H _,__E;_,.:_::_,: z = :5 5, mm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII illiillllllillllllWNWIll]lllillIIHHIIHlilllllllllllllll 3 1293 00572 5779 i L I B R A R Y Michigan State University , THE METAL ION CATALYSIS OF THE MUTAROTATION OF dbD-GLUCOSE By Irene H. Kochevar A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Biochemistry 1966 ABSTRACT THE METAL ION CATALYSIS OF THE MUTAROTATION OF chin-GLUCOSE by Irene H. Kochevar Catalysis of the mutarotation ofIXJD-glucose by metal ions in acetate buffer was studied. The metal ion concentra- tions varied from 0.025 M'to 0.20 M. Polarimetric readings were converted to rates of reaction. Calcium, manganous, nickelous and cupric ions and the monoacetate complex of cupric ion were all found to enhance the rate of mutarota- tion. The catalyst concentrations were calculated taking into account the formation of metal acetate complexes. Catalytic coefficients were determined for the metal ions and for the cupric monoacetate complex. The order of catal- ytic efficiency is: cupric monoacetate complex > cupric > nickelous>manganousrcalcium. The results were discussed in terms of both stepwise and concerted mechanisms. ‘9‘ The writer gratefully acknowledges the assistance, criticism, and many suggestions given by Professor J. C. Speck, Jr. throughout the course of this study. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION00OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Mutarotation of Glucose......................... Metal Ion CatalySiSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.0.0... EXPERIEILENTALOOOOOQOOOOIOOOOOCOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Reagents and Solutions.......................... Equ1pmentsooosocoosooooso...coo. Procedure............0.....0.................... Data....o....o......o............o.............o DISCUSSIONQOOOO0.000000COOCOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO REFERENCESOOOQOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0.0.0....0.0.0... iii Page 13 13 13 i3 29 35 Q's-0.000.000... coo-00.9.- OOOOOOOOOOOecoaoono..-o,.. 00.0.0000cocoooovoosostnoo- Cocooooooooooooooc-oo-.o..o O O O O O O I C U I O 3 . . I O I O O I O O ‘ I O . O II. III. IV. TABLES Page Mica]. Dataoosc000000000000000.000000000000000 15 Uncorrected Data on the Effects of Metal Ions.. 1? Calculated Molarities of Catalytic Species in Solution..............................oo..... 21 Effects of Uncomplexed Metal Ions.............. 2h Effects of Uncomplexed plus Complexed Metal IOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO00......O... 27 iv O...so-oe-- ‘0 O . I . O O O ‘ | O O . FIGURES Page I. Typical Data................................... 16 II., Uncorrected Data on the Effects of Metal Ions.. 18 III. Effects of Uncomplexed Metal Ions.............. 23 IV. Effects of Uncomplexed plus Complexed Metal Ions.....OOOOOOOOO00....COCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 25 INTRODUCTION 1. Mutarotation of Glucose The mutarotation of glucose has been known to be a gen- eral acid-base catalyzed reaction for almost forty years. Three mechanisms have been proposed to account for the experi- mental results. The first of these mechanisms, the stepwise or bimole- cular mechanism, requires prior proton donation by an acid to the bridge oxygen of glucose or prior proton abstraction by a base from the C-1 hydroxyl group of glucose before the rate-determining ring opening step. The experimental expres- sion is a sum of second order terms. The general rate expression for the stepwise mechanism is: rate: gkiuiflc] + gkj [stG] where: hi 2 21 The second mechanism is called the concerted or termole- catalytic constant characteristic of A catalytic constant characteristic of B any Bronsted acid any Bronsted base glucose cular mechanism. In this case proton donation to the bridge oxygen, proton abstraction from the C-1 hydroxyl and ring opening occur simultaneously. The rate expression, as shown below, contains all third order terms. rate = {gki [A1]} {231:3 [33]} [G] -2- The notation is the same as the first rate expression that appears on page 1, and it is assumed that the effectiveness of an acid does not depend on the base it acts in concert with. The development of the first two mechanisms can be fol- lowed historically. Bronsted and Guggenheim in 1927 were the first to propose that mutarotation was general acid-base catalyzed.1 Their experimental expression contained only second order terms. Several years later Pedersen reported that if a concerted mechanism was assumed, discrepancies appeared in the relative catalytic power of various pairs of acid and bases in the experimental expression. He concluded that only the stepwise mechanism was important in aqueous solution.2 Swain, in 1950, showed that Pedersen's interpretation was invalid because some of the terms were actually due to a combination of two indistinguishable acid-base pairs.3 Swain factored the rate expression for the concerted mecha- nism, inserted experimental values, multiplied, and found that the coefficients for the cross terms agreed well with the coefficients in the original Brdnsted expression. In addition, Swain's expression contained a small catalytic term due to the combination of acetic acid and acetate ion. Swain concluded that all catalysis of the mmtarotation of glucose in acetate buffer was termolecular with.water serving as an acid or a base. c ..4. I‘ .J l v a s I . I. -3- Soon afterwards Hill and Thumm carried out mutarotation experiments with glucose in methanol-water solvent with ace- tate ion as a catalyst.“ They varied the concentration of water and looked for third order kinetics; but found that their data indicated second order kinetics. Other arguments against the concerted mechanism in gen- eral acid-base catalyzed reactions in aqueous medium were presented by Bell in 1953.5 He showed that neither the pre- sence of a third order term in a catalytic expression nor its size was sufficient proof that all other terms in the expression were third order. Bell's elegant arguments were accepted as convincing evidence that the reaction in aqueous solution is catalyzed by a stepwise mechanism. The case for a concerted mechanism has been revived recently by Eigen.6t7 Using rapid reaction techniques he has experimentally shown that the Br8nsted catalysis law, kA = GAR: , is valid only over a limited range of dissoci- ation constants, MA. The constant!“ approaches zero as the ApKA is increased for a number of reactions which follow the Bronsted catalysis law in the time range accessable to classical kinetic methods. At ak= 0 the rate of these reactions is diffusion controlled. Proton switching is no longer the rate determining step and the rate is independent of RA. The mutarotation of glucose appeared to be an exception since A remained constant over a considerably larger AplfA (x -14... range. To account for this behavior, Eigen proposed a con- certed mechanism. The rate of this three centered reaction would be so far below the diffusion controlled rate that even large KA differences between substrate and catalyst could not make d.go to zero. The third mechanism was proposed by Schmid in 1963.8 From values for AH: 48’ and 56" for the formation of the activated complex, he formulated a mechanism which includes a water molecule between the glucose molecule and the catal- ytic species. He proposed that during base catalysis a water molecule in the solvation shell of the base accepts the C-1 hydroxyl proton from glucose. Simultaneously, the base accepts a proton from the water molecule. This proton switching requires exact positioning of the molecules. Schmid proposed that the process of aligning the molecules is the rate determing step. The mechanism of base catalysis is shown onipage 5. I l v n . s ! o .1 . s , . , . O . . . . . y i n . . I . v t I . . . . , a a, . I _ a y .. . \ . . e Q . A a a r . s I u s D. . t . r t n i ,i . . x , I I I, x ,l . I 4 ‘ . a . u a . . - y . O J h . l . . r u ‘1 i I i . i r . . . . i . r . O . I e t i . . i r A . .t. I t I s i . i a J u A I ,h l f s I y u - r a A wl \l I I . » I I I: . . _ e . J \ a . I i- i . . e i i! . , , . t r . .. I ., . s i a a i‘ J u _ . . . . i . . w. . I V V t i. e o z . LI . II . A . I . .. .. . .. P. O I . . \; . a I . ‘| I ~ . p i. . e ~ ‘ . e . . . I e a 1 ml \ u . I n .’I -5— °u on +Hlo t B: .4 w on -“‘0 —-H:B+ ~r clkOI-t 0‘ when H “\o“ a 6-— (.__ “ ‘Ou .. -—: ———+ “ OH H OH 0“ an Mutarotation experiments were carried out in aqueous solutions containing various acids and bases as catalysts. Schmid pointed out that the values calculated from the data for All“ are nearly identical while the values for AS‘ vary. From the similarity of the AH‘ values he concluded that the same molecule is involved in the proton transfer to or from glucose regardless of the identity of the catalyst. He correlated the values of AIS" with the degree of salvation -1 .6. of ths catalyst. The contribution made to the rate constant mods by 48* in the equation.... k a I?" sxp["“H sxp [9.13;] far outweighs that made bybafii. Schmid's data and mechanism are not consistent with classical general acid-bass catalysis theory. First of all, tbs rate constant in Schmid’s treatment is related to the degree of solvation of the catalyst rather than to the acid or base strength as required by the Bronsted catalysis law. Secondly, because the rats determining step postulated for nondiffusion controlled general acid-bass catalysis is a proton transfer, ths rats constant should vary with Ali“ rather than aS”. Finally. Schmid's data gives rates at only two or three temperatures ‘ for each catalyst. The largest range is from 5° c. to 25‘ 0. Since ths‘graph of the natural logarithm versus the reciprocal of ths absolute temperature required to obtain 1311* and 48* values would have a maximum of three points, the conclusions from this type of data are questionable. - Ths-availabls evidence does not permit a judgment upon the W validity of the stepwise and concerted mecha- nisms. Both mechanisms will be discussed in connection with the present study. The mschanism proposed by Schmid will 19.. -7- not be discussed further because it does not appear to result from reliable experimental findings. 11. thal Ion Catalysis ‘A general introduction to metal ion catalysis will be presented first as background for the discussion of metal ion catalysis of the mutarotation of glucose. The effects of metal ions in aqueous solution upon the rate of a reaction can be grouped as follows: A. primary salt effects B. secondary salt effects C. changes in the catalyst ' D. changes in the ground state of the reactants E. changes in the transition state This order will be followed in discussing metal ion catalysis. .A primary salt effect changes the ionic atmosphere of the reacting species and results in a shift in the equili- brium between reactants and the activated complex. By know- ing the charge on each reactant involved in the activated complex, the direction of change produced by the primary salt effect can be predicted. .A secondary salt effect does not change the catalytic constant. Rather, it affects the rate by changing the amount of catalyst present. An increase in the ionic strength changes the activity coefficients thereby disturb- ing the equilibrium of weekly dissociated species. In order to return to equilibrium the concentrations of the ions and I r . 1 I. I 9 _ . A e . v e » . e . e A., . , . . A e n’ l‘ _ n I , . . . :u . , . n . . .. n 4 . . e _ I e . \A . e y . e . f . e I s \. ‘ ,y 0 Q A. O O v. A A . . . s e , e» I: Iv . A C I y A h . A . \ a . . ‘ o u s . I 7 e t \ O . . e . . . . I e x . . e v s A e . A . s.A:: V . _ e. . f e a r . e.-A .vV‘ I a t’ e I . e I I. \ 4 ‘e a» I D- ‘1 e‘ e A A . 'l o . I )l . e u e u e a a A I A . y . . o. . . _ . I r t .‘1 ... . 4 . t 1. J. A c A . e e e e 1. e e . f . v .. . e s b l I , ‘ - D » '1 e A . e II - l .I. .l I . ‘ v y . e a e i s . O A e e . I . A .u I C.‘ e . . e A) e W I r I . . r g e e e _ e e l e \If , I. I f e e . I V _ . . . , . .. . - .s. .. . . _ . . f . . . A \ . L . . i y \l a \ , o e A . .1 A x \ .. .§ . . ‘ e. I f . \ A s i . r . e . . .n . s \ l V sl ,7 n ’ . l o . I . e A , o s 1 I . , . v I . I . . Ax . . A. I . . a . .. .0 Ia ., . A . . .A. r . . r . I .u . . . . W ._ _ . . . J . A J . , A a t . e . J y A . ’A I l- t . a .1 l . e l \l e s ‘ J A I I _ A . . f . e . - A i A . . A . e . ..: . f A e e .\ t ‘ e r _ . , . e . , n e . . I p 'I ; y s t ‘ I II I‘ . AA 4., . . v a . . a. e n t. . e r e a . . A . I . e x s e I a» e . . . 1 \1 re . . a l . e .e l . . .\ s e v 0 . A . . l e he . . ex . , \1 I e . e” ' . e u . I . A \. . . e. A n) . A A e \ e e . v . e e . 1 I [A I . . .A e u . ’ . . I t . l . , v e _ a q . . 1. J J v . , . . A e r .y .. . e I. . r r . . . . . pl: . n l e v A . e e . . . A . 1 . ./ . f In) , . . s e . i e . . a n. \I; x. s .4 , e . s eev x . I I I . e v e s I (r \e l e e n . , . . r 1 fl . L . A 1 .J n O o ‘I: Q 4 I j C e e e A . A e _ e . . _ . , . e .. I. e e y e , . I. . . . . .A . u.’ e . e ‘ r e. I a \1 _ i g A . A a .. , 3. . . - , . .1 i I! g e . u e! e I. e a e 1» 1. A e A n A . \t . e u a v C e I . e . . A. estl - e ‘s I I 4' . . . ‘ .. . s‘ r ) . a . A , . e e I :1 e . I e . o . _ . e . Isl e e I . e :1. . . I e e e \oA Ltd ll 4 . e e e: . . a . . e y I. ,C x e . . II A I l as! u e x . . . a .. . . . . (e .4 . . r e I — e I, . r c . . . . . I I I e a .1 e e -8- the undissociated acid.must change. A.meta1 ion can change the rate by acting upon (a) the catalyst, (b) the ground state of the reactants, or (c) the transition state. (a) The catalyst: If the metal ion merely changes the concentration of the catalyst by associating with a certain number of the catalytic molecules, the rate of the reaction is changed. For example, in the mutarotation of glucosamine the C-2 amino group catalyzes the reaction.9 Ni‘" and Cd“- slow down the reaction by associating with the free electron pair of the amino group nitrogen thereby destroying its catalytic power. In other cases the metal ion-catalyst complex is a better catalyst than the uncamplexed catalyst. (b) The ground state of the reactant: Association between.metal ion and the ground state of a reactant can increase the rate constant by decreasing the activation energy. An example is the decarboxylation.of dimethyloxaloacetic acid.11 The metal ion associates with two points on the molecule and Polarizes the carbonyl bond, thus facilitating the electron Shifts -9- o‘ 0 ah i u \ O=C"C'—CH ‘ CA4: Metal ions could conceivably decrease the rate constant by forming a stable chelate with the ground state in which the electron density is unfavorable for reaction. In effect, formation of the chelste would increase the activation energy. (c) Transition state: Acceleration due to metal ion association with the transition state has been postulated for several reactions including the bromination of ethyl acetoacetate.12 The metal ion begins to co-ordinate with the oxygens during the transition state. as the drawing below shows the transition state resembles the final product. This metal-organic complex is more stable than the free transition state; therefore, a lowered activation energy is required and the rate constant is increased. (HA:- C .cnrzc— o— Caz-CH3 o '0 \cu/ -10... A reaction which requires a smaller increase in entropy during the formation of the transition state will have a larger rate constant. As shown below, stabilization of a ring into a rigid conformation which has the desired stereo- chemistry for a l,2-elimination of water fits this description. 9 n* " GD M: ~ a Q." R H: H on This brief outline attempted to place a certain order upon the many possible ways in which a metal ion could influ- ence the rate of a reaction. In the particular case of mutarotation of glucose very little investigation of metal ion effects has been carried out. Bransted and Guggenheim demonstrated the absence of primary salt effects up to an ionic strength of 0.20}- Secon- dary salt effects are expected if a week acid or weak base is used as a catalyst. The first demonstration of metal ion catalysis was reported in the original article by Bronsted and Guggenheim on the mutarotation of glucose.1 While studying catalysis by various bases, they found that the basic cations 00(NH3)59HT*’ and Cr(OH2)50H+*'behaved as general bases in the catalysis of mutarotation. The neutral cation 00(NH3)6+++ did not catalyze the reaction. -11- In 1950 Delaney, Kleinberg and Argersinger observed an increase in the rate of mutarotation of dLglucose when FeCl3 was added to the reaction mixture.13 The authors attributed catalysis to preferential complex formation between p-glucose and Fe+++ although the equilibrium rotation was not affected by the presence of FeClj. Other evidence indicated that com- plex formation does occur. The rate data could be interpreted as a case of general base catalysis by Fe+++e Metal ion catalysis was also reported by Neely in 1952 3"“ This researcher found increases in the rate constant in the presence of Mg**, and Cu++ in unbuffered solutions. Fe++*, Bi’, Mg“, and Be+ were shown to increase the rate in perch- loric acid solution and in acetate buffer, Li+ and Mg** acted as catalysts. The resultant change in rate in acetate buffer was due to two factors: (1) association between acetate ion and the metal ion which produced a change in catalyst concen- tration and (2) specific acceleration by the metal ion. .At low metal ion concentrations the first factor outweighed the second, resulting in a net decrease in the rate. No evidence was found for the formation of a complex between Li+ or Mg++ and the sugar. Specific acceleration by the metal ion was attributed to stabilization of the transition state by the metal acting as an electrophilic agent. The proposed mecha- nism is shown on page 12. ! V“ ’a -4‘\ -12.. 1 J 69.0“ M'“ ch10“ or! The effects of alkali metal and alkaline earth metal ions were investigated by Nicolle and weisbuch in 1957.15 These researchers used high concentrations of salts, l to h M, and unbuffered solutions. They found retardation of the rate of mutarotation by the alkali metal salts and no effect or slight increase in rate by the alkaline earth salts. RbCl had the largest decreasing effect and MgCl had the largest enhancing effect of the salts employed. At about the same time Grandchamp-Chaudin investigated the effects of 2'M solutions of NaCl, KCl, NHhCl and LiCl upon the rate of mutarotation and the equilibrium rotation glucose.16 Her results correlated well with those of Nicolle and weishbuch. Because Nicolle and weishbuch and Grandchamp~Chaudin used high salt concentrations in unbuffered solutions the reliability of their date makes any interpretation questionable. In summary, one can see that only indications of the possible role of metal ions in the catalysis of the mutarota- tion of glucose have been demonstrated. The purpose of this study is to further delineate these effects. r‘e ls ./ r e II .s . \. . e -4 . .. ‘ rs‘v. . O u .. A. IA /\ EXPERIMENTAL Reagents and Solutions: cn-D-glucose was obtained from the National Bureau of Standards, Lot numbers 5052 and 5250. The cupric nitrate, nickelous sulfate, manganous sulfate, and calcium nitrate were reagent grade chemicals. The glacial acetic acid from the J. T. Baker Company was 99.9% pure. Stock metal ion solutions were prepared by weighing the anhydrous salt or the hydrate on an analytical balance and then diluting to the correct volume with glass distilled water in a volumetric flask. The correct concentrations were later determined by standard quantitative procedures. The 0.1 M 1:1 stock acetate buffer was prepared from standard sodium hydroxide and glacial acetic acid. The sample solu- tions were prepared by pipetting the required volume of stock metal ion solution and 10 ml. stock buffer solution into a 50ml. volumetric flask and diluting with glass distilled water. Equipment: Rotation measurements were taken at 5780.X with a Zeiss Photoelectric Polarimeter using a mercury lamp. The one decimeter cell was water-jacketed and kept at lB.9°:0.l° C. with a circulating constant terperature water bath. Procedure: For each run, 1.125 g. (0.00625 mole) oan-Dm glucose was washed into a 25 m1. volumetric flask with the appropriate buffer-metal ion solution which had been previ- ously prepared in a 50 ml. volumetric flask and equilibrated -13- . \ . ‘ ’ O ' IA v ' \ 7 -'-'.,' i .‘ 1‘ . m ,. ll , r- .' "* .I'. . -. ,- i , ‘ . l , , 1: 1“ ‘ .1 . , ' s I— .— . I i A r . .. ‘ n v . Y. i I s s I. . \ 1 \ 12»: was w p. ti< -19- to 19° C. AAll experiments were run at 18.90 C. The glucose concentration was 0.25 M. The acetic acid and the acetate ion concentrations were both 0.02 M. Elapsed time was meas- ured from the initial mixing of glucose and solvent. The first reading was usually at 250 seconds. Subsequent measure- ments were made at 250-second intervals. Data: The equilibrium rotation was 2.h65°. Initial rotation was calculated to be 5.0h90. The rate was determined by de-do dc‘“ tion, 4,: initial rotation, and o( = rotation at time, t.) plotting values of log vs. time (de.= equilibrium rota- The unit of time was the second. A typical set of data is given in Table I and the corres— sponding graph in Figure 1. Experiments were replicated either once or twice. The rate at each concentration was taken to be the average of the observed values. The observed values were never outside the experimental error, i2%. Figure II shows the observed rates versus the concentra- tion of metal ion in the sample solution. The data for this graph is given in Table II. The metal ions complexed with the acetate ion; therefore, the actual concentrations of metal ion, metal acetate complex, acetate ion and acetic acid were obtained by calculation. The initial metal ion concentration, the dissociation con- stant for acetic acid, and the association constants for the metal acetate complexes were known. 4 e b . x i .l O\ , 1.. A e . A ,. e I . . o A. I _ e . . . e _ e a . \ . A . . a \n . ‘, 9.. . ' 0 e | 74 .. ..l 1 o. .4 . I. . . . uy. \ . . . r I.. u v . Px. — » O ..u L II. V . -15- TABLE I TYPICAL DATA (“WP 0.175. [mac-r] = 0.0337, [G] = 0-25. T = 18-96 C cs - Time, Seconds Rotation, Degrees 108$? 250 8.710 0.0611 500 “.385 0.1290 750 h.100 0.1988 1000 3.860 0.2677 1250 3.660 0e33u9 1500 3.uso 0.h058 ' 1750 3.335 0.h728 2000 3.200 0.5h60 2250 3.100 0.6151 2500 3.005 0.6799 2750 2.920 0.7549 3000 2.855 0.8212 -16- 0.80 '- [Cu‘rf = 0.175 0.20 .— + A L A A A ‘ I A A A J 1000 3000 3000 time, seconds FIGURE I TYPICAL DATA TABLE II UNCORRECTED DATA.0N THE EFFECTS OF METAL IONS Metal ion Molarity Observed rate x 10“ Ca++* 0.0088 1.08 0.0732 1.09 0.0976 1.11 0.1167 1.11 0.1000 1.12 Cu++** 0.0258 1.61 0.0516 1.80 0.0770 2.07 0.1032 2.20 0.1290 2.05 0.1508 2.61 0.1806 2.78 Mh++* 0.0202 1.09 0.0080 1.10 0.0726 1.17 0.0968 1.20 0.1210 1.23 0.1052 1.25 0.1690 1.29 Ni++** 0.0200 1.08 0.0080 1.12 0.0720 1.10 0.0960 1.21 *Rates for this ion are the average of three values. **Rates for this ion are the average of two values. 0.20 3.80 l '33.10 8 3.00 Observed rate x 10h m E» o 1.80 1.00 -18- 0 Calcium 0 Cupric 0 Manganous and Nickelous I I ( I (If 4‘0———4 o O ‘ *‘CF—v 14.11 1 l 1 1 1 I 0.06 0.12 0.18 Total metal ion concentration FIGURE II UNCORRECTED DATA ON THE EFFECTS OF METAL IONS -19- Activity of hydrogen ion as measured by a Beckman pH meter was converted to hydrogen ion concentration.17 The change in the dissociation constant for acetic acid due to the increase in ionic strength.was corrected for.18 The association constants used for the metal acetate complexes we re :19 log K1 log K2 Calcium. 0.53 Cupric I . 67 o .98 K1 = 0A6 Manganous O . 61 c" Nickelous 0.67 K2 3. 0A0) c O c In the following calculations it was assumed that only a monoacetate complex was formed in sufficient quantities to be catalytically important. 005*“: concentration of metal ion free in solution [My]: total concentration of metal ion added [HOAch = total concentration of acetic acid and acetate ion added [HOAcFI I final concentration of acetic acid Kl: g0A 0:! Equation 1 KA” @" I [OAc‘ 1 Equation 2 HOAcl IMF)“ EM"? (MOM? [HOAc l = [301 OAc T mongfi ++ gone] 333":- [M F": “Q -20- [HOACF] : [HOAcTJ - [0A5] - [MF'] +[MF”] Substituting for [M0Ao1 into Equation 1 yields: Kl = IM+ _ +41 [13%; [OAcq Rearranging this expression yields: [0A6] = "‘1 -- [M “'1 %1 F Substituting this value for [0A6] and the expression for [HOAcF] into Equation 2 yields: ++ - E+ K = + 4* * A [HOAcd .. 3W ‘1 ‘JM 1 —[M$"'] 4M; ] The value of [Mfi41was determined by approximation after substituting values for KA’ K1, [Mf‘l [HOAcTI, and [Hi The values of [MOAd'Il [0A6],'and [HOAcF] were calculated from the above equations. The results of these calculations are tabulated in Table III. Two possibilities for metal ion catalysis exist: (1) the free (uncomplexed) metal ion, [MfifL is the only catalytic species or (2) both the metal ion and its acetate complex are catalytically active. If only the uncomplexed metal ion catalyzes the reaction, the experimental rate expression is: rate a 8.8 x 10"5 .- LnLi x 10"” [end] 4- 1 x 102 [011‘] b, x 10-5 [HOAcF] + 2.1; x 10-3 [H3o“ + kM [Mfi‘l “uh-Aw“ °“' yr w -21.. Table III Calculated Molarities of Calalytic Species in Reaction Mixtures Metal ion MF mAc OAc HOAc H30 1: 105 Calcium 0.005 0. 000 0. 018 0.023 3.10 0.069 0. 005 0. 016 0.020 3.70 0.091 0. 007 0. 016 0.021 3.96 0.110 0. 012 0.015 0.018~ 0.29 0.133 0.013 0.010 0.018 0.20 Cupric 0. 018 0. 008 0.006 0.012 7.95 0. 039 0. 013 0. 005 0.021 13.7 0. 060 0. 010 0. 000 0.021 17.0 0. 089 0. 010 0. 003 0.022 22.2 0.110 0.015 0.003 0.021 26.8 0.100 0.015 0. 002 0.021 33.0 0.165 0. 016 0. 002 0.020 38.6 Manganous 0.022 0.002 0. 018 0.020 3.50 0.000 0.000 0. 016 0.022 0.60 0.069 0.000 0. 013 0.026 6.23 0.090 0. 007 0. 010 0.020 6.56 0.111 0. 013 0.008 0.016 6.85 0.130 0. 013 0.007 0.017 8. 30 0.157 0.013 0.006 0.018 10. 27 Nickelous 0.023 0.001 0.018 0.021 3.01 0.005 0.003 0.010 0.022 3.97 0.068 0.000 0.013 0.022 0.36 0.091 0.005 0.013 0.022 0.58 f“, E“ .-A‘ H "1 "a. -22- This expression is made up of the original Brbnsted and Guggenheim.expression with a term for metal ion catalysis added. The difference between the observed rate and the rate calculated from the terms of the original Br6nsted- Guggenheim expression was attributed to participation of the uncomplexed metal ion. The rate due to metal ion catalysis is plotted versus the uncomplexed metal ion concentration in Figure III. The slopes of the lines were taken to be the catalytic constants for CaffI, MnF*+} and NiF++L The cata- lytic constants are given in Table IV along with the data for Figure III. No value for Cup‘* is given because of the non- linearity of the plot. If both the metal ion and its acetate complex are cata- lytically active the following expression is appropriate. rate 8.8 x 10'”5 + 0.0 x lO'u (OAdj + l x 102 [OH'I-r b, x 10-5 [HOAcF] + 2.1;, x 10-3 [1130‘] + kM [Mgfl + kMOAC. [MOACJ] The combined rate due to Mg? plus MOAe* is plotted versus the total metal ion concentration,[Mqu, in Figure IV. The lines for Cu§* are curved indicating that at least two cata- lytically active species exist. The catalytic coefficients for the two species in.Cu*+ catalysis were determined by sub- stitution of the appropriate rates and concentrations into the following expression at two cupric ion concentrations: 1.60 |-' O N 0 Rate due to metal ion catalysis x 10h .0 oo o 0.00 -23- D 0 Calcium ’ 0 Cupric . Manganous O Nickelous , D D D 0 L / 1 4 ‘ L I - L . L 0.06 0.12 0.18 Uncomplexed metal ion concentration FIGURE III EFFECTS OF UNCOMPLEXED METAL IONS -20- TABLE IV EFFECTS OF UNCOMPLEXED METAL IONS 0 0 Metal ion ‘Molarity gagetg g++ RM:x 10 Calcium 0.006 0.11 0.59 0.070 0.13 0.093 0.15 0.117 0.16 0.100 0.17 Cupric 0.019 0.70 * 0.003 0.93 0.067 1.16 0.092 1.33 0.117 1.50 0.103 1.70 0.169 1.87 ManganoUs 0.023 0.12 1.07 0.006 0.18 0.070 0.22 0.093 0.27 0.120 0.31 0.103 0.33 0.165 0.37 Nickelous 0.023 0.11 2.32 0.006 0.17 0.070 0.19 0.093 0.26 *No catalytic constant could be determined because of the non- linearity of the curve. Rate due to metal ion catalysis x 101+ -25- 9 0 Calcium . O Cupric——experimental 1,60 - 3’ Cupric--calculated . Manganous ., O Nickelous ' £3 D 1020 "" t 0.80 - D F 0.00 - - 1 g; 1 A _J 0060 0.12 0.18 Total metal ion concentration FIGURE IV EFFECTS OF UNCOMPLEXED PLUS COMPLEXED METAL IONS -26- velocity due to metal ion: km [Cufiq + KMOAc [CuOAc‘] The two equations were then solved simultaneously for kM and kMOAc° The rates calculated using these catalytic coef- ficients are compared with the experimental values in Figure IV. Table V presents the data for Figure IV and a summary of the catalytic coefficients. -27- TABLE V EFFECTS OF UNCOMPLEXED PLUS COHPLEXED METAL IONS Metal ion. Molarity Rate x 10h Calc'd km, kMOAc of due to rates “x110 0h Mf+ 11016" MF“+ 11010" 1 1 0.3+ 0.0088 0.113 0.63 0.0732 09131 0.0976 0.156 0.1220 0.160 0.0770 1.15 1.12 0.1032 1.30 1.00 0.1290 1.55 1.56 0.1508 1.70 1. 0 -0.1806 1.89 1. 9 Mn“ 0.02 0.11—I. 1.00 0.00 g 0.19 0.072 0.20 0.0968 0.27 0.1200 0.30 0.1070 0.32 0.1700 0.36 01** 0.02 0 0.12 2.09 0.00 0 0.17 0.0720 0.22 0.0960 0.27 DISCUSSION Mutarotation of D-glucose in acetate buffer has been studied polarimetrically in the presence of metal ions. An increase in the rate of mutarotation resulted from the addi— tion of Ca(N03)2, Cu(N03)2, MnSOu or NiSOu to the reaction mixture. The total increases cannot be ascribed to primary or secondary salt effects for two reasons. First of all, variation in rate occured between solutions containing dif- ferent metal ions at identical ionic strengths. Secondly, experiments using salts such as NaN03 and Nazsoh indicated that only small variations in rate occur with increasing ionic strength. .At the maximum ionic strength used in the metal ion catalysis experiments, the variation due to salt effects was less than 0%. For these reasons metal ions appear to be specific catalysts for the mutarotation reaction. Before an attempt is made to elucidate the mechanism of this catalysis, the catalytic species must be identified. Each of the metal ions forms a complex with acetate ion and 'the concentrations of the metal ion-acetate ion complexes in the reaction mixtures have been calculated. The appearance of+hcplot of total metal ion concentra- tion, [MT++] , versus rate due to metal ion catalysis depends upon which species, the free metal ion (Mf++) or the metal ion-acetate ion complex (MDAc+), is catalytically active. -29- -30- Three possibilities exist: (1) If both MF++ and MDAo+ are catalysts and have the same catalytic coefficient, the curve would be linear. (2) If only the free metal ion catalyzes the reaction, the slope of the line would decrease at high concentrations due to removal of the metal ion by formation of the acetate complex. (3) If both species are catalysts but have different catalytic coefficients, the shape of the curve would depend on the relative catalytic efficiencies of M?*+ and MDAc+. Ca**, Mn++, and Ni++ show a linear relationship between rate and concentration of total metal in Figure IV, indicat- ing that MOAc+ and MF‘H' have the same catalytic coefficient. However, a linear relationship also exists between‘MF++ and the rate as shown in Figure III, indicating that only MF++ is catalytically active. Apparently a slight curvature exists in one of these sets of lines which cannot be detected due to the small slopes of the lines. Because of these contra- dictory pieces of evidence no conclusion can be drawn concern- ing the identity of the catalytic species for these three metal ions. Catalytic coefficients for CaF++, MnF++, and NiF++ were calulated from the slopes of the lines in Figure 111. These values must be considered approximations since it could not be determined whether the acetate complex of these metals had any catalytic power. The plot of CuT++ versus rate in Figure IV shows a defi- nite decrease in slope with increasing concentrations. The -31- same is true in Figure 111 for the concentration of CuF++ versus rate. Two possible explanations are: (l)more than one species is responsible for the change in rate, or (2) only CuF++ is active but the reaction is not first order with respect to CuF'H' . The first explanation requires that the two catalytic species have different catalytic coefficients. If they had had the same catalytic coefficient, the plot of CuT++ versus rate would have been linear. Catalytic coefficients for Cup++ and CuOAo have been calculated as shown in the experi~ mental section. The catalytic coefficient for CuOAo+ is larger then that for CuF+*. The rates determined from these rate constants fit the date very well as shown in Figure IV, indicating that this explanation is consistent with the experimental results. If CuF++ is considered the only catalyst as postulated by the second reason above, the rate must be less than first order with respect to CuF*+ because of the shape of the curve in Figure III. A.reacti0n order greater than unity would have led to a curve with increasing slope at high concentra~ tions, and with a reaction order of unity the line would have been straight. A reaction order between zero and unity is also consistent with the date. Only the first explanation was employed in calculating catalytic coefficients. Three conclusions concerning the identity of the catal- ytic species can be drawn. First of all, the identity of the -31.. same is true in Figure 111 for the concentration of CuF++ versus rate. Two possible explanations are: (l) more than one species is responsible for the change in rate, or (2) only CuF++ is active but the reaction is not first order with respect to CuF‘H' . The first explanation requires that the two catalytic species have different catalytic coefficients. If they had had the same catalytic coefficient, the plot of CuT++ versus rate would have been linear. Catalytic coefficients for CuF++ and CuOAe have been calculated as shown in the experin mental section. The catalytic coefficient for CuOAc+ is larger then that for CuF+*. The rates determined from these rate constants fit the date very well as shown in Figure IV, indicating that this explanation is consistent with the experimental results. If CuF++ is considered the only catalyst as postulated by the second reason above, the rate must be less than first order with respect to Cup++ because of the shape of the curve in Figure 111. A.reacti0n order greater than unity would have led to a curve with increasing slope at high concentra- tions, and with a reaction order of unity the line would have been straight. A.resction order between zero and unity is also consistent with the date. Only the first explanation was employed in calculating catalytic coefficients. Three conclusions concerning the identity of the catal- ytic species can be drawn. First of all, the identity of the -32.. catalytic species in solutions of Mn++, Ca++ and Ni++ in ace- tate buffer cannot be decided. Secondly, both Gui” and CuOAc+ are catalytically active. Thirdly, CuOAo+ is a much better catalyst than CuF++. The mechanism of metal ion catalysis will be discussed in terms of both the stepwise and the concerted mechanisms. The stepwise mechanism will be shown first. In nondiffusion controlled general acid catalysis, the rate determining step as shown in the following sequence is the (animals: initiation, “4,08 1' 08,90 0 H4 1 H ' i ' '\ \ 0,. on 1 T H u 0,, °' 0 + a4 s OH O“ OH on can»: A K I “ ‘3“ o' +-I‘1+* “ ‘I on R on * + saga. a“ 0‘ 1| \ 0‘ R -33- A water molecule could be included between the C-5 oxygen and the metal ion without changing this scheme. The metal ion behaves as a general acid and lowers the activation energy by stabilizing the transition state through binding with the C-5 oxygen. The monoacetate complex of cupric ion could catalyze the reaction by means of this mechanism.also. No explanation of its greater catalytic efficiency can be made with this mechanism. The mechanism.for a concerted reaction would be the same as that proposed by Neely.1u Again a water molecule could be included between the 0-5 oxygen and the metal ion. ¢H3°H O“ CHIP” [.A'Fr H 9 H a ““~C> O“ on -3u- The proton switching determines the rate of the reaction. proceeding by this mechanimn. The relative catalytic coefficients of the metal ions cannot be quantitatively related using the Bronsted catalysis law. because the dissociation constants of the metal ions acting as acids have not been determined. In.comolusion one can state that metal ions do catalyze the mutarotation of glucose in acetate buffer with character- istic rates. The evidence presented does not allow a decision to be made between the two mechanisms which were discussed. 11. 12. 13. 10. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. REFERENCES J. N. 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