' WI ll ‘ ’ll/lHH l 1 f I ‘ HIM W H {I HI CQMMUMCATEGN CHAI‘ENELS THRQUGH WHiCH MICHIGAN CATE'LE FEEDHS (38'3”:de THE!!! MARKETENG fNFORMATION Timsis far the: £399?” of M, S. MfCHéGAZ‘é Se'ZfiTE UNWERSETY James A. Sampfe €965 J mmmmmnmmmmm 3 1293 Michigan Stato PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. TO AVOID FINES return on or before date due. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE SEP, 2 5 :92; I I E' J l___|l_J TV—IF—W MSU Is An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Instituton - —_——_E. 7 A , _ .__ ,7 'UIB?ATIIRI CII‘IIIIILS TIZZOUGII‘ MAC-II 1151333 CA'Z'I'IJI F352: ....LS 0173‘ "£13 TIIIZLIII IL" "' .313. ‘I'DIG E‘E‘UFJL‘ITIIEI By (1313.03 A. ifldplfi A T223; Ehfimxittad to I-zliclrxigm State maversity in partial fulfilhmnt of the requirwents for the deg-see 03? ”C’ST'II 01’ 3613131833 Dcymmaent of n.,:__‘::*icultm ”all. Icoumfine . ’ ,9 190-9 "9"" '1’?) N?"’."~‘C‘ Aoszme-mu The oar-3301‘ whims to 921'ng :33 his Bixzmoc thanks to the mmormm people who assisted, wivisod and encouraged him tmomzhmt the durzrhim of this 313W. Actmmltodgmont is clue to: Dr. L. L. Bogftor and the Dopar‘m‘zm’c of hmicultzmal Manor-zine in wrociation for tin-1r finmzcial msLfianco, acackmzic guidance and the 1130 of vm' 10w: (Egalr‘ffietl'tal fad: litioo. Dr. John Ferris, who gave advice and comma]. tEu'mzzjxmzt th. course of tho stair. My provocative t‘zzinkmg md thorough under- standing of the goblet: 13 an attrilmto that will not be fwgptten. Era. Arlene King, who not only gave: much of: her time and asaisbmzce, but also smootcd helpful. ideas and racism ramming thrm :fi'imrb the paper. Li's. Julia Ema-gov, Dofim: Alt and others who furnished timir tim, pationce and moi-r memo-3 in the profizmim and mailirg of the qmsti mamas to mention Cattle Foo-flow. Lies. fiolc‘za Nude-ll and others 1310 emotcd cmsizlcmablo tit-mo and arm to the pammrc—rhim of the firm. drait of this paper. Ito. Twroll Ootzol for her pertimco in waiting until the stay was cmploted before sin: tgqaea that final copy. The au‘thcw'a wmcm‘i‘ul wife , finifia, without. whose patiozrmo , widens-Landing, thmlgfimtftfinmso, and onemmagment , this :53th would haw been a mom trying: task. -11.. T11. "3 01' C’TI'Z'I. “ Page ACBYLffLI-Z}CE"2;$3 O I O O O O O O C O O O O I O O C O O O I 0 ii HJPWT41311IL3oeooooeeeo-eoeooeooeooe v HsJA-CC'.~::T"ooooe-eoeooooeoooeeo-oo V1 Chqrter I Emzfiaucffifi':OOCOIIIOOIOOOOOOGDO 1 12‘1 .1113" .11 fee 1111‘ cat ale indus‘ory Imommco of market 1111:0111st to 135311131113 budi' esdcrs Objectivos Basia: of the litera .1130 Content. II A CPL 3.133,? 3...“. m: e o e o o e o o e 10 “'r~»t.i"u... on of t..o stun”; Cousotim of (3:113 muting and processing the data Caling; P131011. sand verifyinf: (1::de T111111 ion prom 1.1m III fii-REIXSIS 01-" 1312*0‘321131 11.11.1121‘11 . . . . . . . . . . 20 Factors used in the mark-111:. (1305.3 im asking; pr- moss Definition of tau-111$ 11111111311115.011 of mam-mt 11:1?01113131011 through mass (1011mm mica 13.011 dunno" 121,,1111‘25 which ”minus: 12:31:19 fsockzrs receive IV 021115213111 OF Gi‘EZflP'ILJFRJH 0.11.: 51.3 '10 (7.112311 P“?Fi‘U'—J;T;3COHIOIOODOOOODUIOCO 33 Test of age, sfimafim, siso o. bminsss and nwwlmr of 3:11.12 1313 0111-". in "Us past 3.2 11:31:11.8 compared "to 1111:1101] moss 00111111111331.1611 11311111313 C1111 pter V VI 1' A 1 flat-1131:; ’1“ 17:" 01' 0911172115 (Can't. ) 1111173 TO 3.3311117"??? P1212111? {WF 1" 1””? 1333C "WIFE! o o . itrpe of cat-1.111 1111‘“ 0111.31. 1011 mmfi ved I‘m-e of errant 1113th 1110011": 111121.011 rsqmzsted Gama]. feclinrr on 01.11.1001 thcmmtim Hamilts of open and question 9: fl‘fi. 1?‘ «~er P“? 3".” .1331“- A137CJIE‘uiJL-JLCI‘IH5 ......OOOOOIOOO “Iii.........OOOOOOOOOOOODOIO. Page .91 (.1 es LIE} 1‘ OF 1351141533 Table 13am 1 m‘mlcdam of wagondmts to “awry-.1911 Jmmnahe . . . 13 2 m‘cqmnny and percentije 01f vmy Show and longer run rapture m’i‘ec‘uimg the Initiating 05' 3111;113:3111: fecd’crcattwe...ou.-............ 28 3 Dmtzflmtion of remmsus to 11:13:: con: micatim Chamois fcrc Went mri-zt new and 0.112100%: infierm+ .1011 133?th pmce ‘11. by which Rich gar: Cilith 41.639491"?! 1139. m3 11196.18. 0 o o o u o o o a o 30 1: Use 051' arm-:9 camm‘ieation 031911311915 for 6.313;; mm‘ket nms accwdim: to size C11" fem . . . . . . . . . 1:0 5' 180 of some cmwmicatim chm-1:033 for outlook irimuiion accardmg to 81:10 a? £11m: . . . .. . . £10 6 Use at: 50:21:: catmicaticn channels for daily mzu'ket net-:3 aucor: 1.1.113 to the 11mm: d‘ (2.21% 10 fed out ifl'fihflpdtgr‘mlwlslooo00.00...on I43 7 U139 d? 80.11:: ca‘a‘mziczrtion clwzmcls for misled: infammaion awarding to the amber of cattle fed mtintimpnstmmonflm.... o a... o. a 8 Use o‘.‘ acne catzzri dam-1m (221311919619 far daily market. nowaccoz‘ifi.rgtoage......,..,,,_, 1.5 9 Use of same carmmicatim cfmmcls for outlook infammtim actccrd‘ing to £1530 . . . . . . . . . . 11.5 10 Use of 131m: cmz‘mafic chmmcals far daily mm'i‘mt 119.15 accoming to level of edumtim . . . . . . 2.18 11 Use (:5! 31116 12011111112111.1011 132911111213 £131 outlook 1:11“ Grimmer: according to levelm 4“ 01111151111611 . . . 1:9 anv— Chart Page 1 Distri‘ utim of: total raspmsc to may: qmwsii mnaire sent to I'iichigan cattle Manama who am mayhem af ‘4 vol Q t a ' r1 ,9 ' I ma mcmgnn battle I?QE’:£’-;Gr3' Menuhin»), Inc. . . . . 11.) 2 Distribution of usable qmafiiomafires sent to Mid} 1:59.11 $31-$33 Fem-201's who are mmbm‘a of the Ifszhicm Cattle Fee-dera' Associatim, Inc. . . . . . . 1? 3 The nwaber cf ra:s;am395 rm; pialicmions received by 33.0 3-33,: .gan cattle fecdms and the numkmr who regn'mrly rind {£16538 publicahlma a o o, 0 o o a o o o 36 «Inn-t (3333;?! I I’I’I‘R‘I’Z‘imltgq Agirimfitzn'e 13 big; bus-Imam 1n Eficmgjgm. ms iztupsrtm‘xce is reflected in the 10": {133 9.37:3 covering; the 11‘s.3 mfllim acres (3' 39 percent of E-icfamm'e land arc-m. (In {LE-was fazms the tau-34km mtcrprise 13 the pmhm’uim of sizilk. Hamster, cattle factual“? in a. 3min" maim- try in madam. Frey-1 195.10 to 1965, the nwher of cattle m foe-:11 in January marreascci by 78: porcazt. In 1962;, rimhiggan cattle media‘s scald 19E,Ci)0 head “1110}: would garb Cami, :‘E-xaico, or Pairwise. In afiitim, 3 61230213219 nmfilxr 01f lam-er {wade cattle were 9.3.30 sold. E-fieid.g;m's bed-3 feeding; inflafimr 18 cmaplax. E’mt fihfidgzm cattle feeders (JD net raise their am feedms, but pmvchaae fiwm elsewl‘mre, most-1y frm the Smith and the L-Eeat. Aim-1mg} me: i. {magma are from out d' state, a firming mug-bar (1? calves and yemlinzga mm trucked into 13m feeder area fret: Hwtl’mm 111cm gm. with tsevwal major Garters of pop" titan lmatod ahaut the state, 110 qmmity dcmmkmi m? fed Mai? far 0306033 the crumbs Iiiclfigggan has mmplieé. Cattle feed .‘8 mom; the at am (Em'ive cm'tain {maefiw fmm this eitmatim , mainly tI-mt slzm’izwr wattle {3931903 1:: £3.61sz tend $30 be u..- ‘ AL A lCiattTlfi md mlwza on feed are whale lacing; fatigued for the 821ngth mmmt on grain or other cmmntmfias mam»: are exprmtml to prujme 3 mm; ’33 mm. will grade {gm-:3 er mtuzx'. -1- -2- hkfher t! m in ct! 101' 1.21 or fuming; amass. feeders, on the (12.2111: hand, also are sunmflmt 11mm:- mined. Anot‘ur out: rprise{ {waxing in 11:: art—awe in 11211113: is the feeding cf dairy sim'a. Since the majnr 11:62.:Si1ry 53 dairy, them is a now: My supp; v of :‘ux' 1y stews awailahle. Research share that tzmsc animals gain 1:03. fight at about tin 3:11:12: rate as beef steers and profluce a carcass that 113 coupe: netitive v... th t‘ 1:: hi 573.101.- nuaiity beef . Emma-3r , an individual dahgtmn 18 um. likely to [firm duos 2:212:12: steers each 3mm merefm’e, acme ci'fcn't is neczczzmavy in 21311:: 11113113 the: flan-y steers, fer 8 91216111115: fc mlim operatim. Buying; and selling; decisions am;- cmcial fax: cattle. foeckzm. 111:1}; mnrt car-pare the 3:511:21, 11:11:51. , qua": ity and pr ice (11' feeders avail- able with their am feed 81“?"4311138, their 51:13.35, prefemnces and their appraisal of the mmket outlcxyk. In a recent atm‘y on feeding cattle, the ability to 21121:: amwato market (is-(15131013 was as 111. Mam as tE'm-z ability to 1 .1311 acmrcate feasting dccmima.2 Than ' indicate a that E’iichigrzm cattbzrzm 11:16:! to be GPJ‘EMd tum-2‘s am! 863.19% :15 ml]. on {good farmers. Vitthif‘an 3:111:11... .ur: 1011.13!" 131138011? ml]. to the beef fee fling incimsztry. In mnmal, the ragga: 21:13: d.‘ the her-f cattle are located in he smrtimn part 01' the atate mere 8011 911:: cli. motic can: 11.10111 am pmticulamy favorable fcr erasing; com. This @615: 15 ait'mtcd close to an urban cmatera and cmaequfly close to the mincipal markets. M .4...— -———-— A...“ A 2h:- T. ‘-.-Fri:;.‘1t, Cat‘lfl Fm:’.in,-_, Immudcs, Pyr‘mflv 11.111131” vulgar-.5. Atthyp fficmgm State University amicafltural} .qmrimmt 551.1511, 1:11. 1..., no. 11, Hay 19’33. .3... Little has; been 9315. so far 0:1'2cerr2ing ether beef canccrprisea in l‘flch‘tggm. T3115 3112.22.15: «2121:2321 't :fimctly cmncm itself with such 0512:2233- mans at: the pzn‘c‘mzd Innvixmea, ecu-calf wcmmma, or combating at muse. Inflirectlgr ham‘mr, 2:12:22:th 22222.3(: be gives-2'2 to the other 02:2: 11- .11310128 rm- helping to 811.953,? cdlvcs and yearling to the fender. It. 123 with this in mind that he 3111.32me 821 cm: 0115?:1. ”the feeder Operati tn tlmcmgjlmfi. this paper. I} ”“2! 5122: 53‘ 2221;21:72‘Té‘fr 13332224242112.7223 '1'") ‘ If MC 232‘ 1572'??? F .3333}; 1212211 this interest. in beef cattle fleecing, ei‘i‘ac‘bive an}. efficient market. new and outlook hlfmtw‘aim we macaw . Timely and acmcrata 12:32:01". 22:12.23 reperts 2132:2112: proviée the basis for better Named and mare fl1telli§gent decisim-mzizing in trying feeder cattle, and in selling the finished cattle :1. 2222 11213121236 of :1: 122221". new litera- tzre is to get. mail-ed inf: ragtim on 821.119.1183 , prices md track: candi- tiona from 12.22 (12543122 back to £2223 far-22w 2.2220 can use it. To be of value to 21:22:15.2: cattlmyen, this ini‘wMim mat be available in time to hmp him decide 22222:, when, and where to but; m sell. Then too, the farmr 2222232. have confidence in the accuracyo: ofthe infum 2.22.1621 he 18 receiving and 122313 to 5:19.30: (1211:1192: it cmrect ,v to his om 313.21.12.13. 2:221. Hid-2.1.3311 cat 2.19 feeders who co: 1pc 2.281213." 21 2:212:22»: in W223: prcxi‘n .1122: .2021 need What 111.: ”cmm‘izim cmplete cumin to give an accurate picture of the 10cm. and 1.312.212.2251 1212:2222: “m. mems need to camera prices at tmnimfl nuke“, auctims, local :2.ch and 1.32030 23212162252223.1921 by 2113133119 con-- tract 8 in wdcr to dew .1221 where and 1102-! to £10.11 and buy. C'mpled with -24.. this, Imima must be able to identify games. A momimfga {grading 33,5 tom 15 thereby (1‘ prize nominee. Phat Michigan feeders realize that. when productim costs are mounting and grime rewivod are leveling off or falling, efficient maimfiing hummus even more mpmtan‘b to than. market irxforsmhion, or “hm timely and accwata tmwlmkjo d? the current value of beef in the market place, is not an and in itself. Father, it is: m assentinl aid to nomad ramming doois ions by the individual producer. T326 farm who takes afivmxhaga of! mud-cot. infonmt ion was both 522233 cmmicatim media and mama-11 contacts as a. mums for obtaining cm'rmt market new! and afilook infmtim. Joan-ammo in the pro- fession any that the fan-2m: uses different ohmnela of cormmicatim. By dmnela they include daily Denimpapms, radio, televisim, md Games. This is contrasted to a scarce or mmflng mimetic-n which wand include different. mdia within the clmnel. For a? apla FT“: journal 3 -__- . r... ...-..n w ‘ if if}... and arm Malia would be smrces in tin radio diagonal. Tire org-”5103?; the mind-or of this mp0? , the authcr will use enamel and ammo in this cmter—rt. om: ‘cnrm This project 13 prepooed to discover from mast cmmicatim clmnnola Efi. chiztzm cattle fenders wtain their market news and aztlook inf (maze-21.1131 and to what dogma those chrome—:18 influence them in the total mart-cc 1. 2. 3. ting process. The Specific objectives are: To study cu-rmziozttion chmnmls £23 a place for maflzet informdm and maoum the use cf tkmae. To criticaljy 31:13:30 the fadsors which influence f-tichiggz. cattle focdcn'n in the rm'izcting of: their cattle. To 00: .1;er col vain key or“; “actoriatics of cattle feeders wifih tEmir we of acme cufimicatim charmels fur daily mu‘ket news and fa: millet-:1: ini‘mmtim. To make suggom law for impr wing or changing the type of market infcmrzatim farmers mat but are mo now receiving. 31111-3 I 3? '13:: Erupts: 2:; Only a limited :2 .::bcr of stumps have bean made comparing: channels used by famm'a rm mrtmt mfumfiiim. A few projects have been mblizmcd by J. me fluids and K. 12.. I'mrflm of Ion-m in which thcy- found that $313613 {$113.66 radio for cm’rcmt mfl—zot nous. Pam camera want omfiut in: omatim to be $5.:wa and ace-mate. rm best. time to air market infmzaticu was in the early morning hours and at noon .3 In another smut; on mars-papers for marmt nous, famors intimated {shat $1:ny look-6d 53:»: both mavens market nee-rs and for out}. set: infamatim in the daily mumpzpm. £11.“: hunch they didn't use this main as extensi' :uly as magszims for 01mm}: irfczmatim, may ext-ill cmsidemd it as being essential to agricultm'e.“ In a 81mm report of a market new and nzi‘cmafiim cmformce, the follwing conclxmims sorta dram: 1. Give rm'e local mm “wet covers: :63 2. Interpret marZ-rst hummmn for the local situatim; 3. Supply mmcet mmma and bacimozmd ini‘mtimz 14. Speed up trmmis aim of wrist. mus; S. Incomes the datail in tannins; maria-tet- reports; 6. Inmoase famer, an 131*, and comm-xiv tmdorstmafing at rugs-mung; 7. Cmtzlnm manure}; A .__ m.— M m . M A.- 3J. Pam?! sous and K. It. Marvin, {hat doc-s the 1:13. 2?: '7‘“_?_3m hm honours? ms. 1:61; nous? A special rogwrfi, 1:13:26 1.53; ......timl ”.0 Wm“ WWI. .L‘L: 1:" dKfij m veiuixfil’ it'd 3-1;... 0 1?E:‘l$o 2&3. Fan"! Boats and K. E. Ikmvin, 7:71.61“. (was the 10:26.. for" a“? t-mnt -‘l‘~ ‘7 ..‘T‘Av‘o am.- firm” from radio “"1““? . news ‘c‘ Iowa up... "ricul‘ouralm Lm‘rurumdu am: on uwiuwu Edvum m, *j': j“?.‘ -7- into mist mums ion is BCOLEBQ and how it 18 used; and B. {gmmy r‘ mare persons to handle rmket nous adsquetely.) A nu: war of statusests wart fsrriwzm 1.36 of wasn’t. news 3mm brmgnt out in 8 atom! earmarked by Jeelf‘ 1.35.43?) of the qur‘ment of Sociology and Anthrognolow at 316115.33 mate Lh’versity on "I'Tichigm Fma' Use d Radio and 733's: S33sper :u'lcet £5358." I’Jst, while Irishman farmers- made miensivc use (If those emu-em” which bring market nae-m to than most prmmtly and accwately, he data tended to 8258.33. nrato the use of t. :50 meals as arm'ces of market. news. Seems, the yomtjcs and better educated people are more 111:. fly to be ne3mpapm' readers and rasio listeners. 1 4....rd, mi‘h found that the ""m tended to cam-532mm the assent of use at” mes needs by mitts; 1t mama-am that radio and mwsmxwrs offer emdent amines in the: prosantatim of mzrket nwa. Actually tmy cui'i‘w. Radio presents matcriala more ism-waist. 01y than does the mssmm, mamas the nmpwsr presents materials in a mom pemmmt form, even thmygh the content is the same. Farmhh, in addition to the courses provided by 1am Earl-sect new repart- ing emcee, magasinea prmic‘ts a great share of the outlook infmenses1m..6 .__ A “A m .__? ‘— “—7—— r ’Tilahimal ijec‘b in fiyicfltu‘vsl Crns‘tmmiczztim ”HT? {:3 to I ‘ “st-"e corn-um. graf 33mm .Emysw and I's‘trMQHOQ .61. Cent: lumen, 11 report cf"? saw: .233, ”M” 0:823: WWW”. “an?“ 3? a”: 3.‘.:- J8 and sums" ..es Cunei'ones, Ismsas Cioy,dssow1, (Pub ism?! £1.13 Office, Irma State College, Arms) 3955. “Bus term "sourcesni in ”.31.?“ a shady is equivalent. to "enamels" as defined earlier in this (31mm. 6 . , . , Iiehigan Fans-3:3 ' Use of Rama and Emmy-spur E‘itmset 139W {IT-73.3 *tc-fly 3.3.1:! Int m,1fic?fi gar: Stats Usivwsity 1.331113... val hqe'iueut TQ‘MW-Du. Q ‘3‘“. J. Quabiii], AWL! Math}ii1[" Rial. ou..kn‘::1£’ :20. :4, pf). Lila-{327. -8- 0310': studies nut duet-“‘13 related to this abuzz; but still havmg some bearing. on it Luclum‘ : an mule on the acmmcy cf fam outlook predictims7 and a repzrt. on the uses af.‘ mutating infw‘gatim by {mare in .‘iiolfigan.8 .— “A A_‘ 7am Accurate m. Farm Outlook i‘mdzciums? mums? <2: “SEE... John F. Hear, 1955, p. 93-98. ‘" £0.53. L‘c-Epz‘mmmt cf Agricultm2, MES, .333 of ”newt“? 721%..- :23: timfl 1333:9135 $33313}?! gm Min-1.1.. , I‘mvmtm 2.51:2 . n29- ntrmwm Gil-..uA; L This 0mm.- was (1.391331% to five the reader a clear picture at 1128 boat cattla industry in E‘flchigm’. and hm: market hxfcmmtim pm its part in the decision amazing process faced by practically every farmer feeding cattle. It. farmer defimd sewn-a]. term which will be mad thx-nghout tha pawl“. CE'xap‘Lm' II will outline the need it! a study such as this am 62:21am has the data were collactcd. Chapter 111 is designated to critically mat-133223 the factors much in- fluence Michigan cattle fccdm‘s in the mm'iwting of their cattle md how cmnmicatim ohmnela can be used to help the femaer maize his mrketing decisions. Ska-gator IV will make a comparison (11’ ini‘u‘zmtim obtained through cammicafim channels and other elmractcristics about. cattle feeders. Chapter V will make suggestima for improving or damaging the type (If xtmrket infa'mation fan-2:22:23 want but. are not now receiving. number VI will marine the £2th and tell what the results man to the cattle £929er and to the specialists writing Inw- keting infmati or: o C! 131031 II A (2"1’317... 20321 31.53% .733? I33'Q’K‘CIIB! 0f the 119919113...“ 23.11-99.39: (9? 22’3”... gum-:39, many of which 9951;. mach 1:313 mural-21' 300.904....” mail box, tl‘z-J nag": Tori“ ..y 931"; 90:39 am of 219.1919: 1m" metimuaftcn what the prices of a. 9:219:91.) can-.9997 were {111‘} 9:57; the: p.391; r:c>n“uh, m? ..z-éicc gfn‘erfiicfiima. TincBe 833.92.335.03 art-3 quite popular I: .39 Gill}; 3... 33:33::ch in 33.93.1939, 12195 with 99.39129 throw“: mut the (20.39.33. The quasi 1.59:: 93199:. vi“: i-Ehigtm mimic feeders as to the channel 13' which 13339-3 9.3.919 fhcir 93.925395 1.1wa 91.1w. In the 9:322:33? 131539....m3 1:229" (139321.191 of 93.23291: literatwe fcr the. cattle feeder? The (39.11.? nmsmgm? The 99913;? nmmgafm? Haw about radio and televisicn? Direct 2912.? 9:29.13 911:9; does 9993.2 9999 mac-1.13:1 eorzzmma’cim 9119:1991 p.s....‘f in the tot. 9.1 19.322.931.23 picinmg? 9:32.329 with mere thm‘. me rm 9': (..‘bcrrw‘kw am oft (n 1n mom than an 99793211999162. channel. A possible. mascn for this. is that not 911 radio or amt-19:13 that can". fem market rcpcrtm, 92d not all 127.921.1159 .1 rdwrial on 2219:2913 9:193 the 9.2:...2-9 pit::‘€“979 of the. 9151-1991023. Fm 909911., if 9.53:, mm ca. :9 to read or litflen to a ccnplpte 93mm? of 1:330 :29 .r-"s er 1210!}...1'8 9:313: sting qactivitica on 939927 903.39.121.97 if it 9:33 13193939:th 1.3 thercfnm 5:19:3'3393 £09 bath -11... 3.139 fame:- an 11 the mrirefi '35.; mmilysrb to 3mm. what 939.3930]. 0:? car-32:31:19.1- ticn is the .3191: fer a pastimflar 93.992.993.39. It. is 3.7.3-3.}: 3.3.9390 tY‘degj-ififl in mind that 3.539 9:339:35}. the 11139-931... about the 939191121111 one 02331139313 through which 3219131453. 9.333919 feeders obtain their; am 92.33.1310... 135 cammrcial Imam become larger, the 1939;173:1233 1312919111313 of 3:12... gas cattle 2913:1939 1.5.11 became mom 137930113113. 3:33.35. 331.137 the camaflcatim 9339231313 3:} 1.1.1311 3335.91.31 gran 9.13%}... {9630338 use in 123.1193 their 1.933331932321113 91391311339? Th9 arm-ring 39-1339: 91' cattle fed in 319.931.3439 1:19.939 out the need for 9.919133 infmmtim that in 3.12.913 and .3:-91.921539 . The 993.31.193.31: 3.330 13139333993139 tide type of marketing fini‘csxmtim 1:. expected to banai‘it by 3 1393:3933 knowledge of 3:13.. :91; 0931311311139 and price flmtuatiam. If the researcher 3:91.333 3.3191: 933.3391 cam 19 339913.193 19 1.1159 in 931.11.11.39 919mm. zmtcet news, tlmn he can relay this to the 3.139133 new ragwber. A hettem direct-1m 01‘ 9353013135 and a 01999:: tic. with the fmnr 13 the final goal. Likewise, the 1:913:93 39.12133: can more 933912331329 13:; mach his 99131031129 , 5.: he {ma-.9 the relative use of sqzmamicafiim 913999933 by {92339373. URGEEIEKH {‘1‘} 03’ '1': £3 31TH}? '19 for this art-“13123 were gathared by 6mm 99?. 39 {999993 in 131.331.1521.: 337 the gazegtiazrzaflre method. 3330 932.391.111.317..sz 09' 999916997 139.33 3.92:9 313.913.9131... The 911121112: 3.99 .193. 1359993237 immuatofi in a swam-‘19 893.399 of inf mtim :19 1:11.103. 9:3 .3 9313:1991 by 3.131.113 in? 013391.109 3.93 93.391901}. -12.. 02:23:20 studies could be emanated on tin source at axiomatic: witmn the channel once the channel itself was Imam. Of special intweat to the author was the use of the magazine channel. This will b9 mtplomd firther. Nevexfiheless the dissamimtim of market infcmaation within any channel V2.5 not cfirectly 3517x3195; 1mm ec'tly , however, fmwrm‘s were asked to ca'smmt on the true cf marketing-3 break-mien they could best use. Since little m‘m’iom res-same}: was availzfi'xle at the teaming of the study, the authm' siwcd the cannon belief that most cattle reader's in IEicE'flgzm relied tn radio as a enamel fer current mm‘ket prices and the monthly or bi-monttfly publica‘bim as a channel to: 01:83.00}; infomatim. The real reasons why fanmm used these two channels above all others; we wfimczm , almond: it 13 rammed that ratio provmed the moat manta-date sum-cs £30 h‘zgtmmm‘t for 111$:th new: and that may-- zines gamemmr featm'e wtlook 11f magma: in each issue. In ark‘ii’him, these mm: mm repart new in such a way that they 51% mam-atom 0f the amply and demand of mine on the market. The amber was hitmsfied in mama whether them indicat are actually infltmnced Rich 12.71111 cattle readers in their market. decisim Ming; mucosa. Inflieatam such as with: nmfiJ-ws, cattle cycle, price 0:? feed, current price, misfit md o’uimrs should, if accurately repm'ted, benefit the farmr 1“er the stwc‘gfioint at his increased 182115336138 of the mast coxiitima. aning to wimt degree Imam m fl'zfluenced by these factors mild also be lmlpiful to the marketing specialist who is wi‘ting outlods: and cwzmt prim Lnfamatim. -13... The anther was interns“ «d in discovermg whether the cattle fame: 1:3 getting the most out of Ms infa'mtim dollar. Is the infmazatim which 13 mmtly available really what the tanner wants? How could it be changed to adéxymtely give him a more reliable pictwe of: market cmditions? COIJJIZTIEII Cs}? Digit: Cmsiderahle time was ta’rmn in the begmn'ing of this study t0 aolact a method of ta collectiw that would be regresentative of: the entire cattle fearing; industry in Fidzigan. Research cmicd out in only tame areas where most (11" cattln foam-8 lived would not represent the out in: 1mm; . But to contact every cattle feeder would involve cmsidermln time and (avenge. A aingmlar event on the I'iflslfigm State {In ivcrsity. campus gave the timber reason to believe that mam cattle madam eoulci be ampled with a qwatimnaim at a Irina-mu of: cost and time. The event was the opm‘mg or the 11'3" animal husbandry bar-.2! research center m August 20, 19694. An estimated 600 of the top cattle feeders, ram-era, and part- time feeders mare present for the event. With the help of his timer proi‘wsor, the anthtr devisad a pilot qaaati mnaim and gawk-sled theme people. Their 81mm indicated that tmmtgh a mail-in questimnaire, useful infomfiim could be obtaineci. 111a pilot qmctimnaim was then revised to its pace-seat film, a com- a? winch is included in the {gm (213:. ... __l I “1129 problem now was to secure a mailing list of name. rm Iiiclngan Cat'tle Foedore' Assccia‘b 1m, 1m. , publishes a small home (mean wed 75.779 Iii::hr‘.v:szrz Cat-€113 F‘wi-fi‘rr. This publication marshes m 3"” now“ , . m ‘ those catfile Seaciera who am mum‘s of: the Asaociatim. Iithomju nab cmplcta in 1% listing of @161“;va who fie-2mm cattle, the list has a total of 1235 £13333. 'I'he to‘tal lumbar of: cattle fmckam in i-iichigan is eatimatad to be I} 3. 1713.3 Vincluclas thwe who feed a few head almg mm those who feed sovaml the-wand head. Raised on gram en's mammal affm‘ts using a mail questiamaire, it was amen-ted that about 30 percent. of the males in a surmy wgld return the qaw‘tionnaim. T119 entire mailing list was mailed cg'ms'tionnaires in 6331:; October. The author received several replica from fazmera, bank amazes, county agents, and mivcwity prai‘eanws 1.33.10 either fed no cattle or who had meta been in the Laziness but. were. 129-21 wished. It shuum be vacuumed. that no follcw—up qmatimnaire or Lemur 1:38 sen-t to these immurs because: 1) the yaw smplad in the beginnmg was: large anemia: in the opinion a: the authoe: to 'obtain a good idea 05: the feeling an attituakza of kid‘s-3.5m cattle feeders, and 2) the tim and coat im'olwd wasn‘t oconmzically justifiec‘i. A total of 32.5 percent (at? the fem-sew replied with 1401 qmstiumaims. Thane who end not reply nut-flawed 831; or 67.5 meant of the total. (I'm fireman-ring table gets-cuts the number of rwpondents and the pfl'rCOUto 2:515:16 1. “'M”"11'*1 07? «5 ammww 10 the» ”gar sormma W54. WW! .1 ‘zoprfluato'o ...-In. mbmwm I.‘:.::.'*:';.£;f'..l:::;::::;.::‘... 533351 Total raccfirmd 1101 11, .0 Hon-cattle £1101in1 91 22. 7 Total usable quumiémaircs 333 m L w—-— A— '1 film-cattle 171515151195 1‘35:ch to 1511:1130 rangers 1: o replied 1111 did not feed my cafitle 1911.599 1115 p391. 12 maths. Cfizzxr nmucaitlc feeders were 1:011:12; extension 3:311:13), feed mmmi'actmrcs, fam publfi. ,3- tion Gait-om, 91c. Tho maps on the fella-11:13 par-113 chm 1.11, (11311312111101) of mnliea to 121:: quw‘uimnaire. 1’31: first map 11310113 the 130131 rmwmsc from each cmmty while the second mp 91:11:13 133.15 total 119315315 response and the pcrcc-txt from each county. ev‘fm- 17". ‘1» rss~-:'1r"7':' '77?” \IP“ Jdlr'J.-Ld.o}J find. J ‘ avg-O“ -;'5' Hub-{G “ca! 316‘. .Lua- Bci‘crc eating, the «531.3 was ......(1) 01311156. for missing Sarawa- tion 11:13:“ 1 the (31391110111119.1109, md (2) edited to bring rcccmded respmscs in the qacstimmm-cs 111139: a mafimm eat of town. If mjw {51111310119 01' the (11115811011135.9113 1133 12119151133, no cfi‘wt 1139 made to contact the 1 ”em-m cuce 12- 1c reply 1139 asrctm'ned. 1271133393 infoma'tim 011 a quccbimnairc m3 woman for rcjccfion. 51.11 1.1111111031161113 which the fim2cz~ 11151111111011 in row 011313 to the 1"", I! 1". farm pad,“ atima qmsrtim mmc accept 30d (31115113 1. mt. m. 09:51:: ‘s f v - . . , . . - ~ . p . ‘u’smu... .,....-. “Mn; v - ‘V ‘ . ' ' «._ <~ H I ' , , o . ' ' ' ‘ - ~ , _ ‘-. . . ‘.‘.»l' ‘ . J: .‘. .fl . i. p ’— ‘.'_ .' . v ‘ .1 ' ' ' ~ ' \ ‘ . ' . < . . . a , .' ' . ‘ ." ’A . x ' , ' - - _ - . . ‘ ‘ < “ ’ . h . ‘." . | . ‘ _ .A I - . J: ., ‘ _o', ‘ u 4’. _ _ _ . A ~ ‘ _ . _ .n '- . '- - ‘ . ‘ ' A , ' I _ . . f. ‘ . ' - . V . I U . ‘ ‘ _ -'(| .' _. , ‘ . ‘ , ‘ - < \I u V. . ., , '1 . .. , . .. . , v . . ,_ N ‘ ' ' " ." y; ' " . ' -‘ ‘- ‘.._ n - ... . . 1 ,|' . . ~_ ‘. . .fiu ‘ .. ‘. .. , U..- ~. ' ‘ . ,‘ . . K .. . _ “ '-',. ‘ t: . ~ . t . . n _ -' . - ,. . ‘ ~ ' ’ - ._ a . . .. . - . ., . - .. ’1‘ ,‘ '.{, . . ’ - ' . ‘ . . ‘ - , 'v ) s ‘ . .‘ _ A . . ' a' - 1 ~ < . . - I -' ‘n u ‘. ‘ . . .‘ . A“ ‘ I i ' . - , _ . I . r Sr.bistr1bntion of total ' “Kr-83351338 ‘1 t3) the T}\28:3.1' ".217“ -K sent *0 “ifihigan rat*.» .. feeders Vh" 7‘2‘C "(-‘n‘v r: 41' .A‘tgbe ‘fh:hi¢‘?.r\ Qattln m-mjerr' I ‘ f'L'vS‘f'ui'iati “1, inc; Q Tot ‘IJ'. flex?! 3‘.» 1301 Bryn”. r“. ' v 0 ——- ¥S’~‘fr ‘. ... T'Wtul 375:1ch e Qu”stinnn2ir(s ‘w,; ‘—. 2' 1 .- 4",- - MICHIGAN RAND WY Loos: Lur OUTLINE MAP Distribution of Usable Questmvmaires Sent to Michigan Cattle Fee - Who Are Members 0! t‘ 1e Michigan Cattle ‘ "‘E‘ ' Foedore' Aem c iation m: Tap F1gure--Number of replies Bottom Figure--Percent of the total a? .n'h “a. ‘h 9&3; c 3 ' ’ I I . ' ANADA 9.21:5. .. gag-24.1291}; c lhd . maW‘ééh. .3 on ~01 :“WJ‘V'. "'F-C‘As a O . INDIANA 4L3“. ' ” ‘° " “m” 159 03021 "on: an in am am on an 17-22 ~18- 01' mu gious ranger. mm and publications the... couldn't be found in Ayw'a "Directm'y of lieuquwl‘a 8111 Periwicalfl, 1963;." TEE follmxing earn-em one were used in classiiyfing pumice dons: H aaicultmel intm'eeta , which .13 published bi-mmthly, nma'bhly or quarts. 2rly'. gag}? flfl‘m?;§5E-a nmrsg'mwr p‘LfiglisImd daily much 18 devoted to interests other when am ieultral but in much aricultm'el item 31:13am on a deity basis. 1:13."? was: WWW nmupwer pub" ’ 110d weekly .1211.ch is dweted to 1:13 crests other-t ham aadczfltm'al but in when m'iculturel items appew on a weekfly or bimeeéey basis. 3:5: .:-u.... ’12“: rlj‘;:f__£_~—-’Li.a‘b mm‘ont mlmt news and M10034 infirm. ion wt .ich is uhiliem i by the hfinhigen cattle 1?th in his mar ket draw on wring process. COEEIEIG It; means of a nmeric code, data were prepared for pmched - card me one-"B of moccasins. The seeing system used preserved every piece of chat: in its raw firm. For example, tm amber 03-3 cattle :E'ed out. during tin past m earths tms Gem-d madly as given in me qu ~ timnaire refiner than being rmméed to the neamat ten or hamdred and coded mly for the ten. er hmé—reci digit. Ilmever, categm‘im on: 0 general emcefiiieatlms were newly ehsmra set up for mmh-mzpmcc -19... to open-sud qmsmims, and ems m3 bers were mug c«;1 to the cLssses rather tlmn the incfividual commutes. Code-s were not pro , ‘ed for qmstims which flamed 3213:133sz respcsses or items mulch were con- sidered relati’mly maimpor'tzmt to this ismmiia‘te analysis. “I " Q" ~--« . ,fx-r 7: Egg $123 I. *3) V Z :15“ thz‘dl) IBM card-.3 were punched mi WM ...ed from the original cams-'2'. issue-fires. Two and max-£31.11 cards per questimnajrs were necessary to place the data on, bar's cm a sec-ma cheek additimal cards were used (:0 pick up totals -to masticss and a editimal cash crops. Alqu'au-F “Q FHGCJL; .15.; .As has indicated before '8. 1.0124310. 11 01 reapmses were obiained from tbs 1233 maestimxh'es sent out. . 11mever,M1tmue were rejected for 3 var? 1.;ny of mamms. T110310 caus'lznm used in the amiysis were 131. reform tun baa-Sis es? the total to mostm “the qmstims. The qua at inmate was caistrw‘sed in such a way that it would easily facilitate tab “ties at results. “fines tabuMims, rmqsenq’ comts and totals for the sample were cmpleted i‘cr each tamer aims qua: stim- najra was used. 0.1 the basis of a rmts: of those tsbulatlms, factors such amass-ed to be was... for cross tszuzatim were 363.091.3311. After a page: passion at the msCEMG wow; had bssn completes, a umber sf bmd—f-absla'tisns were made for data punched on cards, but more easily mtsined by sir pier mL1.ods, and far tables showing relatimshim mung new cabins? ions of W‘iéfeles. C1153? 1’1 131 . "EM.”LIZS C1? --.1‘£.3-‘ 23.2.13 I 11.1.”. 12327114. 1 91m 1.11.3213 5:122:13213 32:.1.1'3:s;.-t 1:15.21? lives't 011:, they want the 1115;111:531; mice 9333121112 and cases; 11121215713, 1.11313 mummy decide when to Bel... where to 333.1, 1:11:21: 13: 1.1121. and .2310. to se '11 3.22:3 “fibres-.121 111511. means as Q agency to. «all. {1311" mg is the mimins'F-im of? mmty 11:01:11.1? (11' 1:512:11113, summing; tie-1's! 1.311 17:13:21,131; . fies f 11161111211323.1113 and “3123:1111 5;: the 1‘13}: 112' 11x15.5:1;r3mcr*fze (.221st 0531212 12.30:: is 3'1; 61111129513321 watt” :10 set. bring a respectable price. 11:31. 55:11:23 . 1.0 the :1: 7131011 be tweet 31%- stock on a 931-1513 ...:s: 5.13;; is an 213197235115: process. O «EV-9.32371 i ij x I?) If} T? 351.13.}:- I I 1.1 '1’ .113 3‘} YIJC ...-533 1-‘11‘31‘. 1110 feeder mm. he were sf his 1213291201113 3115113133111 1.. In 111311153311 them 3:13 11:32:? 31.311 local 31:: .Igmrds 33 m1]. as 1315'; tmminel invests is 11315011 and (31193533. There are also e 11111-11322 of local packers. The c3151. 13 fee: Ber 1.1.13 is 1620:1415; sewer .11 has fired (1345.110 must 1:31.53 1111-0 aeemmt the (“1:11.111 FOSSIUI 11131.: 3 f: as: 1.1211111 when he led-2.1 33.12311 " 3 1:73. 3 *1. 1: 1357. finest; pose: ”1111.3. 162-3 are spam to the €311.13 faeyefiis': ' 1. 532113342”: 1211.. ts 0.1.4. .1231 or 1711.21.13 12:33:11.1":s1 ltresteeta 2. Use 051‘ 11:13:13. cr1*:p~*3‘.13 , 8111:1121: 11330121101. «Cl- ...-. 5.. .. '2. .22: .. .3 ,-. 3. 03:2;25110013 to 4.0113... 21.10qu 23.1.20. 22.. 1"}.1‘ect L21-LZ:2.C-3‘.'2-:'1 022 i‘GULTlO'L 51:11.13 to p.321? :0? 1;.="-.;a2‘:;n2u. 5. £221.22 0’: 022,130 «1122001; to 51:21.0" Myers at 001ccnt2u1tfim 311112135 01:2 att :20 5:02.122" 5:32-2:11... 6. C2212" 21:10:11: 0.2." cattlc to a pad: 0:2 ma ac: mews arc-.3000, 12223.33. 0.10 3.20.50 2:21.». . . . 1 7; [Etht’LIz-Iam 802.0 to cattle dcdxc's (3? local bu’ocncz'o. The (5203.00 0" a 51111.03 10 macket in 1101', 816-1910 0110. Mica future 21.132221111121223 the mttl 2.0:: int“ 22":12153 3 0110100 02 F1331.1€3‘2'58 9.220: 1. 012220121. 1112"... 12ft; price; 2. T301“ 10:12.3»..fi cou 'OJ‘C; 3. 41:11:11“; 5:120:1sss; l2. 1301;111:152; equations; 5-. Services rcudwcd by the marl-:01; 022 agmcic-c‘ 1:22.11: 13210 Max:133, than attic-3:111 is moot intcx-cstcd in the 2:221:01; 1.2112011 al'fcrs "L110 best 02221.00. T122220 3:122; be 12:, 222' 0, 11023022033. A 1:201: 02‘ 1.031.202 22, 0:12:21, v.11, {322:2 22.3.00, 103:2...” 2:; to 9. 1221221121., 022:3: 112‘31'0 331.2532 01' the Layer (1‘ 0:23.00 05,2210; 21:17 0:21:30 3 5322:1222? to 13121.5) to a lame p221. 00d outlet. 113.1110, 9. 5‘3.qu 1......“ 12.2." not return LI 10 11:25:22“; 12225.00 0W2 2:} 21:21,, but 332220228 1.2592 cmtinw to 0011 to this whet. became pi’i 003 will mama: 1111:2110? Liam (:2 222 a pcrimi of 151320. In cattle 12121210152113, 11:51.11 price .2123: and 0122211.} ' identificatim 2222c fii‘iculh. This 0:: 1133.2. 'catw the taxi: 0.. 002.: 0.122.113: p222 0023 an a 210215,.” $212210 02 cattle betntsw mafiwts. .L _‘ ‘— A. A._-_A “A ...... 1w. . 2. 7 max-3:200 30:2ng 2211:} A. 2.. 1120222111, 7532 C:.’2.-'c .c , 122M Yak, Join) 1311.73 and 5:118, $2.10., 31‘1", 1. 3 f.) I A far: 121' 112.1113 L33 51:12:02; for-mtim nab «2‘4? 123 deeming where to 5011 but also 19:03. In {1211. pmcms he cmpmrrm (3313..-..1‘. 216228 1:15:23. 02.110025 5.211021722121113. (ST 213 may (261.15? 6:. '3..- 5.0.3 2:23:33 :21 2120.32: obtain mare 1.23G‘1'2‘ 11.10:: a: the 512125813 3.: .22 1.0L: outlook, 0211;133:1213 1511;115:3221 infmmtim at a cost, 9.3 1:181 :13 £210 5134311215135»; 000% 02' 330125113” *3 1.23.0 0:112:19 1m30r. 22:: r: at L2: EC. * 1.222015;er the 3:511:33 of 21:31 -..!" $222,313 lax: 3:113. 0552301. 1.23.0523 3.621111111121132. costs. 11m cattle 2300:3033 bug 621210 flag.b111ty 1n 131: 1313 she maximum-0.x. 3 22:23 c3112. as they wirrmch 513132.122; 11:31:11 but this 19 1:112:13 w'tain 11:1” 9. P3. 3132:5901;y the 2:03:30 inpmtmt L2 minim in {3.111123 his 0.19213”:sz 113311605 130 1:1I323 2.20 b42122 feeders, their 1:53-13:23 ans-2 1:390, 321:2 the: mall 3200211133 [moi-1.13:5: he: etgxlqy‘a. Another 15190313231. mmke‘cing 5200181023 18 whether or not be will feed 8124* cattle at all. This and the other marketing (1001815133 depend on his inteypre’catimm of relmfi. at. 1113mm and his depanmmce on prafesaimal 1:211:01. mmlysts. Foam-3mg are am meters 1222102) relate to market infmafiiom Cc, .. *1. e (Extram'i we: inatzfifilit ' (If the beef cattls inrhmtry its titan 8613!) by plotting the natal-22:81: regular inmvaima and ("lemmas of m cattle nmbers on 2731113, 63321511135215 3161 prices. 21km beat 513 1225.22:- 18 high and 23001 prices are (2222:215230-22, producers get dcpmsscd mo. mains; stock 18 50:32 to 23.332101, 2 a“ 1:115:12:me 51513213‘1‘0 meagym 321:1 31331531113013 and reducing primes fmfloi‘mr. 22113:}:an or? cattle on fams decline. (m:- a perioda. 0*: ti.- 9 this doc-11m 12*) 5221-3342338 513 £531.:- came» 3 dm... 3 1:30 1:1 mum! 3.30020: 3.91:5 and, and prices begin to 33180. 43.3- Tc beef cattle business 3311:1119 to 100%: an. 001:3 and imifers are 11011:. beck frcm the nertret for breeding: purposes. This reduces x::ar‘..:ct receipts and? he my: aber cu? slaughter cattle, cam-3113131310119 to rise fm'tl'rer. This cmtinms mtfl the build-up (n fan-.19 and ranches be ins to amroach the 11115303 cf c111. “r1113 capacii‘y an (1 111111101; receipts from the 1111': 3659 her :3 become large encmrfit to stop the rise in prices. Cattlemcn then Bond a higher wepm‘tim of their breaching stock to mar- ket to cwtm'e the high price. Receipts increase fm'ther and drive prices low. ‘. This induces £1331 1e:- licguicht ion and further [rice reexam. In recent years, hmmvcr, the cycle 13 less prenommced due to better outlook infant-111111011, 1121112115011 cattle feeding: , an 0111‘- settijlg influence 012' 21210413, and Btalxle feed 3m '11:: prices. Cai‘flc 133:: :31“er- '3‘118 definltion Va!“ 1.5 frcm re:- :ion to ration but mmrally means the total nu; her of cattle on ferns at any given 12:111. Another meaning is the total umber at cattle on feed at any given til-“16. It Biz-mid be rmntimefi 1111-1121111 the actual price of fed cattle in not eetermined wholly by cattle timbers but by t w umber of cattle whid) am slaughtered and by the consm‘her 601:3er for beef. gnfig-ocrcps as an chlmmcing factor in the 111111111 an cattle feeding hadmtry refers to the {respective feed grain 311ng moduccd an the farm. The 310 fmrzers in t1“. 11mg; reported an estirmwd 11,091 acres: of cm, 9855 acme oats, 3113 acres cm'n 81123.31 and 296 acres barley. Added togyt her and eivided by the :1th of fmeers 1n -2&- the sample) gives the average size farm ramming about L66 acma or feed grain per farm. It also indicate!) that momma cattlmen grow on}: a part of he gain fed to their cattle. Fwy with limited acre»- age but Liar-3:3 nmbera of feeder cattle buy all their grain. (2%.!an my contract with the feed mill to provide grain far a certain Meant of the pmcdfits. Scam Pfichigjan cattle feeders inflamed 11: tm mm; that they are mploying a mthrxl of vertical h'ztcrgration in. their busimsse-a. E25? this they cm‘tx'mt with a packer to proviée the feed. He: in turn specifim the tym and exam of rmttila desired by his cam-my. Mien the cattle reach the desired weight 5mg: grade, the packer hams than at mm“: price dim ct 1:; fr m the Z wmr , thus 0353111 eating the midcfle rm . §~g§tfirmt Ff: yer-This type or 1:2? omatim cmsiata at reports of the cmmxt market dew: lommts , gem ral’qr on a daily basis. than given , throw the use of mass canning-(him channels, the famer learns the high and 1m price of each major claws and grade ai' cattle on the market fm’ that grmticular day. “what am alga 11101111168 mush inf cama- tion as :1qu a? cattle on 1216 majm' teminal markets, estimated receipts for the nee-rt day, and molesala beef prices. Host cmmioa— tion channels mat report daihr to the public cantain curmrrt maflzet news infmmtim. agilocfiilnfmmt 5.. gnu-Outlook inf aviation , in contrast to wkut 1mm, raprcsmats fm'ecasts of mart-East Melogments, generam mplicable to the neat rem mmtha, new war, and occasimany to swam]. years ahead. -2 5.. The cattle feeder can tawny find tide infezmtim in mcmtl‘xly popular pmxlicaticss, more Specific U.53.D.A. situation reports, .Emcneics re- leases or tron other sources inclwfiing €43.11 Stmct Jung, SHOWS _ . , "v c 593%?!1, Domes fifidmfltme}. Sin-w. rice , 31723.19," 5 Farm: finch“ cs {aw-m.“ W ...-:2ng «II-WM-NMM r, , A “ ”mm m"‘ w “- v r #— ... 0111‘. look firmwmstim is the prmmct cf racket m alrats who gem? '9 '- are in agreement since they rely on the sme basic cats from the 11.83.31. mus-1t one time, a fairly regular seesaw]. price pattern on red cattle muted Elm-ch) cattle feeders 1n tin-ring matching. Little reliability can be placed m such a pattern today. I'm)? sure cattle are being fed and these are beis'xg marketed in such a was? as to keep my rescuer eczmomfl. price pattcm frm dcml win 9;. magiflwsed is the xmj or input in cattle fccdit s. it nmm of cattle feeders buy mach of: their iced. Since feed prices do vary from year to year and during the seesaw, it was believed that feed prices might influence cst‘tfie fecdsmre in their nmlmting aiccisims. This could be reflected in their decisim to breed cattle , on what type of cattle to feed, on the reciting program and on the weight at winch to market the cattle. Thus, the price of feed is of imswtmcc to the Ifictdgm cattle feeder cspcciflly when he mum: buy feoci. mos-41w fame-ms who feed cattle must fem} time on non- pavcd Mecca. -meg the winter mmths, and and cum: make fee-(mg dii'i‘iml . Then toe, ccttlmmn may find that their cattle gain faster on paved surfaces than cs memes smfeccs because cattha have a less ~26- dfii’icult- time sclifing, standing cast. to the feed buck or fitting to the water tro ugh. Loading out caitlc :13 hard be cuss he wily weighted trucks mire down in soft bazcrjarda, fCiEdlU'QB and cow’s-r5? roar1 -. Host bflchigan cattlc feeders are wiiifin a {film drive to a local Emicct (12' are within 100 miles d? a tcminal market. i-Ecathcr tlmci’ are scald be mqaccmd to have lass of an effect on the trzmcpwtation (21' while to casket in melanin: thm it does in other states. ism. {flatumc might of cattle was t!wu;_fizt to be an 5311;322:211 am; meter in mkcting dccisims, both in having and walling. As caitls apzm-oach market weight, the cwt of gain incrcascs vary ram-7 .V. The cattle fccdcn' mat. m may attentive to deciding when the additimal value of gain will nab cover the mlcfitimal cast. Also weight is a pricing factczr. In saw years ths manic:- weights cmand a pact-aim. In other years, thcy are 221922232312. 23d gu'zm‘ally because of an ovcrmqmly of ham? cattle relative to ligf'ucr cattle. A few iiicl‘mgzm ca‘otle feeders have a large enough cpcratim to 311813113" fawn scales. 'i'mcc fart-2221's can then accwataly determine the pomds per ch? gain on ihcm feeders and alter levels of feeding or ratims to act the 211223 Wed gain. One at the most frcqmntly heard rules emrcsc‘cd by fanatics in Limit-firm: when to market their fed shock is, ”.3119 when the cattle are ready, mgardlccs cf the ccmiitim of tin-2 nm~kct,“. Hmcvsr, it would seem from the anewance of. may miss}; received at the mafia that a rule mum i’rcq'wnt‘ly 20112132321 in , " .S-izip when the whet seem rigfirb , -"J «.7- regwdlooa of he omdi’cion on? the cafitlefi. In the long pull, neitiwr rule is a good one if bit-2m follomd, awe-g: each wqmoaoos an elmwnt of trim: which should not. be. ovmolookod, if satisfactm'y returns are to be realized. 331"...“ £EWE§-Peoause of different twee of: cattle fed, weigat alone is not; wricion‘o to detemfme when the cattle ahoald be £0153. The dogma of finish aid the made were: also thougjz’c to enter the cattle foos-iczes' ruciaim on- win: to sell. flow that tho fact ..3 which Hidligm cattle feeders use in timir who: decision making process have been defined, 1; would be ml]. to look at how those cattlmoon rmked film in immfiancor In the ewvoy each was asked to check the three fan-Mm which ini’lzzonced the market ing of Heir cattle in the daily and future amket docieimo. The follozfiflg table share Mme the importmoe lies and the: gercent. The resulta of the survey showed 15119.1; Lfiohigan cwatlo feeders 1d ied howdlgr on weifi‘rt , c‘m‘ent prices , and the out look in mkjmg their short run movketing decisions. Tris 13 underatmiable in View of the Iroqwmt gr ioe chmuos in on; cattle market anti the wide}. consideration a? wig}: . their food menial“ and price of feed verve of some camera. ”me 1.3fdrgortonm of ”season" attests to the absence of a realizable sommml price guttern. In the 1mg rm, homwr, cot-ff;g men 100%: more to outlook microm- tion as: would be mometed. Very few outlook sources can adequately guide been in their wok to woo}: marl-Testing decisions. Cattle nmiyors, crow and weight Hos-re a3so inflimn‘oLfi faomrm ... .....lk.‘ ...h‘u eds 31w 0 l.- M‘ V-"_‘ .M .’ J.“‘.‘!~(LL-_. “"’W—.' “— -.0' -._§‘— "-'_‘O‘.E-u . F- Table 2. Itzno'bance of sever al indoors 333210.: 12331111221330 03153312390035.3373 "my 5' :.:‘: 1 113:7’1—‘f. (Ll: 15.35.3318 $115534: 1.31333 (’310513531133 5m" 133333 3313:5217 31:53 "Labor of Pm'cmt 2111:1150? of Percent fem-rem 135m of farmers who of chewed 012331 total chock 3d each total 2.33311 ._4. __.. __ ..tpm v- if— . fl 75 W Cutulo Circle: 22 7.13} 59 9-03 0323.312 131.3 1mm 23 7. 12 153’; 33.535 Outlook: (price) 83 1110 Em‘ent 13.33:: . 2301133 1'32 fink? 211'? L’ .52 Scream 2‘} 8.013 3’) 9.338 3:70:15}: 3112' 22 7.10 32 3. 87 Etc-15.33 at 23? 67.312 81 233.13 135311511 31333? 655331.510 20 6.1355 12 3.57 I.«~-,v—y~ p.11, ..- _t..a‘_-v-r-lfl W} .‘I mad-5y m-r tea-’ffi 3-. 4' hit-41x new» {4‘ IL “5",“ .4 It) I ' 9- 13.1.". .11 ‘3 an " *’-='?;.1'3‘3'3A“.‘3’._Zf‘f3‘1 Bil“: ‘ 1.53 .3133 that. "530. 1:13 or factors 3335.321 3‘]. 5141.6“ the catb 3 1:23.33 in his (Lily and £302.31: 35333:". et (Zoo 53:13.1 1mm been mom-3:333:13}, atteniim 3311-03in he term :1 to 3515:3333 the £53133. = 03351535333 11." '3 rmfi-zot infmmtion. 1'22.chan cattle foosxtrs no «.3 3.33:; mate 3113:! 3131133395 11133: 1135' 013' .mtim to -29- 1319 them make better 3:2: 35:05:" 5; 23131331313118. 51.1 of the 310 fat-yam 1322213331331 in the {at-.3333! mpcm'fiod rme {Wing marketing 11153535131311 at the time d? 3.31:: sumry; 53.051; at than mud n mcbinatim of mass eqmzmnica- tim enamels that resulted in their flitting; elm-eat market 2133323 and 1551353? run Bituatim , tread, 03151051}: and other praiuc‘tim and mm'lmting 111:? 0123321535031 . A 3.35.1331? icc-m't. masher of the fmwxzm 1515;335de 5:115:05 5.3153555233251021 122353511351 {23‘2"li can 5:317:53 with c (5.33353 3 73:31.33 , neigglfiamra and friends , tmclm, Coma-3137232215. 11313230212301 and carfimim amnta firm aficciywds. T130236 chmmis 01‘? 13151513535111 33am 51131251395532 panama-11 0213331113113 :33 0333122333331 to 25.315323 cam-micaflm 0333;312:1153 33313233 333 rams, talevinim, $351,}! and 332323333; 2192133-»:15. It el'zmld be 1335351333331 out tnat often mass and personal chmzmla 1115033353211: 113 deli-233537552 g; the 33:30 1251353323. 51133235351515.3730. Fa:- 3:3..- 3.518, 23 00131511; 2235:3313. 322-3 3 {532523311211 (5231135231 my use 21 2:32-22:23 channel 55.21131 as radio to publish mnfigct 5.2155313522551251. 'i‘imm‘fitmt the ramfln 132.313 :5 this paper , 5513 15232.33 (30113513153: 313.1111 051152333135 52235: radio, $231352 13.1031, 1:53.1in and 5139553533 n35.53w1m'a and a-mgrmzines. I31 {filmy-her II 5.3125 3232531105 15352311 the need to learn more alum; more famera 0‘.er the-5r mmizc‘t 1513; 1215‘ omaflm. To 32136033313131] this task 33310 (33523355333739 mm mitten in the mxvcgr 559115333 fmmrs to nix-13:3: the 352235 czar-:1 233151335231 3275351232335 325131;," used 113 0515;553:5513 33.5.23‘123213 mus and infaw‘zaticn. Tn fat- 5531111113 23230255 55% Gistz'iirwuiam (:5? 1’0 {32-153 0 l—L- “-hs.“-‘-‘-'\; - a «Illiiil'lll. ‘I‘Ifil in!“ m...“ 3.3” mm .mfi m...“ 9.0 4m Buss. m 4333 Q. 93 .8 0.. 05 . C ...m ...» o m... 2 Ram Edna s 0.3 M o \ 0M » an O o a. a ‘QHIIT , .. .I q . . S H . . .. n .01 \ 4\.|fl tin-Hr. w MM}. ‘ .... I‘alxn‘II’ .2:- JII: -‘ 14. .3. i4. ij‘CIq‘W .a u . ‘ u. vms L...‘ P ... ...» ......L. . +323..th autumn ”90(ch .v U firs/Ms: £9 fl «$.1wa ...... 5; win: PrurvaerxM ,3); - .....1: 9‘... 1.... -..,f: - .14“... . ‘..- ... . . rath+tprrxgav£hu $2.. I - A’L 3.5.x». (For... afio fimuvfi E n93 3233 838 411 I‘ll l)'.1 \ ‘0‘! .0 3‘ Mum ...s. I. b. ....» 0‘40?" r». V” II I'll 0.; 11“» '14" 1‘. i. I. alvnfillfiil\ -...-.) 8.6me on ... .mfia. #33 Hocgga $02933 .830an bonamwea mam an???“ «agave an gum Pawn cowmwfiabo $93 $33.00 M??? an. h 88.. 3mg“ 3%sz u havwgm anagrams 3.32 0.33....» 8353.“. ‘- ......x;‘ .3... ...}? (......F gun we... no 5%? ...)..i “.149. 1. ... n11). muff; “fixiixh {ban Li... 8 $5.50 an I" wflugfio gawm‘owuwgw dwgmhmu can. mmg #0033 was 93.8 99353,“ wfififipo 3. gumuoou _. _ 0 H3323 vrfi 33 no commanomfi abfifiom . m. 03%....» t‘. -30.. w 3915).. 1.5:] C! I -3... I31 rderence to tie ahmre 2.12339, $211 naimfiisy (1:? the (3.132112322133921 11232323311 to 112:3 radio fur part of 2.2123133 daily nmrkot 11:31.33. ‘l'hia is evident.- by the 90.97 percent :13 the i‘arzrnrs 1:230 ducked radio a: a2. loam. we of the char... .cls ustrd. T213: 3:15.13 11rw~qm~wr 11.11.312.82 ad by half the admit: 1306120133 as anathor (321.91.111.01. 3313 third 2123:6345 chmnel is 2.2.13 we a? the cairzisam and true the whoctywds. It. is 1111:1110 (3:133:13 to 11013:: the difference in reapmsa by 33:32:12: to radio far entrant mmdxst r1222: :33 ca 11:53:11 133.221 :5 1c: 1333;131:130 £53: 1331- 1002: 1:1.2‘1133133121m. 01.33;: 21:11:? my 113:2: ":3.: 332:3) relied 0:12.229 radio £313: m: magi-.1011 as they did for 0231:3332. 1.2:“:ynto-day 1.3.11; 2:623 repwts. T2113 can 21:152. be mtpLiinc-d by 22133 tact-1m 1:2 :31 radio serves; it. is mlam'fl: used fa:- rzszmQ mrrmt 123.337.1332. 1:12.333. Althwqfi 03.32.1002: fizfmmim is £31.13. plied ta 11312.2. 0 522.221.2113 1123:1331 2:: mix amdicatcd news acwricoa and by the 2332:: 212;; 1311 Camera: 5.13:: 211:: (31133. (:11 312234163 , zadio fun: (2233:. rtzrs in ...-...1 11:33:11 tend to 2:23am this for 3102': cm are: u mar-.262. was. Sane farmra in the $1.11" '83? 3.11553. 320:2 2.21:2: that would like ‘25:: have 0.1110213311132112an m tra 13:11.10 each 113132;, a surf. :11 33111:: as? of thy 1:292:39 3:321:32: :3 and a imam»: or 2.21:: 14:20:: to come. Another 1:3.pen'tm2. factor 1-32133321521mld not be WWIBOEECI in 5 .31.: market reports 0: :r the rad... o 3.8 212191.152 ’.:11‘..:~.1o:.13.iy CE 2.2 :1 13:31:11: ... Unless the 3.3.2::230311333 in a21la to 12:12:13.33'231310. and interpret 1.21:3 rdzm't, his; time agent listening as 13:312. at] the staiim'a 2.23.13 on 2121:: air 5.3 wasted. Accmcnng to their reapmsca some 23:35:11 cattle reads: a could 11:32: cmprchmd the :3.-1:122:02: reports 23 13:31:33.: 02‘ 231:: spaed at “2.21:3 radio -__—L...— -—-.—.-.-.—.-._ A” - ’3‘;- £33.11 director road 12311.1. GEL-21113.13 131111313133 timt 1:131~‘..:ct ruer-J‘L £2011 £3313 sour COB tended to prcant 0113.5; 1.1111 ramp of prices and not 3131: ELM head were 303.11.31.33 sold at varioazs mime. In 1003:2311 agt the table a 15.13, {Smear-f 0111 31B of the 351111-3111“ indicated tint they re lied 011 m1 1117111133 :13 a 02131 1110]. 1'01. outlook 11:33. Telcvisim,3.1 mmcntimed 111 3 prev}. 311:3 clmptor, is primarily used as an wtnrtafinmnt 11111311111. 1.41.133 than ten pmcwt of? the 310 imme mnweycd indicated tint this (131231331 W13 am 31‘ ti: (1 m6: '1: 13 by which 3.31:2; 1.33.1131": 1:313:01; 1:331 ownth. It 3310.11.61 be 113211135.de that a row Elici- -33 televialon st ntiam do carry (‘13in market reparts. The usefulness of this regalar program £03th can be mzplainad by 3”: 11th the anti-131' 3nd with a central 3303.13.13 £31111 program 11111103111315 “1‘31: amt-101* asked him 1131;; be aired 3:313:63. 3.11:2 mmticn on his 30311 110311- viaion 33101:. 3313 reply was that they had once eliminated this psrtim of the 831w fa. cue met-u the lady wrote a letter to tin station asking that 111311133111;th be rammed to the 321m, and on the 113933 of 133133. one letter, 1713211 (ct irfi'm141tia} was cmtinued. Credit 331311111 be given to the 03111333131 3311211. {11113 the atom- ym‘ds for the relativeh high reliance 3113311533 cattle fecaczvs have in 1.11111. Cattlzzmn carve cmxiit t 0 him for both cm'kot. new and 01.13.1313; ‘ Mommtim. 1113301131 we? ’-0 pez‘cont of $319 firmware 111151121“th 1133.11 '1 311.11 for 1? .focmatlm, their asthma of 0111333311113 izfifomtim differ. {33301311591113 mm! cattlcrzon 11" the te 139311319 111 cmtacting 31a marixt. This 13 the mast direct 1.- ” a farms-1‘ can grief; his cattle without 133113.113 -33.. ; t3 £21m. [3:332:03 ha will call a specific {9319303 at the flaunt, cs9- 13601333912. 15311; is a tcminal market, 12.939.23.113 the. 001129338101) 31131. This :3.-9919:9191, 13 aka rwpmsible for many 39331131 am 39:13 with fan-9.13.1913 on their £833.23“. Bath the R1 73099 Cum-.34 -9111 Cm‘sfipvir and the; 9 9.9-9 C913 «1.13 W‘M‘m ‘m‘ 3.5313349233331an 331121.393: mwrta for this 133163.116 use. ’2210 agent'e 30b is to serve the cattle fewer by 35391591353 him in 11:13 feeding program, by 8113533331113 the time to 1333.1 321:1 by 12339331111113? for the 2113310891; price 1206311310. 20 1939939311043 to 33611113139 99 3.131332% 01‘ infatuation 093219319 {$399.33 to 13m 1332131313103 agent has 19:9 9'91: 121319.033 1'33 now. Although minor :13 11mm- tancc, 2:111 1:15:33 cattle £13321qu do 9111;111:953 811311 channels 33 0012111399 3:63:13, frienfis and {13:1 333116.195 , tmclzrcyrs, and 50123191313111. pwsmnel 38 39711333336 by the 1119-2111319 who 3:03:33 1:339:91 en the qumt 101111 We. Afinal point 91392.13 be made concerning the table before loav- m; it. Far (1311.1 mam-3 rcports 1.33193 were 63333 29123191011333 to berth 119336 and wramal 3383 00339199151 431.103 channels, while for outlook 3.939.131.9131 the-re were 829. On the average, tits means that each £31m" who com-— ‘ plated 12110 (3.1351: 1011331193 utilized 23 least 2.12 channels at ccmmzicaa 5 than for {mafia-day new 1939:3911: and 2.6? channels far outlook 11mm. HAQ‘ZL ”SE 1'31”}! 21'1” m" 091"”?31F’1'15‘3179371‘i3 EEGEI‘E The author in warming this 31933 was in"; 95513st in the £329,922 mucatima received by l-‘Eidaigm cattle 5103:3333. T1923 19:33 (11139 to a 1333:1392" a 33m 133% 1902912531; on a $3193 3333331113 in Inc-1:13:13. If 1939:1333 are interes 1.93 in oatlocl:” 1199.231: ion 33 a help in their 1:223:01, 1131;131:213 , -333... do they rely on @3231;ch to 1'11; 1‘1 this put 3? Hm mam-9 farm 2113373311315 does the 3.169.293;- £3,913.9r r332. 993-1933? Hm: 19.1.9111}; 13333 he 19:: 5323.939 road? which farm publicati one haw. the greatest 1903.192 1.311;) with. 292123153333 cattle feed-(rs? T112220 and 0913239 questima can and 33013.31 be shed if the: farmer 323 3 (331.119 feeder is 1221;119:9339th in Barium? his outlook 12:53 0...: 221.1011 (303.3 M12123 has 0110! And if he (3.212311%, (20:31.93 he make more mmcy in his, 12' be relied on the infwmtim that is available to him? The 19323111212329 of thits paper 13 331931333 to answer- ins; these mid athmr (12.13.2231 ms. thaps the best. 3.; 2113933211 12.9.9 9229 gamblms is to first cm:- cover 2221222. {19.231329322129113 32912 31191321 by 2.223 319111.321: cattle feet-223'. Famcrs in I222: 1113312191233 3 m'913ty :22? publicatima, may not. mace-33391 111 h the (23211313 £02: 3213 113292232299. The $021,322,113 5.3 a list 31: 2.23: 52319932233 1:10:15 1933:} by one (39 2.13293 (13221313 5322330739 in the ample: 23231132921 III-9- 9-9999, 13329292 “3021191131,; "In: 3 .211 99.9921 (Wt ...-.9 F01 9' s. , 3231003333111 T929133, {932.912.3910 Ié‘arr 1029, 8.593.179. A; 309.2in 3299091.», g: 2013:1123 1322.93.31, {eyed 3.3232229, Emma (‘2! t? ”9299‘ c.“ ‘I99'93'.’ 22H...“ IIu'I: 1231's “9995991‘I'mr P2793. F9239”, , The watmnrtg ’7 W «M . alt—as; “" Wu ‘4' il... . \.-_.LO "J—v":" ‘_ w... w __ _'._l ernal' “new F591;!“ , 7¥r333fi~m I’m"; «.0319»: (923 I, {asifiMfl T d‘rgufidan‘l: Pmrynf a? W, .. ._ J (913;; , 3‘229392-167'3 Ajmznmcn; 3:311 , I :9‘29I11'. .9 99.- 3.21 , 332.2. (31131121391231: .4 CsAgi-ylfignrgyttle: ...‘(2 Gravity, I221?“ 9 29.36th3992999193921, R225. 12993.399'1 -_;_, --.. ,.,,.,_;;.;:..m WW... B91..3219'99.93 5:222:91. .2322, 31-5031"; '1' 9911:9339, Prawn“ Pi... 9995999199 1291. (x9 299* 131-13711 .. -__ r _“ ... m rwua- ”a. Livestock. 1929022229 £113., F0321 Let. , T23 I}: 9'9 I? 99992 3.9:...» 9, gmtarIzerfis-g“ 5 mm ' ' - _. amt-«Iva 3331.32219321,L"" 11.92321 2152;033:103 152:9 12353215329333.3229, fimfiggag 11mm, 4 I ‘_ f5, ‘ ‘ J .’ 1‘0299925935999199997'; 9990 529.99)“ 9.1.2213, 1.1922331..M.,..22I 99.9991 12:9,? 2110 1 9mm. “*4”an “Wt. up .«n mug-m :w gm 9 ...—..- .-.- -‘h 2—— . .a - ...... -.9. 'a..3_;.--.-._- A'A-‘L— -33- From a glance it is: easy to tell that Ilichigan cattle f 039311.998 receive a ym'ie'ty of farm publications. (2121:1021ng at this 1.1131; 31:32.12, the reader will notice several weekly publicatim, daily 2315;332:3333 and nazslatters. T213311, thumb not. 119313133133 3 29221321311113 or 3 121.9193» paw , might. still be cmsidcmd fa'm 9111111031. 10225 because they (239.90% much 3.99333 to 29125102132223 33921012331113. In tha qu: 311121113133 mcei'md by 2112115. 33.91 cattle feeders ,farmz’s ware asked to check the £321: publisatlom they received 3.931 those they mgflarly read. The 1’ irat 319.99.93.92 1.33;..32212133 listed ab cm were 15.331133 23.19: that. 019152319 on {she qmzfiimnaire. 112111513219 Space 3:93.93 £9.13.de £121: "other“ and a blank space to be $13.13;! 3.12 9.92.2321 312121310331 magazines. 9.33233 were also ‘n‘acd above. The follmr‘mg chart 519.938 the results £29013 these {2129111395. It gives the: 2119.911) 3.9.9 of mapmms differmfi. farm 129113122039 1.10m: received from 122193 33.0 33.031.915.121 cab-2.13 feeders in the 8951112199, and the nuchw who regflmfly 2953:} 1521363 publicatims. Awarding to 2.2913 1111.99.13, 30:93 fem listed the Fm: 319.99.339.91 m ". 19131,..sz as at least one of 19113 Ina-3213:1303 they received firm any other pwlica‘tim. E99I19'1r9 Fair‘smz' rmlrd secmd 1.11%}! 3? {30290132113 of the 1321139293 polled 19330119323 "19.2913 pfilica’ti 0191. T213311 was 23111333332111 Foaming. These 12.29.1903 2233;122:923 were read by 223293 199313111533 caffle feed-(.9193 than any other £329.11 literature in the 1239. {32:33:93 channel. (I'particular interest is the 13913313123313), 3:: 3'3. 33132121 (72.131313 Fete-:Ia'. Only 63.? percent a? 1:21;: cattlmaen in the survey indicated that they received the publicatim and 80.3 pwcent of thcsse fmmwa said that they mgfimfly read it. Actually awry £32,133 polled received €120 Glut 3 The Number of Responses Farm Publications Received By 310 Michigan Cattle Feeders and the Number Who Regularly Read These Publications 276 ,v287 .‘ f ' . ; {t ".9- ‘ " r‘ “ . . ' ’ ‘ '. ..-, 4. if ' .‘ 1' ‘ ( é ‘ .‘ f. ‘ v ‘ . 5 . . . ' 7' . 9 ~— 7 _"-',O‘ ‘ .I ‘9'} .r'1‘oc . )i‘n“ ~14 O . .‘. ' '. .Y. .'n‘ ‘1' ' . .l ' ‘ - - I .3' . ‘ , . ii "-« '-' - L's. r . ' ' l' "‘r 'p‘ . ' Ir WET)"; K. (1» 4, .4 {an . f , ".th _ 4'3“; '3 K “g. v.- ‘,. J" 5 .., S‘ . :1. e ’1‘»; \-’ K. ' 9‘1‘34“ Ii . f ’C ' o _, ‘ u \ 3‘ ‘, ‘ !~" I B... .I' to. - ' (is «I ,. ‘ 3- , \ .' a: '0 ' ~ {‘3 ‘ e' -. . I 2 ' A‘ 0.. ; \a, . 7r 7‘; . L 4 -“ 3.. ‘1. ; ‘ . ‘ . ‘ l ‘ ...I "’5‘v‘ -! 7- ' .- . ~ _ i ' " .. ‘- . “'1.>~ -‘. ' e ' I; ‘1‘. -o a A ~ ‘ ’ . ._‘ ‘ .U.§ . ‘5 - “y ‘ . . I. ( I. ‘ . “ 1:11 ‘1 ‘ - ' \ . 3. cat 0 . w _. I ' ' . , . . V _ o ‘ c ‘ ‘ n I O . ,over 8 .‘v ’- . ' ' ..ln‘nal ‘ \ _ . . H131 "vzg'. M J ' 300 i v a s 1) The Michigan Cattle Feeder mailing list was used to survey cattle feeders in Mi c‘nigan. 2) Information not cva’lwhle Key: Black c Those ”ho receiv11 the sublication ! Gray I Those who regnlnrlr reafi the publication they received -37- publicnfiim, since this was In: scarce uf the author's mailing list. Sat-s Justification can be given for his poor response. Host of tne othcr publicatims listed in the quota-3:103 were mmzincag no 243.37.332.5an 033th“ Fcfirgnfilcr 3. as not. It was a (13:. 3.1331]. 333’!“ publicat ion received by famom who were mariners of 1.13. 3'3“}.3153. attic-3 1303313375 Assmiatim, Inc. Its irmmlsrity 1n publicat ion may have cauwd flamers to not associate it with the other farm publicatims such as those listed. Sovczral famms cwanmd th .2317 "‘33 3735332131 Cf‘tlo I‘cce’" would be of more value as an 1min...; new—3101393,... 3.." they scald depend on its publication Reports on e..~*x.mnzr.5 in feed taial5 333:1 n atrium are well read 316 used as a name: 03‘ fasmrs mc‘ficawd in the swvcy. Third ran 1326., fig ”$139.. 3:37:13 placed b.4315? arms 0313361633011 than the author had oxpe...cd. It was telimd that a farmer would (2313131313in sxfirscrikm to one n31. 363313-19 ycblica‘bim and one State pablic ation. The results 0... the enmity showed that 11121113311 ca.) "file feeders are disarming; the average. $13.? TR 1"? USE OF 5133‘? CGFEESICATIS‘? flifGEFL‘E BY FAKEJ: 3m 333310333 CHARACIIFEEISI'ICS The Imvioua chapfiers have pointed out many 353313230331; chmmela from mach the 13133333333 cat 12.19 feeders 533:; they obtain nm‘ket inferna- tion. From their mspmsw, 33.313 indication of the relative impm‘rtance of each clmzmcl can be obtained. But all cattle feeders: are not alike and it was 130310373333 that (111' fearences in the charmfteristics of cattle feeazkms Mia! 13. affect their use of eta-"3333103331011 (3313333332318. 133303333 he 31:: farrvzem who replied, Em average size (3' farm was 379 acres, tin granny nuxfixzr of entitle fed out in the pas-rt 12 31033th 3.333 181, the e'mmge age was 1.63 yam, and the met-age level. of edumt; 1m 333.311.33.31 13$ 10.5 yeam. Some of the mic-raises we not too meaning-£131, hammer. Several farmers had large land 33013133533 93.39379 13% norm or had fed sure $333.11 1000 head of cattle: in the p333: 3.2 3.3333... Ages ran-933:1 frm 20 to 7:! and two cattle feeders had Easter of 13311105333333? degrees. 33.33 as a functim of the use 03‘ cammiwtim dzarmels 83:33-33 to vary an the 33m (3‘ the 03333333133 Memes larger or $333.11 3. Cat tale- men with larger tzta'ibc'rs of cattle res-m ecmcmimny 3:31? 0de to 33063339 matte-r 111330133333. £3.30 tmre 5:3 evisfifime that the miter cfiuca‘bed famem read more. -39. To await-(fly repreamt these cimrac'bez-ist- ica a method of measurmmt. was (teased to aha; the m .3:-:11 and 1m: points of each. Gmup‘mggs were mde to £31m: Mme the major '12:; cf reapmscza lay in sash factor. Tinso will be sham on the founding pages. Since them. were many (imam mans comma 1cm inn clummh who mgflarfly rcp carted ei’ci'zer cmvrent mus or outlook mien—mam, tm anther decided to euirdnam mesa her-{ring only a few respmsee. Those eIflxfinated 1mm: banker, cozmty mgflnt, telephme, trackers, friend and neigiflsor and ushers. A Image vcflwm cf nG-‘matims would result 11’ all time cawmicat'lm channels mmlfi be mad, and morofure only the dig—annals with 1:21: most. roapcxmca were 11101115165. These are radio, telavisim, daily naaapqaer, 1:901:13 mwsgxpar, magazines and camissim agent. One may tabulatima were made hammer: the four! climacteriutica and time cammiziceatim ci'zazmels. The first character-rmm inveati- gated was the size of fans! as sham in Tables I; and 5. I" .‘0W'U'vfiu A'TT—o: a‘drh'tfil‘v- \‘ a!» Table ha 111' 10-2 25 225.32 S 325.c12r 526.5000 Table So $139 of _ Fm I-ZIQL 0-159 4:0- 35:18 of 3(1‘130 fail 1:7. mHm CK 991013 fax: “rigid? I711: at nIaIII-g .. .9 ..c‘ 1’ 11521::th ;_K‘i‘_ bx, fit... .‘3‘3 (:-£‘.- :1?» ‘fil ——- —— '— v‘ wgfi—v “511' " Par’fia “1‘3”!” Prof-Irv“: 7": (If r; i." ._ “...-nan... “ ‘ In; 2“- l‘ - Q K at: fmn gym-.1533: 111mm)? 01' .aily ch':I.ziI-m§.m mam-23:341. .9 :‘2: 10 Tele '3 1m Fmr'vm": fi.f."§i‘{‘.t We W 1; p ‘(i1- '1‘! I" 51 8S03 9.8 5u0g 37.3 H if I 61% 8?. (‘03 13.8.1; 33.9 I". tsunami-3:41. .~._ . . ‘ hfl- .2 (as 9.3-5 8.1 5331.5 15.5 73 920:; 13.2 2&901 $6.6 39.3; n? 3mg; cm.wp,..:1~‘_5 muchvnjmm for 05 #100? in? (Latin? W £14131: :3}; to SIEL U! .1111 W‘r ch‘rvw of ’3'"f‘;_fj"___f'a“‘i waif? 3:19in mafia so- «am Ember of Daily keel-IL; misa- Cami-891m OhIIIIrva‘fri on :3 21:30 Te Emu? 31m Pai‘fwfl? Pamr zines 33. mm; fi' .16 16 i: I: I" 5:1 52.9 o 33.3 11.8 72.5 37.3 6% h3g5 1.6 25-0 lhol 59-h 3509 81 hf»? 6.2 353. 6.2 62 .33 8.1 37.1 53 hSO3 h901 903 h007 7-5 79.2 -~! «4.11- A umber of general staturmts can be made about the above tables before any specific ccnuan’os are directed to them. For daily mafimt awn, more famera in every size of £25m mmpmg flattened to radio than: televiuim and daily nmmgmper cmhincd. E1118 was; yrdmkfly fun to the hmdiacy af fan-n momma and to their mrkct DEW!) commit. Althougl televisim can't-5.03 ap-prcxmmtely the same type of mtm'ial as radio, Fu- : 2 it doesn't (mm; the swiience potmtial of radio. Raciio, m the other :; 3‘ hand, follm the fart-xii}:- in his work, at the dinner table, at the ham md even to the bmlstmd beside his bed. a The dull; newspap r, thougm it contains apprmimtely the 3;: same m'xbm'ial as is cflstributed tixcmxgh the mafia or televisim, mum arrives: too late i‘cr the fammr to take whantage cf any mam-specific} r136 {32' decline in tho maxim-t [@169 an tint pan'ticular 6&7. It is threfom probabe read with intflest but not used an amch as traffic. It should be noted tkmt the daily newspaper in more pcpu‘tar with t-Iichigm cattle feefiors thzm is telmfision. This says much for the press trritw who wits-am daily at" weekly ram page at the urban- aim syxcialisb who ompilea marzmt outlook inf mmtion. Few caution}: hxfomatioa, mgazinca were tops with flamers at all size of fan-.1 wwgfingfi. i-Iith radio giving so big a part in [n‘aviding ctr rent mz-zezet llama m3: om: ti on , caitkzmm rely Imvfly (:1 magazines for outlook mi'oumtim. Elam than immeefmu’tm of the famcws in every size at? farm {map with the mcmgfiaion of one {crow relied m Lucasinm as at. Mast one of tin chmmls Hwy used far unlock 3MCrz-raa- titan. .hz- It appeared that larger cattle feeders place mm mphaais on tl'n cmmiaaim agent as a Chaim-:1 for marknt new. film was nearly 20 per cmtag-je paints difference batman the szmllwt 81:53 031’ 1' am amp and the largest group. There waa ever 13 per centage points c’ifiwenca between farm 01' 326-625 acr-s-s and 5266000 acres. It is interesting to note that although these rumors were heavy users: of radio and televiaim for (2373. v rinrktrt. news, they also felt a need to deal directly with Batman»: at the marina: . “£116 points out tm fact that famers want the advice of semal people bufom they mam a major deemion. Far: each of the size of farm aromas, less than 15 percent ted televisim as a source ch daily 23:33:01: new or outlook 5.11me- tion. A 5'! 'rhtly ”cater percmtagp or the larger fartizera filed on radio for mm'icet mare-Ia “222:: did those fewer-B with smiley slam! amm- tima. limitspapars as a chamel of market. news was matimad by smut half the cattle fflé‘lflfi in each of the size 0? farm categories. Fm- outlook infamatim, the lager cattle feeder turned to put a little more reelimce on tn: daily paper than did the mailer cattle feeder, am less: on radio. Differ-mews beam- were £32311, hmvcr. In additiu; “1,0 the n we): of star-68, the number of cattle fed out in also an indicatm' at size. Tables 6 and 7 show how this factor:- rel-atca to mm of car-mmfimtim chm; filflo amm) .u .yé‘iaumm‘j ' u s Table 6 o Table 7. erlm of 911133.13“ fig Use of 3111.11 01111111111116 natim mum-«1:4 f~.' ~04; “-JC‘. ~01; mucb' an". o M an” .--nw 11.1“03‘1 '1’- 1' 1,1; {:11} '1::.:1r:-:“.-r 1: 1‘1. W 17111:. 7:9: 111111733." .3. Prmcmwf 111:3?!) firs; Ila “4* =—- T— Embcr 01’ 0116111211209 m 9 “'1' o T0311 1:15.11! m ”I!“ Jm-fi-Q,M “-—Flnu-. ".1"ng :3 1“ £32 E46. 909 E7 9919 113 .6 61 90.2 6.6 21 65.7 h.8 Bait? P1111112? “*m {'9 do :«fq. h9.h 50.8 38.0 phf-‘S‘qv‘q } Or (13$ 7.? MP?"¢% haw-’5 L‘f}1"r"1_n 47“ ‘! '-".1 “‘1’: “W . .4 wwu 4.1. uiliL MW 8011111115 Sim .5 1‘ ”1.7.1311? ..4 .1 31.7 59.9 153.9 66.? AA“ “v. . ——v— 81311 of same cwmmioz 31111 0531111013 fem 011131.001. 31136311113135.1211} m ‘.*t‘.“'fir.,:rt': tafif‘mfit'f‘xrwéfl "4111-“ 17-1- T:*:L .11.. . ”3""1'... “#:1111111-“ u’J 11.111;- 111-11. 2-.) of (“Wu 0 3.6.1. “1»: .--..- W . «um .- 143m UKKIEJ‘S W P01100131: gang; 1119.13.53 “AAA-u —_A ...... A 1111221331111 cd.’ Daily ‘13 6:911:33 Hagan 00111111 6131011 01.150111112110113 $71.11 13:2. T13} 611215.13“ an P1111013 P11211311 zines .1’1 111513.111; WM M1?“ . ‘3" unify-- My“. w T :2, “2} — “...- p A1 111 .111 .113 a: 332 6.3 33.8 11.9 73.2 3013 1‘37 118. .53 35.5 1417 70-6 515-5 61 hl.o 1.6 37.7 9.8 78.7 37.7 21 38.1 0 112.9 11.8 66.7 5?.1 AA. _- _-‘ “.__. __ ‘w __r ..., ~524- Tables 6 and 7 show about tha same rewionship as in Tables I; and S because sin-3 of farm and amber of cattle fed both give an idea a? the 65.36: of business. Harem, with a closer look at the data, there are differences Which shcnld be cmmzzted upon. Cm of the most no'tasorthy can: rate: to be made is the rslimce on the. conmssion agent fcr 6.333;; mm'icet W8 and outlook irfi'm'mticu {m ammg fmmsrs the fad h'Sl-Blfii) hand of cattle in the past 12 mmths. I; Gmtrasted to this we tin-2 relatively few fawn-'5 in the; 0-99 nwfimr at cattle fed amp who used the camissim scent. The diffm'once is i 35 percentage points for the use of daily :23!“th rims mad marly 2'? pea-cmntwc points for miles}: ini’a'mtion. Almougfim the total masher ct moss is comidm‘ahly lass, the opposite effect 13 ‘ 11%. itsd by televisim. In the use cf this mats, farmers who fed out only a £69 cattle in the past 12 :21th viewed newly twice as much tel’sviaim £05 daily mwket news and fmnvtmss as mm far mtlook infmumim as did farms feeding hSl—BISO head. nearly em'y cat-me reedm' in the survey who red oat 130-225 head of cattle used radio for: daily market mus. merer, as the :2me of cattle fed out increamed or decreased from tm'ir level, there was a cwrssymfiing chart-gum in the use of racE-io. Those farm-ass mo fed the most cattle relied on radio the lomt fa: daily massst mus and far mtlook infomaw ion. This £311: 63‘ Bit-10.33:} that flamers with 53mm nmfimm a? cattle fed out read {its daily nmspww for market mus mam um these famers I r‘ who fed largo nmnbsrs ct cattle. Fer 0211:1er infatuation the reverse 1.8 tr‘ . Those with large nmfisws of cathls were interested in the $11.33 naysayers as a dusmcsl for out-loo}: ini‘cmmfim more than these with fewer cattle. In the smug; nmssapor calm-m thaws were over twice as many farmch'who fed 0~99 head.af castle than thoas'who.fcd.h51v3130 head. Ho—emplanation from the data can be given far this. Cattle feeders varied little it their use of magazines 1‘ cs: outlook Mmmxatim Hit the temptim cf the lm'afi cattlemsn who fed. over h§1.hcad. There'was 12 percentags points difference between those feeding 226-160 hamd a": cattle and those feeding above 145?]. head. This means that abws a certain size of business, the cattls feeder relies less an: less on smitten mart; Tia; or mm be heard on the radio and. telsvisim an}. tench; to go directly to the cmdssim agent for his a; were. 'flis is sham by the Mas mum af farmers in the 1;:3'1-3150 head of cattle group who use the cum-fissim agent far outlook hai’cm'aa- tim. In gmmral, the more cattle fed: the 1353 media usagaewwmopt dailies an outlodk. The effect of age on use of communication channels was also investigated. [A u ‘11-}.- Table 80 ("C ~w Q 93 0? 9:79.10 crrmvfi m“ 1 m c.‘ W ..a‘twA-aovr ...! c 'r-fd-uz-nn. ‘4.““fl. '- 13"} '3 0‘ "4~ .lrx' In 4'3 ".3 ”Mu-M 4“_ v n. «- :11. P929 9.9993 1153.: J: Its. «7:!l-xn-s‘3 ray? {1lfgfe1vo 2491‘! 3(4' Camissim q .. .‘.3..1.9. j __.—AA.“ fine timber of 339.133 Camus (“ 9999;99- waticu Radio Tolefisi 1719:7969? W mm” W www.99- WW9— 20-30 29 72.29. 6.9 319.2? 31»3§ 5 96.0 3.0 364:0 bl 141-9-1 if}; 37 9S91 539-2 5.1; w.- 36’1190 1'41 h309 19.9 lit-395 37 19-39. S O hé-SO fih 35.2 3.? 51-55 h3 43.8 h.2 5")“;60 32 S") o 6.3 932.72 _ggg 635.0 :. 953.2 {31.0 81.3 79-2 56.3 Q l . 592.5;- 39.0 359.1 h6.3 29.2 h0.6 hs.6 196-50 S24 9206 11.1 #003 $109 “El-L5 1‘51 93.8 803 9295-2 3:30:91» 56-60 32 90.6 15.6 ho. 37.5 691-?2 .132 {32.5 7 .5 70.0 5-2.3; H ' 305) fable 9. Us‘sfloj’ mjlsflcm 999931 if" iqlf‘wjjfgf .. Q35; gut?! (99:1: 9:9“. dr-taéb' 1m “-9575“ '9‘ ‘ V“ {.99 :9: ““3 1‘9“ ’Pm‘b 91:31:39: mail: ““ w w___ W ' Age fi'mbm' of 319-31 159 "£30 9:19:13 I-isgau 809999919 93:1. on (Ermine Grimar'mt inns .91" o T991 mris 1911 PL '99 " P93219392." 993999-23 A5333"; M V- - W ... “We: W any?“ amassing-m.- mg; ,9) N f’ 9‘9 ’9 23-30 29 3709 6.9 (LL01 O 5302 3100 31"33 25 moo 0 25-00 i100 8:300 like .137... Hm 39.99.31, more farmrs in wow age grcup 13.3139199er to radio for daily market new than in any other mass cemmication chums-1. Daily mtmpnrm was mart in under, follmed by ecu-3991331031 agent and television as a pour fmrth. It. 399291.91 be noticed that althmzj: radio was listened to in nearly eqxwl a'tzomw by gractimm all farmers tummy-ed, this was not the case with television. A instinct rise in televiaim viming: was in the 2913-60 99.39 groups. Tim can pmssib‘jy be explained by the gamut of time cattlsmn cf this age 95,: 9.99 have. They are the ones who are like-.13 to have isms arr hired 99.19:: 19390 are begtmning to take over the trminnss. ‘l-Z‘he men in this firm? wmfld be more in an advisory came. ty and 193.33 in the mmmal labor and of it. '1’}an 59993-99993 to be can 19399399119193 difference in the um Li 1.99.99 carer—i swim aetmt bah-men 3.39:3 groups. Fem-901's between the age of 291-60 put greater stress: am 1'0me 12mm timir emaission agent. than did those of the 31-390 and 51-690 9320:9329. awning} to 995910 was of 93mm? maria cammica‘tim 939.999.9919: fer outlook ixfimmmtim by variom age (9301128, 999919;;me were again lumber we m the list. with cattlemen at pmcticam emit: age group, althomjx tiny 3902‘s stronger in the 993919.133. grows than can the ends. Then followed main, camisaim asm'b, daily nwsprgmr, weekly name- paper and televiaim in “that arder. Anothar point to be mck: in loci-Ling at. Tablet: 8 and 9 .15 that farmm in the 11310:;89‘38 {1909.19.98 relfind cu more commiratmn channels than those in the 19.39% {-1.393 mama. ~118- In 3333333317, the preccmfing tables dam; oavoral Mira-emcee 1n the use cf w3:1r.‘=3m'lca’z‘3 on manual!) fir 6:1in market um“; and outlet)? inform’aim. mems of different age exempts tend to rely on different mothoch in 01313. 13111;; marlxzet inf mma’cim. In the use as (buy awe-amt Deva, the farm 338 in the 236-50 336 group med more max-'53 cmmmicatim media than any other, while in the use of outlook mfmmab 1m, {3131:1333 1n the 131445 and 61-72 {$011536 mod the ...ost mas cmmicatim c}: wmem. .1 mmmen-q The hast crmactemmic under cosmidoration is the larval of echmatim attained. by 1122113333 caiztle feeflwa. The foaming: tables, coml'ucte d 32113113131}? to those a1rmm , aim: the pews-Ht di‘i'ereuce ‘90th the amber cf waematima and ttm level if educatim as it relatea to the mmmmi cation cha 31313019. Tabla .10. 8300?? 8(73174 cmymira‘oim c} mnels far (tints-{333113 «9:331:63; -1“. ..r “M; ‘_ ... A}~T'~. :1‘ ‘:'Ww *‘d‘fl‘tx’m". “13'; Ly"? awn, ;'{.,‘1.§ "’ .UL) “Lax: (4,“: f"; j ‘35,};‘11 ‘wvu— “ w -- 7‘. Ppwsfxn“. ‘m'QJ-gn Wr33a 1115:1351; 1cm]. uf educatim fimaher of Daily Cal-mission gfiiagficd w wafiiqflq 23:” o Ta,‘m.."im 11:33:3ng 3 "' :13 ;3 :3, Grada iéchool Sh 81.5 1.1.1 1414.1; 29.6 High School 1:38 73.2 7.1 no.9 3537 College 63 ‘81.? 6.0 ‘ 1.39.1; 117.0 Other“ h? 87.2 8.5 1:25 22.5 __.—x __.L 44 ;-_ __ ._ “A. A A H # w #— #11’scludw tram 3311001 and 23mm co‘xza'sa -139- Table 11.}535-1 05' 5:51:10 rmgiga;.m 5:11.533110113 £355 3355;135:333 3.51.. arr-2:511:31 flag-35. fin: ,3}0# ’5‘ fidm 0f (‘3:- I‘" a] 177—- “w _. _ “905555551 3113f n3 W55m31a __ - ---- __ _ Highest level "— W ...... _ t w cf eclucat ion t- umber at ' Daily Yeekly Ihgm 005 55.11 53551011 #5153335? 5.1 0555553515511. 1. 5.3....” 3.5.5531...- JL;£:~3 E33355 P555353; :51. .1533 5‘. 5552511. .5: :5 :55 :5: (trade School 3531 53.7 5.6 27.8 7.11 53.7 33.3 High Sci-1001 1568 33.9 2.9 235.6 9.5 (30.1 {3.7 other” L57 1.6.8 15.3 353.2 2.1 70.2 31.9 __ ____. ‘ A__._._._‘._.._. 4.... W V—— w mvw W ”31¢le trade school we. 55.10551: 00.2.5519 __.—n‘ ————-—‘ ~_‘_ A A _- Tim last two tel-5103 point- out: that as far as the 5151551119 feeder 13 «21105115115253, he uses rustic fcr current market 11551.53, 15955115615353 (1f thee h.55acter13t1c that 13 med to 55.51111 9. cm: .W' sea. In 5‘: ch characteristic 15310159 cwmnt 1155.152 {ct news is 111mlmf,rad10 has ram/ed the leader. 315.511. “1y, magazines we camidered the beat charmel for 01.2.1001: inrcrnmticn. This is 11555118155545: by 10022111.; at. up um (11' 1:11.313. 2.1513 for outlook 1211‘ 515111125. on men (1151;151:5951 with the: 11153105355. 155ml of educatim attained. Here as the level of education increases, the prowmim of favmrs 11511215311515 1.5553 for outlook information 31105552523558 also. Viewers 0*: 1.51me 1.0.1 take an a I'm/“5115353 re... .figmm 1.015211%: 1.th road :1. manna. .155 1:11.51 15:55:31 01‘ 51531:: $2.105} inure—51:35:51, the 511.113.1015 cf famam 5.13111 5;: this 121.521.15.52 1" or cam-525115 .5151 152501: mm: 35151 for out 1005: -50.. inform—"mien decremcu. Hes-:13 half as my farmrs with college degrees mu television“: for cmwent nmkut news as those with only a grade school ecmeutim. The 3mm holds true fw- mtlool: nfi?(mm‘aim. Hammer, the use of the commissim agent as a resource 13(2er tends to increase as the level of cam-stint: increases. Appm'emw, those farmers with higjser 10mm of cdmmim place a diffemn‘b value on the agent arr} tend to $511126 him to a greater degree, «specially for cirrent unmet news. This (Sings-tor hm atwaptcd to cmpare acme cammicatim clzmnels to selected aocio-ecmmic cl'zm'actcristica about. iflchignn cattle media‘s. In the mad; fixaz‘fioer, the author will napm't. on the kind on? infm'mafiim the tama- vants in the Q'derly mafizeting of his liveatock. GIPJ7TFZR v HAYS To Jzapmvar: Fig-2}); 3: <3- 13"?3'13-i HARECJT IKQJ‘XI‘ICJ mica-a a shady (199131ch to doternine where ffinhigm cattle feeders obtain their sari-mung infer-mum is arm-m to a clcne, the farm: muse}: ehmad be given a chaacq to voice his opinim on that he wants in 1125148315115 literatm’e. 3:334:13 d.‘ nmkot hfimmmt icn may bo- avarilabm , but unless that 1111‘ omatim is vimt the tamer needs, it 3.3 of no value to anyone. {htil now, this stucv has lowed at m: the farmer respmvia to the :mfiwt Hawaiian that he 13 new receiving. This CYmptar 18 ckmrted to individual and collective reap (112305, 03-? the: cattle feedw's wants and how mega 1mzts can be adapted to he: marlmt news and 01111001: Wmmtim that is meson-1533 receivcxl. lflchimn cattle f cede-212's 1mm £353ch in the queatimnaim 210.: the mafiwt infamatim wlfich they recoi wad v.135ht be 1311;12' caved. Fair different categories were m :16 available 1’ or the fmwr to cm ck. Each cate 5cm; was divided into mama (yams; more, less or adequate. The categarica were out-.1093: , cwmnt price»: , inf mmtim on livestock nwubers an d general mtlook. 339.?er the results are given, the roam? ahoulxl be fmziliar with 13113 mnditims mm which inc-:50 feeders reapmdcd. A sham drop in cattle piece in 1963 brought losses: to mac} cattle feedm's. Then J .. r31... 1n the firat half of 1951;, prices «remand again. metal)? all forecasts had laminated a higher price. Irmewr, this never matavializod becam the amber d cattle on feed was unc‘zamatimated mad because my cafi-bleo mm held cattle to mavicar migfims than normal. This caused a glut in the mwke't. in the Spring, when these mafia? stock entered the yam“ . Many cattle feeders who acid at that tiara did not mower weir variable costs. This created a feeling: that price forecasts had mcmmgod the haldflm; of ca‘ttlle thm mnfiri’buting to 'bhe m'ersmzply of Maw; catfilo. Taming to the results fur improving the marketing informatim that is presently received, Bfichigan cattle feeders indicated a dfirsire for awkat infommatim in all cafiegwies. Boat striking interest lay in the cattlman's (3083.1‘0 for more {sewn}. outlook Mummies and more infomuxtim on liwstocit mfimrs. Cmsidmmg price mztlook, 23.3 percent cf the farmers indicatad they want. tame, while 313.1 percent said that they wanted 1333 price outlook information. The gather feels cmfidmt that there was the built-in hiaa againart pfice feracasta ezdxibited tame . The renaming, or 1.0.33 percent said that there was acacachfie price cuties}: infmmtim available. Totally, these fzuwms who mated more and those what; comidczr'ed price outlook aéequae cans to 623.8 percent at“ tho rcapmscs to {the queatim. This indicate-5 that ever half the rasyamdents felt fiat there was eithpr among} price outlook kiwm’cim available cr that were (:03.ch be milk-led. Ahoy: a tmrd of the famcm aux." >3er repainted that. they wants-d more ext-refit price infcmmtim. 0:13;; one farm-r in the 271 who mat-rend this question mid that he Ham ed 3388 cmsnt prices. The large majcrity or 63.6 percent (1" the cattlamn thought that adequate cwrent pri 0628 were available. Apparetfoly Pfichiggm cattle feaczc‘wxra mat more infmmtim concern- ing livefiocé: nmbcrs. Percentage vise, nearly ho percent desired maria informtim, mile 1933 that 10 percent checked loss infomtim. Tm réarmining majority declared that there was adequata infammtim availalflo. Again this shows that. 0%? 90 pezmnt wars either fiat 131‘ ied or desired more informatim. were was mare general agreement on the need for mom backgo'md infomaiion tzm far more price fmwms. Remy or the fwers who want ed mom awrmm im on livestock amber: wanted hfma‘tim on Holstein feeder calves that were moving at]? the dairy famm and into the feed 1d; 3. And, whey wanted infmmatim smut these calves not only on the local and state 13mm, but. 3130 for the natim. For gamma]. mitlock, flamers rq.» 01'th firmly: 24E; pwcent wwted mre, while 117.? percent. thought there was an wfieqaate amount availabm; 7.3 percwt wanted lows. Again adtiing ti—zeae imam-a wmxting lass genwal outlook with those who mnsidemd what they were getting to be adécpmte 5:32:03 535 percent um thmggh‘b that there was eitlm ennugfi im’orm‘tim (3' too muu . Engraver, as the latter part at this @1433th will show, were is) reason to believe that aux-e famers who umber} more gent-a1 mztlook were: looking for more hackgxomd infomatim 3115:5331 hay in 13mm cmfld mm to make margin am price forecasts. In own-n.7, madam cattlo fooCm*3 point ed out a need to look at the maflmting infocmctdon currmtly being written in an effort to determine wiwro fi-“zprovcmnt could be made. The; large total umber of reopmaoa to more or adequate price outlook tall the economist that the i'arrm docs want price fcrocaots. Cattluman said that they doofixed mom-ate, ram-biased reports on the future memot oitmtim. Homvcr, they may be telling market mmlysts to :20 a better job in «3880551133 how cattle feeders reopcnd to the price foreaMo. The high reopmse rate to the availability of cfirrozrt prices omits that these {more would room no immo‘mcot in tifio general area. To be owe, nearly a third wanted more current pricoo, but their reasons for this are quite varied as ooymnts by tzdiviciuol fams Iota? in tho CI'xapter $313.1 point out. In addition to the above comcmto that town's mdo smut tho mm‘ket infomxotim which they now roccivo, they also anointed an open- end qmstim in tho (Izwtimnafi're. Tin (111353121111 coma wimt tygm of m rice-t informtim do you want but 1:3 hard to got? Farmers indicated that they desired ohms-go in the folloflng arms: 1. Sales and granotim of beef; 2. Condensation a market Mocmtim; 3. Ewe accurate and timly hmomo .ion; 1;. Loss market outlook; SS. Ewart ini‘wmotim; 6. Average poise; 7. Bii’fcrorrt grading watomg 8. Dairy calf reports £423.23 farmers who awe-rat“. t‘ao qmflm also put in commute about the market inf motion which they now receive. The genera. ~55- couoonaus mong those who thomfizt that there was enough inim'mtion available was ti'm‘t 2 11132131? price. was the Booting factor. Two amt: from commotion abmt the state are worth reporting. Tm first. from Iapoor cormty seems to point out. that need for otter bed..public relatimo: "I think we have mount: infcrmation available to us. I think we need fwor glows! conclusions to the rop'ozz'ta we road. We mod to get out and Bell Beau-sell more tam-«3:311 more meat to more people. Red meat is an excellent. product. to SELL. Devoto son: {aim to outlooks, cattle numbers, etc., but more time to beef @1me , barbczquoo, roast hoof smchrioiwa, hot lunch progams-«oell, sell, Boll beef.“ The com:- cmmont from a Kalamazoo county fame-r was that : “333%:th infmmabim in fairly adequate, hmovm‘, it takes a great deal a: reading to put it all togothor. A better condensation of this information would be heLoi’v . The riohignjmtlojooflm: attmpta to do this with nutrition (See page 1:2). A Bipolar afrm along this line could be incm'parated with price oxfislook, cmont prices, inflamm- tion on livestock nmbcm and general outlook plus mum-wide feed inmatorieo , 1mm: levels md grades :2: hoe-f imported. Pm? 31112:? many other factw's could ho added". A umber of the rmooro mo anamred the survey infiefiod a wire for more accurate and specific nmkot irfi‘cmmfiim. Several Said that 01' the actual umber of cattle. being nawkotod, metro and more are bei‘ rr sold directly to the packer without mpor'tiog um weight, size or movie in my my. Still flat-mm said that improving tho cmton’c. ~355- ufi' daily rmiio nmkot mp orta from tho Dotmdt livestock mrket would go a long: um," in Mining; he tumor decide on the date to sell Ms cattle. 'hm Loam-rm cmmty cottlmmn nomad mot much of the infmmatim tl'uzy receive 18 hiotmrzr bef are they receive it. 'I‘hey wanted accwafio infonmtlm on moat. trams, cattle numbers, foczior replacements and render and fat calf solos quicker. They mga'jpotod tint tolophmo Imago mule} help out their (permit!) if tbfly 1mm the rizfi‘it pcs'sm to cmfiant. Anothox fmmor from the 6mm c0: my hlciicatod mat he mmtod "the kind or typo of L’Li’rmzotiw um I can take home and (309166 accurately whether r3 cattle have roamed, their tap grade and the price t1 10:; will brim. Quflook inf-1‘ oer-'zfizion can be very helpful and woeful if rig-’jfi‘. '1' max}. hoover, much oufilook infomatim is too 3mm in scope, and has too mom: a base; also, it. should be wit-Eton with the reader in mind. A footie): looks at a rqacrst 6 “fomntly than a pram: or woxflm. Ekanizim should be mafia of mo rmwms who wanted loos :rm‘ktot; hirer-rm rim. A I-Tmhtonm: county form-r put 2*. this way: "1.36 tool that cmotrmt i‘crocasto an to the amber (i cot-ole «30:13.11: to variant at certain tit-2:33 and. forecast .213 {rises can and does ori'ton upset tho rmr’not because of pom ‘fly a great inflma on tho mriwt is? a 1' m'ooaut mifflfiflihfl lower mamas-2m vim-fin 30 (kayo or 90. micro all tho power-2m fcretmuto, we were able to judge the mmket's future quite well on cattle and hogs, but nw because of fmrocmts , (.31. 11:43 031' ...(m film: whole pio’cum chm-ms -57.. whm great amalgam follw the publialwd suggestions." This farmer speaks far a siwii‘icmt mix-am of farmers in the SW}? as is evidenced by the 32.; percent who said they wanted 1658 price outlook iufma‘tion. However, 1: Maximum on livestock nmflxms is added to the picture, tin majority of cat'tlemn felt. tint no hm is being rims and more infmtim almg this line would be beneficial. Taking a look at the alumni; of beef mpm'ted into the country, several timers felt etrmgly that. tlwy meded to knm this mount in an ei‘fourb to gear their dmeatlc Operatima to a profit WMZiDg size. Other-ca felt that if they just had (251:3:th on the amber of 1::apcn‘ts this maid be enough hfimtim. One farmr inmosted that he wanted the anomt of processed il'lpMfici beef and the percent of total www.19- icn and quality on a sanpazrlam basis with United States prodmed beef. In acacral, i‘finmgan farmw didn't man to think that beer imports were hurting their Karim potential. A number (If imam were concerned with the price of dressed beat-C. A cattle reader from Imtm county said, "I wcmlci like to 1mm mam about the: wholesale mat trade; 31230 the yellow 3mm as it is called by local mama a: slaughter-Emma" . In addition to price M dressed had, other fmora were interested in the mammt {LE-mt. is m. the market daily, weekly, and maxi-.1113. Tm 8W Waived out that 3&0th cattle tamer: want accurate and thrush? mmket infmtlm. Harv farmers ma cmcemd with how the market uremia-1 13 mpm'ted on a dw-to-dmr 13min. -55- Too often, Imy saw, only tin: Ingzeat vaigjat and pricea am gima on the radio and television. Cm Allagan county farmer said, "I would like to have the repamta aims a: the raziio, for local mr’mta, and Dammit, to give 8cm different target‘s shimenta telling the weight, quality md price. In this my I would have a scale by which to judge then m cattle are rembr for market. This is done in Chicago, but not far these amfllar malt-zeta. Far izwtance, a weekly rap-tart m mceive from Battle: Creek, lists: the inriividml feaécrs-wo my cattle with a top 01' so much. I feel this 13 ninlaading. The report anemia tell the mange since this top may be for m}:- orae head”. Other fame-rs said that an average price for cattle mam: any one graze roula be good if the amber of cattle in that grade was also given. A large cattlcman in Saginaw mmty felt that the major mwlm in tin bad? inaustry today 13 in tin grading wanna. Ha stained up his cram-amt by saving that a few yaars ago moat cf the beef bang-ht by the hmmmifa was Mmuém'd or 3.0! good. T0151? most of the bad 19 0116126 or batter. TEfls mans that either: the Gwarmzan'b mt change its praacnt gracing 83'sth or mac-e cattlmen will (so out of the b'asinaaa. Today's hamsii‘a wants the quality (If baaf t‘imt is imported, not that which 19 an the marlmt. Cfimr farmers tE‘zng'zt that they Cit-11d cmbat the import prablen by fan-263.133 Holstein steer-a which feed out with a lower percent of rat and l mwe lean cameras. “'s-zr'a hm the. cattle and calf on feed rapw't, but let’s add Holsteina to this repm't and classify than" , said a -119... Lename comty tartar. (Jam‘s ranted Holstein ate-er prices {given war the radio like other steer prices. If caflmw are given an idea on has: others in the indmtry farm with realms; Holsteins , than the entire incmatry 11111 be better off. (I course. wrelated feeder cattle mines are nab maninzf‘ul if the famcn' receives only part of them. uIt would be of gamat value to he mttle fewer if it were possibla to have acmmate 'mazzlg qwtatima of numbers of cattle and their raisin on food,” said a large cattle feeder. A ,um'tm'ly mpart 01‘ cattle on feed compared with the umber a? pounth‘} cf beef mgxn’ta umzld be helpful, said anotmar imam. Daily nmrket prim on talovisim and an early Whig rcpart at the (kgfla activities would cazzp‘lcte a third fanmr'a need for narrate, complete and finely nzw’mt inf mud; ion. It is ofwioxm that net every com‘mnt (1r aagzggaatim mafia hy- farmrs in t! m gummy can be utilized in providing ' ttar maxi-mung in- formation. Tm author feels tlmt many of the rmarzm rm will taken am} sometifin: ahmzld be time to eliminate the: existing wdalms. Great must first be given to the ’63.fo ant mass CORY-.313“: inaction cl‘mmela far ‘218 job film; are cm’rwtly doing: with the existing mu’ket hfim'mtim. We: task of compiling, m'iting and e‘fiting copy for mass aamm—iea'tim is trmmldwa. I 01‘ cmmse, their job as: few as amonghhming the farmer's: mmxlndga of the marwt cauld be 3300731§:L15}fld with greater preemies: by L’nwing what type of hfi‘matim the oattlaazan wants. It is with -60- this: in mind that tho author has added the: cumcnta and mmmiws of the caztlemen themsalvns. In the ammo:- that follows, a awmau‘y (If the 51wa is in order. Coupled with this is a accticn on I‘m-thew atm’y in the cattle reacting area. Lastly, a section‘uill follow on what can be derived.£rom a study of the mass cmazmica‘uion ciwmels throudl which Hidligan cattle feedcra obtain mketing infozma’cim. ”? Q n)". 1:) L13» ‘4‘; .._. 99! ~ M, N.- n V: "c $31!. «‘- E-JAU ' rim C ‘AILAIJ!’ £11.39! .J The purpose 031' was (study was to discover the cozammication channels flidxigm cat-tic feeders use in obtaining their variating information. mm for the cam-2:." were Obtaflrsd by sending a qmctimnaim to 1,235 cattle feeder-a 1.th arc members at the Hellman Cattle Feedcr‘a Associatim, Inc. Ini’m'szmtim received from 33.0 cattle rceA-‘z’s was a major ecm'cc of the data used in the scarf. Each of the objectiwc is again etched, renewed by a short. explanation of the findings cc they pactaizlcd to that par-'timxlac goal. 6%3cct 1w: £51: To 53%qu camnmicatim channels as a place fat- micat mfwmtim and macaw thc use of them cbanncls. Cluster I and II chimes! that clthomh theme was little reach-”ch condmtcd ' this specific area, thmc was a canon belief that radio was utilized by manger: cattle feeders for: current mazkct nan-:3 cm} magazincs werc used for outlook fifimmtim. Obgectivc £92: To critically makes the factors which imam-doc Michigan cattle facécra in the markctfmg of their cattle. Chapter III proscnia a dctaihcd mqfixma‘tion of hen ilidzigm cattle £00.61ch make their mrkot decimals. Couplcfl with this process was another in which the fame:- was emgagcd. This process inwlvcd ~61- the femur as to uiwn he 12:1?ch his current and f'ufm'e navigating (35201310113. Factors flacludod in title: process $383138 1. (232th cycha, 2. Catt - nwfiaers, 3. Crops, la. Z-Ezzrkot news, 5. Outlook: ini’omatim, 6. Season, 7. Price 01’ feed, 8. Vea'tmr, and 9. ‘fi'oigfixt. Each factor was; thug-mt to be utilized by the catfie realm 1n solving cm'mnt. and: future market 121:; pr 02.21am . The most L'f'pm'bmzt fact or! were weight , market news, outlook mfmmation and crepe. 36:21:. the dE-Htributim of current 2:22;“th new and outlook informafiim through commicatim crmnols was prescribed in tabular Irma. It was interoatmg to note int 41131012521 the common belief that radio and nag-flames 1:62:26 utilized by cattle feeders far current 1:831:01: cam and 01:21:20}: Lni'omm’mim, mfimd;i,vefis', was szmsmntia‘ted, there were largo 0113;212:2128 of fat-mom who used other ci’zm'umls foo: £1.11?th in g infmmm- 1.10:). For eztmpls, the 61:13.3; munpap er and the camissim agent £14m 2e stockymrda were relied upon by nearly 50 percent. of the farmers for cmsrcnt market new. Rub , respmaea to radio, daily nwspaper, and cmmissim slant for outlook hwmrmtion Heme lens than 50 percent. The big cimnel in this ma‘omce, hwmr, 93.3 magazines with mm’ow 7S pcmccnt of the rcspansca mil-3.212.232 this mass media for at least one (If the chameh of outlook hzfomzatim. firth such a high percentage of imamm using magazines, the azmhm' decided to investigate this: clumwl to dimmer which specific magazines rank ham: read among cattle feeders. The cmclusicns were that three boot read were _Fam Jamal, ‘jchif an Farmer and fimcesm‘fxfl. ~63~ Farming, in ‘that wdczr. This shears that flthomim cattle Media's are irt emstedin magicultwe from a mate-«ride level, they am also concerned abaut the agxip tuna]. s. Etuption escrow the natim. All three publicatiwa carry cuties»: im‘m’rzat .10; which probalfly accomta in part far their populzwi" y with E“ chi-53:1 cat... 13 feeders. LfiJjoctiv-e 5‘3: To cmp*“e other farmer chamcteristica with a tin we an: acne cammicat‘ on c :anmls for daily market news and fee: mtlook infomtzatim. Chapter IV was mncmwd with four characteristics abmrt farm's Well my be a factor in how they use cum'ent market news and mtlook infonntim in the“ mam-at doc: 5.31m maxing pz’ocessea. Each charactm‘iatic was run tmtugh a ous-xmy tabular mantis with selected mass commie-.1- tion chmncla. The: ramlts shared that: 1. In using size at farm as a (then czctez'istic, radio and mag-33.25303 were tops with fmmora for cm'ront new! 2t new and outlook inferration at nearly every size of farm mowing. T‘m comi 331m agent ranked tl‘fi. rd. 2. in testing the umber of catth fed in the past 12 months, radio ranked high in mm‘fiy every 3;. cup for mmont mr} :ct [165139, 2.1-- thmlgh the dmly numpaper was med war 50 pwmnt m" the time. It appeared that as the 212.32%: er of cattle fad inmased, far-1n umera relied less on magazines for Outlook information and mum on their cam’xssim agent. 3331:: fmmr ca ttls fed, the mace farmers tom}. ed to View television and read their tackly nmmpaper. -634... 3. Age, being the mat factor, revealed that far mall usage cf cwrwnt market new!!! , farmers in the 1:67-30 age amp raxic ed. umber one. Fez- omlozak Lflmztd; 1m fammrs in the LIL-145 and 6142 age brackcta 1mm the best 11mm. Iiagazims, alt1'1mh high in pupularity with most age: worms, ware med not much mom than half the'tima with 5mm above 56 ye- :3 cf age-2.. T11? 83 flamers tended to listen to more radio f or thair outlook inf ornat ion. 2;. In dotemining hm tbs higimézt Level of educatim attaimd fit into the marketing decision procaaa, fmxers with college flames relied on file ward of hair curdsaim agent for cm'mnt market news nearly 50 percent. of the: time. Radio agar-.53 was high in every ezmcatim {—3- up. For mile-r31: infommt 1m , those with college (mars-:85 read more magminc—s and liateaed to less radio and television than those with grade 85211001 edma‘oims. Obgectdya 2331;: To me? msgwtims fa:- flfilprcving on:- changing a m the type of market 12$ emu-film famers want, but are not new receiving. Tim conclusims Hem briefly ibis mat fanmors wanted at laziest the me erg-wait of price outlook if not mare. firmly a third hwever did macaw they wan-Md 1mg. Becamw there was mm gona- al agree- ment on the need for more him-station on Rims-stock nm‘kxzrs and gener- out. 1005-: infmzat ion , cattle feeders evidently want more b36126... mum} in- rmrmtion. In addiizim to this qdeatim , farmrs were asked to camera!) on the {531:3 of mmkerb itzi‘mmat 5.0:: that they warmed but was her to get. Here again, the answers mm smmfim. varied, but the ge—mml Opinion among feedara was that they desired mere beef 53:1me infamation, inflamma- tim on different marinas gratin, daily and moldy tundra; managing and $318158 0 "‘2'“ $221028 3 TIE Silu' 433: FOR '15:}? 173'”. A‘ISZICEI AID .qno-rv‘ J‘T‘Qa MV‘V: Q: '13; m This stucfiy has pointed out. me varicose cam'nmica‘tim ci'imnela which mailigan cattle feaier'a use in obtaining amketing hflmatim. Wimuy the study has given evidence to back up the beliefs about. the boat channel to use. If tin maecialiot is interested in mes distribu‘mm 01' market in? ommtim, he should we the raéio for wombat nous and outlook nza‘fizcrial and on mgaaflnoo for wtlook. But perennial cammicatim channels such as tho cmvflsoim agent, should perhaps be given mire attention. Dad 3y muopapom provide the some 133,130 at" mkoting material in n more pemanc at form than does radio but. 18 not. as frequently used by cattlanon. This o'tuxlv also gives some gddolinoo as to prospective trends in tho mo of ca'mnmicetim cl-lmnols no cattle feeders imam-we in the size- ozf thou (no; atiou and become; better educated. 'mey may well place increased roommo On other caab‘ina‘tfixmof oimnvinela. In parti- cular, they will mm turn more to porous]. clmnnols of iriomatim such an camieoim fines. Mother result of the study, em oh aubeban‘tiatea the results of other Samoa, in tho 1183);; level of oflmafi. m of E-Iidfigan cattle feeders. mmro moo the jmnmaliat arc-ho oopy for the level of educa- tion attained by a 1L yoor- 01c! mam, the study has pointed out that on t? 10 amago, maxim oattlomn have 3 Mg} xer- level of amulet: than ~336- 113118.10 ammogp £3,121.11:- 1:11.! 73.5 $113.13 (1“ (21311051131111 or abtmb that of a 3.6 year old pom-11.11. T313111 511.413.11.13 to 1131.1 3 (1122.1111113‘5 and ”1.1th qrchxlirfi. 1:31:11. the 3111*:1‘21' in row? to 31:11:21.1 two (201112.11.-. ”15303113111121 relative to the 1:151:01;» “131:0 oi' t‘ma "113“?" behind the mice chmjcs om be. rep-«110.13. £311.10 (11' 3:31.11 limit-1111:1218 of 1.3111 111.1131: 11161111393 1. B111 111.11.] 111111 001112111111 :3 only :1111..pc.1v111w the (:3 ' 1:10.19 0:? 011111111 11115:: used by 31311211131111 c.1111: feeders. Ho affm'rt was 1111-11311 to 8111161; 1.31012 {19.0031 oi.” the in!“ 1"” .111 cfimnols on tho firm-tor. 2. The Jive-1 Li? 013.111 .7} 1m 01' 5.1113 21331311111 foam-11:8 may be a. :11". atim to the stud; ...rnom 113.121 1.”.1'"tc:-fl oc’zuc ..atian my be 111'. a dioazwmta 'e in their ability to mazwtmd tho qmotimo used 111 the quoo'izitxmairo. T3113 31.1.3351: pointed out may (11" 113 1o fmmzr'a wants including 11130111 infma‘im, nfimfifiim on (fitment Sanding; $310113, daily and woof fly o.«1.:'.:ot Enemies, 3391131111111 calf mporto mic: others. The armoioiist who writes maizot mien-“1115.011 should consider those manta of M10 fewer 1:31.011 he or 11133 1111-. copy. T311 0315.9 ct ivo of? rap (111.23.: 11:11.13. 21‘. 1.1133111111311011 is to cow-11.0 a. closer 111-11111 between the cmuumicefzw and tho roooivor. The reopens :13 {1.1111 by 311d 3.31111 cautlo feeZoro as receivers of 111117311111 name and 01.11.1003: 3.111111311151011 tell the cmvtzmicatm to critioo 11y look at too chmno? 1.:3 31:1 111 c 41911311};‘111-311195 those are not the boot 81:3 :1 more 0121111111135] 1.1111113 1310111111: could facilifiafio 310111111 1' me of 11111173111. infommtlon. W?- 13333 SIZE? F337;??? $117.33 71733 To 11133-31 a study that 1.1de 111113.130 037317 aspect of the cattle marketing situatim, 1.3 :6 author would need cmsidwably more time, ini'mfiicn and patience. 1:31:31: 331131; 31:13 at: «1.1111613 t0 drown-111111 1111‘ tare-1111 canmzicafiion 1131311111113 through which the 31113333911 (1:11.131 fecdor obtains markotflng information. One area of continued 111.111? would be theta-21.11;; of a single cat-11111111101133 5.1.111 channel, such as 111113.111, and finding 0111. more smeific 1.1131111171331011 about this channel. Specific questions 112-13313 110: 31211121 service is (1131021111? Hm 121mm- i'wmrs listen to radio and at 1131111; 1111.123 111' day is the beat listening 1125;151:1513 1110311 likely to be 12711111131111? What 31110131311353 121g fac flit 2.1% are available 1'01: 31$:th news? 111101.333): stuav 1111:5313. be cmcemed with the current. 31161 0113210031 infcmxa‘tim that is r'elsaaod to 335.613.13.311 cattle feadcrs from 3211131151311 State fi'1ivcraity. 3:331:11; role :3 1:! the extension rsarketizg 81115 115.313.1311 play in the diswainatim of market infmmtim? To what degree do information services rdleasaa help the cat3 amen in his marketing decisions? ' ~'r'. 2‘" .7“ 32”.". EJ 'JJII‘."-'-‘"J¥1.!.i: RQ'AIC ”J” Snwp, 1210323023 1?... and 1101121121111, 11. 1.. BJ- " (12212.2. .3, New. ”a: am, Join]? ma 30118, 13100, 1: {#1. ”l . . Ewart =om Rational Project 1.11 .iggZImfltm'al Cammica‘tims. "12m .3 11:23.21?!) ‘2‘”;A..¢Iuo 4;. 9 r «Kn-q- . Emir: et 222115 3:2..- IrLf'."<"t‘:1."-.m.firc:poz*h (1‘ {.3 22 .2 2:11.28 and 3.37:?- .r-p1a.m'._.aq.pa-“.I' Q.-or-3 I" 3“- Wm "‘ .‘c a ‘1’! 94'. 3. u} $14.0.“ v0L;UJ w’cflw, csfllflflg Ulnar, lulu-J 901331., fQ-JCDS, .71).). .2“.r-'t.i.:12r2n 911:! I???" o 3" L 23:1?! :3 m mtmaum -M Jug-.121!“ Bot-32.33, J. Pan? and lawn, If. ... 34.22:? 12:92:22; W 3f": F222 W.» '22' “2.211.L 3:22.2m1 .3. “luv—“.9,“ ‘ kbmwohwfl‘fi 4.. r-c 2... “22-212.;222-2 "'~22"~" 33221.12? 12512.21 K)?" ......2..o.'a¢ 2122...: 3.22.112: “yam-2.2m ‘FO 2" :3, r :11on M: «:3.-.129 2'" 225C131; {“359 1 LLL...Q v.51.) 19,44. 1 .9 - , 9 - ‘ Y? .2. I '7 .- . 2..‘;' 322:3"32121 17mm 2’an 1:31:24: 1201'“: T19 :10 .hfitt I'm 5? Ian m a... yr! -,l":J-1...H.s.a-.m canon-Luft- itarfla‘aaflo ... 352$ :o-Mrflqyl-h 1" 4‘5”; LwiA-L'U‘U‘ Vail-L asq-KALLlcVUoU uuuufiwlb Luaafid‘. iAU aunt-“.1: LJ. 1;. Iii}. Hear, John F. "How Accm'ate are Farm Outlook Predictims?" .7222...u212 .12.. 312.1%.(21221 31193-8. 2?.2i2‘31t, K. ‘1'. "Gut 2112 Fee 3111-3 13:00am: (3.23" ’1‘212'Inz2’y 311102.211. IicIfifiLm ‘21-‘22...”‘4. w J‘Jfl'mafl if" s‘fiuf’aue mLVCl'BiUJ ’2’ ’q‘iCLl'L 11328172 2.1332: 1.3491324 bu'dudanio V01. '33], 1:0. L, 1485' J‘s-3433. up I’mmzra‘ 86 of 22:12:32.0 3.2er 21312521215101: 252:2 2:19. 21:01: I702. . gmtn 32'? 272.2..11. I fichigan Santa {hivws ity A'Vicultwal Fug. 2:1..(22 tdbt‘uiaa. v01. :iau‘i‘UrIZE1’ :50. 2‘. Iflchig' .111 prm'tzz‘z int of A.i12icultm'e. 531222-2221 A.'121221..11..1.:2a1 1...?“ 132511352. {1.23, I’LL-y 1:52)“. U. 3. D6293, E‘tXT‘CDt Of AIT‘I'iCNl'tEEfiO 11:08 ()1? Tnfi’fin‘infl 72245222222442}: hf ’0. 1 03"?“ ”’2me JUU .... W ‘ . I?“ "~ -. E5"! 230“"; 3.21 .«H'i fill-£1110 AL.1L)-i;.o.uo HUVIiJLLKH‘ .523. P777”"“-":I:f‘:'"fx79fi“ ‘ ‘i‘.".'. .1’ MT.“ 2'7"???" 19M;;.:a‘. ‘wi;r.‘:.L.‘.h;‘1 Jung :1 1.11;.» v.9. \AL.‘ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EAST LANSING DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS October 6, 196u Dear Cattle Feeder: In partial completion of the degree of master of science in agricultural economics, I am writing a thesis entitled "Where Michigan Cattle Farmers Obtain Marketing Information." From a list of cattle feeders in the state, your name has been picked at random to participate in a simple questionnaire which is enclosed. Your help is needed to make this study meaningful as questionnaires were not sent to everyone. Please help me out by filling in the answers to the questionnaire as it applies to you. A self-addressed, postage free, envelope has been included for your convenience in mailing.TThe short amount of time needed to complete this form will be deeply appreciated. Sincerely, 9m 4. ewe James A. Sample Graduate Student Michigan State University JAS:dca Enclosure Questionnaire Pertaining to a Study Entitled: "Where Michigan Cattle Farmers Obtain Marketing Information" (Please Print) 1. 2. 3. H. 5. 7. 8. 10. Name . Age County Size of farm Tillable Acres Pasture w Number of dependents Do you have a nonfarm job? Yes No Check the level of education you have attained. Grade School High School , College , Trade School , Other( How many cattle did you feed out during the past 12 months? What other enterprises do you have? Type Unit Volume Hogs Number of sows Feeder pig production Number of sows Feeder pig finishing Number of pigs/year Sheep Number of ewes Lamb feeding Number of lambs/year Dairy Number of cows Eggs Number of layers Cash crops 1. Acres 2. Acres 3. Acres Other 1. 2. 3. Where in the United States do you buy your feeders? (Check) West South , Michigan , Other (list) How do you buy your cattle in Michigan? (Check) Calf sales Private contract , Ridley Commission Company , Michigan Livestoc Exchange , Stockyards F , Other Do you raise your own feeders? Yes , No . Where do you sell your cattle? (Check) Terminal market , Auction , Private Contract , Stockyards , Other ). ll. l2. 13. l”. 15. -2- Check which farm publications you receive and those you regularly read. (receive) (read regularly) Michigan Farmer Farm Journal The Michigan Cattle Feeder Successful Farming Cattle Bulletins from MSU Prairie Farmer U.S.D.A. weekly Livestock Market News The Drovers Journal A Other ( ) How accurate is the market data infbrmation which you now receive? (Check) Very accurate Good enough to be helpful Right about half the time Not very helpful Usually wrong Check the three factors which influence the marketing of your cattle in your daily (current) and future (long run) market decisions. Daily (current ) Future (long run) Cattle cycle Cattle numbers Crops Outlook (price) Price (current) Price of feed Season Weather Weight Other ( ) Where do you obtain your daily market information for such items as current price, numbers of cattle on the local market, and general business conditioz Television Trucker County agent Commission agent from stockyards Radio Other ( ) Daily Newspaper Friend and neighbor Where do you obtain your outlook information for such items as price, cattl! numbers, and general business conditions? Daily Newspaper Magazines Radio County agent Weekly Newspaper Government personnel Friend and neighbor Commission agent from stockyards Television Trucker Other (___ ) .... -3- 16. How can the market information which you receive be improved? (check) More price outlook (check one) Less price outlook Adequate price outlook information available _ More current prices (check one) Less current prices Adequate current prices available More information on livestock numbers (ckeck one) Less information on livestock numbers Adequate information available More general outlook (check one) Less general outlook Adequate general outlook information available Other ( ) 17. What type of market information do you want but is hard to get?