A BIOLOGICAL METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF ESSENTIAL UNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS AND ITS APPLICATION TO VARIOUS ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE FATS THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Michigan State College in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Albert Melvin Shannon December 1938 ProQuest Number: 10008467 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10008467 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 6 - 1346 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his indebtedness and gratitude to Dr. C. A. Hoppert, Professor of Chemistry for his advice and assistance during the course of this study and in the preparation of this manuscript. Since early workers had given ample proof of the ability of an animal to synthesize fat, it was a matter of indifference whether fat was present in the diet or not, after the provision for the proper amount of protein. In fact the value of fat in the diet was usually associated with the accessory food substances carried by them. In 1920 Osborne and Mendel (l) conducted experiments on the value of fat in the diet of the healthy mammal, and concluded that if both the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins were present, the amount of fat necessary for optimal growth must be very small* In 1927 Evans and Burr (2), (3) found that diets freed from fat, but con­ taining adequate amounts of vitamins A, B, D and E were not capable of maintaining normal growth and lactation. By including fats such Ovulation was also irregular. as lard, butter, coconut oil and c o m oil in the diet, normal growth and lactation resulted. ever, negative when stearic acid was fed. The response was, how­ Separation of the above lipids into non—saponifiable matter, glycerol and fatty acids indicated that the active principle was present in the fatty acid fraction. Subsequently McAmis, Anderson and Mendel (4) fed a fat free, but otherwise well balanced diet and observed comparatively good, although not optimal growth, a poor condition of the fur, bloody urine and also a peculiar eye condition resembling the beginning stages of Xeroph­ thalmia. Addition of fat in the form of one drop of peanut oil per day produced better growth. whether the beneficial The authors concluded that the question effects of a small amount of fat were due to its content of vitaminA or other vitamins, or to its action as a vehicle for fat soluble vitamins, or whether fat itself was essential had not been settled. Simultaneously Burr and Burr (5) presented a possible new role for certain fatty acids in the animal organism. They fed fat free diets and changed their nutritive ratio from 1 : 3 as the animals increased in weight. to 1 : 5 to 1 : 7 Between the seventieth and ninetieth day the fat deficiency syndrome appeared. First there de­ veloped an abnormal condition of the skin, later the tip of the tail became swollen and inflamed, and soon the whole tail was heavily ridged and scaled. Hemorraghic spots frequently appeared in the skin throughout the entire length of the tail. The swelling at the tip was often gradually replaced by a true necrosis resulting in the loss of one to three centimeters of the tail. The hind feet became red and somewhat swollen, and in some cases large scales developed over the dorsal surface. The hair on the back of the body became filled with dandruff and there was a tendency to lose hair around the face, back and throat. Sores often appeared on the skin. The early outward signs of an unhealthy condition were followed by a decline in weight at about the fifth month and unless fat was given to the animal it died within three or four months. The urinary tract and kidneys were extensively involved and this undoubtedly was an important factor in the death of the animal. Although the fat deficiency syndrome had some features in common with those produced in pellagra and vitamin A and B deficiencies, the former condition had a different and distinct etiology because it yielded to the addition of fat to the diet. In another paper the same authors (6) claimed that the most sensitive test of the fat deficiency disease was the scaliness of the feet, followed by dandruff in the region of the neck and back. The kidneys were grossly abnormal, and showed a degeneration different from that due to vitamin A deficiency. The kidney disorder was neither cured nor prevented by the addition of vitamins A and D prepared from cod liver oil, but was cured or prevented by the addition of a mixture of fatty acids or the methyl ester of linoleic acid. Disturbance of the pituitary was evidenced by the abnormally high consumption of water. Irregular ovulation and infertility were not corrected by the addition of vitamin E, although certain oils and fats were curative. It was found that saturated fatty acids including stearic, palmitic, myristic, lauric or lower members of the saturated series were ineffective. However, five drops per day of methyl lino- late, and five drops per day of the following oils, corn, raw linseed, olive, poppyseed, and a hundred milligrams of egg lecithin, all of which contain linoleic acid were curative. This evidence pointed to the indispensability of linoleic acid for nutrition. Previous studies had left the value of oleic acid uncertain, but in 1932 Burr, Burr and Miller (7) proved this acid to be ineffective in the curing of the fat deficiency disease. In addition linolenic acid and linoleic acid were shown to be equally effective whereas eleostearic acid, an isomer of linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid were apparently ineffective. Turpeinen (44) later found, however, that arachidonic acid was a powerful curative agent, about three times as effective as methyl linolate. Linoleyl alcohol also showed some curative properties, but was less effective than linoleic acid, whereas erucic, ricinoleic, oleic, and chaulmoogric acid proved to be ineffective. In 1938 Burr, Kass, Brown and Frankel (53) stated that arachi— donic acid was of high curative value, that corn oil was superior to linseed oil, and that oC linoleic acid was a better curative agent than the p linoleic acid* Evans and Lepkovsky (8) partly confirmed Burr and Burr's work and found that the specific symptoms of the fat deficiency disease were cessation of growth and hematuria, but not dermatitis and tail necrosis. Liquid acids of coconut oil and linoleic acid were cura­ tive, but oleic acid was not. Even when the carbohydrate of the diet was replaced with glyceryl laurate (9), the rats showed deficiency symptoms, and not until linoleic acid was added did the rats return to a normal condition. Evans and Lepkovsky (10) showed further that the presence of linoleic acid in the body fat of rats was dependent upon its inclu­ sion in the dietary fat. Evans, Lepkovsky and Murphy (11), (12), (13) made interesting studies upon the effect of a fat deficiency upon reproduction and lac­ tation. Successful gestation and lactation was impossible, and sterility invariably occurred in males on the fat free diets, even when large amounts of vitamins A, D and E were supplied. The addition to the diet of the effective or so called essential fatty acids not only prevented but also corrected the above conditions. Maeder (14) confirmed these investigations and observed that the reproductive process was impaired in the early stages of a fat deficiency, but that ovulation was affected later. Both responded promptly to fatty acid therapy. Numerous other workers have presented evidence to confirm Burr and Burr1s work. Borland and Jackson (15) made a study of the kidney lesions; Sinclair (16) substantiated the results on growth and general symptoms; Tange (17), (18) reported that linolenic acid was as effec­ tive as linoleic, whereas oleic acid was ineffective; Becker (19) and Sahashi (20) emphasized the essential nature of linoleic acid; and Green and Hilditch (21) from a study of data on hog .and rat body fats as well as on milk fats, concluded that linoleic acid when pre­ sent in the glycerides of land animals was a product of assimilation and not of synthesis by the animal. Spadola and Ellis (22) found that the presence of linoleic acid could not be demonstrated in the adipose fat of rats fed a low fat diet. However, when as little as 0.2 percent of the acid was present in the diet, it could be readily detected in the storage fat. The general conception that linoleic acid is essential has been challenged by a number of workers, Hume and Smith (23), Funk and Caspe (24), Roche and Roche (25) and Gregory and Drummond (26). Burr and Brown (27) commented upon the above investigators findings. Hume and Smith admit that the supply of vitamins B^ and Bg was inade­ quate for good growth, nor did the animals always receive sufficient vitamin A because bladderstones developed in some cases. The ex­ perimental diet used by Funk and his associates was somewhat deficient in vitamin B, and that used by Roche and Roche must also have been deficient because the rats weighed only from 80 to 100 grams at twelve weeks. Gregory .and Drummond used a yeast extract which was apparently deficient in one or more of the water soluble vitamins. Burr and Brown (28) have observed furthermore that the scaly condi­ tion of the feet and tails of rats was decreased by increasing humidity, and it is quite probable that this might have been the reason why some workers failed to produce the skin symptoms with fat deficient diets. It would appear, therefore, that the lack of agree­ ment among various investigators has been satisfactorily accounted for. An abnormal respiratory quotient above one, which is indica­ tive of the transformation of carbohydrate to fat mas noted by Wesson (£9) in rats ingesting a fat deficient diet. However, in spite of this fat formation, the symptoms of the fat deficiency di­ sease were not relieved, indicating that the curative linoleic and linolenic acids are not formed. This was confirmed by Wesson and Burr (30), Burr and Beber (31), (32), (33) and Wesson (34). Burr and Beber also report a higher basal metabolic rate and a higher specific dynamic action of food for rats on a fat deficient diet. In the early studies of Burr and Burr (6) evidence was pre­ sented to show that butterfat was not an effective curative agent for the fat deficiency condition. This work indicated then that butterfat was deficient in certain unsaturated fatty acids. and Hilditch Sleightholme (35) found that some butterfats contained as much as 4.25 percent of linoleic acid, whereas Holland and co-workers (36) and Bosworth and Brown (37) failed to verify its presence. Eckstein (38) working with Michigan butter reported approximately 0.2 to 0.5 percent of linoleic acid and an average of 0.13 percent of linolenic acid. Eckstein showed that the linoleic acid content of butter was related to the amount of this acid ingested by the cow. Recently Hilditch and Thompson (39) reported as much as 6 percent of linoleic acid In butter when linseed oil was consumed by the cow. Since the evidence favors the essential nature of linoleic acid, consideration has been given to the occurrence of this fatty acid. Burr and Burr (6) indicated roughly the linoleic acid content of the oils and fats used in their experiments. According to the analysis recorded by Jamieson (40) linoleic acid is present in practically all vegetable oils. Hard lard contains roughly 1 to 7 percent whereas oily lard may contain as much as 36 percent of the acid (41). It is also present In egg fat to the extent of 15 to 19 percent (42). Ac­ cording to Hilditch (43) hen fat contains 22 percent, beef tallow 3 percent and mutton tallow 4 percent of linoleic acid. The observations of Burr and Burr (6) that skin changes develop in rats fed diets lacking in certain unsaturated fatty acids suggested to Hansen (45) that infantile eczema might be partly dependent upon this type of a dietary deficiency, since he found that the serum fatty acids of eczematous infants contained less unsaturates than are present in the blood of normal healthy infants. Hansen (46), therefore fed corn oil and linseed oil to these eczematous children and observed improvement in their condition. Cornbleet and Pace (47) also obtained favorable results when refined corn oil was administered to adolescent patients for a long time. Taub and Zakon (48), however, did not find any beneficial action when linseed oil was given to eczematous patients. Boissevain (49) and Platonov (50) claimed that the unsaturated fatty acids including linoleic and linolenic acids rendered the tu­ bercle bacillus less virulent. Platonov suggested that the unsaturated fatty acids deserve important consideration in the dietetic therapy for tuberculosis. Studies on different animal species including man, with a variety of dietary fats have presented ample proof that food fat is readily digestible. Langworthy (51) has shown that the common fats are uti­ lized from 93 to 98 percent, and Levine and Smith (52) report that rats fed fat which furnished 86 percent of the total energy Intake, utilized 98 to 99 per cent of the ingested fat. In the literature cited above the necessity for the essential un saturated fatty acids has been demonstrated. However, with the ex­ ception of a recent report by Burr (53) little or no effort has been made to biologically assay the common fats and oils for their content of the essential fatty acids. It was felt that the method previously used for the testing of the various fats and oils was too cumbersome in that the animals had to be kept upon the basal diet until a growth plateau was reached. This required on the average five months. Sub­ sequently the fat to be tested was fed and the gain in weight noted during a period of forty days or more. The time required for such a test was consequently at least six months. It seemed highly desirable therefore to find a shorter, biological method of analysis and to assay the common fats and oils for their total essential unsaturated fatty acid content. Experimental Procedure Preparation of the materials tested. In this study linoleic and linolenic acid were prepared from soybean oil and linseed oil respectively. The fatty acids were fed in the form of the methyl esters since Lepkovsky and Evans (54) have shown that these esters are utilized by the rat even at comparatively high levels with almost the same ease as glycerides. Methyl linolate was prepared from soybean oil by the following method. The fatty acids were obtained by acidifying the saponified oil, and the saturated acids were removed by the crystallization method of Brown and Stoner (55). The unsaturated fatty acids were then brominated by the method of Rollet (56). The resulting tetra- bromostearic acid was recrystallized several times from boiling petroleum ether until a preparation melting sharply at 113.5—114° C was obtained. The debromination of this compound was carried out according to the method of Rollet, and the methyl ester distilled under reduced pressure in an atmosphere of nitrogen. A small amount of an anti oxidant, hydroquinone, was added to the ester and it was stored in an atmosphere of nitrogen in a refrigerator. The final product*had an iodine number (Hanus) of 177.0, calculated 173.0, Rollet (56) 171.6. Methyl linolenate was prepared from linseed oil according to the following method. The fatty acids were obtained by the usual method, dissolved in anhydrous ether and brominated according to the method of Rollet. The resulting hexabromostearic acid was washed several times with ether until a sharp melting point of 181-181.5° C was obtained. After debromination the methyl ester was distilled under reduced pressure in an atmosphere of nitrogen. duct was stored in the same way as above. The final pro­ It had an iodine number (Hanus) of 256.4, calculated 261, Rollet (56) 257.5. Basal low fat diet Casein, edible #453 18 per cent Sucrose 68 per cent Salt Mixture 4 per cent Yeast 4 per cent Yeast, Irradiated 1 per cent Alfalfa leaf meal 5 per cent In the preliminary work vitamin free casein was used, but it was found that the fat deficiency symptoms could be produced just as quickly with the less expensive casein. In this connection it was of interest to know the lipid content of the basal diet. Accordingly a sample was extracted with ether and it was found to contain 0.22 per cent of ether extr&ctable material which had an iodine number (Hanus) of 107.9. Symptoms of a fat deficiency In preliminary experiments it was observed that albino rats fed the above low fat diet developed a scaliness of the tail, appear­ ing first at the tip, and then advancing gradually toward the base. Eventually the lower half of the tail became heavily ridged, the tip often becoming inflamed. In a few Instances sores appeared along the surface of the tail. Scales also developed on the feet, appearing first between the toes, usually of the hind feet and later along the dorsal surface. Gradually the leg became heavily scaled. The initial symptoms developed in a few cases as early as a week after weaning, although usually two to three weeks were necessary. All the animals showed definite symptoms at the end of four weeks. In the course of this work it was found that the humidity was an important factor in determining the time necessary for the appearance of the scales. In the summer when the humidity ranged from fifty to eighty per cent, three to four weeks were required whereas at other seasons when the humidity was quite low, two weeks were sufficient to develop the Initial symptoms. The degree of scaliness varied somewhat among the different animals and litters. No appreciable difference was observed between males and females with respect to the development of the characteristic symptoms or their disappear­ ance when curative measures were applied. In the preliminary experiment various levels of butterfat and Wesson oil (refined cottonseed oil) were incorporated into the basal diet. 1, 2 and 4 per cent levels of butterfat were used whereas the levels of Wesson oil were 0.25, 0.50 and 1 per cent. Animals fed the butterfat produced the deficiency symptoms at all levels, whereas those fed Wesson oil did not, including even the lowest level. This difference in response was undoubtedly due to the difference of the essential unsaturated fatty acids and suggested a method for the biological determination of these acids. Study of the maternal diet on the production of scaliness in the offspring. In view of the fact that it is well recognized that the charac­ ter of the maternal diet plays an important role in the appearance of the deficiency symptoms in the case of the fat soluble vitamins, it was considered necessary to study the influence of variations in the un saturated fatty acid content of the maternal diet on the appear­ ance of scaliness. Accordingly the stock ration and the same ration supplemented with 2.5 per cent and 5 per cent Wesson oil was fed to three groups of virgin females which were mated at the time the special feeding was begun. The offspring from the various groups were placed on the basal low fat ration at twenty days and kept under observation for the appearance of scaliness. The results of these tests showed that the level of unsaturated fatty acids in the maternal diet had a pronounced effect on the time required for the appearance of scaliness. In the case of the stock ration, the symptoms appeared in two to three weeks; on the 2.5 per cent Wesson oil supplemented stock ration the time required was four to five weeks and at the 5 per cent Wesson oil level, seven to eight weeks. It is obvious, therefore, that the amount of essential un— saturated fatty acids in the stock diet has an important bearing on the production of scaliness. Preparation of animals Albino rats twenty or twenty-one days old, weighing at least thirty-eight grams were used for the assays. In a preliminary trial it had been found that when only slightly older rats were selected the deficiency symptoms were slow to appear. The animals were then placed in pairs on the low fat diet and kept in cages provided with raised wire screen bottoms. They were weighed weekly and the condition of the feet and tail observed. Conduct of the tests After the rats were fed the low fat diet for three to four weeks and all showed the fat deficiency symptoms they were placed in single cages. The animals were arranged in groups of four with equal division of sexes and litter distribution wherever possible. The test materials were fed in separate dishes once a week and were usually quickly consumed. The dishes were fastened to the cage to prevent the animal from upsetting them. Two techniques were used in this study. test material was fed at three or more levels. In both cases, the The first technique adopted, consisted of feeding the same .amount of supplement per week throughout the experimental period of six to seven weeks. The rats were weighed weekly and the condition of the tail and feet noted. At the end of six weeks, the lowest level of fat or oil, which caused the complete disappearance of the scaliness of the feet and tail was considered as the effective level of test material. It was found in some cases that the scaliness almost disappeared and then as the animal became larger, again increased. This was un­ doubtedly due to the fact that the requirements of an animal for a certain factor depends on the body weight. Consequently a certain level might give indications of eliminating the symptoms at a given stage and later when the animal had gained in size there would be a tendency for the symptoms to recur and become progressively more severe. To overcome this difficulty a second technique was used* This method differed from the first in that the test material was fed weekly on the basis of grams of fat or oil per 100 grams of body weight* In the course of these experiments it was observed that the scales on the feet were a more sensitive indication than the scales on the tail* Usually the scales on the feet appeared a little after those on the tail and disappeared sooner. In all cases negative con­ trols were included and in these the scaliness on the tail and feet became progressively more pronounced. The negative controls did not weigh as much at the end of the experiment as the animals receiving fat. Throughout the experiment the condition of the tail and feet were recorded by means of the following symbols. Feet ± doubtful scales between the toes + definite scales between the toes ++ scales between and on dorsal surface of toes +++ scales between the toes, on dorsalsurface and a few extending up the leg ++++ dorsal surface of feet and leg heavily scaled 15. Tail ± doubtful scale at tip of tail + definite scales at tip of tail +4- scales extending about two inches from tipof tail +++ lower half of tail heavily scaled andridged slightly ++++ most of the tell heavily scaled and ridged The following materials were assayed: Wesson oil, corn oil, olive oil, raw linseed oil, soybean oil, cod liver oil, halibut liver oil, wheat germ oil, linolic acid C.P., methyl linolate methyl linolenate, butterfat, oleomargarine, lard, crisco, duck fat, goose fat, tallow and egg yolk. 16. Results The following data was compiled using the first technique. The test materials were: Wesson oil (a purified cottonseed oil), a vegetable oleomaigarine, lard, tallow, cod liver oil, halibut liver oil, wheat germ oil, butterfat (winter), oat oil (Avenol) and goose fat. TABLE 1 „ Supplement : * _ Sex : Weight of animal at * end of experiment Condition at end of Exp :---------------------5 tail : feet >son oil .05 gm per week .10 gm .15 gm .20 gm .25 gm .30 gm : ; : : M M F F : ; s : s : s s 284 grams 291 220 215 44 44 44 44 s s : : 44 ++ ++ 4 M : M s M : M ; 281 254 254 246 4 44 44 "I—h s 8 5 S ++ +4 +4 -f4- : : : : M M F F : : s : 515 514 212 209 +44 + 4 S S S : -f4 ± 4 : : ; : M M F F : : : : 352 287 255 217 ± ± 4 4 . . : ; 4 4 ± ± : : : : M M F F : : s s 285 552 220 218 4 - ; : — : — - s - : : : : M s M s F s F s 293 282 207 227 - : - — : — - : - — - : 17. TABLE 2 Supplement Sex « « « Weight of animal at end of experiment .Condition at end of Exp. tail s feet i Oleomaigarine 1 gm per week 2 gm 4 gm F F 272 grams 272 164 188 4-4-44-4-4+++ 4-4-4- M M F F 255 212 162 176 4-4-44-44-44-4- 4-4-444-44-4- 255 249 154 189 444* 4- + + ± M M M M F F s s : s s : s 4-44-44-4-44-4- TABLE 5 Lard 1.0 gm per week 2.0 gm 4.0 gm per week M M F F 262 222 171 164 4-444-44-4- 4-44+4* 4- M M F F 225 259 154 191 44-444- 444- M M F F 249 222 190 190 + “ _ - TABLE 4 Supplement : 4 Sex s : M F F i Weight of animal at end of experiment Condition at end of Exp. : feet tail s Tallow 1.0 gm per v,reek 2.0 gm 4.0 gm 218 grams 150 185 ++++ ++++ ++++ : : : M M F F 166 185 170 119 + +++ +-H-+ ++++ +++ ++++ : ! j : M M F F 251 150 154 150 +++ +++ ++ +++ s : s : +++ ++++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ TABLE 5 Cod Liver Oil .5 gm per week M M F F 508 grams 559 256 228 + + + + ++ + + + 5 : : s +++ ++ +++ +++ 1.0 gm M M F F 542 350. 202 234 -i— h + +++ +++ ++++ : s s * ++ ++ + +++ 2.0 gm M M F F 327 302 256 254 ++ +++ ++ ++ 5 ; : : + +++ +++ + + + + + TABLE 6 Halibut Liver Oil .25 gm per week M F F F 292 grains 224 217 210 ++++ ++++ +++ ++-H ++++ ++++ + +++ ++++ .5 gm M M F F 300 299 220 210 ++ +4-+ ++ + 4H—h+ ++++ ++++ +++ M M F F 306 268 213 218 ++ ++ ++ + +++ _j— —j4H—(■+ +++ 1.0 gm 19* TABLE 7 Supplement s _________ : Sex s Weight of animal at .Condition at end of Exp. : end of experiment : tail : feet Wheat Germ Oil .10 gm per week .25 gm .50 gm H F F F 502 grams £14 207 200 M M F F 525 286 222 211 M M F F 557 542 248 254 ± : + + + ± _ — — - — - - _ - - - - — — ++ ++ ++ ++ TABLE 8 Butterfat (Winter) : 2.0 gm : per week : : 4.0 gm 6.0 gm M M F F 286 grams 293 166 183 ++ ++ ++ ++ : : : : M M F F 307 276 190 193 + ± + + : : : : M M F F 271 297 184 171 _ - ± + _ - - - TABLE 9 Oat Oil (Avenol) • • 2.0 gm s • • • ♦ 5.0 gm 4.0 gm M M F F s : r 293 grams 304 220 213 M M F F 268 295 211 207 M M F F 286 299 225 214 : : : : ++ ++ +++ +++ : : : : ++ + +++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ± ± 20. TABLE 10 Supplement : : Sex : Weight of animal at .Condition at end of Exp. s end of experiment : tail * feet 1 gm per week : : : • M M F 310 grams 296 225 : : : M- 1.5 gm - F 290 218 210 M g F 285 300 217 ± F F F 220 222 218 Goose Pat y ++ - + - ± — ± • • 2.0 gm s : : . - • • 3.0 gm : : s — — - — - TABLE 11 Negative Controls F F F M M ++ + + + ++++ ++ +++ +++++ +++++ 180 grams 185 199 233 235 +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ The following materials were tested according to the second technique: Wesson oil, corn oil, duck fat, egg yolk, butterfat (summer), crisco, linolic acid C.p.-^, raw linseed oil, soybean oil, methyl linolate and methyl linolenate. The fat was fed weekly on the basis of grams per hundred grams of body weight. Table 12 shows the course of an experiment. * A product obtained from Eimer and Amend, New York, which contained at least 16 per cent <*• linolenic acid. 21. Pm Eh . »• 6 th -P w eek • H ■P *H £ O Pm 5th Eh • !• w eek Pm 4 th Eh 1 1 + H t>rH 1 1 44 CD 00 ^ 00 to CO H W tO 1 4* t 0 to rH O 05 64 64 64 t 1 1 CO 64 CO 00 05 64 64 H 94 05 O CO 64 to rH CO rH 05 f j to to • • • O 05 H CO 94 <*t> • # • g4 CD §4 • + • • t 44 +1 + -H + + + + ^ CO 05 to C- 00 LO C4 64 H • 0 t • + + +1 + + + + I 1 t + CO to t> 1 +1 t ++I N U 3 0 O O rH 05 CD 94 94 cO . . . N CO CD 64 64 CO • • t> H W W 44 + t + CD O 00 CD 64 rH 94 +1 LO to ^ . . . 44 + 1 1 + 1 CD O H tO OO H 94 H 64 64 O ^ • CD Ht to • ♦ ++I + 1 44 + + » 05 tO CD 05 r 4 - 4CO CO rH CO N ^ 1 —1 1 — ! 94 U5 LO ^ 94 64 rH • • • O CO CO 94 94 to CD CD CO 64 94 co 64 CD H CO CO -g Pm + i • • i— I • w eek 1 1 4- 3rd • t 1 1 rH 00 CO s W (X) H 94 94 lj Pm 2nd Eh i* * T-- 1 -P »H fs o ♦ + . . . + + 4. + + tO + + + 4. + 04 05 00 CD O tO