A BIOLOGICAL-LIMNOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE NINTH STREET IMPOUNDMENT, ALPENA, MTCHIGAN Thesis for the Degree of M.. S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY THOMAS EDWARD MEARS 1969 IhEbla LIBRARY Michigan State University ' magma IV ' L none a 5m . mm mm ‘E :. l‘ ‘ mum mg; V WWII!ITIUHHWIHIHWIW 31293 00870 6503 051‘ " t "3' ~ E5?" 2 L 96:3 ABSTRACT A BIOLOGICAL-LIMNOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE NINTH STREET IMPOUNDMENT, ALPENA, MICHIGAN BY Thomas Edward Mears During the summer months of 1968 a study was under— taken to gather basic ecological information concerning the Ninth Street Impoundment of the Thunder Bay River at Alpena, Michigan. Prior to this study 50,000 Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) smolts had been introduced to Fletcher Creek, a tributary of the reservoir. Invertebrates were collected primarily from Petersen dredge samples and fish stomach analysis. Experimental gill nets were used to secure most of the fish collected. Aquatic plants were collected incidental to other operations. The maximum water temperature recorded in the Ninth Street Impoundment was 26 C. A shoreline development of 2.20 and an insulosity of 22% indicate that the reservoir is dominated by littoral areas. Dissolved oxygen concentrations lower than 5.0 ppm were rarely encountered. Methyl orange alkalinity ranged from 120 to 180 mg/l as CaC03. Phenol- phthalein alkalinities were as high as 26 mg/l as CaCO3. :txht ‘5‘ U. ‘h 5“ Thomas Edward Mears pH varied from 8.1 to 8.85. Total hardness (EDTA) ranged from 186 to 242 mg/l as CaCO3. Four of nineteen aquatic plant genera collected were indicators of hard, alkaline waters. Several of the inverte- brate taxa collected were organisms intolerant of organic enrichment of their environment. Northern pike (Esgx lucius), rockbass (Ambloplites rupestris), and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) had growth rates less than the Michigan state averages. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens), and blue- gill (Lepomis macrochirus) less than age III were smaller than average while fish older than III were larger than average. Yellow perch, northern pike, rockbass, large blue- gill, black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus), bowfin (Amia calva), and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were po- tential predators on the introduced Chinook salmon smolts. A summary of all available data indicated that the proba- bility of a successful introduction of Chinook salmon would be increased if the smolts were planted in the Thunder Bay River below the Ninth Street Impoundment rather than in Fletcher Creek. A BIOLOGICAL-LIMNOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE NINTH STREET IMPOUNDMENT, ALPENA, MICHIGAN BY Thomas Edward Mears A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Fisheries and Wildlife 1969 ACKNOWLEDGMENT S I would like to thank the members of my graduate committee, my major professor Dr. Howard Johnson and Drs. E. W. Roeloffs and T. Wayne Porter, for their assistance and suggestions in carrying out this research and in writing this thesis. Alpena Community College, through its president, Jack Petosky, provided the facilities at which field oper- ations were based. Special thanks also go to Jon Lauer and Chuck Pecor, fellow graduate students, who assisted in gathering field data. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS The Thunder Bay River Basin Geological Characteristics Water Chemistry Climate . . DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA . . . . BENTHIC INVERTEBRATE AND LIMNOLOGICAL SAMPLING STATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIMNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Methods Results . Temperature Dissolved Oxygen . . . . . . . Alkalinity, pH, Hardness (EDTA) Secchi Disc Values . . . . . . . BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Aquatic Plants Methods . . Results . . . . Invertebrate Animals Methods Results Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Species Diversit Conversions iii Page vi DJ (Dumb) 10 l4 l6 l6 l7 l7 17 26 29 3O 30 3O 30 32 32 33 35 35 37 4O DI SU LI Growth . Food Studies Condition Tagging and Recovery Gear Selectivity DISCUSSION . SUMMARY LITERATURE CITED Appendix 1. Appendix 2. Appendix 3. Appendix 4. Appendix 5. The Ninth Street Impoundment, Alpena, Michigan . . . . . Description of limnological sampling stations in the Ninth Street Impoundment A phyletic list of invertebrate animals collected from the Ninth Street Im— poundment June, 1968 to February, 1969 . . . . . . . . . . Total length-standard length conversions and scale radius-total length re- gressions for five species of fish from the Ninth Street Impoundment Length-weight relationships for five species of fish collected from the Ninth Street Impoundment iv Page 40 44 46 48 48 49 S4 57 63 64 67 7O 71 Table LIST OF TABLES Oxygen (mg/l), Temperature (C), Secchi Disc (ft), and Depth (ft), values for selected stations, Ninth Street Impoundment, 15 June, 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . Oxygen (mg/1), Temperature (C), Secchi Disc (ft), and Depth (ft), values for selected station, Ninth Street Impoundment, 3-4 July, 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxygen (mg/1), and Temperature (c) profiles, Secchi Disc (ft), pH, Phenophthalein alka- linity (mg/1 CaCO3) for the Ninth Street Impoundment during a 22 hour sampling period, 25-26 July, 1968 . . Median pH, Total Hardness (EDTA, mg/l CaCO3), Methyl Orange Alkalinity (mg/l CaCO3), and Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (mg/l CaCO3), values for surface samples during a 22 hour continuous sampling period beginning 16:00 EST, 25 July, 1968, at selected stations in the Ninth Street Impoundment A list of aquatic plant taxa collected from the Ninth Street Impoundment, June- September, 1968 . . . . . . Phyletic list of fish collected in the Ninth Street Impoundment . . Back-calculated total lengths for several fish species collected from the Ninth Street Impoundment Average condition factors (K) at time of capture for each age group of several Species of fish from the Ninth Street Impoundment Page 18 19 22 27 31 38 41 47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Thunder Bay River Basin . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Areal geology of Alpena County Michigan . . . 6 3. Monthly total discharge of the Thunder Bay River at the Ninth Street Dam and monthly precipitation for Alpena, Michigan, 1963- 1968 12 Vi INTRODUCTION During May, 1968, approximately 50,000 Chinook salmon smolts,_gncorhynchu§ tschawytscha (Walbaum), were introduced into Fletcher Creek, a tributary of the Ninth Street Impoundment of the Thunder Bay River in Alpena, Michigan. The smolts were reared at the Alpena Community College hatchery from eyed—eggs donated by Dr. Lauren Donaldson of the University of Washington. The eggs pro— vided by Dr. Donaldson were from a strain of Chinook salmon that have been selectively bred for early sexual maturity and maximum growth (Donaldson and Menasveta, 1961). The fish were released less than two miles upriver from Thunder Bay. However, before the smolts could migrate into Thunder Bay they had to pass through the Ninth Street Impoundment and over the spillways or through the turbines of the Ninth Street power dam. The purpose of this study is to describe some basic ecological features of the Thunder Bay River and especially the Ninth Street Impoundment. This study should serve as a 3basis for future ecological investigations of the lower TWlunder Bay River system because this study is a summari- ZErtion of previous limnological and biological studies done on the Thunder Bay River system and a description of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Ninth Street Impoundment. The major objectives of this study,are: l) to provide a morphological description of the Ninth Street Impoundment; 2) to describe the relative abundance, distribution, and diversity of aquatic plants, invertebrates, and fish in the Ninth Street Impoundment; 3) to evaluate the sport fishery of the Ninth Street Impoundment by comparing the growth rates of several fish species with growth rates reported from other locations; 4) to make recommendations for the management of both native and exotic fish species. This study was initiated 12 June, 1968 and terminated 28 February, 1969. REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS The Thunder Bay River Basin "The Thunder Bay Basin, with a drainage area of ap- proximately 1,118 square miles, lies in the northeastern part of Michigan's Lower Peninsula comprising parts of Presque Isle, Montmorency, Otsego, Oscoda, Alcona, and Alpena Counties. The basin, irregular in shape, measures approximately 40 miles long and 34 miles wide measuring at the longest and widest points. The Thunder Bay River flows mostly easterly to its mouth in Thunder Bay, an arm of Lake Huron" (Velz and Gannon, 1960). The largest city in the basin, Alpena (15,000 population), is situated at the mouth ' of the Thunder Bay River. The major tributaries of the Thunder Bay River are the Nbrth Branch, draining the northern area of the basin, and the Upper and Lower South Branches, draining the southern area of the basin (Figure 1). Several hydroelectric dams, run-of-the-river type with small storage capacity, are scattered throughout the Thunder Bay River Basin and supply all of the electric power for the region. "In general, hydro-power operation induces diurnal fluctuations in flow during the hours of the day and curtailed discharge during weekend shut-downs" (Velz and used .23.. one»; I‘ll >(c nun—23...: econ. "3 E00 .gom 0.5 ‘l a); >(n “wag... .ll l ..| r «wit to w._(Um H H H A H H H HIE t(: 20-h(U°._ 410 o. 0...qu o.c0_.( h——- >ucoeoEEoz "E' “000— £22.00 vco 23: Soon 50>; >00 satcash L— 05:0: Gannon, 1960). In most Michigan river systems it has been possible to relate the size of a drainage area to the most probable and the once in 10 year minimum consecutive 30-day average flows (Velz and Gannon, 1960). In the Thunder Bay River neither relationship could be computed because of the tremendous influence of power plant operations upon dis- f'a0mmwn n OQV now How mwsHm> «Aumv spawn pom .Aumv omen flauoom .AUV wusuwuomfiwa «AH\mEV commxo AmusumuomEoB H B .moma .ocsb ma .ucoEpcsomEH umouum cucwz .mcowumum pouooa .H manna l9 m.m m.m >.m >.m on N.>H m.eH m.nH o.>a a m.o 0.0 o.mH mmum Humma n.m m.m on m.hH m.na B m.m Eouuon ou o.mm NHHOH widow o.HH m.HH v.HH o.HH on o.oa m.oa m.hH m.ea B o.n Eouuon ou o.mH omuaa humoo ¢.~H m.m on H.ma o.oa B o.m Eouuon 0p o.¢H ooum mleoo m.oa on m.om B o.m Eouuon ou m.HN henna m|.HH H.NH o.NH on >.ea «.ma m.mH m.mH B 0.0 Eonuon ou o.mH oouaa endow o.m v.m e.m H.m e.m n.m on m.©a m.wa o.ma o.ma m.ma o.ma B o.HH o.> o.m~ mmuma mldou H.m o.m m.m m.HH ¢.HH on o.oa m.oa m.ea o.mH m.ma B o.m o.m o.Hm omuva mlmou o.m o.m o.m on m.mH o.oH 0.0H a o.m Eouuom o.eH omum H|H0mmfln n 09v .moma .xaeb elm .ucmEpcsomEH umomum cucwz .mcoflumum pouooa new How mosam> Aumv apnea cam .Aumv omen Hauuom .AUV ousumuomEoB .AH\mEV cmmhxo .N manna 20 o.m o.oa o.oa on m.mH ~.mH o.mH e m.e mommz omum oumq m.m m.m on m.ma o.ma e eouuon on o.mH menm mnmq s.m e.m ¢.m e.m m.m H.m on e.ma o.mH o.mH «.ma «.ma e.ma e o.HH m.o o.ea menm eumu m.m 0.0H on o.mH o.mH a o.m meme; oou o.mH mafia mumq v.0 e.m R.m m.m e.m m.m on m.ma «.ma o.mH m.ma «.ma «.ma .9 m.HH m.o o.ma Rmum mumq m.m ~.m m.m e.m ~.m o.m H.@ on H.ma m.mH o.mH «.ma e.mH m.ma e.ma e o.~a m.m o.~H oanm Hume v.m e.m e.m e.m o.m H.m H.m on m.mH m.mH m.mH o.ma >.ma m.ma m.ma e o.mH 0.0 m.mH beam «name «H OH m o a m o 20puom umfle .QEme Lemme coHumum anaemmm mo enema op enema flnooom nae mane A.e.ucoov m magma Table 3. 21 Oxygen (mg/1), and Temperature (C) Profiles, Secchi Disc (ft), pH, Phenophthalein alkalinity (mg/1 C3CO3), Methyl Orange alkalinity (mg/l CaCO3) for the Ninth Street Impoundment during a 22 hour sampling period, 25-26 July, 1968. (D0 = Dissolved Oxygen, T = Temperature) Alkalinity pH M.O. Phth. 10 4 6 Depth of Reading 2 Secchi Disc Station COA-2 (Air Temp. Table 3. Time\ -.( EST) 150 8.50 T 22.8 23.1 22.9 22.6 21.5 21.0 DO 10.1 8 8.5 21.8 00 12 22 14 14 14 18 162 156 150 148 144 124 138 144 158 138 8.35 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.60 8.65 8.65 8.60 8.55 8.55 0 21.3 5.8 21.0 21.3 21.5 21.5 21.5 22.0 21.4 22.2 23.0 4 2 21.5 21.7 21.7 9.0 21.8 21.0 8.3 22.5 22.4 22.5 22.5 8. 7 7 9.4 9.6 23.3 22.3 23.0 22.6 24.5 9 23.2 23.6 DO 12.1 11.8 11.4 10.3 8 4 24.7 03 23.7 23.6 24.0 10.6 24.5 25.0 12.4 9 24.5 9 6 9.1 24.8 25.0 25.0 23.0 11.4 11.8 10.9 9 10.1 10.4 23.4 23.3 22.5 24.2 24.9 25.4 DO 11.1 11.5 25.4 25.2 11.6 24.0 25.0 25.1 23.1 10.2 24.3 24.6 T 23.4 DO 10.4 10.4 10.2 T 24.4 DO . 24.8 T 24.4 T 24.2 23.6 DO 12.6 23.3 T 22.9 DO 10.9 23.5 10. T T T DO 10.7 T DO 8.0 8.5 8.5 0.0 0:. 8.5 8.5 6.5 27.0 20.0 24.7 26.1 15.0 21.5 22.0 21.0 20.8 18.0 10:00 12:00 14:00 16.00 18:00 20.00 22.00 24.00 .00 4:00 23 O Q m R m a m a e A m R A a N m 0 one mm.m ~.em m.em m.e~ e.e~ o.e~ H.em o.mm e 8.0 o.mH cone m.n e.e e.s e.s a.» H.R o.m on 0 one me.m H.em m.mm o.em o.e~ o.em m.mm H.mm e 0.0 e.o~ ooum h.e m.o m.e m.o m.o 5.0 a.» on 0 one om.m m.mm m.mm m.m~ m.mm m.m~ m.m~ H.mm e 0.0 o.Hm OOHeN n.e m.a m.e m.n m.a m.e ~.m on 0 «an me.m m.mm m.mm m.mm o.em o.em o.em m.- e 0.0 m.Hm oonmm m.m m.m e.m m.m m.m e.m R.m on o owe om.m m.em H.e~ m.¢m m.em m.e~ ~.em m.mm a m.o o.o~ oouom m.m m.m k.m e.m m.m m.m H.0H on SA «ma om.m m.e~ m.em m.em m.e~ ~.e~ ~.em o.e~ e m.» A.H~ oouma m.m m.m e.m e.m e.m m.m e.m on m 06H om.m ~.em ~.em m.em m.e~ m.v~ H.em m.em e m.@ e.mm oonoa m.m m.m m.m m.m m.m e.m R.m on o 65H me.m o.e~ o.e~ o.¢m o.e~ m.mm o.em o.em e o.a m.mm oouea m.m m.m m.m H.m m.m m.m m.m on . o moa oe.m o.m~ m.mm o.m~ m.m~ o.m~ >.m~ o.e~ a m.o o.em oouma m.m e.m e.m ¢.m e.m m.m m.m on o oma om.m H.mm H.mm H.m~ o.m~ ~.m~ ~.m~ m.m~ e m.e m.em oonoa m.s o.m o.m o.m R.R m.e m.e on 0 «RH o~.m m.- h.- m.m~ m.- m.m~ m.m~ o.- a m.m m.om oonm .guem .o.z mm NH 0H m e a m o omen .mawe Lemme manaaamxaa mcaemmm «0 enema Heouom nae mane mumme acaumum A.e.ucoov m magma 24 H.m m.OH on om owe om.m «.mm o.~m e o o.ma cone m.m o.m on m mma om.m ~.m~ m.- e o o.am oonm H.m m.m on m «ma me.m m.mm m.mm e o o.Hm oonem H.0H o.HH on on own ma.m m.¢m m.m~ e o H.~m ooumm e.ea m.MH on em omH om.m m.m~ m.em e souuon 0.0m oouom e.ma e.ma on mm ema mm.m s.m~ m.mm e Eouuon o.am oouma e.HH o.ma on ea wee me.m m.mm e.m~ a souuon m.em oonea «.ma m.ma on o va me.m 0.8m o.mm a souuon m.em oonea m.~H m.~a on e mea on.m m.mm m.mm a souuon o.em oonma «.ma o.~H on o mea me.m n.mm m.mm e souuon m.mm oonoe m.oa ¢.m on o mma oa.m m.~m m.- e Eouuon m.~m ooum .zuem .o.z mm H o omen .QEme Lemmy muacaamxae manemmm mo enema aeoowm nae mane mucoo coaumum A.6.ucoov m magma 25 m.m m.n 6.5 e.m o.m e.w m.m m.m on m ooa om.m m.e~ m.em m.em m.em m.e~ m.vm m.em e.mm e 0.0 o.mm cone o.m o.m m.e e.e 5.6 ~.m e.s m.> on m 66H om.m o.em H.em m.em R.mm m.m~ h.m~ H.em o.m~ e 0.0 o.om ooum m.o m.e m.n H.e a.» o.e m.o o.> on o Goa om.m e.em m.em m.em e.em e.em e.em o.e~ e.m~ e 0.0 0.0m oonem m.m e.m m.m o.m o.m m.m H.m o.m on 0 one om.m m.mm m.mm e.e~ m.em m.em m.mm o.e~ m.mm e 0.0 0.0m ooumm e.m m.m o.m m.m n.m o.m m.m m.m on m own om.m H.e~ m.em m.em ¢.em m.vm m.e~ m.em m.mm e o.n 0.0m oonom m.m m.m o.m e.m m.m m.m o.m o.m on 0H ooa om.m o.e~ H.em H.em m.em H.em m.em m.em o.em e o.n o.mm ooan m.m o.m o.m o.m >.m o.m m.m m.m on m ewe om.m m.mm o.em o.e~ m.mm m.mm o.e~ o.em m.em e m.e m.mm oouoH m.m m.m m.m m.m o.m o.m H.m H.m on m Goa oe.m e.mm e.mm e.mm m.mm ¢.mm m.mm m.mm o.em e m.n m.em oouea m.n H.m H.m H.m N.m m.m e.m ¢.m on o onH oe.m m.m~ e.mm m.mm m.mm ¢.mm m.m~ m.mm e.mm e m.e oouma n.m o.> m.n m.» o.» m.> o.m m.m on 0 men om.m R.~m e.m~ o.mm o.mm s.~m n.mm >.mm «.mm 9 m.m m.mm oouoH m.m m.m o.m e.m n.m m.m m.m m.m on 0 mod om.m m.mm m.~m m.mm H.mm m.mm H.m~ H.m~ m.~m e m.o o.mH ooum .euem .o.z mm «a ma 0H m e a m o omen .QEme Lemme auficeamxafi mcflpmmm mo Lumen anoowm HH< oEflB mumq aoHumum A.e.ucoov m magma 26 3.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen were recorded at the 2,4,6, and 8-ft. levels, respectively (Table 1). On 26 July, values of 4.1 and 4.0 mg/l dissolved oxygen were recorded at the 10-ft. levels at 02:00 and 04:00 EST, respectively (Table 3). Alkalinity, pH, Hardness (EDTA) Methyl orange alkalinity varied from 120 to 180 mg/l as CaCO3 (Table 3). Phenolphthalein alkalinities were as high as 26 mg/l as CaCO but were not present in all 3, samples (Table 3). pH varied from 8.1 to 8.85 (Table 3). Total hardness (EDTA) ranged from 186 to 242 mg/l as CaCO3 (Table 3). As would be expected, pH values at each station generally increased during daylight hours and decreased during the night. The time at which highest phenolphthalein alkalinity values occurred at each station, approximately 20:00 EST, was the time at which lowest methyl orange alka- linity values occurred (Tables 1 to 3). When median pH value, mean phenolphthalein alkalinity, and mean methyl orange alkalinity for each station over the 22-hour sampling period (25-26 July) are coupled with total hardness (EDTA) data (Table 4) the inter-relationships be- tween these four parameters become apparent. Station COA-5 has the highest median pH followed by COA-2, LB-2, and TBR-2. Mean phenolphthalein alkalinity decreases while mean methyl 27 Table 4. Median pH, Total Hardness (EDTA, mg/l CaCO3), Methyl Orange Alkalinity (mg/1 CaCO3), and Phenolphthalein Alkalinity (mg/l CaCO3), values for surface samples during a 22-hour continuous sampling period beginning 16:00 EST, 25 July, 1968, at selected stations in the Ninth Street Impoundment. Parameter Station COA-5 COA-2 LB-2 TBR-2 Total Hardness (EDTA) 186 210 222 242 Mean Methyl Orange Alkalinity 135.5 146.5 167.9 170.9 Mean Phenolphthalein Alkalinity 12.2 9.1 3.6 2.5 Median pH 8.70 8.55 8.50 8.45 28 orange alkalinity and total hardness (EDTA) increase with de- creasing median pH values (Table 4). Phenolphthalein alkalinity values larger than zero for a sample means that metallic bicarbonates are present in solution. Methyl orange alkalinity indicates relative amounts of metallic monocarbonates in solution. Metallic bicarbonates are kept in solution by dissolved free carbon dioxide. Station COA-5 (located in a rooted aquatic plant bed, depth of 2 ft.) has the highest median pH value and mean bicarbonate alkalinity of the four stations because the rooted aquatic plants and associated organisms inhabit the total water column and, therefore, make up a higher theoreti- cal biomass per volume of water. This concentrated biomass yields a high concentration of free carbon dioxide. High levels of free carbon dioxide indicate that higher levels of bicarbonates are also present. Bicarbonates are used by aquatic plants as a carbon source, the chemical reaction giving off hydroxide (Ruttner, 1963). High bicarbonate levels therefore induce high pH. Station COA-2, second highest median pH and mean phenolphthalein alkalinity is in the limnetic zone, but is surrounded by rooted aquatic plant beds. Station LB—2, third highest median pH and mean phenolphthalein alkalinity, is also limnetic, but receives the waters of the river station, TBR-2 (lowest in median pH and mean phenolphthalein alkalinity), after the waters have 29 moved through and around the massive aquatic plant beds of Lake Besser. Secchi Disc Values Secchi Disc readings ranged from 4.5 to 8.5 ft. (Tables 1 to 3). On any sampling date Secchi readings were higher for COA stations than for LB or TBR stations. Secchi Disc readings are proportional to the depth of light penetration. They thereby indicate that the photo- synthetic zone in Oxbow area (COA stations) extends to a greater depth than in the Lake Besser area (LB stations plus station TBR-2). BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Aquatic Plants Methods During the summer months of 1968 enough qualitative aquatic plant samples were secured incidental to fishing and bottom sampling that the author learned to recognize many genera on sight. An attempt was made to identify all aquatic plants encountered in the reservoir. Field collections probably included all of the genera of aquatic plants grow— ing in the Ninth Street Impoundment. Results A total of nineteen genera of aquatic plants were collected (Table 5). Nearly all areas where the water depths were six feet or less (Appendix 1) were densely crowded with aquatic plants. Relatively pure stands of Myriophyllum sp, Angcharis canadensis, Chara sp, and_Potamoqeton pectinatus were common in both Lake Besser and Oxbows areas. .MXIIQ’ phyllumysp was the most abundant rooted aquatic plant. Chara sp was also quite abundant. Chara sp and Utricularia sp were commonly lime encrusted. 3O 31 Table 5. A list of aquatic plant taxa collected from the Ninth Street Impoundment, June—September, 1968. References- used for identification of rooted aquatics and algae were Fassett (1968) and Prescott (1962). Rooted Aquatics Algae Anacharis canadensis (Michx) Chara sp Cladophora Sp Oscillatoria sp Eleocharis sp Spirggyra sp Equisetgm fluviatile L Lemna_minor L Megalodonta Beckii (Torr) Myrigphyllum sp Nuphar sp Potamgqeton natans L Potamoqeton pectinatus L Scirpus sp Sparganium sp .Typha latifolia L Utricularia sp Valisneria americana 32 All of the aquatic plants found in the Ninth Street Impoundment are widely distributed throughout North America and many genera are cosmOpolitan (Fassett, 1966 and Prescott, 1962). Fifteen of the taxa collected are capable of growth in rather broad ranges of environmental conditions. The re- maining four taxa are tolerant of such small ranges of en— vironmental conditions that these taxa are used as indicator organisms for the rather restricted circumstances in which they grow (Prescott, 1962; Fassett, 1966). Cladophora sp is almost invariably confined to hard or semi-hard water and in general is an indicator of high pH (Prescott, 1962). Potamogeton pectinatus and Chara sp occur in hard water (Fassett, 1966; Prescott, 1962). Anacharis canadensis requires calcareous waters (Fassett, 1966). Invertebrate Animals Methods Invertebrates were collected from the established stations using Eckman and Petersen dredges. An aerial in— sect net was used to collect adult insects both from shore and from a boat. Many organisms were removed from fish stomachs. Three separate series of Petersen dredge samples were collected during the summer of 1968. The series were collected on 19 June, 3-4 July, and 1 August. Single samples were secured from each station on each date. 33 All of the zooplankton were removed from fish stomachs. Surface hauls of the Wisconsin type plankton net were carried out during daylight hours at two-week intervals during June and early July. Stations sampled were the Thunder Bay River at the Ninth Street Bridge, TBR-2, COA-7, COA-2, and the Thunder Bay River immediately above the Ox- bows area. The purpose of this sampling scheme was to de- termine the effect of the Ninth Street Impoundment on the composition of the zooplankton of the Thunder Bay River. No zooplankters were collected by this method and the plankton hauls were eliminated from the overall sampling routine. Probably the ZOOplankton sampling project would have been more successful if it had been conducted at night. No attempt was made to take quantitative samples. Petersen dredge samples and fish stomach analysis were the primary methods by which invertebrates were obtained. Invertebrate animals were identified by the author using the keys of Edmondson (1959), Pennak (1953), Heard and Burch (1966), and Burks (1953). Organisms were classified to the smallest taxon that the author could confidently assign. Results Thirty—four families, thirty-nine genera, and four- teen species of invertebrate animals were collected (Appendix 34 3). Tendipedidae were the most commonly collected organisms. Coenagrionidae were second in abundance. Several invertebrate taxa collected (Baetidae, Cladocera, Polycentropus, Stenonema,_Hexaqenia limbata, Oectis) are listed as "intolerant" organisms in the Michigan Water Resources Commission Report of Thunder Bay and the Lower Thunder Bay River (Fetterolf, Robinson, Seeburger, Newton, and Mills, 1968). That report defines intolerant organisms as those "organisms whose growth and development are dependent upon a narrow range of optimum environmental conditions, rarely found in areas of organic enrichment, not adaptable to adverse situations and therefore are replaced by less sensitive organisms if the quality of their environ- ment is degraded." Fresh water sponge colonies were numerous and large in size. Sponge colonies were found on submersed railroad ties, rocks, and aquatic plants. The sponge_ngenia mulleri is characteristic of alkaline waters. Pennak (1953) states that 1M: mulleri has not been reported from waters with less than 5.6 ppm calcium." He further states that M. mulleri requires a minimum of 1.6 ppm silicon dioxide. Mollusc shells were not pitted, another indication of calcareous waters. The remaining taxa collected have general ecological requirements and therefore cannot be used as indicators of year-round environmental conditions within the Ninth Street Impo undme nt . 35 £3.82 Methods Three 100—ft nylon experimental gill nets (four 25— ft sections each, two nets with bar mesh sizes %"-l"-l%"-2", one net with k"-l%"-2"-3” mesh) were set at many sites throughout the entire impoundment, but primarily in the Lake Besser and Coho Hall Oxbow Areas. Effort was concentrated in the lower reaches of the impoundment because of the need to gather information concerning the fate of the introduced Chinook salmon smolts. One hoop net with three foot diameter hOOps, a 1%" square mesh cod end, and a 50 ft lead was set in shallow areas of the Coho Hall Oxbow. At least two gill nets and the hoop net were fished almost continuously from June 11 to August 28, 1968. Net catches were supplemented by hook and line angling and by one spot poisoning (approxi- mately 2 ppm rotenone). Fish were identified by the author using the key of Eddy (1957). Common and scientific names used are those ap- proved by the American Fisheries Society (Bailey, 1960). Total and standard length (Lagler, 1952) was measured to the nearest millimeter. Fish as heavy as 490 g were weighed on a 500 9 capacity dietetic spring balance. Fish heavier than 490 g were weighed on a 50 lb capacity spring balance. Scale samples were taken from the left side of the fish, approximately half—way between the insertion of the 36 dorsal fin and the lateral line. Stomach contents of 208 fish were examined under a 10 power dissecting microscope and the numbers of each type of food item counted. An attempt was made to estimate the total number of several fish species and to acquire some information on the extent of movement of individual fish. Accordingly a great effort was expended to tag as many fish as possible. Fish were marked with a numbered streamer-type tag applied to the dorsal caudal peduncle by the method of Joeris (1953). The following numbers of each Species were tagged: 17 yellow perch (Perca_flavescens), 36 rockbass (Ambloplites rupestrish 63 pumpkinseed (Lepgmis gibbosus), 26 northern pike (Esox lucius), 8 black crappie (Pomoxis niqromaculatus), 25 blue- gill (Lepomis_macrochirus), 10 redhorse (Moxostoma SP), 11 bowfin (Amia calva), 3 carp (Cyprinus carpio), 4 bullheads (Ictglurus sp): 6 largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and 9 white suckers (Catostomus commersoni). Numbers of fish at large and methods of recapture available were in- adequate for a pOpulation estimate. Some fish were re— captured and their minimum distance from point of release was noted. NOrthern pike, pumpkinseed, bluegill, rockbass, and yellow perch were selected for age and growth analysis be— cause they were the Species most commonly caught during this investigation. In addition, these five Species are the most important game fish in the impoundment. Northern pike, 37 rockbass, yellow perch, and large bluegills are likely preda- tors on Chinook salmon smolts. Northern pike scales were mounted dry between two microscope slides. Plastic impressions of pumpkinseed, blue- gill, rockbass and yellow perch scales were made by the method of Smith (1954). Scale mounts or impressions were placed on a Bausch and Lomb microprojector and examined at 43x. Scale radius (mm x 43) and relative positions of annuli were recorded on scale analysis cards. Scale radius-total length and standard length-total length regressions were calculated for five species. Standard length-weight curves were calculated from the general length-weight relationship W = an (Rounsefell and Everhart, 1953). Condition factors, K, were calculated for all fish using the equation 100,000W L3 K: where W = weight in grams and L = standard length in milli- meters. Total lengths at times of annulus formation were back-calculated using the Lee method (Lagler, 1952). All lengths are reported in millimeters; all weights are reported in grams. Species Diversity Twenty-five species of fish were collected from the Ninth Street Impoundment (Table 6). Single walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) and burbot (Lota_lota) 38 4. .._ . . -.I!l.fl!liiil.l§1 .a cmHMHHHHR popcmm Ausosquv mecm£QMH© measpcsm Eowme odomcma AHHHnouflzv macflnmm mausuoz pmocaasn c30um Ausoswoqv memoHsnwm.msusampwm. pmmcaasn 3oaamw Ausosmmqv mflamumc mSHSHmDUH omuompwm. mm mEoumoxoz Hoxosm even: Aopomoomqv HCOmeEEOU mseoumoumo Deco xeouu AHHHBUDHEV webmasomeouum mSHHDOEom uwcflcm cwpaow Aaaflcouezv mmosoH0m>Ho mscomflEmpoz memo msomccfiq oemumm.msceumwu oomp maaonpou cnmnuuoz omoo moo m5E0mouno oxen cnmcunoz mswmccflq moausa xOmm 3occaeeaz Hmupcmo Ieamauuaxc Hana mung: cflm3om mcmmccflq m>amo mafim ompflpcopocflummu mmEHOMHuCOUOCHHmmo Hopuo ompflusampoH mmpHEOUmoumu mmpflcflummo onHOMHcHummo Hopno mmpHUOmm mmpflHQED mmEuOMHSQSHU Hoono mmeflaem mmEHOMAflem Hmpno mmMmBmUHmBmO mm4AU .ucmeecsoeeH ummuum encaz men an emuomaaoo swam mo Swag uaumamnm .o magma 39 ommaamz Aaawnouflzv Ecmuufi> Edmuufl> coflpopmoufium comma moq AwsqmmCHmmmv moponmmu mcfloumm comma zoaaow AHHHBUDHSV mcoomo>mam mouom HouHmp magnom Awsqmmcflmmmv Esmmfl: mEODmoonum mammmuo xomam Ausmsquv msumasomeoumflc mflxoeom mmmn LDSOEmmHmn opomoomq mmpfloEHmm.meounouoflz mmmn nuSOEHamEm opomoomq HsofiEOHOO mSHSDQOHUHZ HHHmmsam Amsqmecflmmmv wsuflcoouome mHEOQoA pwmmcflxmfism “mommcflqv mmwonnflm mwemmeq mmmn Room Aosqmmcflmmmv mfluummmnm mwuflwmoHQE< xomnoaxoflum xooum Apcmauuflxv mcmumcoocfl maamosm uonusm Amsowccfiqv muow.muoq mmpwoumm ompflnoumuucmu moEHomfloHom Hopno mmpwoumouoummw moEHomewumoumummo Hopuo ompwpmw mmEHOMHme Hmpno mmfimBmUHMBmO mmflflu A.e.ucoov o magma 40 Specimens were collected during the sampling period and both species were regarded as rare in occurrence. Pumpkinseed, yellow perch, bluegill, northern pike, and rockbass were the most abundant species. Conversions Total length-standard length conversions, total length-scale radius (mm x 43) regressions (Appendix 4) and standard length-weight regressions (Appendix 5) were calcu- lated for yellow perch, northern pike, bluegill, pumpkinseed, and rockbass. These equations were included for the con- venience of those investigators who may wish to transform values reported in this thesis. Growth The growth rates of Ninth Street Impoundment northern pike, rockbass, pumpkinseed, bluegill, and yellow perch (Table 7) can be most meaningfully compared with Laarman's (1963) Michigan state average lengths (hereafter referred to Simply as "average") for each age of the five species. Pumpkinseed, rockbass, and northern pike have a slower growth rate than average. Yellow perch and bluegill are smaller than average at ages I and II, approximately equal to average at age III, and larger than average at ages IV and V. Age class IV and V yellow perch from the Ninth Street Impound- ment were as large as the largest values reported in the ’1 ode-Ailuanmln n- unutolli E i 41 p: f. A: 1‘ II mo.m hm.m HN.N mm.o II II mH.N mm.H mm.H .. -u .. ov.a HH.H .. u- u- .. os.m .. I- I- RH.eH om.HH I- ll 1. I- em.m H> > >H HHH HH ®¢.o mm.o v5.0 ON.H Ho.® hO.NH m®.¢ NH.HH Ame mma mma Noe mm. mm. m>¢ Ame sea oma woe mm em mma mmH Noe ms om RNA ooa as om woe on am mm mm mm owe mme mem Rom m>< owe ewe mam mos new emm Ame mmm mom mam H> > >H HHH HH H ea ON mm mm 5N ma H> >H HHH HH H manummasn mmpaaaoanam >H HHH HH H mSHUSH NOmm Houum pumpcmum measccm an Read meumcma Hmuou macho Hem HonESZ pmumasuamolxomn awe: msoum 0mm .uSSEpaeomEH uoeuum nucwz ecu Eonm pmuumaaoo mmfloomm swam Hmum>mm How mcumcoa Hmuou poumasoamolxumm .n manna 42 om.h oo.m mo.d E n! my £43m} EEK? .3515er xi .L om.h om.o mo.m v©.¢ Hm.m mm.m II mm.© m¢.N mH.N m¢.v ®¢.m II om.H >H HHH om.©H ®®.H ma.o m©.m mm.h hN.H mn.N Nv.N fiH.v HH oo.m Nh.o m¢.m Ho.m OH.v mN.N 00.0 HO.N om.m mm.H Hm.o H mam oam ema Nee mam «om «be men mam Sea ems Hoe mea ems sea «ma ems mm. sea sea ems em mma ema em mma «OH baa H> > >H HHH \Od'moe'm 030$th MN. m>¢ mm N H> @m OH > mm eH >H Ne m HHH mm m HH mm m H mSHHnuonomE mmmnmmww MN. m>¢ om e H> hm om > mm HH >H be m HHH me n HH me mm H H mmmmmmwm. mmmmmmmm nouum pumpCmDm mSHsccm um Reel wepmcma Hmuou toMMHSUHmouxomn can: msoum Mom HonESz msoum 0mm A.c.ucoov .n oHnt 43 e 5 IR HEWIHHLHM \ARMLHFVE. ‘1. fl. 1 .. 51% .I .L OHm emm New mHN «SH mHH mm. m>¢ OHM emH 5mm hmm HmH NOH m H HH> II H> oo.m Hm.m om.m hH.¢ om.m Hem mom 50H eHH be e > I: eo.e OH.v mo.m mm.H mHN 05H mHH mm mm >H II II 0H.m om.m >>.m 05H HHH .fim h HHH II II In mh.o m¢.m mmH hm m HH II II II II mm.H Ho hm H > >H HHH HH H HH> H> > >H HHH HH H mcmomw>MHw women women pumpcmum mSHsccm um msoum Hem msoum omm Lego msumcma Hmuou “mnesz -e pSUMHsonouxomn can: A.c.ucoov .n magma 44 literature: Jobes (1952) from Lake Erie; and Carlander (1950) from Lake of the WOOdS, Minnesota. Nerthern pike and rockbass were each smaller at any given age than the Pennsylvania state averages (Miller and Buss, 1962), while yellow perch, bluegill, and pumpkinseed were larger at each age than the Pennsylvania averages. Food Studies Early in the summer, stomachs of young—of-the-year I bluegills, pumpkinseed, rockbass, and yellow perch all con— ; tained primarily zooplankton with some small Tendipedidae. .As the summer progressed and the fish grew in size 200- plankton were replaced with small Amphipoda, Odonata, and TrichOptera. Feeding habits of Ninth Street Impoundment young-of-the-year bluegills, pumpkinseed, rockbass, and yellow perch agree with those reported by Keast and webb (1966), Keast (1968), Pycha and Smith (1955), and Ewers and Boesel (1935). Age classes I to VI of pumpkinseed and bluegill con- sumed adult terrestrial insects, Amphipoda, ISOpoda, and adult and larval Tendipedidae, Ephemeroptera, and Odonta. Similar consumption patterns were reported by Keast (1968) and Seaburg and Moyle (1964). Rockbass from ages I to VI contained the same types of food as age I to VI bluegill and pumpkinseed. Keast and Webb (1966) reported that rockbass larger than 77 mm began 45 to vary their insect, amphipod, and isopod diet with fish fry and crayfish, and at 120 mm consumed primarily crayfish, fish, and Anisoptera. Crayfish were apparently quite abundant in the Ninth Street Impoundment. Why so few cray- fish were included in the larger rockbass diet remains a mystery. Yellow perch from 90 to 200 mm total length (one, two, large three, and small four-year-olds) contained pri- marily Coenagrionidae, Libellulidae, and Hyalella azteca. Yellow perch larger than 200 mm (large three-year-olds and older) contained mostly crayfish and unidentifiable fish re- mains. Similar trends in yellow perch food habits were ob- served by Pycha and Smith (1955), Pearse (1918), Moffett and Hunt (1943), Ewers and Boesel (1935), Keast and Welsh (1968), Tharrett (1959), and Keast and webb (1966). All of the Northern pike stomachs examined were from fish larger than 100 mm. One—half of the northern pike stomachs examined Were empty. Nearly all the stomachs that contained food contained fish remains (usually unidenti- fiable). An occasional Hexaqenia naiad was found in northern pike stomachs. Rawson (1951), Lawler (1965), Franklin and VSmith (1963), Frost (1954), Hunt and Carbine (1951), and Nelson and Hasler (1942), concur that northern pike larger than 100 mm eat almost exclusively fish. '3)‘6$..'JIK .37 . - 3‘", 1' I ' u a 46 Condition Average condition of each age class of yellow perch for age classes I to V ranged from 1.86 to 2.46 (Table 8). Average condition of each age class of Ninth Street Impound— ment yellow perch was much greater than those values re- ported by Hile and Jobes (1941) for Saginaw Bay, Beckman (1948) for Michigan, and Eschmeyer (1937) for a stunted northern Michigan population. Ninth Street Impoundment yellow perch were in approximately the same condition as the "very plump perch" reported by Carlander (1950) from Lake of the Whods, Minnesota. Indeed, the Ninth Street Impoundment yellow perch were the plumpest ever observed by the author. Condition factors determined for northern pike from the Ninth Street Impoundment, .91 to 1.01 (Table 8), were very similar to the Michigan "average values" for this size range as reported by Beckman (1948), but were poorer than values reported for northern pike from Houghton Lake, Michi- gan (Carbine, 1944). Ninth Street Impoundment bluegill and pumpkinseed were-each in much higher condition (Table 8) than Michigan average values reported by Beckman (1948); while rockbass were in approximately the same condition as the state average. ' i [4' “973115351 em.“ twin. a. u. " 3,. 9" J 47 AOHV Ammv A50 A00 Aemv mceume>mH0 II 00.0 00.0 00.0 0H.0 00.0 II 00.0 0m.m 0H.m 0N.N 00.H mouem ANS Lav “adv A00 A00 Amv manneoohuma 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 nm.0 mm.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 mH.0 Hm.m mH amen Amv Aemv Aoav A00 A00 A0m0 memonnam 0H.0 HH.0 mH.0 00.0 H0.0 00.0 00.0 0m.0 00.0 00.0 00.m 00.m eH mmeH Amc Amav Aamv Aemv A00 Asmc easemensu 0H.0 00.0 HH.0 HH.0 00.0 0N.0 0H.0 m0.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 Hm.0 meuHHnoHnea lac ARC Ammo Aaac II In 00.0 MH.0 no.0 00.0 II II H0.0 H0.0 H0.H 00.0 mSHUSH x0mm H> > >H HHH HH H H> > >H HHH HH H meHoemm Houum pumpcmum msouw e04 .eHmecuceHea CH Hmemme msoum some SH an0 Ho muenEsz .uceEpcSomEH ueeuum nucwz ecu EOHH neHH Ho meHoemm Hmue>em mo msoum 000 some How ensumeu mo eEHu um AMV muouoemrcowuwpcou emeue>¢ .0 0H009 48 Tagging and Recovery Six fish were recaptured. Two rockbass, two pumpkin- seed, and one yellow perch were recaptured in the same general areas in which they had been released. One pumpkin- seed, captured and released in the Oxbow area 100 yards west of Sportsman's Park, was later recaptured at the railroad bridge that crossed Lake Besser (Appendix 1). Gear Selectivity Age classes 0 to III northern pike were commonly caught in the experimental gill nets. Very few northern pike larger than 500 mm were captured. A great deal of time in both summer and winter months was spent by local anglers fishing for northern pike in the Ninth Street Impoundment. The fishery is by Michigan law restricted to fiSh larger than 500 mm (20 inches). These local anglers probably would not fish in the Ninth Street Impoundment if they did not catch some legal fish. I, therefore, believe that the sample of northern pike was not representative of the Ninth Street Impoundment population. From personal observation it seems that a high pro- portion of young northern pike are extremely active and voracious. Older pike, probably III + years old, seem less active and more wary. Gill nets (the main mode of capture for northern pike) being stationary would be selective against younger, smaller, more active northern pike. DISCUSSION The Ninth Street Impoundment can be classified under the system of Forel and Whipple (welch, 1952) as a third order temperate lake. The seasonal surface water temperature varies above and below 4°C while the instantaneous temper— ature of the bottom water is very similar to that of the surface water; there is constant mixing of surface and sub— surface waters. The hard, alkaline waters of the Thunder Bay River System in general and the Ninth Street Impoundment in par— ticular are usually indicative of high biological pro- ductivity. The amounts of monocarbonate and bicarbonate alkalinity present indicate that there is a vast amount of free, bound, and half-bound carbon dioxide available for pri— mary production. Those organisms collected from the Ninth Street Im- poundment that have very limited environmental requirements are in every case index organisms for hard, alkaline waters. These index organisms provide evidence that the high levels of hardness and alkalinity found in the Ninth Street Impound— ment are not a random occurrence but are characteristic of long term water quality. 49 50 The Ninth Street Impoundment has a high shoreline de- velopment index and a high insulosity value. Shoreline de— velopment and insulosity are cumulatively an indicator of the potential effects of the littoral zone on the limnology and biology of a lake. Shoreline develOpment, insulosity, and personal observation reveal that the Ninth Street Im- poundment is largely if not entirely littoral. The combi— nation of morphometrical and chemical potentials indicates that the Ninth Street Impoundment is biologically a very productive body of water. The productivity of the Ninth Street Impoundment would probably lead to an oxygen deficiency for aquatic life if it were not for the slow currents of water that branch off from the Thunder Bay River (Appendix 1). The Slow currents provide just enough mixing action that oxygen is always present in adequate quantities for life at practi- cally all depths. It appears that deposition of Silt and sand is occurring at the head of the Ninth Street Impound- ment, the point where the major Slow currents originate. If the Slow currents cease to flow I believe that the entire Oxbows area (with the exception of the most recent river channel) will become a stagnant swamp. It appears that peri- odic dredging will probably be necessary to maintain the Ox- bow area as a sport fishery. The unusually Slow first year growth of Ninth Street Impoundment perch is most probably explained by competition 51 for food with several other fish Species. Yellow perch in their first and early second summers of life, inhabit "heavily to moderately vegetated areas in association with young largemouth bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, black crappie, and black bullhead (Ictalurus_melas)" (Ridenhour, 1960). Johnny darter (Etheostgma nigrum) and banded killifish (Fungulus diaphanus) are littoral (Lux, 1960). All of these small fish consume the same type and size arthropods that young perch eat. There is probably direct competition for the available food resources of the littoral zone between young yellow perch and the small largemouth bass, bluegill, pumpkinseed, black crappie, bullheads, johnny darter, and killifish. In addition, adult largemouth bass, black crappie, rockbass, and bluegill inhabit the littoral zone for at least part of the summer (Cady, 1945) and while in the littoral zone undoubtedly consume some of the food avail- able to young yellow perch. Most yellow perch probably abandon inshore areas prior to the time of formation of the third annulus (Parsons, 1950). Yellow perch leave the littoral areas to forage in the relatively uninhabited waters deeper than six feet. The very fast growth rate of Ninth Street Impoundment (annulus III and IV yellow perch) probably reflects the relatively higher food concentration at depths greater than those at which dense weedbeds occur. 1.4} . . 3.7—0- ”nae-l : .m. "F~_—';‘..J;o~.iii‘l':"‘fl _’."". “i .—" 1 'c 52 Adult yellow perch are an active, probably constantly moving, fish (Hasler and Bardach, 1949; Hergenrader and Hasler, 1967). The faster growing perch should be the most active and the most vulnerable to gill nets (the main gear fished). However, I believe that the yellow perch sample is not particularly biased because it is only within the last a ., mg?” 10 years that perch have been captured in the Ninth Street Impoundment by sport fishermen (personal communication with several local fishermen). The growth rate exhibited by the larger perch sampled corresponds to the growth rate of a .ri -.u‘£"3 W; I 1' ELLIEW ‘u'ifn (.2! 3‘1 a ! rapidly expanding population that has not yet filled its '1 I niche. The pumpkinseed, bluegill, and rockbass pOpulations of the Ninth Street Impoundment are almost unexploited by Sports fishermen. It is not surprising that the average size of these Species caught by hook and line is large and their growth rate slow. I have no explanation why age III bluegill suddenly begin to grow very rapidly. The fish populations of the Ninth Street Impoundment would be more efficiently cropped if anglers would shift some of their fishing pressure from northern pike to yellow perch, pumpkinseed, bluegill, or rockbass. Cropping the larger panfish would yield higher growth rates for all the species in the lake. Higher growth rates would make possible a larger potential harvest of all Species; increasing the 53 value of the Ninth Street Impoundment as a recreational fishery. The motive for introducing Chinook salmon into the Thunder Bay River system is to establish a fishery for re- turning adults. The migration rate of Chinook salmon smolts in the Snake River System is greatly slowed by impoundments (Raymond, 1968). While impoundments on the Snake River are much larger than the Ninth Street Impoundment and present some- what different problems to the Chinook smolts, this author believes that the Ninth Street Dam and Impoundment probably retard downstream migration. Any retardation of smolt mi~ gration leads to increased mortality due to predation by the numerous piscatorial residents of the impoundment thereby decreasing numbers of Chinook smolts reaching Thunder Bay. The number of smolts entering Thunder Bay should be pro— portional to the number of these fish that will return as adults. I believe that the probability of establishing an adult Chinook salmon run in the Thunder Bay River large enough to serve as an egg source for future plantings is sub— stantially reduced by planting the smolts above the Ninth Street Dam. I recommend that future Chinook salmon smolt plants be made at the base of the Ninth Street Dam, down— stream from the Ninth Street Impoundment. SUMMARY 1. This study is a summarization of previous limnological and biological studies done on the Thunder Bay River system Ra .\,, £1.31. . l and a description of the physical, chemical, and biological ’D‘l' characteristics of the Ninth Street Impoundment of the Thunder Bavaiver at Alpena, Michigan. .4 e (r- 2. .The Thunder Bay River drains a basin of approximately 1,118 square miles. The northern third of the basin is underlain by limestone; the southern third is underlain by shale: and the central third is underlain by a mixture of limestone and shale. Glacial moraines, till plains and out- wash aprons are abundant throughout the basin. Precipitation is well distributed throughout the year with 28.8 inches annual precipitation most probable. 3. The 432 acre Impoundment was created in 1910 by the com- pletion of the Ninth Street Hydroelectric Dam. From that time the reservoir has provided such recreational opportuni- ties as fishing, swimming, boating, water skiing, and turtle hunting . ‘4- A hydrographic map was constructed and was used to de- ternnine several morphometrical statistics. Shoreline de- velr>pment was 2.20 and insulosity was 22%. 54 55 5. The Ninth Street Dam impounds waters over an area where extensive river meandering had taken place. Deeper areas (6 to 12 feet) of the reservoir are remnants of the more re— cent river channels. Several of the more recent channels still have currents of water moving through them. 6. Water temperatures recorded ranged from 15.1 to 26 C. There was never any indications of a thermocline at any -f station. Dissolved oxygen concentrations lower than 5.0 ppm were rarely encountered. Methyl orange alkalinity varied from 120 to 180 mg/l as CaCO Phenolphthalein alkalinities 3. were as high as 26 mg/l as CaCO 3. pH ranged from 8.1 to r” 8.85. Total hardness varied from 186 to 242 mg/l as CaCOB. 7. Four of nineteen aquatic plant genera collected were indicators of hard, alkaline waters. 8. Invertebrates were collected primarily from Petersen dredge samples and fish stomach analysis. Thirty-four families, thirty-nine genera, and fourteen Species of inverte- brates were collected. Baetidae, Cladocera,_§91ycentropu§ sp, Stenonema sp, Hexagenia limbata, and Oectis sp are organ- isms present in the reservoir that are intolerant of organic enrichment of their environment. Fresh water sponges were abundant. 9. Fish Species composition was typical for a warmwater lake. Yellow perch, northern pike, rockbass, large bluegill, black crappie, bowfin, and largemouth bass were potential predators on the introduced Chinook salmon smolts. 56 10. Northern pike, rockbass, and pumpkinseed had growth rates less than the Michigan state averages. Yellow perch and bluegill younger than age III were smaller than average while fish older than III were larger than average. LITERATURE CITED American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation. 1965. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater including bottom sediments and sludges. Amer. Publ. Health Assoc. New Yerk. 769 p. Bailey, Reeve M. (Chairman). 1960. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Amer. Fish. Soc. Sp. Publ. No. 2. 102 p. Beckman, William C. 1948. The length-weight relationship, factors for conversions between standard and total lengths, and coefficients of condition for seven Michigan fishes. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 75:237-256. Burks, B.D. 1953. The mayflies, or Ephemeroptera, of Illinois. Bull. Ill. Nat. Hist. Surv. 26:1-216. Cady, Earl R. 1945. Fish distribution, Nerris Reservoir, Tennessee, 1943. I. Depth distribution of fish in Nerris Reservoir. J. 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The Ninth Street Impoundment, Alpena, Michigan . 62 \ PuILIc AC (“5 63 NINTH STREET IMPOUNDMENT ALPENA MICHIGAN no 31v, ll! SEC'515,16,21,22,2I SCALE Im O :00 LEGEND @ sumo -———-) DIRECTION OF FLOW LAND SHORE OUTLINE FROM U.S.SOIL CONS, SER. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SOUNDED FEI.,I969 DEPTNS ARE IN FEET PUILIC ACCESS "55!! co Appendix 2. 64 Description of limnological sampling stations in the Ninth Street Impoundment. Station Depth (ft) COA-1 COA-2 COA-3 COA-4 COA-5 COA-6 4 11 Bottom type: Soft gray marl with gray and black organic debris. Vegetation: MyriOphvllum Sp, Utricularia sp Invertebrates: Hyalella azteca, Polycentropus sp, Physa Sp, Lymnaea sp, Planorbidae, Sphaerium SP Bottom type: Soft gray marl Vegetation: None Invertebrates: Caenis sp, Hexagenia limbata, Hyalella azteca, Sialis sp, Planorbidae, Lymnaea sp, Physa sp, Sphaerium sp, Polygentropus sp, Asellus Sp Bottom type: Soft gray marl Vegetation: None Invertebrates: Tendipedidae, Leptocerus sp, Sphaerium sp, Helisoma sp, Lymnaea sp, Caenis sp, Planorbidae Bottom type: Rock, large rubble, cement blocks Vegetation: Myriqphyllum Sp Invertebrates: Sphaerium Sp, Leptocerus Sp, Enallagma sp, Lymnaea sp, Physa Sp, Planorbidae,_Nehalennia Sp, Tendipedidae, Dugesia sp, Campeloma sp, Meyenia mulleri Bottom type: Soft gray marl Vegetation: Chara sp, Utricularia sp, Valisneria americana Invertebrates: Asellus sp, Dugesia sp, Hyalella azteca, Enallagma sp, Banksiola solina, Sphaerium sp, Lymnaea sp, Physa sp,_§blycentropus sp, Oecetis Sp Bottom type: Soft gray marl with black gray organic debris Vegetation: Myriophyllum sp IF. ‘1,- d Appendix 2 Station COA-6 COA-7 COA-8 TBR-1 TBR-2 LB-l LB-Z Depth (ft) 3 (cont) 13 12 12 65 (Continued) Invertebrates: Physa sp, Lymnaea sp, Planorbidae, Sphaerium sp, Asellus sp, Ischnura sp, Hyalella_§zteca Bottom type: Soft gray marl with plant remains Vegetation: Myriophyllum sp Invertebrates: Caenis sp, Tendipedidae, Campeloma Sp, Planorbidae, Physa sp, Lymnaea sp, Sphaerium sp, Tetraqoneuria sp Bottom type: Hard-packed sand Vegetation: Potomogeton pectinatus, Myriophvllum Sp , Invertebrates: Hyalella azteca, Caenis sp, Physa Sp, Campeloma sp, Sphaerium sp, Dugesia sp, Poly- centropus Sp Bottom type: Rubble Vegetation: None Invertebrates: Lymnaea sp, Sphaerium sp, Elliptio sp, Villosa sp Bottom type: Rubble Vegetation: None Invertebrates: None Bottom type: Rubble Vegetation: None Invertebrates: Spongilla lacustris, Campeloma Sp, Sphaerium sp Bottom type: Rubble Vegetation: NOne Invertebrates: Spongilla lacustris, Sphaerium sp, Hexagenia_limbata Bottom type: Soft gray marl Vegetation: Potamogetgn pectinatus, Megalodonta Beckii, MyriOphyllum SP Invertebrates: N0ne collected I. 35:59-10: _ 66 Bottom type: Firm gray marl Vegetation: Valisneria americana Invertebrates: Sialis sp,_§phaerium sp, Lymnaea sp, Planorbidae Bottom type: Soft dark gray marl with much organic debris Vegetation: Anacharis canadensis, Megalodonta Beckii,_Myriophyllum sp Invertebrates: Campeloma sp, Lymnaea Sp, Planorbidae, Sphaerium Sp, Hyalella azteca, Enallagma Sp, Tetraqoneuria sp, Hexagenia limbata Appendix 2 (Continued) Station Depth (ft) LB-4 ll LB-S 4 LB-6 5 Bottom type: Soft gray marl Vegetation: Potamogeton_pectinatus, Myriophyllum Sp Invertebrates: Physa sp, Lymnaea sp, Planorbidae, Enallagma sp, Tetraqoneuria sp, Polycentropus sp 1‘41“n_1..'& ii I! I ._ 3. 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