-v.-- ‘. co»- ‘THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELECTRIC SCREEN 1813 FOR THE DEGREE OF B. S. M. A. Phelps 1933 - 4' ’ ’ .. ‘ .f . - fl, / 3‘3". ‘zJ... V N 2 .w Ill .2 III 03 «- LJé'JI 1,62,. (.l. L .I/ 11 A l’( {‘ i m . \{ ‘xl ' I" f‘. - ~/ I. ,1 ¢ “ I - . , 1...? d. A if L , , ‘] ..\/ .I -’ g. ‘ L} {=0 W ' ///// WIMLWQZ/li/f 12 //g//////, /l/ ‘. . I .Jl- 9' .I .3 P (fay-d B S E m .. . 1.1}! J ~—- _’ I] THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN ELECTRIC SCREEN A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science ***** By ,_ Ml A; Phelps Candidate for Degree of Bachelor of Science June 1933 THESIS cey‘ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The writer wishes to take this Oppor— tunity to eXpress his deep gratitude and appreciation to Professor L. J. Rothgery, of the Civil Engineering Department of Michigan State College for his aid and guidance in this work. 10835 L INTRODUCTION The increase in the truck and automobile traffic is continually bringing road problems to the Highway Department's laboratory division. The laboratory is all the time experimenting with new types of road material to see if the new material which is coming on to the market will hold up under the load for which it is intended. The laboratory has long been in need of some means of sizing the gravel which is one of the most-used materials in highway work. The gravel has to be sized up to standard specifications to be able to mix the materials in the right prOportions. In the past all the material in the laboratory was screened by hand. This took a great deal of time and increased the expenses of the department. The construction of the Electric Screen will save much time and money. The Design and Construction of an Electric Screen In making the Electric Screen it was necessary to make use of the materials available. For that reason the design and construction were develOped at the same time. In order to find out at what angle and speed the screen was to be run to obtain best results it was necessary to set up one screen at various angles and to run it at different speeds. From this point the con- struction progressed rapidly. The screens were spaced as shown in the drawings. The crank shaft was the next Job to undertake. The measurements were taken and the shaft sketched. The shaft was then turned out in a lathe as pictured in the drawings. Three bearings were turned out to fit the shaft. Brakets were bent into shape, drilled, and fitted into place. The shaft was connected to a three horse power electric motor by making use of a ford ring, gear, and pinion. See drawing for details. The motor and lower bearing were bolted in place on a platform which was fastened to the main structure by means of four bolts. The screen racks were designed so that all of the material passing the sieve would be discharged at the high end of the next screen. The materials not passing the sieve would run out of the open end of the screens and discharge into chutes leading from each screen to theiJ~respective places. The motor has a resistance put in series with the armature so that the speed of the motor may be changed to suit the conditions. 'L‘"” u o—oo—‘o . 19—79- 0—... nth/fl $3 .2; " POI—D. 0- coo-m.- - U woooo‘m—ua-o— - “W m , L... - , _, __._ ’5‘ I" l : n raise—a /%F——— 7” - "w’-/;/b:-———-————-—— ’I 27 CRA/v’x‘i’ 5/01. FT cow was!) STEEL 55/1 Eff/V} .Etf‘.’i"ACH E T ' , w A 4. ‘ - 0" f" In 2. )(1‘: (31“.,«fi7' 5'1] .-) {It («- .. i " / 7 ————-—-1I§@L4fr*-l E //L': __.--._._ 7X2 ,---.____,%..,___5” g ~->- rest .3 1.11qu A, . ” /_, l a H _ . a i , _ a u . _ _ m . 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