous strains when grown together would produce typical fruiting-bodies, while certain other strains when grown together would produce abortive rudiments of sporophores. This was interpreted as being due to a gene, g, which is recessive and which operates toward the production of a rudimen­ tary fruit-body. Gilmore (32) found evidence in Fsilocybe coprophlla that the produc­ tion of irregular fruiting-bodies by that fungus was controlled, in part, by a gene that was neither dominant nor recessive. Dickson (2U) found that abnormal fruiting-bodies were produced by Coprinus macrorhizus Rhea. His interpretation of results was that typical fruiting-bodies would form only when the monosporous strains involved had a full normal complement and that the abnormal sporophores were the result of the presence in at least one of the mycelia of a number of recessive genes and/or such chromosome aberrations as translocations and deletions. 7 Materials and methods Tissue cultures of a number of Agarics were used in this study. The cultures were secured by sceptically removing from the interior of the stipe of a freshly-collected mushroom a small piece of tissue and transferring it to acidified potato malt agar that had been poured into a sterile Petri dish and allowed to harden* If any mycelium developed, it was transferred to slanted tubes of potato malt agar* Prom these tubes transfers were made to the various media that were to be tested. Nearly all of the mushrooms that were studied were secured in culture during the fall of 193& and during the growing seasons of 1937 and 193S. With the exception of Coprinus radians Fr., which was cul­ tured from a sporophore that appeared on the campus of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, in 1935* of the fungi were collected either in the city of East Lansing, Michigan, or in the fields[or woods nearby. Since not all of the fungi were available from the start of the study and because of difficulties in setting up large numbers of some of the experiments, some of the species were grown on only a few of the media while others were tested on all of them. The species that were identified, cultured and tested on different media are listed. After each name is the approximate date upon which the species was cultured. They are as follows'*’: Coprinus atramentarius Fr. (October, 193^)» C. comatus Fr. (October, 193^), 1 fimetarius The plants described by Peck and Longyear as well as Coprinus fimetaius xnacrorhizus Fr. are listed as they are given by Kauffman (Ul). The author citations for the other species have been determined in accordance with the rules of nomenclature aa formulated by the 1930 meeting of the International Botanical Congress. In the determination of the cita.tion of author the^works of Briquet (11), Fries (26, 27, 28, 29» 30). G-illet (31) &&& Quelet (5^) were consulted* s macrorhizus Fr. (June, 1937)» 0,. micaceus Fr. (September, 193&J August, 1937)* 0,» plicatllis Fr. (August, 1937)t quadrifidus Peck (June, 1937)> C. radians Fr. (June, 1935)* C.* radiatus Fr. (November, 1937)* ££mi- lantanus Peck (August, 1936), G-alera crispa Longyear (July, 1937)* ✓ < tenera (Fr.) Quelet (July, 1937)* Fanaeolus campanulatus (Fr.) Quelet (September, 193^)» P* retirugis (Fr. ) Qjielet (September, 193&), P* soli/ dipes Peck (September, 193&), Psathyrella disseminata (Fr. ) Quelet (June, 1937)* Psilocybe subviscida Pecic (June, 193*0, Stropharia semiglob at a (Fr.) Quelet (October, 193&)* During the first eight months of testing of the media end fungi the cultures were grown at room temperature (about 21°C.) in the laboratory. Additional light was supplied at night by means of a 60 watt electric light bulb that was suspended about three feet above the cultures. During the next four months the temperature varied from about 2U° to 35°C.» and no additional light was supplied. After that the temperature was again near 21°C. for eight months; during this period, also, no supplementary illumination was used. In trying to find media, upon which the fungi would form fruitingbodies several types of media were tried. The formulae and methods of preparation of the media that were tested are listed below in several groups. Each group consists of media of the same general type. The agar, malt extract and yeast extract were Difco products. Unless there is a statement to the contrary, it is to be understood that the medium was tubed, sterilized at 15 pounds pressure for 30 minutes and then slanted. After the name of each medium there is a date to signify when that medium was used in the tests. Since all of this phase of the study was 9 simply a search, for a medium upon which typical sporophores would form, the experiments were not duplicated. A. Natural media (with or without other materials added) (1) Sterile horse-dung (June, 1937) Fresh horse-dung was placed in 250 ml. or 500 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks, moistened with distilled water and sterilized at 15 pounds for one and one-half hours. (2) Grass (June, 1937) Grass from a lawn was dried and cut into small pieces. Some of this was placed in Erlenmeyer flasks and enough water added to saturate it. The material was sterilized for one and one-half hours at 15 pounds pressure. (3) Decayed wood (June, 1937) Wood from a much-decayed log of Fraxinus americana was dried at 100°-1^0°C. and then powdered. 125 ml* of this were placed in a 250 ml. or 500 ml. Erlenmeyer flask, and 73 ml* distilled water were added. After the wood had lecome saturated the excess water was poured off and the wood sterilized at 15 pounds pressure for one and onehalf hours. (^•) Sawdust (June, 1937) 125 ml. of fine sawdust from several deciduous trees were soaked in distilled water for one hour. The excess water was poured off and the contents of the flask were sterili­ zed at 15 pounds pressure for one and one-half hours. (5) Horse-dung straw (November, 1937) A mixture of horse-dung and two-year old wheat straw was planed in 250 ml. or 500 ml. Erlenmeyer fla.sks, moistened, then sterilized at 15 pounds for one and one-half hours. (6 ) Sand horse-dung decayed cottonwood (38) (Novernier, 1937) Into 100 ml. and 250 ml. leakers was put enough sand to make a layer three cm. deep. To the 100 ml. leakers were added alout 100 ml. of a mixture of fresh horse-dung and small pieces of partially decayed cottonwood. In the larger leakers only horse-dung was added. The materials were saturated with distilled water and the excess poured off. The leakers were covered with several pieces of cheesecloth and were then sterilized at 15 pounds for one and one-half hours. (7) Horse-dung agar (May, 1937) Fresh horse-dung was extracted in distilled water for a few hours, filtered through cheesecloth and cleared ly means of an egg white. To this weie added 15 gm. agar. 10 (S) Straw (June, 1937) Two-year old wheat straw was cut into small pieces and placed in 250 ml* or 500 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks. The straw was saturated with distilled water, the excess water was poured off and the contents of the flask sterilized at 15 pounds for one and one-half hours. (9) Straw malt-extract (July, 1938 ) This was prepared in the same manner as the straw medium except that a solution of 30 gm* malt-extract per liter of distilled water was used in place of the water alone. (10) Straw potato mait-extract (July, 1937) This was prepared in the same manner as the straw medium except that a mixture of the extract of 200 gm. of potatoes per liter of distilled water plus 15 gm. of malt-extract per liter was used. (11) Potatoes (July, 1937) Potatoes that had "been extracted in distilled wa,ter were placed in Erlenmeyer flasks and sterilized at 15 pounds for one-half hour. (12) Bread (August, 1937) Small pieces of whole wheat and white "bread were placed in Erlenmeyer flasks and saturated with distilled water. The contents were then sterilized. (13) Milk malt-extract agar (November, 1937) Malt extract--------------------15 gm. A g a r ------ ---------------------15 gm. Pasteurized m i l k --------------- 1 liter B. Artificial media (including some natural nutrients) (1*4-) Xylose potato agar (April, 193S) X y l o s e --------------------------12.5 gm. A g a r ------* — 15*0 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter distilled waiter----- 1 liter (15) Glucose aga.r (October, 193&; February, 1937) Glucose------------------------- 10 gm. A g a r ----------------------------15 gm. Distilled w a t e r ---------------- 1 liter (l6 ) Potato glucose agar (October, 193^5 February, 1937) Glucose------------------------- 20 gm. A g a r -------------------------- — 15 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter distilled w a t e r ) ------- 1 liter 11 (17) Stronger potato glucose agar (October, 193&'* February, 1937) Glucose---------------------------- 10 gm. Agar-------------------------------- 15 gm. Potato extract (>+00 gm. potatoes in 1 liter distilled w a t e r ) -------- 1liter (IS) Peptone potato glucose agar (October, 193^i February, 1937) Glucose---------------------------- 20 gm. Pep t o n e --------------------------- 2 gm. Agar 15 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter distilled water) --------1 liter (19) Modification of Piefer, Humphrey and Acree’s Medium (6l) for Wood-destroying Fungi (May, 1937) — ---- 1+0.00 gm. Glucose — ------- — ---KHP0. >+.00 gm. Asparagine — — — >+.00 gm. (HHu )2HP0lj. — 2.00 gm. MgSOh •7 H p Q -------------------------- 2.00 gm. CaCOr?— — 0.25 gm. CaCLg 0.10 gm. A g a r ------------------------------- 15.00 gm. Distilled water — 1 liter (20) Modification of Leonian's (6l) Agar Medium (May, 1937) Glucose ---------------- — ------ 6.0 gm. Malt extract •------- ------------6.0 gm. EHpPOj,------------ ---------------- 1.2 gm. MgS0}|.7Hg0 ------------ -------- 0.6 gm. Agar — ---------------------------- l6*0 gm. Distilled w a t e r -----------— 1 liter (21) Glucose corn-meal agar (October, 193&; February, 1937) Glucose------ -— ---------10.0gm. Corn-meal *------------------------ 20.0 gm. Agar ---------------15*0gm. Distilled w a t e r 1liter (22) Modification of Barnes’s (6l) Medium (June, 1937) Glucose---------------------------->+.0 gm. K P0U----------------------------- — 1.0 gm. ------------------------------ 1.0 gm. KM).,----- — ------------------------ 1.0 gm. A g a r ------------------------------- 25.0 gm. Distilled w a t e r 1liter (23 ) Potato mannose agar (June, 1937) Mannose-------------------Agar -------------------Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water) — 1 .>+ gm. l6.0gm. 1 liter 12 (2^) Standard strength potato malt agar (th.roi3gh.out the experiment) Ma>lt extract------------- ----— -— 15*0 gm. A g a r -----------— ----- 15*0 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of distilled v/ater) -------- 1liter (25) Twice standard potato malt agar (October, 193&J February, 1937) Prepared as standard potato malt agar except that*4-00 gm. of potatoes were used in preparing the extract of potatoes ra.ther than 200 gm. (26 ) Half standard potato malt agar (July, 1937) To 100 ml. of the twice standard potato malt extract were added 300 ml. of distilled water. To the resultant *4-00 ml. were added 6.5 gm* of agar. (27) Soft potato malt agar (June, 1937) Malt extract 15 gm. 5 gm. A g a r -------- * Potato extract (U00 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water)------- 1 liter (28) Potato malt agar - Czapek (6l) (May, 1937) N a N O ? --------------------- --- ----- 1.00 gm, KHgPOjj-— — ----------------- ---- 0.50 gm. KC1 ------------------------------ 0.25 gm. MgSOj^.7^20 --------------- --------- 0.25 gm. FeSOij..7H2O ------------------------ trace Malt extract---------------------- 5*00 gm. A g a r -------------------------------5*00 gm. Potato extract (^00 gm* potatoes in 1 liter of distilled ws-ter)------- 1 liter (29) Malt peptone agar (52) (June, 1937) Malt extract------------ --------- 70*0 gm. Peptone ---------------------------10.0 gm. A g a r ---------------------------- — 20.0 gm. Distilled w a t e r ------------------- 1 liter (30) Modification of mineral malt peptone agar (from Naumov (52). (June, 1937) ( N H l ^ H P O ^ ------ ------------------ 2.0 gm. K^HPOii----------------------------- 1*0 gm. ZnSOij. ----------------------------U.O gm. MgSOj^. 7H20 ------------------------ 0.5 gm. Malt extract----------.-— 25-0 gm. Peptone ---------------------------10.0 gm. A g a r -------20 .0 gm. Distilledw a t e r -----------------------1 liter 13 (31) Mineral Potatomalt agar(November, 1937) KEUPO^--------- -------------------- 1.000 gm. C a C l g ------------------------------ 0.100 gm. MgS0^..7H20---------------- --------- 0.600 gm. NaNO^----------------------------- 1.000 gm. FeCl?------------------------- ------ 0.020 gm. E-zB0i------------------------- ---- 0 .0^0 gm. BaCl 2------------- ------------ ----0.100 gm. MnSOj,------------------------------- 0.100 gm. CuSOj,— ------ ----------- ----------O.OOH gm. ZnSOj,------------------------------- 0.0SO gm. LiCl -7------------------------------- 0.00*4- gm. ITapSTO-z---------------- ----------- 0.006 gm. COINO-Jp---------------------------- 0.010 gm. Ni(l\T0^)p--------------------------- 0.006 gm. AICI3------------------------------- 0.010 gm. These materials were added to 50 ml. distilled water, dissolved and then added to 1 liter of standard strength potato malt agar. (32) Dung extract malt agar (June, 1937) Malt extract---------------------- 15*0 gm. Agar — --------------------------- 15.0 gm. Horse-dung extract (in distilled w a t e r ) ---------------------------- 1 liter (33) Dung potato malt agar (May, 1937) Fresh horse-dung was extracted 2*4 hours in J>00 ml. of distilled water. The 200 ml. filtrate was diluted to 1 liter. 500ml. of thismixture were added to 500 ml. of anextract of *400 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of water. Tothis literof material were added the following! 15*0 gm. Malt extract------Agar — --15.0 gm. (3^) Soil extract potato malt agar (October, 193&J February, 1937) Soil from the greenhouse was extracted 24 hours in 500 ml. distilled water. The 250 ml. filtrate from this was added to 250 ml. of an extract of *400 gm. of potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water. To this were added the following: Melt extract---------------------- 15*0 gm. A g a r ------------------------------- 15*0 gm. (35) Soil dung potato maltagar (May, 1937) Soil was extracted in distilled water and the filtra.te diluted to 1 liter. To this liter was added horsedung which was extracted for 2*4 hours. 300 ml. of this extract were added to 200 ml. of an extract of *400 gm. of potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water. To this Ik mixture were added the following: Malt extrant -------------------A g a r ---------------------------- 7*5 7*5 gm. (36 ) Gra,ss malt agar (May, 1937) Grass from a lawn was cut into small pieces that were soaked for IS hours in distilled water. The filtra,te was diluted to 1 liter and to it were added the following: Malt extract---------------------15*0 gm* Agar l6.0 gm. (37) Leaf mold potato malt agar (October, 193&J February, 1937) gm. of partly decayed leaves of beech and maple trees were extracted 2U hours in J00 ml. of distilled water. To the 500 ml. extract were added 200 gra. potatoes. This was steamed for 1 hour. The filtrate was restored to 5^0 ml. volume with distilled water and to it were added the following: Malt extract ------------------7*5 gm. A g a r ------------------------------8.0 gm. (3S) Yeast potato malt agar (May, 1937) Malt extract 15*0 gm* Agar — -- ---- ---- ------- * 15*0 gm. Fleischmann1s y e a s t --------------2 cakes Twice standard potato extract (see medium 2 h ) ----------------- — 1 liter (39) Yeast potato malt agar - Czapek (6l) (May, 1937) To 1 liter of the medium prepared as in medium number (27) were added U cakes of FIeischmann's Yeast. (*+0) Soil dung yeast potato malt agar (May, 1937) To 300 ml. of soil dung potato malt agar (medium number 3*0 were added 2 cakes of Fleischmann*s Yeast. (*4-1) Yeast grass malt agar (May, 1937) To 1 liter of the grass malt agar (medium number 35) were added k cakes of FIeischmann*s Yeast. (*4*2) Yeast extract potato malt agar (August, 1937) Yeast extract---------------------- 10.0 gm. Standard potato malt agar (medium 23 )— 1 liter (U3 ) Live yeast potato malt agar (June, 1937) To each slant of standard potato malt agar was added a, suspension of vigorously growing cells of Sac char omyces cerevisiae. After the yeast cells had grown for three days the various fungi were planted on the slants. 15 (HU) Mo&ification of Czapek* s (6l) Medium (October, 193&I Feb ruary, 193 7) HalTO-z 2.0 gm# KHpFO^,------------------------------ 1.0 gm. K O I -------------------------------- 0.9 gm. MgS0],.7H20 0.9 gm. FeS0^. 7H 20 ------------------------- 0.1 gm. Sucrose 20.0 gm. Agar 19*0 gm# Distilled w a t e r -------------------1 liter (U9) Duggar's Medium (37)• (August, 1937) N H ^ U O , ----------------------------- 1.0 gm. ICHpPOj, 0*9 gm. MgS0Ir7H20 ------------------------ 0.29 gm. F e C l ? -----------------------------trace Sucrose 9*0 gm* Agar 9.0 gm. Distilled w a t e r -------------------1 liter (H6 ) Sucrose corn-starch, agar (January, 193^) Sucrose 19*0 gm# Soluble corn-starch 10.0 gm. Agar 16.0 gm# Distilled w a t e r ------------------1 liter (U7) Lactose milk agar (February, 193^) Lactose 19*0 gm. Agar 19*0 gm# Pasteurized m i l k -----------------1 liter (US) Cellobiose potato agar (April, 193^) Cellobiose------------------------- 35*0 gm# A g a r ------------------------------- 19*0 gm# Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water) --- 1 liter (H9 ) Raffinose potato agar (June, 1937) Raffinose--------------------------- 1.6 gm# A g a r ------------------------------- l6.0 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter distilled water) ------ 1 liter (90) Mannitol potato agar (April, 193^) Mannitol — ------------------------- 19*0 gm. A g a r ------------------------------- 19*0 gm. Potato extract (200 gm. potatoes in 1 liter of distilled water) ------ 1 liter 16 (51) Modification of Claussen's (6l) Medium (May, 1937) KH 2P0 4 --------------------------- 0.050 gm. NHjiNO-7--------------------------- 0.050 gm. MgSOu.7H 20 0.020 gm. Ee^(?0j, 0.001 gm. Inulin 2.000 gm. Agar 15.000 gm. Distilled w a t e r 1 liter (52) Czapek*s Glycerine Aga,r (6l) (July, 1938 ) Glycerine 30*0 gm. HaNO-2---------------------------- 2.0 gm. K2HP0i|--------------------------- 1.0 gm. MgSOji.7 ^ 0 ----------------------- 0.5 gm. K C 1 ------------------------------ 0.5 gm. FeS0j|---------------------------- trace Agar 15*0 gm. Distilled w a t e r ------------------ 1 liter (53) Modification ofcorn-mealstarchsawdust medium (June, 1937) Corn m e a l HS.O gm. Corn starch l6.0 gm. Sawdust 8.0 gm. Agar 20.0 gm. Distilled w a t e r ------------- 1 liter (5U) Modification of Etter*s (25 ) Medium (June, 193&) Corn starch 16.0 gm. Corn meal 50*0 gm. Sawdus t 8 .0 gm. The sawdust was a mixture of several woods. The above quantities of the constituents were placed in 500 ml. Erlenmeyer flasks and saturated with a solution of 25 gm. of malt-extract in 1 liter of distilled water. Elasks were then sterilized. 'When fruiting-bodies began to appear, more of the malt-extract solution was added. (55) Prune agar (October, 193&; February, 1937) 120 gm. of pitted prunes were steamed in 1 liter of distilled water for one-half hour. The filtrate was made up to volume and to it were added IS gm. agar. (56 ) Prune corn-meal agar (October, 193&J February, 1937) An extract of prunes was prepared as in the prune agar medium (number 55 )* 1 liter of the extract were added the following: Corn-meal------------------------ 20.0 gm. A g a r -----------------15*0 gm. (6l) 17 (57) Oat agar (July, 193^) 100 gm* of rolled oats were steamed for one-half hour in 1 liter of distilled water* To the filtrate were added IS gm. agar. (58) Modification of Tubeuf1s (6l) Medium (June, 1937) 10.0 gm. K^&POlj.--------------------------- 5*0 gm. MgSO^.7H20 ----------------------- 1.0 gm. S5 per-cent lactic a c i d 2.0 ml. A g a r ------------------------------ 20.0 gm. Distilled w a t e r ------------------ 1 liter C. Addition of poisons or weakly antiseptic substances (59) Phenol potato malt agar (June, 1937) The following solutions of phenol were made up: 100 per-cent (saturated water solution), 50 per-cent, 10 per-cent, 1 per-cent, 0.5 per-cent. One drop of one of these solutions was added by means of a sterile pipette to a test tube containing 10 ml. of sterile potato malt agar of standard strength. The tube v/as then slanted. (60) CuSO^ potato malt agar (June, 1937) The following solutions of CuSOj, were made up: 2 U (l N was considered to be 159*63 gm. of CuSO^ per liter of solution), 1 IT, 0.5 K, 0.1 IT., 0.01 IT. These solutions were sterilized at 15 pounds for 30 minutes. The rest of the procedure was the same as for medium number 59* (61) HC1 potato malt agar (June, 1937) The solutions were made up as follows: 1 IT, 0.5 IT* 0.1 IT, 0.01 IT. The rest of the procedure was the same as for medium number 59* (62) KMnOj, potato malt agar (June, 1937) The following solutions were made up: IN (IN was con­ sidered to be 31*6 gm. of KMNOij, per liter of solution since the medium was acidic), 0.5 N, 0.1 N, 0.01 N. The solutions were sterilized at 15 pounds for one-half hour. The rest of the procedure was the same as for medium number 59 • (63 ) AlCl, potato malt agar (July, 1937) The following solutions were made up: 5 per-cent, 1 1 per-cent, 0.1 per-cent, 0.01 per-cent. Petri dishes, each containing one Van Tieghem ring, were sterilized. Sach dish v/as then maneuvered in such a manner that the ring came to lie at a distance from the edge of the dish equal to about one-fourth of the dish's diameter. In each ring were placed a few drops of one of the solutions. Standard potato malt agar was slowly poured into the dish without disturbing the ring. When the 18 agar was firm the fungus was planted about one-fourth of the distance across the dish on the side of the dish opposite to the ring. It was thought that as the solution in the ring gradually diffused into the a^ar it would come into contact with the mycelium and would perhaps induce the formation of fruiting-bodies. (6H) ZnSO^ potato malt agar (July, 1937) Solutions were made up as follows: 5 per-cent, 1 per­ cent, 0.1 per-cent, 0.01 per-cent. The rest of the method was the same as for medium number 63. (65 ) AglTO-z potato malt agar (July, 1937) Solutions were made up as follows: 2 per-cent, 1 per­ cent, 0.1 per-cent, 0.01 per-cent. The rest of the method was the same as for medium number 63* (66) Crystal violet potato malt agar (July, 1937) The following solutions were made up: 1:2,000; 1:50,000; 1:100,000; 1:500,000. The solutions were not sterilized. Otherwise, the remainder of the procedure was the same as for medium number 63 * (67 ) Brilliant green malt agar (July, 1937) Solutions were made up as follows: 1:2,000; 1:50,000; 1:100,000; 1:500,000. The solutions were not sterilized. Otherwise, the procedure was the same as for medium number 63. (68) Urine potato malt agar (July, 1937) Human urine was placed in the Van Tieghem rings. It was not diluted or sterilized. Otherwise, the remainder of the procedure was the same as for medium number 63* (69 ) Boric acid potato malt agar (August, 1937) ----------— ----1*0 gm. H-zBO? Standard potato malt a g a r --------- 1 liter B. Addition of "growth - stimulating" substances* (70) 3-indo1epropIonic acid potato malt agar (June, 1937) A stock solution was made by using 0.1 gm. of the a.cid in 1 liter of distilled water to give a solution with a strength of 500,000 A. E. per ml. Dilutions were made to give solutions with strengths of 50»000 ; 12 ,500; 6,250; 1,500; 500 A. E. per ml. Each of these solutions was filtered through a Berkefeld filter. One drop of a. solution was added to 10 ml. of potato malt agar in test tubes. This resulted in a final dilution within the tubes to give solution of the following strengths: 25O, 62.5 , 31» 7*5 an(I 2*5 A. E. per ml. of medium. The test tubes of medium were then slanted. 19 33. (71) 3"inl°le^u 'tyrlc acid potato malt agar (February, 193&) 0.1 ml. of indole butyric acid ("auxiline” manufactured by the Pennsylvania Chemical Corporation by the use of 3 .551U mg. of indole butyric acid per ml. of 40 per­ cent alcohol) was added aseptically to a tube containing potato malt agar. This gave a solution of 0.0355 mg. the acid per ml* of medium. (72) 3-indolebutyric acid treatment (February, 193&) 1.0 ml. of indole butyric acid was added to 350 ml. of sterile distilled water to give a solution containing 0.012U mg. of the acid per ml. of medium. This solution was filtered through a Berkefeld filter and then tubed aseptically. The cultures of different fungi were left in different tubes of the solution for 22 hours and were then transferred to slants of standard potato malt agar. (73) Vitamin B-^ potato malt agar (April, 193&) The vitamin B^ had been prepared by the Williams and Cline Method by Merck and Company, Rahway, New Jersey. (a) Malt extract----- — --------- 3*5 gm* Vitamin --------— --- ----- 0.0001 gm. A g a r -------------------------- 3.5 gm. Standard potato extract 300*0 ml. Tubed, sterilised and slanted. (b) Prepared as part (a) except that 0.005 gm. of vitamin B-^ was used. (7*0 Theelin potato malt agar (April, 1938) The theelin or esta-triene - ol - 3 ~ one “ 17 (67 ) was secured from G. F. Cartland (the serial number was (Lot no. I - 35 & V C 15) 12 - 11 - 36 ). The following solutions were made up: (1) 1 mouse unit per ml. of medium (0.1^ ml. of the theelin solution was added to 72 ml. of potato malt agar) (2) 5 mouse units per ml. of medium (0.72 ml. of the solution of theelin was added to 72 ml. of the medium) (3 ) 25 mouse units per ml* of medium (3*5 ml* the solution of theelin were added to 72 ml. of potato malt agar) All of these solutions were tubed and sterilized. Modifications of Conditions of Growth (75) Additional light (September, 193& ~ June, 1937) During the first part of the experiment the cultures were kept by a window on the west side of the laboratory. Supplementary light was afforded at night by means of a 60 watt electric light bulb that was suspended about 3 feet above the cultures. 20 (7b) Change in H + ion concentration (October, 1937) By the addition of HC1 or HaOH the H + ion concentra,tion of various lots of potato malt agar was adjusted (with the aid of the La Motte colorimeter) so as to give the following pH values for the media: ph 3*6* pH 5*3 (the usual pH of standard potato malt aga.r) and pH S.U. (77) Increase of food material (February, 1933) (a) 20-25 ml* of standard potato malt agar were poured into sterile Petri dishes and the fungi planted on that medium* (b) About 50“60 ml. of standard potato malt agar were put into tubes 30 cm* long and 3*5 cm* wide and were then sterilized* (78) Transfer of cultures to a second medium (June, 1937) Fungi were grown for three weeks in tubes of liquefied potato malt agar at pH of U. Each fungous mat was then washed aseptically in an individual Petri dish containing sterile distilled water* Following this the cultures were transferred to slants of standard potato malt agar* (79) Water potato malt agar (June, 1937) After the cultures had grown for IS days on slants of potato malt agar 1 ml. of sterile distilled water was added aseptically to each tube. (50) Pottery potato malt agar (June, 1937) To each ttmbe of standard potato malt agar were added a few pieces of clay pottery. The tubes were then sterili­ zed. It was thought that the pottery might serve as a foundation for the formation of fruiting-bodies* (51) Repeated subculturing (May, 1937 “ Js u l 1937) As soon as the culture had covered the surface of the slant of potato malt agar a transfer was made to a fresh tube of the same kind of medium. This was repeated a number of times. The final sub-culture was planted on potato malt agar in a Petri dish and allowed to grow for several weeks* (52) Ultra violet (July, 1937) This test was performed with only two species: Coprinus comatus and _C. sp* "(a) Cultures of the fungi were grown on potato malt agar in Petri dishes for a week and were then exposed (with the Petri dish cover removed) to ultra violet rays from s. mercury-vapor lamp. The exposures were made at a distance of about g cm. for 5 minute, 15 minute and 30 minute intervals. Immediately after the exposures the treated fungi were subcultured on fresh potato malt agar in Petri dishes. 21 (b) Freshly poured plates of potato malt agar were irradiated under the conditions outlined in part (a). The fungi were then transferred to these irradiated plates of medium from cultures that had not been treated, (S3) Heat treatment (August, 1937) Cultures of a number of the fungi were grown in repli­ cate for l4 days in tubes of slanted potato malt agar. One tube of each fungus was heated for 10 minutes in water held at the following temperatures: U0°C., 35°C., 70°C., S0°C. At the end of the 10-minute period the tubes were placed in cold water so that the temperature of the tubes was quickly reduced to room temperature. The cultures were then left at room temperature to continue grovrth. (SU) Scarified potato malt agar (August, 1937) Slants of potato malt agar were scarified thoroughly by means of the transfer needle. The cultures were then planted on the medium. (S3) Scarified cultures (August, 1937) Cultures were grown on slants of potato malt agar for 20 days and were then lacerated by means of the transfer needle either at one place or over the entire culture. (86 ) Transfer of cultures to sterilized cultures (August, 1937) Cultures that had been scarified were sterilized and the medium again slanted. Onto these slants were planted transfers of other species of mushrooms. (87) Revival of cultures (October, 1937 and June, 1939) Cultures were started in December, 193&* of a number of the fungi. They were kept in the laboratory until October, 1937* At that time about 8 ml. of potato malt agar were aseptically added to each dried culture in an attempt to revive the fungi and perhaps cause fructi­ fication. Another series was started in November, 1937i and the medium was added to the tubes in June, 1939* 22 Hesuits The chief interest in this part of the study was the value of the various media for the production of typical fruiting-bodies. Of secondary interest were the variations in rate and manner of growth of the various species on the different media. Since most of the media were in test-tubes when tested, only the relative amount of growth (good or poor as compared to the growth on standard potato malt agar) and the presence or absence of fruitingbodies were usually recorded. If sporophores did develop, careful note was made of their appearance and growth. The words "good" and "poor11 as applied to the growth of the mycelium are very general terms to indicate the relative amount of growth of most of the species on a medium* In referring to the value of a medium for supporting the growth of the fungi all of the species that were tested were considered, although not all of them were identi­ fied. The term tttypical,11 when applied to fruiting-bodies, means that the sporophores looked very much like the wild specimens that the wri­ ter has seen. This resemblance was in regard to the gross morphology and color of the sporophore and the discharge of the spores* It should be pointed out again that some of the media were tested with only a few species. ferent results. A wider range of tests might have given dif­ The media upon which only a few (less than ten) species were tried are as follows: phenol potato malt agar, ultra violet, straw potato malt extract and potatoes. 23 Growth of fungi on various media. Growth of the fungi was good upon the following media: straw, straw malt-extract, straw potato malt, “bread, milk malt agar, stan­ dard potato malt agar, twice standard potato malt agar, potato malt agar - Czapek, yeast extract potato malt agar, leaf mold potato malt agar, soil extract potato malt agar, phenol potato malt agar (except in the 100 and 50 an 52 Coprinus mieaceus Monospor© cultures of this species were secured from several sources* Cultures designated as l 6a were obtained from a fruiting- body that developed near the laboratory in September, 193&* Cultures numbered 127 were obtained from a sporophore that developed about ^00 yards from where the sporophore for culture l 6a appeared* of this sporophore were secured July, 1938* Cultures Culture S2 was a haploid strain that was secured from Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures in October, 1938* Culture S3 was the opposite sexual strain and was secured also from the Bureau* Both cultures had been sent to the Centraalbureau in 1927 from Belgium by Vandendries* The mycelia of culture l 6a when first isolated grew vigorously and produced a dense, \yhite mass of hyphae. Oidia similar to those of 0 . fimetarius macrorhizus were produced* Some of the cultures were paired soon after they were obtained* Clamp-connections formed on some of the pairings, but no record was kept of this experiment* On one of the dicaryon mycelia typical sporophores were formed (plate I, fig* 2). When the cultures were used for pairing reactions in April, 1939. they had changed in appearance and in action* Most of the cultures were producing a pink color along the edge of the slant and to some extent in the n^celium that did not touch the sides of the container. At this time no oidia were seen. However, there were present in great numbers some elliptical, somewhat pointed, hyaline spores (plate I, fig* 7)* These conidia developed on many of the hyphae at the tips of usually club-shaped, sometimes constricted and often branching conidiophores (plate I, figs. 5 and 6 ). These conidia were present on all of 53 the monocaryon mycelia* Each culture also caused the formation of some substance that had an odor very similar to that of the flesh of ripe peaches. The presence of the color, the presence of a new and quite dif­ ferent type of asexual spore, the production of a distinctive odor and the pairing reactions would indicate that the cultures had become con­ taminated* However, the fact that the color did not develop in all of the culture^ that some of the cultures were powdery on the surface and that some were not and the fact that contamination of all of the nine cultures by the same fungus does not seem likely might indicate that the differences in the cultures may not tion but to a change in the fungus itself. have been due to contamina­ Dilution plates were poured of all of the cultures in an attempt to obtain cultures that had been derived from single spores* Most of these cultures that came (theoretically) from single spores also deve­ loped a pink color and all produced the spores and the llf^aity,, odor* The nine mono spore cultures of l6a were paired in April, 1939* i& all possible combinations. In no pairing did clamp-connections develop* Monosporous cultures of culture 127 grew vigorously with the pro­ duction of a dense mass of white, aerial hyphae. very slender, brown, In many of the cultures rhizomorph-like strands of hyphaewere developed where the mycelium came into contact with the sides of the test-tube. The rather wide hyphae developed oidia in abundance* The results of the pairing of the mycelia are shown in Table 3* In many cases the dicaryon hyphae were wider than the monocaryon, and the clamps could be easily seen* In others it was difficult to find the clamp-connections because they were infrequent and were small* fruiting-bodies formed* Ho 5^ Table 3 . Results of pairing of monosporous cultures of C. micaceus vculture 127). Paired April, 1939. ~ -------Ah c,B 4 4_ 44 4 — 4 4 4 4 — 4 4 4 4 4 — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4~ 4~ 4 4 4 4 4- + -4+ — 4— 4~ -h 4 4 4~ 4- 4 + 4 " - 4 4 - ~ - ~ 44~ 4 - 4 4- Culture 82 looked very much like cultures of 127 la growth and color. Culture 83* however, did not grow as rapidly, and it showed a profusion of wide hyphae that had yellowish contents# There was some development of oidia on "both cultures# Cultures 82 and 83 were paired in April, 1939* clamp-connec­ tions were found on the mycelium that developed# Coprinus plicatilis Monospore cultures of this species (culture 109) were obtained in June, 193S# The mycelia were sppressed and white, and they grew rapidly# Chlamydo spore-like cells were found on some of the hyphae. On the 55 mycelia were found some structures that resembled oidia (plate II, fig. 2) and others that resembled conidia (plate II, fig. 2). Sixteen cultures that were devoid of clamp-connections were cros­ sed in all combinations. At first examination it was thought that the species was bipolar, but a careful study of the structures that looked like clamp-connections revealed that in some of the apparently dicaryoh hyphae the short branch that turned backward from the tip cell in the formation of a clamp did not fuse with the main hypha. In order to study this process better the nycelia that appeared to have clamp-con­ nections were grown on agar that had been placed on sterile glass slides (as described in the discussion of methods). By this method it could clearly be seen what mycelia had the typical clasp-connections (plate I, fig. 9) and what ones had the incomplete or false clamps (plate I, fig. 10) characteristic in some species of Illegitimate crosses. The results of the pairing of the mycelia are given in Table Since the illegitimate combinations could be identified by the presence of the false clamp-connections, it was possible to assign each culture to a particular sexual phase in the manner that Qpintanilha (6 0 ) has done in C* fimetarius. Ho fruiting-bodies developed. 56 sixteen monosporous cultures of £. plicaPaired in March, 1939* — L indicates an illegitimate tidis (culture 109). cross* AB ^ ajb X >S 14-Z& 7 /s' Coprinus radians Monosporous cultures of this species (culture 10) were secured in December, 1937* from a fruiting-body that developed on a tissue culture of the fungus* The spores began to germinate in seven hours* Most of the cultures were appressed with only a little aerial mycelium of powdery appearance. The cultures were whitish or very pale brown* The powdery appearance was due to the presence of many conidia (plate II, fig. 3)* Ho fruiting-bodies developed on the mycelia. A few of the cultures possessed much aerial mycelium that was dark brown in color and that grew more rapidly than did the cultures men­ tioned above. On some of these mycelia fruiting-bodies developed. The 57 resemblance of these cultures to the tissue cultures used in the first part of the experiments was so great that it seems probable that these cultures just described were dicaryon. The presence of clauqps could not be considered in settling the question because the tissue cultures did not show any clamp-connections* Monosporous cultures were paired in all possible combinations* The examination of the pairings did not reveal any clamp-connections* Spores from the aberrant fruit-body (culture number 69a) of this species that developed on the potatoes and which has been discussed previously were germinated* The appearance of the nycelia was quite similar to that of the monosporous mycelia of culture 10 * The monosporous mycelia of culture 69 a were also paired in all com­ binations, but no clamp-connections were found. Coprinus semilantanus Monospore cultures of this species (culture 21 Rev.) were obtained in March, 1939* from a fruiting-body that developed in pure culture* Two of the cultures formed a deeply wrinkled or convoluted, yellowish colony that grew slowly. The colonies could easily be disorganized by disturbance with the transfer needle; the colonies crumbled apart. The mycelium above the surface of the agar consisted of chlamydospore-like cells; the cells are illustrated by fig. H on plate II. were filled with dense protoplasm. The hyphae The hyphae in the substratum were pale but contained very large granules. Two other cultures began to develop in the same manner as just described but soon formed one or more small patches of typical, white, aerial mycelium* The remaining ten cultures began as did the others but very quickly formed a large mass of white, aerial mycelium over the small, rugose 58 colony* Purther growth was limited to this fluffy mycelium* Oidia similar to those of C. fimetarius macrorhizus were produced on the aerial mycelium* The results of the pairing are given in Table 5* tions were in all cases quite large and distinct* The clamp—connec­ They were never found on the wide hyphae that made up the rugose colonies that were used in some of the pairings* No oidia were produced on the dicaryon mycelium* A few small but fairly typical fruiting-bodies developed on some of the dicaryon mycelia, but fruiting-body primordia were formed on both the dicaryon and monocaryon mycelia that were examined in the pairings* Table 5* Results of pairing of fourteen monosporous cultures of C* semilantanus (culture 21 Rev*) Paired May, 1939* ~" A B ab Ab 4 —A 4 4 4 A B A A 4 A AA~ 4- 4 4 A b —4 4 4 — aB 4 _ |w . |- A <7- A — ---- 4 4 4 4 4 4 —h 4 4 4 4 —4 4 4 -4 4 j — 4 A A A A A A A 59 Haucoria semi orbicularis Monosporous cultures of this species were secured from two fruitingbodies. One of these (culture 106) sporophores was found on a lawn in June, 193S. The other (culture 112) was obtained in June, 193#* I*1 a meadow about one and one—half miles from the place of collection of culture number 1 06 . The mycelia were appressed but formed a thin felt* little aerial mycelium. There was very All of the mycelia grew vigorously* No oidia were seen, but chlamydospore-like cells were present* The re stilts of the pairings are given in Tables 6 and 7* Table 6 * Results of pairing of seventeen monosporous mycelia of semiorbicularis (culture 106). Paired in January, 1939* A 4-/2L IS/6 Zo 23 24-26z £ r5~ // / 4 /7/6ZZ Z5z?' f -4 44 444 4 " 4 4 444 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 44 44 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 444 44 4 4 444 4 44 4 444 44 44 4 4 444 4 ±i±l±44 44 l 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 h4 4 4 4 444 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 + 44 44 f -4 44 444 4 — h4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 ” 44 4 4 44 44 4 44 4444 h4 4 " 60 {Cable 7* Results of pairing eight monosporous cultures of IT. semiorbicularis (culture 112)* Paired January, 1939* ” / 3 4- <5T 7 6 & 4 4 4 4 4 4 A a 4 4" 4 4 4 4- + 4 4- -4 4 -f -h 4 4- 4- -4 4 Pse/fchyrella disseminata The mono spore cultures of this species (culture 13S) were obtained in July, 193^» a "fc ‘k*ie base of a stump in a wooded area* All of the mycelia were white, and all of the mycelia grew very vigorously* $hen the cultures were grown on agar in Petri dishes there was considerable variation in the appearance of the various mycelia* the mycelia formed an aerial mass* About one-half of In some this consisted of loosely interwoven hyphae, whereas in others the aerial portion was very dense and compact. The remainder of the mycelia were much more appressed with a scant amount of aerial hyphae# In some of these cultures the hyphae were so appressed that the colony appeared water-soaked. In several cultures there were tufts of hyphae that protruded from the surface of the colony at a U-5 degree angle* appearance. Several colonies were of a powdery In one of the cultures with appressed hyphae the hyphae grew to the left; in another culture the hyphae grew to the right* The hyphae were either quite wide or quite narrow. The wide hyphae 6l were often compacted into small rhizomorph-like strands. Seventeen monosporous mycelia were paired in all combinations in December, 193&* The pairings of three of the mycelia with the other mycelia were carefully examined. Failure to find clamp-connections in any of these combinations seemed to indicate that no clamp-connections would be found. Therefore, the pairings were not studied further. Ho fruiting- bodies developed. Psilocybe foenisecii Monospore cultures of this species (culture 1 3 6 ) were obtained in July, 1938* Eh© cultures were mostly appressed with only a small amount of white, aerial mycelium. In each culture there were many small, irregularly-shaped, cream-colored knots of hyphae. grew slowly. All of the cultures Chlamydospore-like cells were rather abundant# Ho oidia were found. The results of the pairing are given in Table S. Failure to find clamp-connections wherever spore number 5 was involved may have been due to the fact that the clamps were on very narrow hyphae and were infrequent. Ho fruiting-bodies developed. Table S>. Results of pairing of nine monosporous mycelia of Psilocybe foenisecii (culture 1 3 6 ). Paired August, 193^. A3 A 8 #3 Psilocybe subviscida Monospore cultures of this species (culture 116 ) were obtained in June, 193&* The cultures were very similar in appearance and growth to those of Naucoria semiorbicularis. There were no asexual spores. The results of the pairings are given in Table 9. In almost all of these pairings the hyphae had to be examined by means of oil immer­ sion lens because they were so narrow. Another difficulty in this species was the fact that the damp-connectlons were often infrequent in various pairings. In some of the pairings marked as having clamps only two or three such structures were seen in the entire preparation. Table 9* He suits of pairing of seventeen monosporous mycelia of P. subviscida (culture 116). Paired in July, 1938). 63 Greographic races Coprinus mieaceus Five mycelia of culture l6a were paired in all combinations with ten mycelia of culture 127 that represented all sexual phases. No clamp-connections were found in any of the pairings. Cultures 82 and S3 (two compatible mycelia) were paired in all com­ binations with nine mycelia of culture l 6a. No clamp-connections were found. Cultures 82 and S3 were paired in all combinations with ten mycelia of culture 127* No clamp-connections were found. Naueoria semiorbicularis Eight mycelia of culture 112 were paired in all combinations with eight mycelia of culture 106. The results are given in Table 10. Table 10. Results of pairing of mycelia of N. semiorbicularis (culture 1 1 2 ) with mycelia of culture 106 of the same species. /o 6 r4- S // /S r/ 4 4 4 4 4 474Z O4Z 7 / 3 44 ~ 4 4 4 4+ 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 //Z J. 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4f — J 4 4 4 — 4 7 4 8 4 4 4 44 4 + 4 JO -+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 K. 4 Interspecific pairings Coprinus fimetarius macrorhizus x C. semilantanus Four mycelia of C* semilantanus (culture 21 Rev.), representing all sexual phases, were paired in all combinations with eight mycelia 6k ° .5.* fimetarius macrorhizus (culture 1 5 0 ) that represented all sexual phases. No clamp-connections were formed. aversion between the mycelia. There was no sign of In most of the pairings £. semilantanus was overgrown by the other fungus, but in a number of such cases it still formed primordia of fruiting-bodies. C. fimetarius macrorhizus x C* micaceus Four nycelia of £. micaceus (culture l 6a) were paired with eight mycelia of (3. fimetarius macrorhizus (culture 1^0) in all combinations. No clamp-connections developed. There was no sign of aversion. Four mycelia of C3. micaceus (culture 127) were paired in all combi­ nations with eight mycelia of (3. fimetarius macrorhizus (culture 150)* No clamp-connections were formed. There was no sign of aversion. C. micaceus x O.plicatilis Four mycelia of £. micaceus (culture 127), representing all sexual phases, were paired with eight mycelia of No clamp-connections were found. plicatilis (culture 109 ). There was no sign of aversion. Fanaeolus papilionaceus x P. retirugis Cultures 85 ^6 (two compatible mycelia of P. papilionaceus) were paired with cultures 88 and 89 (two compatible mycelia of P. retirugis). No clamp-connections were found. There was no sign of aversion. Intergeneric pairings Anellaria separata x Naucoria semiorbicularis Three mycelia of A. separata (culture 1214-) were paired with eight mycelia of N. semiorbicularis in all combinations. In all of the 65 pairings the cultures of Raucoria grew the more rapidly* often completely covered the mycelium of Anellaria* This fungus In gj^ ^preparations the number of clamp-connections varied from one to three* Since they were so infrequent the pairings were studied a second time. That time no claurp-connections were found in any of the pairings that at first were recorded as positive* One of the clamp-connections that was most clear is illustrated by plate II, fig* 5* results that are given in Table 11 are the results obtained the first time that the pairings were observed* There was no sign of aversion. Table 11* Results of pairing of three monosporous mycelia of Anellaria separata with eight mycelia of Raucoria semiorbicularis* //2 /c r/ r/ 3 4- 5 ^ 66 7 8 ~7o> — + -h /z+\ // — — — +| —1 + |-|-1 -J -I \ / 7 M + r — — — — - — - — Anellaria separata x Panaeolus retirugis Cultures 88 and 89 (compatible mycelia of P* retirugis) were paired with eight mycelia of A. separata in all combinations. There was seen only one structure that resembled a clamp—connection. It is illustrated by plate II, fig* 6 . There was no sign of aversion. Anellaria separata x Panaeolus papilionaceus Cultures 85 and 86 (compatible mycelia of P. papilionaceus) were paired in all combinations with eight mycelia of A* separata. connections were found. Ro claiip- There was no sign of aversion. Raucoria semiorbicularis x Panaeolus papilionaceus Cultures 85 and 86 (compatible mycelia of P. papilionaceus) were paired with six mycelia of R. semiorbicularis (culture 106). Ro clamp- 66 connections were found. There was no sign of aversion* Naucoria semiorbicularis x Panaeolus retirugis Cultures 88 and 89 (compatible mycelia of P. retirugis) were paired in all combinations with six mycelia of IT. semiorbicularis (culture 106). Ho clamp-connections were found. There was no sign of aversion. Coprinus plicatilis x Psathyrella disseminata Pour mycelia of Psathyrella disseminata (culture 138) were paired with eight mycelia of Coprinus plicatilis (culture 109)* connections were found. There was no sign of aversion* Ho clamp- 67 Discussion and conclusions The presence of oidia or conidia and the variation between mono­ sporous mycelia of some species is in agreement with what other workers have found. Coprinus radians was found to be either homothallic or heterothailic. On the basis of clamp-connections alone it could not be decided into which class it fell. Vandendries (71)# working with a fungus that he called (3. radians Desm., found that clamp-connections were produced and that the species was bipolar. According to Vandendries (7^0* Brunswik never found clanrp-connections in this species but proved it to be bipolar by observing what pairings pro­ duced fruiting-bodies. This method might have yielded definite results if it had been used for this species by the author. Chow (21), using six mycelia, also reported that the species is bipolar. Psathyrella disseminata, also, since it did not produce clampconnections or fruiting-bodles, may be either homothallic or heterothallic. Vandendries (80, 82), on the basis of the distribution of clamp-connections, has stated that this species is bipolar. He also found that there were various irregularities in the pairing reactions. Coprinus fimetarius macrorhizus ((3. macrorhizus that Buller (18) speaks of) was found to be bipolar but with so many mycelia in one of the groups that one might suspect that there really are four sexual phases. The absence of barrage, however, would indicate that the species is not quadripolar. Buller (18) reports that Uewton found this species to be heterothallic. Since Coprinus fimetarius (or C. lagopus, according to Buller (18) and Quintanilha (5 9 )) is quadripolar, it is interesting that this variety (or species) is bipolar. There immediately arises the question 6s whether the variety has only one allelomorphic pair of genes affecting the polarity or whether there are two pairs# If there are two pairs, then the disjunction of these pairs must he of such a nature that the spores are usually bipolar# Naucoria semiorbicularis was found to be bipolar# Sass (63 ) sug­ gested on the basis of cytological study that H# semiorbicularis form bispora was probably homothallic# He found that some of the spores were apparently uninucleate and that others were binucleate# Gene tic al study of this variety would probably help explain the relation of the distribution of nuclei to the spores and the polarity of the fungus# Coprinus plicatilis was found to be quadripolar and to form false clamp-connections in certain Hillegitimate” crosses, Coprinus semilantanus was found to be quadripolar. Anellaria separata was found to be quadripolar# Psilocybe foenisecii, on the basis of study of nine mycelia, was found to be irregularly quadripolar. When Coprinus micaceus (culture l 6a) was first cultured it was found that it was heterothallic, but the type of polarity was not deter­ mined# After the change in the cultures appeared, it was impossible to work out the polarity because no clamp-connections were produced. Coprinus micaceus (culture 127) might be interpreted by some as being bipolar with many irregularities# Others might consider it to be quadripolar with numerous irregularities# Since the species has been found by Vandendries ( 7 0 to tie quadripolar and to show numerous abnormalities in some cases (Si), one is prejudiced in favor of the thought that the specimen that was studied was quadripolar# mycelia should have been used in the pairings# More 69 Psilocybe subviscida has been shown in the results (Table 9) to be bipolar but with many irregularities. It is possible, however, to arrange the results in such a manner that the species would be thought to be quadripolar* It can not be stated definitely which type of polarity the species possesses* No irregularities were observed in the pairing of mycelia of the following species: Anellaria, separata, Coprinus fimetarius macrorhizus, Coprinus plicatilis and Naucoria semiorbicularis* There were a few irregularities in Coprinus semil ant anus and Psilocybe foenisecii and numerous abnormalities (or perhaps failure In some cases to find the clamps?) In C_* micaceus (culture 127) Psilocybe subviscida* Throughout the paper the terms 11homothallie” and HheterothallicH have been used in the sense that other workers appear to be using them, although the author thinks that perhaps other terms would be better to indicate that the phenomena appear to be due to the existence of one or two pairs of self-sterility factors* That is, the two terms as used here do not mean the same as they do when used to explain conditions in the Phycomycetes* In no species was there any evidence of barrage such as found by Vandendries and Brodie (S7) 3n some fungi. Palse clamp-connections were found only in Coprinus plicatilis* In regard to geographic races it was found in Naucoria semior­ bicularis that spores from two fruiting-bodies about one and one-half miles apart were almost completely compatible In all combinations* In Coprinus micaceus the cultures l 6a and 127* separated by about 300 yards, did not produce clamps in any of the pairings* This was 70 on^ r fco expected, however, since none of the mycelia of l6a would form clamp-connections when paired among themselves in all combinations* Mycelia of l 6a also failed to form clamp-connections when paired with two njycelia (cultures 82 and S3) from Belgium. Mycelia of culture 127 of micaceus from East Lansing failed to form clamp-connections when paired with the two mycelia (S2 and S3) from Belgium. These results are in agreement with those of other workers in that the spores from sporophores that are not distant one from another are usually nearly entirely compatible (as in Naucoria semiorbicularis), whereas spores from fruiting-bodies that are far apart (Coprinus micaceus) are usually incompatible in all combinations. It should be pointed out here, and there appears to be no reference to this in the literature, that confusion may arise from the fact that workers do not explain what they mean by such terms as HnearH and Mfar,f in relation to these geographic races. For the present, at least, the theory of multiple allelomorphs of the self-sterility factors appears to explain the results of study of geographic races. The author is inclined to favor the suggestion that Vandendries (Si) made in regard to the existence of dominant, hereditary factors that determine primarily whether or not two mycelia from different fruiting-bodies could form clamp-connections. Of the five interspecific crosses that were attempted, clamp-con­ nections were not found in any of the pairings. This is in general agreement with the results of other workers who have found clamps to be very few or lacking in such crosses. In the six intergeneric crosses that were attempted, trhrcro were 71 | Tl'li^Wp I there were no clanp—connections found in the pairings of Anellaria separat a and Panaeolus papilionaceus, Naucoria semi or­ bicular is and P. papilionaceus, II. semiorbicularis and P. retirugis ^°Prlnus plicatilis and Psathyrella disseminata. In the pairings of Anellaria separata and Naucoria semiorbicularis a very few clamp-connections were found in four of the twenty-four matings. In the pairings of A. separata and Panaeolus retirugis only one structure that resembled a clamp-connection was found. It should be emphasized that most of the previous work deeding with interspecific crosses in the Agarics involved only a few spores. The writer also did not use many spores, but the number was greater than most workers have employed. It seems to the author that many interspecific and intergeneric crosses could be obtained if large num­ bers of mycelia were used. In the higher plants the number of pollina­ tions that are made in order to secure crosses, even between species, is large. Grosses have been obtained between the following genera in the higher plants: Zea x Tripsacum, Zea x Euchlaena, Triticum x Secale, Triticum x Agropyron, Tri ticum x Aegilops; In the Rosaceae successful crosses have been made between Sorbus x Aronia, Pyrus x Sorbus and Oydonia x Pyrus, and in the Orchidaceae the crosses of Laelia x Cattleya are numerous. It is quite possible that crosses between many genera of the Agaricaceae could also be obtained, if one were to work with numbers as great as were used in securing the crosses mentioned above• 72 SUMMARY 1* Seventeen species of the Agaricaceae were grown on eighty- seven media, chiefly in test-tubes, in an affort to find a medium that would allow the production of fruiting-bodies. media nearly all of the seventeen species were used* On most of the On many of the media a number of other unidentified species were also used. 2. The following species did not form fruiting-bodies on any of the media that were tried: Coprinus atramentarius, £. comatus, £. plicatilis, G-alera crispa, 0. tenera, Psathyrella disseminata and Psilocybe subviscida* 3* Coprinus radians, C. radiatus and £. semil ant anus formed fruiting-bodies on a number of media* C. fimetarius macrorhizus, C* micaceus, Panaeolus campanulatus, P* retirugis and P. solidipes formed sporophores on only a few media. C. quadrifidus formed fruiting- bodies only on a modification of Btter*s medium. Stropharia semi- globata formed fruiting-bodies only on dung-extract malt agar. U. The media, that were most valuable for sporophore production were straw with water or malt extract, modification of Btter*s medium, dung-extract agar, potato malt agar and potato glucose agar. 5. Oidia, conidia or chlamydospore-like cells were found on the monocaryon mycelia of most of the species, but none were found on mycelia that were known to be dicaryon. If the tissue cultures of Coprinus radians are dicaryon, then that species produces conidia on dicaryon nycelium. 6* Coprinus fimentarius macro rhi zus and Naucoria semi orbicularis were found to be bipolar. 7* Ooprimis plicatilis, £. semilantanus, Anellaria separata and 73 Psilocybe foenisecii were found to be quadripolar* S. There were so many irregularities in the pairing reactions of Coprinus micaceus (one fruiting-body) and of Psilocybe subviscida that it can not be stated definitely whether they were bipolar or quadripolar. 9* Probably the former is quadripolar and the latter bipolar, Since Coprinus radians and Psathyrella disseminata did not produce clamp-connections in any of the pairings, it can not be decided whether they are homothallic or heterothallic. The same applies to a culture of Coprinus micaceus which at first was heterothallic. After about two and one-half years in culture the fungus became so changed (or contaminated?) that no clamp-connections would form when the mycelia were paired. 10. The existence of two geographic races was demonstrated in Naucoria semiorbicularis. The two fruiting-bodies were collected about one and one—half mile s apart • Ho conpatibility was found between mycelia of two fruiting-bodies of Coprinus micaceus that were collected about 300 yards apart. One of these cultures was the one that had changed during its period of culture on artificial media. No compatibility was found between mycelia of £• micaceus secured in East Lansing, Michigan, and mycelia secured in Belgium. 11. Barrage was not found in any of the species. 12. Palse clamp-connections were found in certain combinations of the mycelia of Coprinus plicatilis. 13. Of the five interspecific crosses that were attempted, clamp- connections were not found in any of the pairings* 14. Of the six intergeneric crosses that were attempted, a few 7* clamp-connections were found in certain of the pairings of Anellaria separata and Naucoria semiorhiculari s, and a structure that might he considered to he a clamp was found in one pairing of A. separata and Panaeolus retirugis. 75 LITERATURE CITED 1. Ames, L. M. Hermaphroditism involving self-sterility and cross-fertility in the ascomycete Pleurage anserina, 26: 392 - klh* 2* 193 U. 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II. 1929 Vererbungstudien an Hutpilzen (Basidio- myzeten). Zeitschrift fur Botanik l 6 : U33 “ ^99* 192^. S3 Plate I Pig. 1 . Sporophores of Coprinus semilantanus on horse dung Pig. 2. Sporophores of CL micaceus on potato malt agar; these are the product of the pairing of two monosporous mycelia of culture l6a soon after the mycelia were secured. Pig. 3* Chlaraydospore-like cells of Anellaria separata. Pig. fy-. Oidia of Coprinus fimetarius macrorhizus. Pig. 5* Conidia, and conidiophores of CL micaceus (culture l 6a). These are typical of conidia, that developed on a film of agar on a slide. Pig. 6 . Conidia and conidiophores of CL micaceus (culture iGa) that were mounted in water for examination. Pig. 7* Conidia of (3. micaceus (culture l6&) in a water-mount. Pig. S. Stages in germination of conidia of CL micaceus (culture l 6a) growing on a film of agar on a slide. Pig. 9. True clamp-connections of CL plicatilis. Pig, clamp-connections of CL plicatilis. PLATE I Sk Plate II Fig. * Coprinus plicatilis. A portion of a mycelium "bearing false clamp-connections* Fig. . Conidia and oidia-like cells of £. plicatilis* Fig. • Conidia and conidiophores of £. radians* Fig. * Chlamydospore-1 ike cells from a rugose colony of £. semilantanus * Fig. • Clamp-connection found in one of the pairings of Anellaria separata with Naucoria semiorhicularis. Fig. 6 * Clamp-like structure found in one pairing of Anellaria separata with Panaeolus retirugis. PLATE II 2 m