RECTILINEAR CONGRUENCES By CHUAN-CHIH HSIUNG A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR 03? PHILOSOPHY Department of Mathematics 194$ ProQuest Number: 10008479 All rights reserved INFO RM ATION TO ALL USERS The quality o f this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy subm itted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete m anuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest, ProQuest 10008479 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. P roQ uest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Professor Vernon Guy Grove for his kind suggestions during the preparation of this thesis. CONTENTS Page Introduction . 1 1* Differential Equations and Integrability C o n d i t i o n s ............. ................. 2. Transformations, Invariants and Covariants • 3* Power Series Expansions for the Surfaces Sy, 4 . 7 Sg. 12 4* Canonical Form of the Differential Equations and Loci of Some O s c u l a n t s ....................... 18 5* Moutard Quadrics ofthe Surfaces Sy , Sz . 6 * Segre-Darboux Nets on the Surfaces Sy, Sz . 23 * . 29 7. W C o n g r u e n c e s ...................................33 8 . Curves of the Focal Nets Ny,N z ................... 37 9. Correspondences Associated with the Focal Nets Ny, Nz ...................................... 40 10. Axis Congruences and Ray Congruences 11. The Congruences z 7 , y$ . . . . 44 and the Principal Congruence y 5 .......... .... ................. 48 12. Osculating Linear Complexes and Associated Linear C o m p l e x e s ............................. 52 Bibliography......................................... 5# RECTILINEAR CONGRUENCES Introduction In his prize memoir [11] (**■), Wilczynski has established the theory of a rectilinear congruence in ordinary threedimensional projective space by using a system of linear partial differential equations. However, his method of deriving the system of the differential equations is not completely geometric. The author proposes to remedy this lack of geometric content in the present paper* In §1 we introduce, by a purely geometric method, a completely integrable system of linear homogeneous partial differential equations which defines a rectilinear congruence in ordinary space except for a projective transformation* The integrability conditions of the system of the differen­ tial equations are also calculated* In §2 we study the effect, on the differential equations of § 1 , of a group of transformations which leave invariant the focal nets Ny , N z on the focal surfaces Sy , S 2 of an integral rectilinear congruence X of these equations* Some invariants and covariants of these equations under ( ) Numbers in brackets refer to the bibliography at the end of the paper* - 2 - this group of transformations are also obtained and listed. In §3 we calculate for the focal surfaces Sy, Sz local power series expansions, each set of which expresses a local nonhomogeneous projective coordinates of a point on one surface as a power series in the other two coordinates and represents the surface in the neighborhood of an ordinary point on it# In §4 a canonical form of the system of the differen­ tial equations of §1 is obtained by a geometric determina­ tion# We then reduce the power series expansions of the focal surfaces Sy, Sz in §3 to canonical forms, and find the loci of some osculants associated with the plane sections of the focal surfaces Sy , Sz made by a variable plane through a generator yz of the congruence X • In §5, by means of the quadrics of Moutard for the tangents to the curves of the focal nets Ny, N z of the focal surfaces Sy, S2 we study some special kinds of the congruence X and determine geometrically the unit point of the coordinate system for a general congruence X • In §6 , we find the equations of the curves of Darboux and the pencils of quadrics of Darboux at the focal points y, z of the focal surfaces Sy, Sz and geometrically characterize the congruence X when one or both of its focal nets are Segre-Darboux nets. The conditions for the both surfaces Sy, S 2 to be isothermally asymptotic at the same time are also deduced# - 3 - In §7, the Weingarten invariants and the tangential invariants of the focal nets Ny, Nz are derived and a simple geometrical characterization of a W congruence is given. §8 contains the local power series expansions for the u-, v-curves of the focal net Ny on the focal surface Sy. These expansions express two local nonhomogeneous projec­ tive coordinates of a point on each curve as power series in the other coordinate, and represent the curve in the neighborhood of an ordinary point on it. Quadrics having contact of different orders with the u-, v-curves and the surface Sy at the point y are considered. By a line lt[ 2[) we mean, as usual, any line through the point y(z) of the surface Sy(Sz) and not lying in the tangent plane of the surface Sy(Sz) at y(z); by a line 12 [ 1() we mean, dually, any line in the tangent plane of the surface Sy(Sz ) at y(z) but not passing through the point y(z). In §9, we derive two correspondences between and lz and between and 1 *, and present another new geometrical characterization of a W congruence* § 10 is concerned with the determination of the developables and focal surfaces of the axis congruences, and also of the ray congruences, of the focal nets Ny, N z of the congruence SC • The condition for the focal net Ny or Nz to be harmonic is also obtained. In §11, we study some covariant congruences associated - 4 - with the congruence X by methods similar to those used in § 10 * The last section is devoted to the derivation of the equations of the osculating linear complex along a genera­ tor of a W congruence and the associated linear complexes of the focal points y, z of the generator yz of the con­ gruence X * 1* Differential Equations and Integrability Conditions Eirst of all, we consider in ordinary projective space a congruence with two distinct proper focal surfaces S , Sz generated respectively by the two focal points y, y z of a generator yz of the congruence. Let the parametric curves u, v on the surfaces Sy, Sz be taken as the curves of the conjugate nets N , N in which the developables of the congruence touch the surfaces Sy, Sz ; and let the utangent at the point y of the surface Sy and the v-tangent at the point z of the surface Sz coincide in the generator yz. If we select two points 7 , 5 respectively on the v- tangent at the point y of the surface Sy and the u-tangent at the point z of the surface Sz, and if we suppose that the coordinates , 5 of the points 77 , 5 are functions of u, v; then it can be shown that the coordinates y, z, 07 # ^ of corresponding points y, z, >7 , 5 satisfy a system of linear homogeneous partial differential equations - 5 of the form yu = cky -t(3 z, Zy^ryt/z, yv = ay + c 7 , (1 .1 ) zu - b #z + e* 5 » 7^-my +nz+P7 + q zuu = m ty + n ,z + p f7 + q f5 (cc,p tq/Sr^O) in which subscripts indicate partial differentiation and the coefficients are scalar functions of u, v. The derivatives , 7 ^ and ^ as linear combinations of y, z, 7 , ^ ^ may be written by using equations (1 .1 ) and (yu )v ^^v^u* ^^u^v— (zv^u* the result is I 7 ^ - ry + nz/c + s 7 tq ^ / c , (1 .2 ) - m fy/c’ + sfz + p* 7 /cf + r ’ £ 7 ^ = e'yff'z + g*^ , in which the coefficients are defined by the following equations: - 6 - C6 cf = /3v + fiS cr = m - - a^, - a (3 , cs =p - Cv - ac, g = cL - (log c)u ; (1.3) o ,et= r u + o ( r - b ,r , c*f*= <^U +/<3K - c #r ,= qt - c ’s ’^n* - b^ - b t2, - b ,o f, g* = yU.PT=£0 ), (U*V**0), are scalar functions of u, v and the accent denotes differentiation with respect to the appro­ priate variable. The effect of the transformation (2.1) on the system of equations (1 .1 ) is to produce another system of equations of the same form whose coefficients, indicated by dashes, are given by the following formulas: - 8 - ot = o<. - /a , ^ = ,6 /i/A, y = y^/M, a = a - A v/ x , c=ciVa, b* =b* -m u/m , 5» = c'r^, I =i;(iA- . 2aAT +2>2/A), n=n>^/^, (2.3) < P =-^(p - 2c A y/ A ), q=qr/A, m^m'A/^, n ' = ^ ( n V ^ - ^ uu - 2b*/^u + 2 ^ 2/ ^ )> V'-V' U /m > 5 , = J-{l’ -Zo'My/su). The effect of the transformation (2.2) on the system of equations (1 .1 ) is to produce another system of equations of the same form whose coefficients, indicated by stars, are given by the following formulas: ^*= ^ W (u) = § - K, W (v )= ft‘ - H ’. W (v) = ft - H, I= C f//3 wtu)-*f I ’= c’e’/ r y , J ’= o’f ’, J = ce, L = c’s’ ^ v-(logK)UT, L ’= cr, y M = 3a + g ’-2 p/c -hq^/q, M ’= 3 b ’-f-g - 2q,/o,+ P ,u/pf9 K = n (2b ’ - q ’/e’+y' P - c ’n/q + qs’/n), N *- m ’(2a - p / c t ^ _ P = 2a - p/c+^>v , -cm’/p* t- p ’r/m’), P f= 2b’ - q’/c' -+■ y^u . where ^ = log A, ~f = log A ’ The effect of the transformation (2.2) on each of these invariants is given, with self-explanatory notation, by the following formulas: - 10 - A* = (l/V* )A, A* = {l/D')A», B *= (1/U'3)b , B .* = (i /Y*3)b », D* = (V,2 /U'2 )D, D'*= (U*2/7'2 )D', G* = (l/U,2V ,2 )G, H* = (l/G’V )H, k **= (i /u »v *)k :», K* = (l/U'V’)K, (2 .6 ) < §*=(l/tJ'V») f>, ft'*= (l/G'V) ft', ® * = (l/U'V') ft, §'* = (l/G'T*) W* . = (l/U'V')W, (u) (u)’ WfT) = d / u ' v )W(T), i* = (i/v*)i, w»* =(i/u*v*)w; ., (u) (u) I'* = (l/U*)l', j»* = (l/a’v )j *, L* = (l/U,2)Lj L'*= (l/Y'2 )L', M* = (1/V* )M, M ' * = (1 /U* )M’, N* = (l/V,2 )N, N** = (i/tr,2 )N*, P* = (1/Y')P, P»*= (I/O' )P» . These invariants are obviously not all independent. Among them it is easy to obtain the following relations: AA' = G/4>, (2.7) BB*=GK, v ) + I K = L ^ + A ft', IV + I(I + P - ^t )= L' +N, K» -ft* =3(H* - J), (2 .8 ) < ^ - r ’ - qu/ q = A * ; J^ + J'(P' - t u ) + I'H’= L t + A ' § , 1^ + X*(1»+P* - f u ) = L + N ' , H - § = 3(K - J'), S - s - Py P '=A. Prom equations (1 .1 ), by differentiation and substitution we may obtain the Laplace equation of the focal net V (2 .9 ) yuv = ( c Y^/yi* Y^/Y\ shall satisfy this equation identically in a u and av as far as the terms of a sufficiently high degree. The result to teims of the fourth degree is found, by the use of equa­ tions (2 .5 )9 to be - 16 - (3.6) y^/yl = '^y2/yl ^2/^ + 1^ 3/yi J2/2o2 + Bx (y2/yi)3 -o'I(y2/y1 )2 (y3/y1 )/2cp - qA» (yg/yj) (yg/y^ 2C*/3 + qM(y3/y1 )3/6c3+C 1 (y2/y1 )^+ ... + q [M t + M 2 + (P - ^ V )M +3L'J (y3/y.) 4/24c 4 ~t *••, where B1 = (q,/3 +CV./3 - Sb'c'/S - o'fin )/6/33, (3 .7 ) X 24/3^ (-c’/3 u u + c ^u/3+2c,M i - 5Vo*/8 + q^/S- Je'n'p- c U 2^ t5b'cU/3 - 3b‘2c ,/9 -fq^*^ )• The local coordinates z^, . z^ of any point Z near the point z on the focal surface Sz and an analogous power series expansion for the surface S 2 in the neighborhood of the point z can be obtained in a way similar to the forego­ ing, or else can be written immediately by making the substitutions /y>}> u l 3 c < / 3 a (3.8 ) e [ \ z ^ v 2 4 £ Y b* c* f* A B D G H K (3.9) c $ A* B» D' G K» H« ft' The result is ft f g m n p q r s\ )» e’ g* n ’ m* q* p ’ s* r’ / W(u) W, > I WJv) Wj J L M N P I* J« L* M ’ N* P* - 17 - -fJm’Au2 -f-( r u +oCrjauzw f£( Y^-trS + ax)av2 Z1 ™ + ^ e*P*+ m *Q.*/0* + i(my- -f-nfx -t-am* -P©#q f -f-p*r)AU2AV + i( ruv +<*v x-f- aru + x u J" *f*<^rv +rj'u +a<^r+otrJNY3 r2 )4uAv2 + -£( xw -t2axy t yv 7 of the surface Sy and also for the tangents zy, z£ of the surface S2 * By means of equation (4*1) and the series (4*9), we may obtain the expansion for the projection in the plane x^— 0 of the section Cy of the surface Sy made by a general plane (4*1): (5*1) Xo/x-i - c» /Xo\2 c f /cfq - c 'IX _ The osculating conic of the section Cy at the point y is given by equations (4*1) and (5*2) x-|X0 X ^ o* Xq ^ - 1 /c’q _ cfIX _ LX* ^x-,2 = 0* 0 2P ) As the plane (4*1) revolves about the line yz, the locus of this osculating conic is the quadric Qy^u ^ of Moutard for the tangent yz of the surface Sy, whose equation is found, by eliminating X (5.3) from equations (4*1), (5*2), to be x,x, - _c_' Xg2 - _g_ 2/3 x 32+ I. x -Xjl +J;_ xji.2 = 2c2 0 3 0. 2 c V> Similarly, the equation of the quadric Qz'v ^ £f Moutard for the tangent yz of the surface S 2 is (5*4) XpXo **—o_ x^2 _l —Ly Xo^-f d ^ 2r 2cr *—2——-x42 — 0 • cf 2c1 - 25 - In order to find the equation of the quadric Q y ^ of Moutard for the v-tangent of the surface Sy at the point y, let us consider a general plane through the line y : (5*5) By means of equation (5*5) and the series (4*9)» we may obtain the expansion for the projection in the plane of the section (5.6) of the surface Sy made by the plane (5 *5 )* = 3^ x^= 0 2 c 6 * ___ f kc^yU3 ( 2 /3 c}u.'cs^} p + ^5[ m t + m 2 +( p - The osculating conic of the section Ty, at the point y is given by equations (5 *5 ) and (5.7) ZiXo - _ L i A L l ± * %al2j3 +(P - V (3 + 4 ? K 6 - m2/3 M + 3l ’J} x 22 - ^ * 2 x3 - i i 7 x32 = 0 ‘ Elimination of ^ from equations (5*5), (5*7) gives the equation of the quadric Q y ^ of Moutard for the v-tangent of the surface Sy at the point y: (5.8) - c ’x 22/2/3 - 7 then 1 = 0, I ,= 0, respectively, Furthermore, these two planes coincide in case the focal nets Ny, N2 are restricted by the condition (5.14) The line 7 5 H f= § • intersects the two planes (5.11), (5.12) in two points with coordinates - 27 - (5.15) (0 , 0 , cL, - c'/3I), (0 , 0 , cri», - c'L*). The points (5.15) coincide in neither ^ nor 5 if, and only if, (5.16) LL» = II *K, and they are separated harmonically by the points >7 , 5 in case (5.17) LL» + II*K = 0. On the other hand, the polar planes of the points z, 7 ,% with respect to the quadric Q y ^ have the equations, respectively, (5.IS) °'x2 " a ’3:4 ==0> (5.19) 3qx3+ c M x ^ O , (5.20) Xj'+A’ x 2 -_M_ x 3 +_1[M2 -3MT-3(P-^t )m-9L*]x4 =0. If the planes (5*16), (5.19) pass through the point then n=0, M = 0 , respectively; and a similar argument can made with regard to the quadric Q,_^u ^. Moreover, the plane (5 .1 9 ) coincides with the polar plane of the point 5 with respect to the quadric Qz^ (5.21) in case MM* - 9 § . The line y ?] intersects the planes (5.11), (5.20) in - 28 - two points with coordinates (5.22) (X, 0, -c, 0), (M, 0, 3c, 0). These two points coincide in neither y nor ^ if, and only if, (5.23) 31+ M =0. Further, if the points (5 .2 2 ) are separated harmonically by the points y, y\ (5.24) then 31— M. Likewise, we can discuss the conditions similar to (5.23), (5.24). Finally, if the planes (5.10), (5.13) coincide, and if the points (4 *1 9 ), (4 -2 0 ) are coincident or separated harmonically by the points N z \ , then the focal nets Ny , are restricted by the conditions (5.14) and (5.25) § = ± 4 K. Now we are in a position to determine geometrically the unit point of the coordinate system. To this end, we observe that the locus of a moving point, whose polar planes with respect to the quadrics Qy^v ), Q,z^ intersect the generator yz at the same point, is a quadric, its equation can easily be found to be - 29 - (5.26) cc,x1 x 2 - cA’x ^ ^ - c’Ax^x^ + (AAf = 0. This quadric cuts the cubic curve of intersection, besides the line 7 points. , of the two cones (4 .1 1 ), (4 .1 2 ) in two It is easily seen that i^f m^ and n not van*ah at the same time for the congruence yz. then we may take one of these two points as the unit point of the coordinate system, and therefore we have (5*27) c = 2 r, c*=2/3, 3p*q t Im'n = 4 (m,q +np*)• 6 . Segre-Darboux Nets on the Surfaces Sy, Sz It is known that associated with an ordinary point 0 of a surface S there are three-parameter family of quadrics each of which has second order contact with the surface S at the point 0. A general quadric of this family intersects the surface S in a curve with a triple point at 0. In particular, if the three triple-point tangents of the curve of intersection coincide, then the quadric is called a quadric of Darboux, and the corresponding coincident triple­ point tangents and the curve of intersection are respectively called a tangent and a curve of Darboux at the point 0 of the surface S. In order to find the equations of the configurations mentioned above for the surface Sy at the point y, we first consider the quadrics having second order contact with the - 30 - surface Sy at the point y. The equation of a general one of these qudrics is obtained by writing the equation of the most general nonsingular quadric and demanding that the series (3 »4 ) satisfy this equation identically in au, A y as far as the terms of the second degree# The result can be written in the form (6 #1 ) ^i^ - cy x 22 2 ^3 q x ^2 + (k2x2 + k^x^ + k ^ x ^ x ^ 0 , 2c where k2 , k^, k^ are parameters. Each quadric (6.1) cuts the surface Sy in a curve with a triple point at y, whose tangents are in the directions satisfying the equation (6*2) 3cf/32k2du3 -h3cf/3(ck^ - I)du2dv + 3q(/3k2 - A*)dudv2 f q( 3ck3 +M)dv^ = 0 . It is not difficult to verify that if the binary cubic form that appears in equations (6 .2 ) is a perfect cube of a linear form, then (6.3) k2 =A*/4/3, k3 =(I - M)/4c, and therefore the equations of the curves and the pencil of quadrics of Darboux at the point y of the surface Sy are, respectively, (6.4) 3c*ySA*du3 - 3o*/3(3I tM)du2dv -9qA*dudv2+q(3I+M)dv3 = o, (6 .5 ) 4 c2/3x^x^-2 c2 c 1x2 2-2 q/3X 32 1c2A 1X2X4 +c^5(I -M)x ^xj^-f-k^x^2 =0 • - 31 - Similarly, the curves and the pencil of quadrics of Darboux at the point z of the surface Sz are respectively given by the equations (6.6) p* (3I,tM* )du3-9ptAdu2dv-3cr(3I*tM* )dudv2+3crAdv3 = o, (6.7) 2c *2cx^2-e1^Ax^X3“4c *2/X2X3~c *Y{1 1-Mf)x^x^-f^p V x ^ 2 •fIc^x^2 = 0, where k^ is a parameter. The equations in local coordinates of the tangents of Darboux at the point y, z of the surfaces Sy , Sz may easily be obtained from equations (6 .4 ), (6.6), (7.4), (7.5); the result we shall omit here. The polar line of the line y£ with respect to the pencil (6.5) of quadrics of Darboux at the point y of the surface S_ is y (6*8) x ^ - 4c/3X^ + cA ,X2 + /3(I - M)x3 =0, which intersects the line yz in a point (6.9) (-A*, 4/3, 0, 0), and passes through the point z or 7 in case n = 0 or I = M. Similarly, the polar line of the line Z 7 with respect to the pencil (6.7) of quadrics of Darboux at the point z of the surface Sz is (6.10) x 3 = c ‘Ax1 + 4c,r:ic2 + r(l' -M')x^ = 0, - 32 - which intersects the line yz in a point (6.11) ( 4 X , - A, 0, 0), and passes through the point y or 5 in case m* = 0 or I* = M f• Moreover, if the two points (6.9), (6.11) are coincident or separated harmonically by the points y, z, then the focal nets Ny, N z are restricted by the conditions (6.12) AA* =■ ± 16K. From equations (6.4), (6.6) it is easily seenthat the curves of Darboux correspond on the two surfaces Sy , Sz if, and only if, (6.13) W (u)=0, (3I+M)(3I,+ M») = 9AA*. It is known [4, p. 283] that if the curves of Darboux correspond on the two focal surfaces of a congruence, the congruence is a W congruence and both surfaces have the property of being isothermally asymptotic. Thus the conditions for the both surfaces Sy, S2 to be isothermally asymptotic at the same time can be reduced to the form (6.13)• On the other hand, a necessary for the u-curves or the v-curves and of the curves of Darboux is n = 0 or (5.23). sufficientcondition surface Syto be It is known that if the curves of one family of a conjugate net are curves of Darboux, then the curves of the other family must be the corresponding curves of Segre. Such a net is called a Segre-Darboux net. Combining the above results and the - 33 - ones in §§ 4, 5 we obtain the following theorem: The focal net in a Segre-Darboux net with the u- curves as curves of Darboux if, and only if, the -point $ is in the osculating -plane of the v-curve of the netNy at the point y* The focal net N^. in a Segre-Darboux net with the v-curves as curves of Darboux if, and only if, the line y y intersects, in the same point, the polar planes of the point $ with respect to the quadrics Qy(u ^, of Moutard at the point y of the surface S • J We shall call a congruence a Segre-Darboux congruence when the two focal nets of a congruence both are SegreDarboux nets* Noticing the theroem concerning the other focal net N z and similar to the above one, we may obtain a geometric interpretation for a Segre-Darboux congruence yz* 7* W Congruences The differential equation of the asymptotic curves on the surface Sy is (7.1) Ldu2 + 2Mdudv + Ndv2 = 0, where the coefficients L, M, N are the determinants of the fourth order defined by (7 .2 ) t = (yuu,y,yu ,yT )» M=(yuv.y>yu *y-v>> H = (yw»y»yu*yv> • - 34 - By means of equations (1.1), (3*1), it is easy to write equation (7*1) in the form (7*3) c'/3 du2 -f qdv2 = 0. The equations, in local coordinates, of the asymptotic tangents to the surface Sy at the point y may easily he obtained from the expansion (4*9) of the surface Sy, or else from equation (7*3) and the fact that the tangent at the point y to a curve C x belonging to the family defined on the surface Sy by the differential equation (7*4) dv - X du = 0, where X is a function of u, v, has the equations in local coordinates (7-5) = p x3 - e a x 2 =0. Similarly, the differential equation of the asymptotic curves on the surface Sz is (7*6) p*du2 -f- c X d v 2 -0. The asymptotic curves on the focal surfaces Sy, Sz correspond in case equations (7*3), (7.6) are equivalent. Then the u-tangents of the net N or the v-tangents of the V net N form a congruence of the special type called a W z congruence. Thus we reach the result that the u-tangents congruence in the Weingarten invariant W f„\ or W! . 1 'u/ (v) defined by equations (2*5) vanishes* From equation (2.10), (l.l), (1.2), (1.3) by differ­ entiation and substitution, any derivative of y-^ can be expressed as a linear combination of y, z, ^ , 5 , In particular, one obtains / y — (H - cf d / p )y H-c 7 , yiv=[°S - *c?//3-(ct/p)v]y + nz +(o8+ ov.o2f//5)7 +q5, (7.7) y. = (*)y + 3 Hz + (*) 7 , < luu 1 yiUV + ylvv^(*)y • n fiv/t3 + np/° + (*)7 +q(p/c - c^/c’ - /3v/^3 -t qv/q) 5 . From equations (7.7) and the ones similar to (7.1), (7.2), the differential equation of the asymptotic curves on the surface Sv sustaining the first Laplace transformed net N,, of the net Nv is found to be y y± (7.S) c '|6 Hdu2 + qftdv^ = 0. Thus the v-tangents of the net Ny form a W congruence in case the Weingarten invariant (2.5) vanishes. defined by equations - 36 - Similarly, the u-tangents of the net N z form a W congruence if, and only if, the Weingarten invariant vanishes. From the relation between the Weingarten and the Laplace-Darboux invariants of a conjugate net, we know immediately that , ft, and are respectively the tangential invariants of the focal nets N and Nz . Now we proceed to give a simple geometric interpre­ tation for the condition for the u-tangents or the vtangents of the net N to form a W congruence. The equation of any quadric having the lines yz, y^ , z £ as generators can be written in the form (7.9) x1x/f-fk1x2x3 + lc2x3x^ = 0, where k., k2 are parameters. A general quadric (7.9) intersects the surface Sy in a curve with a double point at y, whose tangents are found, from the series (4*9), to be (7.10) x ={c *//3)*22 + 2^ 12X 3 + qx32/c2 = 0. If these two tangents coincide, then (7.11) = c'q/c2/3 . Similarly, the quadric (7*9) cuts the surface Sz in a curve with a cusp at z if, and only if, (7*12) c*2 //cpf. - 37 - The conditions (7*11), (7*12) hold simultaneously in case W(u j= 0. Thus we arrive at the following theorem: A necessary and sufficient condition for the congruence yz to be a W congruence is that there exists a quadric (and therefore one-parameter family of such quadrics), which has yz, y ^ , z 5 as generators and whose curves of intersection with the focal surfaces Sy, Sz have cusps at the points y, z respectively. Similar statements can be obtained for both the congruences yrj and z 5 # A conjugate net whose Weingarten invariants both vanish is called [9 , p. 1077] an R net, each family of curves of an R net has tangents that form a W congruence. From the above theorem, we may also interpret geometrically a congruence when either of its focal nets or both are R nets. 8 . Curves of the Focal Nets Ny, N z By putting a v to zero, expansions (3.5) become the nonhomogeneous local coordinates of a point Y near the point y and on the u-curve through y of the focal net Ny , and therefrom we may easily obtain the power series expan­ sions for the u-curve of the focal net Ny in the neighbor­ hood of the point y, namely, - 38 - y3 _ »■ 6 (8 .1 ) < i t - yx ... p W ° ’ Tp 24 /B3 12 71 J Ui/ c*L (72^^ 8 p + ^yl Similarly, by putting a u to zero in expansions (3.5), we reach the following power series expansions for the v-curve of the focal net Ny in the neighborhood of the point y: n pr3\2 n (M+ ft/A* )/y3\3 La. yi 2c2 1^1/ 6c3 n [Mv f■M' 24c' + 3L* +( ^+211 ft)/A* + (P- 4>y )(M t ^ / A f)J^y3j4 (8 .2 ) < -f 1 • y-! • # j 2 c2 'yx/ y 3^3 q [Mv+M2t(P- ^>V )M -J----6c3 \ylI 24c^ + 3L ' J ( i 2] 4 + . . . . Analogous expansions for the u-, v-curves at the point z of the focal net N„ can be written by making the substitutions (3*8), (3.9) on the symbols. Prom expansions (8.1), (8.2), the quadrics (6.1) having second order contact with the surface Sy at the point y are the quadrics having third order contact with - 39 - both the u-, v-curves of the surface Sy at the point y in case (8.3) k2 = 0 » k3 = - M/3c. Thus we find that any quadric of the -pencil (8.4) ^i3^ - qz^2/2 c2 -MX3X4 / 3C = 0, where k^ Is arbitrary, has third order contact with the parametric curves of the surface Sy at the point y. If a unique quadric of this pencil is desired, we may choose the one that passes through the covariant point £ • The polar plane of the point with respect to any quadric of the pencil (8 .4 ) is the plane (5 *1 9 )• Among the quadrics (6.1) there is a pencil having fourth order contact with the u-curve (8 .1 ) of the surface S y at the point y. (8.5) with k2 = 0 * arbitrary. For this pencil we find k4 =L/2c73 The quadric Qy , (5*3) of Moutard for the u-tangent of the surface Sy is a unique quadric of this pencil [8 , p. 698 ], and for this quadric we have k-j =• 1/c • Among the quadrics (6.1) there is also a pencil having fourth order contact with the v-curve (8.2) of the surface Sv at the point y. J For this pencil we find - * 3 ko - = - M/30, (8.6) J k4 = I|^[M2 - 3Mr - 3(P -^V )M - gL» + 9nA»//3 - 18nk2J . 9 • Correspondences Associated with the Focal Nets Ny , N z Let us consider a curve Cx passing through the point y and belonging to the family (7 *4 ) defined on the focal surface S ; and let the parametric representation of the Jf curve Cx be u = u(w), (9.1) v = v(w). The parametric u-, v-tangents at points of the curve CA generate two non-developable ruled surfaces Ry(u ), Ry ^v ^ respectively. The points T = ty - z, (9.2) T = ty - 7 , where t, t are functions of u, v, lie on the parametric u-, v-tangents through the point y respectively, and the line determined by them lies in the tangent plane 0 of the focal surface Sv at the point y. j From system (1.1) and equations (1.2), one easily obtains Tu = (tu + t c O y +(t/3- b')z - o*5 , (9.3) i Tv = (tv +at - r ) y + c t "7 - <^z, - 41 - Tu =(tu + t<^- e)y+(t/3- f)z - g rj, Tv = (tv -f-at - r)y - nz/c + (ct - s)^7 - , x|, 0), the corresponding line (9.5) describes a plane, its equation is (9.8) jJLL x^x2 + x 2x 3 + [X1 + (f + n X/c)x|/^J = Consequently, a point (xf, x|, x*, 0) in the plane x ^ = 0 and the plane (0, u2 , u^, u^) through the point y are in the following correspondence: - 43 - r u2 - - qA/(C|3) x*, (9.9) J which coincide if and only if K =■ § . Thus we obtain another geometric interpretation of a W congruence: A necessary and sufficient condition for the congruence yz to be a W congruence is that the "polar planes of any point. except the points y, z, on the generator yz with respect to the two pencils (9*11), (9*12) of quadrics be coincident* 10. Axis Congruences and Ray Congruences The axis at the point y of the net Ny is defined to be the line of intersection of the osculating planes of the u-, v-curves of the net Ny at the point y. From equations (1.1), (3.1) it is easy to obtain the equations of this axis, namely, (10.1) x^ = qx2 - nx^ = 0. The point Y defined by (10.2) Y = ky + nz +q 5 is on the axis. (k scalar) Vi/hen the point y varies along a curve Cx of the family (7.4) on the surface Sy, the point Y generates a curve whose tangent at Y is determined by Y and Y f, which can be expressed as a linear combination of y, z, r( , *5 by using equations (1.1), (1.2), (1.3), namely, - 45 - (10.3) Y ^ f k * t ^ k + m V c ’ +(ak-f-nr + e fq)Aj y -hqs* + (n^. - m i S + f*q)A] z + [/3k -fb’n + ( c k X + p V c * ) ^ + [c’n + qu + qrf + (qv + q