SOME PHYSICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS OF FUMIGANTS IN SOILS by JEROME J. SIEGEL A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Soil Science 1951 ProQuest Number: 10008696 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10008696 Published by ProQuest LLC (2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author expresses his sincere appreciation to Dr. L. M. Turk who gave generously of his time and experience throughout the course of this study. He also wishes to thank Drs. R. L. Cook, A. E. Erickson, and J. F. Davis for their contributions of advice, suggestions, and physical labor which are reflected in sections of this discourse, and who, along with other members of the Soil Science Department, provided the kind of environment which makes any work pleasant. In addition, he desires to thank the Dow Chemical Com­ pany for providing a fellowship which made this study possible, and especially Drs. C. M. Dieter and ¥. C. Dutton of that organization for their interest and assistance. SOME PHYSICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EFFECTS OF FUMIGANTS IN SOILS By Jerome J* Siegel An ABSTRACT Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Soil Science 1951 Approved ABSTRACT Jerome J. Siegel Some Physical and Biochemical Effects of Fumigants in Soils The dispersion characteristics of 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane were studied using adsorption isotherms and radioactive tracer techniques. It was determined that the compeunds were sorbed by soils and that this sorption was primarily a func­ tion of the organic soil colloids. Diffusion of the compounds was greatest in a sandy soil, next greatest in a clay loam, and least in a muck. Optimum diffusion was obtained in a soil at the moisture equivalent. Diffusion in a water saturated soil was limited by the low solubility of the compounds in water, while they were strongly sorbed in an air-dry soil in a small volume around the injection point. The compounds diffused laterally and downward with little penetration into the soil mass above the injection point. Field and greenhouse experiments Indicated that Dowfumes N and W-40 were also fixed in soils and under certain climatic conditions, it was possible to attribute certain plant Injuries to residual effects of these fumigants in the soils. The use of 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane as soil fumigants accomplished a partial sterilization of the soil and resulted In a reduced activity of the oxidizing organisms. This caused a lowering of the bio-electric potential of the soils. Also, nitrification was inhibited permitting the accumu­ lation of large quantities of ammonium in the soils. Dowfumes N, W-40, and MC-2 retarded nitrification of ammonium which was added to soils with Dowfume N being most effective in this respect. Soybeans grown in culture solution with ammonium as their source of nitrogen responded favorably to an increase in calcium in the nutrient substrate. The plants were characterized 2 Jerome J. Siegel by an abnormally high protein content and matured earlier than soybeans whose sole source of nitrogen was nitrate• The ammonium decreased the uptake of other cations by the plants. Soybeans growns on soils which had been fumigated with Dowfumes N, W-40, and MC-2 also showed favorable growth responses when the calcium content of the soils was increased. There was a decrease in the mineral content of the plants grown on the fumigated soils which was attributed to the fact that large amounts of ammonium were taken up by these plants. The growth of soybeans and onions on muck soils which were treated with Dowfume N showed that fumigation could be of benefit at a time when available nitrogen is a limiting factor in plant growth. The plants matured earlier than those on the untreated soils, had a higher protein content, and produced higher yields. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION .................................. 1 EXPERIMENTAL SOILS ANDMATERIALS ................ 2 PART I - Adsorption and Diffusion of Fumigants in S o i l s .............................. 3 LITERATURE SUMMARY ....................... 4 EXPERIMENTAL............................ 5 Adsorption of Dichloropropene and Ethylene Dibromide on Soils ......... 5 Dispersion of Dichloropropene through S o i l s ........... . ................. 13 Dispersion of Ethylene Dibromide through S o i l s ................ . ............ 25 Field and Greenhouse Observations . . . . 37 DISCUSSION......................... 41 PART II - Effect of Fumigation on Soil Biochemistry LITERATURE SUMMARY ....................... EXPERIMENTAL....................... 45 45 47 Carbon Dioxide Production and Redox Potential after Fumigation ......... 47 Ammonification and Nitrification in Soils Fumigated with Dichloropropene and Ethylene Dibromide ................. 63 The Effect of Fumigation on the Nitrification of Ammonium Sulfate Added to S o i l s ..................... 73 Field Experiments and Observations DISCUSSION.......................... ... 7$ 36 PART III - Calcium and Nitrogen Relations with Respect to PlantGrowth ............ 91 LITERATURE SUMMARY ....................... 91 EXPERIMENTAL............................ 94 Growth of Soybeans in Sterile Sand Culture Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen and Varying Levels of Calcium................... 94 The Relationship of Calcium to Soybean Growth on Fumigated S o i l s ............ 105 DISCUSSION.............................. 110 GENERAL S U M M A R Y .............................. 113 LITERATURE CITED .............................. 116 INTRODUCTION Various volatile soil fumigants have been employed in recent years in an attempt to control certain pathogens which attack numerous host plants and thus decrease crop production. They have been used with varying degrees of success against organisms such as the bulb nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci, which infests certain onion fields and, H. schactti, a sugar beet nematode. They have also been used to control weeds in the preparation of seed beds and green-house benches. Investigations concerning the use of these fumigants have been reported which indicate that they affect plant growth in a manner which cannot be explained by pathogen or weed control. It is obvious that the successful use of any toxic material for the control of organisms will depend upon the ability of this material to disperse through the soil and reach these organisms in their micro-habitats. The subsequent growth of plants in this soil will then depend upon the ability of the soil to give up the fumigant to the atmosphere or the tolerance of the plant to the fumigant if it remains in the soil. It is also obvious that if certain species of the micro-biologic population are eliminated from the soil, the subsequent dynamic balance which is established will have its effect on plant nutrition. The purpose of this study was to investigate certain of these factors using commercially available fumigants and -2- their active components. EXPERIMENTAL SOILS AND MATERIALS Unless otherwise stated, the following soils were used in this study: 1. Oshtemo loamy sand: pH 5*6, organic matter 0.4$$• 2. Brookston clay loam: pH 6.3, organic matter 7«$6$. 3. Carlisle muck: a well decomposed organic soil with a pH of 6.5 and 13.6$ mineral matter upon ashing# The soil class was determined by the Bouyoucos hydrometer method (10), the pH by a Beckrnan pH meter, and the organic matter content by oxidation with 30$ hydrogen peroxide (37)* The fumigants used were: 1. Dowfume N: active components are isomers of 1-3 dichloropropene. 2# Dowfume W-40: ethylene dibromide in an inert solvent. 3* Dowfume MC-2: methyl bromide with 2$ chloropicr’in. 4 * 1-3 dichloropropene. 5. 1-2 dibromoethane. (This term is synonomous with ethylene dibromide and the two are used inter­ changeably in this study.) -3- PART I Adsorption and Diffusion of Fumigants in Soils With the advent of a more widespread use of soil fumigants, a reconsideration of certain aspects of the general problem has become necessary. Among these aspects is the movement of the fumigant vapors through the soil mass and their retention in the soil. It is a well known fact that both the colloidal in­ organic and colloidal organic fractions of the soil are capable of sorbing polar and semi-polar compounds (11,30). Thus, the ability of a fumigant to disperse through the soil will depend upon the chemical nature of the fumigant and the composition of the soil. An experiment was devised to test the degree of adsorption of certain fumigant vapors in selected soils and the ability of the soils to retain the vapors. The use of radioactive isotopes in tracer work has been widely practiced in recent times. This technique applied to the tracing of fumigants in soils has the advan­ tage, through its unusual sensitivity, of being able to de­ tect very low concentrations of material whether it exists as vapor in the soil air, dissolved in the soil water, or sorbed by the colloids. It was possible to prepare "labeled" samples of 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane and thus use a direct approach in tracing the movements of these compounds in soil. LITERATURE SUMMARY Most of the literature concerning the dispersion of fumigant vapors through the soil deals with the practical aspects of injection spacing for maximum control of organisms. Taylor (50) set up certain hypotheses for the most efficient distribution of fumigant vapors through the proper spacing of injections. This was based on exper­ imental determinations of dispersion ranges for satisfac­ tory control of specific organisms. With a biological assay method using the larvae of Popilia japanica, Fleming and Baker (1&) found that vapors of carbon bisulfide did not diffuse uniformly in all directions but moved laterally and downward from the point of injection forming a cone-shaped region with an apex close to the point of injection. Higgins and Pollard (22) concluded that soil fumigated with carbon bisulfide is characterized ' 03^ a high concentration of the fumigant in the injection zone and immediately below it. There is a rapid decrease in concentration as the surface is approached. Schmidt (40) in another bio-assay method using the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryza L ., reported that the vapors of chloropicrin and D-D mixture (a mixture of 1-2 dichloropropane, and two isomers of 1-3 dichloropropene) move most rapidly in a soil of moderate moisture content. The movement is less rapid in dry soil and least rapid in very wet soil. Retention time of the vapors in the soil is of the same order. -5- Polyakov (33) reported that chlorine penetrates sand to a considerable depth. However, absorption of the chlorine increases with the increase of organic matter in the soil. Chisholm and Koblitsky (14) found that methyl bromide was strongly sorbed by peat. Clay was less effect­ ive and sand still less in sorbing the compound. found that dry soil sorbed more than wet. They also Fuhr and Bransford (20) however, found little to no sorption of methyl bromide in a sandy clay containing 11$ water. They reported marked sorption of COCI2 , HgS, HCN, and SOg on the same soil. EXPERIMENTAL Adsorption of Dichloropropene and Ethylene Dibromide on Soils. Under constant conditions of temperature and pressure the amount of vapor adsorbed by an adsorbent will vary with the nature of the vapor and the nature of the adsorbent. The illustration in figure 1 depicts the apparatus used in this experiment. The soils used were a Brookston clay loam, a muck, and Wyoming Bentonite (montmorillonitic clay). The soils were air-dry containing 3 *2, 12.4, and 9.2 percent moisture respectively. After screening through a 0.5 mm. sieve, the soils were individually placed in the adsorption bulb. 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane vapors were then drawn through the bulb at the rate of 50 ml. of vapor per minute. (The rate of flow was determined by i. APPARATUS FLOW REGULATOR fioure a THE FUMIGANT OF ANHYDRONE BUBBLE BOTTLE ADSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS DETERMINATION DESORPTION FOR -6- cr < 3 3 2 O < > -7- inserting a gas burette into the system.) Periodically, the adsorption bulb was removed from the system and weighed on an analytical balance. The quantity of vapor adsorbed per gram of soil (x/m) was then calculated. The data for the adsorption of the dichloropropene and dibromoethane on the two soils and on the Bentonite are presented in table 1. temperature of 25° C. The data are for a soil -S- 0 £ 0 X! 1 o -P 0 O £ rQ £ *H X* -P O nO CM ON VO ON rH -4 to on to nO £ cd ,0 Xl •H P O O o o -4 C\i CM -4" NO cm O O o CM 1 —1 1 —I o -4 [> CM O to • rH 01 o 1— 1 •rl 0 O 0 cd 0 £ XI bO P £ XJ 0 bO ft £ O xi • £ 0 £ £ PQ O 1— I 0 Pi ft £ •H 0 O CO UN to ON CM C"- CNi O o o o o o 0 -GO -4 on ON 01 o CNi on UN ON o o 1 —1 1—I CNi CNi o o o ON o to UN o NO NO o UN o CNi -4 -4 -4 o o o o o I —I UN •GO NO ON ON O On ON O O o o CNi CNi Q ft 0 £ £ 0 O ftp o 0 £M fto I O a o o o £ £ O CQ X! |P r £ x; xJ 'H CCS o xJ £ 1o O 1— I

•iH 0 0 CH £ £ 0 O X! ft P >» cd P > o -4 O Q ft I O 0 0 PQ a 11 o O 0 £ 0 0 -p 0 •H X! X> Xl •H P Q £ rH CNi O O O on CM ON to nO CNi GO ON ON on O CM O -4 ON CM O O ON O ON o on o On rH on nO GO NO O ON O ON O ro o O O O 1—1 O O ON rH O O ON 1 —1 0 0 -4 CM 0 O -P I O 0 £ £ O £ *H CQ 0 O£ 1— I ft £ O 0 o o o O 0 0 -P O *H *H £ P O CO p *H £ -P 0 XI ft o o o o o £ rH Pi £ NO I o ONrXJ XI ON CNi •H P Q 0 0 £ £ to £ I —1 0 Xl ft X! o o I —I o O I —I o CM O NO GO CM o CM O 0 UN CM O O 1 >- O UN GO •H £ on -4 C£ ft Xi cd 0 xl EH 0 rH £> cd E-t £ O ■» -H -J?- P £ cd > 0 o £ O o • -1 1 £ 0 •H 0 I o O o 1 0 Q 0 W M XJ O£ a a 0 O O O P Cm £ O 0 0 b 0£ p cd CT*XI bO £ 0 0 > X! m- too i —I o CM PA I —I o o O o o o o to Xl 0 Eh £ o If P * 03 CNi 0 o SO I —I p eh on o sn o P OH hO m 1 —I i—I O o in­ to •H O 0 P on 0 UA O CM O O o on Oh o o £ •H o CO o m - m- mo o o o o o PA rH 0 0 •h p •h O UN UN to •H P CQ 0 O *H aj p aj xl ON to CM O on on PAC4 1O H tg

OP P P P S P O C o 0 0 0 P Po PP P -p PP. 0 SH-H •H p g O X h e 0J 0 p> a)ft LTS P"\ O -60 O O CM of'N-jvO H o *r\o4-o i —I rH -60 0 0 0 0 CM p 0 0 pp O-CO -3-to Eh CM »-r\iH rH o O'-O Eh o CM O LT\rH H LTN-4- roH 3 3 Eh O O CM I— I 0 •H H o p CO Fi P co «rjJ «=3j «tj •oo tu CO < X 0. <0 3 s 3 X to tz 3 o o m o in THE AT _ i t in ir-/' i ^ F OJ I.PF MOI9T.I QICHLOROPF jPENE PATTERN !f- 2 OF o oo o IN BR00KST0N < DISPERSION S s 3 X 4. I O < M 0 2 -j CO o o cd < O c >- 0. 2 CO < — Q CM L SURFACE < ro £ i 2 Z o (0 2 Ui figure < M- Z O <0 2 UJ Q; > W (E Q < Q ft* Z UI -) I- C> < od -24- O co o \- < /> ^ cl > Ui CL a. < o CO ^ S 2 Q 3 o £T CQ o Ll I h< CO o SURFACE 3 *D 2 3 X or SOIL ZJ UJ Z LJ O Q_ cr o « 2 cm.-> cr 3 X O Q U0| / Z\ X L I I— l •oo s o c/> UJ I— 3 Z = cr UJ CL to o (0 Iz o 3 to o o 1 0 lO UJ o: 3 O -25- There is a greater lateral dispersion of the dichloropropene in the humus phase of the moisture saturated soil. Diffusion downward in the air-water phase is strongly diminished and the small and relatively constant concentra­ tion of the fumigant in this phase, lateral to the point of injection suggests that its movement is limited by its low solubility in water. Dispersion of Sthylene Dibromide Through Soils Radioactive bromine can be obtained as KBr with the bromine having a mass number of &2. This isotope of bromine has a half life of 34 hours and disintegrates to yield nega­ tive beta particles with a maximum energy of 0.465 M.E.V. Associated with each beta disintegration are three gamma rays in cascade with energy levels of 0.547* 0.7&7, and 1.35 M.E.V. (36). This high energy gamma emission allows for a different tracer technique than was used with the dichloropropene since it is possible for the gamma radiation to penetrate a relatively large mass of soil. A quantity of radioactive KBr equal to approximately 40 millicuries of energy was dissolved in 2 ml. of water and this was placed in contact with 4 ml* of 1-2 dibromoethane in a small glass reaction vessel. After standing for 24 hours, a small amount of the dibromoethane was re­ moved and tested for particle emission. The fact that some emission was detected indicated that an exchange of -26- some of the active bromide ions from the KBr solution had exchanged with some of the bromide on the dibromoethane. Approximately 0.75 ml* of the labeled compound was injected into the Brookston clay loam which was contained in 3/16 in. lead boxes. The soil in one of the boxes was air dry and in the other, at the moisture equivalent. 26 cm. square and 16 cm. deep. The boxes were One side and the cover of each box had 6mm. holes drilled through in strategic places. The injection of the compounds was made in the center sur­ face of the soils and 3cm. deep. Periodic emission counts were made by placing a G-M tube hooked into a scaler against the sides and covers of the boxes. The tube was shielded with a lj in. lead casing and was attached to a columnating device consisting of a 6 in. steel tube contain­ ing a series of lead discs with 6 mm. perforations in the center. Thus, the columnator could be placed directly against the openings in the lead boxes and comparable counts made repeatedly from the same place. In order to ascertain the rate of decay of the Br^, the columnated G-M tube was focused on the reaction vessel containing the remainder of the dibromoethane and radio­ active KBr. Periodic emission counts were made from a standardized position. figure 6. The decay curve is presented in Because the potassium in the KBr is also radio­ active (ti - 12.4 hours), the counts recorded on the scaler 2 -27fig u re e. COMPOSITE DECAY CURVE FOR T HE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES IN TWO K42 Bf)82. 100 COUNTS PER MINUTE (X IO O ) 50 too 50 TIM E IN HOURS 50 -2g- included particle emission from the potassium as well as the bromine. However, since the half-life of the potassium is shorter than that of the bromine, after a time the counts recorded were due primarily to the bromine. When plotting the decay against time using a logarithmic scale, it can be seen that the decay curve becomes a straight line. This straight line portion of the curve is due to the emission from the bromine and if it is extrapolated to time s 0, the decay for bromine alone is ascertained. Using this extrapolated value, it was possible to compare the emission counts recorded from the boxes containing the soils at any given time by adjusting the magnitude of these counts by a factor which made them comparable to those at the time of the first reading. The data recorded in tables 6 and 7 give the adjusted counts recorded from the soils through time • -P £ 0 i— 1 •M• CM to 0 U 3 -P nO nO i—1 c o ■—1nQ CM 150 LO CM i—1 CM O n O - CM O H O tO CO c o CM -4 0 - 0 - - 4 - ON - 4 L O tO I> CO 1—| c o to O -to U A \Q cm O LO CM rH rH t > - t 0 -4 rH CM rH tO CM CM l o -4 H ' O I> - t O CM o^vrH i r \ - 4 c o O to U A c O rH CM - 4 - 4 l o nO rH O t o CO CO CM CO CO CM -P CO • 0 •H .— . O 0 Jh a 3 p O cd '— - U *H <+-( O CD a -4 CM 0 •H -p o ■p o P 0 P 0 0 CM S C"- •H EH a i— 1 *H u 0 O -co -4 0 Ph >» T3 0 -4 -p fj 3 C O rH 0 U cm U 2 t O IA- OO O 0 CO CM rH O •rt O 0 0 0 £ £ £ o rH 0 JO O i— 1 0 JO • • a a o o -4 CO o o - o n -co t o O - rH 0 \ CM O - CO v O tO 0 - 0 co i— 1 i—1 CO LO O 00 o t o O—i— 1 i— 1 H O - 4 - ia L O C O O cm o to o to ONC\J[> CM \ 0 -60 tO t>- O - On "CO to CO tO O n O n i— 1 O CO o CM CM - 4 CO rH On i— I On nO CM rH i— 1 •H • a o -p P LOtO tO ON U 3 — o 1— 1 0 rO *H *H -4 0 N C M i— 1 *H *f“5 0 3 0 0 U u o o ch nO co 0 O cd cm 0 TO 0 o cd COrH o cti i— i •H d O o CO •H P O O n c o C '- t O rH rH rH O L O O CM LO £>-tO CM rH CM CM LO - 4 rH -4 t o t o CM rH o to o O c o O nt o CM rH o oO O- rH - 4 0 On On to H CO 1—1 O L A 4 0 to— ( —1 O n - 4 On On -4 t o On CM CM rH t o On rH I —I O CM NO O i— 1 O CM VO O i— 1 a o jCJ o o 6. ONUOCM Lr\ 4 'A 'C i O to CO I—1 0 0 CH 3 a Table !>- i> •H 3 cr hO a •H 0 • — 40 • £ P o •H 3 0 O O nj -P 0 * n Q h*-— «• 0 •H CJ X -H Q aj O CM nO O H Average of three close counts for each determination. All counts recorded below 95 per minute are considered to be part of a variable background and are not considered to be indicative of the presence of the compound. Emission counts from radioactive 1-2 dibromoethane injected in Brookston soils at two moisture levels: lateral dispersion from vertical axis through point of injections. * -29- -30- 0 O P CO Ch o p o o 0 0 •H CO X 0 a -H 0 P P P 0 P hO o S3 0 o • O H S3 0 •H 0 0 O •H S3 0 0 Pi 0 P 0 0 O. O 0 a •H o p Sh P rH ■H 0 P O •H CM P 1 0 i— 1 0 > 0 > •H P •• O 0 0 i— 1 o 0 •H > •0 0 0 rH 0 0 * ■ifbO 0 P o 0 •H 0 0 tQH •H •H a O ro 0 0 I —I p 0 B-t OH > -H 0 •H P 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 4 0 0 p 0 0 0 •H -H ch o a Ch 4 4 CM O Ob I— 1 CM O rH to rH to Ub CM i—1 • --* n}" 0 cm 0 Ob 4 Ob i— 1 Mb to Mb 4 Ob O CM CH 4 Ub On vO 4 CM vQ Ob [> i— 1 CM i—1 \Q Ub to CM i—1 Ob Ob ON to ON On Mb cCM i— 1 0 O P 0 0 a rH •H P -H O CO O P O P — ob 0 ub Mb o •H P O 0 •<“3 0 P 0 ■■» O 0 0 0 0 P 0 O O - i—1 O to Ub 4 CM i—1 CM Mb CM rH to Ub to •to -4 O O CM CM O I>- O NO o CM rH rH -h o 0 >, 0 0 0 o. 0 p p 0 0 O <$ o to 4 4 CM -* • 0 O *H P O 0 *r-3 0 *H i— 1 vO Mb cj P F * '0 O 0 0 P I— oc UJ UJ h< o Q CD UJ CD 2 3 Z OC BROOKSTON PATTERN UJ DRY O AIR o DISPERSION CC STABILIZED SOIL OF Z O H* < 9. ETHYLENE (/) f i gu r e DIBROMIDE IN - 35 - pL HO STABILIZED DISPERSION PATTERN OF BROOKSTON SOIL AT THE MOISTURE ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE EQUIVALENT POINT Ll_ OC UJ 10. u: figure IN -36- -37- Field and Greenhouse Observations Certain qualitative data on the spread and retention of certain fumigants in soils was gained from the following observations. It is not uncommon to notice the odor of Dowfume N or Dowfume ¥-40 in muck soils for periods of one year or longer after fumigation has taken place. This is usually true if the interceding time is characterized by a great deal of rainfall. Thus, the fumigant is believed to be carried to the surface by a rise of the water table. How­ ever, consideration must also be given to the fact that if the period following fumigation is wet and cool, and if a certain quantity of the fumigant is fixed in the soil and localized around the point of injection, then biological TldetoxicationIT of the fumigant will be retarded and quanti­ ties will remain in the soil per se for long periods of time. A field of muck soil in ChandlerTs Marsh near St. Johns, Michigan was fumigated in the fall of 1949 with Dowfume N at the rate of 40 gallons per acre. The field was planted to carrots in 1950, and abnormal branching of the roots was noticed. pulled from this field. Plate 3 shows some typical carrots That this branching was not due to root knot nematode damage can be seen by the fact that the roots do not have the knotted appearance typical of this kind of damage. It seems more probable that the carrot roots grew down into the soil until they reached a - 33- Plate 3« Typical branched carrots pulled from a field of muck soil fumigated with Dowfume N. concentration of a toxic substance which damaged the meristems which in turn stimulated lateral branching and growth from the crowns. In this case, the fumigant was injected approximately three inches below the surface which was also equal to the extent of vertical growth of the carrot roots. Spot$ checks made of the stand showed that approximately 30 percent of the carrots were branched in this manner. Those carrots which were not branched were also not greater than three inches in length for the most part. They were, however, grouped so closely togeth­ er that lateral branching was probably impeded. One-gallon crocks were filled with Oshtemo loamy sand and Brookston clay loam and soy beans were planted - in them. 39- After the seeds germinated the plants were thinned to three per pot which approximately formed an equilateral triangle of about five inches on each side. When the plants were about, nine inches tall, 1 ml of dichloropropene or ethylene dibromide was injected into the soil half way between two plants and one inch below the surface of the soil. equivalent at the time. The soils were at the moisture The dosages used were far greater than the amount normally recommended for field use. Plates A and 5 show the results of the use of these com­ pounds in the two soils. Plate 4. Crock 1 contained Brookston clay loam. Ethylene dibromide was injected between the two plants on the right. Crock 2 contained Oshtemo loamy sand. Ethylene dibromide was in­ jected between the two plants on the left. - 40 - Plate 5* Left - Oshtemo loamy sand. Dichloro­ propene was injected between the plants on the lower right. Right - Brookston clay loam. , Dichloropropene was injected between the plants on the left. All the plants wilted after injection of either compound in the Oshtemo soil. The wilting took place within 12 hours after the injections were made. The plants never recovered from the wilting and died from what appeared to be an inability to take up water through the root systems. Examination of the roots showed that the surfaces were highly corroded. This corrosion was probably due to direct contact with the fumigants. In the Brookston soil, there was only a slight wilting, of the two plants between which the fumigant was injected. This was true upon the use of either of the compounds. The third plant in each crock was unaffected and continued normal growth. After a few days, the visible symptoms of wilt on the affected plants disappeared and all plants continued to grow. Examination of the roots of these plants showed only -41- small areas of corrosion and this only on those roots which were adjacent to the point of injection of the compounds. Though the roots of each of the three plants in each pot were dispersed more or less through the entire soil mass, the effective area for absorption of water could be considered to be unaffected in those plants not adjacent to the point of injection. It is believed that the above observations support the hypothesis that large quantities of the fumigant are fixed in certain soils and that this fixation is primarily a function of the amount of colloidal organic matter present. As was previously shown, a colloidal inorganic soil fraction of large surface area would probably adsorb certain quantities of the fumigants, but the bonding energy is not strong enough to give the concentration gradients exhibited in these cases. DISCUSSION The results of these experiments indicate that the extent of dispersion of dichloropropene and of ethylene dibromide are approximately equal in identical soils at the same moisture level. There is little, if any, pene­ tration of the fumigants into the soil mass above the point of injection if the soils are allowed to remain un­ disturbed after treatment. The dispersion is lateral and downward from the point of injection with the greatest -42- concentration of the fumigant localized around a vertical axis through the point of injection. Probably because of its greater weight per unit volume, the ethylene dibromide shows a greater concentration at the lower depths of pene­ tration than does the dichloropropene. There is evidence as indicated by the data that large proportions of the compounds are concentrated in a relatively small volume of soil around the point of in­ jection, and that this concentration is primarily due to an association of the compounds with the colloidal organic matter present in the soil. This association may be due to strong chemical adsorption or to mutual solution. Thus, it was shown by the use of radioautographs that dispersion of the dichloropropene was greatest in the sandy soil containing very small amounts of organic matter; next greatest in the clay loam containing relative­ ly large amounts of organic matter; and least in the muck which contained extremely large amounts of organic matter. There is evidence to believe that the same relationships hold for the ethylene dibromide. It was shown that a colloidal mineral soil constituent does not play a great role in fixation of the compounds in the soil. In consideration of the moisture content of the soils at the time of fumigation, the soils at the optimum moisture level (moisture equivalent) allowed for the greatest vertical penetration of the vapors. There was -43- also an indication of lateral dispersion but a very great concentration gradient existed around the point of inject­ ion. With the soil containing enough water to saturate it, vertical movement of the dichloropropene was decreased, but lateral dispersion was more extensive and the concen­ tration gradients were not so severe. It seems probable that dispersion of the organic fraction is more extensive under these soil conditions. Also, the unassociated fraction of the applied compound has more water in which to dissolve and movement of the compound in the water phase is limited by its low solubility in water. There is evidence to believe that the ethylene dibromide behaves in the same manner. Dispersion was least extensive in all directions in the air-dry soils. Further evidence which showed the effects of certain soils as they pertain to fumigant dispersion was gained from observations made on soybeans which were grown in the Oshtemo and Brookston soils and later fumigated with Dowfumes N and W-40. The plants growing in the sandy soil all died in a very short time after treatment with either fumigant. The roots were strongly corroded and it appeared as though the plants died from an inability to take up water. Treatment in the clay loam soils did not materially affect the plants. It was apparent that large quantities of the fumigants were fixed within the immediate vicinity of the point of injection and thus did not reach the plant roots and damage them. Further observations made on carrot -44- roots growing in a muck soil nine months after the soil was treated with Dowfume N showed damage to the roots which was attributed to a residual effect of the fumigant in the soil. There were indications that dispersion of the different compounds and fumigants used was almost complete after three hours and that a stabilized equilibrium was reached within 24 hours. It also became apparent that the compounds traveled through two phases; the humus phase and the air-water phase in which an equilibrium exists between the compound vapor and solution forms. The effect­ iveness of these fumigants will thus depend upon the rela­ tive concentration in these two phases and the severity of their action in the different phases. -45- PART II Effect of Fumigation on Soil Biochemistry Though soil fumigants are used to control specific plant pathogens, attention must also be paid to the effects that these treatments have on the microbial popu­ lation as a whole. One finds many instances in the liter­ ature of reported effects on crop growth different from that which could be expected from control of the pathogens. The purpose of this portion of the study was to study cer­ tain changes which occurred in the biochemistry of the soil as a result of fumigation. LITERATURE SUMMARY Early research with chemical disinfectants has established the fact that their use as fumigants accomplish­ es only a partial sterilization of the soil (15). Wakeman and Starkey (57) confirmed this and showed that partial sterilization results in an increase in the bacterial population and in ammonium accumulation. Work by Matthews (26) indicated that fumigation with certain compounds increased the bacterial population while other compounds did not affect it. In general, the majority of the early workers agreed that the beneficial results ob­ tained from soil fumigation was due to increased bacterial activity which made increased amounts of nutrients available -46- for plant growth (16, 3$> 39)• More recently, Stark and Smith (47) reported that low dosages of chloropicrin had little effect on nitrate formation, but as the dosage was increased, nitrification was inhibited. In no case was ammonification inhibited, r but the total amount of nitrogen made available for plant growth was materially increased only where high dosages of the chloropicrin were used. Bogopolskii and Bershova (9) reported an increase in the yields of tomatoes, oats, and potatoes after fumigation with chlorine and phenol. The activity of the ammonifying and nitrogen fixing bacteria was increased, while that of the nitrifying bacteria was decreased. Smith and Wenzel (46) Similar results were reported by using benzene hexachloride as a fumigant. As a result of the increased microorganism activity and the elimination of certain species, other re­ lated effects have been noted in soils after fumigation. Beames and Butterfield (7) reported that the oxygen content in non-sealed pots was decreased by with methyl bromide. after fumigation Sherman and Fujimoto (43) showed that the exchangeable iron in the soil was increased after treat­ ment with chloropicrin and D-D mixture and Timonin (52), while working on the manganese deficiency disease of oats, reported that plants grown on "manganese deficient" soil were free from manganese deficiency symptoms after the soil -47- was treated with chloropicrin or formaldehyde. The treatments greatly reduced or completely eradicated the bacteria capable of oxidizing manganese. EXPERIMENTAL Carbon Dioxide Production and Redox Potential after Fumi­ gation One method for measuring changes in the metabolic activities of soil microorganisms is to measure carbon dioxide production in the soil (56). Also, in view of the fact that the bio-electric or redox potential is the sum total of the oxidizing and reducing tendencies in the soil, it was believed that investigation as to the nature of this potential would offer a valuable insight on the state of the soil system after fumigation. Redox potential in and of itself is probably not too important since it varies so greatly from soil to soil, but changes in the potential may be related to the state of the soil after treatment and help to explain certain of the phenomena observed after treatment. Volk (55) has developed a laboratory method for the determination of redox potential where measurements are made on a soil sample immersed in nitrogen saturated water. Bueher, (12), however has noted that the bubling of nitrogen through soil suspensions results in a decrease in the redox potential whether or not the soils were puddled or sterilized. Quispel (35) has suggested that accurate measurements of the redox —if$— potential of the soil system can only be made in place and has developed a method to accomplish this* An experiment was devised to simultaneously measure the carbon dioxide production and redox potential in soils after fumigation* in figure 11* The apparatus used is diagrammed Oshtemo loamy sand, Brookston clay loam, and Carlisle muck were placed in the spherical glass containers and saturated with distilled water. The quantities of soil necessary to bring the soil surface to one-half inch of the opening at the top of the containers was 500, 450, and 175 grams respectively. The soils were then brought to approximately the moisture equivalent by draining off the excess moisture with a 40 cm* column of water attached to the small opening at the bottom of the glass container. The cork containing the platinized platinum electrode, the KC1 in agar bridge, and the intake and outlet tubes were placed in the opening of the container and saturated with paraffin to insure an air-tight seal. Carbon dioxide free, moisture saturated air was then passed over the soil and bubbled through a standard barium hydroxide solution. The rate of air flow was maintained at approximately 40 ml. per minute. Periodic titrations of the barium hydroxide with standard sulfuric acid indicated the quantities of carbon dioxide evolved from the surface of the soil through given periods of time. _____ APPARATUS FOR ' DIOXIDE DETERMINATION CARBON THE e l e c tr o d e " PLATINUM PRODUCTION OF REDOX POTENTIAL 1-------- POTENTIOMETER AND -50- Simultaneous with the measurement of carbon dioxide evolution, the redox potential was measured by attaching the platinum electrode to a potentiometer and completing the circuit through a calomel cell connected through a saturated KC1 solution to the KC1 in agar bridge. In this system the redox potential of the soil could be measured in place and variations in the potential through time plotted as a continuous function. The soil was considered to function as a half cell being compared to a standard calomel cell in order to obtain a measurement of the over­ all state of its oxidation-reduction tendency. After the electrodes in the soils had come to a state of equilibrium as determined by constant voltage readings, the soils were fumigated with 0.50 ml of 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane. The compounds were introduced into the center of the soil mass by push­ ing a hypodermic needle attached to a syringe through the cork stopper and slowly ejecting them. The hole in the stopper was then resealed with paraffin. The carbon dioxide which evolved from the soil and reacted with the barium hydroxide was subsequently evaluated for two hour periods at various intervals after fumigation and a comparison was made, with these quantities of carbon dioxide and that evolved from untreated soils. presents these data. Table 9 -51- Table 9* Dibromo­ ethane A comparison of carbon dioxide-production in Oshtemo, muck, and Brookston soils after treatment with 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane. xJ 0 to Pi rH cd *H ao a w O o xi 0 XJ P 0 cd tO ( A O r l ^ f ^ n I A \ D ^ ) C M O H C M > O M N CM CM CM rH rH rH O CM CM ICN CM cr\ -4- c*\0 4 - 4 0 i— | LT\ lf\ i — |vQ i— 1CM O^v -4 ro CM rH -4 0NrH o"\ CM O CM - rH rH CM i— I r H O O C v- - 4 C M O r H U N , 4 H 0 C M I A H 0 4 H i—1i—1i—1i—1i—1i—1i—1 -CO '-T\tO H c ^ O M ) H t O « • • • • • • • • 4 4 c^ cm 4 ixn 4 o~\ to O nO -4 o"\ O n - 4 0 CM CM O O O O c W VI/ 3 Pi Xi P 1 o Pi o o PJ 0 PS 1—1 0 P ! sa o o ■H Pi P« 3 p* P CMP O *H O Q Ph XJ 0 P cd • P 0 Pi p P O r H O O t O t O r H 4 4 i—1i—1i—1i—1 i—1 PS P CM f M 0 PL, 0 p XJ xf 0 O > *H I—1 Pt O 0 J> 0. pi 0 s p l o S 0 o £ p, 0 p p ir \to ONP •H Pi Eh P i —1 CN cr\to O to O O O O o s 0 p p W o p o Pi £ xi 0 O P xi o CO 1 *H o 03 i— Xi CD -P CIS CD S-i P £ opCM>-f\opupl>~-4n4cM - 4 up to o p o u \ - 4 u p v £ ) rH CM o p o p o p CM o p CM 1 o P Sh P ethane TJ CD Sh cd P S O O Dibromo- -52- P CD O £ i— 1 CD si CMP O *H O £ xi a, O o -00 CM I>-\0 t o up - 4 t 0 M 0 o p C^- u p O o p r-H u p u p O i— 1 CM i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 i— 1 i— I •H S-, CP Pi XJ CD P cd CD u • P XJ CM > A ! N O -60 C M P CM i A O O O CT\vQ o - U P !>- up i — 1 i— 1 p CM p o c. M o> 1 P xJ X5 CD O > *r-t i —1 u CD O > P xi •H P Q a) O O u P O t O C M n t - 4 - 4 « • • • • • • • - 4 M O O O M O t o o p u p _4 i — 1o p o p CM CM i— ICM i— | + Eh C\i O O i o P CD rH a) o p • xi p O o .--H •H Sh CP u p \ Q t o u p -4-1— 1 u p - 4 to • • • • • • « • « t>-\0 t o O o t o rH i i 1 p-\ P UP i —I —!— U Xf CD P P -p sd o o CD -P P P —» C m CD co cd s P P P CD c dO ^ CD-Xi •H U —• E hp o —! P On 0) i — I £> cd Eh O i —1 •H O CO oo op up to to O O rH CM - 4 v O 4 0 4 i CM - 4 P CO o o p PQ 0 O .-f -53- As could be expected there were variations in the amounts of carbon dioxide released from both the treated and untreated soils from time to time. It was felt however, that a comparison between the magnitudes of carbon dioxide produced by the treated soils and that produced by the untreated soils for a given period of time (the quantity produced by the untreated soil was taken to be 100 percent for the time interval under con­ sideration) gave a valid index of the state of microbial activity in the soil. Of course, these variations do not take into account the micro-variations which exist through smaller increments of time. The data on the redox potential measurements made simultaneously with the carbon dioxide production measure­ ments are presented in table 10. It was possible to ob­ tain potentials of remarkably close magnitudes for the soils within each type so that the variations within each type are comparable. It can be seen that there is a tendency which is especially noticeable in the untreated soils for the potential to rise with time. This was probably due to increased aeration caused by a slight drying of the soils. The rise in potential is most pro­ nounced in the sandy Oshtemo'soil and least in the muck. • OA d o p CO • O • w p 1— I CM o to nO NO NO -4 O UA 4 4 oa H OA UA O OA O i— 1 OA UA 1— 1 OA OA i— 1 rA NO OA O OA OA •to CM 4 NO -4 nQ nO NO 1— I 4 O vO -4 d cq • o > *H _n_t rH •H s H CD > •H P •H • oa CO nO o • d •rH o d S l— 1 ctf *H P d 0 p i— 1 UA to to to -4 4 4 UA OA O O On i— 1 CM « i— 1 CM O-4 O Pn -4 CM On to •to ON 4 ON -4 CM CM UA OA UA UA r4 to i— 1 !>4 to CM to to 4 4 4 UA OA O OA 4 O OA 4 O OA O OA OA oA i— 1 4 OA OA 4 OA 4 4 OA O o OA to O CM to OA OA t>~ 4 CM to O to to O to 4 4 C'4 to 4 to to OA ON 1— 1 UA 1— 1 OA ON 1 —1 to rH O ON rH t>- to rH i— 1 UA On o UA ON ON 0ON I>ON CM CM NO ON CM CM OA NO UA nO I— 1 o UA CM 1— 1 OA CM 4 o Pi X o T1 0 Ph • oa o S 0 p P! • cm CO o • 1— ( oa ua t>UA UA UA UA UA O UA UA nQ ON UA UA UA UA UA O o UA OA O4 OA O UA u\ UA UA O UA CM CM NO ua UA UA O UA to -4 UA OA 4 nO UA O CM CM OA 4 O 4 4 O 4 On OA UA to CM O 4 to to to o UA o ua -4 UA OA 4 o rH OA -4 o to 4 •}f Redox potentials of Oshterno, Muck, and Brookston soils after treat­ ment with 1-3 dichloropropene and 1-2 dibromoethane. -54- 4 J>UA !>4 O ON OA u Table 10. 0 P -p a CD P CO d d •rH •H a CD > • o^v £ •H i —ctf I •H o . CM £ • P £ rH .• 1— 1 tf\ OrH i— 1 to -4 O O i I rH r^v ■60 rH cH 60 i 1 •H O 0 CM i 1 CN CM i 1 OA 0 0 — O 0 — — C^ — £ •H P O Oh « o "d -4 • rH * O , O' o^\ ON NO -4 CM On O NO -4 -4 [>• i p \ o o ON -4 0 P £ 0 S P 0 0 U £ O i—! i—1 O p £'-'•

to tDSB p £ 0 ctf o g 0 ,£ •H Sh—" Eh P X o •H X 60 OA UA p •H X l CM 1 rH rH H O O oa i—1 a H a UA . O ua • —1 «H i O -4 O -4 60 o 60 o 1—1 0 £ 0 r£ P 0 o a o P fctO £ u 0 p Table 10. 0 £ 0 £ 0 £ 0 Oh o £ ft O £ O i—1 0 X Eh -it- . O check, 0.5 nil of distilled water *H P •H 0 O Oh • CM < r\ - 56 - Both the redox potential and carbon dioxide production data are graphed for each soil and treatment in figures 12 through 17. In all cases where the soil was fumigated, there is an initial depression of the carbon dioxide produced followed by a rise above that of the untreated soils after approximately 40 hours. The rise is somewhat earlier in the dibromoethane treated soils than in those treated with dichloropropene. This might possibly be explained by a more rapid hydrolysis of the former forming ethylene glycol which is available as a source of energy for the microorganisms. The even­ tual rise in the carbon dioxide production is also greater in those soils treated with the ethylene dibromide than in those treated with the dichloropropene. The magnitude of the rise is greatest in the muck soil followed by the Brookston and then the Oshtenio. It can be seen that the high carbon dioxide production was sustained in the fumigated muck and Brookston soils throughout the length of tnis experiment (1000 hours). The Qshtemo soil returned to its "normal” dynamic equilibrium after approximately 400 hours. The redox potential of the soils dropped within an hour after fumigation. That this drop was not due to the addition of a liquid to the soil can be seem from the fact that the untreated soils did not show a drop in ootential with the addition of a quantity of water equiv_L 1 alent to that of the fumigant. There appeared to be no - 57- £ fH ft 1 1 3 llTL rf HIE it! 1 IJM E M O JJR S i ffi I i i : i t: It 4l uih I Ofi,„ TIMF (HOURS) - H 1 J\ 62 - Bf -63- significant difference in the potential drop between fumigants, but the drop was greater in the muck than in the soils containing less organic matter. The drop in potential leveled off followed by a second drop when the carbon dioxide production rose to a maximum. This second drop was accentuated in the Oshtemo soil, Ammonification and Nitrification in Soils Fumigated With Dichloropropene and Ethylene Dibromide Because the data on carbon dioxide production and redox potential indicated that there was an increase in microbial activity and that the oxidation-reduction state of the soil was altered after treatment with these two compounds, an attempt was made to determine the effect of these fumigants on the quantities of available nitrogen in the soil and the forms in which this nitrogen existed. Investigations on the nitrogen nutrition of plants (25) have shown that there are three important factors which must be considered with respect to the nitrogen supplying power of soils. They are, 1, the total amount of nitrogen which can become available to a plant through a period of time, 2, the form of tnis available nitrogen, and 3, the rate of mineralization of the organic nitrogen or the regeneration of the nitrogen after the supply has been reduced to a minimum because of plant feeding or leaching. In order to study the effect of fumigation on the regeneration factor as well as the others in the -64- Oshtemo, Brookston, and muck soils, the soils were first leached with distilled water to remove the nitrate nitrogen. All the ammonium nitrogen was also removed except for a small amount which was adsorbed by the colloids. The leaching was accomplished in 500 ml. spherical glass containers with an opening at the bottom. The soils were then immediately brought to the moisture equivalent and fumigated with 0.5 ml. of 1-3 dichloro­ propene and 1-2 dibromoethane by injection of the compounds into the soil mass 1 cm. below the soil surface. The soils were kept at the moisture equivalent throughout the study by periodically adding enough distilled water to bring the soil and container up to weight. The soil was then periodically sampled and tested for ammonium and nitrate nitrogen. The testing methods used were those described by Peech and English (32), that is, the use of brucine for the determination of nitrate nitrogen and a modification of NesslerTs reagent for ammonium. The determinations were compared with standards in a photoelectric colorimeter. A modification of the sampling and extracting procedure suggested by the above authors was used. Instead of extracting the soil in an air dry condition with sodium acetate extracting solution, it was extracted in the moist state immediately after sampling. It was felt that this would give a truer picture of the state of the ammonium and nitrate in the - 65 - soil at the time of sampling because the aeration and time necessary for drying was bound to alter the nitrogen status. Approximately 5 gm. of soil was removed from the container and placed in an Srlenmeyer flask containing 50 ml. of the extracting solution (10% sodium acetate buffered at pH 4.$ with acetic acid). After shaking the flask for two minutes, the contents was filtered through Whatman ^40 filter paper. The determinations were made on the extract and the soil remaining on the filter paper was dried in an oven and its dry weight determined. The amounts of ammonium and nitrate were then calculated on the basis of the oven dry weight of the soil. Table 11 gives the data on the amounts of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen present in the soils after 2 days, 7 days, and then weekly intervals from the time of fumi­ gation. Periodic tests for nitrite nitrogen using the sulfanilic acid-naphthylamine method (19) showed no significant accumulation of this form in any of the soils. The greatest amount recorded was 2 p.p.m. and this only at one week after fumigation in the muck soil. Despite the fact that the brucine test for nitrates included nitrites, its use seemed to be warranted because of its rapidity and accuracy and the fact that nitrite concentra­ tions were very low. It is apparent from the data that treatment with dichloropropene and ethylene dibromide retarded nitrification in all three soils. This resulted - CO i— 1 •rH O CO PA 66 - O o 523 • o O • o O• o o• o to O• O• O• rH rH rH i—1 OA • -00 1— 1 ua • -4" CM -4 • ON i— ! OA • to 1— 1 NO • 1— 1 CM PA UA CM OA NO • • ON rH CM •to • • o• 1—1 to i— 1 • c1— 1 1— 1 • UA • 1— 1 1— I i— 1 i— 1 OA • rH 0 r-^ "Jfr O 3 * S Q) P xJ P ^ XI cd P CD - O P S p p -4 XI p 0 o a o i— i p X • o• i— i on O • «H cd p o Eh •H Q o o -P P 03 X> ^ -H o S3 £3 !>• ON • •to (— I • -4 CM • rH CM O O O to • -to CM • "00 rH rH CM O O -to 9 to • rH rH OA • -to iH • O O XJ O P cm H *H PA O O ra S OQ 1 rH *> O xi B 3 CD Cd p Xi CD CO P O 0 O o o o rH rH OA • •to CM NO OA NO • • 9 I-1 • rH • t— 1 • i— 1 OA • i— I CM r— 1 ■ rH OA • i— 1 CM OA • CM CM i— 1 • -to i— 1 rH 9 OA CM i— 1 • O CM -4 ■ NO P 0 Eh d, S5 O a /-■■■i Sh Pr 0 Eh O Ph < &q P XJ O CD P Xi P O O cd P CD O i— 1 i— 1 O • 04 Eh >> p xi -4 XI • S3 bO .id O rH P i— 1 0 cd p. p o S Eh si o •H Q 9 g &q O . rH Eh I>- rH 1-1 • ON CM • l>CM OA • nO rH XI CO O O • rH i— I • e^ i —i • -to CM • to CM rH • O OA • to -4 -4 oa NO NO rH O rH rH • xi p o ■ O -H SxD X* cd -P o a cd i X* rH P Xl O -P rH • rH • r— 1 • CM OA -4 ON UA i —1 rr— i OA ON CM iH • o • • 1-1 • t— 1 -4- ~4 • • Oi— 1 § 0 C h b0 O P P 0 1"1 -M 1^ -M •H Ch S cd P P • 0 O H rH P *H ■» P X5 O CM 0 C £ H D CM C t OA c -4 e r UA n nO s : "CO -67- o o• s rH 4 IP P o» OH 0 a 0 p ■p 0 CM r\ u s U 1— 1 cd o• P P OH o •H Q o Eh TREATMENT rH •H o 0 p 0 a >» O S-t a. o P • hO -4" P U 0 i— 1 0 ft P ■H Q \D • rH CM • -4* • OH to • rH 4 CM • OH UH UH to 4 CM • • UH to • to rH • rH i— 1 • o 1— 1 to -4 -4 NO o 4 i— 1 • UN • UH NO • • • rH ON 4 UH -4 4 • O• OH CM UH rH 0H -4 i— 1 UH UH to • • UH • to • 0H • • E>- -4 UH UH UH O OH CM • 4 UH i— 1 • i— I • CM • UH UH • UH UH UH -4 O i— 1 • o 1— 1 • IH- •oo • o o• O to to• CM o vO nQ 1—1 OH CM UH • NO NO UH UH rH • CM OH • O O- UH NO OH • CM • 0H NO NO UH E>- i—1 OH CM • on • OH O O on Eh OH CM • 4 4 w oh o• ■ UH rH ■ o• • rH UH CM pcj PQ to OH CM o• o P • rH P o E-h CQ o o o • 1-1 o Jh 1— 1 p O oh O 0 to o • UH NO * O • CM • OH UH • !> - NO NO i— 1 • rH • CM o• to C- • S' f=H on O P P 0 p 4 0 P p 0 u o• to 1— 1 i—1 OH • • o• CM 4 OH • -oo • oh un nO CM CM i—! O- ON UH CM CM OH -4 CM • UH • O i— 1 ON to CM ■ • • • ON • • -4 • i—! -4 4 4 CM CM O nO • • ■ UH • c *- • r - to • c -- OH • OH • ON 4 • to EH- E>- r— 1 UH \Q • p rH £ 1—1 cd P O P 0 3 a •H £ O o Eh in a 0 o p *H Ch 0 >> .p cd cd 0 ( —I cd Eh tn 0 -H 0 •H 3 EH Ch O 4 • vO i —i i— 1 • CM nO to OH -4 CM OH • o UH 4 • • UH ON 4 I>~ to Jb*1 0 0 cd P £ CM 1— 1 -63- o OA O s • OA -4 03 S o • o 150 • 4 0A • MO rH • 1-1 i— 1 • C'MO CM * ON ON rH • -4 <— 1 rH oa O • o• -4• r>- o 1— 1 t\2 i— 1 -4 • O n i— 1 i— I • oa oa MO • H i— 1 MO • O MO • -4 i— 1 MO • MO -4 oa -4 ■ NO 1— 1 150 • 40 i— I i— 1 * MO On -4 • O i— 1 i— 1 UA -4 • 150 m NO CM rH CO • to -4• ' • MO to i— 1 i— 1 • r— 1 rH o• 0A • 1-1 CM rH -4 • i— 1 CO i— I CM • ON I— 1 I— 1 t>• r- -4 • ON OA i— t o 0 d 0 & -P 0 o a Cn O 5H rO •H Q i— 1 0 P O £—i 1— 1 •H oa o CO a o• TREATMENT o 0 d 0 PH O u Ph o u o 1— I X! o •H Q -4 03 • S hO M U i— t 0 0 Oh P o E-t S W o o 0A « OA CM • tH- 1— 1 • H i— 1 i— 1 • j— 1 i— 1 to • CM • O -4 • 1-1 • 1— 1 ua MO • 150 CM i— I i— 1 O C\i i— 1 40 • UA UA oa is "d oa -4 o o 150 • P^\ I-1 oa • 0A UA UA ca 1— 1 oa • CM -4 rH • c\i r^v i— 1 CM • • to o m to rH 1— 1 UA I— I rH o oa rH 0A • CO i —1 • ON 150 o rH to ca • CM i— I i— I • UA O I— 1 -4 • i— 1 i— I UA • O i— 1 O OA * CM OA i— 1 o • On 4 i— I 40 • CM 4 1— 1 CM • CM ON rH • NO 40 J— I • CA O • I-1 -j" I-1 ca O o• oa Til 0 P -4 0 0 P P H d> 1 —1 0 p o TJ 0 d d •H ■to • -4 UA o ua \0 • -4 oa -4" ua -4• O MO -4* 0A • 4 • o to 1— 1 ON I— 1 150 n 150 -4 oa CM i— 1 O CM j— I MO CM ua ua -4" UA toM0 MO UA O oa M0 • 10- UA O O rH UA CM i— 1 CM i— 1 1— 1 CM OA -4- UA • • m OA O UA rH UA l— I - « ON UA • i— 1 -4 rH • tCM P d o o u 0 • rH i— 1 0 i— 1 £5 0 4) d o P -H » 0 40 0 0 CM rH £ to Average of two determinations hi) -69- in large accumulations of ammonium nitrogen for at least eight weeks after treatment. There was little evidence to indicate that this condition would not prevail for extended lengths of time beyond the eight weeks. The nitrogen regeneration graphs developed from these data and presented in figures IS, 19, and 20, more clearly demonstrate some of the other relationships. It can be seen that there was a steady rise in the available nitrogen present in the soil after leaching until a maximum was reached. From then on, there was a fluctu­ ation around this maximum with time. This was to be expected and is a function of the dynamic nature of the soil organisms. The height of the curves or the maximum nitrogen made available in any given soil is a partial function of the quantity and nature of the organic matter present. Thus the muck soil regenerated more available nitrogen than the Brookston soil and the latter more'than the Oshtemo. However, within the Brookston and Oshtemo soils, fumigation raised the total amounts of available nitrogen somewhat above that present in the untreated soils. The dichloropropene was more effective in accomplishing this than was the ethylene dibromide. This difference in the total available nitrogen was not as apparent in the muck soil. Perhaps of greater significance than the total amount of available nitrogen in the soil as affected by fumigation was the rate of regeneration of - 71 - QWDE ±: + T- gfiiitii Hi m r '* - 7 2 - -73- this nitrogen. It can be seen from the regeneration curves that slope of the line is much steeper in the curves representing the fumigated soils than in those representing the untreated soils. This rate is especially emphasized in the soils treated with dichloropropene. This accelerated rate of regeneration would probably be of benefit to plant growth if the seeding took place when environmental conditions were not favorable for nitrate production. It is also conceivable that the accelerated rate of regeneration could maintain the supply of readily available nitrogen to the plant as the plant roots take it up from the soil. The Effect of Fumigation on the Nitrification of Ammonium Sulfate added to Soils Much of the nitrogen added to the soil as fertilizer is in the form of ammonium sulfate, and it is Apparent that fumigation will have its effect on the nitrification of this ammonium and thus affect the form of nitrogen available to plants. An experiment was devised to study the effect of Dowfumes Nf ¥-40, and MC-2 on nitrification of ammonium sulfate added to soils. Quantities of air dry Oshtemo, Brookston, and muck soils were thoroughly mixed in a rotating drum with enough ammonium sulfate to bring the soils up to approximately 300 mg. of nitrogen determined as ammonium per kg. of dry soil. A quantity of calcium carbonate was added to the -74- soils to neutralize the effect of the added ammonium sulfate. The soils were then brought to the moisture equivalent and placed in one-gallon glazed pots. The ammonium nitrogen was determined on the moist soil as previously described. The soils were then fumigated with two levels of Dowfume N (equivalent to 40 and 30 gallons per acre), Dowfume W-40 (23 and $0 gallons per acre), and Dowfume MG-2 (1 and 2 pounds per 100 square feet). Duplicate pots were set up. The actual dosages used were 0.$ and 1.6 ml. of N and MG-2, and 0.3 and 1.0 ml. of ¥-40. The N and ¥-40 were injected 2 inches under the surface of the soil from a burette while the MC-2 was applied with a t!jiffy applicator” under a tar paper cover which was kept sealed for 48 hours. The temperature of the soils at the time of fumigation was 27° G. After one week, the soils were removed from the pots and sifted through a one-cm. mesh screen. Every effort was made to prevent reinoculation of the soils during this process. The soils were returned to their individual pots. Samples were then taken at 30, 90, and 130 days and analyzed for content of ammonium nitrogen. The soils were maintained at the moisture equivalent with periodic additions of dis­ tilled water. The results of the ammonium nitrogen deter­ minations are recorded in table 12. It can be seen that all the treatments retarded nitrification. More of the added ammonium was recovered -rH -4-O^fY^r-1 p'n o~\c°\ C M i— 1 •H O 0 rH ■H O CM-4*0 O rHtO O rH 0 C^CM CMrH CMrlO-C^ tfN W 0 4 H a o o S p 0 • 1—I s EH -P 0 • O O 0 o O O -4 to rH 4 r \ H H MrH *rH P"\ 0^ C O 0 mj a J3 p 0 T$ & CM'O cm o 1 f\cr\0 CM c*\P"\CM CM i— 1 jzi • Pi » — 1 £ S o Q tO • vj u o o t o 'O -4-r--u-\cM u PQ C M4 t O t>u-\CM O to O -4*\0 to (AfAO JH CM CM to CM IAH0 4 <^vrr\ C\2 rH O o^cM -T\ cV7\o'\p\CM 0 rH • P • > rH o a Q ■to • o 00^00 rH O 0 P cd 0 P 4 tO rH O P\ CMrH rH rt S3 Table 12♦ U £ 0o P H"— C h P IU | treatments • 1 — 1 •H O 0 CM-4-vO C M vrwO -4“ i— 1 cr\P'\p'vcn 0 fuOcd 0 •H td —^ S 3' •H 3 Eh Ch P'\OMO 1 -1 . of samples from each of the duplicate • 0 O -4 0 -4 rH O O O of two determinations i— 1 c\z a i 0 \0 75 - Average The nitrification of ammonium sulfate added to Oshtemo, Brookston, and muck soils, and fumigated with Dowfume N, Dowfume ¥-40, and Dowfume MC-2. * - -76- from the treated soils than from the untreated soils. This relationship held for the entire incubation period of six months. The efficiency with which the different fumigants retarded nitrification was greater at the high­ er dosages. Also, Dowfume N and Dowfume MC-2 were more effective in retarding nitrification than was Dowfume ¥-40. This might be correlated with the ability of the different fumigants to disperse through the soil, though an attempt was made to overcome this difference by screening and stirring the soils after fumigation. The general relation­ ship between the kind of fumigant and rate of application and their effect on nitrification is shown in figure 21. These relationships are plotted for the Oshtemo soil, but it can be seen from the data in table 12 that except for the differences in intensity, they hold for the Brookston and muck soils. The ammonium recovery was almost 100 percent of the amount of ammonium added six months after fumigation with the higher levels of Dowfumes N and MC-2. It was noted that there was an increase in ammonium in the soils containing great quantities of organic matter after treat­ ment with the above fumigants. This was probably due to the increased ammonification coupled with decreased nitrification after fumigation. In every soil used and with every treatment, it was possible to recover more of the added ammonium six months after fumigation than was - 77 - §f * it- -78- present in the untreated soils. Field Experiments and Observations Two 800f x 12T strips of muck soil on the Michigan State College Muck Experimental Farm were fumigated on April 14, 1949* One strip was fumigated with Dowfume N at the rate of 40 gallons per acre and the other with Dowfume W-40 at the rate of 25 gallons per acre. A 121 untreated strip was kept between the two treated strips. Alternate six foot sections the length of the plots were planted to lettuce and Henry spring wheat. The crops were harvested and no significant differences in yield were recorded between those grown on the treated and untreated plots. On Nov. 4, 1949, 400r sections of the same plots were refumigated with the same fumigants at the same rate of application. No nitrogen was included in the fertili­ zation program and Henry spring wheat and Flambeau soybeans were planted in June, 1950 in alternate six foot strips running the length of the plots. During the growing season, periodic samples were taken from the treated and untreated plots and ammonium and nitrate determinations were made on them. The plots treated with Dowfume N had a slightly higher ammonium content than did the Dowfume N and un­ treated plots. Observation of the soybeans during their growth period showed that the plants on the Dowfume N -79- treated soil were making better growth and were greener than the plants on the Dowfume W-40 treated and untreated soils. The differences between the plants on the Dowfume N treated and untreated plots can be seen in plates 6 and 7. The soybeans were allowed to dry on the vine and the bean yields obtained are reported in table 13* Table 13* Yield of soybeans on muck soil fumigated with Dowfume N and Dowfume W-40. Date of treatment Treatment November, 1949 April, 1949 untreated 16.2 bu. / acre 16.4 bu. / acre Dowfume N 21.1 bu. / acre 27.4 bu. / acre Dowfume W-40 13*9 bu. / acre l$.l bu. / acre The soil treated with Dowfume N on November, 1949 yielded 68 percent higher than the untreated soil. A possible explanation of this remarkable increase in yield may be deduced from the fact that all crops grown on the muck farm that year showed a tremendous response to additions of nitrogen to the soil. The weather conditions that year were wet and cool far into the growing season which would retard mineralization of the soil organic nitrogen. - 30 - Plate 6. Soybeans on right on muck soil treated with Dowfume N. Plants on left on untreated soil. Plate 7. Soybean plants on left removed from Dowfume N treated plots. Plants on right removed from untreated plots. -31- Similar responses were obtained for onions planted on muck soil which was fumigated in November, 1950. Fumigation was at the same rate as mentioned above, and the plots were 12T X 200T with an untreated plot separat­ ing the fumigated areas. Periodic sampling of the soil gave indications of a higher ammonium content in the Dowfume N treated soil than in the Dowfume W-40 and un­ treated soils. The ultimate yield of onions is presented in table 14. Table 14* Yield of onions on muck soil fumigated with Dowfume N and Dowfume W-40. Treatment Yield of onions Untreated 232 bu. / acre Dowfume N 327 bu. / acre Dowfume W-40 290 bu. / acre The Dowfume N treated area yielded 16 percent more onions than did the others. No nitrogen was added to the soil in the fertilization program, but a response attributed to a greater quantity of nitrogen available to the plants can be seen in the greener color of the onions on the Dowfume N treated plot (plate 3). These soils were not fumigated to control any pathogens. There was no history of crop reverses on these soils due to an infestation of organisms and - 32 - Plate S. Sight rows of onions on the right (two sections) on muck soil fumigated with Dowfume N. Center two sections untreated and onions on the left fumigated with Dowfume ¥-40. examination of the plant roots did not give any indica­ tions that growth restriction on any of the plots was due to nematodes or other organisms. Though the level ♦ of available nitrogen in the Dowfume N treated soils was not materially higher than in the other soils, analysis of the plant sap showed significantly higher concentrations of ammonium in those plants grown in the Dowfume N treated areas. It is well known that the relative level of available nitrogen in the soil is not too indicative of crop response since the plants are constantly taking this nitrogen up from the soil. - 33 - Other factors affecting the growth of plants after fumigation can also be attributed to the ammonium and nitrate relationships in the soil after treatment. In order to control an infestation of nematodes in his muck soil, an onion grower in Gun Swamp near Plainwell, Michi­ gan fumigated his soil with Dowfume N at the rate of 40 gallons per acre. The soils were fumigated in the fall of the year and were planted to onions the following spring. Narrow strips of soil were left untreated as a control. Observations made on the onions from the time of planting on through the growing season showed that the onions on the fumigated soils were making better growth and that they had a deep green color. Plate 9 shows this onion as it appeared the first part of August. Note that the Dowfume N Plate 9. Onion field fumigated Light streak through the center of the picture is an untreated area. - 34 - onions on the untreated soil are a lighter green color than those on the fumigated soil. The ammonium nitrogen concentration in the fumigated soil averaged 34 p.p.m. while that in the untreated soil averaged 6 p.p.m. at the time this picture was taken. The nitrate nitrogen content of both the treated and untreated soils averaged 53 p.p.m. Examination of the roots of the plants in the untreated areas did not show an extensive nematode in­ festation so the differences in growth were attributed to the difference in ammonium nitrogen content of the soils • Towards the middle of August, the onions in the untreated areas began to surpass those in the fumigated areas in vegetative growth. Color differences, though still noticeable, were less distinct. Plate 10 shows typical onions taken from the treated and untreated soils at that time. Protein analysis on composite samples taken from these plants showed that those grown on the fumigated soil had 27*3 percent protein on a dry weight basis compared with 19.2 percent for those grown on the untreated soil. The final yield of onions on the treated plots was materially lower than on the untreated plots though.there was no difference between the two in the thickness of stand. The onions on the treated soil matured earlier than the others and did not put on normal bulb growth. This was attributed to the large amount of -55- Plate 10, The onions on the right are from muck soil fumigated with Dowfume N. Those on the left were taken from untreated soil. ammonium available to the plants throughout the growing season. -56- DISCUSSION It has long been considered that the quantities of carbon dioxide produced in a soil during a given period of time is an index of the activity of micro­ organisms in the soil. In the soils treated with dichloropropene and ethylene dibromide the carbon dioxide produced by the soil organisms was increased after a short initial period of depression. This would indicate that the compounds are toxic to selected species of organisms, and those which are not affected increase their activity because of the decreased competition and antagonism of the other species. It seems highly probable that it is the oxidizing organisms which are most affected by these fumigants. One indication of this is the fact that the bio-electric potential in the soils was lowered after the soils were treated. It could thus be considered that the soils were in a "more reduced” state after fumi­ gation with these compounds. The length of time which the abnormally high carbon dioxide production persisted in the soil was a function of the quantity of organic matter present in the soil but the reduced bio-electric potential persisted after the carbon dioxide production began to approximate that of the untreated soil. A lag in the return of the potential to normal is always to be expected, but in this case, there is evidence to indicate - 67 - that though the microbial activity does not indefinitely maintain its induced maximum, the new biologic equilib­ rium persists for an indefinite length of time. Evidence to substantiate this fact exists in the great quantities of the reduced form of nitrogen (ammonium) which accumu­ lated and persisted in the soils. The reports of various investigators showing that iron and manganese have become more available to plants after soil fumigation with various compounds could also be explained as a result of the lowering of the redox potential in the soil since it is known that both these elements are more available to plants in their reduced forms (23, 24). In all cases where the soil was fumigated with either dichloropropene or ethylene dibromide, subsequent mineralization of the soil organic matter produced quantities of ammonium nitrogen which were not oxidized to the nitrate form. This has important implications as to the subsequent growth of plants in these treated soils. The total amount of available nitrogen was also increased though perhaps not significantly so. However, in all cases where the soils were treated the rate of regeneration of the available nitrogen was materially increased. It is felt that this fact is of great impor-, tance with respect to plant growth. In the temperate climate regions, many of the annual crops are planted in the soil at a time when the available nitrogen in -dd- relatively high (the total amount depends upon the environmental conditions and the amount of organic matter present in the soil). This, for the most part, is due to the relatively active mineralization of the organic matter during the warm days of early spring when there is little or no vegetation to take up the nitrogen. However, when the seedlings start growing, they rapidly remove this available nitrogen and continued growth depends upon the ability of the soil to release more available nitrogen. If the rate of mineralization is too slow, more nitrogen must be added to the soil in the form of chemical fertilizer to carry the plant through. With this in mind, it can be seen that if the rate of mineralization of the organic matter could be increased, there would be an ultimate benefit to crop growth. Dichloropropene was most successful in increas­ ing the rate of nitrogen release in the soils used. Ethylene dibromide was less successful but better than the untreated soils except in the case of the muck soil where the great quantities of organic materials present seemed to negate the advantage. An increased rate of nitrogen release would also be beneficial at times when a cold, wet spring retarded microorganism activity and the available nitrogen was leached out of the soils during winter fallow. These phenomena were demonstrated with the increased growth of soybeans and onions on the -39- fumigated muck soils of the Michigan State College experimental Farm during 1950. The use of Dowfume N, W-40, and MC-2 in soils effectively decreased the rate of nitrification of ammonium sulfate added to soils. The high levels of Dowfume N and Dowfume MC-2 (1.6 ml. per gallon crock) practically eliminated nitrification for at least six months. Lower doses of these two fumigants and high and low levels of Dowfume W-40 inhibited nitrification for lesser periods of time. This inhibition becomes impor­ tant when it is realized that a large portion of the mineral nitrogen now added to soils in the form of chemical fertilizers is added in the ammonium form. In normal untreated soils, it is to be expected that most of the added ammonium will be converted to nitrates within a relatively short period of time. In a soil fumigated with these compounds, the added ammonium will remain in its original form for much longer periods of time. Since the compounds were all effective to a certain degree in inhibiting nitrification, it could be concluded that probably the differential effectiveness between compounds and also between dosages was due to the varying abilities of the different compounds to disperse through the soil and saturate it with the vapors. It is to be expected that the oxidizing organisms which are not reached by the fumigant will eventually begin to - 90 - multiphy and increase their effectiveness. However, the differential effectiveness could also possibly be attributed to a difference in the severity of action or toxic properties of the different fumigants. -91- PART III Calcium and Nitrogen Relations with Respect to Plant Growth It was shown that fumigation with the compounds used in this study retarded nitrification and favored the accumulation of ammonium in the soil. The question now arises as to how plant growth would be affected with its primary source of nitrogen in this reduced form. LITERATURE SUMMARY Tam, Tam and Clark (4$, 49) grew pineapple plants on soils fumigated with D-D mixture, chloropicrin and other disinfectants. With ammonium as the chief source of nitrogen, the plants were characterized as having high N, were dark green, fast growing, and succulent. In connection with this, it is interesting to note that ammonium requires no reduction before it can be utilized in protein synthesis while the nitrate ion must first undergo reduction. However, an adequate supply of carbo­ hydrate in the plant is essential for protein synthesis when ammonium is the source of nitrogen. Carbohydrate does not appear to be as limiting a factor when the nitrogen is supplied in the form of nitrate (44, 53, 54). Though it had long been considered that only high pH values allowed for adequate ammonium assimilation, Arnon and Johnson (6) among others have shown that the hydrogen -92- ion concentration has no effect on ammonium or nitrate assimilation provided that there is no deficiency of other essential elements. Concerning ionic relationships in plants, Bear (3) considers that total cation and total anion uptake are each equal to a constant, and he suggests that substitu­ tion of ammonium for nitrate may lower the intake of mineral cations and increase that of mineral anions. Arnon (5) in a study on the mineral composition of barley when supplied with ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen sources found that the ammonium-supplied plants had a lower base content but were higher in phosphate than the plants whose nitrogen source was nitrate. Soy­ beans were grown by Hamner (21) in a culture containing large amounts of phosphorus and little nitrate. The plants showed typical phosphorus toxicity symptoms, but this condition could be alleviated with small additions of nitrate to the culture. These and many other studies including one by Sideris and Young (45) using pineapple plants indicate that cation and anion balance are most important in plant nutrition. They suggest a need for high levels of potassium and other cations when the source of nitrogen to the plant is in the form of ammonium. Prianischnikov (34) showed that high levels of calcium supplied to cotton plants whose source of nitrogen was ammonium allowed the plants to grow extremely well while -93- lower levels of calcium retarded growth. An interesting effect of ammonium nutrition was cited by Schropp and Arenz (42) who noticed that in certain instances, ammonium was actually excreted from the plant roots un­ less the level of potassium was sufficiently high. An excellent summary of the various aspects of the nitrogen nutrition of green plants is presented by Nightingale (29) where additional nitrogen relationships such as are affected by oxygen supplied to the plant roots and photoperiodic effects are elaborated. An important related factor was brought out by Burstrom (13) who concluded that in wheat leaves, nitrate reduction depends upon the photosynthetic process while ammonium can be elaborated in darkness. The effects of carbohydrate content of plants on ammonium and nitrate assimilation and elaboration has already been mentioned. From this and other data, Night­ ingale (29) concluded that ammonium nutrition results in a rapid depletion of the carbohydrate reserves of a plant if environmental conditions are not favorable for carbo­ hydrate accumulation. An additional consideration, how­ ever, is the fact that ammonium assimilation is more rapid than that of nitrate if an adequate supply of oxygen is present and sufficient quantities of other cations are available to the plants. The considerations might explain why Afanaseva (1) found that sterilization -94- of soils with formalin decreased the time of wheat ripening by four to five days. EXPERIMENTAL Growth of Soybeans in Sterile Sand Culture Supplied with Different Sources of Nitrogen and Varying Levels of Calcium In order to determine the effect of different forms of nitrogen on the growth of soybeans under con­ ditions where there would be no microbial oxidation or reduction of the forms supplied, the following experiment was devised. Sterile nutrient solutions were added to liter Erlenmeyer flasks containing quartz sand which had been autoclaved at 15 pounds pressure for two ij hour periods with a 24 hour interval between treatments. The nutrient solutions contained salts recommended by Ellis and Swaney (17) for the soilless growth of plants. Soybeans were germinated by the vertical paper towel method under sterile conditions and when tjie plumules began to emerge from between the cotyledons, the seedlings were trans­ ferred to the Erlenmeyer flasks and kept in place with a cotton plug. The cultures were aerated periodically by forcing air through the solution through a glass tube which was kept in place in the flask and extended to the bottom. Distilled water was also added through these -95- ■Msoybeans were grown. Oh O CM . 1— 1 CP • 1— 1 UP CP • rH Up CM • i— 1 CP • 1— 1 UP CP • 1— 1 O up • 1— 1 up up • 1— 1 O vQ • I— 1 • P P P vO • vQ • vO • -4" -4 -4- up • -4" up • up ■ ■co ■Co ■co -4- -4 CP CP cp • • • O S o o P p O o H o o o o 1 —1 rH o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 —1 1—1 1—1 1—1 1—1 I—1 o p o •H 0 Xl P P in which 0 o a p p Sterile nutrient E P solutions •H P o o o o o o 1—1 1—1 rH rH o o rH o o H O O rH O o o O 1—i i—1 • p Xl bO •H P r-P hO 0 0 UP o o o o UP o UP o o rH o ITS rH o up £ £ P P o o o up s f—I i— I H • •H 0 o O 0 P o P O X3 •H 0 0 s a p p «H o o !M t—I o N i—I o N (—I O O CM CM —I i —I I o cm o o o W W W i*| |-J rH -'t- 0 ni p p p Table 15. o o 0 P 0 p p • £H 5 •H 0 P 0 P P *H 0 0 0 P P •H *H •H O O O 0 0 0 O O o •PH *PH •pH 4 ■H P O ci •H P P P 0 P P o 0 O s P PP 0 o 0 0 p p p ^ •H O 0 up Xi 0 P P t5 P P 0 0 0 00 00 P 0 P*HP P O •H O c: •H i — 1- P P bO 0O 0 0S ' o Q O up P P O •H P P rH O CO CM rp -4* up vO O- -CO -x-X- 7T X - 96 - tubes in order to keep the solution levels constant. The nutrient solutions as indicated in table 15 were so made up that the variables were the form of nitrogen and the levels of calcium. Among the other cations, the levels of potassium and magnesium were kept constant. Phosphorus was also present in the solutions and the remainder of the anions were primarily sulfates and chlorides. Equal amounts of micro elements were added to each solution in the form of ferric sulfate, manganous chloride, boric acid, and copper sulfate. The flasks containing the soybeans were then placed in a green house. There were three replications of each nutrient solution. Plates 11 through 14 show pictures of the soybeans after 1, 2, 3> and 4 weeks of growth. It can be seen that after one week^ growth, there was no visible difference between the plants re­ ceiving the ammonium and those receiving the nitrate. The plants growing in the amino acid solutions were definitely retarded in growth and had a deeper green color than the others. There was no indication of differences due to the different levels of available calcium. After two weekTs growth, the plants on the nitrate substrate began to grow more rapidly than those on ammonium and chlorosis was beginning to show up in the leaves of the ammonium-supplied plants at the lowest level of calcium. After three weeks, the nitrate supplied plants - 97- Plate 11, Soybeans in sand culture one week after transplanting. 1. nitrate and 50 ppm Ga, 2. nitrate and' 100 ppm Ca, 3* nitrate and 150 ppm Ga, 4* ammonium and 50 ppm Ca, 5. ammonium and 100 ppm Ca, 6. ammonium and 150 ppm Ca, 7. amino acids and 50 ppm Ca, S. amino acids and 100 ppm Ca, 9. amino acids and 150 ppm Ca. Plate 12. Soybeans in sand culture two weeks after transplanting. Same legend as plate 11. - 93- Plate 13• Soybeans in sand culture three weeks after transplanting. Same legend as plate 11. Plate 14* Soybeans in sand culture four weeks after transplanting. Same legend as plate 11. - 99 - continued a vigorous growth pattern while those on the ammonium substrate had put on no new vegetative growth since the previous week. They also showed severe chlorosis at the lower levels of calcium and incipient chlorosis at the highest level. The amino acid supplied plants, however, began to put on some vegetative growth and were of a deeper green color than the other plants. At this time, solution samples were withdrawn from the cultures and tested for the presence of nitrate and ammonium. There was no change in the nitrogen status of those solutions which were made up of ammonium or nitrate but the amino acid solutions indicated the presence of approximately 20 p.p.m. nitrogen in the form of ammonium. Since there was no evidence of microbial activity in these solutions, the presence of ammonium was attributed to acid hydrolysis of the amino acids which yielded the ammonium. Thus, the plants in the amino acid cultures could be considered to be on nlow level" ammonium nutrition. After the fourth week of growth, the nitrate supplied plants were lush and vigorous while there was complete necrosis in the ammonium supplied plants. The only green tissue visible on the latter was on those supplied with the highest level of calcium. The amino acid-supplied plants (low level ammonium) were growing well, had a deep green color, and had begun to blossom and set pods. After four weeks, the plants were cut and the tissue -100- was analyzed for protein content. Portions of the tissue were ashed and the ash analyzed for calcium, potassium, and magnesium. The protein analyses were run using a modification of the Kjeldahl process and calcium and magnesium were determined by the methods accepted by the A. 0. A. C. (4). The potassium determinations were made with the use of a flame photometer. The results of these analyses are presented in table 16. It is interesting to note that in the nitrate supplied plants the calcium content increased with an increase in calcium in the substrate. The increase in calcium was accompanied by a decrease of the potassium and magnesium. The higher levels of calcium in the nutrient solution also produced more vegetative growth. There was little difference in the protein content of the plants at the different calcium levels. The ammonium supplied plants had a very high protein content which was almost double that of those supplied with nitrate. However, plant growth was at a minimum. This could be attributed to the fact that great quantities of carbohydrate were necessary for the synthesis of protein under the given conditions of ammonium nutrition. The per­ centages of protein decreased slightly as the calcium in the substrate was increased. In these instances just as when the plants were supplied with nitrate, an increase in the calcium content resulted in a decrease in the potassium and magnesium content. However, at the lowest levels of Table 16. Composition of Soybeans Grown in Sterile Sand Culture with Different of Nitrogen and Three Levels of Calcium* Forms -101- m S cd ft f*0 '— £P e^t i— 1 co • C M C M • O \D co O O • i— i O CO O O • -C O ON 1 — 1 ON 1—1 CO H d • ON CO • • UN id O o C M i— 1 h m CO • UN iH i— | o• O -d O O O • C M NO O O o• O a LTV 1 — 1 « LTV d • d -d • -4“ C M • H On d O O O * NO -d O O o o• o oa o oa o c, to cd ih H -p CO • CO C M ^d O O • IH UN C M O « UN C M C M O O « C M -d • -d -d* • d IH o ON C M • IH CO • CO d a to CO On -d O UN •co UN ON ON o H O • o CO o o o• to o o o• H IH O O O • CO UN CO o O • to -d IH • H o ih H H 1 — 1 • -d CO ON • IH C M ON • -d C M O O i— 1 • CO O H • IH NO i— 1 a cd o cd o • a * ft • a •• a a * 3 ft •H * • ft CO a cd H ft ft H M 0} ft O o UN C M r— 1 -d O o oa •p Cll o cd o cd O o• ft ■H C D £H • vO i— I O ft o o• H • CO -d a NO -d • On H CL. • co-— p ft C O £ o S p cd • i— i CO -d cO * i— I C d cd O ih NO h ft ft C (— i hi) Q O— o ft O •H p ft I —1 cd o cd o • •• C D • P ft cd • 0 ft P * cd f t P •H O P O •H O •H UN SH .3 H ao - P Pi Eh 0 Pi -P i-f\ 'TJ ( —I \D 0 P Ch O 0 •H 0 >> 5 = 1 rH *H cd p p o o •o o 0 fH rH to LO '=^» i— I o p. B o o -103- calcium in the nutrient solution, there was no more calcium in the plant ash than was present in the seed. It can be concluded that at the low level of calcium which was supplied to the plants and with ammonium as the source of nitrogen, little or no calcium was taken up by the roots. Observations made during the growth of the plants and the fact that there was some calcium taken up by the plants at the highest level of supply (130 p.p.m.) would tend to indicate that the plants would show better growth if their source of nutrients was higher in calcium content. The plants which were supplied with amino acids (low level ammonium) contained approximately 1& percent more protein than did those supplied with nitrate and matured earlier. However, they did not put on as much vegetative growth as the latter. The relationship between the amount of calcium supplied and that determined in the plant ash was not as precise as in the previous cases but, this could be attributed to the fact that the amount of ammonium avail­ able to the plants was an unknown quantity and undoubtedly varied from flask to flask. The cation relationships in the plant ash however, was the same as in the nitrate and ammonium-supplied plants. Recalculation of the mineral content of the plants on the basis of the milliequivalents of each cation determined in the analyses brings out some interesting relationships, (table 17) -104- Table 17* Cation contents of soybeans grown in sterile sand cultures with different forms of nitrogen and three levels of calcium with the data presented in terms of milliequivalents per 100 grams of dry matter. Milliequivalents Solution JLt Nitrate and 50 ppm Ca 2. 3. Mg 214 95 250 539 ” ioO n I! 235 43 135 513 » it 150 « It 370 33 103 516 13d 110 339 537 5. w « 100 6, T! tt 150 n ti 135 107 320 612 tt TT 220 60 312 592 243 43 132 423 230 41 112 433 293 36 109 433 7. Amino acids and 50 ppm Ca 9. K ti 4- Ammonium and 50 ppm Ca 3. Total Ca tf » " 100 ii n tt it 150 tt tt The uptake of calcium, potassium, and magnesium by the nitrate supplied plants was approximately equal to a constant with the potassium and magnesium showing propor­ tional decreases as the calcium increased. The cation con­ stant of the ammonium supplied plants was higher than that of the nitrate supplied plants. This could probably be attributed to the fact that the plants did not put on much vegetative growth and the carbohydrate content was materially decreased. Where the nitrogen source was amino acids (low level ammonium), the cation constant was lower than in the nitrate supplied plants. This would tend to indicate that -105- ammonium enters into the relationship to the extent of decreasing the uptake of the other cations and would signify that greater quantities of available mineral cations are necessary for the MnarraalM growth of soybeans when their source of nitrogen is ammonium. The Relationship of Calcium to Soybean Growth on Fumigated Soils It was apparent that ammonium affected the mineral uptake of plants and that higher levels of calcium aided plant growth, thus, an experiment was set up to determine the effect of a high level of calcium on the growth of soybeans in fumigated soils. A soil was composited consisting of 50 percent clay loam and 50 percent by volume of an acid peat (pH 5*6). The soil was placed in one gallon crocks and a quantity of ammonium sulfate equal to 100 p.p.m. N on a dry weight soil basis was added to each pot. In addition to this, 300 p.p.m. of calcium in the form of calcium chloride was added to every second crock and the soil was thoroughly mixed. The soils were then brought up to the optimum moisture and four replicates at the high and four at the low calcium levels were treated with Dowfumes N, W-40, and HC-2 at the rate of 1.6, 1.0, and 1.6 ml. per gallon crock respectively. Analyses for exchangeable mineral contents of the soils indicated that they all contained approximately 37 p.p.m. potassium and 49 p.p.m. magnesium. The soils to which no -106- calciurn had been added contained approximately 74 p.p.m. calcium and those which received the supplementary calcium contained approximately 375 p.p.m. The soils were allowed to stand for one month after the treatment and were then screened and returned to the crocks. Analyses for avail­ able nitrogen showed that in the treated soils, the nitrogen was predominately in the form of ammonium, while in the untreated soils it was predominately in the form of nitrate. The pH of all the soils was 5.3. Soybeans were planted in the soils and after germi­ nation, they were thinned to 3 plants per crock. It was obvious from observations made on the plants during the growth period that those on the fumigated soils with the high level of calcium were making better growth than those plants on the fumigated soils with low calcium or on the untreated soils with either high or low calcium. The growth of the plants on the soils high in calcium and treated with Dowfume N was especially pronounced (plate 15)* However, the growth of the plants on the treated, low calcium soils seemed to be less in comparison with those on the untreated soils. dome of the plants on the low calcium, treated soils began to blossom at the end of six weeks growth. There was no evidence of blossoming on the other plants. At this point, the plants were harvested and analyzed for pro­ tein and mineral content. given in table 13• The results of these analyses are H * 0 p O E-i O On rH CO •co CM o uo CM to CM CM CM CO CM -d co . O CO i—1 CO • I> CM • UO LO CM o On CO O rH to ON CO co co o o co o uo CM nO CO CM NO co • O co • to cm cm cm 1— 1 LT\ o 1— 1 rH i b0 ON U0 -d -d • CM -d" • U0 b£) • CM • • • • CO . • o to UO UO F—H • £ W . ctJ . £ O o ON i— 1 • rH CM ■ i—1 o. co • NO 1—i UO b0 O UO O O 0 • _j jy NO -d CO O uo NO CO t— 1 -d • uo uo CM -d UA O o uo i— 1 • * o uo uo ■& rH —i ON CO '-JO (— 1 ON • -d • • ON • o to -d -d CM ■to nQ On • -to rH rH NO • Cs- i— 1 CM i —1 CM CO ON -d NO * CM -d On •to • co UO to rH to O ON • E>- co • • rH * . £ •H 0 p O U ft ■& * • 0 -P s £ co t>»uo • . nO i— 1 o CM 1>- rH -d CM NO • CO u • E>~ • co CM • -d ■ rH • to rH rH -d • -d « CM Q d O cif O O £ A -d A IS -d £ 1 Or 0 O £ O 0 £ £ ft a, o o co -P O e -p cd o Sh Eh S CD s p 1 T* 0 tJ 0 P P CTJ 0 Su p £ ccf 0 5h P t£z> CO o o o Q ♦ rH £ nO • rH 3 co *t! £ o n I 1 p ch £ o Q • i—i £ rH NO • o t—1 1=5 • H CM 1 O 'sd cH CM I £ ft O j5ti P-r 0 O £ O 0 P co ON • ■ir Table 1$. i— 1 O • £ S uo . -d NO • o . co • CO -co CM • NO ON cm * Soils at Different Calcium Levels, -107- - 103 - Plate 15. Soybeans grown on soil fumigated with Dowfume N. 1. Treated, low calcium soil. 2. Untreated, high calcium soil. 3 . Treated, high calcium soil. It is obvious that the plants on the treated soils contained more protein than did those on the untreated soils. However, the dry weights of these plants were significantly lower when the calcium level in the soil was low. (See analysis of variance in table 19 for difference in weight necessary for significance.) let, when the calcium level in the soil was high, the plants m on the treated soils put on more growth in addition to containing a greater percentage of protein than those on the untreated soils. This was especially true where the soil was fumigated with Dowfume N. Those plants grown on the soils fumigated with Dowfume W-40 did not have a -109- Table 19* Analysis of variance of dry weight of soy­ bean plants grown on fumigated soils with low and high calcium levels. Source D.F. S.3 31 22.81 Replications 3 .06 .02 Treatments 7 20.80 2.97 21 1.93 Total Error M.S. F .22 33.00 * * Significant beyond the l/o level. Application of the nt test” indicated that the differences between the averages of the dry weight of the plants necessary for significance at the 1% level was 0.31 grams. significantly greater amount of dry matter than did those on the untreated soils when a comparison is made between them on the high calcium level. The responses of the plants grown on the soils treated with Dowfume MC-2 are similar to those of plants grown on the Dowfume N treated soils, though not of the same magnitude. The calcium uptake by the plants was partially governed by the amount of calcium available in the soil. However, the uptake was less when the primary source of nitrogen available to the plants was in the form of ammonium than when it was in the form of nitrate• An increase in the uptake of calcium was associated with a decrease in the potassium and magnesium content of the -1 1 0 - plants. It can be seen that the mineral cation constants in the plants were lower when the primary source of nitrogen was ammonium. It is also obvious however, that an increase in calcium available to the plants growing in the fumigated soils materially aided in the growth responses. This increase in growth due to an increase in the calcium level of the soil was not as pronounced when the primary source of nitrogen available to the plant was in the form of nitrate. DISCUSSION It was shown that when the sole source of nitrogen available to plants is in a reduced form, the plants will respond favorably to an increase in calcium in the substrate. Though the protein content of the plants supplied with these forms of nitrogen was higher, total growth was low due to an inability of the plants to synthesize enough carbohydrate which seems to be necessary for elaboration of the ammonium. These plants character­ istically matured earlier than plants whose sole source of nitrogen was in the form of nitrate. The mineral cation uptake constant when expressed in milliequivalents per unit of dry weight of tissue was less when the source of nitrogen was ammonium than when it was nitrate. indicates that ammonium enters into the This cation balance relationships and reduces the uptake of other cations by -111- the plants. When soybeans were grown on soils which were fumi­ gated with Dowfumes N, W-40, and MC-2, the growth re­ sponses brought about by high levels of calcium in the soil were excellent. There were indications that the fumigated soils were much higher in ammonium content than were the untreated soils and conversely lower in nitrate though both forms were present in all soils. It proved futile to try to test the soils for ammonium and nitrate content during the growth period of the plants because of the difficulty of accurate sampling and the fact that ammonium is very rapidly absorbed by the plant roots. However, the responses of the soybean plants growing on the treated soils indicated that their primary source of nitrogen was in a reduced form. The protein content of these plants was higher than that of those growing on the untreated soils and there was a tendency toward earlier maturation. The mineral cation uptake constant was also lower than in the case of the untreated soils. A high calcium content in the soil seemed to reduce the amount of carbohydrate necessary for elaboration of the ammonium because the plants had a much greater dry weight under these soil conditions. At any rate, where there was a large supply of carbohydrate present in the plant due to favorable environmental conditions and a large supply of available calcium in the soil, the growth responses of the -112- soybean plant to soil fumigation were better than those of the plants grown on the untreated soil regardless of the calcium level. The plants grown on the low calcium, fumigated soils did not put on as much vegetative growth as those grown on the untreated soils. It appears that a high level of calcium in the soil is of benefit to the growth of soybeans after soil fumigation and probably, increases in the other mineral cations would also be of value. -113- GENERAL SUMMARY It was determined that the dispersion of dichloropropene and ethylene dibromide through soils was approxi­ mately the same with the dispersion limits being reached within 24 hours from the time of injection of the com­ pounds. The dispersion is lateral and downward from the point of injection with little, if any, penetration of the compounds into the soil mass above thepoint of injection. The extent of dispersion was greatest in the sandy soil, next greatest in the clay loam, and least in the muck. The amount of moisture exerted considerable influence on the degree of dispersion of the compounds with T!optimum1T dispersion taking place when the soil was at the moisture equivalent. Outward diffusion from the point of injection was minimized when the soil was air-dry and a water saturated soil cut down on the depth of penetration of the compounds. Quantities of both the dichloropropene and the ethylene dibromide were fixed by the soils and it was shown that this fixation was a function of the amount of colloidal organic matter present. There were indications that the compounds dispersed through the soil in two phases: 1, the air-water phase and 2, the humus phase. It was shown that Dowfumes N and W-40 are also fixed in soils and that it is possible to attribute certain plant injuries to a residual effect of the fumigants in the soils o -114- The use of dichloropropene and ethylene dibromide as soil fumigants accomplished a partial sterilization of the soil and resulted in a reduced activity of the oxidizing organisms. An indication of this was the fact that the bio-electric potentials of the soils were lowered after treatment with these compounds. Also, the effect of fumigation was to inhibit nitrification and permit the accumulation of large quantities of ammonium in the soils. The rate of ammonification was increased after fumigation, though the total amount of available nitrogen was not materially greater than in the untreated soils. Dowfumes N, W-40, and MC-2 retarded nitrification of ammonium which was added to soils with Dowfume N being most effec­ tive in this respect. Thus, plants growing on fumigated soils receive a great part of their nitrogen in the form of ammonium, and their subsequent growth is to a large degree dependent upon their ability to utilize this form of nitrogen. With ammonium as the source of nitrogen available to soybeans, the plants responded favorably to an increase in calcium in the nutrient substrate. The plants were characterized by an abnormally high protein content and matured earlier than soybean plants whose sole source of nitrogen was nitrate. The calciun, potassium, and magnesium content of the ammonium fed plants was less than those on the nitrate substrate. Soybeans grown on soils -115- which had been fumigated with Dowfumes N, ¥-40, and IiC-2 also showed favorable growth responses when the calcium content of the soil was increased, and the mineral cation content was lower than that of the plants grown on the untreated soils. The decrease in the mineral content of the plants was attributed to the fact that large amounts of ammonium taken up by the plants on the fumigated soils decreased the uptake of other cations. There were indications that an increase in the cation contents of fumigated soils (especially calcium) would be of benefit to plant growth. The growth of soybeans and onions on muck soils which were treated with Dowfume N showed that fumigation could be of benefit at a time when available nitrogen is a limiting factor in plant growth. 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