w use 05% m mm A We SOFT-WAfikLmag-Egm ' * mmhmem-amg'S; ; :mmee Suva mm: 'fiwmagfgmfiiz W§?érs.-- - _ 293% ’ ' WWWW 31293006951077 _ , Wei.» 2? - .l. \_.' ;. This is to certify that the thesis entitled 24‘ u ch" ,‘y . " 4‘ ”r Merino-Mal Use of Line in Treating a. Colored, Soft-Water Lake in Michigan. presented by Ihomas ' r. waters has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for is _’_‘°s‘—degree mm 25' Major professor . .. 2 . 1-1 A! ‘ A .. _ V 2,1? ..—. — '- t L13“ («It'a'rfi‘v'clvfs . '2 t ..' - .‘ ‘-. I " I‘ a: 2" l?-’J H , kfirfiifia , 33 I 9 ...‘£ I' ..‘ -(“". . . ‘i ‘93: ‘ 4 Q A v‘-. 2.‘4_D' " -." -r Q 8“ {A ,'P_. 0 ‘ ' r") ,53; 0/” ks ".1 v c .‘-‘- . ._ ,‘ _ v ‘2 4 o t ' w ' 5;; r “2" #733; - i b . ,9 :53: 1.1%“ ‘5, 'F'l; ‘F v.2 3'!" . . .-. I I. K M ’I ' § | .' . v- 3 - 'A "-'\s“'i"—’L- " .* e _ ’33; " T5. 3 w M J. .. (‘J $.15; ‘C ‘ "3 f. '1 Q _.:.‘:7:!'F'{f_1_s‘ _' I: - - . . 4:; "(T-s? 'r. "=‘ ’r 'e h 5‘35. . W . ’ . I PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution c:\circ\dmadue.pm3-p.t ,1. 11‘?) 1 X'Dr\‘DI-vw;~7,~T L *“L‘T-‘ ‘1 L’r‘.“1 “N: hrs.“ "VII-vi . q , n . l - q , . __ / y._ ‘ J-J - Ln . 13.4: . 1h l. O. A .L‘ .LleJ .L-. .1. “Lu”... in .‘L V ”1"“ ’..t..L...; , ~ (‘1‘ 71m ’gf-rfi'r‘r") 1-7, ‘I T"? "r n‘j 'I‘tf‘w,‘ )QL‘l- amt.“ 1...;an .Ll. .' Ionlarnfl by Thomas Frank Teters A TTLSIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of fichigan 8 ate College of Agriculture and Amplied science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the fie" Department of Zoology 1953 THEE I I‘rm ;I q I .11; '1‘ ‘J‘Ti'x JL Jl) DIS ACE LIT TABLE OF CUKTLITS TiCrC-‘ACTICN. . . . o . . rake fertilization . . . . She calcium-deficient Lake description . . . . . History of resea‘ch an} 1"" “ - 11",\ \y- r.“ . 7 ('1 - LuJ.) 13.1%.! I‘rLTLinlLAJ o o :TiSho o o o o o o o BOt‘tCT: fauna. O o O 1‘132’11313011. o o o o o Rooted vegetatior . Analysis of variance 0 ”ULTS CF SALFLIUG o o 0 Chemical 0 o o o o o o nygel’l. o o c o o o CClOI‘ o o o o o o o 13.11.81ini‘by. . o o . yH--Tempereturo--Ca O O O O O 0 O O O I 11-70 0 o o o O O O O tuiruiggezzelrt O O O O O O comrounds o O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O rbon dioxide Phosphorus-—Calcium-—Pctassiumo Adsorbed calcium.in bottom Soil Carbonates in bottom soil Biological . . . o . . FiSho o o o o o o .- Bottom fauna. . . . Plankton. o o o o o Rooted vegetation o "YII‘N-"V? Ci..I)§;;J.U1.o o o o o o o o .‘f I" ;.;.J‘._iY o o o o o o o o o a - w-.- ~ "2": T‘ . "“f‘1 I t llv" n 0-“ 1~L ~Lub~a441'u.:.sllb. . . . . EZZLA'IURE CI'L’LD- 0 0 0 0 3 3 «$208 0343’7‘Jl-J CO 14 16 0 LI 19 21 IITR‘JKCIIUI Since the early times of wildlife management, which lirst took the course of yrctection of life and property against nutive animal S 00105, its evolution has *r05resse with an attempt to keen pace with changing zttitules are necds of A. 4.": ,2 .' .t a: t. 5': .fl 2 v, . . .4- q. Tue utiliZition of lien nnr are for ‘urzoses of 5 ext 34' \ tion began Ctrly enougn. Today: witk more leisure time erd swifter ) . J‘ " ‘ I ‘ V . I“ -' Ni 1 .- ‘hl‘ '; ‘ - ("my .-‘ - I; ‘.J_'_ ’- orsnsyortetion {toileb_e, an evex—iLcIJesin, lie in, hflu hubbldo ‘.. ' '.‘ J- Parsletion is seenin; recreation in a wildlife resource tho is con- .. .2": ~‘ :- . .c.~‘. J—‘ .2 -'-J-. ' ..—. «J— .n .J-.' .o. F V- \ ..' 'L H Sttilloly Uphill 41in“, all." Lac '.'.LLI(.11I]]H.CILU x), S..u.LbZ-C+/' I"! 3- bit DEEC't.,*-Lk.S ~ - <~ f -- r'. ‘ ' ‘. ‘Ah‘ I .s- 3"? » ‘4' ,-~ -2 .' n-v v-l-- - f" ' h ~~ ~rv~ ‘I ‘- , ‘1 more ;.;:1 more dililflulto Lie comm)..- ere: suave uf “winzrgeiierit .’."'-.YL.‘.L" 1 c;ment-—hebitat improvement-—hns founu 6331‘038101 ll; littl’lj' “1-5-:3105 I“; A“ . v" ’1 ' l' “ ‘n ' >- '\ .‘ H‘t 4‘ )~ ‘. "V - ~-r" \> I r r "~ Cf J inner‘lcs TLMJJJ'q/CULGHlt. one «sf this trifle iti-L'l-’.‘,l.kilztitl .rl TLCSC is ‘ ,._'..'.,.l v ., -‘ W , r, ,4 h . ¢-~ .\ .--- ' q”. ., __‘-t-.,- -1 - 1 :, ,2 'tnc: :.ttttcln Lt 011 igae ‘vx:r;r Erase: Ci er; c._d=zbl(3 (Jon- LQ-1\Q/: titty 0;.c zlctxl n ° M' t '- . , J- *. 4-4- . .:.‘.. . . ,1 m. ., ° 9 Cone-t1 oi ..JLbS 6f twk} -..';-_L.-(-;I‘-—L-t: COccO‘J uf LAC ”fOci._ 1-“; ._U i.’ 5 Lake fertilization Fertilization of lakes has been sgbjectod to experiventation for same time but is a recent teehnigue when cony:red to noficrn Letgcis in terrestrial agriculture. In the s nth, 5Vitn LAC “vi; 1e ’ z‘.-“‘ . 2-. -.'.—‘ ‘- -_ 1 ..'-' - ...° 4-- . -1 .' .- \lQeoj, among others, flee: snown fer lllZflclOH UH nloeuce iLCanch 1 in lake an. end iroluetion. '-:eeliz:1ng ‘1. 152+ c“..ir:1-tcs different irom t ose existing in the soutn may have ei?ferent effects upon the result" of fertilization, cxwerimentution has been 0 rricfi out in Tichi: n by Wall end Tanner (1951), an. in other s.ates which are subjected to severe weather Con itions by others, with varying inni sonotines deleterious} results. An ircrgssiNj :orularity of ;:rn fisfi jonds throughout the country has resulted in increase; research 2 along this line. Both organic (cottonseed meal, soy bean meal, animal manure) and commercial, inorganic fertilizer (varying ratios of nitrogen, rhos horus aid rotassium) have been used. The organic fertilizers supply nutrients in the form of proteins, Carbohydrates, and vitamins, in addition to inorganic nutrients, while commercial types, surplying only the inorganic, must rely unon the photosynthetic levels of the food chain to produce food for higher organises. Al- though most results show the inorganic fertilizer to be the more effective, both types are used with the purrose of surplying Specific nutrients where the lack of those nutrients is a limiting factor us- on the Droduction and growth of the food-producing levels of the food chain. The calcium-deficient lake A method of fertilization which has received little a tention as yet, however, is the ap lication of line to the calcium-deficient lake, a type which is common in the north rn, forested regions of Michigan and Wisconsin, areas which are receiving more and more fishing rressure from Vacationing tourists each year. The use of line as fertilizer has been practiced in nurone to produce increased yields in fond—culture of carp (Keess, 1949). In fiisconsin, Juday and Schloemer (1958) used line in conjunction with other inorganic fertilizers with no apparent immediate effect upon the abundance of plankton. In a somewhn different aspect, lime and basic slag are sometimes used with other fertilizers to offset the acidity caused by the decomposition of ammonium salts when used as fertilizers (Compton, 1945, and Smith and Suingle, 1959). Lime as a direct treatment of calcium-deficient lakes has been used in this country by Nasler et. a1. (1951) in Wiscorsin, whose work was 3 concerned with the development of acid bog lakes for trout produc— tion. In his review of fertilization in Europe, Neess (1349) retorts that lime will flocculate organic colloids and, by reducing their adsorptive capacity, release nutrients into the water. He also reports that bacterial decomposition in acid, peat soils is low, and in such a medium desired nutrients accumulate in an undesirable form; he addition of lime results in a more alkaline condition of the soil. Ieess also brings out that with the addition of line, the surely of carbon dioxide available to tlants in the form of bicarbonates would be increased. Hasler_3£. El. (1951) postulated that the application of calcium compounds would (1) clear the colored water, by means of the calcium flocculating and rrecipitating hunic colloids causing the color, and increase the trophogenic zone; (2) increase bacterial decomjosition of the bottom soils, by offering a more alkaline medium; and (3) increase the carbon dioxide available to plants in the form of bicarbonates. The results of their study upon two small bog lakes of about 8.5 acres each, showed an increase in the bicarbonate alTa- linity, a higher pH, and a marked clearing of color. In addition to the bog-type lakeS'which Pasler and his co—workers used, many lakes abound in these northern regions which characterist- ically are bordered by regular shorelines of hard sand bottom, are ‘ exceptionally low in bicarbonate alnalinity, and have a high color which gives the effect of "tea-colored" water. This tyre of lake, similar to those described as soft-water "seepage” lakes by Juday 23: a1. (1935) and Prescott (1951), is well known as a poor producer. A paucity of nutrients, acid conditions and a shallow trophogenic zone combine to keep production at a low level. Tith no inlets and 4 a source of water which must seep through sterile glacial sands or drain from the acid rodsol sails choracteristic of this region, these lakes receive little in the form of carbonates from the adjoining lands. To study the possibilities of improving these particular fishery resources the Michigan Institute for Fisheries Research, in coopera- tion‘with Michigan State College, has initiated a program of research on the alkalization of one such calcium-deficient lake in the up er peninsula of Kichigan. The term "alkalization" is here used as being synoninous with "line application," and is not meant to imply that the water is necessarily made more alkaline, even though such an ef- fect is to be expected; the term "alkalinization" is reserved I-..) o r: 92 to purpose of denoting an actual increase of alialinity. This report is concerned with the first year's results of the alkalization program. Lake description The lake used for this experiment was stoner Lake, located in the Hiawatha Eational Forest in the upper peninsula of Iichigan, Alger and Delta Counties. It is essentially a two-basin lake, approximately three-quarters of a mile long. While a previous sur— vey indicated an area of 75 acres, measurements made July 21, 1952, showed the open water area to be 85 acres, and marsheS'with depths of water up to two feet extended the area to about 95 acres (Fi;ure l). A rise in lake level was felt to be the factor accounting for the increase in area. Its maximum depth was slightly over 20 feet, while its average depth WHS about 6.5 feet. A hard sand bottom characterized ’3; the entire shore line out to a depth of about 10 feet, while the keeper portions of each basin were found to be partially filled with an or- ranic soil of a type classified by Roelofs (1944) as pul y peat. CL The area immediately surrounding the lake was of a forested 433323 SEEQ E: easiest» as wwStS. asses; NEG «$3.; do .3: < (expo: .w 3S \ some 2:8: 2(3t82 4.3.253 (.2an Q>>x «NQQV .wixw «@295 w QR: i l ”endow 3 V the. 1, as: its $2 \ I ataxia usmuqmismd kwwo «NE 5‘ u 95‘ mid amuse, us «3m 3.3..3‘5 m): Realm 2‘ny 6 nature, hemlock, naple and birch being predominant. In the lake itself, higher aquatic plants were scarce, the major ones being Eleocharis, Junous and Scirpus spp. Leatherleaf (Chamaedaphne caly- n.- culata) and sweet gale (Hyrica Gale) lined the entire shoreline, and also made up the shallow marshes mentioned above (Plates I, II, and III). The fish population was maie up of yellow perch (Perca flaves— cens), common white suckers (Catastomus commersonnii commersonnii), and bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus). Yellow perch were in great numbers and showed evidence of stunting. Water temperature at the surface reached a maximum of 76°F., and bottom temperature a maximum of 69°F. during the summer; the fornation of a thermocline was never observed. The water was highly colored, giving the characteristic "tea-colored" appearance. Stoner Lake is a pit lake, located in the outwash plain of the Munising moraine to the north, which was described by Rergquist (1956). The lake lies in a shallow centripetal basin, and there is no inlet nor outlet. The surrounding land was privately owned except for a small public access point owned by the U. S. Forest Service from which operations were carried out and which was accessible by road. Utilization of the lake for recreational purposes was slight, only two parties of fishermen having visited the lake during the time of the experiment (June 11 to September 4). History of research and management Previous to the beginning of this experiment two attempts to alkalinize Stoner Lake had been made. The first, made in July, 1943, consisted of the application of three tons of hydrated lime by the Michigan Institute for Fisheries Research. The second was in August, 1946, when Ball (1947) applied 20 tons of pebble-sized crushed lime- stone. chemical analysis of the water before and after the latter .mweaaonpmoa hp coma wemowonoum thndm hep eopponleqem .3oHHmnw one .H opmnm 531‘?- I - f v .mmp on» 2095 pumagomououe meoapozpeefi mo udmuHe on» wcfizogm .HH mpmfig .qowpmuemmp ofipwdcw mo m>Hposeopg exmfi on» mo :ofipaom memo mg» was he; one .monmame meoflhoSpon .HHH epmam 7 artl ication indicated a bicaroonate algalinity of 6 p. p. m. which did not change aiter application, aesrite observations made at the time that the ]-imestonesn1ead upon the sand portions of the bottom, had apparently dissolved within a few days after arjlication. Ball also indicated that at this time aquatic vegetation had a soft and leathery consistency and that beds of vegetation were sparse. A visit to Stoner Lake in July of the following year showed the bicar— bonate al.alinity to have underbone no change and the crnsistency of the aquatic plants similar to the previous year, ut a slight increase in the vegetation beds vm 3 observed. In 1950, Paul H. Barrett (in lett.) po nted out that organic soils exhibit the fro erty of base-exchange, whereby cations would be adsorbed to the surface of t e soil narticles; in an attem~t to alkalinize the 1.rater enou oh ao emmweflea mam: meadomaoo asaoamo Hfia .qoapwoafimae wafifi to eczema .>H opsfim 6%kawa Q33 kc 33:35” S$x 9%ka SSK‘NQQ SEEQkh NXTV <$ I) KYNK XQNQQIVK zfigiq .. q a E .2353 s 9 \ul/ ”Sigma MXTV XSERW _$% . . . / 12 depending on the turbulence of the water and the lake level at the time. A deliberate attempt was made to obtain a samrle not more than one foot from the mud-water interface. In addition to the above field analyses, water samples of approxi- mately 209 ml. were collectcd at periodic intervals of one week through— out the summer, stored and returned to the laboratory for further analysis. Two such samples were collected at the yosition of ea h chemistry station on each sampling date, at a depth of one foot be- low the surface. From these samrles, estimations were made of total an dissolved phOSphorus by procedures outlined by Ellis 22: El' (1946) using the Klett-Summerson Photoelectric Colorimeter; disSolved calcium by the Each modification of the versenate method (Diehl it. 323’ 1950), with procedure and materials furnished by Fach Chemical , \ Company; and dissolved potassium with the use of a Beckman Flame Spectophotometer (West et. al., 1950). Soil Because of the suSpected strong effect of the organic soil upon the chemical conditions of the water, it was also desired to study further the degree to which the pulpy peat would enter into the calcium distribution after alkalization. It was necessary, therefore, to collect samples of the pulpy peat for laboratory analysis. Collections were made from four stations, two being located in each basin (Figure 3). It was thought best to locate the stations near the edge of the pulpy peat and sand boundary, in order to ob- tain a sharper interface between water and soil; these points were located with a sounding line and marked with an anchored buoy. Samples were collected with an Ekman dredge, an attempt being made each time to collect the sample at such a depth that the mud-water l3 interface was held within the dredge. ”hen the w ter had been poured off, the approximate top three cenuimeters of mud were scooped into a jar. 0n shore, these samples were poured onto paper filter disks, allowed to drain, and dry in the air. The samples, after having dried, were stored for return in air-tight bottles. In the laboratory, the samples were oven dried at 00°C. to a constant weight, ground to a powder by means of a mortar and pestle and strained through a ho. 40 soil seive. Cne gram of the resulting powder was used for each analysis. An estimate of adsorbed calcium was made by the versenate method given by Cheng and Bray (1951). One-gram samples were used, and the results converted to a percentage figure. An estimate of total carbonates was made of each sample accord- ing to the following method, modified from those reviewed by Alex- ander and Byers (1952): l. Exactly 10.00 cc. of 0.02h sulfuric acid (32804) was added to 1.00 gram of powdered soil in a test tube, shaken for one minute and allowed to stand for one hour. 2. The test tube was shaken for another one minute, and the contents poured into a paper filter disk folded into a fun- nel. The test tube was washed with boiled {istilled water, and the filter parer was similarly washed until the filtrate was brought up to approximately 50 ml. 5. The filtrate was then tested with a Beckman pH meter, and titrated with 0.023 sodium hydroxide (NaCH) until a p? of 7.0 was reached. 4. The carbonate content was computed by first subtracting the number of ml. sodium hydroxide used in the titration from 10.00, and multiplying the remainder by a constant (deter- 14 L1.) ium hydroxide against sulfuric \ mined by standardizing the so acid with the pH meter) to obtain the result in grams, ex- pressed as calcium carbonate (CaCCg). Conversion was then made to a percentage figure. It was desired to gain some further information about the quantity of pulpy peat in the two basins. For this purpose, 24 stations (11 in the north basin, 13 in the south) were either located or approximated, and an esti ate of the depth of the sedimentation was made at each of these stations. This was done by taking tw soundings at each station: (1) depth of water at which mud was encountered with the water sampler, and (2) depth to which a heavy weight would sink into the pulpy peat.' The depth of the sediten- tation was calculated as the difference between these two measure- ments. The weight used wps a six-foot piece of angle-iron.weighin; about 7.5 pounds, allowed to sin; vertically into the mud, point first. It must be pointed out that these measurements represented only minimums; the weight probably did not sink to the lowest level of the sedimentation. The stations of sounding are shown on the map in Figure 2; sounding measurements are given in Table l. The bottom areas comprised of pulpy peat were estimated from a constructed map showing bottom types (Figure 2). These were, roughly, for the south basin 14 acres; for the north basin 16 acres; and total for the lake, 50 acres. The density of the wet pulpy peat was measured as 1.03 gm. per cc. weight of oven-dry mud (60°C.) was measured as 0.045 gm. per cc. of wet mud. Biology Because the success of any inorganic fertilizer depends upon the utilization of a ded nutrients by a photosynthetic level of the 15 Table 1. Kud soundings taken on August 19 and 20, 1952. Depth of Thickness of Station water sedimentation (feet — inches) (feet — inches) 1 10 - 9 6 - 6 2 10 - 5 6 - O 5 10 - 9 4 - 0 4 12 - 6 6 - 9 5 11 - 9 4 - 9 6 10 - 9 6 - 0 7 15 - 0 10 - 6 8 15 - 0 9 - 0 9 15 - 5 8 - 5 10 15 - 6 8 - 9 11 19 - 9 9 - 5 12 14 - 6 8 - 9 15 14 - 6 9 - 5 14 9 - 6 5 - o 15 9 - 5 5 - 6 16 10 - 6 6 - 6 l7 9 - 6 4 - 9 18 7 - 0 4 - 6 19 8 - 6 6 - 6 20 11 - O 7 - 9 21 11 - 9 7 - 5 22 15 - 9 9 - 9 25 10 - 5 4 - O 24 7 - 9 5 - 9 16 food chain, and realizing therefore, that any change in lohe pro- ductivity might be reflected in all trophic levels of the chain, it was desired to sample all levels possible in the hepes of estab- lishing the effects of the alkalization upon the Va ious plant and animal groups. Fish Collections of fish were made at irregular intervals throughout the sunaer with the use of a gill net and by angling. Yellow perch made up the great bulk of the samples; bluegills and suckers were collected only in very small numbers. Scales were taken from the area directly be ind the left pectoral fin on the yellow perch and bluegills, and on the suckers from the region dorsal to the lateral line and anterior of the dorsal fin. Total lengths, weights and see were recorded from all fish. Because the number of suchers and blue- gills taken was so low, growth studies were 1i ited to yellow perch. Scales from 82 yellow perch were examined with a projector having a magnification of 28.5K. Ages were determined and total lengths at previous annuli were calculatei from a nomogranh. The anterior radius of all scales of the yellow perch was plot ed against total length at time of capture and a linear regression line fitted to the resulting scatter diagram (Figure 4). The correlation coeffi- cient, E, (snedecor, 1946) was calculated as .98, which was highly significant. ihe point at which the regression line out the zero abscissa (zero scale radius) was taken as the calculated total length at which the scale was formed on the young fish, the figure found being 1.55 inches. Although this figure is ;robably higher than that existing as the actual case, more accuracy would be ob- tained by using it, ather than using enliriczl data, because the V method of calculating total lengths at previous annuli (tne nome- .zonog soaflmh mo magmGOfipmHma mdfiemn macomlspwcoa heom .: chamwh N «Qms awesome -53» 335‘ mien ms (2 3 2 ~\ 2 E a , m. e w w v p p b p \F p r _ b P p [h -b- H) N ‘h r: rfi \2cfitmw qméuht th Hmcomeow .m oHawHR ,. —. - .1._--.._y khbth Xubb Méhk, on MN cm. .3 ca on MM QM .2 2 h a.» hm. em .3 . _ _ _ .L _ _ f~ _ _ r 0 _ _ T . >8: weld: NEE: - e . _ _ I w .Eaxi _ - m _ _ r e l A: 26 Table 2. Changes in bicarbonate alkalinity (analysis of variance). Source d.f. SS MS "F" Total 119 132.32 1.112 Among points 3 .57 .190 0.50 - Among dates 29 98.95 3.412 9.05 ** Before and after (1) (68.40) (68.400) (62.69) ** Day to day ' (28) (50.55) (1.091) Error 87 32.80 .377 - Not significant * Significant (5 percent level) ** Highly significant (1 percent level) 27 "Before and after" is compared to ”Day to day" variance, it is found highly significant. This indicates that the increase in alkalinity was permanent for the duration of the sampling period; this permanent effect is also shown in Figure 5 as the maintenance of the increased values throughout the period. Kean bicarbonate allalinity oefore alkalization was 5.2 p. p. m., and after alkalization, 8.2 p. p. m. The difference, 6.0 p- p- m., H to p cf‘ 9 .4 0 represents an estimate of the increase due to alLal' pH--Tenperature--Carbon dioxide These three measurements are here treated together because of a suspected inter-relationship. Figure 6 shows the variation of the mean values of the four points of sampling (depths of 3 and 9 feet in both basins) through the sampling period. The graph indicates that, in general, pH increased at the time of lime application to a high value, and then decreased at a moderately rapid rate to the original value. Carbon dioxide content at these surface levels remained about 2 p. p. m. for most of the summer, but it arrears from the graph that it, toe, was affected by the alkalization as to produce a temporary decrease; this was probably due to the utilization of free carbon dioxide in the conversion of hydroxides to bicarbonates. Examination of the graph also shows an apparent correlation between pH and temperature, especially near the end of the sampling period when he effects of the alLalization had apparently dissipitated. An analysis of variance of the pH values (Table 3) shows that highly significant differences existed between the two deiths samrled, given in (v. as well as between the two basins. The mean differences are Table ‘1' o The analysis of variance also shows that the "Before and after" ariance is non-significant when compared to the variance "Day to day." .mpcfiom mzfifimamm Adow mo mamas .mewxowc :oppmo was .mm .madpmnmasou Mo soapefine> Hecomeom .w madmfim khbmbi \A V\».\. Nbxbk. on. :3.- ON hx 0x om, hd 0N tax 0‘ b p L _ bIn Ho 0 H) t. M o d ‘2 28 EkaVV\VKQJ\N\\—\\V1\\n IR u a» EL 2. _ N 3: < .. m. _ -Exxfit . rl Vb 29 Table 3. Changes in pH (analysis of variance). Source d.f. SS MS "F" * Total 119 4.56 .0383 Among points 3 .54 .1153 28.34 ** Between basins (1) (.05) (.0500) (12.50) ** Between depths (l) (.29) (.2900) (72.50) ** Basins X depths (l) (.00) (.0000) Among dates 29 3.87 .1334 33.35 ** Before and after (1) (.12) (.1200) (0.90) - Day to day (28) (3.75) (.1339) Error 87 .35 .0040 - Not significant * Significant (5 percent level) ** Highly significant (1 percent level) Table 4. Mean values of pH found at points of highly significant differences among 30 sampling and the points. South North Difference basin basin between basins 3 feet 7.02 6.93 .09 9 feet 6.98 6.88 .10 Difference .04 .05 between depths 31 This does not indicate that a significant immediate increase was not effected, but rather that the increase was not a permanent one, even for the sampling period. From the graph in Figure 6, it appears that pH values returned to original values about five weeks after the lime application. To study further the effect of temperature upon :3, an analysis of covariance was made of temperature and pH. No significant reduc- tion of error variance was found; the ”Among points" variance remained highly significant and the "Before and after" variance remained non- signifioant, as was the case in the analysis of variance. It was con— cluded that variations of temperature did not affect the values of pH to a measurable degree. Phosphorus--Calciump-Potassium The water samples collected during the first three weeks of the experiment, a period of time which included dates of sampling before and immediately after line applicQtion, showed contamination, and no seasonal changes can be shown. mean values of the uncontaminated sam- ples, all taken some time rfter alkalization, are given in Table 5. Adsorbed calcium in bottom soil Adsorbed calcium in the soil increased immediately after line application, as shown in Figure 7, and remained at a level higher than that observed before alkalization. An analysis of variance (Table 6) shows that significant differ- ences existed among the points of collection ("Among stations"). The "Before and after" variance is shown to be highly significant when com— pared to "Day to day" variance, indicating a change which was permanent for the period of sampling. It will be noted from an examination of the graph in Figure 7 that a high variation was observed in adsorbed calcium from day to day which can not be logically attributed to the 32 Table 5. Mean values of phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Mean Standard deviation Phosphorus (dissolved) 5.8 3.3 ppb Phosphorus (total) 24.2 4.3 ppb Potassium .353 .095 ' ppm Calcium 10.12 .77 ppm Number samples 8 32 32 ppb - .OOl miligrams per liter (parts per billion) ppm - miligrams per liter (parts per million) .mucfiom QGwHaEum Adom mo Gama .pamm hmfidm c“ EsfiOfimo sophomww mo dowpmfihd> quomwow .m mydmfim .5“ Q.“ h bbbb‘ x ubk. Mémb \ .3 o. .3 o. h. Md 0d . . _ P *b o I'D I. a: O 4 ~~--_=_v-.. \(kawuxVQva .W\<\.V|\” H T Q0. r. °\. 30% .46 k§WU~Qk I fix. L 34 Table 6. .Changes in adsorbed calcium in pulpy peat (analysis of variance). Source d.f. SS HS "F" Total 47 4.53 .096 Among stations 3 .26 .087 3.35 * Among dates 11 3.42 .311 11.96 ** Before and after (1) (2.38) (2.380) (22.88) ** Day to day (10) (1.04) (.104) (4.00) ** Error 33 .85 .026 - Not significant * Significant (5 percent level) *# Highly significant (1 percent level) 55 alhalization; this is further indicated by a hi ghl" significant "F" H: value for the "Day to day" W riunce when congared to urror.” Inas- much as the laboratory deterrinations were male upon the samples in chronological order, rather than in a random order, the possibilit that this hi5hl;/ si5nific nt W riance ray be due to variations in laboratory technique is su5gested. The mean value before alkalization was 0.072 percent, and after alkalization, 0.132 percent, bv wei53t on the basis of oven—dry soil. T1is represents an increase in a‘sorbed calcium of 86 percent. Carbonates in bottom soil The results of analyses of 48 soil samples for c:.rm)on-t€s showed a mean value of 0.82 percent, by weight, on the basis of oven—dry soil, expressed as calci_m carbonate (Caccg). An analysis of variance (Table 7) shows that the "Among stations" variance was highly signifi- cant; i. e., the carbonate content vs:.ried from point to puoint vithin the lake. Also, the table shows that "Amon5 dEtOS" Variance to he ‘ i hly significant; however, this hizh variance is accounted for al- :3“ most entirely by the "Day to day" variance, compared to "Elror," and because the samples were determined in a chron0105ical order-—as were thosen analyzed for adsoxbcd ca lcrLum--this v: ri once may be due to fac- tors within laboratory tochniques. The "Before and after" variance, when comna red. to "Day to day", is not si in ni.ficant; consequently it can be concluded that allralization he d no apparent permanent effect upon the Carbonate content of the pulpy peat. Biological Fish The grovth rate of fish is an important index to pro uctivity 36 Table 7. Changes in total carbonate content of pulpy peat (analysis of variance). Source d.f. SS MS "F" Total N 47 .2305 .0049 Among stations 3 .0555 .0185 7.40 ** Among dates 11 .0921 .0084 3.36 ** Before and after (1) (.0009) (.0009) (0.10) - Day to day (10) (.0912) (.0091) (3.64) ** Error 33 .0829 .0025 - Not significant * Significant (5 percent level) ** Highly significant (1 percent level) 37 because, from a fisheries management viewpoint, its increase is the desired end. Three measurenents were selected to be used for compari- son with data of subsequent years' sampling: (1) calculated total length at last annulus, (2) increment of growth during the last full year, and (3) instantaneous rate of growth. Among the yellow perch collected from Stoner Lake, a bimodal size distribution was observed. From a limited number of observa- tions made of stomach contents, it was apparent that the large fish making up the second mode hai been largely feeding upon the smaller, stunted individuals; an examination of their scales showed that these large fish had had a rapid growth in their early years. This phenome- non of cannibalism, where some inlividuals of the community attain a large size with an exceptionally high rate of growth has been previously observed in stunted yellow perch populations by Fschmeyer (1937). Canni- balism in rearing ponds has also been observed among largemouth bass by Cooper (1937) and among smallmouth bass by Langlois (1936). It is obvious, for reasons of size limitations, that not all individuals of a population can be cannibalistic; the reason why a certain number among the Stoner Lake perch shoull ave had a rapid early growth, attained an early size advantage and thus apparently became destined for cannibalism is not clearly understood. But when, in a stunted population, a size large enough to become piscivorous was attained, an abun ance of food in the form of small, stunted fish became available. Thereafter, for these cannibal fish, food was not a limiting factor upon growth, and in contrast to the smaller, stunted majority, their growth rate was high. The occurrence of cannibalism among the yellow porch of Stoner Lake, with the resulting " vo—level" population, makes the summari- zation of the above three measurements in a reliable form that may 38 be used for statistical comparison a difficult one. Furthermore, the larger fish were collected with a gill net having a mesh-size too large to take the smaller, stunted fish, and it was felt, therefore, that these large fish were represented in the collection in a greater pro— portion than they were present in the lake. Aclefinite sampling bias, then, existed in favor of these larger fish, and consequently in favor of the faster growing ones. If the calculation of mean values for the selected measurements of growth rate were to include these large individuals in the proportion collected, the mean values so calculated would overestimate the pOpulation values. For these reasons some stratification of the data was felt neces- sary. The total sample was separated into three size groups for the calculation of means: (1) 3.5 to 6.0 inches, (2) 6.1 to 10.0 inches, and (3) 10.1 inches and larger. This classification was made on the basis of the abundance of food available, obviously a function of the fish's size. Fish in group (1) had available as food, primarily, bottom organisms, and those in group (3), primarily, small fish of a stunted size (i. 6., group (1)). The abundance of bottom organisms was low in comparison to that of the fish in group (1); the reverse was true with the abundance of food available to group (3). Group (2) was separated out for the purpose of eliminating overlap between the other two groups, for the food of this group probably consisted of both bot- tom fauna and small fish. Therefore, the growth rates within group (1) can be expected to be lower than those of a normally growing population; in group (2) highly variable; and in group (3) higher than normal. It was believed that the manner of collecting the fish in group (1) was unbiased, and it was thus assumed that the measurements in group (1) were normally distributed within that group. Furthermore, it was in group (1) that the effects of stunting were most evident. 39 It is felt, therefore, that an increase in productiv;ty will be re- flected earliest and most accurately in this group. It is stressed that the mean values of the growth rate measure- ments for any one of the three groups are not meant to reflect the condition of the population, but only of that group, and are therefore useful only for comparison with similar data from subsequent years' sampling. These mean values and their stanfard deviations, for the various age classes, are given in Tables 8, 9, and 10. Bottom fauna The abundance of bottom organisms varied highly among the differ- ent stations, but in general, all stations sampled showed a great pau- city of this important fish food. A comrlete absence of any organisms was observed in some samples. A comparison with several other lakes in Xichigan and Ontario is shown in Table 11, where it will be noted that the abundance of bottom fauna compares more favorably with the soft-water, dark colorad lakes in Ontario, than with the more hard- water lakes in Michigan. The original data of Killer (1958) were given in terms of pounds per acre andvxme converted to cubic centimeters for purposes of comparison. The seasonal variation of volume and numbers of organisms per square foot is shown in Figure 8. These graphs exclude the Oligochaeta and Tabanidae. The large Oligochaetes and Tabanids were of relatively large volume and in few numbers; small Oligochaetes were sometimes found in large numbers but contributed little to the volume of the sample. They were so small that undoubtedly many escaped through the washing screen, which prob- ably accounts for their inconsistent presence in the saaples. It was Table 8 o 40 Total length at last annulus of yellow perch, in inches. Size group (inches) 5.5-6.0 6.1-10.0 10.1 a larger Age class II A 3.5* -- -- B .467 —- -_ C 10 —- -- III A 4.2 6.0 -- B .550 .794 -- C 22 4 -- IV A 5.0 7.2 9.0 B .359 .995 .720 C 8 10 5 V A 5.5 7.6 10.0 B .265 1.118 .922 C 4 5 9 VI A -- 8.0 10.4 B -- .400 .224 c -— 3 2 - mean number atom» I mean is not reliable standard deviation for this age class 41 Table 9. Increment of growth during last full year of growth of yellow perch, in inches. Size group (inches) 305-600 601-1000 1001 & larger Age class II A .80* —- -- B .287 —- -- C 10 -- -- III A .90 1.58 -- B .224 .428 -- C 22 4 -- IV A .79 1.21 2.00 B .254 .616 .752 C 8 10 5 V A .50 1.14 1.86 .294 .750 .548 C 4 5 9 VI A -- 1.13 1.90 B -- .381 .141 C -- 3 2 A - mean B - standard deviation C - number * mean is not reliable for this age class 42; Table 10. Instantaneous rate of growth during last full year of yellow perch. size group (inches) 3.5-6.0 601-1000 1001 80 larger Age class II A .264* -- -- B .067 -— -- C 10 —- -_ III A .239 .305 -- B .055 .041 -- C 22 4 -- IV A .172 .180 .253 B .059 .087 .104 C 8 10 5 V A .101 .157 .232 B .060 .088 .072 C 4 5 9 VI A -- .150 .199 B -- .048 .012 C -- 3 2 A - mean B - standard deviation C - number * mean is not reliable for this age class 43 dowpmufiflmmw mafia ouommm * 80.0 .81.: m.w Hmaossag “macaw ammHQOua mama agape: mm.o emaoaoo .pmom a “one: H oaflmpmoo ounwpqo mmmfi amfiaaa om.o oopOHoo .paom a myopmz m aoom com augusao wmmfl amfiafiz mN.H assume m.nuao.a Haqupag sass apnea sewage“: Hmmfi panama cam Hamm mm.o mm :.masm.m Hmuoupaa “spade enane :awuaofia mama Hflwm A.pm .dm Mom .e.ov Amowwudwul.e.m.mv AmomMAdmv monEwm mesfio> apucaflmxfla ma mo apnea mama nonemm mama Hosamfipmopcu .pdeBfi and mash mo anacoa on» mafiase .Ofiuwpco cam savanna: ca mmMmH nonpo on eonwmaoo mama hocopm mo madam aoppom .HH mfipme .Aowwwcwpwe dam wuocfleowfifio mmmHv mCOfipmpm mcfifimawm ado“ me some .mopahpoppobcfi acupop %o :owpcflnmb Hedomwom .w ohdmwh 44 kbbwbw XQDB Qxl QN1 «.1 . «um cw- ammmasz QwL NSQQVB) nkhfiSQ§< as. 49 we. me. as «fix «Ni .NESQSA 45 felt that these three groups presented a source of large variation, and they were separated for volume measurement. Unmodified data for all organisms are given in Tables 12 and 13. For the most part, these data probably represent minimum values occurring during the year. The occurrence of a mid-summer decline in abundance in the littoral zone has been observed by Ball (1948); Eggleton (1931) reported an annual minimum in the profundal area in late summer and early fall. The bulk of the sampling in Stoner Lake was done during July and August and, as with Ball's sampling, in the littoral zone. It is important, therefore, in a comparison with data from a replicate experiment, that seasonal trends be accounted for. From the graphs, a slight trend toward a summer minimum, occurring about the middle of July, can be noticed; the abundance was so low, however, and variation consequently high, that this trend is not distinct. The possibility was considered that, with a chemical modifi- cation in alkalinity or pH, specific changes within the invertebrates might occur. To aid in evaluating alkalization as a means of produc-‘ ing biological modifications of this type, a study of the most abun- dant group, Tendipedidae, was considered the_most suitable. The Species of this group are listed in Table 14. Plankton Absence of accurate quantitative data will make comparison of these results with those of a duplicate experiment difficult. flow- ever if sampling is done by the same method and with similar equip- ment, any significant quantitative changes should be observed. Total numbers of the two major groups, ZOOpIankton and phyto- plankton, are given in Table 15. In the case of colonial Species, only the number of colonies were counted. Graphically, the seasonal 46 woman I B .- qul\ 'I’ - 4" - ; A n H 0H 9 m mH mH N a m OH H w m M m H N a _ m m Hausa _ _ u H . :H a a m 0H s 3 fl m H w n W m H N a n m : mamxpo HHq _. w oweHcmpme N o H a m m a M. H a a a M H e o o a H ecm mpomnooaaHo wN puswa< HN smsasa m 3H pmsas< w_ a pmgmsa Hm aHse umpwe cOHpooHHoo .t- «a _ -- mH H H H m m H n W m a N oH :H H a m N m proe N H H H a H m. . a a N H v m a a m N m mpunpo HH< W H omcacwpma HH 9 a o H a a H o a m _ m H a a a H was mammnoomaHo :N aHse uH hHse 0H aHsn N aHse mN «use «name aoHpooHHoo : m N H a m N a m N H a m N H m N :OHampn .Aooa N .00 :H dmmmonmxov aoapop mo pooh onwdvm pom movwnpmpaobdfi acupop mo madHo> .NH manna 47 mchmmunvmm VNri Aansmv wuoanuomHHo Licdua oyri H a: r+ri riox filr‘fil Ammmev epomnomano 0J4Tr4r4 (‘1 H duopmonumuq 4?.“ .—v mampmooHoo whopmonoHna vxrira 0H wwcomo r+c%\o F: “ii“ H\ON (WI-1 NN H H H\Om wuaqoco omecdpue m w 4 m x maaowcnmo ownwcowcmwpmawo mm H IN m ON wH [Ma “macadamdc. 9H. mN ensued u pmdwdd mmpwc doapooHHoo N co NW N ‘M4 \d< — defipwpm opmn coaxdemoon - coaxneHmowwmm .OHmawm Mom modemsogp :H mpasoo depxdmfim .mH mema 50 trend is shown in Figure 9. Pre—alkalization data were not available and any direct effects attributable to the line application cannot be demonstrated for this season. Peaks in the abundance of both zooplankton and phytoplankton, the latter occurring after the former, were noted; the maximum of phytOplankton, occurring on July 25, was almost entirely the result of a sudden and temporary increase in abundance of one organism, Dinobryon sertularia. Perhaps of more importance than the quantity of plankton is the quality, especially of the phytoplanfiton. It is well known that these organisms have distinct preferences for certain environments. Ires- cott (1951) points out that in soft-water seepage lakes the algal flora is predominantly of green algae (ChlorOphyta), while that of more alka- line lakes is predominantly of blue-green algae (Cyanophyta). A total list of the zooplanhton species is given in Table 16; the phytOplank- ton species are listed in Table 17, where the predominance of chloro- phycean species will be noted among the phytoplankton. Cnly two species of the CyanOphyta were present, and these were very scarce. In addition to the planktonic species listed in Table 17, several filamentous algae were observed in the lake. These filamentous forms were all members of the Chlorophyta and consisted of uedogonium sp., Tougeotia Sp., Spirogyra sp., Desmidiun Baileyi (Ralfs) Uordst., Desmidium Grevillii (hutz.) DBy., and Gymnozyga moniliformis Lhrenb. One of these, Nougeotia Sp., was very abundant, being thickly wrapped around almost every individual of the rooted aquatic plants. Rooted vegetation The results of the quantitative sampling of the rooted aquatic plants are given in Table 18. Rickett (1921) indicated that significant errors will result in this method unless a large number of samples are taken, a prac- .mcogwpm .30“ mo sees .cofiEmHm mo dongm> Hmcomwew .0 mafia 51 _ ir-. haboxvvx V / §§ >65 ¥28» x2< .3. S x mm --.J I I 5 cl? jail-7". I r 3 you. .06 To? r90 wow -R row 1 am Tfitx r6: T§N\ r Q3 . eevx hueSoo Desmidaceae (Desmids) plosteriumugutzingii Breb. hicrasterias radiata Mass. Nicrasterias radiosa Ralfs Staurastrum Johnsonii West and West Staurastrum Qphiura Lund. fitaurastrum Q'Mearii Arch. >>ooow Chrysophyta Chrysosphaerella longispina Lauterborn A BacillariOphyceae (Diatoms) Tabellarif. fenestrata (Lyngb.) I'utz. Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutz. >:> PyrrhOphyta Peridinium limbatum (stokes) Lemmermann R Other phytOplankters not identified A - abundant C - common R — rare 54 Table 18. ‘fieight of rooted aquatic plants per square yard of bottom, means of two samples. Air-dry Oven- Ash Date Station grams) dry--100°C. (percent of (grams) oven-dry) A 242 212 4.30 1 B 36.8 31.1 . .022 A 30 21 t 11.38 2 B . 2.1 1.4 g .701 June 30 T f A l 135 115 , 18.26 3 . B l 8.5 7.1 s .262 l 1 A If 22 20 T 26.61 4 I 9 ; B 2.1 E 2.1 .028 A 314 270 E 2.86 1 i l B 8.5 ; 7.1 ; .010 A 14 E 10 i 6.84 2 . 5 i B .7 i .7 i 01:54 August 14 % 4 , A 76 ' 66 1 18.74 a 3 l ' g B 13.4 ' 12.0 i .177 i A 48 i 40 5 24.44 1 4 ! B .7 .7 1.350 1 1 2 A - mean B - standard deviation 55 tice the would entail much time and effort. Some error was felt to be eliminated in Stoner Lake by senpling areas of maximum.abundance for comparative purposes ratler than randomly selected points, but because maxima were selected extreme care should be exercised to se- lect the same areas in any replicate experiment. It will be noted that the standard deviations are high; this will make statistical comparison difficult unless changes in abundance are great. Probably the abundance of rootedznneiic vegetation, sampled by this method, can— not be considered an efficient index. The results of bottom sampling for vegetation indicated that very few plants were present beyond depths of three feet. Large areas of sandy bottom were present in the lake at depths of three feet but were almost completely devoid of any rooted aquatic vegetation. Pos- sibly this absence of vegetation was due to the reduction of light by the high color present in the water. In Table 19 are listed the total species found in Stoner Late. DISCUSSION In evaluating alkalization as a means of increasing the produc- tivity of a natural lake, the ultimate test of the value of this method as a tool of fisheries managenent is whether or not fish production is increased. To use fish production as the sole index of producti- vity, however, might require many years before a significant differ- ence may be observed, if at all. It is important, then, that the experimenter follow through the chain of events which he would expect to take place if fish production were eventually to be increased. In attempting to estimate the amount of lime to be used in a akc to produce desired chemical results, such factors as volume of the lake, extent of the organic soils, and the chemical properties Table 19. Rooted aquatic plants found in Stoner Lale. Brasenia schreberi Gmel. Carex rostratg Stokes *~.-- Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britt. -.a-. 4‘ Ig'“ - Eleocharis Smallii Britt. Eriocaulon septangulare With. .Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batchelder Glyceria canadensis (Nichx.) Isoetes muricata Dur. Juncus articulatus var. obtusatus Engelm. — OI...” ‘4 Juncus longistylis Torr. myrica Gale L. Myriophyllum tenellum Bigel. Nitella flexilis (L.) C. A. Agardh Nuphar variegatum Engelm. Potamogeton epihydrus var. Nutalli Fern. Potamogeton Oakesianus Robbins Scirpus subterminalis Torr. Scirpus validus Vahl Sparganium angustifoliux fichx. $;arganium sp. Sphagnum sp. 57 of both the water and soil must be considered as urinary. In esti- mating the amount of lime to be used in Stoner Lake, only amrroximaee values for the area and volume were used. Also, it was learned that the lake level had fluctuated since earlier physical measurements were made, so it was necessary that corrections in volume and area he made. An area of 75 acres and a volume of 750 acre-feet were used in the lime calculations, and the area of organic soil was assumed to be 75 acres also; at the time of the experiment, the measurements made of area and volume were 95 acres and 650 acre-feet, reSpectivcl", and the area of organic soil 30 acres. The first event following lime application is chemical modifica- tion, but even this initial phase is complicated by the activity of the bottom soil. Theoretically, if all the calcium compounds applied (8.5 tons hydrated lime (Ca(0h)2) and two tons limestone (CaCO3), equivalent to 19,950 pounds hydrated line) were to have been converted to the bicarbonate form, the ajplication would have resulted in an increase of 16 p. p. m. bicarbonate alkalinity. Actually, the alkalinity was increased by only 5 p. p. m. This, in terms of hydrated line, is equivalent to 5,800 pounds, or 1.9 tons. If it is assumed that the remainder, 16,150 pounds (in terms of hydrated lime), was accounted for by the pulpy peat, the rate of utilization was 540 pounds hydrated lime per acre of pulpy peat. If the data on adsorbed calcium in the soil are converted to the proper units, they show an accounting of only 15.2 pounds hydrated lime per acre of pulpy peat, for the tOp three centimeters, or about 4.4 pounds per acre-centimeter. Obviously, the results of the determinations of adsorbed calcium in the pulpy peat do not tell the full story. The figure of 540 pounds per acre is undoubtedly high, because a {art of the lime unaccountel for was 58 probably distributed in portions of the lake other than the pulpy peat; for example, acid organic material along the shores and in the marshes might also have a high lime requirement. And probably more than the top three centimeters of the soil was active in the adsorption process. At any rate, it is safe to say that about 16,150 pounds of hydrated line were distributed to elements of the lake other than the water. The question arises whether the lime requirement of the pulpy peat in Stoner Lake is an exact amount, such as 540 or 13.2 pounds hydrated lime per acre, or whether the requirement is a function of the concentration of calcium in the water. In a general discussion of base—exchange, Miller and Turk (1948) state that the efficiency of ion exchange depends upon, among other factors, the relative concentrations of the ions involved. Neess (1949) reports that laboratory exyeriments in Europe showed that the concentration of potassium, added to water with a soil suspension, decreased for some time until it reached an equilibrium at a point where the concentration was only a fraction of the original; and "As the potassium was removed from the water by agents other than the soil, more was released from the latter, which appeared to be acting as a reservoir." Neess also makes reference to a somewhat similar situa- tion with phosphorus in ponds. It would be reasonable, then, to postulate that a relationship exists between the rate of line application and the rate of calcium adsorption; in other words, if higher rates of application are used in Stoner Lake, and presumingly in other similar lakes, a corresyond— ing increase of calcium adsorption by the soil can be expected. Another chemical effect of alkalization, the change of pd, ap- pears to have a somewhat different relationship. The fact that the increase was only of a ten orary nature, while the increase in alka- f' .39 linity was more permanent, would seem to indicate tha some factors other than calcium adsorption of the soil were effective in reducing the pH of the water to the original values within a slort time after alkalization. This reversal to original values can brobably be attri- buted to the buffering effect of wear electrolytes in the water. No data were taken in regard to the p3 of the bottom soil, nor of the water at the levels near the mudawater interface, so it would be difficult to estimate the effects of alkalization in terms of increased bacterial activity and decomposition due to a change of pH at these levels. If a buffering effect were present at these lower levels, as at levels nearer the surface, it is doubtful whether any permanent change of pH was effected. That no obserVable clearing of the color in the water occurred was well established. Theoretically, if the color is caused by sus- pended colloidal organic material, as is thought to be the case, these particles, carrying a negative charge, would adsorb rositively charged calcium ions, flocculate, and precipitate out. Exieriments carried out in the laboratory on water from Stoner Lake indicated that such a clearing would result when line had been added at the rate of approxi— mately 400 pounds per acre-foot. The failure of the water to clear at the rates applied to Stoner Lake may also be due to the lac” of a more efficient coagulating substance. In water and sewage treatment plants, the coagulants most commonly used to remove color are aluminum sulfate, ferrous sulfate, ferric sulfate, iron chloride and sodium aluminate; use is also made of magnesium naturally pr I . " . ' ,, \_. y,. , Lt 3"“ 3‘ . 1 x a ' ' V V \ - ‘ a. .5 -‘ a; . 7 ‘- ' 4,- f'. . . f C J..- l " ‘ '1'.‘ ' ‘1 , ‘ ‘Ab ¢. -‘ - ' _ p- \. c, 5' .’. I S 3 - «.2 ' ‘3 .46?!“ {5' e . . ' ._ ‘I . U ‘1 A. "Q *4 s f) x‘ I 9. ‘ n I‘- I - y '4. O. ‘. . . I. ‘ - ~ ‘ I 0 {’3’} .’ :— r,‘ f- 3. L .‘- . by... ‘ \ ‘j' ‘ . I ' I‘ '. A r' .f" .' , h JOE-7‘